Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323 October 28, 20 II For Release: Immediately Contact: Denise D. VanBuren, (845) 471-8323

Central Hudson Urges Residents to Prepare for Possible Early Season Snowstorm

Local residents should be alert to the possibility of electric service intelTuptions resulting from an unseasonal snowstorm forecast to impact the region on Saturday. "Weather reports indicate a heavy, wet snowfall over the weekend -- a storm that has the potential to weigh down trees and limbs, pmticulariy those still heavy with leaves and those in higher elevations. As a result, electricity could be interrupted," said Jmnes P. Laurito, President of Central Hudson. "We're monitoring weather forecasts closely and preparing to mobilize, and we want to be sure that customers get ready, too." He urged Central Hudson customers to:

• Pay close attention to weather advisories and storm wm'nings; • Have a telephone that does not require an electric outlet to operate; • Chm'ge cell phones, or have a car cell phone charger; • Keep a flashlight and fresh batteries handy; • Have a battery-powered radio to keep informed of restoration efforts; • Stock water and packaged or canned foods that do not require refrigeration or cooking. Be sure to have a non-electric can opener; • Ensure adequate supplies of prescription medications, cash and other necessities; • Refuel vehicles and ensure that they are in good working condition; • Know how to manually open automatic garage doors; • Have a plan to check on vulnerable neighbors or family members; • Familiarize themselves in advance with the features of StormCentral on Central Hudson's website in preparation of having to report a power outage; and • Visit the Central Hudson Facebook page to "like" it in order to obtain restoration updates as the storm progresses.

If power is lost, customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 01' 1- 800-527-2714 to report their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via www.CentralHudson.com by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.com/mobileapp.

Laurito advised customers to keep safety in mind during any storm emergency, including:

• Keep away from downed power lines, and lines which may be entangled and hidden in fallen trees. Assume all downed lines are live; • Avoid the use of candles for illumination; • Follow the manufacturer's safety instructions on the use of emergency generators, and operating the units outdoors; and • Never use outdoor gas or charcoal grills indoors, as they pose a fire hazard and over time can give off deadly carbon monoxide gas. Use these appliances only outdoors with proper ventilation. Similarly, operate cars and motor vehicles outdoors only, and never in the garage.

# # # Central Hudso-----::;, Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

October 30, 2011 7:30 a.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: Denise D. VanBuren, (845) 471-8323

October Storm Causes Extensive Damage to Central Hudson System

Central Hudson is fully mobilized, restoring electric service in the wake of a powerful Nor'easter that pummeled the valley on Saturday with strong winds and a foot of heavy, wet snow in many locations. The unseasonable snow weighed down trees and limbs still heavy with foliage on Saturday - causing thousands of branches and whole trees to rip down power lines and equipment. As a result, approximately 148,000, or nearly half of all, Central Hudson customers lost power because of the unusual October snowstorm. Sunday's return to sunshine and warmer temperatures will benefit the restoration effort, but utility officials are concerned that local residents may not appreciate the daoger associated with downed trees. "Customers must exercise extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized - and lethal," said Central Hudson's President James P. Laurito. "We are working as quickly as possible to safely restore service to our customers, but we need them to be keenly aware of the potential daoger associated with downed trees and limbs that could be hiding energized electric lines. "We also once again ask for their patience as we methodically assess damage, assign crews and bring power back to the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time," he said. Though outages are reported throughout the eight counties it serves, the most damage is concentrated in the southern portion of Central Hudson's service territory, in Dutchess, Orange and Putnam counties. As of early Sunday morning, Central Hudson estimates that 13 transmission lines, 31 distribution circuits and four substations are out of service due to the

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 damage. In addition, there are hnndreds of individual repairs that will need to be completed within local communities and neighborhoods. Laurito said estimated restoration times will be made available as they are developed. In addition to Central Hudson's own forces, mutual aid crews have joined the restoration effort. Additional line crew support is also en route from Tennessee. Central Hudson continues to solicit additional field forces through the mutual aid system as they become available. Meanwhile, the utility is also working with emergency management officials to address emergencies as quickly as possible. In addition to the electric system emergency, there are also approximately 250 homes in the Hopewell Junction area that are without natural gas service due to a break in a distribution main. While the cause of the problem is under investigation and repairs are being made, Central Hudson employees have turned off service to each individual home. The process of making repairs and safely relighting the homes' natural gas appliances will take several days to complete. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527- 2714 to report their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility'S website, www.CentraIHudson.com. by using the StormCentrai function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including Storm Central, can be accessed by web enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentraIHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentraIHudson.comimobileapp. # # # Central Hudso-----::; Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

October 30, 20 II; p.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: Jolm S. Maserjian, (845) 471-8323

Central Hudson Restoring Service in the Wake of Autumn Nor'easter

Slow but steady progress was made today in the methodical effort to restore electric service in the wake of Saturday's powerful Nor'easter storm that featured up to a foot of heavy, wet snow and downed thousands of trees and branches. The unseasonable October snowstorm interrupted electricity to an estimated 156,000 Central Hudson customers, half of all those served, making it one of the three worst storms in the utility's century-long history. As of Sunday afternoon, approximately 129,000 customers remained without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess (65,400), Orange (35,000), Putnam (5,000) and Ulster (20,300) counties, with additional outages scattered elsewhere in the utility's eight-county service territory. Central Hudson estimates that 13 transmission lines, 17 distribution circuits and four substations remain out of service as of Sunday afternoon. In addition, there are more than 1,300 individual neighborhood repairs that will need to be completed within local communities. "Our crews will continue to work around the clock until every customer is back on line, and we will do our best to provide estimated restoration times as soon as they become available because we know what a hardship it is for families to be without electricity," said Central Hudson President James P. Laurito. "We're grateful for our customers' continued patience and for the terrific support that we're receiving from municipal officials and emergency responders in clearing local roadways." Laurito said a field force of more than 300 employees was reinforced today by hundreds of other Central Hudson employees working behind the scenes to provide operational support. An additional 250-300 field forces will be added to the restoration effort at first light on Monday,

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 as crews from Tennessee, Long Island and the Albany areas join the massive recovery through the utility industry's mutual aid assistance program. Laurito urged customers to continue to be patient as the restoration effort progresses, and again reiterated the importance of staying away from downed lines, including those that might be entangled or hidden by fallen trees. "With Halloween tomorrow, we are especially concerned about the hundreds of locations where downed wires continue to present a danger. We are reminding customers in the strongest way possible: use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized - and lethal," he said. "Since repairs are being made to major transmission and distribution lines first in an effort to restore power to the largest amount of customers in the shortest amount of time, customers need to know that some downed wires that may not have been energized as a result of the storm, may now once again have power flowing to them. Treat every downed wire as a live wire - stay away and tell others to stay away," said Laurito. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentraIHudson.com. by using the Storm Central function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including Storm Central, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentraIHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.com/mobileapp. # # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

October 31, 2011; a.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: John S. Maseljian, (845) 471-8323

Electricity Back for Nearly Half of Impacted Central Hudson Customers

A field force of more than 500 repair personnel, supported by hundreds of behind-the­ scenes employees, is executing on a massive Central Hudson recovery mobilization following the rare October snowstorm that prompted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to declare states of emergencies in all eight of the counties served by the utility. During Sunday, almost half of the 156,000 customers first impacted by the storm regained their electricity, and utility officials predict appreciable progress on Monday, with service restored to nearly all customers by Wednesday night. "During the first full day of recovery, we were able reenergize the homes and businesses of more than 71,000 of our customers, as we repaired the high-voltage backbone of our system," said Central Hudson President James P. Laurito. "Our own crews have now been supplemented by resources from Long Island, Albany and Tennessee, and we expect to make more significant progress today as we tackle in excess of 1,500 repairs in local communities and neighborhoods." As of Monday morning, approximately 84,000 customers remained without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess (50,500), Orange (18,600), Putnam (3,800) and Ulster (12,000) counties, with additional outages scattered elsewhere in the utility'S service territory. Eight transmission lines and five distribution circuits remained out of service as of Monday morning. "In addition to working around the clock to restore service as quickly as we can, we are also doing our best to provide estimated restoration times as soon as they become available. We

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 celtainly appreciate how difficult and frustrating it is for families to be without electricity and to be Uncertain as to when to expect it back," said Laurito. "We're grateful for our customers' continued patience." Laurito reiterated the importance of staying away from downed lines, including those that might be entangled or hidden by fallen trees. "With Halloween trick-or-treating, we are especially concerned about the hundreds of locations where downed wires continue to present a danger. We are reminding customers to use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized - or have become re-energized through restoration work. Treat every downed wire as a live wire. Do not take chances -- stay far away from downed trees and limbs," said Laurito. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they aTe encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentralHudson.com. by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, as well as shelters, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web­ enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentraIHudson.com/mobileapp. # # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

October 31, 20 II; p.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: Jolm S. Masetjian, (845) 471-8323

Central Hudson Makes Progress in Tackling Hundreds of Widespread Outages

Bolstered by mutual aid support from as far away as Chattanooga, Tenn., Central Hudson crews continued their steady progress today in the methodical task of restoring service in the aftermath of a powerful storm that dumped up to 20 inches of heavy, wet snow onto trees that were still heavy with foliage and left more than 3 million Northeastern homes and businesses without electricity on Saturday. "We effectively deployed a field force that numbered in excess of 500 line and tree trimming personnel today -- making repairs, restringing hundreds of sections of downed wire and putting our system back together again in many locations," said utility President James P. Laurito. "The damage that we're seeing is exceptionally widespread and will take methodical determination to address, especially since we estimate that we still face about 1,600 individual repairs. We are systematically making progress, working outward along distribution lines into the effected areas and, ultimately, individual neighborhoods. "We'll continue to make a substantial progress as we work around the clock, and our overall goal is to get the lights back on for virtually everyone by Wednesday night - about four days after the third largest storm in our history interrupted electric service for approximately 156,000, or more than half, of all our customers," he said. As of Monday afternoon, approximately 78,000 customers remained without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess (45,300), Orange (19,800), Putnam (3,200) and Ulster (8,300) counties. Eight transmission lines and three distribution circuits remained out of service as of Monday afternoon.

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 Laurito urged particular caution for Halloween trick-or-treating, reiterating the need to stay far away from downed lines, and the trees and limbs that can hide them. "We also want to make sure that children and parents alike are mindful of our utility trucks, which will be working throughout the night on streets throughout the communities that we serve," he said. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentralHudson.com. by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, as well as shelters, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility'S website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.com/mobileapp. # # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

November I, 2011; a.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: John S. Maserjian, (845) 471-8323

Central Hudson Restores Service to Nearly 100,000 Customers in Two Days Utility Launches Day 3 ofMassive Restoration Effort

As of early Tuesday morning, approximately 59,000 Central Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity, after a powerful snowstorm struck the region and interrupted service to about 156,000 customers in total on Saturday. Across the Northeast, about 2 million customers are still without power, down from 3 million in the wake of the unusual October Nor'easter. "We have completed hundreds of repairs - but as we make them, we find additional cases of trouble in local neighborhoods. The damage from this storm is very widespread, and in many locations we are making repairs that restore service for only small numbers of customers - often just a single customer," said Central Hudson President James P. Laurito, who estimated that 1,700 repairs remain. "That is both labor- and time-intensive, and the only way to make progress is to keep up our methodical push out along distribution lines into local communities, on to neighbhorhood streets and, finally, to individual homes." As of Tuesday morning, approximately 59,000 customers remain without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess (32,600), Orange (16,800), Putnam (2,600) and Ulster (6,000) counties. "We will hit it hard again today, as we re-deploy our small army of 500 line and tree­ trimming crews into the field, backing them up with hundreds of employees who are providing logistical support such as on-site vehicle fueling and meals," Laurito said. "Now that we've

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 restored service in some northern counties, we will redirect those resources into the southern part ofthe territory. "Despite the rising number of identified repairs, our overall goal remains to get the lights back on for virtually everyone by Wednesday night," said Laurito. Laurito urged residents to take advantage of warming centers and shelters; to stay away from downed lines and trees that might be hiding energized wires; and to never heat their home with an appliance that was not designed for heating purposes. He also said the utility will be distributing dry ice and bottled water at the following locations, beginning at 2:00 p.m. today: Dutchess Stanford Fire House 6096 Rt 82 Stanfordville

Home Depot Rt. 9, Across from Marist Poughkeepsie

Putnam North Highlands Fire Dept 504 Fishkill Rd Cold Spring

Orange Dan Leghorn Fire House 426 South Plank Rd Newburgh

Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentralHudson.com. by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, as well as shelters, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility'S website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web­ enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentraIHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentraIHudson.com/mobileapp. # # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

November I, 2011; p.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: John S. Maserjian, (845) 471-8323

Central Hudson Progresses on Re-Powering the Region Widespread Damage, Hundreds o/Small Repairs Still to be Tackled

Central Hudson has restored service to three quarters of the 156,000 homes and businesses that initially lost power as a result of Saturday'S October snowstorm. As of Tuesday afternoon, about 40,000 Central Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity. "We estimate that there are nearly 1,500 repairs that remain to be made. Even though we have a field force of more than 500 personnel fully mobilized, it is simply going to take time and effort to correct the remaining problems, which for the most part impact small numbers of customers and are widely scattered," said Central Hudson President James P. Laurito. As of Tuesday afternoon, approximately 40,000 customers remain without electricity, concentrated in Dutchess (22,500), Orange (11,000), Putnam (2,400) and Ulster (3,000) counties. "Neighborhood by neighborhood, customer by customer, we continue to make a great deal of progress, but the going is slow due to the nature of the damage created by this storm. There are still hundreds of widespread, small outages that are impacting individual neighborhoods, streets and homes," Laurito said. "We're committed to our goal to get the lights back on for virtually everyone by Wednesday night, and we ask for

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 customers' continued patience as we advance through communities making repairs in the most systematic and effective way possible." Laurito urged residents to take advantage of warming centers and shelters; to stay away from downed lines and trees that might be hiding energized wires; to never heat their home with an appliance that was not designed for heating purposes; and to disconnect sensitive appliances that could be damaged when power is restored. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800- 527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentralHudson.com. by using the Storm Central function. Information regarding service restoration estimates can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebookand Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.comlmobileapp. # # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323 November 2,2011; a.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: John S. Maserjian, (845) 471-8323

Nearly 90 Percent of Impacted Central Hudson Customers with Power More than Eleven Hundred Small Repairs Still Ahead

After three full days of mobilization, Central Hudson has restored service to 88 percent of the 156,000 homes and businesses that initially lost power as a result of SatW'day's October snowstorm. As of Wednesday morning, about 19,000 Central Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity, more than half of them located in Dutchess County. "While we're making progress, we also know that one customer without electricity is one customer too many," said Central Hudson President James P. LaW'ito. "That's why we're continuing with oW' full-court press. We have not reduced oW' work force or oW' determination whatsoever, as we enter the foW'th full day of this large-scale recovery operation. We will make continued progress today, and we again want customers to know how much we appreciate their patience. "We do face a daunting task: more than 1,100 repairs, most of them involving very small numbers of customers, remain to be made. There is widespread damage but it is often very localized, so our crews may spend foW' or five hours on a single repair site and ultimately restore service for only a handful of customers. It's not only labor intensive, it's time intensive," he said. As of Wednesday morning, approximately 19,000 customers remain without electricity, concentrated in Dutchess (11,000), Orange (4,800), Putnam (1,800) and Ulster (700) counties. "We're still intending to reach oW' goal to get the lights back on for virtually everyone by Wednesday night. In those few, scattered locations where we are unable to do so, we will be contacting customers by telephone to alelt them to the potential for delays," LaW'ito said. "We also want to thank customers who help us to identify additional cases of damage by responding to the automated telephone calls that we make to determine if a completed repair has restored all service. If we call you, and you are still without power, please input that information into

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 the system. It means that your outage was caused by a separate problem and we need to dispatch another crew in order to make yet another repair," Laurito explained. He urged residents to take advantage of warming centers and shelters; to stay away from downed lines and trees that might be hiding energized wires; to never heat their home with an appliance that was not designed for heating purposes; and to disconnect sensitive appliances that could be damaged when power is restored. Dry ice and bottled water will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 10 a.m. at the following locations: Cold Spring North Highlands Fire Department 504 Fishkill Road N evv bllllrgJh Dan Leghorn Engine Company 426 South Plank Road Poughkeepsie Home Depot, Route 9 (across from Marist College) Stal1.fordville Stanford Fire House 6096 Route 82 Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentralHudson.com. by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including Storm Central, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentraIHudson.com/mobileapp.

# # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323

November 2, 2011; p.m. For Release: Immediately Contact: John S. Maserjian, (845) 471-8323

Central Hudson Advances Restoration Operation 1,000 Repairs Completed, but Hundreds More to Go

Less than four days after a rare autumn snowstorm interrupted electric service to 156,000 (or more than half) of its customers, Central Hudson reports that fewer than 10,500 homes and businesses remain without power as of mid-afternoon on Wednesday. "This was a destructive storm that left a great deal of widespread damage in its wake. It has taken an organized plan of attack, adequate resources and tenacity to make this much progress in restoring our system. We will continue to bring them all to bear until every customer is back on line," said Central Hudson President James P. Laurito. "We are restringing wires, replacing equipment and rebuilding our electric system in literally hundreds of locations - most often to restore electricity for small numbers of customers at a time. But make no mistake: the final stage of this restoration will be the most difficult -­ though we've completed about 1,000 repairs, we have more than 700 still to go." As of Wednesday afternoon, approximately 10,500 customers remain without electricity, concentrated in Dutchess (6,000), Orange (2,200) and Putnam (1,600) counties. Laurito noted that the extent of damage has now forced some neighboring utilities to extend their estimates of full restoration, and that some Northeastern utilities are projecting that their customers may be without power for another week from the unseasonable October snowstorm that initially impacted 3 million customers.

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 "We continue to predict that we will get the lights back for many of these remaining customers by tonight. This afternoon, we began contacting those residents who may not have service restored to advise them that they should consider making alternate arrangements for shelter overnight," Laurito said. He once again urged residents to take advantage of warming centers and shelters; to stay away from downed lines and trees that might be hiding energized wires; to never warm their home with an appliance that was not designed for heating purposes; and to disconnect sensitive appliances that could be damaged when power is restored. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 Or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility's website, www.CentraIHudson.com. by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility's website, including Storm Central, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentraIHudson.comimobileapp.

# # # Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Contact: John S. Maserjian, Media Relations Director (845) 471-8323 November 4, 2011

For Release: Immediately Contact: Jolm Maserjian, (845) 471-8323

Historic Autumn Snowstorm Prompted Historic Response Third-largest storm in Central Hudson's history addressed in less than one week

The unseasonable snowstorm that knocked down trees and limbs and caused widespread electric

service interruptions throughout region last weekend prompted a historic response by Central Hudson

Gas & Electric Corp. "Thanks to early preparations and steady progress made by crews, we were able to

mobilize a small army of employees and contractors to successfully address what came to be the third-

largest storm in our history," said James P. Laurito, President of Central Hudson.

The utility amassed a field force of more than 500, including mutual aid crews from Albany, Long

Island and Tennessee, to address approximately 3,000 individual repairs across its entire Mid-Hudson

service area to restore electric service to customers. The storm last weekend brought up to 20 inches of

heavy wet snow, causing trees and limbs, many still heavily laden with foliage, to fall onto power lines,

interrupting electric service to more than half of Central Hudson's customers. "Despite widespread

outages remaining in much of the Northeast, electric service for our customers was substantially restored

in less than one week," said Laurito.

"Central Hudson follows a storm emergency plan when preparing for and restoring electric service

to our customers," said Laurito. "We were also in constant communications with emergency

management officials, municipal leaders, the news media, critical care facilities and our customers

throughout the restoration process."

284 South Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4879 Telephone (845) 471-8323 Through Wednesday, Central Hudson received more than 247,000 calls from customers, with

25,000 answered by Customer Service Representatives and the balance handled by the automated

system. Also, four Community Briefings, or conference calls with municipal officials, were held to

update community leaders on the restoration efforts. In addition, Central Hudson received and

responded to more than 1,000 posts to its Facebook page and created a dedicated "storm" page on its

website that included restoration updates, dry ice and bottled water distribution locations, and shelter

information. More than 32,000 pounds of dry ice and 61,000 bottles of water were distributed at four

locations following the storm.

"We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many, many community partners who played

important roles in restoring service to 156,000 residents and businesses in less than one week, including

emergency response persounel and volunteers; municipal leaders and elected officials; highway crews;

community organizations for providing needed services; mutual aid crews and contractors who assisted

in our restoration efforts; and, most of all, our customers for their patience, support and understanding,"

said Laurito.

Due to the large number of customer outages remaining in other parts of the Northeast, Central

Hudson will be sending 10 line crews comprised of30 employees to hard-hit areas of Massachusetts this

weekend in cooperation with the New York Mutual Aid Group. "As a member of this group, we will

provide crews and personnel to other utilities in need only after the needs of our own customers are met

first," said Laurito. "Just as we depend on mutual aid from other utilities and private companies when

severe weather impacts our region, we will reciprocate with our crews when requested. For example, were it not for the Mutual Aid crews who provided valuable assistance during this storm, repairs would have taken much longer," he said. "Our assistance in Massachusetts will help expedite work in that part

of the Northeast, as well."


What is Dry Ice?

Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. As a gas it is neither toxic nor flammable. It has a temperature of 109 degrees below zero (F). It takes 450 cubic feet of carbon dioxide gas to make one cubic foot of dry ice, which has ten times the cooling power of regular ice.

How to Use Dry Ice in Freezers During Emergencies

General Precautions

It is very important that you never touch dry ice with bare skin. It is so cold it will actually cause a serious burn. As a safety precaution, WEAR GLOVES whenever you handle the ice, even when it is wrapped in paper.

When transporting dry ice in your car, either open the windows or set the air conditioner to “fresh” outside air rather than “recirculate”. Do not put dry ice where it can come in contact with children, animals or plants.

Because dry ice becomes harmless carbon dioxide gas without producing any liquid as it “melts” and because its temperature is so low, it is recommended for use in home freezers. Smaller portions may be used in refrigerators where food and beverages are not intended to be frozen. Do not allow dry ice to come in contact with bare metal in your freezer. It can cause damage.

Do not put dry ice in an air tight closed container. It releases a large volume of a harmless gas as it “melts” and the gas must have some place to go. A freezer door has a rubber gasket, which allows excess gas to escape.

NEVER put dry ice in a beverage, drink, or liquid of any kind.

How to Use Dry Ice

Dry ice is furnished to you in a bag. Leaving the block in the bag will reduce the “melting” rate. Wrapping additional layers of newspapers around the bag will help the dry ice last longer but will not greatly reduce the amount of cold.

When using dry ice to keep foods frozen, place the dry ice ON TOP of the items you want frozen. Do not allow foods to have direct contact with the dry ice. Place an insulating material – such as cardboard – between the dry ice and food. To preserve refrigerated (not frozen) foods, place the dry ice in the BOTTOM of a cooler, refrigerator, or insulated container. Place no food in contact with the dry ice.

Amounts Required

The amount of dry ice required will vary with the size of the freezer and the amount of food stored in it. Experience shows that ten pounds of dry ice will keep food safe in an average sized (12 to 15 cubic foot) home freezer for 24 hours. Keeping the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible preserves the food and extends the cooling value of the dry ice even further. It is possible to break the block of ice for use in a refrigerator and freezer. The recommended distribution is 1/3 for a refrigerator and 2/3 for a freezer. When attempting to break the block of dry ice, please follow the guidelines above for handling and make sure to have hands and arms covered to prevent any exposure to skin. Central Hudson Gas & Electric - October 2011 Storm Information Page 1 of 4

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Main> October 2011Storm Information

Latest news

 Historic Autumn Snowstorm Prompted Historic Response (11/4/11, 4:45 p.m.)  Central Hudson Advances Restoration Operation (11/2/11, 4:00 p.m.)  Nearly 90 Percent of Impacted Central Hudson Customers with Power (11/2/11, 7:30 a.m.)  Central Hudson Progresses on Re-Powering the Region (11/1/11, 4:00 p.m.)  Central Hudson Restores Service to Nearly 100,000 in Two Days (11/1/11, 7:30 a.m.)  Central Hudson Makes Progress in Tackling Hundreds of Widespread Outages (10/31/11, 4:30 p.m.)  Electricity Back for More Than 70,000 Central Hudson Customers (10/31/11, 7:30 a.m.)  Central Hudson Restoring Service in the Wake of Autumn Nor’easter (10/30/11, 4:00 p.m.)  October Storm Causes Extensive Damage to Central Hudson System (10/30/11, 7:30 a.m.)  Residents Urged to Prepare for Possible Early Season Snowstorm (10/28/11, 2:00 p.m.)

Outage Reporting & Restoration Update Resources

Use either the account number or the Follow Central telephone number Hudson's social associated with the networking pages address to report a for continuous Download the free power outage or to updates and See Central Hudson's Central Hudson Mobile obtain restoration important StormCentral Outage App (for Apple and information online announcements as Map for outage details Android smart phone through this link. information and restoration users) becomes available. estimates.

Customer Call Center

To report a power outage, get restoration information or to speak with a Central Hudson representative, customers can call (845) 452-2700 or toll-free at 1-800-527-2714

Customers seeking informationa bout dry ice and bottled water distribution should call 1-888-349-3342

Dry Ice Distribution - Thursday

Dry ice that will be distributed Thursday starting at 10 a.m. at the following locations:

 Cold Spring North Highlands Fire Department (Town of Phillipstown), 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516

http://www.centralhudson.com/october2011storm.html 12/28/2011 Central Hudson Gas & Electric - October 2011 Storm Information Page 2 of 4

 Poughkeepsie Home Depot, Route 9 (across from Marist College), Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Customers with extenuating circumstances who can not make it to these two locations may call the Central Hudson call center at (845) 452-2700 or toll-free at 1-800-527-2714 to make alternate arrangements

Call 1-888-349-3342 to hear updates regarding each day's dry ice and bottled water distribution schedule. Central Hudson continues to seek additional supplies of dry ice, and will announce locations as they become available.

Emergency Shelters

Information about warming centers and shelter operations is also available by calling 2-1-1.

Overnight Shelters

 Millbrook American Red Cross is operating a overnight shelter at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Center located at 2715 Route 44, Millbrook. Residents should bring bedding including blankets and pillows and any necessary medications. (845) 677-8223.  Pawling Lakeside Park, located at 2 Lakeside Drive, Pawling. Contact number is 855-1131.

Warming Centers

 Fishkill - Town Town of Fishkill Police Station Community Room, located at 807 Route 52 in Fishkill, is now open. Contact: Police Dispatch at (845) 831-1110  Fishkill - Village Van Wyck Hall, located at 1095 Main Street in the Village of Fishkill, is open during the day. Contact: Rad Wilson at at 845-897-4430  Milan Milan Town Hall, located at 20 Wilcox Circle in Milan is open until 4 pm each day. Contact: Supervisor William Gallagher at (845) 206-8637.  Northeast - American Legion Hall Post 178 located at 155 Route 44 in Millerton. Open for Millerton residents as needed. Contact: 518-789-4755.

Safety & Preparedness Tips

Safety Near Power Lines

 If you see a downed power line, move away from it and anything touching it. The ground around power lines may be energized. Call Central Hudson immediately and we'll take care of the problem.  Do not attempt to move a downed power line or anything else in contact with it by using an object such as a broom or stick. Even non-conductive materials like wood or cloth, can conduct electricity if even slightly wet.  You cannot tell whether or not a power line is energized just by looking at it. You should assume that all downed power lines are live.  The proper way to move away from the power line is to shuffle away with small steps, keeping your feet together and on the ground at all times. This will minimize the potential for a strong electric shock.  If you see someone who is in direct or indirect contact with the downed line, do not touch the person. Call 911 for help.  Be careful not to touch or step in water near where a downed power line is located.  Do not drive over downed power lines.  If your car comes in contact with a downed power line while you are inside, stay in the car. Honk your horn to summon help, but direct others to stay away from your car. Stay inside and wait for rescue crews. Do not try to help someone else from the car while you are standing on the ground. If you do, you will become a path for electricity. In the event of a fire, jump clear from the car without touching the car and the ground at the same time; then shuffle away, keeping both feet on the ground at the same time, and taking care not to contact any wires or touch any object near the site of the accident.

Generator Safety

 Generators should be sized to meet the needs of the appliances they are connected to. If too small, appliances can be damaged, and the generator can overheat, creating a fire hazard.

http://www.centralhudson.com/october2011storm.html 12/28/2011 Central Hudson Gas & Electric - October 2011 Storm Information Page 3 of 4

 When using electric generators during power interruptions, be sure that the unit is sized and installed properly, and operated safely and according to the manufacturer's instructions.  Plug appliances directly into the generator using a heavy-duty, outdoor-rated extension cord that is designed to handle the wattage of all the appliances being connected.  If a generator is connected to the home, have an experienced electrician install the unit using the proper switches and connections. Improperly installed generators may overload circuits, cause a fire or shock hazard, and can result in serious injury or property damage.  Generators connected to the home must also be installed so that electricity will not back-feed onto electric lines, which can endanger repair crews working to restore service. A disconnect switch should be professionally installed by an electrician.  Do not operate generators in an enclosed area, such as a garage or shed, as this may cause a build-up of deadly carbon monoxide gas. Generators should be operated in open areas, but also protected from water by being placed, for example, on a dry surface under a shelter to prevent electric shock. Also, be sure to shut off generators when refueling, and store generators in dry areas to prevent moisture damage.

Carbon Monoxide Safety

 Your oven, stove and charcoal grill were designed for cooking. Never attempt to heat your home with them. Doing so can create a fire hazard and cause a build-up of carbon monoxide.  Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home, including the area near the heating system and any fuel-burning appliances, and also near the bedrooms.  Never use a gas or charcoal grill in an enclosed area, such as a home, garage or shed. The same goes for running a generator, automobile or other gasoline powered device.  Keep chimneys and flues free of debris, and have them cleaned and inspected periodically for cracks, leaks and for any buildup of soot or creosote.  Make sure there is adequate air available for appliances to use. Fuel-burning equipment needs air and air space around it to function properly. Extreme caution should be used when partitioning a furnace or water heater, as this can limit the amount of air available for combustion and cause a build-up of carbon monoxide. Newer "direct-vent" furnaces may supply air to the unit by a pipe to the outdoors – make sure this pipe is never blocked by snow, leaves or other debris. Also, when many fuel-burning appliances are working simultaneously (such as fireplaces or wood stoves along with the heating system), they are competing for a limited amount of indoor air, and may even cause a negative pressure condition. If this occurs, opening a window a bit will allow additional air into the home for proper combustion.  Have heating systems cleaned and serviced regularly, including an inspection of the heat exchanger for any cracks or leaks, and adjusting the fuel to air mix for efficient combustion.  Limit the use of indoor exhaust fans. Prolonged use of kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans, the constant use of power vents in attics, and even an open, working fireplace, can reduce the amount of air in the home. Lack of air can cause improper combustion of fuel-burning equipment, and can result in a backup of flue gases, including carbon monoxide.  If adding a coal or wood-burning stove, be sure it is professionally installed and vented.  Avoid blocking heating ducts and return ducts with drapes, furniture or floor coverings.  Be sure that your fuel-burning heating system and water heater has a required "spill switch" installed. When a chimney or flue is blocked, the products of combustion (including carbon monoxide) can escape into a home or building – a dangerous condition called "spillage." To help prevent this condition, a safety device called a spill switch is installed. It will automatically interrupt the supply of fuel and shut off the heating system if it detects a blockage. Central Hudson requires the use of a spill switch whenever a new natural gas heating system is installed, and whenever an existing heating appliance is converted from another fuel to natural gas. Central Hudson recommends that spill switches be installed on all existing gas heating appliances.

Storm Preparedness

 Pay close attention to weather advisories and storm warnings.  Have a telephone that does not require an electric outlet to operate.  Charge cell phones, or have a car cell phone charger.  Keep a flashlight and fresh batteries handy.  Have a battery-powered radio to keep informed of restoration efforts.  Stock water and packaged or canned foods that do not require refrigeration or cooking. Be sure to have a non-electric can opener.  Ensure adequate supplies of prescription medications, cash and other necessities.  Refuel vehicles and ensure that they are in good working condition.  Know how to manually open automatic garage doors.  Have a plan to check on vulnerable neighbors or family members.  If you do lose power, to reduce the risk of damage to major appliances that would go back on when it is restored, turn off or unplug them. Just leave a light or two on in your home. (And it's always helpful to our repair crews if you leave an outside light on after dark, so they'll know for sure that the power is restored at your place.)  Familiarize themselves in advance with the features of StormCentral on Central Hudson’s website in preparation of having to report a power outage.  Visit the Central Hudson Facebook page to “like” it in order to obtain restoration updates as the

http://www.centralhudson.com/october2011storm.html 12/28/2011 Central Hudson Gas & Electric - October 2011 Storm Information Page 4 of 4

storm progresses.

» More safety advice ...

Worst Storms in Central Hudson History 240,000 customers lost power as a result of back-to-back winter February 2010 snowstorms. August 28, 2011 180,000 customers lost power as a result of Tropical Storm Irene. October 29- 156,000 customers lose power due to an unusual October snowstorm that 30, 2011 dumps as much as 20 inches of wet snow in parts of the Hudson Valley. April 1997 100,000 customers lost power as a result of “Snowbud,” an early spring snowstorm. October 1987 80,000 customers lost service as a result, of “Snowleaf”, an early fall snowstorm. September 1999 80,000 customers were impacted by rain and winds from Hurricane Floyd. December 2008 75,000 customers lost power when an ice storm coated the region. May 2000 52,000 customers lost power during a summer storm. July 2002 36,000 customers lost power during a summer storm.

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http://www.centralhudson.com/october2011storm.html 12/28/2011 Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @blocke Thank you, Bruce & all CH customers for your patience and understanding. We're proud of our effort & proud to be your utility co. 7 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Cont'd ... We are tending to these as they happen. If you experience an outage, report it at bit.ly/hZYzq8 or call us @ 845-452-2700. 4 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Virtually all repairs from last weekend's snow storm had been completed by Thurs. Broken branches falling free still doing more damage ... 4 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @TCCCNY We certainly admire the work you are doing and strive to support organizations like yours however we can centralhudson.com/about_us/commu… 4 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @TCCCNY Deeply sorry but please understand that utilities are prohibited by law from discounting the established rates, even for nonprofits. 4 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @Jacq_DeVito @carlosnvelez That's terrific. Thank you for your patience. 2 Nov »

1 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

CSpencer77 Charles Spencer by CentralHudson Here already @CentralHudson #WINNING #BBB These guys are incredible!!! lockerz.com/s/152698257 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @CSpencer77 Let us know what street. Follow and send a direct message if you'd like. 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @CSpencer77 Charles, how can we help? 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Weds. PM update: 1,000 repairs finished. Power restored to more than 145,000; Hundreds of isolated repairs remain: centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @Jcross07 A crew is assigned there today. Working on other repairs in the area now. Depends on damage/speed of those other repairs. 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @carlosnvelez Carlos, we are aware. A crew has been assigned that repair for today. 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @teestark Wonderful!

2 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @gmdelemeester Sorry Gary. CH crews are mobilized in CC. Good progress last night. Aid crews are assisting. Expect most back on by tonight. 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @FischSolutions Excellent. 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Weds. AM news update: Nearly 90 percent of impacted customers restored: centralhudson.com/about_us /news/… 2 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @porter_bill Bill, our Hopewell crews ran into very arduous conditions today. Progress made but work continues. 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @Rockess @fruxxo So glad to hear it. Thank you! 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @gmdelemeester We do have mutual aid crews working in that area right now. Expect major progress by tomorrow evening. 1 Nov »

3 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson


CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @KajalsMalas You're welcome. Thank you and enjoy. 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Wednesday's dry ice distribution will be held at 4 locations starting at 10 am. Details: centralhudson.com/october2011sto… 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Progresses on Re-Powering the Region; Widespread Damage, Hundreds of Small Repairs Still to be Tackled: centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @AKBabnik If you are still having trouble with this send me a direct message with your address and I'll provide any info available. 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @steve__gordon @donhwolf Thank you. 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Customers seeking information about dry ice and bottled water distribution should call 1-888-349-3342 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Reminder: Dry ice & bottled water will be distributed at 2 pm today in Cold Spring Nwbrgh Pok &

4 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

Reminder: Dry ice & bottled water will be distributed at 2 pm today in Cold Spring, Nwbrgh, Pok & Stnfrdvlle. Details: centralhudson.com/october2011sto… 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @AKBabnik Sorry, still can't recreate the problem you describe. Have you tried our StormCentral outage map instead: stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @AKBabnik System is working. First report of trouble I've seen today. Try again, it should be all set: inet.cenhud.com/CustomerServic… 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Central Hudson restores service to nearly 100,000 in two days. Effort continues. Dry ice schedule. More ... centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 1 Nov »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @VickiLevine @WyntirPhoenix @fourwinds @GretchBMatthews Thank you. That's great to hear! 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Dry ice Mon @ 2pm: Stanford Fire, Stnfrdvlle; N. Highlands Fire, Cold Spring; D Leghorn Fire, S Plank Rd, Newburgh; H Depot, PK (by Marist) 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Central Hudson makes progress in tackling widespread outages: centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 31 Oct »

5 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

CentralHudson Central Hudson 3 IMPORTANT SAFETY ADVISORIES FOR TRICK-OR-TREATERS: Please use extreme caution near downed trees that could ... facebook.com/centralhudson 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson ... Dan Leghorn Fire Co., 426 South Plank Road, Newburgh; Stanford Fire Co., 609 Route 82, Stanfordville. 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson We have secured a limited supply of dry ice - about 10,000 pounds - and will distribute today at 3 pm at the following locations ... 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @Rockess We sympathize. Major progress expected today. Nearly all expected back by Weds. night. Outage map: stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @gattogrigio925 You're welcome. Thank you for hanging in there. 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @carlosnvelez Try our mobile site: mobile.centralhudson.com and if you've got an Apple or Android device, our mobile app: centralhudson.com/mobileapp/ 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @

6 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

@ @chorkpop We are out there restoring power, but some estimates not ready. Service expected back to nearly all by Weds. night. Many sooner. 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @Jsays1 Working hard w/ more than a dozen suppliers. Because 3 mil in NE lost service, dry ice demand=high, supply=low. Will update later. 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Photos - Monday Morning Storm Recovery Surge: facebook.com/media/set/?set… 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Photos - Storm Damage and recovery efforts from Sunday: facebook.com/media/set/?set… 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson A field force of more than 500 repair personnel, supported by hundreds of behind-the-scenes employees, is executing ... centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 31 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @EPXXXEP There could be several sources of damage along the system that are causing your outage. They are working on it, obviously. 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @ThatWhoeverIsMe Thank you for your patience and kind words. Very much appreciated. 30 Oct »

7 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

CentralHudson Central Hudson Several emergency shelters & warming centers added to our storm information page since earlier today: centralhudson.com/october2011sto… 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson ... 2) As soon as we have restoration estimates from the field they are included at that StormCentral Outage Map: stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Key points: 1) Our social networking sites aren't set up to provide specific restoration estimates beyond what's at stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx ... 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Sunday afternoon news update: centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 30 Oct »

YNNHudsonValley YNN Hudson Valley by CentralHudson YNN Interview: Spokesperson for Central Hudson Gas and Electric bit.ly/rC9Q83 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @mrs_flyboy Sometimes additional damage happens that invalidates initial estimates. Crews hard at work making repairs and forming ETORs. 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @ fl b OlltflltffdAttdPLitlitfildt t

8 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

@mrs_flyboy Our call center fully staffed. Automated PowerLine system also in use to field outage reports. Enormous call volume to tend to. 30 Oct »

TWCBreaking TWC Breaking by CentralHudson What made this storm historic? Check out the new records that have been set. wxch.nl/rptgqm #snowtober 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Additional shelter from @RedCrossNENY opening at SUNY New Paltz at noon today. centralhudson.com/october2011sto… 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Some emergency shelters have been established. Check centralhudson.com/october2011sto… for those locations. More to come. 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Approximately half of our customers lose power. Restoration under way. Additional crews contracted. Sunday AM update: centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 30 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Countywide State of Emergency declared in Dutchess ... co.dutchess.ny.us/CountyGov/Depa… 29 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @gattogrigio925 Thank you. Much appreciated. Stay safe. 29 Oct »

9 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM Central Hudson (centralhudson) on Twitter http://twitter.com/centralhudson

PokJournal Poughkeepsie Journal by CentralHudson Cuomo activates state emergency center dlvr.it/sq10b 29 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Reports that calls to 452-2700 get "circuits busy" message from Verizon. Please report to 1-800-572-2714, or online at inet.cenhud.com/CustomerServic… 29 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @ @gattogrigio925 Unfortunately, heavy snow on leaved trees causing much damage. Please report outages @ inet.cenhud.com/CustomerServic… or 845-452-2700 29 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Historic October Snowstorm Hammering Northeast: weather.com/outlook/weathe… 29 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson @wxchannel - Why the power outage threat wxch.nl/vi7x2m 29 Oct »

CentralHudson Central Hudson Important information about potential weekend snowstorm: centralhudson.com/about_us/news/… 28 Oct

10 of 10 12/29/2011 9:27 AM (10) Central Hudson Page 12 of 104

10 herself and she is on oxygen thank you her number is 518-329- Search 6272 thanks agnai Chris Hayes Home November 9 at 1:19pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Kathy. I see crews are on site addressing that outage and have estimated the repairs will be done by 3:30 pm. Please always remember to call us at 845-452-2700 or report outages through our website at https://inet.cenhud.com/ CustomerSer... See More

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are sol... See More

November 9 at 2:10pm · Like · Remove Preview

Kathy Sherman thank you November 9 at 7:00pm · Like

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Central Hudson Once our restoration work wrapped up in the Hudson Valley last week following the unseasonable snowstorm of Oct. 29-30, we offered assistance through the utilities' mutual aid network to customers still without electricity in the Northeast. Kelly from Ware, Mass. sent us an email today that said, "I just wanted to take this time to send a very special thank you to your company. My street in Ma. was without power for 7 days. Your Company put us back on the grid in 35 min. From my family to yours THANK YOU!!!!" 1,013 People Reached · 32 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 7 at 12:32pm ·

29 people like this.

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Rick Kruger We came up from long island to help out in poughkeepsie,our bird dog Dave and rich were great we turned on alot of lights and met some good people.def wouldn't mind going back in the future November 7 at 9:05pm · Unlike · 2

Mary E Miller Outstanding, I think not. Each outage leaves my neighborhood without power for days as CH comes down our way last. The only thing they are "outstanding" at is getting their bills out! November 16 at 7:28am · Like

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Central Hudson Virtually all repairs caused by last weekend's snow storm had been completed by Thursday. We are seeing some new outages today due to broken tree limbs that had been hung up in trees becoming dislodged and falling onto wires. We are tending to these repairs as they happen. If you experience an outage, continue to report it online at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or by calling us at (845) 452-2700.

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are solely intended for use by the customer who is the account holder or the customer's authorized agent. Any unauthorized entry or use of Central Hudson's Customer Self-Service is prohibited. The ...

860 People Reached · 7 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 4 at 2:07pm ·

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Central Hudson Be aware that this is a condition that could continue through the weekend and even sometimes in the coming weeks. Because this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and is not equipped to process outage reports, please direct any and all outage reports to the call center or web page listed above. Our crews will respond to these reports as quickly as possible to repair the damage and restore your service. November 4 at 2:10pm · Like

John VanWart Great job as always !!! November 4 at 2:21pm · Like

Susan M Mingst I commend all of you and the fire departments too!! I live on Sheafe Road and on Sat. two power lines came down and ignited an electrical fire that was blazing one house down from me!! I was very frightened and I live with an electrical engineer!! People do not realize how dangerous a job you guys have and I did Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 13 of 104

10 that night!! We take electricity for granted each day!!! Thank you Search for a great job done under differcult conditions!! Chris Hayes Home November 4 at 7:52pm · Like

Rhonda Haussmann Yes my power is out again! November 5 at 11:56am · Like

Jay Corriveau now that almost everything is fixed, we're all really looking forward to hearing about how the money we pay you is being used to ensure we don't have problems during the next storm. when's that information coming? November 5 at 5:52pm · Like · 2

Central Hudson Good morning, Rhonda and Jay.

Rhonda, hopefully you've seen some of the many reminders we post here alerting customers that we do not monitor Facebook 24/7, and so you should NOT report outages or other emergency conditions on this page. Hopefully you did call in a report to our PowerLine (452-2700 or 800-527-2714) 22 hours ago when you left your last post, and you are not one of the 4 outages we are now seeing in your area. If you are out, by all means please call us.

Jay, we invest in aggressive programs to bolster the reliability of our electric distribution system and have been doing so consistently for years. While that degree of preparation has paid off in fewer, shorter outages than people might realistically have experienced otherwise, please realize that no amount of line clearance or other system maintenance performed by any utility company, anywhere, will ever result in a completely outage-free electric system. When I get back in to the office Monday I will post a link to a recent report we prepared on the investments we have made in our infrastruture and system reliability for you. November 6 at 9:15am · Like

Central Hudson Jay, a recent bill insert we distributed to customers gives an overview and some details on the investments we're making to improve system reliability. You can also read that "Investing in Your Energy Future" story online at http:// www.centralhudson.com/ebills/billinsert_sept_oct2011.pdf November 7 at 8:39am · Like

Mary E Miller Really "aggressive programs to bolster the reliability of our electric distribution system and have been doing so consistently for years"? How is if the wind blows too hard in Continental Village our power goes out for multiple days each time? As a kid a 24 outage was long, now I yearn for one that short. November 16 at 7:32am · Like

Central Hudson Once again, want to issue an important reminder about this Facebook page: Please be aware that this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is NOT the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries about your restoration status. Instead, use our online outage reporting/restoration status system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) 527-2714. Here on Facebook we will post news and information of the most general interest about outages, road conditions, availability of shelters as they are announced, etc. When estimated times of restoration become available for specific cities and towns the first place you will find them is at the StormCentral section of our website: http://stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx Stay safe and stay warm everyone. Crews will be working through the night to make repairs and our call center is staffed 24/7 to assist you with your concerns.

