12/1/2017 NA ECS Week 8 - dismantles Luminosity

CS:GO -- Liquid dismantles Luminosity at ECS 176d - Wyatt Lyles

Valve must solve two 2 Pro Circuit problems 12h - Alan Bester

Lessons from Samsung: Sticking to the script 15h - Emily Rand

KSV acquires Samsung Galaxy's team 21h - Young Jae Jeon

The 2017-2018 League of Legends Roster Shuffle 9d - ESPN

A year in review: Lessons from 2017 League of Legends 2d - Kelsey Moser

From Overwatch to PUBG: A conversation with the king of games 4d - Young Jae Jeon

How the first ever F1 Esports championship was won 5d

Trine University builds esports into its plans 7d - Sean Morrison

Pulling in Pobelter is Liquid's best move 8d - LiquidTyler Erzberger dismantles Luminosity at

SeoulE DCynasSty coach Hocury: 'People are underrating all the non-Korean teams' 10d - Young Jae Jeon @ £

Sources: Zaboutine joins OpTic as head coach Wyatt Lyles Jun 8, 2017 12d - Jacob Wolf

Meet the woman behind RunAway http://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/19579178/na-ecs-week-8-team-liquid-dismantles-luminosity 1/7 12/1/2017 NA ECS Week 8 - Team Liquid dismantles Luminosity Meet the woman behind RunAway 15d - Rachel Gu Although the four playoff teams were already set for the North American  Esports Championship Series, all that was left to decide was the final seedings OpTic Gaming adjusfor thets t lasto rebuilt two Cteams.ounter -OpTic Gaming had a chance to move into third, but  Team Liquid held firm to hold onto that spot. Here's how the final week played  out.

@ CS:GO -- LiquidEDIT dismantleOR'S PICKs LuminoS sity at ECS Two days with the Alpha: Behind the scenes with Victor "Punk" Woodley 176d -° Wyatt Lyles In a few short months, Victor "Punk" Woodley has become the man to beat in V. Spend a couple days with him, and you'll see why he was a shoe-in for last Valve must solve two Pro Circuit £ month's $150,000 Street Fighter V Invitational and is the rightful Alpha of SFV. problems 12h - Alan Bester FlaSh is all-in on Brood War Lessons from Samsung: Sticking to the Is it 1998 again? Brood War's resurgence in South Korea means StarCraft pros are script taking up the mantle of old-school competition once more. "Eat, sleep, train, repeat," 15h - Emily Rand says FlaSh.

KSV acquires Samsung Galaxy's League of Legends teamInternational esports events calendar 21h - Young Jae Jeon Find out here about the biggest esports events around the world.

The 2017-2018 League of Legends Roster Shuffle 9d - ESPN Esports The week opened up with OpTic Gaming taking on NRG Esports on Tuesday. A year in review: Lessons from 2017 League of LegendsThe action started off on Cobblestone with a hotly contested first half as NRG 2d - Kelsey Moser stormed out of the gate with an early 8-2 lead before the Green Wall took five straight to bring it to a close 8-7 deficit at the half. The second half saw more From Overwatch to PUBG: A conversation withdomination the king of fromgame sOpTic, with Oscar "mixwell" Canellas leading the way with a 4d - Young Jae Jeon25/16 KD (kills/deaths) and 104.1 ADR (average damage per round) to wrap up OpTic's 16-10 win. OpTic's big run in the later portion of that game seemed to How the first ever F1 Esports championship whaveas w onbroken the spirit of NRG, as OpTic enjoyed a breezy 16-4 victory on 5d Mirage.

Trine UniversityTeam builds Liquid esports was into theits only other playoff team to load into the game this week, plans 7d - Sean Morrison taking on . The series started off with Game 1 on Cobblestone, and it was a sight to behold. Liquid showed why it deserves a Pulling in Pobeltplayoffer is Liquid' spots withbest moa blisteringve 16-1 win in that first game. Its rotations and 8d - Tyler Erzberger overall strategies were incredibly on point and left Luminosity without a way Dynasty cintooach the Hocur game.y: 'P eopleGame ar 2e on Train was a bit closer, at least at first. The Brazilians underrating all the non-Korean teams' got out to a quick 3-0 lead before Liquid stopped playing with its food and got 10d - Young Jae Jeon back into a groove. Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski, following up from an Sources: Zaboutineimpressive joins OpTic showing as head during the ESL Pro League Finals over the weekend, put coach up a 28/14 KD to help his team close out the 2-0 sweep. 12d - Jacob Wolf

Meet the woman behind RunAway http://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/19579178/na-ecs-week-8-team-liquid-dismantles-luminosity 2/7 12/1/2017 NA ECS Week 8 - Team Liquid dismantles Luminosity Meet the woman behind RunAway 15d - Rachel Gu While it had already been eliminated from playoff contention by the time the week got underway, shrugged off the rust that had OpTic Gaming adjusplaguedts to itrebuilt over Ctheount laster- five weeks. The last time that CLG had won a series was over a month ago on May 3 when the team took down Team Liquid. Since then, CLG had lost six straight games. Needing some sort of confidence booster, the team found just that in the final two days of the . Taking down in back-to-back 16-13 victories before dusting up Ghost Gaming 16- CS:GO -- Liquid dismantles Luminosity at ECS 6 and 16-8, CLG ended the series on a high note and will look ahead to future 176d - Wyatt Lyles competitions with a positive outlook.

Valve must solve two Dota 2 Pro Circuit problems After eight weeks of competition, the teams that will represent the North 12h - Alan Bester American region at the ECS Season 3 Finals are set. (39 points) took the top seed by virtue of overall round differential, with SK Gaming (39 points) Lessons from Samsung: Sticking to the script coming in as a close second. Team Liquid (36 points) held off OpTic Gaming 15h - Emily Rand (33 points) to round out the top four of North America. The teams will now have a couple weeks off before the Finals get underway in London starting June KSV acquires Samsung Galaxy's League of Legends team24. 21h - Young Jae Jeon

The 2017-2018 League of Legends Roster Shuffle 9d - ESPN Esports @ £

A year in review: Lessons from 2017 League of Legends 2d - Kelsey Moser

Comments From Overwatch to PUBG: A conversation with the king of games 4d - Young Jae Jeon

How the first ever F1 Esports championship was won 5d Valve must solve two Dota 2 Pro

TrineCir Univercuitsity builds eprsportsoblems into its plans 7d - Sean Morrison

Pulling in Pobelter is Liquid's best move 8d - Tyler Erzberger

Seoul Dynasty coach Hocury: 'People are underrating all the non-Korean teams' 10d - Young Jae Jeon

Sources: Zaboutine joins OpTic as head coach 12d - Jacob Wolf

Meet the woman behind RunAway http://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/19579178/na-ecs-week-8-team-liquid-dismantles-luminosity 3/7