A CC football preview, special section The Chronicle 78th Year, No. 16 , Durham, North Carolina Friday, September 17, 1982 Anderson raps Reagan; may campaign in 1984 By Bill Cook not be able to clothe the poor system," Anderson said. "We Calling on Americans to form and feed the hungry until we are need to upgrade our stock of an "agenda for change," former united in our determination as a human capital:" Independent presidential people not to win the arms race Cuts in student financial aid candidate John Anderson but to halt it, but to halt it," "will weigh heavily on the poor. blasted the Reagan administra­ Anderson said. Every small change in tion for "fighting a counterrevo­ Anderson said current subsidies has a disproportionate lution designed to restore the domestic crises are being effect on lower income past," in a speech here heightened by an administration students," he said. Thursday. that by trying "to recreate the Citing the nearly one million After his address, Anderson past is endangering the future." illiterate North Carolinians said he was "seriously Education is one of these whose lack of education cost the thinking" about running for "endangered futures," Anderson state approximately $1 billion president in 1984. "I have not said. in personal income taxes last yet made that decision. It is a "Let's not be taken in by the year, Anderson recommended hard road to follow. You can ask specious argument that increasing subsidies to any of those who have tried," he gigantic growth in education elementary and secondary said. and social welfare h schools. PHOTO BY STEVE FKLMMAN Any independent bid for the destroyed the free enterprise See ANDERSON on page 3 John Anderson. . .and friends. presidency would have to be launched before the end of this year, he said. "The campaign would be a long-term effort that Brodie named temporary provost would try to form a new party with a platform," in order "to By Foon Rhee and of more facets of the Brodie said his dual role will salary increases as some of gain credibility." University Chancellor H. University. create an extremely heavy those tough decisions to be Earlier in the evening Keith H. Brodie has been named "The president [University workload. "I'm pretty swamped brought up before the trustees in Anderson, 50, denounced acting provost pending President Terry Sanford] asked already with the position of December. Reagan policies ranging from approval by the Board of me and recommended me to the chancellor," he said. "It's a the proposed halving of Trustees at the board's Sept. 24 board," he said. "I was happy to pretty immense chore. Brodie said he saw some collegiate financial aid to the meeting, according to adminis- comply with the request." advantages in his appointment deployment of cruise missiles in tration officials. "It's just very natural this "Another problem is my also. "It will save us some Western Europe. The former On Sept. 10, University way," Sanford said of the newness to both offices. After money," he said. "No extra Illinois Congressman, who Provost William Bevan was appointment. "It's easier to do it three months in the position as compensation is being garnered approximately 7 named vice president and this way than breaking in chancellor, I'm comfortable. contemplated to my knowledge. percent of the vote in the 1980 health program director of the someone new on a temporary But I'm not going to have the "By having one person in presidential election, emphasized Chicago-based John D. and basis. luxury to have three months for both offices, we may be able to that a solution to the arms race Catherine T. MacArthur "It's a little while before the provost position. I'm going speed up the dialogue [between must be found before important Foundation. Bevan leaves. We're looking to be faced with tough decisions administrators] and decision­ domestic issues in America into the future making sure that right away." making," he said. can be solved. "I'm not totally enthusiastic, everything is fine." Brodie named tuition and See BRODIE on page 5 "I think all other concerns we but I will do it," Brodie said. "It have, have to be subservient to a will allow for some understand­ solution to arms control. We will ing of the office of the provost Professor testifies for Senate By Steve Farmer the amendment, along with a prayer that the national Stone elected ASDU Duke law professor William 34-page analysis of its possible government provides for in its Van Alstyne, testifying before consequences, to Congress May own facilities. the Senate Judiciary Committee 17. According to Van Alstyne, The resulting "acrimony and vice president-at-large Thursday, urged legislators to the administration's analysis sectarian competition" between By Jennifer Davis from the election, while defeat a proposed Constitutional "makes clear" that the proposed different levels of government Trinity junior Michael Stone was nominated during amendment aimed at restoring amendment would permit would be catastrophic, Van Stone defeated sophomore the past week. voluntary prayer to public government-composed, sectarian Alstyne said, Steve Goodman in a run-off In other business, the schools after a 20-year absence. religious exercises in any public "It is not the arrangement of election in the ASDU legislature approved a major institution. public business to accommodate legislature Thursday to fill by-law change, increasing "The proposed amendment The responsibility for those who wish to attend the the vacant post of vice the number of seats by 20 by would invest a power in determining the content and church of their choice or to president-at-large. decreasing the number of Congress to make laws requirement of such public attend places of instruction Candidates Kurt Dunkle, a students per legislator from respecting the establishment of prayer, Van Alstyne said, provided by churches of their senior, and Greg Cook, a 130 to 85. The measure was whatever religion Congress .ould rest primarily with the affiliation — accommodations junior, were eliminated designed "to naturally prefers," Van Alstyne told the level of government responsible already allowed under law," during the first vote. divide" large and small committee. for the public school or other Van Alstyne said, Goodman was the only dorms to allow a fairer "This amendment will grant institution. "I am amazed that this candidate remaining on the representation in ASDU to this Congress the power to But Van Alstyne also said Congress would seriously ballot from the nominations government, said Ira establish a single national that Congress could influence consider the deliberate made at last week's ASDU Hyman, chairman of the religious liturgy for regular and the decisions of state and local insertion of sectarian religious meeting. Doug Chappell, ASDU student affairs exclusive group recitation in all governments by threatening to devotional exercises in all Adam Silver and Joe committee. federally-operated public withhold federal funds from public institutions as a proper Sinsheimer all withdrew See ASDU on page 10 institutions." areas which do not provide for and desirable amendment to President Reagan submitted the same amount or type of our Constitution." Page Two The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Nursing Awareness Week begins Sunday

By Caryn Gelbman School of Nursing faculty member and program supported by faculty, which began two years ago. The Although no freshman nurses have recipient of the 1982 Distinguished administrators and alumnae. The undergraduate nursing program, entered Duke since 1980 due to the Professor's Award, will discuss program is being financed by the instituted in 1930, is being terminated retrenchment of the School of Nursing, nutrition and exercise on Sept. 20. Nursing Student Government, Nursing for economic reasons, but the school will several of the remaining nursing On Sept. 21, Faye MeNaulI, a nursing Honor Society (Sigma Theta Tau) and continue at the graduate level. There are students are sponsoring Nursing school faculty member, will speak on two medical supply companies. currently 124 juniors and seniors in the Awareness Week (Sept. 19-24) to stress and stress prevention. Nancy Laura Stanton is the finance program; freshmen have not been increase the awareness and Rathbone, a senior nursing student, will committee chairperson. Marnie Palmer admitted for two years. understanding of the nursing be the moderator for Human Sexuality is in charge of publicity. "We hope to increase the morale and profession. which will include a film followed by a The program's organizers said unity of the nursing school because it's "Nurses do a lot more than work in panel discussion on Sept. 22. Nursing Awareness Week is unrelated to an important program which won't exist hospitals," said Tina Malcolm, a senior Whether alcohol is a problem at Duke the phasing out of the nursing program as we know it," Malcolm said. and coordinator of the week-long series or not will be the subject of the fourth of seminars, films and discussions on lecture. A film, Chalk-Talk on such topics as human sexuality, Alcoholism, will be followed by a alcoholism and stress. discussion period. The last presentation Two arrested after concert on Sept. 24 will be a film, Nurse, Where Two non-students were arrested being held on a $10,000 bond. after Wednesday night's Go-Go's In an unrelated event, two youths "We want to give students an idea Are You ?, a documentary on the nursing shortage. It was aired on television last concert, one for assault with a were arrested for larcency after about why we're becoming nurses and deadly weapon and the other for entering Alspaugh dormitory and why we chose Duke," Malcolm said. year and was reviewed favorably, according to Malcolm. felonious possession of LSD. Brown House on East Campus. Dean "Nurses work with illness as well as According to Captain Robert Dean of said the pair, Dave Earle, 16, and health; they work with giving care, Duke Public Safety, Bradley Watson, Robert Hill, 18, are being held on teaching, research and a lot more." In addition to the lectures and films, 27, was arrested and charged with $2,000 bond each. A wine and cheese party Sept. 19 for information booths will be set up in front assault with a deadly weapon after all students in the nursing program, the of the Bryan Center. These booths will threatening a student with a knife In addition, the man who allegedly executive council of nursing alumnae offer educational materials on topics near the Bryan Center after the assaulted a female Duke student and faculty will kick off the week's such as the history of nursing at Duke, concert. He was released on bail. Sept. 13 and burglarized her events. The schedule of guest speakers the baccalaureate program, stress, During the concert, Fred Townhouse apartment was arrested and films will begin Sept. 20 in the Counseling and Psychological Services McAllister, 23, attempted to sell LSD at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 15. Lawrence Bryan University Center and will be (CAPS) and a slide presentation. to a plainclothes public safety officer, Hawes, 16, is being held on a $10,000 open to the public. Nursing Awareness Week is a totally Dean said. He was arrested and is bond, Dean said. The first speaker, Dr. Pauline Gratz, student-run and student-initiated

The Chronicle Find out about careers in The Chronicle is published Monday i Personnel/Human Resource | through Friday of the academic year, and [ Management by 1 weekly through ten (10) weeks of Summer [ joining | sessions by the Duke University Chronicle | THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION I Board. Price forsubscriptions:$30forthird j Duke University Student Chapter I class mail: $80 for first class mail. Offices [ Organizing and Informational Meeting | at third floor Flowers Building, Duke j September 20, 1982 j University, Durham, North Carolina 27706. [ Monday at 7 p.m. Social Science Room 139 Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Three U.S. demands withdrawal Real World By Bernard Gwertzman they feared could worsen rather than enhance the WASHINGTON - A special session of • 1982 N.Y. Times News Service chances of stability in Lebanon. Congress has been requested by President WASHINGTON — The United States demanded Shultz, after meeting with Reagan on Wednesday, Reagan to adopt 13 appropriations bills Thursday that Israel withdraw its military forces from summoned Ambassador Moshe Arens of Israel to the required for government needs in the next West Beirut immediately. It charges that the entry of State Department late in the day Wednesday to convey fiscal year. The special session has been the troops was a "clear violation" of the cease-fire the American demand for an immediate withdrawal. scheduled for after the November elections agreement negotiated by special envoy Philip C. That meeting was not made public but on Thursday and the Congressional recess and has been Habib last month. morning, when it seemed to American officials that agreed to reluctantly by both Speaker In yet another public dispute with Israel, the Reagan the Israelis had enlarged their presence in West Beirut, Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., the Massachusetts administration said that the Israeli military takeover rather than diminished it, Arens was called to the democrat, and Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr., R- in West Beirut was also "contrary to assurances" department to receive a formal complaint from Under Tenn., the majority leader. given by Israel to the United States on Wednesday. Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger on John Hughes, the State Department spokesman, Shultz's behalf. SAN SALVADOR - The Salvadoran said that the Israelis had told American officials in "Clearly, the first meeting did not yield satisfactory government, with the quiet support of the Jerusalem and Washington that the military moves results," a senior official said, explaining the decision Reagan administration, has begun an indirect were "limited and precautionary." But the actual to recall Arens and to make a public statement. "dialogue" with guerrilla leaders intended to situation Thursday "does not seem to jibe" with the Since the entry of the Israeli troops into West Beirut, end the civil war. According to Western assurances, with the Israelis moving into strategic the United States has come under pressure from the diplomats, interest in talks accelerated in the control of the city. Lebanese government as well as from other Arab aftermath of a seeret meeting Sept. 3 between The Israelis have said, and reaffirmed Thursday, governments to use its influence to force the Israelis the provisional president, Alvaro Magana, that they sent troops into West Beirut in the aftermath out of the city. One administration official said that and the Costa Rican foreign minister, of Tuesday's assassination of President-elect Bashir "American credibility in the Arab World is at stake." Fernando Volio, to discuss peace negotiations Gemayel to prevent Lebanon's being plunged into a He said that if the United States does not stand firm between the government and guerrilla forces. new wave of "chaos and bloodshed." with the Israelis over West Beirut, the Arabs would fail But in identical statements issued by the White to accept American leadership in Lebanon and on WASHINGTON - A large-scale public House and State Department, the United States said Reagan's broader Middle East peace initiative. works program that supporters say would "there is no justification in our view for Israel's Taking note of the Lebanese government provide at least 200,000 jobs was approved by continued military presence in West Beirut and we call complaints to Reagan about the Israeli move, the House Democrats despite Republican charges for an immediate pullback." United States said "we fully support the Lebanese that they were playing election year politics. President Reagan and Secretary of State George P. government's call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces The measure would allocate more than $1 Shultz were both said by aides to be concerned over which are in clear violation of the cease-fire billion to cities with high levels of what they regarded as unjustified Israeli moves that understanding to which Israel is a party." unemployment. Anti-abortion lobby to continue despite defeat

