. — 1 1 co ■ -f ; Bates *f Atvcrtbtaf itit etUMiti £writii




Hancock County Publishing Compani '®ht Obituary Notion, per line, , Attittkim* No charge ine than •"» l Ullstoirb One Inch will conetitnte a •< apace iqaare. TcraiB kafetcriyUSB. Transient Advertisements to be pildth advance. No advertleements reckoned leaa than n square. On# ropv, it paid within three months,.9? cm and Deaths Inserted tree. l within three Marriages f not t ai months,.2 & Tearly advertisers to pay quarterly. li paid at the end ot the vear...... 2 fc No paper will he discontinued u a til all arrear a-' # are paid, except at the publisher’s option-' Hud any person w ishing his paper stopped, aiasl gu notice thereof at the expiration of the term ME., THISDAY, JinSTEG, Vi m Hole No. 958 No. 23. enfthor previous notice has been given or not. _KLLSVOBTH, 1873._ What Providinc* did fob Jack and <*T the little whiffs of temper that made her opinions needed shaking out and je—I thinkin* what to home, but hail stopped nearer by, Jill.—Jack took his Jill to wife. Nev- ! guess—I’m even throw the chairs DR, FLINT'S a where he had sometimes justness smoothing before they were laid away I' he responded with slow gravi- it place frequently you er again sat ho lonely at hla frugal i jpottrn. to make himself at out of the window, or the little injust- • • for the week. At any rate Miss Polly t her disturbed nor astonished >>een allowed quite board. ices made brother hate that Jack had a wav of home. He iiad been at that my Ralph j All is well in the honse The American doing up the world and h sudden presence. recognized Ellsworth but Tome were always kind, built. It was a design of Prov- her washing together. it do when big ? I once; and saddled and bridled, you. you deep tUAKBOTrCKj Not in Vtin. you you’re who I idence that it into his head to build evil. and but put “Most k II that now. ami I I won't riderless, awakened suspicions of gentle patient; pretended »tarb i- lob through, Polly?" questioned guess a liberal of fortune .•jot!, Jlrinlino d'ffiu, about were I would I at all; and policy Miss as she w rattled the little The trio of women hail you perfection? Only nv k. kaki.. i Becky, alwavs did every grow either 1” gathered that laid it in his power to do so. Per- f r i. % IV* O it T* 19. .T| ft half hour. him in the Aunt with could find a helper to my domestic in- d her nimble tongue crowding yard, Polly, haps Jack never realized this to the ex- j the Auut firmities one-hundredth part as faith- A beautiful pent of jierfoet mo|,| “Can't say that I am,” ii: folds so thick and fast that she hands dripping from suds, tent that I for when the tree thrives, responded faults alt do; God to us one and ful, as clean and capable, and devour FOK SALE! lent day. Miss Polly with a snap that shook out c< ed to utter a dozen in the time Beky lcaniug upon her crutch, we rejoice in tho blossoms there be We watched the fair, a one. and counted in ; would any ques- the but we do not always consider LIME HAIR. SAND & bright gift unfold. pair of wet hose and her words at It onlil have required for Maggie pule trcmbliDg,—wheu fruit, CEMENT. And for It tion of between us? Think of how the roots strike, nor from what prayed to stay, the same time : ‘‘not unless I view at," asked slowly, but Tom arrived upon the scene. wages deep < on hand at the §ub*rnbrr’e j my Hilly, is sources it >n«(antly our lives, perchance, were not mak- to leave because there gathers nourishment—espec- right each hour. washin’ the same llicso new w of Since he was prevented from l’olly “going way style awakening gleam curiosity. if we arc married. 'lone yard on Wafer Street. Hut when our darling and leav- sickness in the 1” Think of ially just came, poets do the robe of ami a toll what. I ing a journey to far-oir lands, family " e righteousness, p gate—that's at sunset, Jack stood in the LBV I tVKBBKK. prayed, indeed, for strength, and for misunderstand- from the storeroom Again, power think a mighty little is the whole on't. kill about ’em, for me and papa ing long chapters Polly withdrawing door of his house. Within was the dear M li. H-7J. To prais? the Giver’s name. somo ethi- ay J.UO.JU Oue and I did and adventures, he portious of under in clean stockin' is enough 'cordin' re rough in a carriage ings, suspense groceries, soul who was growing more precious Hut <#od knew best. to all cal delusion familiar to the Celtic im- The Spring flower* grew. to them. No matter how much mud a si: own self. You have a gate should according precedent, liis eyes every breath she drew. There WHEN VOU ay at all in PAINT. Then Aulumu's golden grain. so can t have broken a limb in from his agination ! Think of Polly were but two of them all they body has gone into, so he's managed cl [toss the road, folks falling told; yet And and nook and corner of use the perfectly pure when the Winter’s wild winds blew to to horse, so that lie could have been car- the same category with locks keys, I seemed to fill every keep one foot out! I don't believe g< ungh. and then they pay you He took tin a modern notions of hire and ser- the so that they ask no odds of gem again. no have ried into tlie house, and have had with promises, | such!" o[ ; and you don’t anything ! world around them. And 1 WHITE LEAD We laid her down in a The whole is os different the great sunny place. in a nico lit- reconciliation slow, vice! thing of course; to be sure 1” ad- to ut just live funny gradual through at sat down to I "nd The white snow fell above “Why, when, last, they partake manufactured by ,,, rb* slmnrt hits- delicious convalescence—a mixture of as if we lived on another 1 r euro the mitted Miss with mild indelin- tle le, and lots of money. planet. of the and the hot water following complaint* :_ Like u shroud from the Becky, get evening meal, holy spirit land. roses and cream toast. Sheuiiv wasnao suchouvu wa part>■ ofw. myJ Dyrapnin. Heart Burn. hirer ileness. ’s blue eyes Down large and and sang melodi- Complaint, and To co\er our darling love. brightened. gushed, gurgled, BUR6ESS. FOBES, A CO., But he had a for child that il is didloilt to look a of and iVi.e-a'-'’?1"'' bottle!. “Curious what kinds of folks this fre s at the boyish propensity lile, as it fell into bed curled Spin,!‘' “d >lnkin* airy heights prospect | ously, Portland. Me. ^.u-ation W e know it is l>est a» there was back without her of tea- God ha9 willed; world does hold of earth's ho came as falling right side up, and seeing constantly. fragrant leaves at the bottom the The anyhow,” pursued ing shining, Thi.fc lead 'a W gem He lent awhile. matter the Now that she is l dwell Jack looked at and his silence arranted Pure, and is unsurpassed h"‘ »nd Miss as he lev 1 been older. nothing at all the except gone naturally pot. Jill, OI *11 Imporltle. I Polly, gazing into rei though j in Body, Durability and Fineness, .Stnosli ..|Eih!Phu,!*t'the blued burning l*!ou the Has brought our ward, heart* meditatively the more what his had not the skill to through .kino .,n,.-r- way erring the of ho an- rent in his coat. Aunt Polly noticed only on her excellencies, spoke lips rc*a“r b-v tlK- < depths her tub. “There’s them less 1 11 do that, too,” till- ‘““owing dire...on To pray for his loving smile. j when 1 contrast her solid virtues with utter; for an angel from heaven had Ute'bi.nl^ that has on the torn before his brief expla- And health the brain, now—not no d. garment j ed his heart and hers so full of though we may mis* the darling one. kindness the of such that I see peaceaud ABBT ¥ FULTON. ¥ D. 1,r *nd Crinarv that their brains is so of me ?" nation was ended, and in the flimsy ghosts nl^°,r ?tdneJr, derange- Yet still we’ll to 1* particular mg | happiness, that a single syllable would "" ’K'K'e try j now in faithful- the "mold that I said the ! of her heart insisted that it should every kitchen,—her have flooded their ^cepl?ca?.a* Perfect in grace, that we in Heaven. healthy neither, know of; hut 4," Hilly accepting part- sympathetic eyes. Office: oyer Geo. L Parsers Store. was ness run to waste her Drm the are 1 as as come in for “She wash- that let nothiug ; So much for the house that Jack built, lea^ffih* •J'tera without tho Her beautiful form may see. they always talking about it. You ner condescendingly though repairs. EI.LSH'OBTII. MAIXE. ,,ou,“ -• was no that with found »“! ',iffi“e"1 - **■<■ mimt do this, and mustn't do for the invention had ing, to be sure, ami Becky never-weary feet, angel-like together with this truth, which I :!bft.^u.v*.rw Sunr, May 14. you th^tent right stands no bottle hand with any needle but knit- ascended and descended in the bottom of the well which has cured the mo+t t'other, for fear con- to the other party. great persistence * Irru k ca**m«5 when difficult you'll spoil your nallonged Hours —I rani * 10 li. and from 2 to 5. all other reue lie* failed. could do it to minister to the wants of others ; ail over against the house: “He builded s stitution and all let's it now.” needles, hut Mangie Tuesday excepted. your by-laws. Some •tell, do proposed ting belter than ho knew.”—From “The The owner her her sweetness, her M#~Special attention given to treatment *«-1 Under the Snow. of ’em is a small anxious to be as slick as thoughtfulness, of d is '£ns£,$saium> says it sin to be sick. the a'ious lady, you please.” IIou ie that Jark Built,” in the Over- oancs ol women and children. l¥U BheumatiKn. with “It did look Monthly -'•wy-lled Joint., and all Scroti,lar 'Pears to me, if that's so, the sicker fortune at once. ‘‘I guess assented alacrity. patient energy.—[Atlantic land for June. °r nr k. kabi.. makgher Monthly r. *"*“* b> «b>* down rather to wear the vil- June. liable you get the wickeder you must lie, lot trtks go ‘long the road by badly through for H. D. HADMM it wouldn't be too much k. »nd ami would seem litter to send the » l>f tbe lane, and if we have it lage—if Hr-terle. Out in the snow, the beautiful snow. dyin' OuifPTtox.—A wealth of meaning ta,?’d^*^?l<^f^jCo,TD1,,<»* folks to the have to us.” trouble a stitch in it.” About Babies. Difficult Out in the cold penitentiary than to Hea- they’ll pay | tojust put Queer Things often lies hidden in the ex- Breathing, fain In the Lunra.Mde and dreary street. | thcrttlfi everyday COUNSELLOR AT ven. It makes look said once more, and He watched the color come hack in- of our New LAW. cured !,v a few so no where to things considera- ••1-4 Billy, pressions Kugland people. hiinl. "fAk1 ttie Quakei utm* Wandering sadly go. R; ler's Block. Main Biuer*. bly mixed.” the he to the face bent so over that A sou of the North uses words Street. No shelter, no food to eat. » latch of gate slipped steadily A many curious thiugs hap- sturdy >o lifYut| f great Difficulties, pr« \alent Ainerr 1 and forcible. Charac- among Friend!aa>. “There’s the railroad out. of darning ; watched the white to in this round world of that are distinct li ,h“ lnr““bf* -*• forsakeu. lonely and sad. smash-ups, j piece j pen babies, UCK$POin\ MAINE. I rc- ter that is hewn out of strong material Poor little Lillie Miss allevi- i that I with their task aud ours. One them, unknown; Polly," suggested Becky, nothing 1 lingers busy thing is, planting anj Intermittent will express itself in rough-cut senten- Fever., .o No one to care lor her no one to cheer. not marked : This is done the dark-skinned wu- I *,t* “r our atingly. that did signitlcantly i by tious words. While some of these yv rr!dadir e .t.-l country.oompleu- by in, u« of the Left in this wide world 1 “What a talent have for mak- half so dread- ELLSWORTH AND Quaker It.tter- alone. “Humph! Well, should think there as too busy iu you men of Guinea, ami isn’t words are the offspring of the present, PORTLAND. d"d >n the Quaker Hitter* the ,«•‘*0*. ju*t ar L'nder was. But can’t to of creation to I ing things right again." ful as it sonnds. The mother digs a others date their in the times of Jn u»»ir ir.r. the snow, the beauiiftil snow. cvervttody expect I origin The Kcb uuickenl^1,1.0 “f r,,"*'r' “After other have made them it is true that a decade of FRANK Pi KID K ha# lh' "“C i, and t’rider the snow at rest get killed that way, the com- attention to her own people 1 hole in the stands it, Alfred. Now it 1 Ue! the “ “1 ; though pay atiftiecial ground, baby e* n put m excellent order and will **' down tbc P‘»»« inclined. has a ofknock- w Hushed is otTer unit- i was nt>- | crooked,” added Maggie promptly. and then the warm sand around centuries wonderful way n.n Ut-iwarn Elisworth and Poll Ho On# m remain her sorrow, hushed is her w***, panies ‘great inducements’,” small cfccr of it; so there packs unwetliunloa. affli. i. with 1 ofl the corners of a from lacd the eoming season. is tired Miss “I don't think those threads will as would ing word, yet : “ l~“‘“ “f Stilled the grief in her breast. Polly. the new firm as I him to keep him in place, you I r freight or to F. he Quaker B.t^r Ixxly ujisurve they it has few ofits angles passage apply falls show that were ever out gumption clipped M '.rant on "Ulenily the white shroud around. Aunt can't I sail a j they separated.” set out a rose-bush. It him Master, board, or to “Say, Polly, ships tru Igcijlf to seek favorable locality keeps and none of its the ag* nU on either end early Though ol the route. I Oft r the little cold in tub?” a vouchsafed no to that, i ne can in the vigor. v laid all breast. your interposed small voice ; for It was no loay Maggie reply of mischief, and play i word is used modern MILLER. Agent at Portland. by Druggiata and Dwa.ec ln Medic.naa. j the enterprise. the seldom by 1 if A1KKN\ Making a bed on th»* cold, and a of and lie looked on in silence a few his mother works All A to., Aj;enl, at Eiieworth. dreary ground— pair blue eyes ami a head of search,0wcvcr, since the road at tin’ sand while day writers, and has not the smoothness ol A bed wht r> I illi.. mii’l.t n-.f onlU. ....-I „.. 1 .1. .... I... ,..1.1 nvSK » iv. j n J. 7 : breach is heal- in American To a PATENTS. W F Tudor the snow, the it was ••There ! the nearly when she is done with her work, trait character. say PHILLIPS * CO J W. PEMIKS beautiful snow doorway. knew a about; moreover night, * Airing man lias is but another CO., < 'oveitng tb* cold, cold ground, Hut Miss was too to no- suited to their ed.” lie is dug out. When this agricultural gumption way Portland, Maine, I’olly busy narrow. %b well pur- has W in. Franklin I she her she ot saying he sterling good sense, seavev, nder the »oow, the wait*-, b*auliful m.ow tice even when the little "ignite,” said, clipping mother wants to carry baby about, navigator pose in tit way. has sound judgment, knows how to do At retail hr Poor little Li lie was found: took silence for thread. tics him into a little which she consent, and plunged *T dou know how we'll stop it up, chair, the at the moment. s right thing proper Attorney at and Solicitor of J WIGGIK * C« Husht-d we h* r wearing, null w a» her into her rinse •‘Is it?” he asked so suddenly that to her back. If it is some Law, Patents, EUnwortn. breast, water with bis treasures. though." Jliily remarked, surveying straps very Him Block, IT Lilli* no *orrow w <*uld know. she looked and then his would ; Bun Street, In this general of her it But Carlie was fertile up, eyes grand occasion, lie is dressed neatly in ireiakeu straightening-up 1 in the World. ■‘4* bt l*i*d m hi* me-e) had granted b- r r^ot doubtfijy. have an answer, and she couldn’t Tin Oldest Steamer RA.NGO&, M»:. mental pantry, she had just found an- in Her quick eyes rest- keep stripes of white paint, and ornamented OH. II. S. Tud**r the fwautiful snow*. expc«pnts. —The oldest steamer in the world has FLINT eSc CO. other article to be her heart out of hers. with dozens of brass bracelets and At labeled and put ed old unused cart, standing I»r. J. T. their ffreat ll« lieal k upon p been her owners, Messrs. Depot liA 1*7 Broad-*!. Surry, A|.ril £). she So that was the end of it—a long on arms and A look- presented by ONkOOD, € tnoa.ll away. a little iHtaucc up the land, and rings legs. funny Mrect. Providence. K. I. cut short in the Steele & McCaskib, to the Glasgow “All sorts to make a world ! I should should draw that story commonplace ing baby he must be ! If you don’t Surgeon propose,Ahat they Cuamber of Commerce. The vessels is wo- wav. a sand for a what I I3entist, think so! There's them reformin’ down nc$-s the road, to begin with. fancy crib of baby, OFFICE. GRANITE left the world named the buluxtry, is 64 tons regis- BLOCK. men what go about lecturin’ and want- It with all their united And l’oliy absolutely do you think of a big shoe, slutled with washfd work, ami was launched from the build* £torn. in' laws and men at to take care of itself for comfortable? The ter, LI.I.SWOKTH.MA1.VK. ^rlrrtrh fixed, to give ’em streugthind most vigorous etfbrts, but large moss to make it LEAD, successive while of Messrs. John A. William their rights. Land sakes ! why don’t until the task was ac- several wash-days ! sins! is large, o< course, and made ol ing-yard Praneh :n the they |>erevered loll. iH-r.taliFrafetitiwn earned 1 outfit. loin at Fyl'e, ot Fail lie, on the Clyde, in -I. t- in take their If there's she rein-deer skin. It couies hu t-siactiai manner, and at dm re® A they jest rights? planned Maggie's up high 7 Paints, Oils, Var- ; Novel complishal. on iMat i• Spoiled. but She was the seventh steamer built tkly tnjMMi<>n. anything they want to do. and can do, never went to Arizona at all, kept the back, like the slippers we wear ••I tliomlit it was big enough to that river. she has lain sunk nishos, m don't talkm' ami it? Ins in the store, and and is turned at tin Latterly A Jupans, why they stop do «o »*■ place village now-a-days, up Perfect Set of Teeth for $20! 2 The was : reach c%ar far. dotO- *»*rd | " heroine not beautiful, to be- ,*•*}, 1 ..!-<•»♦ -w*. in the Fust India Harbor atGrcenock, who's to hinder ’em? night," wneru'luaggre "rim moss w Vnoihe-ia br the um* going They're if 1,1, „. produced of Johnoton S' Colors, not not Carlie, disappoint**^ Jr |t, j but she wa* and Dye stuffs, Chemicals giu with, queenly, iu aav wise ibv, nvtslitw UU MOB illlS'illllt CUtrsilia- a collide of weeks ago apwaratuo Liquid N>trou» Ox- pi v just like Mrs. Jones when slie wiutfc a valiant determina- Wua-JVwoii* roiudeer IIKMI*. floated 1 on- or >n km* j Killy expressed I nun / and beached to be piiurjc Thr kt-axm* wt the • remarkable. She was just a to all toll his life And caulked, r i- i*u pluqm. her and her that gates through. looks comfortable eenfully penonnod and Itctfi extracted Brnohn, Ginn. Mpt*. Z •’ and awing work-bag. flap tion to "knock any feller down | baby very 1 without win*f»»TiP a of thank- the c pain. 44U the re- there 1 Maggie thinks, with throb troui or across its uiotli- early days •fsteath'nk\ 2. rlav evening, with an air verj parasol, and cry. diet out, j tried itbut Carlie was unsatisfied. | the tree, slung igatAAil‘r' 5 t fulness. how well it is that a tenderer and are »<> eatiu' ; a cr's back. this win. Ll7 UHEKLY, HEKSWAX: verse of stateliness coiujKrsure, when the critters busy Presently a pile of bean-poles in | Perhaps baby | rosebush near notice her no Hand than our own willful one guides lives In a shoe 1s no more comical thar ik True.—Au ex- leaves from the that they never ^ lot an idea ol IJlick Work, pulling grass neighboring suggested are * that cross a dozen our destinies. Yes. they simple the who in a Lntricatmg. Lard, Moot i- by with nervous, fluttering fingers wav, and she might relief, and the children, iff high spirits baby lives fur-bag change contains the following : "The DENTIST. «, souls and better satisfied with their SURGEON did not even know when the thorns times If she’d a miud to.” once more, to i another sober little black-eyed baby manufacture of rails by a new system, —AM>— m proceeded appropriate the most was a ob- hundrum happiness that with otf the which does to "“ pleading, half resentful, “But then I don't say the other resting upon the cart, quite —[Scribner's Louisville, Kentucky, For Sale at ^ moment’s pause, then the voice ques- haven't as good a right to vote as any- forgetting, in their zeal for a thorough hood, and looks like some strange kim $”>00,000. In the process of making &. :— I if thir- GEO. P^CLARK CO,. H tioned, with a dash of bitterness body, and more too, for all know, barricade to make any arrangement of animal peeping out iu the world the rail, the iron passes through Miss You have seen the Indian tseu sets of without a halt, ami “Shall I go, Maggie?” they be women,” pursued Polly, for opening their gate when the requir- may baby rolls, SniP BROKERS, - * jfHiscfllanfous. 1 A. Partes side ol or to a over G. “Just as you Mr. Clifford; around to the other ed toil should be It was slow, toil- papoose, bound tlat board— is turned five times for side-roll- Li j please, frisking paid. s? AND:: sud- the suds from _ little creatureOne thi The iron is taken from the heat- K Drujf whereupon the questioner turned her tub, and surveying some building ; but the two little faces, ; poor tribe, iug. m down “Puts me clear out of were make a rude sort of box o and transformed into a r denly about and strode rapidly that point. though Hushed and .perspiring, I Flatlieads, ing-furnace, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ELLSWoBTII. * about its An Old-Fashioned Servant. ! or thi ■ rail in half a m the road, crushing the glitter- to hear all this talk also as upon bark willow-work, and wrap minute. M country patience triumphant they gazed W while sif we was a lot of with its last i man,” call him—ii No. 233 State Street, 2* ICtf ME. m ing sand under his feet, Maggie spilin' women,— the completed structure, baby—“little they _a 1... o.uil a nil nnt ! .him lUb'J kilt, -’ Uiab uvai — I- -' -1 O-J limit a v11it. i' 11 i. <.K p.cxak&. BJ'VW UUUnV| “J' kt -'•r* puiv; ntdiiviiu^ ij v*j'■ "n" !/•»_> BOSTON. of be- us •mm- the anil it across two ot an and bolted her door as if afraid shook up much,—ami callin j the cart. Partly lor coolness to her- this land, and before the Yankee ten- to box, hang city Xnv Yoik in almost penni- :.; 0O0::: a I)o l loos less and without a ac- FRENCH ZINC. Sbe through isterin' the time. self, way of ornament to the dency to inventions had become slicks. Besides Ibis, the unfortunate condition, single TmfU ing pursued. peeped angels’all partly by (latent Kr« i«bi« nmH hartrrt procarrd until ?1’ her suu-bouiiet little fellow lias a board bound over quaintance in the great wilderness of and *»old. Insurance effertrd. ('•■• window, from behind the curtain, much like au angel. Becky Murray , edifice, Carlie removed j so stimulated and stupid- Hougkil by ignorance houses. To-day his name is known •I|narm. Hailrited the an the road The resemblance was not very strik- from her head and it this that a of water cannot be lus forehead to make him a Flathead. 