Sr. Content Page No. No. 1.0 Executive Summary 3 2.0 Introduction of Project / Background Information 4 3.0 Project Description 7 4.0 Site Analysis 15 5.0 Planning Brief 20 6.0 Proposed Infrastructure 23 7.0 Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan 23 8.0 Project Schedule 24 9.0 Analysis of Proposal 25

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Particulars Details Project name Chanavada Soapstone Mine Location Near Village – Chanavada , Tehsil – Girwa Distt – , Raj. Latitude N 24°16’30” to N 24°17’25” Longitude E 73°42’38” to E73°43’ 03” Toposheet No. 45 H/11 Total Mine Lease area 83.491 hect. Present Status Mine lease is in operation. Mineable Reserves 6354593 tons. Capacity Proposed production – 200000 TPA (ROM) Life of Mine 31.7 years Estimated project cost Rs. 500 Lacs EMP Cost 5.0 Lac / annum Power Requirement NA Fuel Requirement 1500 lits. /day DG Set NA Highest and Lowest Elevation S. No. Particulars Elevation (mRL) 1. Highest 560 2. Lowest 480

Land use The lease area is Govt. waste land, Ag. land & diverted forest land Nearest habitation/ town Chanavada 1 km SW Nearest Airport Dabok ( Udaipur) 73 km N Nearest Highway N.H.-8, 4 km , W Nearest Railway Station Road (16 Km), S Power supply Chanavada, 1km ,SW Nearest Telephone Chanavada, 1km ,SW Nearest Dispensary and Govt. Chanavada, 1km ,SW Hospital Educational facility Chanavada, 1km ,SW Water demand and supply 7.0 KLD, Source- water will available from Dug well and water Tankers . Nearest tourist places None within the study area Defense installations None within the study area Archeological Features None within the study area Ecological sensitive zones None within the study area Nearest streams/ rivers/ water Tiri nadi – 7.5 km in NW bodies (from mine boundary) Seismic zone Seismic zone – II.


2.1 Identification of the Project and Project Proponent:

Mining project for mineral Soapstone. M.L. NO 9/2000. The project is located near village - Chanavada, Tehsil – Girwa and District – Udaipur, Raj. Lease area – 83.491 hect. Proposed production – 200000 TPA (ROM).

Project Proponent:

Name of the Lessee M/S Krishna Miners & Traders Address 3 B, Industrial Estate Pratap Nagar,Udaipur. 313003. Phone +91 294 2491001, 002 Status of the lessee Partnership firm

2.2 Copy of Mining Lease / Letter Of Intent

Originally the lease was granted over an area of 224.880 hect. for a period of 20 years w.e.f. 31.12.1970. The mining lease was renewed for a period of 10 years from 31.12.90 to 30.12.2000, vide Govt. order No. P-5 (53) Khan/Group- 2/91 dated 30.07.92 the mining lease was executed 28.12.92 and registered on 7.01.93. (Refer Annexure – I).

The partial surrender of the 141.389 hect. lease area was sanctioned vide SME, Udaipur Circle, Udaipur order No. SME/UD-Circle/CC-Udai/F- 115/76/ML-13/89/455 dated 08.05.2000 & 24.08.2000. The rider agreement was executed on 20.02.2000. (Refer Annexure – II)

The 2nd renewal of mining lease sanctioned, vide Govt. order No. P-5 (13) Khan/Group-2/2001 dated 10.10.2001 (Refer Annexure III & IV) for area of 83.491 hect. & for period of 31.12.2000 to 20.09.2019 & extended to 30.12.2020 (Refer Annexure - V). The lease area involves Forest land so; PP has obtained forestry clearance from MoEF, New Delhi, on 21/09/1999. (Refer Annexure no. VI).

Environmental Clearance was granted by MoEF, New Delhi vide letter no. J- 11015/250/2005-IA.II (M) dt. 21/02/2007. (Refer Annexure no. VII).

The Mining plan with PMCP was approved by R.C.M.,I.B.M. Udaipur vide letter no. 682(23)(736)/10 MCCM(N)UDAI dt.10-3-2011.(Annexure no.VIII).

The Scheme of Mining with PMCP was approved by S.M.E., DMG, Udaipur vide letter no. SME/UD-Cir/Scheme/UDR/Major/F – 27/14/442 dt. 13-05-2015. (Annexure no.IX).

