Passage of Senate bill would protect Santa! day cares in homes The Grosse Pointe Vil- lage Association's 12th an- By John Minnis mg care 01 up to 12 chlldlen at nual Santa Claus Parade Slaff Writer one time was held under sunny, Grosse POinte Wood" and Blyant ~dld that whJle he cloudless skies Nov. 25, the other I\lIchlgan Cltle" wl1! not be couldn t pi edict how the Huu~t:: day after Thanksgiving. able to exclude chdd day care" would vote on the day care bill, The big guy himself made from reSidential m cas If a bill Iw pomted out that smce the em appearance much to now III the House IS apploved more conSel vatl\' e Senate ap the delight of spectators A "ub::.tltute vel ::.lOn of Senate proved the bIll, It was hkely the who lined Kercheval. Be- Bdl 687, whIch ha" been ap HOll~e would do hkewlse low, Danny Grunewald. 2. proved by the Senatt and 1'3now He saId that as an opponent of of the Woods, watched as III the Hou"e SOCIal SerVIces and thl' bill he had two chOices, 1) he let another of the bal- Youth CommIttee, WIll plOhlblt He could outright vote no, or 2) loons that Jimmy Hadgis, CItIes from prohlbltmg fanllly or He could WOlk to get gJ oup day bottom right. of the Shores gJ oup day cares as perml"slble Cal es, whIch would allow up to was handing out. Photo Ie"ldentJal u"e" A famIly day 12 children, taken out of the bIll. story on page 9A calC can have no more than "IX He ~aJd that If It appears the bill chIldren at anyone tIme and I::' gomg to pass no matter what b'10UP day cal es e down state hcensed day to conSIder the bIll at ItS Nov 30 care::. m resldentml neIghbor meetmg at 9 a m If the bIll gets hood" out of committee nght away, The CIty has acted to shut then that WIll still leave at least down four hcensed 1eSldentlal two week::. fOJ the House to vote day cares in the past yeal and a on the bIll befO! e the end of the half "mce the day care conti a se::.SlOn versy began The cIty's al'bTU- MeanwhIle, the cIty of Grosse ment IS that reSIdents takmg ll1 POinte Woods IS defendmg Its chlldl en for financIal gam are plohlbltlOn of day cares under Its operatmg busmesses Busmesses ordinance restnctIng businesses are prohibIted from resldentml flam reSidences m a SUlt brought homes m the Woods as well as by a state licensed reSIdentIal most cItIes day care operator who was Senate BIll 687 states that forced to dl::.contmue her chIld famIly and group day care care actIVItIes homes hcensed With the state Mary Roose filed a lawsUlt "shaH be consldel ed a IeSldentlal agamst the cIty June 29 charg- Ube and shall not be subject lng that the Clt}'S ordmance plO- to a speclal.use or lOndltlOnal hlbltmg busmesse<; In reSIdences pel mlt 01 pI ocedul e dIfferent IS va6TUe, uncon~t1tutlOnal and IS flam those 1equll ed for othel belectlvely enforced by the cIty dwellmgs" under the same zon- Her SUlt IS also seekmg dt least mg $10,000 m damage" and com t The bdl, If approved, would CO'3t'3, Intel est and dtto! ney'3' obVIOusly ovel ride the Wood,,' fees plohlbltlOl1 of day care opel a Roose was one of three h tlOns a" bUSllle""e" ll1 IeSldentlal censed resldpntJal day Cdl e opel nelghbOl hood" ators who received cease and The Woods CIty Councd deSist 01 del S flom the CIty after passed a IesolutlOn N 0\ 7 111 op pOSItIOn to the bl11 ,1I1d fm See DA YCARE, page 17A wal'ded It to stdte lawmakel" Stdte Rep WJllJam Brydnt, R GlObse Pomte Fal mE:.,I" oppo'>ed to Sendte Blli 687 m, It I'> WI Iently wlltten He "ald mo"t peo (~: pie don't mll1d a home day Cdre Mimmg manners ...... 2A \\ Ith one or two Lhddl en, but tlH'Y me oppo'>ed to home" tak School plan won't aid Pointes 6A Frosty's mtssmg 7A Woods council officially adopts Lookmg through PtJ~~{'~ a telephoto lens ...... IDA a permanent anti-pit-bull ordinance VtciOliS dogs Richard R. Schott cost more, llA ..,lllp l"l IJUll b"n \\ ,h c \c,'- •'.. By John MinniS "lnLI' the IMn \\ .1" £>nnueu ,iley ,lllel uncon"tltutlOncd \~ill be um Park discusses By Pat Paholsky ch of hI'> Me f,Lhott g<'h out Staff Writer hn\ e not Impounded coutmg fOl Pomte :\'orth, he \\',1" a "talp hull" \\d, unaml11oll"lv ddopted At thc l"ov ~1 nwetmg, Coun Ill' ",lld he \\111 lhl' "t Itl"tl(" a round? 16A 25 of hI'> '36 yeal S, \\ d'i Iecenth LhamplOn 111 the l\\l) mde lun III b) the 0Io""p Pomte Wood" Clt) cil\\ JIlI 11<, dog llcen"e,., 111101 mdtlOn" to lead tll! LOUlt to Pre"ented to hill. by the De He \\a" .11"0 " Dwmhel or the "ml-(]( Pit bull dnd dell'l ml ne \~ho ha'- a 11 Saymg 'OUt' to the Londu",on th,lt ,I bdn on pil trOlt Counul of the Ro) Scout'> of High School Bm'vI 'tIld <1 natlond1 Tht. 01dmanLC on,lbh ,11)(1 I" Amellcd, the Sl!vel Beaver l!-l mellt '>choldl I" \ (l V <;1mll,u to the emc IgenLy cil memher.., ,1f{1 eeo ,md 01dl'1 ed th£> hlghl'~t honor a counCil can At the UnlV('I~lt, of !'v11dllg,1l1, Pit hull b,1I1 l'11to\~ on a "CO\ltma..,tel for "el Schott \'von 11101 (' honr'l" In LI!OLl 1 (OJd" "I,ll ch OW1Wl" of llcen"c'd returns 22A vIce to ) outh trdck He h'1 ,Hluated \~Ith a ell' Whllt' the pel manent ordl pIt \)ull' \~ill thl n bl' notIfied of hlhlh re"ldl'nt" flOIll h'll bOlll1g t)J(' \l1 OJ kl'epmg an\ dog" knll\\ n ,I" Helga unveiled 23A When S< hott ".ly", "One of the h'1 e£>111 phllo"oph, nnnCl' take" efTect In 20 day,> t'(,lgf (,111111 glll1wnh flom Ilw 1\\0 "1l1h thal hI lI1g pH'domln,lIlt 1\ of ,111v 01 Wznter sports Ihl' dho\!' II--t('(I blrl'd" or un, ,I fit Irl Ih,lt he' ",ud I" ('xl Ipm('ly ",ud 1,I"t \\1 I k Ih,lt thl' c11y h,1', t)J(' Pit hull h,lI1 I" un('on"tltu prevIews .... . 3C wmhl n.,t Ion tl1l'11 01 rh,lllpngll1g III" lob h to proVide 'rc'l to I,lkl fOl mal ft( t IOn "g,'ll)',l tlon,,1 Cat11n "did no LOllrt d,lte'" A C1tV oInlnJ,11 \\,II(II'n ()) puh ,III the' 1('''Olllcr" th,lt ,Ill nr u'" "11)- ,pl L1fJc r))t hull m\ n('1" In hd\ l' 1)('('11 "d Hohday ",11, f()) p('op1(' to do thplr lob 1111' (11, \~ hill' puhlll ",&t)- (,m ( ,1111n hald Ow :\0\ Iii lulJng 1)( '',If('t\ I,lfio I (..Ill Impound entertaznment.. 4(' ,1nd ,It thl' ",lmp tll1ll' kl f'p till (I I' hd\p bl'<'n ,lltpmptlll!-: to III O"kLll1d (ount\ ('IILlIlt S....' PIT Bl LLS, pal((' 15A (O)1LILI kn(l\\n p11 hllll (J\\nPI" ('Olllt t)w Wdll!fOld lo\',n Classified 5C Richard R. Schott S('(, POINTER, pa~(' ],')1\

t ------~~--_...... _----~ December 1, 1988 2A Grosse Pointe News Gaodfellaws to sell papers Monday No matter what the weather Goodfellow packages Inelude plOVldes shoes for thobe who IS Monday, Dee 5, 's Old T.shll tb, brIefs, socks, cap:., need them, dental cal e when Ie Newsboys, the Goodfellowb, wdl scarves and gloves as well as qUIled and campet ships fO! the be out seIling paper!> a!> they Jeans, books and candy Also m. deplIved have for the pa!>t 74 yearb to en eluded m httle gills' packageb Goodfellow lists at e compiled sure that thel e WIll be no chIld are dolls dressed by local organI- by members of the DetrOIt Bom d m DetrOIt Without a Chllstmdb L.atlOns and mdIvIduab of EducatIOn Attendance Depall Plans fOI the 75th Goodfellow In addItIOn to Chl'lstmas pack ment GIft boxes thiS year ai, sale, With a goal of $750,000, ages, the Goodfellows SUppOlt a bemg packed at The Dett 01 were finalIzed by DetrOIt Ne\\s )'em lound shoe prog1 am that New.., columnIst Pete Waldmell, pleSI dent of the group fOl 1988 and a Grosse Pomte IeSldent Goodfellow dolls on display Waldmelr wtll be !>ellmg at MOlethan 450 Goodfellow hel lIght UI m dollb al e on dl!>play to the pubhc the New Centel One Buddmg at Thel e I" also a doll dressed as on Level One, 100 Towel, Re the corner of Second and We!>t Doolittle m the movIe "My Grand Boulevard thiS yea! The ndl!>"ante Centel. Ju"t webt of Fdll Lldy," cl httlc Dutch gill In annual bale enbuleb a merry the We<,tm Hotel lobb) \\ onden "hoe", a Raggedy Ann Chnstmas for 41,000 undelpllvi The! e Ib a doll d! eb!>edab U S doll, Cleopatra 111 gold lame, a OlympiC wmner FIOlence Joynel leged chJldl'en who might othel hlkel WIth leather boots and wise be fO!gotten 111 leotm d<" black flowmg hall', knapc,ack, a nun, and d dolt Sit gold and "liveI' medab draped Waldmelr said thele ~ue no tll1g down to a tea palty With around hel neck and long fingel adminIstrative expen!>e" "The he! bmallel doll men and women runnmg It al e mub pamted red, whIte and personally mvolved, many of blue The! e are baby doll", Thebe doll" represent the them contl'lbutmg theIr time. bl'lde" , dn Indian malden on a 11,000 t hat were dres"ed by peo money and effOlt all year long," wooden Iockmg hor"e, a .Japa pIp In 56 metropolitan at ea 01'- he bald "Every smgle dollal nebe doll m maIze and blue kl ganlL.atlOn" and numerous mdl- raised goes to the kids for whom mono WIth shppers on hel feet, vlduals GIrls between 5 and 8 Photo by Mdrg,e Rem' Sm,th It's collected" and a doll In a hospItal bed com- w1l1 Iecelve one of the dolls plete WIth the cast on her left along WIth thelr Chllstma~ pack, Mime your manners, kids leg and an mtl avenOUb tube on age of c1othll1g As part of Drama Week at University Liggett School. international mime O.J. l\nderson per- Farms awards formed in the middle school lunchroom - during lunch - Nov, 3. tree contract for next year ~CHRISTMAS HOURS ~, Four detained in double theft at Farms market :x: An $8,OOO-plus tree conti act Three men and a woman, all likely be I!>sued thefts. He asked them to return for 1988 was awatded to a Wm. f Monday - Wednesday: 10 to 6 of DetrOIt, were held Monday fol. The four suspects - two 39- the purse, but they sald they ren company by the GI asse lowing a purse snatchmg and year old males, an 83-year-old didn't know what he was talkmg Pomte Farms City Council Nov : Thursday - Friday: 10 to 9 theft of hquor at the Village male and a 23 year-old female - about and drove off. 14 ~ Food Market on Mack In Grosse were held for processmg Monday The suspects were stopped on Shock Brothers Inc submitted ~ Saturday: 10 to 5:30 POinte Farms. at the Grosse Pomte City Pubhc westbound Warren at Lodewyck the lowest bid of $8,364 for 51 A Farms woman's purse was Safety Department by Farms officers with the aSSiS- trees to be planted next year as _ Sunday: 12 to 5:00 .I taken at about 11 a m at the The female was released on a tance of a Grosse Pomte Park of- part of the Farms' annual pro- market, where she had left It m $150 personal recognizance bond ficer Ject. " i a cart whIle shoppmg, accordmg and turned over to DetrOit pohce The officer found the victim's The Farms IS now completmg to Farms pohce reports on an outstanding misdemeanor purse and wallet on the floor in the plantIng of some 50 trees In I elf's:: The store's manager also re- warrant One of the 39-year-old the rear passenger's Side. Two the medIan along Mack Avenue ~ "INeE 1900 J ported that two bottles of hquor males and the 83-year-old man bottles of cognac were found on The Mack plantmgs were a JOint were taken As of Monday no was released pending further in- the floor in the front passenger's pi oJect between the city and rJ KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE d charges had been filed against vestigation. The other 39-year- side. Wayne County d~lti.~»..:.taw~ ...",..."'(...J'~s ...... Y'::~~'\ ~~/ y':1';>,.:{N.-j" V4~ $ v-;;;'V ,,-"~..... $./~~;S-~~ the four Witnesses were unable old was released pending charges While questiomng the sus- to specify exactly which of the and was turned over to Detroit pects, the officers recovered $30 suspects took the purse and li- police on a traffic warrant. that was beheved to have been quor The store's manager ap- In the Victim's wallet. The case is under mvestiga- proached the suspects while they The suspects' vehicle was im- tlOn by the Farms Detective Bu- were sitting In a gray Mercury pounded reau and warrants wl1l most Monarch after the reported - John Muznzs WEEKEND CORDUROYS ,J

r-.v \' • v , (--' ~ ~, , , ___1 F~ f~ I T B I.A 1\ /j A l l'~ ~~ ~~

, " , ' ,f ...... I " ' =2 t ' ' 4 4 J ' t •" "'\ 1 ~i" ~k w The zndzspensable sport coat for men of all Soft, comfortable corduroy !'lack'> for casual ages. Navy blue accented wzth metal buttons wear Solid color WIth plaIn front, $ 45 , LIght wezght wool flannel, $225 All year pleated, $.55 Embro!dered motzfs $95 ~ hopsack blend, $195 •>J

"$ .' ~ I )-, , Giue him a handsome SPORT SHIRTS GLOVES ~ Jack, Nicklaus Golden Bear~ .~ .' (~ hlazer hy Hart Schanner ,. and Marx. Wrinkle-resistant polyester/wool. Lightweight enough to wear year-round; .-"" perfect for cruise and resort. Navy, indigo, ;J herry, green, grey, $208. Jacobson's Now Open guen(ngs "-, > ,I ," '~ 1 j 1

Long sleeve ~p()rt ~hlrt~ In ea,v cw (' h/('nd" all A (ille ~l'!('('t/()Il (If ~/OI e, 111 hnth I/I/('(/ and , cn ito n (I a II n ('I ~, (lllr! Vl',ella (Ian nl'/., IInllned mn(h'/~ Pl~,klll dl'l'/ ~}ll n, '('lJ('ne . j TradltlOllal alld h1lttoll dIm II ((}lIan $.'19 SO /amh~kU1, alld 011(' 'w' II 001 knlt~ $ 2250 to to $8250 $5500 tj ... , CHRISTMAS WRAPPr;n AT

s ~O 1900

KEHCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR • GROSSE POI:\TE ~ Monday Wpdnr"day 10 to 6 Thur'lday Fllday 10 In 9 SatuHiay 10 to 11,3D Sunday 12 to 5 W. 1D.lcom. JacobMm'. ChaP'QI,MCUlterCard: VISA: and Am.rioan l:rp,.. ...' COl'lV.llflll'lT HOLIDAY HOURS. Visa 882.8970 Mastercard ~ 'hop until 9 p.m. Mondofl'hrough 1Mdafl. Until II p.m. on 'arurdau, 11M 1M'~. I Yo ~ ;.t..::~..;$~ ('<;~'¥'1'fr "

I , ~~~--~~---~~~ ------~------December 1, 1988 3A Grosse Pointe News Historian criticai of Grosse Pointe's preservation efforts LOuld hdve qUlzze'- In the news By MargIe ReinS Smith Pal k Sel vice as <1n agency of out by gJaduate ..,tudenl'> who 011(' loom '>ehoolhou'>e on Mdck tdke them down, at led~t lone "0 Staff Writer n,\t UIdl Ie"uUI le'>, ,. "he ,>ald \\olk III the field Team.., ofhl'>lo A\pnlle ne,1I LochmoO! th,lt new con"tluctlOn Isn't pdper to keep people lookIng at Gu,lI dl ,1II.., along Lake'>hol e "But thele's albo a huge Ulmpo 1lln,> Clnd ,II chltects WOIked on "It\ Ilot alway" tl1(' gllt/y '>Cluee/ed mto .Ill dl ed thdt \\ ,I,>, ,1I ehltectul e They LOuld have ell e all ('I (''>Oll' nellt thdt deals WIth hl"tol'lc Ie :l2 pi oject" Id"t summel She '>tull t h,lt \ Important," "be '>ald h l'>IOIIL,dly, olle e,>Llte \\ ,likIng tOUl"" They could per- The 10"'> of the Punch & Judy "OUILeS My dlvl"lOn. the HI"tOlIC '>clld then I e"p,lI ch I" compJled, "We "I)olIld he pll'"en ll1g cot "011(' of Glo'>"e Pomle" pi ob ,>uddl' "dlO01., to mclude (](>cal The.ltl e I" .1 ::,hame Al chltectul e BlIlldmgs Surveyl edltpd ,md filed dUllng the I e'>t ldge", filling ..,tdtlOn", ,>tOIe lem;,.' "he bmd, 'be"lde" the ap hl"tory) m the CUlllculum They The Glo'>"e Pomte Centl al LI HI"tOlIC Amellcdn Engllleel mg of the yem Ledch edIts doUi h onh, hotel'>, p.lI kw,1y" Tlw .lIlly, I'> tha.t theIl"'> not d hIghly LOuld Idlly loeal m ehltects Keep bl ,1I I' buIldll1g, de,>lgnl'd by Mal Recol d (HABS/HAERI docl! ,Henl'> ,md" I e"eal ch UII ]('nt tl eml 111 hhtol'lc pI p"el vI'>lble hl"tOl Ic,1I ,>ouet) It',> tl e ment" and I eeord'> bUlldmg.., by ~,ome proJech In Mlchlg,lI1 I.1'>t \ atlon mclud('" ldnd'>cclpe, pal k", h,lI d to belt eve .I lIttle th('dtel h"l!ldl' to d!'Chltpclule Do a bIg POll1te\ mo"t <,lgl1lficant Mchl u"mg photo", mea '>UIed dl e1WIllg'. "ummel' mc1uded onp ,It tlw "celllC dll\ P'>. even camp (lIke the Punch & ,Judyl U!uldn't PH c,l1npatgn - whIch, I know, tectul ell gem" dlld 11I,>tolIe lepOlh," "he ..,dld ~leeplIIg Beal Dune<" ,I light glounc1" " mdke It It '<, tune, funds ,md finesse .. Ne\1 honle" ll'pldung Ldke We ,>et ..,tdndelld" 1m ple"el\,\ hOlN> JJ1 the llppel part of the Hl'fellll1g to the 10..,'>of "everal t/wle',> not lI1uch d h,ll1dful 01 1"1\ U e(lIt,> die a val!able as "hOl e',> d('moll"he(\ 111,111'>10n'>, In tlOn natlOl1\\ Ide" 10\\('1 ppnll1"ula, tlw UP',> COPPPI of (,IO'>"l' POll1te',> I11d11'> IOn" , Slo pc'oplp Cdn do' Inuntl\es A '>Ul\er I., neces "ome ld'>e'>, .II e g,111,>h, ther Ie Leelch I.., d 1976 h'Jddu,\te of Illll1e,>. ,md the Illlnol" and MIlh lwlHll '>1 ,lIld H(J"(' reI IeKe, '>he Ledch "did ,I loedl hl"tOl](,11 ",II I . You c,m't do much untJl IMCJ...t:d tlghth 011 too ,>nklll loh, GIO""l' POll1te NOIth She glddu Ig,\n c,mal ...,11(1 '-,1I1 (' the"l dJ(' Impi .Ill I ~O(,If'tr npl'd" to pducdle tl1[' com IOU "1l(J\\ \\ hdt\ hel e .. they'l C' not de~lgncd \\ Ithm the dtc'd flom OhIO We"le1'an UI1l Ledeh Wd'> 111 tcm n 1'\0\' 4 G to cd to hC,ll BUI :f \OLl )1<1\(' If) 11llll1Jt I FOI In"tdm(', the, ~Ill' '>dld thelt I,ll ge e,>tdte.." hl"IOllud conte'.t 01 LlkeshOll \('1 "It l' \\Ith deglC.'e" m JOUIn<11. pI e'>ent " p,lpel ,It "Amellc,m,> \1 hen thel dedlly dl en't \ lable, So "d," fOlIlWI Glo'>"e Pomtel I,>m and ,1I t hl"tOly, dnd Idtel ,md the AutomobIle," ,1 conlc'l "I)olIld be ,dl degl ee 111 .11 (' nc e '>pon "01 ed b) the Socll'l v fOI Ch,lIlge'» to be blOken up II1tO the N dt IOlldl Pal k Sl'l \ Ice m chltectul <11 Im,tOl y fI om the U 111 Comnwi udl AI ch'.lPology hmhr!on, DC \C'I "It l' of Vn gll1Ia, School of AI' ,111"\\ c I" to pi oblems Tadored ' the HpllI y FOI d M u"ellm ,me! It ':IIP '~d .. ~ td ...t \..L~tu~:~ L!lllu.LllIe, 1\ llli tOlIC pi e"'el \ dtlOn The ::.oewty I" COl1(el ned WIth people \\ ho don't hke It, but tlOn, Ledlh '>dld But eflec!lve She !I\L'" now 111 AIIIl1/-,rtOIl, ..,tlllctllle", <,Ign., dnd <,yl11bob 01 ~omet In1(''', m ordel to pi e"e1 ve a ne,,'> I" dh\ d) '> dt the local le\ el V d , jtht .ICIO"" the II vel It om Amellca's comnWl clcii pI ogl es" comml!l1Ity, '>omeone has to for It nel'd" "tdtl' ,\nd county mcen hel fel\OIlte cIty - Wa"hll1gton - hlgh\\ , bll., <,tatlOns, dmel s, ('go pel ,>ondl taste tlve" It has to be a finanCIally 'I fell mia'll' \llth W d'>hm6>ton Illotel.." fdlrhTJound", amll"emenl "Gl eed play;, a large factor \ Idble ploject And thel e has to 111 the "umnJeI bet ween my jun p,u k" ,1nd the like Some people ju!>t want the 1)(' ,I lI"e for the buIIdmg 101 and ::.el1lOl yeal when I dId PI e"el Vdt IOn I::' not ju..,t ubout ll10ney out 01 d buIldmg or a '11\ d "Iume In d commul1Ity dn Il1tel n"hlp 1,1,>, Idncl"c.1plllg, pdl kway.., "Thel e dl e thousand" of hiS ,\nd educatIOn ,md people \\ ho plelce, 111 tel m'> of hveablhtv - Gual dl ellb along Lake::.hOl e 101IC dl..,tIICt,> at ound the coun appl eUelte then ::run oundmgs - the Snllthbonwl1 - the pdl k.., - \\ ould be a dl"d"tel A 10\\ el IIY," ..,hl' .,dld "Why um't a com It'::, a shame thele'b not male It'" d!f!icult to he bowd 111 Wa"h '>peed limIt could leduce the d,m mUlllty WIth our fInancial d\\ dl ene"" 1'01 then hIstory mhrton, DC' gel of dll \ mg mto the ldke " I P,>OUIce., hdng onto a dozen "Ple<,el vatlOn shouldn't have HABSIHA ER find.., pi oject.., Lp,lch pomted out '>ome ..,uc buddll1g,,? Thew'.., '>omethmg to be fOleed on people" " of bUild ce,>..,11I1 Iu ,>tOlle pI e'>e1\ he ,>atd. "Ifs l1e\ er too pO"lllOn for mal C than a yem She saId the) fucu,> on thl ee Shol e'> police "tatlOn, the GlOs"e ldte" Sara Amy Leach "People thll1k of the NatIOnal month <,ummel proje(!'> carned POll1te ACddemy bul!dmg, the Milk River dredging aground in depths of sailboats' keels gOIng to have to be dl edged, At the end of Apnl 1989 Lake By John Mmnls and P ,u k!> and Recl edtlOn Dn ec boah, the counul I" no\\ dIVIded The pstlmated cost of dl edgmg St Clall I" e'.pected to be about Staff Writer tor D J Hallmdnn to begll1 mak. \\ hethel to contll1ue WIth the ,I cdnal 50 leet WIde, 240 feet \\ h,\t the co.,t will be 01 e\ el1 If 8 ll1ches 10\\ PI' than It wa;, 111 A dl::,pute ha;, at Isen as to mg speCificatIOns and commg up ploject long and 3 leet deep I" $50.000, the dl edgmg IS needed He '>dId ApI tl 1988 whether the dl edgmg of the WIth cost estimate" fOi dredgll1g Mdvor PIO Tem Robel t Nov OJ $37 50 pel cubIC yard, accOl d that If the dl'edgmg IS needed mouth of the Milk Rlvel at a channel to the lake Itke '>dld evelyone wa::, undel the ll1g to a fh,rUl e obtclll1ed by Hall only beeeluse of a small numbel Novltke "aId that If the lower Lakeflont Pal k harbOl IS neces The City had hoped the dl edg assumptIOn that the dledglllg mdnn Novltke ::.atd anothel estl of saIlbodb, then It would not be Idke levels Impdll'S the harbor "aI'\, for all boa tel s or If the only mg could be done by next yem'::. had to be done to keep the har mdte lequlles havlllg to dledge fall' fO! the taxpayers to pay 101 fm many of the bOdtel s, then the on~s benefited will be the hand bOdtmg season, but afteJ le,H n bOl opel atlOnal After the Recl e 2,000 winc 1',11ds elt a co..,t of $13 '>omethlng that only help.., ,I few cIty would have no chOIce but to ful of owners of sailboats WIth Il1g at a RecreatIOn Committee d{lOn Committee meetll1g, hol'. to $18 a y'lId, or a maxm1Um of He "cud the cIty hds to detel ha~e the dredgmg done fi>..ed keels meetmg last month thclt the e\el, Novltke saId It appeal" $'~6,OOO He "elld he ha" even mme the dl elft of all the bOd!'> In September, the councl! dl' hemd an e,>tlmate a'> hIgh as costly dredgmg - I angmg flom there IS enough dearance m the I eglstered III the hal bO! to detel lected CIty Adnul1lbtratOl Clerk In Septembel the Grosse $:~6,000 to $250,000 - mIght not channel to allow passage 01 $250,000 mull' If on II' .,mlboab Chester Petel sen to contact St Pomte Woods City Councl! dl Novltke saId It'" too eally to be needed except by the mmonty power boats and sailboats WIth enth thl edtened by the 10\\ \\ d Clan' ShOles lesldents hVlng Iected city engmeel LallY Pate of boatel s WIth fixed keel sail. retl actable keels tell how much of the harbOl I.., tel le\e\'> along the cdnab that lead II1to Of thl 248 hoat "lip,> \ n tlll' the MIlk Rlvel ,md who would hal bOl dhout 10 al e OC(upll,d hy ,II"0 benefit Irom the dt edgmg Airport committee develops statement of purpose <,adbocll ... NO\ Itke ::,atd The counCil \\mild hke the By Ronald J. Bernas mIttel's Iunded by the FAA rela bllllg \\ Ith them wncel n" about to be 1Il\'ltpd to the meC'tlllg" of Counulmdn ~'I!II,lIn WIlson c,mal homeownel" to "h,ll e 111 Slaff Writer tlve to the expansIOn of DetlOlt '>afety and nOise pollullon tilt' md,>tel pldn comrmttpe, Kmg "dld the city engmeer \\ .1" ch. the co..,t of the dl edgmg The cIty The ad-hoc rommlttee ap CIty All pOI t Kll1g satd WIth the !ell gcr jet" ~ lid but tlw ut v hcl'> not yet Ie I ected to tel" e 11101 e "ou ne!mg" I'> con"ldelll1g dIVIding the co'>t pOll1ted e,lI Ilel tim, yem I epl P The comnuttee \Ias 100med 111 come'> nOIse pollutIOn, wlll<.h ,>pollded la'>t month He ",ud the "ound of (h edging by the numhel 01 sentmg the Pomtes and Hal pel Aplll aftel d numbel of re::'ldents \\ ould cau '>e depl PCId tlOn III KlIlg '>dld hI'> COlllllllttee 1\III mg" are needed to delel mille the dock<' 111 the hal bOl and ,dong "Voad::, mtel ests 111 the plOposed e"pl ess('d concPI n fOl safety e1nd ploperty value., 1l1l'L'l ,It the <.h,llI'<' pled"ul e 01 be"t ,mgle to gpt to deep \\ cltel the calldls, WIth edch doch 0\\ nel e'.pdn"lOn of DellOlt City AllpOit 101 the InCI eased nOIse from low '(The committee WIllI seek \\ hen ne\\ IIlIOJ matlOn need" to 111 the lake !Mymg an equal shale no\\ has ,1 purpo'>c ..,tatement, fly mg plane" that I" "UI e to ac c1'>'>I'>tance flom "tatc' dnel locdl bc pi (''>ented to the membel., He ,>ald till' Al mr Cm P'> of Md YOI' GeOl ge FI eemdn '>aId but no ndme yet LOmpany all pOIt e'\panslon The govel nmental agencle<, cmd om Thel e " no pOlllt In holding Engllleel.., expect,> e\ en Jrm ('I the cIty engmeer and the Pal kh Wood.., counell \\dS the fil "t of clal", and propose COUI"e'> of ac I eguldl Illeetmg,> 11I,>tto hold d watel le\el'> III the Gleat ,1I1d RecreatlOn Department wl!1 CUll ently called the Glos..,e the fi\e Pomte" to pa"s d le.,olu tlOn to the I e::,pectlvP IlIdyOl '> nll'et mg," he ",lld th,m those e'\I)(,1 IelKed la'>t 1'em ha\ e the watel depths detel Pomtes Hal per Wood;, Stud) tlon oppo'>mg the alqlOlt expdn ,md ut\ counCIl.., \\ Ith the objec ACUJldlllg to thc NOlell1ber mmed dnd co"t estimates WOIked Committee fOi Dell OIt CIty All "IOn tl\ e of presel \'ll1g Ihe pedce, Othel membel.., of the commIt I epOl t of Ihe CO! p" 01 Engl neers, out m tIme fOl the council's Dec pOl t, the eight membCl commIt. ..\CCOIdmg to JdCJ... Kmg. \\ llO qUll't he'llth, "clfet). tlanqUlht1' tel' ,II e Tom Sullivan, I epl c.,ent the Lake St CLm \I,llt'l level at 12 nwetmg tl'C' met N 01' 21 cllld "tated thell h co chall mdn of the comnllUee ,md quahty 01 life r1'> \\e knO\\ IIll( the P,ll", Lloyd Semple and the end of ()c tobel \\ ,I'> 1') IIII he'> He '>aId that until the council pUI po"e I'> m pdl t, "to deteJ Illme \\ Ith AI t WI1IIc1m.." the commIt It, the pUI po,>e "tcltement con BI,melon RogPI'> I epl e<,entmg the !O\\ eJ th,m It \\ ,I'> ,\ ye,1l ago ,1nd hel'> mOl e mlOl matlOn, It cannot tll(' fdc!'> I elatl\ e to the e"pan tee I" concel ned \\ Ith the e>..pan dudes F,ll m", Paul Bedupl e fOl the I mche" Ill\\ ('I th,ln a month ma ke a deu ,>Ion concl'l n II1g tll(' ~lOn of DetlOlt City All pOlt, de -.,lOn becdu"e II mIght mc1ude dn Also c!I"C'u"..,ed at the meetmg \\'o()(l,>, ,James Wllght fpl the ,Igo The \\atel leI el I'> e'.peckd cll edgmg t(,1 ll1me \\ hat actIOn,> the Ic.,pec c:a'>t we,>t lUI1\\d} \\h1(.h \\ould \\ d'> the $400,000 1-,'1\ en to the ~hOl c..... and ,Jame" Leldlem Iep to he clllOthcI 1 mche'- lower by The Rpcl etllet nWdn plane" \\ould he flymg 10\\ CltV flOm the FAA fOi .1 mcl"tel J(''>enh Hdrpel Wood" KlIlg 1 ep the (,1ll1 of thl'> month The I(m WIll I eVJe\\ the d,lta ohtamed offensJ\ e flIght'> OVPI their 0\ 1'1 the Pomte,> cllld Hm pel pl'lIl ,>tud}, lIlc1udlllg a 1101 <,e Il'o.,(,l1t,> the CIty 'lIlei Wilhelm,> l'l lllg Idke level I" ,Iltl dmted to ,I hI till' o.,oulldmg" dnd the need !Joundcllles LlIlc!) )0111 study com Wood" The low fl\ mg plallC's "tml\' The comlllittee 11<1'>'hked It'PI e'>enl-., Ihe P,II k "ed"onal decline thdt I'> (''.pected fOJ dl edgmg at \h Dec 8 meet

r?~. Dear Customers, If your home isn't keeping pace with your Lifestyle · · • Parking meter f":~~ For Your Christmas vandai caught J '~', Y , Shopping Convenience IT'S TIME TO IMPROVEI by Park police We Are Now Open II III ---~ 5:30 p,m. r\ melll \\ <1'>c,lught In the <1ct Monday - Saturday, 10:00 of \ ,mclflhllng p,1I kmg I1wt('lo., b\ Thank You, (,10"'>C' POlllte 1\lIk polKe ~()\ TONY CUE'I FR 1 ~ ,\CCOI(ling to cI police bulletm Puhll( ",lIpt\ officc'I<' ,Ill p'>LLd i 1](' 111.l11 ,It 2 1') ,I m ,md al'>o

I()UIle! h 1Il1 m po,,~e'>'>lon of plOp FINE JEWEL fiY , 1 t\ out of DpllOlt The m,m \\ ,I'> h' Id to! [)(.tl011 polIce' 20445 Mack Ave. • G.P.W. • 886.2050 Maybe YOUI' family is growing, Maybe your incollw warrant'- mnrp living "'pace, Two vehicles ...------.., ()r, m3~~hc)rnur entertaining need'-, df1mand mor~) ,;p:!C!). \Vh:!te\~()r the f('HSOn, WE'VE GOT IT ALL FOR FALL Moto)' City Modernization providC's quality craft.,man..,hip, (T('atiV(' de~ig-n and reported stolen affordahility to mak(' your home imprO\ ('nwnt.., a }'('alit~. in the Farms • 9 ReSurfaced Indoor TenniS Courts . i • Racquetball & Squash Courts r\\O ColI'> \\l'll "tol(n hom • Lounges & Free Chlldrens' ADDITIONS- - DORMERS p II hlllg lot'> olt hU"IIH''''> ('...Llh Supervised Play Area Roughed-In or Finished -- Low, Low Prices on all home improvements o ' I,,,hllllllt'> .!long :VL1Ck III (;)0'>"( • Locker Rooms Whirlpools & Saunas Prollll!' F,lrm,> Ic1'>t\\l'('k • Practice Area Hil11ng lane \'(OlrlIng to F,llm<, pollC'(' lP $ SAVE $ FREEDESIGN SERVICE pOlIo., ,I gl a" 1DR') (>ld'>mohll('

Il\\ 111 d 1)\ ,1 (;; 0 ...... (' POInt(. \Vood'> We wIll organize League Play Garages R~creatlon Rooms 24 Hour PHONE SERVICE 111,1n \\,1" t.lkpll fJ om ,I lot 1Il tll<' (or you or schedule permanent Windows Bathrooms For FREE ESTIMATE !' ml'>'> " 111<'; 1'11£'1(' \\.\,> gl.l"''> on Ill(' n- MOTOR CITY 777-4160 p j \, l1l1'l1t f) O1n I'. h(-I'(- t hp (,11 '> d I 1\ (' I" '> Hll \1 III d 0\" W,l" . j-'•.i \fJ) MODERNIZATION ,111" o.,l1('d \ WIMBLEDON , rh,' othf'r vphlc!P "I(-d 197R \ POllt ,,,( (',It,,lll1a. \\,1'> "to]('n Ill' Call Debby for DetOlls 21612 Harper Ave. No Money Down' t\lflll 1141) ,1m ,1I1d 2 pm 774-1300 \; 0\ 2;) flom r1 lot at th(' n0l1h Sf. Clair Shores, MI. . Easy Bank.Financing ?O?SO r 9 Mlle. Sf Clair Shores ,,1~t (()IIWr of M,trk ,lIld Y1010.,,>

• December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 4A Greasepaint Players to perform 'Strange Bedfellows' at South The GI ceI..,cpmnt PldYCI.., \\ ill ..,eveldl membcI.., 01 the GI Ob~C pel fOlll1 'Stl dnge BedfellO\\ "'," d £1Oll1teAl tl~t A%ocwtlOn, mdud WJll( dy III thl ee <.itl', by Flo,ence lllg Betty Prudden J.lld Nanty Ih el "on <.indCohn Cll'men.." FII Plofit, wmbllled thell 1lI tlhtlC dd v ,1l1d Sdt Uldd)', Det 2 ~~, dt talent.., P.J Wolak, Pduld dnd (;Io..,..,e POinte South HIgh LelllY RlIlk dnd Llllda Hilde '-,dJOol, 11 Gro,,'>e Pomte Blvd hI dndt posed 111 tLlIn 01the ten ('lIl tdlll I" dt 8 pm tm v lo,>tume.., The re"llltmg HI t Tltkeh ..hlblted m the "lOll Jlld 'f)350 101 "e11101utI/en,> lohby dlld "tudpnh The\ \\ t11 be d\ elil The l'\.hlblt mdude.., oil pdmt dhie dl the doO! FOl mOl e mlOl mg", <.l1dlCadI ,>k(.tthe.." p,t..,tp!s nldtlOn, cdll 8829'326 dnd \\ dlel wlOI.., Thel (' Ih no dd FOUl nwmbcI" of the Cd"t dnd (htlOndl th.11ge fOJ the exhibit Wayne State continues

P.}. Wolak as Clarissa Blynn Cromwell and Tim Reinman as free holiday concerts Congressman Mallhew Cromwell are members of the cast of "Strange Bedfellow'i," Reinman is a 1982 Grosse Pointe South j J It.: 1I dUltlUl! 01 11t.:t.: hullUtiy • lut.:.,Jti y, Dl:L G graduate. He earned a bachelor of science degree in computer The Symphony 01 thestl d Con wntel t" onel cd by Wdyne Stdte science from the University of in 1986, His parents live UI1lVel,>Ity contmueb thl'> ~eabon certo Contel t I" <,theduled 101 8 in the Farms. All concelt~ wtll be held at the pm TchdlkO\,,,ky'h "SWdl1 Lake" Community AltS Audltortum un and RO'i'>I111\ "Bdlbel of Se le'>s mdIcated Community Al t'i ville" \\-11 f)e played AudItOrium I'> lOCated on Cd'>'> • Wedne,>day, Dec 7 Avenue between Feny and Pal ,Jdu Ldb Bdnd.., I dnd II wlll ( COMPULSIVE EATERS mer on mam wmpus, Ju,>t nOlth )('1 fOi m dt 8 p m of the DetlOlt Public LlblUry • Fllday, Dec 9 • Free yourself from addictiVE' dependency Paltlclpdtmg choruses mclude The Women''i ChOiale, Conceit the WSU ConceIt ChOldie and (,hOi ale dnd Vocal .JdL:LEn.,em • Discover new ways to cope Mary Ellen Cooper guides Lydia Linebaugh in the foreground. the ChOl at UnlOn, mixed VOlce~ ble \\ 111 perform at 730 p m at • Learn to feed the hungry child Within you Krisan Humeston is in the back. conducted by Denm~ Tml, the St Aldan's Annual Chllstmah • Overcome feelings of helplessness Men'~ Glee Club, conducted by Concert Phone St Aldan'~ • IndiVidual therapy Derek Anthony, and the Wom ChUich In LIvonia at 4255950 • Female therapist MSW/CSW Christmas ballet recital en'~ ChOi ale, conducted by Debo for mfO!matlOn Admlh~lOn 1.., $5 Idh SmIth Student dll eetm 101 adult'>, $4 fOl btudenh and scheduled for Dec. 9 Glenn Cm los will conduct the ..,e111ors 886-1792 Vowl .Jau En~emble • Sunday, Dec 11 Semor and 10tel mediate mem pedO! mmg to the mU'ilC of GI o~se Pomte Ie~ldents )MI.tIC The U mvel''ilty Choru~es and bel'S of the War Memonal'~ Am on Copland \ Ipatmg ate LUl~ Mueller and Symphony Orchestra will hold - Corps de Ballet wlIl present The eveOlng IS for famllle'i, Rebecca Salomon theil' la~t conceIt of the hohday ::... ",,,,,".f. N'N\.*~ t~ I'. ....<... > then annual Chrl~tmas RecItal partIcularly young childl en ..,~ /..:, • Sunday, Dec. 4 sea~on dt 3 p m 10 the Flies Audltonum, Friday, Thloughout the evemng Coopel GREAT GIFT IDEA The Wo~en'~ Chorale and the Call the WSU MU~IC Depart ~" Dec 9 at 8 p.m wtll descllbe palts of the pi 0 Vocal Jazz En~emble WIll per- ment at 577-1795 fOl fmihel m- The program IS dIrected and gl am to the audience to encoUl ~ fOlmatlOn ?f dge a 6'1eatel undel,>tandIng of laI'm at 3 pm , MEN'S chol eOg!aphed by Mary Ellen "i Cooper, who IS celebratmg her the hl.,tory of dance 35th anniversary as dIrector of Coopm'~ ah~OClatIOn With the Chorus to present holiday concert ~ MOCCASIN Wal Memmial date~ back to the ballet program The St Clan Shm es CIVIC HIgh School dudlt011Um, on 11 'ihOltly dfter It was e.,tabh~hed, The dancers wIll perform an Chorus WIll present lib 25th an- Mlle Road neal LIttle Mack ol'lg!nal ballet, by Cooper, based tak10g over the program from SLIPPERS! nual Chnstmas Concert at 8 SelectIOns flom "The MeSSIah" , on nursery rhymes wIth musIc Olga Fncker, the centm'<, first ~ pm Fllday, Dec, 9, at LakeVIew will be mcluded as well as "The ( by Poulenc and a selection of ballet coach Double sole Free dance concert LIttle DI ummel' Boy" and "I'll "" ~~ early French dances to musIc by Smce that time, the War be Home for Chnstmas " 1'4H~~ canoe mac Bach. The Amencan mfluence MemOrial ballet pl'Of,'1'am has Donation IS $3 adult., and :b2 Warm lzned The upper school dance stu will be mtroduced with dancerc; 6'1'own dramatically Cooper now for sen10rs Maple or brown teache'> Monday-Friday from 4 to dents of Dorothy Boltz will hold (Red Snapper) Cinema League 9 45 P In and all day Saturdays, "A Dance Informanee" at Uol- leather- $36 95 WIth students rangmg from 5 verslty LIggett School on Sun- Holiday concert Sand suede $29 The Grosse Pomte Cmema thlough adult and all levels of day, Dee 11, a 2 pm 10 the arts Also In brown League wIll meet Monday, Dec elccompll~hment She teaches the wmg StudIO, 1045 Cook Road, DetrOIt EdIson Glee CI ub (Red Snapper) 5, at 8 p m at the War Memo Cecchettl method of c1db..,lcalbal- GlOsse Pomte Woods ChOIr WlII pre~ent a free conCeIt S leath er-lll! lllled- rial let, a mOle tl adl tlOnal ..,tyIe With Thl~ mformal dance presenta- Tuesday, Dec 6, at 8 p m 10 the \ $3295 PreSIdent Joseph P Me.,c;ana d purel Ime tIOn Wlll feature On6'1nal dance first floor chapel at St John HOb V; WIll pre.,ent a 35mm slide trave TIckets ,lIe $a for adults, compositIOns and !lve accompal1l pltal, 22101 Moro~s The public -) logue, "Fantastic ArchItecture," $1 50 for ~tudent~ 12 and ur:der ment AdmlsslOn IS free, and the IS mVlted g whIch Will 10clude the Elfiel pub!lc IS mVlted For more mfor- The conceIt IS sponbOl ed by l) Ticket'. may be pliltha~ed 10 ad k/ Tower and the Louvre 10 Pans, \ ance or at the door the evenmg matlOn, call the creative and per the Second Chance Healtline ;~ the Alhambra Palace In Spain, of the progI am For mOle mfor formmg arts depaltment at 884 U111t of St John, a g!'oup of {, the Coloseum and St Peter's matlOn, call 8817511 4444 former hemt bypass .,urgery pa Basilica In Italy twnts Architecture from the ancient The glee club, established In to the mode lOllwill be ~hown, In- Local symphony to present 'Nutcracker' 1932, has 42 members and fl e cludmg pnvate residences, apart quently perfO! ms at CIVIC and The Lake St Clan' Symphony day's IS 3 P m ment bUlld1Ogs, office structure." 1 <.ommumty centers thloughout Gift wrapped at city halls and churches Archl Orchestra and the dancers of Lo the metropolitan DetIOIt area ,] Tickets at $6 general admls- -tects Include Frank Lloyd Ru School of Dance v,III prehent Refreshments WIll be sel ved X "The N UtCIacker" SdlUi day and S10n and $5 fO! sentOl Citizens Wnght, I M Pel and Philip arteI the perf 01 mance In the hos ~ and students WIll be avmlable at Johnson Sunday, Dec 34, 10 Schaubhn pItaI'.... conference 100m, lowel J;j the dOOl or resel ve by callmg The pubhc I~ welcome There AudltOilum of Ldkevl€w HIgh level ,t; 15 a $2 charge for non-members School, 21100 11 MIle Road 10 Audley DdVIS at 7761012 The plus 50 cents for the social hour St Clan Shores Saturday's ballet IS bemg spon~OIed by '" performance h 8 p m and Sun Mdnufacturers Bank that follow'> Monda~ Tue,day Wednewlay 106 • Thur,d(!\ Fru/cn 109 ------COUPON.----., Saturday 10.5 30 • SIUi la~ Soon 'i I Why Pay More! 1 Visa 882-3670 Mastercard / > ,- I'~'S I"AFr- ONLY $6'00: fill J""."oo l TESTING . . 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& and revenue increases of about $500 mIl- hon for schools. School plan Why dId the governor torpedo a com pro- Imse on whIch both parties and other in- terested groups had been workmg for sev- ca lied no aid eral years? Ms Cook beheves the governor IS pOSI- tIOning himself for a re-electIOn campmgn to the Pointes In 1990. Many other observers tend to af:,Tree They pomt out that the governor ow that Gov ,Jame':> Blanchard'':> In fact, by hIS actIOns the governor ap- not achIeve the results for educatIOn that apparently sought to undercut state Sen new plan for financmg publIc edu John Engler of Mount Pleasant who IS catIOn In MichIgan hah become pears to have made the proposal baSically had been sought. On the other hand, the N a cut In property taxes, "mce in the first MIchIgan State Chamber of Commerce, planning to seek the Gap nommatlOn and more of a po!Jtlcal document than a reform year even he admits the plan would not whIch usually SUPPOlts Republican propos- run against Blanchard Untll Blanchard's proposal, there IS bttle pro':>pect It wJll be surpl'lse proposal, Engler reportedly had adopted by the LegIslature or even by the Increase revenues for the schools Instead, als, has expressed "cautIOus optimism" he claIms his proposal \vould raIse more over the governor's plan to hmlt property been looking with fa VOl'on a two-cent sales public jf It has a chance to vote on It. tax hIke as palt of the school financmg re- In hIs comments on the subject, the gov than $1 bllhon over a five year penod but taxeb even that estImate IS being challenged Dons Cook, presIdent of the Grosse form ernor contends that he offered hlb proposal For whatever the reason, the governor In Older to break a stalemate m the LegIs- Nor has the governor apparently yet 10- POinte EducatIOn AssociatIOn, affiliated dlcated how he would dlstl'lbute the new WIth the MEA, told Maq,,'1e Reins SmIth 10 has effectIvely kIlled a compromIse that lature But legIslator" Involved In the l1e- would have Improved the finanCing of pub- gotlatlOnc; still claim they were about to revenues that would come from the sales an intervIew elsewhme In today's Issue of hc educatIOn and helped equahze spending announce a complOnllSC financing plan tax hike under hIS plan Yet he called for a the Grosse POinte News that Blanchard's between the ncher and poorel school dlS when thf' govcl nOI got mto the act 25 percent cut m the local schools dlstnct plan apparently would neIther raIse tncts m MIchIgan. At any rate, It appeal b tl1dt the governor levlCs and put a 28 mill cap on all leVieS If enough money for educatIOn nor close the True, hIS own plan may be revived and now hab debtloyed the legIslative unanlm enacted, buch a plan would cut the Grosse differences In per-pupIl spending between Pomte levy to 23.80 mIlls from ItS present nch and pOOl'school dlstncts. revamped, espeCIally now that Gap Sen Ity In SUppOlt ~f a two cent Increase m the Norman Shmkle has added a provIso to sales tax by Iccommendlng, Instead, only a level of 31 74 mIlls That would reqUIre Her organizatIOn and other pro-school , 1 <.,uh<,t~mtiRlpl'ogram cutbacks unle"s the sTroups seek a plan that would prOVide ad- require the state to spend $300 mIllion une U~JlL 111M:: more a year on educatIOn and a mInimUm The ClltlClsm of the one-cent hIke IS that "tate made up fe))' the loss 10 whole or In ditIOnal state revenue for poorer dlstncts of 12 percent of Its general educatIOn on K- it will not produce enough levenue to m. major part WIthout taking money away from well- 12 educatIOn But WIthout a two cent sales creabe funding of educatIOn In poor school A funny reactIOn to the governor's pro- funded systems buch as Grosse Pomte's tax hIke, where would the addItional dlstncts In vIew of the governor's other posal has set m. The MIchigan EducatIOn They had supported the compromise that money come from? So the governor's plan proposal, which is to cut property taxes by Assoc13tion, whIch usually SUPPOltS the was kIlled by the governor's proposal. It still looks more hke a pohLlcal issue than a 25 percent for homeowners and 10 percent governor, has come out agamst hIS financ would have prOVIded a two-cent sales tax ing plan on the grounds It SImply would Increase, property tax cuts of $12 bllhon school funding reform to us for busmesses