27 tf. lonely pedestrians quiet hung upon ity pail wherever breathes. It is as- with her sleeves the cra- humanity spok- had vanished from then she as she gtoo.1 there drawn in a natural wav from the well, Kven Russian peasant mother Human Hair Goods, sight; ng highest point. en in every hamlet, is heard in every'' that “if Tom choose to bare arms akimlio. a wet dles her baby on a board, williamaTevans, sured herself rolled up, her ‘•Bet nobody can’t get through our Polly used to go smiling into the square hung city, and i- as familiar to the workers in MAN UFACTORY. care ! aud and her j the wall each cor- act so—so—she didn’t cheek apron pinned about her, that!” exclaimed liilly panting.y. | garden, and gather eight or ten kinds from by strings from the mines as to his brother in the mills, J. H. her utter indilferencc with a streak of blue- like the m a balance. In In- and wherever is known and Counselor & at Law, CLERGDE, proved by bury- nose decorated “llow luucli do you s’pose we ll make ! of vegetables for dinner, preparing ner, pan language Attorney No.. Hi an-i 117 I with a burst Beck her idea the name of this -AM'— her face in her Conscientious Miss survey- the sail- each for the and had a dia the little black babies eit expressed, penni- St.. Ban* > ing pillow ing. ••Dollar, be,’’ table, they tunny Exchange may replied j less, unlearned, uncouth lad of thirty gor. keep* on hand of sobs, and entire of the ed the stout form rather doubtfully. round sweet freshness and flavor found iu no sit on their mother's anil hold oil forgetfulness Carlie, her eyes growing hips Jt is.Ao/»i Smith. Fire Insurance Agent, a large »u>ck of ii u- guine j years ago is uttered. on her hat. ••Well—to be sure ! That is, you’re! “I’m market now. their hands over her shoul- man flair <>ood*.in- pansies pretty with the stupendous prospect. \ produce by clasping H1.UE1IILL, MAINE. < luding Wig*. Half- as the most, n der, or take airy rides in a basket had about nothiug, as good l’olly—better too tired to build any little house to Her skilled detected the full they Wig*. Top Pieces, They quarrelled the eye A heart and a coun- N' 'Vrmkr^, li*71. 48lf Front what but then, there's on her head. loving pleanant Piece*.Band*. —at least she couldn’t remember most, Polly; live in. to-day let’s stay out-doors. corn iu the ear tbe look of the husk, Switches. -well. by tenance are commodities which a man Crep»*e was ami d make These babies are dressed Inx* it with,—but of course it wings things; they Out-of-doors was very pleasant. and she knew the swell of the elegantly Braid*. Curl*. began by pod should never fail to take home with ( Crowns. for’t considerable ditfer- in and «. r. iwncnin, •tie*. Ac., all over between them now, and he I must say sal down on the soft grass that when the were for ; armlets, bracelets, anklets, leg- Ac. They peas ready boiling him. will best season his food _ 1” she admilted, hesi- lets one make a They to or- as he had said. She euce, 1 do and curled the (if might word), tiug- gg-AM kinds ot'liair work would go away s'posc edged the road, long she knew what squashes not to get, manufacturedlatest it and soften his It were a der at lowest and In the yle*. her waited ear and nose- pillow. great at price* wondered, as she lay with tlnsheii, tatingly. stems of dandelion while they and where were the crispest cucum- er-rmgs, toe-rings, rings, Attorney and Cannsellor Lai «yThf largest manufactory e»*t for a man that nis wife and some time. so As to don’t need thing save combing® ***d have them tearful face turned toward the stars, “Guess vou’l wings for their fortune to come ; growing bers. Indeed she had that native rings. clothes, they OKLAN'D.MAINE. «*» g^Ladu*. your | get children could of ‘'He drawn at 75 cent* per ounce. die that I had some now,” at many when wear so much truly say him,” send order* how it would seem to night, Aunt Pollv. Wish interested in their occupation last, talent which induced cows to they jewelry. ggrt’eople at a distance can by give never a frown or at a Wouldn’t of his China babies—not but babies brought unhappiness tioorifo I*. Dutton, mail slight expense. and go away from it all. ! reflected Billy, with a plashing that they were waiting lor anything, down their milk, eveu without the dolls, g^Orders solicited. Address recall- that live iu in the across his threshold.” J. H. be then? She almost hands in the water that at once when a horse aud rider came dashing a silk the wit to China—are sadly I ILKRGCR, somebody sorry * promise of gowu ; 115 A 117 Exchange St., j ly« wished she could do it,—not be- Miss to matters terrestrial. dow n the and Tom Clifford, with make hens and chickens live and way among the poor. Sometimes they COUNSELLOR AT LAW Bangor. Maine. i quite, ed Polly road, lay ; As welcome as a suiishim- oeiiillru I in n lin.r on tluilP Vllilf llPf’k —- ■— -— — — cause cue uvu JlCIt J *•» --n * UtfclVIJ bt LUO VV IVWVU o iiKt me > u iuuu» nuuiau 111 o in every place, e.H.t-VITH HLOtH. risings a boat, autl sometimes are tied to Is the (lie of a story, even, if it is one’s own ; | Lo now? Got my spice box for season for the city bound train, rode I Proverbs, while it was her back, they beaming approach yet night, Of a face. A LECTURE what would his re- a hole the bot- the barricade. For a the backs of older children, who go good-natured KLLSWORTU. Maine. and, besides, good j and punched through full upon gloomy washing was hung in snowy lines, or Young Men. kuow tnast as sure rush- al>out as if had no such load. As genial a? a sunshine. morse do her if she never could ; tom of it, to stick a in. and suitor, beut upon ever her breaklast was eaten. What- they Ju,t in a sealed Euv« lo(»e. Price 6 ct*. desperate Like warmth to impart, for Maine District. published. i live in boats on L\ ft. Commissioner A on the Treatment and radical about it? alive !” to the ends of tue earth, to be poor Chinese Mtf lecture nature, as I am ing soever her hands found to do, that she Many Is a good-natured word or Seminal weakness. I n- anything cure ol .>j*ennatorrh/>*ctaf «*<«•!*o* that the awful ron-equeores of self-abuse he remarked though didn’t, anyway adise, and croons Methodist hymns in the of Hancock. with- savagely, ma .u ELLSWORTH. Mb rings which while. thing of cure at once certain, and effectual, by an in- as are thrown out there. The in her eye for Carlie, with “Me and Hilly “The into his comes! older people ; it is Portland. every aufferer.no n alter what his condition may would uot stay moping softening light dignity. Lord garden Symonds, Dredger. rare himself and rad I* the in the world and we’ll let The a rich aud crackers are tired oil' < ami Saloon. be. may cheaply privately, world was wide, aud there was nothing stant, “all splashin’ made it, you through spices yield perftune, carelessly, May 6th.—John Sparrow. Portland, Cen- >y.ster Eating ! Tid* lecture will prove a Boob to thous- The lilies and rally. an ocean in a wash-tub; grow thrive,” at the door. Here and at the and* and thousand*. now to hold him back. He would re- can’t make if—” there, trifugal Machine. J. W. COOMBS, PROPRIETOR, n sealed see how heaven Sent, under seal .to any address. iu plain aud folks than have tried it. Run and so on ; for I don’t corners of streets, charitable people six cents. or two his iu the store, older you Hut the statement of terms was cut envelope, on receipt of sigu place village un- BLOCK. f ulverwrll’a and there’s a is to one’s tendencies build small houses with to PETERS* postage stamp-. Also, Dr. Mairiage tire for Arizoua. 1 es, he out in the yard play, suorl. The horse at that moment es- going change openings foe. Address Uie publishers, joiu party I over how a is Asthmatic HronrhilU, of Nine Vears’ Stand- Corner ofMAJS A erne streets, Ellsworth Guide, price train for less one is made ; queen the little bodies in, CHAS.J. < KLINE A<-O., would take the first morning good boy.” the white sun-bonnet, drop neglected In*, Cared by the pied buttering of a or a syrup. Malse. ltl Bowcrv. New York, 1'osi Office. iX June sunshine fell soft ami to take up the role peasant, and that is all the burial lyrS the city and teir Colter he would go ; The and seizing so favorable an opportuni- they get St. John. S. B., August 11 1861V old that of a stock broker, Folks there was time euongh lor upon the quaint, homely to be sud- philosopher —[ Young for May. Mr. James I. Fellows. PAPER. fortunately bright ty frightened, sprang very residence. and was reconciled another place of Dear Sir: I consider it my duty to inform I^OfSK ! that and if it lea brief space for garden, Billy quite to one side, his merely by ! PARTING"! yet, denly tluug uususpect- or are you of the benefit I hare received from the PAINT moment he ! In that state Two Kini«.—There two kiuds of great i>rci,nrHti(in. ho much the better. He to his banishment the intr riilur In Mia imiinwl. mill Sllttil III) My Polly place ■ tnh .if AO.i.e War-sera Uvtionkou "ii is uiif ib uic Mini mai n :iOOO UollH fiOM»45 rap«r the lilac leaves, ! where are gone, uo non any- B|>)icai iiuruau, nine should uot wait for to change the rustle of tile Tom rolled over and you you phites. 1 have been for the last years, a Painters ! ! ! people caught road again. the that are for rides,1 also a Ado of the one to minister to, to serve with lov- girls good parties, r- on the his ed tenderness, as did here? There aud the time suffering 1 have Borders. the Shop oyerB. in fearing more a fal- seated himself grass, dug from his aud looked1 after his you kind which appears best at home, the during intensely. Window Shades and hou*e on liftin'St', opftosll* the City Hot*!, gie, hut, reality, clothes, at different times, the advice of ruge work warm earth of a was a tie l>etwcen you and those you that are iisclul and had, twenty- are now to do all kind* of of in a nearer bare toes into the a whistle. girls cheerful iu the *•*••• to call and examine prepared purpose party. steed with long 1 two The public are invited tering retreating a physicians. •uch a*, and his small el- loved closer than that of maid to her the and all the • ••••« • • * * before purchasing elsewhere. Let night he what it may poppy bed, leaning dining-room, sick-room, Sunday it isn’t that at the knees of his “Well, likely anything mistress, and that tie remain in precincts home. They differ widely least to either or I. A. HALE, Monday morning follows it all the tiows upon patched may The exposure damp draughts M(* will him now until he home, world. She whom loved in character. One is a tor-! was sure to result in a severe attack ot my dis- Main St.. Ellsworth Maine. BUS Carriage, was it was Mon- small trousers, settled his round chin stop gets another you frequently same. Maggie glad ment at ease. F inding no relief from ail the medicines bralalag. OlaliMi I as well and this arms home; tike other is a blessing. her at liber- bis and into a go might stay pnll so much, and in whose you died, bad taken, [concluded to trv since it left between palms, dropped One is a I your Compound Paper-kaagtag, wm,..s*Uag, day morniug, What two moth, consuming everything of a meditation. With no down. possessed you when she too went to the world of Syrup and have great rea- to sit with her in tit of childish thing about the other a Hypophosphites, Halsasaialagi Ac.. Ac. Hard-aaad ty sewing quiet her; is sunbeam, in- son to thank God for INSURE IN THE BEST COMPANY. make must have found I think, the result. 1 have, in all, ol a and to remember, no cares to youngsters—” souls, you, life and all the taken of all kinds kaisksk in the very best atyle corner by window, unquestioned past spiring gladuess along twelve bottles, and now 1 leel as »iroug The.ETNA still maintains Us strong post with the same Work done at short uotire and Aunt and small of pos- And there Tom paused, laughed, waiting for her, simple Now, it does not necessarily aud well as ever I felt in my life,and for the tion at the head ot >11 American Fire Insurance the Arc. *W undisturbed, while busy Polly, ] anxious, knowledge pathway. atten- had more like his devotion as when left to take lollow that two classes last year have not had oae moment’s sickness, reasonable rate*, and wa hope by Ariel allow no fin- sibilities to curb him, his dreams aod grew good-natured you her, there shall be ; Companies. who would inexperienced and neither does dampness or draught have the Assets after losses In Boston over to merit a liberal share of been fcr old relation of unsclUsh love. of The modification would paying tion to buslneaa in her a wild free ; and he bad quite than he had twenty-four up your girls. right least effect me. Were 1 to write on the gers to intermeddle washing, range unite their upon when he The Like most could modify them both a little,and for hours, 1 could not enough in J. A. Agent Aunt who would al- decided where he would go hours. defiant, indignant, disap- country girls, Polly subject say HALE, rllLlt VAVSAAAAS and lame Becky, characters iu oue. of of tHI a and if your invaluable Compound byrup tf 7 Ellsworth Me. were in the came in of his coveted of those little dirty drive nail split wood necessary, praise ways stay wnere Polly was, possession pointed expression Hypophosphites, or give an adequate idea of H. a faces was irresistible. Carlie which I it often was at her 0. B. Bridge, Alden Bellatty. kitchen adjoining. No ordinary kitch- wings, besides selecting particularly protest- fancy A farmer who wished to invest the my sufferings. to the hand be- home. She was a You are at liberty to make what use you GO iT ! ! Smo. 14 and dis- fleecy cloud, in the far-off blue, ed stoutly when strong pretty good carpen- accumulation of in United FObT Ellsworth, 1, *73. cu waa this, steaming, soapy, soft, industry > of this letter, because 1 hope Us publicity it her but besides the bouse went a please serve for his bed at “after gan to demolish work; Tom ter, and, tinkering Stales securities, into broker's be the means of other sufferers Only 90 eenu per Bottle, consolate, but a large, pleasant, tidy night, may benetittiug in- and the flual could form to her office to obtain some “five twenties.” as as it has me. where Aunt could too dark to tty,” when a voice pusuaded and explained, on occasions, give much Prof Brown's Coal, Mineral Water Compound, a pine timber room, Becky enjoy got I remain, hard of a ride in the cart when he own inventions with some skill. A The clers inquired:—“What denomina yours respectfully. sure and scientific discovery, for removing all and her knitting him. promise MRS. HIFWE1-L, Lxmouth Street. from Sawed to dimen-ions. her arm-chair togeth- terrupted tio* will have sir?” kinds of grease spots tho very 11 nett cloth On hand, and back the effected a board for knives of her make, you them, Having the discourse. The don’t you play with me, Billy rolled it up lane, scouring in*r without starting color, injuring or leaving er with Aunt Polly’s “Why uever heard tliat word used excepting th>- least slain on the most delicate fabric. Pine Flooring talkative on A little blue dress was satisfactory capitulation. with sundry contrivances and conven- Hard Pine Plank. Hard latter lady was unusually Murray?” to distinguish sects, the farmer, alter a Fore-warned Is fore-armed. Keep Hen- F.r Wwt. of until silv- in bouse, surrounded crushed against the fence, a pair The toll-gate disposed of, Tom’s iences, lasted in my kitchen little “Well ! ry’s Carbolic Salvr always the III STEP MAM*. waab-day. Possibly being deliberation, replied: you of worthless imitations. It Vendors-' the and next move was to follow his and them came into fashion. i Beware tubs of linen suggested bauds grasped pickets, horse, may give me part iu Old School Presby- the POPE. by aad pitas tiny record- ed by leading phy sicians and pharmaceutists* CALL AT THIS OfTICK BY STETSBN 4 a white sun-bonnet he discovered that the wise I know, that the terian, to the old hut Genuine. baa the of John F. FBI BALE vaguely a pulpit or speaker’s stand, from under merry speedily my Polly, please lady; give private stamp AND OXT B CABDc bad not taken the trouble to never set down against you me the heft ou’t iu Free Will Baptist.” Henry, 84# Calkjp Plane, M. TO US VSLSKSS perhaps having all Sunday to think in. brown eyes laughed at Billy- I quintal ing angel [ tfikicA Iering ocmmmc fee uttUt* different Arms of (Jranite dealers Correspondence. The rock seem* Inexhaustible near the THE BOSTON FI] 1 dressed in Ills old clothe* he looks every —The Sanford’s Independent Line. are In are a The Modoc* grouped are a brisk business. Cbr €U5»irtl) JlMfriftn. — shore, where there good chances to Inch chief. doing the house, ami are surrounded have erect wharves and to a field near Messrs Wescott and Hinckley BOSTON AND LOWELL. Bkadfukd Station. S'ark Co.. 111., > .buildings carry on Lou Between One and Twone Into FOR ovsrv st Cqpmtos a peer Captain Thursday M'rnlng hy guard. Spectator* four cargoes, three to Philadel- IM-m-S. Fllisworth. Me., hv TITF. HANCOCK May 2<*. 1873 ) the business, and the expenses of trans- Dollars. face with eager Interest, hut lie shipped, Jack's are now- COUNTY PUBLISHING COMPANY. a statute. and one to and To the Editor* of the American:— portation in the rough would be saved. heed* them not. He is still as phia. Washington, F term*. A *rr first |>agf*. II. Per- Hr*»rwl l.lrra In the last acout the Henry Whitney, ( apt. M PKTTKNGILL * CO., 1# state Street, 1 notice in your taaue of May bib, an ar- The coat of wood at the kiln hare is from lari b, railing The Modoc* captured loading ’.T New York, and 7ul Chestnut of thirtv-four women and The Boston. Park Fluw. tide consisted men, kin*, for the bridge at Philadelphia. N re, A Seats for headed ‘'Amherst" from the Maine #2 50 to MOO a cord, while the cost of kiln able 1. Philadelidua, are our procuring children, thirteen of them being about 200 adverti.rmtiuis tor the AxtciCAS in the above \ aHotts drills are employing Farmer, a wia-statement as to the origin of wood at the kilns in Rockland Is from (5 50 The extensive lire which rajfjos- 1 warriors. | cities, and authorized to coutract for advertising bodied Deduced. ton, in 11 slat- A are anx- men. Fares and at our lowest rates. the name Union Biter. This name out- to $6 00. The other Thursday, began Boston Charlev and Sclionchin Freights* only necessary Co.'s furniture to be made ot factory. Washiia-eet. ious about tlie disposition Albert Carter has built a nice date* the exploration* of the three articles to matters to a successful —Mr. bring about 8 o’clock A. XI. The ilafesd former murdered Dr. I’homas them. The a of the Moses TETasrAY, 5, 1871 branches. The writer remember* in are and with Bos- Cottage house upon part IJM early Issue, hoops staves, and these are great rapidity, tlireatenii^iout and the latter mutilated Me-aoh«n>. childhood the name discussed In ’so and Bojrlston Streets on the look like des- Pillsbnry homestead. hearlug by <|Uantity that now. great lots are oiifand ton Charlev and Behonchin 1878. for Season of1878. on the other. carries hi* character in the Arrangements 2E?7SU5Ata STATS CMYISTIOS. the then old good dame Smith, the mother from here to other Washington paradoca. Kacli _Business about the'-Mills Is dull, Iran-ixtrted places. I* almut twenty- SI-KKAllINO OF TIIK Ft-4 hi* face. Boston Charley M ilford Urindle lias of Kben Smith, formerly or now In the As the parties negotiating for the right | water (icing low. Mr. The and all other* who 1 of age. anil Scbonchiu fifty. Four Week. Republican* ot Maine At a quarter before nine o'citioiis eight year* of wood, a new Two strainer* on the Route. Trip* per • the National and State Admini*- Morrison District, and perhaps of Uncle to work this rock, are able to warrior of the band i* Scar got out a quantity spool upport present amply apply fears were felt for the whole oft,ail The boldest «ration*. are invited to send delegate* to a State us. He has Into Bill of Dollard Town, and the widow of to on the manufacture of Paced Charley, branch of industry for put CofiTeuiMB to be hidden in capital carry ot Bojrlston street between #*a. \£t„n stave FAllK ONLY James, ? Smith, one of the earliest to street and the on one of C. H. Hall’s patent SoreiMtorga lfall, Bancor, very lime. I hope be able to give a success- Common, ihejerlv his Mill settlers, the best ol tor such side. The Bank limits ,tii 30.—Vice President Wil- he likes much. Tkar»a«i» of will be a* lollow* in aubstauce this: and Mr. Wilson made over one hundrod representation parties, who have taken this matter in Emerson, Iceland A Co., ■] 21 eve*. ». l..p |i town and will be entitled WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, city, plantation street, were the late cam ^prciiil Will Imtt B. nf>rf'»r Boston entry MONDAY, to one iclfgatc and one additional f>r 7^ ■'A of from -the West- hand, as well as the EoyWton attacked igenr I and during potters. every party explorers give course in- thirty speeches they * , ,.wi v -tv.* tor the candidate f«>r buiornnr fiercely. and seemed destined | It USD A Y ooU FRIDAY Republican ward' fSaco or Casco Bay) with a view to tend to O. traveled nearly 50.000 miles, attend '1«' TV ^A {?T.,V m 1*72 A traction o| 40 votes, additional to the pursue. N. Aromr was a jnijjn. iftStSftT said, however, that tsfueh «.•* full the The Confessions of an Invalid. I*. M ton. lung above. number for a delegate, is also entitled to a i effecting a settlement in llietbeu unbroken wall at this | ,.,1 (o Ills labors pa» party point wouhl the Congressional of delegate. Put»H«h*t a- a and f r the benefit Wh i. and to Boston. our corner, and on same time thi Warning K»»* from Ilaitfoi, rport Buckaport IHdeg ite- are amhontod to fill vacancies only pine wilderness, entered beautiful hay State this hope the anxtrwd winter, at the preparing from Ninrow Hampden. to l.owrit.. W£ j College. j | Tonni Men awl other* Wlfto mCbi ,1,1 do do with actual to ahicb the w ailed. etc rt.Mdents ot the country iu a small boat and followed the shore At 9:15 the steeple of faeh volume ot his historical work to Complaint*. I>ebility, Manhood. *up- LtfOflII IAW. ****'- town up OHO NO, Msv 31, 1873. j second one IxdongK. street chnreU caught tire at tliland nlviOK the mean* **f o«df-curc. Written by The Mate will lx* in aetaion at 9 i of Neck till crossed to a autumn. Mi* Committee Newbury they To iht Editor of tk* A rnm'ro a ■— —I .1....1.. ,, .... i mililii-ation this physician I xa h.i .-in Ast »fU»r midi'rffoHiff condidprahlt* o’clock the of the convention lor the re* «ml free on a I morning Cove at entrance n >w order* a ce**ation ii4ch• directed envelope. 1867. ESTABLISHED 1067. •UvkSlt. Bi Kenaebeck. CHAIRMAN. now Batten's iu acareli of the river of ed residents on Harrison A work Bnd SuflVn ra are invited to address the author, u*k, Bay, lege may be of interest to yonr readers. by vug j ..f all ineluding correspondence. Wiujam »». Fry k, Andr noggin. At about this I N A l II AM hi. MAYFAIR. Box lid, which had some idea. Here time, also, the rg the Wilson shall seek rest and relaxa- N. 1 I Kbe* \V inii'Hi Kv Aroostook I they they A house is being built for Prof. C. II. that Mr. 6moa.ll Brooklin. Ring* Co., Globe Theatre caught tire, and till 1- sta>llv T. l*i i.le.v t umbeiland. hauled up their boat and cooked their din- the summer. Fernald, and a barn for the farm, is also next to a« tion during + i\ I’iirkin*. Franklin. ing It, known Arlin Jill, S HAIR DYE. !>. Ilol-KIN*. ilai cock. tier, and it difference of arose as BATCHELOR | opinion in process of erection, which will be a containing tlie eating rooms of < d I A BuniU's E. R. M AK. Knox. Hair Pve is the best in the world. 77/A' ri KLir AKE I.WITEJ* Charles C. to their future course. Bart on Co., was on k. the famous actor, Tins splendid > >. A insisting found burning the tojarn. —James W. Walla, M HULK, I. coin. great Improvement on the present accom- The only True and Perfect l»ye. Harmless. Reli- -TO- IF. vw. Oxford were tircinent hese ear. while no rt- pursuing their way in search of the river modations. placed by ready died on Saturday in a sleeping able an l Instantaneous, nodisappointment, ] John ILLynde, i’onobscot. and the roofs well tints or od<*r Remedies the to buildings \4>wn, from the df tilo.i* unpleasant I A. IiI 'NI.mi.n, the left up the open passage. West anil traveling toward New \ork, bad and washes. Produce* imuk Call at Office and Eiamme I'lBcala^ui*. cv wuiasiiup is aiso vo uc duiii uior in but the presistent flames retailto ir ill effects «*f dye* my F. I>. *ewai-L. *agadah>H'. a I'l.Af'K «*K NaTI'KAI. UK"" North, and others to retrace their of South. His disorder w as consumption. IMATF.t.T superb skwii E. boireraot. steps the season for tie use ot students in Prac- bold, especially tho Globe ‘lug. CLEAN. SOFT AM» UK A IT! FT I as to the Pkkwott, s ,d b aves Hie hair Commissioner Paine’s Report I KI.D ATWoOD. \N ahlo. Eastward. The altercation was and The Kagie on W. A. Bnichelcr. ‘'old by ail long tical Mechanics. In to these it Is Clothing House, tligner The genuine -naned NSURANGE N» 1>”N >. Ai I AN. addition Washington. of and Essex, then in io l»rnggi*t«. •pno46*ly of the Leon loud over their noon-tide meal on the hearh Washington standing following ard Andrews. ^ oik hoped that a will soon he cil A**. H\TCHKid»R, Prop. N Y. | machine-shop move their goods, and water w.Hired State News. /. A S.M! I H SECRETARY at l'ncle Nat's Cove; but the latter party May 1. 