1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | 75¢ Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Insurance agent faces fraud charge more than $97,000 from a Lake Marciniec of Flora Lee Brooks died in 2008, Lewis’ relationship grew closer,” Local woman took County woman’s trust account. Lady Lake investigators said Marciniec an investigative report said. $97,000 from client’s Susan Bennett Lewis, 57, of a p p r o a c h e d named Lewis as a trustee in the However, the report also point- 540 SW St. Johns Street, was Lewis in 2006 Marciniec Trust that was to be ed out that Florida Statute 626.798 account, say police. accused of improperly naming when she was divided among her three chil- prohibits insurance agents being herself trustee of a Lake County an insurance dren, Denise J. Lembeck, Stanley identified as trustees or grant- By STEVEN RICHMOND woman’s trust within a year of agent for Great A. Marciniec and Andrea M. W. ed power of attorney unless the
[email protected] her death and illegally removing Lewis A m e r i c a n Weedon. agent is a family member of the $97,152.28 in assets, according to F i n a n c i a l “After the passing of Brooks policy owner. Lewis did not qual- A local insurance agent faces information provided by Florida’s Resources and the two developed and possibly due to previous ify under either of the permitted a charge of organized fraud fol- Fifth Judicial Circuit.