2.3 Nature of the Project: Mining of Soapstone will be done by open cast Semi Mechanized method of mining. Proposed production of Soapstone is 200000 TPA (ROM).

2.4 Need For The Project And Its Importance To The Country: The Mining project falls in the area of the district Udaipur, Rajasthan devoid of sufficient agriculture activities and other industrial growth. The earning sources of the region are limited. Most of the people are dependent on agriculture. Mineral wealth of the state Rajasthan provides the employment opportunity to the people of the state as well as region also. Mining is one of the major core sector industries which play a crucial role in the process of country economic development.

2.5 Demands-Supply Gap: The soapstone for consumption is reduced to fine powder before use in the industry, and sold to industry in powder form of 200 to 400 mesh size, though major quantity is of 300 mesh. The Soapstone mined out is wholly used in our captive grinding unit plant at Udaipur. Soapstone is used in powdered form in varying particle sizes for uses in pesticides, ceramics, paints, paper, rubber etc.,

2.6 Imports vs. Indigenous Production

There will be no import for the project. There will be indigenous inputs in the entire mining activity.

2.7 Export Possibility

This group of companies is already exporting soapstone to other countries. 2.8 Domestic/Export Markets Lessee would like to sale out the mineral based products in domestic market as per requirement. The Company expect to get export order in future.

2.9 Employment Generation (Direct or Indirect) The mining project will generate direct & indirect employment. About 150 people will get direct employment and 400 people will also be benefitted indirectly and employed with allied and related industries, such as transportation, maintenance, etc.

3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects: Mining project for mineral Soapstone. M.L. NO 9/2000. The project is located near village - Chanavada, Tehsil – Girwa and District – Udaipur, Raj. Lease area – 83.491 hect. Proposed production – 200000 TPA (ROM).

No Interlinked or Interdependent project. 3.2 Location State : Rajasthan District : Udaipur Tehsil : Girwa Village : Chanavada

The entire project area is 83.491 hectares. The lease area is Govt. waste land, Ag. land and diverted Forest land. Google Image of the lease area:


forms a part of Survey of topo-sheet no. 45 H/11. The lease is located at following latitude and longitudes: Latitude: N 24°16’30” to N 24°17’25” Longitude: E 73°42’38” to E73°43’ 03”. The highest elevation of the lease area is 560 mRL and lowest being 480 mRL.

3.3 Details of Alternate Site Considered and the Basis of Selecting the Proposed Site, Particularly the Environmental Considerations Gone Into Should Be Highlighted: Mining is site specific project and limited to mineralized area.

3.4 Size/Magnitude of Operation: It is proposed to produce Soapstone at 200000 TPA in the plot area of 83.491 hectares by open cast Mechanized method of mining.

3.5 Project Description with process details & Flow diagram

Mining project for mineral Soapstone, M.L. NO 9/2000. The project is located near village - Chanavada , Tehsil – Girwa and District – Udaipur, Raj. Lease area – 83.491 hect. Proposed production – 200000 TPA (ROM).

Year Wise Production:

Year Mineral Waste from O/B Waste Cum production (tones) mineralized zone (tones) 2015-16 142304 332043 118587 2016-17 198992 464316 163827 2017-18 199459 465406 166216 2018-19 190542 444598 158785 2019-20 199774 730739 260978 Total 931072 2437103 870394

PROPOSED METHOD OF WORKING During the first five years the Soapstone will mine by Semi mechanized open cast mining method forming benches up to 6.0 meter high and 6-8 m wide benches. The slope of the benches will be kept at 80° inclination. The benches and haul roads will be at gradient not exceeding 1:16. The benches will be joined by 10 m. wide ramps at gradient not exceeding 1:10. Heavy Earth Moving Machinery will include 0.9 m3 shovels, 20 tonnes capacity dumpers, Dozer etc.