1*73. tiuilt. which will give students who desire upou the roofs in Gils vicinity likelugc. the rest hut w ith very STERLING COMPANIES agency. prevailing, yielded, It. a chance of obtaining as prae- LIMITS or THE t IKK. lias thorough _Kx-Ciov. Coburn of Skowliegan, Best Evidence ! V bail grace, and on a young tl«»od tide with rlcal ; The K Kl’ l&ESKNTED AT MV M.ll-M knowledge In their department as is • omuiencing on the west side for jfelow donated to the Industrial School Tm b-l! *vrinrf letter from REV F. h. IIKST. Figtting Fire. afternoon sea breeve in their teeth they, ut $.V*l present attainable in the other Ilaymarket place, the la«t mimtioing Mass. wdibe read HARTFOHl* FIRK INS. CoMl’A'Y. Tbf depart- Pastor M Y < hureli ,‘Nxntiek, A alar of (hr AiU«b la with their oars, made the long detour round south, is 395. lieiug the building I girls. ments represented hero. spied Witli interest by many physician* Also th-.se of llarlforil. Tlair. by Wllltain I*. Emerson. 1 of a six weeks U Flood*.* and r>o»;. to. OF NORTH AMl.UK A, duty with all favorable at 4 P. M. entered the on its shoulders. this testimony, and there »• no doubt such as burned through to a lot ol dwelliiii.es down tow n to the cause of fires, magnitude, improvement of Col- t every give why mouth in curative power* of t'-srijiK. Philadelphia. of the river and landing ar the the court of Ilaymarket place.Ttlng 20.000 salmon lroin Bucksport Strrrl, were not oat at once, how lege grounds. and of the farm, the greater —Alamt Nan tick. Maes Jan. 1. 1971 Ah.kvh.$3,400,fl00. on Stair they put large the buildings destroyed ou Waaoon Ollier spring opposite Fullerton’s Beach, they works have been In the St. • of which is breed in* placed Mr R H ntfaKn* r-mall were first seen, how much part performed the stu- street. east and i I ■’ -t r'- they by Going southca.iiias INsl'RANC K ASSOCIATION, ... A.k..-n * settled the over their jug of Old ! 11 k K MU -We have jr-xM reason for re>car-ltng difficulty dents. \\ itti study. made a back to ; Croix river. the aloe t v hud increased when water was thrown Practical Kugineer- sweep Wasbingtoheel V .. \ean o: n utedi- me ol gr*-»te»t of America. Jamaica, which then had mean- o -e everytxwly and w uncut going to iiovisiou Mrcel ire \\ Ire! .v^uriHi that ha* t*een ilie and farm arc ling — driven hunger, making Asst s..53.ono.noo. i.jh.u them, and if extinguished at once lug, Suiveying work, all ^ hears, by |tn He now hi«U n year* drank duty it there with the short of the latter street at Mon< i«*ry free; mixing of In he ha^ mi (fared fr**tn .uni without loss, the manner and means kept bi bad work among tho llocke sheep n^-. tor the l.*'t tw year# silver and (o'* confectioner? store. (23 I r'lalou- ilT*turn IMKKNIX OF IIAKTH »K1>. fountain gushing from the moss-cov- In n(.,-ni„. of hi* leg. hy M l- ki The of the farm street. rear w the to win In Oxford county. that all that >»« >wn, that other property might be greater part work is Washington Hie of t i« some of a ,• f.ir ndueod nearly AssluTH,. ered the ■. rocks. The hour, circumstances Pilot in Ootnulv \ d in like manner. It such a record performed by the students, who are re- five-stor? building |>pm:c*« *»m- the border towns of M non. sheep, j HIM ouldgivrm but the I vmte*t OF HARTFORD. and Reliable Compa and the stimulant* restored humor, is now witluu leet < >cx- ,,f able pi, ORIENT None but Strong good to lal»or plction, thirty and car- I two of the number le ua-piih'.-hed, tve should learn that one quired three hours each dav, tive j hut young cattle have been aeiaed hu|.flu-ever rallying and ter's old 1 ..Vnw.*4. remembering their angry contest at •‘table, where the tire ronnred, ! lairing that he wa» beyond the rea* h human at thia Agency. ■ -• iu a week. The mes -f !ir« was the days Military driil for ntul was saved of S ried otr !»••*. and that even amputation .»«! I not represented crowding together the Cove, named it Contention by diligent work fare- I rente GERMANIA OF NEW YORK. they C«*re. a* had not enough to rudurc two hours each it men. and others w ith or mm. he vigor "f ""'-len as at Portland and Saturday forenoon, carpenter* employ*poo j —Tin* of Richmond U troubled w.» comm, nee d buildings, and their iuto the tid«*- City tbe operation .f ti -1 then giving Asskt.m,.VI, l#S,. they day.** State and walk* about ciieeriXil and *trung. would set others on and most of the students have no claim- j ,tn 1 ram* many lire before the siqi- Extending to the cast side of Bu, but at the latter place di*. li oiu th« Let uie narrate a reminiscence of Float's Waskrton j ks|H>rt. It,.-ugh there i* *till »«*iui* barge IMPERIAL OF LONDON. ENG.. hr-t «• themselves with uniform-. street, the last number left star* I w-v* lam ed haw the FIRE INS., COM’Y, r»uiut* could be g«*t to work, or even plied drigo- ant I'nfortunate orphan. ! ,o lung wl.eie hi* Umb HANOVER To after the of the appeared. a tune ha w ill !*• ..^,.oon.n»>. nearly year- date south «*< ! ti * t r.,nt\len<« tn.vl in lulie before the The wa'.ts of the -till lug to E-sex, l» that number 1 11*' perhap- telegraph told the flre- incident College although I. ink, the alleged War- « ured. narrated above; the writer was Miller maiiufaeP and ,lr\K. —MM ; perfectly of MFTFAL. of are copied by piano i* taken a’-out three lioirn b*tt,.»* PENOBSCOT Bangor, III :i tie 1. tti? a lire. many, being and it II.- And if it should he gradually supplied, Hibbard Co. «•* « a* to the nt a* he *le on board tho old Superior, then \ This gh ren murderess. removed jail \la.K 1IM t lately u*e* hut little, just pur- I- fast the rhejrii'r •' proved that for these little tires the small overcoming many disadvantage* on this side ..f to await too writ I n tali FNTON 1N>>. CO., of Bangor, chased that boundary \Ve||oii \\ i.i awsel Sheriff llobli*. by sterling man. Andrew IV- to-day by your*. K. *-■ IIK>I. LONDON & it ha- labored umh ", and street at Havw.ird Place. Dow n ard lt< •ix-etmliyV 1 A ssKTs..$ |7< LIVERPOOL, hand engines w ere more efficient than is outgrowing lift 1 of the Su- MUb L. L. K IthSr. great L'r-. under the command of h- r t rial at the septemlmr term temporary the misfortune of Place the lire -pread rapidly, Imfe.Dg -team fire-engir.cn, and that «uch fires, being a young instttu* of I.in- MAINE I.I.oYDS, OF BANGOR- by John McFarland, flr-t hand alias mate, -he routined to the >outh 1-•. tin w preme Judical ourl for the county r tion. of dt«*»rder w hr U V:> l to the luflin capital INS., COM’Y. use. could have been out with a at that it w o; I be 1 rang K«*i>r*-«rntin*f GLOBE put was the sea gr* danger drjpbv colu. ! the number ot defined against rising breeze beating rm •• of it,** midielne ami to the amount *>f.5lo,Q*'0.ouu. -- d a The terms .>f .,1 mission I the of < v few dollars instead ol mil-! have been rai*- gu-f wind through t» U r wh.ch it never lab* l«» «:uf. are greater many out of Patten's w ith one short and one Nathan Clifford of Portland, is IN'*. < <>. Bay cd the *:reel, and it was after a _judge • Ml ll Al. HKNKH I III K i.-. would soon be by addition of live Books Iu Gcom- ! only \vr4rug- tiiey adopted. Then Court *•! inv -th single m*-1 Ji rscv. h»ng leg. John made the reach a that it was an assured member of the Ire •muiended l-r. by of Now long leg to gle thiug&itit the only Supreme 1 for. the combined force of the steamers ctry the Arithmetic. Ge >g- :,.u* bittMU’o been even ree.uunieude by > and little too far. at same Algebra, w ould not new the liench the time Mel. j touch the ly -i ** one nJ.uk u V.hai rs..9* Caja. ( r Grammar and the Cniled hi,*, other propr.. the small engine-, would l>e- ipbv. re- lc»u-e mu this and are ?*cr»»fril.a an-t i!' rrup- GERMAN FIRE INS, COM’Y, conflagration* Lord, w ho should have been in i History, formerly important iiujeotif l, .in. ’l'he-e di*ea*e- K r- Insurance. r**f>r»—•••fit I command, at tie* line* of President I.iueoln** Inaugu- III «. 'it. quired. Ilia the Indications are atret-r. ll\e dlae.i-e* ail I 1 illP-m. Itlie U all-M,, i •rri' almost obsolete. fire, w that there 1 jobbing l h** course nf the I* af- .. Many an.iwful a- seen ou tike heat h at Flood's i N and "*pioal complaint*. and all luflain lauding is ter it had crossed wa- i ration. .nalgi.v ia>» is r* w.llbe a e|a-« enter Washington sin* 4 iol' .ii-ea-e*. Marin** fnstirao*. pr* th«- n«ws ©f which has been sent all over large next Augu-t | *r■.r v s III in*. L 1< V! all *) pu frantically hailing, **i/-jrd 7># /” “Las* southeast the while -• nt. .I over. 5io.isio..mo. a- can be by south, and taking (I south reliable intelligence from K lio-y Ail Iliad ler dl**e.»*i l*op* t accommodated. _-phe most *» :.*• *u;;d. would have been dashed nut w ith* ► w hirh -o *m ct Lif. In<*ur:in« i"> U rvj*r» nt- <*ik:** LKT GO AN1) HAI L!* I was ideof Hayward Place through t the » Us i< to tin- effect that it Ira U of painful disorder* generally FIRE & MARINE County. .• BANGOR The Hooui :« well Piscataquis ,\ a a ■ I w .1 ut los- some man or woman, or reading supplied by nf the street (which by boy teuding the jib sheet* and was thrown for- \ | liauney building will go solid for Judge Kent.—Portland ermature g l»y *pei and w ere * f v» n null: -n- ««f ■!• gratuity with a scorched some on the iCrthcru eur-e «*f AiiicrH »n ..I Making a total ftftv-a. if proper and efficie nt m**an* for w ard the anchor stock subscription large only jyoi. in nut iniv eraal again-t and looking | and Svr »»u»ne.-« i* ». *'iill western it -w t ■> ll* oi'. oiirn. r >e#, on-up vtt*»u. lar-. F«*r u|*>u COM’Y. number of the best Itailics. Weeklies, and boundary along lia« not the j»*»lt- INS ig it were at hand, ami it was the cus- l'f.u t oNTita.—K'-nt ghost ■ hi--• I over the bows that great white nn*k was j Washington street to tie ip a it '. * lee ii and Impure and fuelling wil ailment* for Monthlies of the and Lite OnWide of Penobscot he l*., « tormi lable ll#t ot human GEO. A. DYKli. iu to such instances of self two country, Library j porner of Essex ami loot j a chance. pui>ii-h only feet under water. She lo-l her i street, from .1 in* lo altaeli. and It i- fc* not have the majority of delegates in HI •.ngle *UC«--Mtulljr X<- < in number of volumes and in nf ward on*- b. >re l.i»- a«.« <»»■»■» Blnrll,»'in«"nll, I --< --ion at tin s, as it was of the heroic gaining Hay Place took all bctw.4, going i- not itial any arlirh fore-foot. 1 well remember the tart way iu | coonte —E ist dr jim. probable value occasional donations. 11 r."' s r**e- .> lisa Ml' x. ■•••ed- of the soldiers in our late war. which the by the axe At UtC INS.. ium captain, when the tide left us. the r\ cpUug U.i U.tiKU.N»-. U U)- AGRICULTURAL Gras.- 5*. th»*building next below th#» «,| ^ Ph- t- Hie Lewiston ./»urn il says that rlim.nallng Take-for and grain look well, aud the th** tr»*o of <1 *ea*e by tli'-t instance, the following exam- turned and said to me. -• “Boy, tre. The north Hide of bet 4*n the fr mi th** blood. the pick up your Kssex. « ! farmers do n*»t r»M buildings at Norridgewock ry mi} unly promoting an : often have -uch a chance unity *•- take* nothing but farm pro paily ple A boy. employed in a -tore near the and make for i rorner and this building last gi^u. ha.- rreli -n*. jitimig lh« |»**r«A—U**- g*‘at *|-«* OF BUCKSPORT wbu'h traps home, you’ll never go on the l*#th in*t. 1 he the liver t »t> TOWN to put in tlicir were sold at auctiou »*■•* ..f tl»o sysu-ro— Invigorating < *Ui South a tire crops. Weather very cool been covered tin* lire tud •IrtarluMl reailcme*- church, discovered in the to Boston in this Mfcooner lint it by full and natural action, cletndng the stomach again.** was hi«l off Norridgcwock for the season and a a property by I ■* mu h a* «'Oinpl:-h- i.-i im-ut of the store, in a was |>erhaps little ftt kr iu.sk. strengthening tig*--tioo. m\ pi:n ci:*t. very dangerous not so. She laid over a tide shoved dry. cure not on- up mrt house at $172*.‘)0; probate «• ji ti,i* speed* an the permanent More or le.-s next time. K. M. I). " bile the store of M <’«•.. parti*1*; likewise ; lace, whi* h in a few minutes would have among the rocks, and the afternoon i llaiey. .r*> i\, Iv thr dUMa*r« we have enumerated. t>ut ebb of at bell at d di- wa< burning the llrefien win building $240; t w !i 1: in of hr nt*- and constitution iven the inmates from the and fiercely, whit store, next she w as on a close haul •r le *rU in to follow. This l* precise.. CO. day following were working in llavinarket w. re a boat FIRE INS., plt»e is fitted up tug <•*» and GLOUCESTER : -u.t>-d in the loss of of —The navy having % tor Link *a and it d»»c» .}ui- aly thousands dollars the Old then new. ( U«M niddenlv started the cra-h o’tlie rear Nancy, 'apt. Hopkins, kl.AM*. May J«J. by l’rot. Baird in his ■ aliu Year Bonds. v. which is to be used by Twentya. orth of to the wa«h- out walls, which came m»Mi the i* aware **l it biiuMlf. hnd property. Springing through Placentia Blsucho) bv T■ t\' Eh: >r$ the American — tumbling | before the patient Bay of of the fisheries along the »1. tin* only implement at hand, he filled l.-.n- 1 gjupunati-m Island. »»«r a t ^!e 11»«»« wnrtf Wff!1; ot 1st. 1- and Ajuuji MWV "W’nrr.-fjr, rngitil'*-! Mrri<‘NT \N BK< UUK Th* *« bonds bear -late April •» ■•* •* ft0»nk *Ru7W0rtlT route. welt water and "i Ju. = the of A throwing \ x or seven feet high. feesling ground the s^or Uuj to run. are >'*' CO. >• Uav.- years They FIRE INS., k with. 1 p gr**t to inform the that en- hknik1 rmi«•»»!< ui,, twenty ALLEMANNIA une-. he was .1 a moment ba« -rnui tnmt I'nctc Andrew on hear- public my ire men to .ft u ***" The had time »*c.ipe of the can** of the >* N« in acka- •*•«. A.mju. ***** -** barely purpose ascertaining! 111 k >K v\V KKI» TuMi <**>U|* deavors to charter • suitable l»oat have not with their lives, and were to bCIILM K MANUKAKE 1*11.1.s. or llu< aifuon ocnrc lue outer tn- ing the Superior vo ashore, trotted his coiu|>elled been Micct‘.»«ful ami it is also Kxtlnguisher that will cure Pulmon- tvt*. knew there wa» a Are on the j>remi- white face horse iu the saddle 5 miles to extremely coast. rntirely ruined. Officer* Wot and arv t «*n-urnpuon. A-one of the F&1e£ineu went to find Hood's Beach in 33 and tha (1:111 cult t*> liml a suitable boat to purchase. • ■iomMirar* m***!irinc that will Mop a will minute* (.'apt. ! com h§ were both knocked down K tt is steadi- cough United and State Bonds received in by the) -Judge gaining strength often O’ cation the death of th*- it locks States, The above stand a No. 1. the and i he of steamt>oaU at the close patient, up Companies :i»* causo of Brooke disturbance, Meltiah when he saw her strke was seen surplusage \ falling mass, -and barely escaped w.rh | ly among tlr* people. We hear the mo»t th*- liver,-tops the circulation of the blood.hernor Eicdanffe. rhage f.itlowrs and in Inc* the a> •.he lad emerged from the smoke, saving. trom the deck to feet into the of the » ar U geuiug very much reduced. I their lives. The demolition of the dwell-, gratifying reports from Somerset ami far- | cloggiag turn of jump forty the v*.ry organ- thai au«o*l th*- < *>ugb. v% mgs referred to gave the firemen a good ; ther West, and here in this sectiou we • HOv.t*. s». bond* »f 1*>o7. Will f-.r about he ruslied for more water. *1 have sot air on crown new !• b«*eii buiit since that time. 1 may ! iver and ar* the cau-e- pay landing the of his felt having 1 complaint dyspepsia to check the ravages of the that is for Kent. t two-tbiraa of Uk> ca*e« »t • ot these bond* itie interest uD whirh w ltocklaml i* anxious U> have *t4>am com- [>pportunity say literally everybody consumption. Mmy must our!" Ami soon it was oat. John McFarland after arc r,uite stove-pipe. shortly j tire in that direction, and the lire at that I*, only needs that those in all sections who now complaining with *lull pain in th»- side U* largely in favor of (ha exchange, thua allowing d a word mutiicatlou with Kllsworth and establish a I the bowel* sometimes •-.•-tit.* and sometimes too tin- serious danger over. Not came to the conclusion that he never would [*oint was soon under complete control, j have so heartily endorsed the tins to be the time to change investments. The proposition loose, tongue coated, pain tu the shoulder t.» 1 *1 w j blade, 6 ■! t!r« action was line accommodate the in- The numlK-rcd as also to go outside of routine and seek -s «'ent. V. S. bond* art* in v t.ic 1 AM A LAO AOKST i'UH THE llEil praiseworthy reported. become a pilot, aud taking his brother-in- constantly* building destroy- political j lerling sometimes very r*»tl* and at tber times per tx-ing ailed H. a candidate for Governor on the merit* of drowsy the to* d that ■* taken lira he.ivilv on thr and it w ill bo but Y.*t it would no doubt have law's the business aud creating business along the route, and will government, a short tune before prevented advice quit coasting stomach with and oi the muu and the office alone, should take accompanied acidity l»ci. h- holders will tie se.-k UEATINO BACK THE KIKE. "ui l. These obliged to other see unties her tin-- !f and invested in a new and staunch schooner invest liberally in the enterprise, the senti- j symptoms usually originate from published hold in earliest to send an a or take a le** note of interest. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INS., COS. com-J On the north side of K>»fx street w as overwhelming ii-ordered condition of the-ioiuacn or a ment a new torpid o'.. in the of the from l’oint and returned to being in favor of boat of their to tin* ItVC. lVr*<*ns so 11 upon newspapers day. Follertou's building majority representative* affected the take one >rtso The bond* offered, are nndonbted, and are ui one of the greatest a li m .its of the li> to the rather than Convention. In eanvasse- there ivy colds and if the rough in line cases I*. N r d I believe that the ever received Branch Fond. adapted route, take political j t a* safe a* or United state*. boy firemen. seemed to have everythin? sudden v the liver and every re*p*f Mate, They is a great deal of work" slopped. lung*, Moinach flock in an ol 1 one. of generally done 1 « : Present .ifi a- t. a ••thank \ -ai. -ir." from the insurance If I am not tedious, one tiling more The owners the against them. The intense heal and |sad reauia torpid toa inactive and before prk*es and erued inter, in behalf of the various and we I the is aware of his line between and Carver’s Har- tl.niic of the theatre would aspirants, patient situation the lungs are Formal* by tl)W A It I> sWa/KV forwbom he saved thousands of about classic names. Fond will be Rockland building swwep a iu*ai* of mpiny Toddy h-arn oil all sides o! the activity of their sore#, and ulcerated and death is the in- at Huckaporl National ltank. bor have for some time down with terrific fury, sending a perfect tv itAhle result. dollars. introduced into notice now with the new been in search of a friend*. It must be remembered that ) Rui'ksport. May J*. 1-7J storm of and brands tin? S**honck’s Pulmonic *»yrup is an >nt sparks against op- no ex}w»cu>r Irom suitable steamer f«»r their route and there is organized force or special as. " ! h l x-- not contain A house lar from in ip engines took liailroad, which if to fa-tine, perhaps anj- failing posite walls of this fifty foot street. At any opium, nor anything s.>clations pressing the claim* of Judge calculated to rh* *-k aoough suddenly. ol ihe I'oudilio.i lire on tin- roof, and belore it was discover- should cross at its Narrow-. A in this have determined to have built for eleven o'clock the whole facade lt«|.u.'t tkT I am t-> effect Marin.* lu.-nrai way. par- half-past Kent: that what i» done in his behalf must >*h* n'k s bssaweed tonic dissolve* the food, prepared a new w as in flames, and the smoke that roiled 1 niiei with OK TIIK without the rntk to ■ 1 a of one side of the roof of were on the new- them boat to cost about $30,000 to Uie(utric jaleo of tba stomach d>- | ri-brmg the Home Ofli. large portion ty surveyors crossing \ be done entirely the and we 1 Into this wa.< almost smother- by people; grst* easily aouriabcj the system and creates a u be in about thoroughfare a* on tire. A of the house made ice. The axe and the inevitable ready ninety days. that will an interest circulaliou of the Mood. --* vri. young lady jug to the firemen. At one time it seemed hope they display healthy When the bow llii.-k»|»ort National Hank. Many >ear* experience iathU bu Him ing w hich w ill vindicate to i e are ..stive -kin sallow and the is .>t a a and of water, and tcll- was Yours, their direct patient rant-* no* ;n -*a> :r»g that I .-an aud and a ik*. aught mop pail of Ohl Jamaica there, and some Toddy very truly, a* if the whole street must and ability bilious habit, bbcnck** g.», every fh**ir tmhlic affairs h«*rr<*r than tii.*v can h«* Mandrake Pill* arc rr- AT BUCKSPORT. STATE OF MAINE. X. Him ii viii,ii «iiu *• > *■ 11 g llie others to more water, she was but how to make the A. Milmken. i'l'iiiui it I'Mihr'i in*: UJ Ur. •/. of bring proposed, toddy uiaua^eil for them others.— 11 '< IlK.Vi at ibr* dose Bnlifii, Apr.'IN, th**ir several line* «»t* hose, would he by \Y\i>j. K A SON, Northeast --orner of Sixth Uiftir ri-Wa at thU Agency. Correspondin' < _ it on out w came aud the roof, and dashing the flames ithout the bowl? The axe-man up anii streets, Phlla. Pa .ami tor -ale Geo. Kfc»«*l t* throw n bark street on by solicited. upon Washington ( G-iodwin k Co. 18 Hanover si. Boston .ml J. with the mop. soon did for the house what —a struck him and he Loans and Di«c*>nntv $p»*i 4iu.tj HAttEhS C. happy thought General News. the out side, and IlarrUon Avenu** on tin* K. Henry, s College place S. Y., W holesale Agt* iiritUli.L, Ag.-nt, News. t’.s. Hau l* t<> secure circulation. i-«*i*rugguts generally. sp.Do.lomo4l Ofilcc ou St.itf st., over Alien k Lo’h,, »ior*-. Partington they heroically, Due from redeeming k reserve Agents^ j-.» 0 *l 71 Atlantic Ocean, she mopped out the tire it at once appeared, the molasses and the ing battle from the pavements, and win- ( uncut E'-pcuaes, Publication of a Peculiar Document. dow?. and roof* of the opposite building*. 1 hocks and other Cash Items, 1,7.14, -4 a id saved their pleasant home from de- Cue Jamaica were speedily poured out. I [For County Item* we tUir-1 Lilia oi National Batik, 1,508 *» So intense was the heat, that some of the Fractional Currency, 4.1., -■ ruction. The excellent lesson she taught and each on his face drank a libation to | j ( «vrQHB( briwrm Mrasri. Bewra, Till«n and police having to go near the center, had &eto ^bbertisemtnts. Specie, vi» Com, lto.22 lender tli- world will tirst be taught in this book. the future euphonic name of Toddy Pond. lirrrhrr. to be played upon to *ave their hair and —Kingman £ llastiugs are putting in a j ly*»l Notes, 13.432 uu clothing from scorching. By this bold ^__ I: had been told in the papers of the day. H. \kw York. May <0.