By Francis K. CHnes There had been signs early in the week that the issue in which a majority opposed to federal abortion ' 1982 NYT News Service White House might prefer to deal with the Senate fight spending can roughly neutralize a majority favoring a WASHINGTON — Despite the proclamations of a over abortion with less enthusiasm than afforded woman's freedom of choice on the question. Capitol Hill defeat for President Reagan over the some of the showdown votes over the budget. But there Before the Senate vote, the president had been abortion issue, the disparate parts of the anti-abortion was no such complaint Thursday from various surprisingly critical of the anti-abortion lobby for its lobby insisted Thursday that personal intervention by members of the anti-abortion lobby who have been failure to get behind a single measure. "There is no Reagan had forced greater unity on them for a disputing whether to proceed along the path of problem with the president's personal commitment on stronger attempt next year. constitutional amendment or of budgetary and this," said Paul M. Weyrich, president of Coalition for "I had thought there was foot dragging over at the legislative restrictions. America. Noting that Reagan had called an White House on this," said Peter B. Gemma, executive The White House's interest in the Senate fight had unsuccessful unity meeting of the anti-abortion director of the National Pro-Life Political Action been rated by one involved worker as on the routine groups last winter at the White House, Weyrich Committee. "But the White House staff came through, "showcasing" level in which the president would estimated that progress toward unity was produced as even if it was the eleventh hour, and it was Reagan mainly speak up once again, with no expectation of an after effect of the Senate fight and that Reagan was himself who pushed them all and even got George Senate approval, for an issue that is basic to his a principal in prodding it. Bush, of all people, involved." conservative constituency. But Reagan dropped in at a Vice President Bush, who previously drew meeting Tuesday between White House stategists and complaints from the anti-abortion lobby, got high anti-abortion leaders, and stayed for a half hour, marks and was even promised a bouquet of red roses, taking a surprisingly attentive and reassuring role in . . . Anderson the movement's trademark kudos, for his busy last- subsequent lobbying, according to participants. minute lobbying to switch Senate votes and break the "This issue doesn't burn in the hearts of most people ANDERSON from page 1 filibuster that eventually defeated the anti-abortion around here," one White House staff member Regarding U.S. foreign policy, the former efforts. conceded, noting that some workers of a different congressman attacked the American inconsistency persuasion or generation might be preoccupied with concerning the Trans-Siberian pipeline to be built the endless budget skirmishes and forget that the from the Soviet Union to Western Europe. He abortion issue helped put Reagan in the White House. compared France's decision to cooperate with the "We don't wake up palpitating about it. But that Soviets in building the pipeline to the U.S. decision to doesn't matter. What matters is not to forget the lift the grain embargo in order to help the American president cares and will be out campaigning on this grain industry. Because of the American decision to end the grain embargo, Anderson said, "I don't know how we can While the anti-abortion lobby was being turn around and tell the French that you can't sell the outmaneuevered by opponents in the Senate, officials pipeline to the Communists. I think that is wrong." at the White House were paying the closest attention Anderson said there are some programs in the on another level, that of political polls reflecting budget that have to be cut in order to restore the Reagan's renewed emphasis on this topic and other economy, but he attacked the priorities of the social issues in advance of the congressional election administration in determining cuts. campaign this fall. "I'm not suggesting that you cannot make changes As the president spoke out publicly for tighter in present programs. I am well aware of abuse. But, I abortion controls at a meeting of religion news editors do not believe that you can clamp down on social at the White House, Richard Wirthlin, Reagan's poll programs and say that the sky is the limit for military taker, privately submitted his latest readings. They expenditures. When this happens, then I think our were favorable, according to one official, who noted priorities are totally out of whack." » that the crucial facet at this level was not hard The former presidential candidate ended his speech legislative progress but fresh "fine tuning" of the with an appeal for "an agent for change. The great familiar Reagan social issues. question of our time, particularly to students on UPI PHOTO The data were encouraging, regardless of the Senate campuses across this great nation, is, 'Are we Vice President George Bush . . . promised a vote, according to this official. They suggested that preceeding on a course of great creative effort,'" to bouquet of roses by anti-abortion lobby. Reagan was angled well at the cross-current of the solve the problems of our time? Page Four The Chronicle Friday, September 17,1982 Transfer students changing (third-class' image

By Steve Landis students and continue as good "I was really impressed with what undergraduate years here seemed a good Transfer students are an often students," said Steve McCarthy, they did for us," said junior transfer decision. forgotten element of Duke. Yet a president of the Transfer Advisory Kelly Standifer, a pre-medical student. "The friends we spent years transfer student is an appointee to the Council. "I would say that their grade "They didn't make us feel like establishing at our old college just board of trustees (Mark Costley) and point average (GPA) is much higher freshman." A graduate of St. Gregorie, a disappear when you go to a new school," another is vice president of the senior than the average at Duke." two-year eollege in Shawnee, Okla., said Carpenter, a Central Campus class {Lauren Bender). A Trinity senior who transferred from Standifer came to Duke to complete her resident. "This makes it worse than the "We're such a small number, we're Dennison College, McCarthy said that bachelor's degree in biology. freshman experience in many ways." really not noticed," said Bill Carpenter, the traditional coolness and Carpenter, formerly a political science a Trinity junior and transfer from discrimination toward transfer students major, transferred from Vanderbilt Paula Smith, a sophomore transfer Vanderbilt. by Duke students and faculty has when he switched to zoology, a program from tiny Sweet Briar College, was less Thirty-nine transfer students improved. "It's getting better this year. the Tennessee university did not offer. reserved in her praise for Duke. matriculated at Duke this year, down We are becoming more involved and less Because he hoped to go to graduate "People here are really nice," she said. from 80 in 1980 and 60 in 1981. In total, labeled as third-class Duke students." school at Duke, finishing his "I love it; I think it's great." they comprise about 3 percent of Duke Housing, however, still remains a undergraduates. problem area for transfer students. With Given a limit of 5,700 students, the no housing guarantee, many are forced decline reflects a decrease in the number to live off-campus, keeping them from of Duke students who transfer or study experiencing on-campus residential life. U.S. loser in Falklands abroad, according to Thurletta Brown, But openings in Central Campus By Betsy Forgotson populist movements rather than associate director of the Office of Apartments have found spots for 90 Failing in its role as mediator in the conservative dictatorships ought to Undergraduate Admissions. percent of incoming transfers this year, Falklands Islands conflict, the be the focus of U.S. policy there, he But the decline does not reflect a mainly on a waiting list basis. Most United States was "the biggest loser" said. decrease in the quality of accepted transfers expect the Central Campus in that South Atlantic crisis, "The Reagan administration transfer students, she said. option to remain open to them for the according to Gary Gereffi, assistant regards all foreign policy situations Transfers have many reasons for next few years, even though the campus professor of sociology. in the context of an East-West choosing Duke, from moving from a two- is facing its most serious housing crunch "The whole situation undermined struggle," Gereffi said. "The United year college to a four-year one, to ever. the Organization of American States States should act as a leader of the cashing in on Duke's prestige, to simply Most transfers were pleased with the and damaged our hemispheric shifting world coalitions." disliking their old school. But whether Transfer Advisory Council-organized solidarity," he said. Since the United States has lost they've come from small schools like orientation program held for them Speaking before a sparse crowd of much of its influence in the world Sweet Briar and St. Gregorie or big-time during freshman orientation. The goal about 30 people in the fourth economy due to its decline in universities like Johns'Hopkins or the of the program is to familiarize them installment of the World Affairs industrial productivity, Gereffi said it University of Pennsylvania, transfers with Duke and allow them to meet other conference sponsored by the Center should negotiate as "first among have performed well during their stay students, preventing them from having for International Studies, Gereffi said equals," especially with Latin here. to repeat the freshman experience all former Secretary of State Alexander American countries like Brazil, who "In general they come in as good over again. Haig's about-face from mediating can now seriously compete with this between two allies to supporting nation in agriculture and industry. Britain made Argentina — as well as many other Latin American nations One political factor Gereffi urged DUKE CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY -distrustful of U.S. policy in that part the U.S. government to bargain with (Newman Center) of the world. is the Church, which Gereffi labels "a Gereffi also said that Latin legitimate political force in Latin WEEKEND MASSES: American countries were unimpressed America." The Church is often a moderating, humanitarian influence Sat. 5 p.m. — York Chapel with President Reagan's inability to influence a non-communist ally and that America has failed to cultivate, (2nd Floor Divinity School) prevent the invasion. he said. Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. — York Chapel Reviewing U.S. policy in Latin World Affairs Week concludes Sun. 10:00 p.m. — Newman Center America, Gereffi said our tomorrow as John Richards, government must stop viewing that professor of history, speaks on "Peace DAILY MASSES: (Mon. thru Fri.) — 12:25 p.m. part of the world in terms of the East- in South Asia and the Indian Newman Center West confrontation. Support for Dream." NOTE: For info on above and all other activities call: Father Joseph A. Burk, S.j. Catholic Chaplain — Duke University Newman Center — 684-5955

WHO USES NAUTILUS? Welcome to the Start of the NCCU Museum of Art's 1982-83 Year To name a few... TREASURES AUCTION Atlanta Braves, , Baltimore Colts- Sunday, September 19, 3 p.m. Boston Red Sox, Buffalo Bills, Chicago White Sox, /\ Cincinnati Bengals, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland A CHAMPAGNE VIEWING HOUR, 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Indians, , Denver Broncos, Detroit THE AUCTION, 3 p.m. Lions, LA. Dodgers, LA. Rams, , N.Y. Giants, N.Y. Yankees, S.F. 49ers, Washington • The items may be previewed in the Museum until auction time Sunday, Redskins, Seattle Sea Hawks, Tampa Bay Bucca­ September 19. Museum hours are: Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. and Tuesday neers. University of North Carolina, Duke Univer­ through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. sity, ., Wake Forest, Penn State, Ya • Items have been collected from some of the area's finest houses. A wide variety Tech, Nortre Dame, UCLA University of Virginia, of handsome and decorative objects, some quite exotic, have been given, with Clemson, Univeristy of Maryland, etc. values beginning at $20. Minimum bids are set for each item. If you are looking for a special ornament foryour home, or an outstanding gift for a birthday, an anniversary, or for Christmas—come to our TREASURES ACTION. You Shouldn't You? will be pleasantly surprised by our exceptional offerings: CALL paintings — molas — silver — figurines — etchings — furniture — 489-2668 textiles — posters — porcelain — brass — sculpture — copper. FOR FREE TRIAL d^' • Bank cards welcome. Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Five . . . Brodie named BRODIE from page 1 adminstration, he could take over in COMING FRIDAYS Brodie said he may remain acting April," he added. provost through the 1982-83 academic Sanford said the current vice provosts, THE CHRONICLE: year. "I will perhaps stay on through the Colin Blaydon and Crauford Goodwin, academic year depending on the were not considered for acting provost rapidity of the search committee." because their accepting the position The dual position is only temporary, could preclude them from consideration however. "The new president, in three for the permanent job. years [when Sanford retires], might "It would be improper to put someone wish to make changes in the in there who might be in the running [for administrative structure, but my provost]," he said. "To pick the person appointment is not a trend." might have taken them out of The search committee for a permanent consideration." provost will be named sometime next Brodie agreed, adding that the acting week, according to Sanford, as he has provost might encounter a conflict of already received nominations for interests between his duties as acting faculty members from the Academic provost and his wish to gain faculty Council in accordance with a new support should he pursue the permanent agreement reached between Sanford position. and the council. Goodwin, vice provost and dean of the graduate school, said, "I didn't give the The committee will develop a list of six position of acting provost much candidates by Feb. 1, Brodie said, and thought." He declined to comment on his the candidates will be considered by the interest in the permanent position. trustees during their March meeting. Blaydon, vice provost for academic "A new provost could theoretically policy and planning, was unavailable start in April. But in reality, the new for comment. provost could not start then," Brodie said. Brodie said he would rely on the vice "But if the new provost was someone provosts during the transition period. "I who came back from leave or had a hope the vice provosts will do as much as small course load or was already in the they have done in the past and more." Fleishman nominated for drive By Foon Rhee Academic Council Chairman Arie Vice Chancellor Joel Fleishman has Lewin, who addressed the first meeting been nominated by University of the faculty body. President Terry Sanford to head the The fund drive is intended to raise upcoming Trinity fund-raising money for endowed professorships, ©1302- CHARLES H. WOJTKlEWICE campaign, it was announced at the library facilities and student aid. "I'm Academic Council meeting Thursday. delighted that he has indicated that he In addition, John Jay Piva, currently will head the Trinity campaign," the head of development for the Sanford said. "It makes our chances of University of Chicago Medical School, success better." has been recommended to the Board of Fleishman declined to comment on Trustees to become vice president for either his appointment or any plans for development and alumni affairs. the fund-raising campaign. The Board of Trustees will vote on the nominations at its Sept. 24 meeting, Robert Behn, associate professor in according to Sanford. the public policy institute, was named to Fleishman, director of the Institute of replace Fleishman by Ernestine Friedl, Policy Sciences and Public Affairs, has dean of Trinity College of Arts and resigned his post "to direct his full Sciences. attention" to the campaign, according to See ACADEMIC on page 11 HURRY...ONE WEEK ONLY SALE! CARPET REMNANTS 40% to 70% OFF off original roll p •Cut-n-toopi "So.ldi and TwMdi mwP ©_M!g\MIlC4RPET WORLD ^^_ _ _^_ __w______w——^m—__ssn———m——mmmm—\ w m m RALEIGH-DURHAM pH0NE 7109 Glenwood Avenue 7820032 Hours '" COMMENT Hokyung Kim/Pursuit of prudence We're back! Thank you, doc. Our next guest. . . Linking the decent w Wrong medium. Sorry. Today is Friday, Sept. 17, 1982, the 120th anniversary of the Civil War's The South is known for many things, It is a sad fact that moral rectitude Battle of Antietam, often called America's bloodiest day. Estimates vary, but but quick mutability has never been one of compels many into a conservative oft more than 25,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were killed or wounded in them. The South has clung to its political philosophy. By some mysterious cllE this battle on the banks of the Potomac River in Maryland. traditions. Luckily for us — the decadent process of association many consider In Pickle Packers International has proclaimed this poor, unwitting, never- denizens of the northern reaches — the moral decency to belong solely within the un. hurt-anybody day "Snack-a-Pickle Time." Their completely selfless purpose: South has staunchly maintained its faith realm of conservative policies. per "To dramatize the role of pickles as a snack food." We are presently struck by in prudence, justice, fortitude and I would like to see the clause in Adam's the realization of how often the word "dramatize" is abused. temperance — those being the cardinal will which bequeaths prudence, the In accordance with Presidential Proclamation PL82-261 of Feb. 29, 1952, virtues. temperance, justice and fortitude — even eco today is Citizenship Day. Why ? We don't know. Ask Ike (a m an whom we like). While the rest of the nation floats upon a religiosity — solely to the political is The word-of-the-day is rhizome, a specialized rootlike plant stem that forms sea of fad and pop-culture, the South conservative. wh shoots above and roots below and God-only-knows-what in-between. remains well-planted on the firm earth, At a time when the nation most requires its This is your bloody Chronicle, trying not to hit below the belt (or at least the unwilling or unable to foresake its love of inventive policy drawn from wide and mo roots) in our attempt to proclaim pickles and the Potomac. Have a dramatized the bucolic life. The South has taken its varied sources, the sages of political 1 we"kend. stand. The rebel land mollifies the caprices conservatism have managed to ha. of a nation naive enough to occassionally bamboozle the reverent populace into believe that it has matured beyond accepting its policies as a ransom for respecting its heritage. The South reminds advancing the causes of morality. A bad bill of fare the nation — rudely, if it must — of the Political conservatives exploit the more value of moral fiber. reverent among us in order that they Guillette's goofed again. By closing the slicing their own piece of homemade rye, Four hundred years ago the Puritans might endanger the greatest virtue of the Sprig, one of the campus' favorite lunch wholewheat or white bread. Louis would fled Europe, not so much because the statesman — prudence. spots, he has condemned dieters and salad rather tempt bread lovers with grocery European regimes of that day persecuted Prudence demands that dogma not To lovers to fight the lines, noise and greasy store fare sheathed in cellophane wrap. them, but because they did not wish to live endanger the principles of good V. smell of the C.I. One bite of his white pulpboard disguised among the hordes of sinful and amoral government. on ' The old home of the lunchtime salad bar as soft white bread could dampen even the 17th century Europeans. The Puritan's The Republic can endure, and should Ch, gave harried Duke students a chance to most festive quad cookout. Louis, no one soul condemned him to flee to the New even encourage, debate between fell, escape the bustle of the quad and the need wonder why Wonder remains World. They were in pursuit of virtue and humanists and fundamentalists enli probably several other tory notions. The pressure of impending papers to relax for unwrapped. Shame on you for depriving concerning abortion, school prayer and cap starch junkies just to achieve an South will not give up this quintessentially an hour over lunch in a peaceful book censorship. This debate, however, cert unleavened overhead. American legacy. atmosphere. The round tables and oriental need not force the more reverent of our anl; carpets encouraged conversation and slow The demise of the Sprig is just one of a Each of us can look to the South in hopes citizens into endorsing other conservative ind eating, pleasures the raucous C.I. long list of unpleasant innovations of acquiring its moral rectitude. For those policies. SUc practically prohibits. Guillette instigated during the halcyon of us fortunate enough to live in the South It would' appear that debate over issues whr The evicted Sprig lovers have flowed months of summer. By closing the for several of our years, moral rectitude such as school prayer will persist longer sen into the C.I. and added more pushing Oakroom Monday and Tuesday evenings, will possibly seep into our psyches by a than any among this current generation. bet people to the already overcrowded area. and all day Saturday, he has further process of osmosis. The persons who find school prayer ran Salad and Realburgers (students have yet reduced the number of places where a However, after acquiring as many attractive need not find the current arms I to discern what is real in them) just don't student can eat a relaxed meal on campus. virtues of the South as our weak northern race escalation equally attractive. They ha. mix. Many carefully created salads have The three-ring circus currently performing backbones can endure, we must relinquish need not find the virtues of school prayer am already landed on the floor in the push and at the Pits is about as reminiscent of the the South — that is, the metaphoric South, to be matched by the virtues of a 9.8 out shove of a line that often stretches back to Oakroom as the C.I.'s nutrition-by-the- in spite of its romantic appeal. percent unemployment rate. iss* the grill area. ounce is akin to the beloved Sprig. None can now afford to mimic the The U.S. steel industry has not yet eno Adding insult to gastritus, salad Students who enjoy real eggs and South's instinct for inmutability. breathed its last, but it may have breathed Cif-t devotees now must buy salad by the ounce pancakes also fell prey to Guillete's — a predicament that has broken brave miserly manipulation when he closed the new ground in the realm of curious Rathskeller for breakfast. Is there no end Guest columnist: David Boren discourse, (i.e. which weighs less,croutons to this man's culinary gall? or garbonzo beans?) not to mention Louis, please, puleeeeesse, listen to the untested new dimensions in deceit (smart students' outcry and right these wanton A bereavement best tn shoppers nibble at peaches before weigh- (albeit cost-efficient) wrongs. Reopen the in time). Sprig for the sake of peace and better There was something bogus about the one reason why such political hot air is Sprig evictees have also lost the pleasure digestion. Our stomachs are counting on way President Reagan told us last week he undesirable: reality. of sampling a variety of crackers and you. was going to "seize the moment" which When the United States recently decided the recent Beruit-PLO settlement provided to firmly back Britain in its Falklands war for to implement his new and — some wished effort, political pundits with their heads (the us to believe — visionary peace plan. apparently in a starry plain somewhere figl A bad, unfair bill Moments are seized by great leaders, yes; predicted "disastrous" consequences for A but one is given reason to question a our relations with Latin America, which, givi The Senate finally came to its senses significantly, the restriction might have particular leader's greatness when instead according to those scholars, would stand pea and voted Wednesday to kill Jesse Helms' served as a precedent for Congress to of acting decisively, he has merely firmly behind Argentina. However, pro' anti-abortion amendment, ending a further infringe on the powers of the extemporized, giving others, but not nationalistic jealously soon proved the the debate that threatened to tie up lawmakers highest levels of the judicial branch. himself, time to pause and reflect upon the Latin solidarity theory false. At the same cai for the rest of the session. The Helms measure came in the form of importance of the circumstances at hand. time, things like currency failures and rea] The Helms measure would have banned a rider attached to a federal debt limit bill When Israel moved two months ago on recession made bad relations too Itti federal funding and federal insurance necessary to provide government funds the Palestinians who for a long time had expensive for our southern neighbors. unn coverage of abortions and abortion after Sept. 30. Helms has said he would lobbed rockets into civilian-populated Reality. tha research — nothing new as anti-abortion attach a school prayer measure to areas of the Galilee, the "fighters" were so othi bills go. spending bills that will be before the stunned that they left pots of hot coffee on In the Mideast, lip service to the the The most dangerous provision of the bill Senate in the closing weeks of the 97th their stoves. Philip Habib got reluctant "Palestinian cause" has always been — a new twist — provided for a quick Congress and will reintroduce anti- Arab nations to accept the fighters (one plentiful, (the Arab oil embargo was T review of the landmark 1973 Supreme abortion legislation next year. wonders about the composition or the arguably a purely economic move, not a com Court decision and any new abortion cases The strategy of attaching amendments unity of the "Palestinian people" if the exit political one), but when it would come to has brought before the court. to totally unrelated bills is certainly time- of 12,000 men was enough to solve the accommodating a few thousand her, Helms' proposal threatened the very tested. And much too often, riders, recent crisis), and the lion's share of his Palestinian fighters, Arab nations had a Pal, principle of separation of powers. In even especially those on controversial moral work was over. history of staying mum. Reality. irict the most elementary of political science issues, overshadow the actual bill. Then along comes Reagan with his texts, we learn that the judicial, legislative So we applaud the Senate for ending peace plan, inspired in great part, we are Personal bereavement can shatter lives, terr and executive branches have certain debate on the anti-abortion amendment, told, by images he viewed on network no doubt. But bereavement on a national any checks and balances over their at least for this year. Now, at last, the television. When he said the Israeli's flat level has often been best transcended. any counterparts to ensure a democratic Senate can proceed with other important rejection of the plan — which might leave Witness the post-holocaust Jews who d*e« government. business before it is scheduled to adjourn it 20 miles wide at its center and heartland wasted no time in getting their lives going WO)' A quick review would restrict the Oct. 8. — left him "neither surprised nor again or the American negroes, who have gan jurisdiction of the Supreme Court on the But the spectre of the abortion issue, disappointed," one wondered if perhaps he risen, if slowly, from a state of expatriated E issue of abortion and increase the powers primarily in the form of Helms, remains was simply trying to score some easy slavery to prideful citizenship. A Lebanese gr«Ml -*_"i „„ •_••*" V AHtlpea- _,„ „ mosrsmoHSW, ' vith the conservative , w"i_.«*i«W* M_ -

