Boxing £> Thoroughbred Racing

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Boxing £> Thoroughbred Racing Giants Lose * Yankees Lose £ Superbas Lose .lp Boxing £> Thoroughbred Racing SAME OLD STORY WHEN COLIN AND PETER PAN LYMCH TAKES A1Y Baseball Race CONNOLLY WELDS BAI Phillies Give Superbas in Big Leagues WITH DIRE RESULTS Third Beating in Row GIANTS wtionai. ikai.i K OAMBB ItVDAT. GAME FROM the acore board. but Wheat pulled Boston at New \ork. to the I'lilladrlphia at Brooklrn <two>. Rixey More than Holds Own dnve down with his ilncer tlps ( in, innuti nt ritt«.btira;ti. The Phiniefl BhOVed the Brat run over Visitors Pound Bedient, but Sold for $30,000 and 138,000, REBCXTg of OAMEB gBgTBW*A¥< Giants a Game, Thanks to Rucker and Ragan. ln the fourth innins;. U'ith OM faverses Decision of Brennan Drop Against Ihe puttd and Seem to Lack the at Sale Boston, .">; New York. 2. out I'askert doubb-d to left ce.ntre Thing Respectively, Big 1'lillndelphin. B; Hrnokltn. 2. Tendencies of Pert Left when M;i*oe bounced a sinK'e cn Saturday and Phillies riltobiirali. .*>: linrlnnntl, 2. COUnted short That Wins Games. in the Garden. ( ln. ajrn. Bi Nt. I.<.ui«. I. off Kishers Kiove The lead was l. Fielder of Braves. In- Profit Thereby. < hliHRo. .) Bt, Laana, SNAPPYPLAYONBOTHSIDES liwd ln the laal half of the »ame n\tion\i. LKAOl V. gTASDIXO. ntng the Puperhas k'ot to«ether and \\ L. P( vT. I. P.C. I'aubert beat a str.Kle B8 .4MW » ored two rttua M'HALE FAIR IN PINCHES DISGUISE NOT IN DEMAND NewYnrk.HI 40 .fi'S rSn-Inn M Two Fine Catches to seoond on a I'liiin :.< 4"> «it> Braaklya Bt ,,!l TWO HOME RUNS COUNT Wheat Makes to Knabe, and movcd SAYS THE UMPIRE ERRED "'» BB '>:>.> I in,-innatl...">;< ?¦ I"-'»J' Smith Kor some re.if-on Kil- rhleagO. k:i ..-i:*.. That Avert Home Runs ¦ingte by littab rKh.«« 57 jatlM. loiii*. 4.% elected to try and nlp Daubert off John lifer Instea.l Cree, Hartzell and Zeider Lead Sanford Buys Voter for AMIKKAN IEAI.1K OAMB TO .DAY. m in Lively Game. .econd. but threw to the outfteld Perdue Holds Home Team went to third New York Batsmen. President of National League New York nt lioMon. Deuberl s- ored, while Smith $14,000, While Cclt Is aaw the Phll- counted on a RBBfJLTg or QAMEB UMlRnW. Check, While Tesreau Five thouaand Bpeetaton on the buiiK'.e. Smith Chance Confined to Knocked Down to Also Insists That Action Did it three in a rOW over the "in*le BjBC Arthur lloMon. 4; New Vork. 2. in lles make rifice fiy by rieker. A '-' 1. Wabbles Badly Pleld v*"i- bv Djr, Ml'; a Hancock for Not Have Protection of Waahlnataa. Phlladetpbla, Brooklyn fJuperbaa al Ebbeta CartJ and a wild throw DOOUUI PMaCed Room with Cold. $20,000. ( i. .. k Bi < I" elaiid. 1. Hunchlnir their hits In there he itayed ( hi. ft- i luialana, 3. Game. terd.iv afternoon. the batter on aeeond, bul the Rules. nR.,, Snappy the band ¦ »a licid-nt IO fp.v Teie/nph to Tha Trtboni 1 Peter Pea was in greater ^rrnand than Playing \MKRK\N IKAI.IK BTAXDINO. two Innlnea, Quaker City for la.-k of some f.ivorinf? the rt left fielder of tho able to wln I BOOre of n to 2. after a Boaton, Bept I. Althouuh they the unheatea Colln ut the dlapersal sale The New Torh Olanta loel two games W I. P.C. "I I ''' Joe OOnnolly, pf by drive hlm further S;< .ntil |l<»mn.. H-' '"4 In which the threat- out the Phillies won the errorleaa ball and hit the offer- of what were left of the late Jamea R. one waa Tbila. 42 BJ Boaton Bravea la nn Bmbttlooa yaath, but hnrd flght, Buperbaa Wlth two plaved ougb only played. ( lereland 77 BI .9»i P.-t-oit M 71 4H ,n.d tiouhle time and Bgain, but WOTe nfth. Kiiiifer ainaied, and ir.»:s of HuKh Badlenl wi'h unwonted Keene's thoroughbrcd horaes ln Madison This atatemenl la B'aahlaa 70 :>i tl *:* JBI with tendendea of a gema la the paradoxteal JMBM.Leole. anHcted deatmctive to Ihe task of wlnnlng. Th.- to centre ti.,. freedom, the Vankeee were unabie to Bquara Oarden last night. to th.- thlraeo. »" BI AiaSee Ve*k~4l M -.**¦. not quite up Rlaey Irtaled extrema true, however, letter. Joe is weii liked at from itart to flniBh, and when a at the The BOa of the great t'ommando and Bravee at Idlatreaalng nature. game was Intereadng ¦cortng hia battery mata, Bubmil anythlng but defeal waa loal »o the Boaton INTKKN ITtOXAX LEAOl'E. sort of brUllant to th.rd Wlkk Ked Sox here to- rinderella. whi. h was the aire of Pen- other was to the poio Oreunda, and all thai repiet.