Congressional Record—Senate S111

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Congressional Record—Senate S111 January 24, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S111 materials from entering the United chase new buses that will get kids to a stronger and brighter future for their States. That is Nunn-Lugar. We must school in a reliable and safe manner. families. While these 10 bills do not do more than what we have done with S. 16 will make sure health care is represent all the goals of the 109th Con- the Nunn-Lugar legislation. more affordable to families and busi- gress, they represent the start and the We must increase our military. Our nesses. We know health care costs have core of our mission. legislation calls for an increase by spiraled. That is why we will bring No doubt we will tackle many other 40,000—30,000 in the Army and 10,000 in down the price of prescription drugs by important issues before Congress the Marines—so that we have enough legalizing safe importation of FDA-ap- closes, but we will never lose sight of troops to win the peace in Iraq and proved prescription drugs from indus- the values for which we fight and the fight terrorism around the world with- trialized countries. We will also ensure promises we must keep. out extending tours of duty to the that every child in America has access For instance, when it comes to breaking point. to health care and that every pregnant strengthening Social Security, Demo- We will create a Guard and Reserve woman in America can get the mater- crats will keep America’s promise. The bill of rights to protect and promote nity care she needs and deserves. We program is our bargain that says those the interests of our dedicated citizen will reduce health care costs by cre- who work hard and pay their taxes soldiers and fight for the families of ating incentives to modernize health have earned a secure retirement. Our those who serve to recognize the sac- care and by offering tax credits to values compel us to keep the promise rifices they have made. S. 13 will fulfill small businesses. of security to our seniors, and Senate our duty to America’s veterans. It will Finally, we want to build a govern- Democrats will do this. We will not ir- ensure that all veterans get the health ment that meets its responsibilities responsibly cut benefits or jeopardize care and prescription drugs they de- both to Americans today and in the fu- the opportunity of future generations serve while also expanding the avail- ture. S. 18 will help America’s seniors. with $2 trillion in new debt. This is ability and accessibility of mental Medicare should work for seniors, not keeping America’s promise, and that is health care. We will ensure that no vet- the HMOs and drug companies. First what Senate Democrats will do. eran is forced to choose between a re- we will eliminate the provision that ac- In closing, I would like to say a few tirement and disability check, and tually prohibits Medicare from using words to my colleagues across the launch a 21st century GI bill that tells the negotiating power of its 41 million aisle. We hope and believe many Re- soldiers of today that we will help beneficiaries to get lower prices. The publicans share our view that we must them to succeed when they return, just Medicare bill has a provision in it that not allow partisanship to stand in the as we did for those great heroes who re- says Medicare cannot negotiate for way of America’s promise, or let poli- turned from World War II, Korea, and lower prices. They have to go to Rite tics get in the way of keeping alive the Vietnam. Aid and other places, just like the rest American dream. That is our pledge. We need to expand opportunities to of us. They cannot compete with the We will work with the majority in all Americans, and economic oppor- HMOs which can buy their drugs in meeting the demands of America. tunity is going to be extended through bulk. I recognize the first 30 minutes of S. 14. We, for example, will end tax in- We will eliminate the giveaways like morning business time was that of the centives that encourage companies to the $10 billion slush funds for hospitals majority. How much time did I use? ship jobs overseas. We are going to re- in the Medicare bill. We will improve The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dis- store overtime rights for 6 million the prescription drug benefit by phas- tinguished Senator used 141⁄2 minutes. workers who lost that guarantee last ing out the current donut hole where Mr. REID. I apologize to my friends year. seniors pay a premium but get no cred- on the other side of the aisle. Ten min- S. 15 will help us with education. It it. Seniors across the country were utes of that will be leader time. The must be a cornerstone of equal oppor- shocked by the record increase in rest Senator DURBIN will use for what- tunity. Democrats will keep our prom- Medicare Part B premiums this year. ever he feels appropriate when our time ise to our children by increasing sup- This must be addressed. We must be a comes. port for preschool education, fully government that honors its respon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dis- funding No Child Left Behind and mak- sibilities to future generations. We tinguished Senator from Illinois. ing sure it is implemented the right have had reckless spending these last 4 f way. We will address the shortfall of years. It has turned record surpluses math, science, and special education into record deficits and has mortgaged ORDER OF PROCEDURE teachers by creating tuition incentives our children’s future. It is long past Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, it is my for college students to major in these time for Washington to return to the understanding there are two or three fields, and we will work to make sure same commonsense budget that fami- Senators on the floor who would like to every American who wants it can af- lies use around the kitchen table every pay tribute to Mr. Liebengood, as Sen- ford 4 years of college with new tuition day, and that is why we will call for ator FRIST did. I will ask unanimous tax credits and relief from burdensome pay-as-you-go budgeting. consent they be recognized, if we can loans. Our final bill, S. 20, will support get an idea how much time they will There are problems in rural school women in making responsible choices use, and then if we could return to the districts in Kansas, Nevada, Illinois, about their health. The United States scheduled morning business with the Nebraska and Utah. I have found, in has the highest rate of unintended remaining time on the Democrat side my travels through rural Nevada, one pregnancies among all industrialized and then the balance on the Republican of the biggest problems the school dis- nations. Half of all pregnancies in this side. tricts in rural Nevada have is school country are unintended and nearly half Mr. HAGEL. I will require no more buses. That might not seem like much of those end in abortion. By increasing than 3 minutes. in the overall scheme of things, but it access to family planning services, Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I think I is rare for a bus in Nevada rural Democrats will improve women’s can do mine in 5 minutes, maybe less. schools to be new. They buy used, old health, reduce the rate of unintended Mr. ALEXANDER. Less than 5 min- buses. Most of the buses are worn out pregnancies, and reduce the number of utes. before they get them. We could help abortions, all while saving scarce pub- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I had rural America in lots of different ways, lic health dollars. requested 10 minutes to introduce a bill but we could help rural America so Security, opportunity, and responsi- at the conclusion of the tributes. much if we provided a way where they bility—these are more than just three Mr. REID. Mr. President, I apologize. could buy new buses. We need to do words or three values. They are the I didn’t know people were here to that. When school districts have these foundation on which America’s promise speak. If I had, I would certainly have old buses, children have no choice but is built. Senate Democrats open the withheld. There is more than ample to ride in outdated, unsafe buses. That 109th Congress steadfastly committed time. There is 30 minutes in morning is why we will create a Federal pro- to keeping this promise alive, so that business. They will have whatever time gram to help rural school districts pur- all Americans who work hard can build they need. There is lots of time. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:58 Dec 29, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S24JA5.REC S24JA5 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2005 Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I would structure? That he was an accom- his chief of staff. Senator HAGEL and be happy to renew my request to give, plished lawyer, businessman, and mili- Senator HATCH had something to say, let’s say, 15 minutes for tributes to Mr. tary hero who never forgot his small- and many others will. So the question Liebengood at this point.
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