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are solely intended for use by the customer who is the account holder or the customer's authorized agent. Any unauthorized entry or use of Central Hudson's Customer Self-Service is prohibited. The ...

1,060 People Reached · 17 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 9:50pm ·

2 people like this.

Allie Litz I have to commend CH for getting our power back within 36 hours. I work in NJ and many of my co-wokers are still w/o it. November 3 at 12:59am · Like

Allie Litz Thank you!! November 3 at 12:59am · Unlike · 1

Della Faurote Ermer Peters Thanks for all you do!!! Thanks for taking care of your workers also!! November 3 at 5:33am · Unlike · 2

Mary Whitaker Howard Praise goes out to your workers for all working so hard to get electric back to everyone!! Funny how no one complaints when they have electric but bitch and moan to you Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 14 of 104

10 when they don't. No one can control Mother Nature and we all need Search to learn patience. Chris Hayes Home November 3 at 6:12am · Unlike · 1

Marianne Hollema Van Houten I totally agree. I work in CT and many of my co-workers are still out. Thanks CH for working so hard! And thanks for the FB up to date communications. November 3 at 7:04am · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Allie, Della, Mary and Marianne: Thanks very much for the appreciation. We thank you for your patience after the storm. November 3 at 7:23am · Like

Robert Daniel Wyatt Thanks to all Central Hudson and other's that restored our power Your all doing a Great Job. Thank God this didn't happen in the dead of winter it would have been alot colder for you guys to work in. keep up the good work!!! I agree with the last two patience it's hard for everyone they have a very hard job to do ! November 3 at 7:29am · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Robert: Thanks for the encouragement. We also are glad this storm did not roll through during the dead of winter. Thank you for your patience. November 3 at 7:33am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Can you update on the status for Ethan Drive in Garrison? November 3 at 9:14am · Like

Central Hudson Sarah, we have many crews in that area today and they are making progress. One has been assigned to your outage which I see is affecting 9 customers. Expected to be restored by tonight and we will get there as soon as possible. I'll pass along any additional details I can get. November 3 at 9:32am · Like

Ximena Lillo Richardson We are still with no power on the last 10 houses on Seaman Rd. in Stormville. Everyone else has gotten their power back. 4 huge tree branches are still hanging from the lines. We were told our power was back on Tuesday! It's Thursay!!! Please don't forget us and send your crew ASAP!!! We have little children and farm animals that need heat and water!!! November 3 at 9:35am · Like

Ximena Lillo Richardson Thursday* November 3 at 9:36am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Ximena. there are crews assigned to your street today and we expect to have you back on at some point tonight. There are still several scattered outages near you including on Old Route 52, Devon Farms Rd and others. Our workers are progressing toward that area. We haven't forgotten you and apologize that our initial estimates were incorrect. Thank you for your patience. November 3 at 9:46am · Like

Vince Farina I have been in the county for many years. After operation "Ssnow Leaf" looks like Central Hudson took notes, and learned from that disaster. I know there are many frustrated people out here, but look around to CT and NJ, and Con Ed territory, CH seems to be demonstrating the best response.The national media reported this morning that about 1/3 of of the people who lost power are still out. Thats 33%, CH is well below that figure. Snow Leaf - out 5 days - this time out 48 hrs . I for one appreciate the planning and execution of this restoration effort . November 3 at 9:51am · Like

Ximena Lillo Richardson Thank you for getting back to me. Waiting patiently :) November 3 at 9:51am · Like

Central Hudson Thanks Vince. We are doing our best and proud of the progress we've been able to make. Your message is very much appreciated. November 3 at 9:59am · Like

Jay Corriveau Thanks guys- Your website says power will be back on tonight ay 11. It actually came back on yesterday morning. How can I report that it's on again so you don't divert your crews to the wrong area, or are the two not connected? Good luck to everyone else- I hope they sort you out soon. November 3 at 10:07am · Like

Central Hudson Jay, I can pass that info along if you want to remind me of the exact location. Our outage management folks likely know about it, but it's possible it was not logged in the StormCentral mapping system. Thanks for the info. November 3 at 10:16am · Like

Ximena Lillo Richardson Ok CH the crews are here at work! Thank you!!! :)) November 3 at 10:18am · Unlike · 1 Chat (5)

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10 Hannah Geller Our farm still does not have power or running Search water, which we need for our store, livestock, produce, and 3 Chris Hayes Home houses. We have lost a good deal of business this week because we have been unable to clean or cook for our store. Do you have any update for Lime Kiln Rd. in East Fishkill? November 3 at 10:21am · Like

Central Hudson Hannah, I will pass along a report of your situation. Please understand that our goal after a major outage event like this is to restore service to the largest number of people as quickly as possible. What that means is that an outage affecting 1000 people generally takes priority over one affecting 100 and that 100-customer outage takes priority over an outage affecting 1 customer. Unfortunately, it appears your outage is affecting just two customers. The good news is that we are in the stage of the restoration effort that we are getting to these types of smaller repairs. It is absolutely important to us to restore your power and we are not letting up in our efforts. Again, I will pass along details of your situation and I will let you know if I can get any additional info for you. November 3 at 10:51am · Like · 1

Hannah Geller Thanks so much for your response. November 3 at 11:19am · Like

Central Hudson Hannah, received word that damage assessors will arrive within the hour to examine the system there. November 3 at 11:46am · Like

Greg Harnett Dear CH - you must understand that hearing that we, the one's still without power, are "low priority" to numbers is hard enough to hear without knowing that during your down time you don't make any efforts to fix your "patchwork" from the last repairs or put any effort into addressing issues like ours. We, a row of 4 properties on a lone power line through the woods in Graymoor Village, get to watch, during weather "events", power trucks come and go, repairing our neighbor's lines above and below ours, not more than 1,000 feet away, to return days later after our pleas and responses to getting messages like "we believe your power is restored, if not please call us" and spending time on hold to let you know that yes, again, you missed us as usual when you were 1,000 feet away from our power line, repairing our neighbor's line. It is obviously not enough that when the wind blows a little too hard, our line is problematic, whereas our neighbor's lines are not. Let's get a plan on paper that will fix the power planning blunder that is our line so I don't have to watch my toddler get bronchitis everytime the power is out for 2 days or more. She's at the doctor now and I can't send her to daycare so I can get my Grad work done for this weekend because she's too sick. So take your "numbers" and put them in the same place you put your "low priority" issues. Mine is an issue of long term neglect, not just a response to the storm. Living here over 30 years has taught me that CH does the minimum for their customers, "event" or no. November 3 at 12:01pm · Like

Central Hudson Greg, I will share the details of your complaint with a Central Hudson professional who is familiar with that line to look into. November 3 at 12:08pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Any news for Ethan Drive in Garrison? My job is on the line and standing in the unemployment line will be as much fun as waiting for power. November 3 at 12:39pm · Like

Hannah Geller Still no power here. Please let me know if you have any info. November 3 at 12:54pm · Like

Walter Barrett No apparent response here on Adrienne Lane in Garrison. Hoping we get to see a line crew before dark. November 3 at 1:05pm · Like

Central Hudson Sarah, our outage map is showing that Ethan Drive has been restored. Let me know if that's not the case for you. November 3 at 1:36pm · Like

Central Hudson Hannah, no update since our last message on that. November 3 at 1:38pm · Like

Walter Barrett I have been checking my status via the CH app, my restoration time has gone from 11pm last night, to 11 pm tonight, to this---

At this time we are aware of your power outage and are investigating it; however, restoration information is not yet available. Please check back at a later time to obtain restoration information. If you need additional assistance, please call our PowerLine at 845-452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714.

Wtf??!!? November 3 at 1:42pm · Like

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10 Central Hudson Walter, tree removal crews have been through Search but there is significant damage there with 5 spans of wire damaged. Chris Hayes Home A line crew will be out to fix that, but I don't have a specific time right now. The damage assessment teams did report that the individual service lines to the homes appear to be intact, so we are just waiting for a crew to become available to repair those damaged sections of line. November 3 at 1:49pm · Like

Central Hudson Walter, your last post was unacceptable. I understand your frustration and desire to have your power restored as quickly as possible and your comments will not affect our intention of making the repairs as quickly as possible. But due to the profane and aggressive nature of your comments you have now been banned from commenting on this page. November 3 at 1:54pm · Like

Central Hudson Note: Walter's inflammatory last comment was deleted as well. Banning the user led to Facebook automatically removing previous posts left by this person on Central Hudson's Facebook page. November 3 at 2:03pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Sadly no we don't have power on Ethan yet November 3 at 2:05pm · Like

Central Hudson Please note, those of you who follow us on Facebook, this is an unprecedented action for us. We have never before banned a person who visits this site, and never censored or removed anyone's comments. But in this case, Walter's threat of a violent criminal act, and the language he used in doing so, left us no other choice. November 3 at 2:12pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni I'm just as frustrated as Walter but in no way is it ok to be profane and aggressive towards the person manning the FB page. I will say you handle the level of frustration well. It shouldn't be personal, the cold and frustration is a lot to handle. :( November 3 at 2:14pm · Like

Central Hudson Sarah, I have passed along your report that you do not yet have power on Ethan Drive. Will let you know of any more information on that as it becomes available. Sometimes there is additional, more localized damage causing the outage in addition to what was repaired. Don't know if that is the case here or not. Have you noticed any damage along the service line that connects directly to your home? November 3 at 2:34pm · Like

Greg Harnett I did see someone out to assess our lines. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on some kind of progress. November 3 at 2:39pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni There are lines down on my road and per my neighbors there isn't power to any of the 9 houses. November 3 at 2:56pm · Like

Central Hudson Thanks Sarh. A supervisor is in the area and will be coming to check it out. November 3 at 2:58pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Thanks. The Barnes & Noble is getting sick of me. Wow I cant believe someone got violent/criminal. I will rephrase my previous comment since clearly he is way more frustrated than I am. November 3 at 3:04pm · Like

Hannah Geller Hi again. Wanted to make sure we are on your list, as we still do not have power here. Also not showing up on your website's map. November 3 at 3:16pm · Like

Bobby Beatty i just wanted to thank you for taking care of that tree that was going to fall over on cottekill road in stone rige/rosendale. didnt even take you guys 24hrs.... great job November 3 at 3:45pm · Like

Central Hudson Sarah, received word that the foreman overseeing work in and around your area had been aware of your case. There is a primary line down and some pole damage that needs to be repaired. Crews are aware and progressing toward that but anticipate it will be at least a few more hours before you are up and running. We are now down to about 1,500 customers out from a total of 150,000 a few days ago. Still, there are at least 175 repairs remaining and yours happens to be one of them. We thank you for your patience while we do our best to finish getting every last customer restored. Thankfully, the finish line is in sight. November 3 at 3:51pm · Like

Central Hudson Thanks Bobby. November 3 at 3:52pm · Like

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10 Central Hudson Hannah, seeking an update on that situation for Search you. I'll provide any details I can. Chris Hayes Home November 3 at 3:53pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni will it be tonight at least? November 3 at 4:08pm · Like

Central Hudson We believe so Sarah. Can't guarantee how quickly crews will be able to progress from current jobs onto yours though. November 3 at 4:35pm · Like

Central Hudson Hannah, we are on the list. Damage assessors were there earlier. We are looking into this situation and a Central Hudson supervisor may need to contact someone at the farm directly about this repair. November 3 at 4:40pm · Like

Hannah Geller Fixed! Thank you. November 3 at 6:34pm · Unlike · 1

Sarah Noe Capichioni Thank you Ethan drive has power November 3 at 7:32pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson That's terrific, Sarah and Hannah. November 3 at 7:46pm · Like

Greg Harnett Fixed! Thanks! November 3 at 8:00pm · Unlike · 1

Lisa Eickler Thank you-and please thank the crews for me again that worked at and around 36 old albany post road in garrison last night. Power was restored at about 8:30pm. November 4 at 8:35am · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Will do Lisa. Thanks so much for your patience throughout. November 4 at 9:03am · Like

Megan Buch-Lowery Just wanted to thank you all for all the hard work you guys have done over the past week! This unexpected snow storm really threw everyone for a loop, and after 5 days of no power in my home the first words that came to my mind was Thank You to all the hard working men and women of Central Hudson! Thank you for going above and beyond to ensure that the Hudson Valley's power was enstored! November 4 at 10:22am · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Very touching, Megan. Thank you. Will be sure to pass along your sentiments. November 4 at 10:32am · Like

Jessica Labis Lost power again !! Continental Village !!! November 4 at 10:49am · Like

Central Hudson Thanks Jessica. Crews are en route to fix that. Appears to be damage near Albany Post Road that is affecting about 1,400 customers. We will take care of that as quickly as possible. No word on the cause. Could be a large branch that broke loose during the storm but was hung up in the trees finally came down. Not saying that's the case here, but that's not uncommon in the days following a storm like this. November 4 at 11:12am · Like

Jessica Labis We have power!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH !!!!! November 4 at 11:46am · Like

Central Hudson A second dry ice distribution center has also been established for Thursday. Both will open at 10 am. Here are details on the two locations: - North Highlands Fire Department (Town of Phillipstown), 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516 - Home Depot, Route 9 (across from Marist College), Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 1,027 People Reached · 4 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 5:49pm ·

Rachel Oswald Craparo How about hackensack heights road in wappingers falls? The first house on the corner has power but the rest of the street does not!!!! November 2 at 6:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Rachel: Can you please call that in? This Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is not the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries about your restoration status. Instead, use our online outage reporting/restoration status system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or (800) 527-2714. Thank you.

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home

Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are sol... See More

November 2 at 6:08pm · Like · Remove Preview

Rachel Oswald Craparo It is called in but this isnt the first time crews have passed the road due to seeing the first house having power. Just thought you could check since others on this page have had their roads/areas checked on. I appreciate all the hard work but my parents have dealt with this many a times. Thanks! November 2 at 6:13pm · Like

Central Hudson Rachel: We do not have any new information about this outage on this street. If we do find out more, we will post it here. We cannot thank you enough for your patience and your parents' patience. We are not passing anyone over. Our linemen do not restore service road-by-road or house-by-house but circuit-by-circuit and line-by-line; it is methodical and done this way to keep everyone safe. Repairs also depend on what our crews encounter at each location. There may be varying degrees of damage from trees and limbs. We are sorry we can't offer more than this at this point. Please hang in there a while longer. November 2 at 6:21pm · Like

Rachel Oswald Craparo thanks. I appreciate the response. I understand all the guys and gals are working non stop! November 2 at 6:39pm · Like

Patricia Tindall Sgarlata Just got the lights on again. Thank you November 2 at 7:38pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Great news, Patricia! November 2 at 7:40pm · Like

Amy Franklin Richter CH, we are upset here in Philipstown. Our restoration times were all pushed back by a day, with many larger outages remaining. And yet many small outages were repaired in Dutchess today. We feel ignored. November 2 at 8:30pm · Like

Jody Busolt Thank You CH for all your hard work was wondering about 12 on the green in verbank i know you guys are doing your best and working hard but just wondering have a small child and wondering how to plan November 2 at 8:37pm · Like

Central Hudson Amy: Please don't feel ignored, as all the remaining resources are directed at areas such as Philipstown and Cornwall and several remaining outages in Dutchess County where the storm caused many individual outages. When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is to restore service to the greatest number of customers in the least amount of time. Electricity is delivered over an interconnected series of wires that start at a power plant, and then passes through one or more substations and over different circuits and spur lines that branch off into smaller communities, eventually reaching single homes. Essential services like hospitals, public health and safety providers, and police and fire facilities receive top priority, along with any potentially hazardous situations caused by the outage. Our efforts to restore power must begin closest to the source and we work out from there, along all affected circuits and spur lines until each individual service has been put back online. Service at your home could be affected by damage that was done to the system at a point (or points) many miles away, closer to the source of the power. Be assured that are working our way out along the affected sections of each branch of the distribution system, until every last customer has had their power restored, and we ask for your patience while we do so. November 2 at 8:39pm · Like

Central Hudson On Thursday, dry ice distribution will begin at 10 am at the Home Depot parking lot on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie (across from Marist College). Customers with extenuating circumstances who can not make it to this location may call our call center at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-5272714 to make alternate arrangements. 1,006 People Reached · 1 Person Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 5:11pm ·

Savannah Reeves likes this.

Central Hudson Dry ice distribution for today is wrapping up. All four distribution centers will be closing within the hour. November 2 at 5:11pm · Like

Savannah Reeves Some VERY nice gentlemen finally came by last night and took care of that tree. I am very grateful to them for their Chat (5)

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10 quick work and even trying to save the japanese maple that was Search crushed underneath. I don't know what that woman who pounded Chris Hayes Home on my door was talking about, these guys were all too happy to help. November 2 at 5:15pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Second dry ice location added for Thursday: - North Highlands Fire Department (Town of Phillipstown), 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516. November 2 at 5:49pm · Like

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Central Hudson Wednesday afternoon update: Central Hudson completes 1,000 repairs, restores power to more than 145,000; Hundreds of isolated repairs remain:

Central Hudson Advances Restoration Operation www.centralhudson.com Less than four days after a rare autumn snowstorm interrupted electric service to 156,000 (or more than half) of its customers, Central Hudson reports that fewer than 10,500 homes and businesses remain without power as of mid-afternoon on Wednesday.

1,024 People Reached · 13 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 4:15pm ·

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Kathy Sherman power is still out on county rt 3 in ancramdale at my aunts house her electric came on and then went back out November 2 at 4:20pm · Like

Patricia Tindall Sgarlata Isn't that wonderful, so when is mine going to come back on. I have been out since Saturday at 5:00PM????????? November 2 at 4:23pm · Like

Kathy Sherman tried to call but couldnot get thru to you guys November 2 at 4:24pm · Like

Central Hudson Patricia: What road are you on, and what town? November 2 at 4:24pm · Like

Kathy Sherman can someone update me on the restore on county route 3 in ancramdale please November 2 at 4:30pm · Like

Central Hudson Patricia: We have a crew headed to that area. You should have power restored by 9 p.m. tonight. That's our estimated time of restoration unless they find a complicated and time-consuming repair. Thanks for being so patient since Saturday. November 2 at 4:46pm · Like

Patricia Tindall Sgarlata Thank you November 2 at 4:51pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Update please for Ethan Drive in Garrison? November 2 at 5:00pm · Like

Central Hudson Kathy, we do have a crew near there right now making repairs on Four Corners Rd. No estimated restoration time yet but we are aware of the problem and will work to restore it as soon as we can. November 2 at 5:06pm · Like

Ann Haaland You guys /gals are all working so hard. Just sending out thanks & appreciation. November 2 at 5:07pm · Unlike · 1

Toniann Ivain Thank You loads from your customers on Sharon Road in Millerton!!! November 2 at 5:10pm · Unlike · 1

Amanda Conklin thank you from the conklin family on route 7 in ancram! November 2 at 5:23pm · Unlike · 1

Kathy Sherman thank you much from boston corners November 2 at 5:29pm · Unlike · 1

Kathy Sherman my aunt lives on county route 3 was worried about her she is 92 years old maybe someone can her from ch 518 329 6272 thanks again November 2 at 5:30pm · Like

Kathy Sherman thats in ancramdale on county route 3 sorry November 2 at 5:31pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Update for Ethan Drive in Garrison please? November 2 at 5:43pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Central Hudson Sarah, looking into that for you. Current posted Search restoration estimate is (Thursday) Nov 3 at 11 pm. Will provide any Chris Hayes Home additional info as soon as possible. November 2 at 5:51pm · Like

Central Hudson Kathy, crews are on site there working on that repair. November 2 at 5:53pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Thank you and I am honestly not trying to stir anything up but crews are literally on the next street Aquaduct. Why wouldn't they come over one block? The house @ the end of my road had their wires repaired and have power. Why would a line in the middle be skipped and cause a crew to have to return to an area? November 2 at 5:57pm · Like

Kathy Sherman oh ok thank you so much for letting me know November 2 at 6:03pm · Like

Central Hudson Kathy, our Director of Consumer Outreach spoke to your aunt and told her our best expectation is that her service will be restored tonight. She also provided her phone number to your aunt in case she needs to reach out to us. November 2 at 6:09pm · Like

Kathy Sherman thank you ever so much for the help November 2 at 6:10pm · Like

Central Hudson Sarah: We are as anxious as you are to have service restored, and again, we thank you for your patience thus far. There are any number of reasons that we would repair lines in a certain order. Linemen do not restore service house-by-house but circuit by circuit and line by line. Your electric service is not being skipped or anything like that. We would ask for more of your patience even though we realize you have already exercised an extreme amount of patience since Saturday. November 2 at 6:13pm · Like

Central Hudson Again, not saying they won't get to it sooner, just going by the most recent info that was communicated in from the field. Will let you know if new info becomes available. November 2 at 6:24pm · Like

Jessica Labis Sarah if you see this message me !! We have power and if need to borrow our generator my fiance said you can ... I feel so bad and I know what it is like .. we don't have a truck so we would have to figure out how to get it to you !! November 2 at 7:41pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Excellent idea, Jessica. November 2 at 7:45pm · Like

Walter Barrett Thus far, I have only seen one crew in 5 days down here in Garrison. I cleared my own dead end road of three 15 inch trunks, because it was already three days with the road blocked, and I had absolutely no faith in CH getting around to me anytime soon. As it turned out, the first tree crew came through around noon on Tuesday. Was I supposed to wait for you guys to do it, and WALK three miles to the gas station to keep my generator going? No crews working on the south end of Old Albany Post Rd. tonight.

Not impressed. November 2 at 8:54pm · Like

Walter Barrett Ask your area guy, Tom Martin, about how my road got left without power for an extra 3 days in Feb. 2010, because some dipwad didn't check the side roads like they were told, and they actually had 30 crews in the area three days before. Ask him how I was told three times back then that my problem was resolved, when there was a 30 foot branch balanced on the line and a dead short in the primary. November 2 at 9:06pm · Like

Walter Barrett Ask anyone who was around in April 95 how Continental Village was without power for ten days, and that the first sign of help from CH was two trucks up from Georgia to replace over a dozen poles on Winston Lane. November 2 at 9:10pm · Like

Walter Barrett Forgot to mention, the Georgia crew didn't get started until Day 8. November 2 at 9:15pm · Like

Central Hudson Walter, sorry for your bad experience during that storm. Believe it or not it was actually considerably more destructive than this one. We do have several crews in that area making good progress. This storm did significant damage there but we have restored many of our Putnam County customers and are facing alot of repairs there right now that will only bring back a few customers at a time. We know it's been long, but please believe we're doing our absolute best. We're in the home stretch right now and not letting up or pulling back any of our workforce until all the repairs are complete. Chat (5)

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10 November 2 at 9:20pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Walter Barrett I believe what I see, and as of 8pm, didn't see any crews near me. Only saw one all day. Contrast that with Con Ed's response in Cortlandt Manor, everywhere you go, there are crew trucks from all over.

I had to clear my own road, with three heavy trunks bending the wires down to the ground. You should have seen when the weight came off how high the logs flew Was I honestly expected to sit back here for 4 or more days, with no heat, water, or transportation? Yeah I did it myself, ask your line guys how difficult and dangerous that would be with an entire crew, let alone one guy with a chainsaw. I had NO faith you guys would be here anytime soon, and nothing in the history of dealing with CH has convinced me otherwise. Philipstown is the bottom of CHs priorities, that much is clear to me. November 2 at 9:35pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Walter, I will absolutely pass along your complaint. I assure you we do value every customer in our service territory. November 2 at 9:42pm · Like

Walter Barrett Deeds, not words. November 2 at 9:55pm · Like

Robert Daniel Wyatt Thanks to Centrel Hudson YOUR DOING A GREAT JOB!!!! November 3 at 7:31am · Like

Central Hudson Thanks Robert. We all appreciate that very much. November 3 at 8:28am · Like

Central Hudson IMPORTANT SAFETY TIPS FROM CENTRAL HUDSON: - Near Power Lines: http://www.centralhudson.com/safety_environ/ electrical_safety.html - Carbon Monoxide: http://www.centralhudson.com/safety_environ/ carbon_monoxide.html - Using Generators: http://www.centralhudson.com/safety_environ/ electrical_safety.html#generator - More safety tips: http://www.centralhudson.com/safety_environ/

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Safety www.centralhudson.com » Call Before You Dig Before you dig, drill or blast there is some important information you need to know.

955 People Reached · 3 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 2:38pm ·

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Central Hudson I'll get that reported for you Bobby. Always try our Call Center first with such reports: (845) 452-2700. Because we do not monitor this Facebook page around the clock. November 2 at 3:49pm · Like

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Central Hudson List of the most destructive storms in Central Hudson's hisotry:

1,087 People Reached · 42 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 12:08pm ·

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Jean Tuccillo Galloway and how amazing Feb 2010 i was only out of power for 36 hours and this one is DAYSSSSSSSS who cares bout your charts give me back my electric TODAY !! November 2 at 12:10pm · Like · 4

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10 Jean Tuccillo Galloway you know there are problems TRY Search PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE and your customers wont have to deal Chris Hayes Home with living like barbarians ! November 2 at 12:11pm · Like · 3

Keri Peterson My sentiments exactly. November 2 at 12:11pm · Like

Adam Raszkiewicz That's interesting - looks like nobody learn from the past :\ November 2 at 12:19pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Adam, every aspect of Central Hudson's performance is assessed both internally and by the Public Service Commission after each storm. We cannot control the severity of weather and happen to have been hit with three historically destructive storms in the last couple of years. November 2 at 12:23pm · Like

Central Hudson Jean, Keri, if you would like to learn about some of the many things we do to minimize outages before they occur you can read all about it at http://www.centralhudson.com/outage/ outage_preparedness.html. From tree trimming to storm drills to using technology to improve communications both internally and to customers, we are always working year-round to limit the number of outages for when storms do hit.

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Preparedness www.centralhudson.com Central Hudson delivers electricity to over a quarter-million homes and workpl... See More

November 2 at 12:25pm · Like · Remove Preview

Thomas Kuerlemann well, I certainly learned something.....with the lack of manpower and preparation on the part of Central Hudson....its time to invest in a good portable generator that can run the basic needs in my house and keep my wife and kids safe...I'm not going to take the chance that in the dead of winter when, and it will, the power goes out for days and the temps outside are 10, 0, -10 degrees.....if Central Hudson doesn't want to prepare..I guess I will have to take measures to pick-up the pieces that Central Hudson let fall apart. November 2 at 12:27pm · Like · 2

Nicole Zeko We just got power back last night and I want to thank CH and all the extra crews for all their hard work. I do think however if I was ever to move I'm going to live by a central hudson sub station or a school since they seem to get their power back quicker! lol November 2 at 12:29pm · Like · 1

Adam Raszkiewicz CH: Actually I'm from EE and we had a lot of similar weather situations or even worst. Days w/o power? Not possible for towns. Even small villages maxed one day w/o power. Quality over quantity. November 2 at 12:34pm · Like · 1

Jean Tuccillo Galloway what is EE ? i agree 43 yrs i lived in the city (sorry i left) and never once did snow cause a power outage .. i remember a few blackouts but that was across the eastern seaboard .. not from SNOW !!! really !!! we dont have to check what you do to prevent anything cuz apparently it dont help ... how's that working for CH ... cuz it aint working for your customers who are FREEZING and losing hundreds of dollars in groceries and with prices as they are .. well enuf said just put my electric on its been fun but i've truly had ENUF this is 2011 not the STONE AGE !! November 2 at 12:38pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Sorry Adam, not sure what location EE refers to. I assure you storms that dump 20 inches of wet snow and weigh down trees thick with foliage is a rare storm anywhere in the Northeast, as the many other utilities in this state and others who are also continuing to recover from this destruction can attest. November 2 at 12:39pm · Like

Adam Raszkiewicz EE = Eastern Europe (Poland, exactly) November 2 at 12:40pm · Like

Steve Kennedy Barbarians have internet access? November 2 at 12:43pm · Like · 3

Central Hudson Sorry Jean. We have found that our tree trimming programs have been very effective at reducing the total number of outages. With some of the highest tree densities in the state in our 2,600 square mile service territory, it simply can't guarantee there will never be any outages. Not when a storm of this magnitude strikes. If you are referring to New York City there is a good chance you were serviced by underground electric lines which would not be vulnerable to this type of weather. While we do have some underground lines in dense population centers, it is not practical to Chat (5)

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10 underground our entire system as the expenses would be Search astronomical -- about $10,000 extra per year per customer. Chris Hayes Home November 2 at 12:43pm · Like

Jean Tuccillo Galloway i am at work Steve i havent had access since saturday and i've been unable to do my work at home and lost plenty due to this storm ... November 2 at 12:46pm · Like · 1

Jean Tuccillo Galloway CH: yes i heard your rep say that this morning on WPDH about 10K a year .. i cant afford that that's insane as soon as i can ill be moving out of this area ... ive had enuf November 2 at 12:47pm · Like

Adam Raszkiewicz Jean: Steve wrote about me not you ;) November 2 at 12:54pm · Like

Central Hudson That's very nice of you Kimberly. And yes, safety is and always will be our top priority. November 2 at 12:55pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Mark, where are you located? November 2 at 1:02pm · Like

Jean Tuccillo Galloway i guess Steve never lost his power or got it on quickly WHATEVA im just hoping to see LIGHT today !! November 2 at 1:04pm · Like

Laura Shelby Gambino ...every part of the country has different types of storms that can cause power outages...it is not just the northeast!!.....As a health care worker who has to get to work even in a state of emergency--I ALWAYS see Central Hudson out there doing their job...I am grateful for their continued service and so should all of you!!! ....All of their employees have families too and I am sure they want them to stay safe!!! November 2 at 1:11pm · Like · 4

Pam Babcock Rhodes I'd also like to thank all the hard workers out there. I know you're working around the clock to get as many people back on as soon as possible and as safely as possible as well. I guess some out there expect the power companies to cut down all the trees or just order the really big trees to stand up straight and hang on to their limbs! Better yet, they should just move out of the northeast. This happens here. You even have a chart to prove it! November 2 at 1:14pm · Like · 3

Jerry Nappi We got our power back Tuesday; thank you Central Hudson. Many thanks to your personnel I saw in Red Oaks Mill on Monday working very late and then again before dawn on Tuesday. Hope they are staying safe. November 2 at 1:14pm · Like · 2

Christina Dunlavey Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work the crews have done to make it so we have ele. All the things we take for granted such as our power makes not having it for 3 days appreciate it more. We have NO control of what Mother Nature dishes out, But we can be perpared!! to handle a crisis when it happens. I enjoyed the peace and quiet, and the family time. We were PERPARED!!! thanks again!!! November 2 at 1:20pm · Like · 4

Central Hudson Jerry and Christina: Thanks very much for your kind words. We also appreciate your remarkable patience during the extended outage that this storm caused. November 2 at 1:23pm · Like

Brannon Conza Seriously, all things considered, CH has been exemplary - not just in this storm, but for Hurricane Irene earlier this year. All you have to do is look up the absolute horror stories from CL&P to see that. Much of CT is being told not to expect power back until Sunday or Monday the earliest. Earlier this year CH was SO proactive in handing out bottled water and dry ice in as many areas possible all around the service territory, where other utilities weren't even distributing ANY. Central Hudson can't wave a magic wand and make the power come back on, there are so many both major and small individual repairs that need to be made. In the meantime, as long as people are going to complain about preparedness, maybe they should be looking to see if THEY were prepared. Don't badger CH to reimburse you for food loss or gas expenditures to run your generator. That's YOUR job to prepare by having a homeowner's insurance policy. This year was unheard of in terms of weather related outages, and is likely not to be repeated. Complaining about CH's preparedness and responsiveness is like complaining that a local hospital should stockpile cots and on-call physician in anticipation of a wave of trauma patients coming in from a plane crash, train crash, and an earthquake that all happen within a day of each other. Let's be reasonable, folks. November 2 at 1:36pm · Like · 4

Eric Rosario I love Central Hudson, try living in NYC paying double probably triple the electric costs compared to CH. Although it's very Chat (5)

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10 frustrating not to have power they do make every effort to get Search power restored. Come on people, what about those mom & dads Chris Hayes Home on those work crews braving the weather to get power restored? Get a small generator if you can or spend time with family during the outage. November 2 at 1:39pm · Like · 4

Central Hudson Kimberly: We just shared your message with the call center team, and they requested that we convey their sincere gratitude. Thanks! November 2 at 1:48pm · Like · 1

Robert Sedlacko time to move to Arizona November 2 at 1:53pm · Like · 1

Katie E. DeVeer Buehrer Thanks for doing all the work you have.. BUT my family has been out of power since Saturday morning, and your crews said our power would be restored last night at 11. Did not happen. Now you're saying it'll be fixed at 10 PM tomorrow. There are only three down power lines, and probably some transformers. Our entire mountain (Wingdale) has been without power the longest out of all the people's you've fixed already. What's going on here? Please get your crews out today or tonight, we are DESPERATE. November 2 at 1:56pm · Like · 2

Central Hudson Mark: We are still tracking down information on the outage affecting your residence. Please give us a bit more time. Thank you. November 2 at 1:56pm · Like

Wynn Gold Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

First let me say that Central Hudson's field force is fantastic. So are the front line customer service personnel. Special thanks as well the the CH Facebook person(s) who have to put a smiley face on this mess. Now, until all utilities are forced to begin burying their lines, this horror show will be repeated over and over. This is the 4th significant outage through which my family and neighbors have suffered in the last year. In each case, a tree or limb fell on a wire. I don't care how aggressive the trimming program is, branches break and fall onto wires, over & over again. I was told last week by a CH VP that it's too expensive to bury wires. If you add up all the money spent this year on repairs, I'll bet there is a point where it would begin to pay off. I don't know how you calculate the economic devastation to business who have been unable to function as a result, but that has to be factored in as well. Rate hikes are rarely denied. Profits/dividends accrue, but ratepayers suffer. November 2 at 1:56pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Wynn, while we do not know yet what the price tag will be on repairs for this storm, and 2011 still has eight weeks to go, an estimate of $40 million for all of this year's repairs would not be too far off. That would pay to bury about 25 miles of distribution wire. We have almost 8,000 miles of distribution and transmission lines, combined. here's the whole story: http:// www.centralhudson.com/underground/

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Business Growth www.centralhudson.com Perhaps the most significant is the cost of undergrounding, estimated to be abo... See More

November 2 at 2:08pm · Like · Remove Preview

Sheila Wicklow I want to add my gratitude to Kimberly's. I can only imagine how difficult and complicated the orchestration of this kind of restoration effort has been. We got power back on our road in Wappinger last evening (out since Saturday afternoon) and I appreciate the work of all of Central Hudson linemen and field crews. As previously stated, by Eric, having dealt with the utility giant in NYC for years prior to relocating the the Hudson Valley, appreciation for the work of CH comes easy!! THANK YOU! -- for helping me realize the importance of my personal responsibility in preparing for the safe survival of this kind of situation - and for working so expeditiously to help us all recover safely! November 2 at 2:16pm · Like · 3

Stephanie Maurice Zapata Thank you for getting us back online, I lost my power for 2 days but was prepared for more just in case. I saw alot of crew out there and I know they worked day and night - thanks to all of them for doing their job - not like they were sittign aroudn drinking coffee and laughing about it, they did the best they could do!! November 2 at 2:20pm · Like · 2

James H Stathis Number of people out is only one measure of a storm's impact....another measure is how LONG they are out. Have you tried categorizing the storms in terms of (outages)x(days)? I bet the ranking would look much different. Chat (5)

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10 November 2 at 2:20pm · Like · 2 Search Chris Hayes Home James H Stathis I'm in the same Wingdale area as Katie E.D.B....and Central Hudson just changed the estimate AGAIN...again delaying it a day. This is UNACCEPTABLE. First they say it will be Tuesday night, then on Tuesday they say it will be Wednesday, and now (Wednsday afternoon) they say it will be Thursday. At the very LEAST you could be accurate in your estimates so people can make plans! November 2 at 2:28pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Sheila: Thank you very very much for being understanding and patient during this storm restoration. We will pass on your kind message to our field crews. November 2 at 2:31pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson James: We always measure reliability, and we measure it several ways. Central Hudson reports data on outage frequency and duration to both its customers and to the New York State Public Service Commission, which compiles an annual report about the state’s electric utility companies’ service interruption data. The report measures two metrics, including the System Average Interruption Frequency Index and the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index. We have not yet ranked this current storm in terms of duration because it is not yet over, but reliability is as much of a concern for us as it is for our customers. November 2 at 2:45pm · Like

Wynn Gold Interesting article written by CH's PR dept, justifying CH's position. Like I said earlier, I realize that you have the thankless job of trying to sugar coat this disaster and CH's response. Based on the comments above, you have your work cut out for you. Fortunately, there's at least one New York legislator who isn't interested in CH's balance sheet. He's interested in his constituents who would be much better served if less of your system was hanging off of poles and running through trees. We are surrounded by 2 subdivisions where the utilities were buried. Local code requires buried utilities in new subdivisions. The only reason they lost power is because your overhead lines feed them, and were downed by trees or limbs falling. No one is suggesting that all 8K miles be buried at once. It should be phased, and their should be both legislation requiring it, and incentives for accomplishing it. You can spin this any way you want. The bottom line is that any money CH doesn't spend upgrading its infrastructure goes in the pockets of your executives and to your shareholders. When hit with a disaster, the first thing CH does is find a way to pass the repair costs along to your ratepayers. November 2 at 2:59pm · Like · 3

Central Hudson Mark: Service is currently being restored to your road. November 2 at 3:29pm · Like · 1

John VanWart Wynn you sure would not like paying the cost the cost of undergrounding the system !! And you and everyone else would through rates or taxes !! Not an option !! November 2 at 3:48pm · Like

Tony Consaga Yah! Power back in the Town of Wappinger. Thank you CH. The only thing left in my Frig that I didn't toss is beer so tell the crews to stop on by! November 2 at 3:53pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Tony: Thanks for being patient these last few days. November 2 at 3:56pm · Like

John VanWart Well folks You live in the North East. There summer, spring, fall & winter storms and even in between. You all should be prepared ahead of time for lose of power etc. If ya all don't like it you all have the option of being ready or move out to a perfect place where nothing ever happens !! The men & women at CH have always done their best to restore power asap. And are well respected when we are sent to help others in the utility business. They have some of the best work ethics of any company in NE or for that matter anywhere. It could always be worse !! November 2 at 4:00pm · Like · 2

Andrew Boland We lost power 8 pm Saturday night and had it back 4 am Sunday morning. Thank you for your quick and prompt repairs in our area. November 2 at 4:08pm · Unlike · 1

Laura Harnden Central Hudson workers live in homes affected as well! They are husbands, wives, fathers & mothers that have left their powerless homes to attend to the needs of the company's customers. They are attending to downed power lines, downed high power lines, downed trees, customer responses, gas leaks, dry ice and water distribution, material distribution, order placement for needed supplies, and customer service and planning for all the work to be completed to touch on a few of the jobs being attended to during a storm. They have left their children and loved ones without heat or power to support your needs. Many have worked 16 hour days for sometimes 1 to 14 days straight without a day off! Chat (5)

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10 They are all working toward your comfort and don't want the power Search to be off any longer than you want it to be! Yes, they are Chris Hayes Home compensated well but truth is the work that they do is dangerous and demanding and not for just anyone. The next time you see a Central Hudson Worker appreciate that they often put your needs and comfort before their own! Oh and why do I know this? My spouse has been working since Saturday before the storm began! November 2 at 4:14pm · Unlike · 8

Steven HudsonValley Saltzman 2 record outages in about 2 months? The weather is getting more extreme within the past decade or so. November 2 at 4:14pm · Like

Central Hudson Andrew: Great! Thanks for being patient. November 2 at 4:15pm · Like

Wynn Gold John, what do you do at Central Hudson? November 2 at 5:54pm · Like

Joe Hoffman We lost power 4:22pm Sat returned Tuesday about 7:25pm. After driving around the area (Salisbury Mills, New Windsor, Newburgh, Washingtonville) Sunday and Monday I forecast that full service would be back late Wednesday, we live on a tertiary road. CH did an outstanding job. November 2 at 7:52pm · Like

Central Hudson Thanks for saying so, Joe. We work hard and really always try to do our best. November 2 at 10:17pm · Like

Walter Barrett Hmmm, Feb 2010 had more than twice as many outages, yet my power was back in 6 days. This weeks storm was ,again , less than half the outages as Feb 2010, but on course to take longer, and without the excuse of crappy weather hindering repair efforts.

Keep taking down criticizing posts, it just makes you look more like a standard PR flack. Try blocking tomorrows Journal News, heh. November 2 at 10:35pm · Like

Central Hudson Good morning. I want to start the day by addressing two comments left here last night. First, Wynn Gold: Seems like John did not see the question you asked him. He worked for CH for 40 years as a lineman and then a line foreman and is now retired, living in GA. He may have missed his calling. We could have used him in the Communications Dept.

Second, Walter. I certainly understand your frustration, Please be assured that we have not done any blocking, removing, censoring or filtering of the comments posted here. Open up any of the conversational threads from the last couple of days and it is all there for all to see: the good, the bad, and the ugly! We are trying, under the most trying of circumstances, to keep this social media site "social." November 3 at 7:59am · Like

Walter Barrett I withdraw my accusations of censorship, must have been a Facebook glitch.

Still without power, and still convinced that Phillipstown is the last of CHs priorities. Any idea when you'll get to Adrienne Lane? I'd be surprised if its anytime before noon today, and I'm TRYING to be positive and optimistic, but my cynicism keeps getting in the way. November 3 at 8:10am · Like

Central Hudson Walter: We are checking. Please give us a few more minutes. November 3 at 8:20am · Like

Central Hudson Walter: We are sending a damage assessment crew to Adrienne Lane. Thank you for communicating with us and for being patient during this storm restoration effort. The high number of outages and limbs down in that area has made for an overwhelming restoration effort, but please realize that we are concentrating on Old Albany Post Road and surrounding areas today. November 3 at 8:40am · Like

Walter Barrett There was some kid from Poughkeepsie here yesterday. Well, compared to me, a kid. The trees pulled one of the primaries off the insulators on at least four poles, does not appear to be broken. It's hanging fairly low, can't miss it. November 3 at 9:08am · Like

Walter Barrett Btw, my street is right off of Old Albany. looks like power is back on north and south of me on Old Albany. November 3 at 9:13am · Like

Walter Barrett Still trying to be positive and optimistic here on Adrienne Lane at 11:45, but you guys seem determined to disappoint me. Nobody has come by for "damage assessment" yet, quelle surprise! November 3 at 11:47am · Like Chat (5)

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10 Wynn Gold It appears more likely that John didn't like my Search question. Being in marketing/communications, I won't comment Chris Hayes Home other than to say that you (however many of you there are) are doing yeoman's work on FB. I'll point out, again, that I've been very careful not to be critical of the CH employees on the front lines. I think they do a spectacular job under very difficult circumstances. I wonder how many nights Mr. Lant or Mr. Laurito spent in the dark? November 3 at 2:28pm · Like

Emile Tongunga Actually, it all depends from what angle you are comparing. The comparison that is published is based on the number of people affected. Another comparison could be based on the number of days taken to recover from each incident. November 3 at 4:49pm · Like

Central Hudson Wednesday morning news update: Nearly 90 percent of impacted Central Hudson customers have power restored; Hundreds of small repairs still ahead:

Central Hudson News Release www.centralhudson.com After three full days of mobilization, Central Hudson has restored service to 88 percent of the 156,000 homes and businesses that initially lost power as a result of Saturday’s October snowstorm. As of Wednesday morning, about 19,000 Central Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity...

