5804 THE GAZETTE, 13 SEPTEMBER, 1935 constituted a separate district and both such behalf, with the approval and sanction of the districts shall, together with that portion of Minister of Health, hereby orders as follows:— the existing district which will, on the 1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the West 1st day of October, 1935, become a separate Ham Registration of Births, etc., Order, 1935, district situate wholly without the County and shall come into operation on the 1st day Borough of Bolton, be united to form one dis- of October, 1935. trict and the district so formed shall there- (2) In this Order the term " district " means upon be divided into two districts called a superintendent registrar's district, and the respectively the district and the term " existing district" means a district Horwich district. which existed immediately before the 1st day (2) The Farnworth district shall consist of of October, 1935. the Urban Districts of Farnworth, 2.—(1) The existing West Ham district shall and and that portion of the Urban be divided into three districts called re- District of situate in the existing dis- spectively the West Ham district, the East trict of Bolton. Ham district and the Essex South-Western (3) The Horwich district shall consist of the district. Urban Districts of , Horwich, Turton (2) The West Ham district shall consist of and . that portion of -the existing West Ham dis- 3.—(1) The Farnworth district shall com- trict which is situate within the 'County prise one sub-district only, to be called the Borough of West Ham. Farnworth sub-district. (3) The East Ham district shall consist of (2) The Urban Districts of Blackrod, that portion of the existing West Ham dis- Horwich and Westhoughton shall constitute a trict which is situate -within the County sub-district of the Horwich district to be called Borough of East Ham. the Horwich sub-district. (4) The Essex South-Western district shall (3) The Urban District of Turton shall con- consist of that portion of the existing West stitute a sub-district of the Horwich district Ham district which is situated within the to be called the Turton sub-district. Administrative County of Essex. 4. The registrars of births and deaths of the 3. The superintendent registrar of the exist- existing Farnworth, Horwich and Turton sub- ing West Ham district shall be the superin- districts shall respectively be the registrars of tendent registrar of the West Ham district as births and deaths of the Farnworth, Horwich constituted by this Order. and Turton sub-districts as constituted by this 4.—(1) The functions under the Registration Order. Acts in relation to the East Ham district as 5. The functions under the Eegistration Acts constituted by this Order are hereby trans- in relation to the part of the existing Bolton ferred to the Council of the County Borough district situate without the County Borough of East Ham. of Bolton are hereby transferred to the Council (2) The functions under the Registration of the Administrative County of Lancaster. Acts in relation to the Essex South-Western Given under the hand of the Registrar- district as constituted by this Order are hereby General this third day of September, transferred to the Council of the Administra- in the year nineteen hundred and tive County of Essex. thirty-five. Given under the hand of the Registrar- S. P. Vivian, General this twenty-second day of Registrar-General. August in the year nineteen hundred General Register Office, and thirty-five. Somerset House, S. P. Vivian, Strand, W.C.2. Registrar-General. General Register Office, Somerset House, ORDER OF THE REGISTRAR-GENERAL London, W.C.2. IN . (Dated 22nd August, 1935.) PATENTS AND DESIGNS ACTS, No. 23/1935. 1907 TO 1932. Whereas under Section 11 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1837, the Registrar- Proceedings under Section 20. General, with the approval of the Minister Notice is hereby given that Marconi's Wire- of Health, may divide any superintendent less Telegraph Company Limited have made registrar's district into two or more super- Application for the restoration of the Patent intendent registrars' districts; granted to them for an invention entitled And whereas it is expedient that the West " Improvements in or relating to radio fre- Ham superintendent registrar's district should quency distribution systems," numbered 383,528, •be divided into three superintendent regis- and bearing date the 4th day of April, 1931, trars' districts; which expired on the 4th day of April, 1935, And whereas it is necessary to transfer the owing to the non-payment of the prescribed functions under the Registration Acts in rela- renewal fee. tion to two of the superintendent registrars' Any person may give notice of opposition districts so formed; to the restoration by lodging Patents Form Now, therefore, the Registrar-General of No. 17 at the Patent Office, 25, Southampton Births, Deaths and Marriages in England, in Buildings, London, W.C.2, on or before the exercise of the powers conferred by Section llth day of November, 1935. 11 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, M. F. Lindley, 1837, Section 21 (2) of the Local Government Comptroller-General. Act, 1929, and of all other powers in that The Patent Office.