—The custodian of new circular in connection with their shiu- g 42tS5.8T.G57 staud aud that iu the rear of Washington j many a lire would have been mopped out, the covenant entered into 2d. 1*>72, gle mill. Now Hotel in Ellsworth ! II ALU LI TILS. April street, between Essex and Hayward place, another home saved. by Henry Ward Beecher. Theodore Tilton Capital Stock paid in 100.000 On Rail many a amount of wa* saved. —T. T. Roberta £ Sons are .5 Road Notice. Lime. and II. C. Bowen, makes that instrument great property running | Surplus Fund, 83.7‘>! The on < street, when 3.«5t5.S occupants 'hauticy their mill a full of hands. I Intermit, 1*73. this as a reason employing corps Profit and The of cards lias been Lubec, May 30, public morning, assigning saw* the determination of the tiremen. Loss, 707 >7 printing postal they M ran then-fore the (act that Bowen has of late FRANK National Hank Circulation, outalAn-l ug, 88.n>400 ticket |M%«e«rer< to all point* To the Editors the American;— f«*lt so secure that would not allow LIN HOUSE. a- the card-board is not to oj many Dividends unpaid. 1-to.OO ispended up repeatedly declared that he had never disa- *urry. West, lurthwvat, The particular is Lubec, for the their goods to be taken out. aud yet they | individual Deposit.-, 48.715 52 Mouth, MoutH.aeat. contract. locality, vowed his charges against Mr. Beecher, —Launched, from the of w ere w ithin three hundred feet of the May 2Sth, yard s»n I'rancUce, kaaa.it t Ity, Ml. Haul ‘•Winterville" Lime (quarry. The lime hut that he insists on their truili." yet flame*. and under th«*ir lee Such man- G. W. a line schooner of lid tons $2*V5as»i«J57 Alien, j B. F. OKAV, Proprietor, STATE OK of *» Oilonaa, and I'loibU. from tiie Morton Farm was used The disavowal, to which is attached the MAINE—County Hancock. A bpriugtield firm the contract lor here, agement i< worth reference. O. I Edward ( 'ashler of the Bu< having ot all the above named, special burthen, M., called the 11 I. Curtis. >»nzey, It-port signature opens | National Hank, do »we.>r that tin* al->vr the made a more than aud there are KILLED UT FALLING WALLS. PrsakllB si., t Ellswurth Hals*. solemnly A#s .vll aod examine tiuo X prim i.ig postal cards, foolish fifty years ago. thus; -“We three men. ■She was built Raul Curtis, master work- table inapt Ac. earnestly desiring by j statement is true to the best of my knowledge i. illation, and is the buildings now that were plaster- to make Christian for Thomas and James Colloren and oeltef. only 3»J hour* Irotn Boaton to losing money by standing reparation injuries Finnegan mau. and owned by him, Sewall B. Flood The would announce to bu Chicago. Proprietor triends EDWARD SWAZKY. Cashier. ed with tliis lime then, which show doue or to he done and to efface were killed to-day by falling wall* iu the and the public that he nan operation. supposed and in She is intended generally, just compler- vubsciib**d and sworn to before me this -econd old burnt while bricks. parties Bangor. New Hotel. and is now p» -moolh. hard and finish. the disturbed past, and to provide concord, district, cleaning ed.his prepare.i furnish 01 June 1873. surface, good for the all who mav* desire it with First Cla-s day will and love for the future no de- Juo. Hill, fireman, was killed the coasting trade ami is to be com- EulerUm- TIIEO. C. WOODMAN, Justice of the Peace. C. C. good by ment, new Burrill, Ins., Agent, A number of lumber firms The lime rock is inexhaustible, and bids everything throughout the House. attest: large heavy clare ami convenant.” H. C. Bowen then of the Globe Cafe wall, and Charles manded Aldcii Manu. Hath with Correct falling by Capt. Room. Hot or Cold water, and all Mod- TI1EO. C.WOODMAN. tair to rival ltocklaud lime. One at- hurt. ern ) muas in Nc.v York have tailed, being unable by partic- disavows all charges and imputations Allen badly Improvements. J. It. BRADLEY. Director*. slock, state st.. Ellsworth. In connection with tho House, is a new and J ular feature that it slakes so fine when tributed to him as made him K. t. uni. > 1> r.li the r combination to control tha Western is, by against improved stable, and carriage house. Beecher, and declares without reserve Ka.lbrook. market: liabilities nine millions. pro|>erly managed, that it lias the consis- Competent Hostlers always on hand, The Mcdocs. —Mr. Wm. Smith ami are trid that he knows nothing which should pre- others making H. F. GRAY. — tency of flue putty, and is |>eculiariy adapt- -A NOTICE vent him from extending to Beecher his extensive preparation tor peeling bark. ed for stucco when mixed iu due most cordial confidence aud 1. .1. Burgess has sent fiom Hamilton. propor- friendship, Warm SPRING SCOUTS STRIKE THE MODOC WOOL -TO THE- —Mr. 1*. Wilbur lias a that Caution. CARDING, tion with Plaster. Christian Joseph sheep Nevada a silver brick weighing 13 1-4 Calcined fellowship, legretting sincerely TRAIL—CART. JACK, MAKING A VIRTUE that he ever made any imputation, or raised live lambs within sixteen mouths. George Ingrahsin, on the first day a to the Maine Last fall E. S. ilovey of Bo on, a of March 18i3, deceit and false 4 CLOTH DRESSING. ounces. contribution Esq., innuendoes unfavorable to the Christian OF NECESSITY, SURRENDERS—THE MODOC WHKKEAS. th-ough rep- WEAVING, —The summer school iu No. 1 is resentation, sold to us what he called a Patent at Mr. practicing lawyer of that city, became ae- district 1 am uow to do work in th«* above Citizens ef Ellswortb l.eneral Fair Portland. AS TO FATE. an prepared Hospital character of Beecher, and promising never ASSASSINS ANXIOUS THEIR Klg.it in improved Hum ng Oil. called the & Vicinity! line and on same term* as Die the owner of by Mr. T. A. Crabtree. Dis- “Eureka Huruin ? and obtained of pas- year. Viz j. a native of Belfast. I quaiuted with the farm. Capt. in the future to recur to them by word or frum Clear of being taught Oil,'’ theiehy Burgess A Lake, Cal., ■ and 7 « ts dispatch u two notes ol hand one ol twenty-five and one Oiling carding wool, per lb. trict No. 2 talks ot a new < Leander Morton, aud on the deed. date of June 1st, building school not over Fu.nishing warp, weaving Sadnet, 20 tn visiting place, says:— fifty dollais signed by us at Martaville, ** per yard k'tk t, uiuii him iic nni orvtT A series of and cheers house. an i payable -u s.r. inout-is respectively, from Flannel, 18 c«.s per yard. LET PEDDLERS ami Travelling ! conceived the idea of starting the lime prolonged yells Cloth fiom 7 to 25 0.* trv to Biddies’ Rights.—The Supreme Court word or mouth March 8, 1873. to said Ingraham, and since said Dre-nug, per yard 1 DOSTOpticians make you believe again by or otherwise re- aroused this eaiup from a siesta impos- business at the old “Morton homestead.” pleasant notes we/e Pius obtained, and wuhom a valuable AGENTS. ! aibilitica. It i» impossible to see near to and at of.Mass, has decided that “one on whose peat any allegations, imputations or in- half au hour after the of last all departure my Penobscot. consideration, |*ersons are forbidden from W a di-tanee through one pair of \nd a bond was to Mr. nuendoes contained in to Franklin. J. McCA RTFE, Post Master, gla~.es. r: ise hens arc no to Accordingly given iiis letter Bowen, courier. Gens. Davis aud Wheaton and purchasing them, as we shall contest the pavrnenl trespassing, has right the llancoak L. CRABTREE, Post Master. furtherin'ire. dont imv them from *2 50 to in which the latter is cited as the —Oil Saturday List dwelling-house thereof. P. G. Ilovev for to lime rock author the other officers, and all the men rushed PENNEY, K. >M ITH. for when I can sell P> kill them, although, in ot authority quarry A. 8. ~peetaeh's. them vou lor consequence of said etc., the moral of Geo. Littlefield was fire. PENNEY. Eat-i 1873 3w£$ Irom '*) to ot the allegations, against from the house and tents to find the cause destroyed by June 1873. Sullivan, May #1 #2.25. former like he has asked the on any part premises. Though Ellsworth, 4. tw~2J* trespasses, and Christian character of Beecher, of the and at once the whole It took on tbe roof and two men A. W. under unfavorable uproar, cauip although GREELY, Main St. owner to shut them and threatened to commencing operation Mr. Beecher on Ids the for- Down the level Ellsworth, 1873. 3w22 up. part puts past was iu commotion. plain were it at the time, it had Real May 28th, i out of aod painting upon Commissioners’ Notice. Estate for Sale! kill them if he should not do so." circumstances, the proprietor has. during ever sight memory, and says, north of the house, was a craud cavalcade *•1 the causes of UluViC ouvu ui au n a^i n i*' u vaiovu iv. vxj nun Farm known aa the Moses ll.de | the winter season, erected suitable build- deeply regret suspicion, of mounted horsemen, rhe studs rushed the Subscriber*, having been appointed by Place out Caution. Tie.on the Starbaid Koad, so called, about two jealousy afld estrangement which have forward at once, at a furious rate, ami it was impossible to extinguish it. Loss WE the Uuk. Paukkk Tuck, Judge of I'robale ! a and other fix- miles from Peck’s o4 100 acres is out at the Drummond ings, wharf, necessary for the County of Hancock, to receive and Corner, consisting (tcroons are notified and cannoned The fire colliery. come between ns. It is a joy to me to soon neared the of scat- about No Insurance. of land, soil, iK*reby grouds spectators sUshj. examine the clams of creditors U> the estate ot good early ullage, and nearly half ALLagainst purchasing a note for one thousand l tares, besides kiln to test the have old for C. Bowen cleared. About one--fourth is in The number of lives lost by the explosion building ;a my regard ileury tered about the premises. "Capt. Jack is Rebecca Nelson, late of Bucksport. deceased, part a good sec- | dollars with interest, dated January 3Ut, lo7.», 1 and a ond growth of mostly hard wood, and about one- le to one A. J. of the lime, and has burned a kilu and Theodore Tilton, happiness to shouted a sergeaut. represented insolvent, do hereby give notice that payal Cameron, or onler, in one is There are thirty widows and quality captured," sturdy bait of the remainder in pasture and small from and fifty-nine. me to resume the old relations of re- (.•.■UtCir*, Prsspeet llarhsr. six months are allowed to said creditors to bring year date, signed by the subscriber, as of four hundred which has been love, the valley echoed with cheers and and the residue in a nice Held of we fatherless children. The offi- barrels, Again in and prove their claims; and that we shall at- mowing shall not pay the same, having received no le- ninety-two and alliance to each and both oi command was that —The house of J. U. Hamilton on Sun- utl On said lot is a small House casks have spect yells. The mounted of tend that service at the office of.). B. Bradley on Gowth, nearly new gal consideration therefor. shipped to Boston. Several I and a good sized well of cers of the company are on the grounds them. If have said anything injurious to He had returned from a scout of last was to be on tire about Thursday June 12. Thursday, September 4, and bam, good water. DONALD M. STL'ART, Perry. day discovered Also another lot of land the been tested and the thing must be the of either, or have detracted Thursday October 9, at 2 o'clock P. M. adjoining above A>N STUART. aetive in the relief of the here, reputation 2d hours, three miles above the mouth of on west taking interest noon. The llames were seeu uear the roof JOHN WENTWORTH. the consisting of about 90 acres, a part of May 20th. 1*73. :tw21 counted a success. Irorn their stauding and fame as Christian Hoovered wirh second destitute, and is subscribed Willow creek. J.B BRADLEY. growth, and apart cui money being and members of l aud an alarm and over within a lew past. The lime is free from im- gentlemen my church, At half past ten o'clock this morning the being promptly given Bucksport, April f, 1973. Sw23 years in Halifax for their benefit. remarkably revoke it ail and Also a house lot ii this city, on Hancock Street, heartily covenant to re- Warm scouts struck a trail and assistance rendered it was extin- Sullivan Granite purities. and though the old rough, rude Spring timely containing 24 square rods, all ot which will be and reinstate them to the extent of I Company. pair after a bidet search tire Modocs were dis- without great damage. I.«>»s Notice sold at reasonable prices. Application for either KIETm. of the Stockhol. kiln of years ago may havu been for- guished or said Maine and fifty my power." covered. Col. surrounded the In- all of lots may be made to John A. Hale, A»PE<14Lders of the Sullivan Granite Company is —The Editors Publishers will l’erry No Insurance. The Are took LL indebted to me by Note or ac- or Lhe lime iu all its value The custodian of the covenant the about #150. persona administrator, of A. F. Burnham Kso j hereby called to beheld at the office of Arno VFis- gotten. yet pristine aays dian retreat. His men were bound to count ol One, Three or Pour to St. John on their annual excursion. was Two, years Ellsworth, May 29Ui, 1873 3w2J well, Lsq.,tn Lila worth, in the Slate of Mime, on go can understand the brave silence from matches with which a little are to make comes to us in the state, and the public a Modoc shot out from boy •Landing, required Immediate pav- Thursday, June A. L>. at 2 o'clock \| at just right fight. Suddenly 5th, 1*73, p, rendezvous Itta. which the has under a iuent. as all of the aforesaid unsettled this month to They Bangor July go great preacher kept the rocks with a white flag. He met a f»ee whether or not the Stockholders will vote time. playing. will be handed to a for on the to right storm of slander. He has cov- Lawyer collection to sell the entire real estate and personal proper- to St. John lath, Fredericton the protracted Warm said Jack wauled to first next without Freedom Notice. Some two or three miles from the “Win- Spring, Capt. July exception. ty of the corporation, and to lake ail action in enanted to bury the past and to maintain were sent HENRY SWAN. 17th. return home the 18th. surrender. Three scouts to Bias hill 42 John St., New York ( reterenoe thereto, which said meeting may an- terville” the was and brotherhood, and the document Ellsworth, June 3d, 1873. Im23 1873. and direct. quarry, (which by way peace meet Capt Jack. He came out cautiously, are May 23d, | | prove —The Ceugregptioual. Society paint- whom it concern hod for a valuable TRUMAN H. of 8. H. is given to the world to convict the princi- about him a and may SIMPSON, named at the suggestion Capt. glanced moment, then, consideration. I release and Sullivan 19th, 1873. 3 W21 — Mr. T- R. Sioionton of Camden, ha* in offenders the outside of their church- This so- r) hereby relinquish May Clerk. the New pal against truth, public decency as if giving up all hopes, came forward ing A Card. to my minor son, Wendall P. Madox, the remain- a to settle” In the Tike, Commander of Steamer his possession “permit and the right of reputation. and held out his hand to his visitors. Thcu Is the labors of Hev. A- ing portion of his minority, and knowing his abil- ciety enjoying most acknowl- town of Camden, bearing date “Boston, Brunswick, of the International line.) undersigned, gratefully ity to transact business for himself, 1 shall not two of his warriors, five squaws and seven At last communion two the and NAIL H. Tibbets. the THEedge r*0*rous aid, prompt and manly hereafter claim ol his earnings, nor 1 COLUMBIA any any Nov. 14, 1772."—[Bangor IFAy. there Is a still of very fine effort* rendered their friends lellow pay larger supply children darted forth and joined htmtn the of by and debts or bills of'his contracting. In witness And other Patriotic Airs sound be«t on ibe Su we will 1 united with tbe church upon profession townsmen on last, in their mill Lest there be misapprehension, Lime stone, some of other of —Patents issued to Maine inventors for surrender. command that made this I Sunday saving whereof. I have hereunto set my hand the day I perior Instrument, tn !.e purchased at ibe wei). light color, The a and much valued lumber from Are. Such acts of known store of J. C. state that Mr. did not avail himself of faiah. This community sustains heavy and year above written. IIavmsa A Ut where S. darker week 1878. famous scout was the of first kindness and will can never hue, but of the very best quality; the ending May I3th. Reported squadron good be forgotten by U. W. MADOX. ( FUM. BRASS BANOS, the until some years after it had Col. D. of loss in the death of Dea. Stevens. us, who in this manner tender to one aud our permission so U cavalry, Perry, composed troop Ben). all, Witness, C. E. LAKNED. Sw23* FULL OKt IIKSTUAS, Journal. it claimed, and there are now by Wm. Franklin Seavey. (solicitor of Pa- siucere thanks. been grauted.—[Belfast parties, F. Lieut. Moiler, and troop If. >Jajur He has been a member of tbe church for QUADRILLE BANOS. for the to there. tents. Rinas' Block, 17 Main Street, Ban- J. D. HOPKINS St CO. QUINTETTE negotiating right quarry Trumbull, and medical officer assistant June UKLHESTKAS, 5f and a Dea. 34 years. Ellsworth, 2d, 1873 t|F EUL It, The is Howard's Mr: nr. Dewitt. The were C. years, BA.NDr) —A gentleman who has been acquainted place Neck, and there is gor .Surgeon guides ST^kGEJ NOTICE. and all similar organizations will be furnished, Pullman and H. A. —Rev. E. K. is a lew nut the best but with the business of Bath for more than not the least doubt but that, from present A. H. Burnham, Bridgton. Soldering Applegate. Osgood spending only with Instrument., with In- is struction Books to learn them. Music to play on the Captain Jack about forty years old. weeks of rest at his place. Upon advice of PASTURAGE. forty years, now .reviews the prospects appearances, whole of the rock under- Iron. them, and all needed Materials tor their repair. He if about five feet eight Inches high, and aside the duties I.C, HAIFU this which la net leas than Howard. Ranor bis physicians be will lay * CO., there and pronounces them batter than at lying Neck, five Re-issue—0. B- Deerlng, compactly built. He has a large and well- (Op. the Court Haute.) 31 CwMA It.. Imisi, for a or six miles, is Uuw stone. formed full of and cares of the Ministry year. I Wioa.ll) any previous date during thteMma square pun Strap. face, individuality. Although 'r At a Mvertkiac —On Saturday last several novel and in- Iwmbdixtbly.—If every family knew the court of Probate hoMen at Ellsworth within At a Court of Probate hoMen at Ellsworth, with- DAUCHV & CO.’S COL* BY TELEGRAPH. value of Mine Sawyer’* Salve they would imme- an 1 for the County of Hancock, on the id Wed- in and for the County of Hancock, on the 2nd were raised In tlie trial nesday of A. I>. 1*73. A. u. « mo,.*1 /r j teres ting question# diately a box and never be without It. April. Wednesday ot April, I)., 1873. purchase Sottas. T, OSGOOD, named executor in a cer- WASSON Administrator the • t 8 00 • "100 of caae In tl»e Police Court before Judge It your la out of this Salve and ttegul upou msines* a Druggist [special Dispatches to the Ellsworth American.] neglects ROBERTtain Instrument to be the last will SAMUELEstate of Renjamin Murrh, late of Ellsworth, AGENT8 WANTED IS 00 *i 00 to aeud seventv-live cents as di- purporting big I'nun $>0 fo $*<>0 per Month *A 0 keep supplied, an«l testament of Esther E. Osgood, late of I 1 said County deceased, having presented hi* A, 00 00 Peters. rected In another the ply (by stamp) to 4w*21 00 column, and say you saw Orland. in said counlv deceased, having First account of Administrator upon said estate 130 7*> Hf. H. TYial Justice m awl present- III D. L. UUtKSSliY, Pub.. Concord, V. II The issue was. as to the intoxicating advertisement in this paper. IS tf PitsKury. ed the same for Probate : for Probate: lu- ., From for the Eastport. of Hewett's beer, call- county of Uantock. Ohukkep—That the said Executor give notice OKI>erri>—'That the said Administrator give sale qualities commouly to all persons Interested, a of notice (hereof to $2.00 June 3. ARK HEREBY REQC RATER th un- by causing copv all persons interested, by eaus- WMKIH iLBsKftiSSS Eastport. by thin order to be three ot at or ed small or pop beer. The principal wit- dersigned net or* of East published week* successive- ing a copy this Ordei to be published three Respectable employment home, day even’s; Yor Prop Burksport in the Ellsworth American noeaintal lull instructions valuable 30 DROWN KU. M ARINE Meeting House to call a of ly printed at Ells- weeks successively m the* Ellsworth American, required; A ness he meeting the Proprie- testified that oil a certain worth. that thev may at a Probate In a package of free mail. Address with six of day, JUST. tor* ot said Meeting Ilouae, to tie held in Roane appear Court printed Ellsworth, that they may Appear at goods by Andrew Bell n native ami resident to tie held at Ellsworth, In said on the to he cent return ft drank 3a or a little over four Brown's Dwelling House, ou the 21st of June county, Probate Court bntden at Ellsworth, on the stamp, M.Young* Co.,173Greenwich- glasses gal- ElUvrtrtk Part. day Jd of dune next, at tor of the of st., X. Y. 4w21 this town was on the banks while neat, at two o'clock r. m. Wednesday clock in 3d Wednesday JuneflBnest, at ten of the drowned or the and shew if lons, and thereby becamo drunk-tick I. To choose a Moderator forenoon, cause any they have, clock in the forenoon, and shew cause, if any they man CLEARED. the said 30th THOUSAND IN PRESS. SALE INCREAS- Bell was a young II. To ehooae a why instrument should not be have, why the same thou Id not be allowed. dory tithing. 29. Clerk, proved, ING. 2,out more Live Wanted tor our nick-drunk. On being asked to particular- May approved, and allowed as the last will and testa- 3w21 PARKER Agents about unmarried, lie Scb Orion. Osliorn. New York. III. To revivethee of “Proprietors TUCK. Judge. 48 thirty years oi age he of the corporation ment of said deceased. A true tiBo. A. Dyer, ize the effect produced on his system, x*h Monotuov Farwell. Hurricane Island. Hast Burksport Meeting llouse” copy—Attest: Ueg*r. 4w2l Patentee, Full. was best llshermen choice 3w22* PARKER TUCK, Jadge. LIVINGSTONE Rr AFRICA considered one of the hfh Highlander. Wood, Providence. by of all necessary officer* over 600 pages, only $2.50. ft inferior said it made him weak and unsteady ill his IV. To A true oopy—Attest, GMO. A. DYER, Register. Incomplete I >ch Caressa. Saddler, Boston. adopt By Laws, and to determine the works are offered, look out for them. Send for of this place. mode of HON. Judge of Prolate of the County w had tH-li Whittaker. Boston. calling future meeting*. circulars and see of the success of legs. As the itness unfortunately Mumeola, At a Coart of Probate holden at of llanoock. proof greatest I M. W HEWEY Ellsworth, within rTUE thy season. AHR1YED. for The Widow of William Fullerton, Pocket Companion worth $10 mailed lost one and wore a false one, the court DOANE and the County of Hancock, on lbe id undendgned free. leg BROWN late of deceased, HLBBAKD BROS., Pun’s, 723 .Sansom St.. >« h Glide, Milliken. Boston. A. U. ATWOOD Wednesday of April A.I). 1*73. Ellsworth, respectfully repre- Phila. From Portland. intimated that it the beer could WKm OTT. sents that she has for aud obtained an 4w2i JOB produce Soh Delewan Stevens. Boston. May Sit. 1873. administratrix upon petitioned PRINTING ! I ths Estate of Amos Heath, late of allowance out of <*aid Estate ot the sum of oue June 3. a it must be 8ch James TihWn. Lockhart, Boston. Hancock. *-.