(Iowa City, Iowa), 1951-07-19
The Weather - On the Inside , .arUr el...,. WaF wiUl KaUered &h1lDtlera.wen New Gbamplon I. aftera... _ eyeala.-. .. PaQe 4 LeII 111l1li1. &cHIa,. Fri· LaDdlorda Gougo Grs .., warm and lIumld .• Page S with poalble &.bu.er· Dou;IQII.Trwnan Feud lIbowen. HI&'ll ted.a" 1%; oman low, middle ..... Rlrll •• Page 6 at Wed.neada,. 11; low, IS. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday, July 19, 19S1 - Vol. 8S, No, 238 1 SUI "Professors ·. Awarded PiSalie Blasts Profit Guarantees S10,000 in'Ford fellowships .. f '. = Two SUI (acuity members have been awarded fellowships totalling $10,000 from the Fund for the Ad vancement of Education, estab Deat~ ,, 8Iow lished ' thi$ year by the Ford As To Price Controls foundation. They are Prof. Victor ·Harrls. EngliSh department, and Prof. Robert S. Michaelsen, school of re- Allies, Reds, ligion. The awar,. , W~I!~ '. ~;de uader the lund'. taealt,' teU... hlp pro Blocked Over cram tor advaJleed ,.tad, 'arIDr the 1951-5% sehool. ,ear. Harrfs will receive ,. a S~.200 Key ·Issues ~rant to conduct research at Har vard university . Into the Intellec SEOUL (THURSDAY) (If') WASH(NGTON fIfI- The house tual history a'nd b,ckl,OUnds of Disagreement between United Wednesday to include literature, orincipally (If the six Nations and Communist delega "middleman's profits" guarantees teenth to eighteenth century. tions on a single, vital issue in controls le,lslatlon and PricQ Michaelsen wlfl receive $4,800 probably Red demands tor with Stabilizer Michael V. DISaUe said for study alto it Harvard univer drawal of foreign troops- blocked the action would virtually kill sity to investijlate the relationship an agreement today on the Ko price controls.
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