IOIIIJRI-\1 llW,llll1J 1J1\!l \ \ PRUIJI ( r 11l\

P.... P.lh(jI\L.~ I J j Ju-\nnt BUI\:.r \~,\ IJnl tc Pu"-I t t"l Ro~tr Ih~e\ \l,j .i~tr ~1t'H kul.d. \.IJn.H!lr Pt'~e\ 0 (onnur "lIdr/ttt/\~ JnJ ( IJ.~~f,uJ \lJI J~t J Brnj.lmln (Jl/lffrr \;,\ ,WlI \IJnJi::(r Ih'hLl"h BI"

Robl'rt (, ~d~dl \ \1 14 1 I d IDr J. <.i I C:od tur~ lu I )f "ant '1ulhulB ~lh3 \\ \tJnt \IJr1J\~d Pal ROU;,\I'JU\Jk~ Pn rr u un Rrnet Lrobrn I'uhh,h" Rub h!ton )pult) I J I Ir hilln (hip (h,pm" Ikbr.lCrul.tcL.1 \ulbur tl'loo I J tOll.1ll (mul Jnl 'h"lt' (h., (k.mDtlla\ l!arm,H.1I Hobert B Ed~.Ir ROll.ald J Berni' ~IJH \~ r r (hm (ro~;, I\.lm :h.O{I(J""\~1 lun \tc~J.ul::hton John H \1111nl\ ~t.sff \.l" Ilia -\nn \:n Bt"\tI 'tm I '.alrnllc round"1 dnd l'uhl"IH j \:lnn ParmClJlerSIJff v.rt!{'f (1I'Olgtlli' \de.t 11'110 JlI,

Vol 49, No. 48, December 1, 1988, Page 6A 96 KERCHEVAL AVE. '1 mOll \11" fj( r \1 hI- l I \" \ I I Gro.,!>e Pomte Farm,. l'rhchlgan 48236 \ J HLH~J\ lid \Jt ..U \ .... f!JpU -\"'(

How to remember Spagnoli twas dIsappointing that another flurry Ical, carefully planned and orchestrated se- of charges and countercharges marked nes of events" that he descnbed as "repre- Ithe close of Joseph Spagnoli's long ser- hensible, Invidious, despIcable and vice to the Grosse Pointe school system. Insidious." Even the questIOn of whether the former But In the school system, as in other or- deputy superintendent had reslgned or ganizations, It IS possible to have only one been forced out by a "constructive dis- top person at a time and so Spagnoh's de- charge" was still being debated last week parture became mevitable. He refused a when the board of education finally ended request to resIgn ear her this year after his associatIOn WIth the system he had which, on Whritner's recommendation, the served since 1962. board unanimously agreed not to renew Over the years, Spagnoli had held a Spagnoli's contract which was to expire number of supervisory positions, ranging June 30, 1989. That action was followed on from curriculum coordmator to deputy su- Nov 2 by his resignation or "constructive perintendent. He also had served as in- discharge," as his attorney descnbed It terim or acting superintendent from Octo- Over the years, parents and other mem- ber 1984 to April 1985, when the board bers of the pubhc had pleasant relations was searching for a new superintendent. with Spagnoli while he was serving as cur- When the board chose John Whritner as nculum coordinator; secondary planning the new superintendent, the board named director; assistant superintendent, first of Spagnoli deputy superintendent and admmistratlve services and later as assis- awarded him a bonus for his services dur- tant supermtendent of mstruction; and act- 109 the Intenm period. ing principal and later principal of South It probably would have been difficult High School. under any CIrcumstances for anyone to To Whritner's credit, he Issued a state- have served as acting head of the system ment expressing his apprecmtion for Spag- for almost a year and then be asked to be. noh's contributions during his many years come the deputy to the new school chief. of service to the local schools and to educa- But it became clear early on that there tIon, and offering hIm best WIshes In hIS was a clash of personalities as well as a lack of understanding between Spagnoli future endeavors and Superintendent Whritner over the dep- It is clear that Spagnoli had done a good uty's new duties and responsibilities. job in the variety of positions he held over In addItIOn, Spagnoli was criticized by the years or he would not have been prom- the superintendent and the board for wnt- oted by the different superintendents un- Ing personnel evaluation summarIes that der whom he worked. It IS for those ser- were claimed to be more negative than the VIces, not for the recent unpleasantness, actual repOlts. Spagnoh denied those and that he WIll be remembered In the com- VOl able Impact on the cIty's munity and 10 the school system he served mvolved a mel chant on other charges and saId, Instead, that he budget for more than 25 years. Public safety Mack Avenue The mel had been made "the scapegoat for a dlabol. chant, a fUn'lel, had unfortu R.W. Rosenthal or more nately been robbed moments Grosse Pointe Woods Bush picks pragmatists plIO! to my arn val A fe\" money? fur coats and othel Item" Special thanks reSIdent-elect George Bush's early tentlOn of Treasury Secretary NIcholas To the Editor: welc c;till strewn about the Brady, Attorney General Dick Thornburgh Ooor of the c;tore I left the To the Editor: selections fOl' top offices 10 hIS ad- As a property owner resld On hehalf of the Groshe "tore ae; e;oonac; poe;c;lbleand PministratIOn suggest a pattern. one and EducatlOn Secretary Lauro F Cavazos, Ing In Grosc;e Pomte Woods, POll1te Vdlage A<;soclatlOn,I upon returmng to my car, part holdovers from the Reagan adminis- offer eVIdence that Bush wants to prOVIde I would like to thmk that Wl'ih to thank all the people parked on Mack, I encoun tratIOn, one part long-hme Bush friends a sense of continUity with the Reagan ad- one of the police depart \"ho made our parade pO'i';1 tered one of the Wood" park and supporters and one pmt tough Ideolog- ministratIOn. ment's pnmaty concernc; IS hIe It \"a'i a heautlful day to mg enforcement person" Ical conservatIves puhlic safety You wonder, c(.lehr.ltp the comll1g Chll"t In away, the deSIgnatIOn of RIchard wntmg an explrpd meter -';" .... .& 1 I 41 I ~, however, dhout theIr pl'lOlI- 1 t:\, Hew;,; ll::fJllI L"l IIlUILdLe LIIdL ule IlldJUI- tIcket for my car I at ma" "ea"on Darman, former deputy secretary of the tIC'> I have lived In the Every )eal there ale "pc Ity who have been named and who have tempted to a"k hpr If ':>he treasury and ex-WhIte House staffer In the Woodc;for a lelatlvely c;hort (l.tI pat dde "angel,>" who"e been mentIOned for top admlnlbtratlOn Jobs might want to somehow a<; Reagan regIme, as dIrector of the Office of period of time and have had contllhutlOn" make the pa are praf:,rmatl,>ts who will seek results even two une.,ctthng experlencec; C;1'itthe met chant who held Management and Budget, does the same Iadc happlcl Hood SaIl" If they do not always follow the tradItIOnal Just been lobb('d, "he mf'rely thing And the selectlOn of Brent Scowcroft that ctlOn ere.1t Lake'i, Inc kll1dly al conservatIve GOP lme the WIsdom of the U"C of our ['OntInued to wnte the ticket as natIOnal secunty adVIser retams the 100\('d\I" to u<.,et hpl! ,, POInte Dodge once tion under PreSIdent Ford and served on statl'mf'ntc; ,John H Sununu of New HampshIre who c;C'lvethe GPW police car" ,1gaIn gpnprou"ly plovlded 1I" several commlSSlOns, mcludlng the Iran- If a GPW pohcp c;POkP"P('1 WI]] be the Whltf> House chief of staff Sun- hIdden or parked unohtru \\ Ith the u<.,e of foul' npw contra panel, und<>r PreSIdent Reagan "on W(TP to take the time to unu I!:>an engineer who wac; a college pro- "I"ely along 1\1,lliC'r Road Dodge Dakotas to pull the nabhlng thC' 50 Yeal old I('"pond to my concPIn", I fesc;or b<>fore g(>ttlng Into PO!Jtlcs and IS True, some observers think that 10 hIS f1o.11<,Thanks al"o to Pomt(' "p<>edc;ters,"uch ac; mye.,clf, am "urp that tIw ,In"",PI" ,:>plectlOnof VIce PreSIdent Dan Quayle aq Elpctronlc" for lI1"talhng the known as a wugh politiCian With a l"eputa on our way to WOlk m the ,~mIld he thl' ohvlou" on('" -.ollnd "v"t{'m'i In Santa ''i tlOn for Clhraslvene,,':> well as hIS WhIte Hou~ chief of staff and mornmg Not long ago, my thp pm kmg enforcl'nwnt P{'I -.l('lgh and at thl' podium 111 He bru':>hes off CIitlcl"m of hl~ lack of the new head of the GOP NatIOnal Com "on dnd tlw pohcf' along next door nelghbOl'" hom(' fJOnt of .Jdcoh"on'" Other prevIOus Washington expel'l('nce, but It mlttee Bush IS showmg a tough stance .1 Marler atl' "Imply "dolllg ,~ac; rohhC'd at 10 m on a contrlbutorc; Includpd doe':>rm~e doubts as to whether he WIll be Yet Bush's actIOns, once he takes officf', thell Joh"" But you hegm to ;\(>ekday It I" dl"turbll1g Dlummy Old"moll1le, NBD wlll speak louder than any words uttered wh('n one thmkc; ahout pohce wandel' If thell pllmary con able to deal WIth a Dcmocn\tlc COnh'1"eSS, and Phillip F' GI('CO TIle ('('I nc; are of puhlIc "afety 01' to say nothmg of R£'pubhcans In Congre"s on the campmgn trm I Smce he needs coop- Cat" lymg m Wd1! along Co A ,,!wclfllthnnk'i gO(',:>to Mattl'r, I C'ndy to pouncC' on of Imsmg addItIOnal Il'vemw and Bush aldf'~ who may not "hare all of ('ratIOn and SUpp01t not only from the thI' (;10"<,(' Pomtp Rotary for thC'city Aftpr all, $40 for hIS conVictIOns Democrats who control Congrl's':> but from "T)('ederc;,whIle a home I" Cluh voluntepr" who hl'lpC'd hClng hlokl'n Into and 10 mde" over tlw lImit l'i On the other hand, Ru~h's de~lgnatlOn of the pl'ople as a wI101(>,hIS actIOns are .I" p.ll'ade mar'ihal'i rohfwd m hroad (hyllght qlllte .1 hpfty "um and .James Raker, trea!:>ury ~cretary and hkely to reflect more often than not the only a hlock away ('nr)l)gh of the'ie typP" of kmder and gentler AmC'!"lca that he has S(,l' LETTERS, page ItA former WhIte House staffer under Reagan, The other expenence I had finp,:>could hav!' a very fa as hl~ own secretary of state, plus hIS 1'('. saId he enVISIons. ---~----~------~- ....------

thmgs fil st.hand tiling to do With my dream, but of thp history of whIch I've The only thmg I know about fOl the sake of II vmg It, I would played a part m my role a" a missed want to see It JOUI nallst. Gl anted, my Impact I!:> I JFK Ib what Iread 01' watch We \ "tudled him m history cldbs, but I On May 8, 1945, the German!:> !:>lIght compared to Kennedy's I becdme more attached to It t '" ... ~llrrendered But It wasn't until and the atom bomb, but I hope a lot than that FII st of a II, I couldn't Septembel that same year that my history IS appreciated half as understand why Lee Hal vey ( SA4j , ~. the Japane!:>e deCided to retreat much EVe! Y week I ddd to hl"tory Oswald - or anyone fOl that - With the help of the Ul1Ited People like to recall hl!:>toncal with Ieport'> and score" In my mattel - could pull the tngger State,,' dl oppmg of the A bomb event" It make!:> for mtere"tmg 25 yeal S, however, I feel I hav'e I undel stand that O"wald could Hob Fulton My father \I d" fortunate convel satlOn, as well a" creates missed some Important chunks have been I'.lck, but klllmg a enough to !lve through It IF you many arguments I can argue of hlStOly preSident II'.IJ1compl ehenslble Celli th<1t fortundte He, unlike that hves shouldn't be wa!:>ted, With the Ielent attentIOn on I, too, wish I would have Ill,U1Y, IIve'> to talk about It dnd but I won't all,rue With the fact the el"Sd"Sll1atlOn of John FltL known the man who \\ai:> bO lduc~te people about It It\, hald that the Army, i'\avy, All' Force gerdld Kennedy, I was elb"Olbed mUlh d pal t of the ndtlOnal and opened It'" ObVIOUb a "tlong, 111 Hal bOl l1eet was de!:>tlOyed along fOl hlln to dl"CUbS the live" he\ dnd :\1al me" had to defend 111 the well chi ol1lcled TV IepOl h With Il1dl1y h\'e,> and dleam" 111 "een \\d"ted, and It'>. tough on 111 tel natlOndl "cene It "eem" to fluentlal and "Ull('",>ful pi ebldent Amellca and Plll1t medlcl alLOunh I me that on the <1nl1lVelbal y of n1clde dn IInpall to that genel a 1941 A I~ce to dlop the dtomlC hIm to hdve to relive It all when don't, hO\~evel, helve d full flavOl 1m de<1th (Nov 22) m<1ny people tlOn I only wl"h ! Wd" thele to bomb wa" on and the Amellcan" a"ked But I'm glad he"> \~Ith me I wa" born Il1 1963, 51 days befOl e Kennedy \\ a" shot I can't of the time" \I el e Iefdnllll,lIll.ed with, "A '>k be mfluenwcl "tepped up thell effort!:> to be the to t,llk dbout It I'm not d"kll1g fOl thll1g" to be not whdt yoU! LOuntl y do fOl Another Iemdl kable lI1udent, Iii"t I know I am !lvmg 111 tllnes lnlclgme the tellOl, the fear or I ellved Tern!.) mg thll1g" like \ au, but whdt you Lan do fOl which didn't t<1ke pldll' m my I WI"h I could, hom far abo\e thdt \\ 111 be a PUlt of hl"tOI y dnl-{eJ All I can do I" continue to IPdd the account'> of It all and aI- dedth and de,>tlllctlOn '>houldn't \ Olll lOllntl y " Ilfet1l11e, Wd'> the day Pedll Hal It dll, look do\\n and watch the someday, but It doe,>n't "eem to lc)\\ m) <1pplellutlOn to glOw for be Iepedted I am, howe\'el, a"k t\ldn\ people 111 my genel,ltlon bOl \\ a'> dUelcked by the JdPel \ e,lI '> unfold d" they dId from bL' the ~al11e In vedl" fJ Olll no\\ ll1dl\ IdUdls \\ ho have "eJ \ ed thiS lI1g fOl the unp()','>lhle (iJ edm to 11MY not hd\ e known who b<1ld ne"e On Del 7 \I e \\ 111all Ie!lve 1941 1945 My fathel ben ed 111 pf ople 1"111be Iead1l1l-{thp Glo""e "tep balk 111 tll1W dnd \ le\\ th,;t unt1l ,dl the book'> \\Ple Ie the e\enl'> of th,lt dd\ 1'1)(' Pedtl W\VII I'm '>1lIe thelt hdb "ome POInte ~e\\ '> 'll1d Ieddll1g ,>ome countl y

I j Grosse Pointe News ,[

J~ Margie Reins Smith ---~~/------_.Stocky bUIld Plasttc "tOl m 01 Novembcl 191.'3 - one Name Frosty. Local of the \\orst evel, and an explan Last seen. mmdmg hiS own atlOn of hO~1 Dopplel radal meteorological busll1ess, 111 front of hiS own WOlke, home, in Grosse Pointe Woods Weathel buffs, what'~ normal trivia The chubby fellow has disap- for Dec.embel 111 DetlOlt? On Chllstma,> Day 1982, De peal ed agam - for the third Sl!iars says hIgh temps of 35, tlOlt recorded dn afternoon tem lo\\!:> of 22, one day of zero or tIme peratlll e of 64 de6'1'ee!:> A sail Kippy Kosorski says he's not less, 26 day!:> below freezmg, boat was bpotted on Lake St a runaway Somebody kIdnapped three cleal days, 105 mchee, of Clair hIm And she's angry !:>nowfall, 14 days With one or On Chllstmas Day 1983, De- Her plastic Frosty the Snow- mOle lI1ches of snow, and an av tlOit was wmdy, bitter and cold man, a famIly heIrloom ("He er<1ge of 165 mll1utes of sun each With d mornmg low of 10 de- was my husband's grandmoth- day 1,,'1ees below zero and an aftel- er's") was stolen tWl(,e last year "1989 DetrOIt Weather Book" noon high of 4 Woods pubhc safety officers were I!:>available at local bookstores DetrOit's year With the lpa!:>t gettll1g to know thIS guy pretty for $5 95 Or send a check for bnowfall? 1936 37 well. They once rescued him $7 45 (1I1cl udes postage) to Most snowfdll? 1880 81 from a lawn on Kenmore They Weathel Enterpl'I!:>es, POBox Farms I eSldent Mal Sillars, even took a mug shot 36733, Grosse Pomte 48236 WDIV-TV meteorologIst, has "We came home Saturday published the fourth editIOn of I1Ight about mldmght," saId Ko- hi" Detlolt WeatheJ Book The sorskl, "and he was gone agam. 88 page paperback contall1s The police came over about 1 every bit of chmatolof:,'1cal tnvla Kidnapped a.m. Sunday mornmg With a car you'd evel want to know about Pretty soon we're gomg to be full of stuff they'd found - candy 1)('tlO1t all about the drought of beell1g thIS dude'!:> face on mJlk canes and another snowman and '88, lake levels, I ecord settmg cc1lions a vanety of lawn ornamentb " Idm" and "nows and wmds and Del'.CllptlOn about 4 feet tall But no Frosty 111 the IIl1l'up heat ,me! cold, even an analYbls Last "een weal'lng a hlaLk helt "I lu"t want hIm b,llk ' '>he of the event'> thdt led up to the and a red "Cdl1 Pall' COJ11plp",lOl1 ,>,11 cI

Clal tnal exammer for the New We~t Berlm to a standstIll by More than 200 fathers and York School Dlstnct recom belzll1g Western cal s which son" from all Grosse Pomte com- Dec. 4, 1952 - mended the dlsml"sal of seven crossed over to the SOViet Side mUl11tlCb attended a meetmg to The New YOlk Times repOl1,ed dIstrict teacher" who refused to AuthontlC!:> believed the selZUI e hedr the story behmd Little that PreSident Han)' S Truman, answer questIOns about Com of the Celrs was part of an ongo League baseball and learn plans dlscaJ dmg the counbel of hiS eco mumst party tie" II1g generdl hm ras'>ment of for the orgamzatlOn of a four- nomic stablhzatlOn offiCials, ap A Glad"tone bag contammg We..,terners team leaf:,rue m the Farms the proved the wage conti act undel $200,096 111 cash was found 111 a VIce PreSident elect Richard followlI1g spnng whIch coal mll1el s would I ecelve $25 a month room m Queens af Nixon took the oppOliumty of a PUI chase by the Farms of a a full $1 90 a day II1crease tel' the 70 year old tenant - a guest appeal dnce before the pOltlOn of the RIchard School The InternatIOnal Monetary shabby, eccentnc man WIth hole" MeXican Conf:,'1ess to reassure playglound area east of Mc- Fund announced the dismissal of m hiS trouselb - was found Latll1 Amellca that General Millan road, for addItIOnal park. ItS secretal)' Frank Coe who Ie dead No one wa" SUIe where the D\\ 19ht D Elsenhowel's admm mg space for Kercheval Avenue fused the prevIOus week, to tell money, which took pohce four I"tratlOn would Iell1fOl ce the buslI1e!:>s dlstnct,was scheduled senate II1vesllgators m New hours to count and mcluded one bonds of We"tel n Hemisphere fOl diSCUSSIOn at the next board York whether he was or had $10,000 bdl, came flOm, but the I('!atlOn'> of educatlOn meetll1g tf1 hIt, Chuf\::h A <.,1m)' IInc1Pl thp hpelr:lllnp ever been a CUIlIIIJUIlI"t UJ <1 "uh tcnanfs ;\ III 1cft It verSlve agent takmg ordel b fJ om Without advance \~arnll1g, So. 'Gal ~£llior put" men to shame," Commul1lsts Viet !:>ectOl authontJe~ blought told of a \"Omdn - the only Pomtt'r guy 01 gal - \\ ho sailed And 111 ;\e\\ York City a "pc motor tl affic betwe£>n Ea"t and 111 a race late"t m the yea!, Nov 28 :30 In Grosse Pointe, the CoUdge Ho"pltal'<., expan"lOn, Gro,>"e Pomte Harpel Wood'> \\ hlch wa,> to double It<, cdpaclty, Health DI"tllct dl1nounced that \\ a" rapidly pi 01,,'1e<.,,,mg The ad- ______.... thpthan Il1cldentsdouhled "mceof polIOthe hadpreVIOU"more ditIOn would house a new opel at mg Inom and complete faci htles Mary Brieden yea! Thele \\ele '30 La..,e" of po fOJ the matell1lty department, 110, 13 of \~hlch c,lu,>C'd pdldIY!:>I,> and add room fOJ 100 mOl e bed" Registered Nurse In the plevlOU'> ye,lI, th('le \\ele The co<.,t \Va" ,>et .It $1 4 millIOn 14 Cel"e" of pOlIO, on]., two of The 1953 Pdckmd convel"llble \Va,> one of <'('ven luxury models f-'( (, MI ('I'll \\ hlch L Book ::,t Phllomend Cdthollc put out by the P opC'lwcI Il'> c>.ppcted to be a .\11'1 ~ / Slrl'l P Actlf''''' ,wce wa" Lalled "both functIOnal blg bellel \11th It ... 180 1101'>(' :\lovle l>lr!) DIIIIC 111M 111 111 po\~el cngll1P and llltlllmatic no 4211r1 ,"'111'1 I chdrdctel ,wcl h('dUtlflll It<, Play c!pvotlon,tI ,>Impllcltv .. '>hlft tl an'>ml'>'>lOn TV:-,ho\\ ('u/l/mh(J :\'e\\ ,>(""tel J1m I ('rlln I IIUM(' 111, 'l'l'l\l,tH lll"n"j III1L L-,d,II,1t illlf'cl1I11l1.m ''\,'1l11g :\1ill-{all 11(' 111 Free trade treaty to be discussed ''\I'[l''II'I1' It (H'ln, 'lit' I'I,tllHd IIUlI' h,'glll II '21) Ithu Colllml1l<.,t JIIII Flfzj.!I'udrl TIl!' Idrl1lfiwtlOn,> of th(' '>ched !,pmH'UX ha<., ,,1'>0 '>Pl\pd In oth('l /)1 fUJlI F,I'(' 1'1 I ~~ 'ell (II '1\' 1\ Iii iI'l, ir"Tl\ ~)0 \ :\,( \\'>pdpel llied :\'ov 21 :\',ltHlI1('1VI((' ('(JIIIIIIV :'v1u <,\( P!lLllOl1'> 011 AmelIC,1l1 C,U1acllfln pO<.,ltHll1" , I11cludIl1g hOlI,' thp FI CC In the United Stale<., 11 I~h ~t'/II/ 1 Pel 01 Ammdl 1'1 "dp TI eaty l'>'>U(' will he 'ld S(J1!/lJM, ~1I1' 11M TIll' <'Itl' for lh(' lc,(tun I'> 1)1(' C;p0l1 ell(''>'>ed, 1\III he th(' buhwct of a ,JII(II Nil },Iall~ Walter H( \ltl1('1 LlhllllY and Al AthiL tl' pUh]ll lectull' by Ilw corNI] ~('n De/uill TI~I" ~ (hlvl''>, )llCllted on Cel.,<., AVl'I1\ll' Pro TplIlll PIIlI of (',ll1ad,1 Th(, le( tIUl', fl P/, dClCl<"" flom Ih(' D((IOlt Public ~o"t Adrnll I'd p( I,>on Pop!' .loh II X X III to Illl' puh h( will !w h0 Id at 1\;01('(1 Llhl arv rile lc'ltUI (' 1<' ,>pOn.,ol('d Flowel Waynp '-ltatp UI1lVPl'Hlt\ day, Ope 7 COVill (11/ l~Iw}(I/")f,.wll/waf S/)/ / II~\ .,ClI'nCI' depal1 ment<." nlon~ \~lth CHI A'l)R" ('l' FI'~ ]l \ld I KY VacdtlOI1 ~pot In dd(!JtlOll MHlC. !.('l!1( lUX ('h IIIl II hOIl~(I~ the ('('nt0r fm Peal(' 11 nd ('on FavOlltp Food \\ III ,d<.,o lipId que<.,tIOn,> lInd an S2K\' )IUII\'i./,1(ll\\"jlil/\\I,' I nIIZ\11"dl\\j \1: 4 ",\;l) F,lVOllt(' ])l'Ink Mw II/II/111m Mlll'nla fllct 'it\ldw., '>Wpl., flom t h( lllldll'l1( (' L011l 41\I'H 1\" \',)HlIIUl :viAI'll ,,\ 642.2()S,~ l{e'>tauI,lnt .'II/fill/III 1('llX 11lI<;.,Plv(d a'> thl' con'>ul For fllrth('l Infor rnlltlOrl, mil Hun;;/ V ";Y('~ \-1( )'1"\'1 1 111\\ ~,\ I 11m" \ t) \ l~1\ ) ') \0, Till lhl\\ \ t "111 ~ l'l' Song ~(')1('rn 1 fO! the pn"t Iwo y,'lll <, thl' hl.,tory dr'pllrtnwnl Itt 577 f{( W!rllj.! R(']axutlOn or Hohby Prpl,wll"lv hI' 'Ml'> till' Can,l :.!fi2i1, 01 lh(, pollt Iud 'lClcnu' de PI'O/I/I' II hn II h /fll' p(.t Pel'vP (h,l11 ,llnha,>."lclor to Eth lOpIII l),I)tn1<'nt lit fi77 :.!f):10 December 1, 1988 8A Grosse Pointe News Classic and Contemporary Gifts of Distinction

Classic elegance. Timeless Beauty. The essence of some gifts will never wear off. An array of colored gemstones are presented from our collection of exclusive custom jewelry. edmund t. AHEE jewelry company

where a vast selection, personal service, exquisite design and an affordable price are expected. 20139 MACK AVENUE • GROSSE POINTE WOODS 886-4600


j J I .~_~ __ ~~.~~~--.....- I ~~""l.....L ",,-J'~" ..~.~. ~ __ --"-- l' •• ;Uf44 • a '" -

December 1, 1988 I ~~JA Grosse Pointe News ,""",,' II 9A


1" ,,; ,I , ~ ~, I •v ~"'. " It didn't rain on this one .; .~ A

Don Bentzen of Grosse Pointe Woods The Celtic Pipes, in red and black. played for auld lang syne. gives his grandson. Aaron Bentzen of Grand Rapids. a lift to see if the pa- rade was starting.

Skies were blue and cloudless for Grosse Pointe Village AssocIation's 12th annual parade down Kercheval. The 60-degree day was a httle warm for .. \ \ ushermg In the ChrIstmas season, but you couldn't hear any of the hundreds of pa- rade-watchers complaining. J.. This was one of the largest parades, fea- ~ turing more than 800 marching children, • " in addition to bands, floats and the grand , marshal, Sesame Street's BIg Bird. Be- , cause the theme was everyone's favorite ""'., .1.', children's show, there were lots of CookIe ...,-.. Monsters and Oscar the Grouches. There were also turkeys, Christmas trees, pil. _'A~\ grims, a fife and drum corps and a bagpIpe \ band. But the one float everyDne wanted to see was the last one, the one holding the jolly old elf himself, who was given the key to the city in front of Jacobson's. ,

,, . { \ '''-'', ~ \


The 1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Drum Corps gave their 21-gun salute to the Village's parade. and to Santa.

Grosse Pointe Theatre's "Bug" was a big hit.

Photos and text by Ronald J. Bernas

These are a few of the turkeys who made it past Thursday. But not for long. if this Pilgrim. right, has anything to say about it.

'= December 1, 1988 10A Grosse Pointe News Library of Michigan opens After three years of construc- will he completed later Formal dedicatIOn of the buIld tIon, the first phase of the new One thmg the lIbrary did not mg wIll take place Tuesday, Michigan Library and Hlstoncal move to Its new locatIOn was the March 7 at noon, With speCial Center opened to the publIc Nov. tl aditIOnal card catalog to lIst ceremonies dUImg the week of 21 the books Instead nearly 100 March 6.9, 1989 The Library of MichIgan, thiS computer termInals placed m all The Llbl ary of MIchigan IS ~tate's verSIOn of the federal LI- areas of the bUlldmg wIll Imme- brary of Congl ess IS a new five- diately lIst matenals by authOl, nme yea! ~ oldel than the state of MichIgan and dates back to story facIlity, WIth more than 5 2 tItle 01' subject millIon Items on 27 miles of Matenals for WhICh Michigan 1828 It store~ compiled laws ~helvmg back to 1805 and contams the IS known have been used In all 15th largest genealOgIcal (fanl1ly Featurmg 190,000 square feet areas of the bUlldmg, from Its hI~tory) collectIOn m the United of lIbrary area and 312,000 copper clad central courtyard to States square feet overall, the new extensive use of lImestone for bUlldmg IS the second largest both extenor and mtenor walls VISItors will find the hblary state lIbrary bUlldmg In the Furmture, dOO1S and tnm are open to the publIc Mondays United States, says the state II made of MIchigan white oak thl ough Filday~ flom 8 a m to 6 branan James W Fry E:-..tra heavy steel beams were p m Pel ~on~ With questiOns Durmg winter months, a cen used m the floors to SUppOlt dou- about the new faclhty may call tial 93 foot hIgh glass atnum ble the pI esent number of books (517) 373 1580 Answeis concern wIll provide an attractive, sunny Granite steps and entrance a! ea mg the hbraIY'~ collectiOn are mdoor atmosphere for lIbrary walls wIll mean dill abilIty and available from (517) 3735400 01 patrons rn 1 nlP1a! future m::l1ntcn:Jnce the 1efe) once dc.s}~<1t 87:J 1300 The bUIlding at 717 West Alle- gan Street m LanSIng IS two blocks southwest of the state capitol and one block west of the onglnal Lansmg CIVIC Center. Main entrance WIll be from West Washtenaw Street, where publIc parkmg WIll be avaIlable dIrectly to the south A 135mm lens enabled Monte Nagler to reach out and bring wrangler Aaron Adamson "up Replacing temporary head- EQUIPMENT & CLOTHING close" for extra impact. Notice the off-center placement of Aaron and the positioning of him against the dark background. quarters preVIOusly located for 26 years at 735 E MichIgan Ave., the bUlldmg offers three • SALE tImes as much space and IS bar- WE HAVE GATHERED UP ALL THE USED ALPINE & CROSS COUNTRY ner-free throughout. MERCHANDISE. ODDS & ENDS, NEW & USED (OVER 1000 PR OF ALPINE By Monte Nagler BOOTS. SKIS, BINDINGS. POLES AND CROSS COUNTRY EQUIPMENT FOR DeSigned by WIllIam Kessler MEN, WOMEN & KIDS) FROM OUR 10 BAVARIAN VILLAGE SKI SHOPS & PUT and ASSOCIates of DetrOIt, the IT AU TOGETHER (IN 2 LOCATIONS) DOWNSTAIRS IN OUR alFfMINGHAM complex has been bUllt for 100 STORE, 101 TOWNSEND, CORNER OF PIERCE, DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM AND AT OUR MT CLEMENS SiORE, 1216 S GRATIOT AT HARRINGTON, Reach out with a telephoto lens years of use According to Fry, It NORTH OF METRO PARKWAY. IS the first major state bUlldmg GO TO THE BACK DOOR/BOTH LOCATIONS tOt thiS GIGANTIC 3 DAY SALE. smce the CapItol deSigned pn- FRI. DEC. 2 NOON.9, SAT. DEC.3 10-5:30 P;M;, SUN. DEC.4 NOON-5 Two weeks ago, I talked about the usages dl urn telephotos are Ideally suited for por- CASH & CARRY ONLY LOTS OF CLOTHING TOOl LAST YEARS STYLES & and benefits of wide angle lenses. Today, let's manly for publIc use Some BARGAIN PRICED IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME GOOD USED SKI traIts. In addItion, they are great for many 250,000 VISItors are expected pel' GEAR. THIS IS IT' A SKI BARGAIN HUNTER'S PARADISE do an about face, stretch our VISIOn, and dis- other situations m which you have to keep a year cuss telephoto lense" moderate distance from your subject such as The Center is 465 feet long, or By definItIOn, a telephoto lens IS one whose candid street shots or ammals at the zoo longer than one and a half foot CHILDREN LOVE focal length IS greater than that of a normal ball fields It is 210 feet wide. In Telephoto lenses of 300mm or longer are lens. The longer the focal lenf:,>th of the lens, additIOn to the Library of MIchI- the greater the degree of magnificatIOn In usually for speClal1zed demands and would be gan on the west side, the State fact, the magmfication is mathematIcally re- too powerful for average usage. However, If Histol'Ical Museum, State Ar- lated to focal length. For example, a 100mm you have a keen mterest ill wIldlIfe photogra- chIves and Office of the Great ~HRISTMAS lens produces an image exactly tWice that of phy or prefer huge suns In your sunset shots, Seal WIll be housed on the east DRESS UP YOUR DRESS UP YOUR a normal 50mm lens. A 400mm Jen,:, gi ves then these and longer lenses may be for you. SIde. DA UGHTER FOR BOY FOR For the occasional "long reach," a tele-ex- SpeCIal features Include a 45- you an image size eight tImes your normal CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS AT lens! tender combined with your telephoto Wll! do foot-tall MIChigan whIte pine m just fine. the center of the bUlldmg, sur- AT CONNIES STEVFS PLACE As the lens lengthens, some mterestmg rounded by a glass-enclosed ro- LARGE LARGE things happen. The len's angle of VIew be- Remember, because the magnIficatIOn of tunda on the first floor. Also SELECTION SELECTION comes narrower and depth-of-field becomes telephoto lenses accentuates the effect of cam- there are a 225-seat audItorium! shallower. A narrow angle of VIew enables era movement, faster shutter speeds are forum, a gift shop, meeting OF HOLIDAY OF SUITS, you to isolate a detail m a distant bUIlding or needed. To obtam a sharp pIcture, the rule of rooms and an eatmg/vending DRESSES, SLIPS BLAZERS, eliminate a cluttered foreground. A shallow thumb is to use a shutter speed closest to the area. HAIR BOWS, PANTS & SHIRTS depth-of-field is great for blurring distracting reciprocal of the len's focal length. For a DIrectly above on the second SKIRTS & TIES backgrounds so that attention IS dIrected to- 135mm lens, hand-hold at no slower than 1/ level IS a large extenor court- BLOUSES FREE ward your subject. 125 second; With a 200mm lens, you should yard, where up to 750 persons ALTERATIONS By far the most useful telephoto lenses are be at 1/250 second If slower shutter speeds can come together for receptIOns, concerts and publIc gatherings. those with medium focal lengths - between are reqUIred because of low light or apertw-e The reference, genealogy and reqUIrements, better get out your tripod. 85mm and 200mm. Because they minImIZe documents areas of the hbrary facial distortion and allow a comfortable dis- So "reach out" to new and eXCIting photo- also are found on the second FREE GIFT BOXES FOR ALL YOUR GIFTS tance between photographer and subject, me- graphIC honzons - WIth telephoto lenses I floor FREE LARGE SANTA BEAR WITH sl75'.o PURCHASE Vanous state and federal book FREE 18 In CHRISTMAS STOCKING WITH IIOQlKI PURCHASE collectIOns are on the thIrd Northwood Institute to hold holiday reception through fifth floors Admimstra- CONNIE'S • STIVI's PlACE tIve offices are also located on BOVS 4 GIRLS WEAR FOR M~N" 1I0YS Northwood Institute WIll hold Dec 6, at the Roosteltail at the ReservatIOns and addItional 23240 GREATER MACK • (1 bloc~ South of 9 MIle) I v,," I its annual holiday season recep foot of Marquette Dnve m De- the fifth level, as IS the LIbrary YO'I THUAS fAI 9:lQAY 900PY ST CLAIR SHORES MICHIGAN 48080 mformatIOn are avallable by call- of MIchigan Board Room. A Rare •rUES WEDS~~A: ~ A~ 600 P Y (313) 7778020 tion for DetrOIt area alumm and trOIt The receptIOn wIll be from mg 517/8324350 f!'lends of the college Tuesday, 6 to 830 p m Book Room on the fourth floor - /:\ 355 FISHER RD. U,P.S.P1CK,UPDA1LY 882.5100 SAVE 800 IN OPEN 8 to 530 pm DAilY, Wed til Noon - Closed Sunday WE DELIVER p~1#s ' " ~ IN EFFECT , CJ:'ARlliAlS _CAA' A DEe. 1ST DOUBLE-DO r -r.n. lYJ.. C/r~ 2ND&3RD I.IJ,!"I)~wi!! ~jve ~~!J $2~a '::~=;"l,iO-v buy either a high-efficiency Pulse furnace T' <'iROSSE POINTES LARGEST DISTRIBUTOR OF IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CAVIAR or an HS.19 air conditioner from Kast. , I Buy both and save double Then Kost will double ,t again, CHOICE TENDER Withanother $400 offl It odds up to $800 off when you buy FRESH LEAN ~BONEOR both Units(or $200 off when you lust buy one) PORK FRESH FRYING PORTERHOUSE I~~~~ Hurryl This limited offerl IMPORTED POLISH is a time TENDERLOIN CHICKEN 45'" STEAK Financing available BOILED AVG, SIZE $ LEGS ,., 98LB $349 1 1/2. 2 LB 98L8 l8 $3 • Low maintenance, energy saving LENNOX H19Air Conditioner HAM LB J.IUIl ~ "MARTINSON'S" HENDRICKSONS · Nearly tWice as effiCient as older • Seasonal Energy EffiCiency RatiOS (SEER) up to VERMONTS ~ PREMIUM COFFEE PULSE DRESSING , • .. • • c , furnaces because It operates on 12 extremely effiCient an entirely different principle l00%:~=~~APLE AUNT JEMIMA ADC, ELEf~RK • One of the qUietest, most rugged and advanced 55 $2 BonLE • The only furnace With Good units on the market $1495 WAFFLES ~ 3 LB DECA' Housekeeping Seal of Approval REESE CROUTONS, • 45% reduction In operating costs compared to 98 CEASAR, TOASTED,SEASONED • Kast will guarantee heat the same day as QT $8 99~ 8~r.~N~tK~J~)$449 units 7 years old or older PTS PKG BLUEBERRY' I~ LB DECAF installation 88 BOX • "Brown_out" control to protect compressor PHILEAS FOGG IIIIEVIAN"II AMERICAN • Lifetime limited warro ty • lO-year limited compressor warranty ~NACKS NATURAL SPRING GOLDEN MIGNONl WATER FROM "'III~S 1985 CHATEAU 75 now Kast offers quality electrlcol and plumbing service as well as our heating and cooling service MORCEAUX FRENCH ALPS $8 And 89~ CAVIAR PICHON BORDEAUX BOT. Electric Service Special 95 SHANGHAI NUTS F, B. BELMONT FRENCH $89 Plumbing Service Special $4995 PIZZA CHIPS u, SPARKLING WINE KastelectriCianscan help you \OW" monpyon electrICbills SE7 $3f~PK $11~~ $26~~Ol Kostplumbing experts con help you save money on PUNJAB PURl 99 by conducting a complf'tf'rp\,denllolplromol analySIS, $3 BOT waler billsby conductinga complete diagnoSISof your including I '''fwcllon to, proper SAY CRISP - Reviewof all pos~lhlp 9,oulld,ng In reSidentialplumbing needs Including NEW CROP NEW ZEALAND hOlardaus cOlld,t,Ons hOlhroom~which .,.G\\EEs.~,.. MACINTOSH MAJOOL protl'c1syou fromfalol R('vlew01 all pOSSible Analvslsof pOSSible .. APPLES KIWI - Inspection01 mOln shoch h07ardous cond'"ons contamlnctlonproblems ponel to determln!' 99 ., (,~.3LBS DATES FRUIT EfI,c'ency rating of Inspectlonand N.Y. CHEDDAR $2LI pOSSibleoverload mOloroppllonces D ognosll of pOlenllol locallons I"ol(sand failures labeltng of 'mportanl SOCIETE BEE 0 Oplod('d (f'fO" 01 your valves ood conlrols $699 $29~ "INlrr(ol sy\lem ROQUEFORT L. \\~ $1 2/69~ AUNT MIDS ALL ..., Birmingham ...•...•..•..• 642-7150 BROCCOLI .. Call for on appOlnlment PURPOSE CARROTS - -~;-iii::~I~~ Grosse Pointe Woods .•..•.• 886.5060 SPINACH 10 fityour schedule ...... Pontiac .....•.••..•.•••• 338.9255 1", ~ POTATOES ...... ,, 2BAGS 59~ .service\.c::.a Royal Oak •..•.•..•..•..• 542-3850 Extendedregularservice hoursfrom8 a m 8 pm, teOI!,' ControC1lng BU1nen 1987 ( nfro(1rH Utica •••.••.•••.••••.••• 254.1060 ol,h. V.or Man f" 00 Make the KASTcaU your LASTcalli 5 LBS ~~ I

f I December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 11A Farms approves

$50 license fee F,'om 6A hiS creatIve touch. The combined efforts of I wIsh to thank all the for vicious dogs the CIty, Farms and Park wonderful commumty 1oJ'l'OUpS police departments were tel'" who participated In the pa- Owners of VICIOUhdogs III lilic and kept both watchers rade All the marchers were GroBse POinte Fill mfl wlll have dnd marchers safe. temtic and theIr efforts wIth to pay $50 for n llcpnne If they The GrosBe POinte Theatre costumes, banners and deco. want to keep the aOlmul<; In the \\ d...once agam a major con. rated vehIcles made our pa- CIty, according to actIOn by thr tllbutCH' to the parade effort rade a visual treat City CouncIl Monday mght The Theatre b1fOUPblew up Thlb IS my final year as The councIl's VICIOU<;dog fee 1<; mal ethan 1,000 balloons parade coordinator, but I 10 times that of the normal 11 whIch were gwen on the pa- know Mary Drummy WIll cense fee of $5 fO! non VICIOUS Iade route On parade day continue to make thiS a won. dogs The nO!mal dog Itceni:>e they painted faces, manned delful commumty event I costs $10 If the ownel doesn't ob the "Bug," and provided the have met so many extl aordl tam it wlthm a cel tam tlllle pl' SUIpi Ise Box and Humpty nary people who 6TJveso gen- nod Dumpty to the line up add elously of the I! tIme and tal The VICIOUSdog license fee \\a" 109 a special touch to the pa ents dunng thIS past three reqUIred as pal t of the Fat m,,' Idde yeal s On behalf of the new VICIOUS dog OldllHlI1ce l\lde Gallagher and Rick Glosse POint£' V!llage Asso adopted by the counul Nov 14 Selke both deserve specIal ClatlOn, I wlbh you and yoU! Both the O!dmance and the new thank yous Mae 01 gal1lzeb famlltes the happIest of hall fee went II1to efleet Immedlateh tlOOPS and IS day seasoni:> The VIClOlI<;dog 01 dll1ancp \\ Rc; tho.. Lnl\. to the G10SSC POlntc .lane Nutter passed In an efrO!t to pi ote(t IeS Theatre Rick acted as art Parade Coordinator ldents and to come to 6'1IPi:>With rille(tm for the 12th year Grosse Pointe Village Pit bull feal b 111 the P(nnte" ns and all the floats reflected Association well as acros" the countl V Judicial visit Can. tl • na Spanish - A saloon - bar. reslauranl The Fa! ms' new 01 dmance, Grosse Pointe Woods Municipal Court Judge Patricia Schneider. left, spoke to third graders among many other lestllctlOns, recently at Ferry Elementary School. She talked about the election process and the two-party mandates that ownel s of \ ICOUS system and anc;wered questions on crime. court cases and her responsibilities as a judge. Jane dogs keep the ammal ... 111 cell Ellis' fifth graders presented the judge with an American flag they made. From left are Judge block type endo<;U1PS m the Schneidpr, Stephen Veryser. Eilis and Lindsay Simmon. backyard when they 81 e let out ~llde the ownel'" home''' All \ I ------CIOUSdog ownel'l mu<;t havl' the specIal dog hou<;e" Inuit Cable company wants stolen radio returned i...ulflo a mobile telephone. Anyone WIth ll1fol nldt lOn (;10"'i1' POllltl' ('ahl(' II'l1nt" the While In the home, the V1C10ll'l She flald she believed the 'lhould cull GI'OHHCP01l1le Cl!Jle lh Il'P t PC' 11Ilgl' I " II ho "tol!' n IIHho 0 kppt pOlch "!>Okl'''lI'lIl111111 dogs cannot he on a It Dill OIH' of Ih VIII1<;II1<;twel'lt to youths took the radio for fun and at 886.3109 The NEW YEARS EVE PARTY 115° per person includes Dinner, or in a home \\ Ith open Window,'; lIol fOI profit. Now that they've Haid the mdlO Ululd .lbll 1)(' ll't\1I111t Ilild 'no qU(".!lOl1" \\111 Dancing, Champagne at Midnight, Party Favors and Music- that prOVIde only "Cll.'elllllf.( to \w ll<;kc,d" hllJ their fun, the cable company mutled or droPPl't! oil at till' It1 offill' featuring the Livingroom Blues Band keep the anltnlll" VICIOU<;dog ,[,hi' ('Olllhlllll! 1011 ll\dwltele- wuntB the radIO returned There GI'OS'lL' Pomte Cable al (;t"f' owners must I\lso obtuln pllOlIP \VII.., "j olpn by t hrce WIll be "no questIons asked If 19245 Mack AVl' , POInte Limited Tickets Available Call for Info 822.1270 $100,000 It1 !lubillty 1I]<;ll1'!ll1Ceto youth'l Nov 2:1 lit nbout 2 pm the rudio 18 returned," the cable WoodH 482:36 cover possible pi operty and pel'- spokeswoman said. - ,John MIIII!I~ fJ Olll (l vnn pal keel behmd the Banal damage the r10f.(R may cable compul1)''s of1ice on Mack Sierra Station Alter Dark cause Even though cable' pmployees Researchers seek 'Porgy' info presents saw the thlce teemlge boy'3 run- If a Farms ammal control or nmg away With the radIO, they In Apl"ll 1954, 8 productIon mstitute so that these Items liTHE HOT ClUB" public safety officer has reason. were unable to catch them of George Gershwm's "Porgy may be preserved and mdde Dec. 2nd & 3rd able cause to believe a dog IS VI- A Bpokeswoman for Grosse and Bess." directed by Robart permanently available fOl the CIOUS,then a heanng Will be re. POInte Cable Inc said the radIO Breen, played m DetrOIt use of scholal s of theatC'1 hIS. Bill HEIDE TRIO quested m MUl1lclpal Comt to IS new and had JU'lt been re The La \wenee and Lee The. tory. Dec. 9th & 10th determme If the al1lmal 1'3 VI cently m<;tall('d She said the atre Research Instltute, a spe- CIOUSbased on the eVIdence company JURt walll <; the radIO CIal collections library of OhIO Contact Lisa GO!dOll Wet SIERRA STATION IS NOW OFFERING If a Farms reSIdent's dog IS back State Umverslty, requests Zlg, Research A"'boclate, The FREE DELIVERV TO MOST POINTE declared VICIOUS,he must obtall1 Cable technlClUlIS have talked that people who either WIt. Lawrence and Lee Theatl e AREAS SUN - THURS 5 p.rn . 10 P m a 12.month VICIOUSdog license to the tepnagel s on the radIO nessed thIS productIOn of Research InstItute, 14~30 LII1 for $50 and meet all other specI' and af.>ked th at tIll' pi operty be "Porgy and Bess," 01' mter- coIn Towel', 1800 Cdnnon ficatlOns under the VIClOllbdog l'etullwd, but "you tan Imagme acted WIth the cast and crew Dnve, Columbus, OhIO 4.1210 15110 MACK, GROSSEPOINTE PARK ordInance. '" Ihlt t hey said," thp spokes Iclay theu- expenencel:> to the 1230 VISA CARRY OUTS 822.1270 MASTERCARD - Johll Mlnrm woman ...Rld Slw f.>OIldt he radio I I * ALL NEW lit I LOW, LOW PRICES " I A RAND I ~ARK~n~,;;pr;~t;~MACJcI Located at 20315 Mack Avenue (corner of Lochmoor) -HOURS - ~"''''''' 1FT ID=A ~ ,~~'\~ :0' Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. ~ \'(\,=,\'\~(:;""~'e'='~ Sunday Closed (~ (/Jl~It,& ( i \)-"\c:;~.~\~~ Phone 884.31 00 ~~ ~/O'J?,IJlI ~(\ I::) .' • 'd!cCi;:~ ~~ ~~