—'To M. W. Hewer one ol the CAROKfNE Hint-lull, CANVASSING BOOKS SENT FREE FOR Portland, such results on wooden leg, | in saM hundred and dollars, that til the foregoing applicant* for a warrant calling a meet- County, deceased—having presented her Ally considering CLEARED. tlrst circumstances and her necessities, she Is entitled FIRE. ! considered decidedly alcoholic. Mar ». of the Proprietors of East Meeting account of Administratrix upou said estate ! Burksport for Probate to a larger sum, that she has a minor child of the Prof.Fowler’s GreaiWait House, you an* hereby to a* the The of and was counsel for the defence then denies) >fh (ico It Ferguson, Eerguaon. New York. required notify said William F ullerton, On Manhood, Womanhoood and thoir Mutual ! foundry Reddy Kelly The law direct*,the of the East Bucks- the dependent upon her for S. U Win Pickering. Patten, lloelon. Propiietors Ordered—That said adm’x give notice there- she Intcr-rolationa; Lot., Its Lam, etc, ort Me. to time and of to all support, therefore petitions your Honor f«*r Power, burned to-night together with that the witness was intoxicated andseveral sell E nnk Pien e. Portland. I ling House meet at the place persons interested by cauidug a copy of Vgent* are from Ul to ot this patterns, J Grant, and h an additional allow anew from said estate, of such billing 30coploit *»• li Forester. Bo-ton. the purpose* name.I in Urn foregoing ap- this Order to Ik* published three weeks auoces- work a day, and we send a book free i &c. Loss f rom to £10,- were some were I.orinjr. sum as you may deem proper. canvassing machinery, $8000 witnesses called of whom hen plication. and to make due return of your doings sirely in the Ellsworth Amerkan at Ells to any book agent. Address, Telegraph. Woodard, Bo»t<>n. printed MART A. FULLERTON. stating experience, j at said meeting that they may at a Probate Court to be etc., NATIONAL PUBLISHING 000. insurance £ 1500. experts, to show that the witness teas iutox- ARRIVED. appear CO., Philadel Riven undor my hand and seal at hoi-let) at Ellsworth on the thin! Wednesday of .STATE OF MAINE. pbla. Pa. 4w21 8<’h Bar llarlto?. this j ; jeated. Contrary to the general t ale. these Day "-pring. Newman. ^ j Itucksport 24 th day of May, A. D. Juno next at ten of the clock in the forenoon, HANCOCK, ss.—Court of Probate, April Term, Piuky Regulator, Grant, Rockland. and Shew cause, if any they have, the same A. I*. 1873. all in and the why Last of the Modocs. l experts coincided opiuiou, CLEARED. I ) w. ii. l-n.aai uv. should nut Ihj allowed. 3w*i* Upon the foregoing Petition, OKDF.kin —That evidence of the main w itness, that he wa- May 31. Trial Justice, A trus copy—Attest, GKO. A. DYER. Register, said petitioner give public notice to all person* Washington. J une 3. a Sch Done, Keith. Boston. T > th> Proprietors of East Burksport Meet- PARKER TUCK. Judge. interested, by causing copy of the petition, and drunk, was overwhelmingly supported. h<’h Emily. .Ionian. Boston. (hi* order thereon, to be published three weeks |^OMES77£^jf official despatches. j iny House. I Decision renewed. ‘>di Jlukzar. lit Igkms Rs--kland. M'Rm RIHKl; hereby g)vcs publi- successively in the Ellsworth American, a news- The following official despatch lias been Sloop Dolptdu, smith, Lniaoine. ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to meet in TIIEconcerned. That he has been duly appointed paper published in Ellsworth, in said County, Doane Brown's House in Bucks- and has that at received. ARRIN ED YOC Dwelling taken upon luni-ei! the trust of an Ad- they may uppear a Court of Probate lor IllUwartli Police Court. port, at the tune an l place and for the purposes minister of the estate «*l said County, to be held at Ellsworth on the Id June 1. named m thr foregoing warrant to me directed. AltUMlAM I, >TOVER, late of Penobscot, Wednesday ol June next, at ten ot the «lock in San Franc isco, June 3. >ch Panama, Iloaton. Gray Rated at Buckeport. May 25th. 187.1. in the County of Hancock, deceased, by the torenoou, to shew cause, if any they have, w hy DfemvritwiRt S«’h Lila, Morgan** Buy. bond a** law the XKV¥ YOHH. T" 07 n. IF. rinan : <;eo. peters, JtDr.E. Hodgkin*. awfes m. w. hewe;y. giving the directs; he therefore re prayer of said petitioner should not be 4w‘2i Shi a Rockland. THE Soli Ed .», Maple*, quests all persons who are indebted to said de- gi anted. ELLSWORTH AMERICAN < o] 28. ceased’s in make linin' 3wil l»avis reports June 1st. that the May CLEA RED. THE IION. Judge of Probate for the County estate bate payment. »ud Parker Tick. Judge. June 2. or Hancock. iho.-e who h*v« aiiT denial -is there--n. to exhibit Attest —Oeo. A.Pyer, Register. 10 PER GENT. NET. M**doe m'oui> sent out 27th. Mute v Thomas Malian. Search ami TO Hte IOW A LOAN and I’Kl sT will m Tuesday May >< h Engineer, Maxwell. Itostou. The Cuardian the same for pnjiaent. i'ompany under-ignc l. of Mary Millican, est on first-class at **■ money Real estate JO per cent. r. to him ar on thceven- seizure. Plea Not Found h Emily, .Ionian, llo*t-»n. Michael T. Millican. John J. Mdlicanan I William A. II. WHITMORE. THE HON. ot Probate of { p<*rtcd Applegates Guilty. guilty Judge the County interest,net,payable semi-annually in New York > Jam- -Tddci.. Basket, Providence. II Millican, minor heirs of Ihoina- Milhcan, late May 21,1873. .Iw*-’* of Hancock. ;• oi ili«- L’^th in»t. and fined 850 and coat a. TO and will guarantee the collection of all loans that they found (‘apt. Apftealed. > li Stately, Grant, Rockland. ot lto#ton. in the Male of decea*- The undersigned Administratrix the JOB Massachusetts, upon Estate made through us agency. All charges paid the PRINTING ed. At a ourt o| Probate holden at iIn< with- of Richard ol by J < k and hi> baud in VV is well for Stale. for Deft. ARRIV ED. re«pectfully represent* that said minor* are ksport Richardson, late Mt. Insert. d« borrower. Please encamped Willow Kmery in write, before investing, for New seued and possessed cadi of one undivided sixth and for the <-*untv of llanc- k on the id ceased. reM|*ctfully represents that Edna Rab- York and New * S’h h.irles l*»-t m, Rellattv. Ikutiin. We England references, and full par reek at the cross.ng of the emigrant road State v A*a Search ami seizure. part of the following described Real fc>Lite, vlx ll,. -Olay of May, A. D.. IH.'J. bage. bought ot said deceased, a certain lot of Perry. vc»i \ t.tin lt->a 11-• -1• >u. nculars.vuuuel Merrill, Jute Gov. of Presi- Ihy, lk-llatty, (aim the certain instrument to l*> land Iowa) A certain situated fu Trenton, in ng the last situated in Ml. Desert, lu acres s fourteen iu:U> eastward of ami fined w- 'i Kang--r. Jord tu. Ke.-lou County purport containing dent. Ad lre«s Jaim It. lleartwell, Drawer Applegates, Plea Not Guilty. Found guilty ol Hancock and **t*te « t will and t'-atamenlof James of his that the said Sec’y, v Maine, A Goodale, late during lifetime, Edua for it lUt.tii, Eerrill. Boston. containing sixty paid 107 be* Moines, Iowa. 4w*2l in j ii ick's and Jackson*s xjuadrons un- 860 and coats. Appealed. acre*. More oi leaa, and these described. % llorksport, said county deceased, having been the same anil the said deceased bad agreed to Estatelishsaeat, ( I.KaRED. Beginning on the Eastern shore of I'nion Hirer presented for Probate: convey the same, but he died so suodonly b*- bad AGENTS WANTED POE ■ ■ r ’'l >r (tteen Wen* sent in a now notice no immediately May 31. June 3. B»> at -take standing on the line <*Libli*h- j oki»kkki>—That Im* given t-> all persons opportunity to do so, that she is a laughter of * 'rental. Con.air, ltluehill. ed between the premise* hereby conveyed, and interested, by causing a copv of this order to Im* said deceased, and all the other heirs are desiroes ™« pursuit. v P;»ik\ R» throe State IVm. VV. Hewett. Single i-ale of :n-U«-rt Grant. K-»ckianoi» lu* n oh* r. Ilo-ton. > 1.1 in s iii**ut -hould not April Term, d, »% the wonderful and nine liiMren were captured after u) iij iw uu .1 ■■ i»r<>Ok. me riipr l*o proved, approved, mid allow- j xghtsofthe .National I to he on •* given Friday. < i-l dint, s- h A T Calai*. < ed a* the — ">• n»r Ilavnes. Torrvy, the town road, thence by a.ti 1 r<>aKirmi*di. them were < >- « foregoing petition, Ordrkkd That see our terms and .» lull -glit Among M tiiiT* m. win-in. atais a -take in the ten* »•. ibenco north. west, nine iw.2* I'AIIKKU TH.K, Upon description of the. work Mate \ i liarlo sale of Judge. -aid petitioner give public notice to all Address > Joy. Single I.iq- Ai II* 1« it. 8t.mli ...Is to a cedar stake thence south t,» shore A true —Attest: «!».«». A. I»T>:n. person* Couliucuul i'ub. U., Bond >t., v y 'I'.ast end iiMiieliin and S ar-faced (' 31-t.-.-h y from Calais the copy Kcg’r. a of the IMux iirv eh barley. ii.ir trt \f udli'l It l*’..-it \ .t I.it interested, by causing copy petition, and Bridge.) I iv in — Ar -*h- then bv the shore to the point where tin- ;,ack c 2>tb. NrjH'ii-rt, Woo»* this order thereon, to to published three weeks apt. Jack with three warriors escaped t.*i. 1. rove brook, -o rail -<1. otaplies into Union Itiver Till' Hon. Judge of Probate tor the w as ttherine. l’omrm. do. County in the Ellsworth American, a news- >;imc counsel. It *v thi n. e said bro-.k to a successively lie-p’t discharged. *. by point bearing ol Haneock. ed.n jion and the remaining ( 11 .**' v h- A It Crabtnc. Stratton. Bo— T*' paper published In Ellsworth, in said County, 7 TO 12 PEE CENT. eM-aped north Irotn the place id beginning; thence south The Guardian of L. \N e hi.ike .1 1 t '•li iwmut. C II undersbrneil, Chester Jollison, that they may appear at a ourt id Probate f,'»r laity Ilf ( Otmtv.l itV and sedund Mlerent dirocli >n> Phillip*, do; Maconiber, one tod to the ol eveentmg and Kilt*?*. Jrlfison E leaving twelve men place brgutnihg. and Charles Jellfson. minor said County, to t-o bold at Ell-worth on the dJtnct Bonds, Guarantee Legality «*t' ill Hack* pare. II .in*. N Y**rk. -• M, bopd- ELLSWORTH, MAINE. r- about tu rod*, more oi i. iff Um n« id lo irs oi *-v Irester il. Jeilison late ol « He 1 ring Waltham, in Wednesday of June neat, at tea of the cliek m •old, collect the up‘>n-without charge, or lake captured. will push them lively « I 31-t.frh Wooster, Boston. «d a id lot and land ol John Mur* * —Summary of ob^rv.i- Neponfrt, a*ljoiumg L. h. -■•id ountjr, deceased, respectfully represent Ihe forenoon, to shew if *ame a* so mu-*h ran Mica. tor list ’• Meteorological « cause, they have, CjrSend price Id 1-t.-eh Boston. —the interest of said minora b* four undivided -■ any i. H» to do so in a few Grampus Joy, ing I •• I mu hti ire Lied aid postdated of the the sail hopes tion* at tin* Seiuitiatv. B n for of said why prayerful petitioner should not be hep: k-p*»rt, \t 2*1. M*h Gloucester. PyVr. |{r>< klatid. «i\th part* premise*. subject to the righ* following described Real Estate. vir: A certain granted. THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONOS IV- .1 Mlsll the tnw.ns t.» ether l.d: I.t«* doner therein, ol their Ju-l put* i-ri. 1 our r;.. ■ «*li* n I*i be n the of < Id 3.1. I*, h Y i« t«»r. < r.mt. Salem. ol in*4her. Mart Midicant I'd of land -ituated in No, a, hounded 3*"-l by the month May. township PAKKEK TUCK, Judge. hand- oi all iuP'it**t* < n d » «*f aw.it Thomas Millicnu. it being the and described a- to wit bv d in tins class •*l «eeurUi«s. J M 11 \i-—< 1-1 it J. M-h Samaritan. follows —Northerly Attest: GEO. in is "H'lioriKLD. Ctenral. Dod^r. ■ A. IK, Keg ter. Two Major Tin r.(rifate*t height, SUh, 2 r. M.. 74.fi pf lea ■ .» I f ■.. «• In the home-icad of Robert and Fog voittmes, uric*-fiu. w. s. t;oLKK A « «) ** J IV..v id* n.e. j Joseph easterly h a-t a. the lleg.-ti v I H d* lor «atd Ce»univ. Volume 112 the road 17 N’ll-aw :.. Itj hi k. twlJ i CAPT. J ACK 3*1. 7 M., 34.0 « by leading to Waltham, 1 >v CAITI'REU. ** j 1*1 2ltU. Anni* Gu*. New Y**rk. southerly At a Court of probate holden at Eli* with- Mean. fit.ok Sawyer, | pag* That it would l»« for the benefit -d said n »rth lln.- of lot owned Luther worth, Ai \ t f.*rmerly by lLip- in lor of 25t i. ,»r* n.Sa m i. >i- lli.it -a d It* -* l Estate should be »dd. and w >rth. and and the County Hancock, on the 2d '' ’• >' .. < M« lands ot -«th tie Our 7.4 Witt). loiidin*--s an, 44.5 We-tcrly by Tied " A Write for Illutlratod Price office contains xngtOH \r 2».th. li* or net. Dow: J Tinker. l/>- the pt « d* tin reui put out at or other, !•»*-«. A Do ednesday of April, !>. 1*7 i. large List. Aidress Bur m* U;r s.h. 7 a. interest, ni.lining€0acres mare*or one otli, r V Highest. M.. .*'.,>23 u -• th* ir WAKKEN aud al. Administrator* -jU. :.i from Cion. I>avU j au*. Itauuer. Itn kford; aud Ligunn Knliard- i used lor i*«-u«tU. The undersigned lot of laud le.unded:—IW ginning on the wre-t side despatch Low est. 13ll», 2 I*. 2B.306 Ho bom* non uu«>n the K-tate W hit- M.# -on. It..-ton. dore prays that Lb uac may be grain.- to "1 ’-‘id road and .*i: tin* line of the Hanworth lot THOMAS of»ainl : Mi mi. m re. late oi !>ccr in Aj-; legates June 1st announce* the 2d.F22 him to sell and convi the above dim. dbed as l*le, said deceased-- Cid Sftth, -eh* Python. Hall: Sai.ih NV.o»*ter. jr lb-.il- aforesaid thence southerly on said road l»i County I Estate at .sale, a- to having presented their Ur«l account ot Adminis- -i: :u:*• ! two warriors Vapor j >f L> laod. N private c-rdiug thogcapurc* rods. thence westerly at right augles with sai l Grood Presses and Capt. Jack, York. ineut law tration said estate f -r Probate. Greatest, SMh.lt r m.. .fi3n ul U.«“ *•* -N‘ r*>!* to -aid Hap worth line; thence on upon Type, (heir laui. Bam»«*u—Ai '2»'»th. tw in. Hatti. Anna. Web- >1 Mill N OKLiF.lt>.!>—That the said A lmioi-trators ie*. He the fen l/'a-t. 4th. 2 T. M .112 rilAUHEK, Guardian. aid line to the pi*, e ot D-gmnmg b«* th* same give ex{*erts r. v ■ hoiu-e to .lain- -. Tapi* ; J W Woo-lrufl, Ha-k. ll: ii*- ■ ■ I as »n m ire or it the thereof all persons intert -ted, by «-au*- .■■r< to M« in. .21.7 ftfaj less, being -am** described In Itrre« h >liot tr. uhicli enable* us to execute come in soon and considers the It-1: iug a copy of this Order to bo time loading Guns, #10 #.5h0. I) iblc Franklin, Yarnum; and Oliver* Warren.) M ATE of MAINE. Du-.| recorded iu th*. of Deeds tor sai i published Relative Humidity. Mean, <.*-> Registry week- successively m the ElUw .rth Shot Gan*. #8 to #130. single guns $3 | u.it It—ton. < ountv, Volume w. That it be American terminated. J.M. mihuku*. Hannah. HAM iH K. as.—Court of lu3, page would Is f ♦ T”* Rerolvei f to !• -t fl t 2.** In Ellsworth, that they may appear at a 4 :•* Susan A Jane, B dx •. .1 the m ill ol -aid minors that said Real printed Gun material. Fishing ta-'U**. Wind—N. 07..% per nt..N K. ns. 2. K. 11 s. a i*. ;. Probate Court to be holden at BtuelilE. on the l-t Large di-.*unt t*. ALL RlXDs ,/DR Pi- r W> '*«t« r « E-;ate should l*c sold, an I the thereof In*h!*t- HOUR. ; ibiurt. and K II C«»l- — proceed* ortJuh- *,un«. Lev.dvr:- B l. :iv\;:.' \. u Miller; t i"*n the foregoing Petition, <*ui»kuli> that Wednesday of next, at ten of the clock u the \rmy &W.0II.7, W. I out at interest, oi otherwise usd (or their July 1 e*»n. t.rav Boat jn. •am notice t a.l put t.might or traded f *r •, »d* -cut < From New York. &' 1. Culm N » petitioner give public jht***c« forenot.u, and slum cause if any have *\pn- 02.2. Ob». *1.1. euellt He therefore prays ttiat I n»e they why |» | brl IN tjl Ml|» slit la i, Ar *o;h. — h« Laura .1 -ues, Couml-. and inCei. -ii -l, ! *.i-11 g p. ti ai may the s.in.e should nui b«* allow id. | pi-iiuon s’ anted h. u to •« II and Coiivcy th* above described \ w York. June 3. —< ..minis-oner W mIiu'U.u, itai hour. N York. tl order 11*» rpon, to le pub!:-bed thrrewi-ck- imrli PAKKEK TU» K Judge. v.illwcll nt in ran- R* il LstAtc at public, or priv ate sale, a< cording « ■*' «i; In if»»• EII*v% -it: Ann a a A < *. I. v l>. fisk. M h. h Mont ora. l>unhar. Ito-ton. v*!y an. to the r* ol Hie law irue »py—Attest. A. UYkK log t* Xcuulrix of .1 nines Kisk. from B it: 1* quncinciits s lac Fridav. ten thousand *■ f ip.-r published E Worth, in u-1 onntv that Co n*k-;>ort C *.l 31-t, h- Wvtrhman, ( under, and GEOKgK P.lId HER /'Ells, is Jamee, 11.• at a Court <•; I -a ?un what is m.i) app.-ar 1 *:«»t-at* 1 .1 < < \t r. E*-rd, N* Ells Worth. May 2u, UCd. \t at Pro bat* hi I u n it Klk * •> Ui whunport. \ t t-» t-e held at E..-Worth, iu sal-l l. -UUl * lit vxi*— Ar and lor ifu> County ui i(4» *. oo tin 2-1 'V ad n‘! ilu I nion 27th. -h- A I. Perkins and ;t.< W < t •STATE «»E HUM:. Pacific Railroad Co. bl toes hi Turn ut .t, at teu o; *;’.. of \ l» 1*7 1 PRODliAM l/A>, I t r s- lies.lay April < -hnrif. Bancor lto-t<*n. .. in the |..ren -in.and -h.-u cau-e. :t th. HAM,'**i h, Lou: t t Prot. tie Ray Term, A. r. : .'I .biller of America. Gov. .«n> y 1.1.i A At iOUKI. Y nusr ban I I.vm Mr. ,1.11. Bute*. \\], f.,r ten \i 2-1 fi. b- I iiin-rlan* Kll*w..rth for Ba*- ! hake. w IJ.e «d -..id pvtiti.-io-r should u--t f». year* pi-' by pray* Wl uiinor, in s.iid iMiuty, Uav.t.g prv* n i- d .* v. li- ami ton 1 r I* ;h r. f be gi anted. 1 p"U th.- :. -* g.-ng pr*;foui, o»;i*ruF.!» —That IIA.SDHII Is, »j others. tritli S. N Pet teng Bangor ’io public I *r «w* 'ii -r N ^ th. ? w p. Port ■ late Pro am> fat ai.i.y wovnufu. spapri adv ageii- Hot-kin-. nterc-u-d «. a erti-ing 1 A Iror cop.-—Attest tiko. A. UltU. i;* .i*n-i anstr.g ; the petition an 1 Bui «. uta>ria.i*~H at -a. I »>.i.i i. >•. *.»•• III I VAN', v bti- *ie--. li is hi- ha-**, and *1 *1 : ! pwt>!idi*l three week- '■ chang'd «• thereof t> nil interested be »u*l ,»• « Fi k P r* t»ran:. Kll»v\..rih. .. pcr-.in* morning frank 11. W.ii- r*>rm«-d a i IlMN I n ttie E l! s r h \imn- in. a news with 1» K. 1 .**. k• ■. Ilf Jg, t Pro ate with n and 1 •: Oi del •’ lie * *k» partnership t ! -• li K M Copy •>! till- to 1 • 1 31*t, Bran-«-ofiil», Bran*cars, eb-.t and killed |,.' 1*1 !'• r h :-*w n a> \ t*!.\ TO county, -li S.«l\ H. t I a Ui A> C *U 1 enter/ i*-s It >*to|J t d tie * it »rt ■ t elj I •• mo*I Guardian of ■ mo/ rp< Probate f with sg Jotui V« 1 m Ell* w-o Hi, that they t.i i\ appeal l«‘ll at 4t«U**l.,,,. lu« l»t W* i.r-t W. -' :t v ■ une Imi- uc--. r a I r- •* h s \\ due 1 oi .In to- in-at. at ten >t ////. L-HE Alts. ’• va..: -trong firm, ami j i/at-th|Hirt: For»**t Citv .John-on. Ell-worth t nt- that i.J ir*l I* i/« 1 ai.d , ..| at ten th»- * m *! i- House, in tills Tbe de- i the •’lo. p in the f and lay July liexi, city. .r -*••-. ! ot th. ... d* trvnoon, shew »u*e. it ought to he -ue* * -sful. a- We d«»ul*t tiol it I f N York. w;i,g rib -i lit *1 1 t*-. any noon, and allow caiov. d 4i>> U*> * *• e :. : » I- ail * I h«- a thev .i.ive, win tin* of -aid Author and boarded at Ar l-t. }» North i ait .1 ll.u I -0*1 I- l*n-I prayer petitioner sain, should nut 1>« ail »W** l lie will Ik*. Lmlia. Bray. Ellsworth. -bull j / A / ■ be granted. LEU-HEADS, |...-r»»x 1 the T-»wr» of Trctu nt. In »a 1 -mly l«r24 P \UkKK 11 K. Josfgs- ant House. He did not —Ar 2Sth. -eh- Brave. F-.-«. Port wi.« PARKER TI live with ta.:..ng .p.out one ll'.adr* I ti..* CK, Judge. i V — A • •11 n. .1 \-re-, and In-'ing true ..|»y Attest hko. l>Yk.K Ueg •John- M Eli-worth; 1 A : o —Attest Gfcn. A- ! Kennedy. Pomeroy, Li I the late Phel M l inker r* opv l»trK, Reg c 1 l uueetic n. ol «*,».! I HILLS u;l> trouble the An.-It, !1 ittv. Port John-on ; *i hx* l LAD/M,. i.t-.n. ; tuoi.t. le- .*< 1. that your petitioner ha* i. ..--I : Business Novices. .’ ■ tb ^ It. v. Ell-w rth. an * >r At a .rt of Probatehsdden At KiUworth, within traji-.ly. ..un? Walworth Ir.intagcou* offer f th*- -ame. b> * the M< >1 NT I >1>SEKT. NEVEE — -• •• and r-.r f of on W. Ar 3»Hh, !i Fr. ! Warri n. sum -.t l.1 That :t w.iiiM «• for 1 *« ;i. U»e uioty llaucock, the id I " at Coomb*. Bangor. f the -t a € *>iuh v 11111. r*- *■* its PAMPHLETS. dire, after the »* t ion ml kthm lor ftiturv evil eoa*« iiienmi 't winter of our discontent, made •c dll- certain m*tmment to be the U-( u? w. it to tin -'.'ill. dout. 1 j *■•!* thereof put : at :ntei«*t or purporting precinct police g'.on**u* feunixn* r Uf.xhyV ( Akiiou* sai.- "IIi' IHIh w.d .nd testament of Elliot Jordan. k‘d. !»te Hi's LX ESS h> Ar 31»l. -ch :.s* d for his l.cli* at Hr Ih. r. loie A *n. the at*«vr I the same j. Probate. !ir*p,i tin* K* *pir *tory autograph and stamp ot ey (toarrihed lh.it Estate at 1 proprietor. I».*nniM»n. Mach in#: hi Pau-hin, ( :u»- M:i*» u» i*— 1 bat there t*e Organs, >orc Throat, t d l-. t roup Ibphthena. WEDDIXd PARDs. •h'llN P. A t« P.atchin, ate •* -. ac- -•rdiuc to the re j’Urvni-mi oi :l««- given notice to k,| per- OCEAN llFNKY. N. V • •* oilege Place, * in* ; sarah sons in t*-re-led. IIOIHE. \rtbma. ata.ih. II a *•-«, Prynr-* "t th* *t*i Moon-. IK rr ck. Brooklin. I.avr. causing a copy o' this --rder From Boston. hy ail dealer* in lm*dicitu\ by I W or Itronchuil tut>* m l all Ar id. -eh* t M. t" b. published three week- sue* in Uie hi*.at. ndpipe dis- >Vw Zealand. Hx-k.ll. Port HOLDEN, Guardian. e-aively <>f A l> Dll ESS 1 1 w• *rth printed at tlia: ease* the Lung*. CARDS, lh»>ro.v. June J. m; Pri/--. i'her. » *1 American, KUsuroilh. This Nous* command* the flne-t view in the 1 ihk; Tti|l|ri[ili. if. IV .r « in all eases **t «u I ten cold, however taken. 11 *M.«M a. s>.—At a Court of m At a Probate «»urt Ur be to d .it Harbor with access U» Ground. v \ v \ \N iHniani. Eli*worth. Pn-Hate held at sppc easy Kt-hing Bt 'iinimi oil*. is Pi. yi % a Anew 1. a th -*j Tablet.- should ho and ii •*<•«!. MCXTICXCE!». H ick -port, -n th«- S 1 W«dnt-#d .! M .. I-7 ; >rth. in said on the id W*h1u. i.» promptly fr**«*Iy N » vv in iy county, di/e th.- emulation RECEIPTS. law ha- gone mto effec in IVnti-v ivml*. >:y|x»kt—Ar‘2xth, Lri«r Man/aniiM. '• fun* m \t at ten ot the clock in ##>4.4Hill BOATS AMM VKKI Alifc.H ©onstant I’l.ey e.pt ofthe blood.iniiigii. In just >tu lii*' Petiti-m aioreawid. Ukuui.u. that noli* •• th*- forenoon, the l 's. I *,-:j-i«t < tb- -* >( will oart this of lt.-n.on. Uordout. nd shew oaust. if aov the Ivon hand. for the sc orn mod*ti >u of \oiilj the attack and m a very -lent morning. regulating the-ale burning oil*. It f.rhid- le pv.-u tn publishing a ..pv f tail « t.t. -n. they have, why said plea-ure Ar -rh Etta m-t! ument not be Parties. time restore action to the affected ory us. J. >.ivag»* who th* -ale ot ot ».« util 1o 'a u-« l 3!-t. May. Dll, Hob. k, n. wilti an* order thereon, throe Weeks »u* rhonld pros cd. nppr*>\ •->. an healthy LA II ELS, lately plead to any pKsJuct prtr .***i',«.> 1 W ells' « are in guilty « i in ai. >*••»! as the last will an I lc-lament f arhu!ie.'Tablets put tip only blue m a- r hu runic oil. win ti v* of a low* 31-1, bn ft Man/atitlln. Ben*on. W|t»d*.r. th* Ellsworth American a n**wr-p.vper -aid in ik _• JiUr lamp* T7ll '»nl redtewi to #7 and #« j^r week. b*.\. 'I ke no -ob.-titut*--. It tli* vn’t !*• and fraudulent entries a** \ S m f.o-worUi, that ail persons inter*-led at- b-ci-d. | fir* -test than 1 1 0 d< g. V ahrenh* it. \ elation* ina.* f*":j.• it v our on- th*- • '.’1 Ti SortS* S.TKUil KA r. druggist *.send at t.‘, agent w — ». leu-l-.ii ttot- J| >\ of June i.eit at .. PARKER K. Judge BOS. Prop cf'e., ape. i**li:»T ot the of the iW ar« a Si lt> Ar 8»*(h. h-Fair Win I. cuact-lay Lechtnere Bank at Ka-t punishable ny fine not less than t: no m New York, who will forward them return t out t f ProbaU* ih.-n I.* Ik? h-- l«-n in E .- w or t*. Copy—Attest: OK>» A. !>te». Kagi-tcr. l.y r ntnnit is.*’ I* on** **»r. It -wman. P r Johu-on: Win H An ln-r. Milli- tnai itn r was $2-'i". unpn- «-than aod slow e-ails. a the frfnU ncetl t«» five in k- n. any. why prayer »a. : year.-* «»i both at th«-dlsrr* tton ol the < ,'urt s Eibu. rtb. *t Don't he lletehed •»* ■ milntlon*. Any Iti n should n t* grautc 1 > h uot. t t 1 SUMMER RESORT I *" ! idi x. .rt. f Proluite holden at ElUw.