BLASTING Deep-hole drilling and blasting will be done for excavating the overburden in hanging wall and foot wall. Soapstone zone is dug by the excavator itself. Interburden, if any, will be excavated by jack-hammer drilling and blasting. Drilling Major chunk of drilling in benches will be done with wagon-drill fitted with DTH hammer. The diameter of the hole drilled is 100 mm. Since the height of benches is 6 m, the depth of drilling will be 6.6 m taking 10% as sub-grade drilling to avoid toe of benches. Spacing and burden will be 3.5 m and 3 m., respectively. Drilling in side burden and secondary blasting will be done by jack-hammers. The holes will be of 36 mm diameter and with a maximum depth of 1.5 m that would meet the requirement of drilling. Spacing and burden of short holes will be 1.0 m and 0.8 m., respectively. Short holes with Jack- hammer will be done for secondary blasting also. Blasting Pattern Blasting is most important job since it dislodges in-situ material and helps to extract overburden and mineral easily. In Chanavada Mine deep-hole blasting is adopted in over burden benches and small diameter hole blasting is adopted in mineralised zone. Details are described below:- Type of Explosive At present, the practice of deep-hole drilling that uses cap-sensitive explosive as base charge and Ammonium Nitrate - Fuel Oil as column charge, has been adopted. Primer charges would be 25% of the total charge. In small dia. holes only Nitro-Glycerene based explosive SG90 and slurry explosives are used. This practice will be continued in the next five years. Type of explosives and accessories to be used in Chanavada Mine and their specifications are given below: For large dia holes (Deep Holes) Name of Explosive Length * Diameter * Weight Remarks Power blast 400 mm 83 mm 2.78 kg Primer Nitrate Mix 400 mm 83 mm 2.78 kg Slurry expl. ANFO In prilled form Prilled AN is mixed With Diesel oil For small dia holes Nitrate Mix 200 mm 25 mm 125 gm NG based

Extend of Mechanization

Machine Num. of Capacity Motive power Proposed machine J/H Drill 1 14-15 m/ hr. Compressed air 1 Wagon drill 1 14-15 m/ hr Compressed air 1 Compressor 1 450 cfm. Diesel 1

Excavator 2 0.9 m3 Diesel 1 Tipper 3 25 MT Diesel 3

JCB Loader 1 0.5 M3 Diesel -

Water Tanker 1 10 KL Diesel -

3.6 Availability of water its source, energy/power requirement and source :

Total water requirement in the mine will be about 7.0 KLD for drinking, spraying and plantation. water will available from nearby Dugwell and Tankers from outside well. Detail of water requirement in KLD is given below:

Present Future

1. Dust Suppression – 3.0 6.0 2. Drinking – 2.5 2.5 3. Green belt – 1.5 1.5 Total – 7.0 10 Diesel for trucks/equipment – about 1500 Lt. per day is assumed to be consumed. Diesel will be brought from outside, from nearby diesel pumps. Electricity will be required at mine site, A 5KW domestic connection is taken at mine site. A 100 HP Elec Compressor is also proposed and the power connection of 200 HP will be procured accordingly.

3.7 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their management /disposal:

Top Soil – Top soil is lying over the OB. During OB excavation intermix soil shall also generate which will be stacked separately.

Overburden/waste – OB is lying near pillar A & North Westside of lease area. Mineral Reject – The thickness of mineral waste/OB varying is 0.5 – 3.0m. The Rock fragments of small size are also resulted after mining. The yearly generation of waste is tabulated below: Years Waste to be removed I 332043.60 II 464316.16 III 465405.92 IV 444598.56 V 730738.96 Total 2437103.20

Selection of waste rock Dump Site It is the non-mineralized zone & outside the UPL. The topography is favorable for dumping. The area is sufficient for long term use. Stacking of OB – Top soil/OB is lying over the mineral, it is proposed to stack the rejects temporarily at the sites shown in the layout plan.

Method of Dumping: The dumping would be done by end tipping method while making terraces of 10m. in height and 10 m. in width with slope of 45°. The old dump yard already accommodated 5,00,000 MT of waste by making one terraces of 10m. each, it can accommodate further more waste of lease boundary. The total area of the old dump would be about 1.45 Hect. In the present 5 years proposal the total waste generation is 2437103.20 MT requiring space of 24370 sq.mts. for disposal. The proposed new dump area is 2.437 Hect. having total capacity to accumulate 3,00,000 MT of waste by making four terraces of 10 m. each. So the waste generated during the proposed five years will have sufficient space for its disposal. As already stated that the dumping would be done by end tipping method in which two terraces of 10 x 10 m. The four terraces of same dimension at 480, 490, 500 and 510 mRL are proposed to be formed in new dumping area.

