Together We Will: Agudah Convention Program

November 20, 2017

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A question I avoid

November 20, 2017

I’m often asked, “Which state has the best school voucher/scholarship program in the country?” It’s an impossible question to answer so I avoid it. I even created a chart (below) just to avoid answering that question.

The chart, which we updated this week, compares the different scholarship programs in states with Orthodox Jewish day schools. There are more than 50 scholarship programs in more than 25 states and there is no perfect program or even a “best” program. Download (PDF, 863KB)

For example, Illinois just enacted a scholarship tax credit program which has one of the most generous scholarship amounts per child, but not everyone will be eligible and not every eligible child is guaranteed to receive a scholarship (which is why parents should contact our Illinois office and make sure to apply early). Other programs have smaller scholarship amounts, but have no cap on the number of students or include more generous income limits. So the real question is, what program is best for your child?

…and if you have found a school that works best for your child, share your story and enter the school choice video contest to win $15,000.

In Congress, the Taylor Force ACT passed unanimously out of committee which we commended. The House passed a tax plan yesterday that makes many changes to the current tax code, while the Senate prepares to vote on its version. Agudath Israel is closely following the constantly changing tax plans and together with tax experts reviewing the bill to analyze how it may affect Orthodox families and institutions.

Next weekend is our annual convention highlighting the theme “Together We Will.” While the hotel rooms are sold out, sessions are open to all. If you can’t join us in person, make sure to follow us live on our website:

Echoing the Theme of Together We Will, Agudah Opens Weekday Convention Sessions to the Public

November 20, 2017

After endless hours of planning and months of preparation, the eagerly awaited 95th annual convention of Agudath Israel of America is about to unfold with a full schedule of programming featuring prominent speakers who will be joining the convention from all across the globe. While the convention is completely sold out, numerous sessions are open to the public who are invited to join the landmark event in person at the Crowne Plaza Stamford or through the Agudah’s dedicated Livestream.

Programming begins on Thursday afternoon promptly at 4:45 PM with a pair of concurrent sessions. Yitzchok Pindrus, Deputy Mayor of Yerushalayim, and Rabbi Avi Schnall, Agudath Israel of America’s New Jersey director, will offer an in depth look at managing reactions as existing Jewish communities continue to spread beyond their borders. Also on the agenda is a session on future leadership with Boruch Ber Bender, president, Achiezer, Rabbi Yehuda Kaszirer, executive director, Bikur Cholim of Lakewood, Yisroel Besser, contributing editor, Mishpacha Magazine, and Charlie Harary, a highly regarded lecturer and business executive.

At 6 PM, sessions will address maintaining our standards of ruchniyus in today’s distraction-filled world, adapting business strategies in our personal lives and learning to recognize the signs of at-risk behavior. Featured speakers will include Rabbi Mordechai Becher, senior lecturer, Gateways, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman, Mashgiach Ruchani, Ohr HaChaim, Rabbi Ilan Meirov, director, Chazaq, Charlie Harary, Naftali Horowitz, managing director, JP Morgan, Rabbi Shmuel Berkovic, S’gan Menahel, Ketana of Passaic, Yaakov Bess, a Minyan Shelanu volunteer and Dr. Shloime Zimmerman, a clinical psychologist and Amudim board member.

The highly anticipated Thursday night keynote session will begin promptly at 7:30 PM with Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rosh HaYeshiva,Yeshiva Gedola of Philadelphia, and Rabbi Elya Brudny, , ’s Mirrer Yeshiva, delving into the convention theme of Together We Will. The keynote session will also include remarks by Rabbi Dovid Schnell, convention co- chairman and president emeritus, Agudath Israel of Illinois.

Programming will continue at 10 PM with additional timely topics. Rabbi Shlomo Lewenstein of Lakewood, Dr. David Lieberman, a well known author, speaker and consultant, and Rabbi Avi Neuberger, Rav, Congregation Shaarei Tefillah in New Hempstead, will offer important insights to making successful shidduchim. Rabbi Eliezer Feuer, Rav of Young Israel of Bayswater and Rabbi Paysach Krohn, noted author, lecturer and mohel, will address managing emotional distress, both in ourselves and in others. An open Q&A session moderated by Yisroel Besser featuring Rabbi Brudny and Rabbi Mordechai Respler, Rosh Yeshiva, Mesivta of Long Beach, will also take place during the same time slot as will the Agudah Live broadcast with Rabbi Avi Schnall and Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Agudath Israel of Illinois’ director of government affairs, featuring interviews, a session recap and other contemporary issues throughout the convention.