- with aharp, al tlmea ,,M.., IbraW the relav banda ol the Boaton the Polo Qrounda the loal OAMVa TO-DAY. ruti of the winner in on »» fiebl.nK mid hard batttng. tr.ui.d home with the last dnv u ith Pranh Chance conflnad to nant, Futurlty last Saturday. the Phllllea on .1 .!.¦¦ lakm by Thomaa J. Bt Haltlmore. thing. but if he peraiata carrytag RJM, Nrwark was BilO B Well fOUghl hattle of his room with a th.- araa aoM to Herry Payne Whltney for of the National League, JefBCJ I lt» nt ITn* Idence. be win with¬ There tt,.- day. cold, leaderlaaa Lynch, praattent he did yasterday afternoon the angu- were Kd" fJMBB, <",,iin. winner of aftean racea who declared that Brennan, the umplre, Mi.iitrenl ;it Huffiil". pttchera, in which Bppi Rlxey, Tbe «r.>re foiloWS. tatlendera ln .harRe of "I'Ir wjiue Toronto nt BarbeaBar. out df.ubt develop Into a bll of a bore i-,r of 'he ifnlveradty of vir- BBOOttXl whoae caree reated and J177,T!'2 C5, waa knocked down to Prlce ... hla In forfeltlng th.- Bouthpaw PHILADBLPHI4 .il. r ti p-1 Bweeney, managorlal authority or rBanTggtDAT. own 1 of <!. a .Satur¬ BgDCXTB OAMEB certaln Incllnatlone hardly in more than held his BgainBt M°.n rf 4 0'. I so heavlly on his ahouldera that he feii IfeKlnney, veland. for $30,000. lame played ln Phlladelpl laat 1. Obaervtng ginUa, »'"' Ryrna Sb .10 1 13° 0 Haltlmore. 4: Newnrk. Rucker and "Roarlna' ,i | 4! .ll.-klr.^r 100 off in his a ot atolea Dtegutee, whlch waa third on the ltat day to the Olanta. l'n>\ldenre. I ;<: ,ler»ev I Ity. I, with the nvst Beied Becond di- Napoleon ft I . I game. quartet jkeeping Rucker the game for the p.AVrt ,-f 112 1 10 Cutahaw, two were to of wlnnlng slres In Ifdg, uaa not ln de- Toronto, Bi Hnffal". B. in th>. Ragan. ptarted 0 2 0 0 f'nllln-. f 4 00 3 h-'s.s, ,,f Which BTOdltad HneheMrr. 0. vision company, the "fana" earller down al* In- LfaVea If 4 1 4 00 3 tnand. The gon of Pomtno.Bor.nie Gal ln reverelng Brennan rresident Lynch Mnntrenl. t] Buperbaa, bul itepped after r, 440 j i oi Wbeat If.. Ti is Speaker. played no srnnll part in c MAMUM, TK\Mv that th. lafluence ol doaen lio 10 III I Mr. ruled thai the game would OP aeaaon hoped reflnlng nlnga. in which time half a blnglea .., 40 pau » 2111 th'- battle The s' ore was 4 to 2. brou^lit only $5."on, McKlnney being kot« "f w. i.. r< gf.urx. h the Phll- KUlaa, m II 1 1 :¦ o o 3 the rlctory for the Phll -l,,fl the Hub would tone Joe down and lea all th.- runa acored by 2 I II\\ fmlth.PM IfcHale, a youngater who waaonee tried purekaaer. Newarit SC, 4!t h:i7 Vontrenl .M >¦'' produrcd man- Kll Ifer. e. J c 301 .'. 8 to I the ngurea which obtained when "t 474 as aaa hil fraely, too, but i... 3110 .0 Mri irthi. out hli debut with New 'eit, another good horse by Commando, BI Mltaraala., BI him how to bebave when entertalned a Haa Ragn RUey, «.r p. ^ 00 0 by Boaton, made it to New York, iltlmore 7(i ..V.':i Pr<>» t.'en'e .." 7H 43:( runa home He 100 0 was sold to Garrett Wllson, actlng for the umplre forfelted II Bt the ,.c, ,1 ,,, prevenl anj golng rHummel York and did some crodltable work. A the nintfa h lliiffill,,. <i* M -.07 .lrr'> * tf> |K H« JBI at the palatlal home of Olanta In Ihe aeventh In¬ .I I Arthur Hancock, a breeder of Kentucky, an oul In had n narrow aqueak ooo tr.fl.nir weakneea in tbe first and thlrd Brennan laat to the But he a.i his tralutng yeetei when the PhlDiea out three men on tKlrkpatrick I . for gaXfdd; John Sanford, of Ameterdam. forgol ning. .. 0 11 tnninjfs proved his downfall, aa hla t tO 0 when the iMeyar J an agent secured the once B Of day and concelved the most unaccount- with only one out, »> were unatlo to nv.T'ome th* through Voter, Club fa able to do nttle with Twala ...»».« great sprlnter and successful aire. for Phliadeiphla for the richt fleid feni e. which The Buperbaa were To«ala...iiu»"« lead taken by th.- Red Box durlng the pc- .lon of the m cantra held, which abli dlallke of eacept ln the innin* |:4.000, while Sweep, a son of Ben Brish, he with maaalvi drlvea The the offerlnga Rlaey, for kfaran In nlnth tBetted of Btraaa M Hale ohowed rare overran In the nmth Inning, maced twlce this the Burxn-bae "".Batted went to of for the "fana" was th.> fourth inning.
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