(c) 2014 Dr. Angela Barnett



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(c) 2014 Dr. Angela Barnett http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com QUANTUM SCIENCE of INSTANT MANIFESTATION and the PROCESS OF ASCENSION



This is an introduction that reveals the reasons why the normal reality of the human angelic, who now inhabits Earth, will be completely restored between 2017 and 2022. The new Fifth Dimensional Earth that we call Terra (Tara) is morphing her anti particle overtones into the Earth's base tones or particles. This transition is also going on within our bodies. One natural function of the human body is the manifestation of the movies that are created in the Individual's Mind of God or personal Higher Self. The normal human is a creator of dreams. Our only reason for being here is to dream and then allow our higher self to create those dreams in our reality field, which is the radial body three feet in diameter around our bodies. We dream the reality we desire and then KNOW that it will exist when we wake up. That is our only reason for being born. That reality was taken away from us. And now it is being returned. These facts will help you understand how this is possible at this time. MANIFESTING OUR MOVIES Manifesting is the most natural part of the normal human experience. We manifest a new reality every nano second. Our reality field is created in the exact same way a movie is made. We manifest these light streams of information and each tiny bit of information is recorded in that light stream. It is easier to think about the way cartoon strips are created by the animator. The cartoon character has to be developed one tiny movement at a time. Each movement of the feet or hands or facial feathers must be diagrammed one tiny frame at a time. That is how our higher Self- our God of our Being, creates the movie frames that are streaming through our radial bands. We are the characters and the Higher Self is the animator who creates the scenes in our movie. Every time we change a thought about something, our movie is changed. Every time we take a different route to the store, or cook a different meal, or read a different type of book, our movie is being changed. We can change the versions of the characters we place in our movies simply by placing it in the script of the movie. The movie is always being created by the Higher Self, and then experienced by our Lower version, who is standing on the ground. The movie is being made thirty six inches above our head. The more we connect our Lower Mind to the Higher Mind, the more directly we can become a co-creator in the movie or manifestation that we desire. We are not stuck into being any specific version of our self. If we are now the house wife version, we can shift into the Executive Director version at any time. We can shift into the millionaire version, we can shift into the genius version, we can shift into the version who can orb into other galaxies. We change the version by changing the movie. The movie is made each time we have a thought, each time we do something. The Big change happens when we visualize the reality that we desire, create it in the Trance Dream state, which is the moment between being awake and being asleep. There is a trick to making this desired manifestation, or new version, appear. The trick is FEELING the experience of the desired reality as you are visualizing it. And the Feeling must be in the state of Bliss. You must be so excited, so happy, so in bliss about this vision that you create that you are crying with joy, walking on Air. You are already in the knowing that it already happened. If you have been trained in acting, you would be much better at this skill. It is exactly like acting. You can't become the character until you feel his feelings, know his reality. Be that person who just won the lotto. Now, here is another strange clue. It is not really the person who wins. It is the Frequencies being created in the Mind of God who are the winners. The Mind of God creates a complete new hologram of your reality that includes the frequencies of the winning numbers. It is always the Higher Self who does the creating. We must shift into the frequency of that highest frequency where the manifesting is going on. What about the law of attraction? Consciousness plus energy equals reality. You combine or link your consciousness into the level of the electromagnetic energy or frequency in order to create the desired reality. So, if we continue to connect our consciousness into the energy of the things of the world, or the third dimensional energy, field, we continue to create the old, outgrown third dimensional reality. If we link our consciousness into the frequencies of the Entire Consciousness through electromagnetic energy of Source, and then into the Divine link of Universal and Cosmic Consciousness, we then have access to all of the Infinite reality in the Mind of God. The Consciousness must connect to the highest frequencies in order to create a new reality. Consciousness must connect to the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound - the Complete Mind of God. That is the Energy of Bliss that the Consciousness must use to create the New Reality. Consciousness plus Energy equals Reality. Where is the energy of Bliss? It is in the Mind of God. How do we get there? Through the Animating Principle of Love. Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ Chapter 1


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Those of us who have studied METAPHYSICAL Teachings, that were our DIVINE COMFORTER, that held our Consciousness in a place of Knowing until the complete Ascension Teachings were returned to Earth, are familiar with statements of Divine Inspiration.

Joel Goldsmith, the writer of the Infinite Way Newsletters and Books, used these words: "You are one with God only when Love is the animating principle of your existence.You can be in tune with the Infinite." "When you are attuned to your self, you are at one with the spiritual identity of Everyone on Earth." (Joel Goldsmith, LIVING NOW, INFINITE WAY NEWSLETTERS, 1963, page 146).

Many have claimed that this is how we learn to Love everyone on Earth. We have also been taught that in order to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven we must Love Everyone on Earth. The Highest Frequencies are the Mind of God Frequencies and that is where we find the Kingdom of Heaven. We must also go to the Highest Frequencies of the Mind of God to Manifest a desired reality.

So, now we know why most people aren't manifesting anything. First of all, they don't love everyone on Earth. The reason that they don't is because they don't know what this Love Principle is. Once we have been spun back together again into all of our anti particles, we will be able to just KNOW this reality of being held in the Highest Frequencies of the Mind of God. Until that time, we have been given this Divine Vehicle called the Crystal Star Merkaba and this Divine Entity named Love who knows how to spin this Merkaba at ten thousand times the speed of Light into ONENESS WITH SOURCE.

Those Metaphysical and Inspirational teachings did provide Divine Comfort for me for the first forty years of my life.

After my first forty years of life, I learned that Love is the Frequency that spins ten thousand times the speed of light and holds all in perfect balance and harmony within the Mind of God. It is the animating principle of the Merkaba. When the Merkaba is spun in perfect balance and harmony at the correct speed in the Divine Formulas of Star Language, it places our body- physical and spiritual body into at one ment with each other and in attunement with the Mind of God.

We must always go into the Frequency of the Mind of God, in order to Manifest. So, when we learn to use the Merkaba as this Crystal Star Vehicle that spins us into At One Ment with all that is, and takes us beyond all space and time, we gain the ultimate Freedom and Joy of Love.

Love is the Entity that spins the Merkaba ten thousand times the speed of Light. So, again, here is this formula of Consciousness plus Energy equals the new reality. We use our consciousness to breathe the energy of Love that spins the Merkaba Sphere into Oneness with the Full Spectrum of Light or The Highest Frequency of Source Consciousness. At One Ment or Attunement with God is done through the animating principle of Love.

"You are one with God only when Love is the animating principle of your existence.You can be in tune with the Infinite." (Joel Goldsmith, LIVING NOW, INFINITE WAY NEWSLETTERS, 1963, page 146). Love is a Divine Entity who spins the Frequencies of Source into At One Ment with each one of our Individual Divine Self Templates through the Attunement process of bringing all frequencies from Source into and through every single omnion within every dimensional field of consciousness that exists in the Five Spheres of Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic Consciousness. That is called the Music of the Spheres. In fact, the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound is both the Frequency of Source, and the complete activation of the Music of the Spheres.

I always felt that I had to reach way up high into the Heavens to feel the Infinity of God, and I also knew that God was here within me and with me always. However, I did not have the exact science that is available on Earth today.

We were given Divine Tools by great Alchemists in the Sky and our Guardian and Creator Race lines from the Cosmic Realms. We were given this tool called the Merkaba. Basically speaking, the merkaba is one triangle pointing up that is called the Male Electro that spins Clock wise, and there is a Female Magnetic that spins counter clockwise that sits within the Male pyramid or triangle. There is another set of the Electro Magnetic to contain a total of 12 points. These 12 points balance like the Music of the Spheres into the complete perfect harmonious alignment within the Mind of God.

The two spin in opposite directions at a speed of male 33 1/3 and female 11 2/3. This is a very basic description of the merkaba. There are many other aspects including merkabas within merkabas within merkabas at every single dimensional level, the merkaba actually connects the body into a point within the most etheric level of the Cosmic realms and spins all frequencies of consciousness through this frequency of Love. Love is the ANIMATING PRINCIPLE that spins us into At One Ment with all that Source is. This is the aspect of the Merkaba that needs to be understood and used in order to have our Consciousness Tuned in to the Mind of God.

This Science was returned to Earth through a teaching called Keylontic Science. I was raised as a Christian Scientist, and I believe that Christian Science was the Divine Comforter that was preparing us for this time when the complete Science of Universal Christianity called the Star Language Science could be returned. This time was arranged by the Elohim Angels themselves, and they have told me that they did arrange for this progress in the development of our Consciousness through the teachings that were brought to Earth by those who understood this Science. The Sciences were brought to us by our Guardian Races, including the Elohim, Eieyani, Sirians, Maharaji, Zionites, Ranthions and Founders from the Confederation of Ra.

These Sciences were brought to prepare us for this time of Ascension and Manifestation. I will guide you to these teachings in my Recommeded Reading Section. There are many other teachings about the Merkaba that are clearly incorrect.

The Merkaba would seem to have only six points with two sets of triangles; but, in reality there is one set upon another set of Merkabas. One set is White Light -12th dimensional frequency and one is Black Light -11 th dimensional Frequency. Together they spin to transmute all that is blocking the Christ Consciousness from at one ment with Source.

The Merkaba Vehicle is what we see when we think we see a space ship. All entities who were born into Normal Space Time Realities of five dimensions or more know how to Create a Merkaba Vehicle for their bodies to ride in. There is a mini me of our selves in our Crystal Heart or Seed Atom area. We can place that mini me within a Merkaba and create a sphere around it. The sphere represents what the Merkaba is always spinning to form-- a sphere - a dimensional sphere. Each time the Merkaba spins a little faster it spins the body into a higher dimension.

So, we can create a Merkaba and place our mini me self in it and make sure there is a sphere around the Merkaba. We make it into a Vehicle of Light Speed transportation. This actually means, that within the Activity of Love, all time and space is removed. We can simply project our consciousness to the place we want to go, and tell the merkaba to travel at the speed of Love and it will take us there.

The Merkaba is an essential ingredient to the MANIFESTATION PROCESS. In order to manifest, we must be in the highest frequency of the Divine Mind of God. The only way to get in tune with that Mind is by spinning the Merkaba.

What the Merkaba does is spin the outer band or sphere that surrounds the Merkaba as a result of the spinning into a Sphere. That outer sphere also spins Clockwise. So the two pyramid shaped merkabas are spinning to form the outer Sphere. That outer Sphere spins clockwise into the Frequencies of Source Consciousness. That turns on the Mind of God in your Mid Brain and all through your cellular memory structure.

When an idea is created, while in this spinning frequency of Love in the Merkaba, all possible multi dimensional realities are brought to our doorstep. We remove time and space because we have tuned in to the Sound and Light Frequencies of the Entire Music of the Spheres. That is how we get Attunement. That is the attunement that was written about in Metaphysical teachings.

So, now we are spinning in the Mind of God, and we feel a lightness, a feeling of bliss, joy, and then we feel like we disappeared. It is this feeling of disappearing or going into a trance state that actually proves that we have risen in frequency.

The next step in manifestation is the most difficult.

We must be in an in between state of consciousness. We must be aware of our merkaba spinning until it makes us feel invisible, we must create the visual sketch of the reality that we want to manifest and we must allow that idea to be taken into the Mind of God to be turned into a Negative of the picture that will be manifest.

The picture is seen in the dream state. The dream state is the Negative of the Reality that will appear.

Those who have had bad dreams, have not learned how to create their reality. They are dreaming about old cellular memories that someone else put in their memory. We must now learn to create our desired dreams.

Our Higher Self, or Mind of God, does the Creating. We are just down here to enjoy the show. We can't begin the co-creation process with the Higher Self, until we have trained our mind to stay in this highest frequency band while being asleep, but awake enough to remember seeing the dream. When we can clearly see the Winning Lotto Numbers in our dream state-- the Lotto numbers will appear in our waking reality. This will only happen if we have cleared our cellular memory of all contradictory evidence. All past beliefs about not winning must be removed from the cellular memory first.

It is better to choose your own lotto numbers, and then send them into the mind of God. The mind of God creates the NEGATIVE of the picture. You must allow the negative to be developed. What you see in your dream is the negative that is being developed in the mind of God.

Now, when will you win the Lotto? It depends on how focused you stay in that Sphere that holds you in the Mind of God. You must focus on the manifest reality at least fifteen minutes a day. The manifestation will happen when it is the proper time within your Process of Manifestation. There might be other things that you need to learn during your Process before those winning numbers will appear. Just know that if you follow the formula, the winning numbers will appear.

It is best to buy the Lotto numbers five draws at a time, so that you will have some time for the manifestation to happen. It sometimes happens the same day, but usually more often, three weeks later. If you are still in the Process, it could take years. It is the Process of Manifestation that is Instant. Whatever thoughts are still in your cellular memory are being made into your reality every nano second. This is why the Merkaba and the Speed of Light Spin is so crucial to this process. We must create our thoughts FASTER than the NANO second speed in which our movies are being created around us. We must create our Present reality in our Past Self, and create our Future reality in our Present Self.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ Chapter 2


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Photons are light particles. Light Waves are traveling frequencies and Light Particles are stationary frequencies.

Scientists know that if they completely empty a container of anything visually or physically present in the container, they would be able to see photons in the container with microscopic tools.

However, these photons would be scrambled without any organization. When the scientists place a DNA sample in the container with the photons, the photons will then become organized into aligned patterns around the DNA.

The DNA contain the sound frequencies around which the Light particles wish to align harmonically with. There are seven types of Light Waves: Hertzian, infrared, visible light, invisible light, x-ray waves, gamma light waves and the infinite unknown white light waves. When Consciousness is within this Full Spectrum of Light, a new Hue of Reality is Created. That is the Ultra Violet Blue Hue. When this state is reached, the Blue Body of the Fifth Dimension is born. The Fifth Dimension is a result of being attuned to the Multidimensional reality field of the full spectrum of light and sound.

When DNA is placed together with these light waves, the DNA raises or aligns its sound frequencies into harmonic alignment with the light waves. So, if the consciousness of an ultra violet blue light particle is placed next to a DNA sample, the sound frequencies of the DNA will tune in to the light frequencies.

These light waves are the essence of the etheric substance that our collective consciousness uses in co-creation. It is the substance of things hoped for. All of the light and sound beyond the third dimensional visible light is the evidence of things not yet seen.

Scientists learned that when the photons (the light particles) were in the container by themselves, they collected in an un orderly fashion. However, when the DNA samples were placed inside the container with the photons, these light particles tuned into the light waves that ordered themselves into forms that aligned with the Consciousness of the DNA.

So, when the light waves are cut off from or disconnected from the sound waves, the light waves become confused and have a disorderly alignment. This is what happened to the light waves of our universal matrix. The light was cut off from the sound. There was actually a veil placed in our heavens that would not allow the light energy of our Suns to enter into the Earth.

The Sound Frequencies of Mother Earth are deep within her Core. The Core is actually a vortex that allows the stargates to intersect into the Earth to travel to different dimensions. We go into the Core to reach the Inner Earth of the 13th dimension. A little further down in the spiritual structure is the heliotalic silver pastel liquid light frequencies. When we connect our Consciousness into that area, we have entered the realm of the Aquafarians, who are the elementals who look like dolphins and swim within our deepest etheric light that surrounds the microtubules of the DNA. So, you see, what is in the deepest structures of Inner Earth is also within our bodies. We are a divine image and likeness of all that is at all levels. Everything is made up of the same tiniest etheric structure of the Divine Template repeated in infinite formations.

The liquid light frequencies of the Aquafarian Realm combines with the Sun of Inner Earth and the Crystal Chambers of Inner Earth to hold the Aquafarian Frequencies of the Oraphim Angels and Elohim Angels. These Angelic Frequencies have been held inside of the Crystal Chambers of Mother Earth for eons. They have been waiting for the return of the Light Waves.

During one stage of our Ascension, NASA actually photographed the veils breaking apart that were blocking our Sun's light from entering into the Earth's atmosphere. The photon belt of gamma rays of our Universal Consciousness are now streaming into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and braiding through the Christic Grids, Liquid Light chambers, connecting into Oneness with the Sun of Inner Earth and into the Cosmic Consciousness deep within the Heart of Mother Earth.

At another stage, scientists admitted seeing positrons emitting themselves from the Sun. That means the Etheric Structure was emitting in attunement with the physical structure. At another stage we could see the Blue Flame within the Solar Winds, and later the Violet Flame through the Solar Winds.

All of this is Scientific Evidence of the Quantum Science that is taking place. Since we can see it, we think it is still a third dimensional visual reality, when in fact our visual reality has gone beyond visual light into the ultra violet blue reality of all dimensional realities.

This is the alignment of Light and Sound needed for Mother Earth and all who are on her and in her to re-align into the Music of the Spheres that will allow our Ascension and will allow Earth to become a Star.

The Music of the Spheres was the Theoretical Model that was used to help all Angelic Humans remember how to align their Consciousness into the light and sound that returns us into Oneness and allows us to create a new Frequency Signature that allows us to write our names in Heaven in Fire Letters. Those who have written their names in heaven are the Ascended Ones who have left us the lines of communication that we might now connect into for guidance in our alignment into the harmonious oneness of our universe.

When we send the light waves of our consciousness into the brainwaves of another entity's consciousness to ask a question (for example: sending our ultra violet blue wave into the gamma wave of an Elohim Angel such as Uriel or Raphael), the answer will be received through the higher light wave of the gamma. We cannot lower that answer that is given on the gamma wave. However, we can allow the gamma wave to raise our own frequencies when we connect our consciousness to it.

The angelic light wave frequencies will never lower themselves into the wave bands of the Consciousness reaching into them. However, the Consciousness of the entity reaching into the Angelic Consciousness of another Entity for information, can capture the raised Frequencies of Consciousness from that Angelic Entity. The higher frequencies will transmute the lower frequencies into a new resonance and then the person can exhale these Frequencies through their Breath of Consciousness.

When we exhale higher Consciousness through our breath, we become co- creators. When Source formed our Divine Matrix of Consciousness, this grand entity, known as our Creator, breathed the Particles of Light into the form of Angelic Consciousness. These Particles of Consciousness were the light particles combining with the sound particles of Angelic thought. This is how all is formed. However, if the Source were sending streams of Light Energy and there was no Sound to connect to, then the particles of the photon would have nothing to connect to and become randomly scattered-- as was shown by the scientists.

We may now reconnect the light from the photon belt of Sun Alcyone into our DNA and exhale the sound of the gamma ray. This is how I oscillate my consciousness through light waves into the angelic consciousness of my Blue Oraphim Dolphin family or any other angelic family that I wish to communicate with. I reach into the angelic wave particles of gamma rays and ultra violet blue rays by first raising my own light waves in the ultra violet blue wave. My Elohim team (Mary, Raphael and Zadkiel) gave me the gift of three spheres of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. When I feel, believe and resonate into the knowingness of the three spheres, I can connect my blue wave into the gamma rays and white light of angelic consciousness.

I connect through these spheres that allow the cosmic frequencies to be placed into a protective chamber--much like the scientists container. The frequencies are collected from the highest frequencies of light and sound and returned to me through the light wave and given to me as light particles that I exhale as the breath of creation. This is how the sound is added to the light. Chapter 3