3.8 Resource Optimization/Recycling and Reuse Envisaged In the Project, If any, Should Be Briefly Outlet: Not applicable.

3.9 Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely Source, Marketing Area of Final Products, Mode of Transport of Raw Material and Finished Product.

The project will itself generate raw material i.e mineral Soapstone and proposed production is 200000 tones/annum.

3.10 Schematic Representations Of The Feasibility Drawing Which Give Information Of EIA Purpose:

Layout Plan & Conceptual Plan is enclosed which gives schematic representation of Mineral Exploration, Mining, Ultimate Pit Limit, Disposal of waste and Post Mining land use pattern.

4.0 SITE ANALYSIS The lease areas is for mineral Soapstone which is suitable for use in Insecticides and Paper industry, it is site specific as it is an existing mine since 1970.

4.1 Connectivity: Connectivity details from Project Site:

Sr. No. Particulars Details The lease area is located at a distance of 1 1. Road Connectivity km from Chanavada village and Udaipur is 48 km far from the lease area. 2. Nearest Highway N.H.-8 is 4 km in W. Nearest Railway Rishabhdeo road (16 Km away from Mines 3. Station towards S) 4. Nearest Airport Dabok (Udaipur) 73 km in N.

4.2. Land form, land use and land ownership The lease area is Govt. waste land, Ag. land and Diverted Forest land. The northern and north–west part is occupied by small NE-SW trending hill with a gentle slope towards south-west with little undulations. Major portion of the area is occupying central & southern portion is partially rocky and partially soil covered. S. Type of land Area in hectare No. 1. Diverted forest land 24.630 2. Agriculture land 0.645 3. Government land 58.216 Total 83.491

4.3 Topography:

The area in general is very much rugged, the competent quartzite form conspicuous strike hills, dolomite lower and the schist's afford low ground. The ridges and nallas strictly followed the general strike N-S to N10° E.

In the western portion, it forms a part of long hill ranges trending almost N to S which further north, in Zawar-Partappura, take on abrupt turn and resume trend SEE. The general slope of the hill range is about 35° to 60° westerly with its top flat.

Above the general level around Chanavada village, and the hill gradually lowers down upto 460 mts. above M.S.L. at it's northern end. The hill is comprised fo quartzite with the western slope formed by overlying chlorite schist's and the nalla which flow along the western foot of the ridge, it follows the stratigraphical condition.

4.4 Existing Land use Pattern The lease area is a mixture of waste land Ag. land and diverted Forest land.

Present Land use pattern within the Lease is given below:

Particulars Present( Hect) Pits 8.17 Dumps 1.4529 Road & building 1.256 Plantation 0.7729

Water storage 0.0 Remaining land 71.8392

Total 83.491

4.5 Existing Infrastructure A Office and Rest room is constructed in the lease area. Chanavada village is 1 km. away from the Mine. A well have also been dug by lessee in the lease area for drinking water. Electricity is available from AVVNL for domestic use at the Mine area and for Water pumps in the well . No electricity is used in mining operation. Communication is by Mobile phones.

4.6 Soil / rock classification

Soil and soapstone are present in the area. The major rock types in the area are Soapstone.

4.6.1 Description of the rocks units within the lease area:


The mining lease area is located 62 km by road from Udaipur and falls in part of Survey of India Toposheet no.45 H/11. It forms a part of the western upright limb of the inverted anticline in the folded lower most unit of beds of upper hills Archean super group’s quartzite covering the Banded Gneissic Complex of Sarara inlier . Ultrabasic veins along the SI cleavage planes of this foliated quartzite were metamorphosed to give rise to soapstone and further affected by later 3 folding.This quartzite form height hill ridge all- round the Sarara inlier and West of Chanavada village its dip is about 600 to 700 westerly, the lower massive quartzite form escarpment on dip slope and the foliated quartzite lying west of it forms comparative less slope and then schists even less. Chanavada area forms the southern part of the central sector of the rocks of Archean Aravali Super group syncline of Rajasthan. In the region the rocks contain carbonates and thus are shelf deposits.