926 People Reached · 32 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 2 at 7:44am ·

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Walter Baschnagel Jr Nice to know I am the last f'cking 10% November 2 at 7:46am · Like · 2

Katie Ryan O'Connor Good morning. Thank you so much for addressing the issue of the giant tree on power lines making it impossible for your crews to restore power on Wonderland Drive in Hopewell Junction and creating an unsafe situation for our children. Still no power as of this morning, but we remain hopeful. Your latest outage information shows only 1 customer out in this area but I can assure you it's more like 100 on Wonderland, Farview Road and Bailey Place. Power was restored to Miller Hill Road at Wonderland yesterday, but it remains dark on Wonderland. Any accurate restoration information would be much appreciated. November 2 at 7:47am · Like

Walter Baschnagel Jr I bet if I am the last 10% to pay my bill next month, I'll be the first one shut off.. bullshit November 2 at 7:47am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Katie, thank you. I will pass along your report about outages in the area in addition to what is currently shown on the outage map to ensure our field supervisors are aware of that. November 2 at 7:53am · Like

Lynn Amodeo-Smith Thank you Central Hudson for restoring power as quickly as the conditions allow and for keeping us updated early on in spite of the limited communications available. We realize your resources are not unlimited and you are doing your best in a difficult situation. November 2 at 7:56am · Like · 2

Katie Ryan O'Connor Thank you November 2 at 7:59am · Like

Jennifer Lech Lofgren GREAT JOB GUYS!!! For those who aren't with power yet, hang in there! November 2 at 8:02am · Like

Gary Delemeester Noted absence of any mention of Columbia County customers in updates. Still almost 60% out. November 2 at 8:02am · Like · 1

Darrin Borden Thank for the update ppl should take note many ppl out of power in ur trying to get power back as soon as possible n no i dont work for central hudson n i been out for five dayz now . November 2 at 8:03am · Like · 1

Ronald F Dreher Is Union St., Cornwall, included in the 88%. Thanks! November 2 at 8:13am · Like

Central Hudson Gary, sorry for that unintentional omission from the news release. We are fully mobilized in Columbia County and made some good progress there last night. Mutual aid crews we obtained from National Grid are also helping in that restoration effort. We expect the majority of customers out there to have power back by tonight. Chat (5)

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10 November 2 at 8:18am · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Central Hudson Ronald: We have two crews in that part of Cornwall, and we are working on the Union Street outage. We expect good progress in that area today. November 2 at 8:24am · Like

Amanda Conklin thank you for the update on columbia county...i know we are only a small portion of your service area but it was nice to get an update for the first time since this has all begun :) November 2 at 8:34am · Like

Amanda Conklin also we had a restoration time of tonight at 10pm now we have no restoration time available for route 7 in ancram...did they find more damage then expected? November 2 at 8:35am · Like

Ronald F Dreher Are you still estimating an 11P.M. restoration at Union St. or will the two crews possibly do it sooner? November 2 at 8:35am · Like

Kathy Sherman my aunt lives on route 7 in ancram no power there yet either and she is 93 years old hope she gets power soon November 2 at 8:38am · Like

Central Hudson Ronald: 11 p.m. is the latest we expect to have power restored to this part of Cornwall. We hope to have power restored sometime before then. November 2 at 8:42am · Like

Amanda Conklin we had a restoration time of tonight at 10pm now we have no restoration time available for route 7 in ancram...did they find more damage then expected? November 2 at 8:46am · Like

James H Stathis We are the 10% November 2 at 8:48am · Like

John DeAngelis We still have no power on Cynwyd Drive in Fishkill - just four houses on the street. So now I guess it is safe to assume that the power will be restored by your time of 11 PM on November 2 (which is today) -- or is there then going to be an all of a sudden extension of another day or two because it was not accurate. All of this is going on a bit ridiculous and I have seen nary any sight of a repair truck. I find all of this coming to the point of unacceptable at this point - and when the bill is paid to you next month, the check will be sent directly to the CenHud CEO along with a letter of complete dissatisfaction due to the previously mentioned issues of which no one has seemed to be concerned about in the past three days except for the greatness of politically correct lip service...nothing more. Sorry to speak the truth here, but it is what it is at this point. The incarcerated criminals at Downstate Prison - right across the street from us and in view as I am writing this - have been warm from the gitgo with their generator for a few hours until CH restored them immediately. We pay our bill and sit here freezing three days later. November 2 at 8:54am · Like · 1

Dawn Gabel Thanks! November 2 at 8:56am · Like

Central Hudson Kathy: We also want to get power restored for your mother on Route 7, but I think an emergency shelter is a good option right now too, since it has been so cold. This may be the safest thing to do. November 2 at 8:58am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Amanda, looking into some details on that. Will let you know. November 2 at 8:59am · Like

Jody Busolt Any news on the green in verbank ? Just wondering what the news is for that area November 2 at 8:59am · Like

Central Hudson Jody: The estimated time of restoration for this area is 11 p.m. this evening, but we have crews at On the Green Road and Camby Road. Depending on the exact nature of the damage and repairs needed, we expect to have this area restored hopefully before 11 p.m. November 2 at 9:18am · Like

Frank Shanny While I appreciate the restoration efforts there seems to be an increasing number of outages measured in days (week) not hours. Makes me wonder if enough preventative measures are being taken on an ongoing basis. Sincerely, a cold in the dark and increasingly frustrated 10%er. November 2 at 9:18am · Like · 1

Darrin Borden I would like to kno about fishkill area i live off of rt 52 n it has been since saturday n just wondering if any progress for us today? November 2 at 9:21am · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Central Hudson Frank: Thanks for hanging in there these past few Chris Hayes Home days, and we understand the frustration. This was certainly an unusual storm, hitting us early with heavy snow when the leaves were still on the trees. We are doing everything we can to restore service. November 2 at 9:21am · Like

John VanWart John it's an easy move to live across the road !! November 2 at 9:26am · Like

John DeAngelis John maybe you are on to something because it seems the criminals get the best tretment and free ride. November 2 at 9:28am · Like

John DeAngelis I am waiting to hear a believable response from CH at this point but so far nothing. November 2 at 9:30am · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Thank you. Power is back on for Wonderland, Farview in Hopewell! November 2 at 9:34am · Like

Central Hudson Amanda, Gary, Kathy and other Columbia County customers: Our crews worked all day yesterday to restore the Ancram substation and a portion of the main electric line. Our crews are currently working on repairing the main outages that are along the main routes, including County Route 7 and Route 82. These areas should be restored during the daytime today. Most of the side spurs should also be restored by nightfall. November 2 at 9:45am · Like · 1


Tony Consaga This is insane; major areas in the Town of Wappinger still nothing, and why can we have neighborhood by neighborhood resoration estimates with so few remaining? November 2 at 9:53am · Like

Tony Consaga Thank you for the update, would any of those include or take care of Morgan Court? November 2 at 10:08am · Like

Central Hudson Tony: Thanks for your patience thus far. We know this is difficult and frustrating. Unfortunately, we have many individual outages affecting several parts of the town. We currently have crews working at Myers Corners Road, New Hackensack Road, Diddell Road and several others. We are doing everything possible right now to restore service. November 2 at 10:09am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni When can we expect power to Ethan Drive in Garrison (cont village) November 2 at 10:19am · Like

Central Hudson Tony: Yes. For Morgan Court, we expect to have power restored by 11 p.m. this evening or before that time. November 2 at 10:29am · Like

Central Hudson Sarah, that job has been assigned to a crew working its way toward your area. As of now, power is expected to be restored there by tonight. November 2 at 10:39am · Like

John DeAngelis Cynwyd Drive is finally back on -- and it was NOT the transformer as originally informed by CH - two simple tree limbs were laying on a line - they were removed and the power was back on in ten minutes....but according to CH it was deemed as "serious damage" that ended up making us "non-priority"....this is a bunch of BS as far as I am concerned and there is no excuse for the fact the "ten minute" job could not have been done on Sunday when the rest of our area was restored. Bad call CH...and perhaps the similar can be prevented in the future. Please provide this info to your engineer for our area..it is nice to know we were put on the back burner for a repair that took ten minutes. November 2 at 10:42am · Like

John DeAngelis And not even a follow up phone call from CH...especially after I had requested one -- three separate times. November 2 at 10:44am · Like

Central Hudson Sorry for the delay, John. Glad to hear your power was restored. November 2 at 10:58am · Like

Walter Baschnagel Jr Power just restored on Nine Partners Rd in Clinton Corners...... Saw the trucks as I was heading out to work.... Took about 5 minutes..... Thank you central Hudson, and I apologize for letting my emotion get the best of me... Afterall I Will Chat (5)

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10 only have to restock all the food we had in the fridge... Pets are still Search alive...... Chris Hayes Home November 2 at 11:06am · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Walter: Thank you for hanging in there and displaying an incredible amount of patience during this. We are very glad your service is up and running and that the pets are okay. November 2 at 11:09am · Like

John DeAngelis Can you pass along the request for tree limbs and a ten minute repair be completed WHEN THE OTHER POWER IS RESTORED IN OUR AREA rather than deem it non-priority and turn the ten minutes into a three day wait and let us as well as the neighbors freeze?? November 2 at 11:10am · Like · 1

John DeAngelis I could well understand if it was an hour or two hour repair -- but ten minutes? I would like to further a request for the emgineer to personally contact us at #26. Thank you. November 2 at 11:13am · Like

John VanWart John do you know about the damage down the line that feeds your so called 10 minute repair ?? I would guess not !! November 2 at 11:19am · Like · 3

John VanWart Same for Walt without the highlines substations and main lines up you 10/20 minutes is impossible. Would be great if that's all it took ! Unless your involved with this type of work no one understands what it takes November 2 at 11:25am · Like · 4

Roy Chase A thank you to the 2 man crew you sent to Wilson Blvd. in the City of Poughkeepsie on Tuesday, they represented your company very professionally and the residents are thankful for their "job well done" !! Also a big thanks to the Lewis Tree Service crew who cleared the way as well. November 2 at 11:42am · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Roy: Thank you very much for your kind words about our crew and the crew from Lewis Tree Service. We will pass this message on to them. Thank you for being patient while we worked to get your power restored. November 2 at 12:19pm · Like · 1

John DeAngelis John - There was no damage down the line that fed our ten minute repair because the guy from CH that was in the white minivan on our street specifically said just that...it was just a ten minute repair and nothing more or less... November 2 at 12:20pm · Like

Central Hudson John DeAngelis, the reality is we have to first concentrate on restoring the main distribution circuit throughout the area first, before we can branch off into tending to repairs for smaller spur lines. If every crew diverted from their work on the distribution circuit to pick up all the smaller outages, it would add to significant delays in getting the distribution circuit fully restored. We are now at the point where we are getting in to tend to those smaller lines and there are hundreds of those repairs to make. Some repairs will be relatively quick fixes as you describe, some will take several hours. November 2 at 12:30pm · Like

RiggingWarehouse.com Good job, Central Hudson! November 2 at 1:01pm · Like

John VanWart I'm sure he wasn't a linemen who knew the work involved !! Or was he checking on anything else but your outage ?? Until you understand the full scope of restoring power you will never get it !! November 2 at 2:05pm · Like · 2

James H Stathis There is still a LARGE swath in the Wingdale region (see it on the CH outage map)...and the estimated restoration just got delayed to THURSDAY night. November 2 at 2:32pm · Like

Amanda Conklin Ancram has power thank you to your crews! November 2 at 2:39pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Great news Amanda. November 2 at 2:40pm · Like

Ronald F Dreher Any good news from Union St., Cornwall? November 2 at 6:24pm · Like

Central Hudson Ronald: Sorry, but we do not have any new information about the outage there. If we receive any new updates on this or other areas of Cornwall, we will post them here. Thanks for hanging in there with us on this one. November 2 at 6:37pm · Like

James H Stathis oddly enough, power came back on a few minutes ago, even tho CH web site still shows my area Chat (5)

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10 (wingdale/still road) out until Nov 3, 10:00pm. I guess I shan't Search complain too much about this. Chris Hayes Home November 2 at 6:47pm · Like

Central Hudson Splendid development. November 2 at 6:51pm · Like

Ronald F Dreher Regarding Union Street, Cornwall, the CH Online restoration status page indicates this street as being restored. Following up with a CH rep @ the 1-800 # confirmed the restoration. Being told this same status twice since early Mon. I was hopeful you could verify this third time. Presently we 're at a alternate safe haven location and are unable to verify ourselves. Can you confirm? Thanks. November 2 at 8:31pm · Like

Central Hudson Ronald: Sorry to inform you that this residence is not restored yet. We are aiming for noon tomorrow. Thanks very much for your extended patience while we finish this repair. November 2 at 9:05pm · Like

Ronald F Dreher Thank you. Please keep us posted. I'll continue checking in here too. November 2 at 10:13pm · Like

Central Hudson Once again, want to issue an important reminder about this Facebook page: Please be aware that this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is NOT the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries about your restoration status. Instead, use our online outage reporting/restoration status system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) 527-2714. Here on Facebook we will post news and information of the most general interest about the storm and any ensuing outages, road conditions, availability of shelters as they are announced, etc. When estimated times of restoration become available for specific cities and towns the first place you will find them is at the StormCentral section of our website: http://stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx Stay safe and stay warm everyone. Crews will be working through the night to make repairs and our call center is staffed 24/7 to assist you with your concerns.

Report Power Outage - Check Restoration Status inet.cenhud.com Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are solely intended for use by the customer who is the account holder or the customer's authorized agent. Any unauthorized entry or use of Central Hudson's Customer Self-Service is prohibited. The ...

954 People Reached · 11 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 10:18pm ·

Rich Akbar likes this.

Kenny Schneidman I find that facebook posts tend to get faster results. November 1 at 10:21pm · Like · 2

Laura Harnden @Kenny I doubt they are monitoring the page so late :( November 1 at 10:24pm · Like

Central Hudson For anyone seeking dry ice on Wednesday, remember, distribution begins at 10 am at the four locations (Cold Spring, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Stanfordville). Details are posted in a message on this Facebook page earlier today. November 1 at 10:25pm · Like

Kenny Schneidman @Laura, I think they are November 1 at 10:27pm · Like

Central Hudson Laura, we are still hanging in there but getting ready to curtail the Facebook interactions for tonight and resume again early tomorrow. As the note above says, our Facebook page is not monitored 24/7. That is why we direct customers to the online resources such as the outage map and report an outage/check restoration status features. Also, our call center is staffed 24/7 if you need to speak with a Central Hudson representative. November 1 at 10:29pm · Like

Central Hudson Outage map: http://stormcentral.cenhud.com/ default.aspx Report outage/Check restoration status: http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 Call center: (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) 527-2714

Central Hudson Storm Center stormcentral.cenhud.com

November 1 at 10:33pm · Like · Remove Preview

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10 Amy Franklin Richter I'm on Old Albany Post Rd in Garrison, near Search the Bird and Bottle. Chris Hayes Home November 2 at 6:32am · Like

Amy Franklin Richter Sorry, I'm on Old Albany Post Road, near the Bird and Bottle. Yesterday your site said our power would be on by Wed night at 11PM, yet today your site says no restoration information available! What happened! November 2 at 6:33am · Like

Debbie Singler Thank yoy CH for getting our power on earlier than anticipated. From Lagrange!!!!!! Good job guys, keeo up the good work. November 2 at 6:34am · Unlike · 1

Jay Corriveau Same thing here Amy- They had a targeted time of tomorrow, and now they have no idea. Could you guys invest a little more in getting good data to share with us? Thanks! November 2 at 7:02am · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Good morning. Thank you so much for addressing the issue of the giant tree on power lines making it impossible for your crews to restore power on Wonderland Drive and unsafe for our children. Still no power as of this morning, but we remain hopeful. Your latest outage information shows only 1 customer out in this area but I can assure you it's more like 100. Power was restored to Miller Hill Road and Wonderland, but remains dark on Wonderland. Any accurate restoration information would be much appreciated. November 2 at 7:23am · Like

Lisa Eickler Amy: It could be there is a transformer down on Old Albany Post Road in Garrison-don't know how many people that affects, but it's between my neighbors and my driveways. I'm on the other end of the road @ 36. November 2 at 7:28am · Like

Gary Delemeester Frustrating that the scant web updates don't even mention that over 50% of southern Columbia County is still out of power. List all the other areas except this one in the updates. Especially frustrating as our neighboring Nat'l Grid town has had power since Monday. November 2 at 7:46am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Amy, unfortunately, while we do our best to provide accurate estimates, they are still estimates and sometimes subject to change. We do our absolute best to make estimates as accurate as possible but particularly when dealing with a restoration effort of this scale, unforeseen obstacles can force us to push back deadlines. I'll pass along any additional information I can obtain about your area. November 2 at 7:51am · Like

Central Hudson Any and Lisa and Jay: We have a crew working near Albany Post Road, near the intersection of this road and Old West Point Road East. We are trying to restore power for this area as quickly as possible. November 2 at 8:01am · Like

Jay Corriveau Thanks. If you can get the crew to head over to us in Continental Village next, near Old Albany Post and Sprout Brook, that would really help all the families in that relatively densely populated area. November 2 at 8:19am · Like · 1

Jay Corriveau Oh, and if you have a crew there, surely they must be able to provide you with some estimated time to restore. "StormCentral" doesn't have any status information. November 2 at 8:21am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Jay. The crews are hard at work and have to assess the situation and get to work on the repairs. They are in touch with our outage management team and those folks load estimates into the outage map as soon as they're available. The map refreshes every 30 minutes. Thanks for your patience. November 2 at 8:37am · Like

Central Hudson Jay, we have several outages in this area. The outage affecting customers in the area of Albany Post Road and Sprout Brook is also affecting service on Winston Lane and the Rochambeau Road areas. We are making every effort to restore service, but I am sorry that we do not (at this moment) have any new estimated time of restoration. Thank you for being so patient so far. November 2 at 8:39am · Like

Jay Corriveau Thanks for the thoughtful replies. As for being patient, well, we don't really have a choice, do we? November 2 at 9:02am · Like

Central Hudson Jay: We appreciate your patience and we are doing everything we can to mobilize crews and restore power. We have also been telling customers to make use of emergency shelters; this is one option made for just such an occasion as this. November 2 at 9:23am · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Central Hudson Amanda, Gary, Kathy and other Columbia County Chris Hayes Home customers: Our crews worked all day yesterday to restore the Ancram substation and a portion of the main electric line. Our crews are currently working on repairing the main outages that are along the main routes, including County Route 7 and Route 82. These areas should be restored during the daytime today. Most of the side spurs should also be restored by nightfall. November 2 at 9:46am · Like

Jay Corriveau Thanks for updating the restoration information for our area. It now says 10PM tonight. It had been 11PM tonight. How confident are you that you meet or exceed these estimates? (I'm really asking how often it has been taking longer than reported on StormCentral.) November 2 at 11:02am · Like

Jay Corriveau And by the way, great use of Facebook as a way to connect to your customers during a crisis. You'd get some good free press if you got a new outlet to write a story about these interactions... November 2 at 11:02am · Like

Matt Suppa Ironically, when I went to check the status of my power outage online using my phone number, I receive this message "Error in '/CustomerServicePortal' Application" http://p.twimg.com/AdQV04UCQAAH6p4.png:large - And when trying on both the iPhone & Android apps, it just says "Loading"... November 2 at 11:42am · Like

Jean Tuccillo Galloway im in the pavillion in Wappingers ...... they first said Wednesday allll along - then it was last night at 11:30 .. then i heard 10:30am today now they are saying they dont KNOW ..i dont know either what i do know is ENUF IS ENUF !!!!!!!!! i heard on WPDH this morning a rep said its cuz of the trees well intelligence says preventative maintenance should be done ROUTINELY to prevent this ... you charge ENUF for your service HIRE PEOPLE DUHHHh...... she said people are "fond" of their trees and get upset when we cut ... DUHHHH im fond of birds too i feed them DAILY but they will find other places to perch .. im more fond of my HOT WATER AND ELECTRICITY ! ARE YOU KIDDING ME !! GIVE ME BACK MY POWER CUZ IF I DIDNT PAY MY BILL YOU'D CERTAINLY TAKE IT AWAY QUICK ENUF !!! November 2 at 11:49am · Like

Central Hudson Make sure we have accurate and complete contact information on file for your account. Now on the Keep in Touch form on our website you can update and add any phone numbers that will help us reach you, as well as your email address. Sign in through the link below with your Central Hudson account number:

Keep In Touch inet.cenhud.com Please enter the following information from your Central Hudson bill. If you have multiple accounts, enter the details from the account you would like to set up for e-mails and text alerts, then click 'Continue'.

1,040 People Reached · 15 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 8:38pm ·

Virginia Hartmann Condon likes this.

Jason Fisch Great Job guys... My home and office both have power now... November 1 at 8:49pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Great news. Thanks Jason. November 1 at 8:50pm · Like

Aisha Kutter THANK YOU CENHUD! I appreciate all the effort and am glad our power was just restored! Great job and keep it up! November 1 at 8:52pm · Unlike · 1

Adam Raszkiewicz Finally restored the power and it took only 15 minutes to fix it. November 1 at 8:56pm · Like

Fran Caracappa still waiting since Sat 5:00PM November 1 at 9:01pm · Like

Central Hudson Adam, it may have only taken 15 minutes to repair the section of lines that you see, but there is a lot of work to get out along the lines from the source of the power to the point where you are located, in all likelihood! November 1 at 9:03pm · Like

Central Hudson Thank you, Aisha. November 1 at 9:08pm · Like

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10 Susan Shaftan Perrin thank you Central Hudson for all your hard Search work, grateful to have gotten our power back so soon. Chris Hayes Home November 1 at 9:21pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Nice of you to say so, Susan. November 1 at 9:32pm · Like

Valerie Pedrozo Thank you for the quick job in restoring our power. We appreciate the hard work everyone put in. November 1 at 9:33pm · Unlike · 1

Wynn Gold Thank you for restoring our power a little earlier this evening. Your field crews are fabulous. Your customer service personnel, when you can actually speak with one, are great too. November 1 at 9:36pm · Unlike · 1

Kerilee Berben Thank you so much for restoring power to us! So thankful for all of your men and women working around the clock! November 1 at 9:37pm · Unlike · 2

Central Hudson Thanks Wynn, Valerie and Kerillee. We appreciate the kind words very much and will make sure to share them with others here at Central Hudson. Thank you for your patience and understanding. November 1 at 9:43pm · Like

Virginia Hartmann Condon Thanks for all your hard work, want you to know you are appreciated. November 1 at 10:16pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Thank you, Virginia. Very kind of you to say so. November 1 at 10:26pm · Like

Isabella Castinucci Dear Central Hudson: This has been a tough week on all of us in the Hudson Valley. I have a friend who worked there for years. I know that in times like these EVERYONE at CH is working the phones, handing out dry ice, feeding the linemen etc. Then after a long day of getting yelled at by frustrated customers, you guys get to go home to darkness and the complaints from your own family & friends about when their power's coming back on. If everyone on FB was able to see the actual toll it takes on your workforce trying to get through this, than maybe they would be a bit more understanding. I lost power during this storm & also Irene. I'm back up & running now. People need to understand that fixing this isn't like opening a fusebox & flipping a switch. These guys are working in the worst of conditions for very long hours. Thank you, Central Hudson, for not only getting the lights back on, but for them burning all the rest of the year when I don't even give it a thought. November 1 at 10:30pm · Like · 4

Dawn Glusko-Moyer Well put @Isabella. November 1 at 10:39pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Isabella: Thank you very very very very much. We will share this message with the rest of our employees. November 1 at 10:53pm · Like

Adam Raszkiewicz CH: it took that quick because before somebody was to rate kind of damage; good for logistics - put better equipped team on something bigger and less on something smaller; good job on that November 1 at 11:36pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Isabella -- I completely agree and thank you for posting that. I also think, however, that Irene and this storm have shown us just how vulnerable our electrical grid really is during wild swings of weather, which show no signs of slowing down. I wonder how we can thrive as a community when any weather out of the ordinary might mean days — days and days — without power. It isn't good for CH, small business owners or families. The drain is significant. November 2 at 7:56am · Like

John VanWart well put Isabella working there as a linemen for 40 years sure everyone was like you!! November 2 at 12:24pm · Like

Paula Majerowicz Interesting how Central Hudson didn't respond to you...only the positive comments.... November 3 at 7:54pm · Like

Central Hudson Paula, which comment are you referring to? We have been responding to pretty much all comments and questions on this page, as we always do, all throughout the storm and recovery effort. I do not see a comment on this thread that would appear to be a question or negative comment that has gone unanswered. Perhaps I'm overlooking it. November 3 at 8:45pm · Like

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home

Central Hudson WEDNESDAY DRY ICE DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE - 10 AM START AT ALL LOCATIONS: - Stanford Fire House, 6096 Rt 82, Stanfordville, NY 12881 - North Highlands Fire Department (Town of Phillipstown), 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516 - Dan Leghorn Fire House, 426 South Plank Road, Newburgh, NY 12550 - Home Depot, Route 9 (across from Marist College), Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 981 People Reached · 18 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 5:51pm ·

Antho Mammi likes this.

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Stephanie Meyer I have been following your fb page for days, and I am still without power...I am not writing to complain, I get it...ur working on it and its gunna take time. I am writing to let u know whoever is responding to some of the rather "nasty" comments....I hope you get a raise!!! I would NEVER be able to answer some comments with the patience and grace as you have....I am too annoyed, but I am at ur mercy and sh*t happens!!!! People need to understand, your sitting behind a desk, giving info as u get...YOU have as much control as I do. Job well done!!!! November 1 at 6:01pm · Like · 10

Amanda Conklin well said stephanie! November 1 at 6:10pm · Like · 3

Jessica Labis I was on your side to ... Until I got the NASTY RESPONSE ... November 1 at 6:13pm · Like

Stephanie Meyer Its not a matter of sides...imagine the days these customer service reps are having?? They have no power over anything! Their days are as bad as yours....and I am sure some of them are too going home to a dark house. I am in the dark and cold too...but cut them some slack folks!!!! November 1 at 6:22pm · Like · 2

Jessica Labis Oh I know I have worked in customer service since I was 16 and never was I rude TO A CUSTOMER WHO WAS NICE TO ME !!! November 1 at 7:45pm · Like

Stephanie Meyer Everyone has bad days....and if u are referring to the comments back and fourth on different post...I definitely think u were quite nasty. Understandingly so...its frustrating, I am in the dark under 2 blankets right now...however ur anger is directed at the wrong person. The person u are attacking knows as much as I do about when ur power will be back on..... November 1 at 7:57pm · Like

John VanWart Great answer Stephanie !! Theirs one person out there with some common sence !!I'm sure all the people working long hours just love ya November 1 at 8:04pm · Like · 1

Jessica Labis So you have read all of my comments from the last three days ?? Funny how you think me saying please .... And I know you meaning the person responding is not in charge and thank you !!! Funny I thought I was being nice !! Now I will end my conversation with by doing what my MOTHER TAUGHT ME !!! NOT SAYING ANYTHING MORE..... FOR I HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY ! WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES HONEY AND THEN MAYBE YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND !! HAVE A WONDERFUL NIGHT !!! :) November 1 at 8:05pm · Like

Jessica Labis And John u work for ch so of course you think she has common sense !!! November 1 at 8:10pm · Like

Stephanie Meyer Seriously lady....your crazy! And I hope ur power doesn't come on till u learn some manners and respect! November 1 at 8:10pm · Like · 1

Jessica Labis I have been called worse :) I have manners and respect you don't even know me !! Wishing bad on someone is not a good thing:) Have a warm night :) November 1 at 8:16pm · Like

Greg Harnett Folks, I don't give grief to CH customer service although I should. For decades I get to hear my house is "low priority" because some genius decided in the 60's that our row of 4 houses, should get a different line strung through the woods, rather than connect us to the other 10 houses above and below us (or run the line roadside to cut the tree related outage possibility in half). So, now, like all the other times, I get to see trucks come, repair our neighbors line, and leave (a couple hours ago actually). If this is like all other times, I get to wait 2-5 days until they come back around. But, I call customer service on the "off" times to remind Chat (5)

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10 them they should fix their patchwork repairs "rigged" in the woods, Search hanging all over the place with all the repair debris they don't carry Chris Hayes Home out with them. Nada. We all know that prevention is not a priority, because after 30 years, Nada. For some of us, this is a little much but go ahead and empathize. For me, it's $65/day in generator gas to keep my toddler and family warm to get the same old story. But, rather than "bother" customer service, like I promised CH last time, I'm gonna start my own website and post photos and get more attention besides writing NYS dept. of consumer affairs, who has similar priorities. November 1 at 8:24pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Obviously during tough times -- like in the aftermath of this storm which has brought so much destruction, discomfort and inconvenience for so many -- tension can run high. We know that. We also know that the best way to get through these stressful conditions is to stick together and work together to help each other. This is imperative for us in our work and that's how we try to approach our relationships with local governments, highway departments, the media, our peers in the utility industry and of course our customers. It's always rewarding and productive when we pull through these adverse conditions together as a community. November 1 at 9:07pm · Like · 1

John VanWart Jess, I worked there 40 years as a linemen you said something about being in your shoes well be in a linemens shoes. I worked holdays,birthdays in some off the worst weather we had. Then went home for a few hours sleep in a cold black house because I was putting other peoples lights on when mine were off for my wife and 3 daughters. There is no trick to yrying to satisfy everyone someone is first and someone is last. The psc watches very closely what utilities do and CH always passes the test. I feel for and all people without power and if you can invent that majic switch to pull when there' a storm not only Ch and their great employees but all the customers would be very happy. There is ways to survive without power people have done it 100s of years. I hope all the customers you serve like your food. Stay warm and your lights will come they always do.!! November 1 at 9:13pm · Like

Jessica Labis @ John I know my lights will come on !! And at times customers do not like our food !! But they do leave satisfied :) and as for you working Holidays , birthdays , night so on and so on ... My fiance served this country for over 10 years and now works on the railroad so I know all about the hours !! But please understand my frustration ... We live in an area that always loses power even when it is 69 degrees and no wind !!! So please do not insiuate that I have no common sense !! I am angry that once again we are left last !! November 1 at 9:25pm · Like

John VanWart As I said someone has to last !! Congrats to your fiance my daughter hss 19 years 2 of my son in laws have over 12 apiece and I spent 2.5 years mostly in Viet nam so we all know about hours but the people from the office to people in the the feild are doing there best. November 1 at 9:40pm · Like



John VanWart Me too really not a place to hash this out I really feel for everyone without power but it's a tough job for all the employees working the long hours. Have a good night ! November 1 at 10:03pm · Like · 3

Jess Jimenez Jessica did u get ur power back? November 2 at 8:24am · Like

Kevin J. Rader It's definitely a tense time. People are making good points. Of course someone has to be last, but it can be frustrating when you feel like your always that someone. I have no doubt CH staff are working their hardest in this critical time. I'm just inclined to wonder if the amount of preventative maintenance and infrastructure investment is sufficient in areas that are consistently the hardest hit. November 2 at 10:40am · Like

Central Hudson Kevin: Preventative maintenance--and we assume you mean trimming or removing trees before limbs can fall or blow onto lines--is something to consider, and we do evaluate our storm response and the performance in every aspect of the company Chat (5)

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10 aft...er every major outage event such as this one. Search We have found the tree trimming investment is certainly beneficial Chris Hayes Home and helpful in reducing outages. We spend millions of dollars per year on tree trimming to help minimize outages. One challenge is that this area has some of highest tree densities in all of New York state. And when a storm delivers so much wet, heavy snow this early with trees still full with foliage there is no realistic amount of tree trimming that can eliminate the damage to our system altogether. November 2 at 11:07am · Like

Central Hudson This page on our website details some of the things we do to to minimize outages, before they occur: http:// www.centralhudson.com/outage/outage_preparedness.html

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Preparedness www.centralhudson.com Central Hudson delivers electricity to over a quarter-million homes and workpl... See More

November 2 at 11:08am · Like · Remove Preview

Jessica Labis Yes !! Did you Jess ??? November 2 at 11:09am · Like

Jess Jimenez Yeah I did lastnite when did u get urs November 2 at 11:11am · Like

Central Hudson Bottled water is also available at these four dry ice distribution points. November 2 at 11:13am · Like

Jessica Labis About an hour ago ... November 2 at 11:44am · Like

Jean Tuccillo Galloway nice to finally hand it out NOW after i dumped 500.00 worth of FOOD !! what good is it now when MOST people are restored ... im soo livid over this whole thing ... try preventative maintenance .... you know this is a problem FIX IT BEFORE ITS A PROBLEM NOT AFTER ! November 2 at 11:50am · Like · 1

Jess Jimenez Oh wow so today ugh jessica? Well at least u got it back. I've been in CV and have lost power just twice this being the second time November 2 at 12:30pm · Like

Central Hudson Sorry Jean. Dry ice supplies were very limited because this storm knocked out power to more than 3 million people in the northeast. We have been distributing dry ice and bottled water since Monday though and posting updates each day. November 2 at 1:04pm · Like

Jessica Labis My block always loses power :( where r u that it only happened twice !! I am so jealous!! November 2 at 1:06pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Putnam road, u? November 2 at 1:19pm · Like

Jessica Labis Sprout brook ! November 2 at 1:51pm · Like

Central Hudson Dry ice will not be available at the Home Depot location after 4 pm today. November 2 at 2:52pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Sproutbrook. On the putnam side? November 2 at 3:46pm · Like

Jessica Labis Yes !! November 2 at 4:04pm · Like

Jessica Labis Lucky me :) November 2 at 4:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Tuesday afternoon update: Central Hudson Progresses on Re-Powering the Region; Widespread Damage, Hundreds of Small Repairs Still to be Tackled

Central Hudson News Release - Central Hudson Progresses on Re-Powering the Region www.centralhudson.com Central Hudson has restored service to three quarters of the 156,000 homes and businesses that initially lost power as a result of Saturday’s October snowstorm. As of Tuesday afternoon, about 40,000 Central Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity. Chat (5)

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10 1,005 People Reached · 29 People Talking About This Search Chris Hayes Home Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 4:17pm ·

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Gary Delemeester Still about 90% out of power in Ancram area. November 1 at 4:35pm · Like

Lori Cummins DeShon Thank you so much for getting my hopes up and telling me that we would have power back by 12:00 noon today. That was not true and even though before you told me that we had power, we dont...and no new restoration date...and I have an infant... November 1 at 4:35pm · Like

Holly Bogdanffy Trucks are out in my neighborhood in Beacon! November 1 at 4:40pm · Like

Tony Consaga nothing in the Town of Wappingers either November 1 at 4:46pm · Like

Joseph Cascio 3 CH Trucks driving in front of me pulled into a BurgerKing..the drivers slowly got out and smiled so sweetly as they all proceeded into the eatery...normal November 1 at 4:50pm · Like

Central Hudson Truly sorry, Lori. We do our best to provide accurate estimates, but they are estimates nonetheless and, particularly with the scale of this restoration effort, we are unfortunately not able to complete restoration work accordingly. November 1 at 4:52pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. We have power back in the fries lane walden area but the power is majorly flickering, that started about an hour after juice came back on, are they still working on something? November 1 at 4:58pm · Like

Paul Purcell What these guys aren't supposed to get hungry ? November 1 at 4:58pm · Like

Jody Busolt Saw alot of ch trucks in new paltz November 1 at 5:00pm · Like

Central Hudson Pete, I will report that. Thanks. Do you know if any other residences in the neighborhood are affected by that? November 1 at 5:01pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. Power just went back out and yes neighbor was having same problem. November 1 at 5:09pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. The pulses seemed a bit too consistent to be a tree limb rubbing but they werent consistent enough to be a fuse giving, i can also say that my voltmeter on the battery backyp was detecting a brown out not a surge, between 109 and 120. November 1 at 5:12pm · Like

Jessica Labis How come when I call I am now being told that there is no RESTORATION TIME FOR MY AREA ????? YOU HAVE ALL SAID BY TOMORROW !!! PLEASE THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND !! AND YES I AM ONE OF THE ANNOYED RESIDENTS FROM CONTINENTAL VILLAGE !!!! November 1 at 5:16pm · Like

Beth Anne Luft Any idea about restoration for Continental Village, Garrison area? November 1 at 5:18pm · Like

Central Hudson Jessica: The global restoration time of Wednesday at 11 p.m. indicates our best guess as to when everyone within the designated area will have their power back. Of course, restoration will be happening for some of those households steadily between now and then; not everyone will have to wait until the end. There is no restoration time for your area yet, but anyone at Central Hudson would feel comfortable giving you the global restoration time of Wednesday evening at 11 p.m. We are sorry for the confusion on this. Thanks for hanging in there this long, Jessica! November 1 at 5:22pm · Like

Jessica Labis @Beth I have been calling and asked on this page I live in the same area and I was originally told Nov 2nd 11pm and when I just called they changed it to no estimated time ??? Come on CENTRAL HUDSON !!! GET IT TOGETHER !! November 1 at 5:25pm · Like

Jessica Labis Oh and I finally saw two supervisor trucks ... They just drove by our area about an hour ago three in the first truck ??? How about they get out of the trucks and work ??? I know like I have said before it is not your fault and I am sorry for being sooooo annoying but please understand why I am so annoyed !! November 1 at 5:28pm · Like

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10 Central Hudson Pete, no ETOR on that yet, but repairs are in Search progress to correct the issue which is affecting approximately 1,500 Chris Hayes Home customers in that area. November 1 at 5:39pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. Ok, thanks for the information! November 1 at 5:48pm · Like

Central Hudson Jessica the "supervisor trucks" you saw may have been delivering meals to crews in the field, or clean clothes or dry boots, or returning from a shift distributing dry ice and bottled water to customers, or doing damage assessment so that the crews in the bucket trucks could be routed to the right locations. Or any other number of restoration-related activities that you have not considered. The point is, you really do not know. So why even bring it up? November 1 at 5:50pm · Like · 4

John VanWart Even horses have to eat !! November 1 at 5:52pm · Like · 1

Sarah Noe Capichioni The "why bring it up" comment is simply ANOTHER example of the rude customer service you provide! Easy to be snippy and come back with smart comments sitting in a warm office and your day isn't completly upended. CV loses power MONTHLY not just during major storms. If it wasn't a regular occurance then we might not be so testy. Did no one ever teach you the customer is always right? November 1 at 5:56pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. Truth is this storm was epic, like a few unprecedented weather scenarios this year. Who the hell has ever heard of almost 2 ft of snow dropping in ny before the average temp even falls below 45 degrees. I digress, everyone is pissed and rightfully so but looking for more reasons to be pissed borders on self deprecating insanity. Be grateful, cheer up and offer them more beer and food. CH is a company and we pay them but the sad reality is I see more finger pointing than social supporting and a divestive community assisting one another in a time of true disaster. November 1 at 5:57pm · Like · 1


Heather Conklin If you constantly have an issue maybe you should invest in a generator. While your at it, take the stick out of your ass because your not the only person without power theres quite a bit of people without power still. November 1 at 6:13pm · Like · 4

Jessica Labis @ Heather I have one !! It's not the point I have been very nice there is not a stick up my ass so u know !! Do you live in continental village ?? Does your power go out once a month ??? Please I would love to know you live in this village THAT ALWAYS HAS AN ISSUE WITH POWER !!! November 1 at 6:19pm · Like

Heather Conklin Like i would tell you where i live. Your acting like its a few ppl that lost power, well its alot more than that. Quit your bitchin. November 1 at 6:24pm · Like · 3

Sarah Noe Capichioni Hey Heather CV residents lose power on a monthly basis so our frustration level is pretty high considering. None of us have been rude simply frustrated and as for the generator comment ....I'm happy for you that you clearly have the available funds to purchase one. Many of us don't. Way to be nasty! We have on a regular basis reached out to CH regarding the repeated outages that occur on sunny windless day. So you should kindly pull the stick out of your ass. November 1 at 6:26pm · Like

Daniel Dufresne Move! November 1 at 6:30pm · Like

Heather Conklin Woohoo got my power back. Thanks CH. November 1 at 6:31pm · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni I would in heartbeat....again any of you noticed the economy? Cant sell a house around here. Chat (5)

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10 November 1 at 6:32pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Central Hudson Heather: Thanks for being patient during this extended power outage. November 1 at 6:35pm · Like

Jessica Labis Team Sarah !!!!! November 1 at 6:40pm · Like

Stephanie Meyer WORTH POSTING AGAIN....I been following your fb page for days, and I am still without power...I am not writing to complain, I get it...ur working on it and its gunna take time. I am writing to let u know whoever is responding to some of the rather "nasty" comments....I hope you get a raise!!! I would NEVER be able to answer some comments with the patience and grace as you have....I am too annoyed, but I am at ur mercy and sh*t happens!!!! People need to understand, your sitting behind a desk, giving info as u get...YOU have as much power as I do...Job well done To the comment about sitting in a warm office typing...if they weren't in a warm office, u would have no one to agrue with now....and for the record, HOW DO U KNOW THEY ARE NOT GOING HOME TO A COLD DARK HOUSE??? November 1 at 7:24pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Stephanie: Thanks for the kind words and also for your incredible patience over the past few days. We are very anxious for everyone to have power restored, and we are working around the clock on this. We made very good progress so far today; the total number of customers without power has been chopped down significantly. November 1 at 7:29pm · Like · 1

Pete Snyder Jr. Confirmation all seems to be well now, great job you guys. This situation was certainly out of control November 1 at 7:32pm · Like

Michael Chang I've lived in CV since 1996 and power outages duping the first years were frequent. It's better now, thank you CH. My main observation is that CV always gets the shaft when it comes to pecking order for restoration as what happened for Irene. After four days power was restored to our area but CH forgot about the grid that powers Ridge Road. When I called I was actually connected to some one who said Ridge was online. Six hours later...I' not holding my breath on this one, global estimate or not.

Enjoy your restored power. Heather. :-) November 1 at 7:46pm · Like


Dawn Neidig every street around us has power except for Harrigan road in hopewell...can you explain what kind of map you are following..sorry but this is ridiculous...ANNOYED AND STILL IN THE DARK DAY 4 NOW.... November 1 at 7:49pm · Like

Jessica Labis @ Dawn be very careful !! Apparently Stephanie is a computer bully !!! I understand how u feel !! Praying for your power to come back on soon !! November 1 at 8:07pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Got power finally it was a struggle! Thanks CH November 1 at 8:09pm · Like

Stephanie Meyer Jessica....you should really talk to someone about your displaced anger issues, its not healthy. Pls do not call me names in a public forum. And I hope central hudson has "unforeseen" problems with YOUR power and YOUR power ALONE until u learn kindness and respect!!! November 1 at 8:15pm · Like

John VanWart When was the last time people in CV let CH trim their trees the way they should be trimmed ?? And with this it might not have happened. All I can say is with all the outages you say you have I would have been ready for lose of power. Pull the covers up keep warm your mouth shut and go to sleep. I'm sure you just love all the customers that come in your place to eat and if you tell everyone where it is you could lose business November 1 at 8:18pm · Like · 3

Stephanie Meyer I have eaten there John, its not very good...Elmer Sud's was much better back in the day and the service was much better back then too!! November 1 at 8:24pm · Like

Central Hudson Sorry Dawn. Your frustration is understandable and this is a commonly asked question. Our goal in restoring power after a major outage event -- and this was the third largest in the more than 100 year history of the company -- is to restore power to Chat (5)

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10 the greatest number of people as quickly as possible. Sometimes Search this means that pockets of outages remain while we tend to repairs Chris Hayes Home that will bring back on larger numbers of customers more quickly. So it's not always a linear progression from one repair to the next closest spot in need of repair. Rest assured, we will continue to work around the clock to get everyone's power restored as quickly as possible. You can read more about how we prioritize restoration of service at http://centralhudson.com/outage/ outage_restoration.html

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Restoration www.centralhudson.com When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is always the same: To... See More

November 1 at 8:49pm · Like · Remove Preview

Traci LaRosa Suppa @Dawn, we're on Flower Rd right near you, and we're in the dark too. The prioritization system really doesn't make sense to me. There must be at least 200 homes between Harrigan, Flower and Sodano. How many houses does it take for an area to become "priority?" November 1 at 9:26pm · Like

Jessica Labis Elmer suds !!! Sooo good n dirty !!!! November 1 at 9:35pm · Like

Jessica Labis @ Stephanie Anger issues ??? I am not mad !! Upset that my power is once again not working yes !! Call u names ??? When did I do that ?? Oh u mean calling you a bully ?? You are upset with me for what reason ?? I did nothing bit respond to your NASTY COMMENTS !! Still wishing bad things on me .... I wish you nothing but luck :) @ john actually ch was here at my HOUSE TWO YEARS AGO TRIMMING MY TREES !! I LET THEM !!! SO DO NOT TELL ME TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT !! ONLY MY MOTHER CAN TELL ME WHEN TO SHUT UP !! SLEEP TIGHT !! November 1 at 9:41pm · Like

Central Hudson shared a link.

Poughkeepsie Journal TV - Tuesday, Nov. 1 www.livestream.com Irwin Goldberg of the Poughkeepsie Journal interviews Denise D. VanBuren, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Vice President of Corporate Communications

975 People Reached · 2 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 4:02pm ·

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Central Hudson WATER AND DRY ICE HOT-LINE You may call this line to hear where and when dry ice and bottled water will be distributed: (888) 349-3342. 935 People Reached · 19 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 11:35am ·

Justin Carl likes this.


Amy Rizzo Remick Please udate. Ridgeline Drive in Poughkeepsie still has no power. Your status for this address states no update restoration status available. What does that mean? You don't know when it will be back on??? November 1 at 11:52am · Like

Amy Rizzo Remick Thanks so much.....just need a little update. November 1 at 11:52am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Amy, our outage map shows there is an outage affecting a portion of Ridgeline Drive and some other streets in that area with an estimated time of restoration of 10 pm tonight. You may want to check for an account-specific restoration status on this page of our website to verify that you are on the portion of Ridgeline affected by that outage: https://inet.cenhud.com/ CustomerServicePortal/updates/TrblReport.aspx. You can do so with just the phone number associated with the account or your Central Hudson account number.