its next-to-the-last. The high-octane days prophet has not been born who can divine of the car industry will make for a colorful for this nation's economy the proper chapter in an American history textbook. branch. Of our future leaders in business, In the Iron Belt of Minnesota, law and government, we must, therefore, unemployment has entered orbit at 25 demand inventiveness, entrepreneurism percent. and above all, prudence. No doubt, the United States will remain The last two presidential elections the world's largest and most diversified proved the pivotal importance of the economy for quite some time. Absolute size South. The South's commitment to moral is not the issue; the essential issue is rectitude should not quagmire it in the whether the United States will hobble into tried and untrue policies of Republican its future a crippled, massive brute or in a conservatism. more dignified fashion. Editor's note: Hokyung Kim is a Trinity The message is clear: The U.S. economy senior majoring in political science and has come to a fork in its destiny. The history. Letters Getting caught up with the rest of humanity To the edit council: progressive a people we are. And the places ike Maalot and Kiryat Shemona?. educated in the Middle East with a literacy While reading Jared Burden's Thoughts insight that what I had thought were the Some may scoff at the notion of rate of 95 percent, compared to 5 percent on "polities on the fringe," in the Sept. 13 major moral problems of our time are Palestinians living in an Israeli prior to the creation of the state of Israel. Chronicle, I was amazed to see that a really only just "nagging issues" was democracy and even scoff at the notion of In retrospect, I am disheartened that fellow student has reached the degree of greatly comforting. I can see now that Israel as a democracy. The Israeli General Sharon did not carry out the final enlightenment where he finds himself individuals — like those "polyester-clad democratic government may not be destruction of the PLO as a military group. capable of discounting the validity of windbags," Jerry Falwell and Jesse perfect, but compare it, if you will, with the Since its creation in Egypt in 1964, it has certain political ideologies that he needs Helms — who keep bothering us with such democratic Arab states of Libya, Syria, continually called for the annihilation of only to extrapolate from the actions of two issues must be living in the past, because Iraq, Saudi Arabia, South Yemen and Israel by one means: armed struggle (See individuals on their fringes! One who has these are "things which we left behind equally democratic Iran. It should be articles nine and 21 of the covenant). It such a keen sight on the moral horizon, long ago for good reasons." Really — how obvious to the casual observer which of seems highly ironic that when the Israelis who is so very much in touch with his basic "crass and foolish" they look in "trying to those countries affords more political and finally responded to the PLO under the sensibilities that he can distinguish push their ideas through the political civil rights to Arabs or Jews. A PLO state PLO's own terms — those of armed between what is fit and what is not, is a process." Now that I know how set and dry struggle — that the terrorists, using rare individual indeed. everything is, I see how futile it is to try to would be as equally democratic as the push ideas through the political process. majority of Arab states. Not only would Lebanese civilians as hostages, cry foul I was proud to find out that "Americans In fact, I'm having second thoughts on Jews in a Palestinian state not be tolerated and demand that any surrender of those have as a group developed some whether I should waste my time voting in as a separate national group, but fully two defeated be under their terms and not the conceptions about life which are set and the next election (let alone ever be caught and one-half million Jews would be terms of the victors. out of of the question," and that, "the wearing polyester — clothes are such a expelled. Incidentally, nowhere in the 32 Brad Torgan issues behind them have been mulled over valid measure of the man). articles of the PLO covenant is there even Trinity '82 enough that the 'right' choices are very the faintest notion of a democratic secular clear." Formerly, I was unaware of how state, an omission which bears out that While on the whole I found Burden's PLO slogans are nothing more than a Disturbed article very enlightening, I was rather smokescreen for their real intentions. To the edit council: disheartened to find out that some of the Those intentions are spelled out all too Over 26,000 Americans were killed by ideals I hold could quite possibly be clearly in sections six, nine and 21 of the drunk drivers last year, and the Chronicle viewpoints opposing the "right" choices PLO covenant which calls for the publishes an article filled with helpful ranscended which are so evident today (although I'm annihilation of the state of Israel and hints on how to beat the rap if you are not totally sure, he didn't go into much expulsion of the vast majority of Israeli arrested for DUI. Those of us who are cameras in front of her village which had detail here). I was humbled to discover Jews with no compromise and no forced to share the roads with drunk been almost flattened in the recent that these viewpoints I hold are quaint, exceptions. drivers are disturbed by the tone and assault. Her family had all survived and but greatly shocked to hear that not only Israeli treatment of Arabs living in the content of this article. Are we supposed to f°r once she sensed a possibilty of peace has time proven them wrong, but that liberated territories has been far more feel sympathetic toward those who are (the guns were silent, the Palestinian humanity has passed them by! Where benign than any Jew could expect in an arrested for drunk driving and treated fighters gone). All she could do was smile. have I been? Oh well, I guess I have a lot of Arab state, including Judea and Sumeria rudely by police? Alligator tears from me. Anything for which men are prepared to catching up to do. prior to Israeli control (one need only to By driving drunk, they are displaying the give their lives is not to be overlooked. The Bryce Burkhart read of the infamous Hebron massacre). ultimate in rudeness. As for the nice ideas perceived theft of one's country can Trinity '85 Israeli law ensures full and equal for escaping punishment when caught provide such a cause. But I don't see how citizenship for all, without religious drunk behind the wheel, I hope Mothers the Jewish state that now exists can be distinction. Every Knesset has had Arab called imperialistic (demographic Disheartened Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) makes it Druze members and Arabic, alongside increasingly tough to get away with. realities, both internal and external, make To the edit council: Israeli expansion undesirable and Hebrew, is an official language of Israel. Arthur N. King unnecessary), and it would seem advisable When certain facts are distorted and Israeli Arabs have become among the best Business School that Palestinian nationalsts consider untruths are told about Israel, I can no other means for collective fulfillment than longer sit idly by, for they must be the recohquest of their homeland. responded to. Some do not wish to hear the PLO called a gang of terrorist thugs who The Chronicle do not represent the Palestinian people. The state created partly by the They may not wish to hear it, but it Editor: David Sorensen Night editor: Peter Torosewich conscience of a world that, historically, remains the truth. The PLO has no official Managing editors: Gary Friedman, Elizabeth Copy editors: Rob Satloff, David Sorensen, has so mistreated the Jews, is obviously mandate from any group of Palestinian Hudson Elizabeth Hudson here to stay for some time. Some Arabs. The only mandate came from the Business manager: Darlene Kimbrough Watchdog: Steve Farmer Palestinians may continue to strive for 1974 Arab Summit Conference in Rabat, Advertising manager: Todd Jones Wire editor: George Frazier victory until death (even if it means the Morocco. In the 1970-71 civil war in Ad production manager: Leo Hodlofski Assistant news editor: Steve Farmer deaths of innocent people through acts of Jordan, the PLO was crushed and expelled Voices editor: Thaddeus Herrick Assistant features editor: Susan Balk terrorism), but that doesn't mean by the Jordanian Army (which Editorial page editor: Hayes Clement Paste-up: Ellen Noto anything is served by a president or incidentally has a majority of Palestinian Features editor: Kendall Guthrie Composition: Judy Mack, Elizabeth Majors News editors: Stephen Harrigan, Foon Rhee Ad salespersons: Kathy Borsuk, Melanie Jones anyone expressing hope for a distant officers and men). Since then, King Photography editor: Doug Patterson dream in a world in which, for better or for Hussein has steadily refused to let it w R&R editor: Debbie Kendall Contributors: Bill Cook, Jennifer Davis, Betsy °rse, only winners continue to play the operate again on Jordanian territory. As Sports editor: Jon Scher Forgotson, Caryn Gelbman, Steve Gutkin, Pete game. for not calling them terrorists, what else do Associate sports editor: Mike Alix Land, Steve Landis, Dave MacMillan, Michael Editor's note: David Boren, a 1982 you call people who attack Olympic Sports features editor: Marc Rubinstein Messinger, Lame Zeitlin graduate of Trinity College, is a bus driver athletes, brutally murdering 12, hijack for Duke University Transit. airplanes and murder innocent children in Page Eight The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Duke students dabble in silkscreening,

