Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity Written by Alex McKinnon Batman created by Bob Kane Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston
[email protected] INT. SMALLVILLE DINER A small glob of red ketchup on a white plate. A hand dips and slides a french fry through it in a sunny, relaxed restaurant. CLARK ... and that's how I got out. The hand belongs to CLARK KENT, approaching his twenties, the boy next door in a world without neighbors. He beams a happy, sheepish smile. Two teenagers (a BOY and a GIRL) sit across from him, speechless. GIRL You're not serious. Clark chuckles and gestures 'cross my heart'. GIRL THAT'S your big secret. The girl folds her arms and leans back in her chair, frowning. GIRL I don't believe you. CLARK Honest. The girl slaps the table, laughing incredulously. GIRL Come on! You skipped physics?! That's REALLY the best you got? CLARK I told you it wasn't worth knowing. GIRL But we gave you such good ones! You can't honestly tell me that's all. CLARK What exactly were you expecting? The girl just shrugs. Clark looks around the diner for a waiter. He suddenly looks flushed. He leans forward, elbow on the table, rubbing a hand across his face. GIRL Hey Boy Scout, what's wrong? 2. CLARK Nothing. Clark grabs a menu and hides behind it, coughing, fidgeting. He wipes his brow with the back of his hand. His eyes slowly adopt a tint of red, an odd WHISTLING accompanying the change.