A short Friday still leaves times for plenty of morning enlightenment and the first group of concurrent sessions will kick off at 9:45 AM. Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe, Dr. Irving Lebovics, Agudath Israel of California’s president, and Rabbi Yitzchok Pindrus will take a look at ongoing clashes that threaten to undermine the integrity of Eretz Yisroel, while Rabbi Mordechai Becher and Rabbi Ari Neuwirth, Menahel, Mesivta Derech HaTorah will talk about infusing our yiddishkeit with new energy. A second round of sessions will follow at 11 AM, with Rabbi Dr. David Fox, a forensic and clinical psychologist, Rabbi Doniel Frank, a marriage and family therapist, and Rabbi Yaaov Robinson, executive director of Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Rabbanim and Rav, Beis Medrash Mikor HaChaim, will offer insights into the many facets of shalom bayis at any stage of marriage. Rabbi Eliezer Feuer, Rabbi Avi Hoffman of Westchester’s Jewish Renaissance Experience and Rabbi Akiva Tendler, Associate Rav, Khal Zichron Mordechai in Monsey, will talk about reaching out to individuals on the fringes of our communities during the same time period.

After an inspiring Shabbos filled with Divrei Torah, ruach, zemiros and more, regular sessions will resume once again on Motzei Shabbos at 7:15. Topics to be tackled will include ensuring opportunities for Limud Torah, understanding how the alt right- alt left movement affects the Jewish community and creating a proper balance between the ideal and the real in Jewish family dynamics. Featured speakers will include Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon, Rav, Khal Bnai Torah, Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Aderes HaTorah, Yitzchok Wagner, Rosh Chabura, Kinyan Hamesechta, Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel’s vice president for federal affairs and Washington director and counsel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, Agudath Israel’s director of public affairs, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudath Israel’s director of governmental relations, Rabbi Robinson and Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, Menahel, Ohr Naava, Ateres Naava and Bnot Chaya Academy for Girls.

The highlight of the convention, the Motzei Shabbos keynote session, will take place at 8:30 PM and will feature the Novominsker Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Meor Yitzchok in Monsey, Shia Markowitz, CEO of Agudath Israel of America, Rivie Schwebel, convention chairman and Agudah board of trustees member, and an audio- visual presentation titled We did. We do. We will!

The convention will close out with an inspiration filled Sunday morning, beginning with a 9:30 breakfast symposium on the benefits of working together moderated by Rabbi A.D. Motzen, national director for state relations. Joining Rabbi Motzen will be a full panel of well known names including Rabbi Abba Cohen and Agudah regional directors, Rabbi Yitz Frank, Rabbi Moshe Matz, Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Rabbi Avi Schnall, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber and Rabbi Shlomo Soroka. The symposium will be followed at 10:15 by the convention’s final concurrent sessions featuring Rabbi Daniel Mechanic, director of Project Chazon, and Rabbi Chaim Veshnefsky, director, Yesodei Hadas, speaking about strengthening emunah and Boruch Ber Bender, Jacob Rosenberg, founder and partner, Bernath and Rosenberg, and Shia Markowitz addressing the many financial difficulties faced by today’s middle class.

The closing keynote session on the alarming problem of addiction in our community will take place at 11:30 AM. The session will be moderated by Rabbi Labish Becker, executive director of Agudath Israel of America and will feature Rabbi Dr. David Fox, Rabbi Yosef Viener, Rav of Congregation Shaar Shomayim in Wesley Hills, and Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein.

In addition to the three keynote sessions, the fourteen concurrent weekday sessions and the Sunday breakfast symposium, there will also be several women’s-only sessions that are open to the public, both in person and via Livestream. Mrs. Zehava Farbman, associate director, Project Chai, and Mrs. Debbie Fox, director, Magen Yeladim International, will speak on Thursday night at 7 PM at a special shul rebbetzins’ session and again at a 9:45 Friday morning session on dealing with trauma prevention and reaction. Dr. Aviva Biberfeld, a licensed clinical psychologist, educator and lecturer, will be joined by Dr. David Lieberman, noted author and speaker, in a discussion on nurturing relationships with difficult people on Friday morning at 11 AM. These are in addition to the many sessions that are geared towards women that will take place over Shabbos.