~ 1) We offer excellent "Quick" service 2} Our Pharmacists are prompt and courteous 3) Free del ivery with orders of '15.00 or more (within 2 mile radius) 4) Computerized patient profiles We a/so have r------l r-~OOF--, I ALL NEW RELEAsrs IBEER, WINE, LIQUOR & I gift 'certlf~~~e , I R~WT\~S I SUPER LOTTO : With every liqUor: I Only '1'" II I order over s15000 I I Wllh coupon I with coupon I L J ~~~~~~~~

Special Low Special Senior WE STOCK Prescription Prices Price Discount HALLMARK Zantac 150 mg #60 69.88 62.88 CARDS AND Cardlzem 60 mg #100 4495 4046 GIFTWRAP Voltaren 50mg #60 39.94 3595 Dyazide #30 (genenc) 545 4.90 Bring in this coupon Isoptin SR or and receive Calan SR #30 2490 22.91 15% OFF Mevacor 20 mg #60 85.45 7691 ------"------...... , Vasotec 5 mg #60 41 75 37,58 S(HI~MEL on all Hallmark PI \ I\I() l~\ ~~"PIANO, GLASS TOP & Ventolln or ProventJl 5 CHAIRS from 511,900 cards and giftwrap Ihtltrr Inhaler 1588 1429 DIAPASON GRAND PIANOS - $4,495 to $74,995 expires 12.31.88 Seldane 60mg #60 3350 30.15 Prozac 20mg #60 7898 71 08 CONSOLE PIANOS______- from $1,895 -J .eh~t Carafate #100 4670 4203

• Prices subject to change with wholesale price alCtnan l6~ons Use our rear entrance with increases 329 W 14 Mile Road, Clawson • 288.1750 FREE Parking • Please call for other low prices HOURS Man & Sat 10-5 Tues -Fri 10 9 in back of building # f YlPI rI' 1\ Ill) ,,~ II rr\iHlh It f' I !"lldilY~ 12A December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News !Jt'-:t lWJi fudi a bup to- the ~ ~ . It's a food shopping adventure at Farmer Jack the~


To order call 774-3541 To order call 774-4577

GENUINE NEW ZEALAND Orange Roughy Fillets FREE RECIPE AT SEAFOOD COUNTER Cream of Mushroom Soup Fresh mushrooms, shallots. sherry, all simmered In a rich chicken I" FROM COlD, NORTH All.ANTIC WATERS broth and finIshed wlth reduced heavy cream. pIr.t Chers Pasta Salad Ocean Perch Fillets A meal In IlSelf, homemad! rettucdnl pasta. turkey, DEUClOUS BAKED, BROIIB) OR FRIED LaZ'. smoked ham, gruy!rt and cheddar cheese wIth a 249 special ~aurlce dres.slng. Yl lb. Tenderloin Tips and Mushrooms A TREAT FROM THE SEAl Beef tenderloIn sal1teed with onions and mushrooms. and a 449 natural veal glaze. Ih-I). Fresh Cod Fillets Fresh Vegetable Salad FREE RECIPE AT SEAFOOD COUNTER LaZ" A colOl1UIcombinatIon or broccoli. cauliflower, car. rots, green beans, zucchini, red and yellow bell pep. Breast of Chicken Marengo TRY THESE DCUcrOUS petS. bJanch!d and tossed with our fresh vinaigrette 191 BoneJtss skinless dllcken brtast braised with onions, peppers, 2II dressing. 'II lb. tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, and fresh herbs. ~Ib. Seafood Krab Sedions SERVE 'EM WITH OUR FAMOUS COCKTAIL SAUCE ~3" Fresh Pasta Primavera Free Package of our Fresh Homemade Pasta GREAT flAVORI Homemade pasta, carrots, broccoli. zucchini, yellow 295 152.00 VAWEl squash. and our vinaIgrette dressing. IHb. With any purchase of '5.00 or mare Fresh Bluefish Fillets FREE RECIPE AT SEAFOOD COUNTER LaZ"

For assistance in ordering party trays call 774-4511 To order calf ahead 774-9081


For special orders call 774-4613 CAUFORNIA SWEET OUR OCUCIOUS WHOLE WHEAT BREAD ~ Buy 6 Bagels AT THE R£GULAR PRICE iic.;~;Wh;~t~~88 and get Bartlett Bread ~~~. 6 Blueberry Bagels FREE Pears LB.• OiooSE FROM PlAIN OR SEEDED RICH DANISH WITH SWEET FIWNG GROWN WITHOUT ALAR French Danish Almond MICHIGAN JONATHAN OR RED Bread .,' Tea Ring Delicious Apples ~.,'

Prfc~ erteeuve through Sat. D!C. 3. 1988at Also available for your convenience: * POST OFFICE to bUy stamps, mall packages, send registered letters. 9 Mile near Mack * PHARMACY with Pharmacist on Store open Monday through saturday 8 a m. until 10 p.m. duty 7 days a week. Call 774-9082 Sunday 9 a m. until 7 p.m. * DINER'S EXPRESSCHECKOUT 3 Items or less SUPERMARKETS hot prepared foods to go. Instant outl -.-.----._---. ~----po-w------

,.. December 1, 1988 L Grosse Pointe News 13A Park discusses tax financing authority extension By Ronald J. Bernas Jr The plan was developed and the master plan, and are stIll eXlstmg drIveway to accommo h,ou<,mg 1ehabl IItatlOn PIOg1am<; The Implovement.., are meant Staff Writer approved hastIly to meet a dead- subject to change by the TIFA date addItional cars, blllldmg a 1he duthollty would hke to pro to Improve the overall aesthetics The Grosse Pomte Park coun line Imposed by the state legIsla- board or the councIl Input from new dnveway, constructmg con \ Ide .Iddl1l0nal fund.., to th('"e of the dl<;tnct, to encourage reno C11discussed a dl aft of a master tme, and most of the projects residents IS encouraged, espe. CIete 01 asphalt <'labs 1'01 pdl kmg pI ugl.lm<, thdt !oem money to vdtlOn and ImplOvement of pn plan which proposes an 11 year proposed m that plan have been clally at the pubhc heanng next to an alley, lemovmg of gd I plOgram " Vernor, 8t Paul dnd the com. That hearmg WIll be set m the Vide an addItIOnal 300 to 400 pi opertles 1Il the distrICt, the

mercia] dIstllCt.., of MdCk, Char near futm-e pal klllg spaces whIch would en TIF A would hke to pI (J\ Ide l'll1d le~?lx and Kel cheval An mcrease 111 parkmg IS courage new bu"lIless to locate scapmg services to the Ie<;ldent" 1he city I.., able to capture all needed both for commercial dls m the dlstnct and dlscom-age 111 It Those servlles \\ auld III tax mcrea::.e" 111 the spenal dls. tncts and for reSIdential areas - tralfic on reSIdentIal streets elude drchltectural Iendu 1l1;.(<'of tnct that helve taken place smce parklllg which should be The TIFA IS looklllg mto offer. • HOUSing and commelcl,11 Dec 31, 1985 It must use all shIelded from the street mg a subSIdy to property owner s plOpelty rehablhtatlOn To en those tax cloBals for Improve. Odell saId that many people when they mcrease parkmg on courage the upgradmg of pI opel' ments speCIfied m a master plan move out or are apprehensive theIr property by wldemng an tieS, the city has estabhshed two developed by the TIF A board, about moving mto the area be. and approved by the city council cause the parking sItuatIOn The dl:,tnct's first plan, sometImes forces residents to adopted In 1986 by the counCIl, park blocks away from their was for fow years and was houses termed an Intenm plan, accord- The following improvements mg to TIF A PI eSldent JIm Odell are mcluded in the new draft of Here Is

City of(&rOSS.e l}tnint.e 'arkMiChigan INVITATION TO BID The Best

Sealed bld~ will be accepted by the City Clerk no later than 10 00 AM Fllday, December 9, 1988, on the followmg Gift Idea

Fl \ e 1989 full size polIce package automobIles

SpeCIficatIOns avaJ1able m the PublIc Safety Department, 15115 Ea~t JefTel son, Grosse Pomte Park, Michigan 48230 Pamela J. Kondziolka City Clerk G P N 12/01188

Summary of the Minutes City Of(&rnSS.e Jnintt lJ1armSMichigan

November 14, 1988

The MeetIng was called to order at 7 30 p m Present on Roll Call Mayor Joseph L Fromm, CounCilmen EmIl D Style is Always Berg, Bruce I'll Rockwell, John I'll Crowley, Harry T EchlIn, Gall Kaess and Gregg L Berendt • Those Absent Were None In Season Aho Present Messl s , Charles V Hammond, Counsel, Andrew Bre mer, JI' , City Manager, RIchard G Solak, City Clerk and Robert K Fel bel', Director of Public Safety 00 Mayor Flamm preSIded at the Meeting $1 0 OFF The Mwutes of the Regular Meetmg which was held on October 17, 1988, were approved as submitted

The CounCil, actmg as a Zonmg Board of Appeals, approved the MENS AND WOMENS CANVAS AND LEATHER TRETORNrS Mmutes of the PublIc Hearmg held October 3, 1988, and further, gI anted the appeal of 1'111' Denms VIctor, thereby authOriZing ISSU. ance of a bUlldmg permit to construct a new dwellIng on the vacant lot located on the southwest comer of LakeView and Carver; and CANVAS furthel, demed the appeal of 1'111' Michael Bates, 3 WIndward Place, NVLlTE fm a paved dllve exceedmg 300/< m front yard coverage

Followlllg a PublIc Hearing on the matter, the Council adopted the pi 0p0'ied amendment to the AnImal t1egulatlOn Ordmance

Followmg a Pubhc Heal mg on the matter, the Council adopted the plop0'ied amendment to the CIty's Zomng OrdInance

In accoroance ,vlth \V ctyHe Cuuu ..., puL...... )', t~l.,", C.J.....r...c..l ;l~~pt~c:! :: !"~~ olutlOn stipulatIng the City of Grosse Pomte Farms wIll be respon 'ilble for the mamtenance of the signs and landscapmg III the Wayne County nght of way on Lake Shore DrIve It's classic. It's canvas. It's Tretorn And it's leather, too.

The CounCIl approved payment of the Sattement of Attorney's Fees And it's here to stay. fl am PIO~ecutlng Attorney Robert D Ihne, In the total amount of $2,56000 fOi legal servIce" rendered

1he CounCil approved the low bid of Byrne Mechamcal III the total amount of ii6,388 00 for replacement of heatmg eqUIpment for the D P W gill age OFF T!w ( mmcil approved the low bid of Shock Brother", Inc, for the HlRR II Cl plantmg prol,rram, In the total amount of $8,36400 CHILDRENS TRETORN CANVAS fhl' fo11O\\mg report~ \wre received by the Counctl and ordered p1.1ced on fi\e " Pllbhc SafLl) Dppartment Report fOl the month nfOctober, 1988

) h Butldmg DC'partment Quarterly Report, 1988

C Ploperly ~Iamtrnance Code Quarterly Report, 1988

Thl Council adoptfd a rp~olutlOn thilt lmmedlately followmg tempo I ill) iH1Journmpnt of the Rf'gular Meetll1g, a Closed SessIOn 'ihall be hPld for thr purpo"c of dl'iCU~Slllg certall1 personnel matter

The COllnctl approved payment of th(' Statement of Attorney'~ Fee'i trom tIle la\\ firm of Dlckll1~on, Wnght, Moon, VanDusen & Free m,m Coun"elor~ at LilW, III the total amount of $17,717 16, for var lOllS If gal ~erVlce" I endered on behAlf of the City of Groq'ic Pomte Farm'i GVillage

Thl' Council adopted a rrsolutlOn approvmg the provl~lOn of certam Sku IWdlth Cilll' !Jrnrflt" for retlree~ 17112 KERCHEVAL IN THE VILLAGE Lpon ploper motIOn made, ~upported and earned the Regulilr Meet \l1g adJournrd at 930 pm Phone 881-1191 Holiday Hours Monday-Friday 9 30 9 Joseph L. Fromm, Richard G. Solak, CIty Clerk Saturday 9 30 -530 :VIavor Sunday 12-5 (, p ~ 1201 RH

w+ ._--- ... 14A December 1) 1988 Grosse Pointe News THERE'S A NEW SPIRIT I N BANKING



A new look. A new spirit. A new philosophy. What does it all mean for you? Everything. Because we've translated that philosophy into something our industry has never seen before: a comprehensive collection of guarantees that gives you the best service in the business.

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Twenty offlces throullhoullhe metropolitan Iklroll or auto loan, if it's approved, no later than 24 hours after we receive your completed area: application (excluding weekends and holidays) or we'll take 114 % off the loan interest rate. DETROIT: 20060 Van J)~ke 891 71M / 198.10 We,1 7 Mile ';371400 EAST DETROIT: 19080 ~.a.,l 10 Mile Quick Service. Guaranteed. You'll never wait more than 10 minutes to see any bank 77J-AA40 SOUTHFIELD: 24700 Northwc,tcm Ihl!hway R27.•;5'111 2(\400 We" 12 Mile 1';R-2017 I employee, or we'll buy you coffee and give you a coffee mug. 20;177(l'1'enfi~ld ';';7 71\-W 1Tel Th'Ch~ Mall 2S6.'>Il Trlegra"h l'iM,}ll BIRMINGHAM: 4140 Wc.,t Error-Free Service. Guaranteed. Your checkin~ statement will be free of transaction Maple 626-2541i /12800 Y>uthfield 644-0440 O"K PARK' 11700 We,1 'l Mile ';47 7110 I errors or we'll refund that statement's monthly service charge. 2';'i'l'; looM!/(> ';47-6400 CI.AWSON. 110'; W~,I 14 Mill' 41'>-4410 FARMINGTON HILLS 11100 Orchard Lake Good Service. Guaranteed. It's no idle promise, it's a guarantet> each and every one of 11517222 WARREN. 1'17I0 ~,a.'1 14 Mill' 2Il4 7li50 ROCHt:.~n R IULI~". (,re~1 flaks of America Federal Savings Bank. Visit your Empire of America branch for complete Mall 1261i Wallon Boulevard Ii'>6-W40 GROSSE POINTE WOODS: 2000'; "lac\, Avenue AA4,{lIlil LIVONIA: details on these guarantees. 111197f',ve MilL Hood 42r,-AA,11 Guarantees subject to change or cancellation Without notice l'dxes on awards are the reCipIent's responsIbility.

( December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 15A

New Cottage parking garage From page lA "We had some kIds that we authorized people from disclos- were able to get scholarshIps to open for Hill holiday shoppers Ing, modifYing 01 deleting data General Motors Institute," he f.-om the system said "They were really super The new, fOUlhtory pal k mg gal dge adjacent to Cottage Ho!> With 11ISJob, his Scoutmg ac kids One f:,'1d wouldn't have plt,d on the Hili IS now open fOi holiday "hoppel!> The gal age, With 522 parkmg ">pale", opened to the pubhc tlvltles and hls famIly, which In gone to college (WIthout the eludes Wife Nancy, an attorney "cholar~hlp) " Nov 1 }-hll merchant::" howevel, ale conlernpd that holiday at Ford Motor Co, and chIldren Schott collects Scoutmg me. "hoppel s are not aware that the fir~t two flool" of the pal kll1g Richard III, 6, and Kelhe, 2 1/2, morabllia - old umfOi m!>, old "tl ucturc .11e Ie'iel ved for HJlI shoppel!> .1nd Cottage Hospital Schott doesn't have much time magazines, but mo~tly emblem \ l"ltor" anymore for one of hiS favonte patches of whICh he has thou The lo"t for Pellkmg at the galdge I">75 lenh fOi each of the pastlmes - racmg sailboats ~and::, "My Wife Will confil m IiI "t two hOUl" and $1 50 for each of the thll d dnd IOUlih hours IO! <1 md'\lmum full day chmge of $450 A member of the CI escent Sall that She thinks It takes up The gal age I" open weekdays from 5 d m to 9 p m ,md ft om Yacht Club, Schott Iaced hiS 14 much too much ::,pace In OUi foot Lasel and the 19 foot three basement," he Said 8 ,I 111 to 5 p m on SatUl day Alce"" to \ ehlde" aftel the gal age person Llghtnmgs He has won He has dovetailed hi::' pen t!u"e" mu~t be obt'llned thlOl.lgh the Cottdge Ho:,pltell "ecunty ofl'ile ,It the ho"pltal'" MUIr KCllhev,d enlJ dille natIOnal champIOnships dnd hiS chant fOi collectmg II1tO 100kll1g The enil dnle and eXit fOJ the pdl dl'lk 1" ofT ML111, \\ e"t team came m third m the POIi fOI ul1JfOlms for kids who leln't of !\.Pll he\ ,d Huron-to-Macklnac race In 1981 afford to buy them Ovel the He saId he hopes to race agam past SIX yea! s, he e~hmates that someday FOI now, hiS spare With the help of Mom'::, Toy AttiC time IS taken up with Scouting on Wanen, they wele able to r~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~I actIvitieS, meludmg takmg hlb clothe mOle than 1,000 "coub ~ FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES I "Th:lt's \\ h} I'm .u "..uutlllb, I "0Il to meetings at l{lchard School Son Rilhald IS a Tlgel because I get to do all the"e neat thlJ1gs," Schott said FROM CADILLAC~ Cub m Pdck 74 ! I: I HIS son'~ motivatIOn to Jom, He adds that any adult who I" 11 ~~1.,. ~ I he Jokes, was that he knew 111telested In volunteellng should ~ 5 10 feet • ~ ) I "Scouts get pocket kmves," and call Paul NOIat at the Boy Scout ~ Blue-White Spruce ~ ( I he wanted a pocket kmfe Theu- Sel VIce Center, 897 1965 11 Scotch Pine umform IS a gray sweatshirt Richard "Rick" Schott. wearing the Silver Beaver medal. ~ Dougla .. Fir I with a 'flgel Cub emblem that's shows his framed citation he received along with the medal. Tree Advisory I Honed on, and as the cubs earn ~ awards, they are allowed to Iron ~ (orlll' .,ct' II.,Jt the I Jeffrey also em Iled the Eagle tl adesmen, mcludmg model Committee gets I on paw prints HIS son Will wear rank mdkels ! V.F.W. Bruce Po~t 1146 I hiS pllzed sweatshirt "as often as Ovel the yeal s, Schott ha" I "Fishel Body hab some of the a new member 28404 E Jefferson, St Clair Shores we wII! let hun," he said held mOlethan thl ee dOlen be::,t model makers m the world J\ Schott's motlvation to remam posts, Includmg Ldkeshol e DI~ and we wel e able to get some of Russell W Smith was unal1J- I Starting December 3 Open any time ! m Scoutmg, he sald, was that It tllct comml"SlOnel fm 198485 the tI ddespeople Involved to g1Ve mou::,ly named to the Grosse offered him the opportumty to and serVIng as a staff membcI the kid::, a hands on approach POinte Woods Tree Ad\'lSOlY lr.-.,..... lIir.'iJlil:'lJlf •• lGt.*JIfi'*lGJ.'liJl':* Ji'.'liJif:'tJif,lli"'~~ I travel, bef:,'1nnmg when he was for the 1969 and 1973 I\'atlOnal They would deCide on some SOli Committee by the city counul I 14 when he went to Camp Phil Jamborees and the 1971 WOIld of project and they would be able Nov 21 I mont m New MeXICO Jamboree 111 Japan, \\hme he to use the tools and do wood Smith, who has hved 111 the "It was the greatest thmg m met the Empmel Hnohlto He wOlklng" CIty for 16 yeal s, IS a vice pi eSI I the WOIld for a 14-year-old, to was one of 72 staff membel s Schott also Olgamzed an Ex- dent With the Computech Group backpack for 10 days in the from the Umted Stateb who was plm el Post m computel::,clence, Formerly he was preSident of Sierra Madres It builds a lot of selected to go to Japan and With 300 young adults, I.t Inacomp Catalog Marketll1g Inc confidence m yourself" WhIle he was at GM, he Ol was one of the largest posts In and a teachel With Wanen Con- Scoutmg runs m the family gamzed an E'\plorer Post for the the country, he said Expiorels soh dated Schools Schott's father was an Eagle skIlled trades, bnngmg together al e high school age boys and He IS a membel of the Glosse Scout and he and hiS brother Explorer Scouts \\ Ith ~k"led f:,'1r1s POinte HlstOllcal SOCl€ty

> ,

From lA and VICIOUSdogs of all vanettes that thele have been no recorded have any reservatIOns about the dogs beheved to be of the banned IS WIth bad pet ownel hshlp Pit bull attacks In the Woods Pit bull ordinance, but he be bl eed The Impounded dog WIll The Humane Society would and that the numbel of Pit bull heved It IS necessary because of be held untll the mumclpal court Iathel see tough VICiOUS dog owners In the city IS probably the potential danger pIt bulls determmes If the ammal IS one lawb and hlghel licpnsmg fees small Iepresent Concerning the const! of those banned All mumcipal than see a bl eed of dogs com ReSIdent Robeli SoSSI ques- tutlonahty of the ban, he Sald he court deCISIOns can be appealed pletely banned tIOned whether Catlin could de would have to stand behmd the to circUlt court. EIleen Liska, du eltor of Ie fend the pIt bull ban In light of cIty attorney's Judgment Throughout the Woods' pit search and legislatIOn for the the Watelford Townshlp decI The councIl also sald It WIll bull saga, the MichIgan Humane Michigan Humane SOCIety, slOn He S31d he favored a tough now begm looking at ItS VICIOUS SOCIety has spoken agamst a pleaded WIth the Wood" counol VICIOUS dog ordinance rather dog ordinance and licensmg fee" breed-specifIc ban, such as not to adopt the pIt bull ban than spendmg taxpayers' dollal s The council mdIcated It wIll m- agamst Pit bulls The society be- "I Just don't understand \\ hv on defending a ban that would cl'ease the hcense fees, partly heves the problem With Pit bulls thIS commulllty that doe"n't be found unconstltutIOnal due to the cost of enfOicmg anI have a problem should do thiS, ' MayOl PI 0 Tem Robert Nov mal contl'ollaws 2 cars stolen, she saId, refel nng to the fdct Itke "aid he can't say he doesn't The councIl also Il1dlcated that It will be makll1g Its VICIOUSdog 1 theft attempt ordmances more strict reported in Park

Two cars were stolen and one SPIRITUAL HEALING attempted theft was reported by OF FUZHElmER'S Grosse POinte Park public safety last week A 1980 Volkswagen Rabbit Patients In earl'y stages \\as taken from the 1400 block of disease. Contact of BIshop and a 1984 PontIac mr marshall Sl.mblrd was stolen from the 500 block of Pemberton during the overmght hours Nov 19 The Window was smashed and 446-6838 the steenng column damaged In the unsuccessful theft attempt of d 1984 Pontiac In the 1400 block of Beaconsfield overmght Nov '<:1 Introducing a: • DRY CREEK • RAVENSWOOD • HACIENDA • KENWOOD • MOUTON CADET E the Saab 9000 CD. ~t- ~~~~~=-;:-,--~ ..-~~_-:.~~~.-.....~~ MULIER'C"0 MARKET rn ~ F:--'-'-"" . v 15215 KERCHEVAL !i • " "An Impressive Selection of foods in a relatIVely small place ;; en t., in the heart of Grosse POinte Park. z :r-~- "822 7786 ~ !2 EST 1931 Open Monday-8aturday 8-6 - II en t L&.I CENTER CUT PORK HOCKS FRESH SEAFOOD ~ CHUCK $159 SMOKED z ROAST LB ORANGE ROUGHY z 89~LB IQREAT TREATI -:r ROUND BONE $1-79 SAUERKRAUT - CHUCK ROAST WHITE ~ ~ LB 2LBBAG r- (~.,' 59~ PERCH FILLETS 1';'1 SMOKED PORK FRESH • ell The most m ~ HOCKS 89 lB SCROD FILLETS :a .-- Z .... CORONET I ~.'! ~ COKE 2 LITERS P • A c S. T • A C) m ~ BATH TISSUE uroneI AllnAvoRs 19 intelligent luxury car II S FRESCA :a ~ 8 ROLL $219 I + DEP ~ j'"\ 1 ANGEL HAIR, • l FETTUCINI L1NGUINI n • ~? rRP3lt~i~"tia SPINACH '1.65'2 oz :ICl ever built. BASIL '1.6512 01 - ~ FRESH COFFEE BEANS \{eQeta~ r: The new 9000 CD offcr..,"'O!T1P! IJ1I1~ you t dreh get rrom o!hn (d r.., III EGG '1.5912 oz This Weeks Special ZUCCHINI, , • LB :a It...C'ld~~.Your rnollcy\ worth 9 69~ RED OR BLACK OZ - 1I1l..,mpd",,,,('d 1111('1101room dnd IllXLJr\ pctformdl1u' '1.6512 It combine>'" \\llIh 111(' ;i COLUMBIAN CABBAGE, I , 19~LB PEPPER • LEMON PASTA '1.6512 OZ and handling 5(ldh 'Tllrhm dIP f,IIT]()LJ'" for COllle 111 11ow for d t('..,1 dnw TORTElINI EGG '1.6512 OZ SUPREMO ro:lATOES I " 99~ PIN' '=d£ OR TRI COLOR '2.8912 OZ 4 FOR SAAB ~~ $489 ~~'KMONSI• , 99~ RAVIOLI '2.79120Z IJll' ,,~ ...t IfItl'lIlg(>I!1 (dr<,('wr buill Ii: LB GRAPEFRUIT, , • 4 FOR 99~ Dl:.TROIT ,\( ~mollr <.,"111) - DEARIHlRN ", '" \\ \1,;\';;-:;--111-(- SOUTHFIELD (,loI~~,ii:hlOTd'lIl()hll(''> lah := lJ fl2 ~ a<,t Idfl'r<,OI1 "WIIlIC 2lh 11 \Ii, III ~ III \\, IIU(' I~OOO 11'11~r

\ • ...

December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 16A

CII~ or<&rOlllle llointe 1J1'armSMlchlgan

Wa~ ne Count~, \1Jehlgan Amendment to Animal Regulation Ordinance Ordind.nce "'0 295

-\'- ORDl'\A'\lE 10 "-\~IE:\D ORDl:\-\:\CE:\O 18.... E"TITLED, j Confinement of \'ICll)U" Dog PrIOr to thl: receipt uf d !lcen"e, thc A:-- ORDI\, -\'\C E TO REGl"LA 1£ THE KEEPI.\"G or -\.\"l:'>l-\b Ull mf ~hall pI 0\ life for the cfJnfinlment of the \ lClfJU" dog If thc WITHI:-- THE CITY CODE:--O '; 05 I lCluU- dug b to hI: confIned fJutduurs, the dug "haJJ be crmfined to d pen or ,t1 ucture \\ lth ,ecure 'Jde" dlld top attached to the "Idb TH.E. CITY OF GROSSE POI~ TE FAR~IS ORD-\I'\::, 'I Pe ,tructurt;. ~hall hal e d "ecure bottom or floor dttachecl to the - de - (Jf thl: pen ur thl -tluctUrL '-hall he embedded In the grfJUnd "EC TIO'\ 1 'd knuII n prupcnoJt\ tendenc\ UI Jll'llh appllcdbll to dCll-~OI, ,Iructurc" The 1)11ner "hall keep thl ~ 't dl-Pc.,ltJon to attack \\ ,thout prO\OCat1O'1 to cau,e Injun to or oth -tiULtUle IfJlkfd \\lth d pddlrJlY 01 kl\!tJck at all urnes that the II enlj~e endangll the ,aletl of huma!' bUll,;- ur dOfne-ue anlmdl- 01 (lUU" dog ,- hcpt I1hlde th(. ,tucture and ,haJj kelP the "tructun. am dog II hlch bJtb, inflict- InJur) a,,,au]b or othel \\ be at tack, a ddlqudte!; In dlld In d clcan dnd 'dnltal \ UJI1dltlon If the I IClf,U- HUlIIall 0<::11115 VI UVIIlt;.otll dllInldl \Iltnout prOloldtlUn un PUDII( or Clug I- to Oe ((JElllnUI .!H.loor" tilE I IllfJU, Clog ~ndlJ Il'Jt De Ke'jJl Oil d pn\ ate pI opert) , or am dog 0\\ ned ur harbored pnmanl) 01 In Pdl t prJlch fJI PdtlfJ or rn dl1\ f)tnu part of d house or structUle that for the pUl po,e of dog fighting or an) do,: trdlned for dog fighting I' uuid dllol~ the dog to l:Xlt of lh Ol\n \ 1OldtlOn In dddltlOn, nfJ ,uch '\ot \\ Ith"tandll1g the foregOing no dog ,hall be declared \ IC1OU~b, dnlmal md) bl klpt In a hou~l or ,trulture \I I]en the \I II1dol',s dl( rea,,(jfi of am lI1Jun or damage ,ustallled (I' b\ a per~on \1ho, at the Upl n Ol \1hen 'Cl een II rndo\l" UI ,creen doors are the on h (Jb,t"L!. '~~, we can t fMt &t'j the onll} dalj time "ul..h Injun or damage \1as ~ustaIned \1as commlttmg a \1111 prel entmg the dog from l '(,tlng 'he ~1 the cOJ+J'je!" ful tre"pass or other tort upon premise" occupied b\ the' 01\ m~1 of the dog or \\ as teasing tormentlllg abu"lng or a"saultIng the dog or "a" commlttlllg or attempting to commlt a Clime, or III J b, a 6 IdentlficdtlOn Ph()tosrdph" Pnor to thl receipt (Jf d jJCen"l th dombtlc dl1lmal \\hlch at the time such II1Jun or damage I\as "us 01' nu - "hdII pI 01lCle tne ["it) PublIc Safet) Department I\)th tv lJ Cartoon history of golf tamed, II a, tea"lllg tormenting, abusl'lg or a"sau!tlng the dog, 01 IlCC nt ((JIOl ph0togl aph" of the \ !CIOU'ldog \" hJch c1earl" ,holl tLf !JII) b\ a person or a dome,tlc animal of the dog I\as protcctlllg or lfJlol dnd apprrnlmate "lze of the anImal defending a human belllg \llthm the Immediate \ IClmt, of the dog author to speak at library from an unJu"tlfied attack or assault 7 Llcen"e Fee The 0\\ ner shall pa) a lIcense fee 111 an amount e, Beverley Burlmgame, author (dl the term 0\\ ner" shall mean an; person 0\\ mng, malntalll taDlr~hed h om time to time h" n~,olutlOn of the Clt:; Council and Illustrator of "Wanna Playa rng, keeping or haroormg a \ IC10USdog \1ithm the Clt) of GlOsse ~ Pomte Farms Round," will speak at Central C Control of \' IC1O_~'Dog~ LIbrary Thursday, at Dee 8, 7 SECTIO.\" 2 SectIOn J of the AnImal RegulatIOn Ordlllance, 30 pm Code Xo 705 enacted a" Ordmance ~o 198 August 5, 1974, IS All \ ICIOU"dog, "hall be confined as de"cnbed rn SectIOn 13BI51 of hereb~ amended to add the follo\~lllg sentence at the conclus1On of thl" Ordldnce It shall be unla\1 ful for any owner to marntall1 a \ I Burhngame, an aVId golfer ,ald SectlOn3 CIOU;,dog upon any preml~e~ \\ hlch doe~ not have a locked enelo and member of Orchard Lake "UIe, unle"s such VICIOU~dog I~ dt all time,> maintained 111 the 0\1n ~\ Country Club, found herself m , Xo person shall own, harbor or keep any dog for the purpose of el 's dwelling the writmg business after hav dog fightmg_ or train, torment, badger, baIt or use any dog for the mg produced a senes of posters purpose of causlllg or encouraging said dog to attack WIthout PIO It "hall be unla\\ ful for an) OIl..ner to allo", any VICIOUSdog tu be announcmg the club's weekly \ocatlOn human belllgs ur domestic animals" outSide of the d\\ellIng of the o\\nel or outSIde of the enclosure un golfing event The posters had a less It IS neces"ary for the u"'nel to obtaIn the vetennary care fOI central theme based on the hiS SECTIOX 3 The Ammal RegulatIOn Ordinance, Code No 705, the VICIOU"dog 01 to sell or give away the VICIOUSdog or to compl; tory of golf and the book was enacted as Ordinance No 198 on August 5, 1974, I" hereby II..Ith commands or dIrectIOns of the court, the Ammal Control oni born amended to Illclude the followlllg prOVISIOns to be codIfied as Sec cel or any public safety officer WIth I espect to the VICIOUSdog, 01 to tlOn 13 and Inserted after SectIOn 12 of the Alllmal RegulatIOn:, 01 comply WIth the lIcenSIng prOVISIOn" of thiS OrdInance In "uch Answers to the followmg ques- dInance e\ ent, the VICIOUSdog "hall be securely muzzled and rpstl arnecl tIOns are m the book- Why are With a choker chain and leash haVing a mInimum tensile stl ength "SectIOn 13 RegulatIOn of VICIOUSDogs of thl ee hundred (300) pounds and not exceedmg thl ee (3) feet In golf balls dImpled; how many length The muzzle shall be made and fitted In a manner that wIll holes made up the early courses, A DetermInatIOn of a VICIOUSDog not cause Injury to the dog or mterfere With ItS VISIOn or I esplra why did Kmg James I of Scot- tron, but shall prevent It from bltmg any human or al1lmal The an land try to outlaw the game in The Ammal Control Officer or any public safety officer shall m Imal shall be under the direct control and superVISIOn of the ownel 1457? veshgate all complamts of a VICtOUSdog In the event that the Am of the VICIOUSdog 01" hiS agent, eIther of whom shall be 111 an) mal Control Officer or any pubhc safety officer has Ieasonable event, a person of eighteen (IS) years of age and phvslcalh capahle There Will be autographed cop- cause to believe that a dog IS VICIOUS,he or she shall InstItute plO of restraInIng the ammal

Ies available and time to speak ceedIngs m mUllIclpal court requestmg the court to conduct a hear I with the author at a receptIOn lllg on whether or not the dog should be declared V1ClOUSunder thiS D Reportmg ReqUIrements, -; followmg the program Ordmance The Issue of whether the dog IS a VICIOUSdog wlthlll the meaning of thiS Ordlllance shall be declded based upon the prepon An ownel shall notify the City of Grosse POInte Fal ms PublIl Beverley Burlingame derance of the eVidence If the court rules the dog to be VICIOUS,It Safety Department ImmedIately upon dISCOVel) that a \ ICIOU"dog may order that the dog be confined to the owner's premIses or eu IS on the loose, IS unconfined, has attacked another al1lmal or hu thalllzed The court may establIsh a tIme schedule to Insure comph man being, or has been stolen An owner shall notify the City Clel k ance WIth thiS Ordlllance, but In no case shall such tIme exceed m \\ ntmg wlthll1 one day If the VICIOUSdog has been "old or gl\ en thIrty (30) days after the date of the court's determmatlOn COUIt away OJ has died, and, If the VICIOUSdog has been sold OJ gl' en costs for such actIOn shall be taxed agam,>t the owner of the dog all..ay to a ne\\ ownel I eSldlng \\ Ithm the City of GIos,e POIntp .~Iouftd Falm'l the O\lnel 'lhall al"o plo\lde the Clt) C!elk \Ilth the lld!ll" GREAT GIFT GIVING IDEAS Thp (flUI t Jlld) deCIde all Issues fOl 01 agam'lt the 0\1 nel of the ,Id'il l ," and telephone numbel of the llell 0\\ nel of the \ ICIO\I~dill; dog I ['gdl d1L~~ of the fact that the owner faIls to appeal at saId VISIT US AT OUR 00 heanng, and the determmatlOn of the court shall be final and con E PenaltieS for VIOlatIOn NEW SHOWCASE $ 1,199 cluslve upon all parties thereto In the event that the Alllmal Con After' l()()OOMallin trol Officer or any public safety officer has probable cause to believe 1 Failure to ComplyISho\\ Cause Hednng Upon an 0\1 ner '>failUl e LOCATION: 131 KERCHEVAL Rebate' With Free Case GROSSE PT. FARMS that the dog m questIOn IS VICIOUSand may pose a threat of serrou" to comply \\ Ith any conditIOn m the caUl t order findIng a dog to be harm to human belllgs or other domestIc ammals, the Ammal Con \ ICIOU~,the Al1Imal Control Officer OJ an) publIc safet) officel 'lh.11] 885- 0 RCA Pro Wondef!' trol Officer or publIc safety officer may seIze and Impound the dog confi'>cate the dog and lmpoung same pendmg a heal mg I equllrng pendlllg the hearing The owner of the dog ;,hall be lIable to the the o\\ner of the dog to shall cause \\h) the dog should not be 1m VHS Camcorder City for the CO'lts and expenses of keepmg such dog med18tely desh oyed The OIl..nel of the clog shall be liable to the • 8 1 power zoom lens Clt\ fOl the co'>t and e"pen~e" of keepll1g such dog Fallul e to com EPR 295 • Infrared auto locus system B ~eqUirements for RegIstratIOn pI; "hall, among other things Include • Solid state MOS Image sensor 00 Upon a findIng by the court that a dog IS \ ICIOUS,Its 0\1ner shall (II the failure to obtain a \ ICIOU"dog license In accordanre \llth S('c $ 199 • High-speed electroniC shutter comply \\ lth the folio'" mg reqUirements for IIcen"lllg tlOn 13B of thiS Oldlndnce • Excellent low-light performance

1 License App!rcatlOn The owner shall apply to the Clt) Clel k 1111 th( faIlure to "ecure habdlt, lI1SUIance In dCCOIdancl' 1\Ith Sc( for a \ ICIOUSdog !rcense \\ hlch shall be ~aIld for one )ear flom the tlon 13B ofthl'> Oldm,lnce . 9" 0.8gon81 PORTABLE dale of It;, appro\ al provlded all conditIOns of thiS OrdInance and COLORTV applicable court orders ha \ e been met The Ircense shall be rene\1 a 11111the fadUie to confine the \lC1O\I" dog to the plemhe., I\lth ap RCA 9"diagonal ble fUf "uccesslve one year penods prOVIded that the dog IS to be plOpllate ~lgnage In ,lccOld'lnce \IJth SectIOn 11B of thl' Oldl,l MoOe1 VR470 kf'pt on the same premIses under the same conditIOns and ItS 0\\ ner nance ,...."..,'" ("&.1"''''__ 1"..,,1VIVI..... TVI has not VIOlated any condItIOn of thiS Ordinance or am court 01 del • Eas,ly portable take-along $ 399°0 dunng the pre\ IOU'>t\\ehe month perrod :".'0 such hc~nse ~hall be '1\1 the dog, ple"Ulce 0uhldl of the O\\nel, dv,elltng 01 thp Pllcl(f Color TV transfera ble to d nel\ 0\\ neI of the dog or to a ne\\ locat lOn 01 ad '\II P e"cept a, pI 0\ Ided lTJ ')('(llon 1 lC of Ih 1- Ordmance • 2-way ACiOC operation RCA 4-Head VCR dres'l \\ h2re the dog \1III he kept II I tht tail\lle to tattoo the dOK 'lI1d pIO\ld, IdentlficdtlOll photo • 4-head Double Azimuth Video 2 In"urance Prim to the' receipt of a hcen"e the OILnel ,hall gl ,lph,- \ll ,\CCOId,lncp \\ Ith ')PltlOn l1B of thl, 01 dln,II1C(, ()) system presen-rfOTIle"Clt) Clerk proof that the 0.1ner ha~ plocul('d lldbll • Jitter-free field st,lI special It) msUl ance In the amount of at least One Hundl ed Thou~and Dol 11)1th( f,lllull' to compl\ Illlh 11](' I !,pOl11I1l; IPqu\)pnwnt, ofSl'ctlnn effecls ReA l<1r, 1$100,00000) co\er'ng any damage or InJur) \\hlch nla\ he IlD of thl~ O)dll1ance STEREO • Remote programming Withon- caused by ;,uch \ICIOU" dog durmg the t\\ehe 1121 month penod fOi ColorTrak 2000 screen display (611 yr) \\ hlch !rcen"lllg IS sought, \1hlch pollc) contam~ a pI U\ 1~lon nammg 2 \'IC)(:.U'l C::':nclmt Sh()\~ ('au-(' HedrIl1i( If an\ \ I(JOU, dOf( -hall Monllor-Recelver • 12O-channel FS quartz tuning' 00 the City dS an addltlOnaJ msurer and '>hall pro\ IdE.'that the elt\ "h('n tlllplO\oleif lIlT \\otlnaOJ a"l~t \n hilling .111\ clnml'-tll alll $ 649 '>hall he notified b) the m"urance compan) of anv cancellatlOn tpr m,1i )wlonglllg to OJ 1Il tlw PO"(,~~lon or 'lll\ pc'l,on or If an\ \ I Alter'SOOO Mallin Rebale mmatlOn or explratlOn of the hablht) m'>urance po!rC) In dddltlOn (lfm- dog ~hall \\ hen unplO\ ohc,d attack a",lUlt Ilound hltr OJ the 0\\ ner shdll .,Ign a statement atte,>tmg that the OILnel ~h,1i1 oth(')\1 I-I' ItlllU( I hUll1.ln hllng the ,\tlllnal Control Offic('r or al1\ mamta1l1 and not ~oluntanly cancel the lrabIllt\ \n'lurance dUllng puhll( ."lfet\ officl'l '-hall (onfi.,cate ,md Impound th(' \ICIII~ dog MM.27 d agoraF2"OOAK Hen II•• the t\\ehe 1121 month penod for \\hlch lJcen"mg I" ,011ght unle~., p('ndlng ,I hl-,llmg \I\thm ,t\(,!lI,1 da,~ Il'qUIIlI1g thr O\\!l('r of thl th() 0'\ ner ,h'-dl t!:..3~C to 1c:.ecp or h3r~nr trc ' ~C:0UC dog pIlC r .( '-~~ dOl! In .....hfl\\ (,(111...fl \\ h\ thp rl()\T ....hnl,!rf nof ~Hl ,.In t .. "" nA 'Tl pInltlon of ~uch lIcense ot th( dlJg -11<111hl Ii.lhlt to thl ( It, - fOI Iht (t~~I'~ ';I~;ll'~~~n~:'~'::t ColorTrak 2000'. ~l "ping -tllh dill.; Stereo Monitor- 3 Tattoomg Dog Pnor to the [l'celpt of d IIcen~p Iht fJ\11\( I HOME MUSIC SYSTEM Receiver - ~hall at h:-" o\\n -e-xpen'le lja; e the lrcen'lIng number or ,\.ch ot hl I "n TIO\, 4 "((tl' n II ot (1)(' \nun.ll !{rgull'1011 01 dltldog The Clt\ , I'll IIJ1'!) 1,lr SAP • Wide Ranqe Speakers mJ\ 111 h", dl.,cretlOn dp~lgllate the partlc'ILlI lOC "'1-( 110\ n It ,111\ Pln\I~I(ln, (II till- OIr!L 111(, ,II!' Iwld L1l\ Illd III S-VHS lack 00 \ ICIOU"dog If It h ddTprpnt from the hCln~e numlwr of ~\l( h IIClOU, l' III IIndl'1 of thl~ OI(!II1'IlII' ,h ill not hI ,III"(\t rI thplth\ $ 159 dog for thp pUI po.,p of thl~ ~ectlOn tattoo ,hall f)(' dc.fint d .h <1m pprm,ln('nt numhlnng of ,I \ ICIOU~do~ h) ml an, of mrlt Iml" (II pf I -,H 110\ -;- It \- h, I( h\ d" 111((1 Ih 11 Ihl- OH!ln,IJ1lbll' ,mrl cap"hlp of bt'lI1g 1I',Id !H,m dn; dd'i HEADPHONES lor private (('nt public) Ight of \\dv listening (\)f1J44lCJO()IJ! \\lln