By Laurie Zeitlin perfect for people who are into crafts and The new Crafts Center, located on the just want to get away by themselves," lower level of the Bryan University said Michael Foden, studio assistant Center, outdoes its seven-year and supervisor of night classes. predecessor in facilities, supplies and The Crafts Center also offers special size. workshops in photography and quilting. Whether one wishes to take a class or They meet for one intense session with simply use the facilities, the center is the exception of the Camera Use open to the Duke community every day. workshop, which meets twice. The artists involved feel that the Professional artists teach the classes. center should provide members of the Limiting enrollment to 12 or less, Duke community with alternatives to depending on available supplies, allows their everyday schedules. The relaxed the teacher to personally guide the studio atmosphere encourages individual students in the techniques creativity and can be enjoyable and presented. enlightening. Since the opening of the new Crafts Center, Krista Cipriano, director of the Members of the Duke community can center, said she feels that interest in take classes in jewelry-making, weaving has risen noticeably. "This is silkscreening, batiking, quilting, probably due to displaying the looms in weaving and photography. the front windows," Cipriano said. Pottery, one of the more popular "Some students have already taken crafts, will have the entire East Campus advantage of the batiking and \ studio in Southgate dormitory to itself. silkscreening supplies to create PHOTO BY BOB NORTON wallhangings and unique clothing," Classes in weaving are taught in the Craft Center. "We have separated the clean crafts from the dirty ones. The new studio is Cipriano said. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Nine photography and batik at Craft Center

The center has yet to receive the deluge of aspiring craftsmen try their hand at silver work. craftsmen that it had hoped the new Ed Weintraub will hold his pottery classes in the old facilities would bring. "Since the move isn't yet Southgate studio. Weintraub, who sells his own work complete and publicity isn't what it could be, the through Lakewood Pottery, will train students in the Crafts Center isn't as busy as the staff would like," fundamentals of clay as well as in the more said an employee of the center. complicated apects of pottery. Cipriano and Foden pride themselves in the six To meet recent requests, Cipriano is seeking a looms of the Crafts Center, a large number for a center leather instructor. of its size. However, even six looms are not sufficient Registration is currently taking place for fall for opening them to public use. classes. The classes vary in length and cost. The eight- Both professional photographers and weekend week sessions begin in late September and generally picture-takers can enjoy easy access to the three meet at night. Further information can be obtained in darkrooms. Todd Cull, a free-lance photographer from the Crafts Center or by calling 684-2532.

'Some students have already taken advantage BARGAIN MATINEES * of the batiking and silkscreening supplies to Martin Theaters All Seats $1.50 * create wallhangings and unique clothing.' 1st hour, 1st feature Sat & Sun Only *

Hillsborough and an instructor at the Museum of Life NORTHGATE TWIN B B and Science in Durham, will teach beginning and advanced students interested in photography and Inchon developing this semester. MON-FRI 7:00, 9:15 MON-FRI 7:15, 9:15 Janet Harriman, a self-employed silversmith, will SAT-SUN 2:30 4:45, SAT-SUN 3:15, 5:15, instruct the jewelry-making class in the second-floor 7:00, 9:15 7:15, 9:15 jewelry studio. Through metal work students will PG create jewelry bangles and baubles in brass and copper. She also plans to let the more experienced TUTi i Weather Monty Python According to the National Weather Service, FRIDAY the 13th Friday and Saturday will be sunny and warm, with Live at the Hollywood Bowl high temperatures in the mid-80s Sunday will be fair part 3 MON-FRI 7:00, 9:00 and a little warmer, with a high temperture in the MON-FRI 7:15, 9:15 SAT-SUN 3:00, 5:00, mid- to upper-80s. SAT-SUN 3:15, 5:15, 7:00, 9:00 7:15,9:15 R


Monty Python Fast Times at Das Boot Live at the Ridgemont High MON-FRI 8:15 only Hollywood Bowl MON-FRI 7:15. 9:15 SAT-SUN 2:45 MON-FRI 7:00, 9:00 SAT-SUN 3:15.5:15, 5:30 SAT-SUN 3:00,5:00, 7:15. 9:15 R 8:15 7:00, 9:00 R R ,...______/ September 18 & 19 WCHL Late Show 11:30 p.m. Friday & Saturday 7:00 and 9:20 p.m. Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl S The Blues Brothers

handily presents: ^ntLYJtjii ffrRpv/^m culrishly presents. THE 5000 FINGERS OF DOCTORT TICKET TO HEAVEN 7 & 9:30 (1961, 107min., dir. By R.L Thomas) Rased on the story from The local premiere of rhis absorbing, frighrening sleeper. Based on o true fomed cartoonist Ted sroty of Moonie indoctrination, rhis critically acclaimed movie derails rhe Geisel better known as brainwashing and deprogramming of one mon (Nick Mancuso). The Docrcr Seusi... the wonder- t brainwashing scenes are unforgenably powerful. ful adventures of o young THE GRATEFUL DEAD AT RADIO CITY 12 midnighr piano player named (1960, 118 min., Dir. by Len DeNAmico) Tommy. The Dead are back ar Duke! A mesmerizing record of 6 sold-our concern ar N.Y.C.'s Radio City Music Hall. Humor and superb concerT foor- oge make rhis a truly fun film. "I'll be there so ir will be a great rime." 5reve Esselman, finger experr "Recommended viewing for would-be hippies." -Jake Phelps. DUU Director THE FIRST OF FIREWATER'S CHILDREN'S SERIES Free ro oil kids ond the young or heart TONIGHT BRYAN CENTER FILM THEATER 10:30 a.m. or rhe Bryan Cenrer Film Theorer FREE ro undergrads wirh Duke IDs and SEG ond Union pwilege Sarurday, September 18rh cord holders. All orhers $1.50 Page Ten The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 .ASDU makes representation change

ASDU from page 1 sparked by complaints by senior Brad year I worked as a research assistant in In addition, Stone said improving "It will increase more equal Torgan, ended in eventual charter the Fuqua School of Business, mainly campus safety would be a top priority. "I representation from all sides. This will approval for that group. working with biographical data. I found would like to see the escort service keep the fraternities from having such In his election speech, Stone said the central records in shambles." He said expanded. ASDU can work with Public an influence," said Bill Bruton, speaker primary goal of ASDU was to represent that the alumni records need Safety to distribute information to of the legislature. "It's alright to have a accurately the student body. "A lot of investigation, "with a possible re­ students about campus safety." powerful influence, but it should be a students think of ASDU as isolated," he hashing of the entire system." Regarding Duke's overcrowding representative influence." said. "I feel that I can present a positive Stone's other concerns include the crunch, Stone said, "I don't think the Also, last night, 16 organizations image to the students." problems of dining halls, sexual problem can be resolved in the next three received charter approval, including the A two-year ASDU legislator, Stone assaults on campus and overcrowding. months. The final solution is a new Environmentally Concerned Organiza­ has also served on the ASDU Arguing that the Rathskellar ought to dormitory. The administration should tion of Students (ECOS), whose charter Alcoholism Awareness Task Force, the be open for breakfast and the Oak Room direct its attention and resources in that was tabled at last week's legislative Campus Store Advisory Board, and the every night of the week, he said "the direction first." session. A half-hour debate on the University Affairs Committee of ASDU. main responsibility of the dining halls is Future presidential or vice alleged exclusionary character of the "I believe strongly in the importance to feed the students and to satisfy their presidential candidacies are both Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), of alumni relations," Stone said. "Last concerns." "possibilities," Stone said. Spectrum:

Kappa Delta — Tan at "the Quarry" Duke Students for Life MONDAY David E. Alexander — Dept. of Sun.! Meet at l^SO in front of Chapel. Zoology, Duke U.. and Dept. of Duke Chew «nd Hack gammon Club Jabl Kappa Alpha Theta — Sat. is Kappa Delta — Meeting a Panhel Aerospace Sciences, U. of Minnesota. — Meeting &30 Schlitz ranting room Mac International Niwht! 8 p.m.. House H. house, 8:30 p.m. Wear white. will speak on "Fast Turns in Slow (in Rathskellar.. 7::t0 Brinn pictures und food! Psych Majors — Luncheon with Dr. Flight — 1 low Dragonflies Steer," Group for Alternative Garni ; - PISCES New Coi it-1 or. Kappa Sig Stardusters — Meeting in Subiiiii Papers — Fo Kimble , L_!::.0 in Oak Room Sign up WDUK Staff Meeting - 4 p.m.. n Sun., ] m Fed. Broujjhtun parlor, Sun. 10 p.m. Put. Sci. Journal by Oct outside Zener. Bryan Ctr. Film Theater. All staff Thiswwk: How to Counsel Effectively. Perkins. Sophomore Class Co. icil - please attend! Sailing Club - Open House Sat. Meet Phi Mus - Organizational meeting. 7 m_. 201 CCC — meeting at H a m. in 201 10 a.m. on Cbapei stairs, faring cam and International Assoc. Members — Flowers Bldg. Flowers. Can't atlend, call Roseunn Cultures" al :t\'.0 in Zener. All welcurw friends. going lo lunch). Sign up for the OUTER BANKS 6H4-0037. Navigators — Christian fellowship a VFY'er-i - Picnic at Durham Park. Oxford Reunion - dinner and party BEACH TRIP at the IHouse. Study Abroad Info — Studv nUSSR NC PIRG refunds - Today 2-5 p.m.. 7:1.0 pm. boardroom behind Bryan C ti Bring lunch. Meet at J.B. Duke 12::.0 Sat., 6 p.m., :i04 Anderson. Apt. B. Program II — Information shwis in info meeting, 4 p.m. und 4:30 .m„ 226 Flowers Lounge. Bring Duke I.D. and .Sun He th*'..'! CLASSIFIEDS Hiking, ciimhing, canoeing, ASTHMATICS - EARN $150 Studious but fun-loving Lost: Between West bus stop Announcements caving, hang gliding and in a breathing experiment on professional or graduate and Physics, Wed., Sept. 15, more! Free film and informa­ the UNC-CH campus. Time student wanted to share navy blue Dean's cable AEROBICS IN MOTION new tion session with Outing Club, commitment is 20-25 hours professionally mixed and terrific 2 bdr./2 bath apt. cardigan, size 36. This is my fall classes at the Durham Project WILD and Residential over a 6-8 week period. delivered. No job is too big or Includes washer/dryer. 5 favorite sweater. Please call YMCA. Beginners and life Outdoor Program. Sept. Volunteers must be male, age too small. Call 286-3895. mins. from Duke. $182.50 plus Katie, 684-0584. intermediate classes starting 22, 8 p.m., 136 Soc. Sci. 18-35, with a current or ALTERATIONS! '/_ utilities (about $25). Sept. 13. Come dance with us Kittens International Association — previous history of asthma. HEMS, ZIPPERS, and all Available Oct. 3. Call 383-9393 for fitness and fun.' Best after 6 p.m. _^ Welcome back party on Fri., Travel is reimbursed. If your alteration needs. Adorable black tabby kittens quality program of its type in interested please call collect FREE to good home. Call 286- Sept. 17, at 9:30 p.m. at Aycock Please Call Dee Pickett at Housemate wanted — Share 3 the area. Call 493-4502 for 966-1253, Mon.-Fri.. 8-5. " ipus). 383-8655. 3 miles from bdr. 2 '//bath well furnished 3907. more information. EARN $5/hour in EPA inde ch trip Duke. Please Call at house 2 blks. from East. Now Re breathing experiment on the Ride Needed Call the Cookie Factory for registration deadline Sept. or will hold 1st of Oct. $150 UNC-CH campus. We need great all natural cookies. Attention freshmen (and plus 1/3 utilities. John 682- Going to the WHO concert in healthy males, 18-35, non- 0286. PHILADELPHIA? Ride Delightfully decorated cookie women): Real rush begins For Sale cakes ($3.98-513.95). Ask smokers for at least one year. needed to and from Philadel­ today! Come drink with the Housemate wanted for 3- about the "'Cookie Muncher" Travel is reimbursed. . For GOOD, INEXPENSIVE, phia weekend of Sept. 24-26. Bozos at the Haufbrau at 4 more information please call USED FURNITURE. Chests, bedroom house near East Will share all expenses. Call p.m. Deans and OZ's stay n>]i -<'ti.t.fi-12oH, 8-5. Mon.-Fri. desks, sofas, tables, lamps, Campus. SllO/mo. plus 1/3' Amy at 684-7337. decorated cookie for any 1 HOMEWORKERS, EARN etc. Will deliver for small fee. utilities. Prefer non-smoker, occasion, 286-2628. Northgate BIG PROFITS! Distribute Small inventory, big bargains! grad or professional student. Personals Mall. BULL ON BULL, Duke's new security products. Details, Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 5-8 p.m.; Call Tom, 688-8724. guide to what to see and where Fitness is fun!!! Sharpe's send stamped, addressed Sat. 10-6p.m. 5921 N. Roxboro Hey everybody! Learn to Love. to go in Durham, is here! The Help! Female undergrad Workout Innovations combines envelope, your name and Rd., 471-9125. Love Life. Love Love. Love guide is FREE to all needs female non-smoker to toning and conditioning with address. Mr. Bynum, 609 Peace. Love Everyone. Live undergraduates. Bring your For ;•](•: share 2 Bdr. Apt. $130 plus '/_ aerobics. Vour first class is Clayton Rd. (A), Durham, NC life in love! I love you all. — 03 semester enrollment card and bicycles. Raleigh 3 speed. utilities. Close to West free. $25 unlimited monthly Taylor. pick up your copy, Mon. and Peugeot 10 speed. Both in Campus with free bus. Call visits. Child care some Tues... 11-3 on the Bryan 27703. excellent condition. Call Bob 286-7536 anytime. Dear John — YOU MADE IT! classes. South Square Mall. Center walkway. Wanted: grad student, faculty 684-2472 or 286-4835 and leave Congratulations on becoming 489-3012. Small garage apt., quick walk member or any other qualified legal (even though you have PHI MUS: Don't forget wine to Duke East Campus and PISCES volunteer to coach the another whole year to go in and cheese party Sun. 8:30 For sale: double mattress, $20; downtown area. $175/month. office hours! Call 684-2618 or women's softbail club team. Atlanta)! I hope you have a p.m. Bassett and sportswear desk that could use a small bit Call nights 688-0545. drop by 101 Flowers for peer Can you hit a softbail? Then great 18th birthday. I'm sorry can be ordered outside 501 of repair, $20. Call Marcie at counseling or free information. why not hit some to us? I can't be there to celebrate, House G until Monday. Wanted Mondays and Thursdays 11-5 Formal practices begin in 682-1921. ___^__ but I'll be thinking of you. Love, Linda (Your FAC) and Wednesdays 11-3. Listen to the Duke Soccer early spring. For more info Quality stereo equipment Wanted to Buy; Used 10 speed Tournament this weekend on cail Martha 684-1395 or Kym Marantz 2015 stereo receiver SOUTH JERSEY KIM: We THETAS - Get the weekend didn't get a chance to practice WDUK 1600 AM. as the 7th 684-0966, 50 watts RMS ($150) Ohm D-2 Please call 684-7689. off to a great start! Chicken beach dancing at Zack's Sat. rated Blue Devils take on speakers (250 watts per barbecue with the Pikas on (9/14), Interested? Cali 543- Appalachian St. Sat. at 3 p.m. channel capability) ($75 Fri. afternoon starting around Services Offered Lost/Found 8720 days or 1-782-4046 1. Be sure and come hungry. Finals Sun, at I. p.m. each). Call Steve 684-7767. Interested in saving the Planning a party or special Play the BASS. Hondo II LOST: Navy Blue HARVEY collect. Steve C. Duke in Italy summer African Efe Pygmies from event? Let me help with Imitation Precision Fender MUDD COLLEGE Jacket at Lisa - "TODAY IS YOUR students: reunion dinner to be extinction? As lovers of peace, organization, ke#s, cases, set Bass guitar, Peavy 50 Watt BIRTHDAY?!?!?" I'm so glad held Mon., Sept. 20. Come Springfest 1982. Contact they have not had a war in up, etc. Call Jay Borkowski, Amp (New), case and starter lunch ended before 1 p.m, so I drink wine, eat pasta and Jacqueline at 684-6185. 8,000 years! Group now Miller Brewing Co.'a campus book, all for $500 neg. David could get this into the show your pictures. Come at 6 Found: Silver ankle bracelet forming. For information 684- representative. 471-6832. 688-2168 Chronicle! I won't forget 6:30 p.m. to 626 Starmont Dr. Call outside ECL. Sept. 15, call 683- 1877. on Saturday. Happy 19th! Liz at 383-1019 for dii Hoyer 12-string guitar w th 8415 to identify. Love, Ellen. regrets or questions. CROW'S NEST case $100. Queen-sixe I Found — Gold wire-frame Luscious: Happy birthday Help Wanted ANTIQUE MALL spring and mattress comft wood Shopping Cenrer glasses and case on Wed. Sept. from the House G quadruple! WDUK staff meeting, Mon., able and in good conditi Neu. merchandise arriuing doily! 15 in Soc. Sci. Cali 684-7780. We've shared many memories Sept. 20, 4 p.m. Bryan Center Wanted: youth advisor for $60. Call 383-8782 Period pieces from 1700's lo earty 19O0's Lost: Gold Seiko watch! Last this past year, and will for Film Theater. All staff Judea Reform Congregation at low, low prices. 50 different week somewhere in between many more to come! (Remem­ including trainees please High School Youth Group. ' shops. Come see! ber those "can't remember" attend! Starting immediately for 10 2000 Chapel Hill Rd • Durham For Rent Duke Van, Flowers Drive and months. Call 489-7062 or 929- • Mo< .0-6 • 493-7494 • Fri 10-9 New Dorms. Very Sentimental! memories, too?) Davidson, ZETAS (and Big Bros) — Sign REWARD!! Call 684-7243. hall talks, study breaks, up for Set-Up-Your-Sister KRROR-FREK TYPING - Roommate wanted: to share 2 pizzas, scoping, Wednesday, FOUND: Bunch of keys on Party, Sept. 30. You must sign Wanted: Student with Term papers, theses, disserta­ br. apt. 1/4 mile from West, Thursday and weekends, and East-West Bus Mon., Sept. 13. up by Sept. 20 to go. Call Lisa, transportation to provide tions. Also resumes and Health club, tennis courts, of course, the Three Muskateers 684-1557 or stop by 202 House child-care 10-15 hrs/wk after repetitive letters. Reasonable pool. $130/mo. plus utilities. Smurf Keyring. Call to ID 688- will go "down in history." We 2:30 p.m. $3/hr. 489-5001. rates. 489-6227. Call 286-7956. 6292. love you. Lush! Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Eleven Academic Council announces guidelines

