New VP Position Filled by Brian Byrne
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c c Vol.11, Number 10 College at Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York September 28 - October 12, 1988 New VP Position Filled By Brian Byrne Resident Director Executive VP Cammarosano Resigns Mary Stephens at By Jennifer Berge negotiations for the renewal of two major union Former Director of Government Relations and contracts involving University employees from the Hotel Lucerne Urban Affairs Dr. Brian J. Byrne has been ap- the Local 153 and the Local 719, which took ap- pointed to the newly created office of Vice Presi- proximately seven weeks to settle. "I did not an- dent for Administration by University President ticipate coming into the job with the degree of Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J. The office of Ex- involvement that it look with the union negotia- ecutive Vice President, formerly held by Dr. tions, "he admitted. In addition, Byrne has had Lucerne Faces Discipline Issues Joseph R. Cammarosano, has been eliminated to begin to "put together the pieces of a capital following his resignation, effective July 1. program for each campus for the coming ydar. Currently on leave of absence working on . and lo continue a number of major projects USG President Involved in Incident "special projects" for the University. Byrne said thai are underway." he said, such as the con- and that was a problem," said Narciso, "but if By Melissa Harts that Cammarosano will return to the Economics tinued development of the CLC dormitory and people were of age then obviously [there wasn't]. The issue of students living in a non-exclusive Department at Fordham College as a professor the expansion of the McGinley Center at Rose She said that she had thought that I was drink- residence hall was recently brought into focus next Spring. Cammarosano could not be reach- Hill. ing but that she could have misunderstood." Nar- when USG President Joseph Narciso and several ed for comment. Byrne commented on the status of the Univer- ciso said that he does not drink alcoholic sity in general and some of its long-term pro- other Fordham students were written up for "Joe Cammarosano has been an outstanding beverages often and that he was not drinking at blems, saying. "We suffer from a kind of a hap- disturbing the mandatory quiet hours at the Hotel teacher and I think throughout his career - his the time of the incident. Elizabeth Jarvis declin- py dilemma in thai a lot of our problems - space Lucerne, located at West 79th Street and Amster- several careers here - as an administrator, he's ed to comment. problems, plant problems, facilities problems, dam Avenue. always put the classroom interests very much in Resident Director Mary Stephens said that are problems that reflect our growth rather than According to Narciso, a junior at CLC, the in- the front of his mind; so in a way. it doesn't sur- "this particular incident is being dealt with in problems that derive from a diminishment of the cident happened during first week of school. He prise me that he is now a teacher once again," said that the Resident Assistant on duty Elizabeth the same manner that similar incidences are be- institution.' said Byrne regarding Cammarosano's decision Byrne is succeded by his former assistant of Jarvis entered the room after a neighbor com- ing dealt with at other residential halls throughout to return to the professorate. three years Joseph P. Muriana. who is currently plained about the noise. He said that there were Fordham and also at other residential halls at According to Byrne, the duties of his new posi- in his final year at the School of Law. Muriana approximately twelve people in his room at the other universities." She stressed that students' tion will entail a combination of certain former briefly described the difference between being time including several other unidentified For- privacy should be protected and respected and responsibilities as well as some of those once per- the Assistant and the Director of the Office of dham students. that cases should be kept confidential by all formed by the Executive Vice President. He ex- Government Relations and,Urban Affairs, ex- "Elizabeth said that she saw beer in the room members-of the Residential Life staff. Stephens plained that while the Office of Government plaining. "I 'm expected to'do everything 1 can also said that she only agreed to an Observer in- Relations and Urban Affairs "still reports to to make sure that the interests of the University terview becase Narciso "made it public me", he is also responsible for the Physical Plant community are best represented as they can be knowledge when he agreed to talk to- The USG Plans operations, security operations, and "a grab bag at the levels of government as they need to be." Observer. In the future, I feel that disciplinary of other functions having to do with real estate "What I've tried lo do. because I have great cases should not be published in the paper." Semester's Eventsl development, city approvals, [and] leasing of- confidence in my successor, is to limit how much Stephens added that each of the approximate- fice space." is carried over, and on a day-lo-day basis, have By Claire M. Sheeran ly 200 students at the Hotel Lucerne is given a Byrne said that when he began as Vice Presi- Mr. Muriana take on most of the respon- Unification among CLC students is what the Residential Life handbook that explains the codes dent in July, he was immediately faced with sibilities." said Byrne about the transition. United Student Government hopes to achieve this continued on page 3 several important University issues, such as continued on page 5 year, according to USG Secretary Elizabeth Giar- dina. "This year we'd like to get a lot more in- volvement in the student government and stimulate interest in the school," stated Giardina Fordham Community Remembers Rose Hill RA in a recent interview. The Adult Student Coalition , a de facto By Suzanne Myron organization run by the USG, is planning ac- A memorial mass for Greg Aiosa, the second- tivities aimed toward the: non-traditional students year resident assistant who died on August 17 this Fall, such as an adult student party on on a camping trip sponsored by the Office of September 28 and a second party planned for Residential Life was held on September 8 at the sometime in November. There will also be a trip University Church. to Rose Hill for non-traditional students for the The mass was attended by family and many Homecoming Game on September 15. students who knew Aiosa during his three years The USG and Adult Student Coalition both at Fordham. A special offertory was given by plan to hold Open Forums with University ad- friends who donated written prayers and momen- ministration this semester to discuss proposals tos to the family of the deceased. regarding course scheduling and improving stu- University President Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, dent facilities at CLC. While last year's proposals S.J., presided over the mass, and Master of the to the administration for more flexible library Residential College Rev. John Piderit, S.J., a hours and improved services from the Financial friend and former supervisor of Aiosa's, gave Aid Office and the Bursar's Office are still be- the homily. Fellow Resident Assistant Ray ing discussed, the proposal' for increased Ram Brescia offered a prayer in memoriam to Aiosa Van service between campuses has been prior to a processional in which flowers were car- improved. ried by close friends of Aiosa's. The new members of the student government "We were all aware of Greg's love for For- are also trying to incorporate new committees in- dham...The people of Fordham University were to the USG. The Entertaining Programming very important to him, and in return he was very important to us," said Brescia. Board, now also being run de facto by the USG, Aiosa had read "a lot - all kinds of stuff," he Aiosa accidently drowned at a retreat to Pawl- Lavierre's husband, Kenneth Lavierre, a For- hopes to arrange more comedy nights each month continued, naming sports books, political ing, New York, which took place as a part of dham Law '87 graduate, said Aiosa was "like and various other parties. Other committees still assignments, and biographies as among his resident assistant (R.A.) training. The cir- a brother to me, and a really close friend.. .1 think in the planning stage would include a cultural favorites. cumstances surrounding his death are still he would have made a lousy lawyer." Kenneth committee to organize student trip's to museums "When he was really little, he liked to make unclear. Lavierre said that Arosa had spoken of getting and other cultural points of interest. Giardina models," he added. Aiosa is survived by his parents Harry and his masters in economics and then entering the feels that "people really don't take advantage of business world. "Greg was developing the talents that he could all the cultural facilities and maybe weekly Peggy Aiosa, his older sisters Patty Lavierre, "He spent a lot of time with the kids," said build a tower in God's kingdom. It turns out God organized trips to different places" will afford Mary Burke, Terry Aiosa, his nieces Elizabeth his brother-in-law Daniel Burke. Burke added did not give him much time to build, but in a students this opportunity. Lavierre, Katy Lavierre, Caroline Lavierre, that he had run with Aiosa and played tennis with short time, he built a small edifice," said Fr.