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com

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10 Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific Search Chris Hayes Home information are sol... See More

November 1 at 12:06pm · Like · Remove Preview

Ronald F Dreher (Using my parents Facebook to post this message.) My name is Jeff and my wife and I and three children have a home on Union Street, Cornwall. Twice we have been told that we have power only to learn that we do not. First time was through an automated message we received early Monday morning on our phone of record and the 2nd time was at 10 AM when a representative at Central told me on the phone that as of 9:30 AM this morning, our power was on. Your online reporting system said the same; we were live. Please clarify your restoration schedule for Union Street, which as of 10:45 AM (when we went home to check if our power was on), two sections of power lines were still down, covered with tree limbs and in the road. Another large limb is hanging precariously from another section of line. We have told our middle school aged boys to take care when walking home and to obviously avoid these dangerous points on our road. I hope you can tell us with more cetainty/clrity next time we hear from you. Thank you so much! November 1 at 12:37pm · Like

Central Hudson Jeff: We apologize for not being more clear and certain with you concerning this outage. First of all, please tell your boys again and any others in the neighborhood to stay clear of those and any downed line. Assume the line is energized. Our outage maps shows that the outage affecting you on Union Street also affects hundreds of other residents in that area, including Quaker Ave, Main Street and Hasbrouck Ave. We estimate restoration to be sometime before Wednesday evening at 11 p.m. This outage is very much on our radar. Please understand that the automatic callbacks are the best way for us to know if some repair work we have completed at a specific location has, in fact, restored service for all customers "downstream" from that point, as had been hoped and predicted, or if there is a need for us to seek further damage between that point and your home and do some additional repair work. When you receive such a call and your service has NOT yet been restored, PLEASE report the outage again. That's how you can let us know that further work is needed in the area. Thanks for your patience. November 1 at 12:55pm · Like

Sheila Wicklow Yesterday I was told by a 'live' CS rep that our restoration estimate was noon today -- " worst case scenerio"... now the automated message says no info available.. please help... I know it has been a huge job, but my road is filled with senior citizens disabled individuals... and the false hope is made worse only by the cold dark house November 1 at 1:02pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Sheila: Can you provide an address for us? We will look into this. November 1 at 1:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Cynthia: Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your patience. We are now aiming at 11 p.m. tomorrow to have the power restored to your neighborhood. November 1 at 1:23pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Dear Central Hudson. Directing your attention to 4 Wonderland Drive, Hopewell Junction, where there is a giant tree, split in half, that has pulled down wires as I write. Called multiple times to report in every descriptive detail humanly possible ourselves — certain other neighbors have done the same — and I believe you were working right in the Shenandoah Road area yesterday and even perhaps today, yet no crews have come the 1/4 mile up Wonderland Drive for a visual assessment. Despite our every effort to alert you to the seriousness of this situation (the tree threatens to snap wires off completely, risking the life of any man, woman, child or motorist nearby) I can't be certain, still, that anyone at Central Hudson has made any visual assessment of this situation. I, of course, understand the vastness of the storm damage and the immense scope of your work, but it's not safe to put children on a large school bus that is going to brush that tree and cause it to come down entirely. I've alerted Gayhead Elementary School, the Wappingers transportation department and the East Fishkill town police, who have been out to the location and have reported it to you as well, to no avail. November 1 at 1:27pm · Like

Ronald F Dreher Thank you Central Hudson. November 1 at 1:31pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Update: Town of East Fishkill Highway Department is well aware of the situation in front of 4 Wonderland Drive and is poised to do their end of the work the minute Central Hudson gives them the green light. November 1 at 1:37pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Amy Rizzo Remick Thank you for the response. Search November 1 at 1:40pm · Like Chris Hayes Home

Central Hudson Katie: As you know well, this area was hit hard by the storm; we have several outages we are working on in this area. Thank you for alerting school and municipal officials about the hazard on your road. This outage is on our radar screen, and the estimated time of restoration is Wednesday at 11 p.m. Please be patient as we tend to hundreds of trouble spots like these. November 1 at 1:48pm · Like

Central Hudson Katie, I will pass along your report and let you know if any new information on that is available. There are scenes like that throughout the 2,600 square miles we serve and I assure you we continue to address each one as quickly as possible following this disaster. November 1 at 1:52pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor I appreciate your speedy response. I do, however, feel very strongly that if anyone had yet made a visual assessment of this situation it would be a priority November 1 at 1:53pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor My issue is not that it hasn't been fixed yet, it's that no one has been out yet to assess the situation. I believe you have crews in the area. November 1 at 1:54pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor And if you haven't yet even looked at the scope of the problem, restoration by tomorrow night is highly unlikely. But again, I sincerely appreciate your speedy response, I'm building a photo gallery this afternoon that I will post here. November 1 at 1:55pm · Like

Central Hudson Cynthia, we sincerely apologize and try our very best to only give restoration times we feel confident we can meet. However, crews are reporting they are finding lots of additional damage at some repair sites than initially thought and in some instances that has forced us to push back some restoration estimates. We truly apologize. Several shelters and warming centers have been established in the area if you feel that it is too cold to remain home and don't have another alternative. Visit this page for that list: http://www.centralhudson.com/october2011storm.html November 1 at 1:56pm · Like

Central Hudson Katie I am following up, but a member of our damage assessment team may have already looked at the problem without your knowledge. A line truck and entire crew are not necessary to do so nor would the employee assessing the damage necessarily have needed to talk to you personally to complete their assessment. November 1 at 2:02pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Perhaps, I'd be really surprised if that was the case [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/1h5vnn.jpg[/IMG] November 1 at 2:05pm · Like

Lisa Larson Jeanneret Yes, I live across the street from the above tree and for the love of Pete! If a bus tries to pass (and, yes school IS in session), what if it knocks that tree and the lines come completely down? This is definitely a dangerous situation. And, there is really not room for a bus to pass - I don't know how they managed this AM b/c I'm in a hotel since Saturday when we lost power at 4 p.m. November 1 at 2:08pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Exactly Lisa. And Transportation wasn't aware until I called this morning! November 1 at 2:10pm · Like

Diolinda Lockard We have a generator that runs all that we need.My 2 neighbors do not.We live in Pleasant Valley and are tied into the Ennis Trailer Park on Rt44.Is there a current restoration time? November 1 at 2:12pm · Like

Central Hudson Diolinda: There are several outages affecting that area. The estimated time of restoration is 11 p.m. this evening. Thanks very much for being patient. November 1 at 2:24pm · Like

Adam Raszkiewicz Any update on Wasson Dr area? It looks like CH is chipping some work instead finishing whole blocks. ETR was today noon and now moved into tomorrow night. November 1 at 2:25pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor Here's a link to photos from just 20 minutes ago. Still no sign of anyone near it, even in plainclothes! http://www.flickr.com/photos/69306004@N02/ November 1 at 2:28pm · Like

Central Hudson Adam: I don't have an update on this outage affecting Wasson Drive and Sherwood Drive and Broadview Drive. Estimated time of restoration is still tomorrow evening at 11 p.m. November 1 at 2:32pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Diolinda Lockard Thank you for your quick response Chris Hayes Home November 1 at 2:32pm · Like

Wynn Gold Trying again. As of last night, squirrel hill in Cornwall was supposed to be restored by tomorrow night. As of this morning, that was moved up until tonight. As of 10 am CH told me I had been restored. Now your website/app shows no restoration time available. There are still 2000+ outages in Cornwall, and now crews in sight. Care to comment? November 1 at 2:45pm · Like

Wynn Gold *no crews not now November 1 at 2:45pm · Like

Robert Schroeder It turns out that the cost of dry ice ($50 a day per fridge and freezer) can outweigh the loss of food. November 1 at 3:08pm · Like

John VanWart Jeff, Cornwall for the last 40 years have against any trimming that CH does there. One time to the point that the mayor went with a crew to tell them what limbs to cut on your trees. The next time they trim that area just hope everyone remembers the last 2 storms !! November 1 at 3:27pm · Like

Central Hudson Katie O'Connor, I have been informed that crews are on the way to that area to address multiple sources of damage. Once repairs are initiated on that circuit, the crew does a complete patrol of the entire circuit prior to energizing it. The tree would definitely be removed prior to any reenergizing. Also, it is difficult to tell from that photo but some of the wires upon which the tree is resting appear to be phone lines. November 1 at 3:45pm · Like

Central Hudson Wynn, will try to find out some info about your outage. I know there are crews in the area that fixed an outage affecting a large number of customers just north of you in Cornwall and another tree fell on that line and caught fire, so crews needed to address that situation. I'll let you know if I can find any additional info on your outage but they are and have been at work in the area. Again, lots of damage sites to get to, particularly in that portion of our territory. November 1 at 3:51pm · Like

Central Hudson Wynn, We just received more information about your area. We have line crews working there, in the Mine Hill Road area and the Long Hill Road area. We now estimate that Squirrel Hill should have service by tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. If they can make good progress on the outages they are repairing now, it may even be by this evening at 11 p.m. Thank you for being patient. November 1 at 3:57pm · Like

Wynn Gold I just saw them. I hope you're right & that they don't bypass us again like they did after TS Irene. Thank you for your response. November 1 at 4:14pm · Like

Bobby Beatty i bet all the poeple that gave central hudson a hard time about trimming back trees are think twice about it. November 1 at 4:43pm · Like

Wynn Gold So much for that. After telling me that they were definitely continuing to repair all outages including ours, they've left the area. Can't seem to get an answer as to what's going on. November 1 at 5:08pm · Like

Katie Ryan O'Connor @Central Hudson thank you for getting back to me -- I appreciate it and all of Wonderland anxiously awaits! November 1 at 5:14pm · Like

Kristen Cyr Mancini Yes, I held my breath as multiple buses passed by this morning. Very dangerous on Wonderland Drive. Please come and assess ASAP! Plus, the weight of the tree looks like it is going to pull our pole down as well! November 1 at 5:18pm · Like

Central Hudson DRY ICE TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT 2 p.m.

We obtained a limited quantity of dry ice that will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis today (Nov. 1) at 2 p.m. at the following locations:

Stanford Fire House, 6096 Rt 82, Stanfordville, NY 12881 ... See More 868 People Reached · 6 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 10:53am · Chat (5)

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10 1 share Search Chris Hayes Home Walter Baschnagel Jr Why don't you just get my power on first...... Day 4 on Nine Partners Road in Clinton Corners, and there are not even any wires down that I can see.... This is worse than the ice storm we had last March.. Power was out only 2.5 days then, and trees were down everywhere... I cannot see one tree or limb down on all of Nine Partners road. November 1 at 11:39am · Like

Central Hudson Walter: Thank you for your patience so far. Often customers cannot see the exact location where the storm caused problems. The trouble may be miles away or it may be hidden from clear view. Please realize that we are making every effort to restore power to the large majority of our customers by Wednesday at 11 p.m. Hundreds of customers in that area are without power, including residents of Nine Partners Road and Pumpkin Lane. November 1 at 12:08pm · Like

Central Hudson Also, while the March storm you are referring to was also quite severe, the damage from that storm was much more localized to the northeastern portion of our service territory, so we were able to concentrate the vast majority of our resources there. This storm has caused much more damage and on a much more widespread area. We are trying to restore everyone throughout the territory as quickly as possible. November 1 at 12:15pm · Unlike · 1

Heather Conklin Ive been without power since Sat,i have small children and pets,this is rediculous. We live off of Borden Rd in Walden. November 1 at 1:13pm · Like

Central Hudson Heather: Tomorrow evening at 11 p.m. is the estimated time of restoration for this particular outage. Thank you for your patience as we address hundreds of these types of outages. November 1 at 1:21pm · Like

Heather Conklin Well thats kinda funny bc my boyfriend was told today at 11p. November 1 at 1:31pm · Like

Central Hudson Heather: We try our very best to only give restoration times we feel confident we can meet. However, crews are reporting they are finding lots of additional damage at some repair sites than initially thought and in some instances that has forced us to push back some restoration estimates. We truly apologize. Several shelters and warming centers have been established in the area if you feel that it is too cold to remain home and don't have another alternative. Visit this page for that list: http://www.centralhudson.com/october2011storm.html November 1 at 2:26pm · Like

Heather Conklin Well that may help,however alot of shelters are not pet friendly. November 1 at 2:38pm · Like

Walter Baschnagel Jr Thank you for responding.. I understand, but people not far, less than a mile, all around me are enjoying electricity..... We will likely lose everything in our freezer, and our two cats are not doing well staying there alone now well into day 4..... Estimated restoration timeI have heard is 10pm tomorrow ? ugh...... November 1 at 3:07pm · Like

Kathy Sherman thats what they are telling everyone 10 oclock wednesday night how can you turn everyone on at the same time November 1 at 3:52pm · Like

Central Hudson Kathy, those should be considered "global restoration times." They indicate our best guess as to when everyone within the designated area will have their power back. Of course, restoration will be happening for some of those households steadily between now and then. Not everyone will have to wait until the end. November 1 at 4:06pm · Like

John VanWart Majic switch ??? November 1 at 4:08pm · Like

Kathy Sherman yeah i guess so November 1 at 4:44pm · Like

Central Hudson Tuesday morning update: Service restored to nearly 100,000 Central Hudson customers in two days. Full Central Hudson workforce plus additional contracted line and tree trimming professionals continue the restoration effort. Tuesday's dry ice distribution schedule announced.

Central Hudson Restores Service to Nearly 100,000 Customers in Two Days Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home www.centralhudson.com As of early Tuesday morning, approximately 59,000 Central Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity, after a powerful snowstorm struck the region and interrupted service to about 156,000 customers in total on Saturday. Across the Northeast, about 2 million customers are still wi...

884 People Reached · 35 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · November 1 at 7:53am ·

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Jennifer Lynn Stevens Excellent job guys!!! November 1 at 7:58am · Unlike · 2

MaryAnn Roche Excellent job getting power to communities across the river since Saturday, places where 1200 were out of power have been restored when places with thousands and thousands have not. How do you justify sending your Dutchess County crews to Greene & Ulster when so many more here on this side of the river are out of power? November 1 at 8:01am · Like

MaryAnn Roche Is CH going to deduct our generator fuel costs for those of us who are lucky enough to own one, from our bill, because my generator has cost me over $400.00 since Saturday to run? November 1 at 8:04am · Like · 3

Tyler Scheuttig Is central hudson going to give us money back for staying in a hotel and eating out everyday November 1 at 8:10am · Like · 4

Nicole Demott Casiano The numbers are impressive, Congratulations to the guys busting their asses to restore everyone!!! Do you think you can get to Campbell Hall today? I would really like to go home tonight instead of another hotel, and my kids really need to go to school. Keep up the great progress. November 1 at 8:10am · Like · 2

Brannon Conza MaryAnn, there were 13 transmission lines damaged in the storm, there's a good chance that at least some of those were on this side of the river, meaning exponentially more people are affected. It's a much larger effort to get the transmission lines fixed, in the meantime while they are working on repairing those, they are likely repairing the smaller distribution lines which yes, feed less people, but are an easier fix. But they are still working on those transmission lines at the same time, they just take longer to get back up and running. November 1 at 8:16am · Like · 3

Pete Snyder Jr. I lived through the night so therefore I am once again offering pizza and beer to the solvers of the lake osiris road. / fries lane problem in walden. November 1 at 8:18am · Like

Central Hudson Thanks Nicole. Sorry for the inconvenience. Our guys will get there as quickly as possible. Right now, estimated restoration times for Campbell Hall are tagged for tomorrow though. It's possible that could change, but that's the current estimate and you should plan accordingly. November 1 at 8:37am · Like

Central Hudson MaryAnn and Tyler, sorry but those costs are not covered by Central Hudson. You should check your homeowner's insurance policy or contact your agent to find out if those costs are recoverable through your insurance. Governor Cuomo did declare states of emergency in all eight of the counties we serve. We will pass along any info about disaster relief funding if it becomes available, but have not heard anything about such funds at this time. November 1 at 8:42am · Like

Fred Gee Szczesniak thanks for checking out our house. your automated line doesn't work well, but a truck came minutes after emailing on your website... November 1 at 8:50am · Like · 1

Holly Bogdanffy Hi we still have no power on DeWindt St. Central Beacon I called Sunday afternoon. November 1 at 8:54am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Can someone explain why you would repair the down line to 1 house and not come 20 yards down the same street and fix the other one? November 1 at 8:57am · Like

Rachel Prue trucks/crew within a quarter mile of our house 16hrs ago and yet no power still on Clinton Ave in Salt Point. this was an annoyance before having babies...and now it's just miserable. hoping it comes back today! November 1 at 8:58am · Like Chat (5)

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10 Matt Bruce Lauretta drive got juice back yesterday. Thank you for Search all of your efforts. Chris Hayes Home November 1 at 9:01am · Unlike · 2

Mary Ann Mikulski I was just reading the Connecticut newspapers online, and some towns in CT still have no power in the town at all. 100% still out. Central Hudson has done a heck of a lot better job restoring power than CL&P. November 1 at 9:04am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Matt: Great! Thanks for your patience. November 1 at 9:11am · Like

Central Hudson Holly: We are aware of this outage. Right now we estimate the time of restoration to be Nov. 2 by 11 p.m. Thanks for hanging in there. November 1 at 9:23am · Like

Carlos Mansilla-Lazares i got sick because of you guys... November 1 at 9:30am · Like

Jessica Labis Why are you giving everyone the same time ??? I live no where near beacon but yet u give them the same time as me ??? November 1 at 9:32am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Jessica. We have 500 Central Hudson and contract professionals in the field who are dispersed throughout several counties, making progress in each. It's not a linear progression a concentrated force moving from one spot to the next. So it is quite possible for areas far apart to have the same restoration time. November 1 at 9:36am · Like

Phyllis Freligh Kudos to the Central Hudson team that worked on West Camp Church Rd yesterday & into the night - great job - I am so grateful to have power again - be safe & God Bless!! November 1 at 9:43am · Unlike · 2

Margaret Pfaff Amazing effort, CH!! November 1 at 9:47am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Phyllis: Thanks for the kind words, and thank you for enduring. We realize this storm restoration has been hard on everyone. November 1 at 9:55am · Like

Adam Raszkiewicz Everybody around have power but not our 3 streets :\ Even there is no line down between us and them. Not funny... November 1 at 10:00am · Like

Glen Heinsohn I got pounds of chucken breasts on sale at Adams now that and all my other frozen food is history-sucks when you are disabled and poor at least I have a loved one to stay with, I feel for the others at Dimarco place some are frail. November 1 at 11:42am · Like

Glen Heinsohn we lost power Saturday at 3 November 1 at 11:42am · Like

Matt Thorenz got ours back last night. thanks alot! November 1 at 11:58am · Unlike · 1

Savannah Reeves So, finally got a visit from Central Hudson - whom pounded on my door like they were trying to get into fort knox and woke up my husband who works nights...... Thanks for that. WORSE, They said we have to hire someone to cut the tree branches that are hanging over the power lines because they don't do that kind of thing. THANKS FOR NOTHING. I WILL SUE IF ANYONE GETS HURT FROM THIS. November 1 at 12:03pm · Like

Central Hudson Glen. I sent you a message this morning about that outage and posted in one of the previous comment threads as well. Please check your Facebook messages. We did alert repair crews and are in contact with the facility. November 1 at 12:20pm · Like

Central Hudson Savannah. Sorry for the inconvenience. We work nights too, so we understand. Sounds like this is a situation where the overhanging limbs are well back off the main distribution lines on your private property? November 1 at 12:45pm · Like

Alicia Tierney My family & I want to thank Central Hudson for their hard work and dedication. My husband works for the cable company and many nights when he is on call is out working side by side with some of your crew. It can take a lot of time to get things restored on a good day, let alone during a noreaster...so thank you again for working so hard! November 1 at 1:35pm · Unlike · 2

Central Hudson Thanks for being so understanding during this extensive storm restoration. Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home November 1 at 2:03pm · Like

Jennifer Gerard Please stop saying that Payson Road in Cornwall on Hudson has been restored. It has not> Please let us know when we can go home with our babies. November 1 at 2:14pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn DiMarco place was up at noon yesterday thanks I'm there now November 1 at 5:25pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Food spoiled got a lot of chicken from Adams on sale tossed it out leaky and smelly November 1 at 5:25pm · Like

Central Hudson Glen: Thanks for your patience during this extended outage. Spoiled food is sometimes covered by insurance policies. Please see this article on this topic: http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com /article/20111101/BUSINESS/111010330/-damage-covered-Calls- inundate-insurance-companies?od yssey=tab|topnews|text|PoughkeepsieJournal.com

Dealing with insurance claims: Tips, strategies to help you out www.poughkeepsiejournal.com Insurance agents are being flooded with calls from people filing claims or trying to find out whether they should.

November 1 at 5:42pm · Like · Remove Preview

Glen Heinsohn I'm happy to be at a warm well lit home forget the food, well it is a shame but no big deal November 1 at 8:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Once again, an important reminder about this Facebook page: Please be aware that this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is NOT the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries about your restoration status. Instead, use our online outage reporting/restoration status system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) ... See More

Central Hudson Storm Center stormcentral.cenhud.com

870 People Reached · 14 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 11:29pm ·

Arlene L. Kutz While I don't think too much of your website, I think you are doing a great job in a really awful situation. My power went out and I was given an estimate of quite a few days. 29 hours later we had our power restored. Thank you to the crews of CH. Your hard work is appreciated. October 31 at 11:53pm · Like · 2

Picky Vicky Power restored to us here in Newburgh and to my mother-in-law in Cornwall today. Thank you!!!! November 1 at 12:14am · Unlike · 1

Traci LaRosa Suppa If I could get through on the phone, that would be great. I have a home-based business and I desperately need to access files on my PC's hard drive. My kids are heading back to school, and we're living in a hotel we can barely afford. I wouldn't be so frustrated if our neighboring streets weren't all lit up like Christmas trees as we sit in the dark. Since when is Flower Hill Rd in East Fishkill the red-headed stepchild? There are more than 40 houses on this block. November 1 at 12:34am · Like

Marlane Fick Ambrosio I think the fix to my road is just hitting a switch. There's nothing wrong with any of the lines and the entrance to North Ave has power. Its O'Halloran Circle in Pleasant Valley. November 1 at 4:04am · Like

Corrinne Davies Whole complex of elderly and small children still without power, heat or water. Fish is about to die. :( November 1 at 6:38am · Like

Central Hudson Marlane: Thank you for your patience so far. We are aware of this outage, and we wish it were as easy as throwing a switch. We will work around the clock until we get to your neighborhood and restore power to O'Halloran Circle, Shagbark Avenue and Juniper Avenue. November 1 at 9:36am · Like · 2 Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 49 of 104

10 John DeAngelis Thank you for your explanation of the Facebook Search page. Yesterday I was informed via Chris Hayes Home Facebook that our issue on Cynwyd Drive was brought to the attention of Engineers. So far nothing has transpired and we are stii, and have been, the ONLY FOUR HOMES in a three mile radius WITHOUT POWER since Sunday afternoon. The issue of concern here, is that our power should have bedn restored along with everyone else in our area - on Sunday - and included in that total count - as opposed to being literally deemed non-priority, which is the reason we still do not have power. Is someone from Central Hudson going to ne fair and honest about this snd come to 26 Cynwyd Drive in Fishkill and explain it as well as finally turning the power back on? Thank you. November 1 at 9:40am · Like

Central Hudson John, we are aware of your outage and your report has been passed along to the engineer responsible for that area. This is not to necessarily suggest an expedited repair in this instance. The engineer will look into your report of frequent problems with that transformer and assess the situation to see if a long-term fix is needed there. Please be patient as we are tending to outages like yours for more than 50,000 other customers. November 1 at 9:52am · Like

John DeAngelis I appreciate your response - however - our house is 1.5 miles from the CH station in Geering Park Fishkill - and since the snow storm there have been repair trucks seen travelling right on Red Schoolhouse Road and right past our outage --- this does NOT seem correct when they could have stopped. Again in the eyes of CH with the wrong determination that we are just four homes and theefore non-priority. This will surely change in the future after I contact local and county officials about the incorrect determination as well as the news media from NYC - if that is what needs to be done to rectify and change everythng so this does not happen when there is three feet of snow on the ground and 20 degrees -- if we are left without power than so should all of our neighbors. November 1 at 10:07am · Like

Central Hudson John: Yes, it is frustrating to see trucks drive by your home. Please be patient as we are tending to outages like yours for more than 50,000 other customers. When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is always the same: To restore service to the greatest number of customers in the least amount of time. We have made significant progress so far. Our efforts to restore power must begin closest to the source and we work out from there, along all affected circuits and spur lines until each individual service has been put back online. Sometimes customers without power wonder why they haven’t had a crew come to their neighborhood. Service at your home could be affected by damage that was done to the system at a point (or points) many miles away, closer to the source of the power. Be assured that in such emergencies we continue working our way out along the affected sections of each branch of the distribution system, until every last customer has had their power restored, and we ask for your patience while we do so. November 1 at 10:22am · Like

Jess Jimenez Oh boy so since ur saying that u guys are focusing more on the northern part of ur coverage area when does that leave continental villaige to be restored? I live on putnam road in garrison! Con ed restored power to all of their customers in continental villaige only us who have central hudson are in the dark! I havbent seen anyone in my area from CH please we need help November 1 at 11:44am · Like

Central Hudson Jess: We are concentrating on the southern portion of our service area. We are making every effort to restore service in Garrison, and we will work around the clock until you have power restored. November 1 at 12:14pm · Like

Jess Jimenez I was just on the phone with a customer rep who said they are working in the area today ! I pray to have light November 1 at 12:20pm · Like

Jessica Labis Why do you have 500 workers and not ONE HERE IN CONTINENTAL VILLAGE ?????? THIS IS NOT FAIR ... I understand that you are all doing your best but PLEASE HELP US !!! I am losing my mind !! November 1 at 1:47pm · Like

Central Hudson Jessica: We understand that this extended outage is difficult. Please take advantage of the emergency shelters if you can. We are making every effort to restore service for you and the hundreds of customers nearby, and we will work around the clock until you have power restored. November 1 at 1:51pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Jessica supposedly I was told they are working in our area today! Is this an automatic responder u guys at CH keep saying the same thing! We need electricity in continental villiage! Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 50 of 104

10 November 1 at 1:55pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Central Hudson Jess: There is no automatic responder or response. We have heard from you and several others about the outage that affects Continental Village. We are doing our best to get the lights back on. In the meantime, we appreciate your being patient. November 1 at 1:58pm · Like

Jess Jimenez I've lost my patience I'm sooo upset that its been four days my daughter has had to leave her home and I'm there with pets unable to sleep, mind u my groceries are gone:( so are they going to wait till November 2,11pm to fix it? November 1 at 2:01pm · Like

Jessica Labis I just want to know why no one is down here yet ?? I am trying hard not to be angry with u .. I understand you do not decide where they send the workers but please understand why all of is in this continental village are sooo angry !! It just makes no sense to any one of my neighbours or me on why we have not seen any trucks down here ?? Thank you for responding to my concern ... November 1 at 2:03pm · Like

Jessica Labis @ Jess Jimenez I have not seen one truck since this happened on sprout brook ... UGHHHHHH !!! November 1 at 2:04pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Ur on sproutbrook? Like on the putnam side ugh? Just to tell u con edison restored all of the start of sprout brook. And all of the cortlandt manor side the very next night! November 1 at 2:07pm · Like

Jessica Labis I know !! I saw alllll the con ed trucks :( November 1 at 2:09pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Its frustrating! November 1 at 2:12pm · Like

Jessica Labis I know !! November 1 at 2:13pm · Like

Kevin J. Rader I agree its frustrating. I drove up Sprout Brook Rd. last night and all the houses were lit up right until I crossed the putnam line. November 1 at 2:34pm · Like


Central Hudson John: Hang in there. We realize that you are facing an extended power outage. We have not forgotten you or other Fishkill customers without power, including those on Bedford Lane and Sunset Hill Road East. November 1 at 4:33pm · Like

Jeff Pollard I live in the Plains Road area of New Paltz. We lose power just about every time the wind blows. Might we get someone out here once the storm damage is rectified to see what is going on down here? 3 days this time. November 1 at 5:01pm · Like

John DeAngelis Thanks for the respone...did not know of Bedford Lane and Sunset Hill Road East ...it appeared both had power last night. November 1 at 5:03pm · Like

Central Hudson Jeff, we can have an engineer look into the history of that location for you after this storm restoration work is complete. November 1 at 9:40pm · Like

Jeff Pollard Thanks CH November 2 at 9:39am · Like

Central Hudson We obtained a limited quantity of dry ice that will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis tomorrow (Nov. 1) at 2 p.m. at the following locations:

Stanford Fire House, 6096 Rt 82, Stanfordville, NY 12881

North Highlands Fire Department (Town of Phillipstown), 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516 ... See More 879 People Reached · 12 People Talking About This Chat (5)

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10 Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 6:44pm · Search Chris Hayes Home 2 people like this.

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Derek Smith My power has been out at 38 Barnard Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 since about 3pm on Saturday, 10/29/11. There are power lines down and tangled in tree branches on the south side of Osborne Rd between Barnard Ave and Whitehouse Ave, and the whole neighborhood is without power or heat. Please investigate. Thanks! October 31 at 7:19pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn DiMarco place? please update October 31 at 9:25pm · Like

Central Hudson Glen, answered on the previous post. Will try to update when more info is available. October 31 at 9:44pm · Like

Derek Smith Any information on my request? October 31 at 9:44pm · Like · 1

John DeAngelis Per my previous several posts today with regard to the issue with the power outages on Cynwyd Drive in the Town of Fishkill - the THREE MILE radius around us had power and we are the ONLY FOUR HOMES that does not have power. This happens EVERYTIME the power goes out -- the Red Schoolhouse Road line is restored within a few hours - and we are right off that line - and because we are FOUR HOMES on a dead end street - CenHud immediately deems us as NOT PRIORITY and makes us wait two more days to have power restored. This is unacceptable - as our power should be restored AT THE SAME TIME AS THE MAIN LINE. Why is our street repeatedly and purposely left in the dark...each of the residents on Cynwyd Drive deserve to have an explanation provided. Please send your engineers out to us immediately to FIX THE POWER and straighten out this mess once and for all. Thank you.....we still have no power.... October 31 at 10:35pm · Like

Central Hudson Sorry John. I have already forwarded your complaint and detailed explanation of the situation to the engineer who oversees that area. October 31 at 10:51pm · Like

Derek Smith Are you going to answer my request? October 31 at 10:52pm · Like

Derek Smith Or continue to ignore me? October 31 at 10:53pm · Like

Central Hudson Derek, an estimated time of restoration of 11 pm tomorrow night has been established for your outage. We are aware there was significant tree damage in that area. October 31 at 10:54pm · Like · 1

Juliette V. Romero Please i am begging you...can soneone please cover our area on williamsburg dr in newburgh. I am #21 and have had no power since noon saturday and i have spoken to about 50 operators since then and delt wuth the automated machines which keep telling something different everytime i call!!! Its very upsetting and quite honestly our section is starting to feel ignored! I was told first that i it would be fixed by 10 pm tonight which was NOT TRUE and now that judt hung up with the operator they tell me they are aware of the outage but have no estimated time...are you serious!!!"???!!!! I've also mentioned to the operators every time i called, that there are trees down, loose and broken wires and otange cones all over pierces road on the right hand side rught after hudson lighting near the intersection of pierces rd and south st...but i can your choosing to ignore that hazard as well!! Seriouslt i understand there are many in my situation and thats its difficult...but 4 Days...i mean come on and not to mention your given misled info by the operators themselves...very disappointing! I ask please for someone to get on this matter asap...and for some informative and accurate feedback. October 31 at 11:23pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Juliette. Deeply sorry for the difficult situation you are coping with and the incorrect initial estimate. I realize that the scene around your home is quite distressing, but the sad reality is that it is also quite common throughout not just our service territory but much of the northeast in the aftermath of what truly equates to a natural disaster. We do our best to avoid establishing estimated restoration times, but sometimes that does happen due to factors beyond our control. Crews working in your area may have discovered additional damage that they were previously unaware of when making the initial estimate. We will get there as quickly as we can. As difficult as it is, please try to hang in there and be patient. Our guys are working around the clock to get everyone's service restored as quickly as possible. And please, please stay safe. October 31 at 11:36pm · Like

Jess Jimenez So when u say nov 2 at 11pm what does that mean? That it will be by then the latest? I live on 136 putnam road Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 52 of 104

10 in Garrison, about five houses down from me their power was Search restored the next day by con edison! There aren't any downed lines Chris Hayes Home or trees please it is unfair that those around us have light but we still don't! It has now been four days we have children my daughter has asthma and has to be sleeping elsewhere! I haven't vacated cause I have pets, its really taking a toll on us it shouldn't be more than two days! November 1 at 8:30am · Like

Central Hudson yes, Jess. Exactly. Those "global restoration times" indicate our best guess as to when everyone within the designated area will have their power back. Of course, restoration will be happening for some of those households steadily between now and then. Not everyone will have to wait until the end. November 1 at 9:25am · Like

Central Hudson Central Hudson and mutual aid crews make steady progress. Goal is to get the lights back on for virtually everyone by Wednesday night. More details:

Central Hudson News Release - Central Hudson Makes Progress in Tackling Hundreds of Widespread Outag www.centralhudson.com Bolstered by mutual aid support from as far away as Chattanooga, Tenn., Central Hudson crews continued their steady progress today in the methodical task of restoring service in the aftermath of a powerful storm that dumped up to 20 inches of heavy, wet snow onto trees that were still heavy with...

829 People Reached · 19 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 4:16pm ·

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Doug Harris Our light came back on temporarily in new windsor new york around the birchwood drive, hudson drive, harth dr area and is now out again. I tried to call the automated system to report this but it stated that the restoration time will be around 10 pm. The power is not on in the areas above October 31 at 4:40pm · Like

Dawn Robinson VanLeuvan Thank you Central Hudson up and running on full power! October 31 at 5:26pm · Unlike · 2

Dawn Robinson VanLeuvan Red Hook 12571 October 31 at 5:27pm · Like

Vanessa Renee Ours is still out , going on the 3rd night , every1 around u is getting power back but us October 31 at 5:29pm · Like

Doug Harris Ok,it's back on,thank you!! October 31 at 5:44pm · Like

Central Hudson Doug: Thanks for being patient through this. October 31 at 5:58pm · Like · 1

Fred Gee Szczesniak You fixed the connection pole across the street but left us without power!!! October 31 at 6:02pm · Like

Diane Suto Michaud Wow! Doug you really rate.. CH is your friend on fb & left positive comment.Kudos to you!!! October 31 at 6:10pm · Like · 1

Doug Harris Lol Diane.... October 31 at 6:18pm · Like

Mel Nichs Ty from Hopewell Junction NY! :) Thanks for all your hard work you are great! :) October 31 at 6:40pm · Like

Samantha Wilbarg-Pratt Any idea for beacon hills? Online is not working October 31 at 6:40pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn I have still not heard a word about the senior/disabled housing units at DiMarco Place I and II understand one has partial power with a generator but DiMarco I has no such luck. One women had to move in with fanily as she requires an oxygen generator others are frail and may not do well in another freezing night. Please CH update! October 31 at 6:55pm · Like

Eric Colasacco You should evaluate you management team and move them out or around. Your restoration efforts are poor. Maybe a committee to determine a proactive approach such as aggressive tree trimming to prevent this. A petition of all Continental Village Chat (5)

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10 residents to the PSC will be initiated. Too many outages in this Search area! Shame on you Central Hudson! Chris Hayes Home October 31 at 7:27pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn I live at DiMarco place it is for disabled over 55 or 62 depending which one I or II if they have a third night without heat, I will make every effort to hold CH accountable-that and the fact that they will not even answer my questions here. October 31 at 9:20pm · Like

Central Hudson Glen, I will forward your comment to our Customer Service Center and Consumer Outreach departments. October 31 at 9:25pm · Like

Central Hudson Eric, we do evaluate our storm response and the performance in every aspect of the company after every major outage event such as this one. We also spend millions of dollars per year on tree trimming to help minimize outages. We have found the tree trimming investment in certainly beneficial and helpful in reducing outages. The reality is though that this area has some of highest tree densities in New York state. And when a storm delivers upwards of 20 inches of wet, heavy snow at this early date with trees still full with foliage there is no realistic amount of tree trimming that can eliminate the damage to our system altogether. October 31 at 9:35pm · Like · 1

Eric Colasacco Understood however the increasing number of service interruptions in the Continental Village area is indicative of a failing system needing enhancement or replacement. The residents in this area always complain of the lack of service received possibly cause we are on the radial end of the service territory. Still inexcusable since we pay the same rates as all other CH customers. October 31 at 9:58pm · Like

Cathleen Anne How about driving up Rte 9, the amount of trees running within the wires are tremendous. This is preventive maintenance. Also why is everyone listed as Nov 2 at 11 pm. No progress?? October 31 at 10:44pm · Like

Cathleen Anne I also don't see a lot of updating in areas so we can either plan to stay in our homes or make plans to leave. Not everyone can afford to get hotel rooms but when it goes on for days it's rough. Glad for those that get service quick but those in smaller, less dense areas always are last to get service back on. Those congratulating CH for a speedy response,you are just lucky you are grouped with a larger population. October 31 at 11:01pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Cathleen. A few things: 1) We do have a robust tree trimming program that helps to significantly minimize outages under reasonably poor conditions. The reality is that this storm was historic in nature and did an incredible amount of damage to trees and our electric system throughout the 2,600 square mile territory we serve. 2) Nov 2 at 11 pm is our established global estimated time of restoration. It is the time at which we expect to have service restored to at least 90 percent of customers who lost power due to this storm. 3) We are absolutely making major progress. Nearly 100,000 customers have had their power restored since the storm rolled out of the region less than 48 hours ago. October 31 at 11:20pm · Like

Central Hudson One last thing, Cathleen. Our restoration priorities are not necessarily along the population size of a town, city, etc. The fact is that there are still people in Poughkeepsie, Newburgh and other highly populated areas within our service territory who are awaiting restoration. We just believe the fairest, most sensible way to approach the restoration process under conditions like this is to make repairs to help the greatest number of people as quickly as possible. We realize that may not be of great consolation to others who are still awaiting service restoration, but we believe it is the most logical approach to do the most amount of good for our customers. October 31 at 11:26pm · Like

Cathleen Anne Thank you, I do appreciate you responding. November 1 at 5:54am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Well it is clear to residents in CV that we never fall into the category of being logically restored. Our power goes out on a MONTHLY basis regardless of weather. Eric please make sure that petition hits Ethan Drive. We are all sick to death of the poor service we receive. November 1 at 8:22am · Like

Central Hudson Sarah: We responded to you under a different thread so we won't repeat here. November 1 at 10:38am · Like

Kathy Sherman still unbelieveable wires across road and in ancram tree hanging half way across road for 4 days now right on a bad corner wires across road in boston corners i guess you just wait and wait and wait was down in millerton today not a electric truck Chat (5)

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10 in sight anywhere and they tell me they added more crew today Search well then where are they all Chris Hayes Home November 1 at 3:59pm · Like

Central Hudson HALLOWEEN SAFETY ADVISORIES FROM CENTRAL HUDSON • PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized – or have become re-energized through restoration work. Treat every downed wire as a live wire. Do not take chances – stay far away from downed trees and limbs while trick-or-treating or otherwise outdoors. • BE MINDFUL OF UTILITY TRUCKS that will be working through the night. Keep a close watch on children, stay on sidewalks whereever possible and be very careful crossing the street. • LOOK OUT FOR LARGE, LOOSE TREE BRANCHES that may be hanging in a tree and on the verge of falling down. 673 People Reached · 34 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 1:11pm ·

6 people like this.

Heather Brown Hopkins Given that your webpage has been, understandably, frozen all day, would it be possible for you to post restoration estimates here to Facebook? Would be great to get any sort of status update that's available. Thanks for all your hard work! October 31 at 1:21pm · Like · 2

Jonathan Song Stock Found out I have power... thanks!!!!!!!!!! October 31 at 1:26pm · Unlike · 1

Stephanie Bludau Tor Thank you Central Hudson -- Power is now back on -- MUCH appreciated! Love you "guys"! October 31 at 1:29pm · Unlike · 1


Dina Ronsini You are doing a great job!!! October 31 at 1:58pm · Like

Gary Delemeester Still puzzled why restoration is estimated for Wednesday when there are no downed lines in our area and the National Grid towns just north of us are fine. Maybe you could explain what is causing the issue in Pine Plains and Ancram? October 31 at 2:02pm · Like

Central Hudson Heather, I will look into that and see if it's feasible to provide a listing in a Facebook-friendly format. October 31 at 2:03pm · Like · 1

Robert Sedlacko Thank You for getting us back on this afternoon good work. October 31 at 2:08pm · Unlike · 1

John DeAngelis Has anyone at Cen Hud addressed the issue on Cynwyd Drive in Fishkill?? Thank you.. October 31 at 2:08pm · Like

Robert Sedlacko Thanks to the LIPA guys to who worked our area. October 31 at 2:09pm · Unlike · 1

Sung Min Moy There are lines down in the T/Pok. on Alexander Blvd. and Ridgewood Terrace as well as one tree on N. Jackson St. leaning against lines. Ironically, the light at N. Jackson and Vassar Rd. is working fine. Please come help us! October 31 at 2:14pm · Like

Trish Maffei Miller I am trying to report and check for my mom who has no power and no phone. When will that section of your web site be working again. It's been down all day. I live about 100 miles north and was not affected by the snow this time so it's your server and not my connection. Thanks so much for your time. I know how hard your people are working. October 31 at 2:16pm · Like

Central Hudson John, there was likely additional, localized damage causing the outages to those four residences on top of what was previously repaired to restore power to the area. Currently, the ETOR for your location is under our 11 pm, Weds. global ETOR time. It's possible the repairs could happen sooner, but we are following our strategic goal of restoring power to the greatest number of people as quickly as possible. What this means, for example, is that a source of damage that affects 1000 customers will take precedence over one that affects 100 customers, which will take precedence over a damage affecting 10 customers, etc. You can read more about how we prioritize repairs at http:// www.centralhudson.com/outage/outage_restoration.html Chat (5)

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10 Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Search Restoration Chris Hayes Home www.centralhudson.com When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is always the same: To... See More

October 31 at 2:18pm · Like · Remove Preview

John DeAngelis CenHud - thank you for the reply - this happens everytime there is an outage .. the main line on Red Schoolhouse Road always stays with power but the transformer at the corner of Cynwyd Drive and Red Schoolhouse Road always fries and only our four homes lose power and for days.. before anything is fixed. This is not right... October 31 at 2:23pm · Like

Nicole Demott Casiano I live in Campbell Hall and am still without power. I understand that everyone is doing their best to restore power to all effected....however, I was told by one of your customer service reps., that Orange County only has a few thousand without power and that we are low priority. I would like to know what the projected restoration time is, so I can plan accordingly. I would like to know if I need to reserve another hotel room and make dinner arrangements for my family. Calling CH is fruitless, if you get through, its next to impossible to get someone with a pulse and I am not overly interested in being told my area is not a priority or to go buy a generator. October 31 at 2:24pm · Like

Phyllis Freeman Is there some way of knowing when an area will receive help? Your website isn't helpful in knowing where the crews are working. I realize how hard you are working but knowing that power might be restored today or not restored for a while would allow us to plan where to sleep and whether to go to a shelter. Our house is at 53 degrees at the moment and we are seniors. October 31 at 2:24pm · Like

John DeAngelis Thank you for confirming we are not priority -- when, in fact, when the rest of the area was restored - our four homes should also have Bern included in the total - and fixed at that time --- rather than just ignored. October 31 at 2:25pm · Like

Central Hudson John, I will inform the engineers responsible for that area of your comment so they can investigate the situation you are describing. October 31 at 2:26pm · Like

John DeAngelis When a vehicle is broken on all four tires - you fix all of them at the same time - and not just three and ignore the fourth... October 31 at 2:27pm · Like

John DeAngelis I have seen trucks go up and down Red Schoolhouse Road - and drive right past Cynwyd Drive and ignore us - rather than fix us. That is not a good thing... October 31 at 2:29pm · Like

John DeAngelis Request for you to just send a truck out and fix us by tonight... October 31 at 2:29pm · Like

Central Hudson Nicole, it is not accurate that Orange County is a low priority. Orange, Putnam and southern Dutchess were hardest hit by this storm and we have concentrated as many resources as possible in that southern portion of our service territory. Can't say for certain about your specific outage. Many will be restored today, but work will be on going there tomorrow and Wednesday as well. October 31 at 2:31pm · Like

Central Hudson Gary: Even though you may not see downed lines or broken poles, there may be trouble spots you cannot see on the line that serves your area. We have provided an estimated restoration time of Wednesday evening, but if we can repair the problem before then we definately will. We are working around the clock until the power is restored to customers. October 31 at 2:32pm · Like

Sung Min Moy Can you post to this FB page what areas are being worked on or the ETA that they will be? The cenhud.com website is not coming up for me. October 31 at 2:33pm · Like

Jack Pearson CentralHudson, the inability to load the outage map on the CH web page seriously needs to be addressed before another large outage hits this winter. it's worthless when it can't load. October 31 at 2:35pm · Like

Juliette V. Romero Been Out For 3 Days Now On Williamsburg Drive In Newburgh...Called In Numerous Troubleshoots/Reports, But Still Nothing! Any Idea As To When We Can Expect Electricity In This Area? Thanks! Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 56 of 104

10 October 31 at 2:40pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Pete Snyder Jr. Any additional info you can give for the borden rd, fries lane are in walden? October 31 at 2:42pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. I will personally come out after they are finished with free beer and wings if they get it done sooner rather than later, hell I will throw in a couple pizzas :-) October 31 at 2:44pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Phyllis we provide restoration estimates as they become available but we do not update the website with the locations of various crews as they are often on the move and are too busy tending to repairs, public safety matters and more to issue frequent updates on their whereabouts. I don't know the exact location of your outage but you can check out outage map http:// stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx or this page of our website to search by address: https://inet.cenhud.com/ CustomerServicePortal/Updates/TrblReport.aspx. We also have shelter information listed at http://www.centralhudson.com/ october2011storm.html

Central Hudson Storm Center stormcentral.cenhud.com

October 31 at 2:46pm · Like · Remove Preview

Phyllis Freeman I have tried to get to that storm central site repeatedly without luck, first from my smart phone Sat- today and then from a computer at work today. Can't load the site at all. I am in Lloyd (Ulster County). Are we on the list for Wed and not sooner? October 31 at 2:51pm · Like

Central Hudson What street in Lloyd? October 31 at 2:57pm · Like

Robert McLoughlin Ch thanks for the hard work and communications. Any ETOR for chestnut street Cornwall? October 31 at 3:00pm · Like

Phyllis Freeman Pine Terrace. October 31 at 3:01pm · Like

Robert McLoughlin Thanks CH! October 31 at 3:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Pete: Wish we had more to give you for the outage affecting the Lake Osiris area and Fries Lane. Right now we are estimating the time of restoration to be by Wednesday evening at 11 p.m. Thank you for offering to be so generous. October 31 at 3:09pm · Like

Central Hudson Phyllis: Looks like 11 p.m. tonight. October 31 at 3:13pm · Like

Phyllis Freeman Wow. A treat and no trick! Thanks for monitoring this site and keeping us in the loop. That's great customer service. October 31 at 3:22pm · Like

Juliette V. Romero And How About Williamsburg Drive In Newburgh? October 31 at 3:38pm · Like

Wynn Gold How about Long Hill road & Squirrel hill in town of Cornwall? October 31 at 3:40pm · Like

Central Hudson Juliette: The outage affecting Williamsburg Drive looks to be the same one affecting customers on Gidney Avenue and South Street. If this is the case, a crew has been assigned to this. We estimate that the lights will be on by late tonight or early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, thanks very much for your patience. October 31 at 3:49pm · Like

Juliette V. Romero Ok...Thanks For Your Response. October 31 at 3:50pm · Like

Cynthia Harrison Robinson Why can't I get an answer? I've asked twice now! October 31 at 3:53pm · Like

Robert J Leonard Any word on Keith drive in Lagrange? Can't feel my toes anymore, not sure if it's the candy or the cold. October 31 at 3:54pm · Like

Central Hudson Wynn: For that part of Cornwall, the estimated time of restoration is Nov. 2 by 8 p.m. October 31 at 3:58pm · Like

Tony Consaga 11pm Wednesday?! Really? big area of Wappingers around Dutchess County Airport without power October 31 at 4:05pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Central Hudson Cynthia: Very sorry we did not respond yet. This Chris Hayes Home outage has been assigned to a crew. Should have the lights back on by tomorrow at noon or earlier. October 31 at 4:46pm · Like

Jessica Labis Sprout Brook road in Garrison ????? October 31 at 4:57pm · Like

Central Hudson Jessica, for that location--Sprout Brook Road--the estimated time of restoration is Wednesday at 11 p.m. October 31 at 5:09pm · Like

Cynthia Harrison Robinson Thank you for your response!! October 31 at 5:12pm · Like

Jessica Labis Thanks ... Praying it happens sooner !! October 31 at 5:18pm · Like

Robert J Leonard Any word on Keith drive in Lagrange??? October 31 at 5:37pm · Like

Wynn Gold CH Facebook person(s): You have just about the worst job in the world. Your field personnel are the greatest. They are true heroes! CH management is awful, and you have to put a happy face on it for all of us. Kind of like putting lipstick on a pig. October 31 at 5:43pm · Like

Central Hudson Beth: The storm downed thousands of trees and branches in our service area, and there are many individual neighborhood repairs that will take us some time. Even if you do not see a line down or a broken pole, there still may be repairs necessary within your neighborhood or to the line that serves your neighborhood. We are making steady progress. I am not sure where you live, but this might be a good time to make arrangements to stay with a friend or relative, or seek some other shelter. October 31 at 5:49pm · Like

Wynn Gold What if none of your friends or relatives have power either? October 31 at 5:51pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Sorry, Robert, but for the Keith Road outage in LaGrange, we do not yet have an estimated time of restoration. Thanks for your patience so far. October 31 at 5:57pm · Like

Pete Snyder Jr. Woohoo living room in my apt just hit 32 degrees... October 31 at 6:45pm · Like

Beth Satterlee What isn't fair is how you restore for the masses and don't take power loss time into account. Living on a small cul- de-sac means no power for 5 days even though some large neighborhoods went without for only a couple of hours. Fairness! October 31 at 7:19pm · Like

Central Hudson Beth, we absolutely understand your frustration, but we believe restoring people to the greatest number of people as quickly as possible is the most sensible way to approach the work after a major outage event such as this. Sometimes an outage affecting a small cluster of customers can take as long or longer to repair than damage affecting a very large group. This web page explains our restoration priorities: http://centralhudson.com/outage/ outage_restoration.html

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Restoration www.centralhudson.com When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is always the same: To... See More

October 31 at 9:42pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Sarah Noe Capichioni House is now @ 28 degrees, day 4 of no power and not a sight of a CH truck or attempt by CH to update on our status. Cont Village will AGAIN be the last restored. We have downed wires hanging across the street and are freezing. Twice now I have been told to buy a generator. I am beside myself with the rudeness of this company's cs reps. Must be easy to be flippant about buying a generator when sitting in an office with power and heat. I work from home and will likely lose my job. Thanks November 1 at 8:30am · Like

Central Hudson Sarah: The outage affecting those on Ethan Drive, Allen Road and Aqueduct Road is very much on our radar screen. Thanks for being patient so far. We will work around the clock until service is restored. The safest thing to do may be to seek shelter at this location: North Highlands Fire Department (Town of Phillipstown), 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516 November 1 at 10:10am · Like Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 58 of 104

10 Sarah Noe Capichioni That doesn't work for us we have a dog Search that isn't welcome @ the shelter. You fixed my neighbors house but Chris Hayes Home didn't come down the road and help us. We don't doubt the crews are working hard but it makes no sense to those of us who are freezing to know you were 20 yards from our house and left without repairing our power. Our hands our tied because we have no other option but to use CH. I've posted multiple times about the rude cs I've received and received not one apology or attempt at being contacted. Can you see where the frustration and anger is comig from? Does anyone there care? November 1 at 10:46am · Like

Wynn Gold So as of yesterday, Squirrel Hill Road in Cornwall was scheduled to be restored by tomorrow night. As of this morning, we were rescheduled to be restored by tonight. As of 10 am, CH told me that we were restored. As of right now, there is no restoration information, and no crews in sight. Your website shows that there are still 2038 outages in Cornwall. Care to comment? November 1 at 1:33pm · Like

Central Hudson The loss of power to 3 million customers in the Northeast has severely limited the availability of dry ice, and demand has far surpassed supply.