ACADEMIC from page 5 Lewin added. location of spending," he said. added. Behn said his appointment was a "Now the key players are on the Lewin also announced that Sanford The agreement more clearly defines "challenge and opportunity." He board," Lewin said. "I hope that the had formally accepted guidelines the faculty's role in the selection and planned no major changes because the campaign can proceed." concerning faculty participation in the retention process. institute is growing and progressing, he Lewin also said that the faculty would appointment and retention of The agreement recommends that added. have some say in where the funds raised administrators. deans of schools be appointed for five M. Laney Funderburk, newly-named would go. "If the faculty substantially The search underway for a provost years, to be generally renewed once, and director of alumni affairs, would also supports the campaign, we will have a would enable the faculty to test their also calls for a review of the University play a major role in the campaign, substantial say in the priority and ability to carry out the provisions, he president at three-year intervals.

ZETAS! Mandatory meeting on Monday for pledges who are initiating and their Big Sisters. Watch Spectrum for details. All encouraged (please!) to come — must wear white — .it's prc-ini tint ion. Everyone get psyched for Zeta Week. Big sisters — if you weren't at last meeting, call me ASAP!/.-love, Aiinex77.>:i.

Ed, you've almost made it to 21! New Jersey, funnels and drinking games haven't killed you yet! Have fun preparing for and enjoying the big day! (Does Standards supply aspirin?) I'll miss you and be thinking about you! Happy birthday! DLB To all fellow Burton ladies — let's unite and seek revenge on 402 Mirecourt! Heads will roll. Lisa Rochlin — A sweet girl like you deserves ihe best ot­ her 19th birthday! With love and wishes that this year is fantastic, your ex-roommie. Happy birthday, Jam Bob Blackwood! You're a great guy, even if you do smell funny. — Ugly Steve Everyone is invited to help celebrate LOURDES PALO­ MINO'S 19th birthday in the C.I. (Center for Intoxication?) Happy hour, of course, at 4

Dear LUSH, 19 Big Ones and a night of many firsts. From being SMART to SPACING OUT. From Perkins to parties and back to incredible compositions! The quadruple loves you wishes you the best birthday. To the studs in 45-C: We finally found where you are — we would like to know how you are and what we may do to improve your situation. Reply through Chronicle — 3 Real Women HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN SENSENBRENNER!! It's too bad you have to spend it with us, but don't despair — there are droves of 15-year-olds in Columbia. See you on the road, where the "pavement pandemonium" begins. — Ties, Dwyer, Dave, Coke, Jeff, Mark, Freddie and BIG Frank Reuben. _^^^^ Mimi — No matter where you are, you'll always be with me. Love, Tom. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY LINDA PAK. I LOVE YOU. SEONG. Hey everyone, give Linda Pak a big bun! She will be 20 on Sunday- To my two favorite roommates: Thanks for making my birthday so wonderful and for helping mc eat a" lr>e candy! It's great to have you for roomies. Love, Susan. OPENS IN SEPTEMBER AT SPECIALLY Skippy — E°r yo,jr birthday, enjoy a special meal from the SELECTED THEATRES. diner down the hall and a 10- foot dreamwave at Maui. Have a happy one! Mom and Check newspapers for theatres. Floyd. Page Twelve The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Handicap funds harry Maryland officials By Stephanie Childs allotted for fiscal year 1981. with us personally." Police arrested Schiro earlier this In a rush to spend $690,000 in state "We are doing it a little backwards," The president of the gay-lesbian summer after one of his dorm neighbors and federal grants to increase said the architect. "Other improvements student union was troubled by the reported hearing the guinea pig accessibility for the handicapped at the should make the renovations complete." hostility toward the mixer. "An screaming. The neighbor said that she University of Maryland, university institution of higher learning should be had heard the rodent scream in pain officials have made some badly planned Crashed above that," he said. before, and that she had once seen Schiro throw Albert against the wall. "improvements." At the University of Maryland earlier Guinea pig abuse The Diamondback reported that a this month, two campus evangelists Besides putting Albert in a hot pan bathroom stall designed for persons groups protested a mixer of A University of Florida student who because the creature, according to confined to wheelchairs has been approximately 130 gays and lesbians in literally fried his pet guinea pig has Schiro's testimony, refused to play with installed in the campus's journalism the university's student union. begun serving an unusually tough jail him, Schiro forced the animal to take building. Unfortunately, one must climb Approximately 75 members of Active sentence for cruelty to animals, reported showers with him. a flight of 25 stairs to reach the women's Christians That Serve (ACTS) and New the College Press Service. "When he [Albert] was brought in [to room in which it is located. Life Christians sang hymns and recited the humane society] he just shivered and "I think [the stallj is kind of strange," passages from the Bible on the steps of shook," said a humane society said the dean of the journalism college. the Student Union, reported the investigator. The animal's feet were "But I wouldn't question it; we're not Diamondback. Ivory "scabby and bloody," she said. Albert going to look a gift horse in the mouth." "Because the Bible says that was also underweight, and he suffered Apparently, the dean has faith that a homosexuality is wrong and unnatural, from abdominal swelling. long-ago-requested elevator will be we believe that what is going on Towers Albert himself, now adopted by a installed in the building next summer. [tonight] in regard to homosexuals is UF math major George Schiro is Gainesville family, is "happy and doing The restroom stall is not the only wrong," said the advisor for ACTS. "We serving 60 days and paying a $198 fine just fine," the investigator reported. "All bizarre addition to the building. love them, God loves them, but we don't for abusing his pet, Albert, who has his hair has grown back, and he comes Drinking fountains that jut out go along with them. The Bible says it's since been taken away from him by the when his name is called. He's coming approximately three feet from the wall wrong." court. out of it all very nicely." have also been installed to aid persons The vice-president of the gay-lesbian in wheelchairs. The dean of the student union said that the protest had journalism college maintains, however, no affect on attendance or on the that the fountains will be a hazard to atmosphere of the mixer. No blind students who use the wall for conversation occurred between the guidance. protestors and the gays. A campus architect, defending the One gay said that he has tried to renovations, said, "If we don't use the approach protestors to discuss his money now, we lose it." Facilities interpretations of passages in the Bible planners who are trying to remodel the concerning gays, but that the building so that it will meet federal evangelists have never responded. standards for handicapped access have "They don't give us a chance," he said. only spent $90,000 of the $690,000 "They don't care about us enough to deal !tsstmmm£%t&& DUKE PROGRAM IN MEXICO San Miguel de Allende SPRING SEMESTER 1983

Program: Duke courses for full credit. Spanish conversation, Mexican civilization, novel, modern Mexican family, Jhirmack Gelave Shampoo and indigenous peoples. for normal, dry or oily hair

Prerequisite: Two years of college Spanish or equivalent. 8 oz. reg. $3.69 Now $1.89

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Costs: Projected to be no more than total semester costs on campus plus international travel. Colgate Colgate Toothpaste Informational Meeting: Great Regular Flavor Wednesday, September 22 5oz. reg. $1.59 Now $1.14 Sat M-F Limit 2 per customer 8:30 a.m. at 4 p.m. in 305 Languages building 830 am. no rain checks 5:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m sun noon-4 p.m. Inquiries: Department of Romance Languages Duke Stores I ARnw CUOD 205 Languages, 684-3706 BryanCenter LvDDY jllvr These low prices also good in our East campus Store The Chronicle's ACC Preview

Kiffin ^welsh Football 1982 Page IS A supplement to The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Inside After No. 1: more questions By Jon Scher of problems — it's top-heavy, for one thing — and it's 1981 was the Year of the Tiger in the Atlantic Coast far from the nation's dominant The Palmetto Bowl p. 2 Conference — a year when an underrated bunch from conference. But things have improved drastically over Clemson took the league and the nation by storm, the past few years. splashing orange paint from South Carolina to Miami Clemson and North Carolina command attention on Gamecock outlook p. 3 and back again. a level with the Oklahomas and the Alabamas, the After 28 seasons of futility and ridicule, an ACC football factories where success is spelled with dollar team copped the mythical national championship. signs. Former conference powerhouses N.C. State and Clemson's 22-15 Orange Bowl win over Nebraska, Maryland are not to be taken lightly, and Duke has The Gila Monsters p. 4 which capped a 12-0 season, was heralded even in served notice that it will no longer be pushed around. Chapel Hili as final proof that championship-caliber Virginia and Wake Forest, both horrendous in 1981, football existed in basketball-mad ACC country. are improving. Georgia Tech is going through the The ACC in 1982 p. 6 Eight euphoric months later, the 1982 campaign motions in its final season before becoming eligible to opened with all the subtlety of a cold slap in the face. officially finish last. The conference's two showcase programs were dealt Tech's jump into conference competition will be Women's tennis p. 8 stunning defeats within three days of each other, and, especially perilous, because by the fall of 1983, the even on Tobacco Road, the questions could be heard ACC will have moved closer to parity with the nation's again. strongest football leagues. Despite Clemson's title, Maybe Clemson's title was a fluke. And Carolina, that parity has yet to be achieved, and it may not be Soccer tournament p.10 well, Carolina's a basketball school anyway, right ? As just around the corner. But things are looking up. for the rest of those schools in the ACC. . .they ain't The enthusiasm of the Tiger rooters, the constant much. chatter of fans on the streets, the roar of the crowds Men's tennis p. 11 With 10 weeks left in the season, that assessment and the ring of the cash registers all tell the tale — they may be a little premature. The ACC still has its share don't just play basketball around here any more. Page Two S The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 How big is it? Duke's trip to South Carolina isn't a bowl game, but it is important "If we can beat South Carolina, we'll Carolina head coach Richard Bell. Gamecocks' front line averages well start in Branion's place. . .Joel Blunk, be cruising the rest of the season." "They've been involved in a tough over 250 pounds. who gained 101 yards and scored the — Duke offensive tackle Tim physical game that they had to go down Bell realizes that the South Carolina winning touchdown in the opener, is •Bumgarner to the wire to win. That could give them defense will be given a trial by fire listed as the starting tailback, ahead of By Jon Scher an advantage," said Bell, who replaced Saturday night. Stopping the explosive Mike Grayson. . ."We'll sub in all our No, it's not the Super Bowl. Or the Jim Carlen after the Gamecocks Blue Devil attack is not a task for the backs a lot," said Wilson. "Our starting Cotton, or the Peach, for that matter. struggled to a 6-6 record last year. faint of heart. [Blunk] is kind of like a reward for him But to the combatants, Saturday night's "They've been tested, and proved they "I've always felt Duke has had an having a great game.". . .Ben Bennett Duke-South Carolina matchup is almost can do it for four quarters, from the first outstanding team," he said. "They're will start at quarterback, and Mark as significant. down to the last down." getting better and better as they gain Militello is expected to open at flanker Call it the Palmetto Bowl. South Carolina will be trying to show maturity and experience." ahead of Glenn Tillery. . .The trip will When the Blue Devils and the it can do the same, under the direction of The Blue Devils last beat South mark the fourth year in a row that Duke Gamecocks square off on the plastic Bill Bradshaw, a sophomore Carolina in 1978. The combined score of has played at Columbia. . .Tickets, grass at Williams-Brice Stadium in quarterback who beat out two seniors for the three losses since then: 72-10. priced at $12, should be available right Columbia, S.C, emotions will be the starting spot. Bradshaw has Bell said he has cautioned his players up until kickoff. running high. Both teams know what's adjusted well to the wide-open attack not to take Duke lightly, and to forget at stake: a perfect record and momentum brought to Columbia by former about the recent one-sided nature of the heading into the middle weeks of the University of Hawaii offensive series. "After we saw the films of the season. coordinator Dave Fagg. Tennessee game, we're not going to be The two clubs have followed different "If there's one area that's done more looking past Duke at all." paths to early success. The Gamecocks than we anticipated, it's the offense," The Gamecocks will need to muster all rolled up 71 points in crushing two lesser said Bell. "But we still feel that defense the momentum they can Saturday opponents, while Duke nabbed an is our strength." night, because highly rated Georgia will impressive 25-24 comeback win before After seven years as Carlen's be coming to Williams-Brice next 95,000 howling Tennessee fans in defensive wizard, Bell has established a weekend. Knoxville. The Blue Devils' clutch unit that Duke head coach Red Wilson According to Wilson, the Blue Devils performance has been gnawing at South said is better than Tennessee's. The are ready for the challenge. "We've had good preparation for South Carolina," he said. "The fellows want very badly to win. The temperature of this team is .~y very high right now." THE NEW NOTES: Cornerback Joby Branion, who sprained an ankle at Tennessee, will miss the game. Coaches said either CHINA INN Jeff Harelson or Terron Teander will Andrew Provence.