-r.il with.u order* for J.i AliroU Poor a t.» :o Ph**v »—Ar 2> b. »ch- Caroline C, * Sold diuggi-t*. I*i: e -i ••■nt- a 1h>\ 0“A1I enumerated young muu sustaining danger j*er-*.n <ur K. Jtidg* I lav ot A. D.. e npioyed Brothers *v Co., while April. I»CJ. Semi f ir u ir. -•.:*• \ _■ at r U. s, 4a21 liove, Will M eiV U'U ltCion. »*ati e.»l rt ,of the ! i'• r w: ^ -rk. Attest «,f. *. v 1»\ Eft It Sler \ -Tandard. I. HaM* »K a named m a on a train ml., Executors gating on the Ar 31-t. -ch tlisa'M th. Mureh. ■ Boston & Maine d the on.—jliostoii <• .-ur. l*,h .1 staiit. Ellswortli. J.WDitain Instrument purporting to l>e the ; ,-t ISLAND MOUSE. Address. HIE II*IN *f Pr 4iu : »t l:. U. this rise ■ at \i .1. -ch F ur W ud. Maddox. Ell*worth. JuOfv tirTToah- a an 1 testament of latool morning, fell under the cars j '-*1 Hancock Royal Higgln- Ed. ... i \» T*> G ... -i M. W. VilU. tin almost reconi of death* •*- t»- wix.m —Ar 31*:. *.h American .-unty deceased, having present* th* UtKMR iyolio.ooi *» Eagle. AORES; r ilaiiy by eaj iLa » flcts-^aa! l\ ; -w b'-niM f ata; lit Nittiulsut. -ai:i*« f Probate .\ing injuries. the of k* ;l* ». re »r» tw Brvwn. Port«n>oinh. Nil..for N York. Supreme .utiij 11* taken ivsoi B In s-al C *ww u-. ts. : r* HANCOCK COUNTY PUB. .ci-p^. >, • »g ■! KKi» l!..it the -aid Kx«*eutora notice CO., < »urt to- Vfxrr%Kl» H vvrx —Ar give * lay. A mes heard a from the dailies * day or two met. 2»tth, schCopy, Tn epa tfu. y "tss*«d*. U»wt -an I Ws'- a*. ! .1 II. II. CLARK. Prop'r. 1 Im*JI | 1'JII‘IIIM ! Judge motion to all ps-r-oii- mtcr**-t» 1. bv a thi- •' ! •; » 1*. causing copy Kllsworth, M line. f r By th** breaking f a kcr-«-ne it, *!». Rob4oM Bo-tou. 1 -<>na! -u» L-vu •fdel 400*il aiimoii} .u ;»>»• of the lamp pupociu-d ltll*-« Week* »U« .'• •t-.v tu part defendant in store Ar 27th. ►. h» k .’ao. Fall lUver for w inch ha* tx-rii returned into the Prohatu The -1 1 m l in market, l*»r sale bv the I J *.J Henry Woodward. K* ;. ;ti Wlnthro- Farr*.11, luly i’. 1 -worth Antrri an. printed at KID worth. cheap* the. ,ise ■ f < 'has. 1 »-w L»nh: Andr. w ofbv*- that her clrciimuaium rendei .t u.. «?.*.*> v A. the on W edn* -*ia% eve|. ug. Util, lire » a- tii- peter*, Ilopkin*. Port Dial they tu.e. appear at a Probate Court to be Barry drawing! lfi«t sfie should iwive u.-'M-ol *aid i k ■: i: n \ \ hoik i: UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD COM'Y. .1 din*on lor W Personal Es- -n muuicat**d to his -!• k -*f -h. i*ii,g Portland; ll Sanr»-iit, Sans at. !.**!! at Ellsworth, m ! county. On th*- 3d Wed- IN Till i.lihAT 1LATT \ \ LI.blY »«raiDHt Mr*. Flora d*y g tate than *he t« enCll.ed t<- on a distrihulinu there- Barry the well ! ot at Wool C'anliiio*! •iaiiiMg'- to 11k* amount of I n-v* r*w today Juimj next, Uu oi th. clock in the ut.y of; dw llMjrian that would 1 *. puy# y--m UaBor f uenoo ., w unv J. li. riiEi:.TI4X, known in> Ar :ti-t, h* ‘■‘xinaritan. Calai* for .md *h* cause, if they hat*1, wiry PropT, 1.000.000 A res in Central S. i-k.i singer. by iratx* I>odge. gi a t h. such Al.uw aa* « out >4 Raid Prr-on.il l r r- Uie -aid ir.atn.incut shoiiid uot lx* proved, at Now .r -.»!•• :n tract- of a-re- an 1 In Brooki**r. 1 *th iPr » deae» G U rnck. Blueldli f- late is in iocr* Uwti ut;. upward* N I N«. r. •• r% I _ Monday n*gh?. Mary H. ); he, your you may *1* t«iiiu*ii A : t-urr-l the .1 / w,rk proved, and allowed ae Uie last will and tc.-la- on live and ten year-’credit at h per *-nt. No ad Hvi w a- burned to death th* ot for 11. U. lflpbla. luxeary ai t proper. iiinu. I am now rca'iy t-> rrcriv** w by explosion a ment “f -ai l deceased. TH W KMT HARBOR, vanre inter*-t I Ar l»t ha Johanna mc»Iol>on. MAI mjutred. kerosene Henry Wbl’nry, rerkins, Blue- tw-21 PARKER a i. News. lamp. * TLTK.Ju Ige M ild d healthful clun.it* fertile soil, an ah tin Foreign ill May 21, lftli. SEND IT The saieof umn-|*eclet G*»od W ater. WELL WASHED. Paris. Jane 3. to a d« r«. F ill River.) STATE OF MAINE. li. -t market -t Tb-- heavy hue. s*e extract f.c»in the laws un- Th.* iu the W"* gro.it Mui ml then' will li*- uo p«i:ti p.m-il to the l<« t to an iTiovI der h \kw t-h as. •#>4,.><>.1 ul I at* 1 Carriage*' constantly *ns of I tab a> 1 N>- i t f» AVIATION IT 1‘lttS. U ACM All ON the ivertis* in**lit ot P<»nlan*l Kenweue Oil Yeui-Ar 2*»th, Annie Powers, ILtJiCnCE, Court of Probate, May T*rtu, THE HON ing reg: Wyoming, Colorado, T,tnfvtl Judge of Probate of the Loun- on hand for the ao .mmodati »n . ll I pon the foregoing Petition. allev. •ii or .it the* mil'. pro- according to law, in thi- **t*tc. an*i which in ris I»n*k Ha*kelL Biueh OUDCRCI),—Tlial The undersigned administrator of the e-tale ot for s.h; P« titt mergive pQbbc notice t-. all per-ou- In J rhn a *»-Itrr . the in which «very <**-.* -land- seven! atenc th* le- Iliil.xblphia: -ch Vandniia, Fuller. Bo-ton. Iiarrett. Lite of surrv. in said County of Soldiers entitled to homestead of army, he -:i\s, , degrees tei e* t*--1, caustng a copy ol this Order lobe nit. U-st of 12U Philai»ki.»*iiia—Ar 2»vth, xchx Northeni t.y IIsneock, deceased, respectfully represents that 160 acres. gal deg. lw 23 -u*. * 1 )CE A N HO IISE. .■ pui- .-n**! three »c*-ii. -sivcly in the l of Hi. President of the R. the good- and chattel-, light- and credit of i. i nil. Id 1 l.n. \ 1 H )N H >i: ( m.liSIKr pub- Luht. H.’tr|*er. Calais; E C liab*#. Freeman. w. rih American, a at the in an ii fa -tot _ newspaper pnbii-ued in Ells- deceased .*ru n«»t sufticieut to P.AK llAKUOll. MT. 1>ESKKT, ME. r N-. pay »us Just d*-bt- FreeHooiev t*»r allf >1 ;on* aeres .t choice your ranks a hows the coufUrnes Wentworth. worth, in sai * trial at a •I. I. JOV. oauty, they may appear and fiarge- of admtu>«ti alion, by the -uin j! three Government land open ! enti u der the h FORTRE KKFEiT PRr*I*tTFD BY KELUiWS’ < Id 27tii. -. h- Court ot Probate tor me-j KlUw 1 Wr-aib. Kom. Richmond, Va; said County. U» be held at re *.th, M ty ‘i 1-71. J1U' N it. .l.al tn hundre-l *e*ll«r^ whereto your petition* r pra> Btcad IiW peai till- g: at lia road, w h ..>«** I A'seiuhly your CoJlHit SI* bYKEI* **4 liYForilU«FHtlK- Ml Carrie II Eliswortti on the d*l We*ln*-s*lay of June Loyalty.'t Sfviifiril. Bray. lbx'k]*ort. you Honor to grant him a Ln ••n-e t.. l. .tt pu:. >. i l»isea*e- **f i- At I 1. '< X'l'A Itr. A w.'^r l.imiia neat, at tenet the clock in tfic !oreun. and Ji, llliiUlKS, Proprirlor. lent h.l' also issued an onler Mth. the Lungs, th* inv entor permitted I or pnvaU) «aU*. and all of the real Fre« > shew convey estate country. purchaser* ol ita>lr*td u> r* Jcr to cause, if any th*-y have, the same pa*-e» tnc medical gentlemen ot >aint John, from Matanza* foi onlun. why Ot the decea-ed. including the reversl.nl oi the land Portion u in.ip* showing the ! m l 1'- n i '«eu. LeAduiirault Non j ahoitid not be granted. «* nillilaw. N. B., v*tiusc arc attached hereto. ('Id 28th. ach* Win E Uott, wi low’s dower therein,/ to satisfy -aid *tebts and new •-•!iti*»n *'f ill tive \» t:i mu Iten I 1\7.*-| ii I ! Mgualure® Marne-. 8ju»; I'AltkEU ri| p.uuph!*: '• wrimroi TLciv, Judge. charges of itdunni-iratiou. Pont Office Address. liutii‘ l free •• vi*i vs t,» m-. a M Paris, to the command of the WILLIAM Abby Wa»»ou. Urav, Fail River; Mafi&aifoit, ui.ip- > BAYARD, M.D. AUctl.—Geo. A. Dyer, Kegulor. J. T. Lo vc, Glout-e-ter. *»«»O01*. Adm’r. F.DAVi- Land tumaitsiouer l. I*, U. a-my cf Versailles. El >\V 1N BAY AKD. M. D. E.. EAST MAINE. Is worth, April 1. 1-T t. EDEN, 4u2l Oui.tha. Si »• rUI OdIL. | from F.lie THOMAS WALKER. M. 1). Micr\*wirK. Ga.—Cld 21-t, M*h A K Wood- ! THE HON. Judge of 1'robaU? lor the County 4tno*.2U w '*rtli *.» lari 1 ng.* Y Itv JOHN war-1. Woodward. El I-Worth. TO ol iian< o*.k BERRY MAN. M.D Ed. >nll-'iant w rank II. aelier* Ha'i "«'K, ii.—Court of Probate. Apr. Term, A. DR. 'JoHN-1 U.N K,i..k.(’.»„ Ed. Frcethy. ha>. «»o. mingr*»n, >'C—K-h borne*, Heath. EE RING HOUSE* easy County. Rock Me. rvspeCMUii) ivpreselil*, Ui.it -aid •ivct'inod died the foregoing petition. ordered -That W. H. HARDING. M.U.CJ. port. Vpou 11 '**•■ m g»I'd ot Personal E*»lap-, uu inicuu>ry of -mi 1 petitioner give public noli- c to all person* BAIt HARBOR, MT. DESERT. UK. 7/-V■» Cain -iik! Hum L Street, Ul OdlC. m J. D. WHITE. M.D. which lias been returned into the interc*ted. a of the an Kll-wiirtli Term* Kor County Item* -ee t-eeon<1 f duly Probate by causing copy petition, t easy png*. t. w Fcrrlfa Parts. Office that her circuuistances carkht. M. I>. render it uect*x-«ary this order taereon, to be published three Weeks QaIa A desirable .t corner of Hxnccck KlUwurth. 1. Aaron Mavor of Uirjfn Ar ITtb. Annie that she should hare more of »aid Personal Estate in the Kllawoith a news- i Ur Odlt?. Aiward. the City of St. brig Gardiner, successively American, i'll ARLES and >pru. c Mr.-. Johu. in the of Hat- h. Kmir-ton. Jain. than «l*c i» entitled to on a tislri button t »treof; p:ip» published in KlNworih. in said County, Proper —The annual Province Kew Brunswick, hav- in of the Stockbold- >he therefore * l»*‘-trabic budding lots the meeting I MAiANz.es—e ld prays that your Honor would grant that they may appear .it a -.urt o! Probate for Znrur Coin ing examined the letters of I>r*. Earie. Addy. bark Caro, Real-, Port- oaie. Derry »d i.t .-n. e of the Shore Line her such Allowance out ol Maid Pei-mal E-tate. ini A ounty. to be held at on u»o 1st Railroad was held at j Clay, Jacobs, and t handier, :tud»i«o the land. buck-port, signa- a* in your discretion you may determine neces- AN Im l.iy ot June next, at ten ol thcclock in the Pont office Inquire of GEO. A. It IKK. ture* attach'd to < AKIIFNAS—Ar Carrie E Picker- Address, Clierryfield yesterday. the foregoing permit of refer- ITth, brig sary an t proper. forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why 3w2l No. b Coombs' Block. ence, hereby certify that I behave them all gen- ing, Torrry, Havana. II*A ii. KELLERS the prayer of suit! {lelUloner should not be grant- EAST EDEN. MAINE votes the uine. IsTJ. ed Parker —Bangor to-day upon question May 16, tuck, Judge. 4raos.20 lean also to the Attest -CKO. A. Iivkk, 3w21 aili ng to build a bridge across the testify high therapeutical STATE UK MAINE. Register. value of Fellows’ Combouud of of l’enobscot for Syrup Ifypo- M A R Hancock, ss. Court of Probate, May Term Is the most cleanser, -trengthener ami Sale Public Lands. Bucksport Railroad. phosphltes, and consider it of atu.u- rTeT>.~ A. 1x73. powerful decrying IE, TUK 1ION. Judge of Probate tor Ute coun- 131)K> IIOIS K, remover ot Glandular ob.-iruction* known to State of Maixe Lam* Ofek e, tiou the • ( Aci'IDKNT.—Last week Mr. Frederic by t)role««ton generally. HtJihKiThat sail Widow gire notice TO ty of Hancock. MAI kici v mf.mca. Hangok, Mat 24th, 1*73. i In to all interested a of MT. DENEHT. testimony whereof I have here- person? by <\ausinjt copy this The undersigned r**|*ectiuiiv for a It is constitutions “worn 1 >orr Rev. Dr- Mr. Wil- petitions soecially adapted Notice is herebv giver, that the following Cown- was while at work unto *et my han*l and affixed Ell-worth—by Tenney, Order to be oubludied three week? of name of hiuisfdt, ho down’’ ami debilitated the warm weather of severely injured, my successively cUaugc wife, and two j by hip» or tracts of land, situated in the County of seal liam Ibiugia- aud Mi— Emma F. in the Ellsworth American, Limited at Edsworth minor to wit: and ‘-uiumer. when the blood is not in ac Heed's Pond meadow, 1 of Mayoralityat the City of 61. Ingalls. children, that In-* present name of spring j rankhu, -et apart for -ale under the provisions ut by stroek that at a being John this -txtli —by the Mr. Alexander J. Fox and they may appear Probate touit to be "•m-u N may be to Saiuucl A five circulation, consequently gathering irupuri- he Revised day of February, in Trcworgy. changed Mil BROS., Proprietory 1 .Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 4*”', will be ■it!, head a Mi— Hcl« n M. all of held at El.sWoitM. on the thud in U and Uiat name hi* tie- from sluggitdine*- and action of the with capstan bar. The blow I the year of our I>*rd one thousand Saunders, Ellftworth. Wednesday ilolt, the ot wife Sarah-I imperfect old agreeably to the direction of the Dovenior June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon and and in- minor He man A. -acrelive and i- manifested ny Tumors. ■ 1 No. P«* nob-cot—27th ult Isaac H. L*>*rh. children. and Sarah K organs, , nd Council, on the first <>t i- hundred and by MONDAY, dav >ep- violent, knocking him down, fractur- eight Mxtv-eight. show cause if any they have why ttie same should with imaelf assume *he ot Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pustules, S* rolular Ea*i-. Mr. Grander W. Perkins and Mr.-. Angi* | may said name Holt, i emlier next at 12 o'clock, at the Lund office in AARgS ALU AUD. M.D.. not be granted. *o that Post Office AUilrc.: Ac., Ac.. _r t!i.- !.me above hi- nose and II. Wardweli. b»»th of So. Penobscot. they may herealb-r be named a.*, to wit. I tangor, by sealed to be received at rendering Mayor of the city of St. John. PARKER Tl K Judge. sAMUEL N. When and from overwork, and proposals, Lebanon—lHh bv HOLt. weary languid ny tune previous to -aid lime of sale, no propo- hbn in-en-dble for some ult., Rev. E. Tuttle, Mr. A»‘£i* AUcst. GEO. A. la* EU. SARAH J. EAST EI)EN", MAINE, dullness, drew zincs* and inertia take the ol time. Register. HoL l. | place [ als to be received unless ten per cent, of the Simon V Kf k* r and ifi-* Clara E. both and the need* a tunic to Rowe, HUMAN A. HOLT. o. ASH. 4mo.JU energy vigor, *y»tum , niuimum price is into the Land Office with —s. r ..us ol Me. A. 11. ASH. build it paid fires are re|>orted in the woods Employment To energetic men and wo' Shaplei/h, bUitoCKlREK hereby give? public n-dice SARAH P. HOLI. up and help the’ Vital Force* to regain j , he proposal. men. we to Rrooklin—2.Vh W. A. U> all concerned that he tuts becu tiuiv For the reasons their recuperative power. 01 the hast and give employment that pays from |4 ult., by Friend, E*q.. THE up- following The following is a list ol'the lands to be sold as North. On a and ha- taken 1st, Another man In the heat of the livek Monday per Bu-inc-* and Rupert W. N'utu r and Martha M. Five, both ol p-ouled, upon himself the trust of having the same Post office B 11 V I E W B O l s Summer, frequently Joresaid, with the minimum price per acre for day. strictly honorable, the la*t ir, and spleen do not Will ami Testament of address, bears the same name, the middle properly perform their func- bouse and barn w as destroyed at to town and village. Send Br<*>ktin. Utter inch, viz: Township adapted every city, NANCY L. E.\>1M AN, late of l'rnabix'ot. to the UAlt UAUUOIC. MAINE. lion-, the Uterine and Urinary Organs are inac- s Su.livau—J4fb Rev. J. excepted. Township number Three, in Range f ive, west of \ .. 1. near for and work at ouce Address : ult., by C. Sawyer, tive. of in- Steuben, by tire communicated tinple goto County of Hancock, married women 2*1, The name of Trcworgy is so difficult of prodm iug weakness the sioinach and Kennebec J. Co.. Mr. Ainion E. Est«r brook and Mi--Caroline A. deceased, iingham’s Purchase, the minimum Latham A Sftfct Washington St. Boston, by giving bond as the Law direct*; he therefore that it leads to much coulusiou te-tines and a preui&|>osiiiou to bilious derange- t :u tlie w.rhIs. pronunciation, *rice fixed being 25 cents per acre. Mass. tfftl. Johnson, both of Sullivan. all who in mail ment. request* persons are Indebted to the said matter, ail ol winch is respect- 10144. * All.that of number Three, deceased’s especially i HAMOH, CO., Prop. .. part township Range estate, to make immediate payment, fully prayed for. *ix, lying within the limits of tne Mate, the mini- —At the Ore on Mr. James < u-h- and those who have Dr. WELLS’ Sunday any demands thereon, to ex- SAMUEL N. TKEWOKUY. nuiu price fixed thereiore 23 cents Stagnation in the blood tends to hibit the being per in.it ind Mr. Edward Jordan produce *auie lor pavment. Surry, April »>;li, 1873. icre. received I nine-L-nth« of the diseases “flesh is heir to.” DIED Post Office Address, WILLIAM EASTMAN. STATE OK MAINE. EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA All that part of township number Two, in rie-, tlie former front a of This, however, i* obviated, without debug May 21 *t, 1873. 3x22* from the south within the limits ot falling pile | IlA.vrocic. *•*.— Court of EAST EDEN, MAINE. is prepared directly AMKlil- iange Seven, lying the Mate, 4* Latham** Probate, April I AN PI.\NT, and in suited to all these he umumuni fixed thereiore r. the latter by inhaling flame and TaxingtlvesvHteru,by administering wt tees, the Name and Term. A. I» 1873. peculiarly price being twenty atiiartic Extract. O'dtmiry beyond Date, At a Court of Probate holden at Ellsworth with 4mos.20 difficulties; it will cleanse the VITIATED BLOOD :ents acre. tf 51. Upon the petition. Orderedthat said per «■ We are glad to know that the in- must in and tor the County of Hancock, uu the 2d foregoing -trengthenthe LIFE-GIVING POWERS and RE- i'ay incut to be made as follows, viz : One-third Age be guild for. give notice to ail inter- Weduenday of A. l».. l»7i. petitioner public persons MOVE ALL OBSTRUCTION'S IMPAIRED >f the in cash •- April from purchase money including the ten in either case w ill not seriou-. ested causing a copy ot the petition, ana this prove Long Valley, Lassen Co., Cal.—23d ult., P. JORHaN, Administrator upon Uie by HARBOR HO USE AND ENFEEBLED Organ-. >er cent, of the minimum price and the ELLSWROTH PRICE CURRENT. order thereon, to be published three weeks suc- deposited, Frank E youngest sun of John W. and Caro- DYEREstate of Beiijiunin Tinker, late of Ellsworth It should be taken, as Jurubeba is jaianco by notes for three equal suras, hi atrk.—The Star of the East 1 cessively m the Ellsworth American a newspaper freely pro- pavatde Comedy line II. 5 and 17 in said county deceased, having presented his notinced by medical writer- the most efficient mnually in one, two and three Doyle, aged yean day.. publi-hcd in Ellsworth, in said that years, respect- 1 .i o.v this Corrected Weekly. 2d. Advanced to first account ot Admiuistration upon said estate County, they PURIFIER, TONIC and DEOBSTRUENT known ully, with interest. and a bond with ->uffi- «>p>-ns Wednesday evening Waltham--May .pint lift-. may appear at a Court of Probate for said A. F. HIGGINS, Prop’r lor Probate: county in the whole range of medicinal plants. lent surety lor the payment of a lair of Mrs. I»vina Moore of Ell.worth, Spirit Medi- to beheld at Ellsworth, in suid county, on the 3d stumpage llano., k Hall. Miss indite June 5. 1878. ‘iimpKKir—That the said Administrator cive JOHN 0. KELLOGG, is Platt St.. New York. ill limber to be cut to be to the Bidwell and um. aged 47 year., 6 month, anti 20 Wednesday of June next, at ten of the clock in thereon, applied days. notice thereof to all Sole for the United States. .•ayment of the notes. M- W.t Apples |K*r bbl. Snsar per Ib. .20 persons interested,by cau?in< the forenoon and shew if Agent Deeds to ke conditional in will 4.(*'aV00|Maple a i cause, any they Post Office i*r>j>e appear, supported by Box Whereas, through Hie interposition of an copy of this order to be put»li*be«k three weeks have, Address, Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for ( ircular- 4-21 .he usual lorui oi state deed-. dnedperlb. .lOalrjOranges per $?.(■» why the prayer of »aid petitioner should not be bill s. *0 unchaogabie law. our beloved sister and successively in tin* Ellsworth American, l’ARKKK 1*. company. This evening, the roman- Bean* |-%rr bu. IA>| I#eiix., Ie73 pay just aud charges of Everything sai. hy nature, spirit ever keenly ali\e furnished and expenses Address, STATE.” Portland, Me 4w'20 S'. The tire is to have Chicken® .i«:*l» Tallow .06*16 SAL8BURY. Administrator the administration, by the surn ot sevcu hundred paid. -opposed to accomplish -omething beneficial for poor hu- upon A. COULTER 4 Co., Charlotte Mich. 4w21 Turkey* J&aJO, Wood $V* cor«i 8.50*4.00 j I Estate ot Bethuel late >f dollars. Post Office Address, "ii kindled the manitv. To the sick and affected she was a AJ, Stlsbury, Eden, by boys playing about Cranberries per »>u. J “dyaard1* 5jUU*6.60 in said County deceased, having presented his Wherefore vour petitioner prays vour Honor to •• ton TJQahJO m m-lcaing angel, and many have been healed first account of grant her a License to tell, at or EAST MAINE. or *IH’L CH AR MING HOW TO GET RICH ! > tt-.l, file Mill- which were for a time in $4.00! Coal Administrator upon sakLesiate public private EDEN lb. .25a: 15 li-r wonderful of also his sale, and convey ot the Real to How either sex fascinate and tin* love i CoJee per Oil Link’d gal. l.loal.15 by gift bidding disease de- f«*r Probate, private account: sufficient Estate 4 mo s.20 PRYCHOBUNCVmay gain .l •* inger, escaped unharmed. See card in Bariev bu. -d0a£5 Kere *0*.45 'Through her organization im- MKDKKKi*— That the said Administrator produce said nn, that sheban already petitioned A affections of person they choose in-tantly part! physical give any niaa. notice thereof to all for, and obtained License tor sale to the amount Tin* simple mental all cau How may woman, girl or neh another column. I Corn Meal -****£> t While Lead pure mortality lia. been .lemonstrand and the solu- persons intere ted, by cau-lng acquirement paaaaaa. boy may got a of this order of one thousand but the mail, for I«*. with a ) **horts bag $$-00| per ib .12a 14 tion of the of a future copy to be published three weeks dollars, delciency proves Notice. tree,by togettnir marriage EKOM *’ *• problem life, aud flVE cents ton a lft.06 proved moceaaivelv in the Urger thanahe of the real estate of the guide. tUn oracle. I reams,Hints |o Ladies. capital. Fine Feed $16. verified more and Ellsworth American, printed anticipated, Kgyi | —Tnree run-aways last week. On Thurs- •**|Uay clearly satisfactory, than any oeoansed. the 4c. \ TK\ Cotton Seed Meal ,Nalls Jb. .07Mi In Ellsworth, that they may appear at a Probate (including reversion of the widow 's Is hereby given that a meeting of the Wedding-flight >hirt, queer b«M>k. \>i M>nt for < 'K\T>, ttn.i .tamp for Muni Herds •* other agency known to mankind outside of .lower to T. WILLI AM day the of Mr. Seth Hall, driven per bag 2.25, Grass bu. 5 66 Court to be holden at Ellsworth, on the 3 1 Wed- therein,) satisfy said debts aud charge* NOTICEStockholders or the Baugor A Calais shore dre-s 4 Co., Pub*., Pbila. Iwzi poola*. AUUre.., A. G. ti KINDLE. carriage *. control 1 For the last sixteen ur seven- ot adnualatratieu. line E.H per dor Fop i„sual.73 spirit nesday of June next, at ten ot the clock in the Railroad Company Twill be held at I’uion Hall 1>*S-S South Maine. b> three was teen she waa of and April. ls73. Cherry on oi i*euob*rol, children, overturnedat Hale's ; Fi*b {>17 Cod per Ib- [Olower |w lfe. .14 years much under the control forenoon, shew cause. If any they have, why Mth, field, Wednesday, the 4th day June fih i fih it fih 111 .05*07 Calfskins .15 power ami her life was devoted to its the same should not be allowed. neat, at 10 o'clock ▲. M., to act upon the following "i net and at various on spirit fcTATE OF MAINS. deposited places I oll.-ck Pell. 3135*1.50 3wtt« PARKER TUCK. matters. .04*05] cl dins. She lectured — and doctored in almost Judge. HANCOCK, •*. Court of ! Main St. On uer Ib. .051 Wool per Ib. iSail A true GBO. A. Dye Probate, May l»t, To choose a Board of Directors. FIGHTING FIRE Good Friday two horses Fresh Cod every neighborhood la this entire community, copy—Attest: it, Reg’r. A. «d the Pasturage having lb .loi Lumber Hemlock Term, D., I67i 2d. To see if the "tookholders will BUSTS WAHTCI For the grande-l book Fresh Halibul i>er she leaves ttie .wept the ir.. U themselves from •• 111. and many strong and tried frienus rarer*dug Petition, Ordered That !