7-4607 While & Grey

\ I I December 1, 1988 -Grosse Pointe News 17A Day care Pointe Plaza scheduled From lA city attOlney GeOlgp ('.ltlJl1 III I t h Illk It ("L1t(' Illen"l11g of • The pi opel ty 1<.,mamtmned 101 mOle children than the size for completion in 1990 Septembel 1987 Obtdl1Wd tll(' CLl\ C,II P<.,) I" d plotectlOn fOI LOll"'l<.,tent With the vl<.,lble char of the home tan handle For ex names of <.,tate 11{(!!1"pd d,l\ (.IIf'<" chlidlpJ! .lnd ]),[1('111'>' ..,hl' "Hld ,llt('ll..,tIC<., 01 the nelghbOl hood dmpJe, a gloup dely care home The POinte PlaId office !etml dnd adnllnlstratJve personYJel 101 1I1 the cIty \\'c 11.lllt to PIKOIII dge ppople to • Meeh local c,lgn 01 dmdncI'<" may only be IIcemed for "even pm'kll1g Ullllplex at Mack and St John and will be connected to Rooc.,e'<., <.,lllt 101101\.., .Ill hlllll'l gl't Illl'II,,('cl ,Inel Ilot go undpi If the gloup dely care ha" .I SIgn chlldl en maXimum, <"he said MOl 0"<" I':> expected to open In the ho<"pltal with a <.,econd level '>Ult agall1<.,t the Clt\ b~ ,lllOt!WI glound • :\1l'pt<., lowl off <.,tleet pal king 1990, the developer and the day calc opel'atol, Shpll.! "Ill' ",lid thdt dltol dlllg to tilt' I('qUll cmenh for the glOUp day Cltlec, oppo<.,ed to Senate Bill enclo<.,ed walkway 687, such a<., Gro<.,,,e Pamte OWllel of the property announced Temkow, who ha<., ..,I\lle m(n ed ,Idte Dpllc!1 tnll'lIt of ')oual St'! (,\I e homl'\ employee<., The Mack bUlldmg, whIch \\ III Wood<." POint out that the bill IS la<.,t \\eek Ollt of GlOs"e POI lite Wood.., \ Ill''', "OIllP 60 IWlll'lIt of tho"'l • Doe" 1I0t eXleed 16 hOlll" of It ont Mack Avenue and be at anothel example of the "tate tell The announcement came dftel On Dec 15, 1987, W.I\ 11(' t.i!-.lIlg III dllldH'1l fOl dd\ l,II(' opt' I dtlOIl du! mg a 24 hOllJ pl' the plOperty'" northern most mg the Cltll''' whdt they can and the Dell Olt City Counul ap County ClltUit .]udgp LUllll(' d)( 1I0t Ilu'lN'd 'I hI' h!l I, If dp IlOd boundmy, will have 124,000 l,m not do, an elO"IOn of \\ hat CI proved I l'qUll ed lOlling changes Watts, who was IlIPll.h to dl'lld(' Pl11\ I'd 1\ otlld IIldkc' It 1',1..,1('1to AI "endult "dId that even <.,qUelle feet of leased plOfesslOnal tle<., cdll "home lull''' )1ov 16 office "pace at the tIme whPlhel to lOlltlllllP lUll ,I Il'gltlllldl<' ! ('<.,Idlntldl dd\ though gloup ddy Cdl P<" HIe de an lI1JllnctlOn agdlll,t thp (It \ " I dll' .Illtl II 'Jllld l nLOlil dgl' p( oplt, filll.d Ilot (\ "Ill II " thdl ,1110\1 tlH' ut\ to ddle.., thdt d home dely Cal e ha\ e umllllel lI,ll bU<.,lne,,<., opel atlOl1" ('01 P , the pdl ent comp,lI1Y of St The L <.,haped IetUlI "tnp \\111 empt fJOIlJ tJw (It\ " Oldlll.lllt(' I ('dJ h I ll"!JU I !.1I1111t dml group '0 lllell1\ ..,qUdl e fel't PPI chl!d, In Iec,ldentldl nPlghbol hood':> .John HO"plL11, \\lmh dbut'> the Iw enclosed 111 a glu<.,<.,atllum agdlll'ot bu"me,,'-e<., III I p"'ldpIlU', d.l I l,lll'" to IIldkl' "Ul e thev dl e ,Illd dol\ C,lI('" l'- ~.. l. .. jj .... I l U. Ll LIi\.,,"- ..... dnd Co Inc 01 Southfield Nel type of I etall "tal es IS bemg de ne) I.., no ]ongPI pUI "'Ill Ilg t hI' lIuJldll1g 10 tlll' hill ther Scho<.,tdh nOl St Clall om hcnbed as up"cale, but the "electIve enfOICl'llll'nt rid Inl .Il1d I Ill' bll I ,iI"o "t IInil ,ltl:'" that Udl" hdve lelea"ed d pi Ice e"tl names of po:,slble tenant" have (el<"(' has been (Oll( 11It!('d .II I 01tI riIOU]> dd\ l ,ll l' hOlll('" ClIlllot be mate tor the development not been released mg to Cltlll1 1\ II lUll 1 ;)00 feN of ,1I10t hel 15554 East Warren Avenue 882-6822 The new Pomte PId7a, whIch glOIl)l d,w Cdl e hOlI](, an adult The pmkll1g structUle WIll be No date ha" be('n ,( t fOl t1w I eplaces the 1950's vintage shop lo..,t"l Clll' home a ,uh<,tdnc(' concealed from VieW along Mack Roo<.,e "mt, whIch 1'" d]..,O [II go Three major cabinet Do it yourself or ping centel that wa<., tOIn down ,!tnl"l tl (',It Ilwnt ,1I1d Il'h,lhll and MOloss by the I eta II shops befOl e .Judgl' Wdth lines, in 40 styles. installation available. Id<.,t yeal, WIll lI1c1ude two five and atllum ILlt lOll U'lltu 101 ,('\ en 01 11101e Roobe's alto! ne), :'I1.u \ Anll btOl y otlire bUIldings, a two The alChltelts and plannerb pl'ople ()J I UJlIlllllllllt\ UJ11ec Countertops and AI "enault, Ib a <.,tlOllg I(h OC,ltp stOI v, I,GOO cal pat kmg gal age fm the pIoJect ale Neumann t Ion Cl'lltl'l, Ie"ldent home, h,dl accessories available. Free estimates. and d Ietml shoppll1g "tnp fac SmIth ASSOCiates of Southfield of Senat!' Bill 687 SIll' pOJllh \\d\ bou'-e 01 otlll'l Idullt\ tOi mg Mack and MOl ass and Walker Pal'kll1g StructUl e out that 11 -:Itles plohIlJlt Il''-Ic!pn Inllldt t'" One of the office bulldmgs will Consultants of Kalamazoo The tl~1 da\ Cdl es and enforle the Othel gloup dd\ C,lI (' I equll e lace Moross near St John Hospi genel al contractOl IS the Barton law bv gl'ttll1g a 11"t of "tatp II m(nb ll1clude tensed day call' OpPI,ltOl"', thpn tal The 98,000 square foot Mo Malow Co of Southfield • ApplOpll,lte Ipm ll1g 101 the 10<"<;hUIldmg will hou<.,e doctors people \\ iii <"!l11ph Ilot hOtlH I - John Mlnlll" .."tlpt\ 01 the ch!l(h pn ,1<"dl'tel gettll1g !Ice med 111ll1pcl11\ the ut \


(11\ of<&rnSSe 'ointe IJ1armSMichigan FOR SEVEN Wayne County, Michigan Amendment To Zoning Ordinance DAYS ONLY AT Ordinance No. 296 BECKWITH EVANSI A~ ORDI0:A;\1CE TO AMEND SECTION 1512 OF THE ZONING OHDI0:;\i\( E CODE:\fO 120'3 [HE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS ORDAINS $7.00 TO $10.00 YD. SAVINGS "El'l ION I ')pcllon 1512 of the Zoning 01 dmance, Code No 1203, ('n,llted <1<'01 (!In,lDce No 192 on .July 16,1971,1<' hClebey amended h\ dr' iL IIllg ".lId "pctlOn 1fj 12 III It.. en III ct) .1I1d <;Ub<,tltUtlng t hl j('[l(m II1g In Ill'u thelcof MAKE THESECARPETSWITH

'-,L( j IOZ\ 1')12 ENCLChURt. OF EXTERIOR SERVIC«~ \Hl \'-, In ,111 loned Ol<,tlllt<, ('\c('pt one famI1) le"luentldl, lub LOCKED.IN STAIN RESISTANCE hl,h thd ,..,lillld \\lth1l1 ,llcfu<,e dUJ11p..,tel (.1<,hClcmaftel defined 1 "II III 1)(' pI In .1 IUnOI <,il collectIOn a n(1 '>PI \ Ice al ca enc!o"cd OJ "u (()l( d Jlom puhllc \ IC\\ h\ .In oh'llllll1g <,tlllctlll ,11 <1ppUlten

\ )( fll" r1ump'tc 1 ..,h.dl iiI dd~npd a<,,1 flont (nd UlJ1tallH'l, loll With Locked-In With Locked-In WIth Locked-In With Locked-In CARPET ONE Stain Protectlonl Starn ProtectIon' Starn Protection' Starn Protect,on ,J!I «11lIp \(llIlg Ul1lt ()) '1111\1.1I(omml 11Idilolltalnu \\hlCh 1<'III 1''\ ' 1(" oj on( lubll \,1ld III \olulIW Rdu~(' dump<,tl'l<' ~liall 1)( fitlpd LEES RICH CABIN CRAFTS CARPET ONE CARPET ONE \' 11h lid, th"t

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"I( 110',) J'l) I' ),,(pl 1,1111111\ I11HIHlld ()ldll1'lllf \" • -11'''1 r) ,. , J Prices effective Through Thursday, December 8th at 9 pm I j" ( 11'" lId, d ,h ill I ( m 1111 111 Illil t"1 If dlHl Iffl I I ------• TRm IHRHl

  • I \ \( II I) \Olt mI.l I 11 I 'hH "".. • 'IT ( I ItR ,UoRI' \Ili ~ ~~I ,.x XNil, .... 'Ijm..-n I'( III hili lJ lJ( It J1) hI I 1 1q'\ k 14",1'1 ~EVAN5 IORfOllllfRC,U I~STAll'l O~S CUl OlJRCO~TRACT DEPY 515/000 ,.rch .... en• (\111111l'lIHIO! \/11 \TlIRFIlOIR\ IHI\IJ~\ IR!I)~' IlIdmln'lpm qllRIlH Illamlll(,pm \I\IHI \llolllo'pm December 1, 1988 18A Grosse Pointe News Montefalco Church. Mrs. AtkIn- LaIng, In two-piano works. She John A. Butler 1989 sense and good humor son, a fOlmer Glosse POInte Park appeared Iegularly m the pro- To advance the values to SurVIvors mclude her hus Memonal services for .John A and Woods reSident, died Nov f.,fJ.dms of the Chamber MUSIC which Dr Butler devoted hiS band, Mason P Rumney Jr ; two Butler, 45, of Gro~se POInte, will 27, 1988, at her home 111 Boca Playel s of Grosse Pomte and the life, family and friends ask that sons, Mason P III, of Sedona, be held m Callforma at the Hal' TW.!bday Musicale m lIeu of flowers, contrIbutIOns Anz and John C , of Port Doug- Raton, Fla vard School, Dec 28, 1988 dnd She wa~ born III MunCie, Ind She I::' survived by her hus- be bent to the John A Butler las, Au::,tra!l a; a daughter, Susan In Massathusetb at the Halvald She was owner of Wicker band, Darrell; a daughter, Shos- Memonal Fund at the Boston Chavez, of Albul'quel'qlle, N M , University MemOllal Church WoIld and Flont Row COIP MlIlI hana Kalson, two bans, John and FoundatIOn, 60 State Stt eet, Bos. foul' grdndcluldren, and a Jan 7, 1989 Dr Butler died Mall 111 Globse POll1te She also Mark, two grandchildren, her ton, Ma::,s 02109 brother, James Kl'pntlel', of Hon Nov 25, m Boston, of panClcatIc parentb, Dallas and Nora Tandy, olulu, HawaII bold !lfe II1~UIance cancer She wa~ a member of the De- of Rogers, Ark, and her brother, MemOllal contl'lbutlOns may He was a native 01 GlOsse Rlchm d, of Manetta, Ga Frederick Dana be made to the Ladle~' BaLdUl bOlt Yacht Club Pomte He gI aduated from PhIl In lieu of flowers, contnbu- Fund, St Paul's Episcopal SlII Vlvorb ale hel husband, lIps Academy, Andover, Ma~,>, Standish II tlOn'i may be made to the Instl Church, Steamboat Spnngs, Thoma" Atkm"on, two daugh In 1961 He earned hiS bache Lt Col FI edenck Dana Stan tel", Patl ICla Dp Young and tute of MUSICand Dance, Center Colo 80477 fOl Creative StudieS, 245 East lor's degl'ee In philosophy flom dl'>h II dIed Nov 25, 1988, In Kelly Thomas, t\\ 0 '>onb, Tml KII by, DetrOIt 48202 StanfOld University In 1966 ChaIleston, S C , afiel a long III and Dan, SIX bfJ.andchddlen, clnd He served as a Peace Corps ne~s Vrona Bartel Atkinson " ~l"ter, Bdl hal a Newman volunteer In Pem dnd a Ped.te Mr Standish was bOln In De Sel vice::, fOl VlOna (ROIlllle) BUlldl \\as III Mount OlIvet Corps tl aIner In MeXICO,then re bOlt Jan 31, 1919 and moved to Baltel Atklllbon, 67, \\Ill be Fit CemetelY, DebOlt turned to Harval d University GI'Ob:>ePomte In 1927 da), Det 2, at 9 30 d.m at the All dngemenb \\ el e ha ndled Graduate School of EducatIOn In J. Clifford Hanna He g1'aduated from Gros~e Chd., Vel hevden Funel al Home b\ the Cha::, Vel hl", den FuneIal 1970, whel'e he earned a docto POInte High School and the U S dnd dt 10 d m dt St Clm p of Ilome Doris Eubank A memorIal service for J ClIf- rate and latel served as a~sls Mlhtal'y Academy ford Hanna, 90, of Gros:>e Pomte tdnt dean for AcademiC Affau s He served In the U S Army Doris Eubank Woods, will be held at 1 pm, Early In hl~ careel, Dr Butler \\ Ith the 94th dIVISIOn m Gel' Sunday, Dec 4, at Grosse Pomte combined hiS mtere,>t 111 educd many durmg World War II and ~lemorIal -,ervlce'i were held CongregatIOnal Church. Mr tlOn With hiS commitment to 1m- also III Korea and Greece for DOli'> Eubank, 58, of GIO::'~ Hanna died FrIday, Nov 25, provmg the fate of underpllvl- SurVIvors mclude a son, Fred Pomte Park, at the Gros~ 1988, In St John Hospital, of a leged and handicapped children erIch Dana III, two brothers, POinte Unitarian Chunh healt ailment HIS most Iecent project was a Frank Eddy and W Colburn Jr , Wednesday, Dec 7 Mrs Eubank He graduated from the Um- decade-long study of how speCial a nephew, and two grandchll- died Sunday, Nov 27, 1988, at verslty of MIChigan educatIOn plogl'ams aClOSS the dlen St John Ho::,pltal, after a SIX, Dunng World War I, Mr. country Implement federal lebfJ.S MemOrIal contllbutlOns may month Illness Hanna '/olunteered to be an am- latlOn requirements be made to Alzheimer's Disease She received her bachelor's bulance driver In France, dunng Dr Butler was a former staff and Related Disorders ASSOCIa and master's degree::, In plano World War II, he served as an director for the Committee on tlOn, DetrOIt Al ea Chapter, from the Umverslty of Loul:>- intelligence officer for the Army ChIld Development of the Na- 17251 W Twelve Mile Rd, ville. She al&O :>tudled at Oak. Air Corps. He was In the 500th tIOnal Academy of Sciences In Southfield, Mlch 48076 land Umverslty Bomb Group In the South Pa- Washmgton, DC. and served as She began her teachIng career cific, and, according to Eleanor staff director for the CongrE,s In LOUIsvIlle. She also taught at Breltmeyer, a frIend and former slOnal Select Panel for the Pro- the Wilmington, Delaware MusIc DetrOIt News colummst, he took motion of ChIld Health that pro- Mary Krentler Rumney School, the Cleveland MUSIC photographs of Japan's formal duced the four.volume "Better MemOrIal serVIces for Mary School Settlement and the InstI- surrender at Iwo Jlma Health for Our ChIldren" ThIS Kl'entler Rumney, 62, were held tute of MusIc and Dance of the He was the owner of VIdeo report has served as a blueprInt Tuesday, Nov 29, 1988, m Center for Creative StudIes In FIlms, a firm that produced in- for chIld health polIcy m the Steamboat SprIngs, Cola Mrs Detroit dustrial films and televiSIOn com- U mted States Rumney died N ov 22 She also taught piano for mercials m the early days of tel- In 1986 and 1987, Dr Butler She was born in DetrOIt and many years at Mercy College eVISIOn taught and served as head of the grew up m Grosse Pomte. and operated the Grosse Pomte According to Breitmeyer, Mr, upper school at Harvard School She attended UniverSity LIg- Conservatory of Music with her Hanna was a dapper, dashIng, in North Hollywood, Calif He gett School and Michigan State friend Bess Bonnier. ""itty man who loved to enter- was an aSSOCIateprofessor m the Umverslty In addition, Mrs. Eubank had tain. She said he skied until he Department of SOCial MediCine As an army wife, she lived in a large folloWIng of private stu- was 86; and golfed until he was and Health Policy at Harvard Germany, Iran, Washington, dents. She founded and directed 89 University DC, and, for the last eIght the Breck's Mill Madrigal SIng- He was a member of the De- Survivors mclude hiS wIfe, Pat years, m Steamboat Sprmgs ers In D~laware and was artist- troit Skating Club and the De- L. Cox; a son, Andrew; a daugh. Mrs. Rumney was a member m-resldence and chOIr dIrector at troit Boat Club tel', Louisa; his father, Wilham of Sigma Gamma ASSOCIation the Grosse Pomte Unitarian Survivors include his wife, He- G., of Grosse Pomte Farms; a and 111 recent years was actIve m Church. len, two sons, John and Laur- brother, WIlham A.; and a Sister, St Paul's EpIscopal Church of She performed WIth the De- ence; SIX grandchildren; five Sarah B. White. Steamboat SprIngs Accordmg to trOIt Woodwmd Qmntet and great-grandchildren; and a sister. Interment wIll be in Elmwood her famIly, she was loved and WIth her partnel', Fontame The body will be cremated Cemetery, DetrOIt, on Jan 3, gave love With courage, common

    I I Paralegal i • ComprehenSive Evening Program • Taught by Experienced Attorneys ,r • Financial Aid Available if Qualified . • Classes Held Locally: Grosse Pointe North High School C

    By AppoJnlment Only - 882-2000 (313) 358~5170 CITy: _ 2t'11(, T\\che Mile Rd 'Southflcld l limited Openmgs Mon , Wed. Fn , Sat. IAr \nrrhu (11Cm HI~hl((1\) STATE: ZIP: _ Expires 12/31/88 Evening Hours PHONE:, Q,UANTITy_. _ December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 19A Far-reaching state school tax reform outlook appears bleak By Margie Rems Smith "And If It doesn't pass m thIS mill levied) rate leVied In 1986, '87 or '88 K 12 educatIOn state's schools may result m Staff Writer lame duck &essJOn, we'll have to The c~rrent gap In per pupil BlanchLlI d'~ pl,lI1 mdudes a Blanchard expJes<.,ed optlTl1J&m laws that I1Ibble away at spectfic t\ "tCO! rn pIa "t,11t over next year" spending between dlstnct.., I" as one cent ",lIe" ta\. mu ea~e offset that hiS plan would be enacted Is~ues and, 111the long run, may p(holl tIJdt "eemea \101kdble -- 01 Cook ~ald 1I10.,t educdton, much as $5,000 In "ome m"tan by a 25 plilent Ie"ldentlal tax befm e the legl~lature leaves thIS hUlt Grosse Pomte ,It led..,t 1><1I<11.lble- to Glo""e .11,'1 ee thdt fundmg reform IS nec ce~ cut "In (',>"ellce, ,IllYthing left yCdl, but Cook saId, "Real "chool "A law could take away all PUlIltP" "dlOUI", dppe,lI" to 1)(' (,""dl y to equalize pel pupJl Cook ~ald the pldn that had ovel would go to educatIOn," finance reform wtll probably be did for vocatIOnal and specIal dl'old "pendmg between rich and pOOl been developed by the govel n Cook ",ud "But thl'l e\ no guUl po&tponed now Not just until educatIOn," !>hesaid .Jll ...t .I" till' pi opo"dl \1,1" dbout ...dlOOI dl"tlIC«, In the &tate ment dffall s stafT" of &tdte teach antee thl'l e \Iould he money left Janudl)', but probably fm d few "Or a law could be passed re, (0 lUJIIP up fOI ,I \ote, (;0\l'11101 Glos"e POll1te\ concern a" an el ~ unIOns, ~tate assoclatlOn~ of O\'l'1 year.., " qUlrlng out of formula dlstncts LUlU.... BLlIllh'll d pi opo"ea hh out o! 10lmula dlSlllct that ha& "chool b031 d~, adnlll11strdtOl.., Alcoldll1g to ,I Detlolt Ne\l~ Fenton Said he'& opposed to like GIO!>se P01l1te to pay Social (1\1Jl pLlll :~OO mdllOn mOle Cook Sdld thelt a lack of far cause of the Impact on our local (Ii (h"e POIlltp Eductllcb Out of plOpel ty tax cub of $1 2 bl1llOn, d yedl on edllcdtlUn ,md at led"t Ieaehlllg finance Ietorm for the dl..,lllcl," ~he ~ald tlOn, "',1ll1 "Iw belle\e" B),\I1 10lmula, accOidmg to DII ectOl of and would provIde Inll ea"l,d 12 pelcl'nt ot It-. glOnelal fund on chmd'" plan I'" !lOlltlc,dh motl Bll"lI1e"" AfTdll& Chll"tJan Fen funds of about $.500 millIOn 1'01 1,Ited ton, Iefel" to d dl"tl ICt that col ~chools lIe ... pO"ltlOl1ll1g Illm ...eli lOl IlOll" mOlp mone\ t hn n t hp "tate School millage rdte~ \\ auld [)(' Park police 1111"1.:~1 tilt' 1~YU plell IOn ..,he ",lid 1t" gUdl dnteed SUppOit (nO\1 $330 capped at 28 mill" And the "tdte p1~~1lli\y@ili. I jll"l ,I (a\. "hilt rhell'''' l10thmg pel pupill plus lJ1centlves hdllch would lelmburse dl..,tIlCt" on report arrests v-Wl1r~r;~ III It 101educdtlOn wnw to apploxlmatelv $78 pel nllll" over 28 at their highest Dunleavv'.l ThllOe men wel e dn e"ted m 267 Jos Campau "epm dte lI111dent" Iecently by DelrOlt, M1Ch 48207 Pm k pollce 1\,'0 of the men 259-0909 \\ ere lJ1to\.lcdted and all three "Dunleavy'z A gentnfied pub In RIVer Place with lots of grub and zippy seMCe.". \1PIP found to be \\ anted on Wal Idnh else\\hele •Sandra SJlfeen, The DetrOit News, July 22, 1988 AClOic1ll1gto the pollce IepOlt, olle melJ1\\as dllested Nov 18 at • Private parties and banquets welcome - 25 to 225 b 50 pm at M,lIyland and • Entertainment and dancing on weekends ILullptOIl elftel he \Ias found to /t's A Woman's World, Reduced Cocktail Prices be Il1to:\lcdted and belligerent 4'30 - 7'30 pm. ,ll1d \1anted on ,1 \\ ml ant Anothel man was arrested Nov 20 at 3 pm m the Jeffer- son Maryland area while he was "tdggenng JJ1 the &treet, yelhng obscel11tles and swmgmg at pas- sersby He was wanted on a war- rant from another jltrlsdlctlOn_ The thu d man was found to have an extensive bleakmg-and, entermg hIstory and wanted on wan ant<; after he was detamed for 100teimg on Nav 21 at 204 pm Photo b, Ron lid J BlI nn, Double trouble Correction These two young actresses looking in the mirror will share the role of Princess Esmeralda in A "tOJy No\' 17 legaldmg Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre's production of "The Plain Princess." They are, from left, Ce- \llllnen, of Glo%e Pomte lia Keenan-Bolger, 10. and Tracy Ganem, 11. The play tells the story of a spoiled little prin- \V ood" BedlltlficdtlOn Comnns- cess and her parents' attempts to tame her. It will be performed at the Grosse Pointe War slOn reSIdentIal dwurds should Memorial on Saturday. Dec. 3, and Saturday, Dec. 17. For showtime and tickets for this first have said MI dnd Ml's Dan production of the 35th season of the children's theater. call 886-9593. leI Colle of Sevel n

    ~ l __ ------. . ~.~-- RemodeHngservi~e complete BUilding & D wing' \nstruct\on Design • Architectura\ B~: s. Of CAD\EU)( =.n ~ 16929 HARPER, 1 ~. ~ 886-0520 19767 MACK AVE, GROSSE 881-8540 POINTE

    City Of<&rOnnt ~nint£ ~arkMiChigan UR HOLIOA~ ?"'",.. J ORDINANCE NO. 142 HE STARSI r~\~(Y;." • \ ~~)''-".$ \ c;'11f; \('~\rl"" \\; OIO)I\,\"\;( E '10 \i\lEJ'\[) t\PPEi\D1X B OF THE GROSSE SKIING ~ ... ~ ,f"'". . J :..41!1" ...... ~>/ POI\; rr PARI< ('II Y (,OD!'. BY \DDI"I(; A NEW SECTIO:,,/ 1112 The legendary stars that made HilJfY'Yood \ '\lJ \ "\;])1'\(, '-,J ( 1201 0Mpf«"~our41 ~ \n rro"\; great, rn a very special month of primetlme 1111 ('[/1 m (,1W'-,'-,!' 1'01'\ I!' P\H]\ OHDAI\") rMl4 ~~? ChrA4nM at ICS J Drcrm~!:0_MOI~y _ '-,((tl"n 1 I CML OF THE WILO ourf1dL {~1..f.llt WVM.(.I Cla,k Gabl! lnr!tta Youn fcpt Wt W 1cm'lL liit our Dpcrmber 7 Wednrsdily ,h"I' thl 1\!'I,lg(' gLldp 11'\( I of '-lllh lot No n,lgpol!' .,helll he 10 SliNl.fY iNO LIVINGSTONE (11,,1 1IIIhlll ldlll n I(d 01 <111\ lot Illle plo\ldpl! th,lt \\Ith IC"ppct Spenw rra..,,; CIllfie Hanllncl:! 101m lot III III J{ \ I{ B H ( 01 j{ [) dl<,tlill <,\I(h flftcl'11 fool limIt DRUMS AI.ONG THE MOHAWK ~~,01J{pr~ ~nry Fond.l C1audttl! Colbecl ,holl h( ](d\l(,d III 1IIIh Il'[)[lllo '1<1t' lot llll('" h\ (lf1l'h,llffoot fOJ 11 h I"ot III 11!1l(h Illl \llrllh o(.:n\ lot I' Il'''~th.1I1 fOlty fppI Drcrmber 8 ThlJlld.11 Illd III' \llth ]('IH(I tfl !IOl1t lot 111,(<' to ()J)f'h,llfofthl' ol"l,lO(( 1)(' Wf1K~ci1, ~ ~ou( ?kA ttad? WABASH A-VENUE - -- Bttly GIable Vietor IlJtU1! 1\ "n Ihi IHlildlllg 11n' ,llld till' flont 101 IIIH' THE FUGITIVE cuuL ~QAJfl(~ V~~ Sf; s~ ~enry Fonda Deloces Del RIO v D,.(rm!w 9 FndJy '-",11 "1 I )f1! "I \1'1" IIdl' Bill till ( odl' of thl ( It\ of (,10<'<'(' POInl( A MA TTER OF INNOCENCE Hayl!y Mills [r!VIl( Howard 1"11 I_ '1lI1I1d'd IOli III ITlIt'IntIHt\ l ... jollo\l<, V(K~~pr~s. THE INfORMER Victor Mcl49l!n Hlatlltr AnQel 1¥m'lt fMvt o1L ihv'WptKaM? II I hi I iii lllllli Itll,ll- fli till' 'Idlll UHi ,h,lll !lot ,lppll 10 (hm1 DfCrmhrr 10 SatlJrday I • • _ (h IIIl h _I' 11 , ' I t hi, PII h I ]( l11 0 1111111 I 11h pi ()\ HII d h 0 II I' \ I I fI' THE APPALOOSA ------I II 1111 HI lId "I \pIJI 01... '11'\ ,pI lIf\ ,\ h( Ight llJlllt fOl ,\11\ <,\I( h oMt W(;'Jt hdp ~01t qtt ~ Marloo B'JJloo JohnSmn I" '\III 11-'II h ,II IlIII]( 11qllill <, ,1\lthOlI/,illon ,I'" ,I (onch D"(rm!w /1 'llJndily " r~ft gUlf o.t & riqhtprAtt. THE GHOST AltO MRS MUIR Grn! r,!rlley Rei HamSO!1 , 'I ~ I U9 American Movie Classics is included with BASIC CABLE SERVCE. CHANNEL 34. \ ( 1" III I hh 11dIll Itl( I III II hI P\lb h '<,I,d OJ IIl'P('C \I'd It I fw Stop by and pick up your free Aflihatl'd y,lth (, I' 1111" I 0 ...<,( 7calfl/ I' I' ,d ( h l! ,II 1'J! I -, I' .J( fro "0Il (r1 PI ( P,lT k m,: \11 \ ... , II dllllll,' /11'"1111 h\hIl11" linll!' \101ld'l\ tlHough FllCLn monthly AMERICAN MOVIE ~ COMCA.T~ SKI " 'II 1111 10 -, (HI II 111 CLASSICS Program Guide. SHOPS /"JAl i44 Pamela J. Kondziolka ( 1 t y ('1('1 k • EAST DETROIT: ...... 778-7020 Sf ~.;!.~!.O,~r {, I' '\ I) I "M 22301 KELLY between 8 & 9 Mi

    _____ ~ ---.-.-..-b ~ ~ to December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 20A Financial aid Students attend Holocaust symposium More than 185 students and They tom ed the center and 25 faculty members representmg met WIth Holocau<,t <,UI'VIVOIS explained 15 publIc and pllvate high The focus of the bympo<,llIm I'>to The GUIdance Department of <'chools m the tn-county area Ia1se the conSCIOU<,IWS'>of a pel' <,on's responslbdlty for fellow Bishop Gallagher High School In gathered for the 13th beml an Harper Wooill. IS hostmg a Col BUdl Intelfalth Youth Sumpos- human bemgs thlOugh the IllPIl1 lege Fmanclal Aid Night for pdr mm on the Holocaust Nov 30 at 01'y and the le<,bon<,of th£' Holo ents of high school student<, on the Holocaust MemOrIal Center caust \\' ednesday, Dec 7, flOm 7 to 9 and the JeWish Community Cen- Teachers who wel e 1I11clble to pm ter In West Bloomfield I'eglbter theIr !>tlldel1h lo! the Judy Florian of the Fmanclal Local partlclpatmg !>Chools III bymposlUm mdY ellI dngt' lnde Aid Oflice of Wayne State Um- eluded Grosse Pomte South, UnI pendent VI"ltS to thl' J foloChool!> 0840 tipS on the "art" of applymg for financial aid They will al<,o ac (Cpt questIOns from parents ~ Bishop Gallagher IS located on Harper Avenue (the 1.94 Sel-vlce Dnve) near Moro.'>!>Road m Hal' pCI' Woods Call the GUidance Office at 886 0855 for further 111 - ' A ~ formatIOn ULS to celebrate CHRLSTM S----ciJ International Week » OPEN HOUSE The halls of Umverslty Lig Date: 881.5550 gett School Will resound wIth December 41h, 1988 Spam!>h, French and Latm Place: phrases durmg InternatIOnal Students in the French-American B~ck-to.Back Program locate the town in France where they'll Conner Park FloTlst, Ine Week, begmmng Dec. 5. spend three weeks next spring. They are. from left. Andy Dragovic from Richard Elementary Address: Foreign language classes Will School. Kate Callas from Defer. Meridith Akins. Bill Drummy and Michael Weyhing. all from 21142 Mack Avenue decorate the school in prepara. Kerby. Grosse Pomle tlOn for Sattrrnaha, a Roman Time: 12 Noon to 5 PM harvest banquet for the Latm classes on Wednesday, Dec 7, FREE Holiday gift with this ad, and for the seventh-grade Fam- Fifth-graders say oui to exchange program and refreshments 21142 Mack ily InternatlOnal Dinner on ThIrty fifth-graders are put- The 30 students m the Back- PartIcIpants pay tuitIOn to Jom will be served. Thtrrsday, Dec 8. tmg a little French m their hves to-Back Program come from the program. Grosse P(nnle At the seventh-grade dmner, as part of a new after-school pro- seven of the distnct's mne ele- In order to establIsh a scholar- each family Wlll amve in ethmc gI"am offered by the Grosse mentary schools ship fund to make the program co&tumes, bearmg dishes to Pomte publIc schools. The available to all fifth-graders, share which reflect Its ethmc French-American Back-to Back PartiCIpants meet WIth teach- members of the Back-to-Back heritage There WIll be entertam- Program, which gIves students ers Nancy Kline and Demse Program are holdmg a French ment provided by the students, the opportumty to learn about Manns every Monday from 3:30 wine tastmg on Friday, Dec 2, and pnzes for the best costumes French culttrre and language, to 5'30 p m at Parcells Middle from 7 to 9 30 p.m at Gallene SAVE TIME Throughout International began m October School to learn about French cuI. 454, 15105 Kercheval, In Grosse Week, dmmg servIce Will pro ture, language and customs. The Pointe Park vlde ethnic meals The French V In March, ;W FI "Illh hChool <,tudents have already completed Guests will vIew contemporary AND EFFORT class WIll stage a medieval play, a booklet called "The Grosse children WIll arrIve In Grosse French art A lithograph by Ber- "La Farce du Cuvier," under the POinte to VISit With program par. Pomte ConnectIOn," which con- nard Gantner, "Le Jardin de Ma THIS directIOn of senior Allana Stark tams snapshots and self-descnp- tlclpants, In May, the Grosse Maison," will be auctIOned POinte students wIll travel to tlve poems of themselves. They Tickets are $25 per person Vaux Ie Peml, a suburb of Me Will send it to their French coun- ContrIbutwns are tax-deductible HOLIDAY terpalts, along With a giant map For more InfOrmatIOn, call 8 excel in math lun, one hour southeast of Pm IS, on a retUl n VISIt of Grosse POInte LOUIse Snyder at 884 3871 SEASON Eight Umverslty LIggett School students finished m the top 5 percent of the 19,652 high school students who took Part 1 of the 32nd annual Michigan • stop wasting flme waiting In long lines MathematIcs Prize CompetitIOn Come to Mall Boxes Etc USA. You11receive fast, friendly service Together we'll choose the fastest, most economical way to 10 October School board shiP your Holiday gifts via They are Anthony AbiragI, • UPS [Ground, 2nd Day Air, overnight) Jesse Bouwman, Michael Coello, gives apples • EMERY WORLDWIDE (Domestic & International) • Any other carrier of your choice John Dodds, Charles Simoman and Nishu Sood of Grosse to teachers • Haveyour gifts custom packed professionally Pomte; and Alex Stine and Se. Don't be hassled with packing gIfts at home Bring them to us We11custom pack your giftS for safe, timely delivery bastIan Wlers of DetrOIt. The The Grosse Pointe Board eight are among the 979 stu- of EducatIOn sent 14 1/2 • Don't scrounge around for packing materials dents m Michigan who have bushels of apples to school If you prefer to pack gifts yourself, we have a full selection of quahfied to take Part n of the system employees two weeks packaging supplies to satisfy your needs And ask us for a FREE Packing & ShlpPlIlg Guide competltlOn on Dec 14. ago The occaSIOn was Amer The top 100 wmners of the en. lCan EducatIOn Week WE PACK & SHIP HOUDAY GIFTS AS LATE AS DECEMBER 22nd ..~~~!U,.~~~~'":;;;- -:::~C!'\r..""'l:""\!.:::...... :::..

    You can have an Aprllalre Sunday, December 11th. 5:30 p.m, 51 Jud". C.thollc Church humldrtler Installed In your Hot 15889 E Seven Mile al Kelly Road Water Heating System today Detroit Mkhlgan Thur.dav. December 15th. 8 p,m. Just call Supreme Heating now Gr~" Pointe Memort.1 Church and change your home's desert 16 Lakeshore Drlve near Fisher Road dry environment to a sprlng.llke Grosse Pointe Mldllg4n freshness Fridav. December 16th. 8 p.m. DUM ScotUi Semln.ry 20000 Wesl Nine Mile near Evergreen Road An" :n~:...". Soulhfleld Michigan 'fl~~ ADMISSION FREE CALL 822-9000 Your dona' on helps to make thew eutnLs and J...rvre OC1J~~s oj r~("S(" WHITTIER TOWERS 415 BURNS DRIVE r:tIJ ~ t~DI~ I :M o't,lI pou,h1e Sl;PREMF. HeaHnl( & 'luppl) Co , In( " DETROIT, MI 48214 METRO DETROIT FROM 1730 PER MONTH (including maid/mpal ..) 885-2400 December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 21A '.., ULS Christmas South students to get half-day off Grosse Pomte South students ICS Dr Joe Arends' "Ho!J<;tlc rescheduled will be dlsrmSbed at 11.30 p m Medlcme," Beth Ayn Deutsch on Wednesday, Dec 7, so that "Healthy Way':> to ExerCise," Jon ~ UI1lVer':>lty LIggett School"> all teachers can partIcipate In a Motschall "Dealmg with Depres '>chool Chll"tmd'" progl am, OIlgl ':>taff development half-day pro hlOn m the EducatIOnal Settmg," nJlly '>cheduled fOI the evenmg hrrday, Dec 14, at Students will attend their first Food" and Snack.., - Back to Ba. 7 p m In the 1l1<1111 gymnasIum four classes that day No lunches SICh," Dr Larry Powers "Food' - POInte Wood'> cdfetena terol Control," t ap Bus schedules have been Stranbky "Llfe..,tyle Concept'> " pi oXlllldtely one houl and 15 moved up to accommodate an 11 Teacherb from GIOS'>e Pomte 1l111lutp,> GIOUp,:> of students 30 a m pIck up, mstead of the NOIth Will also p,lltlupate In the It om '>ec.ond thlough 12th 1,'1 ades u..,ual :3 p m pIck up. ploglam, hlnce ;\'Olth High' \\ III pel fUlIll th(. lHU'>ICof Chn!>t The teacher!>' In service pro School will he the ..,Ite of the ma,:> ,llld ILLnukk'lh There Ib no .','1 am on wellne!>s will begIn at 1 Annual Mothel':>' Club Chi I..,t ddll1l,>'-,J()1l lh,uge fO! the pro p m and WIll mclude seven top md.., Tea dnd Conceit glam. dnd pcllenh ,Ill' ulged to ,Ill I\'( c.llly FO! mOl e InIDI ma I tHm, l,dl the LJ edtlve dnd pel Dance scholarship auditions 1001l1111g ell h depal tment at 884 The Centel for CreatIve Stud dents 7 thlough adult Pmtlu 4444 IeS InstItute of MUSIC and Dance pant!> ':>hould prepan' 60 e,econde, WIll hold dance scholar!>hlps au of ,,010 matenal, wIth 01 wIthout I Fducation fact dltlOns Saturdav, Dec. 3, at 430 ..,ound accompaniment pm at the m!>tltute\ Cultural Call S:H 2870 to ..,chedule an Center locatIOn, John Rand appoll1tment The number of college stu- Kirby dent':> lec.elvmg degrees III hIS- tory, socIOlogy, Enghsh and edu- ScholarshIp!> are avarlable for catIOn dlopped to 50 pm cent m ballet, modern, ethmc and tap the la':>t 10 years, accordmg to dance and WIll be offered to stu the US Labor Department's Photo b) Kay Photography BUI eau of Labol StatistIcs The Hands-on dec.lme I eOect!> student response to the changing Job market. The First graders in Mrs. Obermeyer's class at Maire Elementary School experienced a day at number of student& maJonng in the ocean's edge recently - presented by the Llving Science Foundation. All the children at Looking for educatIOn should mcrease agam Maire had an opportunity to encounter. hands-on. living organisms from marine life. The pro- m re!>ponse to nsing school en- gram was sponsored by Maire's PTO. Front row. from left. are Erin Weston. Jonathon Hornfeld, elegant rollments and leduced c1abs S12e. Tommy Manion and Nick Rotondo; second row at the right are Drew Franklin and Ann Sulli-, van. gift ideas? ~~S~ CHRISTMAS IS A TIME Frank Grzanka WHEN FAMILIES ARE TOGETHER.

    Eu( h u.'cek III tillS column, we that he had gotten a new Job He A portrait is II III fou" Of! the worll of a .'>tu- WOl ked as a bUIlder and he something you dell/ II U1/' he (J poem, a draw- would burld houses and later on, oriental art • furmture shouldn't delay. IJIM a ~h ort ~t()f y, (J plt/ure of a he opened up hI!> own busmess • desIgner clothing Call now for your appointment ~ut'lltlfir e"penment or a wood- Bonnie Perkins IWI king project, a book reVLeW 66 Macomb Place Creative Photography The follOWing waf> wntten by downtown Mount Clemens 885-6515 FI allh Grzwzka, 11, a sixth (313) 468-2990 gl (idel at Pierce Middle School He I~ the 'WIl of Frank and Donna Grz(Jl1ha of Gr()<;~e POInte MELDRUM & SMITH Scholar Phow by Cathy Schmidt Christmas Is More Sixth grade student Wendy Bain, above. is the recipient ,. Than Gifts of a $2.500 University Liggett Scholar Award. She is with NURSERY Emily Baker. middle school head. It was two days before Chn&t- She is the daughter of Norma and Earl Bain of Grosse ma.., and a famIly that lrved on Christmas Boutique Items Pointe. Criteria for the award. to be given annually to one top of a huge snowy mountam Small Decorated Artificial or more sixth or ninth grade students new to ULS, include \\a':> Vely poor They had no Trees academic excellence. positive contributions to the school mane} and very fe\\ clothes Decorated Wreaths. community and the recommendation of the admissions Theil dad \\ 01 ked a" a bnow Custom Eucalyptus committee. This is the first year that the award was given. "h()\ elel ~dch day he would get Frank Grzanka Grapevine r M up at 6 a m In the mornmg and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h Decorated Cinnamon Sticks j;;~ t1llnb drm n the mountam and Eucalyptus Trees & Kissing Balls£'. ' "h()\ e I ,>nO\\ for the townspeople ~G.P. North - Rainbow Bridge ~ Grosse Pointe Pine Cones .f2--/ I He m'lcle a few cams, Just Tree Decorations ;,j~ 'IJ enough to buy d 10df of bl ead W (Student run Gift Shop) a News Candles /;.-, IlIg 1 l /; ~ cllld a of \\ ate It wae, "now (USPS 230-400) Lng \ el y hal d, dlmo!>t thl ee feet ~ Community Open House ~ Published every Thursday Ribbon 1/ I, ~i~': '~ Bows ,. II 1/ r \~\ ~ The \\ Ind ble\\ hard and most By Anteebo Publishers people \\ ould be III then mce ~ November 30 & December 1 ~ Craft Supplies / . 1/ II ,~ \ 96 Kercheval Avenue " r j, ( I \ "- \\ ,11 m house" But the father W 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. W Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 Christmas Trees 'I tffl (I; llf d \ \\ould bL ,>hovelLng e,now He Phone 882.6900 Douglas Fir-Scotch Pine- II" , \\ould (Oille hack Ju.,t m time fOJ W STOCKING STUFFERS FROM $'.00 AND UP V Balsam-Norway Spruce- jl ; II, \ dllllWI ThL Rlck"am \'vould W Gifts and toys for chIldren and adults V Se,ono ClaS5Posldge paid al Dei/Oil Miclilgan S,nscr pi o~ Ailes 117per yearV1amati 1190uHlf slale Blue Spruce ,( ! I hcl\C [0 'elye ,1'1 much food as W Don " stand In long Imes - Come shop wi/h lJ~! ~ Aderess ai, Ma ISubscr,pliOlls Cliange 01Address Forms 3579 \' pO,>,>lbl, That l1lght wa" the W 707 Vernier W % ~e'chml GrosSl! Pomte Farms MiCh 48231) I T'e aeadl Ie lor newsC(' fclthu lWVCI Ie ~ ~ MichIgan Retailers ASSOCiatIOn W 1 ~n ~uS' O€ 9 ven ,n I,me lor correeliOo In lhe lolloWlOg,ssue I" ,S5.'!'e no 'espo~s 111tylortlie same a~e' It>e I,rst insertIOn tUllwd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "e G OISe Po nle News reseNes tile rl9hl nollo a~pl an OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. - 6 P.M . .::.:. TI1<' nt'\J 11l1,llllng the mothel ,c,- ;H 50'Oer Grosse Po ~Ie Ne~ advM Slng rejllesenla /~t{5:; ;',;' f: "',".;"... • les './. '0 aJI'OI,ll 10b nd Ih,s newspaper and OIIlypublICa found ,I not<- It ,>,w! 'I \\ould be 1nSO MACK (corner Rivard) .'" /~ ~ ,/ "'~...h<-;:y /" {,/I:'" ., " d1 aOle~ sernenl shall conshlJle I nal acceptance of the !J('l t('r oil not hel (' anvmOJ e be ~'j1':' S€" S o'der : ,,~ 1" "/ ,/ / ~.;: Grosse Pointe 885-5433 UU-I' "ou nel d thf' food and : ...H{,...... f ' ~ .tf,;,,; If / .../ / f ... ' ... 1I1Ol1e\ mOIl' than I do Good- \)\(' 'I hdt mOl n1l1g wa" very ,>,Hi The fclthC'l left hI" famIly I I(' Il ft 50 Will'> fOI food The Lhildll'n (lid not kno\\ what hap- T1f~;'i'1j~JloreThan Pl'Dld flw mothel lu"t "aId your Lithll I'l nl nil d tnp It \\a~ f (,h I htmcl - r:\ (' ,1I1d the chJ1dl en ::"f.,;,\j) ,(lflt~ii;'li.Wh + ,j f'7t;r J ;//0'/;'; • \\ ( )(' ~dr1 I)(Cd u"c theIr famIly /.'"~"Il,~,6I;j ~ fA".• () ~, ,. :,'. , Y {-..J }4 ..,.. ~M1 :; ;' ...... l t) ~+ ~ h~l" ""II .h",. ""h~l,.l ~ }~ • .....;.;w:... •• (~ f 1 , I J .. \ • \.. •• I • , • I • I I l. J I...... '- I I I • '"" Ill1 ,111(11\11\1))1<' I\cl'> ,>leepmg, ~, ~9.'~W~~tt;,/~~fDpU., CENTER CUT BONELESS USDA CHOICE BONELESS ~(PJl)1 thll1g \\.1'> I\alkmg on the :Jfamlin's IOOr It \1 h ,\ hi ,II dcd fat chubhy PORK LOIN ROAST STUFFED TOP ROUND VEAL STEW mdn In ,I I<,d "mt He had a ;'Q,,,lhIlJIif/Ultimate 99 ~N BREAST STEAIS.S hllg, "j( I- \\ Ith food and to\e, '~ $2 d,)\\D chlnl ~.. La a 99 I1lrl IH' lumped th(' r. $299 ~ $289 $3 t • ~ OCK ~ LI LI III \ hilt )11' 11,1" not .l good Hops$3~ ITI "'He, /";:CiJrili&eoiJ:,B'Bortl "'dill I 1\.1', I t)lI,'f He , COUNTRY STYLE JONES HAVARTI CARR'S ... {, ..;' ,,/<,,"}~r~ N;'1 ...J~~~l~,~;'1:.If /: ... / ... /j g'"1H.; to ,,1< ,11 but th(,l(, \\a" ...... "/ ,/I:-y'~/~~"~ ... ~f;~~ f,ll'/,,,,{~, 4 ..... 4 ~::./..: .. PORK RIBS PORK SAUSAGE CHEESE --).' B{J:TS~~E twlhll1g 10 1..1-,. '0 he ]('ft That ,. ... Y ...~ ;' .; ~:f;1:,~J ;' /...... {~~//.If> : ... /!, /.-/1/ 11H.:ht I' h d \ PI) "cld mght • ~ LINKS ~ CR~CKERS I; .1.1,/"';- -} .. I{;'" {1' ;;; 1;] / f ~~ :- ... \\h'n thl (hJldlPn \\oke up, 89 19 1IH II 1l10ll1 \. ,h cn IIlg hut the ~ ~$159 $22L~ $2 :1»1 1/lmt:! W'e,i tiICailolt. Depart I ~ LI PKQ LI 425 OZ dllldil J\ .\ I II n t Tlw (h Jld)('n -,rd ("hll~tllll' I, mOle th,m D,troit efJfr3 Sumla, beginninl ~ RED OR GREEN CALIFORNIA RED OR YELLOW BANANAS hI [llIlg glfl- It 1'-, 111m" to 1)(' lGn"4~ t, 1989. Pr'ce. including ~-~.JI U:AF BUNCH DELICIOUS 3 LOS III lnl-ful (!)) II h,11 1\1' hel\(. not Air; Hote., 'btJ•• fer. tJM more :-"~ LETTUCE CARROTS APPLES 00 ~~] \1 h,ll \1 ( i.;i'l h,.( ,lU"<' \\(. hdW' a J{fr, $1 fall1lh Ih II c III" ,l,lel dfll' not .'tl1'1 af '699 per pS'.Oll, double. 1)(ld gill'-> to (,pin And thdt S,e/y.0llr fi-aDel A,ent for our \~9'69~ 59~ ;69~ 1,ll)!tt ~~ (hlhtm.l- \\.1" .I \I'lj' Happy ( )1I1~11ll,l- Pu" Color Broelaure. i;RUIT OR;:;,. BASKETSA~;; PARTYni;ys LB PriC~S good ~ 1\\ (J "I 11'-, 1.111'1 t)1I fclthf'r n thru December 6 ~ 11111H d f II ,>,lld [ \\ IJ] neV('1 ,n It'd \ , \011 dgdln .tIld h,' ",lid TrlD11thlrtlr ( ._~~~~~~~Wi'~~~.~~~:/ December 1, 1988 22A Grosse Pointe News '!h~Fox is op~n again and the good times are back Edllor roped off areas to get to the ness IS a thllvmg, throbbmg m. mg of the Fox r put on a dressy partnt>r told him, it's good booze. dered all over - among the It was a different time Back pro~1 cell There Ib a ,herd men. dUbtry, dress, my satin dancmg pumps We walked around and up and IIghtmg technICians hidden be. then, It was known as the t~htj connected With all of thlb Thdt s why I was so excited and an evenIng cape and won. around and up some more, mar. hmd the gigantic faux marble grande dame of downtown De. No \\ondcI thl: home video bUbl about gomg to the grand open. dered If It might be too much. vehng at the expanse. The Fox columns and m the lobby where trOlt. Now It's bemg called the I stopped worrymg when we IS a sensory expenence People all the Ice sculptures of lions foxy lady of Woodward Avenue drove Into the Fox district, lit up didn't want to Sit down. They were meltmg from the massive No matter The Fox IS still the like dayhght With spothghts, wanted to walk around and VISit mf1ux of body heat We both en most magmficent, stupendous hmousmes creepmg forward, and ogle the people and ogle the Joyed the evemng movie house ever created That's that splendid mounted diVISIOn archItecture, It was very festive Maybe the Fox IS a throwback not documented anywhere, It'S statIOned everywhere. The show began more than a to somethmg that Will never pure biased opimon It's also We parked at a surface lot a half hour late and people were agam be Maybe you had to be true. couple of blocks down on a Side still walkmg around I was there befO!e to appl eClate It now The Fox IS part of my hen. street and were amazed to see amazed Durmg the entll e I don't know Only time Will tell tage. A nIght downtown on the that fresh sod had been latd performance, there were almost But I'm cheerIng for thiS one \\eekend was an event which along the penmeter of the lot as many people standIng as wele I aheady bought tickets for a generally meant a tnp to the Somebody cared seated It was an event show later thiS month and I'm beauty salon In the mornmg People were millIng around I sat hke a ploper person lookmg forward to a speCIal eve Carefully cQlffed and carefully the outSide of the theater and should whIle my partne! wan mng dressed, my best fnend and I they were dressed up Boy, were would catch the two buses It they dressed I ran Into a young took to get downtown fnend In the newspaper bUSIness There were other wonderfully wearmg a tux' Sixty dollars at a MASTERCARD I VISA VALET PARKING ornate, splendid movie houses - resale shop, he told me, shOWIng P'Ilmc:;, A.oamCl, Michigan - hilt me the limng This IS vintagE', the grandest of them all was the he said With pride In fact, he Therapeutic Fox Walking mto the lobby of told me, he paid more for the the Fox was walking mto fan. shirt than he did for the suit It tasy It was a place to leave the was a good.looking shirt world for a few hours, The lobby - that magnificent MASSAGE It was as much a part of the lobby - was teemmg With pea. • evening as the show and even pie lookmg up and around A lot the most spectacular CeCIl of people had cameras hanging B.DeMllle spectacle could not around their necks. It remInded overshadow thiS garish, gaudy, me a lIttle of a tour group In a glOriOUStemple to Hollywood. It cathedral m Europe. was part of the experience Only thiS was more preca- Stop and think about today's nous. People were holdmg long. movie houses - one flat sprawl. stemmed glasses of champagne Ing complex with a dozen or and carryIng small plates of hors 131 Kercheval Center more ticky.tacky white cells d'oeuvres with theIr coats slung called theaters. The lobby has a across their arms - there were Mention this ad and receIve concesslOn stand the size of a no cloak rooms. football field, always staffed by There were a few accidents. I $5_00 off thru Jan_ 1, 1989 two people. I've fought my way had a drink spilled down my Myomassologists: Debra Fienau up to the front, got some popcorn front by a sedate.looking gentle. that is priced by the gram and Photo by Rob Fulton man In black tIe who was some. Frank Rich 886.3990 then walked through a maze of A small section of the 's massive lobby. what embl:!ITassed and apolo. getic. Doesn't matter, my R~storing the Fox took more than hard work The Fox Theatre opened Nov, • 3,000 natural sponges have covers replicated to match the • The restoration cost $8 mil. 19, bringing a new era of enter- been used for cleaning SInce the original deSign. lion tainment to Detroit. Behind the restoratlOn began. • 7,000 yards of colorful ele. excitement and glamour of the • 1,000,000 gallons of soap phant patterned carpeting has • The Fox Theatre has IF YOU'RE opening is the fact that a lot of and water was used to clean been remIlled to match the OrIgi- 168,000 square feet. hard work and resources were every inch of the 5,000 seat thea- nal. CONSIDERING I required to restore The Fox to its ter. • A 1,100-car parking struc- • 100,000 PieceS of stained ture soaring eight stories high is PLASTIC SURGERY ... I original grandeur. • 2,500 frames of scaffolding glass have been repaired and re- located north of The Fox on I were constructed in the audito- stored. Montcalm, Its construction ~ More than 300 workers have rium to assist in the restoratIOn. • 300,000 sheets of "gold" leaf marked the fIrst time in 50 Because ijltPlastic Surgery Arts, , , I pw\:.iclpated in the restoration, • 20 tons of dirt has been reo were used to repair ornamenta- years that ground was broken in CONSIDER "Ysrking more than 300,000 la. moved from the decorative walls, tIon. we know hO\\ Important It IS to + the Woodward Corridor. look and feel your best And that bOr hours at The Fox. ceiling, heating and cooling • 2,000 tons of hand.stenciled IT WITH any questIOns and concerns vou • 550 gallons of paint were ducts. canvas were replaced on the • 318,000 ceramic terra cotta may have are thoroughly used during the restoration. • 40 gallons of linseed 011 were vaulted auditorium ceihng, CONFIDENCE. bricks cover the entire exterior dIscussed That's whv we offer • 103 gallons of paint thinner used dunng the cleaning process • 17 private "" loges of the Fox building. were used. of the renovation. extensive consultatlO~ and were constructed especially for foIlO\\-up se~51ons - 50 \ ou - 600 paint scrapers were used • 5,000 original theater seats corporate entertaInIng on the For general Information, call receive Indl\ Idual attention and by the craftsmen. have been restored with the seat Grand Promenade 567.6000. complete carl:' both betore and I, , atter surgery Dr Joseph E Mark, a speclIl},.;! In i • The Eastside's ONLY Quality • CMRI~RHOLk~b&5 CO cO'imehc and reconstructive surgery, utilizes the latest I • DISCOUNT COMPUTER STORE. techl1lques In all procedures, We"re extending lI1cludll1g breast enla rgemellt I: Desktop Publishing Sxstem <.._ - I F--~I : and reduction, hand surgery, Christmas Hours recon'itructlve surgery, tace 'lI1d -2 Megabytes memory neck hlts, liposuction, i1nd nose .~.:i. -720K Diskdrive It!a' __ _j .• y HOURS THROUGH and eyelid correction -Laserprinter ~.n.llil~ • 'J. DECEMBER 24: Feel confident about your -High res. monitor -Software deCISion and the care vou'll I. $2999. • OPEN: ~ receIVE Call us for a c"onsultatlon " ~~ Monday-Friday 9:30-6 PLASTIC at 651-2000. I •. . .co~~~:ro~~:::J~<;>~~:~:~~v~d:t~rs• Saturday 10.4 • 22205 Kelly Rd. • SURGERY Joseph E. Mark, M.D. Certified b) the ~mencan Board of Plashe Surgery I East Detroit •• • • ART S 4;; 5 !lIernOls, Ro(h~lel Hills \1148063 5 blks South or9 Mile • • • 445 2983 I., . -ll CMRItQl-{OLk~1~&5 CO • Man .ThUfs :1G-7, Fit & Sat 108, Sun 12.5 ~ 16835 Kercheval, Grosse POlnle, 885-1232 . \. _ -~~~~.~ ,I 16422 East Warren Detroit Michigan 48224 I (313) 885.7696