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Stay at The Drake on Friday and Saturday night is FREE. Last week to buy shorts The Drake, a deluxe landmark hotel in Mew York City, is pleased to offer our Xew Arrivals: Jogging Suits, Sweaters, Friday evening guests Saturday evening at no charge. Xorweigan wool pants, That's right. When you check in any Friday at The Drake, you pay the regular rate of $125 for a delux room—and that is for two, not per person. Then, Quarpcl Windbrcakers, Saturday night, you stay as ourguests. Mo other hotel has such a unique, free Socks, Btxikbags offer. So come experience the tradition of hospitality and elegance for which Swissotel are known. The Drake Swissotel is waiting to welcome you. On 56th "You haven't been to Chapel Hill until Street at Park Avenue. you've been to Poor Richard's." THE TRAVEL CENTER Brightleaf Square Suite 25E POOR RICHARD'S 682-9378 10-7 Weekdays 10-6 Saturday Mon.-Fri. 9-5 683-1512 SeX- Noon4 Kroger Plaza Chapel Hill 929-5850 i »~i rt f~i t~i Hi r~( I~I I~I rj <_i i_; I_I i Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Three S South Carolina Outlook PRICE Game Facts Time: 7 p.m. BREAKTHROUGH! Place: Williams-Brice Stadium (72,400), Columbia, S.C. Radio: WDBS-FM 107 (Bob Harris, Wes Chesson). Last Meeting: 1981 — South Carolina 17, Duke 3. South Carolina Gamecocks (2-0) Head Coach: Richard Bell (Arkansas '59). Overall head coaching record: First year. 1982 record: Defeated Pacific 41-6 and Richmond 30-10. OFFENSE Line: Four-year starting center Mark Austin will miss game with elbow injury. Mates average 250 on the line. 'Cocks also without services of two-year letterman Ricky Elliott at tackle, due to academic probation. Ends: Sophomores Ira Hillary and Chris Wade start at wide receivers. They lead Gamecocks in receiving yardage this year. Wade and Dominique Blasingame both used at tight end spot. Backs: Converted receiver Tom Dendy (5-11,185), a freshman, leads team in rushing. Blasingame, Todd Berry and Quinton Lewis carry rest of load. Sophomore Bill Bradshaw opens at QB backed up by 1981 starter Gordon Beckham. Placekicker: Mark Fleetwood is perfect thus far. He's 8-for-8 on PATs and 5- for-5 on FGs. DEFENSE Line: Andrew Provence (6-3, 255), an All-America candidate at defensive tackle, set school record with 161 tackles last year. Rest of line green and not too strong. Linebackers: Four starting linebackers return. All steady and have speed. Sale Good For 1 Week Only • Valid Through September 25th Secondary: Four-year starter Pat Bowen anchors the backfield from the strong safety spot. Aggressive and experienced threesome start with Bowen. Punter: Chris Norman is averaging 39.4 yards per punt on 11 boots this year. King Koil Mattress Sale Appraisal KING KOIL, the fifth largest bedding manufacturer in the world, makers of the USC has demolished two easy opponents this year but has given up 188 yards internationally recognized spina) guard which, according to independent testing passing per game and should have a tough time with Duke's Ben Bennett-led aerial attack. Duke could have trouble mustering a running attack against laboratories, is the Best Bedding Buy available, is helping Bedding Showcase with Provence and friends, but the Devil runners will wear down the USC defense their unbelievable sale. Thanks to King Koil we are able to offer these quality over the course of the game. bedding sets at prices never before possible. COME BY, TODAY! — Pete Land POSTURE-MEDIC FIRM-ABACK SPINAL GUARD Firm Sleep Sel PREMIERE Price Break 5-year Warranty % PRICE 12-Year Warranty On Innerspring Mattresses 12-Year Warranty REG SALE REG SALE REG SALE Twin 319.9U sei 199.90 sel from the Heart •[ «in 129.95 sel 89.% set Twin 319.90 sel 159.95 sel Full 399% set 259.90 sei F II 279.95 sel 115.95 sel Full 399.90 sel 19995 set Queen 469.9S sei 299.00 set Q ueen 379.95 sei 149.95 set Queen 469.95 sei 235.00 set King 649,95 sei 399.00 sei When you're tired from the grind ot all-nighters come K ng 47995 set 199% sel King 649.% sel 325.00 sel by and check out Prom the Heart, where you can relax and be encouraged by all those items that give Premium Quality Spinal Check This One Firm 312-Coil Unit. special meaning to your life. We carry the best in Guard Gives You Extra Out Students/ contemporary christian music, books, gifts and bibles. Entire mattress and Support in The Critical Newcomers. The And to give your room that special flair, we have Center Area posters too! perfect bed if and sides, multi- you're looking needle quilted to suppon where needed most. for comfort and SUPPORT BLUE DEVIL FOOTBALL firm support at a beautiful satin tick­ suppur is lor lull-widihi sleeping budget price. ing with matching • Also available m l_.min_.ied Also, a perfect College Ministry Groups choice for guests. foundation. time unl. J totervcnsity-Navigators-Campus Crusade ^ Waterbeds-incredible savings j Check out our study materials

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When you give a gift, give it from the Heart Page Four S The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Oxendine and Bumgarner: A perilous pair

By Steve Gutkin watching the ball because that's the among Duke football fans. On the playing field they stand like natural thing to do. "People were disenchanted with the two strong pillars — bulwarks of a "It doesn't make me feel bad at all, feeling of novelty," Bumgarner said. sturdy, solid offensive line, a unit that though, because I know that if I "New offense, new head coach, brand helps make the Duke Blue Devils an concentrate on my job and carry out my new ballgame — that's a bunch of hull. exciting team to watch and a formidable assignment, I know that I'll feel good You have to have experienced leaders — obstacle for opposing teams. good senior leadership, which we didn't Off the field, senior tackles Robert "I think we have the potential to have. A lot of times leadership would be Oxendine and Tim Bumgarner are a go to a bowl game and it's a good forced into the hands of younger couple of cut-ups who keep those around sign that we're talking about it" players. them off guard. They go for the witty "In terms of the whole team concept, one-liner or deadpanned tall tale with a — Tim Bumgarner you're not going to find results right off good-natured spirit and self-effacing the bat, and we didn't have results. Now sense of humor. They appear not to take when I see it on film and my teammates we've gotten three years of experience themselves too seriously, a refreshing see it on film. That's much more and everybody's played together, and trait for college athletes. important to me than what some half­ it's starting to show." In football, most spectators train their witted spectator thinks." Robert Oxendine. PERHAPS HE'S modest or perhaps eyes on the ball, focusing on the runners, Even so, some experts have he just can't resist a little self- the kickers and especially the recognized their outstanding seasons, they endured records of 2-8-1 deprecation, but when Oxendine is quarterbacks. There's relatively little performances. For his efforts in Duke's and 2-9. asked to trace his improvement as a notoriety in the trenches, but that 25-24 win over Tennessee Sept. 4, . "I was disappointed it [a winning lineman over his career at Duke, the pre­ doesn't faze Oxendine and Bumgarner, Oxendine, a 6-3, 270 pound co-captain, season] didn't happen earlier," season Playboy All-America gives a who simply do their jobs. was named the Atlantic Coast Oxendine said. "I didn't really know who-me look and deadpans, "I haven't "I don't expect 90 percent of the Conference's offensive player of the what I was in for when I came here [in improved." spectator group to know a thing about week, an honor he received once before. 1979] — we had a new coach [Red Eddie Williamson, the offensive line line play," said Bumgarner, a hulking 6- FRUSTRATION was the hallmark Wilson] and I thought it might be a good coach who has followed the progress of 6, 270 pound High Point native. "In of Oxendine and Bumgarner's early year, but we were a lousy football team. Oxendine and Bumgarner over their football, everyone's going to be collegiate careers. In their first two The next yeav I had a lot of fun playing, careers at Duke, disagrees. but we were still lousy. But if you look at "Both Tim and Robert have made the first half scores of that year we went unbelievable strides, and I don't think 2-9, I'd say in five or six of those games there are many teams in our conference we'd go into halftime with a lead, then stronger at tackle than we are," blow it. We just didn't know how to win Williamson noted. "Tim weighed about yet — it takes time." 220 when we signed him, and now he's Bumgarner stressed that promotional up to about 270, and Robert has put on campaigns designed to generate interest about 30 to 40 pounds. They've improved in a foundering program may have in overall body coordination and agility, contributed to unrealistic expectations and have become smarter players." THERACQUETCLUB A Prpgress Report

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This special offer will continue through Dec. 19,1982 Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Five S at the heart of Duke football's resurgence

The fruits of their weight-room labor "Tim had Private Brown in a double and writhing around on the mat," are reflected in their strength. chin lock," began Oxendine. Bumgarner said. The frightful affair Bumgarner bench presses 400 pounds, Bumgarner, who could hardly restrain ended when Bumgarner "promptly while Oxendine pushes up a figure close his excitement, interrupted. stomped his [Private Brown's] face, thus to the weight of three average Duke "I had his head pinned over the [ring] giving him the boot," and disqualifying students — 440. rope, I had his chin, and I was exposing the Gilas — much to the fans' delight. This summer, when Oxendine and the throat." BOTH BUMGARNER AND Bumgarner weren't mauling opponents OXENDINE are hoping Duke will see in professional wrestling matches in "I didn't really know what I was post-season play this year. Tim's father, Virginia and North Carolina, they were Dwight, played on Duke's 1961 Cotton at Duke with center Philip Ebinger, in for when I came here — we had Bowl team. running and lifting weights while a new coach and I thought it "1 think we have the potential to go to attending summer school. That training might be a good year, but we a bowl game," Bumgarner said," and it's has already paid dividends; witness the a good sign that we're talking about it. condition of the pair in the waning were a lousy football team" My first two years here, you think we minutes of the Tennessee victory. — Robert Oxendine were talking about winning a bowl? We "In our last 98-yard drive, they were talking about winning a game! But Tim Bumgarner. [Tennessee] were bending over at the Oxendine laughed heartily and now, after a 6-5 last year. . .the guys on waist and sucking air," Bumgarner After training at a school for continued, "Tim had him up like that, the team are saying, 'Hey, we have a observed. "We were tired too, but I think professional wrestling in southern and I went under the ring, where I chance at a bowl game.' I'd like to think the game gave us confidence in our Virginia, Oxendine, a former high always keep something stashed — a we have a good chance." physical shape." school wrestler, and Bumgarner monkey wrench or some other foreign "When I was evaluating which OXENDINE AND Bumgarner commanded a wide variety of moves. object. Before the match I had a roll of schools I wanted to go to, I wanted to get passed the early part of the summer Oxendine ran them off rapidly: "We quarters stashed under the ring. So Tim an education, but I also wanted to go to a traveling the Mid-Atlantic professional learned some elbow drops coming off the has the throat exposed and I come bowl game — so far we've attended the wrestling circuit. As hated "bad-guys," top rope, your basic sou pi exes, jumping off the top rope — it was Tobacco Bowl and the Tidy Bowl," Bumgarner and Oxendine called headlocks, chin locks, high crotch- beautiful acrobatics — thus opening a Oxendine said. "When I'm evaluating themselves the Gila Monsters. series, atomic elbows, a lot of body gash, a simulated gash. . ." my college football career, whether we Bumgamer's eyes light up when he slams, lot of fireman's carries — to a "There was a simulated gash, a lot of go to a bowl will be a big determinant of describes the hideous costumes they back-knee drop — most people know it simulated blood, and a lot of moaning whether it all was worth it." wore: green masks with "red inflamed" when they see it." eyes, green body-tights with a "red As the hated Gila Monsters, cone" on the back and green boots. Bumgarner and Oxendine challenged As "good guys," they were the the formidable team of Private Brown Bulgarian brothers, Shmordniak and Cokely, two stablemates of Mid- (Oxendine) and Bubsin (Bumgarner) Atlantic wrestler Sgt. Slaughter, for the and enjoyed giving interviews, feigning championship belt. They recount the an Eastern European accent. match in vivid detail. Cass Suzuki ' 'Compare our prices'' New And Used Parts And AtThs Hiltdi Accessories We've made some elegant changes at Service On Most Brands the Hilton. The Colonial Room, our Tomos Moped bright new Dining Room now offers you a "Touch of Class" for breakfast, lunch, GS 250TX FA 501983 GN-400XX and dinner. Daily specials, a relaxed atmosphere, reg. $1469 Shuttle reg. $1469 reg. $499 terrific home made dishes and our Now Now Now special Kona Coffee $1099 $379 $999 make dining at the Hilton one class you 11 love to attend. GS 450EX GS 550TX GS 750LX Eighth Floor. reg. $1799 reg. $2399 reg. $3099 Now Now Now *$1249 *$1849 *$2569 * Includes Rebate in Price Machine Shop & Complete Engine Work Salvage • Pickup & Delivery Insurance • Trailer Sales &. Rentals 108 N. Graham St., Chapel Hill