«** now with aetonishiug rapt lily. U.L Sf furni.he.1 fur a few oatile or their respective ve- ! Salmon per ill per 310 *11110 At a Court of Probate bobira at Upon art to amend an act entitled an act to lucorporate A M-Ujug 35*30] to mourn the loss aud Buckspart with- said petitioner notice to all Tells of the causes of .Hoff*. W 1 I Uuu* spr*ce 11 alft.uu behind, of her presence in and tor give public persons the A Calais shore Line Railroad Com- Fire, Fireproof V V boraw on favorable term, the »ub- hicles in tiie a per pk. .til the County of Hancock, oa the id bv Bangor by -quart, In trial of •• counsel. To of forested, causing a of this order to be buddings Fue with Water. Steam and indulged I Pigs Feel .05; Pme li *40 uo those her near and dear friends Wedne»da% of A. 1x73. copy pany approved February U7J. .Conquering ■erttwr, May D., three weeks in the 1n.I K4.m i-—Is it -ale ? IU -peed up tlie -Ireet. One took Pine Kx 35 («l would we Invoke her B. published successively Ells- fid. To make *uch amendment* to the Gas; History, Basis, of |>jpe .ItlShii.gle •• especially spirit presence FRANKS, named Executrix in n cer- worth By-Law* L. D. JORDAN. cliaige *r 4 on American, a newspaper published in Ells- oi said shall Management. How to Insure, *«•.; vivid Ac- tlie Hides 1. rib. .07 *0* Ce. t> lieai the aching wounds of affliction while MARYtain instrument purporting to be the last company, a* be thought best. Ell-worth. DC". twa* side-walk. ** '* worth, in ssid that at a count* of the Great Firm* May STtb, Fleur bbl. 5o. 1 t-75 ■tri\ to be reconciled to the change it baa will and testament of *arah K. County, they may appear By order of the Directors of »aid Company. History. Agent* sop. per ing Hinckley late ol Court ol Probate lor said lounty, to be held at send for circular*. Ton will not regret U. Sent 3* Unawe.* made Bluehiil. la said J. W. MOORE. Presl —T ie of the *2 in the home circle. And while deep, dark county deceased, baling pre- R! Is worth, on the Third ia JUNK free. Addre** Ih**Ua, Gilman 4 Co., Hartford, correspondent Bangor XX e.nneio i*<: I 7* m nted the same Wednesday Cherry field. May 7th, 1972 3w j Spruoe : clonds over their tor Probate: at ten » '• hang vision, still re- next, of the clock ia the toreuooi. and CC 4*21 O.bhhtreial was in error in XXX l.uu spruce may they mkdekei*—That the said HAIR WORK DONE. that I 10,50*1 Clapboard, member that darkness ana Exacutrtx give both e •fctw catae if the stating ex. 30.«i | beyond the clouds, to ail any they have, why same •‘Oboire IS.oo! persons interested, by causing a ot should not be a room on the loss ot J. D. & on 10 O' there is sunshine aud sufficient to copy granted. N*M«ntirr having Mk*t Main Hopkins Co., Suu- Potatoe* per bu. .75*50 Spruoe So I light dispel this order to be published three weeks successive- Pauper Notios. i» •• PARKER TUCK, street, <*v*r Albert JeTUaon’a aiore, readv to sweet lb. JfiaOSi Pme clear 4o.‘Si the darkness of sorrow and death in the la the Judge. THE d-u last was from hope ly Ellsworth American, printed at Ells- Attest. l. receive An hklr work f •»nt»fng- *10.000 to *15.000. Mr. •• ** ** Uto. A. UlkK. Register. Svtt riven that orders d»*t»g Onions bn. ex. fto.no and belief of an immortal resurrection and a Wui that kn 1JOT1CE hereby maple proviatoa 3L75ai.no tb, Buy •#!•«" At » r ratal? loun IV hat been made for the roaionaMa .abi.nl inade isto switrhaa ur well. Old .1wiirt«i aa«ls informs us that Heel* * •» .74 Lath 1.75 life wkh U> Ik held U UlHVvrt, id eonT"mr he be- future those the llkl on pfiiPLE estimates his loss before. iht- id .Spruoe guoe May roomy, of Wa. Kobtanoa. a pauper of toe town of Tie. The grui»d**-t ami tuo«t surceeWbl new Imo* oat. over and enlarge*I b. L MA2KALL jjhl jmj Pine tM> Mint' *Ur ef June mm mi, at tea ot in. tween Turnip* ! guiding of truth illumine oar »>«lim» e**k *■** path- the sad up Adrift. perm, net decided >Mw«» pB> Clement per over the of NtMaao, itw cau.e. if any they bate, or ac- the rear— now — way Journey lift, that has hitherto harbor the ntd peeper, aa Bo Mila aa M. selling with astonishing tpid-ty firm lose a Pi-klee .*11. .00 Lime 150 { wby tbe aaid io.iruiu. nl .book! out be Tw. (tuck* of steam mill last year, as stated I shone upon hare, and our llees like hen valffa- uru.ed. Mi. Tialior. Tfcr |>«Hr m count will be pal*. It contains aearlv «M 4agntfeeni Engravings Halsia* Tb. .IrWo Brie* per m. fSJlH w apyroeari and allowed aa tbe loat will and leal*- oxl •• world. SicteMHlir I'ro.ln, |^o,art. pa,iM K. 6 TKOMThOM, Otwieir. splendid for to make CALL AT TH/8 OFT/CM in the Commercial. About GOO M. Prune* .B Hack* 13*15 hie to the A. F. Brnanait. meat ol Ssni iWf »r>l , opportunity Agent* money. lumber, pet lb of (kv|n. Circular*, containing lull and terms, Tomatoes 3 Ib. Cans .30 Uabbiu W Chairman Coat, on resolution!. »w«* into. particulars AND 9RT TOUR BUSINESS CARDS inoitly was fAJUEg TUCK, Jades I*. HUOUCIX*. i. 4S95Gd. i seal free. Addrcea. DUSTIN, GILMAN 4 CU, hemlock, consumed. Tamarinds par Ik. M EUnwortb, Kay J6. A trae nary Aum: UK. A. III—. ■M Lamuioe, M»j U. Isa. Ml* | fc«*r. Treats*. May II, MO. twtl UarMord, Conn. 4wtl "kick cannot U oaooffort ' reef WELL WASHED, ,1||v Cheaper than erer before. Now BEHOLD! The / j »i<4 th.r. will 1* no tuln. .par.il to wire th. bo.t opening at *- Agriculture should t*e the *no«t ennobling of Rush j of ..ti.fiwtlon. SX-1860-x I | all vocation*. It would be if farmer* cultivat- httrjim return*! from Now York ami Boa- •eWool m.v li. left at the .tor. of H. B Ma- ton, with a large aaaortmeat at •on. or at the mill. GEO. CUNNIN8NM ft ed the earth as teacher* develope the head ami CO'S HALE & •W-The drouth doe. not prerent rardin* at thla Mo. / preacher* educate the heart. Teachers and JOY, mill. Franklin Street. N. B Beg to an non dot that have returned —The bed Oil will be used, a* I purchase tbe moat complete eeeortmet aim tn train the thoughts and feel- they juat It 01 preacher* frmu Boston with the moM desirable Mock of *^»*««i* at the manufactory. ing* to truth and happiness. Farmers should Goode to be found in the city; including all the -ron- *' *** I lateet etjrlee and Novelties or the season. Three Ellsworth, May iOth. 137S. train the earth to produce such crop* and fruit*. I Stood• purchaaed for Caah at Bottom Price*, 1*B and Boy*’ :*ud -uch only, as use conducive to the l*e*t and we intend to *ell them at aatoniahingly low Wmr, figure*. health and highest welfare of human being*. A large aaanrtiaeut of Uenllemen'. Real lOmtnto ! Then would their calling be transformed from Goods! FURNISHING Furniture one of degrading drudgery and interminable Dry GOODS, FARM in Trenton rur Qala ever fw gate. 4 miles from Ells- before oOerecl In this olty, coneietlnr i.„. one ^qnarters, i toil to of refinement and luxury. The ger- MEN AND BOV'S lor eno WHITE GOODS, ^ worth Go<»! building*. FI ft v acres Chamber Suite. minating seeds, the waving grains, the lusciou* sufficient woodland. Cuts li Tons of It PariMi MB Ukl IkMt ■Ittara accord- hay. Good chance for I mg to directions, and remain long unwell. provided so and sea-dressing. fruits, of the source of all life SMALL AFoi* are or Chamber Seta at from suggestive WARES, READY MADE CLOTHING, Terms easy. (heir bones out destroyed by mineral poison other $20 to $45, and all ami the harvest so peans. and the vital wasted beyond the point I Messing, season, typical QaIa House and lot on Hancock Street, organa all other Furniture at *For OaiO. •f repair. the same of all resurrection and ought to IVotions, «fec*. in Ellsworth. Terms easy immortality, Hats and Dyspspsla or Indlgralian. Headache. Pain LOW RATES i a A desirable lot. corner of Hancock tn the Shoulders, of the Chest. I> a- j make the life of an agriculturist In thla Department we hare a very large and goods, sFor ui QaIa ('might, TightiMSS continua^ doltj. and choice *ooh a* Spruce Streets •ness, Sour ErertaiMna of the Stomach, l ad Taste And till* would be the farmer's assortment. .Vtpane«e Silk*, a d In fact everything that |a uatiallv In a pastime. lifet kept in the Month, Buioua Attacks, Palpitation of the Mripea. Cashmere*. Thibet*. Alpaca*. Ih> Firal tl«M Clothing K*la Wt«lun.id. .-ttccial For Qalsa lb**lrable building lou in the CROCKERY AND if was a« it should be. rur oaie. Heart. Infammatuwt of the (.eng*, Pam in *he regions GLASS farming managed lainc*. Km pro** A loth*. Plaid*. Plain. S'rlp- niteotton i* r«lln| to my Gerry addition. cd and Corded Drea* of the K dneys, and a hundred other pa nful symptoms, Farmer* have natural advantage * (hmnIi, Percale*. Inquire ..f 4iE4l. A. D1 unequalled • KR. are the offsprings of Dyspepsia In these complaint* French ambrk■*. Pique*. Drilling*. CliNTOn Xo. H Coombs* Block. WARE. for The statis DKPtRTklAT. it haa no and one bolt is will prove a tetter guar- health, strength, and longevity. Duck, faaaimere*. Cottouade*. Table equal, A aelrct iiOOT* & «ilOE« antee of its non than a lengthy advertisement aSHortrm-nt wi tie* how- l.iaen. Flannel*. Gingham*, Sile*ta. o£.disease and the tables of mortality, Frannla m or Cra*It, Skirt*. Overall*, Shawl*. Batting, Small Pr-flt* and Quirk Sale*, I* my Motto. For Cwaaplsaisets, young old, ever, are them. This is not due to lotion married or single, M the dawn of womanhood, or the again-t Thread. Hutton*. Udin'. all and mh> my t^ooda and Prli e«. OIL Nil A DEN and Warp turn of life, these Tonic Ritter* »o decided an their of it. No Gent*’ and hildren'* Glove* anti lloaterv, fol- NEW display their vocation, but to misuses Remember the pla< e. Jordan1* is soon iar*. Towel*. Corset*. Belt*, wallet*. Knitting Block. opposite ARRIVAL i-iflueoce that a marked improvement percep- so reck- City Hotel. DAD Eli cla-s. as a whole. Is probably utterly Cotton, f nmt». Spool *nd Skein Silk, Velvet Kit>- tible L'L’IlTAIXs, —OF— For ansi Chronic Rhen- less of health conditions. So far as our ac- Ih»d. Cmbrell**, and in fact, everything OWEN MOKAN laflawmatory Biatlsm and Remittent and I ter. usually found In a First cla** KlUwotlh. May 13, 1S73. Uhi Gout, Bilious, PIC7 CUES, PICTURE ER A Ml v the habits of farmers is con- mittent Diseases the Liver. Kidney* quaintance with l>ry Good* Store. Fevers, of B'uod. CWr W.B»/J* Wim and Bladder, these Ritter* have no Such L e- TABLE COVER' cerned—and it has lieen extensive—it equal. TICKINGS, compels ssees are caused by Vitiated Blood, esh.ch is generally & Summer ENAMELED <*■ the conclusion that, a- a rule, the dietetic habit* Spring produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. CLOTH, Boots & Shoes, They are m tteatle Pargatlve as well as of f irmer* are worst than those of any other SPRING OPENING! h Toale, also the mcr.t of In thl* lVoartrnrnt we claim to have the be*t poesessmg peculiar FEATHERS AND MATTRESSES « who have the mexn* of for as a in or Inflam ias-, choosing •elected Mock in tliu powerful agent renewing Congestion City. maton of the Liver and Visceral and m Bmuua themselves. Fried dishes several times a * , Organs, of all kinds. day. .* GOODS Disease*. ith several fried articles at each of the three All the Nobbjr Styles, ? ' ? $ For Bkla IMeeates, Tetter. S« t -roil— Eruptions, I. Blotdie*, Pustules B«»i.s, ( r- m*-al*, i* one of their dietetic aU»tninationa; HYMAN M°m.- g,1Ick\. *n»ll Vrvm,. Rheum, Spots Pimples, mav l»e found here. French and American Kid buncles. Ring-worm*. Scald-Head, Sore Eves. Fry CARPETING. dried l»eef, old cheese and an* among Hultoaltoot* Kid and Serge Newport To-*. the sipelas, Itch, Scurf*, I hecoiocatiitis of the Skin, Hutn.ni pickle- Wool t re rv lateet and the nobbiest *h««e out. A full line * i \ * name or aud Hemp Mtranr M alio* * * end Diseases of the Skin, of whatever nature, the common rvli-hes. while lard and saleratus ANNOUNCES HIS of Foxed. Button and Polish Bool* Plain. GRAND OPENING. are and ont of the W a Sergw 1873 literally dug up earned system ami Oilcloths*. make their n* h* r dainties infectious and rio«- Untlon and P<>al Poli*h and l,ow m«wt that ever sustained TS PTRETT A VEGETABLE PREFARATIOlf. «n- Serge SPRING AND mt the wonderful Invigoraat ! COMFORTERS fried fried and fried heel and spring heel Congre** Boot* for Old La- SUMMER l.tMh* the system. l-*rk. egg-, potatoes. grid- 1 !• rmj.ry of »»!l-lnrwu ROOTS,HERB| AMI be* to inform I sinking dle* wear Children * Button and Polish Hoot*. B U-IfDOJULDAf O anl rombiool nth otbrr our fiteud* and that we have J WALKER. Prop-r 1/ASh.ETS of all dle :ik«*- f.»r breakfast: fried ham. fried bo mi _ FRUITS* prnfiartif^ ru«U>mer», a.Mod READY-MADE kind*, Pegged Shoe*. Ankle Tie* Ac Lace and U* CLOTHING, an.! Gen. Sin Francisco. < al j • hi<*h :n ihrir »u»tnr« Cfctharti'. Hoy*’ our g<*.Jirral atoek, Ute tno*t beautiful and pr- Druggist* Agte. Aperient, t In WOODEN m.and friial par-nip- f.*r dinner, and fried tntinoa rHur^tir AJtrrtt.r* and At ti-lt 'llloaa. Th« ongre** **hoe«, Eru'i French alf scotch Welt. ice ted of every variety of Material, aoM in and cor of Washing! n and Ovariton M* NewY-wk. WAHE, It.. « ... I .» s 1 w k. — FANCY GOODS! SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DE M.HRS doughnut- for supjM r—all the frying done in j lots CI. O TllES Wit /NO E/t * fr"ia tbe Bt O tit (' tSiku to atylc*. Otergaster*. sewed and I* rggi-d Calf Bid*, to suit the Purchasei at the leap them in uj IIOOT.* ,V lydA Sntli e«» S non. lard. No das* i- troubled with eankcr. cry- vLu ti and l..»a to*. Thick B***ii*. Bu» kl« and Lace HHOUN, climate, Snakes tlm *. plain I in »h..rt, rvcrvthtn. Ib.nt nhout.l tip Brogan* and (mat shoe*. Men'*. Bov*’ Youth*’ Lowest k.-j.t He Very Living Kates. llr*t*cUs, lint -t Kl IlSI'lllM. tiTlilU and Women * Rubber Boot* and Ovrn, French ha*ju«t rwflfpj an i is now ready tort -roit- I «t* : and th* « xeessive use of pork, lard, fine Drraaing. Bronzing. Bla--king. Shoe Bniaho*. shoe Mbit a kine Assortment ol New and lH-nirabh Thrca I. Shoe Korn*. Hoot Button*. llnU«-o llo k*. Articles in New Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes IV ur. ri h «- it k. * and gr* as\ pastry. are enough Goods, j A«-. We cannot l*e in Gents’, Ladies, Misses and Spring beaten th* city on quantity, Children, LKWIS •*~T*int* ul different color* mixed ready f.. t a iin! for it. In dietetic habit*, our farm- quality or price. FKIKND, which We make a of for beauty, atyle and are JofEPH FmIM*!) * specialty r- nr** -a•! ]«»rk rating. while tin y fill th* ir kitchen | Linen Collar* aai (.uff*, Button*. Ian*. Trfr*i. Hair Net*, Comb*. Sdk ,m<| FANCY .ran w ith recelt# for “rich and ! toricli, GOODS AXD MODES FURX1SUKD. making pal- Y el vet Ribbons. nromJrfmtht. The Bitters liUBIiEll Tidies. Matnped than ever •ub«crU«trs have Ju*i at the old COATS, before, tor opened < ak< and other com- I.sdie's Tie*. InaUmec, a puddings, pies, *. Temperanceto be «aed aa a (to**U, »e •land, large •to* k of Spring ImhmI*. Our UEO ClNMMillAM A only ai.1 tell the m««i celebrated faiAatrrri arrays noeordinf Uian oilier make of all Color*. at«*d di*h-«. w hich no stomach ever to dirertinna cheaper any *lor* ia the city. of hid OorolsU of • pli- carried 11love* from 75 rent* up; IWIM.HAU, ( *1 are the «neet-er h >f *h* f and debi!l- Cold ami Jrl Corteta A. 'V. < t 9I1YCAN. \ * s •! -t a » hey .:j- d ui 1 »luuu.ata gold and Jtrr im\< elbts. fW>m H rrntt up; Handaerrhief*, Ellsworth. Wav 7, w iout death or t «urh a .it Orrr ( o f nil dyspepsia. decree a a.thy a<' »• at oar# Irom S c««nta up; also, Hamburg oatimja desrri/diom. a GBOCEBIteS, «.!> .l a* to »*. h VI Th* Lr’OfLt oara Bu*tles, *kirl*. Gf*t’« Tie*. edging*. I^rr Kiev and < essential n«*ed of our farmer* i* In th.« line we a* llooji Long Taper e«lgtng*. nil olop). Mr.. Mr., iiki Minns of in plain, are *i- *uch j DEsmmim, r keep everything Sugars. uyacia. mpat«r«i eTerjotbar Collars an.- L Aa a a M>da*»n«, Tea*. Spice*. soap*. j• r<»j• r!y c»>oked. Thi** w«*uld Bpi in^ mU Amu.mi Tonic Tobacco, I pilmimr*. I urtain I Ol .11 kind., which h. 1, to make nt. to Itai.«in* the or are, i>rp(i.r.<1 th*T |-» no V a— by bok. Coffee*. Rice. ■* iwtl.r, to ihc g:'*- them much more available f**r equal. j an., id! fenUa pound TOILKT AHTI( llair Net*. Ik and Valret Uit>- T.I7 latc.t aa.| ■» »,„ ,>„>ri- f. I. GOODS and strength s* »n. aa e Bean*, Starch, Kcroacne Oil. anned XKS, e»t ooticr. GROCERIES, 1 r*urjra:.t- T ii^ev J .. fr #! K«*L LHiii*>a*n Kil>l>-n«. Necktie* and (.all and e ominr oor stork of w rk. r» heve th« m of of the distress-* her —rr I’eache*. Ivniiloe*. and Biueber- many | J area‘pin. i Ap*. U»ru«ir :Se weak | Lubins* Jorkry Clnb. Japan Tea Ro*e, Scarf#, Jewelry, Switche*. < COFFIN & CASKET ROOMS ru*. l’ork the lb. or Beef Trippk lug- of Mil kind. tail b.«l 1 i.g Tier f » aad .nTlt««ea»e. T cure by bid.. Kitrart, Jean Marie, Farina. Fine Kao de n>*u», H and quality. nn I exjM•mfs of sickness, add many years t*> h«y the lb. or bbl.. alao other p*kirt.«, Ito-tlc*. L'uniishiuir <■ > n«t a1;, r. II■ ar* by many good* all The subscriber m 3,t-I-'T anu adarfca. TL- aa Colome for the Toilet. Mallure N*ap kind* of Notion*, in fact (ioods, keep* >n«iantly th* ir In- a to ouoicroui to meuilon. CAPS d and render old ag* "green” and nor- i »p .1 r.a.! e|*e lea ! ra whi<"h *l.J rmrna ( ( ashmere Bloom HATS. RUBBER CLQTRISC, for *ile. at the U-kmd* over Mar v F. hr \| ••Iga'es Bouquet HATS it CAPS *iU nrir th< aad Lrtak rn>1 ni» of tl*e Styles, -d-re, II. A *. K. W inai lust* ad of and an is in most L*«!.iy scxm^kli dovu tL« Youth, Lily W hite. &r al*o s in the* lino linery opponttC dry decrepid. *• Kverytliing ol TAINTS. (HI. anil I>YK STl FFS. large line of ( hlrnon•, i)k. Linen and Jute • 1*«> a largo of go.el supply of is.« 5200 1»1>1h. Flour I rariety UkaDT uud< r habit*.—'Science <>» 53 Park Ke» Yerk. SwiWhra. MA!*K lUlTIUMJ OUT existing repot, Place, Curls. Long A Top Bra:d*. in (Of itWH M IKK, which »# will GLASS OF ALL Health. newest style* and (-hate's. FANCY GOODS, guiarant. give good taUafarito* and will be SIZES, ALL GRADES AND PRICES. at the lowest COFFINS price*. Our motto U <1 He offer* all his gds at the -AT- STUM MADE BOOTS & SHOKS Quick Sales and Small Work Ahead. CORN & Profits. LADIES' SEIDiE BOOTS. A Keeping MEikL, < MM* LOWEST PR I Es, LOWKR PRICKS. STHKET. KLUimOKrif ome in. look u* over, get our |pncea an 4 uw I* Custom ma!*, and r*‘H»Ts and >II**K* the Urgrat :u: iinst wet *1*. th*' of the task i* HYMAN important- j Wo. Cl Jlala sir eel, EIHworlh • Uxk •>( CiKNTV IGKNhHI.M) i.oolo rtrr to BUL’SSELS. SITE 11. JSi.llAIS '■ ry apt Ik fc rgotton in tin- hurry <-f spring _I. brought this city. CASKETS r. ii. iialk. r. r. jor ^ We s. a* ATHAIRON w! H "••rk. need the ad'ii-e. Which amly give Ellsworth, April SO, 1K73. u 19 R 1IKMT RCt'lS, will bo fitted u:> at */:• adi i<-e. but a suggestion is always encouraging, O'?// 50 Ce/?fc ,T9r Bottle. CABB1AGES All Wc hare over fifty d.fferent qual* RADWAY S Also, SLEIGHS!1 itir* of hiiit t*n»ler»hirt* aud READY’RELIEF STRAW MATT 1N(is, an-! the iuor< so when We know it to be true. (IRES THE UORNT PA ISH Pl< Flannel «*tton or- ITI> and |{Oltl.v It pranotn the I.IlolVTil. PU. Ki.UVXH Hrawer*, and — we AM>- Idi* gr* at trouble with most of iu> is that .* st,.rt*. White >hirl*. lWl'KU In from One to Twenty Minutes. j the € ol.olt. a nil inrrer.tr iIk V Igor ri R1IMIRI) hiv HILLS and LINKV ( IFF* and (()!.- NOT ONE v*ut t**» much work for ours* Ives to do "ARCHIMEDEAN.' HOUR I'rintnl fs nil It tilths. All and BCAITT of th' II VIII. THE LAK.S. afUr rsa^ Carjtt o/' order* a CHAMPION *ll||tr IlOsOMS, 11ANI►- .ng thw adrertwemsM '■••*.1 any rrj promptly alien.led W get a and great many things half d*»ne, LAWS MOW KMfrTIILF*. ASH M'ldN- buffer with pain f^rrn Thiitt Y***« .oa I n K * r a HR OF THE WORLD. l»Klt> ItADWArS KEaDY RELIEF is a CURE T^R Z.i HCl> t'(ts 777. " rk tw i.. as hard a* need 1* when the *an»*- We Invite an ta*pcet 9000 lln«|i. Yellow t orn. THI k wcu« Brat r. KVEItf PA IT Ha l/l U n of our a* tl Ellsworth. tfUOlhd, ere t* no I-- was th# first tad U Jan’y Nt 1371. ,.Kj hi:. >unt of lal*or would t. Thun.aa I.t a $■ 1 H •> lOOO Onto. judiciously ex|*en«led trouble to * b o w n g them. Tbeiuuut >• Jrti-ei f- i* i, h »«•,** ate- ha\ a tlm f -1*1 r- sulL This i.» ho" it 1- just fleaaac 1 r* Til >HrtM|to v Ci^ Krinriuhrr the Plaee ! EISE tn tic war against weed*. la\«»r it).aare.n‘t .r.- t haa :amol, MIDDLINGS, FEED. SID>UTS. U unjiO’CaHi-i.* W. ar* aocu*lom**d to in a » amt COTTON SEED MEAL. g*-t "flurry” la na iu,i 1 ;.»-ir 1!« it U a de'.ifht/ul iS‘ Idi.ijl ON* TO TWKNTT VTT»"rK», ©-* rr alter b»w tv.lanl cr etc? :d*-*ut getting in th. in time that we for- 1: .:T It prevent* tha stating tt« tha R'nD Grass, > .tjrrr. or! Br trn .s crops KllK MATJU. Bed rUitMti, Toy lia.r 11 :r» •». •-• *'i i k< rp* the 1.. .»d Of*>l, and lalrvv, CrtypMd, f- th* i' and on at U. GALLERT « fffiMMfeM •■*.h a—M CaAJ suiter, in, g**ing r.ir & CO. wevd-crop already is p'f»t..i-i.> ?*. jearanre. It the :ioo iibis. i. i pa< W< hao not unfrequently Men paxi in u o. «. vi vvo tera gru- RADWAY’S READY RELIEF FLorit, LINIMENT. nt if »' ui A >. u*. ! (Paul. V/ I ’ru*-vi*ta t;.l WILL AFFORD I NoT A N'T EA.-K. I *• *x* rti* n in in wfd» or i |M>«li|vr rurr |- ,t [. gr-at*-t getting .‘•U4r» <* 1 cate Botilu 1* FLAM M ATP ** i»F THE KID VET*. received direct fr--tii st. I >u V CvuLtrjr only fifty j»«r 'iralgia • « for FANCY INKI aMMATI -V OF THE >ploal omp .i m lists tha* w *u! ! hs\e d »n*' as well a w* * k Principal Headquarters BLADDKIL I mi.- just INI M. k sprain.*. A. ■ LAM MAI loX op THE BOWEL*. oakum and Tiuuk• *’rom 2 to u'g- Rigging, Mieu’hing Paper. t.. w.i, me ,i i..*- r, when th same *ir < ON d:STI(i\ OF THE given b h .... lim** in harrowing GOODS, Boots A Shoes and Gents' LCXOR. Travelling Hag*. A up POKE THROAT. DIKKI- I I.T BHEATHI* » -V r«*lt.tlll nirp for fal •*. I.n. ge b.»' w ling gr uii 1. would hav* liecn to Woman’s h Her Hair. PALPI TATI * or «sjual four Glory THA. 11 KART. small Settle*, 7* ets. No is id ail *. Furnishing Goods, I1YSTKR1 Ckufl-. MPilllikKlA. by l»n.gg. t n. » th* *«• cowlvrll time at a later ri***l. Th* r*- < A T ALKJl. INFLUENZA. TVint-s ! T*rintsi ! TOOTHArnr *" s* "f ••■urs. in*.re to garden than to LYON’S HOLMES’ a-KALAfiiE, apply BUILDING, rheumatism. M» ri .nia< Cocheco and American PrmU of the “ fann-w rk. Where hors*- is at hand COLD CHILLS. AOUK CHUJA bc*t for |*»wer Main hTitle at, Sinoa.15 ktXMWOHril. TK# quality, selling Buy Me, and I'll Do You Goo at-taftka Ready Relief ti the rar». w ds half 1 «brt U>« or U an in* h high, if annual weeds, ar* paia .Acuity ukU wtf afford twt 1 >••- 1 ae ! comfi>rt. TEN < ENTS TER T ! III). .11 llyrl.-', •„ > a 1 tn destroy. J by br*.ad-tooth «mltiva- Twealy drop* half a tumKer *f water will la a Ire Tr. ".ec.ta CRAMP*. M*ASM* MLR *To|f A« ROOT r. a- if th* w re 'II & HERB y just pushing through the ATHAIRON hearth city. hi< k headache, Plow* and Plow of all kind* BITTERS diarrhea* (ailing* eowl\9 COLIC, WfSIi IN Tbi* g’ ri: .* in gar i* n-w.*rk u **f DYsKVTKKT, fuE boWELS.* medicine u. w.th out the simple raking a:.4 ah INTERVAL FAIN*. Call if you want to buy good* doubt* the ven beat renie !•. gr w tho-itd always mrrv a **•*> cf cheap known *und hen th* weed* ar*- just sprouting Trarrlery Radaai** and ail Rca4* Relief WIU O.ewt A few »r. water V 1; lowing kindred disease* .* 4ro;a w«T —4.aid) paid for Wool, wooi-skm*. lade* am |ndige< ■'* r* *• .v' itf. etiv* as th* l»e#tho* ing would !•* 'at a. canes* or pair s from chaogs «/ water li i* Cali ••km.*. I' II ; UO« than free Ok Brandy ur Li. tier a aa a bOTU. 1 f. *p.