Other goings on during the convention will include daily Daf Yomi and Yarchei Kallah shiurim, the annual directors’ meeting of Pirchei Agudath Israel of America, a meeting of the Agudah’s Maryland delegation, the Bnos Agudath Israel leadership event, a closed session of the Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudath Israel of America and a Sunday morning Agudah Women of America breakfast.

“With the convention just hours away, we are extremely excited to be able to invite the public to join us in what is sure to be an unforgettable event,” said Shlomo Werdiger, chairman of the board at Agudath Israel of America. “Whether you are joining us as a convention guest, are coming to enjoy sessions in person, or are tuning in online, we are elated to be able to share the unique inspiration of an Agudah convention with you in any way we can.”

VIDEO: Parshas Toldos 5778- Rabbi Labish Becker

November 20, 2017

To listen and download audio, click here.

Agudath Israel Commends House Committee on Taylor Force Act

November 20, 2017 Agudath Israel of America, a national Orthodox Jewish organization, commends the members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee for unanimously reporting out the Taylor Force Act, bipartisan legislation that will, among other things, terminate the current practice of providing payments to terrorists and their families.

The action by the House Committee is a meaningful step forward in the U.S. fight to combat terrorism. Providing aid to a regime, the Palestinian Authority, that rewards and glorifies murder against innocents casts a shadow on our nation’s commitment to that fight. It does more than “send the wrong message” – it indirectly provides material support to these nefarious acts. The House Committee has declared that this is intolerable.

We congratulate Reps. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Lee Zeldin (R-NY) for sponsoring this important bill, and thank Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY) for their leadership in moving it forward.

Agudath Israel of America: “Jewish Pluralism” Undermines True Jewish Unity

November 20, 2017

In advance of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s address to the Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly, that group passed a resolution on “Jewish pluralism” in Israel, opposing a bill to enshrine a single conversion standard in the country and asserting that the Israeli Government’s decision to freeze an agreement about the Western Wall has “deep potential to divide the Jewish people.”

It is sadly ironic, although not surprising, that leaders of heterodox movements that have in fact undermined true Jewish unity and continuity by inviting intermarriage and breaking away from the Jewish religious heritage have of late been lecturing others about Jewish unity.

More disappointing still are the unity-cries of the Jewish Federation movement. The historic role of Jewish federations has been to provide support and solace for disadvantaged or endangered Jews and to mobilize the community to come to Israel’s aid when it is threatened. Taking sides in religious controversies anywhere, and certainly in Israel, egregiously breaches the boundaries of that role.

The Jewish Federations of North America, moreover, has traditionally sought to represent all of American Jewry, but here it entirely ignores the feelings of the substantial and growing American Orthodox community.

The Reform and Conservative movements, despite their great efforts over decades, have few adherents in Israel. Most of their members do not visit or settle in Israel, nor do they visit the Western Wall in large numbers. And yet their leaders seem prepared to offend the religious sensibilities of their Orthodox brethren, who regularly visit and move to Israel, and who come to the Kotel to pour out their hearts to G-d there. A holy place should not be balkanized, nor wielded as a tool to advance partisan social goals.

And the patchwork of standards for conversion that exist in America has created an Ameican Jewish landscape where those who respect halacha as the ultimate arbiter of personal status cannot know who is in fact Jewish. Creating in Israel a multiplicity of “Jewish peoples,” as is the tragic reality in America, would not foster unity but its opposite.

To our dear Jewish brothers and sisters, we say: Please do not push for changes at the Kotel that will only cause discord and pain to the vast majority of Jews who worship there. And please realize that the conversion standards that have ensured Jewish unity for millennia are the only ones that can preserve it for the future.

Generations in the Spotlight at Bnos Agudath Israel National Leadership Convention in Baltimore

November 20, 2017 Bnos leaders inspired by helpful tips and chizuk at Bnos Agudath Israel National Leadership Convention

A record number of Bnos Agudas Yisroel leaders gathered in Baltimore this past Shabbos for the national Bnos Leadership convention, enjoying a fabulous weekend offering motivational messages, hands-on tips and a golden opportunity to connect with their peers nationwide.