While Central Hudson will continue to seek additional supplies, it has obtained a limited quantity that will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 3 p.m. today (Monday) at the two following locations, considered to be among th... See More 816 People Reached · 20 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 12:20pm ·

2 people like this.

Craig Weston Storm center isn't loading. does it have browser requirements? October 31 at 12:41pm · Like

Central Hudson Craig, we are experiencing incredibly high website traffic -- we have been at about 200% of our rated bandwidth on our internet connection for most of the last 2 days -- and this has caused some customers problems in getting through to our outage map. The extreme traffic is causing some slowness and even making it inaccessible to some customers at some times. We sincerely regret this and are working to rectify the situation. October 31 at 12:55pm · Like

Craig Weston I kinda figured. good luck! October 31 at 1:00pm · Like

Savannah Reeves Hi, I left a msg the other day to say Thank You for getting my power back on so quick! But, I still have downed trees hanging on the power lines in my yard. I have tried to report it but my only options are to report a power outtage - and obtain restoration status. Is there another number or link or something I am missing here? Our neighborhood is a heavily traveled trick or treating area and I am worried about the kids if that comes down with any amount of wind! Thanks~ October 31 at 1:01pm · Like

Charisse Pa No power on this side of new windsor...any idea when (hudson & harth? October 31 at 1:09pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Savannah. what happens with the phone system is that when all of our employee-staffed phone lines have reached their capacity, customers calling in are redirected to the automated option to report an outage or check restoration status. I would recommend trying both our (845) 452-2700 and 1-800-527- 2714 lines to get through and report that situation. We have a few Halloween safety reminders pertaining to this storm and the recovery effort which we will be posting momentarily. October 31 at 1:09pm · Like

Marianne Hollema Van Houten will you be distributing dry ice later in the day for those who work and won't be able to get anywhere until after 5PM? with first come first serve it leaves nothing for those who have to work. October 31 at 1:12pm · Like · 3

Savannah Reeves Thank you for your response but you just basically summed up exactly the problem I was asking about! I have tried both of those numbers several times and gotten sent straight to the automated system. I am fine with that IF there were an option to report a power line issue but there is not. I simply don't have time to keep calling all day in hopes someone will pick up that time. WE NEED ANOTHER OPTION HERE PLEASE. October 31 at 1:13pm · Like

Chat (5)

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10 Central Hudson Charisse, as you know that area was hit Search particularly hard. Lots of sources of damage there to repair. Lots of Chris Hayes Home localized damages affecting small clusters of customers that will take some time to repair. Looking at our outage map most repair work in that area will be ongoing into Wednesday. That could change, but that's the estimate at this time. October 31 at 1:21pm · Like

Central Hudson Savannah, because of the safety concern of this issue, if you are comfortable with it, you can post the address in a comment here. I will pass along your report and delete your post right away. October 31 at 1:23pm · Like

Wynn Gold Crews a mile away, & at least 2 more days until restoration. Awful allocation of your fabulous field workforce. October 31 at 1:25pm · Like

Savannah Reeves Thank you very much for your help with this matter. October 31 at 1:26pm · Like

Charisse Pa Omg!! Well at least I can plan somewhat around that time frame. Dry ice definitely need here. Fridge & freezer full of food going to go bad. 3 kids...can't afford to loose this food. Dry ice site??? October 31 at 1:28pm · Like

Central Hudson Sorry Marianne, we decided the best course of action is to distribute the dry ice as soon as possible after it was delivered. We would not hold it back from customers who arrive at 3 pm for customers arriving at a later time in the day. Again, we apologize for the limited supply. We have been working on obtaining supplies since before the storm hit and are continuing to exhaust every possible option to acquire more. October 31 at 1:29pm · Like

Melissa Nelson how about some dry ice for MODENA/GARDINER area. October 31 at 1:36pm · Like

Central Hudson Melissa, right now supplies are extremely limited and only available in a couple of very hard-hit areas. Central Hudson customers who live in other towns and are without power are welcome to pick up at those locations, but we do expect supplies to go very quick and demand will likely exceed supply. October 31 at 2:07pm · Like

AnnMarie Spinozza Baumel Really worse customer service ever. We were up in Oswego and never lost power. I wish I had an alternative October 31 at 2:20pm · Like

AnnMarie Spinozza Baumel We have lost power no less than 15 times since we lived here had to buy a generator October 31 at 2:21pm · Like

Kenneth Killmer Its aggravating That we knew this storm was coming and the potential was there for major power outages and we were not better prepared I thought this country learned after what happened from Katrina. I guess not. I am sorry for the people that are suffering because we were not better prepared. October 31 at 2:26pm · Like · 1

Wynn Gold AnnMarie, I'd feel lucky if it was only 15 times. At least 4 times this year, so far. I'm waiting for my generator to be hooked up. Clearly. CH can't be relied upon to deliver power. October 31 at 2:35pm · Like

AnnMarie Spinozza Baumel It is crazy. I feel frustrated because they are not interested in improving. They NEVER cutback branches as a precaution, when I finally was able to talk to a rep, I was told it was our fault they don't do it because people complain, ya right. No accountability that is the problem, nor did they reach out w/ gas/dry ice/food, nothing October 31 at 2:42pm · Like


Laurie A Rich Much to my delight, when I drove up to my house just now, THE LIGHTS WERE ON!! Thank you, Central Hudson, for getting this done so fast. We've been off the grid after storms like this before--for 8 days. This was only 2.5! Hello hot water. I've missed you, washing machine... October 31 at 3:26pm · Unlike · 1

John VanWart Anne marie I guess the answer would stay up there October 31 at 5:38pm · Like

John VanWart If it's so cold put ererything out on the lawn it won't melt !!l I'm sure CH is doing all they can Chat (5)

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10 October 31 at 5:43pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Kathy Sherman it took me all day to get thru to central hudson they is wires down on boston corners rd. in and they have been down since saturday and you can not pass thru what to do if an ambulance needs to get to someone what would they do i was told that they take care of largest outages first worried about my elderly mother who is on oxygen October 31 at 6:45pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn once more...What about the elderly/disabled at DiMarco place wappingers falls? (maybe if I flood CH here they will finally answer me) October 31 at 9:24pm · Like

Central Hudson Kathy, large outages aside, public safety issues are at the top of our list. Unfortunately, this storm was so destructive that wires are down on hundreds upon hundreds of roads throughout 8 counties. I assure you we are working around the clock to do our absolute best to restore safe conditions on every street in our territory and get life back to normal for everybody serviced by Central Hudson. October 31 at 10:09pm · Like

Cathleen Anne Since wappingers is still out why no dry ice anywhere in that area? October 31 at 10:47pm · Like

Central Hudson Cathleen, the fact is that there is significant damage throughout the 8 counties we serve. We are trying to spread out the dry ice supplies to help as many customers as possible. You are welcome to pick up at the Poughkeepsie or Newburgh distribution sites announced for tomorrow. The sites we list for dry ice and bottled water distribution are simply the location where distribution will take place, distribution at those sites is not limited to residents of those towns. October 31 at 11:00pm · Like

Central Hudson Glen, our Director of Consumer Outreach is reaching out to that facility and has contacted the District Supervisor who manages restoration work for the area including DiMarco Place. Getting power restored there is a high priority for today. November 1 at 8:05am · Like

Glen Heinsohn thanks November 1 at 11:15am · Like

Central Hudson added 31 new photos to the album Storm Recovery Surge - Early Morning, Monday, Oct. 31.

937 People Reached · 72 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 9:13am ·

26 people like this.

Marjorie Madera Very cool! Got my power back last night! Thanks guys, you've got a lot of work to do!! October 31 at 9:19am · Unlike · 2

Patricia Rowan Dry ice?????? I understand you are doing your best to get power back. I know it will take time but I would like not to loose the foods in my freezer. October 31 at 9:25am · Like

Matt Thorenz Tell them to head on over to town of shawanagunk! We'll have iced coffee waiting for them! October 31 at 9:25am · Like

Central Hudson We are aware that many of our customers need dry ice at this time, and we are receiving many requests. Please realize that we have not given up, and we are still trying to obtain quantities of dry ice. Because 3 million customers in the Northeast lost service during the storm, dry ice is in high demand and short supply. We are working with our vendors to obtain supplies, and we will issue a news release and post it here if we can obtain it. Thank you for your patience and understanding. October 31 at 9:27am · Like · 2 Chat (5)

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10 Sarah Noe Capichioni You only seem to react to situations there Search Chris Hayes Home feels like there is little to no forethought. It isn't like snowstorms are new to the NE how about keeping the limbs off the lines to prevent so many down wires? October 31 at 9:31am · Like · 5

Christina Lauria Cranna Great job CENTRAL HUDSON, as a daughter of a retiree, I know how hard you all work and how you rally together in times like these!! Proud to be part of the Central Hudson Family!! October 31 at 9:36am · Like · 2

Central Hudson Thank you, Christina. October 31 at 9:37am · Like · 1

Josh Parker Yes, it's definately time to do a major tree trimming again. You guys did one a few years back and it helped immensely. Time to trim those trees again! October 31 at 9:40am · Like

Christina Lauria Cranna They've been all over Northern Dutchess October 31 at 9:42am · Like

Central Hudson Sarah, you raise a good question. The truth is, yes, we do proactively and strategically trim trees throughout our 2,600 square mile service territory throughout the year to minimize this type of damage. We also do our best to inform customers about tree planting near power lines. You can read about our trimming and see our planting guide on our website: http://bit.ly/fTv5iW. Unfortunately, the wet heavy snowfall hitting in October while the foliage is still full created a major problem because the leaves absorb even more weight and lead to many snapped trees. It's safe to say the magnitude of the storm's impact would have been far, far less if it happened in winter when the trees are bare.

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Trees and Your Electric Service www.centralhudson.com Most Central Hudson customers have their electricity delivered to their homes ... See More

October 31 at 9:42am · Like · Remove Preview

Linda Galante Bierniak We lost power for 5 days after Irene, when my son had to draw a photo his heroes when school started, he included Central Hudson! Keep up the great work! Thank you! October 31 at 9:44am · Unlike · 2

Central Hudson Josh, our line clearance/tree trimming program operates on a three-year cycle. We work at it every day of the year, on every mile of our overhead system somewhere, and return to each section every third year. So if it seems like a few years ago since we cleared lines in your area, we are due to return soon. October 31 at 9:48am · Like

Eric Sturrock I saw a centreal hudson truck in Port Ewen and 10 minutes later they are on my street Lampman ave. in Port Ewen! yea! Its been 38 hrs so far w/o power & heat. Hopefully they fix the problem and I can repley back that we have power. October 31 at 9:52am · Like

Brien Hollowood I wish the people who woek for me worked as hard those line crews for Central Hudson. Keep up the good work what an amazing group of people October 31 at 9:54am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Very nice of you to say so, Brien. October 31 at 10:00am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni I've lived in my house for 6 years - never had anyone reply to my request to trim the trees or respond quickly to any situation. I am out of power on a regular basis and was RUDELY told by one of your employees that I should provide my own redundancy and purchase a generator. In this economy that isn't possible and it is what I PAY YOU FOR!! October 31 at 10:03am · Like · 2

Maureen Keeley- Buccellato While this is a HUGE inconvenience (we have had no power for 42 hours), people need to have patience. And while tree trimming help, until the day comes that we have underground wires, trees will be a problem. This is where we live, folks. I intend to get a generator this season, and try to be proactive as well as a bit more self-reliant. October 31 at 10:05am · Like · 2

Nicholas Petrovsky Underground wires and more natural gas mains at the same time. October 31 at 10:10am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni That's nice for you Maureen. I can't afford a generator unless I skip paying my CH bill...doubting they will be patient with me until I get around to paying. So please don't try and make those of us who are beyond frustrated because this Chat (5)

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10 happens on a MONTHLY basis in Cont. Village feel bad because Search we're expressing our frustration. I've been out of power for 3 days Chris Hayes Home now! October 31 at 10:13am · Like · 5

Steve Dittmar You and (currently) ~90k other people, Sarah. I give you 1/90000th of my sympathy. They really singled you guys out with this outage. October 31 at 10:20am · Like · 1

Cathy Drivas Rundall pictures look good CH, but actions speak louder .... get working! October 31 at 10:21am · Like · 1

Nathan M Rose The north needs to take cues from the south and prepare on a city and also personal level for power outages. Buried powerlines, generators, etc. October 31 at 10:23am · Like · 1

Melissa Nelson Day three no power still. Really this sucks. I am with the lady up top cant afford a generator unless i dont pay central hudson. ummmm might try and go solar, at least that wont go out when it snows. October 31 at 10:23am · Like · 1

Maryann Sanchirico-Lucas Central Hudson...any idea when power will be restored to the Quaker Hill Estates section in Hyde Park? I can't get on your website to find out any information :( October 31 at 10:25am · Like · 1

Adam Raszkiewicz Wow - ETR - Nov. 2nd - a new power outage record for me. And I can mention that all TOP 5 power outages occurred in the States. Not funny :( October 31 at 10:26am · Like · 1

Eric Sturrock Yeah got power back on Lampman ave. in Port Ewen October 31 at 10:29am · Like

Mike Prechtel Kudos to the men and Women of CH working around the clock...Might be OT, but I have seen the drain it puts on the workers. I am as much affected as others, but common sense will tell you if they put the did the work it will take to avoid power loss in these storms bills would go up Ten fold. Just sayin!!!! October 31 at 10:29am · Like · 1

Nicholas Petrovsky If we had more natural gas mains there should be a program so people could install small co-gens that not only would supply electric but domestic hot water as well which is a by product of such units. In turn we could sell unused power back to the grid October 31 at 10:33am · Like

Sabrina Suarez Pean Got power back last night. Thank you central Hudson ! October 31 at 10:34am · Like

Central Hudson Maryanne: We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you. October 31 at 10:35am · Like

Nicholas Petrovsky @CH you guys did good overall powers on. And I learned my lesson the last time so my generator runs my boiler and well and some household items. But I watched the guys work outside and they worked pretty fast for what they had to do. So I think bonuses are in store for them? October 31 at 10:39am · Like

Central Hudson Sabrina: Thanks for your patience. October 31 at 10:56am · Like · 1

Chris Johanson Any idea ch on cold spring area the street lights were on on rt 301 u must be getting close no October 31 at 11:02am · Like

Maggie Bergara central hudson, i'm glad that you have this work force on the job making repairs, but my question to you is, you raised our rates and have been posting record profits, yet you won't fix the infrastructure and bury the power lines so we don't have to go through this. why am i sitting in a cold, dark house for days on end, for the second time in less than two years???? what are you doing with the windfall? October 31 at 11:02am · Like · 4

Maggie Bergara oh, and PS - I noticed that the businesses on Route 300-Newburgh now have their lights back, but residences do not. Hello, no one sleeps inside of Lowes, TGI Fridays and Barnes and Noble over night. October 31 at 11:08am · Like · 2

Christopher Barclay Saw the CH crews out and working hard. Want you to know that there are people who appreciate your hard work under what are very strenuous circumstances. Just felt I had to give a shout out to the crews. October 31 at 11:20am · Like · 3 Chat (5)

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10 Search Mike Prechtel Burying the lines? that wont raise your rates? I Chris Hayes Home heard to do a local neighborhood community it is like $6K for every house, go ahead and see if every home owner is willing. And if you are comparing the commercial power lines to residential with your sprawling trees in your nieghborhood to make the home landscape so pretty???? I guess you could live on rte 9 and enjoy your power 24/7/365... October 31 at 11:20am · Like · 1

Steve Dittmar Are you sure about "record profits"? This article would indicate decreasing profits and it sounds like the profits of the year before that were a non recurring financial gain. I don't think they could possibly post record profits this year either, with the double snow storm last year, then Irene and now "Snow Fall" this year. http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=% 2F20110211%2FBIZ%2F110219947 Expand Preview October 31 at 11:21am · Like · Remove Preview

Mike Prechtel rte 300 i guess I meant October 31 at 11:21am · Like

Mike Glynn But why did I get a call this morning from you guys asking if my power was back? It's not - does that mean they're actively working on it? What's the point of having an outage map, and it's hard to believe that you can't give at least a basic idea of when power will back on Albany Post Road. October 31 at 11:28am · Like

Central Hudson Christopher: Thanks for the shout out to our crews! October 31 at 11:29am · Like

Michele Lauria Simonetty Thanks to all the crews! As the daughter of a recent retiree, I know how hard you all work. Be safe our there! October 31 at 11:30am · Like

Central Hudson Mike Glynn, it sounds like you missed this post from earlier today: ABOUT THOSE "ROBO-CALLS" TO TELL YOU POWER IS BACK: Please understand that the automatic callbacks some of you are receiving are the best way for us to know if some repair work we have completed at a specific location has, in fact, restored service for all customers "downstream" from that point, as had been hoped and predicted, or if there is a need for us to seek further damage between that point and your home and do some additional repair work. When you receive such a call and your service has NOT yet been restored, PLEASE report the outage again. That's how you can let us know that further work is neeeded in the area. Thanks. October 31 at 11:33am · Like

Phyllis Freligh How can I find about dry ice in Saugerties area?? cannot get yyour website to load or reach anyone by phone...please advise October 31 at 11:39am · Like

Mike Glynn Oh OK, yeah I didn't see that post, sorry! That makes sense. OK I'll re-report it online. You guys stay safe out there. October 31 at 11:42am · Like

Debbie Singler Keep up the good work guys. Hope power comes back on soon on Scenic Hills Drive in LaGrange. A limb is on the line down the street. Come by soon. Have an 85 yr old in the house, and she is not a happy camper. October 31 at 11:50am · Like

Barbara Hobens On Rt. 9 - trees resting on power lines - a half mile north of Rt. 301 on the left. be safe - thanks...we only had two flickers - never lost power! October 31 at 11:52am · Like

Central Hudson Debbie: The estimated time of restoration for customers in LaGrange is Nov. 1 at 11 p.m. October 31 at 11:57am · Like

Matt Bruce I am trying to access your web page to get an update on power restoration. I cannot bring it up at all. IS the website OK? Or, is it down like the power to my house? I need an ETA please :) October 31 at 11:57am · Like

Patricia VanDoren Henault looking for dry ice-New Windsor/Washingtonville area. Any ideas? October 31 at 12:02pm · Like

Central Hudson Matt, we are experiencing incredibly high website traffic -- we have been at about 200% of our rated bandwidth on our internet connection for most of the last 2 days -- and this has caused some customers problems in getting through to our outage map. The extreme traffic is causing some slowness and even making it inaccessible to some customers at some times. Let me know what neighborhood you live in and I will check if anything has been estimated there yet. Chat (5)

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10 October 31 at 12:03pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Matt Bruce 4 Lauretta Drive Highland, NY - Thank you!!!! October 31 at 12:05pm · Like

Nick DiGiaimo You can do it, Fishkill needs some love, like now! October 31 at 12:06pm · Like

Angela Malizia Cavarretta Thank you all for your hard work, stay safe out there!! October 31 at 12:09pm · Like

Patricia VanDoren Henault Any ETA for Toleman Rd. Washingtonville? Web page when reported says none available. October 31 at 12:10pm · Like

Matt Bruce Town of Lloyd has over 2100 out of power and I have yet to see one Central Hudson truck. Not a good sign at all. There must be an estimate for workers to start trying to fix this area... "No ETA" and "No Info" is really disappointing. October 31 at 12:40pm · Like

Central Hudson Patricia and Phyllis: We have a limited quantity of dry ice that will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 3 p.m. today (Monday) at the two following locations, considered to be among the hardest-hit communities:

- Dan Leghorn Engine Company Company, 426 South Plank Road, Newburgh

- Stanford Fire Company, 609 Route 82, Stanfordville

We continue to seek additional supplies of dry ice, and will announce locations as they become available. October 31 at 12:41pm · Like

Central Hudson Matt: The estimated time of restoration for Lauretta Drive in Lloyd is 11 p.m. tonight (Oct. 31). October 31 at 12:52pm · Like

Matt Bruce Thank you much. My wife and kids will be ecstatic... October 31 at 12:54pm · Like

Jess Jimenez I live on 136 putnam road in garrison! Does anyone know when the power will be restored I need an answer please its freezing October 31 at 1:20pm · Like

Alice Seeger Power is back on Eighmyville Rd Rhinebeck! Just wanted to say THANK YOU to the work crews who work so many hours to restore power! October 31 at 1:22pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Is november 2nd worst case scenario or is that the actual time frame? October 31 at 1:30pm · Like

Larry Burday Any ETA on the power on Creamery Road in East Fishkill? October 31 at 1:41pm · Like

Maureen Keeley- Buccellato YAY! Power back on Little Britain Road in Rock Tavern! Thank you! October 31 at 1:46pm · Unlike · 1


Debbie Singler Thanks for the info CH. But my mother in law needs her oxygen concentrator. Please help!!!! October 31 at 1:51pm · Like

Maureen Keeley- Buccellato @Sarah Noe Capichioni - I can't really afford one either. But since we lose power so often, it's something we are going to save for. No offense intended, and I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad. I get frustrated also at having no power for DAYS. But, they are working as fast as they can. Nothing you can really do about it but wait. October 31 at 1:52pm · Like

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10 Colleen Brennan Nisi Keep up the good work. I understand how Search hard you guys are working. My dad worked as a linesman for ConEd Chris Hayes Home for 30 years. He recently retired. Thank you for all you do. October 31 at 2:17pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Larry, we are aware of that outage. It's affecting 221 residences in the area. Current estimated time of restoration is tomorrow at noon. October 31 at 2:23pm · Like

Robert McLoughlin Eta Chestnut street Cornwall? By the way thanks for the long hours and service October 31 at 2:39pm · Like

Central Hudson Robert, As you know, that area was hit hard by the storm and we have several outages. The estimated time of restoration is Wednesday evening by 8 p.m. We are working around the clock. October 31 at 2:51pm · Like

Central Hudson Colleen: Thanks very much for the shout out! October 31 at 2:52pm · Like

Robert McLoughlin Thanks CH October 31 at 3:03pm · Like

Lisa Eickler Any estimate for Old Albany Post Road in Garrison-off of Gallows Hill Rd? October 31 at 4:37pm · Like

Central Hudson Lisa: For that location, the estimated time of restoration is Wednesday at 11 p.m. Thanks for your patience and sorry we cannot get the lights back on sooner. October 31 at 5:11pm · Like

Nick DiGiaimo Didn't know you're taking requests. ha ha. How about estimate for Sunset Hill Rd East, Fishkill 12524 ? October 31 at 5:33pm · Like

Central Hudson Nick: The estimated time of restoration for this area (your street and Bedford Lane) is by Wednesday evening at 11 p.m. Thank you for being patient as we repair damage from this extensive storm. October 31 at 6:08pm · Like

Samantha Wilbarg-Pratt Belvedere rd in Fishkill. Pretty please October 31 at 7:21pm · Like

Central Hudson Samantha, for Belvedere Road in Fishkill, the estimated time of restoration is Nov. 1 at noon. Thank you for being patient; this is an extensive storm restoration effort, and we are working around the clock. October 31 at 9:40pm · Like

Shayna Rothenay Kapple Thank you, CH, for your round the clock efforts. I'm happy to report my power is back on 30 hours earlier than projected here in Pine Plains. October 31 at 11:59pm · Like

Marie Elliott Thank you to the guys from Buffalo who fixed our lines late yesterday afternoon and to the wonderful customer service rep yesterday morning who was so helpful, I wish I could identify her by name. I hope she has her power back too! November 1 at 6:49am · Like

Lisa Eickler CH: I was actually prepared to hear later-thank you for all your hard work-I know your crews are out and doing the best they can. November 1 at 6:59am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni @Steve Dittmar did you read anywhere in there that I said they singled me out? How about reading that this is a MONTHLY issue for my neighbohood, I was told to provide my own back up generator and it is day 4 with no sign of help. Keep your snide remarks to yourself November 1 at 8:34am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Im guessing you are a CH employee and btw no one has said anything but kind words for the people out working in the cold to get power back this is a management issue. November 1 at 8:36am · Like

Nick DiGiaimo Thanks for the reply, right now, you are the voice of Central Hudson and I appreciate your quick response on FB. November 1 at 11:37am · Like

Bernadette O'Brien HI Debbie we lost power on Sat night around 11pm and got it back Monday about 5 pm we are all electric so had to stay with friends now we are sharing floor space with family and friends that are still with out power. Just think winter is only starting LOL November 1 at 10:55pm · Like

Kathy Sherman can you give me a restore time on 224 boston corners rd in millerton thanks Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home November 2 at 6:44am · Like

Central Hudson Kathy: Sorry, but we do not have any new information on this outage. The estimated time of restoration stands at 11 p.m. this evening. November 2 at 8:51am · Like

Nick DiGiaimo Thanks CH and your power buddies, we are restored. November 2 at 12:10pm · Like

Sheila Trombini Thank you CH for keeping your word. You said Tuesday Nov.1 @11PM. LIghts were on early Tues. afternoon. When I was driving to work on Tues. morning I seen many repair trucks heading north on Rt. 9. I was praying they were going to my home in Rhinebeck, and they were. I just wish I was home so I could give them coffee and food AND A HUGE THANK YOU THANK YOU. November 5 at 10:34pm · Like

Central Hudson A field force of more than 500 repair personnel, supported by hundreds of behind -the-scenes employees, is executing on a massive Central Hudson recovery mobilization following the rare October snowstorm that prompted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to declare states of emergencies in all eight of the counties served by the utility. Read more about it here:

Central Hudson News Release - Electricity Back for Nearly Half of Impacted Central Hudson Customers www.centralhudson.com A field force of more than 500 repair personnel, supported by hundreds of behind-the-scenes employees, is executing on a massive Central Hudson recovery mobilization following the rare October snowstorm that prompted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to declare states of emergencies in all eigh...

753 People Reached · 31 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 8:20am ·

5 people like this.

Nicholas Petrovsky Yes indeed a rare storm for October. But is this the prelude for the winter months coming? Shouldn't the trees be maintained to avoid such over hanging above wires? And a lot of service was lost in more populated areas. I can understand the more rural areas like where I live. October 31 at 8:33am · Like

Central Hudson Good question, Nicholas. We do invest heavily in our tree trimming program to help minimize outages. And we have seen good results from that in system reliability. But it can't prevent all outages. Not during a storm of this nature where wet, heavy snow is caught by fully leaved and otherwise healthy trees that snap under that weight. October 31 at 8:37am · Like · 1

Mary Lawton trying to find out if canterbury apartments have power yet went there yesterday after talking to central hudson, they said it was got there after 45 minute drive with food and found it wasn't on,had to bring family back to my house October 31 at 8:40am · Like

Nicholas Petrovsky Maybe a program and a way for property owners to call if they see branches are over hanging a incentive during the warmer months so this would help everyone out? October 31 at 8:41am · Like

Caitlin Wheat you made a mistake! you thought you turned of all of Wintergreen Ave. Newburgh NY. you only turned on the outer circle NOT the inner circle. October 31 at 8:43am · Like

Wynn Gold Nicholas, I called about a dead tree that's imperiling the lines on my street. I was told that they would repair the wires when the tree cell on them. Apparently proactivity is selective. October 31 at 8:50am · Like · 1

Wynn Gold That was fell, not cell. October 31 at 8:50am · Like

Dona Osterhoudt Anybody know about Galleria?? My grandson needs boots badly. October 31 at 8:52am · Like

Michelle Pantaleo please get fox hill condos in pok power back!!!!!! October 31 at 8:52am · Like

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10 Central Hudson If you are still without power, thank you for your Search patience. We made great progress yesterday and we have an army Chris Hayes Home of crews out today. We are hoping to get 90 percent of our customers restored by Wednesday evening, but hopefully we will get to your neighborhood before then. October 31 at 9:05am · Like

Amber McGill Any news of dry ice distributions? I have a regular freezer and a chest freezer that have been without power for 2 days. Also - restoration news for Hagantown/Spackenkill area? October 31 at 9:06am · Like

Mary Ellen Stavitz stavitz 845-736-6362--power also out from transformer at street to hook-up on top of our garage-22 Rochambeau Rd. Garrison October 31 at 9:16am · Like

Central Hudson Amber, we are aware that many of our customers need dry ice at this time, and we are receiving many requests. Please realize that we have not given up, and we are still trying to obtain quantities of dry ice. Because 3 million customers in the Northeast lost service during the storm, dry ice is in high demand and short supply. We are working with our vendors to obtain supplies, and we will issue a news release and post it here if we can obtain it. Thank you for your patience and understanding. October 31 at 9:28am · Like

Amber McGill Thank you for the update. Any news on the area of Pok between Spackenkill Rd and Vassar Rd? Specifically back behind Spackenkill High School/Sleight Hill Rd area? October 31 at 9:38am · Like

Lisa Mays Our whole neighborhood is out - there is a large tree laying on power lines halfway up Vail Road. Dangerous for cars traveling under it. We've been out since 2PM Saturday. Any word on when Vail and Rt. 55 will be addressed? October 31 at 9:39am · Like

Central Hudson Amber: currently two crews at work in the area off Vassar Road. One at Salem Court, anther near the Stanley Still Sports Park. Each of those outages , when repaired, should restore service to more than 300 households. October 31 at 10:04am · Like

Wynn Gold When you notify the field force which is still dealing with the big mess on Rt. 32 in Cornwall, about the downed wires on Long Hill Road in Mountainville, they need to be told about the branch that is on the wires at the top of Squirrel Hill. If they don't deal with that while they're here, they will have to come back. October 31 at 10:26am · Like

Marcus Gauzza Your crews are excellent and very professional! I have gotten to know them all to well. How about Ketchamtown Road? We always seem to be one of the last streets repaired during these storms. I saw a Central Hudson SUV on our street but looked like they were just assessing now. Unfortunately your website is very spotty and I haven't been able to check our status. Thank you for any information. October 31 at 10:26am · Like

Stephanie Conkling any idea as to when the area of 208 near wallkill high and 300 going to be restored my house is down to 45 degrees October 31 at 10:30am · Like

Central Hudson Marcus: We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you. Thank you for your remarkable patience so far. October 31 at 10:38am · Like

Karen Christman Rogers Received robo call yesterday saying power had been restored. Grangevale rd in lagrangeville still out but looks like north Parliman is on. Asked me to call back but can't get thru. Any ideas on restoration for my street please? October 31 at 10:44am · Like

Amy Franklin Richter Hi, just wanted to make you aware that your outage updates, both via the wen October 31 at 10:48am · Like

Amy Franklin Richter Sorry, both via the web and mobile are not loading. Is your server overloaded? October 31 at 10:49am · Like

Central Hudson Karen: We have many individual neighborhood repairs that needed to be done in this area. Furthermore, we do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you. October 31 at 10:52am · Like

Nicole Grassi-Nestor When will they get to king drive off titusville rd been with out power for 3 days. October 31 at 10:53am · Like

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10 Central Hudson Nicole: We do not yet have an estimated time of Search restoration for the outages in that area. Thanks for being patient Chris Hayes Home over the past couple days. October 31 at 10:59am · Like

Mike Glynn Any restoration estimate for the Albany Post Road - Echo Lane area of the Town of Newburgh? Checked the outage map with no luck. Thanks! October 31 at 10:59am · Like

Sarah Jean This post is very helpful! Thank you! Any news about fishkill (Fairfax road)? October 31 at 11:03am · Like

Central Hudson Mike: We incurred severe damage from the storm in the Town of Newburgh. More than 4,000 customers affected. At this point we do not have an estimated time of restoration for you. October 31 at 11:08am · Like

Central Hudson Sarah: There are several individual neighborhood repairs needed in that area. For the larger outage that affects customers on Riverview, the estimated time of restoration is tomorrow at noon. For the outage affecting customers on Longview, there is not yet an estimated time of restoration. Sorry we cannot be more exact about this. October 31 at 11:18am · Like

Vicky Pampalone Any ETA for the South Terrace development in Fishkill? ShopRite plaza ahs power :-( October 31 at 11:36am · Like

Stephanie Conkling any idea of Route 298 in Wallkill near 300 and baumer rd October 31 at 11:42am · Like

Patricia Schink Thank you Central Hudson and all the imported help. My power came back on in under 24 hours and I am very happy. October 31 at 12:02pm · Like

Carol Elser Salis Most of Cornwall has power-any estimation on when the remainder might be restored! October 31 at 12:05pm · Like

Central Hudson Vicky: The estimated time of restoration for South Terrace in Fishkill is Wednesday evening at 11 p.m. October 31 at 12:06pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Stephanie: We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you. October 31 at 12:08pm · Like

Carol Elser Salis Restored ?* October 31 at 12:22pm · Like

Central Hudson Amber: We have a limited quantity of dry ice that will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 3 p.m. today (Monday) at the two following locations, considered to be among the hardest-hit communities:

- Dan Leghorn Engine Company Company, 426 South Plank Road, Newburgh

- Stanford Fire Company, 609 Route 82, Stanfordville

We continue to seek additional supplies of dry ice, and will announce locations as they become available. October 31 at 12:37pm · Like

Tony Janicik Got our power back this morning after about a day and 1/2 down. Good work, I know there was quite a bit to fix. I liked the advisory messages put out on the radio we heard on Sunday. May I suggest updating it more often. We were hearing the same message all day without any "new" news. Perhaps adding ETA for repairs by area, or where major repairs are being worked on and their progress? October 31 at 3:03pm · Like

Central Hudson Carol: We hope to have most of Cornwall restored by 11 p.m. Wednesday evening. October 31 at 3:20pm · Like

Lauren Schall Miller Thank you for all of your hard work in these cold temperatures! November 1 at 7:14am · Like

Central Hudson ABOUT THOSE "ROBO-CALLS" TO TELL YOU POWER IS BACK: Please understand that the automatic callbacks some of you are receiving are the best way for us to know if some repair work we have completed at a specific Chat (5)

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10 location has, in fact, restored service for all customers "downstream" from that Search point, as had been hoped and predicted, or if there is a need for us to seek Chris Hayes Home further damage between that point and your home and do some additional repair work. When you receive such a call and your service has NOT yet been restored, PLEASE report the outage again. That's how you can let us know that further work is neeeded in the area. Thanks. 759 People Reached · 21 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 31 at 7:56am ·

3 people like this.

Barbara Shoemaker We got a robocall yesterday. I appreciate that Central Hudson made sure to verify that our power was indeed restored. Thank you! October 31 at 8:12am · Like

Theresa Castellane Is there an ETA for Salisbury Mills, NY ....I know I see the businesses around the area are starting to get power on as of last night, but wanted to know about people's homes. As most, I am trying to get the info as you said via website and phone, but there's no ETA, still. Thank you. October 31 at 8:13am · Like

Caitlin Wheat I really REALLY would love that call cuz it would mean my power is back on! October 31 at 8:17am · Like

Samantha Morreale Tecchio Your website is down. Unable to check status updates. October 31 at 8:23am · Like

Central Hudson Theresa: There are 7 or 8 indivual individual neighborhood repairs that will need to be completed in the Salisbury Mills area. Unfortunately we still do not have estimated times of restoration for this area. Thank you for your incredible patience so far. October 31 at 8:27am · Like

Samantha Morreale Tecchio What about town of Poughkeepsie? Any idea about restoration time? October 31 at 8:29am · Like

Theresa Castellane Thank you, I will keep my eyes on the may you have, I see that our numbers are getting smaller and colors are getting in the "Happier" shades. Thank you, good luck :) October 31 at 8:29am · Like

Central Hudson Samantha: Our web site is not down but it is experiencing extreme high traffic right now. We were at about 200% of our rated bandwidth on our internet connection for much of the day yesterday. You may have better luck with the mobile site: http://mobile.CentralHudson.com/. October 31 at 8:34am · Like

Nancy Cast Greenhill Well there is nothing worse than getting that automated call ... and having to verify that there is no power on Angola road in Cornwall October 31 at 8:36am · Like

Steve Reidy Is there a restoration time for netherwood area as website still has no times and I have my mother in law on o2 who needs power ... October 31 at 8:40am · Like

Samantha Morreale Tecchio Theresa thanks for your time. However unable to check status on website or my iPhone app. Receiving errors. Just want a little info. Poughkeepsie area off VASSAR road. October 31 at 8:44am · Like

Christian F Rohrbach Any dry ice distribution planned? October 31 at 8:48am · Like

Melinda O'Callaghan Martinez Can't get info on hollow road in staatsburg. I tried the phone, the website, and the mobile site. October 31 at 9:03am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Steve: I am sorry to report that we do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage in Netherwood. October 31 at 9:11am · Like

Central Hudson Tiffany: There is an outage in the Mountain Lane area affecting about 190 customers. It is very much on our radar screen. The estimated time of restoration is tomorrow at noon. Thank you for your patience. October 31 at 9:14am · Like

Steve Reidy are you atleast working on it in this area as I have not seen CH truck since this happened. October 31 at 9:18am · Like

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10 Central Hudson Steve, there is a crew assigned in that area now, working Search off-road, south of Netherwood, between South Quaker and Gretna. Chris Hayes Home October 31 at 9:26am · Like

Steve Reidy Thank you ... fingers crossed for power soon ... October 31 at 9:27am · Like

Central Hudson Samantha, currently two crews at work in the area off Vassar Road. One at Salem Court, anther near the Stanley Still Sports Park. Each of those outages , when repaired, should restore service to more than 300 households. October 31 at 9:31am · Like

Danielle Scheer Guastella Do you have any info regarding town of newburgh area north plank road area. Thank you much in advance! October 31 at 9:56am · Like

Jenny Verb Ward What about the cedar avenue/fox hill condos in Poughkeepsie. There are a lot of elderly people living in fox hill. Any estimated time of restoration? October 31 at 10:09am · Like

Central Hudson Danielle and Jenny: Sorry but we do not yet have estimated times of restoration for the outage affecting you. October 31 at 10:15am · Like

Jenny Verb Ward So does that mean Boone is coming today? October 31 at 10:16am · Like

Phil LaRocco Any crews out in Wallkill (Town of Shawangunk) yet? Thank you. October 31 at 10:16am · Like

Jenny Verb Ward Noone? October 31 at 10:16am · Like

Donavan H. Wolf I'm having trouble going to websites on my phone but we live on Juniper ave in pleasant valley n was wondering if they have a etr yet? October 31 at 10:19am · Like

Central Hudson Phil: We don't yet have estimated times of restoration for Shawangunk. October 31 at 10:23am · Like

Melinda O'Callaghan Martinez What about Staatsburg - Hollow road area? I asked above already. October 31 at 10:35am · Like

Central Hudson Donavan: We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you. Thank you for hanging in there! October 31 at 10:39am · Like

Central Hudson Melinda: Sorry about that. We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the Hollow Road area in Staatsburg. October 31 at 11:04am · Like

Christine Byrne Gallo Looks like power is restored right outside of my development since last night. I can't get an ETA for our home from the online system. Is there an update for Campbell Hall? October 31 at 11:56am · Like

Central Hudson Christine: We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you in Campbell Hall. October 31 at 12:01pm · Like

Samantha Morreale Tecchio What about Alexander blvd? October 31 at 12:14pm · Like

Central Hudson Samantha, thanks for being so patient with us. For Alexander Boulevard in Poughkeepsie, we expect power to be restored by Nov. 1 at noon. October 31 at 1:04pm · Like · 1

Alex Calderon Do you know when the power will be back in millerton? October 31 at 1:31pm · Like

Samantha Morreale Tecchio Thank you central hudson for all your hard work! October 31 at 1:45pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Alex: For Millerton, the estimated time of restoration is Wednesday evening by 10 p.m. October 31 at 2:02pm · Like

Steve Reidy Still no power. Can you give me a restoration time for netherwood road please. Last update was 5hrs ago. October 31 at 3:23pm · Like

Central Hudson Steve: The estimated time of restoration for Netherwood Road is Wednesday at 10 p.m. Thanks for your patience. Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home October 31 at 3:40pm · Like

Jess Jimenez Anything for putnam road in garrison? October 31 at 5:12pm · Like

Central Hudson Jess, the estimated time of restoration for that area is Nov. 2 at 11 p.m. Thank you for hanging in there and being patient. October 31 at 9:49pm · Like

Steve Reidy CH ... Thank you as we just got power for first time since saturday ... thank you ... November 1 at 5:01pm · Like

Central Hudson Steve: Thanks for lasting for the long haul. We are glad you are back on! November 1 at 5:06pm · Like

Central Hudson Once again, an important reminder about this Facebook page: Please be aware that this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is NOT the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries about your restoration status. Instead, use our online outage reporting system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) 527-2714. Here on F... See More

Central Hudson Storm Center stormcentral.cenhud.com

782 People Reached · 34 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 10:10pm ·

6 people like this.