-i-a> I > .S A: hour **r tw raking of a gard* n 1m tween the j H. A s. K. WHITISH. *, Sjj FEVER AND anguor, Engju, ■*. l*ei,i,ji. J«un y 7 ALIK. Kliswortb. Apr. -8th. 1873. 1*U' f r* w > *.f the > « > nil — ariou» rops. \%ill in fad almost PATRONIZE I E5 ER AN1* Aul E *rse. tfc-id. 1 allow, acAcU.ar 5y*tern strengthened. *1 a w n re* no lerera.aklrd hrRAI>WAY’* er is iii.iny hard qu recommendation {over ]*'. uuu sold in A JV li K (J U It K I) Patronize Homo invigoi ated The breath >* day’s ork.—[<»EIOlA>‘TOWN FILLS) *o quick m RADWAYS P.EaLT RELIEF Ih * alone.) The HOKE | a* beautified. 1 I.KoI.aI H. country only balanced Lawn MANUFACTURE. Fifty w«tuym uau*. bold by Druggists. And [he g. M w<-r witli Aw Handle | | '^"Uiplexiun A4Ja*uM« I The undersigned hereby i:af..rm the Public, that DK. UKAVKV I iu-inrh et»t, Buwer, a beautiful little croquet they have a line ass ortment of REkTOEEU ! Fieid Cora. machine lor ■mail lawn*. croquet ground*, c*ras- ter y lot*, a lau or uii»* of HEALTH ( I be beat ''a-ily by 10 BEAUTY 11 Hoots. Herbs, and Buka ente _ operated MANUFACTURE. HEART 5TRr.NO AND ri year-, price, #30; tj-inob, #22. 14-inch. standard REGULATOR, RK 711.’ll BLOOTk—INrREA.K b.., totme |1. CAHIUACKS, ri *»H ANI> W||„HT—CUKAK SKIN The undersigned icbuilt making H f >r»* • #25. 2-*-:nch, #1<*.>. lor VE .NO having Iheir ‘’team n.'. ire i* well a.* an planting thi* »*r-»p. think whether pony. J»-lnch, h<>r»e, luiunUiiK in •<( JjKACfrri’L .Will, and unfading you part kOltrLIXIONiKcLKaD TOALL. put therein, a variety of new and in, \ ease* | pa bite park* and large lawn*. #126. ma- (.d tUi blood. GKO « i,« >« s '1 » Every »i»v\ d U-tter to cv*ru from tlie • proved Machinery, notity the boil.Ua* and buy your HALFORD hine warranted to give per feet *atisfar lion. We TWO SEATED CARRYALLS. ANY CASE OF HEART repali ltostou. For *ale bv ail druggiat*. 'V u> DISEASE, ing public that they do *:. It wiii on DtirneM to a challenge the world atrial aud to produce a dtjnnd your TOP ASD OPES JSCdMES. Although given up by the b*-«t Physician. DR.* RADWAY’S I --— machine its equal. Try it, and you will Bo " «* .. buy do not bt'-iUU* to it will rare the follow- mark-1. uud tin* facility of obtain- other. I COSCORD ASD LIMIT UV SIS ESS nay SURFACE LEICESTERSHIRE ing oymitUAtu*. though most of thciu have been SARSAPARILL1AN RESOLVENT PLANING. It *t* ].*a- ti» >end for lllu*traU-4 Circ ilars. !»flp. cultivate and harvest WAd OSS. declared incurable SffiiMKSWMiYMli MATCHING & NATURE'S -* r* «»f -m. than an a* r*- --f *tr.tw 1htt»*** or MAMfACTCUEl> IIY THE I I from two to twelve seated Palpitation, Knl*rKemrnt,**pa«ni-, Oaeiib Alton fir *> "• * aiHRlWB. CNUKK THK IN. Formation ,1 *• ll-tiy the Rh*u mall tut. (Jen- ELT'ENUE OF Tiii.N | i n % _*• r.i w. but Heart, TKL'LY WONDERFUL th»- lat:< r crops bring eral JOINTING, REMEDY^ Hills “Artimedear Lawn Mower Hebility. Wafer about the Heart, of MEDICINE. THAT Co. KXPliEBS \VA< iON S. «*inking nr o f in i- h the irr» at»-»t return*. 5 the npin.b* in >ufe pi'* Stori "out viik.'-’ moire DOORS, COLT'S ARMORY, HARTFORD* CONN. pain* the or h*»t, liiui&eM, an Act in the t Every Increase In Flesh « thing arriage or hleigh hue built Hlugginh Circulation of thr IIi-mJ »n*l gay It -u d*«i’i< to c«»m. do as mu-h <»f .M>>m«*nlary and SASH, BLIXDS& W l It' grow LUCE to order. tt of the Action of Weight la Seen and Felt, S'DO TABLE FOI tAU M. SHWAITZ lop page the Heart- IT i:, IAII0I. Ml. work ai*o with horse lai>-»r a.* can. If THE GREAT BLOOD EBAMES Jo you 4tnotltf All pers-ma in want of good Carriare-* will do Otir agent, on I furni«h with PURIFIER. SCROLL or JDi SA WIS'C : application.wt! you Every of th« n row s rtiu w well to call and examine nur our cirru Ur drop 6AK.SAFAEII.LUN RESOLV- botii ays and the horse hoc is k twfore pur- .giving lull of the dm rtp lumber aud make all kiu.ls V KU KTI N in description ENT comiTiu:.Irate* through ’.ha blood, be cot. of Mouldings <>l E !* I'lpfxrlunvi-l The Best Sauce and Relish ease and al- ■ a t'na«, n-.-d ev. few chasing cDewbere. number of t«*ntnn<>nlal* of cures A»d f*h*T tu.de and »a.cre ■ f th* system the of best quality to eight inches wide n-li-. U'-i ImiIi*. ry days then* will 1m* but little use and If vigor He. up <‘arelu|jy r«»«»{• h«*ri»« you would like further troiu the f it the waetew of the with are w si'Kt'LK l'INf. 4 THE PORTLAND proof par- rwpaie* holy ud J llKMI.tXK 1.1 MBKK. Strongly concentrated th it u » f -r tli- hand bo«*. I>on*t all o\er the held and lien who have given the testimonial*, write I cr:uii. g»> KrpnirlBK Palntiiiif. them I.ATlIh. SlUNOLEh A CLAflP > Mil.' au- lioin !,i. *,m„ ,-v.m t.i and nee *< rofti- tw i.i- a what they say. We have sold in large nr small la, in row each way the same and fob done with neatness and many tae '..ax.de and other porta of the quantities fttrni.hr I plan, d and Hrrofulua* Ifuiuor. Tuiuiiri ( 4111 n day, Hade in Part of te World dispatch. thousand bottles .>t the Heart syWsm, fere Km, Ulust for the any Kerosene Oil Regulator, and tins M rumens re builders use—to a or froco « word can h I>ierha/f the Eon. sod the w « .up Humor, H4I1 with the hand Company demand i« -t.ll We art* we :.1*frruM' Kn.i|»Hj. immediately hoe, and then Increasing. confident of gate duoa ply nearly every thing of It he til,. H’ouli inform the t*ublic. that Blarkamilh W ork of are-tniptio-na. F*r«r hx»v fees.'! w„od which enter, up, Vl'hlhln ui.Ue 1 FOB they coutinue to all Kind*, are doing the a Salt the construction of a Diocaacu, 1 i*\. a public benefit and not trying to Mead. ICr.g worn, Raeum,Exytfp«U«, Acr.e. 11.xh building. lntnlnrii Ml Ikr th* ib id for fortnight; but aro Manufacture W• In MuimmcIi. v through luipoae on them a worthier* N-ia. mi In the Flesh. Turn ora. Cancers In the addition are tnannlarlure i-4-c- d**n« by workmen and at short preparation. p \II.,s kits Umt ariw froo, impure n « experienced W-.*nb, aM all aad j ..|. a, ,u«m- in a r«-w one way. and let the weeds have notice. The wakealng paicfUi dlscha/gvs, \:*ht I K'UUEl.S. DECK l^A^IILY Portland price of the Heart Regulator i* USE DOL- Sweats. Iy cure them. for salo low. Kruptl.e — of which pot«nt pjwer extremely * through it again, and by the time will ne«-d many are JiUlc belter than Naptha *i ltd. Ifr l Main If the dalle 1 Hliilckn. Moil. you Ellawo-th, May if IS* *t., £11*worth* patfeat. becoming Tedncad by the waste* All in want of "' ”« “‘.V’ Hair Pint* SO oats. it sell—;and the existence of falae report* in and *»pld«e-4 »u I V 1 to u*e th** han*l hoc, then* will be regard decomposition that Is continually progressing sue- I'' Hl.(.ar» nothing to to the 1’okTLAMi Mkkohkxk ceeds OIL. render u a la arresting these wastes, ami repair* the max with 1*>efcSrw... do, t*x«v|*t to <*ut out a few Weeds close to the matter of justice to oursclve*. a* well as safety to L«* material male from healthy bl-x*!—ami teltg tv* DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, WINDOW ,fc- M“«L, Nl.lnr. , AMERICAN AN!) FOREIGN PATENTS. SIAMHM. OF fcAR.SAl'AKIl.LlAN will and d'«e pIxlBI..V1*.1:* Consumer*, that some notice Oiould be taken oi ewcurs. Ilropa,. Wralia™, Leu plants. Tin aecn-t of an-l clean cullun- For Sale all Grocers. these only do«# the BaaaaraatLLLaa Ksaocrixr ejeti rurrmra, cheap by facta. Therefore, we again present an ad- Nyt Frames arising trow internal uh ran. m R. H. a., known remedial agents !a the curs of <’ho gcrHu- in a corn field i« to use a vertisement, and would call attention to EDDY. uic, Mouldings’ 'U “f"‘ «-*»**r*l lie \ horse hoc often au«l a the high 1' us. < aial GEut disease* L I,Hit* \ , HARTFORD onstitutlonal, but tt is tha only arc KlINk act* standard of our Oil*. Tub Refuted Pi.TkwLl.iM. poelliv* curs for .“pec tally invited to give us a call. Order* directly upon the < «u»* „i .... hand hoe but little. We do not contend that it the It Are list of which is 122; Tlf E I'uKfUMi rroiu abroad, by mail or otherwise, solicited and J complaint*. invigorate* and strengthen* i* to KEROSENE the fire tow of which ia Kidney St Bladder attended t<». whole system, act* the unprofitable raise corn in New England, 1 to degrees S0LIC1T0B OE PATENTS. Complaints. promptly upon secretive >• Fahrenheit, aud often rearbe* high- rnwr. inlWmbdlMHi, Gr»„l, Di-wcr, Inti iniati >n, cure* ulceration in<] '-ut w»* think considerably w w IIOFKIN.S, McDonald a c«>. often times some other we Fire »*4* *t«r, la^ntlnenoa of erme. Dta- tu«; bowel*. crop would that we are Ins. bright'* might est, also, say, determined Ellsworth, July .M 1K72. eaaa. Albuminuria, aad la case* b- HANCOCK all where there axe brick- t .1 substituted that would COUNTY tJ uiHiutam their Jong e-tahli-hed For Inventions Trade Marks Companies d ist aurik, ...... pay better.—fN. E. reputation. Designs £«f«re lb* Boaf** lire. deposits, or the water Is thlcE. cknaly. mixed with UyepepaUt. Vi iRTl.AND KERUaENK OIL COMPAN su: ..fit,.- Fakmek. Y. stances like the while of aa egg. or threads Uke whits »*alplu,lo« llr.M II...I r.lk or there Is a .IrriMuuurM ai No, 7ft State St., Opposite Kilby St,, (From the X. Y. Time*.) morbid, dark,buloos appearance, and (.rm ri Wl.tte bond-duet deposits, and when there Is a pricking ELLSWOlt ri 1 prostration ol the Vruiu. "Maleuu, The of We quote from chap. 3&U.S. 1871. the title of BOSTON. .102 I Connecticut.104 1-2 ua I Application Manures. SAVINGS BANK! I’hanix.1W National-.Iu5 *•>«1TD'v1I." ?T.*,rv ?,V*n said chapter being “Inspection and sale of Manu- PTKR *n extensive practice ol o! J STSiSZftJZSW- tttfM I 'I-DhUNh. U puna., itu* l.i,....!. .... upwards k“” all the 1 H7.T. continues to tei ure Pateuts It. Hartford.l«o “s •« unrana. and |>u.sr»»r« a cmr Incorporated, facta red Articles." A Thirty ycats, over the A* a rule. tuanur.‘ do*-. best on the United Suites; also m Great Itritam, Prance j Nervon* ftyttem. general heavy bECT. 31. The fire, contrary to expectation, ha* not caus- Th<* Every i-eraon and corporalioa en- and other foreign countries, idea- Tumor or 13 I ^markable cure, effected b\ \ E«.EI INK *•■■■' > — Caveats, spec ed on the ot Tears’ Growth STEAM a* a I road' -a-1 on I now to in any disposition holder* to sell BAKERY. have transect applied t.-j iressing; ready buidness, and will re- gaged manufacturing petroleum, coal oil or lions. and all other tor part induced and AsMgntueuls, papers Pa- out at a earridec A sale ol ■*•• Cured many physician-* aj s. ceive aad loan on of »hoil cause cask or Hartford by Badway’t Besolvewt. whom we --hi -l- ii i« l-tt. r to it in with -hal- dt-poaita money mortgages burning fluid, every oilier ves- ten s, execute I on reasonable terms, with dia- kuow to prescribe and use it.i. plough Made at lid. For ACtna, Mb i„ _ kwv«ax.v, Msee., »s. isee. real e»uu- or collaterals. sel thereof to t* so and marked, a a»ked, Jsiy farm he*. approved inspected by pat- h. iteacari he a made to determine the and i« offered The Da. Radwat -I have had htwha Tamer la th« ovaries ul low furrow'.. There have not a sworn validity par National i« offered al ‘.«u •* been sufficient inspector. Aud if any manufact- Uwsls. All ike DecUxre mid there was no ter th” I The Ellsworth In \ person and utility of Patents of Inventions, and legal with bid* al au lttii are no help tried Steam Bakery haa been re open- fact, LtiETLNE i* U. ure* or tell* such oil or there sale* reported, • ••ry in*t u r#r- rrti.vo lod but in number of burnnig fluid not *o in- th.njf anth.b* S.iped we. I ed, and to covered for the strove ,■ ac.-uratrly conducted rimente and other *d« ice ruudered in ali mailers with the •sw prepared lurnish all kind* of Bread dii-eane* ; ex;. OBf« !■ Hepklas’ Blerk nder Maaonlc touching single exception of the Hartford. yuw Reoulvsi, AJ..1 tSeagbt I wosid it. bst had ae faith spected and marked is this state, or that has same. try such a*: reliable ULU the Copies of the claims of I’sleut la It, hwawt* I hoi »«iter«4 ter tw*i«# lot h CKAf. j PI HII IKH with in to Mall, Nate Ht., Mr. not to i,ny years. Si bottle* KKRS, bqsdrcsing summer, determine «at- Kllaaartk, been inspected and marked a* unsafe lor l*« Km l»r.» before the inrnishcd by remitting one dollar. As»fgntn6iiu I «Jo not he*itale to say Uial the *tock of the *f aad eoe bus of fcadway's Pill*, aad tw* Ht- »DA, I public. he shall fat tis* of limit' Relief 1 isfactory what amount of manure would he illuiaiuattug purpose*, anas but recorded in Wash vug ton HAUTFoRI). ha* always stood higher than that yo*« sad there is pet a sura of luaxt L, he PILOT, Prepare* by M R.sTEIKV^,! Me- EFCEsniSG FIVE HL’SDMEii dollars or be im- •eeo or wit, aad 1 feel bettor, ea.srter, sod tkaa I test l’nce OFFICERS: Ao in the Unite.I States *ui tn of any Agency th.it a happtar H A RI > BREAD xdd b all thu. wane.] We Agency possesses r Co.? showing larger surplus ter twelve The wont kraut *m la tee left Druggifi. by exposure. sus;*eet. how- prisoned six months in the county jaiJ, in- i* relumed to years. ale of i--.« Arao upon facUUXcsfor Patents, jT (he provide for cou3agralu»n* like the W*w*te the grvie. I wrfu thte I* hr te BAKER PASTRV. Ac. Wiawell, I'rea’t. Chas. C. Burrill, Treae. dicunents therefor. obtaining uscertniuiny you beaeAX of Loaf Brea* ever. that tin- gn ai los. is commonly over cti. Bostou and Chicago, both of winch it passed »*hwt, Yra cak pebileh It 1/ yos cheeee. 1 baked Monday*. Wednesday* and TRUSTEE*: Tortland, Me., April 21, 1873. 6mo» *0 patttdabUityo/mventions. HANNAH All made All of a journey to to through unehukea. p. KNAPP. rn«lays. from the best ol *u*k" lusted. Manure spread on grass-land in 1 necessity Washington early Arao Wiawwll, C. G. Feck, procure a Patent, and the usual there autumn, great-Islay or even in August, has not only prov- John West, are here saved invtntors. Ooo. A. Dyer. Agt. DR. Mr. MTrva 1>. ed of Parcber. J. It. Jordan. Htato RADWAY’8 liovd, great v aiue to the but has a George oF Maine. FOR grass, had THE “HARTFORD," still Robinson & remains at the Leeds, TESTIMONIAL*. HEAD of the mark—! effect on the MEMBERS OF CORPORATION TREASVltEkJl’ I PERFECT PtRRATIVE BAKING I>K MAM KAI following corn crop, plant- OFFICE, I regard Mr. as uc ol the most and PIUS, I’A RI M Tl ltMO of Eddy -apsUtle No. 6 Coombs’ T^rfrcUr luUku, Iluuur tooted »Hh >,.« rum. I ENT. The Loueern ha* #, 1873. j successful Block.Ellsworth, Me. been sod. We should practitioners w‘Ui whom 1 nave had >"rr- I'UrtO. Ml W.ull.n. Tii. , thoroughly spring-ploughed perfer John D. Mvrick I the 4&tf renovated and refitted and it U leav Hopkins, Avery, pon following Townships or tracts oi land oAcial intercourse. C1IA*. MASON. hoped by care and Wareham Nail -preadingto ing in the lat- C. G. A. not liable to cw. attention to Co.’s Cut Na Is. heap-, although Feck. T. Jelliaon, be taxed ia auy town, the Commissioner of Patents i the want* of that James K following 'Mjiaift'fflss£ customers, coin ter is more Davis, John West. a**e--menU were made Tag of 1873 "I have in inventors common. When spread evenly forfCouaty no hesitation assuring that plele satisfaction will be given. Robinson Arno Wiswell, Charles C. by the Commissioners of Hancock the Iron Co.’s Cut Nails. shower of Bbrrill, County County cannot un*plop a man scare competent and Bowels. PlIesjhndaA I>rrai .gamed* ofthe VI*- every rain washes the soluble and Erastus Forsaiih. on the ;**r r»r%. lateral Redman, lb*sorder* of ths Anderson & Wood’s Cast Steel. likely by fermenting, Strip S. of No. 3, 4 30 EDMUND BL’ltK K.' l>lg*iftlva Orgaas: and rain would Bank open every Monday and Saturday, from (usAt^atAos, I e ward ft lee. Psllaem of the Bleed ta the Heed be no benefit to it. Without 10 "4, 4 30 Late Commissioner ol Patents. Aridity’of the Stomach, Names. Old o clock, a. m.. to 12 m., and from 1 to 3 p. m., 8. and FRESH. H-artUra.DZC.wlSd* Colony Iron Co.’s Shovels. south Division 4 to “Mr. U II has made for me over THIRTY ap Everything NICE, NEW, knowing anything of the nature or and Saturday Even’g from 6| to 8. .« Eddy REAL condition of 9 4 3U plications for Patents, been successful is ESTATE BROKER, DEALERS IN Dividends twice a year: on the first in •* having the soil, we should lx inclined to Monday 10. Adjoining St u ben. 8 00 almost every case. Such unmistakable of recommend, June and liecember. proof The subscriber* leaved one ot the 16, Middle Division, 14 36 great talent and on bis leads ine to having store* A HEW as the safest course, to in Extra dividen* once In two 44 ability part, ENTERPRISE. plough the manure years. tt. 34 recrommen in Coombs’ new block are now prepared u veil ol amount receive 14 1 ail inventors to apply to him to pro SCRAP fi^-Deposite any I, and the 44 *• all found at a brsl-cla** gsaaas'svtfe' %£S3a&u: fre'luenl enquiries mads to me, within IRON. a» shallow as after *2, 14 35 care their patents, as be sure »>! good* usually gro- .d rom.^c practicable being highest rate ot interest allowed law, 44 44 they may having y<'i'r’'' th"s<' thoroughly by paid 28, 14 34 the most cery »tore, al ’>>■ Wishing to buy and »* A.rlk hi.. cur. of All accounts stmic faithful attention bestowed on their selliiTi Bealn'“t,fr,W. Estate as Juki.. Ho.luu spread and broken a surface barrow, leav- #9” of deposits tlt I’Kjvate well as those desiring to let by and •aagg, and at very leasonable charges, and rent I BmOrt.l 4 confidential. places: bavu been loreed to the eon ing. however, a of the field with the CT to on a a ss JOHN TAGGART. The Lowest Cash eluamn, that there was portion Money loaned depositors pledge of •* ^Prices, actually a 34, 2* 96 Boston Jan. 1 evisting necea- manure Book. 44 44 I«73—It *°m® in exposed, by way of Deposit 33- 44 ti» With honest weight, and measure, small embarking the enterprise experiment.— Ellsworth, 1873. lett profits UJI?}«hI of opening an otflee and Maine, May 1st, attention to and strict Tuck. lktunuUU! «MXL Uwl « i., Leu books, and in a mt.e [CULTIVATOR. #8 68 prompt customers, atten- Jvu. at 44 ure, legal, provide lor this 40. •• •* tion to we to mer and receive a growing no “css 17 21 business, hope JuueUTl lyr I would therefore 44 41, 44 14 34 lair share of the public patronage. re.pectluUy solicit The nat- rooage and of the Remedy for the Butter 83 encouragement public, in bring Striped Buy STALLION Island, lag iato life and being this Eagle Island. 2 84 enterprise liy giving 66 We have the a NOTICE. occasion Spruce Head and Bear Island. just added to above, stock of Having to use Paris green and cal- Reach Island. 38 DOORS. SASH & r.^asr' % GENERAL HANCOCK BUNDS. Cordage, Paint* and Oil*. Tar, Pitch and Oak cined plaster, in proportion of Hog Island, 44 end tenement* j one of the form- uXTl1 ‘rihl h*v,n« Urn, Oar*, Mad and Hank*. m IS rad lloop* Star. Ta er to fifteen of the Will make Ike season of 1871 si the eta- bury* Islaad, #4 xioote Ac Shoes, v* onaon * latter. „ » of the Copper Paint, constantly on h.m I \ deatrover VMSk Mr of the .abuntar id Pond near Little Dear 92 «b/ »l‘^*Wor *Kcndln«e iiHHOrl Hack,port. Me., Island, a line of XyofZ-F ^“me,Twill general ment of and ivotato bug. I tried the stuff on XX-LA Western II including Childrens", misses’, and GP*9 ♦venue to those deal.'- ship chandlery .quash, melon commencing May ss, aad ending Aug. 1. Island, ‘",1 store* can always be found at the old LilUe Heed ti La die*7 the work in tller<'lj>' taeilitate an ship and cucumber vines; with the (Spruce Island, serge goods, evgry pair of eiV^ing ,t!m^r,eelJ’1 Bland on Water St. I. M. GRANT me, mLvtnre TERMS: Pond *1 *n,r*,,u-* «an.taction as Island, 2 which ia Warranted and satisfaction or to ihJIie.*ito alt.n I1 dusted on from a given charge, who may favor m,, w«h K'laworth, April aih. common dredging box, has To warrant...$25 00 Call Islaad, 110 their 39.11 West Black 55 money refunded. SUBJOIAM. proved equally effectual the Season.10 oo Island, Kll.wotth. March Mth. 1873 against Colorado Bast Black 17 token. or Island, A. B. Walker Main jiotato beetle and the striped bug. On No risk Cub, satisfactory not, at Placentia 110 Ag’t, et., Ellsworth squash- time ol Orel serriee. Island, es of the tenderest of ijamg Island. 3 31 Tn "Kftitose."—The Irst bed variety foliage, like the Boarding in stable or pastaring at Terr reason- premiam for N. B-TERM CASH. •hie Marshal's Island. 3 #8 qnalitf of work tneoM on Machine. m Farms and Hubbard, for and on the rase*. Special care of all mares sent to mj Hewing Stock For Sale. instance, hardier, like Pickerings Island, 9 SI TennerdJrr awarded at Ike Sute Fair to tke Cheap! stable*. Kef- Cash for EGGS. HIDES, Cheap!! * paid WOOL, Situated In North and the winter tlen. Ureal Duck Island, Mom. Thta it a new Machine, and we are convia- Bluehill 3* mile. r„.„, ,... Cymlin Crookneck, this mix- Hancock Is U yrt old; waa sired by Diri- Old Harbor I 10 end that la oar notice of we did not do TilUge. Tb.flr.1 ture. on while the wet (P Drew, snd out of , Island, f e.lerdar and WOOL-SKINS. El« containing ««.Tund put plant is or dry, does ^<*1 Messenger 3*21 WM. CALDWELL ita merit, Comprising Woodland, Mmdow Having bought from A. J. tlameron hi. «tm k oi Mare br tbs Old Bash is a dark steel Traaaaxx*. SihHJnatiee which deserve. In the fsmL Hh I not Meaeenger; of it, Ullage. Good buildings «.roocnes, am prepared to sell all kind* ol injure them: and so of musk melons and gray color, weighs lino is kind in all is atmulieitf conUraction and r.eatneas aot Goods given in exchange for country product « BMUTTKKS, window FR.VUE3 areO^lhe sau£ anTTt “n lbs., ways, '"i'DS be made one of the heat generally totkd m « safa for ladles or Meganw <4 H» work, lhi» new comer into anal SASH .lock farms in agroccry store .t very cucumbers. The frater-melou, does children to drlre, and bis stock at GLAZED or Dot to X Ceu“ r;oou.»w figure. > however, for PMdT wail Held has taken thus earlv the CASH PRICES. speed, style ‘-“-yiwin,, u BO.VT drive lame HORSES ocenpipd Atao, Dll kind! ot u 11 *• J. not bear such treatment, and I recommend that nnsarpassed. ftaremoat placa.—lUaacoil ConanciaL. tOU Remember Um piece, stkwaut Her to, MIS, nBAODOH lad Mania’, well kaowa i^ird for* the mixture be used with of Rsrbiyoit, Jst marlr FINISHING «,nthha*Ud0mg.^;S.0d0mK^BlMUm!thlShm.nrhiI, care.—[Co*, Xltiileng D occupied br Woodcock and Roald of ft Co. MOULDINGS. STAIR Prague Farmer. Franklial, bow open with a wail cclactad Slock. Campbell, Leach ^ZXu,tood MIl)DLETON’S LOCKET COHN SH E U. POSTS, RAILS * 1 5 1 aad all kuda work doac la can House Lots for Also, joke jr. old steer* 2 rokea a A,, For Bsls. Jobiag ardor with Sale. Middle Store. Coomb.’ new BALUSTERS, iteen. The ER. Particular altaatloa tm to Bono will bo rurniahed at above slock and farms IT The dicpaleh. sir -PHB .elmeriher oFer. for sale Mae kaadraf ead of abort ootico * » will* d One S Schooner I seder.» tou, eew- Shoeing. Thankful lor put ftrora I wtah to ia- Bloc*, Be*t hnrgata. Inqutr.of Tan.I*‘.liVv'':? conntv in th.- I Cast iron shrubbery for seats is an 1 eligible Beea. Law. located within ooe Ultt NKwTlL oSJGoJdo! * country with new aula, cable and anchors, and la fcwltt dtiaeu of Praakiia aad that tltit River W tt®P OH Fraaklio St., Door Hotel. 1°.?®".. f 1 P>«k«‘ Corn ShelSer, patented Trad rVciaitj foarth ol a mile of Ike Bridge, which he wUI Mil l-'ajoa prtyce. car Hurry Me Ini®. II shells‘Id ai 1 .u,i economical novelty. will Sad na ia the whea I _ ufcom, and can he used Pretty, too.—[American thaf alwapc chop aw •n favorable term.. bruy ooe.will last for WM In tha Franklin Boom. JOHN W.F1CKKTT, LL, UOOB, PO8TEB8 and years. Be tail prlce.se ru Newspaper Beporter. BOBKBT UEBBY. PROGRAMMES wholesale to Agents, *5 cents. rat s Fraaklin. Jnu Wtb 1171. tat Ell,worth, UTS. All aiM BILL-HEADS at this oWce. -V Territory April M, SmoalH* BUkwortfc, J*n*,,j87j. °°^j printed at UU MIDDLETON k Co. oflos **u Uartaharg. Fa.