    FOR VISIONS OF SUGARPLUMS BALLET Puss 'n Boots, natl. ballet marseille The Liule Humpbacked Horse, bolshoi Tales of Beatrix PoUer, royal ballet L'enfant et les Sortileges, nederlands dans tho

    '~1OPERA I Hansel & Gretel The Love of 3 r--S03dYLo-. Oranges IN r~- Cinderella O_J" ~: C't annual of the sLllte, I Sd" a" a bunch of "piked hall' and leather crowd, them a httle button that proudly whom Andrew Wyeth saId he smIle, or as If she had Just fin- Ienewal " PlctUl ec; of a woman m the same the aIiy, yet unbathed crowd tells ,~he world, "I saw her at the was not romantIcally mvolved Ished smilIng It seems she spent Oh, yeah, that'~ \\ hat I meant po~e That's when It gets fun, DIA Right 14 years of her life broodmg and to say There I~ dlso a little tape Ie. Looking at It from a man's' sleepmg (another favOllte Wyeth And what the pamphlet says cO!'del WIth a gUIded audIO tour point of view, that might be pos- pose of her) IS the "compositIOn and theme," you can rent for $3 I didn't u"e sible Helga is homely Her You can tell she was a frugal and the "complex mner rhythm" It, becau~e I fib'1l1ed It would be square face and Juttmg Jaw, her woman, because she wears the ..Leather RefurbIshing .. unsmIhng face, her leathery same caped coat in many palnt- • Leather dyeing - custom mix colors to match compleXIOn, and the straight, Ings, even though they wel e • Repair scuffs, scratches & light cuts unkempt hall' do not add up to a done more than a decade apali Two Helga lectures scheduled • Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back classIC beauty But there IS Actually, judgIng from the show, • ProfeSSionallyclean leather 1\'10 dlstln6'1llshed obsel v cUl'atm of the exlllbltlOn at somethIng about her. It was the only piece of clothing • Suede cleaning and dyeing ers of Andrew Wyeth and the NatIOnal Gallery of Art, You can hear the hushed the woman owned. • References available the Helga phenomenon wJ11 Wae,hll1gton, DC He IS now We come to your home/office to serve you. voices of the woman patrons You can tell, just from the fact share theIr plO\acatlve In Chllstopher B Saloflm there who mutter something to that she posed for these pOltralts "The Leather Man" 4190 Marwood Howell, M148843 Sights and opInIOns dt the ChaIr, profec;sol' of Amencan A DIVISion of their male compamons about for 14 years that she had some Aero Shine System, Inc '- ,. • / (313) 344-8005 Detrmt InstItute of AltS on Ali at PI II1ceton Umverslty Helga being "beautiful" More feelings for her artist But what successive Sundays, Dec 4 ThiS event IS free to mem than once, I heard those same those feelmgs are cannot be dls. and Dec 11 Each lecture IS bel s of the Founders Society male companions scoff and reply, cerned from her face, or her at 3 p.m General admISSIOn "That is in the eye of the be. eyes You don't know If she was tickets at $5 each are avml- On Dec 11, Robert holder." m91Tled, but she dId have a able in advance at the DIA Hughes, outspoken 81i ClltlC Yet there is something about daughter, a fresh-faced smdIng BRAND NAME 50% OFF TIcket Office, 832 2730 for TIme magazine SInce thIS Helga Teston. You have to youngster who IS the subject of Tickets for the exhIbItIOn 1970, Will present hiS obser LONG GOWNS admIre thIS woman. It Isn't two pamtmgs on display "AndIew Wyeth: The Helga vat IOns Hughes was the au. TEDDIES every exhibitiOnIst who has the Many of the pieces Il1 the PICtures," which contInues thor/presenter of the ac- INFANTS foresight to move next door to a collectIOn are, to be honest, Just ROBES at the Detroit InstItute of claimed PBS teleVision series world-famous artist Wyeth saw rough dl afts, and whde they at e TO Arts through Sunday, Jan "The Shock of the New" ETC. '''"" somethmg m Helga, and he cap- interesting, they plobably 1 eally 6X 22, also are avaIlable exclu- The AustIalldn born wnter'~ ,~ tured that something on paper shouldn't be hung on the walls , Sively at the DIA Ticket Of latest succe"" WdS "The Fa If you look closely at the Indl of a museum But much of the TOPS - BOTTOMS fice. tal Shore," an mtel'l1atlOl1al VIdual pieces m the exhibIt, you collectIOn IS ~tunnmg VEL VET DRESSES On Dec 4, John Wilmerd- best seller dealmg WIth the might conclude what Wyeth saw Wyeth cdptUl ec; an achIng, a Ing WIll diSCUSS "AndI'ew dramatIc ongmc; of hi'> na Lingerie Il1 his model Nearly all show longmg, m hi" studies of Helga Wyeth' The Helga Plctmes," tlve countly He will appedl Helga bathed m light from an Testorf thdt I~ not often "een on an exhibitIOn he knows mtl- m the DIA audltOllUm Gen Lld./Wee Rids unseen source - agamst a drab canvas It IS a feelmg of "some mately Wtlmeldmg 1<; the eral adml""lon I'> $5 for all backdrop of an orchard m the thmg I~ mlssmg" But exactly author of the exhibItIOn cata. ,;eat,; (no I eductIOn for 774-1540 winter, a barn, or SImply noth what that somethmg IS WIll 10b'1le and was OJgal1IZlng Foundel"l 20971 KELLY RD. (Next to Village Shoe Inn) EAST DETROIT mgness nevel be answ€1ed It IS up to u~ Was she a ray of lIght m to see and to feel and to 6'1less Wyeth's otherwise empty world, \\hat Helga wanted And what or was he Just too lazy to fimsh Wyeth wanted -MAKE YOUR ENTRYSPECIAL- the background? (Indeed, many A good Idea would be to pIck YOUR GOOD //' seem unfinished, and some look up one of the pamphlets explam ~. \ hke the artist knocked hiS coffee mg the dIsplay (They are on a SERVICE Entries go from non- over on them and had to start table outSide the tIcket gate Get SPEAKS I deSCript 10 Inviting with ].t1CUJ : the addition of our agam But they're framed and one before you go 111, because ;J \~~~..,.", - ~~/\ "''''~,,.. r;J'.,....-" \ ro.. "'~ ,,'- ,,-,,-"" classic all-wood link on tour, and you Just paid four you \\on't be let back m.) It add" FOR ITSELF ... \ \,.,-", ~~""",,~ "- (-~l .... ~ .. 17<\ J entrance mat. Provides bucks to see It, so It must be art) a different mSlght to the expen 'r -.-::1 !-J ,OW'!~"","...."'''~''"","'" "..',-" ~"""'" What you can deduce about ('nce Where I saw a pamtmg of "~~..",,,,"-,,~ """,11t years of rugged wear . But who ISspeaking to po- ,-;;.=. d:'~"'~d _~ ~I~.~ .." ~' .,,,~, .~~.\: Helga, the woman, from the ex a \\ oman WIth a 1'1 ng of flowel s lentlal new customers rn ~ ,.... " " " a Iways lays tlat dirt J ~ I "''''''''''''~~\.~~;'''.~~,~" your area aDoul your serv ~'j 'A ,~ I' ,,-~ ..." tails through hlblt IS really not much She around her head, the pamphlet ~'... ~ Q~ Ice? Geltrng To Know Yau Ii '"" -7~'7<'__._. _ ....',) I doec;n't smIle much None of the "aye; that p!1.lntmg IS "3.!most c},. helps new homeov:'1crs oJ. -- '~,~~ drawmgs and watercolors ~how phcltly allpgol'lcal Wyeth tran" frnd appliance or auto I, /'f?- "'\J , Priced trom our tactory to you at $37SO each (Includes sales tax her WIth as much as a t\vInkle fOJll1ed Helga mto a hVIng em repair exterminator or and shipping) 36" x 18" x 1 1/4", tapered front Other sizes locksmith Witha housewarming package filledWithneeded available Satisfaction guaranteed Allow 2-3 weeks delivery information about selected community service companies JOinthe finest merchants and profeSSionals by subSCribing To order, send check or money order to 10 your local Gellrng To Know You program and help your Have a question? new neighbors get acquainted Withyou WOODCRAFTINDUSTRIES• Fraser Industrial Mall 17080 Masonic • #228 • Fraser,MI 48026 • (313)294.9031 News 882-0294 Classified 882-6900 WELCOMING NEWCOMERS NATIONWIDE To be<:ome a sponsor, call (800) 645-6376 Just a Reminderl In New York Slate (800) 632 9400 City of<&ross.e 'oinl£ 'arkMiChigan There's still time to order your personalized ORDINANCE NO. 143 OUR DISPLAY AND Christmas needs. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP, CITY GROSSE POINTE PARK ZONING ORDINANCE APPF.NDIX B INVENTORY CLOSE-OUT Order Your Personalized Chrl~lmas Items Now at 250'/0 TO THE GROSSE POINTE PARK CITY rODE ~avin~s! Chmlma~ card~ (Per~onal, Profe~~lOnal & THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PARK ORDAINS Commercial), Napkms, CoaSlcr~, Matche~, PlaYIng Cards, Brown Bags (f'or Goodle~), elc. Section 1 SALE Gift Suggestion - Pcr<;;onah7cd Stationery for The Zoning Map, CIty of Gro~~e Pomte P,lrk Zonmg Ordm.lnce, Children & Adult<;; large 'lclcctlon to choose AppendIX B to the Grosge Pomte Pill k City Cod(', 1<,dmclldprl to Miscellaneous Cabinets, from. prOVide that Lots 354, 355, and 3156 mclu<,lvP, of WlI1rlmill Pomtp Several displays also for SubdIVISIOn are de~lgnated OS 1 Office SPf\ ICP DJ9tnct Appliances, Sinks, Fau- cets, Medicine Cabinets, sale, Including a wet-bar Section 2 and much more. All rtems unit with built-in blender & a CHRISTMAS CARDS priced to 5(1'11quickfy! complete vanity unit! ThIS Ordmance ~hall take e/Tect on Decem !lPr 1:3, 1988 25% Off A copy of thl'! ordmance may be purchll<,ed or Imp('ctpd lit the Grosse Pomte Park CIty Hall, 151 Hi F. .Ipffpr~on, (;Io<,,,e Pte PlIrk, MI 48230 dunng normal busmess hour9, MondllY through Fndlly. QUICKSILVER PRINTING CENTER 8 30 a m to 5 00 p m ~5~~~:~,~.~FI~81'1024 PHOTOTYPESETTERS • COMMEACIAL PAINTUS Pamela J. Kondziolka 16410 E WARREN (Near E Cule, Dr) G P N 12/01188 City Clerk 882-5161 --, ....-4 ...... -- ...... ---

    December 1, 1988 24A Grosse Pointe News ~ Verheyden's enters 80th year in the community

    By Ronlld J, Bern.1 Mack Avenue near Sheridan. It largest funeral parlor of its kind. foresight in providing 80 admira. directors. Staff Writer served the area from 1908 to In 1969 a fire partIally de. bly for the needs of this great One of the newest benefits the "Our tradition of servIce and 1942 when he opened what IS stroyed the building, but because community," bUSiness is providing at no professlOnahsm is what keeps us now an architectural landmark of Verheyden's involvement in Verheyden led the way for the charge 18 a bereavement counse. gOing," said David Otto, one of on Mack Just at the edge of the community and the reputa. establishment of a complete Mol" lor. Elizabeth McCormick, five directors of the Chas A. Grosse POinte Park. The bU1ld. tIOn he had gamed, those he had tuary Service School at Wayne A C S W She WIll deal WIth Verheyden funeral home 109, deSigned by 0 C Bouschor, served m the community worked State, and student scholarship brt'levmg famIlies who want or It IS that tradition of profes- was 111 sharp contrast to the fu. with hIm and the bUilding was funds were started from which need counsehng sIOnalism and caring which be. nereal atmosphere of the day. Its re-opened WIthin a month. he would pick hIS pool of work. "We want to gIVe something came the hallmark of Charles A colorful interiors and welcommg Not only was Verheyden a ers. back to the commumty," Otto Verheyden and the bUSiness he atmosphere soon gamed natIOnal leader m his field, but he was a DaVId Otto, who has been SaId "We want to become m. started m a bU1ldmg on Field recognItIOn leader In the community as well. wI.h the funeral home for 27 valved With the commumty and Avenue that IS contmued today, Year after year awards were He was a member of more than Ytanl, said that It IS the tradI- work WIth It " three years after hiS death presented for the beautIfully 15 orgamzatIOns, from which he tion of quahty and canng that To that end, they 81e planmng Charles Verheyden, a natlve landscaped grounds developed on lecelved numerous honors for hIS carnes Verheyden's mto the fu- an outreach program With the Gros e Pomter, returned to the Mack and Whittier, &0 many 10 service and dedicatIOn On Oct ture bereavement counselor to reach Pomtes from workmg 10 a large fact, that a hfetlme award from 2, 1952, the Grosse Pomte Busi. He said Verheyden's motto more pE'ople They mVlte groups ;..Jew York firm to open hiS own the Michigan Horticultural SOCI- ness Men's Assoclatlon took out "An establIshment that grew to to tour the home and are actIve busmess, the Chas A Verhey- ety was gIven to Verheyden to a full page ad m the Grosse greatness on httle extra thIngs now and have been In the past den, Inc Funeral Home allow others to WIn Pomte Nev.s and pr81sed Ver- of service .wlthout extra cost," In vanou'> educatIOnal programs Verheyden's was the first fu. The bUlldmg ".3.5 doubled In hevrlpn fOl 11,<; "mlhAt1vP Anrl remains thp gl1ldepost for today's neral establIshment on DetrOIt's th, oughcc

    Charles A. Verheyden In an undated phnto. to take the "fetll' factOl" out of going to a fUlloml home They also hnve completed an extenflive rl.'dccoratlOn of the in. 'lide to make It a more hospita. ble place, so families can feel at ease They also prOVide pre. need .. - funeral plannmg, and the best Charles Verheyden's first funeral home opened on Field Ave. embalming and restorative art nue in 1908, This photo was taken in 1958. avaIlable "It was one of Mr Verhey. den's and the management's pl'l- mary concerns that we pl'ovlde not only cal'lng, but also artistic p~- prepal'atlOn of the remams, and By Ronald J. Bernas that we aS8me the clIentele that all aspects of the funeral service Davida F. Kruger, R.N., M,S.N., C.D,E., a diabetes clinical nurse are taken care of m a plOfes- specialillt and coordinator of the dIabetes control and complicatIOns slOnal mannm," Otto said trt~l at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, wall recently elected vice The traditIOn of Chm les Vel chair of the American Diabetes Association, Michigan affilIate. A heyden wa" pas'>ed to hiS .mcces- resfpent of Grosse Pointe, Kruger will serve as the group's VIce chair SOl'S who IIlcluded Clayton for a one.year term, Alandt, who retired m 1987. and the five current dlrectOl s - Joe NCAS, a nationwide third party administrator of employee health Miller, Doug Smith, John Reu- and welfare benefits, recently announced the appomtment of ter, Bob Freiburger and Otto Charles J. Baker as director of marketing, NCAS midwest, Baker, Among the five and four other The current structure on Mack Avenue has received numerous awards for Us landscaped licensed funeral director'> I'> of the Shores, has 15 years of experience in the health care industry. grounds. His knowledge of the statewide market for self.funded plan services I early 200 year" of experience IS expected to aid in the development of an expanded client base In MIchigan.

    Concerned Citizens for the Arts in Michigan elected 11 persons to IMPORTED LEATHER JACKETS Its board of directors. Joining CCAM's 60.member board are Grosse (skirts, pants and outfits) Pointers Keith E. Crain, vice chairman of Cram Communications, Inc.; Sue Vititoe, and Louis A. Weil III, president and publisher of Direct from the factory - NO MIDDLEMEN The Detroit News. 'Limited Supply - Unique colors, styles I~'.i~' .,UIII' LATIN Herman Guevara ,.,m.,~l"~ Call 884.1118 LATIN AMERICAN TRADE INTERNATIONAL

    Sally A. LePla of the Woods, elude consultation for all seven chief executive officer of JL locations across the mIdwest, m. CommumcatioIUl Ltd. in St. eluding Detroit. Star Lme Corp. BEL RADAR REMOTE CAR Clair Shores, recently announced owns a network of dInner crUlse ~- that the firm has been retamed ships providing fine dInmg and SECURITY SYSTEM by Star Lme Corp to provide unique cruise opportunitIeS for 'yl COBRA marKeting services for develop. DOLh Lhe reSIdents and totU"lsts I I i 2 Remote ment of the corporatIOn's 1989 m these busmess and t!'avel cen. marketmg matenals. It WIll in. tel's. • Siren l~~ • Kill Switch • Shock 95 • All Openings 95 $69 $199 INSTALLED' BLAUPUNKT KILL ~'\';~,\~~0 KI AM-FM AM - FM ~~ Digital CASSETTE SWITCH Car Phone STEREO • 100 number memory Cassette • call timer jJq.,.,. , .• .- I~ tit I I ~~. • A/B Switch , , • Lock • au 0 reverse 95 • Portable 95 • clock $19 $79 • lone $23995 e seek and scan tuning INSTAllED' INSTALLED* e fader control Honored by Harvard • Car Audio 16094 E.8 Mile Harold A. Poling. vice chairman of Ford Motor Co.. and • Security (between Gratiot and Kelly) Charlet T. Fisher JIl. chairman and president, National • Cellular ~ustom!~~~~ Bank of Detroit, were honored as BUlinesl Statesmen by the Harvard Business School Club of Detroit recently. Con. • Marine Detroit, MI48205 gratulating them are Harvard BUllness School Club ofllcerl -.e- TElECREDIT Leonard R. Fuller of Coopers Be Lybrand, left, and Roger • Installation == m liIJ 521-8200 Kasle of Kasl. Steel Corp .. club president. at the right. Pol. ing and Fisher are in the center. • Sales • Normal Installation, extensive work and parts extra, SAVE 15% WITH • Service while quantIties last. Pictures may vary, THIS AD 25A Little Tony's Lounge in the Woods: ATIO Friendly neighborhood bar with food By Pat Paholsky Editor When Tony Alfonsl bought a nmghbOl hood bar at 20513 Mack 18 yeat" dgO, he named It Lounge m the Woods HIS customer s, however, had thell own ndme - they always Iefell ed to It at Little Tony\ So 12 ) e1 Ienamed hI" bUbll1esb Little Tony's Lounge m the Wood" The Ule.,tomel" hull call It LIt Gerald Bruen. vice president-aging services for Bon Secours. tie Tony \ That habn't changed left. accepts the plaque for the 1989 Facility of the Year award Whdt did change 12 yeal sago from Roger Myers. admmIstrator. Michigan Non-Profit Homes Association. at a ceremony in September. \1,1" Alfonbl began servmg food We wdnted to have the best bUlgel 111 the nelghbOl hood," he Bon Secours honored '-"f! "We ~I'-(' fl esh "cround beef The Bon SeLOlll., NUl "mg evelY day and the cook stIll each per"on " nukes the pattIes by hand Even Care Centel 1\ ,1'> l hoe.,en by the though we make 300 a day, we MIchIgan Non Plofit Home" A" , V'le hdve many mnovdtlvc "tdl make them by hand " soclatlOn ponsOl" he\ ershlp 111 pI Ogldmmmg, (inanc dent dgmg "e1 \ Ice" . I thll1k el al local ~POIts teams dnd he mg and!ol ddmll11"tl dtlOn whIch tho"e pIOf:,'1"am"well' \el Y !In" pdrtlclpates In othel CIVICactIVI- Pholo In Pdt Paholsk} sets It e pI 0h'1;ms tIme ond yeal of golf, got a hole m ployees" New York for Circus World, MI- of Bon Secom s' mISSIOn of Ie \\ ere Imtmted to fo,>tel thdt feel Alfonsl, a native easblder who one, and Alfonbl " With MichIgan Na AlflJl1<"1has no plan<=:to changl Bank-Oakland, the company's tlOnal Corp where he sel ved anythmg at thIS pomt "I thmk proposed entl}' mto the metropol most recently as the VIce pI eSI. we have Ieached a plateau that's Itan DetrOIt bank market dent and managel of pllvate really bTj"eat,"he said, addmg, "If It am't broke, don't fix 11." Jones assumes full responslbJ! bankmg He has had expenence Ity for all operatIOns m prepara developmg ~trategy and pohcy The bar IS open from 11 a m tlOn for opemng the newest Re for treasUl}' fundmg, II1vest to 2 a m Monday through Satur pubhc Bank offices at 18720 ments, dnd Ievolvmg credit ab day Theil' are 20 employees and Mack Ave m Grosse Pomte \\ ell as commerCial lending the bul1dmg WIll hold 90 people, Farms (Kerby Place), and 1700 Jones also spent two yeal s as a "One of om featmes IS we North Woodward m Bloomfield financial consultant With PI Ice keep our gnll open untIl 1:30 Hills Subject to regulatory ap- Waterhoube & Co d m., so we get people after the theater," Alfonsl saId Items on the menu mclude FOR YOUR HOLIDAY EXTRA FANCY ~ Darlow is Woman of the Year one third ground round for $2, With double cheese, $2 25, home- ENTERTAINING NEEDS ~~: MICHIGAN 'V Julia D Dallow, of Dlckmson, the Bar made chill for $1 50, and sand Wnght, Moon, Van Dusen and In 1981, Dallow \1 db elected to wlches - reuben, German MAY WE SUGGEST YEAR MACINTOSH ", Freeman m DetrOIt, has been the Fello\\ I', of the Amellcan Bm knockwurst, stacked ham, hot named "PlOfesslOnal Woman of FoundatIOn, membershIp 111 PRIM~~~~~~OF BEEF, 'g;: APPLES 49 " LB dogs, gnlIed ham and cheese and the Yeal" by the Mlrhlgan Asso which IS limited to one thIrd of fish filet ~"<' BEEF ra.~ FRESH ClatlOn of the ProfeSSIOns one percent of the ledd1l1g law Fmgel foods mclude french The award IS presented an yers and Judge., 111 AmellUl The fIles, omon rings, clam stnps, TENDERLOIN ~ SPINACH nually to a profeSSIOnal practJ DetrOIt Bal A""ocratlOn pI e zucchml, wmg dmgs, mush- tlOnel who IS recogl1lzed by her sented hel \\ Ith It<.. DI,>t1l1 looms, potato "kms and nachos ROAST PKG peel s as tl uly outstandmg and !,'lllshed Sendce A\\dld 111 1984 f 69~ Iangmg In pnce flOm $1 to who has made blgl1lficant contn- and, m that Sdme ',('dl, .,he \\<1,> $325 FLORIDA butlOns to hel profeSSIOn named "l'v1Jchlgdl1" DI,>tl11 Alfonsl IS on the board of trus E-Z ~ Dallow, who~e husband, John gUlshed Womdn 111 the Plofe" teeb of the Glosse Pomte Cnsls ••VINE RIPE C O'Medra, IS also a membel of slOns" by the Mlchlgdn BU<;lI1ee.,,,Club, a low keyed service orgam CUT HAMS ,.,,~TOMATOES the fil m of Dlckmson, Wnght, and PlOfes"lOn,ll Women\ A<.,,>o 7atlO11 formed m 1955 by bUSl Moon, Van Du.,en and FI eeman, clatlOn ne<,<;men and profeSSIOnals He's BONLESS ROLLED ROAST ~ became the first woman pI eSI She 11\e<.,\\ Jth hel f,lI111h 111 79 <11'>0a membel of the Kmghts of dent m the 50 year hl5t01}' of the Glo%e Pomte Columbus dnd Our Lady Stal of OF VEAL, LAMB, BEEF, OR t - State Bm of MIchIgan 111 1986 D3I 10\\ attended Vassal Col- PORK CROWN ROAST, SPECIAL ~~ lege, Columbia Ul1Iver sity Lm\ School and ,graduated cum laude CUT STEAKS, FRESH POULTRY i ~EATS TO EAT from \\1,1) 11" <:;:t'11p UI1IV(,I'<=:lty Law Slhool 111 1971 PORK SALE ~~~" DUNCAN HINES Darl(l\\' <.,elved d" an ,Hljunct i 99~ profe'>'>or pl(''->id('nt In 1977 TOUR LB 78 She 1\ <1'>appoint ed a membel CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS $2.19 i ~~:~L::~~'~~~ERSON.i~ of the Bo,lI d of Comml<"<.,lonel" of '88 BONELESS PORK ROAST $2.69 LB ~ OR FAMILY! NO~ the <.,Llte bal rn Fl77 'lI1d \\ih electl'd .,ecIeLlI \, \ ICt' pI e<"ldent BABY BACK RIBS $2.99 LB~ ~ A SPECIAL SHIPMENT and pl('''ldpnt elpct hdolc <1<.,,,um mg th(' offill' of till pI (-'ldent In COUNTRY STYLE RIBS $1.89 LB ~ 0~ fJt~~~~~::~ 1986 ~hp h,I" ,1].,0 hl l 11 I,won 'w rr l ~1.tIIOll '>1' I r~\ lIuhe rI_ \~ml) Bllll\ , Plrd(l \ ( 0\(,. '''111' ()\,IU Btr IrI,h (

    Pre TOllr Parlie\ Start AI 100 PM 110.00 Per four DIET PEPSI 2 LITER 24 CANS 241/2 LITER A&W BOTTLE BOTTLES ~{Jof1\on'd Ili POII//e, f {II! 'I/( {Il1d /1 f/1ertl {III IIfIWIIIII1l' \er\ /l e VERNORS T leket, Av,lIlahlc At P,HlllIpallllg I "dhli,llIllcnt, PEPSI FREE SLICE 99~ $6.99 Information Line 371.7444 MT. DEW +DEP +DEP + DEP Julia Darlow

    , \, '0 , •• o. eue '.'04".' ,.- -

    26A December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News ~:T~. THE EASTSIDE'S NEWEST RENTAL FLEET

    , , , /tn tput/,I! Servicing the Grosse Pointes, Harper Woods, East Detroit, St. Clair Shores and other Macomb Communities

    Shadow 4-Door "Fuel efficient sport sedan"

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    ! CHRYSLER ! lEASING SYSTEM Dynasty LE "luxury at it's best" THE LEASING PROFESSIONALS We feature the cleanest vehicles. All current models. All veh icles are equipped with automatic transmissions, power steering and brakes, AM/FM stereo, rear window defroster, and more. Personal Rent-a-Car Service. Prompt pick-up and delivery. Insurance rentals. Convenient locations. Daily • Weekly • Monthly rates. Holiday Weekend Special! Thursday through Monday. 3 Day Charge

    18001 Mack Ave. 1625 S. Gratiot Detroit A DIVISion of The Meade Group Mt. Clemens Located at Pointe Dodge Located at Pointe Chrysler Plymouth 884.7210 465.7210 Total News of the 5 Grosse Poinfes Since 1940. Published weekly on Thursday. Join the over 50,000 readership and have the Grosse Pointe News delivered every Thursday. R.S.V.P.Today.


    G R()SSE P()IN" E :\lE\V~ 96 KERCHEV At GROSSI" P()I'\JTI'. FAR/VIS, f\11( IIIGA~ 48236 QIll 1 IlIIllUlIl1 Grosse Pointe News I.1IiiiI1ffiJ~ 882-6900 • 96 Kercheval • Grosse Pomie Farms M ,ChlfjcH1 ,1 r 'J

    \\L ill\llL dlll tu hC:UilllL pel I I OllHll Idlllll\ IIIL 111" \I )1 I tilt:lr jJ.jj1lr 111tile 1lldll L\(:rI 1\t:L~

    \\t: UJlt:f thL UJIIll11ll111l1II~L no IIIIl I" ()lIl liller, It I Ill' Llllll POllllL' d' 1\t:11J, \c!!C)(JI hOMd I1lLLllllL, dlld Ilrl r ~dlilLlIII" i', lllt'llll rt:,ldl 111, \ml III hrltlg lOll ,ill 1)1the Iltl1u 11L1\'>theft 11I1~t:up I Lll1111IUIIII, II

    O!JIlUMI\., lluh nn\'> ,port, U11\.'tdlllIllLlll c!llIllll ill I' , lilll\." IIII IlL III 1 II 1111,lIi/,11 I I , 'Lhool Illl',\ hu,1I1e" ldJlorlelh woldt:, 01] IIllU\.'llIlg 11L1111k \ho III hfll1g IIlU nel" oj 'dlc, 111IlIl,d ,tor\., _"IILLI \ ell!, 1Iid \,' I 1\ 111,1 ] rll'll '1,1 \ ' d l

    Our lld,,,tH.d 'CClIOIl lid' 11lClll1lL,0 dllLlIIL 1(1/ 11,11' I, II I, IIIILII rliL II " , LI 11'1 I J [I II

    IOI)~111gtor d JI)!J or d pldCL to rull I)f hUI diM dn UJIU,Uell IlUll I)J I ,'dr'" 11111' LI,ll I' ) I

    \\11\ 11011l1lftL U, Illtl) l(lUr hllmc lor '1\ Illol1th, III LIlli IlL If \\c rL '11,- III ()\ n \tdl J1lg our II L!LOllll



    6 MONTH $10 00 II;.. , 1 YEAR ------_._------$17 00

    ------2 YEAR $29 00 ------


    Section 8 Churches . . 48 Seniors 88 December 1, 1988 Grosse POinte Board of Realtors.. . . 10.158 Grosse Pointe N~ws

    Savor the sweet 'Sounds of Christmas' Dec. 11 By Peggy O'Connor AndrzeJczyk tht' baptlsmal font and the C,II 01," "Hodle Chn!>tus natus mg'l, mcludmg thp 1 el edo., of Assistant EdllorlF eature Editor "tatlOns of the cross e.,t,' 'Tomorrow Shall Be My Englt'lh oak behllld the dltlll hat beLtel way to Then at 3 pm, pmtlclpant'> Ihll1l1ng Day," "Shepheldl> Membm" of the GIO""e lelelJldte the holl ha~e theIr chOIce of two musl Pipe CalOl," and "Su..,sex Pomte NOlth Hlgh Slhool d'l} "e a "Christmas Smg- Calol' chOIr.." dll et ted by Ben ll"tenlllg to the W Along WIth Can lion and Or HI"tOllcal bum, \\ tll enJoy Walkel, wtll "mg Cal 01.,elt "ound" of Chi htl1ld"? And gdn," at Gro%e Pomte Memollal Chulth'.., "anctuary each chul ch and elt dn aftel whdt bettel "ettlllg" fOl tho"e MemOlldl Church, 01 "Chll.,t Illh \\'Ith tarvmgs, mOl>aICS, glow, "et fOl the GIO..,"(' POlnl( sound" th,m ..,lIdl oillhlt('l mel" em 01.,by the Men\ and q,llned gla"s and other alt Academy The dftel glo\\' h fm tm al gem" ,j-., the d1ullhe" of Boys' Ch01l" at Chlll>t \\ 01 k, the gIft'> of many 100ai benefaltOl", pdtlon" and St P,llll, (lIO'N' (lo\l1te Memo Chlllch WJllIam DeTurk I., It'''ldenb dnd church membel s frIend" and run" flom 1 to h nd] dlld Cllll..,t ('hullh GIO""l "IIKe the 1920.." when the pm POlnte') dll ectol of musIc and cdllllon nelll at MemOllal, D Fl edellc dlUICh wa" buJlt dnd dedi Friend, pall on ollld b(')wf,ll TIll' (;IO""P POinte HI"tOII DeHaven I'>musIcal dllectol ldted tor ticket., at $100, ~~')() pi e.,ent "Ite m holiday cheer and hOl.,l sclwduled '<';ound., of Chll.,L eh UI ch mcl ude1>favollte holt 19'1(J It" clOl"ter wa" msplred dl awn la! I !age IIde" ma"," dll old fd"hlOned dftel da) tunes At Chnst Church, by the one m Cantel bury Ca Genel al ddml.,"lOn tllklh nooll to belwfit I('"tOJdt!On of Uit.. LLtJl..t ~ \-'\'ill p(.,rfvJ m i~1a~ thcdl..11 :lnd the 01 g:1n \\ ~s fo! the \.-)n,,~rt") ull.- )1() J.H..l the "Olll'tv'" futule heddqlldl tel" In 1 hIS Hall," "Once 111 IlUlIt dnd m.,talled by Ca"a pel.,on, re'>elved "eating I" tel''', the PI 0\ l'llldl Well Ro, al Ddvld'c; CIty," "Noel \ ant Fl el e", St Hyacmth, $20 Hou<,e N<;ll\(,!l't, "The Ble.,sed Son," qllebel Chll"t ChUlch ha., an "Thl~ IS Ieall} OUI fil.,t I en , It " ,I 1l1l1<1IlP l'Vl'nt and an '<';wg I ulldby," "Sans Day .Ihundancp of fine \\ood (arv ture mto the wOlld of fUll appl 0plldte Olll', I thmk, for dl alsmg," Gandelot "did the (:)o""e POll1tl' Hl"tOllcal "And we thmk It hel" the po SOllet \ to ,,!WJhOI "',\ld Lisa ~ tentlal of becc)mlng of eight general ,~'1 " Lisa and Jon B. Gandelot of Grosse Pointe are among the tradItIOn Il1 Glo.,,,e Po 111!l, " "".1 general chairmen for "Sounds of Christmas." chao men fOl the e\ ent and a , /i. Proceed" from the ('vent membel o! the Plovencal Well' will go to 1e"tol e the PI oven thl." kn()\\ll1g that It v..1!1be emy and fI om the communIty House committee cal Well' House, budt Il1 1819 the heddqudrtel" "omewhpi e - have heen <,0 helpful and 'To do thl" elt thlee and now one of Gro""e d(m n the load" Ie..,ponded so well We thll1k Chllldw" \llth Ilch aJ chltec- Pomte's oldec;t blllJdll1g" It We felt that 11the SOlwty that thl" wJlI be d !,'Teat day tUI al hl"tOl} and to follow ~_II was constructed by Plell e ,me! a \Hmderful way to statt WIth an aftel glow at the "ppnt "0 mUlh tune tdlkll1g Provencal at the COInel of doout hl"tollcal pI e"el vatlOn, the holJdays," 'ihp added GIO".,e Pomte Academy v..lth what IS now Provencal dnd \\ e needed to put OUI money Its mal ve]ou.., hIstory, IC;Just Lakeshore Road PJ()\cncal 1\ hl'l e OUI mouth., wel e," Lisa the ICll1gon the cdke," Gande and hIS WIfe had one child, G,mdeJot expl,uned lot added Catherme, who man !Cd S~I vll1g a<;general chaIr "Soundc; of Chllstma,," be The Idea for the hollddY James Well' In 1867 and ll"ed theme fundralsel wme flOm men WIth the Gandelotc; are gms at 2 pm Sunday, Dec the home as a summer IeSl souety boat d membel Jo Mol Bevelly and BenJamm ,1 11, at St Paul Church, 157 dence untJl Its sale In 1899 lecek, IIho bloached the sub BUIn.." Nancy and Patrick J Ldkeshol e Road The home was then moved Jecl dt d board meetll1g and Gllffin and .10 and Robert M Dllector of musIc DavId a to ItS present ..,Ite at 376 Kel found that member'" accept Malecek Hosts and hostes"es Wagnel will perform Daqum's cheval It was pUlcha"ee! by ance wa" unanimous Il1dude JudIth and Randolph "Noel XX,' and 'Noel sur les the Grosse POll1te HI"toncal "Ron Lampalter saId 'Great J Agley, Paul D and Lynn flutes Bach's "Chorale Prel Society Il1 January 1988 fOl Idea' He took care of under Alandt, Marlene and John A ude In e!UlclJubJlo" and Its future headquarters Resto WIltmg and told us to take Boll, Sybil and Leonard C "\\ adwt Auf, Rufts uns die ratIOn began thIS 'iummel care of evel ythll1g el.,e So .Jaques, Barha! a and D .J .,tm1llJe," Flanck's PastOlale WIth c!pan up of gl ounds, With the PIOJl'(.thell1g undel- Kennedy .Jr , Sandra and WI! op 20,' and Vlel ne's "Fmale plantmgs and replacement wlltten by .,0 many grauou" Itam P Baer, Mary and Ron from S} mphony No 1 " and pamtmg of extellOl wood people, thl<' "hould he a .,ue. Lampartel and .Jane and Ken- HI"tOlIC St Paul Church The Provencal Well Hou"l' ce""ful fundI m.,el ," "he ddded neth G Meade wac; opened at Its present sIte purchase was, accordmg to Commul11ty re"pon"e to TIckets for the event are III ,January 1899 Changes the socIety bom d membel .Jon "Sound" of Chll"tma,," hd<, <1\ dllabJe at VIllage Record~ have been added over the B Gandelot, "Just one of lho,,(' been leI I lfil ,,0 fal , LI"a Gan dnd Tapes and Glosse Pomte years, but Items m the church Photry; by P(~b,) 0 ( nonnr Aodl',eJu\ k thmgs we fell mto Fortu delot sUld Flon"ts, Inc , and Wl1\ be today whIch date to Its ongm Barbara and D.J. Kennedy Jr. of Grosse Pointe will serve as nately, the board was wdllng "So many people - from available at the doOl on the Include the pews, the Rose a host and hostess for "Sounds of Christmas" Dec. 11. to take a chance to get mto the churches and the Acad- day of the program wmdo\\', the nave wmdows,