942-317CHAPEL HILL 4 682-830DURHAM 4 9-6 Tues thru Fri • 9-5 Sat "Our 7th Year" Page Six S The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Clemson, Duke and Maryland will be on

Compiled by Pete Land and Jon Scher at key positions — they lost 80 percent of will lead the offense the rest of the way. year, and will be hard pressed to finish A healthy Kelvin Bryant, along with an offensive line that helped roll up over Bennett has some deadly targets in wide as high in 1982. 15 other returning starters should make 400 yards of total offense per game. The receiver Chris Castor, flankers Glenn Everyone in College Park is buzzing NORTH CAROLINA the leading receiving corps was also depleted. Split Tillery and Mark Militello and tight over the pro-style, pass-oriented offense contender for the Atlantic Coast end Frank Magwood, who averaged 20 end Carl Franks. that Ross has installed to replace Conference championship this fall. yards a catch last year, is the only The offensive line does a good Claiborne's grind-it-out attack. Senior Bryant got off to reliable returnee. The backfield is a impression of an immovable object, with Quarterback Boomer Esiason seems a record-breaking start last year, but bright spot; leading rusher Cliff All-ACC candidates Robert Oxendine, sure to shatter the club record for pass suffered a knee injury and missed four Austin, tailback Chuck McSwain and Philip Ebinger and Tim Bumgarner attempts (122) that he set last season. games. After arthroscopic surgery, he fullback Jeff McCall all return. blocking for Bennett and a host of small, An arsenal of receivers, including returned to action late in the year and All-ACC quarterback Homer fast running backs. tight end John Tice and wide receivers rushed for 247 yards against Duke and Jordan, who had a sensational Season Defensively, the Blue Devils are Russell Davis and Mike Lewis added another 148 yards in the Tar behind a veteran line, has yet to prove coping as best they can with the loss of return to spark the new offense. A Heels' Gator Bowl victory over that he can operate from a less-secure five starters. Linebacker Emmett handful of mediocre backs are striving Arkansas. pocket. His four interceptions in the Tilley and defensive back Johnny Hill to bridge the gap left by graduated But Bryant alone does not make the season-opening loss at Georgia might carried the unit in the opener. But even Charlie Wysocki, who rushed for 715 Tar Heels run. Quarterback Rod Elkins have been the game's deciding factor. with the question marks, this club has yards and seven touchdowns as a senior. will line up behind 1981 first team All- Safety , an All- the confidence and ability for a first- America left guard Dave Dreschler America selection as a junior, joins with division finish. PREDICTION: Third The defensive front, anchored by who teams with all-ACC right guard All-ACC tackle to solidify A 4-6-1 season, MARYLAND'S worst veteran tackles Gurnest Brown and Ron Spruill to give Carolina one of the a defense that lost both cornerbacks and in 10 years, earned Jerry Claiborne Mark Duda is solid, unlike the rest of best combinations in the country. linebacker Jeff Davis, the conference the boot, and new head man Bobby the unit. A secondary which allowed 265 The Heels have a solid nucleus player of the year. The front line is solid, Ross has his hands full. The Terrapins yards per game returns nearly intact. returning on defense. Leading the and Danny Triplett, who had 86 wound up third in conference play last Nuff said. PREDICTION: Fourth charge will be all-conference tackle tackles last season, will lead the William Fuller, who led the Heels in linebackers. tackles last year with 60 solo efforts and A pair of sophomores, punter Dale 24 assists. Hatcher and kicker Donald 1981 ACC Heading up the defensive backfield is Igwebuike, give Clemson perhaps the Greg Poole, a third-team Football best kicking game in the league. .000 338 105 News All-American. He had three PREDICTION: Second Maryland .... interceptions and returned two for It's onward and upward at DUKE, .545 210 230 touchdowns last year. where head coach Red Wilson and his If the defense can play with the staff broke new ground with a 6-5 364 217 365 .091 124 309 intensity of past years, North Carolina season, the Blue Devils' first winning JI Championship) should not only be one of the top teams campaign since 1974. Flaunting HWon Oranga Bowl in the ACC, but also a major factor on predictions that they would revert to the national scene. PREDICTION: form in 1982, the Devils defeated TEAM STATISTICS First Tennessee 25-24 in their opener. CLEMSON will be in the hunt, but Junior quarterback Ben Bennett, it's questionable if 's 1982 who spelled starter Ron Sally in the edition has the Eye of the Tiger. first quarter at Tennessee and threw for Graduation riddled the men in orange 288 yards and a touchdown, apparently

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N.C. STATE began preseason drills schedule. Four top 20 teams — North Hammond and a host of safeties who will be hard pressed to win even one with a note of uncertainty — mainly at Carolina, Clemson, Miami and Penn have been moved up from the defensive game this year. The schedule-maker the quarterback position. But Tol State — loom on the horizon. backfield. showed no mercy: Three top-10 teams Avery was selected to lead the Pack by PREDICTION: Fifth. The secondary is Wake Forest's only are on the agenda. coach Monte Kiffin, and the senior has Although the outlook is not very defensive strength. Ronnie Burgess The Wreck lost only seven seniors, but responded by leading State to victories bright for the Demon Deacons of WAKE returns at free safety after an five of those were starters, including in its first two games. FOREST, they do possess a fine pro­ outstanding freshman campaign. He is quarterback Mike Kelley, the school's The Wolfpack boasts a fine running style offense led by junior quarterback helped by the return of Eddie Green leading all-time passer. attack with the return of ACC rookie of Gary Schofield. who missed all of last season with an The offensive backfield could surprise the year Joe Mcintosh, who led the Schofield, who set five ACC records injury. a few people this year as flashy conference in rushing. last season and tossed for 504 yards Wake will have to ride the arm of freshman All-America Robert Lavette The secondary, featuring three proven against Maryland, has a top-flight Schofield and hope for yeoman work on returns at tailback. Replacing Kelley starters and led by preseason All- target in all-ACC tight end Phil Denfeld. the part of its defense to stay out of the will probably be Stu Rogers, who saw America Eric Williams, who led the But unless one of the 10 running backs ACC cellar this season. However, it some varsity play last year when Kelley ACC in interceptions last year, is recruited by head coach Al Groh can would take a total collapse for the was injured. another strong point, as is a veteran provide a spark, the Deacon running Deacons to lift Virginia out of the The defense lost only two starters, so it linebacking corps that includes Sam game will continue to be a glaring bottom spot. PREDICTION: Sixth will try to combat a lack of talent with Key, Vaughan Johnson and Andy weakness. Wake averaged just 82 yards They've got new helmets and another good overall depth. Tech would have Hendel. per game on the ground last year. new head coach at VIRGINIA, but, finished seventh in overall defense in The defensive line is unseasoned with Youth and inexperience typify Wake's unfortunately for former Navy boss the ACC last season and showed no only one starter — David Shelton — defensive corps. End Mike Hodgson is George Welsh, the Cavaliers have the signs of improvement in last week's 45-7 returning from last year's squad. the only returning starter among the same old players and the same old losing loss to Alabama. Not eligible for Though successful thus far, the front four, and the linebacking crew tradition. conference title until 1983 Wolfpack has yet to face the brunt of its features injury-plagued Steve Defense heads Welsh's long list of concerns. Virginia graduated six starters off a unit that all but laid down statisl ics for the opposition. Senior safety Pat Chester, who missed most of last Total Offense Rushing season with a knee injury, is one of few G»me Game bright spots. Play. Yards A„„, TOR Carries Yardi A„„. TDR 461 2428 22D 7 •Joe Mcintosh. NCS 119.0 5 Nine starters are back on offense, not ..326 1936 176.0 Charlie Wysocki. Md 7 including quarterback Gordie •Norman Esiason. MO. 296 '55C •sec •Robert Lavette. Md 787 7 •CM" Austin.Clem. 72.9 6 Whitehead, who is feared lost for the ..225 1197 67.6 228 1078 •Tyrone Anthony, UNC 146 699 6 year with an injury. Whitehead's •RoO Elkins. UNC •Chuck McSwain.Cle 60.7 •John Nash. Md. . 51.0 2 absence may prove to be a blessing, as rKelvinB.yani.Uf-C . 152 1015 145.0 16 (f-Kelvin Bryant. UNC ... 152 1016 145.0 17 backups Mike Eck and Wayne (#Did No t Play . Enougn Games To Be Ranked Schuchts combined for 269 yards in the Passing Efficiency air in the Cavaliers' defeat last week at TD Navy. The rest of the offense is either Player. School Pel. Int. Pet. Y«tls Alt. TD Pet. >omt» 96 8 4.60 1496 4.60 inexperienced or undertalented. 9 . 6.62 994 6.62 PREDICTION; Seventh AH PHOTO 54.5 8 3.96 1445 118.1 59.7 6.4 16 4.46 With basically the same cast from last Clemson celebrates after Us national 50.4 9 3.72 1635 6.6 9 3.72 5.06 111.5 year's 1-10 season, GEORGIA TECH title. 131 46.6 11 8.40 886 6.8 6 4.58 •T0!Awry.r.C5 10 7 19 825 5.9 3 2 16 92.9 BROADMOOR Durham apartments Spacious 1, 2 or 3-Bedroom Apartments • Lighted Tennis Courts* 3 pools* convenient to Durham, Chapel Hiliand comes alive RTP • Basketball Courts STUDENTS: FREE Bus Service to Duke. at Anotherthyme Call for Details on Student Specials. 4216 Garrett Road, Durham [7 minutes from Duke, 942-2302 Call Today 489-2302

Lakewood Party Store PARTY STORE 50>, part °* tne new Durham. 1915 Chapel Hill Road Monday-Friday I]:30 J.m.-12:30 _ -lidnight M-Th 109 N. Gregson a.m. Fn. & Sat. 489-1493 nidnight Sun. 682-5225 Page Eight S The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982 Wake battles N.C. State in league opener Wake Forest (1-1 overall, 0-0 in the ACC) at 39-35 in its last outing. N.C. State (2-0,0-0), 7 p.m. — The Wolfpack and the Around the ACC The Citadel (1-0) at Georgia Tech (0-1), 1:30 Demon Deacons meet in the season's first conference p.m. — The Ramblin' Wreck was thrashed 45-7 by game. State survived a scare last week when it edged and four touchdowns against the Sboners. Alabama in its opener last week while the Bulldogs East Carolina 33-26 while the Deacons lost at Auburn James Madison (1-1) at Virginia (0-1), 1:30 defeated Presbyterian 21-16. The only bright spot for 28-10. Wake's Gary Schofield (426 yards passing this p.m. — The Cavaliers played surprisingly well in the Tech against the Crimson Tide was quarterback Jim year) and State's Tol Avery (356 yards) will stage a opener against Navy (a 20-16 setback). Virginia's Bob Taylor, who threw for 202 yards. But this one duel for supremacy. Wake's defense gave up 413 yards offense amassed 430 yards last week but self- might be easy even for Tech, which leads the series 6-0. last week, and it will be tested severely by Avery and destructed with mistakes near the goal line. James tailback Joe Mcintosh (248 yards rushing, 3 Madison came from behind to beat Appalachian State — David MacMillan touchdowns). The Wolfpack leads the series 42-27-6. Boston College(l-0)at Clemson (0-1), 1:38 p.m. — Both the Eagles and the Tigers have had two weeks Frangos bids for top 20 rating to prepare for this meeting. BC spoiled coach Jackie Sherrill's debut at Texas A&M, 38-10, while the defending national champs suffered through a tough By Michael Messinger FALL PREVIEW 13-7 loss at Georgia. The Tigers' offense was not Charlie Frangos has set a lofty goal for his second effective against Georgia, but their defense was Duke women's tennis team. To satisfy their coach, the superb. The 65,000 fans that are expected to fill Death Blue Devils must finish the season with a top-20 Women's tennis Valley will do their best to get the Tigers back on the ranking. composed of Solent and Mayer. Sophomore Ruth winning track. Clemson holds a 7-4-1 edge in the Chasing that ranking will be a young team that Englander, who Frangos said has been playing well series. Frangos described as "having good depth but this year, and Zeluck anchor the No. 3 doubles Vanderbilt (1-0) at North Carolina (0-1), 1 p.m. inexperienced." Freshman Audrey Solent, a prize position. — like Clemson, the Tar Heels will be trying to recruit who proved herself capable by capturing rebound from a narrow defeat as they open their home the singles title in last weekend's Duke Tennis Open, The Blue Devils, who wound up at .500 last year, are schedule. Carolina lost 7-6 to top-ranked Pittsburgh currently holds the No. 1 spot. already in good physical shape, which Frangos said is last week. Vanderbilt opened with a 24-14 win over Pursuing Solent is sophomore Margaret Mayer. unusual considering the long summer break. The Memphis State as quarterback Whit Taylor and tight Team captain Debbie Treash, the squad's lone senior, team's fitness and ability will be tried in a particularly end Allama Matthews connected for three has moved up a notch from her former No. 4 spot. rigorous fall schedule which Frangos hopes will give touchdowns. Tar Heel tailback Kelvin Bryant will Rounding out the top six are No. 4 Julie Levering, No. 5 the young netters valuable experience leading up to seek to improve upon his 58-yard performance against Kirsten Loft, and No. 6 Dede Zeluck. Missing from the the spring season. Pitt. Carolina leads the series 7-5. lineup is freshman Sue Taylor, who is out with an Maryland (0-1) at West Virginia (1-0), 1:30 illness but who, according to Frangos, should be one of Today, the Blue Devils open their dual match slate p.m.—The Terps, coming off an encouraging 39-31 the team's top players when her health improves. against Peace College at 2 p.m. on the West Campus loss to Penn State, face the team which pulled off last The women netters have a formidable No. 1 doubles courts. Ever-powerful Clemson will be at Duke weekend's biggest upset, a 41-27 conquest of combination consisting of Treash and Levering. "The Saturday at 11 a.m. Frangos feels the Clemson match Oklahoma. The Mountaineers are led by junior two are excellent doubles players and should work well will be a difficult one. "But" he said, "if we play well we quarterback Jeff Hostetler, who passed for 321 yards together," Frangos said. The second doubles team is can beat them." 93SSSS8H_!S_ -K6W02 William E. Brenner, M.D. Practicing in Gynecology, Obstetrics, Infertility, Contraception, Genetics Counseling & Outpatient Sterilization 'Persona! and Confidential" ^M^^^^^^u ^ Hours: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Eg m FOR APPOINTMENT CALL W9 Conner Dr. Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 |g 942-0011

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40" RICE STRAW BROOMS B I.50.A ^_&^ HEMP DOOR „„„ 0_V •WICKER CUBE TRUNKS 2.00 EA^V SMALL 37.00 ^l\? LARGE 58.00 • MANY 1/2 PRICE ___• 1 ITEMS Corner of Cole Mill-Hillsborough Roads BYRD'S SHOPPING CENTER/383-4221 Mon-Sat 10-6 Fri 10-9 Sun 1-6 Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Nine S

This week's guest p cker is none other than of our staff clain s that Red's knowledge ot ASDU President Shep Moyle. You remember college football prevailed in his choices while him, the one whc took on Congress the rest of us thin < that very little knowledge of singlehandedly and ived to tell about it. college football is necessary to be a successful Shep's staying home as our guest picker Anyway, Moyle, who accompanied the Duke handicappe. (wi ness Jon Scher's identical staying home this weekend fearing another He chose the Hoosiers with no fear scathing editorial in the Chronicle. Moyle, who knows little about anything — Moyle was chosen to be the guest picker in he chose Indiana over Southern Cai "because Scher's luck nearly stopped Rube's ticker order to settle a dispute that has been raging I'm from Indiana — should serve as an ideal since last week's guest, Duke head football control subject in our little experiment to settle Gutkin and Turnbull bring up the rear coach Red Wilson, posted a 17-3 record. Half the debate.

