
The Rangers Charity Foundation is delighted to bring you these workbooks, bursting with activities to help keep children’s minds active in a fun way, whilst we are all staying at home and staying safe. WHY NOT COLOUR ME IN? ACTIVITY WORKSHEETS WEEK 16 ? ÷

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The Rangers Charity Foundation is delighted to bring you these workbooks, bursting with activities to help keep children’s minds active in a fun way, whilst we are all staying at home and staying safe. Print me out or mark me up on your device, if you can. Or email 1. Football Spelling [email protected] and we’ll post you a copy! Can you highlight or circle the correct spelling for each of the words below? These are all words you might hear at a football match. Good luck!

1 staidium staydium stadium stadiom staddium stadiume

2 refferree refree referee reffere repheree refere

3 suportter supporter supportter suporter suppoarter suporeter

4 pennalty penallty penalty peanalty penaltie pennaltie

5 announcement anouncement anowncement announsement annoucement anounsemant

6 defencive defenseve defensive defensiv deffensive deffencive

7 ballance ballanse balance balanse ballince balince

8 celebration cellebration sellebration celabration cellabration celybration

2. Rangers True or False Quiz What you need: 10 marbles/coins or small sweets (or other small items you could use.) For this activity, you will need some help from one person in your home. They will ask you the following questions which all can be answered TRUE either true or false. You answer by putting your marbles/coins or sweets on True or False below. You can split your answer if you are unsure. For example, if you are not confident with the answer then you can put 5 on ‘true’ and 5 on ‘false’ or 7 and 3 or 6 and 4 etc. However, the tricky part is that you lose the marbles/coins or sweets which are on the wrong answer and the aim of the game is to get FALSE through all of the questions and still have as many marbles/coins or sweets left as possible. Good Luck!

1. Rangers and both play for Scotland. 2. made over 100 appearances for Rangers FC as a player. 3. Rangers play their home matches at Ibrox. 4. Rangers striker is Welsh. 5. is the highest scoring defender in the SPFL this season. 6. wears number 17 on the back of his Rangers shirt. 7. Rangers defenders Borna Barisic and Nikola Katic are both from Croatia.

8. has over 100 caps for Northern Ireland.

1 Answers: 1 1. stadium 2. referee 3. supporter 4. penalty 5. announcement 6. defensive 7. balance 8. celebration 8. balance 7. defensive 6. announcement 5. penalty 4. supporter 3. referee 2. stadium 1.

2 Answers: 2 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 8. T 7. F 6. T 5. F 4. T 3. F 2. F 1. 3. Healthy Lives WHY NOT Can you match the food groups and their benefits to the COLOUR ME IN? correct type of foods on the Eatwell plate?





Carbohydrates - These are the body's main source of energy, allowing you to train and play at your best.. Protein - This builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body, making you bigger and stronger.. Milk and Dairy - These provide the body with calcium which is important for your development and makes your bones and teeth stronger. Fruit and Veg - These provide important vitamins, minerals and fibre, which can help the digestive and immune systems. Oils and Spreads - These provide us with essential fatty acids and help us to absorb the fat

soluble vitamins.

2 Answers: 2 A. Fruit and Veg B. Carbohydrates C. Protein D. Oils and Spreads E. Milk and Dairy and Milk E. Spreads and Oils D. Protein C. Carbohydrates B. Veg and Fruit A. 4. Half-Time Maths Can you work out the answers based on the prices from some of football’s well-known half-time snacks?


Mince Pie £ 2.70 Soft Drink £1.50

Steak Pie £2.90 Hot Drink £1.65

Burger £3.50 Sweets/Crisps £0.90

1 How much would it cost to buy 2 burgers and a hot drink?

2 What is the most expensive item on the list and which is the cheapest?

3 Four friends are at a football match, they would each like a mince pie and 2 of the friends would like a soft drink. The other 2 friends would like a hot drink. What is the total cost?

4 Jordan has £10 with him. He wants to buy items for himself and his friend. He would like to buy 2 burgers and 2 hot drinks. Does he have enough money?

5 Gillian would like to buy 1 of every item. How much change would she have from a £20 note?

6 How many sweets/crisps would you need to buy to spend more than £10?

7 Linda has ten pounds. She buys two burgers. How many soft drinks can she buy with the change?

8 What is more expensive - 4 burgers or 5 steak pies? Answers: 1. £8.65 2. burger & sweets/crisps 3. £17.10 4. No 5. £6.85 6. 12 7. 2 8. 5 steak pies steak 5 8. 2 7. 12 6. £6.85 5. No 4. £17.10 3. sweets/crisps & burger 2. £8.65 1. Answers: Print me out or mark me up on your device, if you can. Or email [email protected] and we’ll post you a copy! 5. Your Dream Team

What 4 Rangers players would play along side you in your 5 aside dream team? You can pick current players or players from the past but make sure to play both them and you in your best position

Add your players to the pitch above. Write a sentence below beside each position to explain why you picked that player.

GK –




FW -

Completed by ______age ______

We’d love to see your completed worksheets, or images of the family enjoying them! If you’d like, you can share these on social media tagging @RFC_Charity and using #AFoundationFromHome.