The theme of this year’s annual convention was Shalsheles, imbuing each of the more than 400 high-schoolers in attendance with the critical understanding that they are part of a chain stretching back to pre-World War II Europe that continues proudly today, extending onwards to the future. Bnos leaders came from more than 30 cities, with some traveling from as far away as Denver and Los Angeles to take part in the national event.

The weekend began on Thursday night with Bnos’ Baltimore director, Mrs. Chanie Steinharter, welcoming everyone to the convention. Bnos Yisroel High School principal Mrs. Libby Spero led Tehillim and Bnos Agudath Israel’s national director, Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, welcomed the girls warmly. They also enjoyed two choshuve speakers: Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rav of Agudath Israel of Baltimore and Rabbi Yechiel Spero, author of the Touched by a Story book series. A video presentation exploring the theme of Shalsheles was followed by an icebreaker game and round robin workshops that sparked ideas for running successful Bnos groups.

Friday dawned brisk and chilly, but the Bnos leaders sprang into action, spending the morning at Stratosphere Trampoline Park and hearing dance Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rav, Agudath Israel of Baltimore instructor Michelle Penn share how she gave up a professional career to become a baalas teshuva. The convention ushered Shabbos in on a high note, with a heartfelt davening followed by a ruach-filled seuda at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion. The heartwarming words of Bais Yaakov of Baltimore principal Rabbi Yitzchak Sanders told the girls that they are each an essential link in the chain of our mesorah. Capping off the night was a panel discussion, an oneg Shabbos and a special choir performance.

Shabbos day was filled with beautiful meals, achdus and inspiration. A panel discussion led by Mrs. Gittie Horowitz and Ms. Leah Wolf addressed dealing with problems that can crop up during a Bnos group. Bais Yaakov of Baltimore principal, Rabbi Naftoli Hexter, praised the girls’ dedication and declared that they are planting the seeds for the future of klal yisroel with every Shabbos group they lead.

A Motzei Shabbos melava malka offered a final opportunity to soak up the wonderful atmosphere of the convention, with the girls enjoying music and dancing as well as uplifting words from Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, director of Agudath Israel of Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region.

More than three days spent enjoying the company of their peers and polishing their skills, Bnos leaders are able to take the practical advice and heartfelt encouragement that they absorbed over the weekend home with them and share them with their fellow local Bnos leaders, transmitting the convention’s lessons to thousands of others. Equally important, noted Mrs. Hass, is that the national convention gives Bnos leaders concrete proof that they are part of a much greater whole – Bnos Agudath Israel of America.

“When a leader from Monsey sees a leader from Denver, who sees a leader from Montreal, who sees a leader from Edison, all of them realize that they are part of something bigger and greater and that enables good Bnos leaders to become the best Bnos leaders.”

Uplifting, Energizing and Unforgettable: Shabbos at the Agudah Convention a Can’t-Miss Experience

November 20, 2017 With a roster of special guests, a lineup of inspiring speakers, a palpable sense of kedusha and a spirit of achdus beyond compare, guests at the 95th annual convention of Agudath Israel of America will find themselves enjoying a truly memorable Shabbos.

From a Friday afternoon Toameha to the final notes of the ruach filled Melava Malka, the convention will be elevated to new heights during the most special day of the week, with a full array of heartwarming zemiros, meaningful drashas and sumptuous meals to enhance the true Shabbos spirit. The Friday night program will include a drasha by Rabbi Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshiva, Mirrer Yeshiva, who will be introduced by Shlomo Werdiger, Chairman of Agudah’s Board of Trustees. This will be followed by an Oneg Shabbos featuring Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, Rosh HaYeshiva, Meor Yitzchok of Monsey. There will also be special inspiration by Rabbi Mordechai Becher, senior lecturer, Gateways, and concurrent sessions on addressing difficult issues with young adults, creating a culture of walking with Hashem and acquiring a greater appreciation for Shabbos.

