Faith United Methodist Church 204 Horn Street POSTAL STAMP Brillion, WI 54110-1508 HERE Dated Material – Please Expedite! Return Service Requested 2020 Pastor Dale Eggert Faith United Methodist Church Office: 920-756-2717 Home: 920-756-2631
[email protected] Website: Jennifer Gulley and Joie Cunningham Office Managers Voice: 920-756-2717 E-mail:
[email protected] Office Hours: Monday 8:00 am -- 1:00 pm Tuesday 8:00 am -- 1:00 pm Wednesday 8:00 am -- 1:00 pm Thursday 8:00 am -- 1:00 pm FUMC—Page 2 ~~~ From Pastor Dale’s Desk ~~~ World Communion Sunday Donate WE GIVE BECAUSE . .: Much has been given, Jesus invites us to make a difference. The Bible is clear. Galatians 6:2, NRSV says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Jesus says it this way, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 19:19b). Through our Shared Ministries all of us giving together allows United Methodists to do together what we cannot do alone. When you give on World Communion Sunday, you enable vital ministries that change the world, one life at a time. Every United Methodist can support the vital ministries they care about, with no administrative costs deducted from your donation. Many together are greater than one alone. WHY WE GIVE We give to minister in Jesus’ name. Together, United Methodists do remarkable ministry around the world. We care for survivors recovering from earthquakes and storms; we invest, long term, in vulnerable communities; we implement the most effective solutions to diseases like malaria; we equip the next generation to lead the church and society.