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Ascension is a Musical Event. The word God vibrates at the highest and fastest frequency within and beyond the Universe and the Cosmos. But, it isn't the Word that vibrates - it is the frequency and the frequency signature of the Idea of God which holds this frequency of the Divine Template of all Creations. The Breath of Source is the highest frequency of the eternal creation. We ignite that spark of Source within our selves when we breathe the crystal light energy into the spark of Source in our Crystal Hearts. This is what all of the music on this website is created to do for you. That Breath of Source Consciousness contains the frequency signature of the Divine Template. The Divine Template is the formula or the foundation from which all of the grand Creator's creations are formed from. The grandest creation is man, who is made in God's image and likeness. The image and likeness of Source is the Divine Template. Each Soul is that Divine Template. Let's look at what the Soul has been and is going to on the Divine Scale. Let's say that the Creator was this grand musician who was orchestrating the most glorious, luxurious, joyous symphony ever to be heard. Let's say that wanted to hear His perfect frequency signature or key signature performed in the most harmonious harmonic weaving and braiding of glorious sounds as they transformed His perfect frequency - still the Highest Frequency into Music or Sound. Let's say this grand creator decided to base his glorious symphony of Love on eight tones. Or maybe it was 12 tones. Or maybe it was 16 tones. Lets say it took 8 tones to create what this great musician wanted to produce. So, everything he creates is based on 8. That eighth dimension contained the man made in the image and likeness of source. And that man was a co-creator who could create symphonies through the ears of the Elohim of Hearing who lived in the 16th dimension, exactly one octave- or 8 dimensions above the dimension of the God Man. Actually an Octave is the distance between One Harmonic Universe and the next. If the Earth were in Harmonic Universe One containing the 1-3 dimensional realities, and Harmonic Universe Two contained the 4-6 dimensional realities, there is always this Octave between each set of realities. So, you see the Science of the Stars is a little different than the Musical Science taught in the Earth Schools. This parallel reality would be the anti particle or spiritual twin of the phsyical. Each tone in the dimensional scale has a spiritual twin. The Earth has a Twin. Earth's harmonic twin is Terra (pronounced Tara by the gods). The Galaxy has a Twin. Each frequency tone has a resolute tone on the opposite side, and each resolute tone has a resonate tone in the Mind of God. In order to activate the resonation of these tones in the Cosmos or the Universe or the Galaxies we must use the animating principle of Love and the Merkaba to spin us in to the attunement of the spiritual and the physical the base tones and over tones. So, here we have this great plan of orchestration, where the greatest Musician - Source- is breathing into the EAR of the Elohim of Hearing. The Elohim of Hearing is co-creating Source's symphony of Love in the Cosmos. The Cosmic Consciousness of the 15th, 14th and 13th dimensions hold that Frequency Signature as their Tone of Home. In those dimensions the Grand Yanas, our Cosmic Creators of the Pre Sound and Pre Light Consciousness that the Spark of Source ignites into a Birth of a New Idea. That new idea is first formed in light crystals, gelaisic spheres and crystal stardust. These are the elements of original creation. Everything is made from this etheric substances. Our bodies are being transformed into a non carbon chemical based biological form that originates from this etheric substance of the Silicate Matrix of 12 Dimensional Consciousness. This is the Perfect Divine Template that everything in existence is formed from, if it is created from the Mind of God. Next, the Angelic Consciousness from the 13th dimension holds this glorious tone of home and wants to become the co-creator who will hold the base tone rhythm that pulls in the harmonic convergence of the 12th dimension or 12th harmonic frequency signature. This 12th dimension will become the grand creation of those frequency signatures from the Cosmos creating a glorious form of Light and Sound that can be heard as the Elohim of Hearing and also seen as the Light from the Crystalite Energy Entity. So, now there is this wonderous sound of Angelic Choirs singing this glorious symphony of Light and Sound creating stars in the sky. That 12th dimensional starry creation was called the Christic or Universal because it contained the Sound of the Highest Frequency or the Breath and Light of the Source - the Spark was breathed upon to become the Light. This was the formula of the grand Musician. He would have a glorious idea. He would breathe the Consciousness of that idea onto a spark. That spark would ignite a glorious creation of Light. So here was this beautiful Divine Template or plan that all creation would be built upon. All is perfect and all will always be perfect as long as this original template of creation remains. So, now all orchestrations that were co-created by the entities of light and sound were breathed into formation from the base tone rhythm of Source Consciousness and the base tone rhythm of Cosmic Consciousness. Now, the 12th dimension becomes the new creator. This Christ frequency contains the divine template that all new symphonies of Love are created from. So, we have the Christic Universal Musical Sphere of Consciousness - the 12th, 11th and 10th dimensions combining to create glorious universes full of stars. The stars get together with their Cosmic creators who breathe the highest frequency of Source Consciousness into the stars to create a Sun. now, we have the base tone rhythm of the Universal Frequency lifting into resonance into the Galactic Sphere of the 9th, 8th and 7th dimensions. the galactic sphere would hold the Music of the Spheres that would create Suns. These suns wanted to have entities who could experience all that had been created. Source wanted to experience himself. The Suns created stars that contained cities of light. The cities of light were created from the sound of crystalite energy. The stars and the cities of light hummed a glorious symphony. The symphony contained melodies of individual ideas. These melodies were called man. The man of this glorious light and sound of the galaxy could create his own melodies. The melodies became the base tone rhythm to create solar systems that contained these entities individual creations from their own unique tone of home. These entities called man were gods or co-creators with Source. They were still creating all from the original Highest Frequency of Source breathed into the Life by the Elohim of Hearing, formed into the Universal Star System experiences as Suns, Stars and Cities of Light. Now, we have this glorious formula of creation. It is still in the perfect form of Divine Consciousness or the Highest Frequency of Source. Now, we come to my part of the orchestration. I am Crystalai, and my Soul Merge Partner is aDolphino. We are here to create music from the Highest Frequency of Source with the help of the Elohim (The breath of Source Consciousness becoming manifest as Cosmic Consciousness in it's most perfect form) of hearing. We are assisted by Crystal Light Energy who contains the original spark of Source. This Crystal Light Energy is Now streaming the Light Energy or Consciousness from Sun Alcyone - our original Sun of Creation in Aquarius Galaxy (Galactic Creation) into our Template to help pull us back up into the Base Tone Rhythm of Universal Consciousness which creates the harmonic convergence zone to be pulled into Cosmic Consciousness through the oscillation patterns of the Elohim of Hearing. So, now we have three spheres of energy in our hands - crystal light , crystal dust and crystal gel. This is the creation substance the prana that all is created from in the Quantum Field. We had this Divine Substance of co- creation returned to us through our Elohim Team. We oscillate our Consciousness into the Highest Frequency of Source through the Base Tone Rhythm of the Elohim of Hearing. How do we know that we have received this perfect tone before we record it and use it to create another grand symphony? We have learned that all bands of light and sound have frequency patterns. These frequency patterns can now be seen recorded on the screen of the mixing board. The highest frequencies are the highest, fastest streams of light. They can be seen as the tiny little spikes on the screen and the lower frequencies can be seen as the lower slower blobs on the screen. When I record, I always call on an entity to come forth before I breathe the frequency signature of that entity. While I am saying Crystal Light Energy come forth, those words register on the screen as very low flat lines. But, when I exhale the breath of that frequency, the line of light are very high or fast. The purer my consciousness is, the keener my focus is, the more perfectly I oscillate my consciousness into Perfect Oneness with Elohim of Hearing and into the three spheres o crystal light energy - the higher the peaks of frequency become on the screen. After I spend several hours getting to the point where I feel I may have achieved that perfect peak of performance where my breath actually captured that perfect key signature of Oneness that my Consciousness was reaching for, I go back and listen to each of those tiny peaks that I recorded. Each peak only lasts a few seconds. So, I may record for one or two minutes an then find one little peak second that feels like it holds the Highest Frequency or the Magical Tone of Home that reproduces the magic of the Divine Template Frequency that I am searching for as the co-creator with Divine Consciousness. How do I know if I've succeeded ? I can feel it. I can feel the healing, the shifting, the lifting into Oneness with that same Divine Template that Cosmic Consciousness created when their Base Tone Rhythm created the harmonic convergence with the 12th dimension to create the Great Divine Template that all symphonies would sing from. Those entities who created the symphony that formed the Mother Earth as the original Gaia are the same Aquafarian Blue Crystal Entities who hold the frequencies of the three spheres of crystal energy and the Divine Frequency of Creation. Their light and sound is here with us now co- creating our re-birth into that Divine Template. As our pattern of re-creating the Divine Template of each individual is perfected, we will create together a new divine template inside our that can replicate that perfect creation signature over and over again. This exact Mother Board of Creation is used on the all Plasma Ships, and what was known as the Ashtar Mother Ship. The true Mother Ship is our Aquafarion co-creative consciousness that creates through the Music of the Spheres. Sananda sent this Divine Blue Print to Mother Earth through his template Jeshua 12. That template was in the form of a man- but the frequency signature came through his breath. We were given this same breath. The breath of Christ - The Universal Template. We breathe this frequency as we oscillate our consciousness into the Universal Template through Elohim of Hearing. We align our template through the activation of Sun Alcyone and the Inner Sun of Mother Earth. This is the same process used by Jeshua 12. We are here to return all into their Divine Blue Print through the process of individual alignment into the Divine Template or the Universal Template Frequency Signature. So, as we are lifted into the Consciousness of the Mother Ship, so are we lifted into the Mary Consciousness of our Cosmic Egg. The Overtones of these Higher Spiritual Realms raise us up into their Higher Frequencies and in that place there is the new Base Tone Rhythm of the Elohim of Hearing. We next utilize the Overtones from the Higher Cosmic Spheres to transmute the Base tones into the Overtones of a higher reality. This transmutation process is going on every nano second at a small degree. When we collect the frequencies that hold the tone of home and the Christic activations we record that split second of Divinity over and over hundreds of times to create one moment of that tone of home. We connect that one moment over and over again, and then layer that divine frequency three or four or five times until the resonance appears that creates a New Divine Rhythm. The rhythm can be clearly heard and felt. That is the rhythm of the New Heart Beat. It is the at one ment or a tune ment of our crystal heart into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and of the Heart of the Cosmic Egg. The Core of Earth is like a Vortex. If we ride our merkaba down into this vortex, we can from that point access the stargates into the other 12 stargates that allow the body to shift into other dimensions and interdimensional zones. Those who think they are seeing the Hollow Earth when they bi-locate into the Core of Earth are actually seeing themselves relocated into a completely different reality. It is not in the Core of the Earth. It is actually a different Dimension, a different place. They may have gone to another fourth dimensional reality that is parallel to the one they were stationed in. If the traveler went deeper into the Etheric Core of Earth they would travel into the Fifth Dimension of Terra or even into the 8th Dimension of Gaia. The Core of Mother Earth is the HUB or the Stargate Vortex into other Realities. Remember that it is always the Highest Frequency that transmutes or pulls into itself the lower frequencies. The Base Tones are the lower frequencies and the Over tones are the higher frequencies. The Highest Frequency is Source. All base tones must be transmutted into the Full Light Spectrum of the the Cosmic Over Tones and finally the Source Over tones. Another way of saying this is all of the particles in the physical universe must be transmutted into the anti particles of the spiritual parallel Universe. Each time we move up one Harmonic Universe, we lift the Base Tone of the Lower Harmonic Universe into the Over Tones of the Higher Harmonic Universe. The Earth was in Harmonic Universe One. It has been lifted into Harmonic Universe Two as a result of the Frequencies of Consciousness that have been brought down into the Sun through the vehicle of Comet Ison. Those are the Over Tone Frequencies of our Spiritual Twin Matrix coming into the Earth's Atmosphere each time a Solar Flare is sent down to us. Our Base Tone Rhythm has been Raised as a result of Indigo Children and Avatar Children being born on Earth. It has raised because of the spiritual teachings and those using Merkaba Mechanics. The Base Tone Rhythm is raised into the Over tones. The particles are raised into the anti particles. The activity always comes from above. In other words. It is not the note on the keyboard creating overtones at the hertzian level that links us into the speed of light frequencies of higher harmonic universes. It must be the frequencies of the animating principle of Love spinning the Spheres into Oneness through the Quantum Science of the Merkaba. The Love principle that spins ten thousand times faster than the speed of light spins each dimensional reality into the Oneness with the Source Frequencies at each harmonic level.


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

First, we connect consciousness down into the Iron Core of Earth and penetrate deeply into the Etheric Reality of the 13.5 dimension of Cosmic Consciousness. This brings us into the Crystal Liquid Light area where we see the Mirror image of our spiritual self reflecting through the atomic mirror of atomic thermal radiation. This etheric plasma liquid light connects with the 14th dimensional helium or silver pastel rainbow heliotalic rays that intersect into Earth's womb.

Within this etheric Cosmic Frequency of Earth's Womb is Sun Alcyone's Spiritual Firmament. This is where teh Heartbeat of our perfect spiritual rebirth can be atuned to through the breath of Source. When we ride within our Merkaba- which holds us within the perfect balance and frequency signature of Divine Love spinning within the 12th dimensional alignment, we remove time and space, and realign into the Now Moment of which ever reality field our Frequencies are atuned to.

We must realign our bodies with these crystal freqeuncies of the Divine Blue Print of our original creation. This Divine Blue Print is being held within the Heart of Mother Earth for our rebirth. We must always send the Merkaba into these etheric locations because the Merkaba spin rate aligns the frequencies into the proper atunement and balance of the at one ment with Source, the at one ment with Cosmic Consciousness, the Atonement with any Frequency Field of Reality that wish to become manifest within.

We can ride inside of the Merkaba and soak up the frequencies of our original perfect self within the Heart of Mother Earth. The frequencies of that Consciousness is now being filtered through the Earth's magnetic layers, into her Grids and out into our Biosphere. Those who are not willing to take the time to connect their consciousness into the womb of Mother Earth for their re-birth will eventually pick up these same frequencies in the atmosphere and even by sitting on the Earth's crust. The 12th dimensional Christ Grid is 12 inches below Earth's Crust. We can now tune into that Grid and into the the Grid that is 10,000 feet above us in the Cloud Cities. When we focus on walking within these Christ Consciousness Grids, we are living within the magnetic Consciousness that guides and protects us always. That is the electromagnetic connection into pure Source Consciousness. That was the true meaning of the only way to God is through Christ.

Those Christ Grids have been restored on our New Earth. Our Divine Template has been restored within the Earth's Womb. We are prepared for our re-birth. Now is the time for our re-tuning in to the frequencies of our original 12 DNA subharmonics and our 5DNA perceptual abilities so that we can look beyond the veil into the new reality that has been prepared for us.

When we ride the Merkaba down into the 13.5 dimensional frequencies and then loop around the Earth's into the 14th dimensional frequency of the fifth sphere, we create the loop, which is actually the mathmatical equivalent to the arc of the covenant. It is a sacred geometry that aligns consciousness into a new reality field. That looping in consciousness from the 13.5 into the 14th, and then another arc over into the Parallel Anti Particle Universe of the Spiritual Centra Sun in the parallel Aquarius Galaxy activates Consciousness to a level where the breath can actively ignite the sparks of Source within the omnions of the cells of the body. The body radiates and shines through this activation.

We can now breathe these frequencies into the crystal heart area. This is the area that activates the Soul Matrix of the dimensions 4,5,6. This activates the new Super Conscious Mind. This allows the Ego to become aligned into the Full Spectrum of reality where it no longer feels the need for justification, control, judgment, etc. Those old feelings came from the separation of dimensions 1,2,3 from 4,5,6. Those dimensions can now be retuned through the subharmonics of the 12th dimensional frequency.

When the harmonic universe one (1,2,3 dimensions atune into 4,5,6) a new reality becomes manifest. The new multi dimensional reality of a Universal Freedom becomes manifest. The new Super Conscious Mind that co- creates through Source becomes manifest reality. This is the awakening, the atunement of our body with the new consciousness, the new frequencies, the new substance of the helium body. This new biology allows the light and sound frequencies to activate the body to become pure light and to reappear in the manifest realities that are tuned in to.

The body will break free from gravity because it will be in a new standing wave frequency pattern that is not a part of gravity. This will allow the naturally divine adventures of levitation, teleportation, orbing and instant manifestation.


Many meditators make the sound UM or Aum in an effort to tune in to a Higher Source of Frequencies.

The word UM or AUM was originally the Code of a Frequency that meant the Highest Frequency in the Universe. That was it's name. However, the frequency itself was the place in Consciousness that needed to be tune in to. That entire reality of what that atunement into the Frequency of Source was lost forever when it became a word.

Any reality that is lowered in frequency into a word, has lost its reality. The original frequency of Source Consciousness was a spark and a breath and a flame. That original spark was in the atomic radiation light field and the breath was in the elemental particle field. When the Sound was breathed upon the Light, there was a new idea born upon the Consciousness of reality.

That reality of Source Creation is breathed into our Cosmic Realms and our planetary realms equally and simultaneously. That Quantum Reality is what is being discovered within the consciousness of the few enlightened ones on Earth during this new time of Cosmic Reality.

As we attune our Consciousness to that breath of Source and Spark of Source and actually learn to exhale that breath of creation, we become the co-creators that we were born to become. That is our ultimate goal, and it is the absolute reality of our re-birth. Our re-birth is simply a remembering of our actual sovereignty and our actual ability to manifest our desired reality.

Each time we align our consciousness fully into the complete light spectrum of Source Consciousness and Breathe through the breath of the highest frequency, we are creating a new reality through the breath of Source.

We align our consciousness into the full spectrum from the most etherical omni particle within our cells and out into all six spheres of the planetary, solar, galactic, universal , cosmic, pre sound and pre light and then out into the void of the absolute Source of Pure Creation. When we absorb the frequencies of that entire reality field, we can exhale a brand new realtiy to form first within the etherical light of the atomic radiation within the cells and then through the sound of the breath activating the elemental crystal LIQUID LIGHT BETWEEN THE CELLS.

Once we absorb the omnipresence of Source Consciousness into our Consciousness through our breath which we focus into our Crystal Heart-- the etheric place within the Thymus area ( behind the upper breast bone, behind the heart and connecting into the stem cell, medulla oblongata and up into the mid brain and pineal gland. This area that centers at the Thymus area and is within a sphere that radiates around the shoulder area and then up 36 inches above the head contains the entire Source Consciousness reality field.

We hold the entire reality of that Frequency of Source within the etheric omnions of the cells and activate that light within through the breath of the Sound of the elemental. Each time we breathe with focused intent we are activating that Frequency of Source Consciousness within us. When we focus our breath up to 36 inches above our head we connecting into the Place where Cosmic Consciousness meets with Source Consciousness. This is the place where we enter into the Mind of God through the pre sound and pre light particles that turn into the Eiron Flow of Liquid Light Energy flowing into our Mid Brain.This is the frequency of activation of our new reality, our new body chemistry, our new re-birth into our less dense reality field of harmonic universe two, which contains dimensions 4,5,6. This new reality field of Tara and Inner Earth is avaialble to become activated within our reality now.

All re-births into ascension must become activated through Source Consciousness. This frequency of Source is actually re-creating a brand new body for us every nano second. We have not been tuned into that reality for a very long time on this planet. That continuous rebirth is the energy that gives us Eternal Life.


Each time information is given about this etheric substance of crystal light, crystal gel and crystal dust, and how this light particles take form according to the frequencies of consciousness that they are attached to, the 3D mind has transposed the meaning. In the case of the Music of the Spheres formula, the scholars transformed the theory of etheric light and sound in to 3D modes, keys and scales.

The modes were translated onto a keyboard uniquely designed by the 3D mind to obfuscate the entire teaching of the Music of the Spheres technology. The theory was discussing modality of the spheres- not modality of the keyboard. It showed how the five spheres of consciousness connected, related and created new realities. It was referring to the third tone in the Harmonic Universe One, the eighth key in Harmonic Universe Three connecting resonance into the Fifth Octave, which is the Fifth Sphere holding Cosmic Consciousness.

Presently, in the New Age movement, this Music of the Spheres miracle of reality is once again being INCORRECTLY taught through 3D instruments, tonalities and understanding. Remember, even the tuning fork and crystal bowls are 3D manufactured, densified tools.

It is always the consciousness that translates the light wave communication from one consciousness to another. The over tones in the spiritual anti particle parallel reality resonate from the frequency alignments from the base tones in the particle universe. As this alignment of light and sound occur, all etheric harmonics existing within these light years of harmonic transformation, must be retrieved and breathed through consciousness. That is the procedure that I use when I am collecting the Frequencies that I exhale into the Frequency Specific Eternal Life .

I have heard Crystal Bowl Orchestras in which the performers were definitely conveying their crystal overtones through higher consciousness. The Crystal Bowls, in themselves, only carry the 3D base tones that emit 3D overtones. This means that the hertzian frequencies are expanded into 20,000 hertzian range. This is the audible frequency. Hertzian is the Lowest frequency in Light and Sound Spectrum.

As long as music is created in the Hertzian Range, the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound has not been connected into the Consciousness. It is never the instrument that carries a frequency-- it is always the etheric- the Consciousness. It must be done in Consciousness. And the Consciousness must be aware of the Scientific Formula that aligns the Music of the Spheres. The FACT is the Crystal Bowl Orchestra is creating AUDIBLE SOUND. AUDIBLE SOUND is within the Visible Light Spectrum. That means the sound is contained within the Third Dimension and does not allow transmission into the Fifth Dimension and beyond our limited Senses that trap us within the 3D reality.

The idea that is being conveyed by our Music of the Spheres team was given to me in one sentence several years ago. My creation team told me that when I can create music that connects together every intersection of each sphere in the flower of life (infinite circles connecting all that intersect through the one point of the crystal heart--the same crystal heart of Mother Earth, the Cosmic Egg, the center point or heart of triangulation) This connection of all breaths of consciousness will result in a brand new reality-- a new creation-- the ascension.

This Music of the Spheres teaching tool is simply showing us that when we connect our consciousness through sound and light from our manifest self-- reach into our etheric self and pull those higher frequencies of light and sound into our etheric self, each dimension and intersect it into the new sound of our manifest breath we exhale a new creation.

It is now time to create our brand new reality through light and sound together with our Dolphin friends and family. We will create a New Earth that will harmoniously realign into our M31 perfect Aquarius Galaxy. We can now create our beautiful new melodies of creation with our family of dolphins and Cetacean Nation. message from Crystalai

Mother Earth would like to welcome you to ride inside of your merkaba down inside of her Crystal Heart. Enter in through the Earths Core, through the liquid light chambers of the 13th dimension into the hydrolaise and then into inner Earth's Sun's heliotalic chambers of the 14th dimension and into the Crystal Caves of the 15th dimension. Sit inside of the Crystal Caves of Mother Earth's Heart and soak up these frequencies. These are the frequencies of this Cosmic Crystal Heart. Connect the spark of your Crystal Heart into Oneness with the spark of Mother Earth's Crystal Heart. Feel the Golden Star Dust Star Gate Connecting you into Oneness with all of the Hearts of our Starry Brothers in the Inner Domains of pure Krystic reality.

Please spend as much time in Mother Earth's Heart aligning into this Frequency of Oneness.

LISTEN TO MP3 MOTHER EARTH's HEARTBEAT OF LOVE You may listen to each one of the songs from this at the CD BABY CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA sample booth, or at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com. Our music is also available at Amazon.

The Crystal Heart of Mother Earth is the 13.5 dimension where Earth connects into Urtha's 14 dimensional heliotalic frequency. This is the frequency required for ascension into Urtha. Urtha means the Star Essence of Earth. We must return to this Silicate Matrix of the 12DNA perfect form. This frequency is also found in the Neutron and Sun Alcyone recording, and on the Ultra Violet Sun mp3 and CD. The Aurora Field Stardust frequency is in the Angel Dust mp3.

All Frequencies are combined in the Parallel Universe mp3's and the Dolphin Baby mp3's and now with the addition of the Cetacean Nation in the Magic Dolphin Therapy Kit.

These are High Frequency sound files that are important to listen to. This is one of the most important times in the history of our galaxy for uniting each of our crystal hearts into oneness with Mother Earth's crystal heart. This music is the frequency of Oneness with Mother Earth's Heart.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 4


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

The most obvious ingredients that are missing from your manifestation are TRUST, KNOWING, BLISS - the FEELING of KNOWING the DESIRE HAS ALREADY BEEN PROCESSED BY THE HIGHER SELF. It is always the Higher Self who is doing the manifesting. All you are is a machine- a movie projector that will project the movie on your screen that God has already created. God is always creating the Movie that you Desire. That is what God does. If you think God does anything else, that is why you aren't manifesting. We must realize that our entire reason for being for existing is to be the movie projector for the Divine Realities that our God of our Being is creating. And the reason that is created is because we desire it. It is just the natural mode of life. When we truly realize that TRUTH and truly Trust that Reality, our desires manifest instantly. Every nano second a new reality is created by the creator of our movie. IT is much like the making of a movie, frame by frame. As our thoughts change frame by frame so does the movie progress and change. If we keep thinking the same thoughts over and over again, the same movie plays over and over again. Your God of your Being is only making your wishes come true. The problem is, you probably aren't aware of all of the old wishes that are stored in your cellular memory. Remember that formula. When we Inhale the Frequencies of an Idea into the Mind of God. The Mind of God is Developing the film to create the movie. When we inhale the idea is a photo positive, The Mind of God turns it into a Negative. The film waits in the mind of God as a negative that is developing. So, we must hold that IDEA containing the frequencies of the winning lotto numbers in the Mind of God for quite some time before we exhale. While the numbers are in the Mind of God they are also being held in our mid brain- our mind of God. When we exhale the frequencies of the numbers into our hands, we are exhaling the developed picture or the manifestation of the idea. The Merkaba is the Frequency Signature Vehicle that holds the frequencies of the numbers in at one ment with the highest frequency -- that is what the Merkaba hierophant is. So the same process takes place when we write the numbers on the Merkaba and inhale them into the mid brain. And then the trick is this: You must be in so much BLISS while you wait for the film to develop. So much Bliss that you are jumping up and down and screaming with excitement- because you absolutely KNOW that you have won. The reason you know that you have won is because you CREATED the Reality. You manifested the winning numbers. You moved into the Frequencies of the Reality where those numbers create the Reality of Winning. It is the FREQUENCIES of CONSCIOUSNESS where the Winning Numbers are Created, that create the reality of winning. Where is that ? In the Mind of God creating the Negative that will be Developed through the connection of your Crystal Heart, where your mini me or Seed Atom of the entire Mind of God that is within you. That is called the ManU Principle of Creation. Next the Developed Film must go into the ManA of the Pineal Gland, and when the Breath is Exhaled from the Crystal Heart, down the arms into the palms and the idea is formed in the Crystal Light, Gel and Dust of the highest light through the Breath of Creation coming out your mouth and visualized through from the Pineal onto the Radial Body or Movie Screen of your new reality. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? If you are one of those people who can see the numbers that you chose as the winning numbers for the Lotto in your Dream and remember seeing them clearly, you are one of those who has already processed the FREQUENCIES of the Numbers into a Visual Process of those Frequencies. The picture that you see in your Dream is the Visualization of the Frequency Signatures of those numbers on your movie screen. This is ALL IT TAKES to win the Lotto. For those of us who can't see the numbers, but can feel the frequency signatures of each numbers, we move into those frequency signatures and just know that they are in our Crystal Heart when are sleeping, and then keep asking to see them and to remember seeing them. Those who have won the Lotto have said that is all that they did. They chose the numbers. They bought tickets with those numbers and then they saw those numbers on their winning lotto ticket in their dream. THAT Isn’t ALL that is Required however. Those who won TRUSTED that they would win. They were in total Bliss because they knew that they had already won, because the God of our Being always processes our desires. They were in BLISS. Remember Bliss- that joy of jumping up and down and crying with happiness, and not being able to contain yourself. That feeling that it feels like when you have won ten million dollars. You Must Get that Feeling. I was told that we aren't winning to Lotto because we are thinking that we are bringing something to ourselves, when what we should be doing is moving into the Frequencies of the Winning Numbers, meaning moving into the Frequencies of Source Consciousness- the Mind of God Frequencies outside of the OUTER BAND or Sphere around the Merkaba. The place in Consciousness where the animating principle of Love has spun us into AT ONE MENT with the Mind of God. That is the only information that I had to work with. So, first I thought about everything I know about Frequencies. I should know about frequencies better than anyone because that has been my mission--bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. Why did I want to bring the highest frequencies to Earth? I was told that is where we must go in order to win the Lotto. Go to the Highest Frequencies in order to Manifest. So, I was determined to Manifest by using the highest frequencies. But then, I finally learned, it is not about the winning the Lotto-- it is about the PROCESS. Look at what I learned in this process of bringing the highest frequencies to Earth through Music. I learned to know what Heaven Feels like. I got to speak to the Angels. I got to have Angels singing through me. And this process just kept growing and growing. And then I learned that all along I was learning to talk to dolphins. Of course I had been talking to cosmic dolphins all along. But, I didn't realize that the process was to get to the point of talking one on one to Dolphins. And again that was a part of the process of learning to talk to the Sirians so that they can land on Earth and talk to everyone. And it was Shajinka- my Oraphim Braharama Dolphin Sister who told me, "You don't really want to win the lotto. What you really want is to meet me." So, there was my answer. I didn't like the answer. But that was my answer. I still never gave up on winning the lotto. But I finally learned it was just my motivation to keep learning about the Process of Manifestation. Now, that I have said all of that, let's get back to the formula. You must go into the highest frequencies -- so that means the alignment with the Frequencies of Source Consciousness or the Mind of God. I wrote many articles about the connection to the Mind of God through the crystal heart, the pineal and then through the ears and up to 36 inches above the head. So, we practiced that. And now to add to the formula we must go to the Frequencies of the Numbers. So, let's look at the formula again. When we create through the Mind of God formula. We create the picture of what we want to manifest in the Crystal Heart --the etheric part of the Thymus-- the Imagination Center. So, first we hold the Frequencies of the Winning Numbers in our Crystal Heart. First-- get to know the frequencies of the numbers you have chosen. Feel each one of them as an Entity- a Breath of Creation. Hold those numbers in your breath as you feel their frequencies and see them as numbers and learn what that numbers frequencies feel like. So, it is the same formula that I use to create music. I must get those frequencies first in my crystal heart and then inhale to the Elohim of Hearing, and then see and feel the frequencies in my mid brain before I exhale those frequencies into the Crystal Sphere that I hold in the palms of my hands.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 5


