Triassic Dinosaurs

Written by Sarah J. Keller

Copyright 2001

ISBN 0-9714299-0-1 (50 Book Set)

Table Of Contents

Triassic dinosaurs……………………..6


Small meat eating dinosaurs………...12

Large meat eating dinosaurs…….…..18



Books to read and web sites to visit…26


Dinosaurs were that lived 200 million ago. Dinosaurs have been dead for 60 million years. People have only been on our earth for 6 million years.


The earliest dinosaurs lived during a period of time called the Triassic period. from this Triassic period are small for dinosaurs.


In this Triassic period, all the land on our earth was joined together. The dinosaurs all lived in the middle. There was food for all kinds of animals.


Eoraptors were the first dinosaurs. They were about three feet long. They ran on their back legs. Eoraptors had hipbones like .


The was only about two feet long. It was a meat-eating . It probably ate , frogs, and small animals.


The was about four feet long and also ate meat. It could have eaten early rat-like animals.


The was a ten-foot long meat-eating dinosaur. It could run fast on its strong hind legs. It caught small animals with its strong front claws.


The Zanclodon was a twenty-foot long meat- eating dinosaur. It also caught its food with the sharp claws on it front legs.


The was over twenty-six feet long. It was a plant eater that ate ferns and leaves. It could stand on its back legs and eat from the tops of trees.


These early dinosaurs lived well. There was plenty of food for them to grow. Dinosaurs ruled the Triassic period.


Glossary Index Eoraptors – the first dinosaurs

Eoraptors, 10 Fossils - remains of plants and animals from millions years ago Fossils, 6

Herrerasaurus – fast meat eating dinosaur Herrerasaurus, 16

Plateosaurus – huge plant eating dinosaur Plateosaurus, 20

Procompsognathus – small meat eating dinosaur Procompsognathus, 14

Saltopus – two-foot long dinosaur that probably ate Saltopus, 12 insects and frogs Triassic Period, 6 Triassic Period – first of the three dinosaur periods of

Zanclodon, 18 Zanclodon – twenty-foot long meat eater with sharp claws

24. 25.

More Great Books To Read

Title: On the Trail of Incredible Dinosaurs Author: William Lindsay Publisher: D.K. Publishing Copyright: 1998

Title: Dinosaur Cousins Author: Steve Parker Publisher: Grolier Educational Copyright: 2000

Title: The Last of the Dinosaurs Author: Steve Parker Publisher: Grolier Educational Copyright: 2000


Link 1



Sarah Keller – Author

Douglas Meyers- Technology Director

Dan Mader- Art Director / Illustrator

Robert Rance - Photo Selections

Robert Rance - Audio Engineering

Robert Rance – Research

Photo Credits

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