The generalized succession of rocks from Chanavada in east, through Parsad which is about 8 km south of Chanavada (in which the same rocks occur), to Pipalwara in West are tabulated below in the table, which has been modified by different workers and by GSI:-

Super Group Groups Formation Rocks Intrusives Ultrabasics Chlorite schist Tidi -Phyllite, Dolomite with Quartzite Machlamagra -Phyllite, Quartzite, Quartz Upper Udaipur -Graywacks, Schist etc. Shishmagra -Quartzite, Arkose Conglomerate

------Carbonaceous Phyllite/ Schist

Jhamarkotra Quartzite, Conglomerate Archean Udaipur Lower Delwara Volcanic Tuff, Dolomite Quartzite, Conglomerate

Bhilwara B.G.C. Granite, Pegmatites, super group Gneisses, Amphibolites

Local Geology The litho-units occurring in the lease area can be summarized as -Alluvium -Phyllites & Dolomites - Chlorite Schist -Quartzites

Lithological Description:- i) PHYLLITES AND DOLOMITES This is hard, compact, fine to medium grained, light greyish, white to light grey in colour and crystalline and bedded or sheeted, because of joints at closer intervals parallel to the bedding planes .

(ii) QUARTZITE Quartzite is hard, brittle, both bedded and massive, light reddish, white to reddish or pinkish coloured. At some places, it is greyish coloured, reddish and pinkish quartzites are generally seen on ridge of the hill. It is fine to medium grained. Bedded quartzite breaks in tabular shape, whereas massive quartzite breaks in conchoidal shape.

(iii) Soapstone

Soapstone is the single major economic mineral found so far. It is soft, friable, and greyish to white in colour.


As usual there are 3 types of seasons, (1) Summer, (2) Rainy and (3) Winter in this region. Summer season during March - June is very hot and temperature rises up to 45° C. Rainy season is neither hot nor cold. Only due to cold breeze coming from Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea following the depression of pressure the temperature goes down from 30 C to 20 C. Winter season (Dec – Jan) is very cold with minimum temperature of 2 0C. Rains are nearly 60-70 cm. annually. General wind direction is S-W to N-E., N-E to S-W directions of winds indicates heavy rain fall. Relative humidity varies from 20% - 65%. Average wind velocity is 5 km/h.

4.8 SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE The basic infrastructure already exists in the lease area like office, store, and shelter for the workers. A first aid station will also be constructed and maintained. Drinking water will be brought from the nearby water source.

An approved ANFO mixing shed shall be provided near the site of magazine. Communication services like post office and telephones are available in the nearby village. Some of the villagers are having mobile phones.


5.1 Planning Concept: It is a mining project of mineral Soapstone. The proposed production of is 200000 TPA. Opencast, mechanized method of mining will be adopted and transportation of mineral shall be done through road by trucks.

5.2 Man Power requirement: Man power requirement for mining is estimated to be 150 Nos. Most of the employees will be recruited from neighboring village.

5.3 Land use Planning: Land use pattern is given below:- Particulars Present Position at the Position at the (Hect) end of 5th year end of mine (Hect) ( Hect) Pits 8.17 13.97 0.0 Dumps 1.4529 3.8899 2.9440 Road & building 1.256 1.256 1.0189 Plantation 0.7729 1.23 3.9428 Water storage 0.0 0.0 29.6503 Remaining land 71.8392 63.136 45.9350

Total 83.491 83.491 83.491

 At the end of mine total 3.9428 hect. area will be covered under plantation , 29.6503 hect area of pit will be converted as water reservoir. 5.4 Facilities Provided:

5.4.1 Infrastructure The infrastructure required is office, store, and shelter for workers which already exist at the mine site. For drinking, water will be brought from the tube well in the lease area & this water is potable. Most workers will be from nearby villages so no accommodation at mine site will be required.

5.4.2 Landscaping and Green Belt Development

Year Proposed plantation Area in hect. No. of saplings I 0.4 200

II 0.4 200

III 0.4 200

IV 0.4 200

V 0.4 200 Total 2.0 1000

5.4.3 Health and safety System During the opencast working, and allied activities, all the precautionary measures shall be taken into account as per MMR 1961 and MCDR 1988 for safety and security.

Following Safety & security measures will be enforced;  Moving front of the quarry shall have temporary fencing.  Permanent fencing will be provided where quarry has reached the ultimate pit limit.  Mine entrance will have a permanent check post and record shall be maintained of all persons / vehicles entering the mine area.  Round the clock security arrangement shall be provided to prevent inadvertent entry of persons.