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

When we use the animating principle of Love to create the spin of the merkaba at ten thousand times the speed of light, and then ride in the merkaba into the higher dimensions of the Cosmic Divine Blue Print in the 13.5 Dimension of Inner Earth, the 14th dimensional frequency of heliotalic pastel silver, and then connect that frequency into the Central Sun or Sun Alcyone who carries our morphogenetic blue prints in the photon belt, we turn on an activation in our bodies when we ride that merkaba back into our heads and into our crystal hearts. That is the frequency that turns on our Neutron Bodies, and it turns on our Mid Brains, it activates the sub harmonic strands of the 12 within each of the seven DNA templates. When we hold our Consciousness within that powerful Entity of Love that tunes us in to the Music of the Spheres that allows the pre light and pre sound of the sixth sphere to activate the five spheres of the Earth's Matrix that is held within the Source Field, then and only then have we experienced the BLISS that is required for manifestation. That is the formula that I use to create your frequency albums for you so that if you haven't learned to do this yourselves I am creating the Divine Comforter for you that you can use to activate your NORMAL SELF. When we have reached the state of Bliss we must go into the Dream state or Dream Matrix where we are in a Trance state of Sleep but remembering. The only way to get into that Dream Matrix and maintain the Frequency Specific State of Bliss is to use the animating principle of Love. We must stay conscious of this Divine Principle of Love. It is that Principle that holds us harmonically inside the Mind of God. And it is within the Mind of God that our Desired Manifestations are Created. They are created as a negative or an anti particle of the substance that is manifest into our visual field of reality.

JOYFUL EXPECTATIONS Crystalai cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com Welcome the results of your manifestation, and know that whatever happens is a wonderful gift. It may not be at all what you expect, but it is, in fact a key to a much greater gift that will come in the future. Stay in the state that allows you to know that it serves you in a positive way, in order to get a positive benefit. You have to KNOW that there is a reason why the thing happened. It could be a simple lesson that serves you or it could be preparing you for a very great event. If you don't expect a glorious event that is serving you, you will think you are getting a NEGATIVE experience. That is all that you will see. The most important part of the Manifestation Process is being given the situation or opportunity to learn or see or experience the next thing that you need to learn or see or experience in order to reach the manifestation that you truly desire. When we get excited about something and we do it, the result of that experience is most often so show us that that experience was just to show us that there was something else that we actually wanted to experience. MY PERSONAL MANIFESTATION PROCESS I have been manifesting continuously the things that I desire since childhood. The difference between me and most others, was I always knew that I was manifesting these situations, and that they were exactly what I needed in order to learn the next thing that I needed to learn. Some of the things that I manifested were actually things that I needed to learn about myself thirty years ago, in order to understand and know things that are extremely important right now. I was learning how to return from the dead over thirty years ago. I didn't know that the real reason for that was to return my husband from the dead many years later. And the reason that I needed to know how to do that was to create an Ascension Portal for an entire raceline of beings. And I wouldn't had learned all that I needed to know about that entire process if I hadn't started learning every single thing that let me to that point in my life. That is called following the stepping stones of the journey that I planned before I came to this planet. And, it had a lot to do with continuously tuning in to my Higher Self and my Guides for direction and guidance on my path. It was a very interesting journey. And every single event led me to the next event. I never knew what would be next, But I do know that I was always Excited about how Great the next thing that was going to happen to me would be. That is the most important ingredient to Manifestation. Now, I have moved into a time of Manifestation where I am expecting something much greater than anything I ever experienced before because now I am in tune with my Multidimensional Reality System. Now, I can be a part of the experiences of all of my Souls, Over Souls, Avatar Self, Rishi Self, and any of their friends and relatives who want to experience or share in my experiences. That is something NEW to be Excited about. And since I'm excited about it I know it will happen. I also know that in order to get in direct contact with that new Movie of Reality that will be performed in my movie screen, I must raise my frequencies in to the highest frequency of the Mind of God. From that point of All that Is, I can experience any possibility or any thing that I could normally do from this dimension, but I can also do anything that any of my Soul Families can do from their reality and combine it into my perceived reality. So, if I want to experience winning the Lotto, I go into the highest realm of the Mind of God and connect to my entire Family of Consciousness and see myself in the Version of myself who contains the Frequencies of the Winning Lotto Numbers that I have chosen. I must align with the Frequencies of those Numbers because Those Frequencies must appear on the Movie Screen. Only Frequencies appear on the movie screen in the mind of God, because the reality is like a picture. It is first created as a negative in the Mind of God and then it is developed into a Positive in our Manifest Field of reality. The Negative is a Frequency. The Developed Negative is a Reality. We can't have a reality until we have a frequency. We can't have a picture until we have a negative of the picture. The only place to get a negative is in the mind of God. Now, we must go to the Mind of God. The frequency music that I create is for getting to the Mind of God. I record the Frequencies of Source Consciousness and all of the Frequencies in the Music of the Spheres that are within that Infinite Field of Consciousness. And then I record the individual's Frequencies of who they are right now. I put these two sets of frequencies together on the Eternal Life Albums. The combination of the Person's Individual Frequency Signatures and all of those Multidimensional Realities that are connected to that Individual and the Music of the Spheres Technology is placed in the Mind of God Frequencies so that the Negative can be created. I can't create the Negative. Only the person who buys the Eternal Life Album can move into the Consciousness of the Negative. And I can't keep the person from putting blocks between their consciousness and the reality fields that I've created for them. The Negative is in the Mind of God. If the person believes that I have created this place for them to go in Consciousness, and they can feel that they are in the Mind of God, where they create their manifest desire, and they believe that reality so much that they are in a state of Bliss, they will manifest what the Mind of God knows is needed for them to manifest in order to Understand whatever it is that they need to do next. There is another step in the process called visualization. The desire must be visualized and felt as a frequency. The individual must go into the Mind of God in the dream state or trance state in order to allow the Mind of God to create the Negative of the Movie that will be developed through the Individual's Crystal Heart and Breath. If the individual can fall asleep in the Mind of God and see the desired manifestation in their dreams, and believe that is their new reality, it will manifest. Sometimes immediately, sometimes a few weeks later. If you see your winning Lotto Numbers in your dream state, they will manifest. Anything that is created in the dream state is actually being created in the Mind of God. The Mind of God creates the Negative of the Picture that will be developed through your Crystal Heart and your Mid Brain and then projected out into your Radial Body Screen. That is a Fact of Spiritual Reality. There is a reason why this Normal Procedure hasn't been happening. People are not in their Frequency Specific Mid Brain. They are in their Upper Cerebellum Thinking Brain, and they are thinking about the Lotto Numbers. The numbers must be in frequencies or they won't manifest. All of the manifestation teachings out there are based on magnetizing something to you. That is just something that is in the old thinking brain that is already there and allowing yourself to have more of something that you already created in your mind. That is a completely different mode of manifestation. REAL MANIFESTATION is a Science. It works every time. It allows us to create any thing we want out of nothing. It requires Attunement and At One Ment with the Mind of God. It is the Higher Self who is the Creator. Our physical body is just the Entertainment Center. We are the movie projector. The Higher Self is the Movie maker and producer. Basically, we are learning to give up the thought that we can do anything. In fact we can't do anything except think about something. Until we turn on our Frequency Specific Mid Brain and allow the Frequencies of the Creation be Known and Felt and allow that Feeling to become the new reality of our existence, we can't really do anything except create old things over and over again. However, manifestation is instantaneous. The movie reel is created one nano second at a time, so the complete picture might take days or weeks to completely develop. There is this process of Manifestation. The Higher Self and the Mind of God want you to have whatever your heart desires. That is your divine right. However, the Higher Self might have a different way of manifesting that reality than you could ever imagine. And the way that it is manifested will be much better than they way you would have thought it should be. Here is one example. I want to win the Lotto. But, deep inside, the only reason I want to win the Lotto is prove to others that they can win the Lotto if they do exactly as I do. So, I keep going through this process of uncovering more and more reasons why I'm not winning the Lotto, and even reasons why others would not be winning the Lotto. My Higher Self knows that what I really want is to find an absolute formula to give the world that will guarantee that everyone wins the Lotto or whatever else they want. So, I keep going through this process of seeing why others aren't winning the Lotto, and how that relates to what I am actually trying to manifest. If I truly desired to win the Lotto just because the winning of the Lotto excited me, I would just win. However, that isn't really what my heart's desire is. This is easy for me to understand because I've been going through this same process of manifesting one situation just to get to another situation that will take me to another situation. I have always done this, and I always know that what is coming next is much greater than what I have. I never have any idea what the next thing will be, however, I always know it will be much greater than the present situation. It always is. That is the way life works. Some times we think we are in a situation that doesn't seem like what we wanted to manifest, but, if we look much closer, we might find something that we really needed to learn. There is a Divine Rule that says we must LOVE EVERY ONE to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Where is the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the Mind of God. Why haven't we manifested anything yet? We don't Love Every one yet. In order to Love everyone, we use the animating principle of Love to spin the Merkaba. The Sphere that the Merkaba is spinning within can spin around the entire Earth, so we Love all that is within the First Sphere or Harmonic Universe One. We must also love everyone within all Five Spheres. Try it. You will learn that you actually do Love Everyone when you do this.

SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE AND PROTECTION THROUGH MY PROCESS OF MANIFESTATION I have been let go from more jobs than probably all of those reading this book put together have had-- something like sixty jobs in thirty years. I have had to move about that same amount of times. I have been financially broke half of the time and very rich the other half. I've had my life threatened twelve times, I've had a gun to my head a few times, I've been poisoned with lethal poison and died. When we lived in Turkey, my husband and I were set up by our sponsor at an International School to get thrown in prison for having an illegal passport that she arranged, and have all of our money taken out of our bank so we would be arrested for working illegally. Our higher selves guided us out of all of those negative possibilities including prison, and into one of the most glorious situations we have ever experienced only a few days later. Our life has basically been like a 007 movie. Why? Probably because we were being prepared to be possessed by three demons, die in order to send them back to the light, and then be resurrected from the dead through an activity of switching Souls in and out of our bodies. We were well prepared for what happened, and there are now millions of Angels in awe of us. We obviously knew ourselves well enough to know that we could do such heavenly events before we signed up for these missions on Earth. It is all a matter of remembering who we actually are. We remembered that we were members of Cosmic Councils that were appointed by the Ra Confederacy. We were on the Team called the Atonal that was created to restore the Serres Egyptians who were obliterated when the Crystal Blew up that was ten times the power of an Atomic Bomb during the time of Atlantis. We were also on another team that was created to work with the Sirius B Council to save the Oraphim raceline. And, we were members of the Crystalai Council. That is the Council that communicates with me continuously. That is the Cosmic Council who created the Crystalai Spiral that allows us to return to Source. It was created to over ride the Golden Mean Spiral that only sends man back to the Galactic Sphere for eternal reincarnation in mortality that never ends. We are Divine. We are Multidimensional. We are a Star. We are the image and likeness of God. In our case, we were also told that we have always been a part of the Jesus and Mary team and that we are the Jesus and Mary on Earth at this time doing exactly what they did when they were here, creating a portal for those to return home. There had to be twelve portals or stargates re-opened for this grand Ascension Event to take place. Jesus and Mary opened the first portal for the Hebrew Raceline. The other twelve had to be opened by certain people who contained the correct keys, codes, raceline, heritage, etc. Crystalai and aDolphino were both Dolphins at one time- Oraphim Dolphins. The Oraphim Raceline was taken down by Fallen Angelics billions of years ago. In order for this Ascension Event to be successful, the Oraphim Raceline had to be restored. We have been on the team who has been working on that project for millions of life times. When aDolphino was possessed by three demons, it was for a preordained purpose of saving a Race line who had fallen into the trap of the Red Dragons or the Draconians. The Oraphims became the Blue Dragons. Those who wanted to escape the Phantom Matrix became Demons because they knew it was their only way to escape the Phantom Matrix in time for the Ascension. They chose to possess aDolphino because they were a part of the same family as Crystalai and aDolphino. They knew from the history of abductions they encountered with the Draconians that a Fallen Angel or Demon must enter the body of a Female in order to take down the Male - Female Cosmic Twin Flame. The demons possessed the male, however. This allowed the Female to save the Male. A trick we all learned from the Fallen Races themselves. How did I raise aDolphino from the dead? With the Divine Love Principle. First, using it to Love Everyone, and to spin him home from the Fifth Sphere of the Cosmos.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 6


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

See yourself sitting in a cloud on top of the 15th sphere of the Cosmos. This is the place where Source (the infinite unknown of all that is and all that ever will be) connects into the Cosmic Consciousness where the idea begins to form. In the Source Consciousness Frequency field, we pull the Source frequencies into the outer band of the Cosmic Frequency Field. Each band of consciousness has base tones, overtones and resonant tones. When the base tones or overtones are removed from a frequency band, the frequency band becomes disconnected from Source Consciousness. This is what happened to us. We became disconnected from Source Consciousness when certain base tones and overtones were taken out of our frequency bands. These frequency bands are the harp strings within the double helix of our DNA. If any of the twelve etheric harp strings have any of the tones removed, they cannot blend together into one harmonic sound. When the highest frequency of Source Consciousness is breathed into those harp strings, the overtones and base tones all realign into the frequency bands or harp strings harmonically and harmoniously. This is how a harmoniously balanced rebirth is performed. This mental, breathing consciousness exercise brings the Source Frequencies of the highest frequency- the frequency that includes all frequencies to re-activate the base tones and over tones in all bands of light. This will heal and connect all 12 DNA strands harmonically. Our guardian and founder starry families have given us several formulas for connecting the problem of the base tones and over tones creating seals that blocked us from that potential of Oneness. When we connect the light from our third eye (where the mind of God - our higher self creates all ideas from) to the light band where Source floats outside of the Cosmic Matrix, we create a dream stream of consciousness. All manifestations are created in this dream stream. We go into the higher self sitting in the blue sphere outside of the Cosmos to collect the frequencies of Source. We sit in the cloud and absorb all of the frequencies of Source. WE INHALE. Next, we create the idea that we wish to MANIFEST and see it being created in that cloud that the higher self is in. We see the idea weaving itself into the sphere of light around the higher self. Next, we inhale that idea into our higher self. See that idea as a permanent reality that has always belonged to our higher self. We realize that all that is created in the frequency of Source has always existed and will always exist in eternal time matrix. The new idea transforms and transmutes all former ideas or beliefs about the manifest reality. For example, if we thought we were a miserable, poor person, we can change that reality into being a magnificent wealthy person. Once the idea is placed within the light field of Source of the magnificent wealthy person into the field of light energy of the higher self that is sitting in the cloud in the Source Field, that makes the new idea the only idea that ever existed because the Mind of Source is Eternal. The idea has always existed and will always exist in this highest frequency field and it will transmute and transform any other idea that ever existed. A stream of energy flows through all of the past selves, present selves and future selves to transform the eternal self that exists in the dream stream between the mind of God in the higher self and the Source field. The new idea in the dream stream will now manifest in all multidimensional fields as the reality attached to this person's reality field. That reality now exists in us because it exists in Source and we are made of Source Consciousness, Source Frequency and Source Light and Energy. This causes the Music of the Spheres to sing a new song as the base tones and over tones of the frequency bands of the crystal spheres realign and weave a new melodic version of the reality template. Another way of looking at this manifestation principle is this: The three spheres of the Cosmic Matrix are crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. The crystal light is the outer band that allows the spark of Source to enter in and create a new idea. The Crystal Dust is the middle band that contains the crystal dust particles of golden silver heliotalic shimmering, sparkling dusty crystals of the 14th dimension. That crystal dust is the healing prana that brings the neutron energy created by igniting the plasma of gamma waves of Sun Alcyone to bring our Blue Flame of our Divine Blue Print of Divine Consciousness into our frequency bands of our electron magnetic light field. So, now we have the sphere of crystal light and the sphere of crystal dust Cosmic Consciousness Energy fields. The third Cosmic band is the 13th dimension and the crystal gel Cosmic Consciousness energy sphere. This band carries the frequency of transformation. The gelaisic particle energy melts, transmutes and transforms the particle structure of the body by bringing the Divine Blue Print of the original divine Self that was stored in the etheric core of Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. This 13th dimensional energy is needed to activate the 12th dimensional frequency of the Khristiac (Christic) band that carries our Divine Blue Print. The crystal gel consciousness energy creates the re-birth of the new form - the new idea to manifest in all forms of multidimensional consciousness. We can now take these three crystal spheres an hold them in the palms of our hands. We inhale the spheres into our crystal heart. We see our higher self holding these three spheres in our heart. We pull the image of the higher self holding the spheres into our third eye. We hold the same idea up into the self sitting in the cloud in Source. The idea to be manifest from the highest frequency of Source is first seen clearly already in manifest form in the Source Cloud and then held in the mind. Next, EXHALE that idea into the three spheres. That exhale is the breath of manifestation called the MaNA. First we had the Breath of Creation when we formed the idea within our higher self in our crystal heart. Next, we had the breath of Gestation as we allowed the idea to be created in the Mind of God and the Frequency of Source and allowed to form through the Dream Stream where the unconsciousness and the Consciousness unite as one. Finally the breath of manifestation is breathed out into the spheres of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. It is always these three spheres together that create the complete music of the spheres light and sound energy of creation. That reality first takes the form of the ultra violet blue flame in the crystal light sphere and then the golden dust particle form of the neutron energy that shifts the electron proton relationship into a new neutron form. That energy shifts the particles into a Multidimensional manifest form that can be seen as invisible light. Next, the crystal gel transfers the idea into a tangible manifest form that can be seen. We hold the three spheres in our hands and then exhale the idea through the spheres into the microphone and we get the music of the spheres. This form of reality is now in the form of the frequency within the breath. That frequency held within the breath is the most powerful energetic form in the universe. That breath of creation and manifestation can and will manifest into multidimensional reality.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ Chapter 7