Shep Scher Alix Land Rubinstein Gutkin Turnbull Visitor Home Moyle (17-3) (16-4) (16-4) (15-5) (13-7) (13-7) Duke S. Carolina 28-24 94-3 31-28 69-0 3-2 (10 inn.) 21-17 24-17 Boston Coll. Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Maryland W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia J. Madison Virginia Virginia J. Madison Virginia Virginia Virginia J. Madison Virginia Citadel Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Citadel Vanderbilt N. Carolina N. Carolina N. Carolina N. Carolina N. Carolina N. Carolina N. Carolina N. Carolina Wake Forest N. C. State Wake Forest N. C. State N, C. State N. C. State N. C. State N. C. State N. C. State Illinois Syracuse Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Alabama Mississippi* Aiabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Aiabama Miami, Fla. Virginia Tech Miami. Fla. Miami. Fla. Miami, Fla. Miami, Fla. Miami, Fla. Miami, Fla. Miami, Fla. Pittsburgh Fla. State Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh So. Mississippi Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn So. Miss. Auburn Iowa State Iowa Iowa State Iowa Iowa Iowa State iowa State lowa State Iowa Michigan Notre Dame Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Notre Dame Notre Dame UCLA Wisconsin UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA Wisconsin UCLA UCLA Arizona State Houston Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Indiana Southern Cai. Indiana Southern Cai. Southern Cai. Southern Cai. Southern Cai. Southern Cai. Southern Cai. Washington Arizona Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Miami, O. Northwestern Miami, 0. Miami, O, Northwestern Miami, 0. Northwestern Miami, 0. Miami, 0. Ball State Wichita State Bail State Ball State Wichita State Wichita State Wichita State Wichita State Wichita State 'Jackson, Miss.

Scoreboard THURSDAY'S BASEBALL %%%>X%W% #%* *>* t^^^^X*K$MWfr*&rtXte American League Texas 3, Minnesota 2 Toronto 2, California 1 PEKING GARDEN^j^jTii^^ 1 Baltimore 3. New York 1 New Management and New Dishes nt and New Dishes —*-Z J———-.—Weekend SpeciaJ-.l -^- Detroit 4, Boston 2 A place you can enjoy delicious Chinese cuisine at IC Oakland 6. Chicago 3 (Friday and Saturday Nights Only) reasonable prices with a relaxing atmosphere- Seattle 4, Kansas City 2 From Our Family Dinner Menu Hours: Mon-Thu-sll:30a.m.-l0:00pm "Serving authentic Chinese food: National League Fri 11:30-10:30 pm Peking, Szechuan, Hunam & $4.00 each person including soup, New York 9, Montreal 4 Sat 4:30-10:30 pm Cantonese egg roll, main dishes and dessert Sun 12:00-10:00 pm NFL RESULT • Now open all day (Minimum 2 people) 1404 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill Buffalo 23. Minnesota 22 • All ABC permits 942-1613 GOLF RESULTS t Duke stood ninth after the first day of the 12-team Wolfpack Invitational at McGregor Downs Country Club in Cary. The Blue Devil Domino's Pizza & football golfers combined for a 310 are natural combinations. total, 18 shots off the pace set Whether ifs tailgate by South Carolina and North picnics, watching the Carolina. game on TV, or cheering Individually, Chuck Taylor's by the radio, ifs more fun 73 tied him for sixth place. Tim with a hot, delicious pizza Mittlehauser fired a 77 and Todd Anderson had a 78. from Domino's Pizza rushed to your door in 30 minutes or less. If you're at the game, just remember our late hours and fast, FREE delivery when you get home.

Domino's Hours: Pizza 11:00am-1:00am Sun.-Thurs. 11:00am-2:00am Fri. & Sat. Delivers. Baskets, Ribbons Bows & more. We'll deliver to your door! 286-5551 746 9th St. We deliver nationwide Drivers carry under $20. P.O. Box 12469 Limited delivery area. We use only 100% Research Triangle Park 27709 real dairy cheese. (919) 544-7298 Page Ten S The Chronicle Friday, September 17, 1982

Messing: U.S. soccer on rise Duke Soccer Tournament Outlook Tournament Scheduled By Mike Alix consolation match will be at 1 p.m. Sunday, with the Saturday Ten years ago, Shep Messing was an anomaly. finals following at 3 p.m. a State vs. American. 1 E>.m- Not because he was a bright, talented young In order to generate more fan interest in professional Mewug bnn ;• goalkeeper who was headed for soccer stardom. soccer in the United States, Messing said teams will Oukevt. \nnulaehiaa State 1pm But because he was an American. need to use more Americans, and college soccer will Now 33 and a pro veteran, Messing — one of the play a key role in that transition. Consolation game, i p.m. players most closely identified with the emergence of "I have to believe that if pro soccer is to survive, it Championship-game, 3 p.m. soccer in this country — says there are literally will have to be based on the traditional college feeder hundreds of young Americans who have the skills to system we have in other sports," said Messing, a .. Radio: WDUK-AM 1609 (Duke games only). make it in the pros. Bronx, N.Y. native. Many of the potential professionals can be found He has practiced what he is preaching — he went Team facts playing at the college level, and a handful of those from youth phenom to college All-America to high- BUKE hopefuls are playing for Messing's longtime priced pro. "The system can work well," he said. "I The Blue Devils, 4-0, arecommgofftwoimpressivewins acquaintance, Duke soccer coach John Rennie. would hope many of our betteryoung players choose to iri the Adelphi Soccer (HaSsic last weekend in New York. Messing and Rennie's seventh-ranked Blue Devils try to go that route." .With the tournament championship, Duke moved from will demonstrate their skills Saturday afternoon Messing said the level of play in college soccer has 11th to seventh in the week.;. _:•,:. ;- during the first Duke Soccer Tournament at the Duke improved considerably since he tended goal for addition of freshman Tom Kain, the Biue Devils have become an explosive offensive team. Kain and forwards soccer field. Harvard in the early 1970s. Sean McOoysuad Bob Jenkins have combined I Before Duke, now 4-0, takes the field for its first- Still, he said collegiate soccer has a long way to go. aiKi.eightassists • )••• fir ••-.. rhostiJ .as2 round game against Appalachian State, Messing will But, he said, schools and their alumni are beginning to cut over his right eye, leads the defen- stage an exhibition and clinic. As part of the program, pump more money into building programs, and fans any...penalty ki k situations. Midfielders Ken Lolla, the all-star goalie will give some fans a chance to shoot are already seeing the results. Chai-ik Guevara and David McDa.ml h.ive sparked the against him. A case in point is Duke, which rose from relative clubhand defenders Graziano Gig), It's all part of a 30-stop tour intended to promote mediocrity to national success in a few years. o will aid Ulrich in keeping the a. American soccer. Messing said his message is that "I love college soccer," said Messing, who was I\i_ Johnsiun. soccer will become "the sport of the '80s." named most valuable player in the 1972 NCAA Messing's appearance will be one of the highlights playoffs. "Some of my finest moments in soccer came of the tournament, which also will feature Georgia when I was in college." The U-am that two years ago finished second in the South has slipped considerably, but Doke coach John State and American University. The Panthers and Although he predicts that Americans will begin to ". Appalachian State will provide formidable Eagles are set to square off at 1 p.m. Saturday. The star for pro teams within a few years, Messing said opposition. The Mountaineers have struggled thus far this that Americans probably won't field an season, losing to Clemson, 8-2, and Campbell, 4-1. . .A ww — — — — - internationally competitive team any time soon. team dominated by players from the Atlanta area,: But it can be done. Georgia State recently upgraded its program, moving to JEWELRY "I have no doubt that we'll be able to compete the NCAA's Division I. Last year, Georgia State made internationally," said Messing. "We have the best soccer news by tying national runner-up Alabama A&M. WEAVING athletes, the best facilities, the best technology and we Rennie said he will not take this team will have the best coaching." lightly American is coming off a .50t. seaoon that BATIK includedtv.L kssesti thefc 1. s Intbefirstoftho-H contests Ameman extended Duke to overtim. btfort bowing, 3-2, in the £•. .'.minion tournament. and SPECIAL < CONTACT The Eagles, haw a perenially strong soccer program. — Mike. AU • WORKSHOPS Come and register now Eor Fall classes LENSES at the CRAFT CENTER, located in the Special Designs and Problem Solving We Use Polycon Gas Permeable Contact Lenses Bryan Center. We are taking registra­ tions Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Dr. Henry A. Greene The Shoe Specialist beginning September 1. Optometrist —Shoe Repair— 3115 Academy Rd. Durham. NC 27707 Complete Shoe Service [919. 493-7456 (Across from Durham Academy] South Square Mall North Duke Mall 489-5696 477-4121 DONNAS KAIZNW Sororities, Fraternities and Independents Jffihek • 24 HRS Big Barn Convention Center CONVENIENCE STORES Daniel Boone Village Hillsborough FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE • Hot Snacks/popcorn • Fountain Sodas • Newspaper • Frozen Foods Call now for your fall • Beer (Imported & Domestic)* Gas (Major Brand) reservations Kegs/Fine Wines/Ice . A5HIONS f'QOM A CfNTUB. PAST 1850-1950 OPEN 24 HOURS Sunday-Friday 1-5 • Saturday 10-5 (919) (919) Also by appointment • 732-2823 732-2361 732-2823 Brown caboose days ask for evenings — A DAY — Daniel Boone Village We Accept Food Stamps & Credit Cards Historic Hillsborough, N.C. Donna Freeland 1200 Duke Univ. Rd. 493-5936 (Within walking distance ot Duke) Friday, September 17, 1982 The Chronicle Page Eleven S Strome starts fall season without best player

By Pete Land FALL PREVIEW Strome, who was not hired until July, will not have Last spring, the Duke men's tennis team amassed 31 any recruits to work with. victories en route to its first Atlantic Coast Conference The Blue Devils open their team tournament championship. The Blue Devils' strong showing Men's tennis schedule next weekend, when they host the Big Four qualified them for a berth in the post-season NCAA they could," Strome said. Invitational. The event will include teams from Wake tournament and a No. 12 national ranking — certainly The hard work has already paid off for at least one Forest, N.C. State, and North Carolina. Other a banner year. Blue Devil — sophomore Jim Easthum. Easthum saw tournments on the horizon include the Southern And there was no reason to expect that Duke's 1982- little varsity action last year but has vaulted into the Intercollegiate (Oct. 3, Athens, Ga.), the North 83 campaign would not be marked by similar success, No. 6 singles slot this fall, and will accompany Mike Carolina State Championships (Nov. 5-7, Chapel Hill), since only doubles standout Ross Dubins was lost to Smith, Todd Ryska and Gache to Myrtle Beach, S.C, and the South Carolina Invitational (Nov. 12-14, graduation. this weekend to play in a collegiate tournament. Columbia, S.C). However, as the Blue Devils settle into their fall season, two vital cogs will be noticably absent from "Easthum and Mike Smith were picked as the two Strome's "intense" practices took some getting used the machine. hardest workers last week. Easthum beat [junior] Jim to, but the Devils are not really complaining. They Citing philosophical differences with Athletic Latham and earned the spot," Strome said. know that without Arlosorov, their mission will be a Director Tom Butters, head coach John LeBar Marc Flur, a senior who will likely take over the No. lot tougher, yet they are not about to give up. tendered his resignation late last spring. 1 singles spot, and classmate Will White played last "With him, we'd be a shoe-in for a top 10 ranking, but And Duke's No. 1 singles and doubles star, week in a tournament at Seabrook Island, S.C. Both we're still a damn good team," Gache said. "I think sophomore Chaim Arlosorov, has been declared reached the semifinals of the singles draw. we'll surprise a few people this year." ineligible. An NCAA investigation, conducted over the summer, found that since the 24-year-old Arlosorov participated in international tournaments over a period of three years while in the Israeli army, he was allowed just one year of American collegiate After a real tough exam... eligibility. [A full story on the Arlosorov investigation will appear next week in the Chronicle}. While Arlosorov's absence has left a void on the squad, new head coach Steve Strome is rapidly making his presence felt. "Strome's practices aren't as long as LeBar's were, but they're a lot more intense," said senior Russ Gache, who will play No. 5. "We've never worked this hard before." Strome, who compiled e 46-27 record in three years at Louisiana State after 14 seasons at Miami of Ohio, is a firm believer in hard work. "We've got a purpose for every minute that we're out there on the court. I'm trying to show them that they can do a lot more on the court than they ever thought Foreign Car Service Servicing Triangle imports foj over n ten years j . Honda-Datsun-Toyota MC_SL Fiat-Rabbit-BMW Q7Q.1AR9 Volvo-MG-Triumph


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