5.4.4 Disaster Management and Risk Assessment Inspite of following all the precautionary measures and following all safety rules, regulations and procedures, in mining accidents cannot be ruled out completely. The Project Proponent will formulate a Disaster Management Plan with the approval of DGMS. Following are the accidents which can take place in mechanised opencast mining and measures proposed to be taken.  Failure of Benches.  Fall of human beings or fall of machines from benches/ dumps/haul roads.  Due to drilling / blasting and handling of explosives.  Fire & Explosion in machinery. Preventive Measures:  Creating berm on the side of benches /haul roads.  Fire fighting equipment in the machinery/ workshop/ office will be maintained. Persons will be trained and mock rehearsal will be conducted.  Training of security personnel.  Procedures as laid down in Disaster Management Plan to be followed. Training;  Persons will be trained in use of Chemicals and protective equipment, fire fighting equipment, Training in first aid as per Mines Rules 1955 Emergency Equipment & Facilities:  Mobiles.  Fire fighting equipment's  Other protective equipment’s i.e. goggles, helmet, face shield, hand gloves, safety belts, barricade tape. First Aid station as per the provisions of Mines Rules 1955.


S.NO Details 1 Mining Area 83.491 hectares. 2 Residential Area Not Applicable 3 Connectivity The lease area is located at a distance of 4 km. from Chanavada Village and 8 km from and Udaipur is 48 km far from the lease area. 4 Green Belt 200 sapling will be planted per year. 5 Water 7.0 KLD, Source- Water will be supplied by Management Tankers from outside the lease area . 6 Power Proposed 200 KW elec. Connection for Management mining activities. 7 Waste Water Domestic and office effluent will be treated in individual septic tanks. 8 Solid Waste The undersized Soapstone will be stacked in Management the mine. It will be stacked on the pit floor in the mined out area. 9 Hazardous waste N.A. Management

7. REHABILITATION & RESETTLEMENT PLAN Since the project site is a mixture of Government waste land and diverted forest land and there is no reserves forest or protected forest land within the lease area. There is no village or hutments within the lease area. R&R is not applicable to this project.

8. PROJECT SCHEDULE 8.1 Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (time schedule for the project to be given) This is an existing project.

8.2 Project Cost Estimation Estimated Project Cost with the proposed production is Rs 500 Lacs. (A) Capital investment A site office, store & First Aid Station = Rs. 1,000,000/- Machineries HEMM = Rs 45,000,000/- Financial assurance = Rs. 4, 00,000/- PMCP = Rs. 2,00,000 /- Social fund & activities = Rs. 1,000,000/- EMP = Rs. 15,00,000/- Miscellaneous = Rs. 9,00,000/- Total cost = Rs. 500,00,000/- (B) Operational cost- The mineral Soapstone will be mined from the lease area and the cost of per ton of mining will be app. Rs. 900/- per tonne.

8.3 Economic Viability The anticipated cost of mining is Rs. 900/- per ton. Average sale value is Rs. 1000/- per ton for lower grade (insecticide grade) and Rs. 2000/- per ton for high grade (paper grade). The Soapstone will be used for captive use in the company’s grinding unit at Udaipur and finished product in a powdered form has its wide range of uses in paper industry and other chemical industries.


Project will create direct & indirect employment opportunities within the surrounding region. Unit will use good faith efforts to employ local people from the nearby villages depending upon the availability of skilled & un- skilled man-power surrounding the project site. In operation phase, the proposed project would require significant workforce of non-technical and technical persons. Migration of highly education and skilled experience will result in increase of literacy in the surrounding villages. In addition, the proposed expansion of project shall enhance the prospects of employment. Assessment of the potential socioeconomic benefits during mining focused primarily on work force requirements, acquisition of supplies, and the temporary increased demand for services related to the mining project like food, housing, communications, law enforcement, medical care, local transportation etc. Due to these, additional revenue to local suppliers for required products and services related to the construction and operation phases of the project will generate. Thus, mining activities will provide numerous new, although temporary, work opportunities for both skilled and unskilled labor, as well as contribute significantly to the local economy. Additional government revenue expected from royalty, taxes, duties and other fees. An added benefit to the proposed project will result in considerable growth of stimulating the industrial and commercial activities in the state. Small

and medium scale industries may be further developed as a consequence. ------********------