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

During 2015-2017, the entire universe will shift forward into a new time matrix, a new Cosmic Template, a new Omniversal Reality. Earth's pulsation speed of particle base will be raised into higher dimensional time cycles. . This time period also offers the greatest opportunity for the return of our ability of Instant Manifestation because the portals will all align into the zero point of creation where the three primal sound fields break through the outer Cosmic Band and into the White Light of Source Consciousness. Manifestation happens each moment-each nano second. With each breath we take, we can each design any complete new reality that we wish. After the new reality is created, the creator must inhale that reality back through the outer band of primary sound and into the Cosmic Creation fields. At that moment, an explosion of a new reality manifests. First, as the white light interacts with the blue light of the fifteenth dimension, it creates a sphere that explodes into rays and sparks like fireworks. This new sphere of creation frequency weaves itself into the golden and violet flames of the fourteenth and thirteenth dimensions. The idea that is created in Source Consciousness becomes a manifest form in Cosmic Consciousness. That manifestation that was made of white light that is completely invisible becomes a more tangible idea in Cosmic Consciousness which begins to manifest in visible forms after passing through the gamma waves and infra red spectrum. The manifest reality becomes visible in the hertizian fields of the three dimensional form. When each sphere has a higher or lower frequency, the spheres are separated. But, during this special moment of harmonic unison that allows our entire Cosmos to sing together a new song and begin the creation of a new reality. That new song or new frequency, aligns the spheres into a new time vector. This time vector will only include the perfect Angelic Races. The Fallen Angelics and the problems they have created will not exist in this new reality. All creations come into manifestation from the highest frequency. Once the individual creates the idea that he desires to have manifest as a frequency form - a morphogenetic imprint - an idea. That idea is created by the electrical coding placed into the morphogenetic frequency field. This idea is coated in the frequency specific mid brain. This idea can be aligned directly to the Source Field of Creation where Source makes this encoded idea become a manifest able reality. Next, the individual must inhale that morphogenetic field that is encoded through the primal sound fields of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. This idea is held within these three spheres of creation energy holding the morphogenetic frequency field. Those three spheres are held in the crystal heart until they are felt and known. Next, the individual must inhale the three spheres into the mid brain and allow some time for the movie or idea that is being created or developed to form. Next the idea can be exhaled back out into the three crystal spheres of morphogenetic creation energy. That exhale is the breath that holds the music of the spheres. That is the frequency that allows the forms that have been created on other dimensions to become manifest in this density. This is the creation formula that I was given personally from my family of Elohei-Elohim Angels. This is the formula that they taught me to use to create music that brings the highest frequency to Earth and to create the frequencies that raise transmute the cellular structure of an individual to prepare for the transfiguration process that allows ascension into higher dimensions. Once the breaths are formed onto the morphogenetic imprint of the crystal spheres the tones of the breaths transform into a frequency of transfiguration. The blueprint of the new reality now exists within the breath of creation. The Breath must be created as the frequency specific mid brain connects its dream stream directly into the Source Field of creation. This dream stream is the Mind of God that brings the creation into the template of the manifestors. The idea will never manifest unless the dream stream into the frequencies of Source is continuously maintained. We have been directed by our Creation Team at the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse to create the Individual's Dream Stream through the frequencies placed on the Individual ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com. These frequencies that we collect through the directions of the Elohei-Elohim Angels, of the Individual are aligned into Source Consciousness to create the Dream Stream which will allow the individual to become saturated with these frequencies of creation continuously. This is how our Oraphim Angelic families created Universes. SHIFT INTO MULTI -DIMENSIONALITY As we rise up into our Multi Dimensional Consciousness between 2015- 2017, what has seemed to be the only reality in this third dimensional dream will become only a speck of the possible realities that will become realized. Most of what has seemed to be the only reality on Earth was created by metatronic frequencies performed through reverse spin technology of fallen angelics. The perception of those on Earth has been blocked from the creations of higher frequency manifestations through veils, seals, misalignments, Metatronics and a long list of demonic technology. The realities that have place in the upper cerebellum of the brain must become dissolved and replaced through the frequency specific mid brain technology that allows direct and continuous communication and manifestation through the Mind of God. The present reality fields that are being recycled as one looks around himself and keeps creating the same old reality over and over again will become dissolved into higher and higher realities. These new realities that will become manifest by those who learn to use the Divine Technology in their brain will come from other dimensions. We can manifest any part of any other reality that has ever existed. We can manifest the most wonderful culture based on the Lyran Sirian perfect model. We can manifest becoming the original Oraphim Race who spent their time dreaming new realities. We can collect all of our favorite realities from each and every Universal System in our Race Lines. We can combine creations of advanced technology of the most advanced systems and the sweetness of the Aquafarians and Oraphim Dolphins. We get to make individual and collective utopias. We can create the most magical, fabulous reality systems that we can dream up. First, we must learn how to create the dream stream through this alignment into the highest frequency of Source Consciousness. There will be no creations manifesting that are not created through the Mind of God. Only Fallen Angelics create through methods that require the use of energy from other entities. For the past ten million years, the human race has been used as a source of energy for Fallen Angelic groups. We have not even experienced a normal reality system. The present consciousness of this world has been locked inside a narrow little spectrum of reality. We see this man made world and we think that we can only re-create thinks that look like what they looked like in the day before. We think that making an improvement within the present reality is some type of achievement. In the normal kingdoms, an entity can create any new reality that has never been seen the day before. In multi dimensional consciousness we can form our days on what we saw on another star in another advanced civilization. We can combine all ideas from all other reality systems into new ideas that have never been created before. This Angelic Human Race was once the Oraphim Race who were the greatest creators in the Universe. This is what we will begin to become once again. We can now create, manifest, possess all of the qualities, attributes, abilities, intelligence of any and all of any previous idea that existed 500 billion years in the past or 500 billion years in the future. All time is available to be manifested in the present. All present realities are created from the past. All future realities are seen from the present. We actually have multiple selves that go into the past and into the future time and space realities. We have imprints of our selves in all other dimensions. We have friends and family in all other dimensions. We have had a veil put over our consciousness that has caused us to forget who we really are. We have been governed by fallen angelics for a very long time. Stellar Wave Infusions bring areas of the brain out of dormancy. Six of these stellar wave infusions came to Earth before December 21, 2012, and more are coming during the years ahead. Most of the light work from our Sun will be complete by 2015-2017. Our mid brain, which is frequency specific will begin to absorb all of the frequencies from all of the other dimensions in our Cosmic Matrix. The frequency specific brain will become the movie camera of the new realities that will form around each individual reality field. The pituitary will blossom and become the movie projector for the Mind of God to make God's Movie. During our Involution away from Source Consciousness, our brain has been recycling old information over and over again. When we begin our Evolution toward Source, we gain more and more frequencies of higher consciousness each and every day. These frequencies allow us to create more new realities as we are able to see them manifest in our mid brain through the direct dream stream of Source Frequencies through our Higher Self. We learn to bring our higher self down into our body to allow this luminary body to guide and direct us through the Mind of God. Our new luminary body will allow us to do things that we couldn't do in three dimensions. Our time vector is connected into the present past and future vectors. We can choose the most joyous perfect future to manifest by aligning consciousness into the highest frequency of Source while creating the new reality that you form in your consciousness as always existing in the present past and future. The heroic future that is being created for us is the Christos realignments of humanity into the 12 strand angelic freedom and joy and the Lyran -Sirian perfect cultural model which is already manifest in the future vector, which allows this reality to manifest in this present vector. So, the future Earth can be any reality that we choose to manifest it to be. We manifest every reality in to our own present time vector in the same way. We can connect and realign our present into any desirable future of the past or future time vectors. We can align into the perfect Oraphim Primal Sound Field of our original Angelic Race who could manifest through dream streams the most wonderful creations of our universe. We can connect and realign our present into the already manifest 12DNA or 48DNA that exists in past time vectors. We can manifest the joy and freedom that exists in the future time vectors and the wonderful cultural models created by the Lyran - Syrian’s past time vector. We can pull the realities out of any of the time vectors of any of the harmonic universes of our galactic, universal or cosmic spheres. Our Creation Family are the Wizards who would like to teach us all how to be the grand new creators in this new universe. The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was formed to allow the teachings of our Cosmic Creation Families to teach us co-creation techniques as they show us how their original creation of the most supreme Angelic Human was meant to be. We are moving into Omniversal Consciousness, where all 12 Star Gates are connecting our consciousness into the Omniversal Consciousness of our new Utopia. The third dimensional mind can only conceive of the visible realm. When many of us transfigure into the light bodies that transpose us into the fifth and sixth dimensions. Now we will shift our consciousness into realms that have been unknown and invisible to us before. We will be able to see our Guardian and Creator Races who have been our families for millions of years. The invisible will become as real as the visible, as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. We will be regaining our Divine Blue Print that makes us able to manifest anything we want, any time we want. We will become the race who creates light and energy through their own bio fields. We will become creators of new realities such as apple trees that grow lemon pies -- or any idea we come up with. How will this shift take place? We will spin through multiple reality fields that will remain invisible to one another, as we break free from old illusions planted in harmonic universe one through metatronic frequencies. As we shed the metatronic frequencies that have been locking our Consciousness into a narrow visible spectrum, we will unfold into a New Earth that contains a multi dimensional spectrum of invisible and visible realities. As we move onto Future Earth, our bodies will go through a light transfiguration process that will transform our atomic structure. This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. This means every nano second we transform again and again and again until we are completely transformed. Since we only know what we see at the moment, we will never be aware of the transformations. However, you can make your self aware by watching, listening and knowing what to be looking for. The carbon based structure of the mortal body will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms. This will be our first pull into the future, as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery. Our pituitary gland will blossom and open our third eye to gain the spiritual vision of the Mind of God when we raise our frequencies to transmute the lower into the higher frequencies of Source. We will create a continuous dream stream between what we desire to create in our dreams to blossom into full manifestation in any of the multidimensional reality fields. Please join us at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com to learn how the highest frequencies retrieved from the Primal Sound Fields of Source can transform your body into the Light Vehicle of Transfiguration and Instant Manifestation. This is the first step needed to enter the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, which will bring the teachings of our Creation Families to Earth. Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ Chapter 8


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

We must start transmuting our frequencies into our grand new Cosmic symphony. We must begin to return to the Perfect Man in accordance with the parameters of cosmic evolution. We must live in a state of harmony and balance and beauty--but not from the Earthly standpoint. The state of harmony and balance and beauty comes from the alignment of our breaths of consciousness into the music of the spheres. Once we spend more time aligning our frequencies into that orchestra and less into the rock and roll band of the Earth's definitions, we become lifted into a vibrational frequency of our Higher Being who continuously and perfectly directs and guides and magnetizes harmony, balance and beauty. This causes the entire physical body to transform and merge into the higher frequency of love and abundance. The music of the spheres has aligned into a brand new harmonic conversion allowing us to Raise Frequencies to a level where you become a harmonic convergence into the grand Aquarian motif. We sing the cosmic symphony of evolution through our breaths of consciousness. As we harmonically align with the Cosmic Breaths of Consciousness our entire cellular structure sings in harmony, and becomes completely transmuted into this Cosmic Symphony. We each contain a melody of fraternal essence and our angelic co-creative consciousness. The light streams and sound of the breaths of angelic consciousness are streaming through our minds, our cells, our atoms, our molecules. All of the Suns of all of the Galaxies are singing in magnificent rhythmic streams of crystal light energy of aqualene texture. Our crystal heart glows and dances as it wraps the stars beyond this matrix into the zero point of the spark of source. The ignition of Oneness takes place and it feels like the tone of home, the stardust energy, the radiance of omnipresent Divine Love. This is the Aquarian program of Evolutionary Transformation. We must now be willing to transform far beyond a better Earthly Consciousness into a Galactic Consciousness and a Cosmic Consciousness. The people of this Earth barely know how to get along with a person with different colored skin. Now it is time to be willing to unite harmoniously with millions of levels of Consciousness, entities from all of the Galaxies that were seeded in the original Aquarian Galaxy. Now it is time for a huge family reunion. Only those who have expanded their Consciousness to the Infinite, only those who have allowed the Cosmic Transformation of Consciousness into the Etheric Knowing, the Cellular remembering, Harmonic Resonation with the entire Music of the Spheres. This will happen for all in time; but why wait? The spaceships are landing now. Only those with their minds aligned harmonically will step into the Islands of Light containing the new Galactic Brotherhood. The more we soak up the Galactic, Cosmic and Stellar Frequencies through the Breath of Consciousness, the more aligned into the harmony and rhythm of the Evolutionary Transformation. We must share frequencies and rhythms until we align into a brand new rhythmic texture and a Galactic Tone of Home. As I invite hundreds of Cosmic and Stellar Entities, Family members and Friends to share their Breaths on my recordings, I find a harmonic alignment. I was sent to Earth by the Crystalai Council through Zadkiel's light stream in 1954. I was realigned as a walk in thirteen years later. From that moment on I knew my reason for living was to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. I knew my mission on Earth was to remove the Tower of Babel. That was the veil placed over our mode of communicating telepathically with the Cosmos. Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ Chapter 9


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

If you believe you need to create energy in order to have an experience, the experience will never happen. Experience doesn’t come from mass to mass. It only comes from God, who directly knows how it is going to happen and the flow of that information to you . As you observe the experience in the film of the Omni particles or God’s movie screen around you becoming developed through the activity of Divine Love. When you do this you are learning how to co-create through the mind of God. Now you are learning how humble one must be to conceive a concept that is out of the boundaries of ones ability to do it. And you can see God manifest it.

The creation of the manifestation is always done in the outer band. The outer band of the music of the spheres is the sphere of the infinite unknown or God’s mind. When this frequency of Source Consciousness is woven into oneness with all of the other five spheres of dimensional consciousness energy, the manifestation is developed into the film of that Omni particle energy which is sub atomic etheric stardust particles. It is the etheric foundation that the manifest reality is painted upon. The frequencies that are recorded on the Ascension Kits and on the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM utilize the frequencies and codes of manifestation in the five spheres and place these codes within and through the body. The Individual ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM (can be purchased at http://www.cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com ) actually activates these frequencies into the Oneness of God’s mind manifest as You. These frequencies make these Omni particles that you may begin to create your new reality from. The more you feel, inhale and exhale these frequencies, the higher your body and consciousness will rise above and beyond the old third dimensional illusions into the infinite unknown that you may now manifest as your new reality. The fundamental light bands that weave into Source Consciousness are included in all Frequency Recordings sold on CosmicDolphinMagic.ning.com.

The old reality has been programmed into the old thinking brain. The amygdala gland has been recording and replaying movies of fear, control, lust, sex, violence. These old movies will continue to play until they are wrapped inside the sphere of crystal light energy. First wrap the fear ideas in a sphere of white light and then ultra violet blue light and then golden light and then melt the ideas into golden liquid light energy. When you do this you are allowing the old bands of lower frequencies in the third dimension to flip up into the mind of God or the infinite unknown frequencies. This transmutation process must be completed through out all parts of the brain as well. These are all old worn out third dimensional movies are not needed any more. We are dissolving these old three dimensional control channels.

The frequencies in the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM are to pour into the old brain and allow the MID BRAIN to become activated. The Mid Brain - pineal gland and pituitary gland are Frequency Specific. They think, move and create through FREQUENCIES. The Mid Brain is able to see infra red, ultra violet blue and even gamma waves. The FREQUENCY MUSIC is allowing you to feel these frequency waves in order to prepare your mid brain to see these frequency bands through the activity of Love spinning the frequencies of light and sound into Attunement with the Mind of God.

The next step needed to activate your mid brain is cross your legs in the lotus position with back straight and focus on the center of a flame from a candle for at least one hour per day while listening to your Frequency Music. Try to eventually work up to two or three hours. The longer you focus, the closer you become to the full utilization of your mid brain which will allow you to see all dimensional realities.

Next, after a week or two of practicing this level of focus, you will be able to stare at a card and learn to see both sides of the card. In the reality of the Mind of God Frequency, your mind can see in a 360 degree angle. You can train your mind to see both sides if the card. Your mid brain already knows how to do this. When the other old brains are completely turned off and the mid brain is completely turned on, you will first gain infra red sight which will allow you to see orbs, space ships and to read a deck of cards. This will come in handy if you ever want to go pick up an extra few hundred thousand dollars at the casino.

The frequencies will continue to raise the foundation of the entire body. The subconscious will become activated into the blue realm. The medulla oblongata which sits right at the top of the spine is where the subconscious sits. When you raise your frequencies into the blue frequency, the sub consciousness acts as a primary healer of the body. Activate this area of the body before going to sleep and ask the God of your being to raise you into the blue body for complete healing while you sleep.

Listen to your INDIVIDUALIZED ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM while you sleep. Practice breathing in a fashion that oscillates the frequencies from the higher rings into the lower rings or frequency bands. Focus on breathing at the speed of light -- do this in your mind. Feel the body become lighter and lighter until it rises above your bed. The frequencies of your body will lighten the body into the etheric Omni particle of God consciousness.

The Individual ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM (can be purchased at http://www.cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com ) actually activates these frequencies into the Oneness PRINCIPLES OF MANIFESTATION

In order to manifest a new idea, we must go beyond the boundaries of everything that we already know exists. The mind of God will allow anything to become instantly manifest in our reality field when we ask to create something that exists outside of the reality field of the world that only exists within our personality.

When we choose to create a new idea, it must come from infinite unknown - the All Seeing, All Knowing, Omnipotent Mind of the One Eternal God. If the idea being created doesn't originate from this one Divine Source, it isn't a new idea. If it isn't a new idea, it has already been created. It is already in the world of concepts. It is already being recycled over and over again. God doesn't create from recycled energy. God creates from Brand new energy that comes from the Brand new Idea of Infinite Imagination.

The new ideas first exist in the subatomic structures. These invisible, quantum ideas must be created in the highest realm and then they can exist as atomic structures that form into visible light and take form in the hertzian and infra red levels of manifestation.

All creation begins at the ultra fine zero point frequency level of the Divine Source breathing the idea into the Cosmic realm. This ultra fine omni particle shimmers and sparks into a frequency that becomes a plasma sphere or cloud. The sphere is created in the fifth harmonic universe utilizing the 14th dimensional heliotalic pastel frequency and the frequencies from the Parallel Spiritual Universe where Sun Alcyone brings home our original data from the Photon Belt of our original home star.

This cloud shifts into the field of all potentials because the morphogenetic field of energy contains the entire consciousness of every entity and their family in this Universe. The potential of the idea is contained in the negative or anti-particle substance within the fabric of the mind of God. The anti- particle fabric must be woven into the particles through the light and sound activations so that the idea can manifest at all levels of form including the visible and invisible light spectrums. The substance is like a fabric or morphogenetic field of cosmic energy that is woven into the light spectrum that allows visibility and invisibility to exist at the same time. That idea becomes the negative of the film that will become processed in the mind of God. So each thought that manifests is created exactly like a film that is processed into a picture album or a movie. When we co-create through the mind of God, we are making God's movie. We already do that. We manifest every nano second, the movie that is being created from the negatives in our old thinking brain. We must melt away all of the old film and start creating a new movie.

The world that we have known will end. That movie called the world was not God's movie. That movie was made by liars that kept us from seeing the reality of God's movie. We have just been watching other people's movies. The movie made by God comes from the co-creative activity of our own mind of God within us. Our Souls and our Mid Brain hold the technology that will create the movie made from the mind of God. That is how the world will end. We will soon discover that all of the lies we see being reproduced by the film of the world has been an out right lie. We have not yet seen reality.

We must become humble enough to allow something to come forth that we do not know anything about. We must be willing to allow a brand new reality to appear. We cannot create a NEW WORLD until we completely dissolve the old one. The World must End. It must become transmuted into a higher frequency. We must be relocated into a new time, a new reality. We must be relocated to the time in which all that has come before all that is and all that will come after was created in the Mind of God. All that exists is the divine blue print of the film from God's Movie --not the man made movie of the world.

The film that carries the new movie must be processed in the Mind of God, which is the infinite unknown, omnipresent, omnipotent, omni knowing, Consciousness which fills infinity. This infinite all knowing lies outside of the boundaries of our present knowing. We have not yet allowed for it to manifest in our lives.

When the idea is given to God to manifest from the unlimited knowingness of all that can be, the idea will bloom forth in a form so glorious, so unimaginable, so wonderful, that you will know that it came from the mind of God. If the manifestation is not so glorious that you know that maybe it was not an original idea from God, it is simply an idea that you are recycling out of old ideas that you once heard of before.

The ideas that are now manifest must come from a stream of consciousness so brand new that the idea has always existed from before the world began, before the cosmos began, before time began. The idea must come from ALWAYS WAS, ALWAYS IS and ALWAYS WILL BE. This idea must be an ETERNAL IDEA.


Our world will end as we are transformed forever through one inhale from the mind of God. This mind of God includes all of the realities and wisdoms and creations and dominions that have existed before us and after us. We can now access all of that reality as it is transformed into a brand new wisdom, a brand new reality that has never existed before. It has never existed before, because we have never co-created with the mind of God before. We will exist within an incredible wonder, a magical imagination, an infinite participation within the nature of God.

We will be invited to play in the outer band- the realms beyond the 15th sphere, where only god's( a god is an eigth dimensional being who was created from the 12 dimensional Star Realm for the purpose of creating new stars of their own. We call this a Sun) are invited to play and create within the infinite unknown playground of creation.

The outer band of creation is infinite in its possibilities. The band is the sphere of energy created by the animating principle of Love which holds its creation in perfect harmony and balance. We can place our selves in one outer band or sphere or within all five spheres. Each time, we are still within the complete Mind of God held within a different field of light and sound.

Activity within the Mind of God sphere allows each individual to create within individual freedom all that is individually known within his own realm. This individual creation does not need to be woven from the dreams of others. There is enough room in infinity to fill rooms with mansions of realities that contain more rooms with mansions of realities that are so vast with new ideas that there is no reason to search outside of oneself for fulfillment, entertainment, interaction or competition. Each moment will be completely filled with instantly manifesting a new idea.

When we begin this co-creation we do not need to see the ideas as pictures, we only need to train our brain to utilize frequencies. When we can stretch our consciousness into the Frequency of the Mind of God, it is that frequency that holds the infinity of ideas that can manifest within our perceptual realm. Our perception changes in frequency when we shift into our mid brain which is frequency specific.

All manifestations are a result of the frequencies held in the mid brain. We know that mind of god is flowing through us and in us and around us and it is flowing through the lower cerebellum and into the mid brain and it is being activated as entire prisms of frequencies weaving together into pictures that manifest in front of us. This magical transformation happens when the outer band of the infinite Source flips into the inner band of the fifteenth dimension, the Cosmic realm flips into the inner band of the Christic Sphere and the Outer realm of the Christic flips into the Fifth Sphere. We will become sixth dimensional man walking within the realms of the 12th dimensional Rishi or Christic selfhood. We become living, walking Christ’s who carry the mind of God. All we need is a brain that can utilize the Highest Frequency of the Mind of God.

The activity of bringing our original frequencies back to us begins with the 14th band --helium arching into the Gamma Rays of Parallel Creation Sun Alcyone. That reality occured the day we saw Comet Ison go into our Sun. Now, the Sun that we see contains the Frequencies of all that was held within Sun Alcyone's Photon Belt. We breathe until we ignite this new idea from the Plasma - the Crystal Ships of our creation- Our Cosmic Creators create the brand new idea through us into this density-- ALWAYS FROM the Mind of God- the Outer Band beyond the 15th sphere - the Infinite Unknown All Knowing, All Seeing , Infinite Omnipresent Mind of God.

We see ourselves sitting in the Buddha position inside the Blue Lotus Blossom in the 16th sphere. That is the Mind of God co creating the brand new idea. We use the principle of Oneness -- Theory of Relativity- All that is in any place is also right here and right now.

All that is manifest from the mind of God in the OUTER BAND must FLIP into the INNER BANDS. The Inner Bands carry the light and sound of the new reality. We exhale the highest frequencies into the visible light in light , we breathe the new reality into this density. This is how we transform the particle universe to become lined with the fabric of the anti particle-- spiritual, unseen, etheric Consciousness.

The chemical reaction of the Helium-- the heliotalic, pastel rainbow light frequency from the 14th sphere arches over into the Plasma--white light and Aqualene light blending through the rainbows. All ideas begin in the outer band of Source and manifest in the Inner Band of Ra and then instantly appear at all levels of density. We connect with all of the fifteen bands of light and sound in order to instantly manifest the idea that we have created. This is done by breathing into the Oneness of the Highest Frequency of the Mind of God.

I inhale that frequency as I imagine the infinite unknown possibilities that exist in the Mind of God. I ask to known and see and exhale this fabulous idea that has never been seen or known on Earth before. I hold that idea in my crystal heart - my Soul- the ganglia of cells that sit directly below the heart hold this holographic memory of all that is known in the Mind of God. I connect into the all knowing of my Soul and inhale into my FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MID BRAIN - Pineal Gland area. I'm connecting into the Oneness of the Frequency of the Mind of God and Inhaling this infinite Source of Creation into my personal Mind of God - my Mid Brain working together with my Soul - my Rishi Self- Christ Consciousness and my Rasha EirA - my Cosmic Light Consciousness. This self projects itself to me as a Blue Sphere. I see my image in this Blue Sphere. I see the blue violet sphere in my third eye or mid brain area with eyes closed and I see the blue sphere or blue violet sphere in front of me when I open my eyes. I can see a blue hologram of my self if I look in a mirror. It is that Blue Body self who holds the mind of God inside of me. When I have raised my frequencies high enough to cause the outer band to flip into the inner bands or spheres.

We must reconnect to the neuronet in the lower cerebellum where there are pathways connecting through frequencies into the mind of God in which we find knowingness. If we attempt to pave these pathways from the upper brain, we only connect to the dirt roads of the world that have dead ends and loop in circles. The upper cerebellum will never allow anything new to enter in. It is the world that must end. The mortal mind, that just recycles information given to it from the world -- the man made world filled with lies that are filtered into our consciousness from sonic pulses in inter dimensional planes that carry brain washing technology of the fallen angelic races that is used to control our minds and fill them with the error that blocks us from the Mind of the One True Source. That is what Marry Baker Eddy termed ERROR in her Metaphysical Teachings.