Helen Hayes Gordon Just used it as a last resort since site isn't workin and can't get through on the phone. October 30 at 10:39pm · Like

Todd Snow Try Central Hudson's mobile web address.. Link: http://mobile.CentralHudson.com/ October 30 at 11:00pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn I hope Wappingers Falls Remsen road gets power for those at the senior/disabled housing @ DiMarco place Transformer on fire yesterday at 3-4 O'Clock maybe the culprit as most other parts of village back on line.. I think they should get some kind of prioity. October 30 at 11:17pm · Like · 2

Evie Eysenburg Considering everything, we are thrilled to have power back - it was a rough 36 hours, but you did it!! Thank you. October 30 at 11:21pm · Like

Susie Ingels Moyik Power restored as of about 9:20 p.m. in Firthcliffe area of Cornwall/New Windsor. THANK YOU to everyone out there working so hard to get service back to so many affected!! :o) October 30 at 11:54pm · Like

Susie Ingels Moyik ...Oops, make that Firthcliffe HEIGHTS section is back... Last I heard, Firthcliffe was still out. October 31 at 12:55am · Like

Antonio Ban Harrell Hoping my area on ketchamtown road get's power back soon, this weather is starting to affect my bronchitis and asthma! October 31 at 1:08am · Like


Deanna Johnson We got q fake out call... Said it was back on and it wasn't so had to rereport. Hope that doesn't put us A the end of the list October 31 at 3:46am · Like

Rhonda Keenan Altonen Maybe rather than providing "ETOR's", of which have been non-existent, you could post where repairs have been made? That ETOR page is no help. October 31 at 4:32am · Like · 5 Chat (5)

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10 John King Multiple times now Central Hudson has marked my Search outage as being repaired despite my calling and telling them I'm Chris Hayes Home still out. I can understand being busy and not being able to get to a repair but passing me by because they keep marking me as repaired? I would have though CH to be more compitent than that. How mant times do I have to call to tell them that they keep passing me by? October 31 at 6:38am · Like · 1

Gary Delemeester I don't think the outrage map has been updated in over 24 hours. I agree it would at least be helpful to know where repairs have been made in a text form on the website. October 31 at 7:02am · Like · 1

Kimberly Conway Cannon ha! THey say my power is up too.. I assure you, it is NOT!! October 31 at 7:18am · Like · 1

Julio Gonzalez CH thank u 4 restoring power in my area a few hours later but has anyone considered taking the time 2 bury the power lines so we don't hv 2 worry about power outages & also live wires down causing a safety issue? October 31 at 7:47am · Like

Kevin J. Rader I would really appreciate some news about when Garrison power back. Its getting a bit rediculous. I understand that you don't have control over the weather, but there's got to be some way of adding redundancy to the system so to minimize failures or get repair times close to within 24 hours for ALL of your customers. October 31 at 7:49am · Like · 1

Robert McLoughlin Chestnut St Cornwall 12518 Next to Willow Ave Elem school. Not repaired. Wires in road all along street. October 31 at 7:50am · Like

Matt Suppa Trying to check status online and receive this error on your website: Line 465: PMtime = CInt(Mid(ETORtime, 1, 2)) October 31 at 7:52am · Like

Matt Suppa Mobile app can't check status either, FYI October 31 at 7:53am · Like

Central Hudson Deanna: No, you are not at the end of the list. Thank you very much for your patience thus far. October 31 at 7:56am · Like

Central Hudson For those in Garrison: There are several outages in this area, and there is not yet an estimated time of restoration. But for the largest outage affecting more than 1,000 customers living near Route 9, the estimated time of restoration is Nov. 2 at noon. October 31 at 8:06am · Like

Joe Cacciatore The CH webs sites are very poor, slow or no response. Useless for trying to find out sttaus. October 31 at 8:09am · Like

Wynn Gold So, since I got one of those robo calls telling me thaty power is back on, I should assume that you didn't actually notify anyone about the down wires on Long Hill Road in Mountainville? October 31 at 8:11am · Like

Heather Conklin I love in Walden and cant get to the site or anything,still no power,we have small kids. October 31 at 8:32am · Like

Central Hudson For Walden, we do not yet have estimated times of restoration. Several individual neighborhood repairs needed. October 31 at 8:48am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni How about a freakin status on when we might get our power back or when you might be bothered to even come look @ the downed wires on Ethan Drive? This part of Cont. Village loses power so often that we are made fun of! Wish we could move to ConEd they had trucks on the road asap - Central Hudson cant even be bothered to provide a website up date. Thanks again for the crappy service October 31 at 8:52am · Like · 1

Heather Conklin Well then, as for my bill i do not have an ETA on when you will recieve it. Several individuals need heat and will be using our electric $ for a hotel. October 31 at 8:53am · Like · 1

Sarah Noe Capichioni @Kevin when I posed the same question to a Central Hudson person the last time power went out (for no apparent reason) I was told to buy a generator. Really?! Is CH going to loan me the money? October 31 at 8:57am · Like · 1

Kevin J. Rader What about the Continental Village section of Garrison? October 31 at 9:01am · Like

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10 Jessica Labis Continental Village in Garrison ??? Please at least send Search people here ??? Day three not ONE CENTRAL HUDSON TRUCK ???? Chris Hayes Home WHY ??? October 31 at 9:51am · Like

Sarah Noe Capichioni Jessica - those of us living in Continental Village clearly mean nothing to CH. Don't bother calling - they'll just tell you to go buy your own generator. October 31 at 10:05am · Like · 1

Central Hudson Crews are working in Garrison off of Snake Hill Road and also Rt. 9 near the golf course. As always, they must work their way out, away from the source of power and along each of the distribution circuits. Here, again is a graphic representation and explanaantion of how we prioritize restoration efforts. http:// www.centralhudson.com/outage/outage_restoration.html

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Restoration www.centralhudson.com When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is always the same: To... See More

October 31 at 10:27am · Like · Remove Preview

Emily Berry Spivey Power just went out in town of newburgh coldenham area, entire neighborhood of fleetwood drive/briarwood crescent, etc., big boom, I'm assuming a transformer blew. Can't access the website, it won't load and tried to get thru on the phone line. October 31 at 12:12pm · Like

Jessica Labis SO BASICALLY WE ARE SCREWED !!! THANKS CH :) October 31 at 12:34pm · Like

Samantha Wilbarg-Pratt beacon hills, any info would be very appreciated, no truck, just power lines in the road on Joy. October 31 at 5:13pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Still no power for the elderly/disabled at DiMarco place? No word from CH as to when? Feel bad for those disabled and elderly in those complex's October 31 at 6:52pm · Like

Central Hudson Concerned about potential for frozen pipes? One of the best things to do is to keep your water running just a little. The motion of the water may help prevent freezing and opening the faucet just a little helps reduce pressure in the pipe if freezing does occur. Also, for any sinks up against exterior walls of your home or apartment, open up the cabinet doors below the sink. 811 People Reached · 51 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 8:54pm ·

5 people like this.

Joseph V. LaFera Jr. that would be nice if i had power to run my pump. Dumbasses. October 30 at 8:57pm · Like · 12

Jennifer Lech Lofgren Tell your guys you are amazing!!!! Thank them for all their hard work. I still don't have power but my inlaws and mom does! October 30 at 8:58pm · Like · 3

Caroline Gallante Hiemcke Hey Joseph, not everyone has to run a pump October 30 at 9:00pm · Like

Gina Wheeler Zwart Ok that's all good but if I had power I might be able too.. Maybe tell me when that might be? Which in this case is a little more important ..just saying October 30 at 9:02pm · Like · 3

Carlos Mansilla-Lazares we need power in newburgh...im freezing! October 30 at 9:03pm · Like · 1

Laura Downs-Dean whoever took time to type this, needs to be sent out in the field to help restore power,,just sayin October 30 at 9:03pm · Like · 2

Dorothy Moulton read earlier walden was told they would have power 8pm tomarrow October 30 at 9:06pm · Like

Jennifer Lech Lofgren Ignorance!! Wow! October 30 at 9:07pm · Like · 2

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10 Central Hudson Joseph, not everyone has to run a pump and if Search you look at the comment closely part of the reason for opening the Chris Hayes Home faucet is to reduce pressure in the pipe which may help prevent a frozen pipe from bursting. October 30 at 9:08pm · Like · 5

Allie Litz How about power in Wallkill NY. I'm getting cold. October 30 at 9:17pm · Like · 1

Jack Pearson How about we all stop paying our Central Hudson bill for a few months until they hire more crews so when there are outages we don't have to have our lives disrupted for days on end. Why are Central Hudson employees getting full pensions with the money we send them with our bills when Central Hudson's customers don't get pensions? Get rid of the pensions & use that money to hire more field crews without jacking up our bills even more. October 30 at 9:21pm · Like · 1

Stephanie Marrinan When you open the faucet slightly the pressure tank will eventually run down to zero. Is there danger of freezing pipes at that point? October 30 at 9:23pm · Like · 2

Ian Worthman I've bitten my tongue long enough Jack. Don't you have anything better to do than sit on here and bash them? Let me suggest to you the same thing I did for people after Irene. If you don't like the way CH operates, go buy yourself some solar panels and a generator and go off the grid. Then when you have problems, you can only blame yourself. They have enough to deal with without having to answer to a jackass like you. You're misguided if you think that not paying your bill will solve these problems. And BTW, "liking" your own comment? Seriously? October 30 at 9:31pm · Like · 7

Jack Pearson The following are valid points: What is the number of repair crews to customers now compared to 1980 when this area was less populated? Why are employees given free money for life in way of pensions when that money can be used to put the critical parts of the electrical system underground so when these events happen things can be restored MUCHHHH faster? October 30 at 9:34pm · Like · 1

Alberto Bert Grieve Power back on within 24 hours greatly appreciated CH !! I know things aren't perfect sometimes but it could always be worse. For people complaining put your money where your mouth is an get a generator. Any common sense homeowner should know this. October 30 at 9:36pm · Unlike · 4

Laura Walker-Muller Where can we get dry ice???? Village of Wappingers? October 30 at 9:36pm · Like

Sheree McCoy Drake Any information at all about the Fullerton Avenue, Gidney Avenue area in Newburgh? More than 24 hours without heat and a very cold night ahead October 30 at 9:39pm · Like

Central Hudson Jack, already responded that we will have to get back to you about 1980 repair crew staffing levels as that information is not readily available. While some retirees and longtime employees do/will receive pensions, those were terms agreed to long ago and were part of the compensation package agreed upon with those employees at that time. Central Hudson is hardly alone in having offered pensions in the past. Central Hudson employees hired over the last several years are not pension eligible. Undergrounding the electrical system is a valid question that is frequently raised by customers. The reality is that while some parts of our electrical system are undergrounded, the costs of undergrounding the entire system are not practical for us or virtually any other utility company. It would cost each customer an estimated $10,000 per year for us to do so. You can learn more about that here: http://www.centralhudson.com/underground/

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Business Growth www.centralhudson.com Perhaps the most significant is the cost of undergrounding, estimated to be abo... See More

October 30 at 9:45pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Mackenzie Farris I was just wondering if you guys received my comment with my information, I dont see it there anymore, I didn't know if you deleted it already ? Thank you for help in advanced :) October 30 at 9:47pm · Like

Central Hudson Laura: We have been working with more than a dozen distributors as well as other utility companies to secure any and all available dry ice. There will be no dry ice distribution tonight. We will have an update about that tomorrow. October 30 at 9:47pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Ian Worthman I will give you that. If the number of crews has Search not grown in step with the number of customer served since 1980 Chris Hayes Home then, yes, they are at fault to a point. But, it's almost like saying why didn't Hannaford's hire more cashiers yesterday to handle the huge influx of shoppers. The simple answer would be that it doesn't make sense for them to overload the staff for the small percentage of time they are actually needed. How would you feel if CH hired 100 more people just for these types of situations and the rest of the time they just sit around because they don't have routine work for these 100 people to do. That would be a bigger waste of money, wouldn't it? And regarding the pension issue, how many companies, gov't agencies, etc give their former employees pensions? I don't think CH should be singled out for something that is the norm in corporate America. October 30 at 9:48pm · Like · 3

Central Hudson Hi Mackenzie. Sorry. Did not get that message. Could you post again right now or indicate that you'll call our call center instead? October 30 at 9:50pm · Like

Amber Bass U guys are doing s great job restoring power... Keep up the good work October 30 at 9:52pm · Like · 2

Jack Pearson Thank you for the informative reply. Going underground with the system isn't an all or nothing issue. Certainly there are parts that can be added to your existing base of underground facilities that could speed up the restoration of power to customers during massive outages as we have been experiencing lately. Is there a plan for putting additional parts of your grid underground? October 30 at 9:54pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Got it Mackenzie and will pass that report along. Thanks. October 30 at 9:57pm · Like

Mackenzie Farris Thank you !!! :) October 30 at 9:58pm · Like

Vanessa Renee We still don't have power :( every one around us is popping on but us , its freezing !. We are trying to make the best of it but its really starting to get to every one now been out since 3pm yesterday...... even places right down the street have power , I know ur all doing best :) keep up the good work I know it will b our turn soon , hopfully October 30 at 10:05pm · Like

John VanWart Jack your a great complainer without knowing what the hell your talking about take some of that energy and help yourself !! Buy a generator for the few times your out but is that cost effective ?? October 30 at 10:06pm · Like · 4

Central Hudson Jack, that is something we work on but each situation comes with a complex set of variables, such as the terms of the existing right of way; environmental factors such as drainage, soild makeup, etc.; plus our capital improvements are not entirely up to us and plans must be approved by the Public Service Commission who must deem such proposals to be in the best interest of the customer and best use of funds. That's not to say we don't make such investments when appropriate. We do have approximately 1,400 miles of underground electric lines in addition to about 8,200 miles of overhead lines in our service territory. October 30 at 10:07pm · Like · 1

Jack Pearson CH, here's an idea. Collect email addresses (from those who want to take part) to use during outages. You can link the customer addresses with their email addresses with the estimated time for power resumption & send an automated email hourly to customers who are without power. The final email would be one notifying the customer that the power should be working & to notify CH if it hasn't returned. You can write a simple piece of software to do that. Totally automated & customers wouldn't have to slam the power outage map continually & the customers would know CH is on the job. October 30 at 10:09pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Thank you Jack. Great idea and one we are looking into as well as the possibility of offering a text messaging service for similar purposes. Nothing is imminent and there are logistical issues with establishing such a system for a company this size, but we are looking into potentially offering those types of services in the future. I will make note of your suggestion. October 30 at 10:15pm · Like · 1

Sheree McCoy Drake This is a really facinating conversation you are having with Jack, but can you give me any information about when my power might be restored. Fullerton Avenue, Newburgh. Its being reported as restored, but it isnt. October 30 at 10:19pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Sheree, please report that again if that's the case. Sometimes, damage that is causing an outage is fixed at one location Chat (5)

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10 Search that restores power to the area, but there may be additional sources of Chris Hayes Home damage that are closer to your location, affecting fewer residences, and may also need to be repaired. Not saying that is the case in your situation, but it is a possibility with what you're describing. Best thing to do is report it again. October 30 at 10:22pm · Like · 1

Kerilee Berben If you don't have power, how will you check your email Jack? Yes, you may have a phone with internet but if you are without electricity for a long period of time - chances are your phone will die. Not such a well thought out idea. October 30 at 10:23pm · Like

Kerilee Berben Jack - you seen very unhappy with your service - did you think about looking for alternate energy sources/companies? October 30 at 10:23pm · Like

Kerilee Berben I have been without power since 3 pm yesterday and have to go to work tomorrow. I had to find an alternate place to stay and have had to make multiple trips back to my home to check on things. But I know that there is a crew out there working a ton of overtime and being taken away from their families to help mine. I think we should all be grateful for their hard work even if you do not have your power restored YET. October 30 at 10:25pm · Like · 2

Jack Pearson Kerilee, a car charger for the phone would keep the phone alive. Also, remember that many folks stay with family & friends when their power is out. The automated emails would allow them to check on the power status of their house when they're in an alternate location. October 30 at 10:31pm · Like · 1

Julie Hogan Chastant Little tough to do if you live in the country with a well that requires electricity October 30 at 10:37pm · Like

Nicholas Petrovsky Invest in a good size generator and gas cans because it's gonna be a long winter and this system these guy's are using is not up to date. October 30 at 10:49pm · Like · 1

Alyse Hurrell Fuller Hello CH! Any word on Daniels Ct Poughkeepsie near the high school? My babies and I are freezing and my neighbors across the street and have power (and aren't ashamed to rub it in by turning on all their lights) I know you guys are doing your best but we are concerned for our safety and need to know if it will be any longer to make plans. Thank you in advance. October 31 at 6:17am · Like

Central Hudson Alyse: This part of Poughkeepsie is loaded with individual neighborhood repairs, and we do not yet have estimated times of restoration. The safest thing to do is seek shelter. October 31 at 8:12am · Like

Alyse Hurrell Fuller Ok thank you. It was 48 in our house this am. And the fire place is not helping. Time to find a hotel. October 31 at 8:51am · Like

Central Hudson Regarding calls to our customer service center: When there is an overflow of calls to our call center and all lines are busy, additional calls get routed to our automated system, rather than get a busy signal. This enables customers to report outages and get restoration information by phone as quickly as possible. If you are getting automatically routed to that automated system but need to speak with a representative about an issue related to this storm but beyond basic outage reporting functions, you should keep trying us at both telephone numbers -- (845) 452-2700 and 1-800-527-2714 -- until your call is fielded by a Central Hudson staff member. 844 People Reached · 44 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 7:22pm ·

2 people like this.

Chris Walsh Hongach I got neither....I got 'all circuits are busy' for 7 straight hours. October 30 at 7:23pm · Like

Savannah Reeves Thank you for restoring my power today. :) There are trees laying across my power lines, do you help with that? October 30 at 7:26pm · Like

Amelia A. Zeppieri-Cosentino Your field personnel do not have any more information than your site. October 30 at 7:28pm · Like

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10 Picky Vicky I suggest after you tell us on your tape that power could Search be out for several days you begin with "if this case constitutes an Chris Hayes Home emergency because someone in your home is ill or elderly" etc - I have a home in another state and they definitely have provisions for these scenarios! October 30 at 7:32pm · Like

Chrystal Corsino no info available no matter how we call.... looking for eta on poughkeepsie near red oaks mill October 30 at 7:32pm · Like · 2

Central Hudson Thank you for your patience Savannah. Yes, please report that condition to our call center as well. October 30 at 7:32pm · Like

Savannah Reeves ok, will do. Thanks! October 30 at 7:34pm · Like

Amelia A. Zeppieri-Cosentino Woohoo! Power on! Thank you! October 30 at 7:34pm · Unlike · 1

Jesus Contreras Do the repairmen work over night? October 30 at 7:35pm · Like

Central Hudson Amelia and Chrystal, we can't provide restoration estimates until that information comes in from the field personnel. Our foremen are doing their best to provide those estimates while supervising their crews, restoring power and overseeing the safety of the public and the employees under their watch. Thank you for your patience. October 30 at 7:35pm · Like

Central Hudson Yes Jesus. We will be working around the clock to make repairs. We also expect our field force to double tomorrow morning with the arrival of several mutual aid and contract line crews. October 30 at 7:37pm · Like · 1

Jesus Contreras God bless them. This cold weather can really get to you. Good luck out there! October 30 at 7:38pm · Like · 2

Jack Pearson Central Hudson has recently repurchased 6% of their outstanding shares, increased the dividends paid to stockholders, and have us sitting in the pitch black on a subfreezing night. October 30 at 7:38pm · Like · 3

Jack Pearson How many repair crews does Central Hudson have now versus 1980 when the area was MUCH less populated? October 30 at 7:40pm · Like

James Watters Can your crews please survey Meadow St in Newburgh. Possible transformer blew here last night. October 30 at 7:48pm · Like

Steve Reidy Am still waiting on a time for when power will be turned back on. Salt Point / Hyde Park. I have a o2 dependant person who NEEDS POWER ... have waited 4hrs for a update ... AND we are on the list ... October 30 at 7:52pm · Like

Amber Bass What about dry ice??? Where do people go??? October 30 at 7:53pm · Like

Central Hudson OK James. Will do. October 30 at 7:54pm · Like

James Watters Thank you! October 30 at 7:55pm · Like

Jack Pearson High Paid Central Hudson Exec with Full Pension who is answering questions, you skipped over mine. Here it is again: How many repair crews does Central Hudson have now versus 1980 when the area was MUCH less populated? October 30 at 8:05pm · Like

Central Hudson Jack, dont' have that information readily available. I will have to check on that number and get back to you at a later date. October 30 at 8:06pm · Like

Happily Married We still in black out in Newburgh and New windsor October 30 at 8:07pm · Like

Amber Bass What about dry ice???? October 30 at 8:07pm · Like

Helen Hayes Gordon Same here. Got "all circuits are busy" or a busy signal October 30 at 8:10pm · Like

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10 Central Hudson Amber: We have been working with more than a Search dozen distributors as well as other utility companies to secure any Chris Hayes Home and all available dry ice. There will be no dry ice distribution tonight. We will have an update about that tomorrow. October 30 at 8:17pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Jack, regarding your frequent posting about the repurchase of shares and dividend increase that you have posted on several comments: First, you are referring to CH Energy Group, Central Hudson's parent company, not Central Hudson itself. The repurchase of shares was paid for by CH Energy Group's decision to divest some of its other investments and use the funds to repurchase shares in the company. The modest dividend increase was CH Energy Group's first since 1999 and was paired with an announcement that the company intends to focus more heavily on the quality and service of its energy delivery businesses, which include Central Hudson. I'm sorry, but this is not a topic that we can entertain any further as we are trying to help people deal with pressing concerns and possible emergency situations resulting from this storm. October 30 at 8:21pm · Like · 2

Kelly Nevins Nelson Any news on the dutchess community college power, web is down, local newspapers have no listings for tomorrow? October 30 at 8:29pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Both DiMarco place I and II senior and disabled housing without power,our O2 generator tenent went to live with family/friends. Much of Wappingers Falls has power but not Remsen road-A tree hit the line and there was a brief fire on the transforner box near the post office (if that helps) October 30 at 8:30pm · Like

Patricia Rowan Is there any place to buy Dry Ice ?? October 30 at 8:30pm · Like

Central Hudson Kelly, I'll look into that and let you know when a firm estimate is in place. October 30 at 8:33pm · Like

Anuj Singh Any idea when hopewell/ east fishkill/old grange road area off 52 will be back on the grid? October 30 at 8:37pm · Like

Anuj Singh Thanks btw for all the hard work! October 30 at 8:37pm · Like

Kelly Nevins Nelson r the places you mentioned around dccc? live across the river in ulster, sorry.. October 30 at 8:38pm · Like

Jack Pearson That money given as a dividend increase would sure have come in handy for the freezing cold customers sitting in the pitch black who will now have to pay a surcharge on their bills for the extra money you're spending to handle this storm, right? October 30 at 8:38pm · Like · 2

Central Hudson Kelly: We currently do not have an estimated time of restoration for this outage. October 30 at 8:38pm · Like

Patricia Rowan I know your guys are working hard and I understand it will take time to restore power to everyone. I have been trying to get to the update map on line and can not connect. I just would like to get and update as to when I might get power. I have children and a frezer full of food I do not want to loose. I would like to make arrangments. October 30 at 8:39pm · Like · 1

Glen Heinsohn Remsen Road DiMarco place one and two? Seniors get cold. I went to a friend's home in NYC but am concerned for elderly neighbors. October 30 at 8:40pm · Like

John VanWart Jack, Don't know where you work but do they have the same amout of people employed as they did in 1980 ?? No CH s snswer only my own !! October 30 at 8:41pm · Like

Patricia Rowan Btw I do know you guys are doing your best. Just a little more information would be helpful. October 30 at 8:44pm · Like · 1

Brian Kelly Power just came on at our house in Beacon. Thank you!! October 30 at 8:45pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Anyone in Village of Wappingers Falls near post office Remsen road? October 30 at 8:48pm · Like

Ardith Spiegl Thank you all for giving us back our power tonight in Bearsville area! October 30 at 8:49pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Amber Bass The weather channel had been talking about this Chris Hayes Home storm for s few days. Im not understanding y arrangements weren't made in ur efforts to have dry ice ready for customers knowing the potential of people losing power... October 30 at 8:50pm · Like · 1

Sheree McCoy Drake Fullerton Avenue in Newburgh and surrounding area is still in the dark. Trying to be patient, but absolutely no restoration information has been made available. October 30 at 8:50pm · Like · 1

Carol Ritchey didn't quite work that way. 18 calls to both numbers, all went to dead air, not automated anything. After a lot of tries with StormCentral, I think the report went through October 30 at 8:52pm · Like

Heidi Sagendorph Coffey have no seen any trucks all day even out and about in my travels, all they need to do is put the fuse back in, it is hanging at the end of the street - louise and south cross staatsburg/hyde park border - elderly man on our street had to go to hospital because it was too cold for him October 30 at 8:53pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Patricia: Please don't spend any more time accessing the online map tonight because we do not have an estimated time of restoration for the outage affecting you. Sorry about that. Regarding dry ice, we have been working with more than a dozen distributors as well as other utility companies to secure any and all available dry ice. There will be no dry ice distribution tonight. We will have an update about that tomorrow. Thank you for your patience; we realize you have a family to think about. October 30 at 8:54pm · Like

Central Hudson Brian: thank you for your patience during this. October 30 at 8:54pm · Like

Carol Ritchey power back on after only 24 hours! What a relief. After Snowleaf it was 4 1/2 days. So I guess some things have improved, even with increased population. October 30 at 8:55pm · Like

Laura Harnden Your storm outage weblink is not working. I tried twice today to see if power was restored and it was DOWN..UGH October 30 at 8:56pm · Like

Gina Rizzo I know New Windsor is being reevaluated but is there a time as of yet? is there a problem at the substation on bethlehem road? October 30 at 9:04pm · Like

Laura Harnden Your workers have been doing a great job! I know power was restored in Sawkill and New Paltz. I also know that Central Hudson workers have been working non-stop since before the first snow flake arrived! Thanks! October 30 at 9:06pm · Unlike · 1

Julie Teal Outlaw Thank you for all the hard work to restore our power here in Pleasant Valley!! October 30 at 9:07pm · Unlike · 1

Joanne De La Torre Thank you so much for having our power back on at 1pm this afternoon..so happy too have heat back for my little ones..would've hated having to go to hotel for the night. October 30 at 9:10pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Laura, incredibly high traffic -- we were at about 200% of our rated bandwidth on our internet connection for much of the day -- has caused some customers problems in getting through to our outage map. The page is now down, but extreme traffic is causing some slowness and even making it inaccessible to some customers at some times. October 30 at 9:14pm · Like

Kathy Sherman i have been calling those two numbers all day long and no one has answered it sends you to the automated you cant talk to a staff member October 30 at 9:20pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Ok as I am warm now I can wait to hear about DiMarco place but the other tenents who are disabled/elderly must suffer through. Weird that only that one or two block street on Remsen Rd should be offgrid-My guess is the transformer fire on Remsen near post office. The lights blinked on at 10am but only for a second. Maybe burned out transformer is cause, October 30 at 9:31pm · Like

Gina Rizzo Power has been restored on mt airy rd thank you! October 30 at 9:35pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Gina: Thank you for your incredible patience during the third-largest storm restoration in the history of our utility. October 30 at 9:49pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home James Watters Thank you for getting the lights back on! I guess it was that transformer. October 30 at 9:51pm · Unlike · 1

Glen Heinsohn One more plug for the nice elderly/disabled of DiMarco Place Wappingers Falls I and II I hope these folks get the power soon! I now go to bed in my warm NYC apartment across from Central Park hoping the best for my friends left behind in the Hudson valley's cold. October 30 at 11:25pm · Like · 1

Alicia Chutka-Short Have not had any info about resteration? We have been out since Sat early evening and still no info? I'm in the middle if a high risk pregnancy and gave 2 younger children! It would be nice to know something! In Millbrook NY October 31 at 5:39am · Like

Sheila Wicklow Out since Sat around 4:30 October 31 at 5:57am · Like

Sheila Wicklow We have many elderly & disabled residents on this road in WF....apparently forgotten this storm....no sign of any help coming soon to WHRd :-( October 31 at 6:04am · Like

Central Hudson Alicia: We do not yet have estimated times of restoration for the outages in and around Millbrook. The safest thing to do is seek shelter. Do you need the address of the shelter? October 31 at 8:17am · Like

Central Hudson Sheila: We have not forgotten you. We do not yet have estimated times of restoration for the outages affecting WF, but we have an army of repair personnel out there now. October 31 at 8:20am · Like

Steve Reidy I trying to get a restoration time for netherwood rd, Have a person who dependant on o2 in house, have been asking on your FB pages since saturday for a time... PLEASE i need to know no more fuel for generator! October 31 at 8:52am · Like

Iman Irk I suggest CH get some extra system horse power to support the web inquiries more reliable and quickly during storm outages. Ever hear of the CLOUD and on DEMAND? You might check into it. October 31 at 10:09am · Like

Iman Irk The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web. You get the POINT! No excuse in todays modern time computer age! October 31 at 10:22am · Like

Laura Harnden Central Hudson is the only company hammered during a storm that doesn't charge for house calls...Give them a break they're workers are still on the job 14-16 hours a day during outages! October 31 at 3:52pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Still nothing from CH on the elderly/disabled at DiMarco place Wappingers Falls hope it is not another sub freezing one October 31 at 9:16pm · Like

Alicia Chutka-Short Thank you Central Hudson for restoring electric to Millbrook! Good job to those who are out working and I'm praying you get everyone else on asap as well! November 1 at 4:52pm · Like

Central Hudson Several additions have been made to the list of emergency shelters and warming centers that have been established in the region. In general, the difference is that "warming centers" do not typically provide food and cots, but residents are welcome to visit those centers to warm up and bring their own supplies. These shelters and warming centers are run by local municipalities and/or the Red Chat (5)

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10 Cross. We will continue to update the list on the web page devoted to Search information about this storm as it becomes available. Find the list through the link Chris Hayes Home below:

Central Hudson - October 2011 Storm Info Center www.centralhudson.com

752 People Reached · 26 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 5:32pm ·

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Melissa Castro wish you could list them here.....the sight isnt going through. October 30 at 5:58pm · Like · 2

Melissa Castro where can we get dry ice?? October 30 at 5:58pm · Like

Central Hudson Melissa, we have been working with more than a dozen distributors as well as other utility companies to secure any and all available dry ice. There will be no dry ice distribution tonight. We will have an update about that tomorrow. October 30 at 6:07pm · Like

Central Hudson Here is the listing of those shelters for those having trouble accessing our website:


Millbrook American Red Cross will operate a overnight shelter at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Center located at 2715 Route 44, Millbrook at noon today. Residents should bring bedding including blankets and pillows and any necessary medications. Families with children should bring some toys or other items for quiet enjoyment.

Newburgh A shelter is being set up to open at 6 pm at 311 Route 32 in the Town of Newburgh.

New Paltz SUNY New Paltz Health and Wellness Center, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY 12561. Phone (845) 257-3995


Beacon Lewis Tompkins Hose ( Fire Station #2) at 13 South Avenue (Route 9D & Main Street) from 6pm this evening (Sunday) until 9am tomorrow morning (Monday, 10/31). Residents welcome to bring their own supplies to stay and get warm. Transportation is available for City of Beacon residents if needed. Contact: City of Beacon Police Department at 831-4111.

Fishkill - Town Town of Fishkill Police Station Community Room, located at 807 Route 52 in Fishkill, is now open. Contact: Police Dispatch at (845) 831-1110

Fishkill - Village Village Hall, located at 1095 Main Street in the Village of Fishkill, is open. Contact: Rad Wilson at at 845-656-3726

Fort Montgomery Fort Montgomery Fire Department, located at 865 Route 9W in Fort Montgomery. Call (845) 721-4032

Milan Milan Town Hall, located at 20 Wilcox Circle in Milan, will be open starting at noon. Contact: Supervisor William Gallagher at (845) 206 -8637.

Northeast American Legion Hall Post 178 located at 155 Route 44 in Millerton. Open for Millerton residents starting at 4pm and remaining open as needed. Contact: Supervisor David Sherman at 233-0190 or Com. Bob Jenks at 845-656-6466

Pine Plains Pine Plains Community Center, located at 7775 South Main Street in Pine Plains, is now open. Contact: Jennifer Mosher at (518) 929- 1392

Poughkeepsie - City A warming center/overnight shelter will open at the Salvation Army, 19 Pershing Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Residents are urged to bring their own pillows, blankets and food to the shelter. The shelter will be open at 6:00 pm this evening (Sunday, 10/30)

Red Hook Red Hook Town Hall, located at 7340 South Broadway in Red Hook, will be open starting at 11 am. Contact: Supervisor Sue Crane at (845) 546-2233. Chat (5)

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10 October 30 at 6:09pm · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Claudia King Bogus!!! I have an 85 year old mother in Hopewell Junction who can not get her electricity up and running and can't reach anyone to help her??? Shame on you! What plans do you have in place to help the elderly? Apparently, none. October 30 at 6:21pm · Like · 2

Erik Wightman It's time to quit the subcontracting of lineman from out of state, and get a realistic sized crew! If I count the total days without power this year, I'm at 17. While certain businesses around me are hooked back up in 24 hrs. Can I expect to have a month total of no electricity this year??? Looks like a damn good chance. October 30 at 6:29pm · Like · 1

Mackenzie Farris I was just wondering where I can call to let you guys know that my power lines are across my porch and driveway and my meter has been ripped off of the house all by a falling tree, me and my parents have Been trying to call in but it is all automated if you lost power, we still have power, which is a big concern that these lines are sill on October 30 at 6:34pm · Like

Debra Orlowski Claudia, she's your mother, don't you think you should be taking care of her needs, not a power company that is trying to take care of tens of thousands? Shame on you Claudia! October 30 at 6:48pm · Like · 1

Kathy Sherman my mom is on oxygen and she still has no power and you are aware of this i think the elderly should have some priority with this so i have been trying all day to talk to someone but all you get is automated where is all the help i even called 911 about trees and wires across the road didnt dod me any good so what happens now October 30 at 6:48pm · Like

Erik Wightman Afghanistan has a more consistent power grid than Usless County NY.. October 30 at 6:57pm · Like

Central Hudson Claudia, I will pass along your concern to our Consumer Outreach department. Until we restore power to her, do you or another family member who live locally have the ability to assist your mother at this time? October 30 at 6:57pm · Like

David Farley @ Claudia and Kathy; I am sure that you saw the list of warming shelters that where posted. Instead of complaining on Facebook; maybe you both should think about you mothers and their safety and get them to a shelter instead of blaming others for something that is Mother Nature's fault. October 30 at 6:58pm · Like · 2

Carlos Mansilla-Lazares what time is the power in newburgh coming back? October 30 at 7:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Mackenzie, if you post the address for the situation you're describing and a contact number I will get that report through to a field supervisor immediately and then delete your comment with the information. Otherwise you will have to keep calling back the call center until you can get through. When there is an overflow of calls to our call center and all lines are busy, additional calls get routed to the automated system, rather than get a busy signal. October 30 at 7:08pm · Like

Central Hudson Erik, we absolutely understand your frustration and that of all our customers. Unfortunately, we have been hit with two of the three most damaging storms in our more than 100 year history in the past 2 months -- Hurricane Irene on Aug. 28 and now this autumn snowstorm. These are extreme weather events that have ravaged electric systems of several utility companies in multiple states. Please try to hang in there while we work as quickly as possible to get this resolved. October 30 at 7:11pm · Like · 1

John DeAngelis We are off Red Schoolhouse Road in Fishkill - right across from Downstate Prison of which our beloved criminal inmates are being kept warm by the State of New York and the taxpayers - - all our neighbors living on Red Schoolhouse Road have never lost any power - and all of BUT FOUR HOMES on Cynwyd Drive HAVE NO POWER. This has been a constant reoccurrance of a blown transformer issue that always makes our street lose power for days - and something that Central Hudson fails to correct...we are one mile from the CenHud Geering Park station and it takes CH forever to get to us and restore power. Absolutely unacceptable. October 30 at 7:12pm · Like

Erik Wightman This country is quickly loosing ground in the ability of the whole power grid, as well as communications grid, to handle load, and disruptions. I've seen little or no updating in 20 years. Were a third world country and we don't even know it... By Chat (5)

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10 the way, I blame the government "mostly", for not working more Search closely with power companies on making the system better.. Chris Hayes Home Mostly.. October 30 at 7:20pm · Like

Helen Hayes Gordon Just posting on here in hopes someone sees this. Cant get through on the phone or the website all day to report outage...Country Lane in the Lomala neighborhood has been out since about 5:30 yesterday. October 30 at 7:22pm · Like

John DeAngelis Please have one of your crews come to Red Schoolhouse Road and Cynwyd Drive and replace the transformer.... October 30 at 7:26pm · Like

Amelia A. Zeppieri-Cosentino Can you provide a status for Country Club Road in Hopewell? No info online and no info when I call your #. October 30 at 7:27pm · Like

Central Hudson John. I will forward your comments to the engineers respsonsible for your area for further investigation. October 30 at 7:30pm · Like

Linda Goff I have an elderly neighbor who is caring for her 99 year old mother at 78 Spruce Lane in Clinton Corners (I'm presently out of town or else I'd physically check on them) but text and phone calls are going unanswered. Momma also is on oxygen tanks and this mornings text was that she was using up her spare tank. No contacts since noon and I'm very concerned. Momma is pretty much bed bound, has hospice care and don't know where they would go even if they can get to the warming shelter in Millbrook. Any chance a crew member can go and check if they are in the area (or get this info to local emergency folks?) Thank you. October 30 at 7:38pm · Like

Jack Pearson Central Hudson has recently repurchased 6% of their outstanding shares, increased the dividends paid to stockholders, and have us sitting in the pitch black on a subfreezing night. October 30 at 7:38pm · Like

Central Hudson Linda, I have forwarded your concern to our consumer outreach and customer service folks. In the meantime, is there another neighbor you know who would be willing to check on this person for you? Two possibilities to explain your unanswered messages: there have also been major landline and cell phone interruptions in the region as a result of this storm. Your neighbor may have had their phone service disrupted. They may have also decided to relocate. October 30 at 8:04pm · Like

Linda Goff Thanks and I have tried one other neighbor but can't get thru on the phones. thanks for forwarding this! October 30 at 8:07pm · Like

Tracy Colletta-Bottone Beacon back on at 807 thank u! October 30 at 8:14pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson Tracy: Thank you for your patience. October 30 at 8:25pm · Like

Central Hudson Linda, heard back from the Director of Consumer Outreach. She tried to contact the customer you are referring to but did not get an answer. She has a crew attempting a visit tonight. Please urge your neighbor to register for our Life Support Program. This applies to anyone else reading this who knows of a Central Hudson customer on Life Support Equipment as well. Find information about and the application for this program at http:// www.centralhudson.com/residential/payment_assistance.html#lif e_support October 30 at 8:27pm · Like

Linda Goff My deepest thanks...and I will advise her of this program! October 30 at 8:28pm · Like

James Presutti The outage affecting colden Park in the town of newburgh is due to a 2" limb touching the primary and a secondary wire. it is at the corner of Mimosa and Flamingo drive< Town of Newburgh. Remove this limb and throw the breaker on the pole and you will restore close to 100 customers very easily and quickly. My parents live close to there and they are 85 and 80 yrs old and are without power. Any help would be great. October 30 at 8:58pm · Like

Glen Heinsohn Give them a break hundreds of repairs must be made to hundreds of miles of grid. i drove throught his mess yesterday and in 1/2 hour saw two burning transformers then a third explode near the Galleria. I went under several downed lines and almost every tree was bent over at severe angles. You want then to have a crew for every mile year round? Kinda expensive if you ask me. October 30 at 8:58pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Chris Hayes Home

Central Hudson Sunday afternoon update:

Central Hudson News Release - Central Hudson Restoring Service in the Wake of Autumn Nor’easter www.centralhudson.com

767 People Reached · 31 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 4:32pm ·

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Dawn Glusko-Moyer Power back on Salt Point Tpk. Thank you! October 30 at 4:50pm · Unlike · 1

Zack Spalding That white truck was a great sight to see on Ulster Ave today. October 30 at 4:57pm · Like

Christine Kramer-Skulevold Still without power and no info on restoration in Cornwall....grrrr.... October 30 at 4:58pm · Like

Gary Delemeester Haven't seen any trucks in the Ancram area all day. Oddly don't see any lines down either, but the power is still out. October 30 at 5:04pm · Like

Deanna Johnson No info at my Poughkeepsie location either. :-( October 30 at 5:19pm · Like

Jessica Cicale Haven't seen any activity here in Balmville.... October 30 at 5:20pm · Like

James Watters Nothing for Meadow St area in Newburgh October 30 at 5:26pm · Like

Tony Consaga No activity around Dutchess County Airport either October 30 at 5:26pm · Like

Matt Thorenz our 3rd power outage in 5 years. usually fixed in our area in 3-5 days. thank god the roads are clear and we have a working generator. Red Cross at SUNY New Paltz Campus if anyone needs a warm shower or medical assistance October 30 at 5:29pm · Like

Mike Lewis Im sure CH wont mind and will understand when I deduct the gas bill Im racking up to run my generator off my next monthy statement...... October 30 at 6:03pm · Like

Picky Vicky My mother-in-law is 79 years old and lives in Cornwall. Not only does she not have power since yesterday there are like 6 downed poles are her street and downed trees in her yard. There is no way to communicate with you other than the automated system. There should be a way of letting you know the more critical cases than a posting on Facebook! October 30 at 6:07pm · Like

James Watters So Town of Newburgh (according to Outage Summary) is due to be back on tonight @ 6:30pm. Is this false hope? October 30 at 6:08pm · Like

Dan Brooks too many people whining on here and the idiot whining about spending money on gas shoul be thankfull he is one of the lucky few who has one October 30 at 6:24pm · Like

Central Hudson Andrew, checking on those specific substations. There are also 13 transmision lines down affecting 22,000 customers. October 30 at 6:39pm · Like

Central Hudson Vicky, yes that area was hit very hard as were southern Dutchess County and Putnam County. We are placing as many resources as we can in that region while making repairs throughout our 2,600 square mile territory, all of which has experienced substantial outages because of this storm. October 30 at 6:42pm · Like

Mike Lewis Your right Dan... Im lucky. Think about it....guess I bought one for a reason. I dont normally bitch, but its ironic how if I send a bill in late I get a notice a reminder notice and am charged a fee. Funny how Im financially held to a contract on my end... but never get a discount when the other side cant provide the service... October 30 at 6:45pm · Like · 2

Central Hudson Mike, Bobby, and everyone else: We sympathize with your frustration we sincerely do and we're pulling out every stop to get Chat (5)

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10 Search power back on for all of our customers as quickly as possible. As noted Chris Hayes Home in another post on a different thread recently: Unfortunately, we have been hit with two of the three most damaging storms in our more than 100 year history in the past 2 months -- Hurricane Irene on Aug. 28 and now this autumn snowstorm. These are extreme weather events that have ravaged electric systems of several utility companies in multiple states. Please try to hang in there while we work as quickly as possible to get this resolved. October 30 at 7:14pm · Like

Debbie Lince Capicotto Hello, I tried to check your site for restoration updates with no luck. Can you please tell me when New Windsor is estimated to have power restored? It really makes you reflect on how much we take for granted the services Central Hudson provides us day in and day out - year in and year out. Thank you. October 30 at 7:23pm · Like

Mike Lewis I TOTALLY respect that and the crews who are hard at work,,, no doubt in my mind,,,nor, would I want anyone to think this is a knock against their efforts!!! I just ask to be able to recover the costs I have to front when you are unable to provide the service which I am billed for monthly. I am being double billed.... having to pay to maintain basic electricity, plus, paying for what you are NOT currently providing. I never have an issue paying what I owe for what you provide. But like any other business, if you cant provide the service for a particular reason, why should I be expected to give the same payment I do when my service ISNT interrupted? October 30 at 7:28pm · Like

Jack Pearson Central Hudson has recently repurchased 6% of their outstanding shares, increased the dividends paid to stockholders, and have us sitting in the pitch black on a subfreezing night. October 30 at 7:38pm · Like

Jessica Labis Any news on when sprout brook rd in garrison will be back up ??? October 30 at 7:39pm · Like

Venessa Pignetti Any updates on old mill rd in town of neeburgh? Lost power 10:00 last night and no info yet. October 30 at 7:45pm · Like

Venessa Pignetti Il meant newburgh October 30 at 7:51pm · Like

Central Hudson Totally understandable, Mike. A few things about this: 1) Although most customers pay their entire energy bill to Central Hudson, about half of that is the energy supply charge (the cost of the actual electricity generated at the power plant). Although most customers pay that charge to us, we do not mark up or profit from that charge. We purchase that supply for our customers but do not profit from that service. When your power is out and your meter is not running, you are not incurring energy supply charges. 2) Delivery service charges from Central Hudson are also not incurred when the power is out. What does not change is the "Basic Service Charge" portion of your bill. That doesn't change because this is a fee you are paying Central Hudson for our work to repair system damages when they occur. October 30 at 7:51pm · Like

Mike Callahan I bit my tongue long enough Mr. Lewis..... As you type away at your PC complaining on Face Book in your warm home with your generator purring away your neighbors are wrapped in blankets figuring out how they will shower before work tomorrow and when they can flush their toilets. You should be thankful that CH is delivering electricity to you so cheaply compared to your cost to generate it. You prepared yourself by installing a generator, did you expect never to have use it??? Stop complaining! October 30 at 7:51pm · Like

Wynn Gold Perhaps you can advise the appropriate party that there are wires down on Long Hill road in Mountainville (Town of Cornwall). You have crews on Route 32 in Cornwall. It would make sense to fix this issue while your crew is here, rather than moving them elsewhere and then sending them back later. It would be a much more cost effective allocation of your resources. Please, at least, acknowledge that you've read this comment. October 30 at 7:53pm · Like

Mike Lewis Thanks CH for the explaination... I appreciate it! Mike C,,, didnt mean to offend anyone... this was never meant to be a dig... but more general comment. And to CHGE,,, thanks for your services,,, I appreciate and respect it. Please, however, to those who are frustrated with any of my comments, respect my right to voice my opinion and air my questions,,, same as you are. Stay warm and stay safe all... dont forget to check on the elderly!!! October 30 at 8:06pm · Like

Central Hudson Got the comment, Wynn. Will forward it along but can't make promises about the prioritization of repairs. That's up to the Chat (5)

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10 Search field supervisors to make. Many downed wires and dangerous Chris Hayes Home conditions caused by this storm. October 30 at 8:09pm · Like

Steve MacDonald Any word when we'll see crews on Norton Rd in Red Hook? Trees down across the road...power is out and somehow your system had us with power and only after 2 phone calls did the rep understand we don't have power.....Obviosly I wouldn't be calling to report the outage a third time if I had power on in my house!!!!! October 30 at 8:12pm · Like

Central Hudson We currently do not have a restoration time for that outage. October 30 at 8:12pm · Like

Steve MacDonald Figured that...thanks October 30 at 8:13pm · Like

Central Hudson Jessica and Vanessa: Thank you for your patience. Sorry to say that we currently do not have restoration times for those outages. October 30 at 8:21pm · Like

Leslie Margini Any restoration info for Firth st.m in cornwall or Mt airy road in new windsor? Thanks October 30 at 8:40pm · Like

Jessica Labis When will we know ??? I am trying to be positive but..... Our power is ALWAYS going out here ??? Even when it is a bright and sunny day ... October 30 at 8:45pm · Like

Ann Haaland Thank you guys for all your work in the last 24 hours. We got our power back tonight. Am grateful to all the crews and volunteers. It's a big area with many many residents, businesses, hospitals and services we take for granted until we don't have them. Thank you! October 30 at 9:26pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson added 16 new photos to the album SnowFall - October 30, 2011.

