I!iEc - t THE EMPORIA STATE I -1 Jip~SAS"+ 0 s-c,11111 11111 C RESEARCH [ :I;$ 4 STUDIES I2t* 1063 &-< 0 THE GRADUATE PUBLICATION OF THE EMPORIA KANSAS STATE COLLEGE Brock Pemberton: Broadway Producer CHARLES R. HILL 7heCitporia StateRed endStudied EMPORIA KANSAS STATE COLLEGE EMPORIA, KANSAS 66801 A Brock Pemberton: Broadway Producer BY CHARLES R. HILL Volume XXIII Spring, 1975 Number 4 THE EMPORIA STATE RESEARCH STUDIES is published quarterly by The School of Graduate and Professional Studies of the Emporia Kansas State College, 1200 Commercial St., Emporia, Kansas, 66801. Entered as second-class matter September 16, 1952, at the post office at Emporia, Kansas, under the act of August 24, 1912. Postage paid at Emporia, Kansas. EMPORIA KANSAS STATE COLLEGE EMPORIA, KANSAS JOHN E. VISSER President of the CoUege SCHOOL OF GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES HAROLD DURST, Dean EDITORIAL BOARD WILLIAMH. SEILER,Professor of Histmy and Chairmun of Division of Social Sciences CHARLESE. WALTON,Profeswr of English. and Chairman of Department GREEND. WYRICK,Professor of English Editor of this Issue: GREEND. WYRICK Papers published in this periodical are written by faculty members of the Emporia Kansas State College and by either undergraduate or graduate students whose studies are conducted in residence under the supervision of a faculty member of the college. "Statement required by the Act of October, 1962; Section 4369, Title 39, United States Code, showing Ownership, Management and Circula- tion." The Emporia State Reaarch Studies is published quarterly. Eldi- torial Office and Publication Office at 1200 Commercial Street, Ehporia, Kansas. (66801). The Research St&- is edited and published by the l3nporia Kamas State College, Emporia, Kansas.
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