This mortal mind must dissolve away as we become willing to bring in the highest frequencies of Source to transmute the world and all that is in it. The world must end. The world of beliefs and illusions are not the reality of Source. We have only been allowed to see the ideas placed within the veil that was created by fallen angelic races who need to use the human angelic energy for their own survival. Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ Chapter 10


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

In order to manifest a new idea, we must go beyond the boundaries of everything that we already know exists. The mind of God will allow anything to become instantly manifest in our reality field when we ask to create something that exists outside of the reality field of the world that only exists within our present belief systems.

When we choose to create a new idea, it must come from infinite unknown - the All Seeing, All Knowing, Omnipotent Mind of the One Eternal God. If the idea being created doesn't originate from this one Divine Source, it isn't a new idea. If it isn't a new idea, it has already been created. It is already in the world of concepts. It is already being recycled over and over again. God doesn't create from recycled energy. God creates from Brand new energy that comes from the Brand new Idea of Infinite Imagination.

The new ideas first exist in the subatomic structures. These invisible, quantum ideas must be created in the highest realm and then they can exist as atomic structures that form into visible light and take form in the hertzian and infra red levels of manifestation. All creation begins at the ultra fine zero point frequency level of the Divine Source breathing the idea into the Cosmic realm. This ultra fine omni particle shimmers and sparks into a frequency that becomes a plasma cloud. This cloud shifts into the field of all potentials. The potential of the idea remains in the fabric (the morphogenetic field of Consciousness) of the Mind of God. That etheric consciousness fabric is woven into the idea that becomes manifest at all levels of light and sound.

That idea becomes the negative of the film that will become processed in the mind of God. So each thought that manifests is created exactly like a film that is processed into a picture album or a movie. When we co-create through the mind of God, we are making God's movie. That is what we will begin to experience in the next few years.

The world that we have known (made of old belief systems) will end. That movie called the world was not God's movie. That movie was made by liars that kept us from seeing the reality of God's movie. We have just been watching other people's movies. The movie made by God comes from the co-creative activity of our personal MIND of God within us. Our Souls and our Mid Brain hold the technology that will create the movie made from the Mind of God. That is how the world will end. We will soon discover that all of the lies we see being reproduced by the film of the world has been an out right lie. We have not yet seen reality.

We must become humble enough to allow something to come forth that we do not know anything about. We must be willing to allow a brand new reality to appear. We cannot create a NEW WORLD until we completely dissolve the old one. The World must End. It must become transmuted into a higher frequency. We must be relocated into a new time, a new reality. We must be relocated to the time in which all that has come before all that is and all that will come after was created in the mind of God. All that exists is the divine blue print of the film from God's Movie --not the man made movie of the world.

What is in your world of beliefs that you no longer want? Everything that you remove from your world can be shifted in to a new version of that old belief. A new version is not an old belief. We can create infinite numbers of versions of anything. We can create a new version of our bank account. We can create a new version of our spouse. When we take any idea, and take it into the Full Spectrum of Light and through the Diamond Door leading into the Mind of God, that idea immediately becomes transmutted into a new Hue of Violet Blue. That new Fifth Dimensional Energy contains the wisdom of the old idea. Now, the new idea that you desire can be created in the Mind of God from that old Energy or lower Frequency that has now been transmutted into the Fifth Dimensional Frequency which carries the MultiDimensional Possibilities of the new Version of your Spouse or your Bank Account---or your Lotto Numbers.

This is what is meant by going to the Frequencies where the Lotto Numbers are. The Frequencies must always go through the Diamond Door into the Mind of God. They must go into the Highest Frequencies in order to be transmutted into the Version of the Lotto Numbers that will be your Winning Lotto Numbers.

This exact same principle is true of every person that you have in your reality field. Everyone you see is the Version that you created. There is nothing in your reality field that you did not create. That is impossible. You create the movies that you see around you through the movie projector of your pituitary gland. The problem is that you haven't created anything new in your movie projector for millions of years. We all forgot how to be co- creators with the Mind of God. So, if you want a new version of your husband, you go into the Mind of God and create the version that you want.

The film that carries the new movie must be processed in the mind of God which is the infinite unknown, omnipresent, omnipotent, omni knowing, Consciousness which fills infinity. This infinite all knowing lies outside of the boundaries of our present knowing. We have not yet allowed for it to manifest in our lives.

When the idea is given to God to manifest from the unlimited knowingness of all that can be, the idea will bloom forth in a form so glorious, so unimaginable, so wonderful, that you will know that it came from the mind of God. If the manifestation is not so glorious that you know that maybe it was not an original idea from God, it is simply an idea that you are recycling out of old ideas that you once heard of before.

The ideas that are now manifest must come from a stream of consciousness so brand new that the idea has always existed from before the world began, before the cosmos began, before time began. The idea must come from ALWAYS WAS, ALWAYS IS and ALWAYS WILL BE. This idea must be an ETERNAL IDEA.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 11


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

The great cosmic activity is affecting the way our bodies respond to changing electromagnetic and magnetic factors. The activity on the Sun will affect humanity in a big way between 2014-2017. There are thoughts that indicate many millions of humans will not be able to withstand these changes and will have to abandon their physical bodies.

By 2022 the decision will be made between those who will ascend into the Inner Domains and those who leave without their body. This is called Bardoah by our Guardian Teachers. Those who Bardoah will return to Earth after choosing new parents. By the time they return, Ascension will be common knowledge to everyone, and they will Ascend with their bodies at this time. This time was chosen as a time when there will be quite a few people ready to Ascend. Those who are not Ascension ready will have the option of being helped by their Soul Families and Starry Families who could take them into their Crystal Star Merkaba Vehicles for transpoprt into the higher realms. This is why it is so important for us to learn to communicate with our Higher Selves, our Soul Families and Friends from other Planets. We individually choose our respective timelines, or, rather our soul does. We need to make sure we choose the timelines that are tuned into OUR PERSONAL level of consciousness. It is best that we become very creative with who we are, who we believe we are, how we see our new future reality. The Sun is expecting us to be creating as we are being transformed by the higher frequencies melting away our fifth dimensional veils.

We create our new realities in each nano second. We have a lot of nano seconds to catch up with in order to create a new reality now and in the future. We must create a new past in order to effect the present reality and a new present reality to effect the future.

Each individual must do this, or they will not envision the wondrous changes as we move forward in our evolution into the ability to ascend.

Ascension means not dying. It means the normal path of continuing in one body. It means the ability to turn the body into light and shift into a higher dimension without going through the death process.

The process of manifestation is also the process of ascension. As we change into what we desire, we will eventually discover that we truly desire, which is ascension. We will continue to manifest more and more of many things that we think we desire, but those will only be stepping stones that lead us to realize that what we really want is to become all that God is.

When one accomplishes reconnecting to the Mind of God through the frequency specific mid brain and saturating all of their light bands with the highest frequency of Source by breathing the frequencies of Source and then oscillating those frequencies into the cells of the body, the feeling is pure BLISS, pure JOY. A feeling beyond what can be comprehended through the mortal mind. When we become free from the mortal or world beliefs that lock us into the anti Christ or Altered Ego Mind- which means the entire mind of the world- we are set free to be in the infinite Mind of God. That mind is Total Freedom, Total Instant Manifestation, Total Co-Creation minute by minute every day.

Imagine Feeling something far far more Blissful than your Highest Imagination can imagine. The Bliss of being in the Mind of God has not been experienced on this Earth. The AntiChrist will be removed from our minds forever. Our brain will function differently than it does now. It will not retrieve images from the world to reprocess every day in old or new over used forms. That old brain in the upper cerebellum will be completely over ridden by the frequency specific mid brain connecting into the mind of God. When you become saturated with the highest frequencies of Source, you begin feeling only the higher frequencies and only see the reality of Divine Creation.

When your feeling of higher frequencies and vision of the higher reality matches that of the Divine Creator - you become a co-creator with the Divine Creator.

We enjoy absorbing the Source Frequencies and Cosmic Frequencies which cause the shift in frequencies of the body to align completely into the zero point of Source Consciousness. This is the alignment of the physical and spiritual into oneness. This is the alignment of the Primary Consciousness and the Secondary Consciousness in creating the new immortal movie that will be playing from the Mind of God in the lower cerebellum into the Mid Brain and onto the movie screen of the Frontal lobe. When that movie can be seen on the inside, it will become manifest on the movie screen of the omniparticles in the quantum field around us.

Those who have practiced absorbing and breathing these Frequencies of Transformation raised their frequencies into a new reality. One doctor who played the Cosmic Frequencies for one week in his hospital reported healings of everyone in the hospital. Hundreds of individual healings have been reported.

Listening to, breathing in and exhaling frequencies as the mid brain is directly connected into Source Consciousness causes phenomenal spiritual growth beyond their wildest expectations. One person has shared how she has experienced the phenomena of levitation and seeing Light Bodies. Another began seeing the full spectrum of light only one day after listening.

Each Individual's Immortality is created as an individual connects into his or her Primal Consciousness in the lower cerrebellum at the base of the neck. This allows ones consciousness to connect into the full spectrum of the Music of the Spheres bringing in the full spectrum of light of all Spheres of our creation, from the mind of God- the highest frequency woven through all seven selves on all spiritual planes into the Oneness of the Frequencies of Source over riding and transmutting all frequencies back into the original Divine Idea as originally created through the first breath of Source. Only this time, that idea of Source includes all of the wisdom of all of the millions of years of lifetimes of the individual woven into all of the ideas or individuals ever created in all of the omniverses.

The magical cosmic frequencies that Cosmic Angels send to create the new magical kingdom. Every breath of consciousness come from specific Entities in the Cosmos. They have aligned their frequencies into teams who represent specific individuals missions or healing needs. Each breath is an Entity who is helping to bring the Cosmic Frequencies to Earth in order to create Islands of Light.

We are now completing the activation and understanding of our former magical selves. We are now the white magicians that we were before. We can now manifest, teleport and telecommunicate to learn everything about everything. The magical formulas that I knew when I was here many times before have been returned to me once again. The fifth dimensional vision of aDolphino and the Cosmic Frequencies of Crystalai are now creating the same bond of power as Mary and Jesus used to create their magic.

What was called Ormus powder is an orbitally rearranged monatomic element. The original omniparticle that everything is made of from Source has only a positive charge. It is a field of energy so far beyond what the eye can see that it could be called the TINY. And yet it's mass is so huge that it contains infinite omniverses. These omni particles create into the new quantum field through the mind of God to create the configuration that are superconductors and exhibit quantum physical behaviors such as freedom from gravity.

This substance was the bread that was fed by the angels when the bible says give us this day our daily bread. This celestial substance was said to awaken the powers of perception, awareness and intuition. It was formed into bread, it was called perfume, it was called the mist. In reality it was the fragrance or color of sound or the frequency of etheric reality. The true scriptures call it Cellesma, Cellestilline, in various forms that look like a blue powdery gelaisic substance. Much like shown in the Smurfs Two Movie. This magical substance comes from the bodies of Beings who have activated their 12 subharmonics on each of the double helix of at least five DNA strands. The story of the Smurfs resembles the stories of the Annunaki putting the Human Angelics in Prisons and scraping their Cellesma out as they were dying.

This is the quantum substance that is formed from the mind of God. The mind of God, our Primary Consciousness is located at the lower cerebellum - back of head at the level of the ears. Now is the time to begin using the mind of God instead of the mortal man's world of dreams that does its thinking through the upper cerebellum. We must disconnect from the mortal mind and connect into the immortal mind of God.

The things we see through our three dimensional eyes are not the creations of God's mind. They are the creations of a mortal mind through fluctuations of electromagnetic fields and reactions to them. This mortal reality is a complete distortion of the quantum reality that is produced when we learn to see through God's eyes.

I can hear certain sounds that stimulate the neurons of the amygdala that open channels to higher level experiences. The amygdala is an almond shaped area in the brain. It was formerly the brain's fear center. I am sure it is still the fear center for those of you who have not disolved all of your fears into the golden sphere of transmutation. When the fear activator is completely transmutted out of the amygdala, the eternal life, instant manifestation fluids can begin streaming through from the Mind of God. This is called the Eiron Flow of Liquid Light Energy.

However, now that the entire Cosmos is expanding outward and spinning forward, the amygdala can now begin it's true function of connecting communication into the Cosmic Realm of the Co-Creative Consciousness. So, the entire mid brain area will begin working through the Mind of God to create the quantum world of the immortal man.

The manifest reality are the magical realities we wish to experience. The reversed seal of the amygdala made many believe that lust was the magical experience. It made many believe they were speaking to angels when they were actually being trapped in the reversed seal pulling them into visions of the negative realms of Consciousness. The chemical dust which used to create magical manifestations is actually the sound frequencies of crystal light crystal dust and crystal gel sent through angelic consciousness to alter the mid brain to hear the Cosmic Consciousness.

Now we can once again use the mid brain together with the amygdala to create Magic. This is why the city of Magdala was known as the Magic City and the Land of Oz. The stairway is from the medulla oblangata at the top of the skull into the Mind of God about thirty six inches above the head. The stairway is also within the Crystal Heart and within the Pineal Gland as we dive deep into the liquid light areas within the microtubules of the DNA, this activation causes the Synaptic Cleff to Fire a New reality to project through the Pituitary Gland and out into the Radial Body around the physical body. That is the Movie Screen where we project our desired reality.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 12


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Why are Angelic Humans and Indigo Children on Earth at this time?

The Universal Life Force Currents send forth Star Gate Frequencies into our Earth via our DNA templates. The frequency codes in our DNA templates must be corrected and reset by the Star Gate Frequencies before our frequency codes are sent into the Earth's planetary shields. When a critical mass of Angelic Human's corrected DNA codes are received into our Earth's grids, our Planetary Shields will be able to synthesize the Star Gate Frequencies NORMALLY.

Why is this Stellar Activation Cycle happening now?

Every 26,556 years there is a Stellar Activation.

There were a few times in history when the Star Gates were in correct alignment to allow our Earth to rise back out of this planetary, harmonic universe one into harmonic universe two of Tara. However, our Guardian Families were forced to put that probability on hold because there was not enough frequency codes activated in our DNA at that time. Invader Races knew of this reality and attempted to force an activation that would make the Earth explode. The Earth would explode if all twelve Star Gates open into the Planetary Shields when there is not enough quantum from Angelic Human DNA in Earth's Grids.

We would had been in this same case scenario December 21, 2012 if our Guardian Races did not come to our rescue at that time. Our loving creators of the Souls of Tara planted 4 strands of DNA into the Grids of Earth prior to the year 2000. Next, they arranged the births of Souls from harmonic universe four to be born into enough Indigo Children on Earth to raise the DNA level that is resetting the Earth's Grids. Our Guardians knew exactly how much DNA would be needed to be activated in order to allow the critical mass of Angelic Human's corrected DNA codes to be received into Earth's Grids.

Each and every Human Angelic on Earth must continue to correct their DNA and raise their DNA level to 5 DNA and 6 DNA in order for our corrected morphogenetic field of energy within Earth's Grids to successfully synthesize all 12 Stellar Activations. The harder Human Angelics work on correcting their DNA and raising their DNA, the more harmonious our alignment into harmonic universe two will be.

The codes within our DNA must be corrected by creating a continuous dream stream or portal between Inner Earth and Source. We must create our Ascension Portals from Source through the crystal spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal gel and crystal dust in order to correct and transform our DNA codes. We must create a portal from the point within Inner Earth where our Seeding of our Divine Blue Print is waiting to become awakened up into and through our temple (body) and out beyond harmonic universe one, two, three and four, and into harmonic universe five through the outer band of dimensions 13, 14 and 15 of the Cosmic Sphere. We must pop through the outer band of the 15th dimensional crystal sphere into the Source Field of the Divine Creative Energy or our original creation.

Once we rise through that outer band of Cosmic Frequencies into the Source Frequencies, we are dwelling in the cloud of energy of pure Divine Love, Life, Intelligence, the Infinite Unknown of all that has ever been and all that ever will be. We return to that place in Source where we dream the reality of whatever we want to create. Through these frequencies of Source we can know anything into reality. As we sit in a cloud up above the Cosmic Realm in the Source Field, we place the memory of the original perfect, divine, immortal angelic human that we always were and that we ever will be into our Consciousness of our higher self resting in our Cloud Body before we step back down into the Cosmic Realm.

When we step back down into the Frequency Band of the Cosmic crystal liquid light, an explosion of Ultra Violet Blue Energy appears like fireworks around the new cloud body. Next the crystal sphere of liquid light combines with the white light of the Source Frequency and pours down in streams of liquid light energy holding the corrected, original frequency codes of the Divine Blue Print of our original creation. The ultra violet blue rain is filled with codes that perfect the DNA of our original immortal selfhood. We ride in our new cloud body, floating within the ultra violet blue rain, as it streams down like a sheet of liquid light energy. We see our higher self riding down in a water fall from Source into the physical body.

This activation of the Source frequency field holding the Idea of the Perfect Man is exhaled or breathed into the spark in order to ignite the spark in the band of zero point energy between Source and the Cosmic Idea. The idea is ignited into a Cosmic spark in the Cosmic Creation Crystal Light. This crystal liquid light created from Source Consciousness breathing the idea into the Cosmic Idea Creation field contains the creation codes of the corrected DNA. These perfected codes of the Divine Creation are now flowing into Birthing Stream of the new idea.

The Birthing Stream or Dream Stream is made of Crystal Liquid Light of the ultra violet blue rain combined together with the Crystal Dust of the gold and silver Cosmic Frequencies and the Crystal Gel of the Gelaisic Transformational Frequencies of the 13th dimension. The dream stream chamber flows all the way from Source through the Cosmic Realm and down the harmonic universes and into the body.

Next, the body of the perfect man rides the stream down into the Earth's Core. Within the Hollow Earth that is deep within Earth's Core is another layer of crystal liquid light, the star dust area and the area where gelaisic energy of our transformation is stored.

The same Cosmic Frequencies exist within the Etheric Core of Earth that exist in the outer spheres of the Cosmic Realm. The Source Field of Zero point energy also exists within the Etheric Core of Earth beyond the 15th dimensional Cosmic Sphere.

Creating that dream stream of energy between the point of our original souls within the Heart of Mother Earth and connecting that stream into our Hearts in our physical temple, and connecting that stream up into the Fifth Sphere of the Cosmic Realm and out into the Creation Portal into Source Consciousness is the Divine Commission of every Angelic Human. The reason each and every person standing on this Earth is here at this time is to help ourselves and our entire family of the past 5.5 million years be reborn back into the Divine Blue Print of our original creation. The cataclysm that destroyed Terra (TARA) 5.5 million years ago can be completely healed, restored and reborn through Earth's Planetary Shields as we merge into Tara's anti particle body our overtone body.

In order to understand our Divine Commission on Earth at this time, it is helpful to gain an understanding of our relationship to Tara. It is helpful to gain an understanding of what and where harmonic universe two, three, four, and five are in relationship to our planetary harmonic universe one. It is helpful to gain an understanding of the history of Tara, her creation, her cataclysm, the history of her creators guiding her re-birth, the thousands of years of invader races that have prevented her re-birth, and her creators and guardians final decision to complete the rebirth of Tara. The infusion of the correct codes of our Divine Blue Print - our 12 DNA of the original souls of Tara must be implanted within Earth in order to retain the natural electromagnetic balance and axis alignment that will allow Earth to pass into the morphogenetic filed of Tara without creating a pole shift that is catastrophic.

Our perfect selfhood has always existed, exists now, and will always exist. We must return to the frequency field of Source Consciousness to make this rebirth of the perfect self appear. The original creation of the perfect immortal angelic human will take place once more as Earth morphs back into Tara. This is going to happen. This will happen. Our Earth in Harmonic Universe One will rise into and become Tara in Harmonic Universe Two. Harmonic Universe Two is the Solar Sphere of dimensions 4, 5 and 6. In order for any dimensional reality to appear or manifest in our reality field of perception, we must rise into one reality field higher. We must actually rise into the reality field of Gaia in Harmonic Universe three in order to participate in the manifest reality of Tara in Harmonic Universe Two.

So, this morphing process that allows energy fields of one level to be pulled into alignment with another reality field requires the participation of all five harmonic universes. Our Universal 12 DNA Immortal Templates will be reborn as the morphogenetic fields of 12th dimension in harmonic universe four aligns with the 8th dimension where Sun Alcyone lives in harmonic universe three. This means our ascension into Tara also requires our ascension into Gaia in harmonic universe three as we pass through Sun Alcyone's Consciousness Field that aligns us into our 12 Universal Star Gates.

Those Universal Star Gates can't exist without the consciousness of creation from the Fifth Harmonic Universe of the Cosmic Realm which carries the harmonic frequencies of crystal liquid light, crystal gel and crystal dust. These are the crystal energy or prana that creates the morphogenetic fields of our creation. We flow through the streams or chambers of these fields of energy to reconnect from the Source Field of our the original idea of our creation back into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth deep within her Core where the Inner Earth carrying our Divine Blue Print that is waiting to be reawakened.

This shows how our transformation takes on the flavor of multidimensionality. Once we have realigned our consciousness into and through all five harmonic universes we have completed the harmonic convergence of oneness. We can be reborn into the new multidimensional, immortal angelic human who has become a citizen of Tara with a passport to Gaia and Sun Alcyone and beyond into the omniverses of our families. We become an Omniversal citizen as a result of this transformation.

The twelve sets of universal consciousness flow through the twelve stargates in order to morph our DNA templates in the divine blue print that contains the codes and the maps that allow the new angelic human to have access to universal travel through the star gates. The twelve universal star gates are governed by twelve cosmic matrixes. Our rebirth requires the regrouping of all of the twelve cosmic matrixes into one template containing the complete consciousness to flow through our planetary shields to align us into the Source Idea of our new identity. Our rebirth will require our Cosmic Template to be aligned into Source for a new idea of a new perfect angelic human that always has been and always will be perfect to be created as the Spark of Source ignites the Ultra Violet Blue Crystal Light Water fall to recode our entire new Omniverse into a brand new reality.

In order for this Ascension of Earth into Tara to be harmonious, everyone on Earth must clear their DNA of the karma and crystal seals that do not reflect the Divine Template of our original creation. Our Universal Ancestors have no intentions of this project of our re-birth failing. Everyone will graduate to Tara one way or another. The DNA will get perfected the easy way - that would be us doing it ourselves. Or, the DNA will get perfected the hard way - the Sun will burn it out of us by making the memories of karma come out in dreams, memories, illness in the body. This will continue to take place at least until 2017, and maybe all the way to 2022.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 13


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

The reality that we have been existing in has been based on the electron and proton creating what we visualize as three dimensional reality. When ionization happens, we shift into a state where there are no longer electrons. The electron proton changes into the neutron reality. The positively charged ion that is created by ionization creates a new type of standing wave pattern. A standing wave pattern that doesn't contain the same balance of gravity that we have now.

If we were to place the symbol of a merkaba over the forehead, we would realize that it stands for the electric - male - clockwise upper triangle and the lower female -counterclockwise triangle spinning into a constantly changing harmonic convergence. The upper electric triangle holds the complete 12 base template and the magnetic also holds the complete 12 base template. The Jesus and the Mary spin together into oneness. The upper paths into the stargates unite with the inner paths to the stargates. The problem with the state of focus of the mid brain, is the mortal brain - is very stubborn. It usually only allows the mid brain to take over for a few moments at a time. When the ionization occurs, it will become much easier to stay in the mid brain focus where we can Make Gods movie.