    / f /

    Pr>drl" r!1)(! f)ldm()lld~ dhpld\ ,] lJlll(jW' / 1)f',lllt\ I!( /l tl1('\ dr!' (olllhlrll.d \\ltl1 11)(' \ ,IJrd111 11111( fOPdl / I edmund t. AHEE jewelers 20119 Ma(k Avpnue • Gro~~e Pointe. Wood~ 8B6-4600 / 11()llfl\'r 1j()1 11<' \HJ',IJI\'\ fRlfn'r](lll. \,\llJRI)\'r III' 28 (!()~ December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News Ready, set · . . deck the halls for the holidays By Ellen Probert Special Writer Ceda! s are mentIOned fl e- Jlll e" one of these ancient trees quently III the Bible and the Ce of many ValietIeS, but all share Now that we have recoveled EvelY year at the Feast of the and cut a tree Edsel & Eleanor Ford House 111 dars of Lebanon aI e btll! as they III beauty and 111 their &PICY from the culmary exces,*s of TI dn..,figul atlOn, the Greeks, Unfol tunately, bnngIng It Grosse POInte Shores boasts five Thanksgiving, It IS !:>uddenly wel e In blbllcal tImes (The tern scent which always makes us home stIckmg out of the back of AI menlani> and MOI'mons go on thmk of holIdays beautIfully decorated trees, un tlmt> to think about deckmg the a "tat IOn wagon or Idshed to the counted banks of poinsettIas, nb In VIctorian times, babam halls for the holIday season of top of a cal doesn't seem qUite bans and roping and a marvel Advent, Chnstmal> and Hannu. and Douglas firs were WIdely a~ lomantlc as hor!:>es and a used for Christmas tl eel> and ous dIsplay of antIque toys to kah It's tIme for lIght!> and :,par. "leigh, but the pnnclple IS the delIght VISitors of any age There kle and the :,cent of evergreen!:> whIle markets m the cltles could "ame supply tl ees to UIban famIlIeS, at e publIc tours; call 884 3400 W pervade the scene Three wondelful places In the fOl more InfOrmatIOn those who could, made an an. When you thmk about It, ared ofTer d chance to relIve past nual expedltlon to the countl)' to At the Grosse Pomte Garden there IS a Iemarkable VaIlety m C'hll"tmas JOYS GI eenfield VIl. Center, located m the GI'o""e the plants which symbolIze thll'> !:>elect and cut theu trees and lage, the Van Hoosen Fa! m Mu- bnng them home on &Ieds pulled POll1te War MemOrial, plans ar~ glamorous season Some of them seum 111 Roche~ter and Upland by a team of hOIbes dlready under way for excltll1g connect ....Ith very ancient tradl Htll~ Fat m nedl OXfOld Each of Pel'hap~ It IS the llobtalgld events m 1989, Thele are ne\\ tlOns and tustom!:> and !:>om?are lei'" sleigh IIde", JlI1glebell", hot, boob In the clrculatmg IIblell) faIrly new, such a~ pomsettlas, pie m ,Jel ubalem Wd~ bUIlt of ce that ovel'comes most of us at mulled tldel, Santa Claus, cm d pdgllmage to the cedal gI ove!:> Chn!:>tmas tIme fol' the SImple! of garden boob, seed cdtalog~ which have only been the tradl dm \\oodl The 12 oldest and of Lebanon 01", countl y CI aft" and shops and penodlcab and brochUJ es abollt tlOnal Chll!:>tmd!:>plant for a tou 1m gest of the Cedars of Lebanon life of 'the good old days" befO!e Chll"tmds tl ees Spruce tlee" dIe dl"o velY pop gal den based day t1IpS and pie of genel dtlOn:, have been leveled b) every mon tomputel's, but gomg to the A little c1o~el to home. the ul31 fO! CI]JI"tma" tl ees They wuntly to cut yoU! own Christ pldtes to VISIt Ivy and ml~tletoe were "aCled (Jthelstlc IellglOn Called by the .11 e membel" of the pme family plants to the anCIent dl Uld!:>and .Jews, "The 12 FI lend" of Solo ma~ tl'ee I:' agam a most popular and the Latm name fO! them, event their uses as part of the annual mon," by the Chn"tlans, "The pmdcede, come" from the Latm mldwmter festivals hdve b(>en 12 Apostle!:>," and by Moholmll1e There al e many tl ee fm ms \Val d piX, 01 pltth, dnd I efel s to \\ hlch adveltlse festIve days of translated mto OUI u<;(>He; ('hr,,,t dane" "Samts," It ha~ hf>pn hf> thp lP(.l"! Ol pJ.t~h tJiut in uu 1 ~Jul5h 1ll1c::>,wrnpiete WIth belJ;, mas decoratIOns and kl:,smg Iwved for centul'le~ thdt an evIl tamed flam them Like the ce fate will befall anyone \\ ho In and genel al Chn"tll1as cheel as balls In the European flowel doll", the '>Plllte& and pme~ are calendar, holly IS the symbol of mcentlve" to bl mg the fdmlly December In the Vlctonan Ian. guage of flowers, holly mdlcates foresIght and defense and mlstle toe means good luck to a woman and bad luck to a man It al&o stands fOI affection and love and w thiS day, IS a sacIed plant m India, Holly has al&o been an Impor. tant plant for celebratIOns and festIvals VirgIl refers to It often in hiS wntmgs by Its Latm name, IIex There are hundreds of vanetws of Ilex or holly, and they are native w many lands m Europe, AsIa, North and South America, the Canary Islands dnd MadeIra, to name a few. cRt:1-0'l.t - ~p' Some have red berrzes and r:J'l.unk some have prickly leaves and ~hoUJ some are smooth They may be green or golden or variegated m ED.anau dfad[E.y ~./.\E:1c.nt:1 color. Holly and ivy are often hn ca[[Eetian of [«;>:in.lOu!/. used together for great decora- A tive effect and are thus immor. White Christmas . • • fab' and ckHqn!/. fot talIzed in the old Christmas Helping address invitations recently at the St. Paul Parish House for the St. John Hospital daytime and t:lJEnlng WeClt carol, "The Holly and the Ivy " Fontbonne Auxiliary's 35th annual White Christmas Ball are. from left, Charlene Prysak of It was a common belief in the Grosse Pointe Farms. invitations chairman: Rosemary Wortman of Grosse Pointe Farms. Judy ELEANORE HADLEY Ltd. Dark Ages that mistletoe did not O'Malley of Grosse Pointe Woods, invitations co-chair: Alice Reisig of Grosse Pointe Park. res- grow from seeds because it only ervations chairman: and Jane Young of Grosse Pointe Shores. seating chairman. occured high up in trees and This year's event. with a "Music of Christmas" theme. will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10, at ,never on the ground. Mistletoe the Country Club of Detroit. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be served at 6:30 p.m .. followed 'was a sacred plant to the ancient by dinner at 8 p.m. and dancing to the music of the Johnny Trudell Orchestra from 9 p.m. to 1 HOURS Teutomc and CeltIc peoples and a.m. Dally 9 30 530 was used in ceremomes by the Thurs & F" 1,1 700 Proceeds will benefit the St. lohn Hospital Psychiatric Medical Unit. For more information. druIds, Branches were used m call 343-3675. 16628 KERCHEVAL Jh£ shops of homes to ward off evIl spirIts. GROSSE POINTE, MI 884 1330 They are stIll used to decorate Walton.Pi.zrc~ houses, but never m churches because of the pagan aura whIch still surrounds them. EXPERT CARE IS A CALL AWAY In the Chinese flower calen. Call us today for your home or hospital needs. Our pro~ dar, the poppy is the flower for fessionals provide care 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. December and IS the symbol for revelry and celebration. '\ • RN's/LPN's All the evergreen trees are ...... ~)- • HOME HEALTH AIDES used for Chnstmas trees, a rela. -~.(- • LIVE-iN'S tively modern custom mtroduced • HOMEMAKERS into England from Germany by • CHILD CARE Queen Vicwria's consort, PrInce I Albert. Cedar trees are among Choose our location that's most convenient for you: the most popular, perhaps be- 51. Clair Professional Harper Woods 343-4357 cause of their lovely aromatIC Medical Services Troy 641-0646 scent. A Health Care Partner Dearborn 441-1502 iiIi 01 Sf lohn HospJlal Mt. Clemens 263-1090 equal Opp1y employer Algonac 794-0700 Open House at Garden Center " The DetrOit Garden Center...... located III hiswnc Moross House, 1460 East Jefferson Ave. will present Its annual Christmas COUNTRY FOLK ART Open House Saturday, Dec. 3 from 10 ::;;; until 4 jJ m and Sunday, Dee 4 from noon to 4 SHOW & SALE@ pm ---'~-- ._J"':-/ _ Tour DetrOIt's oldest brick V!' ~ house dressed up for an old.fash- iOned ChrIstmas WIth fresh greens and floral an'angements and featunng a "Harps and An. ~. .;1 F A~'''~CE S gels" theme Harpists WIll be f , 1 perfonnmg Unusual Items for , ~~~ hohday g1Vlllg, as well as Chnst. .. FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PLASTIC SURGERY mas greens, may be purchased FACT J: f RI I ( 0'\'-11 11;\. III /(1/1 lour Il/rt:IOII (II ({ll/a~c the UpstaIrs Shop I I!,N/ \lafr. /IIlludrng hlKhh 110\ WI TH i\ .." R(,IO\; /lmlli/al dOl I Adml,>slOn IS $1 Call 2596363 DECEMBER 2-3-4, 1988 I" IMPOR 11\'\ I Ira II/I'd IIl1rH', If \ nil do need an for more mformatlOn • h\( T 3: (0'-1\11 r I( nl {'rm;:hl \Ili~ li/ ("III/liKe 10111/ Ii 1IcII If (Ofl/I I /0 10 ,II/( /II <." R(,f R'r 11/\<" 111111 I all IIII' I{'r\ {( ('I ) ou l'\PC{/ L""SI"Ci. MICHIGfi" lur~rrl 1\1 II!'I f(1I1 a hI/II d/I \1 \" 9 from (I qllallf, II.hplflil alld more in the beautiful, ne w II f( IIlh 111( olla!:1 IIO\I'III1! lor Ii\( ,<., r ~ ~~ I la/JI/'!I ollr 1'/11 Iii IfInl 0111 r II .. _...... , fllIIl I 11/11 "'~ __ - -_-..". LfiHSIHG CEHlER 1'1 "ACT 5: 1 HI-- lUXURY If( olllllllal/oll f lilli' l(l rI" 7...... 11..- 1.96 to I 496 to Larch St Exit North 0/. Mile~ to West on h, Ild"1 " ;!-/ Of--A HOO I I" YOURS Correction I 1/\\ I (lllr I'rn lIll 'II/( 11/0111 III Shlawassea St" 1 blk, to Cedar St South Mila to LanSing 1m, !JIll frill ...... '" A/ (ol/aRI' \ 1111 /I I/al /1l a !l0I. * II I'm '"I III/II/!: (al/ R8/-/R(}O Cenler (on corner of Cedar Be Mlch,gen Ave) IlJr dl Ill/!I /lr/I (II/filiI II I P/Ill/ /!Im I all/lafh hl/l/)J/ahle I'l I !or/l/ hrl a,l I Ollio/lrm~ ()ur 1I1"llIlIal '1/\ e Pmntl' \en lfl' The prICe of the ENTER THE LEADUiQ FOLK ART SHOW IN THE COUNTRY FEATURING J hlltJll" /10/1 (r, /1/0\ 1I/~ IIIl 111l/CI a 'pl' 1(11 Ill/II' for (0\. TAINMENT '1\9 dl~()unt cou OVER 100 QUALITY FOLK ARTISANS FROM ACROSS THE COUN RY FA( T 2: I "(PI RII '\( A'\ J) I RA 1'\ J '\(, \1/\ K I 1(//11 Iii 11/l1//1/11I1r/ fIIrm I fill III 11IrKl'r1 /I(I/U'/l/I 1J11davIP pon books was Wlong III lai>t Friday evening, 5 p m. to 9 p m Adm $ 5 00 A nil II R f '\(1 (II" 1/ \ II!ro/ll W/ (1\ a \: 11/('1111 }'O/l I a1/ 1'\ I 1/ 1/11'111' a week's paper The COIlect Saturday & Sunday 108m to 5 p m Adm $ 3 00 IIw!r1 htJ'I'lIal Ila) ~ ;:/1{ 1/ I"r iiI/ilia pnce IS $30, WIth book" a"aJl III \11/ jll~(/II (1//1 !'U 111111/,111 II Grained frames and bo)(es, Scherenschn,ne baskets, pierCed lamp I, ( "\l11l III ~ able through local <;Cl'Vlce'or "all (llf//'UI ("'III, /II ,ur.[1 (If/ h\( I 4: I, shades country and period furniture, Windsor chairs grained and 1111 a hlll/t1i II 'IIrd 1/111 al ( (l1/i/~1 IlIr({1 n al "'-f7j gamzatlt}ns or h'>ted OlN 1\ 110<"1'/1 \1 1'\-(: painted furniture, rag rugs, samplers ,eddy bears, redware Ilrl\pl/III I "If! d(l' lur hill 1(11/1 ( ol/a!:e /1m 1~ nesses or Entertammf'nt\ Vllm'\v!I'\1 : spongeware salt glaze stoneware theorems, Iraklurs, lInw31e I'loul I \liflll\' IJi II t:/{liIUiJ/1 /I//a! 11 Ilf 01/ office at 1400 N WoodW,lld, 1<., RI'\<.,..,1 RI\(, \: blacksmllh,carved toys, signs. weathervanes, decoys Shaker boxes IUI//IIII): Ill' I"dlll!: (/ rt \ld, III I 1// l!Ial (n//lparel BIrmIngham 48011 The II !Ii II/( / I/f IItJI I "/lr \ " pantry boxes lolk art watercolors, stenCiling whirligigs lloorcloths, plill/ll Iur!:u I II/ (lllIlaT! f/!:(lIIJ!: I \ 1m llrahh 1\ IIh II/n', TI rt I!UlTl I (I ' Grosse Pomte New'> reJ.,'Ypt" dummy boards, QUills country 10",llles,Ilreboards, herbal, wreaths (/ \ I) 111 11/11111 Iii l"r~1 IJIII 01111 r IlrllKrw//\ !rfll/1Ifll/I/iI\ /1 \ /I/l/'l/nllll/ln A /lm\ any Inconvemence the f'rror and potpourri, candles braided and hooked rugs and all country dl/II1117111111l II I'T/" Ilall,li/rdl ( all 1/\ III Ihll' 1 nil hm, l!rl I {lrl ill (nflli!:1 \ may have caused needs lor sale • en...n'...,• 88/-1800 uny lOIlO ~~ @ "HONDAHlllIK(Il y .•• COTTAGE HOSPITAL (313) 6344151 F' 0 801 III Ollonv,U. MI48462 (313) 6344153 OF GROSSE POINTE

    \' t December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News f~i ~ 3B Spend a sinful Sunday contributing to a good cause It should be one sweet sundae urn, Sunday, when the thIrd an ' fundl'dlilJllg pl'eVIeI\ ho'>ted by d\ldtllC 11l1ltdt ChJldltn\ Ho"pI Barton III, Mrs, Peter J. Mer- nual Chocolate JubIlee to benefit the Collpge and the PI e"toll tal II Iii be honOlcd cier, Mrs, .John Ballantyne, AlzheImer's vIctIms and theIr Bm ke GaIJelle" tOlllOrJow, FII 1h(' WmlnIttl'e Imludl' MI e,. MI'e,. Joseph Hoski, Mrs. famlhes IS held Dee 4, from 1 30 day, Dec 2 TIcket" fOl th(. $100 C. Howa! d Crane, 1\1l" \\ II David Summer!>, Mrs, John to 4 30 p m at the Some Iset Inn, pel' pel "on benefit pI ('VieW may limn 'i. TlIl'lWl .Jr, ,It" 1\ I; "whl'rer, Mrs, Edmund R, 2601 West BIg Beavel Road be Ie"el ved by wllll1g the ofljcp More than 35 restaUl ateurs '-,tlthl'l')and and Mrs, Dennis of ellumnl lelatlOn,> <1t8n.:H 18 \1 Day, and chocolatlers, Includmg Cho Local folk .. on tilt' tollll1llttee \dml""lOn 1'- $50 per person colatIsslmo, Nestle's, Stloh's, Include Mr. and Mr", Richard HI "I vat IOns - which "hould be Ckneral Foods, Machus Enter. Doerer emd Mr, clnd Mr.,. Wil. 11 ld( early as the event IS ex. pllses and Merchant of Vmo wlll Iiam Ke,.,,,lel', ' partIcIpate They wIll offer fl ee pi Llcd to attl act male than 300 samples of chocolate dessel1s, St. Paul-on.thc-Lakc )H / ,pie - may be made by c:lll candles and speCIalIty confec Illg Ifll 1323 Church.. . IIelSthe "eUlng tlOns HolIday gIft Item<; wJ11ale;o 1hl I3,1l at Haue,e, \\ hlCh IS Sept 28 fOI the t111I"tpllJng of be avaIlable p,lI t of Bdl dt Human SerVices, IS Elizabeth Anne Hal(., ddughtr'l Ckneral adml<;slOn IS $25 pel d IeSldentldl Pl'Ol{1am, whIch of .Jame., and SU.lannp Hale oj pel son A patron bl unch - wIth JlloVlde" CellC dnd "helter fO! Fedl"ton, Md EII/,lbpth\ godp,u chocolate mam dishes, naturally joung \\omen a6'cs 1314 Barat ente; ill e Thomas .J, Hall' vf - WIll be served at noon Pat! on Humdn ServIce" I" a United Kent 1\ ood dnd Charlene M, Gil. tickets are $100 per person, FoundatlOl1 "uppol'ted orgamza bert of Gl ()~'* Pomte Fat 111'> whICh Includes adml"slOn to the tJon devoted to addre"smg the Glandparenh ale Howard dlld I ""11(' oj ch lid abuse Jubilee 'f"""rI • 't ...... ,. J~UIl Gilbell of (rl o'>"e l)Oll1te IJUV!U v. \'Vagner Doreen Hermelin IS chan mg -FI!Rm U'Connor Andrze)czyk Farms and Glenn dnd Mal'y the event POIntel s on the com. MCF president Michael Brennan and Rita Brennan enjoying the Nov. 15 "Angels" benefit for the Michigan Cancer Founda- Hall of Kentl\ood mlttee mclude Dale Austin, tion. Marilyn Gushee, Edye Lon- Still at St. Paul's: gyear, Erma Reindel, Sue Vi. Angels filled the newly opened MIchIgan on Sunday, Dee, 18, at THE mOST UNUSUAL titoe, Virginia Tompkins and SkylIne Club m Southfield, !'aIS David 0, Wagner, mU"lc 5 p m at DetrOIt's WestIn Hotel Susu So snick. mg some $200,000 for MCF and dll ectOl of St Pellll CatholIc .Joe Weaver of Grosse Pomte Resel'vatlOns may be made by makmg a chIlly No\'embel mght Ch \lI'ch , IS bus\ get t 1I1g I eeldy fO! GIFT IN SIGHT Woods \\111 be among the many sendmg a check to the AlzheI- a httle warmer hIS [eatuled petformunce on Sun celebrIty fashIOn models Xiom- mer's ASSOCIatIOn,17251 West Guests enjoyed a magnIficent day, Dec 11, at 2 pm, as peu1 of ara Williams, 8, a kIdney dI- 12 MIle Road, SUIte 103, South seven.course meal, WIth five the "Sounds of Chll"tmds" bene alySIS patIent from DetrOIt, WIll WInes and champagnes, prepared fit for the Grosse Pomte HI~tOlI field, MlCh ,48076 For more In. be a speCial guest. formatIOn, call 577-8277 by OlympIC gold.medahst Chef cal SOCIety'" Provemal Well TIckets are $30 m advance House - ~U2'0S,~~~pi:Lr AlzheImer's DIsease IS a pro. Calvin Whitaker. CapPIng the 1:'4.e~ and $35 at the door Proceeds 6rreS81ve, IlTeverslble, neurologJ. evemng was entertamment by Wagner WIll play "(;',hon !clVOl flom the event WIll support pro cal disorder affectIng an estI- actress and Broadway ~,rreat Ite" by Johann Sebcl"tl,1l1 Belch, Ruta Lee. grams and servIces for kIdney Loul"e Claude DaqulIl, Ce"ClI mated 3 mIllIOn Amel'lcans dl!:>easepatients m MIChIgan Most VIctIms are 65 and older'; The Angels were conceIved Fl anck and LoUIe,Vlel ne Tick For further information 01' to or. three years ago by Velvet Pea, ets for the event <11 e aVellLlble ,It however, the disease can strike del' tIckets, ca)) 368-8202 people In theIr 40s and 50s nut Butter founder, the late VIllage Records and Tap£'" ,me! mOle mformatlOn on the benefit There IS no cure, Paul Zuckerman and hIS WIfe, A gala exhibit ... by al. Helen. Each year, the funds are may be found on page 1B umni artists is on the agenda earmarked for MCF's research Oh, those 'Angels!' when the Center for Creative program m metastasIS, headed Brunch for Barat: The More than 200 members of the StudIes. College of Art and De. by Dr. A vraham Raz, who IS Fl'lends of Barat Human Ser MichIgan Cancer Foundation's SIgn celebrates 62 years as De. seachIng for clues into the meth. vices Will be hostIng the thll'd trOlt's majol' school of fine arts ods b~' which cancer spreads annual holiday "Brunch fOI Bul' on Monday, Dee 5, throughout the body, at" fundralser at thc GrohHe The exhibit, titled "Verms- Among those who enjoyed the POlllte Academy on Sunday, Dec Ange," will include 34 prints, Angels' benefit were GroHHC 4 An 11 u m maSH will hI' fol. Walk through paintings and RCulpture by Mor- and lowed by brunch PointeI'll Dale Don AUlJttn, ,.18 Brose, Mary Ellen Croci, I..ucllle Wcrt~, MCF preHidant Tlw annual fundl'lIlsCI' 11I'gUIl a winter Brenda Goodman, Jay Hoi- lwo yeal'A ago whun E1h"uhuth Michael Brennan, M.D., and land, Richard Jerzy, Bradley Rita Brennan. Crane, vIce pI'eHlul1nl of till' wonderland JonclJ, Clllvin Lee, CharleN FI'lcnda of Barat, JOIned WIth Mitchell, Charlel McGee, The public is invited ta ex. Black-tie benefit: Acadomy aluml1l to l'lllse money plore nature's methods for win. SheUa Reid, Andrew Rubin, for the Barat Hou"e 111 Detl'Olt Detroit fashIOn model Gig! Esdras Santiago, Reva Newbcaster Bill BondH \\ III tel' survival at The Matthaei Bo. Collins WIll host a dmner-dance tanieal Gardens during the free Schwayder.Qothelf and Hugh sel've as master of ceremonies and fashion show to benefit the monthly trail walk on Sunday, Timlin. Joseph Fischhoff, M.D., child 19599 mRCK RVE. National KIdney FoundatIon of Dee, 4 at 2 p,m They will be honored at a gala psychlatll"t and head of the pM G.P.W. 882-97JJ Wmter IS a season when en. ergy IS expended wIthout being replaced, Life must subSIst on food that was stored up durmg Grosse Pointe Baptist the green season, The cold, dry Community Nursery School wmds of wmter can be as harsh as the hot wmds of summer Ages 30 months 10 five years drought Add to thIS the Ice and snow and the problems of wmter REGISTRATION survIval become worse As day. hght hours shOlten and tempera. NOW OPEN tures get 10\V~r, plants and anI- mals prepare for winter FOR JANUARY 1989 Examme the vanous methods Monday and Wednesday that are nature S way of plant protectIOn See how nature pro. openings vldes convenIent food and shelter 21336 Mack Avenue for the ammalc; and learn how at Old Elghl Mile and Mack they use thl?sc provISIons Grosse POinte Woods, MI 48216 The I.J 2 hour walk goes Phone 881.1210 for information and regIStratIOn through th~ ralls of the gardens and is open to the publIc. Do. cents WIll meet the VIsItors at the steps m front of the conser- vatory at 2 p m The :vIatthael BotanIcal Gar. If dens IS located at 1800 N Dlx- You Think ~ bora Koad, Ann Arbor, 114 mIle south of the Plymouth road m. Calico Corllers IsA tersectlOn on the ea<;t SIde

    LWV plans party Country Fabric Store, The League of Women Voters 1- -- - i I!ii#:!! of Grosse Pomte wIll host a holI )C ~ . ,.- day party on Sunday, Dee II, at 7 p m at the Gros<;e Pomte Hunt Club ~-~ I The event wIll feature two ABRICS speakel s follo\\ed by a dISCUS '>lOn Guest" are welcome Cost 1<; $8 50 per person ReservatIOns are due by Dp(' 6 and may be made by "endmg a check to Bar. bro Lynton, 175 Vendome, Gro%e Pomte Farm", :vIlch, 48236 Christmas greens workshop set Think Again. The> DetrOit Garden Center, located 111 hl'ltonc Moro'ls Hou'le, 1460 Ea"t Jefferson Ave, WIll pre"ent a Chn"tmas Greem Work'lhop on ThurRday, Dec B, from J 0 a m to 2 p m Make a natural greens centerpIece that \qll la8t through the holidays, plu8 Instructlon8 on constructIng a greens ....'l'eath, a swag, and a decoratIve hO\\ to finIsh Fee 1'0 $10 To prere!{lster, call St ClaIr Shores, 21431 Mack Ave 775 0078 2.196363 48 December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News Christ Church to present 'Christmas Oratorio' FIve masterpieces of Johann slOn," and "St John PassIOn" "one of the mo"t gIfted ';tudl"nt<; perfO! mll1g lecltatIves, he WII! SebastIan Bach are consIdered The "ChrIstmas Orato1'lo" IS a 111VIenna" slng the 10ie of the "Evangeh<;t" the composer's finest and mO'5t grgantlc work to perform and Alto ElIzabeth Ehldge 1" \\ell m the orato1'lo Umverslty of fJ equently heard composItIOns while Handel's oratOrIO "The known to Ann Al bOl and Glo<;<;e MIchIgan doctoral student Kyle One of these great works IS the Messiah" IS performed many Pomte audience" She 1e<;ldes III "Chnstmas Oratol'1o," WhICh times over the holIday season, Manelo will smg the bass role CrnC111natl while \\ 01 kmg on hel 111 the peIfOl mance \\ III be performed at Chnst the Bach work IS a great alter- Church this Sunday, Dec 4, at doctoral degree 111 vocal perfO! TIckets for the concert are $8 native and an Important work to mance 730 p m perform and may be reserved by callmg Randolph Lacev 1<;new to De the church office at 8854841 The "Chl'lstmas Oratono" The 50-member Chnst Church tiOIt and has been actl\€

    St Paul's Altar SocIety mVltes Ister at Wayne State Umverslty, readers to attend the Dec 5 where he IS also the Director of meet111g, whose speaker Will by , ~ Human Values 111Medlc111e ._, ....~~~ Father Walter A MarkOWICZ, pastor of St Josaphat Church The meetmg WIll be held 111 • .....4.~ ...... He WIll speak on "The Church the ParIsh ActiVItIes House, 157 -= • J.:::;:~ as a Moral StabIlizer in a Lakeshore, next to St Paul on . ~..HY" Changrng World, and Reproduc- the-Lake CatholIc Church tive Morahty." Markowicz IS a Tea tIme WIll follow the pro- prIest, teacher and campus min- gram The publIc IS mVlted. Greens sale P'lOto h\ Peggo 0 ( onnor Andn.e,/CZ\ k Organ recital scheduled for Dec. 4 Putting the finishing touches on items to be featured in the Christ Church Greens Sale are members of the Episcopal Concert Organist Kenneth composItions by Boellmann, Church Women's group of the church. The popular Greens Hanmck will grve a recital at Guilmant, Vlerne and Mulet. He Advent reflection 12'15 pm Sunday, Dec 4, at Sale begins today, Dec. L running from 2 to 8 p.m., and con- is completing work on hIS doc St. Paul Catholic Church youth minister Ted L. Maluchnik Sweetest Heart of Mary Church, tinues Friday. Dec. 2. from 9 a.m. to noon. toral degree in organ perfor- (above) will direct an "Advent Evening of Reflection" for 4440 Russell and Canfield in De- New this year are an artist's boutique and an "Artists and mance at the Eastman School of adults on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the St. Paul Parish Angels" shop. in addition to the many other attractions at the trOIt A free-will donatIOn will be MUSICin Rochester, N.Y. accepted. House. Participants will reflect on spiritual gifts and ponder annual sale. The church is located at 61 Grosse Pointe Boule- For more informatIOn, call the season of Advent. vard. HamrIck, 23, wIll perform 831-6659 Maluchnik has been involved in Christian education for 14 years and is in his second year on staff at 51. Paul. Known throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit as a retreat director, CYO reception Maluchnik works with various groups at Manresa Iesuit Re- More church news - 5B treat in Bloomfield Hills. He also is producer and host of The Catholic Youth Orgamza- been a board member for more tlOn kIcked off Its Agenda for "Street Leve!." a weekly alternative Christian music radio than 20 years He IS a past reclp show on WDTR 90.9 FM. Excellence program Nov 29 lent of the Joe Glaser Award, WIth a prIvate receptIOn for the board's hIghest honor for vol- members of the board of dlrec. unteer efforts 111 youth .services tors and board of trustees. Grosse POInte Park reSIdents Public mauguration of the t Mr and Mr<: Vaughn Adams Agenda for Excellence program hosted the I eCE-ptlOn Adams has will begm early 1111989 , WORSHIPGRACE SERVICES UNITEDKerchevalCHURCHat LakepolnteOF CHRIST DIAL A PRAYER 882-8770 822-3823 Sunday School and Worship 10:30 a.m Faith Lutheran Church First English Ev. Lutheran Church Nursery IS prOVIded 900 a m Sunday School & BIble Class CHRIST CENTERED.SPIRIT lED WE.SHIP VI'I IIIl'l Rd at Wedge\\ood DI .... fA Rev Hal\e) Reh 900am &1030am W'orshlpSeTV1ccs Jefferson at Ph1hr • 82222% GIO,,>,,>(' POinte Wood" Supervised Nurser) 88450-10 81. Paul Ev. Lutheran Sunday Worshlf 10 10 a '11 Preschool Cdll 8M 5U~U Sunday Schoo q 00 a Tn 9 10 & 11 00 a 111 WOl',hlp Church Joseph P Fabry Pastor Randy S Boelter Pastor Jt 881-6670 Pastor Ronald W SchmlC!t PdUJ F Kepplcl, Pasto! .GIFTS . ~~:~ 375 Lothrop at Chalfont. 1r 9 00 a m WorshIp ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL IF YOU WISH - WE'LL PACKAGE THEM TOO! ~ 10 10 Sunday School ~ CHURCH Grosse Pointe GROSSE 11 15 Worship 20475 SunnmgdaJe Park \v Grosse Pomte Woods, 884.1820 Christian 'Fellowship POINTE 240 Nursery avaIlable No long lines - courteous employees 800 a m Hol) Euchanst UNITED ;talfonle Redeemer United 1030 a m Choral Euchanst and Sermon would like to introduce you to and extended hours. Next day service Sunday School (Nurser) A\allablel Lothrop Methodist Church Weekd~y EucharISt 9 30 a m Tuesdal JESUS OIURCH 884.3075 available. We handle anything from 2057i Vernier Just E of' 94 Rector Robert E 'Icily We welcome you to corne worship 1 to 1,000 pounds and we ship Harper WOOds Susan K. Bock, associate Wlth us • Our worshIp IS a ~ing church furniture too. 884-2035 LooIoIlR for Fl1endshlp and Bible Teacln~ mfonnal and spontanerlUS 10 30 a m Worship Gro~<;e POinte South fhl!h '-" hool "Your Light" Easy shipping at the 9 15 a m Church School Sf. James Lutheran Clemm"on lI"lI SUndd} Mormol! '",n" I Matthew 5: 13-20 Church "on the Hill" 9 30 Blhle Stud}, I() III Wur"h'JI Wednesday EVl'mnl! 'WI VI( I' 7 'Ill Grosse Pointe Unitarian McMillan at Kercheval 930& 11 15 A M SERVICES Chlldrl'n.<; MIn"ln II \ lul.tllll' RrclUr. filarB, Church t 884-0511 CRIB ROOM & KDGN AVAILABLE 9:30 a.m. Damel & Tma St Amfl, Pflstors DR ROY R HUTCHEON PASTOR "The Lord's ~ REV DAVID R KAISER CROSS ASSOC Holiday Hours' Sunday Worship ". Prayer" 'li; ... .J Grosse Pointe Mon - Fri. 9-7; Sat 10-4 930 a m THE SUBJECT FOR THIS ~lt 11 a m. Servlce & Church SChool Sunday School UNITED METHODIST "l Al r SUNDAY 20083 Mack Ave 1/100 MAUMEE 88H)420 CHURCH IS: Grosse Pomte Woods John Corrado. Pastor 1100 a m A Fnendly Church for All AgE'~ "God, the Only Cause Sunday WorshIp 886-1888 211 Moro8S Rd., 886-2363 and Creator" lie I/\~"~ urosse f'olnle Pastor Robert A. Rimbo 1,( ,I' Ii . WOODS "A Straight Road" First Church of Christ, PRESBYTERIAN ')1'. Robert W Boley, Scientist ~19 Church preach1l1g Grosse Pointe Farms 19950 Mack (betwecn Moross & Vernier; 9'00 a m Wor"hlp & ( hurch ,",chool I 282 Chalfonte Ave, 5 00 P m Saturday 11.00 a m Wor"hlp ~ :'Jur'I'n ( arl 9 00 a m Sunday Dr Roof' t i30lev 4 block" We"t of Mora"" 11 00 a m Sunday <&rtlpqnn Saturday Rev Jock ,Vonr'SCh'l"C~ SlInda\ 10 30 A M 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist Sunda\- School 10 30 A M "In the FulInes& Catch the S~rit Wedne"day 8 00 PM <&aUtrtl of Time" Sunday t niE UHrTED METH00CST CHURCH AT_L ARE WELCOME Dr. Jack ZIegler, preaching 8.00 a.m. Holy EucharIst will be open 9:15 a.m. Family Eucharist PRESBYTER lA N 10.20 s.m. Church School for 900 Learning Center 1000 Childrens Hour & & Adult Forum GROSSE POINTE ~fEMORIAL CHURCH 11.15 a.m, Morning Prayer Adull Education EST A8USHEO 1865 The Holidays 11 00 Church School (lst Sunday Holy Eucharist) Sunday, DecC'mbcr 4, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Worship Nmember 28 - December 23 886-4300 6] Grosse Pointe Blvd. 885-484 J 6:00 Daily 0 . 6:00 Sat. THE SECOND SUNDA Y OF ADVENT J J - J HOLY COMMUNION "HOME SWEET HOME" "LET GOD'S LOVE SHINE TO ALL: Botannlcal" Decorative Art That's how you'll feel TIIHOUGIJ A BAPTISM OF REPENTANCE" (eraI1lIC" GJa".., after visiting lk. V. Ikll( (' HIgdon, Pl"c'lChlng GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH 4:00 p.m. - Hanging of th(' Greens \, "I J fI )"1 I I'IX') III 11111 I" rl io<.. ltul "I Ihl Pllloh\lCll Bldg 21336 Mack Ave. 5: 15 p. Ill. - Adv('nt Dinn('r (n'scl"Va tlOns rf'qulred) 99 K('rch('\al, (lro",,(' Pointe Farm, (corner of old 8 Mile) Sunday School 9:30 AM 6:00 p.m. Tnmmmp, of th(' Tree RR5.~"15 Morning Worship 11:00 AM 7:00 p.m. - Closing Worship Wednesday Worship 7:00 PM 881.3343 9:10 Chun!J ~l hool <-l"l1> 4 Yeal" Old Care 16 Lak('shor(' Dnve . Grosse' Pomte Farms. 88l-5330 December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News Ct1~ 5B FLEe needs volunteer counselors A pall' of FamIly LIfe Educa- gram Will tram volunteer coun FLEC/Center Pomt and Youth tIon Council programs - the selors to work With tl'Oubled and AssI"tance Program The eve. Grosse Pomte/Harper Woods delinquent youth Counselor" are nmg'.'. speaker wa& Mal) Ann Youth ASSIstance Program and asked for a commItment of one Gogole"kl from AgoraphobICS In Center Pomt CrIsis Center - to two hours per week and MotIOn will begm traimng for yolunteer should po&sess a mlmmum of d counselors begmnmg 10 January bachelor's degree 10 a human. Gogole'1kl, a recovered agora Persons mterested In g1Vmg servIce field phoblt and founder of thIS sup theIr tIme to the Center Pomt Interested pet son& &hould con POlt group fO! those who expert- Cnsl" Center should contact tact Marla Ruhana or Pam Os ence anxIety dl»order'1, told the Marla Ruhana or Manlyn wald at the FLEC OffiC8 at 885 !,TJ oup that rewvery Ib pOSSIble If Becker at Center Pomt at 885- 3510 the patient &epks profeSSIOnal 5222 FLEC held an m servIce meet help, attend" support group mg on Nov 8 for board membel s meetmgs and keeps a po<lve The Youth ASSistance Pro and volunteers of hnth the attltude Displaced homemakers can get help coping Mdcomb County reSIdents who the Job market, may be eligible .11(' offe)(,d ft ee of charge to dll have worked a" a full tIme to partICIpate II1 .1 new DIsplaced qualJfied dpplIcdnh homemaker for at lea&t 10 years, Homemake! PloJect For more mformatlOn, contact have been WIdowed OJ dIvorced, Operated by TUJnmg Pomt, a Dl.1ne Calter, plOJect coordma and are mterested m re entermg non plofit orgal1lZatlOn, the DI& to!, or Brenda Fambro, place placed Homemakel PloJett 1&de ment udvocate, at 4634430 Cancer support :Olgned to a"s!"t all p::>rt!e!p.Hlh group for teens m acqUll'Ing marketable emplo) Getting ready for the show ment skills IndIVIdual counsel CHRISTMAS SUPPOJt for adolescents With mg sessIOns and gl oup seminars Detroit Artists Markel's annual holiday show and sale opened Nov. 18 at the Harmonie Park cancel, or those In remISSIOn, IS CRAFT Gallery and will run through Dec. 24. Above. gallery manager (center) Janet Hamrick of De- oiTel ed the first and thIrd Thurs SALE troit works with volunteers Christine Pawyl of Detroit and Steve Gale of Grosse Pointe to get Brighten theIr day \\ Ith a Il'tll'r ready for the show. days of each month at St John Lelter& From !..ow,,, $21" H PARK, CITY or WOODS 881.7956 both musIc teachel S and former The ChoraLlI~, a local men's on Wednesday, Bec 7, at 7:30 coOldmatOls Vllglmd Pehr&on 01' members of the Norman LuboiT chO!us, will be the featured mu p m Refreshments will be served NOJmd McCallOlI ,It 8825330 ChOIr The g;oup rehear&es »ICIanS at the Advent celebratIOn m the FellowshIp Hall follOWIng ~(ipn~q01L weekly at Oakland Ul1Iver<y • at St Jdme'1 Lutheran ChUlch the servIce The pubhc IS wel . Phone - even if you hav(>only moved next door! and has performed on local tele come VISIOn • Tyndale College open house set ffyou WIlham Tyndale College, an CHRISTMAS -nl

    A WI dppcd Chi I<,tma" gift fOl a Ca ..." Communll.., ('cnlpl ,,('nlOl citl/en I" the pll((, 01 ,Idml<;..,wn fOJ tlw CIJll"tmd ... Plol.fldm elt GIOS"P POIllte lJllIh d l\ILthnc!J...t ChmchonTlH ...dd\,fh( 6 dt7 Hi pm The chul tb h loc,lt(.d ,It 211 .:\1'110<"" Road Quality at gerJUinely reasonable Thl' GIO""(' POll1te :--;olth High prices FinanCing Available S( hool POlT1teChm ,lit, u ndel th(' cincttl()J1 of l3('n \V,like" \\111 pi e ...pnl ...c leet lOll... of ",p

    ~unrld\ f)(o( 1 (dIOlt) ... m 1\ lOin thl foul1h dl1ll\ldl (,110) Along dl 7 pm ,It Ow FlI ...l Ell glhh Lulh()dll (hur('h '1'11<'(nn St. Columba Episcopal Church l,'1egdtl(JI) \llll ho...1 the ! ntHP community m the "lllgmg of ",I 1021 Manistique Ave at Ea"t ,Jeff('I..,on cn.d ,me! <.,('cu1m <'(ll1g... and DetrOIt, MI 48215 - Phone. 822 2217 01 885 2:307 hymn" (Located Just two blocks we.,t of Alter Road Secure Park 109 I Chlldll'n arc \\ ('!enml' A I P Holy Communion Sundays 8 00 and 10 00 A M ceptlOn of Chl"lhtma<, cookIe" and punch will follow In the Fellm\ New {nends are always welcome at "The Little Church That Care,,,," '1hlp Hall

    ... _68 December 1. 1988 W~ Grosse Pointe News "leeves tllmmed ornately with prInt, her corsage featured white peal Is A \\Teath of pearls and alstroemena, Ivy and bables'- shantung styled WIth fitted, nero Trumpeter was William Be- sJlk t1011t:'1~held the bnde's two. breath drop.walsted bodices and tIered, ger. SolOIst was Margaret Ahee tiel ed, flool length \ ell She car The bnde holds a bachelor of rufi1ed SkIrtS. Each carned an VICtoria McBrIen, Dianne Mc. arrangement of stargazer lIlIes lied c1 fl ef' 101 m cd"cdde bouquet "CH?nCedegree from Grand Val Bnen, Richard McBnen Jr, and of l\llItp lo.,e., gdldenlas, freesia ley State UniversIty She IS a and bables'-breath tIed WIth cer- Frank Martll1ez read scl'lpture. Ise nbbon The bl'lde IS a graduate of Ul1l- dnd II '" Iegl "tel ed nUl'se In the cal dl The g1'oom's brother, John 'I he Ill,l!Iun of honO! II d" S,lI1 othOl a( IC lI1ten"lve care umt at vel SJty LIggett School and the dl a ~I Sellc'l" at SOli ento. Fla H,lI pel Hm,pltal ~. Landes JI of YorkvJlle, III , was Ul1lVelslty of MIchIgan, where be"t man Gloombmen II1cluded BlIde"mdld" lI1e1uded Judith Bill The blldef.,TJ0001 holds a bache- I ~he earned bachelor of arts and ot GlO'>~ Pomte Wood", the 101 of science del:,TJee from the the bnde'" brother, Richard dodol of medlcll1e degrees She bllde'> :,!:::otel.Dd\\ n DeRaedt of Unlvel "It)' of MIChIgan and a McBnen JI of Grosse Pomte l.s chIef JeSldent 111 otolaryngol Wdnen, Julie I\!cElmUllay of doctOJ of medlcll1e deglee from Shores, the I:5l0om's brother-lI1- 0b'Y at NOlthwesteln MemOllal Dlel. Ind. dnd 1'0111!l-llddleton Walne State Ul1lvelslty He has law, Flank Martll1ez of DenveI, Ho"pltalll1 Chicago of 1'10\ d pII\'dte pI dctlce and IS also on Wayne Blume of Boulder HIli, The bndegl'oom IS a g1 aduate The .lttpndanh \101e ted .,tdtf at Bon Secour" Ho,>pltal III , and Robert Potter 1Il of ChI. ot the Intellochen AI t" Academ\ length dl e:,',C.. of black tafletd '.llld Hal pel HospItal cago and Northwestern Ul1lVelslt), \\ Ith \1hlte tdfleta :,tole" Edch The newlyweds honeymooned The mothe! of the WOl e whel e he em ned a bachelor of a tea length dJ'ess of sJlk CIepe cdllied d pI e"ent..ltlOn ..t,:.,Ie bou 111 the Hall dllan blands They al tc; degl ee He Iecelved a doctol Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Bill de chll1e 111 emel aId and sap ljuet of long .,tl'lllmed led lO"e., 1 1\ e 1I1 Glo .."e Pomte Wood" Dr. Mary M. McBrien and Dr. of medlcllle degl ee flOm the U 111 phlr€ tones CymbIdIum OJcllId" II hlte ,d.,tl()l-nWlld dnd 1\ \ Raymond V. Landes vel '>Ity of I1l1nol" and IS a fOUlth DeRaedt-Bill tormed hel' WI1st COI:,age The 1,'1oum'-. bl otbel , Petel H'at le.sldent m genelal SUlgel)' Klmbellelgh Ann DeRdedt M B' L d I,ud With lose Chantilly ldce dnd The gloom's mothel WOle a BIlJ of GIO.,,,P P01l1te Woods, \1.1.. C rzen- an es at Cook County Hospital III Chl daughter of Cdrl B DeRaedt of beaded \1Ith peal Is The 30 yem tea length dJ'ess of VIOlet silk the be.,t Illdl1 (xl oom.,men 1I1 :\1,11I :\Iells,;a McBllen, M D cago .\lount Clemen" and .\11" Donnd old die'>" wa'> le"toled by UI'>uld CIepe de chme dnd pmned a duded the glOom'-, lOU..lI1", Gle d,lllghtel of Mr and MI" RIch- The IwwlY\leds honeymooned :\Ienhaul, of Troy. mall led DI \1 hlte 01 chId cO!sage to her gal \ Bill of Wbtldnd dnd DI dl d C ~IcBllen of G1'o'>sePomte LOId A cap of IVOJy "ilk IOsettes m Pan.s and III France's LOlle Gary GeOl ge Bill "on of .\11 'lI1d twld a tull. tiel ed veil The bllde pm se .John Pel ente.,l'> of .\1mnedpoh,>. Shol e", mdll led Raymond Vo.'>" Valley IeglOn They live In Chi .\11''' ,John Bill of Glo",>e POInte ~1ll1n, DI Kon"tdntll10S KdPOI LlI1dc.,,:\1 D, son of Dl and (dIned a bouquet of Ivory lo"es The Olgal1lst was DaVid Wag . (dgO \Voods, on Sept 10, 1988, 111 As '\l1d .,tephanotl" WIth tl adll1g deh'> ot ulos,>e Pomte Wood:" ),11 .. John E Landes of AllIOIa, sumptlOn GI eek 01 thodox IVy and DI Waltel LeIbold of Wp.,t rll (on ()r>t 1'. 1988, m St P....ul CllUlLl1 Hramh Catholic Chulch Tile Olltie.s "1,,te1, MarCia The Rev. Demetllos Kavada.s .\'1cBIlCn of Ann AI bOl, \\ a" the The gloom '.s nephe\l, .\lJchael The Rev Rlchm d P McBllen, offiCIated at the 5 p m cere lHdld of honOi Bnde'>mmds m- BIll of GlOSS(' Pomte Woods, 1\ as Lhall man of the depmtment of many, which was followed by a eluded two more SI.'>tCls, Dianne nngbe31 er theology at the U mvel slty of IALWAYS receptlOn at the Grosse Pomte McBllen and Vlctolla McBllen, The mother of the bnde WOle Notle Dame, offiCiated at the Yacht Club both of Grosse Pomte ShO!es, a tea length dJess of black and noon cel emony, whIch was fol The bnde wore a long, whIte and two 81"tel ~ of the bTJoom, \1 hlte silk White alstroemella, lowed by a receptIOn at the "atm gown styled WIth a cathe Claire Landes of Chicago and LOVE A BARGAINII IVY and ba ble.'>,-bl eath formed Countl j Club of DetrOIt dral length tram, deep, V back Bal bal a Landes Martrnel of hel corsage The bnde wore her mothel's tJlmmed WIth French lace, a Denver The blldegl'oom's mother WOle weddmg gown, a chapel length Queen Anne neckhne and long The attendants wore knee a tea length dJess of black "Ilk dJess of Ivy SIlk shantung over NOW I CAN PASS length drc:,ses of cense sJlk ONE ON T'O yOU.

