DOCUMENT RESUME AUTHOR Carlson, Marshall; Fennig, Lois EDRS PVICE ACTIVITIES: Basic Objectives Are Included in the Introductory
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 065 499 SP 007 354 AUTHOR Carlson, Marshall; Fennig, Lois TITLE Modern Problems: Sociology Units. An Experimental Program for Grade 12. INSTITUTION Bloomington Public Schools, Minn. PUB DATE 69 NOTE 335p. EDRS PVICE MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16 DESCRIPTORS *Crime; *Curriculum Guides; Delinquency; Drug Abuse; *Grade 12; Law Enforcement; *Minority Groups; Social Problems; *Sociology ABSTRACT GRADES OR AGES: Grade 12. SUBJECT MATTER: Sociology; modern problems. ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The guide contains two units, one on the problems of minority groups and the other on social pathology. Sub-sections of unit 2 include crime and criminals, criminal investigation, gun control, U.S. criminal law, criminal procedure, punishment, juvenile delinquency, drugs, and capital punishment. Each unit has the following sections: introduction, objectives, generalizations and activities, duplicated resources, transparency masters, and bibliography. The guide is lithographed and spiral bound with a soft cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: Basic objectives are included in the introductory material, while more detailed objectives are set out at the beginning of each unit. Detailed activities are listed for each unit, together with the resource materials required. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Each unit includes extensive duplicated resource material, transparency masters, and lengthy bibliography. STUDENT ASSESSMENT: Suggestions are included in the introductory material for methods of student self-evaluaticn, teacher-student conference, teacher observation and evaluation, teacher-made tests, and standardized tests. moo U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM 47% THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- Cr% IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- -4- CATION POSITION OR POLICY.
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