Winnisquam Echo THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2009 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Biomass plant gets overwhelming approval BY DONNA RHODES
[email protected] present the matter to voters. and to also appropriate the TILTON — About a year af- Board Chair Mike Gagne use of $50,000 from interest ter the Winnisquam School told district residents during on the bond proceeds along Board started looking into the public hearing that rejec- with $96,760 to be withdrawn building a biomass heating tion of the stimulus money from the Building Renovation plant at the middle and high would mean that the funds and Repair Capital Reserve to school, and after countless would go to another school provide matching funds for hours of research and dis- district and not be available the projects. Balloting re- cussion, district voters over- to them again. He felt it was mained open for an hour and whelmingly approved the en- important to consider the five minutes before the votes ergy-efficient project at a spe- project as one of savings for were tallied. Moderator Ken cial meeting last week. taxpayers. Randall then announced that A special meeting of the "I'd like to focus our atten- the warrant article, which re- Winnisquam School Board, tion to cash flow," he told the quired a two-thirds majority followed by a public hearing voters. "We couldn't bring for- to pass, had handily exceeded and vote by residents from ward a project that wasn't that requirement with a 96.6 Tilton, Northfield and San- more cash flow positive." percent favorable vote.