    LAMIA NOW CARRIES A UNIQUE ASSORTMENT OF FASHION JEWELRY the Umverslty of MichIgan, son of Mr and Mrs Robert A where he earned a bachelor of MacDermaId of DaVIson A Jan- FROM CLASSIC TO AVANT GARDE. arts degree m economics and po- udry 1989 wedding IS planned I GUARANTEE WON'T FIND IT LESS! htlcal sCience He IS employed as VonRosen IS a graduate of YOU FOR an lI1vestment adVIsor WIth Bea- Grosse Pomte South HIgh School con Investment Co m Ann Ar- and Central MIChIgan Umver- bor. Slty, where she earned a bache- VonRosen- lor of arts degree m JournalIsm [LAMIA) MacDermaId IS a graduate of V/S4' I DaVison HIgh School and Cen- ( MacDermaid tral Michigan University, where Mr and Mrs John E. van- he earned a bachelor of sCience SALON FOR MEN AND WOMEN Rosen of Grosse Pomte announce degree 111 business admmistra- the engagement of theu- daugh- tlon He IS employed as a sales HAIR • SKIN • NAILS ter, Suzanne Lomse vonRosen, to representatIve for J. LeWIS 98 KERCHEVAL. ON THE HILL GROSSE POINTE FARMS (313) 8841710 Robelt Alexander MacDermaId, Cooper Co m DetrOIt. Robert A. MacDermaid and Suzanne L. vonRosen

    I Renee K. Clemente and Michael CHRISTMAS 1. Suchara Clemente- FUR SALE .-.- Suchara THE REASON SOME PEOPLE VISIT Mr and Mrs Joseph V Clem- CANADA ente of Gi'OSse Pomte Shores an. nounce the engagement of theIr ARPIN'~ daughter, Rf'nee Kathenne 1989 eollecllon of Clemente, to Michael John Su- fabulous designed fura chara, son of Mr, and Mrs MI- greallv reduced. Duty and chael L. Suchara of Dearborn A Sales Tax Refunded. Fun May 1989 weddmg IS planned Premium on American Clemente holds bachelor of 'FundI. arts and ml'ster of business ad Canadian Fur Specialists mmlstmtlOn degrees from MIchI- For Over 60 Years gan State UniverSIty She IS em. That s wnat the sandWiches at HAM SUPREME SHOPS are all about BecauseCE.we refuse to skimp played as a marketIng representative for IBM In South- on anyth ng Neither quantity nor quality field. Our mouth watering Overstuffed SandWiches are piled high With only the finest fiXings Suchara holds a bachelor of Stop In and let them speak for themselves SCience degree from MIChIgan :dr't-ane- State Ul1Iver"lty He IS employed -I -- - \V" /(' you II? !Ji'le ask about Our fabulous pal(Y I a) s/ ac; an account executIve for BBDO Adveltlsmg Agency m <', f'j ! I r--iiUYONESAN°WK:"H---l Southfield ~~~n'J r" i I GET 2nd for $lo0! I lli:L - _I I I ,",'(", w!coupon I 10/<'1 Hours 1. _ Man - Sat 1000 - 700 21611 Harper Sun 11 00 - 400 774-2820 St. Clair Shores, Mf (Iwt\\pen 8 ,wj 9 Mdp) "20-20 CLEARANCE SALE" l.~"'''''''''''''--'''''''-I11111.-'''''-''''''lIIII-_'''''''''''.-'''"DID YOU R 5 TU DEN T-5 IE PO R T I CARD SHOW HIS OR HER REAL POTENTIAL? ON RECLINERS DO YOU NEED HElP WITH THESE PROBLEMS? I 1) Test AnXiety Skills 2) Low Self-Esteem 3) Below Grade Level Achievement 4) Reading and Vocabulary ComprehenSion 5) Writing and Math Skills I 6) Peer Presure Roherl N, Pollack Jr. and Jill A. 7) Student/Teacher Relationship

    Figley T- h--p fnUnwin".. _ ...._ ...... ::r ,.n",mCli"t~.. _'I." ...... ", c•...."" 1I'VIII.....- VUI,...~ ,;)IU~~..dents'• Figley-Pollack I "All the tIme 1 thought it was my fault 1 was failmg, but it wasn't, 1;ust never learned the (~( 01 g(' L dnd .Jo,m FI~l('y of I (,I (h"(' POinte Wood" announce proper skills fa academIC success'" 1III (nt.:.lg('!n('nt of their daugh "I never thought 1could do Reading or Math, I !( I ,Jill \ Flglpy, to Rohelt N I but once 1 learned WHY errors were made, 1 20% OFF RECLINERS & THEN TAKE AN J '('] 1,,(~ J, ..,on of Mr ,md Mr" , gamed a new confidence" ADDITIONAL 20% OFF ON ALL CLEARANCE f~rll" II " l'oll,1('K of Ann Ad)()l I DIPSLAY MODELSf \ I 1)( I I I" I 19H9 \\l'dd1l1g I" "At the Grosse Pomte Learnmg Center pi 111111 " dIscovered that 1too can be a winner'" I ) I, h ,I gl.lduale of GIO""C Choose from 8 styles II.I.\~'ILIL TUTORING All SUBJECTS K.ADUL T j I' I ( \"11h High ~hool and I 1 '1 111('I."tV of :'vl!(hlg.ln. THE GROSSE POINTE LEARNING CENTER BELIEVES t ------I 16421 Harper 1/11 ,hI' hlrJwd d /).lch('IOI"" EVERY STUDENT HAS THE RIGHT TO SUCCEED 27113 Harper I Detroit fI 'III In Im"'I11l''''' S}w I" ('m Fournier's St ClaIr Shores 1\' d ,.., t (near Whither) GROSSE POINTE LEARNING CENTER l (btw 10 & 11 Mile) II I hI' \',ltlOnal B'lIlk of J)(' 131 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE FARMS I I 881-1285 776-8900 I., ,I Furniture Opel! MOft. & n.ur.. 9-8 ,1" k gt

    December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News :Y 78 'Solo flight' is topic for Women's Connection LlI1da Heal d, a~sl~tant to the and be tI eated Iespectfully Izat10n and It" actIvItieS, call pI eSldent of AAA MIchIgan, WIll Jean Portel at 9615040 (days) Heard has been wIth AAA be the featul ed speakel at thp and 881) 8;388 (evenings) or Carol MIchIgan "mce 1976 and was Thul"day, Dec 8, nll'et,ng of the H !nand at 881 7100 (days) or ndmed to her current posItion 111 Women's ConneLtlOn of Gro"se 882951)3Il\pnll1g"J Pomte The meetlllg w1l1 be held 1980 She wpresents AAA at at a pnvate club numerous CIVICand commulllty DlI1llel le"ervatlOn" me due ploJects and orgal1lzdtlOns She IS by DeL 5 and md}' be mdde by the ple<'ldent's speech wnter and Ldllmg Nancy Nedt dt 2967402 IS a legular contllbutOl to AAA'" l\lIchlgan Ll\lIng magazme (ddYt.) OJ' 882 1855 (evenmgs) Heald'" tOPIL wlll be "Solo The Women's ConnectIOn of Flrght A Woman's GUIde to OJ0,,<,('POll1te IS a women'" net TI,!\'elmg Alone ' She wlll dl" \VOlklllg dnd "uppOli group com w<,<, the tnck" of tl <'1\ elmg dlol1e po"ed of both bu"mess dnd how to get till' be<,t aClOmoda pI of('""10na 1 wonwn dnd tho<,e tlOn" at the llIo<,t Jed"ondble pI epdl J ng to entm the \VOl kfoJ ce I.lte-, how to make Iesel \ ,ltlOl1" 1"O!mfO!J11cltlOnabout the organ Woman's Club bridge group The Glo""e POll1te WOJl1dn\ noon on SatUlddy, Dee 3, by Club blld~e h'10UP will open the tdllmg ChellloUe SchnCldCl at holIddY "ea.,on WIth d Chll.,tmas 8841391 01 GLld~'i Greenburg blldge and luncheon Wedne<,ddY

    Grosse Pointe SALE Camera Club All The Grosse P01l1te Camera o(~ {SaI:J~. Club Will meet on Tuesday, Dec Sleepwear 6, at 8 p m at Parcells School on Mack Avenue at Vermer Road There WIll be a multJproJector 25% Off shde presentatIOn WIth sound track by Tony Spma VISItors December 1 through December 8 are welcome There IS no charge H, IldJ\ H, Uf' \Iondn Ih" u,h ,,,JJ' unl,l i 311 For mOle mformatlOn, call SJlurJJ\ III , 10 824906401 881 8034 t, OI'EI\ SUND 1\ \ 12 s Dee 4 11 .lnd 18

    Shores Farm and Garden Club The Decembel meetmg of the Mothers' Clubs' Christmas tea 369 & 375 Fisher Rd Grosse Pomte ShOl es branch of Gro~se Pomte, MI the Women's NatIOnal Farm & Chairing this year's traditional Christmas tea sponsored by the Mothers' Clubs of Grosse 886-7960 Gar den ASSOCIatIOn wJlI be held Pointe North and Grosse Pointe South, are. from left. North's Jodi Barbieri and Flo Burnhart. Fnday, Dec 2, at 11 a m at the and South's Francois Schilling and Marilyn Stocker. This year's event - a tradition which Glosse Pomte Memonal Church serves as a gift to the community from the high schools - is set for 1 p.m. Wednesday. Dee, 7, In the second-110m" Ladles in the North High Auditorium. School choirs will entertain and poinsettias, wreaths and cook- Lounge Co hostesses fOl the ies may be purchased. meetmg are Mrs Albert Stem Other committee members include Pat Salvaggio, Sue Ritter, Judy Mitchell and Betty Ste- bach, Mrs Bernard WhItley and vens, table settings; Marianne Meathe, Kathy Rinaldi. Susie Osborne and Mary Bauer, cook- Mr s Stanley Dolegd Each mem ies: Silvia Ganum. Sue Vallan, Shirleann Cruz and Liz Hardwick, silver; Zulli Santiviago. bel' IS asked to contnbute to the Cheryl Teetart. Mary Jo Youngblood and Pat Wilson, post sales; Diane O'Keefe. Gayle Bou- pI Ol,,'l am by brmgmg a Chnst trous. Cathy Rutledge and Sheila Cunningham, pourers/guests: Linda Litchfield, Cheryl Det- mas Idea to shal e 1 egardmg dcc tloff. Betsey Rowe and Nadine Hunt. programs; Pat Elean, Elaine Ma1coun. Mary Christian 01atmg 01 "ome tIp to pa"" along and Nicole Getdeman. decorations: and Linda Corona, Linda Berger, Jane Vreeland. Pat Nor- ris and Trudy Rhoades. publicity. to the h'10UP


    We Offer Complete Imlallallon and 30 Year~ hpenenc(' \\ Ilh Cabinets,~-~-----~------Ceramic Floors, Backsplashes, C ounlerlops dc

    I LASSALJ~; 'j 1 ( i ) I • 'I ,I, TIJE \\'ATCH :\JAI\ES TIll': \1 \~. I Re tllrn tO,l1l clcg,l1lt tlll1e \\ Ite h tn '0('/. '(' 1((1/1 IACOBELL 28721 Harper 48571 V,lIl DYke Shoes - Apparel SI Clair Shore<; IJ II( ,1 VISA' 882-1110 MasterCard MOil -1/1 ti) 19483 Md( k C P.W 884-2447 7:),0 8560 776- J 511 Sat 10 M- T-W-F 10-6 ThLJr~ 10-8 Sdt 10-5 l_, '_I_~L~_' _ 88 December 1, 1988 : Grosse Pointe News Baby, it's cold outside By Marian Trainor Special Writer might be hIgher because there Another contributing factor IS WIth tempelatute" below nor. are mOle elderly people here and an mabdlty to shiver ShIVermg, mdl ,,0 far thIS autumn, home- largel areas With harsher wmter a senes of muscular contractIOns, condItIOns 01\ nel S are wandel mg If this IS tnggered to convert energy II mtel II III be longer and colder such as sugar, to energy to heat than the last two Wmtel may the body Usually. thIS heat pi 0 be fun fm "klels 'll1d skatels, but ductlOn IS suffiCient to protect for those paYlllg the heating the body agamst hypothermia bIlls, It I" to the health Senior Community. They'll present a fashion show and luncheon for residents and family at Home tempelatllles of 65 de- CUTS 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, at the residence on East Warren and Canyon in Detroit I,TJ ees Dl Ie".., mav be fine for that are siiouetted, faun fashions owner Sue Kojickl wiII do the fitting and accessorizing for models Irene ) OlIngel folks, but unfortunately, sleek and chiC DesRivieres, Ann Bleimeister. Florence KeneI. Theresa Tervol. Alice Holmquist, Viola Young- the phYb1ological mechanisms blood, Carmella Payette. Beatrice Wilson and Ursula Leonard. Gaye Fudold. hair stylist from that compensate for vanatlOns of CURL the Senior Community's beauty salon. wiII style the models' hair. Taking care of make-up are temperature7 are less effiCient m for direction, motion (back row) Celeste Dubiel and Vanessa Cain-Hudson of Mary-Kay Cosmetics, Activities direc- older people and volume tor Denise Aleardi (kneeling) is coordinating the fashion show. In some, even small changes 111 the thermometer can cause body temperature" to fall or rise COLOR With the IllUSion '55 Alive' driver's education offered to dangelous levels According to the NatIOnal InstItute of Health, of mobility Dnver" 55 and oldel md) each day In the first floor SCI Amencan ASSocIatIOn of RetIred these changes can produce dls learn to better cope WIth the enee Hall at Bon SeCOUIb, 468 Persons, WIll g1Ve tIps on every- ease and even pel manent dam frustratIOns of traffic Jams and Cadieux Road thIng from accIdent preventIOn age to the body wmter weather WIth the aid of a Reglstl atwn Ih $7 pel pel son to auto maIntenance He WIll Excessively cold hvmg condI- two part "55 Alive DriVel"> III advance To I egl stel, call 779 also dISCUSS how dealing wIth tIOns can lead to a progressive Hair Solons JESSICN Tralnll1g Refresher Course," Dee 7477 changes In VISIOn, heal mg and fall m body tempel ature and the HOURS Nail Care System 5.6 at Bon Secours Hospital Instructor Robert Trlnklem, 1eflex abIlItIes can help ensure collapse of the Cal dlOvascular Man & Tues 9 a m 3 p m ~ The course, sponsored by the c\""l..,tant htate director of the dn vmg safety system whIch mamtams the flow Wed Fn 9 a m 9 pm-=- PAUL MITD-Eu. 1 hospital's 55Plus Program, will Saturday 8 30 am 3 p m II SIGNATURE SALON be held from 9 a m to 1 p m Free blood pressure testing of blood to vanous parts of the body. ThiS condItIOn Ib called 'PREDKEN No cost blood preSSUle screen- by nurses from St John HOSPI hypothermia 21427 Mack Ave • 51 Clair Shores, MI 48080 PAEIMER AMBASSADOR SALON mgs are held the second Wednes tal's affihates, 8t Clair Home Hypothermia can hIt persons (across from St Joan) (313) 773-2620 day of each month from 10 a m Health Care and ProfeSSIOnal of all ages In younger people, It to noon at the Harper Woods Medical Selvices, as well as by occurs under condItIOns such as Commumty Center, 19748 Hal'. reSIdent phySICians from the hos- exposure to severe outdoor pel m Harper Woods The next pltal's FamIly Medical Center weather, such as young hIkers free c;creenlllg IS scheduled for For more infO!matlOn call 343 stranded on a mountam 01 Dec 14 3738 young SalIm s wrecked m cold Expecting Special Guests The readmgs at e admmlstered waters. Such stnngent condItions need not eXIst for older people to For The Holidays? Mah-Nah-Bee-Zee Questers suffer from hypothermIa The Mah-Nah-Bee-Zee Ques Officers for 1988-89 are Mrs Even mildly cool temperatures tel s Will meet at 7 30 P m. Harold HIlls, presIdent, Mrs of 60 degrees Fahrenheit can Thursday, Dec 8, at the home of Angela Mastro, VIce plesldent; tngger a conditIOn known as ac- Mrs Gladys Canty Members Mrs Beatnce Hines, secretary, Cidental hypothermIa Diseases of the arteries and veins and from Mount Clemens, Sterling and Mrs I Edward Avery, treas Coach tIouse can treatment with certain drugs HeIghts, Glosse POinte and De Uler make your fine furniture tl"OItwrll attend make a person more susceptible to thIS conditIOn look its best. . . + AAUW Detroit Review Club to meet ACCIdental hypothel.mla IS not speaker a new condItIOn, but recognitIOn • Refinish/Restore The Detroit ReVIew Club met the official hostess of It IS Credit for descnbing It Detroit Free Press music at the Sly Fox Restaurant III She presented Barbara Sel- goes largely to research done In • Repair critic Tohn Guinn of Grosse BIrmingham at 11:30 a.m. Tues- chter, teacher, lecturer, mterIor Great Bntaln Those studies • Custom Upholstery Pointe will be guest speaker day, Nov. 8. DRC preSIdent decorator and authority on an. showed that 10 percent of older - and performing artist - Mary Lee Balmer of Troy was tlques, who gave a shde presen- people thel e were susceptIble to • Distinctive Fabrics when the Grosse Pointe tatIOn on "The Gardens of aCCIdental hypothel mla The per- Yes, there's still time. AAUW chapter meets at the Chma." centage III the Umted States Grosse Pointe Hunt Club on Valparaiso Guild "If you need it by Christmas Thursday, Dec. 8. at 10:30 The DetrOit Chapter of the 1111' need it by Dec. 3rd" a.m. for a brunch. At 11:30 Valpalalso Ulllverslty GUIld will a.m.. Guinn will perform a hold a Chnstmas Tea on Mon- variety of Christmas musical day, Dec 5, at noon at the Coach tIouse selections and add his com- Chnst the King Lutheran mentary on each. Church m Grosse POinte Woods 6 NeE 1962 For information or reser- Homemade cookIes WIll be sold 20725 Mack Ave. • Grosse Pte .• 882-7599 vaHons. call Elizabeth and a mU'>Ical proglam WIll be Schaefer at 884-0936. performed Call 822 6441 fOI mOle informatIOn COLLECTION INTERNATIONALE AS SEEN IN VOGUE


    You are cordially inVited to mspect the Heatherwood. an elegant new renlal community of reSidentIal SUlles deSigned for loday's aCllve seniors

    Centrally located In Soulhfield on CIVICCenter Drive between Tele~raph and Lthser Roads, the Healherwood offers fine dmmg m the Ro~e~ood Re~lauranl. d full SOCIaland entertamment calendar, house"eepmg and other personal17ed ~crvlce~ !>uchas complele overnlghl accommod,llIon~ for your pcr\onJl guests all delivered 10 you In 'ilyle by our courteous and dedicated staff A hmlled number of .!partmenl" are avadable Call us See our fine collection of al 350-1777 for more mformallon or ~IOPby and see designer furs by ADOLFO, our beautifully furnl'ihcd modcl, from 10 5, Mond.!y MARY McFADDEN & DONALD BROOKS IhroLgh Salurday, 12 unlil 4 on SundJy


    (313) 350.1777 r------I Pleast' caJlto make reurla/lOns : 22800 Civic Center Drive for a complllncn/ary lunch and Southfield, Michigan I I I (our of (he HEATHER WOOD I 19261 MACK AVENUE GROSSEPOINTE, Mf 886-7715 I ------J HOURS.Mon - Sat 930 a m. - 5:00 p,m, _GrosseD_e_ce_m__be_r_1_,_1_9_88Pointe News l,;v~"_~_~1d 96 Advice on sound nutrition after 50 Today's older Amencans al e tlOnal mformatlOn as well as I medium onion thinly sliced some o.f thIs country's most ac !,'leat tastmg leclpe<, for dlshe.., 2 medium carrots. shredded tlve cItIzens From sports to tl av 10\\ 111 lat and sodIUm 16 oz. mandarin OI'ung(''l, ehng to partlClpatlOn In a \\ Ide "As we mature, OUi bodIe" drained variety of social actIvItIes, older ch,mge and our nutlltlOnal needs 2 Tblsp. cunants

    Amencans are bUSIer, mOle In change," said Chnstme Munay, Pleheclt the oven to 35011 In a valved and healthier dneclOl of educatIOn for the In bakmg dl"h, lay the chIcken m a The key to an actIve IJfe"tyle ..,tltute and edItor of thIS new "mgle layel, bl east "Ide up MIX at any age IS good health, and booklet 'But If we undel stand togethel the <1pllcot nect,ll, pille the Amencan Institute fol' Can those ch,lllges, and the potentIal 'lpple JUice and llJll1t elml POUl cer Research has pubhslwd a th,11 good nutlltlOn can olle! III 0\ CI the dllcken LlY the onlOn new booklet which oilers U Vall l)Jovldmg beUel health, then eat ,,!Ice'> and <"hledded callots 0\('1 ety of InformatIOn on good nut! I IIlg light Uln be an ImpOIt<1nt the chicken Bake fOI 30 mln tlOn and how to stay III bettel ,1lId enjoyable element 111 cln dl utes Add the fllllt on the '>Ide" health dUllng the later) edl" of t 1\ e, happy hfe"ty Ie " of the dl<;!l and '>pl1l1kle II Jth hfe I1el e\ cl l('(Jpe fJ om the book CUll anh HetUl n to till' 0\ pn 10l "Be Your Best NutlltlOn AI leL 'lllothel 10 nllllute" 01 1I1ltl! tel' 50," focuses 011 the (hanglllg dmkt'n I" dOll(' nutntlOnal needs uf the matull' Sel ve" fOlll CdJOIle" to 1 pelson These can mclude le<.jUII II Jth 107 mg oj ~odlum <\m! .) mg fewel caloue., and mel ea"ed Mint Chicken with Fruit gl dill" of 1,lt needs for certam vltamm", Illlll • chicken b,'east .., skinle%, "Be YOlll 13e..,t NutlltlOn Af ewls and othel nutllents boneles .. or with bone leI 50,' llJd\ be obtdllled fl c'e b\ The booklet explull1s these nu 6 oz. apricot nectar ..,endlng cl "t,lInped 145 (U1l'> po; tntlOnal changes and offel" pUll 20 oz. canned pineapple Llgel ..,elfdddl ('''''I'd hll<.Tnp".. "", tical tip" UJI huw Lv Illl'Pl lIIese chunks, reserve the juice ell\'plope to the Amellcdll In'>tl GPYC officers changll1g Iequll ements It m 1 tsp. dried, crushed mint tult- fOI Cl 11leJ f{e"p,lI (h, DPjJt At the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club's annual meeting Wednesday. Nov. 2. voting members elude" easy to undel stand nutll leave.. BY I \\',I<.,hlll/-,'tOll,D C 2006H elected new director Edward B. Connelly and incumbent directors Thomas D. Ogden, Edward B. Palm and Charles E. Stumb Ir. The following officers were also elected: Commodore Fred Reaching retirement 'Edens' getting easier G, Schriever. vice commodore Tymon C. Totle. rear commodore Thomas D, Ogden, secretary Charles E. Stumb and treasurer Herold M. Deason. Incl easmg numbel'> of oJdpl Ed('n oUhlde tll(' Ul1lled Stail'" I1leml>el-.. IIho 1Il1iudl' J1]P)lIbPI Pictured above are, from left. (seated). Stumbo Totte, Schriever, Odgen and Deason; (stand. HI Amellcans e dl'>covel mg thdt Ill" 431 pdge book hel" IW III e.., they can hve comfortablj dill Odd "hIp nUIlII)('1 I, pili'" ~ 1 75 Pl'1 OJ ing) Connelly. Stephen C. Perry. Jarvis 1. Schmidt. Palm. John J. Morrow. William G. Jennings plclw<", numbe,,, and otl1('1 de dPl 101 PO"tdgP ,llld 1l.l11c1ll1lg and Alphonse 1. Susalla Jr. on thell' SoclUl SecUllty checks - ldll" nCCl'''''dl \ to ll1\e"tlgelte III In "I etll ement Edell'>' flom IIlg ahlOdd " om MeXICOto Etll ope A -'\RP HI)0).. ", Scot t f. 01 l 1lI,11l TI <1\l'1and Retlll'ment Eden::. ,1IId COmpall\, Dcpt HIG It>bi Author Peter A Dlch.m"on e" Ablo,ld" C,1I1be mdl'led b) mati ~III1PI ')t Dl'" PJdIlH', llJ Helping those over SO get started in business tlmates that fOl $1,000 cl month fOl $16 95 1$1295 to AAHP 60016 a couple can am)) d a '..,t)11"h TIlC'ye,ll s after 50 may be the sCllbed An appendIX !lsts organ at AARP and Scott, Foresman be"t tIme to stal t a busmess, VIlla With a .,ea VIe\\, Ielax \\ Ith IzatlOns and publicatIOns that and Company They aJ e avarl- .,ays author Ina Lee Selden 111 household help and a gmdenel, might prOVIde prospective ent! e able 111 bookstOJ es tIll ough Lit entertain grandly, and tl a\ cl hel ne\\ book, "Gomg Into Busl prenetll'S With helpful mfol ma tie, Blown and Company Merry-Co-Rounders' dance Dec. 9 ne.,s fO! YOUIself " comfortably" withm a l1umhel of tlOn "Gomg Into Busmess for Your countnes alound the \\ Olld The Grosse POlllte Merry Go pm, followed by dmnel dt 8 :30 The new book IS the latest 111 The author began hel own self' can be OJdeled by mall for Dlckmson should kno\1 b(' Rou ndel s' Chnstmas dlllner and dancmg to Joe Vitale at 9 a <;ellCSof AARP Books, an edu travel plannmg busll1ess several $8 95 ($6 50 to AARP members cause for years he ha<., mve"tl dance WIll be held Friday, Dec FOI' mOle ll1forn1dtlOn, call catlOnal co publLshmg project of years ago She has also been a who mclude memberslllp num- gated bm gam Utopias the wOlld 9, at Blossom Heath III St Clmr chaJl-per.,on Edee KUILe at 886 the Amel Jcan ASsocJatlOn of Re Journahst for The New York ber) plus $1 75 pel' order for pos over He prOVIded detaLled mfOl Shm es CocktaLls begIn at 7 30 7075 tll ed Persons TImes, WashIngton Post, busl tage and handhng from AARP matlon about them m hiS new Selden shows oldel pel sons ness magazmes and other pubh Books, Scott, Foresman and catIOns book, "Travel and Retn ement how to as::.e% thell entrepre Company, Dept 836, 1964 Mmel" Edens Abroad," the late.,t III a English-Speaking Union meets neullal qualltLes and analyze AARP Books are co.published St , De.., Plames, III 60016 senes of AARP Book". all educa Membel ~ of the Detlolt College, lI1tlodUled ,1 pan('1 thell marketable "kIll., She plO tIona I co pubhshll1g pi oJect of the BI anch of the English Speakmg \\ Imh 11Ighhghted the e>.pell \ Ide" (''{Iwrt ad\'lc( and pI adlcal Amencan ASsoclUtlOn of Retned Umon of the Umted States me! ences 01 the two Amellcan stu mfOll11atlOn about .,ecurmg ven Persons Nov 13 for a Sunday brunch at dents at Oxford Pdnel membel s ttll e capital and trade credit, pre DIckmson, wOlld traveler and the Machus Red Fox restaurant included Edward J Wolff, pl'Ofes parmg a sound, workable busl Ih author of the populal "Sunbelt m Bloomfield HIlls. The program SOl' of Enghsh at the Umverslty ness plan, and weIghmg the pros I\lt Rllu"~l au RetIrement" and "Retn ement reVIewed the recent scholarshIp and cons of workmg full or part- PD~ of DetrOit, Margaret B Pigott. Edens OutSIde the Sunbelt' actIVItieS whIch sent two local professor of Enghsh at Oakland tune and away flom or III the books, glVes readel s date students to Oxford UniverSity fol' Umverslty, Oakland Ulmel"lty home mformatIOn on retn ement mec- the 1988 summel sessIOn student Anna Glddmg.." ,md The expellences of more than f Counter Points cas m MexlSq, ft~nada, Co::.ta E SU blanch member Ralph F Ul1lVerslty of DetrOIt "tudellt 20 people who started successful Rica, The Callb~ean, ltm ope. Is Glenn, a professor at Madonna Mary.Jehsse Bonello Iael, Australia and the Fal East busmesses after 50 al e also de SUE'S BRIDAL Already two 1l1l1llOn Arnell cans, excludmg nllhtalY pel son BIG SALE nel, are hvmg or makmg ex Bndal gowns and euenlllg gowns tended stays outSIde the Umted 24609 Jeffer50n, S C S, 774-0404 States, a number that IS ex pected to double or t1lple 111 10 years Dlckll1son tell" not onl) whele but ho\\ a Ietll ee should go ~-,,: - Now thl u Decl'mbel' :.l I!> the about settlllg up a Ietlrement j~p",1 Pongracz Annual Gold Sale. -..!:.~---~~ Save 25% off all 14K and 18K ~.....~, gold jewelry 10 the !otore, A !oe- Prime pt" ~%fffl;',.-\, " ~ lect group of Pulsar wdtches ~ _~ for men and women at a sav. t - ings of 30% off , . , 91 Ker. From page 8B cheval on the Hill, 881.6400. preSSIOn, nausea and sedatIOn that contam phenothlazmes Oddly enough, studieS show that the old are less able to sense cold Sclentl"t" have re GROSSE POINTE MOVING & STORAGE CO. ported that the old al e Ie"., hkely to complam of cold tban NEED STORAGE? We've 1" tll, younger people, even though got It! 100,000 square feet ~" ' they were not adaptll1g \\ell to I I f I I ~ of secure, dry, clean "tOlage I ,.-J 1 the cold space avaJiable for VOLII be ,I I, ; Othel condItIOns whIch could I I longmgs Short term, long , III1 I Signal a vllinel abilIty to hypoth term and "casonal late" IlfRn,r I ermla are dlzzmess \\ hen lhang "l"ll' UUI \ dult I ClOI (1 mg pO'HtlOns, <;uch dS gettmg out A"k abuut cine! ~tora!.;c "el VICt' Slnc£' I !J2l of bed, standmg 01 any change of pOSItIOn If these plohlems aJ e due to low hlood preSSUle, then 822-4400 hypothermia must be gum ded agamst, since thl" Il1voh e" fall Ule of the blood \e""el.., to con "tllct Slow thyrOIds that Ieduce thl' rate of metahoh..,m. head 111111 lies, "trokes, Immob1l1llng ell" METRO SKI & SPORIS ease" "uch as a1ihl'lt]s clnd Pm TUI\ ~lull em make" II" the ,,/wt km"on's dIsease Ol a pI t'v 100h To ,,1/0/) {or \0111 /0101 Itl' tot experience \\ Ith hypothermia flI e ~V('!Iot oodl,'" 1/11"1' t!lull IW/I)/e other conditIOns that \\all ant IThl'Ie\ hau/!\ II,om III the <,/II/('! <.,pec131pam" to a\oHi lh1l1 However, all older people and FOI lac hel<" !JUllt., a II/Ut' hilli, hul espeCIally tho"e 75 and oldel, .,hould aVOId prolongt'd ("(posurr With hlllllll( '> t('dd\ he ({I" I (, h/lll thut to even mIldly cold Ipl11l)('1rlturp" Your (h,ld I'> tl/ltlle d, vOII',e filII o{<,mll"" Without tak II1g Ci"lle to kl'pp elf" 0111 ',1<1<'11 I (II /0.,/., "thn"e' l'\ tra warm Br"ldc>,>ma 111t.l III IIlg rom IIl1le~ " fortilhlr (pl11pel,lltllP.., tl]('\ 'ihould wpar ,ldpqlldtc> l10thlllg ;lO 14! JIm I. (/t ('lilllltl \ ( IlIiI ,",8/ )fi(){) mcludll1g ,,\\('atel" I ob('"" \\ <11m "ock" and ('Ilough hlankC't<., on Offering to you at competitive prices an theIr bed" BecauS(' h\ pothl'I1111Rhi"l"hppn array of services including typesetting, 'lO recenth l(lentlflPd. the IP I'> layout, design, and (amera work. Ordpr \our pOln Weslev Berry much to h<> donp III 1h(' \\ .1) of ..,{'tll •• par"" WI' \\IIJ ~ -; J IdentlfYll1g tho<;(' \\ho al(' "lI-"U'p h(.I" \OU chp('k off >.:' ~ FJ your !>('r.,oncll 'lnd v,J,..:"- tlbl£' At prec:ent, th(' mn"t ('/fl'C owers hU<,In(''l'l holidR} ~Ift 11..,1. WI' dph\f'r locall} tlve way to protRct oldel U!17f'n'> and we hRv£' four WIl'l' ..,('n-H'('" to "'('nd your from aCCIdental hypothf'I mra I.., Grosse Pointe News ~Ift of flow('r'l or plant'! worldwlCl(' '!lH to watch for "lh'llS and (nCOlllclg( 96 Kercheval Kf'rchp\ ilIon th(' 1Ii11, HRI-:l:l,!Il, older peopl£' to con"ult a phy'>l Grosse Pointe Farms clan to determll1e If the.,. ,11 (' vIII nerable and be cm efu I to krf'p 882-3500 warm at all tImes December 1, 1988 _108 W~ Grosse Pointe News The Rev Ed Ertblschofs officI- as a painter marrIed Laurence Joseph length dresses of teal jacquard CoraopolIs, Pa. ated at the ceremony, whIch was The newlyweds honeymooned Fromm, son of Mr and Mrs Jo- satm WIth sweetheart necklInes, The bnde holds Co bllchelor of followed by a picnic receptIOn at on a backpackmg tnp through ~eph Fromm of Grosse Pomte sl1m fittll1g walstlmes and short, sCience degree m computer SCI- Lower Huron Metropark the Upper Penm~ula They live Farms, on July 2, 1988, 111 1m puffed sleeves accented With ence from CalIforma Polytechl1lc The bnde, who IS also the In We~tland maculata Catholic Church 111 bow~ Each carned a bouquet of State Ul1Iverslty m San LUIS Ob- i,franddaughtel' of the late Mane San DIego peach long-stemmed roses tied I~PO She IS a systems engmeer .J Doyle of Grosse Pomte Woods, The bnde's COUSin, the Rev WIth satll1 nbbon, for IBM wore a tea length gown of Ivory Frank Campanella, offiCIated at The best man was the groom's The bndeh'l'oOm holds d bache lace She placed pmk and whIte the 11 a m ceremony, which was blother and fOlmet' Gro~se 10! of ~CIence deb!]ee 111 computer Io'iebud~ m her hall' and carned followed by a receptIOn at Tom Pomte Farm~ teSldent, Charles eng!neellng flOm the Ul1Iverslty a houquet of pmk and whIte 1'0 Ham's LIghthouse on Harbor Is Flomm of ChIcago Groomsmen of Michigan and IS Cillrently d .,ebud.." greens and babIes' land 111 San Diego Bay mcluded the bndegroom's broth student 111 the MBA prog1'am at breath The bnde WOl'e a Cmderelia ers, former Grosse Pomter Ken the Harval d Busmess School m The bllde'~ slstel, ConnIe style dress of Ivory satm styled neth Fromm of Los Alto~, Calif, Bo"ton Sehloeder of Dearborn, was the WIth a low, ~weetheart necklIne, and Bnan Fromm of Grosse The newlyweds honeymooned maId of honor The i,!]'oom's a bodICe of satm and beaded Pomte Fal m~, as well as Tom 111 HawaII They Izve 111 Boston hlOthel, DaVid Luekhaldt, wa~ Alencon lace and ShOlt, puffed Motshcall of Gros~e Pomte the be"t man "leeves The gown's V-back Woods and former Wood~ leSI Connie Sehloedel was ~oIOl~t dlOpped mto a double peplum, dent Steve Sehwmke of Santa &lIptUlC readers Included an- Cytacki-Rine Mr. and Mrs. Roger D, tied With a large bow and ex. Clar'a, CalIf othel ..,I..,tel of the bnde, Mary Luckhardt tendmg mto a chapel length The mother of the bnde wore France~ Nutter Cytackl of &hultL, and the 6'lOOm'Sbrother, tl dm The bnde wore a fingeltlp a flO! al chIffon dres~ styled With Grosse POll1te marned NIcholas ,Jame~ Luckhardt Schroeder- length Veil WIth a pouf and car- a ~cooped, cowl necklIne Gal J Rll1e Jr of Grosse Pomte on The l)llde holds a bachelor of . . lwd a bouquet of lose", lIlIes, demas fOlmed hel corsage Tue~day, Nov 22, m Long Boat art., deg! ee m travel and tOUrIsm ~ Luckhardt earnatlOns and freeSIa. The g1wm's mother wore a Key, Fla from Ea"tel n MIchigan Umv€l Mr. and Mrs. Laurence I. Fromm The bnde's ~Ister, Nlta War lose pmk Jacquard sIlk dress The bnde I~ the daughter of 'I !Jl'l l'"e Anne Sehl oedel, "It) She IS dll ector of sales and d,JUghtpl of ,John and NOleen O'Sullivan- dlaw of San Diego, was the ma WIth pearls and sequll1s spnn- Mrs Kennedy Nutter of Gl'Os~e catelll1g for the Hilton Hotel m tron of honor Bndesmalds m- kled on Its short peplum She 'xhloLder of DearhOl n, man led SOllt hfip ld POll1te and Ru~sel H Nuttcr of Hugel Dean Luckhardt, ~n of Fro rn rn cludeJ <.1notht:l "'l",tel, TeLl I lJ11I1ll~J d gdl dellld WI :>dge to her :)un CIty, Anz The bndegroom The bl Idegroom IS a U S O'SullIvan of San DIego; and pUlse. C.d\ 111 dnd :--IOI ma Luckhardt of I~ the son of NIcholas Rme Sr of Navy vetelan He hol~ a bache- LlI1da Jeanne O'Sullivan, Jean DOlg and Angela Jensen of Yp..,dantJ, on Sept 10, 1988, In Senpture readers mcluded the Lakeland, Fla lor of art~ degree 111 computer- daughter of Mrs John 0' San DIego and Amy Orsak of groom's SIster, LIsa Flomm of The newlyweds wel e honored St ,John the Baptl~t Chul ch, aided de'>lb'll from Eastern MIChi- Sul1ivan of San Diego, Calif, Palo Alto, Calif Grosse Pointe Farms, and the at a "welcome home" party Nov Yp"dantl gan University and IS employed and the late Ml O'Sullivan, The attendant'> wore tea bnde's SIster, Kelly Craven of 26, hosted by the bnde's mother

    : Robert Glen Kollar mother IS Mrs Z C. Dlckmson of 7 James Christopher James Philip Dickinson Laguna Hills, Cabf Martha Elyse Everett Crace Deborah Of Arcy : ,Jlm dnd Mary Kollar are the Ciliberto Drs Z Clark and Mana DIck James and Lon DeYonker Ev Stephen and Deborah D'Alcy ~ pal ent., of a son, Robert Glen mson of Grosse POll1te Woods Kallal, born Nov 17, 1988 Ma- Gaylynne and James GllIberto Brian Patrick Yens erett of Grosse POll1te Farms are of Grosse Pomte Woods are the of Grosse Pomte Woods are the are the parents of a son, James the parents of a daughter, Mar- parents of a daughter, Grace tel ndl grandparents are Glen John and Susan Vens of HIgh- parents of a son, James Chnsto- PhIlIp Dickll1son, born Oct 27, tha Elyse Everett, born Nov 13, Deborah D' Arcy, born Nov 17, and Jo Ann Martm of Mount land are the parents of a son, pher GIliberto, born Oct 26, 1988, Maternal grandparents are 1988 Maternal grandparents are 1988 Maternal grandparents are ~ Clemens Paternal grandparents Brian Patnck Vens, born Oct 9, 1988 Maternal grandparents are General and Mrs Jamie Duenas former Grosse Pomte Woods leSI- Mr and Mrs. Glen Flora Jr of at e Robert and Lynda Kollar of 1988 Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Edward Leary of of Qmto, Equador. Paternal dent Clara DeYonker of Rose- Redford TownshIp. Paternal " GIOSse Pomte Farms. Bob and Nancy BIerley of Grosse Newcastle, Del. Paternal grand- grandparents are PhIlIp and ville and the late John F. De- g1'andfather IS former Grosse " Pomte Woods Paternal grand- '. parents are Dr and Mrs. James Jean DlCkmson of Grosse Pomte Yonker. Paternal grandparents Pointe Woods resident RIchard .. parents are Bob and Joanne ,.... GIliberto of Wilmington, Del Park. Paternal great-grand- are Robert and Myrtle Everett of D' Arcy of Bloomfield HIlls Vens of Grosse Pointe Farms ,\I' Grosse Pointe Shores ; Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS@ REALTOR@m EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED


    Office BuIlding In Grosse POinte Woods WIth warehouse and overhead garage door' Will conSider rent Ing! Immediate occupancy'


    Worry free one bedroom, updated kItchen WIth bUIlt-in appliances Maintenance fee Includes heating, centl al all' and water, clubhouse, sWImming pool and exercIse facIlIties

    OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 I I....__BY_A_P_P_O_IN_T_M_E_N_TI 1_' __ FO_R_L_EA_S_E__ --o 1471 HOLLYWOOD GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POINTE WOODS SHORES SHORES FIRST OFFERING Immaculate and ready for your enjoyment ThIs three bedroom, two and a half bath features spacIOus rooms, ample storage and an Ideal locatIOn close to schools and ilia tel' front park The new owners WIll also appreciate the updated kItchen, the wooden deck off the large family room and dmlng area and the rIchly finished hard\\ood floors throughout If you are that "hard to please" type GIVe us a call or stop m thIS Sunday's Open House 629 Lakepolnte

    FIRST OFFERING CONDOMINIUM LIVING BeautIful WALK TO THE LAKE FROM ExecutIve ranch In Grosse In a hurry to buy a home and two bedroom, two bath apartment BeautIfully carpeted and THIS Cozy ranch In Gros&e Pomte Shores Large slate en- can't find what you need? How decorated WIth ImmedIate possessIOn and a prIce under POinte Woods Natural firpolacp t"'ynray ,\t'lth pO,'. cler room dboul lCc.\blngthIS charming car $90,000 GIve uS a call for ddc.\lb In liVing room' Formal d;.llng Formal dining room, famIly rlage house 10 Grosse Pomte room, hardwood floors through room FInished basemment With Shores less than one block from CUSTOM BUILT HOME Ready for Spnng occupancy ThIS oul, Flollda room, fimshed base Paneled officelbedroom Bring In Lake St ClaIr' Four car heated beautIful four bedroom, three and a half bath Colomal features ment WIth fireplace, Immed18te all offersll garage natural fireplaces m both the livmg room and famIly room occupancy' You wJ11also apprecIate the llbrary, first floor laundry, large foyer and ample use of bay WIndows Act now and make your own selectIOns of tile, cabinetry, and marble Call for addItIOnal BY APPOINTMENT I OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 detaIls

    2016 BEAUFAIT GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS ThIS large Harper Woods house 459 TOURAINE features four bedrooms, famIly room WIth natural fireplace, two GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE full baths, fimshed recreatIOn room, and first floor mud room WOODS and much more '

    LARGE ST CLAIR SHORES COLONIAL ThIS spacIous home, located near 9 MIle and Jefferson, features four bedroom", tlllO and a ha.f baths, family room. dm1O~ room and hrPRkfAQtn!)!)": Well decorated WIth exceptIOnal storage

    4320 KENSINGTON Just outSide Grosse POinte, thIS Engll'lh style Colomal features a famIly room WIth wet bar, one and a half baths, hardwood floor'l, large kItchen WIth d1010g area, pa Make an offer on thl'1 thrr(; bed LOADS OF CHARM' Maqter tlO and two car garage Two bedrooms plus" Ne\\er fur. room brick ranch on a treed bedroom WIth private bath and nace' FinIshed second floor' MedIcal 'lpbCe 10 Chnton TownshIp fully finIshed. occupancy 10 Boule\ard FamIly room WIth dreSSing room' Remodeled coun Clo.,e to shopping' Immediate December, 1.200 square feet Call for more detallq wood burOln~ '1tO\,e Paneled try kItchen \\ Ith all new appll ba"pment WIth recreatIOn faclli occupancy' ances' BeautIful hardwood Ooors OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 tie,,' Priced under $90,000' throughout! 629 Lakepo1Ote, Gro'l"e POinte Park J:\TERl\ATIO.\TI\L REFERHAL EXCHA:":GE ~ HOME I HOO .')232460, E')02 ...... ,NTER IN.nON.L or ClRn 1444 24 HOl'R" Rn.CATllur.VICES AVAILABLE R E A L T o R s

    20087 MaQ( Avenue ~ (313) 886-1000 17646 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte, M,ch 48224 313-886-4444 G<"" ""'Ie Woodo ~ ------Members of Gro~se POinte Board of Realtors & MIchigan Multi-list •GrosseD_ec_em_b_e_rPointe1_, _19_88News__ ... ~_~_~ 11_J_-_A_,J"':~ ~"'Ill -..t::V~1\..'A_'_~I_""_'7_~""----- 1.l-B

    Air Force Staff Sergeant work at Albion College this sum. 1988 WI "tern MIchigan UnIversity 80n PavilIon are Anne M. Gro- David Sims has been decorated mer The program offers gradu- On Oct 20, he plesented an MU"lcal Theatre Performance gan of Grosse Pomte Park, bach- with the second award of the All' ate-level courses to teachers of ASM Hl.'otollcal Landmark to the major Mark Iannace of Grosse elor of sCience In physical Force Commendation Medal m college-bound students m acceler- Institute fOI Matelldl" Research Pomte Woods played the role of therapy, Margaret S. Maycock England He IS a radIO managel ated classes and mdependent at Tohoku Ul1lvel"lty III Senddl, "Blily Clockel" In WMU'" Octo of Grosse Pomte Farms, master with the 2161&t CommunicatIOns studieS ,Jdp,llJ, \\ hlch \\ .I.., 1I11twted III bel plOductlOn of the ('ole Porter of mil', m wunsc]mg, .Janet M. Squadron Suns IS the "tepson of. 191(j to pi o III otl' phY"lc,ll, cheml mU..,lcaI, "Anythll1g Goes" Soph Genord of Gro"se Pomte Shores, LJlla SlIn" 01 Glo""e Pomte tdl dlld "ll'Ll! IUI ~J(\d I P"l'a! ch omore James Wheatley of bachelor of .'ouenee 111 elementary Shores • .Jeffrey Earl 01 GIOe;se Pomte Ol! ,t1lo\" ]1 I" 0111' of tlIP fOlt' (;10..,"(' POInte Woods, played the educeltlOn, Germaine A. Vi vi. hd.., been accepted mto the hon III0"\ .]dpdll( C,I' I!'" dllh In"tltu lOll' of 'The Stewal d" III the' ana of Gro,,'>C POll1te Shores, Walter Guevara, ..,on of DI OJ.., college at Wee;tel n MIChigan t Hill.., 1Il t!l, rll'ld oj It Ll1lll( " a.., ",Ull(' ploductlOl1 bathelor of science 111 accountmg, Welltel dlld RI)',,1 Cue\ at a of U IIIvel slty As eln II1comll1g dppiI( cI to ,,1'/1\ IlOI H!Ul tOI ", Illag • Antonia P. Mellos 01 Gro'>sc (Ic..,hman, Eml IS Il1 the filst 1 I) t Wood t" If al" In GlOsse POlntt', hd.., Uilllpleted ba lI(tlt"dlld,,11PIII(JIHIHtl\lt\ olne ", ma..,.:r) c.~ .'oICtI allllll~ at tlw Allllj fWTC d.lS.., to be accepted for the full Wood I" lIlllll\th d I(,,,pdllh (Od"t GUaJd C,ldet Chri"to .. tedehlnglcddll1g, Lisa A. Pion- Camp Challengp .It FUl t K 1I0X fOIH yeale; 111 the hOI101.., plO 1011"ulLlllt fOI "011111' ('OlpOld ph('r C. Nevi"on, a 19RH glki \\ Iii be fl p..,hmen at Illd \l1C, J<"II,tld ('ll/lll" of • t Ion Syfvia Graham of (;1 o""p OIJ\ (,t Collew> thl<' fall B.lIlp\, ( , I( h"" Po /II t I \ \ 'Ii J( I" 1( l ('1 I I d UOI l'Juteltlon ..,tudent at \Va; Ill' Std!I' (flll\(,1 H.lllda II Hy<,/,e\\..,k 1 • (h" '1()\\ n" dnd Ih Il1Pdnmg to companj lJ1 the \1 mId MI ]( l"h d nd lOun"l'llI1g PWtho]oh'Y flOm Sltv .Jptlnifpl 'rufn!'\, d.ll1~htpl of tlW/Il The pxhlbltlOn \1 dS held .It • WI'"tel n Mleh Ig,1ll LJ111\ CI"1ty III ](Ia, pI ee;ldent of thp compan'o. \11 ,wI! ,\11 c, ('h"lll'c, 'I'tdlll,\ of B'l Illll1gharn's Communltv Christopher J. Ross of dell'pted the lelndm'lI k 101 I)'lIdo AUglht The title of hpl dlsscl'ta (;I1) ..."e ]>01l1!1 /'''1111'' IH~ln HOlh<' (kt 202:3 G10""(' POll1te Ie; a fil e pi otectlOn Stell The plaque IeWI ded till' tlOn \\a.., "P'>jchotheldpl"t..,' Res Glo<;se POllltp I eSldpllt Cath- c,tudJi" d! lilf ( Ulll\dl I IIIC,tltut(' • "PP( 1.1II'->t WIth the 24th combat bpglll nmg oj of the fil..,t e]plt I J( pOIl"e" to Angel M,lIllfe..,tpd by of AIlH'11l I "Ii "'('p! Ii, ["11,11 d erine Guinn, a te,lth(,1 ,It Ihp Fl'male CIICnh ' MOl !:lhedd hold" <,UppOlt f.,'10Up 1I1 the US All steel makmg fUI natl' 111 .Jdpdll lomplpt 1011 01 .1 .'] mOllth "..,c,o \( dde my of tlie SclU i d JlPdl t FOI te Hp I.., Ulll pntlv 011 dut\ 111 III 1916 Wood ha.., been pI P..,I Among Oakland Unl\ PI..,lty

    Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS'

    REALTOR. EQUAL HOUSING THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED OPPOlllUNtlY EXCLUSIVELYBY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE BOARD OF REALlORS Adlhoch & ASSOCiates,Inc Chamberlain Realtors James R Flkany Real E"late ('0 Aldridge & Assoc16tes ChampIOn & Baer, Inc John E Pierce & Assoc18tes, Inc Grosse POinte Real Estate ('0 Sine Real Estate Co Bolton.Johnston A~sociates Jim Saros Agency Ine Coldwell Banker Real Estate Hendncks & ASSOCiatesRealtor.., Tappan & Associates Inc Century 21-East In the Village Schweitzer Real Estate Inc Damman, Palms, Queen Realtors HIgbie Maxon Ine Realtor" WIlcox Realtors Century 21 Lochmoor & Shorewood E R Brown Realty Inc R G Edgar Associates Johnstone & Johnstone 1m Youngblood & Fmn, Inc



    III III h\ ( II! 1,1111 1'- !\I'Pp Ilfl' ~Illlple \\ Ith thl.., "I, g IIlI II ld"III,,<1 I olldOlnlllllllll on quaJnl ,llld q\ll,t I I ,"I"I rI I tllf I hl'- tllll'l' "Im \ to\\nhou"e hi, III >1,.11111,11(' 01 lI01\1I 1I1rJIdll\(.;' ,lnd Ildllll,,1 """d II,. I', III tI d I1l1lh 1111111\ It' It\lll''' ,I h,,\ 1\ In cI, Id 'I II I I l' , I IJ I! 1I II LII )1II\ I I \\ It h fhl'i thl ee bedroom brick Ianch has a "1111 I" I"" tli lI,d tlllll 'Id" ')J(h,d Reduted' rhle; 'iPIa\lllllg blilk Idn(h ff I two car attached garage, gOigeous nel\er I ( IT I I II '"I, 1\" l'i1l '1\1 lidl! b.llh'i till) '1.ltu IUIe" an attached gal age, lell11'h I 1)(" 11I1'\l,lIlllld(IOI Pllleh

    GROSSE POINTE CITY GROSSE POINTE CITY While pa,'illlg ,hi ough the I-(ate" of thl' IIH{ I"" 1\ h,](" 1.1111 h "" SPREE 1.11 g' ~Cl nil I"t 'll \\ fltl tl.H I 1""[ JlI'If' lIld IIUll1lnUTll 1'1111 1.11L[' "p I( 1"11' 1,1\ 'II I" I I ,,,lid h( 11i'1 I ~PII'(, It, ""!tn, filII l1,hl nwnt I Ill-I 1(' flJiI tlirl \"i1llgl' (i1lf"l r111111~ It" I I Iliel \' II ( '" dll 1'1,1 ,h \011 Irk.. Thl' I ' I" 'Ii l( [ \ I,,! 'I' It IIIg t \ll III0'"t (' I( I-:" IIIt II It, II II, I I ,h II ( JI, I, I ( It\lll-:"I n 'I hl' cI I , , I "I I" I 1I11 III II (Jill l'llh [II' pl.HI 10111 GROSSE POINTE PARK I, ,I, "" Illd 1\'" IllrI >", h iii h lthc, could lil' IIhl I\11l 1,1I1ll1\ 1l1(('lllP I.,,, II, lit l.1,h f1m' II,. Iii I' i I).. IIlI 1"\1 10 flild undll \0111 IlTInH dl.lll (k(IIP,llll\' 111h I]( 1\1\ (on I hn'( hpol!~'Ill" III both llllih (,I! 1I I II 111" I" I thl- \1 II ( iii tod,,\ fOI lllfollll,1 ,,', II( I"d ( ,10111.11 h ",t n,II.,d on ,I h( .. ut I "nt.Ji dll,l PI/I< d III 1111 ~I" ( lil 'I " , IllI'IP \"111 1'1 ill p\lIlh I..,rng 1\11 I"t 1\1,1 0(1 Wllldlllill POIll( Fl dlm(" !I' - 'h,,, fm d'LIII" 1 , fllill hllllool11" tl\O 'lllri lllll' h.llf h11l <11"1,, fOI I ,~\ 11l1"t (1ll111g \!flh 11l](.ill; thl' ) It), 10,,1'1 -llll( (,1",'" P',mll <.,(h'lI,l, hOlil1 h h hid Ill' II IUln,!!1 Illth" 1111 Ii III tnd I,. ,\,d' II ,",Ill/I,d (1IId, 'de 1',1((d III ('\1 I 11l'11i i1101l '->1111-:"11111 In dl '11-:"11 10) 1111 'II' ,t hll - We're a team CAHEEH HEAL ------you cancounton! ESTATE SEMINAR ------lfiH2tJ I ",h "flH' IOl1iplnl!tnlll ',,'nlll .nli "1"',11«1 881.7100 W assocla__ -_tes 88_6_-6_01_0_@ 128 December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News