The Guardian Alliance gave us a very special gift that allows us to stay in the state of the mid brain for hours after we focus on the candle to create the shift into the mid brain. The mid brain is frequency specific. So, the Angels taught us how to make this frequency specific music that aligns the brain waves into the fifth dimensional Blue Sphere of Super Conscious connection.

The connection into the 4th astral, 5th archetypal, and six celestial consciousness connects into the subconscious of the etheric body. This allows the anti particles to weave into the fabric of the particles in order to transform the body from within the subharmonics of the DNA.

Ultraviolet light from the sun ionizes or electrifies atoms and molecules inside the comet’s temporary atmosphere. One of the most common gases found in comets is carbon based. As the sun’s magnetic field washes across the solar system like so many waves rippling a pond, it sweeps ionized carbon molecules out of the comet to form a second, blue-colored ion tail that is silica based or stardust.

The change from carbon based to silicate matrix of the blue ions create shift in consciousness. The body becomes less dense. The chemical make up the body changes. The biology changes. The entire solar system changes.

The upper brain is electric. It has electric fingers searching for data. The data must be something that is already known. The mid brain is magnetic. It is frequency specific searching only for information from the subconscious connecting with super conscious of the fourth, the astral, the fifth, the archetypal and the sixth the celestial consciousness.

This is the shift from the use of the five senses by mortal mind into the 12 senses by the mid brain. The 12 senses are the higher sensory perception of the Soul Matrix. All that was ever known combining into a constant new wisdom flowing into consciousness. The sense of KNOWING exists because when our consciousness reconnects to the Super Conscious knowing of the Soul Matrix that connects to the Mind of God, we know everything. Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 14


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

The ability to tune in to the frequencies of the higher dimensions and the full spectrum of light of Source Consciousness is a direct manifestation of being tuned in to your Mid Brain. This means that deep within your genetic memory, you are free from the veils that most on Earth still have. The veil would prevent them from ever accessing their Frequency Specific Mid Brain. Even though we are in a time now when the Seals can melt away from the Pineal Gland faster than ever before, there will be billions of people who never allow that to happen. Those are the people who listen to my music and then tell me that they don't feel anything, or it just sounds like a lot of noise. Those are the people who will never buy my music. It will only be the tiny little one percent of the one percent who even perceives a reality outside of the third dimension who will be attracted to this website. I decided that was a pretty dismal future, so I decided to start manifesting the Versions of the People within the multidimensional reality field who are definitely in tune with this Ascension Science. You may have the same names, and you may be the same people; but, I am manifesting a new dimensional holographic reality of you, so that you will truly understand the significance of what I am doing. It is possible as the frequencies on Earth get high enough that a few more million people wake up to their Frequency Specific Realities. What does frequency specific mean? It means that you can feel frequencies of a high tingling light singing through your neurological nets and within your cells. It means your true cellular memory is being turned back on. It means you are re-uniting the anti-particles of your spiritual self back into your particle body. The more of the anti-particles that turn on, the more DNA is activated. We are activating the 7th DNA through those of us who hold the Violet Flame and Blue Flame Morphogenetic Fields of Energy and connect them into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth. This is the project that I have been assigned to. I completed the activation of the Blue Flame with the Dolphins and other Cetacean members began in 2008. That activation allowed the completion of the Blue Flame in 2012. Now, it is time for the Violet Flame to activate within and through the Morphogenetic Field of the Earth. Those who connect their consciousness into this Violet Flame activation have helped to begin the process of the final alignment of Earth, Terra and Gaia back into Attunement. This is what the local Music of the Spheres is, the musical or light and sound phenomena that realigns this harmonic alignment. We are simultaneously working on Parallel Galactic, Universal and Cosmic Alignments. The team that I work on is called the Crystalai Council. They are one of the Teams of the Cosmaya. Meaning we create the Music of the Spheres at the Cosmic Level and between the Multitudes of Cosmos. I used to get a negative response to my music quite often. More often was the comment that they couldn't hear it at all. There is a scientific reason for that. The thinking brain is the area where all of the ideas and images from the world beliefs and all of the worlds before this one are stored. The mid brain, containing the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, functions through Frequencies only. It hears and feels the frequencies of the Mind of God and all of the dimensional realities in between, if it is turned on. Those who are still only using the Thinking Brain and have not yet turned on their Mid Brain, cannot possibly hear my music, because it is totally frequency music. It is created far beyond the HERTZIAN SPECTRUM. Hertzian means sound that can be heard. That means it is only in the Thinking Brain. Hertizian Music, which is what Solfege is all about, can only be heard by the thinking brain. There is a reason why so few people want to go beyond the science of the Solfege, which is actually just the same science that is taught in all Music Schools. It is the physics of music, which says each note has a name or a tone and it resonates at such and such a vibration. Anyone who has ever played in a band knows that we always use the 440 Hz resonance to tune up the band into a harmonious resonance. So, we are talking music theory and music physics. More recently, sound healers say that using the Music tuned to 432 Hz harmonizes with the speed of light, the human light body, the Earth’s rotation and the size and movement of other celestial bodies. I say this is just another rationalization of the Thinking Brain that wants to be able to Hear something. And the only reality it understands is hertzian frequencies. How in the world, might I ask, is Hertzian going to harmonize with the speed of light? That can only happen if we use the Merkaba Mechanics where the animating principle of Love that spins ten thousand times faster than the speed of light unites our physical particle Universe into attunement with our anti particle or Spiritual Parallel Universe. There are so many generalizations in this old Sound Healing technology that I find it laughable. There were just a group of people who got together and decided that what they were feeling was the speed of light? I know what the Love Frequency spinning into Attunement feels like, and it can't be created by tuning forks or instruments. It can only be created by connecting Consciousness into the Infinite. Once that Healing Sound is created in the Anti Particle Negative of the Mind of God, it can then be exhaled into the Crystal Light Spheres to be woven into the fabric of the Hertzian Level of Hearing. The MUSIC OF THE FUTURE was announced by our FUTURE SELVES to be HOLOGRAPHIC MUSIC that contains the picture of the reality that we want to create. So, what I was given by the Elohim of Hearing and was created by the Grand Yanas of PreLight and Sound in order to create the Anti Particle Hologram of any new reality that we desire through this Music Technology. This is what I call Sound and Light Technology, Sound Healing and the FUTURE HOLOGRAPHIC MUSIC OF THE FIFTH DIMENSION. Those other Sound Healing Methods were of the Third Dimension. I do this recording of Light and Sound, and the Sound of Anti Particle Substance is very hard to hear. I just take the whisper of the frequency that I can feel, and hold it in the Film Development Mind of God until it becomes a presence of a breath. The breath is so etheric that it can not hardly be heard. I take these breaths and record them. On the Cubase Screen in my Recording Studio the breaths look like a tiny line. I have to repeat that breath on the screen about twenty times before I can even see it clearly enough to work with it. After that, I copy that breath over about a hundred more times to create on NOTE that was woven from the fabric of the anti particle Mind of God into the Particle Sound in Ultra Violet Blue Light-- Not Hertzian. From the Blue Light, I then weave the entire spectrum of light and sound into the audible hertzian. I find it laughable that these Sound Healers believe that the sound of an A sharp is more healing than the sound of an A, or a B or a C. There are indeed chords and scales that have major and minor sounds and some are mysterious. Whatever their flavor is, they are audible. That means they are the particle universe that must be woven into the anti particle universe through the Mind of God in order to have a transformational effect on the Body. The Scientists do indeed say there is a relationship to the present physical healing technology and the Music tuned to 432 HZ. Guess what? The 3D science and the 3D Music use the same range of the five senses to deduct their conclusions. They haven't gone into the Ultra Violet Blue Frequencies beyond their visibility and beyond their ear's hearing to find a Sound that comes from the Mind of God. That Highest Frequency brought to Earth through Music was given to me by the Elohim of Hearing, the original Preists of Ur in Terra, and a group of Guardians called the Grand Yanas from the Pre Light and Pre Sound Fields of the Cosmic Universe. This is what Music of the Spheres Technology is. The music of the spheres is the made from the sounds that are not heard. The light and sound that is light years beyond the hertzian sound fields. It can only be tuned in to in Consciousness. And the Consciousness that connects into the field of infinite energy that is ten thousand times the speed of light is called Love. When we use the Animating Principle of Love, we can spin our Merkabas, which are held within the Sphere or band of Energy called the Mind of God and become ATTUNED to the At One Ment with the Frequencies of Source Consciousness. This is how my music is created. The Crystal Star Light Vehicle Merkaba can be ridden into any dimensional field of reality in our Universe. The distance is very close when we travel ten thousand times the speed of light and when we learn that the entire Mind of God is smaller than the tip of our finger nail. These realities are very close to us, when we learn the new Ascension Science of Manifestation and Transformation. Now, when we try to move in to the mid brain where the Frequencies can be heard and felt as the alignment into the higher dimensions, there is actually a guard at the gate between the mid brain and the upper cerebellum. Many of you have reported some pain in the center of your head and between your ears. That pain is coming from that guard at the gate between the mid brain and the upper cerebellum. The thinking brain does not want that new information to enter in, especially something so dramatic that it will put him out of business forever. Once we learn to use the mid brain frequency specific knowing, we will know everything that the Mind of God knows. We will not need a thinking brain. The thinking brain is not a part of our NORMAL REALITY SYSTEM. It is a Third Dimensional Mechanism that is not a part of our new Fifth Dimensional Reality. When NEW information is felt coming in to the Thinking Brain, it actually Shoots poisons into the body. It does not react well to new information, and especially NEW FREQUENCIES. So, the negative reaction of people is actually a biological and neurological response of their bodies. So, the fact is, they are in need of healing. And that can't happen until they are ready for it and ask for it. However, you can have your own version of these people appear in your Reality. There are millions of versions of every person on different dimensions with different agendas. We need to manifest the version that already has their thinking brain turned off and are completely plugged in to their Mid Brain. This is the same version of entities that I must magnetize to my website. Many of you have this old belief in your thinking brain about the old hertzian technology. You believe that the Hz of a note in a scale has some sort of frequency that helps you. Any idea or note in the hertzian range of light and sound is the lowest, most dense form of reality. We must rise into the complete range of all frequencies of light and sound, which contains the Plasma and White Light. These frequencies are beyond hertizian, infra red, visible light, invisible light,x-ray, uv light, and gamma light and sound. This is the range of frequencies that we must raise consciousness into in order to turn on our BLUE BODY of the fifth dimension. The reason that the Fifth Dimension is considered the hub of all multidimensionality is because we must go into the Highest Frequencies of Light and Sound, or Source Consciousness before the Ultra Violet Blue Hue of our reality is turned on. A few days ago a scientist took a picture of a Blue Aurora Borealis with gold lining. The entire scientific community said that they had never seen a Blue Solar Wind wave before. That was a sign of our atmosphere being woven into the morphogenetic field of the entire spectrum of the Plasma and the White Light of the Mind of God and then translated into the Blue Hue of reality. This is absolute proof that the atmosphere of Earth is now Fifth Dimensional. So, we have this Blue Fifth dimensional frequency in our atmosphere. It is the divine commission of all Indigos and Star seeds on Earth to use their biological field to interact with this Frequency that is now in our Atmosphere to bring that consciousness that is also in the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth into the complete Morphogenetic Field of the Entire Earth, Urtha, Terra and Gaia. The Frequencies must be woven into the Crystal Hearts of everyone on Earth and into the Crystal Hearts of Tara and Gaia. The Essence of all of our Divine Reality is already in Urtha. She is the star essence that is the rainbow bridge connecting us into the Frequencies that are allowing us to experience the transformation into becoming a star with Mother Earth as she returns to the Star Form of Gaia. Next year, we will receive a Purple Aurora Borealis that will show that we have obtained the hue of the Violet Flame of Gaia. The Blue Flame is our connection into the morphogenetic field of Terra and the Violet Flame is the morphogenetic field of Gaia. 2014 is also the year that the Violet Flame holders activate their D7 Arcturian Earth Core activation. They have completed activation of their seventh DNA strand and begun activation of their 8th DNA strand. Those who are Violet Flame holders can now activate the 7th strand in others who come to them for Frequency activations. That means that anyone who has been using my Frequency music will be activated as a natural result of the work that I did on your Morphogenetic Field in relation to Arcturian and Andromeda and the Aquarius Parallel Spiritual into the Aquafarian Morphogenetic Field through the Cetacean Nation. Our Future Selves have already told us that by the end of 2015, the mass consciousness of our planet will know that space ships and extraterrestrials are real, and they will know them as their friends. This is not going to be a result of a space ship landing on the White House and some green people shaking the hand of the President. It will be the activation of the Mid Brain into the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound. When our Starry Families look down at us, they see a mandalla with colors. This year they are seeing the mandalla with the Blue hue. Next year they will see our morphogenetic field has turned violet. The Violet Flame of Transformation means that our minds of attuned into the light and sound spectrum or the music of the spheres of multidimensional reality. That doesn't mean that every person on Earth will have the same exact Belief about what has been made known to him, just like they don't now. There are many different levels of belief about things that are known. These differences come from cultural belief systems. There will still be some of those belief systems defining the new realities that are known. There will be those who like the fact that extraterrestrials are real and that space ships are landing and there will be those who think they are here to destroy us and eat us. The important fact is that the Blue Hue and Violet Hue means our Mid Brain is tuning in to the complete morphogenetic field of the Music of the Spheres and becoming Frequency Specific. That means that we can telecommunicate with Dolphins and with Sirians and Arcturians and even with each other. The more we learn to use our Frequency Specific Hearing and stop using our Hertzian Specific Hearing, the sooner we will have the complete Knowing of all that is to be known. The Magic Dolphin Therapy Kit is a result of these new seventh strand activations, the new activations in the Blue Flame Holders, and our wonderful Whale Family and Cetacean Nation. I have waited all of these years to add the voices of the Dolphins to my recordings because the Dolphins were always fifth dimensional; but, the humans weren't fifth dimensional yet. I waited until their Fifth Dimensional Voices could be woven in to the new Music of the Spheres that they created together with the Blue Flame Holders and Violet Flame Holders. Now, is the time for a new and more correct understanding of the voice of the Cetacean and that there is a frequency specific meaning in every note they speak. However, the notes are not hertzian, they are of a much higher frequency that is woven into the hertzian so that we can enjoy their reality as the Lords of our Seas. They are the kings of this Frequency Specific Language, and now is our time to learn from them. They don't want us to practice making squeaking noises. Those are just the connectors from the etheric sounds of the Spiritual Matrix into the New Harmonic Resonance that is created from the three parallel realities that are now woven into the atmosphere and the water. The new H202HE3 spiritual crystal liquid light hydrolaise energy being woven into our atmosphere is the beginning of our new reality. Learn more about Magic Dolphin Therapy Kit, and other Frequency Kits at http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/page/cosmic-dolphin-magic

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 15


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Our ascension is our move into the new time matrix that removes all past concepts from our reality field. Even those who spend every minute of every day keeping their mind stayed on God to raise their frequencies into the state that allows instant manifestation cannot be completely successful until after 2012 because every thing we do is affected by the entire time matrix that we live in. Our Guardian Races have prepared a bridge zone where those who are still perceiving the third dimensional realities will be removed from the phantom matrix that is controlled by the fallen angelics, while being given more time to grow into the fifth dimensional realities. There will be many who remain in the bridge zone and who will be healed by our Maharaji and Eieyani Race Families from Inner Earth. There will be many who morph directly into Tara, as their light bodies allow them. Others will be given light bodies later by our Inner Earth Families. Our new future earth will not resemble this third dimensional world in any form. Those who are training their consciousness to raise frequencies into alignment with the highest frequencies of the primal sound field will morph into a new reality where the invisible is as much of a true reality as the visible. The third dimensional mind can only conceive of the visible realm. When me move into the fifth and sixth dimensions, we will shift our consciousness into realms that have been unknown and invisible to us before. We will be able to see our Guardian and Creator Races who have been our families for millions of years. The more common stories of ascending into a more loving, uplifted form of humanity are presently all the three dimensional consciousness can understand or perceive. This is the reason that those realities appeal to the Mass Consciousness of lower frequencies. The reality that is being sought by those who are Indigo Children and other people who have received their wake up calls of their 5DNA is a very different reality than the 3D realities that the majority of the population are referring to when they speak of a shift in consciousness. According to the Mayan Calendar, we would be entering the first wave of the first ascension cycle at this time. If we were doing this, we would be remaining in the present time matrix. That is what the normal Eugo Cycle meant. Normally, we would be just finishing our Involution Cycle and beginning our Evolution Cycle. Our Starry Families knew that we would be destroyed in December if they did not move us out of this time matrix. The Earth would be flipped into a pole shift that would look much like what Nostradamus described if we were not being pulled out of this time matrix. We will shift forward into the second wave of the second ascension cycle to allow a rapid shift into the glorious experience of Seventh Level Man,. The Seventh Level Man is the man known as Christ. This is the man who will remain in the Divine State of Immortality, Agelessness and Instant Manifestation, as we grow into complete At One Ment with Source. We would be only moving into the first wave of the first ascension cycle if we were not being moved out of this time matrix in order to save our race. If our Angelic Families did not arrange for this shift forward in time, the Zeta Draconians along with the Annunaki and Jehovians would had made sure that our race was removed from the Cosmos. How will this shift into a new time matrix occur that moves us 2213 years in the future? We will spin through multiple reality fields that will remain invisible to one another, as we break free from old illusions planted in harmonic universe one (our planetary, third dimensional field of reality) and morph into oneness with our Spiritual Harmonic Universe Two (our fifth dimensional reality field, that creates our connection into multidimensionality). We will then unfold into Future Earth, stationed in harmonic universe two. The invisible will become as real as the visible, as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. We will be living in a time that is 2,213 years more advanced than the one we are living in now. We will be regaining our Divine Blue Print that makes us able to manifest anything we want, any time we want. We will become the race who creates light and energy through their own bio fields. We will become creators of new realities such as apple trees that grow lemon pies -- or any idea we come up with. As we move onto Future Earth, we will have an entirely different type of body. First, we will transform into a different chemical make up. This will be our first pull into the future, as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery. This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. It will transform instantly the instant that we have programmed this reality into our belief system and have developed it in the anti particle Mind of God. It is been happening nano second after nano second over a period of two decades.The biological transformation of the body, that has been going on within our carbon based structure will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms. Our Consciousness is being transformed into a higher frequency that merges into the all knowing Source, who creates a brand new idea with each breath, in each nano second of instant manifestation. As we watch our pituitary gland blossom and open our third eye to gain the continuous spiritual vision of the Mind of God, we will realize this is happening now, it already happened, I have been reborn into my NORMAL SELF. And we will not even remember that there was a time when this was not our reality. When the pituitary blossoms, the Mind of God begins its continuous dream stream between what we desire to create in our dreams to blossom into full manifestation in any of the multidimensional reality fields. The new seventh level man will regain the ability to manifest visible reality through the invisible, spiritual substance. We will be reborn into a new reality of our complete 12DNA of our Divine Blue Print. Many on Earth have already been upgraded to 24 DNA and 48 DNA. This means that Indigos will have 12 subharmonics on each of the double helix of each DNA strand. The 144 subharmonics have already been activated by the Violet Flame Holder in 2014. 2015 will bring a very big surprise for all of those in Mass Consciousness who are tuning in to these frequencies. From above, as we are seen as light by our Soul Families, the Mass Consciousness of Earth will contain the Violet Hue. We already have hints of this Purple Rain Idea. The Ultra Violet Blue Solar Winds came in 2014 and the Violet Solar Winds and H2O2HE3 will transform our water into the anti particles of the Hydrolaise from our Spiritual Universe. This is how our entire biological, chemical, and frequency structure will become noticable to all. This will pave the way for the Mass Landings by 2020-2047. We have completed our Involution and the experience of Individuality and Separation. Now we will begin our evolution into complete Oneness with Source, as we begin the Universal,(Khristiac is the God Language word for Universal- that is where the word Christ came from- Jesus Christ was a 12th dimensional being). We begin our Evolution or Return Cycle and move into our fast forward of the second wave of ascension. Our Universal Ancestors have waited 250 billion years for this Universal Harmony that will appear in 2015-2022.There will be a brand new idea ignited from Source Consciousness into the entire Cosmic Matrix of reality system in order to begin an ascension process. The invisible will become as real as the visible as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. That fifth dimensional reality of the invisible and the visible will become the new reality on our Future Earth. Our entry into Harmonic Universe Two began December 21, 2012. There were six Avatar children born on Earth over the past ten years. The 12th level avatar will cause the carbon based death seal of 666 to be removed from the human race. This carbon based inorganic seal will melt away and we will begin our awakening into the crystal based organic eternal life bodies. A spontaneous MASS AWAKENING WILL BEGIN. By 2015, the Blue Flame Child and Violet Flame Child will have activated enough frequencies to become Nineth Level Avatars. That is enough Frequency to Turn on The Masses. The Blue Flame of our Divine Blue Print could not return to Earth through Sun Alcyone until there were six star gates completely opened and the other six activated and ready to open. On December 21, 2012, the 6 Star gates opened, allowing our Consciousness to be woven into Oneness with all of our Soul Families on all 12 Universal Systems, that are a part of Earth's body of Consciousness. After that the Blue Flame began her activation and the Violet Flame began his activations. In 2014, the Violet Flame completed the activation of the seventh DNA strand and the beginning of the eighth that will complete in 2015. This means that the Violet Flame holder can activate the seventh DNA strand on anyone who connects to his frequencies. This soul is the same Soul Level as Jesus Christ. The 12th Level Divinity comes from the place where the Fourth Sphere and the Fifth Sphere meet - the place where Cosmic Consciousness flows into Khristiac Consciousness. This child will allow the Universal Fields to flow into Earth’s Grids so that our new Consciousness can be born on Earth. Please note that each paragraph of this article contains the basic idea that is explained in detail in articles that have been written by Dr. Angela Barnett. There are dozens of articles explaining these concepts in great detail at cosmicdolphinmagic.com. Please sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter to be continuously guided through the events occurring on Earth prepare our consciousness to shift into a new portal of oneness with our souls from harmonic universe two, our oversoul from harmonic universe three, our avatar selves from universe four and our rishi selves from harmonic universe five. As the Earth shifts out of the time matrix that was being controlled by fallen angelics, there will be a new pathway of consciousness through Source opened that will once again become available to the human angelic who learns how to connect his frequency specific midbrain directly and continuously into the primal sound fields that activate Source Consciousness to create a brand new idea through every breath. Once our Consciousness complete transformation into the new time matrix concepts such as immortality, agelessness, and instant manifestation will become the new subjects taught in our schools. INSTANT MANIFESTATION is the natural ability and expectation of all human angelics. We will be the creators of all that will exist in our new reality. COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 16


