The Chipewyan from the North American Indian Volume 18
From the World Wisdom online library: THE CHIPEWYAN NORTHERN Canada from about the fifty-seventh parallel to the Arctic circle and from Hudson bay to, and even beyond, the Rocky mountains is predominantly Athapascan territory. The region is char- acterized by large streams, numerous lakes, extensive swamps, prai- ries, barrens, evergreen forests, aspen groves, and bush-covered areas. There are two principal water systems. In the south, between Sas- katchewan and Athapascan rivers, Churchill river flows eastwardly to Hudson bay. In the northwest Athabasca and Peace rivers, carrying Rocky Mountain waters eastward, unite below Lake Athabasca and flow northward as Slave river into Great Slave lake, thence as Macken- zie river to the Arctic. The Chipewyan, who call themselves simply Déne (“people”), are a linguistic group occupying the country from Slave river southward to Cold lake, and from Heart lake (55º North, IIIº 30’ West) eastward to Reindeer lake in north-central Saskatchewan. The name is from Cree Wichipwayániwuk (“they pointed fur people”), referring to the northerners’ fur coats with pointed skirts. The Chipewyan at Cold lake recognize the following divisions: (1) Kaí-theli-ke-hot!ínne (“willow flat-country up they-dwell”), centering about the western end of Athabasca lake at Fort Chipewyan and extending northward to Fort Smith on Slave river and southward to Fort McMurray on Athabasca river. (2) Kés-ye-hot!ínne (“aspen house they-dwell”), at Lac Isle á la Crosse, Portage la Loche, Cold lake, Heart lake, Onion lake, all of which are near the head of the Churchill River system.
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