778 People Reached · 57 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 1:39pm ·

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View previous comments 50 of 80

Anuj Singh Any idea on ETOR in hopewell/east fishkill area? We are right off of 52 just by the siccer fields. Thanks!! October 30 at 3:40pm · Like

Central Hudson Todd: We do not have any dry ice locations. October 30 at 3:51pm · Like · 1

Betty Bennett Cornwall has been out since 1p sat. Can't acess any of your links. Any estimate October 30 at 3:55pm · Like

Amelia A. Zeppieri-Cosentino Looking for an ETOR in Hopewell Beekman / Country Club Road area. The CHG&E site has not changed the status all day. Thank you! October 30 at 3:56pm · Like

Tod Westlake Your Android app is now telling me that my power has been restored. It hasn't been. Reported the outage again. October 30 at 4:10pm · Like

Joseph R. Nelson Sr. Using my cell... All Storm Center links give malformed url errors... Wish I could find ETOR data for the vicinity of east Noxon as I'm probably going to have frozen pipes to deal with now... October 30 at 4:12pm · Like

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10 Philip DeBecker Our power just came back on in Milton off Willow Search Tree. It had been off since 2PM Saturday. We went out to the diner Chris Hayes Home this afternoon and passed the trucks on Willow Tree on our way home and gave the guys a thumbs up, power was back not 30 minutes later. Thanks for all your hard work! October 30 at 4:12pm · Like

Kenneth Killmer I don't think they know if u get on there site no matter where you check it all says the same thing no restoration info available. I just heard they were checking damage today going to start repairs tomorrow. I know its an act of mother nature but come on should be prepared for this kinda stuff when they send my bill I should send them my gas bill for generator. October 30 at 4:13pm · Like · 1

Tony Consaga This is riduclous, website hasn't worked at all since storm and no restoration information; flat out unacceptable October 30 at 4:16pm · Like

Central Hudson Kenneth, repairs have been ongoing today simultaneously with damage assesment efforts. We're not waiting to make repairs. The photos atop this thread are just a small sample of the work going on throughout our service territory today. October 30 at 4:20pm · Like

Central Hudson Our website and StormCentral outage map are operational. In discussing with Central Hudson's IT department, the problem some customers are experiencing getting through is due to the enormous traffic on the site today. We are currently running at almost 200% of rated bandwidth on the connection. October 30 at 4:23pm · Like

John-Anthony Bruno I've ha the opportunity to work with CH in the past during these types of responses. The company is full of hard working individuals committed to bringing power back. Some repair crews are likely to travel from their homes many states away to work long shifts in the cold. To all out fixing lines and restoring power, be safe and thank you for your commitment! October 30 at 4:23pm · Unlike · 3

Joseph R. Nelson Sr. Sadly 148,000 outages don't get restored overnight... It's quite hard in Lagrangeville because even with a generator the cable is down, cell service is gone... It's like we've dropped off the radar. A branch landed on a supposedly dead line last night setting the tree on fire and no one could report it. October 30 at 4:24pm · Like

Tod Westlake App still telling me my power is back on when it isn't. There are still people in Cherry Hill New Paltz without power. I checked via my account number and it says there is no outage here. Wrong. Elderly couple next door who really need their power back. Please let the crews know that there are still problems here. October 30 at 4:25pm · Like

Kenneth Killmer OK How come every where I check on the site it says no restoration info available. I know yous are working hard to resolve. October 30 at 4:25pm · Like

Eric Sturrock Will you guys be working all night to restore power or will you have to wait until morning once dark comes? October 30 at 4:27pm · Like

John VanWart I'm sure folks that if they was some kind of majic switch that CH could use to get everyone back on as soon as the storm stopped they would have had it 100 years ago. They know how hard it is on customers but being a retired linemen at CH spending many long cold wet nights restoring power all I have to say is they are doing their very best we always did. Everything can't be perfect where ever you live. Living in the NE everyone should be prepared for storms like this. October 30 at 4:35pm · Like · 2

Central Hudson Definitely will do, Tod. October 30 at 5:04pm · Like

Annie Heck Any update on Lagrangeville/Union Vale area...we have no cell service and an update while I'm in town would give me piece of mind. Thanks October 30 at 5:08pm · Like

Central Hudson We will work around the clock until your power is restored. Also, an additional 250-300 field forces will be added to the restoration effort at first light tomorrow (Monday). October 30 at 5:10pm · Like

Jennifer Galik Hayes We understand its not a MAGIC SWITCH. We are tired of this happening everytime. The wind- the snow- the heat- the rain. There is always an excuse. They raise our rates so much maybe Central Hudson should be PREPARED before it happens. I understand this happens but use the big bucks you charge the customers and came up with a better system. Where does the money go? CH has to get extra people from other states to help? They dont have enough workers? I pay a lot of money to Central Hudson and I expect better service. Stop blaming Mother Chat (5)

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10 Nature- freak storms etc. Enough. MAKE A BETTER SYSTEM. This Search happens way to much with Central Hudson. Our rates should be Chris Hayes Home lowered not incresedif this is going to happen EVERYTIME. More than half your customers without power. How would that go if more than half of another business October 30 at 5:14pm · Like · 2

Jennifer Galik Hayes customers were not served to better standards. Thats is way too manY customers to be without. Remember WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS. October 30 at 5:16pm · Like

Joseph R. Nelson Sr. I think Annie was asking where we are on the priority list. Clearly something is always being done somewhere and the extra hands will kick the restoration effort up a few more notches, but with temps in the low twenties tonight it'd be nice to get more specific info... As noted earlier Storm Central isn't delivering the goods for a lot of folks and we're not sure this area has even been evaluated yet. October 30 at 5:27pm · Like

John VanWart If you only knew about what it takes to restore power after a major storm you might just think differently. Or the next you all complain about tree trimming think twice!! The other answer you could move to someplace that's perfect !! The northeat has had weather like this forever. October 30 at 5:32pm · Like · 5

Jennifer Galik Hayes Central Hudson should improve the system. It is UNACCEPTABLE that MORE than half your customers are without power. Thats not an answer to say to move somewhere perfect. WE PAY CENTRAL HUDSON- WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS- WE DESERVE BETTER. Central Hudson needs to improve and not let it get to the point of MORE THAN HALF WITHOUT POWER. October 30 at 5:56pm · Like

John VanWart Not a place to hash this out !! I see your point but until your in their shoes learn what your talking about. If you won't move miricles just don't happen. October 30 at 6:17pm · Like

Joseph R. Nelson Sr. I'm not sure there's any real way to improve this. Heavy wet snow on trees that still have much of their leaves will snap those tree limbs. If they fall on power lines, the lines are coming down. Until someone conquers the physics behind it there isn't much that can be done to stop the blackouts from happening. What I think could have been done was to anticipate this and have the boots on the ground ready to go full throtle as soon as practible. We had precident for this kind of disaster - use that precident to bring the reinforcements in BEFORE the storm hits - you'd still have 148,000 who'd lost power, but not nearly for so long. October 30 at 6:20pm · Like

Kathy Sherman i am wondering when power will be restored in boston corners rd. millerton my mom is there and she is on oxygen she is supposed to be on a priority with central hudson she has been without power since saturday and there are trees and wires down across the road on boston borners rd. i have called 911 and nobody does nothing about it i guess. well i certainly hope her power is restored very soon October 30 at 6:31pm · Like

Jennifer Galik Hayes As long as you see my point- thats all I care about. Not sure about who shoes you are talking about but the only thing I am talking about is getting good service for my money. Thats all. Nothing More- nothing less. I agree with you Mr. Nelson. "bring the reinforcements in BEFORE the storm hits. Very good point. October 30 at 6:43pm · Like

Steve Reidy 4hours ago I asked for a update ... you gave me a non working link twice ... I advised you that my mother in law is on o2 portable ... I have had NO updates and on last can of gas for generator ... wondering how my mother in law will be breathing tonight as I STILL DONT HAVE ANY POWER! Hyde park / salt point area. October 30 at 7:23pm · Like

Jack Pearson Central Hudson has recently repurchased 6% of their outstanding shares, increased the dividends paid to stockholders, and have us sitting in the pitch black on a subfreezing night. October 30 at 7:38pm · Like

Central Hudson The Storm Central web site works but is experiencing extremely high traffic right now and appears to have slowed. For those of you who are trying to get on the site to get an estimated time of restoration, we can tell you that very few estimated times of restoration have been posted at this point. October 30 at 7:57pm · Like

Central Hudson Steve, since the damage from this storm is so severe and widespread, it may take several days to restore power in some Chat (5)

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10 Search locations. The safest thing to do is to get your mother-in-law to a Chris Hayes Home shelter. October 30 at 8:02pm · Like

Central Hudson Kathy: The safest thing to do is to get your mother to a shelter. October 30 at 8:04pm · Like

John VanWart Jenn, Does any business you know of bire people in advance for any reason ?? Think your bills are high now if Ch did what you suggest your bills would be a whole lot higher !! I can't see you or anybody else controlling the weather !! Shoes ?? The shoes of the people trying and doing their best to help all costomers !! This is not like any other in the mall !! October 30 at 8:23pm · Like

Pattie Reidy First of all there is NO LOCAL SHELTERS IN OUR AREA!!!! to take my mom to... second of all..the fact that i am about to throw away 200.00 worth of spoiled meat...and spending an average of 40.00 a day on gas to keep her breathing...now when my CH bill comes in and I am SHORT on paying it... I am sure ur guys in the control room will have NO ISSUES cutting my electric again!!!! do we get any reimbursement for OUR INCONVIENECE? October 30 at 8:57pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Pattie, sorry, we know it's difficult and we are working around the clock and have secured several contract and mutual aid line crews to help us with repairs. We are fully focused on getting the power back on as quickly as possible. Please note that while we advertise the existence of emergency shelters, those shelters are established and staffed by either the Red Cross or local volunteer or municipal groups. You may want to contact your town supervisor or local emergency officials to find out if there is a shelter near you that we haven't been informed of. October 30 at 9:06pm · Like

Pattie Reidy thanks...they were no help either today....guess we will make the best of this situation and hope to god that nothing fatal happens...wonder why i submitted Your form to inform you that i have someone who is oxygen dependent and still that holds no water...good luck guys!! October 30 at 9:23pm · Like

Kathy Sherman i cant take my mom to a shelter we dont have one to go to October 30 at 9:24pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Kathy: Are any of these close to you:

· Millbrook American Red Cross will operate a overnight shelter at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Center located at 2715 Route 44, Millbrook.

· Milan Milan Town Hall, located at 20 Wilcox Circle in Milan, will be open starting at noon. Contact: Supervisor William Gallagher at (845) 206 -8637.

· Pine Plains Pine Plains Community Center, located at 7775 South Main Street in Pine Plains. Contact: Jennifer Mosher at (518) 929-1392. October 30 at 9:31pm · Like

Kathy Sherman ok thanks dont know if you know that tree and wires are across road on boston corners rd and someone said on route 22 coming north just before boston corners turn off October 30 at 9:31pm · Like

Kathy Sherman i dont mean to complain i know everyone is working very hard to get everyone up and running we will manage maybe we will have lights on tomorrow October 30 at 9:34pm · Like

Kathy Sherman thanks very much for all the hard work everyone October 30 at 9:34pm · Like

Joseph R. Nelson Sr. John - First I need to reinforce that nothing said here is aimed at you or your brother linemen. You are the heroes here which will be proven soon enough to those who haven't already figured it out. That said... I understand the point you were trying to make, that Jen's intimation that CH needs to hire many more linemen even though the vast majority of the time things are running smothly would REALLY drive the bills up, putting far more people on payroll than the workload warrants. But again... nobody at the top can honestly say that this storm surprised anyone with the degree of dammage. We've seen this kind of storm before and knew how ugly it was bound to get. The crews trucked in from out of state could and should have been in place by Saturday morning - because it was known by midweek how heavy the snow would be. The ball was dropped here - by management and by the government. We could have gotten better. October 30 at 10:00pm · Like Chat (5)

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10 Search Joseph R. Nelson Sr. Also - what "few ETORs have been posted" Chris Hayes Home tells me is that little out here has been observed. Once it has been seen a rough estimate can be made. It wouldn't neccessarily be quick, factoring in damage, labor and the "priority" issue that we all know exists but nobody will talk about. Which is why I made my original point - use this tool to communicate where the crews are and how things are going. The responses I've seen from CH here have been so automatic and robotic I'm not sure a human is issuing them. October 30 at 10:17pm · Like

John VanWart Thanks Joe but again CH pays the frieght for the crews brought in if they did what you suggest which is a good idea by the way and the storm went out sea would the customers.then complain about footing that bill ?? October 30 at 10:17pm · Like

Joseph R. Nelson Sr. Valid point, John. I think the answer is in public relations... that measured in terms of cost to customers in the form of potential property loss and damage, injuries and at worst deaths, that "erring on the side of caution" meant taking precautions that ended up being unneccessary. You can't please everyone, but I think the response from a public left dangling while CH acts surprised at how bad it all ended up will prove more hostile. October 30 at 10:42pm · Like

John VanWart I guess until all of you are in the shoes of CH and see what it takes to restore power from the call to getting power on to all customers no one will understand the scope of it !! If possible CH would like for everyone never to lose power ! October 31 at 9:24am · Like

Anne O'Connell Rhodes My neighbors one block down have power, but not my block! Time for Central Management to update the system to prevent such outages. Hire Local 17 to get the job down right!!!!!! October 31 at 2:33pm · Like

Sheila Trombini ch said tues 11:00 pm i had power 1PM tues. i live on a road that power stays out forever. thank you ch you are the best November 4 at 11:09pm · Like

Central Hudson shared a link.

YNN Interview: Spokesperson for Central Hudson hudsonvalley.ynn.com Here to get us caught up on the latest outages, we've got Denise VanBuren, the spokesperson for Central Hudson Gas and Electric.

615 People Reached · 21 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 12:00pm ·

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Elizabeth Hare It would be helpful if you could summarize the report since my iPhone can't play flash ... October 30 at 12:14pm · Like · 2

Denise Doring VanBuren Hi Elizabeth -- I spoke to the team at YNN about the damage that we're seeing here in our service territory, the extra resources that we're bringing in from as far away as Tenn., and our plea to customers to please be particularly cautious around downed power lines. (If you see a line down assume that it is energized and stay away...also, be careful if a tree or its branches may have taken down a line as they can conduct electricity and be dangerous, too.) Please check out our website at www.CentralHudson.com for more information about the restoration effort underway now.... Expand Preview October 30 at 12:49pm · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Nicholas Petrovsky I have concerns that I called 911 about a explosion and a small fire and no one passed by. The response I got was they were busy. And the fact there is a wire off the side of the road on Horsenden Rd. New Paltz concerns me. I have power via a gas generator so I'm not in a dire need at the moment I know there is bigger problems out there. But is this wire high voltage? Did it shut a breaker? Was there a fire truck? No Was there a crew from Central Hudson? No October 30 at 1:04pm · Like

Central Hudson Here is the summary: · We incurred storm damage in each of the eight counties we serve, but damage was much worse in the south—along the Route 84 corridor—in Dutchess and Putnam and Orange counties, and in higher elevations. · Overall, about 148,000 customers were affected. Remaining customers without power are as follows: 75,000 customers in Chat (5)

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10 Dutchess, 35,000 in Orange and 26,000 in Ulster. Search · Combination of heavy, wet snow and foliage still on trees made Chris Hayes Home the storm more difficult, causing thousands of downed trees and limbs. · Hard to predict the estimated times of restoration now due to the amount of devastation. Damage assessment crews are on location. We are orking methodically through our service restoration plan. · When estimated times of restoration are available, they will be on CentralHudson.com. · For easiest access to storm updates, use the Storm Central feature on CentralHudson.com. · We will be restoring service for several days. In some cases, trees and limbs obstruct roadways. · It may seem like a good day to get out the chain saw and clear branches or trees, but please do not do this. Use extreme caution when approaching downed trees and limbs, which may be covering energized power lines. Assume all lines are energized. October 30 at 1:06pm · Like

Steven HudsonValley Saltzman Central Hudson can you please tell the NYC news channels to report your outages? They NEVER EVER do. October 30 at 1:10pm · Like · 2

Linda Martin LeCropane Kelso I can't access Denise's message either, due to Apple's restrictions on my IPhone. Could CH repost for us who rely on a cell phone device? October 30 at 1:23pm · Like

Linda Martin LeCropane Kelso (Got the summary; just wanted to see/hear DVB!) October 30 at 1:25pm · Like

Central Hudson Hi Linda. That video file was crated and is owned by YNN. Unfortunately, we can't edit it and post it here in a different file format. October 30 at 1:32pm · Like

Rafael Berrios I'm out of power here in newburgh. Is there any town close to here that has power? I desperately need gas for my car to drive to work tomorrow. October 30 at 1:33pm · Like

Michael Pagliaro Beacon and fishkilll gas staions on rt 52 have gas October 30 at 1:35pm · Like

Chris Johanson what about Putnam cold spring area what are we chopped liver October 30 at 1:35pm · Like

Steven HudsonValley Saltzman ^ I'm in Newburgh and have power....some gas stations are open on Route 32...long lines too. October 30 at 1:37pm · Like

Rafael Berrios Awesome. Thanks Mike! October 30 at 1:37pm · Like

Jonathan Song Stock Is there an estimated time for service to new windsor around 94 and union? I can't geT an estimate online with my phone number for some reason October 30 at 1:39pm · Like

Robert Schroeder Is there dry ice available anywhere in Dutchess County? Losing my freezers! October 30 at 1:47pm · Like

Central Hudson Chris Johanson, I am sorry but we have several outages in and around Cold Spring right now. We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration. When estimated times of restoration do become available for specific towns, they will be on the Storm Central portion of our web site: http:// stormcentral.cenhud.com/default.aspx October 30 at 1:56pm · Like

Nancy Conners Belon Friendly lane in poughkeepsie near stop and shop still no power and no info available. Trying to figure out if we need to find somewhere to go with our kids tonight. We lost it at 7:30 pm last night and it was 60 degrees inside this morning. Can't keep the kids there with no heat. Any idea? Thx October 30 at 2:13pm · Like

Jonathan Song Stock I went to the update map and got through but it doesn't say anything about when it'll be up, just that I don't have power but I already knew that ;) Any estimates for new Windsor around union and 94? Destinta theatre? October 30 at 2:20pm · Like

Central Hudson Overnight Shelters:

• Millbrook American Red Cross will operate a overnight shelter at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Center located at 2715 Route 44, Millbrook at noon today. Residents should bring bedding including blankets and pillows and any necessary medications. Chat (5)

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10 Families with children should bring some toys or other items for Search quiet enjoyment. Chris Hayes Home • New Paltz SUNY New Paltz Health and Wellness Center, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY 12561. Phone (845) 257-3995. October 30 at 2:21pm · Like

Central Hudson We have two new shelters, including Fort Montgomery and Beacon. This is the list of all shelters that we know of at this point:

City of Beacon Overnight warming center will be open at Lewis Tompkins Hose ( Fire Station #2) at 13 South Avenue (Route 9D & Main Street) from 6 pm this evening (Sunday) until 9am tomorrow morning (Monday, 10/31).

Overnight Shelters

· Millbrook American Red Cross will operate a overnight shelter at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Center located at 2715 Route 44, Millbrook at noon today. Residents should bring bedding including blankets and pillows and any necessary medications. Families with children should bring some toys or other items for quiet enjoyment.

· New Paltz SUNY New Paltz Health and Wellness Center, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY 12561. Phone (845) 257-3995

Warming Centers

· Fort Montgomery Fort Montgomery Fire Department, located at 865 Route 9W in Fort Montgomery. Call (845) 721-4032

· Milan Milan Town Hall, located at 20 Wilcox Circle in Milan, will be open starting at noon. Contact: Supervisor William Gallagher at (845) 206 -8637.

· Pine Plains Pine Plains Community Center, located at 7775 South Main Street in Pine Plains, is now open. Contact: Jennifer Mosher at (518) 929- 1392

· Fishkill Town of Fishkill Police Station Community Room, located at 807 Route 52 in Fishkill, is now open. Contact: Police Dispatch at (845) 831-1110

· Red Hook Red Hook Town Hall, located at 7340 South Broadway in Red Hook, will be open starting at 11 am. Contact: Supervisor Sue Crane at (845) 546-2233. October 30 at 3:33pm · Like

Central Hudson Tips during any storm emergency:

· If you do lose power, to reduce the risk of damage to major appliances that would go back on when it is restored, turn off or unplug them. Just leave a light or two on in your home. (And it's always helpful to our repair crews if you leave an outside light on after dark, so they'll know for sure that the power is restored at your place.)

· Be sure to turn off e... See More 597 People Reached · 7 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 10:35am ·

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Central Hudson Emergency shelters announced: OVERNIGHT SHELTERS - Millbrook: American Red Cross will operate a overnight shelter at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Center located at 2715 Route 44, Millbrook at noon today. Residents should bring bedding including blankets and pillows and any necessary medications. Families with children should bring some toys or other items for quiet enjoyment.

WA... See More

October 2011 SnowFall Storm Information Center Chat (5)

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10 www.centralhudson.com Search Chris Hayes Home 481 People Reached · 6 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 10:35am ·

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Central Hudson Red Cross shelter in addition to those listed above announced: SUNY New Paltz Health and Wellness Center, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY 12561- Phone (845) 257-3995 October 30 at 11:07am · Like

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Central Hudson October Storm Causes Extensive Damage to Central Hudson System

Central Hudson is fully mobilized, restoring electric service in the wake of a powerful Nor’easter that pummeled the valley on Saturday with strong winds and a foot of heavy, wet snow in many locations. The unseasonable snow weighed down trees and limbs still heavy with foliage on Saturday – causing thousands of branches and whole tre... Continue Reading

Central Hudson Gas & Electric www.CentralHudson.com Recent News» Central Hudson Urges Residents to Prepare for Possible Early Season Snowstorm (10/28/11)» Strengthened Foundation Improves CH Energy Group’s Earnings (10/27/11)» Central Hudson Urges Customers to Prepare Now for Colder Weather (10/26/11) More Central Hudson News ...

581 People Reached · 30 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 7:55am ·

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Theresa Swehla We lost power yesterday around 2 or 3 pm... I bet my husband Central Hudson would have the power restored by midnight - and I won! Thank you! October 30 at 8:25am · Unlike · 3

Julie Tesoro Shook Thank you cen.hud. October 30 at 8:58am · Like

Amy Franklin Richter the power outage map will not load on my ipad. Any suggestions? October 30 at 9:26am · Like

Tiffany Bullard We lost power at 3pm yesterday, called and our estimated time for retored power was 7pm, its now 10am the next morning and we have none. Its cold.. October 30 at 9:52am · Like

James Watters Love how I got a call saying my power was restored but haven't yet received power. This was an hour ago (9:52am) October 30 at 9:52am · Like

Central Hudson James, you should report that outage again at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or (845) 452-2700. It's possible that there was one source of damage in your area that was interrupting service that has been repaired, but another interruption closer to your home effecting a smaller number of residences.

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are sol... See More

October 30 at 9:59am · Like · Remove Preview

Central Hudson Those callbacks we make are the best way for us to determine that repairs we completed at one or more points on a line did not solve the problem for everybody "downstream." It tells us that more work will be required to restore all the affected customers' service, but only if you or any customer in a similar circumstance reports the outage again by calling us back at 452- 2700 (you can use the automated voice response feature) or it can be reported on our web site. October 30 at 10:05am · Like

James Watters I have done so already. October 30 at 10:06am · Like

Central Hudson Tiffany, truly sorry for that. This storm has caused massive system-wide damage. The initial estimate may have been based on one repair being made whereas now there could be multiple sources of damage in need of repair to get your power back on. That is one possible explanation for that delay. Chat (5)

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10 October 30 at 10:07am · Like Search Chris Hayes Home Kelly Morey Usifer My name is kelly usifer store manager at pet goods 1895 south rd Poughkeepsie NY 12601 we lost power at 5 PM yesterday I have been calling your hot line but the system is not able to see my account can you please let me know when my store may get power back . Thank you for your time I know your very busy October 30 at 10:31am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Kelly. Were you trying to report the outage by phone number associated with the account? Looking at our customer records, it appears that the phone number on the account starts with area code 201 and is tied to a Paramus, NJ location. Perhaps that's a regional billing center for Pet Goods? We do have record of the outage affecting your area, however, I will go ahead and put in your outage report as well in this instance. October 30 at 10:51am · Like

Kelly Morey Usifer thank you so much for your time October 30 at 11:37am · Like

Central Hudson Hi Amy, the StormCentral map is compatible with the iPad. Are you still having trouble with it? It could be something with your browser settings. Check your internet browser (most likely Safari) to see if Java script is enabled and if it's set to accept cookies. October 30 at 11:49am · Like

Amy Franklin Richter Yes, thats all on and enabled in Safari. I found I am able to see the map if I reload the page several times. The map is still not loading in on the mobile app, tho. Thanks! October 30 at 11:53am · Like

Ariane Simard-Moore Could not get through. All circuits are busy. when will we have power in gardiner? October 30 at 12:08pm · Like

Tiffany Bullard thanks. we just went home to check on our freezer, and we past 3 trucks going down our road, fingers crossed it will be back soon. October 30 at 12:35pm · Like

Lynette Hunter-Goodman What's the situation in Campbell Hall? We cannot get any estimation of when we will get power or if your even in our area and really can't afford to leave our home for a motel. October 30 at 12:59pm · Like

Eric Sturrock I saw on your website it says Ulster country should have power restored at 2pm, does that include Lampman ave. in Port Ewen? Our whole street is out, while everyone around us has power. We heard a loud bang at 4pm yesturday so we think its the transporter on the street that blew October 30 at 1:07pm · Like

James Watters Im on 7 Meadow St in Newburgh (Town) also heard a bang when the power went out. We originally lost power at 4:30pm then came back at 5pm then went out again at 5:45pm. Please help! October 30 at 1:26pm · Like

Frank Besteiro While I understand crews are working having no updates on Restorations this long into the process is unacceptable. I reported my outage yesterday evening and there is still no estimate. You continue to do a poor job in keeping your PAYING customers informed October 30 at 1:34pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson Lynette: We do not yet have an estimated time of restoration for Campbell Hall, and we have not been able to determine a shelter in your area yet. If one does open up, it will be listed here first: http://www.centralhudson.com/ october2011storm.html October 30 at 2:06pm · Like

Ashley Kimmey We are at 105 north Montgomery street in Walden... any ideas? Its an Appt. Complex and my father in law is on oxygen. I can't call it in BC we don't pay the electric the Appts. Do October 30 at 2:19pm · Like

Central Hudson Ashley, I have passed along your report to a customer service supervisor. I urge you to let your father know about our Life Support Program as well. Read about it here: http:// www.centralhudson.com/residential/payment_assistance.html#lif e_support October 30 at 2:32pm · Like

Bob Bennett When you asked an got your increase aftr last storm outage your bosses stated this couldn't happen wett v/zMonygomery Stoll powerless October 30 at 4:02pm · Like

Chat (5)

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10 Bob Bennett I AWAIT UR RESPONSE no power in Momgomery Village Search always seems were last restored and first off grid Chris Hayes Home October 30 at 4:12pm · Like

Bob Bennett Told in Village 1230 drove arounf for 2 hrs didn't see a truck October 30 at 4:14pm · Like

Bob Bennett Found CH pickup having coffee on rte 208 Hamptonburgh i cant no power October 30 at 4:16pm · Like

Bob Bennett Next youll say I have to be patient ..fact is I am times up October 30 at 4:19pm · Like

Eric Sturrock Still no power in Port Ewen on Lampman ave. If we don't have power back by night, will you guys keep working in the dark or wait until the morning. The streetlights work on 9W & Salem but nothing on Lampman October 30 at 4:19pm · Like

Bob Bennett I am wheelchair boumd cardiac renal failure amputee again you people couldnot pivk a winner in a one horse race they projected this for two days yet again we the customer remain after thoughts because there is no enforceable power to hurt you sp you do as you please October 30 at 4:35pm · Like

Bob Bennett I still await your respomse October 30 at 4:36pm · Like

Bob Bennett How about Where do I direct my complaint orWhat bought off politician or agency should I contact October 30 at 4:39pm · Like

Central Hudson Eric: We will work around the clock until your power is restored. Also, an additional 250-300 field forces will be added to the restoration effort at first light tomorrow (Monday). October 30 at 5:03pm · Like · 1

Eric Sturrock Ok, a small CH truck came and said that a tree limb knocked a wire off the transformer. He said a big truck has to come to remove the wire and hit a switch. But he did not know when the truck will get here. Is that a sign it will be soon if they know whats wrong. Any idea if it will be today or tommrow for Lampman ave. in Port Ewen? October 30 at 5:27pm · Like

Lynette Hunter-Goodman Your right Bob...so you get no response! October 30 at 7:08pm · Like

Lynette Hunter-Goodman It's been 24 hrs now. October 30 at 7:09pm · Like

Jack Pearson Central Hudson has recently repurchased 6% of their outstanding shares, increased the dividends paid to stockholders, and have us sitting in the pitch black on a subfreezing night. October 30 at 7:39pm · Like

Ashley Kimmey 27 hours, my dads on the emergency response list... def no power until tomrrow. when i called they said take him to the hospital for oxygen if he runs out. thanks, because we have that option. last i checked some of us have to work tomorrow... i dont have the time to sit at the ER with him and wait for oxygen, or the money to pay for it! if we had electric he could just use the electric oxygen thing he has... u guys r right, they work at their own speed October 30 at 7:53pm · Like

Central Hudson Ashley: Is one of the shelters an option? October 30 at 8:42pm · Like

Lynette Hunter-Goodman CURRENTLY THERE IS NO RESTORATION TIME FOR YOUR OUTAGE!!!!!!!!!! Tell me something I don't know! October 30 at 9:36pm · Like

Lynette Hunter-Goodman I've been hearing that for 27+ hours! October 30 at 9:37pm · Like

Kevin Mchugh How about Campbell Hall when is the power coming on? October 31 at 2:37pm · Like

Central Hudson ABOUT THIS PAGE: Please be aware that this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is NOT the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries about your restoration Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 97 of 104

10 Search Chris Hayes Home

Central Hudson Important message for our natural gas customers in the Hopewell Junction area: An emegency situation requires us to shut off the gas supply to homes along Rt. 376 in the Wildflower Hills development, so we can safely make repairs to the system. Those affected are receiving automated outbound phone calls, informing them of the situation and letting them know that they will be notified when we will need access to each home to relight their gas appliances. 512 People Reached · 2 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 29 at 11:42pm ·

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Central Hudson More than 100,000 Central Hudson customers (as of 8:30 PM) are among the 1.7 Million households without power across the Eastern U.S. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-20127407/1.7m-lose-power-in-east- coast-snowstorm/

1.7M lose power in East Coast snowstorm - CBS News www.cbsnews.com Nor'easter brings unseasonably early snowfall to Northeast; Power outages from Md. to Conn.; Record October snowfall in N.Y.C.

539 People Reached · 18 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 29 at 8:38pm ·

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Shannon Runsondunkin Cavallaro This is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! Branches down in our driveway like crazy. thankfully nothing damaging! October 29 at 8:52pm · Like

Nicholas Petrovsky There was a explosion at a pole on Horsenden Road in New Paltz I called 911 but they said that there busy and I tried calling Central Hudson but nothing. I watched sparks fly around and there was smoke October 29 at 9:05pm · Like

Margaret Riccardelli I wonder how much my bill is going to go up after this storm. October 29 at 11:29pm · Like · 5

Steven HudsonValley Saltzman ^ yeah it sucks, but hey look at CT Light and Power they have over half their customers with no power! 700,000 out of just over 2.3 million have no power!!! October 30 at 1:26am · Like · 1

Jeffrey Robert Broido Thanks for getting our power back in only a couple of hours. October 30 at 8:17am · Like

Central Hudson Okay, and thank you for mentioning that. October 30 at 8:26am · Like · 1

Shannon Runsondunkin Cavallaro Never lost power thankfully!!!!! October 30 at 9:07am · Unlike · 1

Robert W. Murphy Same here, lost power yesterday afternoon in Modena, was settleing in for the long haul and it was back on in about an hour or so, thanks... October 30 at 1:45pm · Unlike · 1

Central Hudson via Dutchess County Government From Dutchess County Government: "Beginning at 7pm this evening (10/29), a countywide State of Emergency is in effect. The State of Emergency declaration states: “all roadways in Dutchess are closed and traffic is prohibited except for: medical and health facility personnel, law enforcement and public safety personnel, first responders, utility, maintenance and public works personnel, snow removal sanding, salting and clearing operations personnel, facility operations persons deemed necessary for plant operations by their employers and public and government personnel involved in the emergency operations.”

Steinhaus Declares Countywide State of Emergency www.co.dutchess.ny.us

575 People Reached · 22 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 29 at 6:52pm · Chat (5)

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10 Search 9 people like this. Chris Hayes Home


Margaret Pfaff Thank you for the updates! October 29 at 7:06pm · Like

Jim Whalen LOL Just got to work. Roads were fine from Red Oaks to Pawling. Dunkin Donuts and gas available, @ Noxon & Titusville Roads. October 30 at 5:15am · Like

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Central Hudson shared a link.

Cuomo activates state emergency center www.poughkeepsiejournal.com Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo activated New York State's Emergency Operations Center as an early-season winter storm moves into parts of New York.

576 People Reached · 4 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 29 at 6:47pm ·

Central Hudson NOTE ABOUT THIS PAGE: Please be aware that this Facebook page is not monitored 24/7 and so is NOT the place to report an outage or to make specific inquiries. Instead, use our online outage reporting system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) 527-2714. Here on Facebook we will post news and information of the most general intere... See More

Central Hudson Storm Center stormcentral.cenhud.com

571 People Reached · 17 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 29 at 11:36am ·

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Arlene L. Kutz Hoping I don't need the powerline but good to know it's there. October 29 at 11:43am · Like

Shelley Davis Duh - how exactly are we supposed to use the page to report an outage when there is an outage! October 29 at 11:49am · Like

Central Hudson Good question Shelley. Typically customers who are experiencing an outage would access the internet at an alternate location or via a handheld device, or using our mobile app. In fact, during the near-record number of outages experienced during Hurricane Irene we recorded the highest number of visits to our website and its StormCentral section ever! October 29 at 11:53am · Like

Edna Trost Some of us cannot get on line in power outage, Please use radio stations to advise us. Was Very frustrating with Irene, station did not give info. October 29 at 1:38pm · Like

Central Hudson Edna, in all likelihood we will be activating our C.H.E.C.k. system (Central Hudson Emergency Communications networK) early Sunday once the storm has moved through. All the radio stations in the region who have agreed to participate by airing our announcements hourly were alerted about this yesterday. Scroll down on this page for a list of them: http:// www.centralhudson.com/outage/safetytips.html

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Safety Tips If You Lose Power www.centralhudson.com • Downed Wires• Life Support Safety• Traffic Safety• Elevator Safety• Generator ... See More

October 29 at 1:47pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Edna Trost Thanks! I have and use your 800 number. Frustrating wanting update, trying to find station that Will update. Have to wait another 1/2 to hour for next try. October 29 at 2:01pm · Like

Gary Chernega The power is already blinking. (not out, so can't report it right?) I'm on supposedly BRAND NEW lines all the way from house to distro, yet power goes out with less than 1 inch of snow. CenHud is the poorest performing power company of the areas I've lived. My relatives upstate (NYSEG) rarely if ever go out, Chat (5)

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10 even with a foot of snow, and living further from distro than I do Search here. Odd. Chris Hayes Home October 29 at 2:43pm · Like

Central Hudson Where are you located, Gary? October 29 at 2:54pm · Like

Gary Chernega Sorry.. thats a conversation for PM only. October 29 at 3:17pm · Like

Central Hudson Just the name of your city or town? October 29 at 3:18pm · Like

Gary Chernega Red Oaks October 29 at 3:20pm · Like

Gary Chernega Directly on the rebuild October 29 at 3:20pm · Like

Colleen Brennan Nisi Oh please Central Hudson get the power back up soon as possible. October 29 at 5:33pm · Like · 1

Central Hudson We are getting reports from some customers that calls to us on the (845) 452-2700 number are getting a "circuits busy" message from Verizon. Please report your outages at either 1 (800) 572-2714, or online via our website's StormCentral section from your mobile device. October 29 at 5:44pm · Like

Gary Chernega @Colleen Brennan Nisi: I should hope their crews are out tonight.. without power a lot of people have no heat. October 29 at 5:45pm · Like · 2

Peter Tollner I got the message to and called 452-2000 to report my outage in Kingston. October 29 at 5:52pm · Like

Central Hudson We are getting reports from some customers that calls to us on the (845) 452-2700 number are getting a "circuits busy" message from Verizon. Please report your outages at either 1 (800) 572-2714, or online via our website's StormCentral section from your mobile device. October 29 at 5:53pm · Like

Eric Sturrock I called 1800 #, only my street lampman ave is out in port Ewen. Street behind me is obnoxious with Halloween lights blinking October 29 at 7:07pm · Like

Jill Doppel There is no outage information for any areas on your website. Also, the site is not good on mobile devices. When you click the map to "get restoration time", all it does is bring you to your regular section to enter address or phone, which produces no restoration time. How are we supposed to have any idea of updates. You said you'd post them and you haven't. Are we supposed to just wait & get no info in the meantime, or perhaps I'm doing something wrong on the link you sent us to? October 30 at 2:26am · Like

Central Hudson Right now, Jill, it looks like we have got more than 1,500 individual outages---places where repairs will be needed- --affecting more than 140,000 customer households. It will take some time to determine the extent of work needed at each of those repair sites. Damage assessment will move more swiftly in the light of day and we should have some good estimated restoration times for you during the day on Sunday. October 30 at 3:10am · Like

Jill Doppel Can you tell us how many trucks are out atleast? I will announce on my page & ask others to as well. We know you're doing your best. People are just anxious, and it's a real bummer when we are given nothing to go on for each township. October 30 at 3:15am · Like

Jill Doppel What do you mean "individual outages"? October 30 at 3:16am · Like

Central Hudson An individual outage is any place where repair work is going to be necessary. That could be a tree down that has taken out a stretch of wire between poles. Could be a pole that will need to be replaced. Could be several sections of wire down. Lots of work to be done out there. October 30 at 3:21am · Like

Jill Doppel Oh boy. Are we screwed or what?! If I send cookies or baked goods as bribes, can I get Pleasant Valley put on a priority list? How about a big screen tv? You can have that. Plus my car. :) October 30 at 3:23am · Like

Central Hudson Very generous offer, Jill. But this seems like an appropriate time to remind everyone exactly how we and all electric companies go about prioritizing the tedious work of power restoration. http://www.centralhudson.com/outage/ outage_restoration.html Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 100 of 104

10 Search Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Outage Chris Hayes Home Restoration www.centralhudson.com When major storms interrupt electric service, our goal is always the same: To... See More

October 30 at 3:30am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Shayna Rothenay Kapple Are we still under state of emergency? Can I drive somewhere? October 30 at 7:45am · Like

Central Hudson The State of Emergency remains in effect as both public works and utility crews address widespread damage from downed trees and power lines. October 30 at 8:23am · Like

Central Hudson Actually Shayna, I know that Dutchess County is still in a state of emergency. But I'm not sure where you are located. It is purely up to the county officials in each county to declare, and to lift, states of emergency. October 30 at 8:33am · Like

Jill Doppel God bless your crews. My power is back. October 30 at 12:01pm · Like

Central Hudson Glad to hear that, Jill. October 30 at 3:23pm · Like

John VanWart Well Gary I would move to where my in laws live !! October 30 at 10:31pm · Like

Mel Nichs I think ihave power in hopewell on 376 not sure was left message on my cell phone can u double check thanks cause when i dial my home phone its not on but gueess it could be due to a cable wire down instead thanks October 30 at 11:44pm · Like

Central Hudson shared a link.

The Weather Channel - 60 Million Face Storm's Impact www.weather.com A storm filled with rain, wind and heavy snow aims at the Northeast & New England, where widespread tree damage and power outages are expected.

577 People Reached · 9 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 29 at 10:52am ·

Antho Mammi likes this.

John VanWart Good Luck to all the troops Be Safe !!! Good to be retired don't miss the storms & long hours October 29 at 11:13am · Like

Central Hudson Video - Why Such a Large Power Outage Threat?: http://www.weather.com/weather/videos/news-41/top-stories-169/ why-the-power-outage-threat-22360

Why the power outage threat www.weather.com There is a large threat of power outages in the Northeast from this early winter storm. Meteorologist Crystal Egger explains why.

October 29 at 11:13am · Like · Remove Preview

Mary Ann Mikulski I was told this by a friend of mine: "My son has also told me that the power lines in your area are very poor quality - he was in charge of drawing up plans for upgrade when the company he worked for took over several US companies. Apparently the policy has been that because there is such a high likelihood of trees coming down on the lines they should be built cheap and easy to replace rather than able to survive storms. The plans he drew up were for underground lines - I don't know whether that is likely to be implemented or not since he has moved on to a different employer - a bank". October 29 at 2:52pm · Like

Central Hudson With all due respect to your friend's son, when a 40 foot tall oak tree in full leaf has its canopy loaded with wet heavy snow to the extent that it can no longer support that weight, and falls across a stretch of wire---any wire---it's going to be bad for the wire, Mary Ann. October 29 at 3:22pm · Like · 3

Dona Quixote True enough, but "full leaf" is not exactly true. Most of the trees this year lost a good portion of their leaves weeks ago before the fall colors even started to come in. Still, I wish Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 (10) Central Hudson Page 101 of 104

10 several of my neighbors had done major trimming on their massive Search trees before this storm hit. Chris Hayes Home October 29 at 7:44pm · Like

Steven HudsonValley Saltzman The reason why power goes out a lot in Central Hudson coverage area is because they mostly have above ground lines. October 30 at 1:19am · Like

Steven HudsonValley Saltzman not true Dona - at least in the Newburgh area. Most trees here are still loaded with leaves and even some are still green! We finally had frost here Friday morning! The day before the storm! October 30 at 1:22am · Like

Central Hudson Sunday's NY Times: "Nearly Two Million Lose Power as Snow Coats Region" http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/30/us/northeast-snow- storm.html?_r=1&hp

Northeast Braced for Nor’easter and Early Snow www.nytimes.com A rare winter storm bearing ferocious winds rolled into the Northeast on Saturda... See More

October 30 at 5:22am · Like · Remove Preview

Central Hudson Central Hudson CNN.Com's report of the storm: "3 dead, over 2 million without power as snowstorm slams Northeast, Mid-Atlantic" http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/29/us/east-coast-storm/index.html? hpt=hp_t1

Early snow storm hits Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, crimps travel - CNN.com www.cnn.com Moderate to heavy rain and snow hit the mid- Atlantic and Northeast on Saturday, causing power outages and major headaches for travelers.

October 30 at 6:02am · Like · Remove Preview

Central Hudson Important news alert:

Central Hudson Urges Residents to Prepare for Possible Early Season Snowstorm www.centralhudson.com Local residents should be alert to the possibility of electric service interruptions resulting from an unseasonal snowstorm forecast to impact the region on Saturday. “Weather reports indicate a heavy, wet snowfall over the weekend – a storm that has the potential to weigh down trees and limbs, ...

535 People Reached · 22 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 28 at 2:29pm ·

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Arlene L. Kutz crossing my fingers October 28 at 2:56pm · Like

Donna Whitters Plechaty Let's hope the storm track goes out to sea!!! It's too early for snow!! October 28 at 5:35pm · Like

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Central Hudson 12 local women will be selected for a 12 week program to improve their heart health thanks to the Central Hudson-sponsored American Heart Association BetterU Challenge! Participants will receive a baseline medical evaluation, three- month gym membership, personal training, nutritional counseling and more. If you are interested in this opportunity, you must fill out and email this application: http://bit.ly/oZu0ts to [email protected] by Monday (Oct. 31). Learn more about this opportunity through the link below:

BetterU Challenge sponsored by Central Hudson Gas & Electric Tuesday, October 4 at 10:00am

586 People Reached · 2 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 28 at 11:43am · Chat (5)

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10 status. Instead, use our online outage reporting system at http://bit.ly/hZYzq8 or Search our PowerLine automated reporting system by calling (845) 452-2700 or 1-(800) Chris Hayes Home 527-2714. Here on Facebook we will post news and information of... See More

Report Power Outage inet.cenhud.com Central Hudson's customer self-service and customer-specific information are solely intended for use by the customer who is the account holder or the customer's authorized agent. Any unauthorized entry or use of Central Hudson's Customer Self-Service is prohibited. The ...

636 People Reached · 10 People Talking About This Like · Comment · Reshare · October 30 at 3:51am ·

Rhonda Keenan Altonen I keep checking the website, but still no indication of when power will be restored. October 30 at 6:11am · Like · 1

Central Hudson From MSNBC.com: "More than 2 million lose power during rare October storm ; 3 people reported dead; states of emergency declared across Northeast " http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45086542/ns/weather/

'This is just wrong': Northeast braces for early wintry blast www.msnbc.msn.com Sections of the Northeast braced for an October snowfall Saturday as a storm was... See More

October 30 at 6:51am · Like · Remove Preview

Central Hudson Rhonda, we have got more than 1,500 individual outages---places where crews must be sent to do repair work--- affecting more than 140,000 customer households as of 7 a.m. It will take some time to determine the extent of work needed at each of those repair sites. Damage assessment will move more swiftly in the light of day and we should have some good estimated restoration times for you during the day Sunday. October 30 at 7:00am · Like · 1

Della Faurote Ermer Peters Thanks for trying so hard!! Also for being aware of potential problems and risks to your crews!! October 30 at 7:36am · Like

Nicholas Petrovsky I tried reporting to 911 there was a explosion on a pole on Horsenden Road I was told they were busy and no luck trying to get thru the phone to you guys. Lucky enough there was no fire October 30 at 7:38am · Like

Amanda Conklin Thank you guys for ur hard work please. Stay safe and warm! October 30 at 7:50am · Like

Perry Kimlin They can't say they've let there network fall into a state of disrepair to boost their profits. But they will say this storm or that storm cost the company millions...so we need to raise the rates customers pay. It's like not changing the oil in your car then complaining about the cost to replace the engine. Short sighted management. October 30 at 7:52am · Like · 1

Sephir Hamilton @Nicholas: when trees bring power lines down it can make lots of sparks and noise. The key is to stay away from any hazards. Here is an interesting video showing how loud and bright a normal fuse blowing can be: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ATEWXsMawMg&feature=youtube_gdata_player Not sure if that's what you saw, but thought it might be interesting nonetheless. October 30 at 7:53am · Like

Nicholas Petrovsky @Sephir What I Heard was a explosion then followed by shower of sparks. Please do not talk to me like I am a idiot Thank you and I am in the construction field so I do know the dangers October 30 at 7:58am · Like

Rhonda Keenan Altonen I appreciate the time and efforts, as well as the scope of the outages. Mostly looking for the light at the end of the tunnel :) October 30 at 8:41am · Like

Beth Helpern Your site is getting hammered by customers right now. Pages don't load/timing out. October 30 at 1:13pm · Like

Chat (5)

http://www.facebook.com/centralhudson 12/29/2011 Central Hudson - Storm Update Page 1 of 3

October Storm Causes SAFETY NOTICES Extensive Damage • Downed power lines: Be Central Hudson is fully mobilized, restoring electric service in the aware of the danger of wake of a powerful Nor’easter that pummeled the valley on downed, energized wires. Live Saturday with strong winds and a foot of heavy, wet snow in lines may become entangled in many locations. The unseasonable snow weighed down trees and or hidden by trees and can be limbs still heavy with foliage on Saturday – causing thousands of extremely dangerous, as can branches and whole trees to rip down power lines and equipment. those that are down near water As a result, approximately 148,000, or nearly half of all, Central of any kind. Assume all lines Hudson customers lost power because of the unusual October are live and stay away from snowstorm. them. Call 911 or call us at (845) 452-2700 to report it. Sunday’s return to sunshine and warmer temperatures will benefit Click here for more the restoration effort, but utility officials are concerned that local information about safety near residents may not appreciate the danger associated with downed power lines. trees. “Customers must exercise extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be • Emergency shelters: energized – and lethal,” said Central Hudson President James P. Freezing cold temperatures are Laurito. “We are working as quickly as possible to safely restore in the forecast for tonight. service to our customers, but we need them to be keenly aware of Check our October 2011 storm the potential danger associated with downed trees and limbs that information web page for a could be hiding energized electric lines. listing of shelter locations. Check back often as new

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shelters will be listed on that “We also once again ask for their patience as we methodically page as they are announced. assess damage, assign crews and bring power back to the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time,” he said. • Carbon monoxide: Never use a gas or charcoal grill in Though outages are reported throughout the eight counties Central an enclosed area for heating. Hudson serves, the most damage is concentrated in the southern This presents not only an portion of our service territory, in Dutchess, Orange and Putnam enormous fire risk, but a counties. As of early Sunday morning, we estimate that 13 serious risk for deadly carbon transmission lines, 31 distribution circuits and four substations are monoxide poisoning as well. out of service due to the damage. In addition, there are hundreds Find more carbon monoxide of individual repairs that will need to be completed within local safety tips on this page of our communities and neighborhoods. Laurito said estimated website. restoration times will be made available as they are developed. • Generator safety: Always In addition to Central Hudson’s own forces, mutual aid crews follow the manufacturer’s have joined the restoration effort. Additional line crew support is safety instructions on the use also en route from Tennessee. Central Hudson continues to solicit of emergency generators, and additional field forces through the mutual aid system as they operating the units outdoors. become available. Meanwhile, the utility is also working with Click here for a list of best emergency management officials to address emergencies as practices regarding safe use of quickly as possible. generators.