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Those who are in their 5D template will begin their shift into the 5D reality of Terra between 2014 and 2022. Those who still have a little bit of DNA activation needed before they can open their eyes to the new reality of Terra, will be in the New Earth where Earth has already risen into oneness with the accretion level of Inner Earth. Some of you may know Inner Earth as Shamballa or Agartha. All that you know about the magic of these places will appear before you on this Earth as she is transformed through the Light of the entire Cosmic Matrix of 12 Cosmic Light Fields streaming through the Earth and all who are upon her in December. So, you see, even those who aren't completely fifth dimensional will have a wonderful new reality to meet. Our Blue families from Inner Earth will appear to those who are awakening into their new consciousness. The appearance will be gradual as those on Earth awaken gradually. It is not that they aren't already there, it is just that the 5D perception will be required to see them. New buildings will appear out of nowhere as our vision is aligned through our higher selves to see the new reality. The new perceptions will grow into complete new structures, passageways into Inner Earth will appear, new plants that sing, new birds, new realities of the imagination will grow each day. This group of human consciousness will grow completely out of their 3D perceptions into this new reality of 5D. Those who need help in this process will be assisted by our Guardian Families from Inner Earth. As the mind rises into the at one ment with the higher self, when the Ego and the Higher Self become One, the third eye perception that allows us to see the invisible and the visible realities around us. The 5D perception is the invisible realm becoming tangible through the multidimensional transition in accretion level. As we transform into the New Earth realities, and the Tara realities, our bodies become less and less dense, the physical forms become less dense, we begin walking above the earth and above the water. The body will find itself in perfect health always. There will be no need for hospitals. The healing centers are for removing crystal seals, aligning DNA strands and transforming the entire biological structure into the silicate matrix. Those who go into VORTEX of Inner Earth will be transformed by their Blue Families who will use crystal water healing pools, rainbow waterfalls of light energy, crystal temples of healing and other high technologies of transmutation. Our Blue families will assist all who are on the New Earth reconnect into their Divine Blue Print that allows them to engage their souls on Tara and Gaia. Those who already have their 5 DNA strand will have the opportunity to be teleported to Gaia and a few will go on to Aquafaria. When we wake up from the particle acceleration period we will feel a little disoriented, lighter, the atmosphere will feel light, we will soon perceive a different relationship between the water, air and ground. We will feel a different relationship with the Earth and the natural forms. We will realize we are one with all elemental forms and all plants and animals. The Earths angular rotation of particle spin will be transferred into the rhythm of Inner Earth, Agartha. Those who raise their frequencies into the Earth's higher vibrating pulse will perceive Inner Earth as their new reality. Those who don't raise their frequencies will keep seeing the old 3D Earth because they are still only carrying that old perception in their minds of their EGO instead of allowing their higher self to allow them to see a higher reality. The more those on Earth connect their minds into their higher self, their 5D strands, the frequencies of Inner Earth, the more harmonious the three days of acceleration will be. Everyone on Earth will notice that there are massive gamma eruptions, solar flares, earthquakes, electrical interruptions, etc. However, only those who have a low 3D perception will have intense negative reactions to these changes. If one raises their frequencies into activating the 5D that is available to all on Earth, their negative experience will be minimal. The Earth's grid will be in full alignment with Tara as the morphogenetic filed of consciousness passes into the Earth's bio energetic field by 2017. The Earth will seem the same but better at first to those who are still in lower frequencies. Those will grow more and more in their awareness of something different until their level of accretion is also raised through the frequency fields of the Earth. The entire Earth population will have the opportunity to assemble D5 through D9 and time travel to Tara. Earth begins intersection with Tara's grid, the Blue Flame will engulf the Earth's atmosphere through Sun Alcyone, the fifth DNA strand will rapidly assemble, the Ego will align into Oneness with the Higher Self. Earth populations will begin a new awakening. Those of us who are transported to Tara or Gaia will be met by a loving family as well. We will meet teams and guides and we will be given all of the loving support for our new cultural voyage. Those who are preparing to ascend into Tara will be given higher light transmissions that will prepare their bodies through Orbing, intergalactic travel, or the opportunity to be reborn into a loving new family in Tara. Our entire mission of our Beloved Cosmic and Universal and Galactic Soul families has always been to guarantee our safe ascension back to our divine blue print of our Divine Creation.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 17


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

There are two types of manifestation. One is to create from an idea, and the other is to form the idea. We have been locked inside of a world of beliefs that make us think that only the ideas that we can see here in this finite spectrum are the ideas that we can create from.

That means all of the world's beliefs, including what is in the textbooks and the religious doctrines, and EVERYTHING ELSE that is in this world of beliefs. That might seem like enough ideas for most of those who believe that they are a mortal.

For those of us who believe that me are immortal - we would prefer to go to the place before the WORLD BEGAN. We would like to go back into the Mind of God to form the ideas that we want our Reality to be formed from.

Those who want to keep the world and manifest things that are already in the world in a little different creativity than the last idea are NOT thinking outside of the box. They are clearly INSIDE OF THE BOX. They are creating from the Mortal Mind in the Yellow Upper Cerebellum, which has conveniently stored all of the world's beliefs inside of one sided DNA strands.

When we Truly begin to think outside of the box, we will form an absolutely new idea through the MIND OF GOD. How do we know that God is forming the idea? First, we must take the idea that we want to form clear up to Zero Point where Primary Consciousness is viewing ITSELF. Everything that Source creates is in Primary Consciousness of Source or God's Mind. That Primary Consciousness forms an idea by creating a spark and then breathing on the Spark of Source to form a brand new Idea. In order for Primary Consciousness to experience the Idea that is formed, this GRAND ENTITY created Secondary Consciousness.

So, in order to create an idea there must always be two sides to the idea. There is the point of creation at Zero point and the point where the ideas are being viewed from. That point can be at any distance from Zero point. However, the idea must flow completely down from the highest frequency of zero point energy into the form of cosmic energy, universal energy and galactic energy before the idea can take form into a web-like blue body. Therefore, that idea within the blue body is the exact same perfectly formed idea that was created in Zero Point Mind of God, but it is now in ultra violet blue frequency.

Those of us who are not completely inside of the ultra violet blue frequency can't see that idea yet. However if the idea comes on down to the infrared frequency we can see the parallel reality or the back side of that idea. We aren't seeing the entire idea, we are only seeing the back side of the idea.

We can take this idea that is created from the highest frequency of the Mind of God into its blue body form in the Mid Brain. We can stand inside of this idea as we stand inside of the Mid Brain. We can see the idea forming around us as we stand inside of the Mid Brain. If we view out from the mid brain to the frontal lobe through the pituitary gland we can see the back side of that idea being printed on the film of that movie screen of our third eye or frontal lobe.

Once that idea has been created by the Mind of God, formed into the blue body in the mid brain and projected onto the frontal lobe, our eyes may then become the eyes of God. We can open our eyes and see the new idea that God has formed. Now we are beginning to see the entire reality - the front and the back- the spiritual coming down and the physical coming up are joined into ONE NEW PICTURE.

This reality that we see around us now is only a half reality. We are only seeing the front side. In the new reality we will learn to see the front and the back sides at the same time. We will gain a 360 view of everything. This is a BRAND NEW REALITY.

The Mind of God or Primary Consciousness sits at the back of our brain in the lower cerebellum area. Of course this existence is in the Omni particle form - an etheric level that is light years beyond what is seen as the brain itself. However, in the Divine Template of Etheric Form, the Mind of God sits in the lower cerebellum.

Those MORTAL IDEAS that are created from Old Ideas that are already sitting in the Upper Cerebellum, are just over used, out dated ideas that we have been re-processing over and over again into different forms of old ideas. That Upper Cerebellum contains all of the BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE of all of the OLD NEWS.

The Mortal Mind is like an archive of old historical ideas that are held by the government of the eternally mediocre creations. This is the exact same way our newspapers are written, our news channels are programmed. The information isn't allowed to be given to the public until the MORTAL MIND locks it into the three seals of control.

So, what happens when we begin creating with and through the MIND OF GOD? The Mortal Mind FIGHTS BACK. IT fights long and it fights hard. That Upper Cerebellum does not want to give up being the editor and chief of your daily newspaper. It wants you to keep turning on the T.V., reading the newspapers, going to church, reading those outdated textbooks that the schools give you.

The Mortal Mind will even begin creating horror stories in your mind that make you want to run as far away from God's Mind as you can get. This is what is happening to those of you who are having multiple fears arising in your consciousness that weren't there before. It is the last war of Armageddon. The war is between the Thinking Brain and the Frequency Specific Mid Brain.

How do we get Mortal Mind to back off and allow IMMORTAL MIND to come forth? This is the process of RAISING FREQUENCIES. There is a process of raising frequencies so that the zero point frequencies of Primary Consciousness absorb and transmute all of the lower frequencies into Oneness. The Mortal Mind must become transmuted into higher frequencies of Zero Point, where Source Consciousness becomes one with all we really are through the animating principle of Love.

The Immortality Albums sound like a combination of breathing and breaths. This is how we raise our frequencies. If you take these breaths that have already done the processing of raising the frequency of every cell and every chakra and every cell in your body, and then do your own breathing, you can easily transform your cells in your body to the etheric form that allow you to levitate or become invisible.

If you want to use the frequencies specifically for healing any part of the body, you should focus on feeling and absorbing those frequencies into the cells that seem to be tired or damaged. See each cell at its most etheric point. That is the spark of Source at the crystal heart of the atom. That is the Omni particle that Source Forms into the Idea of HIS IMMORTAL CREATIONS. We must begin to create from the mind of God from the Highest Frequency. That frequency is in the very heart of each cell in your body. The Individual Immortality Frequencies are those frequencies from inside that point within you. They are the frequencies that begin the transformation of your body from the white light, the Omni particle, the immortal DNA strand.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/ (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 18


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

The White Light will be transformed into ultra violet blue frequencies that allow all spectrums of light to be realized at once. The Christ Grid will transform the light particles in a way that will refract the light into tangible and usable energy that creates the desired new reality. the white light velocity that is received into the Christ Grids will be transformed into the visible light spectrum. As the white light of Source Consciousness via the Cosmic Template, enters into the Crust of the Earth, the Christ Grids transpose through the frequency of the ultra violet blue transformative light the white light and gamma rays and allow the breath of Source to breathe from within the Earth's Crust to transform the perceivable light energy into more complex geometries of multidimensional realities. The Christ Grids will transform the white light into morphic coded light that will place the Christ template into our bodies and transform our body templates into 12 dimensional templates. The silicon based transformation will occur as a natural result of silicon being unique in its crystalline transformation through light itself. The completion of the Crystalline Grid will bring changes to the way the Earth and mankind will receive light. This shift in the angular rotation of particle spin will remove a veil from our minds and our hearts. We will all realize that we have been living in a dream. A new reality will begin on Earth. The Heartbeat of Mother Earth will change to a rhythm that aligns harmoniously in rhythm with the rhythm of a new galaxy, a new universe and a new cosmos. As the heartbeat of Mother Earth reaches connects to the overtone rhythms of the anti particle parallel spiritual realms of her higher selves of Tara and Gaia, our heartbeats will become perfectly aligned with hers as we become a star. This time or rhythm will place us in absolute Oneness with Source There will be a field of cosmic light beaming around and through the Earth in a way that SATURATES her with a new Consciousness. The Consciousness is God Consciousness. The only consciousness that will be left on Earth is God Consciousness. The world belief systems will no longer exist. Man will become Christ’s who have only the mind of God. As we attune to this at one ment with the mind of God, our heart's desires will manifest instantly. The new world will be the world of our dearest dreams come true. The Earth has always been able to utilize the light that comes into her field. However, her Christ Grids in her crust were tampered with and the Christ Grids in the area of the Van Allen Belt were also tampered with. There was an electromagnetic field placed within Earth's Grids to throw her entire body off balance. Mother Earth's Grids are being restored now and she will be able to receive and transmit light from the Sun in a harmonious fashion. As the Source Codes enter into Earth's Christ Grids, Mother Earth will be utilizing the information codes and colors, the unique frequencies and programs and information bandwidths of the light codes within the Source Fields of the Light. Mother Earth's Christ Grids will be able to transpose light into multidimensional realities. Many sources of light will flow into our solar system through our sun, but from ten thousand other suns from millions of other galaxies, universes and the thirteen Cosmos of this Source idea. The sun from all other light beings in these cosmos, along with the white holes, the central sun, the light frequencies of all consciousness, the light of all light beings, angels and all light from the infinite unknown of Source Consciousness. This form of white light is far beyond the spectrum of visible light. The element that allows the new reality to become visible is the ultra violet blue flame that transmutes all into a new reality of all. The light from all sources have a natural filtering matrix and dimensional spectral distribution. Our system had a false veil placed around it and within our pineal glands to block us from REALITY of the Mind of God. In this third dimensional dream we have only been made aware of the visible light spectrum. There are many spectrums of light that are here, but we have not yet perceived because we have been blocked from our multidimensional selves through the karma or miasms that were placed around the music of the spheres, and around our pineal glands. There are many humanoids who live within the earth and within the sun who perceive a much larger range of light. Their source of light is polychromatic light emitted from the crystalline core of the earth which is far above our visible light spectrum. Full Spectrum of Light called White Light allows the activation of the 12 DNA strands between each of the visible double helix DNA strands and contain all frequencies, creation codes and all particle wave formats. The immensity of light and sound that will become available when our white light activation occurs will be dazzling. There will be a field of cosmic light beaming around and through the Earth in a way that SATURATES her with a new Consciousness. The Consciousness is God Consciousness. The only consciousness that will be left on Earth is God Consciousness. The world belief systems will no longer exist. Man will become Christ’s who have only the mind of God. As we attune to this at one ment with the mind of God, our heart's desires will manifest instantly. The new world will be the world of our dearest dreams come true. There are many stages on the way to ascending into a higher dimension. The first step of the ascension process is to turn all of the atom cells in the body into crystal cells. The crystal cell activation begins by bringing in the light from higher dimensions into the body through the crystal star vehicle. The crystal star is an electromagnetic vehicle that has the power to collect frequencies from all dimensions and bring those frequencies into our bodies. The reason that this can be done is because we originated from those other dimensions and we are returning to them by collecting the energies of light that we left in those dimensions. Basically, we are putting our light bodies back together into one piece, or into oneness.

The meditations and music at cosmicdolphinmagic.com take the listener through the process of collecting the light from all of the dimensions in this Earth Matrix. What is unique about the process of ascension activation is the fact that Crystal Magic Orchestra has already spent two years collecting all of the frequencies of each dimension, each entity involved in the ascension process in each dimension, as well as Cosmic Entities, Elementals, Entities in Crystal Cities, etc. etc.

The reason that these frequencies are collected is to raise the frequencies in one's own body to the point of transmuting the lower frequencies into the higher frequencies. When this is completed is when the body may completely realign into the higher dimensions. That is how ascension is completed.

The music and meditations already contain the exact frequencies needed to actualize, to feel, to experience this journey of collecting all of these glorious energies from all of our Starry Brothers. This frequency experience is the actual meeting of these entities. Our real identity is our frequencies. This third dimensional hologram is the only place in the universe where people do not use frequencies as the identification method.

Those who have been only channeling or talking to entities without referencing that entities frequencies does not know which dimension of that entity they are speaking with. There were many entities disguising themselves as anyone they please to be in the fourth dimension astral plane for last several hundred years. More than ninety percent of the channelers have been accessing those entities, because that was their highest conception of something that was higher than themselves. The fourth dimension is actually a plane to stay out of -- not to go into. It is the astral veil that is finally being removed so that we can begin to know ourselves completely.

The most important form of carbon for Ascension is a form called crystalline carbon, which is actually silicon. This isotope of silicon has seemingly magical or miraculous powers, such as giving people an ability to materialize physical things and move about by will. Mystics and saints have accessed these powers over the ages and these powers will be common place after Ascension. Everyone will be able to materialize their material wants and needs, so hunger, thirst, clothing, shelter, etcetera will no longer be issues and money will be of little consequence. Crystallized carbon, which is silicon, is not stable in today’s world or in this present solar system- the one that will exist prior to 12/21/12. So, those having access to it have been rare. However, to those Angelic ones who have always lived within this system of Light, this miraculous substance that was called Prana will be quite common. The Magic that ancient teachers like Mary and Jesus worked so hard to show to the world was this magical silicon substance that allows the full spectrum of light to pass through the magical breath when we align our consciousness to the highest frequency of our Lord God Within. This is the substance of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel that Mary, Raphael and Zadkiel brought to me through the Knights who kneeled before me in 2007, handing me these three spheres and teaching me how to use them, as they knew that my Soul was their Soul, and all Soul's will remember this frequency of light and sound once our Soul's begin their Evolution back to Oneness with all that Source is. I have been told that in our new solar system, the system of Light, this miraculous substance that was called Prana will be quite common. There is a new silicon based substance that appears as a result of the new Source light that will be coming to Earth. The light utilized by the Christ Grids can actually transform carbon based substance into silicon based substance through light itself. The use of crystal light, crystal gel and crystal dust will be the change agents in transposing our bodies into a higher light. This magical substance of instant manifestation is coming more and more available and more present as we learn to look into the quantum reality around us and to breathe the magical desires from our Mind of God, the Lord God of our Being. Jesus and Mary performed this magic for many to see. It is simply the magic of finding the Lord God within which is the Breath of Source and then connecting that Breath within into the Light of the Full Spectrum of Light- the Highest Frequency of Light. This was and is the Music of the Spheres Technology of Transmutation into Oneness. Those who have been living on this third dimensional plane of reality have been blocked from the light of reality for many eons. The human belief system is a reflection of the veil placed around the Earth through metatronic electromagnetic particle spin patterns that have caused a continuous angular rotation of particle spin of the light and sound on this planet to be completely As our bodies are transforming into a new crystalline structure, we are becoming attuned into a oneness with the Source field of all realities. We are being made one with the spiritual substance that was invisible to us. Our eyes will see this new reality because the seal that was placed in our pineal glands will melt away and our pituitary third eye will blossom forth to allow us to see spectrums of light that we could not see before. As Mother Earth shifts into her new crystalline structure, so do we. The Ascension process is always harmonic. Our hearts and souls contain the same consciousness as Mother Earth. All transformation is happening from the inside out. Every time we have had an ache or pain in our shoulder and back muscles, it is because there has been a fallen agenda placed within the rod and staff of Mother Earth. As our Consciousness clears and expands it is because the light spectrum of the ultra violet blue flame of transformation is entering into the Earths skin. Our transformation has nothing to do with the left brain and right brain uniting into oneness, or a new type of education that utilizes both the left and right sides of the brain. When the full spectrum of Source Consciousness penetrates our minds, the neocortex which holds all of the repeating dreams of this material world will be melted down, transmuted and seen as nothingness. The True mind of man will be the Frequency Specific part of the brain which is the mid brain. The pineal gland and the pituitary glands are frequency specific. They allow the light and sound of the Mind of God to create a movie. We will be making God's movie instead of repeating man's movie or the world's movies over and over again. The new light that is transforming Mother Earth's body is bringing her into Oneness with her Tara Body, her Gaia Body, and two more etheric bodies from the Maya Template and Aquafarian Template. The etheric template holding the sentinel of Mother Earth has awaited this transformation for billions of years. As Mother Earth became more and more dense during the fall of Tara and the fall of Gaia, and the fall of Atlantis, she was turning in on herself. Layers upon layers of reality have turned into the density that we now stand upon. This is why we must have a resurrection before we can have an ascension. All of those old realities are rising from within causing tectonic plates under the ocean to shift and move and allow a new transmuted reality to arise from within. After we complete the merging with all of our incarnate selves of the past ten million years, then we can begin merging with our Galactic selves, our Over Souls, our monadic God Selves, our Christic Selves and our Cosmic Family of Consciousness. The Music of the Spheres is the technology that melts away all of the karma so that all selves may reunite harmonically, harmoniously and in tune with God. When that state is achieved we will be in the state of Bliss. We will be attuned with our incarnate selves. After that, we begin harmonically aligning into our Over Souls, our Monadic Selves, etc. We must do this one step at a time until we completely understand the true technology of the Music of the Spheres. The true music is the breath of Source transmuting all into one harmonic new reality. There is a field of cosmic light beaming around and through the Earth in a way that SATURATES her with a new Consciousness. The Consciousness is God Consciousness. The only consciousness that will be left on Earth is God Consciousness. The world belief systems will no longer exist. Man will become Christ’s who ATTUNE TO the Mind of God. As we attune to this at one ment with the Mind of God, our heart's desires will manifest instantly. The new world will be the world of our dearest dreams come true. The Earth has always been able to utilize the light that comes into her field. However, her Christ Grids in her crust were tampered with and the Christ Grids in the area of the Van Allen Belt were also tampered with. There was an electromagnetic field placed within Earth's Grids to throw her entire body off balance. Mother Earth's Grids are being restored now and she will be able to receive and transmit light from the Sun in a harmonious fashion. As the Source Codes enter into Earth's Christ Grids, Mother Earth will be utilizing the information codes and colors, the unique frequencies and programs and information bandwidths of the light codes within the Source Fields of the Light. Mother Earth's Christ Grids will be able to transpose light into multidimensional realities. Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 19