Shabbos day will be packed with nourishment for both the body and the soul, with multiple minyanim and kiddushim. The davening will be graced by a drasha delivered by Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, Rosh HaYeshiva, and member of the Moetzes Gedorlei HaTorah. A pair of mini keynote sessions, delivered by Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, Rav, Chofetz Chaim Torah Center; Rabbi Henoch Plotnik, Rav, Bais Tefila, Chicago; and Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rav, Agudath Israel of Flatbush; will discuss discovering every individual’s ability to improve the world, while concurrent sessions throughout the day will highlight preparing for shidduchim, dealing with difficult family issues and creating partnerships between schools and homes in addition to a special Q&A session with Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia and member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. As always, the pinnacle of an already stellar Shabbos will be three concurrent men’s Shalosh Seudos meals. The English program will feature drashas by Rabbi , Rosh HaYeshiva, , Baltimore and member, Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah; Rabbi Yeshoshua Eichenstein, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yad Aharon, Yerushalayim. The Yiddish program will feature drashas by Rabbi Yosef Frankel, Vyelopolor Rebbe, and member, Moetzes Gedoeli HaTorah; Rabbi Kamenetzky and Rabbi Aron Weinberg, Magid Shiur, Khal Yismach Moshe Nirbater. The Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative will have its own program will include drashas by Rabbi Plotnik, and Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Aderes HaTorah, Yerushalyim.

Slovie Jungreis Wolff will be the speaker at the women’s kabbalas Shabbos and Rebbetzin Yael Kaisman will speak at the women’s Shalosh Seudos. They will also participate in a Friday night Q & A on contemporary issues, together with Rebbetzin Leah Feldman. The women’s Shabbos program will be rounded out with a session with Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. Leba Schwebel on Strengthening Ourselves to Strengthen Others.

As Shabbos gives way to another week, the convention’s energy will continue late into the night with an evening full of programming. There will be concurrent sessions on finding opportunities for Torah study, understanding the impact of the alt-right /alt-left movements and creating a proper balance between the ideal and the real in Jewish family dynamics. The Novominsker Rebbe will honor the convention with what is sure to be a powerful keynote session, followed by a special audio visual presentation and addresses given by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president, Agudath Israel, Rabbi Wachsman, and Shia Markowitz, chief executive officer, Agudath Israel. The session will be chaired by Rivie Schwebel, convention chairman and member of Agudath Israel’s board of trustees.

Convention co-chairman Rabbi Dovid Schnell, President Emeritus, Agudath Israel of Illinois and member of Agudath Israel’s board of trustees, described Shabbos at the Agudah convention as an unparalleled experience.

“The ruach that you feel and knowing that everyone is coming together b’lev achas is truly unique,” said Rabbi Schnell. “Being able to sit in a room and to spend Shabbos with so many gedolim, rabbonim and roshei yeshiva is a golden opportunity to learn how to handle situations, how to approach issues and to make important connections, especially for those who live out of town.” The nearly hundred year long tradition of having an annual Agudah gathering imbues the convention with a rich historical perspective, one that is important to pass on to the next generation, noted Rabbi Schnell.

“Understanding that the Agudah began with asifos with the Chofetz Chaim and the Gerrer Rebbe, and through the generations has included gedolim like Rav , Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky, Rabbi Yaakov Ruderman and others, is extremely important,” said Rabbi Schnell. “Knowing that at any Agudah convention things of tremendous toeles can come out that can be of significant practical help to klal yisroel is part of what makes the convention so special.”

Thank you for your service

November 20, 2017 Today is Veteran’s Day in the US. Words cannot express our gratitude for those who have risked their lives to protect our freedoms. So if you, or a family member has served in the military, thank you for your service.

This week’s also marked the conclusion of another election cycle.

Agudath Israel’s New Jersey director, Rabbi Avi Schnall with New Jersey Governor elect, Phil Murphy

Agudath Israel of America congratulates all those who earned the vote of their constituents, and thanks those who are leaving at the end of this term for their public service. Agudath Israel’s government affairs team and lay leadership will be reaching out to incoming officials in the weeks and months ahead to see how we can work together on behalf of our constituents.


Agudath Israel of America has joined with ExcelInEd as a national co-sponsor of the “Choices in Education” video contest which will give families the chance to share their success stories with policymakers and the media. Go to for more details or respond to this email to receive a pdf of the contest rules. Videos must be between 45 and 120 seconds and the deadline to submit entries is December 1st.

TOPICS a) How educational choice made a difference in my life or

1. b) Why I need access to educational choice options.


3 Grand Prize Finalists – $15,000 cash prize 1 People’s Choice Finalist – $10,000 cash prize 3 Finalists – $5,000 cash prize

VIDEO: Parshas Chayei Sara 5778- Rabbi Labish Becker

November 20, 2017

To listen and download audio, click here.