In addition to the electric system emergency, there are also • Remember to check on approximately 250 homes in the Hopewell Junction area that are vulnerable neighbors or family without natural gas service due to a break in a distribution main. members. While the cause of the problem is under investigation and repairs are being made, Central Hudson employees have turned off • Safety is always Central service to each individual home. The process of making repairs Hudson's No. 1 Priority. We and safely relighting the homes’ natural gas appliances will take encourage customers to several days to complete. commit to acting safely.

Customers should call Central Hudson’s PowerLine at (845) 452- 2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility’s website, www.CentralHudson.com, by using the StormCentral function. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of our website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.com/mobileapp. Outage Resources

Visit our October Storm Information Center There you'll find: • News & alerts • Emergency shelter locations • Tips • Resources

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Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. 284 South Ave., Poughkeepsie NY 12601 www.CentralHudson.com (845) 452-2700

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• PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized – or have become re-energized through restoration work. Treat every downed wire as a live wire. Do not take chances – stay far away from downed trees and limbs while trick-or-treating or otherwise outdoors.

Electricity Back for SAFETY NOTICES • Downed power lines: Be aware of More Than 70,000 the danger of downed, energized wires. Live lines may become entangled in or Customers hidden by trees and can be extremely dangerous, as can those that are down A field force of more than 500 repair personnel, near water of any kind. Assume all supported by hundreds of behind-the-scenes lines are live and stay away from employees, has mobilized to execute a massive Central them. Call 911 or call us at (845) 452- Hudson recovery effort following the rare October 2700 to report it. Click here for more snowstorm that prompted New York Governor Andrew information about safety near power Cuomo to declare states of emergencies in all eight of the lines. counties served by the Central Hudson. • Emergency shelters: During Sunday, a substantial portion of the 156,000 Check our October 2011 storm customers first impacted by the storm regained their information web page for a listing of

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electricity, and Central Hudson officials predict shelter locations. Check back often as appreciable progress today, with service restored to new shelters will be listed on that page nearly all customers by Wednesday night. as they are announced.

“During the first full day of recovery, we were able • Carbon monoxide: Never use a gas reenergize the homes and businesses of more than 71,000 or charcoal grill in an enclosed area for of our customers, as we repaired the high-voltage heating. This presents not only an backbone of our system,” said Central Hudson President enormous fire risk, but a serious risk James P. Laurito. “Our own crews have now been for deadly carbon monoxide poisoning supplemented by resources from Long Island, Albany and as well. Find more carbon monoxide Tennessee, and we expect to make more significant safety tips on this page of our website. progress today as we tackle in excess of 1,500 repairs in local communities and neighborhoods.” • Generator safety: Always follow the As of Monday morning, approximately 84,000 customers manufacturer’s safety instructions on remained without electricity, concentrated largely in the use of emergency generators, and Dutchess (50,500), Orange (18,600), Putnam (3,800) and operating the units outdoors. Click Ulster (12,000) counties, with additional outages here for a list of best practices scattered elsewhere in the utility’s service territory. Eight regarding safe use of generators. transmission lines and five distribution circuits remained out of service as of Monday morning. • Remember to check on vulnerable neighbors or family members. “In addition to working around the clock to restore service as quickly as we can, we are also doing our best • Safety is always Central Hudson's to provide estimated restoration times as soon as they No. 1 Priority. We encourage become available. We certainly appreciate how difficult customers to commit to acting safely. and frustrating it is for families to be without electricity and to be uncertain as to when to expect it back,” said PHOTOS Laurito. “We’re grateful for our customers’ continued patience.”

Laurito reiterated the importance of staying away from downed lines, including those that might be entangled or hidden by fallen trees. “With Halloween trick-or-treating, we are especially concerned about the hundreds of locations where downed wires continue to present a danger. We are reminding customers to use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized – or have become re-energized through restoration work. Treat every downed wire as a live wire. Do not take chances -- stay far away from downed trees and limbs,” said Laurito.

Customers should call Central Hudson’s PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility’s website, www.CentralHudson.com, by using the StormCentral function.

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Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, as well as shelters, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of Central Hudson's website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web -enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.com/mobileapp. Outage Resources

Visit our October Storm Information Center There you'll find: • News & alerts • Emergency shelter locations • Tips • Resources

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. 284 South Ave., Poughkeepsie NY 12601 www.CentralHudson.com (845) 452-2700

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Central Hudson Restores SAFETY NOTICES Service to Nearly 100,000 • Carbon monoxide: Never Customers in Two Days use a gas or charcoal grill in an enclosed area for heating. As of early Tuesday morning, approximately 59,000 Central This presents not only an Hudson homes and businesses remain without electricity, after a enormous fire risk, but a powerful snowstorm struck the region and interrupted service to serious risk for deadly about 156,000 customers in total on Saturday. Across the Northeast, carbon monoxide poisoning about 2 million customers are still without power, down from 3 as well. Find more carbon million in the wake of the unusual October Nor’easter. monoxide safety tips on this page of our website. “We have completed hundreds of repairs – but as we make them, we find additional cases of trouble in local neighborhoods. The damage • Downed power lines: Be from this storm is very widespread, and in many locations we are aware of the danger of making repairs that restore service for only small numbers of downed, energized wires. customers – often just a single customer,” said Central Hudson Live lines may become President James P. Laurito, who estimated that 1,700 repairs remain. entangled in or hidden by “That is both labor- and time-intensive, and the only way to make trees and can be extremely progress is to keep up our methodical push out along distribution dangerous, as can those that lines into local communities, on to neighborhood streets and, finally, are down near water of any to individual homes.” kind. Assume all lines are live and stay away from them. Call 911 or call us at (845) 452-2700 to report it.

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Click here for more As of Tuesday morning, approximately 59,000 customers remain information about safety without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess (32,600), near power lines. Orange (16,800), Putnam (2,600) and Ulster (6,000) counties. • Emergency shelters: “We will hit it hard again today, as we re-deploy our small army of Check our October 2011 500 line and tree-trimming crews into the field, backing them up storm information web page with hundreds of employees who are providing logistical support for a listing of shelter such as on-site vehicle fueling and meals,” Laurito said. “Now that locations. Check back often we’ve restored service in some northern counties, we will redirect as new shelters will be listed those resources into the southern part of the territory. on that page as they are announced. “Despite the rising number of identified repairs, our overall goal remains to get the lights back on for virtually everyone by • Generator safety: Always Wednesday night,” said Laurito. follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions on the use Laurito urged residents to take advantage of warming centers and of emergency generators, shelters; to stay away from downed lines and trees that might be and operating the units hiding energized wires; and to never heat their home with an outdoors. Click here for a appliance that was not designed for heating purposes. He also said list of best practices the utility will be distributing dry ice and bottled water at the regarding safe use of following locations, beginning at 2:00 p.m. today: generators.

Dutchess County • Remember to check on Home Depot Rt. 9, Across from Marist Poughkepsie vulnerable neighbors or family members. 6096 Rt 82 Stanfordville Stanford Fire House • Safety is always Central Hudson's No. 1 Priority. We Putnam County encourage customers to North Highlands Fire Dept 504 Fishkill Rd Cold Spring commit to acting safely. Orange County Dan Leghorn Fire House 426 South Plank Rd Newburgh PHOTOS

Customers should call Central Hudson’s PowerLine at (845) 452- 2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report downed lines and/or their power condition, and they are encouraged to use the automated reporting system. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition via the utility’s website, www.CentralHudson.com, by using the StormCentral function.

Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, as well as shelters, can be obtained by phone and on-line, and updates are posted on Facebook and Twitter. A mobile version of the utility’s website, including StormCentral, can be accessed by web-enabled cell phones and mobile devices at http://mobile.CentralHudson.com. Free Central Hudson mobile applications for Android-based and Apple devices are also available by logging onto www.CentralHudson.com/mobileapp.

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Outage Resources

Visit our October Storm Information Center There you'll find: • News & alerts • Emergency shelter locations • Tips • Resources

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. 284 South Ave., Poughkeepsie NY 12601 www.CentralHudson.com (845) 452-2700

file://C:\Documents and Settings\CHayes\Desktop\E-Mail Blasts\october2011storm\nove... 12/29/2011 Central Hudson MUNICIPAL CALL Sunday October 30th 2011:

Town of Newburgh Town of Woodstock Town of Milan Town of Montgomery Village of Montgomery Town of Washington Town of Rochester Town of Cornwall Town of Stanford Village of Fishkill Village of Ellenville Town of Tivoli City of Beacon Town of Red Hook Village of Red Hook Town of Pine Plains Town of Wawarsing Town of Marbletown Town of New Baltimore Town of Wappingers Town of Woodstock Town of Rhinebeck Village of Rhinebeck Village of Millelton Town ofNottheast Town of Deerpark

PSC - Sonny Moze

Ulster County Emergency Orange County Emergency Albany County Emergency

Assemblyman Marc Molinaro

NOTES: Ellenville School District - ETOR Dry Ice Distribution - where & when Location for Shelter - Counties should contact DVB Albany County - Ravena - County Rte 143 ETOR -- County-CTV , , - -, . . . -.. - .. .

'Albany 0 6,152 Coeymans 0 1,520 Ravena 0 1,493 Rensselaerville 0 1,405 Westerlo 0 1,734

'Q0lumbla 1,325 1,535 Nov 2,.11 :00 PM Ancram 905 1,115 Nov 1,11:00 PM . Gallatin 420 420 Novl, 11:00 PM

iDlIichess 50,847· 115,904 Nov 2,11:00 PM Beacon 769 5,855 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Clinton 1,863 2,111 Nov 1, 1·1 :00 PM East Fishkill /. ih(~ 5,131 11,227 Not Yet Available Fishkill 3,113 8,971 Not Yet Available Fishkill Village ,./. /IJ{ {sOl' 76 1,618 Nov 2, 11:00 PM Hyde Park 3,492 9,176 Not Yet Available La Grange V ~jM" 4,472 6,642 Nov 1,11:00 PM Milan 607 1,400 Nov 1,1.1:00 PM Millbrook Vt\Aoy~ v~If . 878 994 Nov 1,11:00 PM Millerton 469 588 Nov 1,11:00 PM NorthEast 962 1,267 Nov 1,11:00 PM Pine' prains ~}& 1,320 1,430 Nov 1,11:00 PM Pleasant Valley f- M.e1'hQfi \ 2,463 4,628 Nov 1,11:00 PM Poughkeepsie 1l1t'~ 5,655 17,812 Not Yet Available Poughkeepsie City . 5,860 14,453 Not Yet Available Red Hook /Nv:~ 1,199 3,185 Nov 1,11:00 PM Red Hook Village ./ 546 1,168 Nov 1, 11:00 PM Rhinebeck 752 2,493 Nov 1, 11:00 PM Rhinebeck Village 87 1,746 Nov 1, 11:00 PM i Stanford 1,381 2,105 Nov I, 11:00 PM Tivoli 1 607 Not Yet Available Union Vale 1,768 2,089 Novl, 11:00 PM Wappinger ,/ ~eak 5,034 9,613 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Wappingers Falls Villa,- 1,520 2,846 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Washington 1,429 1,880 Nov 1,11:00 PM

Greene 37 27,689 Oct 31, 11:00 PM Athens 2 1,413 Not Yet Available Athens Village 0 976 Cairo 2 3,976 Oct 31, 3:00 PM Catskill 6 4,360 Not Yet Available Catskill Village 0 2,445 oxsackie 6 1,940 Oct 31,8:00 PM Coxsackie Village 0 1,474 Durham 1,969 Oct 31, 4:00 PM Greenville 0 2,215 Hunter 0 2,118 ; " "

Greene ConI.

Hunter Village t2 728 Oct 3t, 8:00 PM Jewett 0 871 Lexington 0 916 Not Vet Available NewSaltlmore 8 1,681 Oct 31,12:00 PM Tannersville 0 607

• Orarige , 21,723 , 48,719 Nov 2,11 :00 PM Cornwall 3,456 4,368 Not Vet Available Cornwall Village ~ 1,109 1,431 Not Vet Available Hamptonburgh 1,905 2,057 Not Vet Available Maybrook Village 183 1,257 Not Vet Available Montgomery J 854 2,831 Oct 31,2:30 PM Montgomery Village' 467 1,671 Not Vet Available New Windsor V ~r~ 3,697 11,019 Not Vet Available Newburgh City 5,592 11,091 Not Vet Available Newburgh Town :/ 4,460 12,994 Not Vet Available

Putnam 4,407 5,052 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Cold Spring J~ 626 1,237 Nov2,11:00PM Nelsonville 315 316 Not Vet Available Phillpstown 3,466 3,499 Nov2,11:00PM

. Sullivan a 1,331

'Ulster 10,227 87,912 Nov 2,11 :00 PM Denning 0 534 Ellenville 39 2,122 Nov 1,10:00 PM Esopus 42 4,469 Oct 31, 5:00 PM Gardiner 931 2,900 Not Vet Available Hurley 4 3,297 Oct 31,10:00 PM Kingston City 2 12,169 Oct 31, 2:00 PM Kingston Town 0 602 Lloyd 1,654 5,171 Not Vet Available Marbletown 114 3,499 Nov I, 10:00 PM Marlborough 882 4,125 Nov2,11:00 PM New Paltz 642 3,456 Oct31,10:00 PM New Paltz Village 698 2,267 Oct31,10:00 PM Olive 104 2,799 Nov 1,10:00 PM Plattekill 1,702 4,668 Not Vet Available Roche'ster 554 4,176 Nov 1,10:00 PM Rosendale 763 3,135 Nov 1,10:00 PM

Saugerties ~ 236 8,006 Nov 1,10:00 PM Saugerties Village 74 2,215 Nov 1,10:00 PM Shawangunk 1~~ 1,617 2,564 Not Vet Available Ulster 5 6,361 Not Vet Available Wawarsing ../ 95 4,731 Nov 1,10:00 PM Woodstock 69 4,646 Nov 1,10:00 PM TOTAL 88,566 294,294

. __ ...~ ...'" __"' __ ... i.__ 1+1 IJ.~--'£,j'-V{jbl-::.+. ____ ..... _...... -·---~5JJiJ-1Zfii! fiiiM~JZ--~ -- ---

.---... --.--..... ----I+-~.-.--- .. -----.-.---.---- .. -. ------... --'-..' ...... -: •• -~.....~--- .•. ~.-.~.:: ..••...... -- ·l;;l;;-ilZJ;i~1T:-t~.e-:·.-.·.. : ... -.-~ Central Hudson MUNICIPAL CALL Monday, October 31st 2011-1:00 p.m.

Albany County Emergency Mngt Dutchess County 911 Ulster County 911

Senator Larkin Assemblyman Cahill office Assemblywoman Calhoun

PSC - Sonny Moze

Town of East Fiskill- John Kickman Village of Fiskill- Rad Wilson Town of LaGrange - John Wagner Town of Milan - Bill Gallagher Town of Millbrook - Laura Hurley Town of Millerton - John Scutieri Town of Northeast - David Sherman Town of Pine Plains - Gregg Pulver /Town ofPougkeepsie - Pat Meyers Town of Red Hook - Sue Crane Town of Standford - Virginia Stern Town of Wappinger- Bill Beale Town of Washington Town of Cornwall Village of Cornwall - Mayor Town of Montgomery Town of New Windsor Town of Newburgh Village of Cold Spring - Mayor Town of Phillipstown - Supervisor Town of Shawangunk Town of Wawarsing - Leonard Distel


ETOR's for: Phillipstown, Cold Spring, T - Red Hook, Milan, New Windsor (sewer plant/pump station), T- Poughkeepsie, T-Pleasant Valley, T- LaGrange, T-Wawarsing, T-Northeast, V- Millerton, T-E. Fishkill- T-Stanford, T - Newburgh

T - Cornwall, schools are high priority T - Red Hook School - power restored Assemblywoman Calhoun - speaking with Hank Gross about Halloween Cold Spring - Senior Center, 62 Chestnut St. (Seth - 380-0028) Wappinger - DeMarco Place (Senior Center) Town Recreation Shelter Ctr - 564-7815

* Send Calhoun and Larkin listing ofETOR's /ty/ fMAevr CoJUdUAA. v?>0Y\ I'l ~ r p~ C­ vL6- v[u,.....! ~'2~

- Customers Affected Customers Served Estimated Restoration

V' AlbanyUV"'~ 0 6,152 Coeymans 0 1,520 Ravena 0 1,493 Rensselaerville 0 1,405 Westerlo 0 1,734

Columbia 1,325 1,535 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Ancram 905 1,115 Nov 1,11 :00 PM Gallatin 420 420 Nov 1, 11:00 PM

Dutchess 50,847 115,904 Nov 2,11 :00 PM Beacon 769 5,855 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM 1Iv-- Clinton 1,863 2,111 Nov 1, 11:00 PM V East Fishkill 5,131 11,227 Not Yet Available ff\'-~ Fishkill 3,113 8,971 Not Yet Available aod WI l}A -LFi~hkili Village 76 1,618 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Hyde Park 3,492 9,176 Not Yet Available ']'J"'- W P--.jY->Y ..,la Grange 4,472 6,642 Nov 1,11:00 PM wi. G+r ~}\A-' .-Milan 607 1,400 Nov 1,11:00 PM 0L~ f~-MilibrOOk 878 994 Nov 1, 11:00 PM ~ ~ "-MillMan 469 588 Nov 1, 11:00 PM <;. uJ' ,.....-iIIorth East 962 1,267 Nov 1, 11:00 PM ~ -Pine' Plains 1,320 1,430 Nov 1,11:00 PM (7 if \ ~ -Pleasant Valley 2,463 4,628 Nov 1, 11:00 PM VVJ: fr""'I,I-PoUghkeepSie 5,655 17,812 NotYei Available rv q Poughkeepsie City 5,860 14,453 Not Yet Available .~ ~ed.Hook 1,199 3,185 Nov 1,11:00 PM >""" ~. Red Hook Village 546 1,168 Nov 1,11:00 PM Rhinebeck 752 2,493 Nov 1,11:00 PM Rhinebeck Village 87 1,746 Nov 1,11:00 PM t* ':,:\,.).1'"'-"Stanford 1,381 2,105 Nov 1,11:00 PM V,4\\ Tivoli 607 Not Yet Available Union Vale 1,768 2,089 Nov 1,11:00 PM (6J) ~-Wappinger 5,034 9,613 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM Wappingers Falls Village 1,520 2,846 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM ~h --Washington 1,429 1,880 Nov 1, 11:00 PM () Greene 37 27,689 Oct 31,11 :00 PM Athens 2 1,413 Not Yet Available Athens Village 0 976 Cairo 2 3,976 Oct 31,3:00 PM Calskill 6 4,360 Not Yet Available Catskill Village 0 2,445 Coxsackie 6 1,940 Oct 31,8:00 PM Coxsackie Village 0 1,474 Durham 1,969 Oct 31, 4:00 PM Greenville 0 2,215 Hunter 0 2,118 c/U[s,-f~ Co' q II t/Dv}jJ q 1/ /Qo.-' ( r~'~J Greene Cont.

Hunter Village 12 728 Oct 31,8:00 PM Jewett 0 871 Lexington 0 916 Not Vet Available New Baltimore 8 1,681 Oct 31, 12:00 PM Tannersville 0 607

Orange 21,723 48,719 Nov 2, 11:00 PM l~ --Cornwall 3,456 4,368 Not Vet Available ...-cornwall Village 1,109 1,431 Not Vet Available 'fV'D'Y&V ~Hamptonburgh 1,905 2,057 Not Vet Available Maybrook Village 183 1,257 Not Vet Available V),..-k Id<-j''''''''' Montgomery 854 2,831 Oct 31, 2:30 PM Montgomery Village 467 1,671 Not Vet Available 11,019 Not Vet Available C;~~{p- ~ewWindsor 3,697 ~Newburgh City 5,592 11,091 Not Vet Available If. vrNewburgh Town 4,460 12,994 Not Vet Available \ <;;'f"-"-/ Putnam 4,407 5,052 Nov 2,11 :00 PM ~V """"'Cold Spring 626 1,237 Nov 2, 11:00 PM Nelsonville 315 316 Not Vet Available , "" yV I -Philipstown 3,466 3,499 Nov 2, 11 :00 PM S~ Sullivan 0 1,331

Ulster 10,227 87,912 Nov 2, 11:00 PM Denning 0 534 Ellenville 39 2,122 Nov 1,10:00 PM Esopus 42 4,469 Oct 31,5:00 PM Gardiner 931 2,900 Not Vet Available Hurley 4 3,297 Oct 31,10:00 PM Kingston City 2 12,169 Oct 31,2:00 PM Kingston Town 0 602 Lloyd 1,654 5,171 Not Vet Available Marbletown 114 3,499 Nov 1,10:00 PM Marlborough 882 4,125 Nov 2,11:00 PM New Paltz 642 3,456 Oct 31, 10:00 PM New Paltz Village 698 2,267 Oct 31,10:00 PM Olive 104 2,799 Nov 1,10:00 PM Plattekill 1,702 4,668 Not Vet Available Rochester 554 4,176 Nov 1,10:00 PM Rosendale 763 3,135 Nov 1,10:00 PM Saugerties 236 8,006 Nov 1,10:00 PM Saugerties Village 74 2,215 Nov 1,10:00 PM ~~haWangUnk 1,617 2,564 Not Vet Available ~ Ulster 5 6,361 Not Vet Available ~'D1J ,,:...... wawarsing 95 4,731 Nov 1,10:00 PM Woodstock 69 4,646 Nov 1,10:00 PM TOTAL 88,566 294,294 l~ v> s "-- c?1 ?'hU1'h1 Uf'd./t..R.-.f 3 -- Cf 1/ UA-'l-e vS 3- 8&v~"of s

Central Hudson MUNICIPAL CALL Tuesday, November 1st 2011 - 3:00 p.m.

Columbia County Emergency Mngt Dutchess County 911 Orange County 911 Ulster County 911

Senator Larkin - Representative Assemblyman Cabill - Connor Congresswoman Nan Hayworth - Nat Sillin

PSC - Sonny Moze

Town of Ancram Town of Gallatin Town of East Fiskill Village of Fiskill Town of LaGrange Town of Milan Town of Millbrook Town of Millerton Town of Northeast Town of Pleasant Valley Town of Red Hook - Sue Crane Village of Red Hook Town of Stanford Town of Washington Town of Montgomery Village of Montgomery Town of New Windsor Town of Lloyd Town of Marbletown


ETOR's for: T- Pleasant Valley - Ennis Trailer Park - 249-8299 T - Stanford, Virginia Stern - will follow up 917-992-5571 T - Ancram/Gallatin Jim - Hwy Dept. Supt. 518-755-8978 Crew locations Central Hudson MUNICIPAL CALL Tuesday, November 2nd 2011- 3:00 p.m.

Dutchess County 911 - Ken Davidson

Senator Larkin Assemblyman Cahill - Kristen McManus Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun

PSC - Lori Cornelius

Town of Ancram Town of East Fiskill Town of LaGrange Town of Milan Town of Poughkeepsie Town of Stanford Town of Wappinger Town of Washington Town of Montgomery Town of New Windsor Town of Philipstown


SNUB to follow up:

• Ancram - Supervisor Art Bassen 518-329-6512 x6 Re: Route 82 Ancramdale & Pine Plains 4 Corners Road

• Philipstown - Supervisor 845-265-6540 Indian Brooke Road

New Windsor Supervisor George Green: Bill Cotting & Lisa Carver have been very helpful with Town of New Windsor issues. CHECK Message 1: Sunday Oct. 30. 8 a.m.

This is a message from C.H.E.C.k., the Central Hudson Emergency Communication network: Central Hudson is fully mobilized, restoring electric service in the wake of a powerful Nor'easter that pummeled the valley on Saturday. The unseasonable snow weighed down trees and limbs still heavy with foliage - causing thousands of branches and whole trees to rip down power lines and equipment. As a result, approximately 148,000, or nearly half of all, Central Hudson customers lost power because of the unusual October snowstorm. We urge customers to exercise extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized - and lethal, and we ask for their patience as we methodically assess damage, assign crews and bring power back to the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time. Estimated restoration times will be made available as they are developed. The most damage is concentrated in the southern portion of Central Hudson's service territory, in Dutchess, Orange and Putnam counties. As of early Sunday morning, we estimate that 13 transmission lines, 31 distribution circuits and four sUbstations are out of service due to the damage. In addition, there are hundreds of individual repairs that will need to be completed within local communities and neighborhoods. In addition to Central Hudson's own forces, mutual aid crews have joined the restoration effort. Additional line crew support is also en route from Tennessee. Central Hudson is also working with emergency management offidals to address emergencies as quickly as possible. Customers should call Central Hudson's PowerLine at (845) 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714 to report any outage, and are encouraged to use the automated reporting system there. Customers with access to a computer may also report their power condition at www.CentraIHudson.com.by using the StormCentral function. A mobile version of the website can be accessed by web enabled cell phones and mobile devices at mobile.CentraIHudson.com. Follow Central Hudson on Facebook and Twitter where we post frequent updates and information. This has been a message from C.H.E.C.k., the Central Hudson Emergency Communication network # # # CH ECK Message 2: Sunday Oct. 30. 4 p.m.

This is a message from C.H.E.C.k., the Central Hudson Emergency Communication network: Sunday afternoon, Oct. 30. Slow but steady progress has been made today in the effort to restore electric service in the wake of Saturday's powerful Nor'easter storm that interrupted electricity to an estimated 156,000 Central Hudson customers, half of all those served, making it one of the three worst storms in the utility's century·long history. As of Sunday afternoon, approximately 129,000 customers remained without electricity, An estimated 13 transmission lines, 17 distribution circuits and four substations remain out of service. In addition, there are more than 1,300 individual neighborhood repairs that will need to be completed within local communities. A field force of more than 300 workers was reinforced today by hundreds of other Central Hudson employees working behind the scenes to provide operational support. An additional 250·300 field forces will be added to the restoration effort at first light on Monday, as crews from Tennessee, Long Island and the Albany areas join the massive recovery through the utility industry's mutual aid assistance program. We cannot stress enough the importance of staying away from downed lines, including those that might be entangled or hidden by fallen trees. With Halloween tomorrow, we are especially concerned about the hundreds of locations where downed wires continue to present a danger, and remind customers in the strongest way possible: use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized - and lethal. Since repairs are first being made to major transmission and distribution lines in an effort to restore power to the largest amount of customers in the shortest amount of time, be aware that some downed wires that may not have been energized as a result of the storm, may now once again have power flowing to them. Treat every downed wire as a live wire - stay away and tell others to stay away. If you have not yet reported your power condition, please do so by using the automated reporting system at (845) 452·2700 or 1·800·527 ·2714, or if you have access to a computer you may report via the StormCentral function at CentraIHudson.com. Information regarding service restoration estimates, as it becomes available, can be obtained by phone and on·line. Follow Central Hudson on Facebook and Twitter where we post frequent updates and information. This has been a message from C.H.E.C.k., the Central Hudson Emergency Communication network. October 29, 2011; 4pm/ IVR & 21st Century upfront message : --recorded & saved on cell file --recording file emailed in to a wave file

You have reached Central Hudson. Due to a major fall snow event, we are anticipating widespread power outages. Restoration of services may take several days depending on the extent of the damage. Following this message, your call will transfer to our automated phone system. If you have not yet reported your outage and you have touch-tone phone service, please report your outage using our automated system and your Central Hudson account number, or your telephone number for the location without power. Thank you for your patience. **************

October 29, 2011; 10:50pm/ IVR & 21st Century upfront message: Control’s message on wave file. ************

October 30, 2011; 7:15am/ IVR & 21st Century upfront message: - to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. Due to a major fall snow event, we are experiencing widespread power outages. Restoration of services may take many days due to the extent of the damage. Damage assessment will occur throughout the day and restoration times will be posted once available. Following this message, your call will transfer to our automated phone system. If you have not yet reported your outage and you have touch-tone phone service, please report your outage using our automated system and your Central Hudson account number, or your telephone number for the location without power. There will be silence during the transfer, please continue to hold. Thank you for your patience.

October 30, 2011; 10am/ 21st Century upfront message (changed to reflect no silence as no cue on that line) (IVR upfront left as is)— to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. Due to a major fall snow event, we are experiencing widespread power outages. Restoration of services may take many days due to the extent of the damage. Damage assessment will occur throughout the day and restoration times will be posted once available. Following this message, your call will transfer to our automated phone system. If you have not yet reported your outage and you have touch-tone phone service, please report your outage using our automated system and your Central Hudson account number, or your telephone number for the location without power. Thank you for your patience.

October 30, 2011; 5:00pm/ VRU & 21st Century upfront message --recording file-to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. It is October 30, 2011; 5:00pm. Due to a major fall snow event, we are experiencing widespread power outages. Restoration of services may take many days due to the extent of the damage. Damage assessment will continue throughout the day and restoration times will be updated tomorrow. Following this message, your call will transfer to our automated phone system. If you have not yet reported your outage and you have touch-tone phone service, please report your outage using our automated system and your Central Hudson account number, or your telephone number for the location without power. Thank you for your patience.

October 31, 2011; 9:00/ VRU & 21st Century -to wave

Today is Halloween and we continue to work with a field force of more than 500 repair personnel to restore power. We expect to restore power to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. With Trick or Treating this evening we are reminding customers to use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized. If you have not reported your outage or wires down please do so with our customer service agents.

October 31, 2011; 12:40/DRY ICE LINE 1888-349-3342—to wave

A limited quantity of dry ice will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 3pm today, Monday October 31st in Newburgh and Stanfordville at the following locations: Dan Leghorn Engine Company, 426 South Plank Rd, Newburgh Stanford Fire Company, 609 Route 82, Stanfordville

October 31, 2011; 12:40/VRU & 21st Century (note dry ice ph# added)-to wave

Today is Halloween and we continue to work with a field force of more than 500 repair personnel to restore power. We expect to restore power to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. With Trick or Treating this evening we are reminding customers to use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized. If you have not yet reported your outage or wires down please do so with our customer service agents. A limited quantity of dry ice will be distributed in Newburgh and Stanfordville, please call 1-888-349-3342 for distribution locations. Thank you.

October 31, 2011, 2pm Temporary upfront until 1-888 line for dry ice working…to wave

Today is Halloween and we continue to work with a field force of more than 500 repair personnel to restore power. We expect to restore power to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. With Trick or Treating this evening we are reminding customers to use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized. A limited supply of dry ice will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 3pm today, Monday October 31st in Newburgh at Dan Leghorn Engine Company, 426 South Plank Rd And Stanfordville at Stanford Fire Company, 609 Route 82. Thank you. (left above on 21st Century since it was 2:25 when I was able to do the VRU)

October 31, 2011/ 5:30pm/VRU & 21st Century –to wave file

You have reached Central Hudson. As of Monday afternoon, approximately 78,000 customers remained without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Ulster counties. We are continuing to make substantial progress and will work around the clock, with the expectation of restoring power to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. With Trick or Treating this evening we are reminding customers to use extreme caution near downed trees that could potentially hide electric lines that may still be energized. If you have not yet reported your outage or wires down please do so with our customer service agents or by using our automated system. Thank you for your continued patience.

October 31, 2011 5:32/ 1-888-349-3342 updated closed –to wave

You have reached Central Hudson’s dry ice line. The dry ice line is currently closed and will reopen tomorrow when Central Hudson has more information on where to find dry ice. Thank you.

October 31, 2011, 7:20pm/ VRU & 21st Century –to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. As of Monday afternoon, approximately 78,000 customers remained without electricity, concentrated largely in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Ulster counties. We are continuing to make substantial progress and will work around the clock, with the expectation of restoring power to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. If you have not yet reported your outage or wires down please do so with our customer service agents or by using our automated system. Thank you for your continued patience.

November 1, 2011/ 8:15am/VRU & 21st Century –to wave

Today is Tuesday, November 1st. As of this morning approximately 59,000 customers remain without electricity concentrated largely in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Ulster counties. The damage from this storm is very widespread and is both labor- and time-intensive. With a field force of more than 500 repair personnel to restore power we expect to have power restored to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. There will be dry ice & bottled water distribution beginning at 2pm today. Please call 1-888-349-3342 for locations. Thank you for your patience. *********

November 1, 2011/8:20am 1-888-349-3342 –to wave Dry ice and bottled water will be distributed at the following locations, beginning at 2:00 p.m. today, November 1st: Stanford Fire House 6096 Rt 82 Stanfordville Home Depot Rt. 9, Across from Marist Poughkeepsie North Highlands Fire Dept 504 Fishkill Rd Cold Spring Dan Leghorn Fire House 426 South Plank Rd Newburgh Thank you.

November 1, 2011/ 2:13pm/ VRU RESTORED -to wave

Today is Tuesday, November 1st. As of this morning approximately 59,000 customers remain without electricity concentrated largely in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Ulster counties. The damage from this storm is very widespread and is both labor- and time-intensive. With a field force of more than 500 repair personnel to restore power we expect to have power restored to a majority of our customers by Wednesday night. Thank you for your patience.

November 1, 2011/ 7:30pm /VRU & 21st Century –to wave You have reached Central Hudson. Today is Tuesday, November 1stat 7:00pm. As of this afternoon, approximately 40,000 customers remain without electricity. With crews continuing to work around the clock, we anticipate restoring power to 90% of our customers by Wednesday night. Dry ice & bottled water distribution will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, November 2 at 10am. Please call 1-888-349-3342 for those locations. Thank you for your patience.

November 1, 2011; 7:00pm/ dry ice line 1-888-349-3342 –to wave

Dry ice and water distribution for Wednesday, November 2nd beginning at 10am will be at the following locations: Stanford Fire House 6096 Rt 82 Stanfordville Home Depot Rt. 9, Across from Marist Poughkeepsie North Highlands Fire Dept 504 Fishkill Rd Cold Spring Dan Leghorn Fire House 426 South Plank Rd Newburgh Thank you.

November 2, 2011; 8:30/VRU & 21st Century –to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. Today is Wednesday, November 2nd. As of this morning 88 percent of the 156,000 customers initially losing power as a result of Saturday’s October snowstorm have been restored. Approximately 19,000 customers remain without electricity, more than half located in Dutchess County. Our full field staff of 500 workers continue to make progress but this work is not only labor intensive, but time intensive as localized repairs can take up to 4-5 hours each. For dry ice information please call 1-888-349-3342. Thank you for your patience

November 2, 2011; 5:30pm/ dry ice line 1-888-349-3342- to wave

Dry ice and water distribution for Thursday, November 3rd beginning at 10am will be at the following location: Home Depot Route 9 Poughkeepsie Across from Marist

November 2, 2011; 5:30pm / VRU & 21st Century (changed at 6:20pm)- to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. Today is Wednesday, November 2nd and as of this afternoon there are approximately 10,500 customers without electricity. We expect that we will restore service for many of these remaining customers by tonight. For dry ice information for Thursday, November 3, please call 1-888-349-3342. Thank you for your continued patience.

November 2, 2011; 6:20pm / VRU & 21st Century- to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. Today is Wednesday, November 2nd and as of this afternoon there are approximately 10,500 customers without electricity. We will continue to work into the night with restoration efforts, however there will be some customers out moving into Thursday. For dry ice information for Thursday, November 3, please call 1-888-349-3342. Thank you for your continued patience.

November 2, 2011; 6:40/ dry ice line 1-888-349-3342- to wave

Dry ice and water distribution for Thursday, November 3rd beginning at 10am will be at the following locations: Home Depot Route 9 Poughkeepsie Across from Marist North Highlands Fire Dept 504 Fishkill Rd Cold Spring Thank you.

November 3, 2011; 7:30am / VRU & 21st Century- to wave

You have reached Central Hudson. Dry ice information for Thursday, November 3, is available by calling 1-888-349-3342. Thank you.

2011 October snowstorm news media calls:

October 2011

Date Reporter Medium Subject

10-29 Steve Ference YNN Albany Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 Eric Hotaling Daily Freeman Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 Brian Shields WAMC Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 Katie Britton WAMC Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 John Barry Poughkeepsie Journal (3X) Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 Larry Hertz Poughkeepsie Journal Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 Michael Novison Times Herald Record Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-29 Jimmy Buff WDST Storm, outages 10-29 PRT 10-30 Nancy Peckham Cornwall Circle Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 Ann Gibbons Daily Freeman Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 John Wagner YNN Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 Mary Ash AP Albany Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 James Nani Times Herald Record Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 LeAnne YNN radio Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 Sean McManus THR Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 Lee Ferris AP photography Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-30 Sarah Bradshaw Poughkeepsie Journal Storm, outages 10-30 JSM 10-31 Mark Bolger Cumulus Storm outages, repair status 10-31 DVB 10-31 Cheryl Ch 2 Eyewitness News Storm outages, repair status 10-31 DVB 10-31 Emily Stewart Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Jack Hammer Pamal Storm outages, repair status 10-31 DVB 10-31 Greg Gattine WDST Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Mark Cooper WPDH Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Reed Shepard WGY Albany Storm outages, repair status 10-31 DVB 10-31 Kathleen O’Connor Patch.com Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 John Sullivan Times Herald Record Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Robert Maines WGNY Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Emily Stewart Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 10-31 DVB 10-31 Justin Barbo Cable 12 news (2X) Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Spencer Ainsley Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Nancy Peckham Cornwall Circle Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Donna Reyer Cablevision Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Paula Mitchell Daily Freeman Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Carola AP Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 James Nina Times Herald Record Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM 10-31 Dave Lucas WAMC Storm outages, repair status 10-31 DVB 10-31 Jimmy Buff WDST Storm outages, repair status 10-31 JSM

November 2011

Date Reporter Medium Subject Reply By 11-1 Mark Bolger Cumulus Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Ron WDST Storm outages, repair status 11-1 DVB 11-1 Van Richie WGNY Storm outages, repair status 11-1 DVB 11-1 Jack Hammer Cumulus Storm outages, repair status 11-1 DVB 11-1 Ken Cashman Cornwall Local Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 John Wagner YNN Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Justin Barbo Cable News 12 Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Nancy Peckham Cornwall Circle Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Ron Gaul Mid Hudson Times Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Jane Anderson Shawagunk Journal Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 webcast (Irwin G) Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 11-1 DVB 11-1 James Nina Times Herald Record (2X) Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Craig Wolf Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Shantal Riley Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-1 Cara Cable News 12 Storm outages, repair status 11-1 JSM 11-2 Mark Bolger Cumulus Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-2 Chris Manion Clearchannel Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 DVB 11-2 Joe Daily Clearchannel Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 DVB 11-2 Van Richie WGNY Fox News Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 DVB 11-2 Jack Hammer Pamal Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-2 Ann Gibbons Daily Freeman Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-2 Dave Lucas WAMC Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-2 Shantal Riley Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 DVB 11-2 Christine Conte Cablevision Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 DVB 11-2 Doyle Murphy Times Herald Record Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 DVB 11-2 Shantal Riley Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-2 Ann Gibbons Daily Freeman (2X) Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-2 Craig McKinney Ulster Publishing Storm outages, repair status 11- 2 JSM 11-3 Jack Hammer Pamal Storm outages, repair status 11- 3 JSM 11-3 Terrence Michos Cablevision Storm outages, repair status 11- 3 JSM 11-3 Michele Stark Sentinel Storm outages, repair status 11- 3 JSM 11-3 Jason Kaplan Cornwall Local Storm outages, repair status 11- 3 JSM 11-3 James Nani Times Herald Record Storm outages, repair status 11- 3 JSM 11-3 Craig McKinney Ulster Publishing Underground lines 11- 3 JSM 11-4 Jack Hammer Pamal Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Robert Maines WGNY Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Emily Stewart Poughkeepsie Journal Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Dave Lucas WAMC Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Paula Mitchell Daily Freeman Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Dwight Worley Journal News Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Justin Barbo Cable News 12 Storm outages, repair status 11- 4 JSM 11-4 Mike Randall Times Herald Record Underground lines 11- 4 JSM 11-8 C. Medford BusinessAgikity.com Smart Grid 11- 8 JSM 11-9 Ken Cashman Cornwall Local Snowfall, photos 11- 9 JSM 11-9 Diane Valden Columbia Paper Snowfall, response 11- 9 JSM

CHGE Outbound Messages – Snowstorm Oct-Nov 2011

52 manual outbound attempts/35 reached -11/2/11 at 2:30pm

Answering Machine Message: This is Central Hudson with an important message regarding your power outage. We originally anticipated that power would be restored to your location by this evening. Due to the complexity of the remaining repairs, we are adjusting your restoration time to tomorrow – Thursday, November 3rd by 11pm. Our crews are working to restore all service as quickly and safely as possible. Our customer service representatives are also available at any time and can be reached at 845- 452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714. We thank you for your patience.

Live Person Message: Good (Morning, Afternoon, Evening). This is _____(name)______and I am calling from Central Hudson to update your power outage (PAUSE). Due to the complexity of the remaining repairs, we are adjusting your restoration time to tomorrow, Thursday, November 3rd by 11pm. Our crews are working to restore service as quickly and safely as possible. We thank you for your patience.

Automated Outbound Message TFCC – UCS (Universal Communication System)

210 automated outbound attempts/205 reached – 10/28/11 between 10:00-10:30am to Critical Code Customers:

This is Central Hudson with an important message. Central Hudson is preparing for possible power interruptions from the impacts of a winter storm system expected in our region on Saturday. This weather system could affect the electric service to your facility over the weekend. The duration of any power outages that occur as a result of this weather event will depend on the severity of the damage and the number and locations of outages throughout our service territory. Please make arrangements for backup of your facility’s critical systems in the event of a power loss. If you do experience a power outage at your site, please report the outage by calling 1-800-527-2714. For additional assistance, please contact __(SNUB title/name)___ at ____(office phone) ___.

178 automated outbound attempts/174 reached – 10/28/11 at 4:00pm - To Municipal Leaders:

This is Central Hudson with an important message. Central Hudson will hold a Community Briefing conference call on Sunday, October 30, at 11:00 a.m. to update municipal leaders on the status of electric service issues related to severe weather. To participate, please dial 1-888-447-7153 and enter participation code 826989. As you join the call and announce your name and affiliation, we ask that you place your phone on "mute," and not “hold,” in order to minimize background noise. The call will provide opportunities for general questions regarding the information presented. For questions on specific locations or issues, please contact your Central Hudson divisional representative directly. Thank you.

132 outbound attempts/128 reached – 10/31/11, 10:55am, 11/1/11, 11:25 am, 11/2/11, 12 noon: To Municipal Leaders:

This is Central Hudson calling. Central Hudson will hold a Community Briefing conference call today, date , at 1:00 p.m. to update you on the status of electric service issues. If your municipality is impacted and you would like to participate, please dial 1.888.447.7153, and enter participant code 826989. The call will begin with a role call and brief introductions, and should last less than 20 minutes. As you join the call, please announce your name and affiliation. We ask that you place your phone on mute to minimize background noise; please do not place the call on hold, as that typically causes background music to play, making it impossible for others on the line to be heard. This call will include an opportunity for general questions regarding the information presented. Questions specific to your location should be directed to your local Central Hudson Divisional Representative.

165 automated outbound attempts/99 reached – 11/1/11 at 8:45pm:

This is Central Hudson with an important message regarding your reported power outage. Our crews have worked throughout the day along Route 9 and Winston Rd and were able to restore power to the main line. We still have repairs to complete in order to restore power to the streets and neighborhoods off this main line around the area of Winston Rd. Our crews will start work at first light and we feel confident that restoration will be on Wednesday for your area. Thank you for your patience.

526 automated outbound attempts/355 reached – 11/2/11 at 3:00pm:

This is Central Hudson with an important message regarding your power outage. Crews worked throughout the day in your area, however due to the complexity of the repairs and the amount of time needed to complete our work, we will not be able to restore power to your home this evening. Our crews will start again tomorrow at first light and we will restore your power Thursday, November 3rd by 11pm. Our customer service representatives are available at any time and can be reached at 845-452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714. We thank you for your patience.