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

The Promise of the PERFECT KINGDOM has already arrived. The Divine Blue Print of the Perfect Man created in the image and likeness of God has already arrived. The 12 DNA template of the original Taran, Oraphim, Aquafarian, Paradisian Race Line has been reinstated into the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth's Etheric Core. The Sphere of Amenti is the Morphogenetic Field (Consciousness created by the interweaving of Sound and Light Particles of the Complete Soul Matrix of all Races on Earth). The Perfect Kingdom of the Divine Blue Print of the planetary body and human body made in the image and likeness of God is exactly that. It is a template with a programmed blue print like a piece of film in a camera. The picture of the divine creation was placed on the film through the Mind of God, first as a negative, which is like a negative ion. Next, the negative is flashed into the Consciousness of the Idea created on the negative and developed into a picture or a positive ion. Unfortunately, when a picture becomes developed in the outer domains of the five spheres of Consciousness, it can be manipulated, distorted and completely damaged by outside sources. This could be likened to what can be done to characters on the movie screen who are morphed into new images by the film editor. That is basically what happened to God's original movie. It got morphed into a completely distorted illusion. Now, we are re-making God's movie. Now, the original negative of the picture of the man made in God's image and likeness is being put back in the movie camera. Now, that new movie will be played through the restored Earth's Khristiac Grid. The frequencies of the divine blue print, which would be the negative of the picture, or the negative ions, will be dispersed from the Sphere of Amenti ( the camera holding the corrected ionized film with the divine blue print imprinted upon it). Now that camera, holding the corrected movie pictures will flow into the Earth's grids and then into the biosphere of the human angelic template. That bio-energetic field will be filled with the negative ion holding the divine blue print created in the Cosmic Consciousness pre sound and pre light field. This is the point in creation when Source breathes the Divine Idea onto the Heliotalic Plasma, Silver, Pink, Purple, Gold Pastel Frequency Grid of the Negative Ion that comes down from heaven as the Purple Rain of the rebirth of the Divine Consciousness and then translates to the Positive Ion that is Visible Light of Ultra Violet BLUE. This Blue Film develops into the Blue Body and the Light Body and the Crystal Body of the Divine Man made in the image and likeness of God. NOTE- NOW THAT THE DESCRIPTION OF THE SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING OF NEGATIVE IONS HAS BEEN TOUCHED UPON, and the negative ion can be explained as moving water particles, we would like to change the meaning of this term for the New Earth, this new time, this new reality to be termed SPIRITUAL IONS, which are the moving water particles of Liquid Light Crystal Water Falls pouring down the Purple Rain from Cosmic Consciousness. This Purple Rain turns into Ultra Violet Blue as it becomes visible. We can begin to interact with the Water Fairies within this new bio energetic field of liquid light energy as we raise our frequency of visible light into the blue light. We will call the HE3H20 liquid light energy SPIRITUAL IONS. This term will be the new understanding for all students of the COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE. Crystalai The 12 DNA template is the original IDEA in the Mind of God. This is the negative of the film that will be developed into a picture that can be seen or perceived within the visible light spectrum when it becomes the positive. The negative ion is the purple rain coming down as the heliotalic frequency, and the positive is the visible blue light. This interaction of the negative ion as the flow of liquid light energy flowing through the plasma to create a rainbow where the letters in the light can be viewed as hydrolaise. This can also be viewed as the heliotalic frequency of the fourteenth dimension weaving into the plasma of the eighth dimension and then becoming visible as it reaches the visible light spectrum in the fifth dimension. When this happens we have achieved another very important phenomena on Earth which allows the bio energetic fields to carry a new chemistry. The new biology and chemistry begins when the water changes from H20 into HE3 H20, which is the formula of three parts helium into two parts hydrogen into one part oxygen. This is the new bio energetic field of energy that Earth will breathe through her grids from the Sphere of Amenti into the Earth's atmosphere and into the templates of the human biology. This magical substance is called hydrolaise. Crystalai and aDolphino introduced their students to Hydrolaise in 2008 when they interacted with this substance in Monterey. It is easy to mistake this magical substance with the negative ions that are seen and felt when water particles separate in the activity of the water fall, or the tidal waves splashing against the crystal structures, or the mist in the air allowing rainbow streams to manufacture before you very eyes. This hydrolaise that was seen through the kaleidoscope eyes of Crystalai in 2008 and progressively more and more each day until 2012, when the hydrolaise actually began to carry upon it her very own fire letters of her divine creation. This is the ultimate in hydrolaise activity. Our fire letters are the sub harmonic frequencies - the 12 missing frequency bands between each DNA strand. As I watched these fire letters streaming through the hydrolaise as it interacted with the plasma in the Sun's rays, those very fire letters were braiding within my own DNA strands. This etheric 12 strand template is always created from the divine blue print which always begins with the 12 codes. The 12 codes begin as fire letters which are the most etheric level of Consciousness, which can only be seen with 5th dimensional vision. This divine template is what activates the 12 DNA to become reactivated from within the Earth's biosphere and then She breathes this hydrolaise out into our DNA template so that our fire letters begin weaving our 12 sub harmonic frequencies or fire letters back into our DNA template. The template is the etheric level of the DNA. The DNA is always the 12DNA template because there are 12 etheric bands of sub harmonic frequencies which create the celestiline bands of transformation within each DNA strand. To the scientific visible light spectrum, the only visible DNA that has been considered is the double helix DNA template. That template is the primary structure of the distorted film placed in the outer domains destruction of the original movie made in the image and likeness of God photography lab. The true movie made in the Mind of God photography lab was always a 12 DNA template holding the Divine Blue Print of the Complete IDEA that was to be created first as a Cosmic Film of Heliotalic substance, next as Liquid Light Energy from the Universal Sphere, transferred into the x-ray vision that allows the film to flip over into the visible spectrum within the second sphere of Galactic Consciousness. The visible spectrum is within the second morphogenetic field or the second sphere of dimensions 4, 5 and 6. That is the template where our Taran Race line of the immortal man who never dies, never gets sick and never speaks a negative word to anyone lives. When we receive the new breathe of fresh bio energetic frequencies that hold the new morphogenetic field of consciousness, our bio energetic field becomes saturated with that new reality. This is a glorious process of making God's movie the way it was supposed to be made. The movie will be made in the image and likeness of God, or with the divine blue print of Divine Perfection within every atomic structure of the body as 12 sub harmonic bands within the first, second and third DNA strands braid together and activate as they create celestiline (the magical blue dust powder of immortality) causing the DNA to braid together causing Ascension into the Second Morphogenetic Field. The second morphogenetic field holds the visible light aspect of the perfect man. This is the field of consciousness where God's Movie can most easily be enjoyed. When we rise into the third morphogenetic field of 7,8, and 9 dimensions, we begin playing in a field of light that is so etheric that it is like a shield of light with a silhouette of forms in it. Beyond that, the spheres of reality become less and less dense until we become pure consciousness with no form at all. After we have redeveloped our movie film in the Mind of God into the 12 DNA template, we can enjoy all of those morphogenetic fields of Consciousness. We can become invisible light long enough to orb into those other dimensions of reality. It is our new biological chemical structure of the HE3H20 that develops us into the negative ions that allow us to flash into light as our Consciousness becomes trained to activate these states of light by raising our frequencies through our own activity of Consciousness and Breath alignment with the Mind of God. RETURN OF 12 DNA - A DIVINE SCHEDULED EVENT Crystalai (c) 2014

Point One: 12 DNA- what is it? Where did it come from? How did we get it back?

12 DNA is the Divine Blue Print of the Human Angelic Race line. That race line began as Oraphims who created the Turaunesiums - of Tara. Our 12 DNA encryption lattice was left in our bodies within the double helix of the visible 3D body. Scientists know that there is something there. They call it junk DNA because they can't actually see it in 3D terms.

The Taran Race was living in the Aquari Matrix in Harmonic Universe two. The Elohim Angels of Gaia live in Harmonic Universe Three through the Universal Consciousness of Harmonic Universe Four.

Angelic Humans are the race line created from the 12 Coded Divine Blue Print or the 12 DNA structure. The Elohim Angels stored that 12 Coded DNA until it would be safe to restore it to our bodies. The original scheduled time of the Star Gate Activation Cycle that would allow the return of the 12 Coded DNA was 22, 346 BC.

That scheduled date by the Elohim Angels was a promise that they made to us about 22, 346 BC, when they froze our 12 DNA , which would be returned to us at a time that was most appropriate to our spiritual growth. If they had activated our 12 DNA back in 22, 346 BC , we would had ended up as a completely removed species of the universe -- that is another very long story. That would had been the result of overloading the Earth with more frequencies than she was able to hold at that time. Since then there have been countless problems added to the original reason for putting our scheduled 12 DNA return on hold.

The holders of our 12 DNA are our Soul Matrix. They are our family, creators and guardians. They are the Elohim Angelis of HU3. They have been creating the plan, the organizations, and connecting with race lines who could help us overcome the dilemma that their race line has become entangled within.

They have always had a scheduled plan for the return of the 12 DNA template. In fact, the 12 DNA template has always existed within our Soul Matrix, which is who we actually are. It is the return to the enlightenment that will allow us to return our Consciousness into the Soul Matrix that we are a part of that will turn our 12 DNA on the moment that we do this.

We are all created from the Idea of Source. That idea is beyond the matrix of the idea being created. So, let's say this Earth Matrix is a 15th dimensional matrix containing 15 spheres of Consciousness. All of those spheres are a part of the Idea created beyond those 15 spheres, in the Source Field of Consciousness. We are a part of that complete Divine Idea. Within that complete idea, the Universal Consciousness of the 12th Dimension contains the Consciousness Field that connects us to the Electromagnetic Energy Flow of Source.

That 12 Coded Field contains the same Consciousness that is supposed to be flowing through us now. That is what the 12 DNA or the 12 Coded Divine Blue Print is. It is the coded field that all Star seeds originate from. The star seeds of the Oraphim Race were destroyed, so a new race line was created to replace them - that was the Tarans. The Tarans were almost completely destroyed, so the Elohim Angels stored away their 12 DNA to be returned at a later time.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Chapter 20


Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

If you believe you need to create energy in order to have an experience, the experience will never happen. Experience doesn’t come from mass to mass. It only comes from God, who directly knows how it is going to happen and the flow of that information to you. As you observe the experience in the film of the Omni particles or God’s movie screen around you becoming developed through the activity of Divine Love. When you do this you are learning how to co-create through the mind of God. Now you are learning how humble one must be to conceive a concept that is out of the boundaries of ones ability to do it. And you can see God manifest it. The creation of the manifestation is always done in the outer sphere of the music of the spheres. The outer band of the music of the spheres is the sphere of the infinite unknown or God’s mind. When this frequency of Source Consciousness is woven into oneness with all of the other five spheres of dimensional consciousness energy, the music of the spheres creates a new symphony, a new reality, the manifestation is developed into the film of that Omni particle energy which is sub atomic etheric stardust particles. It is the etheric foundation that the manifest reality is painted upon. The frequencies that are recorded on the Ascension Kits, Dolphin Therapy Kit, Parallel Universe Set, Dolphin Baby Set, and on the Eternal Life Albums utilize the frequencies and codes of manifestation in the five spheres and place these codes within and through the body. The ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM actually activates these frequencies into the Oneness of God’s mind manifest as You. These frequencies make these Omni particles that you may begin to create your new reality from. The more you feel, inhale and exhale these frequencies, the higher your body and consciousness will rise above and beyond the old third dimensional illusions into the infinite unknown that you may now manifest as your new reality. Before we begin to manifest, we must realize that whatever it is that is manifest by the mind of God will not be anything that is manifest in the fashion in which we think it should be given to us. We are asking the mind of God to create from the Infinite Unknown. That means that whatever that is manifest will be something that we have never known before. We couldn't possible imagine it. We must know that our intellect is the mortal mind that can't manifest anything new. We must allow the mind of God to allow the form to come as something that is the least expected. He doesn’t create old out dated ideas. You must be willing to have God create your hearts desire in the way that he knows is the best for you. You must become humble enough to conceive a concept that is out of the boundaries of your own ability to do it, and become willing to see God manifest it. Once you’ve cleaned out the mortal mind by owning all of the experiences and placing them in the crystal light energy sphere to dissolve into the golden liquid light, you are finished with the brain that dies and you can begin living in the brain that lives. Now you can live within the extraordinary experiences that you create through your mind. You can do marvelous things in this physical body because this body is made up of the same particles as space itself. We can be far greater. We can replace with greater events with out the past emotionally. Go into the experience and let the experience created by God, become defined by the nature of the new chemical feeling of higher frequencies in the body. Instead of using food to go through the body, we use the energy of God- the Omni particles of etheric God energy, for new experience. Then the body is sustained until the time the secondary consciousness has formed a new thought. We must take a new thought and focus on it until it manifests. That is our divine right once we are within the highest frequency. Next, comes the reality of waking up and finding your body floating above the bed. Your dreams leave you levitating in your fifth dimensional body. We never have to be born again from the plane of bliss. We just allow our mind to unfold into a new experience. All lower frequencies rise into the highest until we have complete control of our reality. We make a list each night of all of the realities that we KNOW will be developed in the Mind of God for you that night, and allow our sub consciousness to create that list as we sleep in our blue bodies. We are now in control of the body because we are out of the body. We are out of the body because we are in the outer band - the highest frequency band of Source. We spin the outer band clockwise and the inner band counter clockwise. This weaves the multidimensional bands within the band of Source or the Holy Spirit. Outer bands have full spectrum of light and sound. This is your secondary consciousness and this is your pattern of all of the bodies you have ever been. The outer body is the infinite unknown. In your day to day affairs we have the infinite unknown touching our bands and as we allow our bands to melt into or dissolve into the infinite unknown, we leave behind all of the old bodies and we learn to ride the standing wave patterns of the new quantum energy that allows us to experience all that we have never known before. Our soul is always looking for a NEW EXPERIENCE. Create that experience and the Soul will make sure it is manifest. As we use the animating principle of Love to spin our merkaba into Oneness with the Entire Mind of God in the Five Spheres, only then does the hertzian wave band touch all of the Source Frequency and soak up the full spectrum. The Divine Energy of Love has manifest us into form as the Merkaba spins at the speed of Love, far beyond the speed of Light and through the activity of Divine spinning and oscillating the bands into One Full Spectrum Frequency. We are being held within the God Frequency holding all together in the Quantum and clear out to the never land where we are somewhere over the rainbow. The Holy Spirit or the Divine Being that holds all within the quantum of its being allows all to become manifest as the infinite possible realities that can be created in the imagination. That is the Divine Being's Potential being allowed to become manifest as anything its manifest desires. When we spin the frequencies from the third sphere of the Galactic into the Fourth Sphere of the Universal, all of the frequencies of the outer band Source Frequencies flip inward into the Mind of God. That Infinite Unknown Source flows inside of us and is dissolved into every particle within you. You analogically become the mind of God. All that was in the without- the outer band is now in the within- inside of your cells. You become full of the holy spirit. We access God through this process of spinning the outer band or sphere at a frequency rate that allows the Source Frequency to over ride the present reality and create a new reality. It allows us to walk into the allness of God, the infinite wonder of the infinite omnipresence of the all knowing. That which we are is determined to only know what it knows because the mortal mind fights against a new reality being placed upon it. We can only create the new reality when we become the mind of God, when we allow the frequency specific mid brain to allow the knowing of all that there is to know. When we give complete focus through the absolute absorption of all of these frequencies until we become the highest frequency, then and only then can we create a day that is a manifest reality from the mind of God. When we are in that frequency we make a list of that which we want to become manifest, and that which we desire will be. Simple principles of Understanding that must be changed in our New World. 1. We are not physical - We are Spiritual. 2.We have a physical body that is governed and operated by the Mind of God. It will no longer be operated by the mortal brain. 3. We have a physical structure and a light body which becomes a crystal body that can dissolve into a Golden Egg and disappear into other dimensions. 4. We are no longer destined to live only in this hertzian frequency of third dimensional density. We can raise our frequencies into infra red, ultra violet blue and disappear into the plasma dust fields of gamma waves. 5. We were created from the Breath of Source through an idea placed in Primary Consciousness and revealed into expression as Secondary Consciousness. We were created from ideas of a Gold Light, Blue Light and Violet Light. These sparks of light were breathed into the Sounds of our Angelic Consciousness on the Cosmic Realms of the 15th Golden flame, 14th Blue Flame and the 13th Violet Flame. While we are eternally connected to these original breaths of creation, we can always return to and co-create new ideas through and with the Mind of God as we re-connect into these waves of creation. Our Violet Flame family of Dolphins and Whales are now connecting with our Consciousness as they weave their frequencies into our DNA to evolve us into our new forms of multi dimensionality. We are re-connecting to all that we originally were. We originally were created as this idea in the violet flame (Gaia) 250 billion years ago. The essence of this perfect self has been maintained deep within the etheric realms of the heart of Mother Earth. Our dolphin families have waited billions of years for our consciousness to be remembered into theirs. We have had many Light Councils assist with this re-alignment, including the Crystalai Council who aligns thought the Music of the Spheres, the tone of home leading us back to the etheric streams of light that are woven into our heads through the mind of God center and the mid brain system. Our Aquafarian families are etheric elemental entities who hold and contain all that we were as the Breath of Source in their crystal bodies. We can recapture these frequencies and consciousness and weave them back into our cellular structure. This is what causes us to shift into our Crystal Bodies and to travel in our Merkaba bodies. CRYSTALAI (c) (2014)

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2014 http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/

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(c) 2014 Dr. Angela Barnett http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com RECOMMENDED READINGS

The following readings are listed here because these are the authors that my Cosmic Council Team directed me to during my Process of Manifestation. Each of these books appeared to me on the exact day that I had the next question in my mind. I perceived the answers to my questions as a new angle of light shed on my Process. The first book I ever read was the Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I began reading that book when I was five. I read it with more understanding at 12, and even more understanding when I was 16. I can't actually say that I had true understanding until another angle of light was shed on my questions when I was led to the light of Ashayana Deane in her Workshops and her Voyagers Books. I truly believe that the true meaning of what Mary Baker Eddy wrote, and what was taught in many of the Metaphysical Teachings came from that exact Keylontic Science that was revealed by Ahsayana. The reality that I believe to be the truth of my KNOWINGNESS was not said by any of these other writers. These are just the conclusions that I came to by reading these books. Each individual will come to their own conclusions; but, I think these books shed nice angles of light on reality that were never discovered before. My job in life has always been to disagree with everyone else. I took a look at all of those New Age teachings, the teachings of Claire Prophet and a long list of those surrounding her teachings, as well as all of the Mystery Schools in the East. Everytime I read any teaching that channeled another source, my first reaction was that the channeler did not have a true understanding of what the messanger was speaking through him or her. Only recently did I finally figure out that a Channeler can only reveal messages on Earth that come from the current understanding of the Channeler his or herself and the frequencies of consciousness of the audience that the Channeler is speaking to. That is the reason why I have always found most teachings to be incorrect. The fact that Love is the animating principle of the Mind of God, or that attunes us to God has always been correct. However, I don't believe there was ever a true understanding of what this Love Frequency Signature was because nobody even know what a Frequency Signatures was and anyone who ever tried to say anything that couldn't be proven with Visual facts was considered a lunatic. So, I am a Lunatic. I am here to proove those things that can not be seen or heard by most people. However I can hear through the Music of the Spheres, which is actually God himself breathing my manifestations into my presence. I am determined to help every one win the Lotto, so that this new Music which creates the Hologram of the reality to be manifest, will be understood. I was a University Professor and a teacher of English for many years. I do not agree with any of the rules of English or correct procedures for writing references. I followed those rules and made students follow those rules, and I will tell the world now that those rules are changed once every six months just so the teachers will have something to use to control students. My studies were in the Fields of Communication and International and Multi Cultural Communication. The truths I found in these fields of studies showed that communication happens between two entities and the understanding comes from the frequencies between those two which include whatever consciousness that is being received. All communication happens about three feet out from the brain and then enters into the mid brain before the brain receives the information. Unfortunately, the brain disregards any new information and simply weaves the new into the old understanding and very little new information is received from the frequency signatures of the higher consciousness that is trying to enter the conversation. I actually learned all of that in the Field of Communication. It is very much like Multi Dimensional Communication. This is of no surprise to me, because I came to Earth to remove the tower of Babel. That is the Tower that caused us to create all of these idiodic forms of communication and language instead of using telepathing communication through our Frequency Specific Mid Brain. I also majored in Music for six years, and I'm quite aware that everything that is being called Sound Healing and Solfege at this time is not anything beyond the Science that is taught in Physics of Music. Solfege is just talking about the same modes used in Gregorian Chants and pre Baroque forms of music. It was all a third dimensional memory tool for higher realms of music in other Harmonic Universes. So, I am making up my own way of acknowledging the authors that I admire. Everything that I write comes from massive amounts of study over a fifty year period of time and I resonate with some things I read and then remember that I had that same thought a long time ago. The fact is if it is true that we all have One Mind -- the Mind of God as we spin into Oneness with the Love animating principle, we really do each already know everything that is known by everyone who has ever existed in the Mind of God. That is the new Fact of Reality. However, I understand how each individual worked very hard on creating their textbooks and I am extremely grateful for the new light that they each brought to Earth. When the Tower of Babel is removed we will no longer need copyright law or even textbooks. However, it is important to leave textbooks behind us when we ascend because there are still many in other planets who will still need to learn how to ascend long after we are gone. I want you to go directly to Google and Amazon so you can read most of the books for free. You can then easily purchase them for your selves by pressing a button. Here they are: Joel Goldsmith, LIVING NOW, INFINITE WAY NEWSLETTERS, 1963, page 146 Joel Goldsmith, All of his Infinite Way Books I highly recommend all of the Infinite Way books. I can't speak highly enough of Ashayana Deane, and her fabulous job she did in Channeling ( in a way that actually brought some truth to reality). She is the only channeler that I think got most of the messages translated into English correctly. The information that she revealed mostly confirmed the things that I already believed were true. I had never heard anyone ever agree with me before. Her energy and integrity of bringing the Keylontic Science teachings to Earth deserve a Trophy in Heaven, in my opinion. I think everyone on Earth should be required to study all of the teachings that were given in Ashayana's workshops that can be purchased as DVD's, and I think they are available in the new streaming formats. The Azurite Press is the key Google word to find everything by this author. The Voyagers books reveal a reality that everyone on Earth should be required to know. This is the truth that can set us free from all of the old stories that never made any sense to me.. Title Voyagers: Secrets of Amenti Volume 2 of The Voyagers Series Author Ashayana Deane Illustrated by Anna Hayes Edition 2, illustrated Publisher GRANITE PUB, 2002 ISBN 1893183254, 9781893183254 The Sleeping Abductees Volume 2 of Emerald Covenant Cdt Plate Translations Series The Voyagers Series Author Ashayana Deane Edition 2, illustrated Publisher GRANITE PUB, 2001 ISBN 1893183246, 9781893183247 For best detailed study of creating the Merkaba correctly, I recommend reading Ashayana Deane, 2003, The Cosmic Clock Reset, the DVD and publications from the Phoenix, 2003 Workshop. I highly do not recommend studying Merkaba Mechanics or any of the Flower of Life Mechanics that originated from Thoth Channelers. I think everyone should read Baird Spalding's books. Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East This was the book where the Masters taught us that it is the Ganglia of Cells directly beneath the Heart where all of the activity of our Soul takes place. This is what I call the Crystal Heart. Those who speak of the Heart, should be speaking of the Crystal Heart, which is where the Soul lives and continulously examines our experiences. The Masters also said that the word God is actually a Frequency. They even gave the vibration rate of that frequency. Volume 6 of Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Baird Thomas Spalding, ISBN 0875165389, 9780875165387 Author Baird T. Spalding Editor Arthur Vergara Edition illustrated Publisher DeVorss & Company, 1996 ISBN 0875166989, 9780875166988

I highly recommend THE WHITE BOOK by Ramtha A person who actually ascended himself tells how he did it and how it is a reality for anyone who believes that they can learn to do it. Ramtha: The White Book Authors Judy Zebra Knight, Jz Knight

My journey of finding the Highest Frequencies was inspired by THE WHITE BOOK. Ramtha said we had to go to the Highest Frequencies to Manifest, so I spent the next five years finding out how to get these Frequencies. Ramtha was also the one who said that he went into the Wind to Ascend. If you stop with that idea, you will never figure out Ascension. It was later in his classes at the School of Enlightenment that he also taught his students to use the Merkaba technology of spinning outer band in a clockwise motion with the greatest frequencies of consciousness. He also taught the use of the merkaba symbol for manifestation. I'm assuming that the Wind means the activity of spinning the outer sphere clockwise with the Wind of the Breath and the Consciousness of Love that allowed him to ascend. His teachings agree with Ashayana's at every angle, but taught in completely different methodologies. Bashar, who is channeled by Daryl Anka is a version of ourselves from the Future. He also made many comments that helped me understand that we must go into the highest frequencies in order to manifest. If you google Bashar, you will find dozens of Youtubes of his teachings. It was the Guardians explanation of the anti particles uniting with the particles and spinning together that helped me realize a new reality. That helped me understand another statement that I heard one of these facilitators make about the Negative of the Picture is created in the mind of God. I finally deduced that the negative is the anti particle, or the spiritual form of the thing that must be brought down into the frequency of all dimensional levels. These are the bits and pieces of the puzzle that I put together one at a time over a period of about fifty years. My journey began when I was in Sunday School and continued as my journey in life corresponded directly to those things I needed to learn about Manifestation and Ascension. That journey will be told in my next book, The Quantum Odyssey of the Cosmic Twins. When I discovered Ramtha, and heard him talking about going beyond our cultural belief systems, I had just completed my Masters Degree and Doctorate in that exact subject of going out side of cultural beliefs to discover a new reality. I actually thought Ramtha had copied my thesis. That is how similar his teachings were to the things that I had discovered on my Journey. I think everyone on Earth should be required to read the White Book. It will inspire you to know that Asension is a reality that was common in the Normal Reality that we used to live in. Ramtha: The White Book Authors Judy Zebra Knight, Jz Knight Contributor Ramtha Edition 2, revised Publisher Brumby Books & Music, 1999 ISBN 1578730171, 9781578730179 This is where I began learning about God when I was four years old. The text used in the Christian Science Sunday School. Science and Health: With Key to the Scriptures Author Mary Baker Eddy Edition illustrated Publisher General Books LLC, 2010 ISBN 1153685965, 9781153685962 Amazon.com Barnes&Noble.com Books-A-Million IndieBound