    23255 S ROSEDALE CT - OUTSTANDING four bedroom, two and one half bath Colonial III a most 706 LAJ.I'l'OINTE .u GracIOus five bedroom Col dC<;Irahle locatIOn of St Clulr Shores ClIcular dllve, first floor laundly. country kitchen and much omal boasts of three and a half baths, two nat morel! ThIS IS one of the c1ednest, most appealing homes III St ClaIr Shores Show and sell urdl fil eplace." large family room, recreatlOn room and attdched garage Many more fea tureb Call toddy to see thiS lovely home 20720 CHRISTINE CT - SPACIOUS three bedroom, two bath trl-Ievel III a most deSIrable cui de sac lo- cation of the Woods Falmly room With fir eplace, walk to schools, country kItchen 4300 AUDUBON *",,, Extraordmary Cape Cod of ferb two bedrooms, library, terrIfic kItchen, 20951 KENMORE - ENTICING two bedroom ranch 111 most deSirable locatIOn of Harper Woods Newer lovely nardwood floors Bay wmdows Great furnace WIth central air condltJ~mng, fireplace. updated electnc, Grosse POlllte schools floor plan Don't let thIS one get away' 38167 N JULIAN - GREAT VALUE great qualtty on thIS five bedroom, three and one half bath brick Colomal In a buper locatIOn of Clmton Township ThIS home has everythmg Move m condItIOn COJ\:DOMINIUM h" Perfect for smgles One bed OPEN SU:\DA Y 25 *.... 721 LINCOLI\' .... Ah"o room and bdth SpacIOus IIvmg area Clean lutE'ly beautiful ,mtl <1bound vdth tharm Thl., fOUl and well maJntamed Convenient and affolda bldroom English Colomal of/el s natural iiI epldce, ble Pnced at $15,500 CONSIDERING A tl',O and d hdlf baths, ne", kitchen "'lth <.iPllhdme., PRESTIGIOUS & Lot., of updatmg Wood detk Won't la"t' Lochmoor OPEN SUNDAY REWARDING 2-5 p.m. 1697 ANITA ~"'* Neanng wmpletlOlI Leto built Real Estate CAREER IN 23255 S ROSEDALE ('olomal featureb naturdl fil epldce, fdmlly CT S C S ! uom, dpphanceb, II uod detk and gdrdl-W REAL ESTATE? 1324 ALINE, GPW ~ualllY matendl<; Call toda) JAMES R. FIKANY 884-5280 Come afld talk to U6 21043 Mack, about your 709 .\'OTRE DAME 'h Yuur <;petlal touch .....Jil REAL ESTATE Grosse Pointe Woods plafl.~ and a6fJlratLOfl6 tranbform thlb .,Ieelllng be,wty Into a chal m lllg re<;Hiel1ce Featul e" ..Ire threp bedroomb, 714 Notre Dame one and a Lalf bdths, 1011 ge fdmll) room bnck 886.5051 wallt;;d patIO and much more Cdll fOl your PI) vdte showiIlg OPEN SUNDAY 2-4

    803 WOODS LAN!" - "TIU TI~1E TO ~lOVE Ii\' 21 \VEST\\I I~ D - A V1£0..W U1' Hi£o.. LAlH) lrra TO THIS A1'TRACTIVE CONTEMPORARY CIOUS reSidence offel s lIvmg room WIth fire FIRST OFFERING - Iroquolb '1'1 adltlOnal four MERRIWEATHER ROAD - Center enhance Col RANCH before 1989 There ale three bed place, paneled den, first f100r master <;Ulte, bedloom, two and a half bath Georgian Cola onldl Three bpdrooms one and a half bath<; rooms, two and a half baths plus a family I1lal m heart of Indian Village wIth addItIOnal spacIOus kitchen, four addItIOnal bedloomb Famlly room Updated kitchen and baths room and many extras all at a newly reduced two bedroom, one bath on thIrd floor Well With two baths on the second floor Central aIr '1'....0 car garage $149,500 pnce of $164,900 mdlntall1ed, manageable bILl:: Move In condl tJOn 643 S HIGBIE PLACE - THIS MOVE IN CON DAMMAN - Three bedroom one and a half story DITION home IS near Star of the Sea and fea re<;ldence In Harper Woods 40,,162 foot lot 1464 S RENAUD - DRASTICALLY REDUCED' tures a wonderful new kItchen, three bed Offenng four bedrooms, two baths, dining DIVIded ba<;ement WIth lavdtory Two car rooms, two and a half bathb, family room, den, heated garage Only $67,500 room, FlOrida room, fimshed ba~ement and a two natural fireplaces, attached two cal gd large lot Must see to appreCHtte rage and lots more PC!fect for the young fam Ily ROSE TERRACE - CUbtom deSigned Colomal Four bedrooms, slttmg room and two baths on 1393 GRAYTON - CUSTOM BUILT BRICK 983 LINCOLN ROAD - DELIGHTFUL THREE second FIrst flool hbrary, famlly room and COLONIAL WIth three bedrooms, StUdIO, fam BEDROOM, TWO BATH SEMI RANCH 111 lIvmg room have fireplaces Carpeted and oak lIy room, finIshed basement, two fireplaces, great condItIOn! The garden room leads to a walled recreatIOn 100m Black marble "Jacuz two car garage and a large landscaped lot larhe wolmamzed deck and overlooks the Zl" room With stall shower Many extras for Owner leaVing town $134,000 profeSSIOnally landscaped yard A spacIOus hv- luxunous hvmg mclude a vIew of the lake mg room, cozy dlllmg room, remodeled from the terrace kitchen, basement apartment, natural fire 372 HILLCREST - THREE BEDROOM, TWO place, newer alummum tnm and two car ga BATH SEMI-RANCH m the FARMS With all rage are only a few of the Important features LAKE SHORE ROAD - Magmficent reSidence GARY LANE - Two bedroom Condomlnlum town the major Improvements completed by the pre- custom bUIlt m 1977 FIrst floor master bed- house III Lake Shore Village ProfessIOnally deco sent owner - new furnace, new garage, all BY APPOINTMENT room Three famlly bedroms on second FIve rated Newer appliances, central air, dIvided and new cement, new landscaping, automatIc and a half baths 32 foot cIrcular family room hIed basement Condo amemtJes mclude club sprmkler system, complete basement water 15x15 foot den Unbeheveable mdoor pool hou<;e, tenm'>, ,>wllnmmg and t'Jt Jot Vacant ploofing etc etc AI mo<;t too good to be trup WIth pool<;lde bal FInished basement Three - and at a faIr price! See for yourself Sunday! HAMPTON ROAD - PossessIOn at close Three car attached garage Beautiful vIew of lake bedroom ranch on 40x155 foot lot Family Call for more particulars on thIS umque reSI BY APPOINTMENT room PatIO RecreatIOn room area ConvenIent dence to schools $89,900 LAKE SHORE ROAD - Panoramic vIew of the BEAUFAIT - Attractive bungalow on well land lake from thiS five bedroom Colomal. Five scaped lot 1'"'0 bedrooms on first Large bed- baths and three powder rooms Marble foyer I room on second 1987 kitchen with breakfast WIth clrculal staIrcase 22x18 foot family bay Screened porch Two car garage Pnce re- room 9x20 foot lIbrary With fireplace Card duced to under $90,000 room, playroom, first floor laundry, central .' au-. three car heated ge Pomte New Mut With ample eatmg space, paneled family room schier kitchen III 1987 Summel porch WIth With natural fireplace, master bedroom WIth dou MERRIWEATHER ROAD - Near Grosse Pomte adJolnmg deck RecreatIOn room and bath m ble closet<;, finished bdsement and much more Boulevard Charmmg four bedroom two and a basement Tastefully decorated half bath center entrance Colomal Four fire places Cherry cabmets 111 kitchen Umque NOTRE DAME - Three bedroom bungalow on 60 breakfast room LIbrary 15x24 6 famIly room foot lot One and a half baths Newer furnace RecreatIOn room Nicely landscaped lot Two With central air Two car garage ImmedIate Cdr attached garage possessIOn $109,900

    AN ARCHITECT'S DELIGHT' On one of the Shores most attractIve lanes SItS thIS quahty, cus tom bUIlt four five bedroom, four and a half bath contemporary mth a bnght open feehng Features abound gourmet kItchen, family room WIth dra matlc cathedral cellmg, formal dmmg room, first floor bedroom, utIlity room, securIty system, cen tral aIr, becluded decks and patIOS, etc ,etc A per LOCATION' LOCATION' LOCATION' Plus a fect home for comfortable IJvmg and 6TfaclOUSen truly outbtandmg SIX bedroom, four bath claSSIC tertalll IIlg pillared Colomal WIth everything to make famJly life uncongested and enjoyable The combmatlOn of PRICED UNDER $80,000 thIS IS a 6Tfeat opportu a spaclOu<; famlly room and library and the mty to purchase a three bedroom 'itory dnd <;JOnat close ST CLAIR - Four bedroom two and a half bath THE FULLEST m thl<; four bedroom, two and CondommlUm townhouse End condo III qUIet a half bath center entrance Colomal' New car CHARMI:-.1G DUTCH COLONIAL completely re court Nev,er deck Two car garage petmg III the IIvmg room, formal dmmg room. 10 SYCAMORE - Four bedroom three and a half decorated for $105,000 Hardwood floors, up and den - plus the "~alrWay, up~talrs hall and bath newer Colomal near Bon Secour HospI dated kitchen, bay wmdow, two bedrooms, one :\1ARYLAND - Sharp re<;ldence With hardwood bedroom The screened terrace 1<;a wonderful tal Flr~t floor ma~ter bedroom has whIrlpool bath, lavatory 10 ba<;ement, three car garage floors, natural oak tTlm and french doors entry to the <;paclOu~ rear yard You will and tub and french doors to private terrace and heated <;unporch In thIS perfectly lovely First floor laundry AddItional bath m car Many Iecent Improvement!> Fm,t floor den home really appreciate the country kItchen. t",o car peted ba<;ement Dual furnace and aIr thrE'e bedroom<; on <;econd WIth <;Jttlllg room ofT attached gdrage and new landscapmg Ready ma<;ter bedroom Front SCIeened and gl a<;sed for Immediate occupancy Don't mb'> thl<; Setunty <;ystem TIIO car attached garage IF HOUSES COULD TALK, thiS one I~ould '5ay porch Tv. 0 car garage $79,500 great value "Buy me'" Thlb tIdy brick Colomal m great LAKE SHORE ROAD - FIve bedroom four and a Farm<; locatIOn ofTers IJvlllg room WIth natural YPSILA:-.1TI - 77 plu'! acres dIVIded by WhIttaker A BEAUTIFUL BUY Thr('e bedroom~, 1\10 and hnlf bath Coloma! The IIvmg room, lIbrar) fireplace, formal dlllmg room With hUllt m Road WIth Pamt Creek runmng thru East 38 a half bath<;, lal ge family room WIth fireplacC' and ma!>ter bedroom all have fireplaces hutch. modern kItchen ....Ith adjacent breakfa<;t acrc" Zoned R 3 Sewer and water nearby formal dmmg room Clo<;e to all amenltle" _ Central aIr, two furnace'>, 'iecunty <;ys room, three bedroom, one and a half bath<;. ('1l11 fnr fu.-the!" det:ll!: m th .. F"rrnc - priced at $10'),000 t~m !'1an)- other l- \t. <1.., nil for aeta1JC; r t .....0 car gdrage With door opener, ne'" er roof and bOIler, extra \~Ide lot dnd comcment floor OUTSTANDING GROSSE POI:-.1TE CITY LOCA JEFFERS COURT - T\'.O bedlOom t",o and a half OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 plan $139.900 bath ranch on the Lake 111 Harnson To,", n~hlp TION - Large In mg room With fireplncc. f()r 32 N Deepland'! - SpacIOus contemporary - $410,000 mal dmmg room, famIly room \~Ith ~et bar on L'An"e CrUl~e Bny Indoor pool Gla.,<;erl LOVELY BRICK CO:--lDO <;Jtuated on a qlllet cuI 1528 Hampton - Three bedroom ranch - $89,900 and ne\\er country kltch('n Both famIly room and <;crcened porch v.lth adJOin IIII;' '" ood deck de <;ac End umt feature~ .,paclOu<; hVlllg room Metal <;ea \\all 2080 Reaufalt - Three bedroom bungalo~ - 89.900 and kItchen open out to a large hnck pntlO ,md dmmg 'I,' kItchen'" Ith eatIng area, two Four bedroom" and two and a half bath'> bedroom'i, one and a half bath<;, central air condltlOnmg and carport Walklllg dl'itance to CLOSE TO GROSSE POINTE, tran'iportntlOn and <;hop<; theatre, re<;tauranh, Gro~,,(' Pomte .,chool<; shOPPing otlt<;tandlng condomlnlUm In un IIW helle\ able condItIOn Pncpd In thp $40\ 886-3400

    83 kercheval avenue ~ MEMBER mGBIE • grosse pOinte farms. HOMEQUrrY ~W michIgan 48236 RflOCAT~ CENTER EMPLOYEE MAXON RELOCATION Afftltate of COUNCIL REALTORS~ SOTHEBY'S INTERNA TlONAL REAL TV December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 138

    Grosse Pointe A Unique Community FIRST OFFERING OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 FIRST OFFERING Architectural 01\ emty As the great vanety of home SIZes and sryles sug gl,l, grOl\ tll has (On Ilnued slowl> 0\ er man v >ears It continues t'\ en to d,l\ Old eslates are subdIvided for buddmg contemporar;, homes maklllg the maOSK ns that still SUr\'I\ e (and man, do I all the more treasured by Illl'lf 01\ ners and cradltlon.mlnded residents At the saP'll.' time the area In \ clud~s homes of lust about eH'ry stvle and sIze - from tov. nhouses t....o. \ t,1I11I1\ units and other small homes to gracIous Eng1Jsh Tudors co:omals 'i l \ecutl\ e mansIOns contemporary ranch st> les and a ,anety of modern Je'lgns including condominiums ThiS dl\ erslty has helped make Grosse POinte attractl\e to all ....ho \ Jille 1\ ell maintained qua1Jty 1\ hlch far exceeds ItS pnc€

    Stop b) dnd ;,ce thh fl e"hl} dtCordted (ol(J1lJdl In Pn fect little thl ee bedroom brick I dnch ..uth coun JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE the F AR~lS al 363 ~lORO":>S Featul e~ ,l dl'n to/\ fireplace In the Idrge III mE: room eating 'P ne\, er furnace \llth cent. al aIr Perfect fur retlrees, Singles or the kitchen and a t \\ 0 Cdr garage L nder S 120 000 NEW ON THE MARKETI Hurr) thiS \\on t la:;t (()uple~ jU,t >tartlng Oul LfJulted In attractive ated of Warren

    PRI\IE \\ OODS LOC.\ TIOX' - ~letlculoush maintained bnck Ranch features three large bedrooms, ST P-\L'L COtSI, old "t\ led Engl hh I udor can \fOR-\ \'IA~ Xe\', -"paclOUS nnch Features tllO baths huge fdnll); room \\ Ith fireplace, paneled llbrar), kl'chen bUilt inS and t\\O car attached countn kitchen oak cabinets, Anderson Win gal age plu'i mam speCial e\trdS' 881 6300 dominIUm com enlent to "hoPPIn~ and "chool Center entrance \\ lth fh e bedroo[Y}~ three and dOlI s double oak doors 1\ Ith leaded glass, two doonlalls natural fireplace In famllv r()()m THE Ol'TC;T -\\:fW\,(. K!TCHEX rA:.HL Y ROG:.I combinatIOn IS a knockout In thiS ~EWER three bed ~ h~lf h~th .. "':::r~:-""'~': ':.;"uu5 !vv/t! tUlU Ut..ll plus much more Lot'i of room for e\el}One IulJ ba"ement and t 110 cal attached garage 100m t\IO and one half bath Farm Colomal' Other amemtles Include a lovely master bedroom With What mal e could) ou ask for? fiu:place and adjOining bath first floor laundry, deck and MORE' 884 0600 :,\OTTIXGH.-ur Screened In front porch adds GARY LAXE XO\\ IS the time for the best 2150 AXITA - OPE, SU~DA Y 2 5~ BUILDER'S OWN HOUSE In the Woods has three bedrooms, Sit room for 11\ Ing to thIS charming bungdlO\1 In \ alue If) ou're planmng on budding equity m- tlng loom fireplace cal peted fimshed basement \\ Ith extra full bath and a tempting pnce of 894 900' 881 4200 the PARK The ~Iutschler kitchen ha;, plent;. "tead of paymg rent or mo\ mg from larger of cupboards and ~pace for table and chair:; quarters to something easier to take care of thiS LI\ Ing room has COZ} fireplace Thl'> deal Immaculate condo 1<; \Ihat \OU \Iant Two bed Excn IXG BRICK COLONIAL In a much reque"ted Woods spot offers three bedrooms, t\\O and one half \\ on t last long room" and all kltchen appliance> bdtlh [,11m]; 100m filllshed ba>.ement, centl al air and mce patIO all on 10\ 1'.'1) Wide lot' 881 6300 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 HU~TI~GTO~ Large lot, eas} to car for tl\O bedroom brIck ranch \\ Ith ne\\ er furnace full WOODBRIDGE First floor ranch condo Has basement \\ Ith la\ ator} , lots of doset space tllO large bedrooms and t\\O full baths 1382 A:'\ITA - ThIel.' bedroom Bungalo\, ....Ith CHARM, STYLE and BUDGET PRICE' Updated Has formal dining room, a great tramc pat Features ne\\ carpeting, nel, \\mdo .... treat kitchen "harp bath, ne\1 patIO and drl\e 8814200 mepts ana Include'i all kItchen appliances tern dnd IS In 1\ onderful Harper Wood" loca tlOn Thl~ Unit IS real!;. a gem and there IS Immedl 2150 A..'\'ITA - See ad under ':-.!EW ON THE ~1ARKET'" .lte occupancy 0", ner~ mo\ mg out of to ....n

    t LAKEVIEW CLUB - Jefferson at 11 h ~lIe Road OPEN SATURDAY and SUNDAY from 1 to 4 NEW HARVARD Three bedroom bnck Colonial \\lth one and a half bdths Extra lfisulatlOn In attiC, two TOWXHOUSES on the lake offer 2500 square feet of luxury IIVlng Master bedroom \\Ith fireplace car garage hard ....ood floors, natural fireplace, sun room Le\elor wlndo\\ treatments and much ' more mcludes ddjOlIllng bath \\Ith fireplace and whIrlpool' Also mcludes wonderful kItchen WIth every th,ng, central dlr, 2 car attached garage and MUCH MORET Just a few minutes from the POlntes _ come and see the furnl'ihed model 8816300

    84 ;\fAPLETO~ - Great Farms locatIOn on a quamt lane near the Lake' A four bedroom COLONIAL at an TAPPAN AND ASSOCIATES affordable pnce - don't miss out' $124,5001 884 0600 of

    109 MORAl\: - Pn\aCj for the larger family In thIS four bedroom, four and one half bath COLONAlL With 90 KERCHEVAL IIbl an, family room, butler's pantry and large kItchen TERRIFIC SPACE _ SUPER LOCATION' 884 22604 MACK AVE. 0600 GROSSE PTE. FARMS, MI 48236 Sl CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080 450 ~10RAN' - Immediate occupancy and all ready for ne\\ owners' Three bedroom COLONIAL has fur- I; nl'ihed kitchen and cheery breakfast room, paneled den, Pella Windows, fimshed basement and all sorts 884-6200 of speCial amemtles' GREAT SPACET 884 0600 REAL ESTATE 775-6200

    19070 MOR:\'INGSIDE - Three bedroom bnck RANCH redone In and out mcludes famIly kitchen, fimshed basement, brand ne\\ carpetmg throughout and good starter pnce In East DetrOIt 884 0600

    357 ~10ROSS - GREAT FOR THE BUSY CAREER COUPLE -- everythIng IS done' Three bedrooms, one and one half baths, den, new kItchen, tasteful decor and excltmg EXTRASl 884 0600 r;="All POINTESBULLEr IN!, - " 1683 NEWCASTLE :..- The ever popular center entrance Colomal at a pnce you'lI like' Three bedrooms, two and one half baths, famIly room, fimshed basement, central aIr and MORE' 881 6300 , -.- 13277 E OUTER DRIVE - Sharp EnglI'>h Thdor a stone's throw from the POlntes' Three big bedrooms, den, ~~ nel\ furnace, attached garage and nice extras' 8814200

    2048 OXFORD - Three bedroom bnck Bungalo .... tucked away In the Woods' Newer furnace, extra Insula tlOn and nice big closets 884 0600

    2101 VA.'\' ANTWERP - Pretty wooded setting and sharp decor for thIS Colomal WIth new carpetmg, Mut '-Chlel kitchen and an action pnce of $89,900 884 0600 I FIRST OFFERING - Three FIRST OFFERI:";G - Lu\ul j( [I- FIRST OFFERIr\G - Three BY APPOINTMENT bedroom Colomal In popular Ranch Condo part of the ::->t f hldroom Ranch m the WOODS ~ FARMS locatIOn close to schools Clair Shores golf COUI"e com and shoppmg Loaded \\ Ith \'Ith updated kitchen With built mumt;. T\, 0 bedrooms and POPULAR SHOREPOINTE - SpacIOus Grosse POinte condominIUm offers three bedrooms (master ....Ith m table, Flonda room and din country charm, thlS home In bdths along \llth laundry loom, dre'i'img room and bath I, 1\\0 and one half baths, large famIly room, 10\ ely nch neutral decor, central aIr 109 L" Basement lficludes rec ,lnd ~lORE~ 881 6'300 cludes a breakfa'it 100m and attic ;,tOIage, central aIr and an Ieal10n loom 1\ Ith \\ et bar and .<,creened porch Basement has attached t\IO car garage - all firepldce, PO\\ er room, work recreatIOn room \\ Ith fireplace, on one le\ 1'.'1' BUllt In 1986, THE CA~ T BE ;\1ATCHED" LAKE VIEW IS mcluded With thIS umquely deSigned home that features bench and great storage There's la\atory and a nel\er furnace there IS custom up dating for three large bedrooms, fantastIc entertamment center and countless luxury extras _ VERY SPECIAL" al"o a Home Wal rant} 8814200 YOU to see thiS Sunday at 646 Count" Club lD St Clair ShOl e,

    ~, - I I....~.>i' ~ """"- ~ - ~-' - _ _--~s." ...... -3 E~ (:POSSE POI~TE SHORES ..~_."'" -""-~~.....-~P"", ~ .\ICEL Y DECORATED house (1 Cape Cod located clo'ie to Lake L.\RGE FAR:\fS COLONIAL In <"~4~.~ \1It h wntemporan taste You .;;:-~ ....~...... St ClaIr and steeped In country pre~t1glOus locatIOn WIth many "Crs;ts*d'" T - Z T :X mu,t ~ee the labulou... ne\\ charm Fl replace:, In both I" mg quaiJt;. feature~ Along ""'Ith This sharp three bedroom bungalow In popular kitchen \\ hlch Includes a cnthe and dlnlDg room'i plus a faml!; foUl bedroom" dnd t\\ 0 and one Woods area IS truly a "dollhouse'" It Includes sun drdl cell lng, nutcher nlock h room ....hlch o\erlook'i a bnck hdlf bath'i are a den, famIly room (or famIly room), cozy fireplace filcely fenced and buill In" galore dlJ patIO and large I\ell landscapld I (lorn .lnd breakfa't nook com- }ard and IS now offered at the temptmg pnce of 0\ ellooked b\ n loft' Sltu,lt, d In lot ThIS four bedroom ,11"0 fea prhlfif.( o\('r 2 700 'iquare feet $92500' Bett€r hUIT}" 8814200 tures a ~econd floor pl,l~ room the CITY It ~ clo~e to the \-\1 Ingr \tt.lclwd f.(aIage nnd many re See It Sunda\ ,It R'3 H \ \\ ((nllmplf)\f'menh C.\'I\'f,R":>ITY I hn.(. hl.droom one and one half hath Colonial Include" ....onderful large family room THOR'\E 1\ ItP fill pl,j(' attolchr d garagl and tcrrlfic locatIOn Transferred 0\\ ners offer qUlck occupanC}' 884 (jl)()(j DRA \1A I I( \LL Y ":>1n;A n,D O.\' .\'EARL Y A.\' ACRE nedr the lake, thl~ c1a""lc Colomal offers Infimt€ ",Llp! IbJllty to fam,]v Ii\ Inf.( and 'iplf'ndld entertammg Even the largest famIly can E:\.JOY wgether nr" In th( -,( grdllou" dccommodallOn ... Excltmg detaIls at 8814200 (~_OP_EN_S_U_ND_A_Y 2_-5_) I!ARl'f.H \\ OOD" I{A,\('H I'> hctlcr than nf'\\ f Totall) redone, It mdude'i :\EW KIT('HE:-.', ne\\ carpeting, finpldu ,md rXlI,! hcdr()()m \\Ith full hath In nlcel) fimshed basement 70's' 881-6300 21224 \1ARTER - )mm((j dtp '>CCllpdlJ(1 of nrdlonm trf\\nhou'( In L

    Rf 111'\ D r W'> !JOO/{ <"PAt E (rALORf) FI\ e bedroom famIl) Colomal ....Ith t ....o full baths plu~ two h.dr h"lh, 11l

    ,>'1 (I ,\IH '>!I0)U '> f.xcr Ilr nt thrPl bedroom RA:";CH \\Ilh count" kItchen m carpl.tmg and finl~hed h ,,( Irll nt Blldgl t prlU d

    MOVING OUT OF TOWN? WE CAN REFER YOU TO A ...~ocia. C~ of (.ro~~ '.ointc., THE BEST REAL ESTATE BROKERS ACROSS ICcaHn~ THE COUNTRY. OR THE WORLD ~9'j l-i<,hcr Road .206.."' \fack .\vcnue ',/I/)(I\II! (,I' \('/I//> IliI.~/1 ~ (//'/ilI\/( 1'(//, (II, \( h",,/ RELO 886-3800 WIllI .... < 884-6400

    REALTOR s CHARTER MEMBERS \, /lOll .. 10 /Ill IH'l.?

    SINCE 1960! (~/O full/lUll ,J,ujf\\1l0'tl/\rl1t '(lid, ",htl/. GH()~St_ POJ:--.n: FARMS - II d 11111/11' I tlllnll,,1 ,~!(,la/ \f , I It t , GROSSE POINTE PARK H2 K(.f(hcval 884 0600 GROSSE POINTE WOODS 16610 Mack 881 4200 19790 Mack 881.6300

    \ , 148 D3cember 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News

    FIRST OFFERINGS SINE REALTY IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS TO CALL SINE ... HARRISON TOWNSHIP Gdy Haven off N River Rd. five mlllutes from lake on deep water canal Beautiful three bedroom one and one half bath, famlly OPEN SUNDAY Decembel 4 - Farms Colo FIRST OFFERING loom, large new kitchen With eat 109 arell, Ilttached two and one mal under $140,000 Ovel 1,500 !>quare 10WNHOUSE STYLE INCOME - Thl ee half car garage, coveled well With hOist Vacant Immediate pas feet With long hst of Improvements 10 bedloom, two dnd a half bath Both Unit!> !>eSSlOnMake offer the last two years New bath and lava ha ve bpaCIOUb rooms and lal ge clo.,ets One Unit CUIrently vacant and aval1able tory, new decor, new driveway and land GROSSE POINTE WOODS scapmg 429 McKmley for owner occupant Othel apartment IS I ented at $900 month Each apartment feature!> 1,700 squale feet of Ii\mg' 8Iea Geol glan Colonial, gl eat Wood" locatIOn, four bedioolll'l, t\\ 0 and TWO FULL BATHS, McKINLEY, famdy plu!> prlvate ba"ement one half baths, first floor laundry, ma!>ter bedroom w1th bath room, overSized master bedroom SUite, and dresslllg area, sprinkler system front and I ear state of the-art kItchen and baths, wood deck and nearly 2,200 squal e feet of hv :\EFf' ROAD INCOME - '[\'.o famdy 10 109 area come III popular GrOb'le POinte City loca SINE REALTY tlOn near tl ansportatlOn and shops FI eshl) decorated, stove'l and refllgel a MULTILIST SERVICE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 tOI" Included, 'lepal ate furnace!> Two FARMS OFFICE 18412MACK 88-1-7000 bedloom!> and den each unit, till ee car galclgt' GROSSE POINTE SHORES - CUSTOM 373 McKmley 3 Beuloom BUILT 10 '79 by Wllhson, Just a half block 429 McKinley 3 Bedloom from the Lake Family room, hbrary, first 655 Rivard 3 Bedroom floor laundry. IIvmg room wIth 14 foot cell- 622 RIvard 5 Bedloom HIDDEN COVE CONDOMINIUMS 1015'Sand a great kitchen are Just some of the 181 Lothrop 3 Bedroom features 10 thIs four bedroom. three bath 462 Moran 3 Bedroom home l' or those consldermg a new home. 20B i'.h.Mllw.n J 4 ~edroom ON LAKE ST. CLAIR you will particularly apprecIate the deep lot MODELS OPEN MONDAY THRU SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. and the beautiful decor not to mentIOn the two story entry foyer wIth whIte marble PRIME FARMS LOCATION near Kerche\ al (CLOSED THURSDAYS) floors Family room, actiVities room, den and Flonda room all add to the usefullness of thIS home Three bedrooms and three ONE OWNER HOME In excellent condition baths plus attached garage and a Three bedrooms, one and a half baths GREAT LOT wIth a second floor lavatory that could JEFFERSON accommodate a sta)) shower Lot is wider CRESCENT LANE backs Up to Provencal APPROXIMATEL Y 15 MILE RD and deeper than similar homes Florida and adJOinS Grosse POinte Hunt Club o~\'.o NEAR THE HILL - Attractively decorated 5\\0 room and two car garage. Freshly deco- Walk to Elementary School or Umver one and 'one half story home With first flo?r rated in neutr al colors to a))ow for your fllty Liggett Campus OUTSTANDING bedroom!>, two full bahs, updated kitchen Custom built ranche" Some lake flont unit., .,tIlI u\!lllable All finlshmg touches FAMILY ROOM 27x18 feet With fire- With new dlsh\'.asher Large family room Ulllt'l have a boat well Located Just off Jeffel.,on at 15 MlIe, Ju"t hl' place and quahty finishing details ovcllooks ~paClOUb yard, newer roof Don't fore Shook Road 10 Hal nson TownshIp 1,620 2,000 squal e teet LARGE REDUCTION ml"., It Priced flam $205.000 to $270,000 UNDER $200,000 with five bedrooms and NEAR BROWNELL - Three bedloom III the FeatUi e" IIlclude two bcdloom., three baths plus plenty of natural Wood- ENGLISH COTI'AGE style, well mdllltallled FARMS. ThiS home has everything Cen two full bathrooms, dlllllJg loom, work. Large lot, library and just a short and charmlllg throughout Featul es in- tral all', lovely fireplace, charming new hVlng l'Oom 01 b'1eat loom WIth walk to the VILLAGE from the GROSSE clude an attractive foyer With finished decor and a finished basement With a oak floors, famIly room With bay Win fireplace, master bedroom With POINTE CITY location, Available imme. second bath, Brick patIO With hot tub diately. doll', three bedroomfl and a very speCial walk III closet FIrst 11001' laundlY kitchen room and wood deck All umts have basements and attarhed ga rages Furnished modelFl by IIlte- rior deSigner Kathryn Donson of Sales by: Jansen'll Fine Furniture RED CARPET KEIM 16845 KERCHEVAL SHOREWOOD REAL ESTATE, INC. "IN THE VILLAGE'" 20439 Mack Avenue 882.5200 Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 CALL 886.8710 OR DIRECT TO THE MbDEL 791.6191

    HERE IT 1St YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! Jim Saros Agency, Inc. TERRIFIC VALUE OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 17108 Mack, Grosse Pointe, MI 886.9030

    '"Q OPEN SUNDAY 3-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 323 BE.A T 0~....ovelY brick rand, e.. .eltural fireplace, Florll7 .•n, finished base- 1350 S. RENAUD DeceIVing ment, ....1 roof, two and a half from the outside - thiS spacIOus car garage with automatic Cape Cod is approximately 4100 20419 WOODCREST - Out opener. Apphancefl are Included square feet! Highlights include an stand 109 Harper Woods Cape Cod In the salel imported marbls fireplace, family offers four bedrooms, a modern room with wet bar, spacious Iiv. kitchen, new carpetmg, natural ing room, dining room and fireplace, central all', finished kitchen, four bedrooms, three and basement, two and a half car at- 432 CALVIN - Four bedroom, a half baths, first floor laundry tached garage, pool and mo~el one and a half bath Colonad of A FIRST OFF~' and a den on the second floorl 365 - Immediate occupancy on 2001 ANITA - Beautiful three fers a Cal} ltvmg room WIth natu Q ral fireplace, remodeled kItchen, GROSSE P~" ~ • f thiS Lakeshore road VictorIan Ice bedroom brIck bungalow features castles 111 the wlllter Four bed- a famIly room, updated kitchen, plenty of closet space, finished 908 NE~FI"' t\.. ~pper unit for rooms, two and a half baths, filllshed basement, natural fire OPEN SUNDAY 2.4 ba~ement and more $139,900' leaP' r month. Call for Mutchler kitchen, service stairs, place, new driveway and so much YOUNG FAMILIES four natural fireplaces, beautIful more' '\- master SUite, fir'lt floor laundry room and 360' lot Fabulous prIce FULL OF CHARM - $399,000"" GREAT OPPORTUNITY CAPTIVATING COLONIAL A TREASURE E.;:: J1

    795 HIDDEN LAl'lE - A real 22716 CLAIRWOOD - Darhng sleeper Cul-

    20201 SHORES - 9 Mlle.Llttle Mack area. Magnificent bnck Ranch located In fabulous St 872 BERKSHIRE - South of .Jef Clair Shore8 features a lovely ferson Great four bedroom, t\\ 0 ImpreSSIVe marble entrance foyer and a half bath cu~tom bUilt Col inVites you to admIre thiS five updated kitchen, cozy natural 20629 \\t1LLIAMSBURG CT _ firepla~ in the hving room, ol1lal features a famdt room \'.Ith 956 PEMBERTON - ~lagmficent bedroom, three and a half bath Perfect two bedroom townhouse 592 CADIEUX - Cosmopolitan natual fireplacE'. fOJmal d\nln~ Colonial ofTer~ five bedrooms, Georgian style Colomal H1gh three bedroom8. one and a half style condomlmum features one Enghsh Tudor condo Perfect for room, fir'll !lo01 laundry reCT!'a three full bath", family room, lIght!! Include R ~plral stalrCARe, baths, central air, new Windows, and a hfllf bathA, (rnlrill air, the yuppies who want space yet fabuioul deck and 80 much tJOn room III ba~cmrnt, l\'.o and a ne\'. carpet inK, ne\\ er furnace, \\ et bar and natural fireplace m kltchen \'.lth bUIlt In IlppIiAnu'~ the freedom condo hvlng pro. half car ~Ilrage A I{TI'at bu\ lit fir'lt !1oor laundT) and a lot more' the famlly room, finulhed basc more! Look no further - thiS IS bascment and rantaqtlc reduced vldes' Four bedrooms, huge mas. $237 'i00' Immc

    I I December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 158

    20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe

    , . 886-8710 Ichweitzer " SHOREWOOD Real E/tate,lnc. REAL ESTATE. INC. ~ .I ,toO. Relocation Serv.ces Formerly - Shorewood E.R. Brown Realty AVBlI,ble

    OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 - 47 I{o~hn - Wellh to the I,lkp 110m tllI~ e\elutl\e I,Ullh, thlee IJIge bedlOom~, t\\ 0 full bdth~, PO\\ du IO(Jm, \1 uh( hill klllh<'n, IlllJlld(l' III 11\ lIlg loom dnd Idlllily loum Relred tJOn 100m Illth Ilet b,u L,lIg< open /1001 pldn - pedllt fOi lntel LUlling b8(i 8710

    OPIt;N SUNDA Y 2-5 - 87'i N BI I~, GIO"( POlllte Wood~ - Td~t<'fully delOl dtld thl ee bedroom I anch OLD WORLD CHAnM Inllud '1'110 fil eplaw~, fOI m,l] dllllllg loom l.u gl Idlm]; J (JOn! nlllh apPolllted kltdlen Centl al

    GROSSE POINTE WOODS - !'\I(e lor the pIll(> 1'110 bldlOom Colonial Illth fdmlly loom Repldced Item" IIldude "tOI m" dnd "Ulen". g

    GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Thl ee be(1I oom Colom,tl Illth hltlhen dnd famIly 100m combinatIOn Onp and one hdlf bath" Furnace lepl.lwd Augu~t 1988 Refllgeldtol and ~tovl' meluded One and one half car garage Roof on hdl k half of hou ". repldced In 1987 FlI "t 11001 1•.lUndl y facIlltlCs 886 8710 DESIRABLE STARTER OR BEAUTIFUL RUSSELL BUILT. A SHOWCASE OF FINE LIV NEW CONSTRUCTION - Located In GJ osse POll1te F'1l m<., neal the lake Ldl ge fOUl bedlOom Colonldl HETIREMENT bung.llo\1 III the extla ldlge, three bedroom \\ Ith two bathe;;, two half bdths, id)I.l1 \, Jaundl y 100m dnd three fiJ eplaces ApPloxlmatelj 3.600 Fdl m~ featul ('~ thn'e bedl (Jom", ING thiS \\ondelfull) decOlated , I dnch OfJCI ~ all the amenl tIes of ' I square feet Blue Pllnts al e a\ allabie .It OUI ofllle 8868710 IOlmell dllllng loom. dnd file Colon la I offel s pi OfeS'ilOnaJ Iy I lU'-lIIy In Illg In the Shores (G Idndscaped yard $229,900IG pldce :1>99,500 (G 2bCAU 58GRE) Each Red Carpet office IS Independently owned and operaled 59RIVl .I :1

    FAMIL Y TREESI pJI k like V <11 d Illth loh of I nom, add "Coun BEAUTIFUL CONDOS ON THE DETROIT RIVERI Choos!' t1y' to thl" 1'1'11 kept I ,mch m seventh floor, one bedlOfJm Ullit I TOURAINE, GROSSE POINTE 11.111)('1 WO'Ir!< FIH" r (JFFFH 1 67.'5,000 (F 65LAKJ new kitchen. open 11\ Ing ,1IPd, kitchen $210,000 (f 03WES) beautiful condItIOn Eatmg space m the kItchen, FIOllda loom WIth JalOUSie \\ IIldows dnd custom two cal attdched gar

    "'FIRST OFFERING* 1242 ROSLYN. GROSSE POINTE WOODS Charmll1g bungalow on a deep lot F dmlly room With knotty pme panehng, ne\\er carpetmg In the bedloom" and hardwood floor'i Three year old fUI nace and loaf Lots of amenlt1e" $86.900 882 0087

    779 GRAND MARIAS, GROSSE POINTE PARK Only one sceniC block flom Lake St ClaIr, thl" lovel) Colomal boasts foul' spallOU" bedrooms tl\O and a half baths. Jamlly loom plus hbldly and a "hart walk to the Park Over 2.300 "qual e feet of IIImg spa(e $219.000 8820087

    462 ROLAND. GROSSE pOI:'oJTE FARMS LOlely, I\ell malntdll1ed thlel bedloom Colomal With centlal all', updated kItchen and bath and a finished ba~ement Pnce leduced to $119,900 8820087 LEADED GLASS WINDOWS, CHARMING FARMS COLO 1048 VERNIER. GROSSE POINTE WOODS PI Ice 1 educed to $94.500 fOi tlm ta"tefully decorated three ACCENT VALUE for tillS "u hal dwood 11001'" .Ind Ilonderlul NIAL offel s "paCiOU" kitchen bedroom Colomal wltb loado; of charm Updated kitchen. tilO natural fil eplace", fim"hed recreatIOn per b. three bedloom bnck home 11001 plan highlIght thl" unJ123 'lOa (f89NEFJ 20400 WOODCREST, HARPER WOODS LOleh tlllee bldloom bllcl-. Ilnch Illth neutlal decor dnd dn $88900 (') 19I!U:'IJ, updated kItchen All new III 1986 roof, g,u ilge, "tOI m" ,1Ild ~lIl en~ All thl~ and more on a lar ge treed lot I'lth bllck patIO $76.900 882 0087

    20935 LANCASTER, HARPER WOODS (Jlldt fdlllll) 10cdtIOn fOl thl" thl(e be(hoom hnck Idnch 1\lth Gro""e POinte SchooJ~ LUgL UpddtUJ hlt(h(ll, natuI,d !illpldC( III thl' liVing loom plu" d finl"hpd ba'iement, l\lth b'lI and IdldtOr', S7.5 000 R,'l20087 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5

    21364 SEVER:'.:, HARPER WOODS F.lm111 ,,11((1 hU'lg,!I011 l\jth fOUl "LUloom~ n.ltUlal finpldLC III the hVlI1g loom ,md finl"bed ba~pmlnt fhl' hOlm" II'ddl frn 10UI OI\n dec()J

    JhI ( !L\I.H)~ Jr, \1.1'1, I ~'JI1( \1 II h \ .. " C '.f tin h"lf UlU! "l' ~ 57,) (J(JtJ BY APPOINTMENT 20')7 FI t_t T\\'OOlJ PIIH p,lIll'led Il U ('dtlOn loom t 1\ 0 lM lllick d/.(l $99

    OLD HOMESTEAD, HARPER WOOD<., light ,md dill hom(' 111 d countly "pttlng Ne\\er decor fedlulP" ~022() E \ <.,I \\ 00/) DH updat!>d kItchen dnd hath, \ertlcdl hllnd~ ,Ind Ip\olor" BIP('/lway I(,dd" to a wood deck \\Ith gd" ( ountl 'r III Ill/.( In thl lIl) of II II p('r Wood" \\Ith l.lmdv loom '!>12'),OO() gnll Flnl"hed b,I'lment Illth h,df bdth ,md udell clo,et ('tntldl dlr dnd mdlll othel ilmpnltle" I $8'i 900 8R2 0087

    19')7."1 A:'.: HOPl': (h II mlllg IIH' hulroom (olonldlln thl Wood" 1\lth 20\14 f.JIlli/; IIHlfll ",)O'l'IOIJ ;-";OTRE DAME. GROS~E POI:\TE (!TY l'nlqu{ (olol1ldl \llth f,lbu)t)u~ mother IIllal\ "lllte \'I'I\!V decordted fir"t nom ",Ith upd,ltul kll(h! n .Ind .lpplldIH( ~ "1 cond nom fedtulI<., el cpudl ~t,urca~e to thl' loft blill1d 11('1\ klich, n dnd dppll.!llU, HH20()H7 ~'!21(1 !lO...,/O\ - I1I1I h till ( I IHd,oom 1 Ill(h III tll(> ,)hOl(" 1\lt), IWI\ IHJOd dl'c\.- ,,72 (JOU

    KERCHEVAl , (,HO~SE POI\, rE F \!{\1'-, \ (I I 'pI (I,d IH,ml f( .ltullng /hl(( hi dlOOlll, tl\O full hdth~, 2110IlA:-'!PIO\ (Il IInJlIlfi {ount" (\hIO!ll 11111( hI dloom ('olonldl 1>94 (JOIJ 01 I (.hl 'SHOIJ nWllth dn updated kltch( n elll rH'\\ 1\ Ind()\\ ~ .Inri mr.l! 1.0\1 ( I Ip\! I 11d" (olllpl, (( ly ~('pdr,ll( III Il1g qUdrl< r" J'JCIHl W L\10/{Y ('or HI for motbu In l;m 01 t(( n ~Ult, 'lk200H"i \\(IIH1, rlul ('10'" I'r"nl( fl)ur b(dr{J(lIll (,I/ll ('od hOIlH 0;;111 'tOu

    1)(, \1( 1<1:\1.1'.1' (,b 1I1ll1111{(,dol1l Ii I( II II/( "lIdtw.d Ill, pl.,,( III l"lll/.( 100llJ ,£1-1-,000 SUN:'IJI:\GD.\LE (,!{OS,,!'. POl\IE \\OOD" Ih( '\llpll'( I' m'Jdl' I"ug(!'1 "Ult! Illth pn\ Itp bath plu" thl('( ld(htlondl h((l,ool1]' .md hdth" Hug! fdml]; loom Illth IHt b'lI, (Xpln~IH UJlIntl\ kItchen \\Ilh dlnlllg h.l\ Oil Ilonkll1h Lochmonl «(J\lntl, ( Iuh (h( r I lOO ~q\ldre f!! t of 1!lll1g ~Pdll' on .In enmnH,U<., lOOy lll) I"(I! 1(,1 (,If ,It f"l (n[( rtdInlng 'lH200t'7 22107 I I' \ \111 I 1 "1111\ 1(HIIIl I t1g! "II( h( 11 II Ilh hul!t ill'!, fir"t l100l IdllJulr I "<)2 100 MORNI:\(,.<"[fH': (,HO~<"t, PO/\, It, \\700D" !lIIUllful \Idlm (ont'mpoldl\ Idnch \\Ith I clOO <"q\ldH fplt "f III In/.( ~PdCl' '-,1, P d"I\11 In Ibl 1..11 It room", I!h a I 1lI111.d U 111I1/.( n.dllidl fill pldU Inllit In o,lk Inl

    LAKE"lHORr_ [)IU\'r: (,JW"l'-,r POI\lr, '-,1I0HI..., <"P('1.'(,1l11l OO! of" kll1d «((IOIlIII \II/h b.tlcon\ Il'J II \/\,(;rOI\; - Op' n III IIll' d', d 0\1 II/JlJKllIg IH Itltlfully IlllIl'(dp( d \dld '£Ifi'l (j(JlI "t, i( (ntn h"ll [(/JUI 1lJ( 1 \\ Ith tll tlll hurl! tn~ o,k (Ihllwt, fow h, drorlln, fOil I full h.lth~ 10m firlpl.lC''', fll,t nom <111\1 m",!'r "[!Ill 1\I!h IHUIII .md ,.IU']

    III I' ''-,IIU{ \'11'(1 "llrlllo "HlflJllIHI IlIth"lh/('1 h,dll,om("lonl.1I 'i;)l(tiOO

    1,11 rle.,II/'i{ (Oll/Id plllr"'IIII"',k, Il, IlIflflll '(lllHlor! g.ud(n i{ldllllr! ~119'tOO

    Grosse Poi nte Woods 21300 Mack Avenue K£>rch('val on the Hill Grosse Pointf' Farms 74 Kercheval Avenue 18780 Mack A venue 19615 Mack Avenue Ilht north of VI'I nil I Grosse POinte Woods. Michigan 48236 886-4200 885-2000 Jll'l '-Illll h of :-'101 ",-, 882-0087 886-5800 ------20 Of!- J( .,r RVr,(, R R5 %RIJRllA:"J ------J ., OVr CO\1\f{ ,nll-,'! 16B December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News

    By PD~ Counter Points Pat Rousseau Jhe shops of If you love the hol- KNOWLEDGE NOOK EDWIN PAUL SALON iday season, you'll has Chrl&tma& Rep(Jl t WILD WINGS White sweat- \t'. It ~ Edu.'llI Paul Salon, 20327 a on.:r,~rc~love our Chnstmas Cards for chzld!ell, shn t With sIlk so eened deSigns IIlcludmg Mw h AL'ellue !llL'zte& you to a sweaters!! Choose a hand.knit wool wIth Chnstmas boob and tape6 mallard, Canada goo~(' \\ Ith deSCriptIOn ~pe(/al (/ aft .~how of unzque Santa on the front, stockmgs by the plus lots of stockIng stu! of the subject undt'llll'ath the deSign are ('}lIz,tnw, gift, on Sunday, De- firesIde, Christmas carolers or a Fair Isle fers 21432 Ma(h found at 1 Kelthe\al. 8854001 Monday- (ell/hel 4 from 1 pm - 4 pm, Santa motIf Cotton or wool, some wIth Avenue Free parkzng zn front, 777-3535 Fnday, 10 a In 9 pin, Saturday, 10 885-9001 matchmg tartan pleated skirts 16828 * * '" a m 6 pm, SUlldd\. noon fi pili Kercheval in the VIllage, 884-1330 '" * * Spode Chnstmas Tree ~ Wesley Berry Come pick out 1lJ )/ chma IS on display at the A') your fre"h beautiful ,/f'1',J( nall'l .1/, fir» TIll Ie \ ..,1111 tUlle to tii,;; Flowers poinsettia ear~.} WRIGHT'S GIFT AND LAMP' League Shop, 72 Kercheval/kJm 9v,., Also bee our !>ilk monof{!al/l \Olll I/lu(hulldl"l' 01 Ollie;;fo! SHOP IS a Halimark headquarters on the HI1I, 882-6880 Open j(Jt.-T fl()\\ ('I' all dngemcnlb fO! Chl'i-.lmd!>.If you al e pel'>ollu/ ('}zI/,tI111i" J~'II, IR747 Mmk for boxed and personal Christmas Thursdays until 9 p m g'Olllg 10 .,end flower" out of .'>tateor the coun. Al ('n lie RR2 3,"iSO cards, ornaments, party goods, etc '" '" II \, \\l;' haH' four WII e "ervices to take care of Stop by 18650 Mack Avenue, 885- ~ OUI pel "onal 01' bu!>me'i!>gift list., ... 98 K('I'- (hp\ :>Y l>WClttCI:> lHHl LOpb, c\ e- CI rt1... U"." d \'\ OUUt , I UJ ..r:~~\. ~<;'(''>- ning skirts and slacks for holiday!> at 20148 .7lte 2"lte/'6' !lbld d.."ortmpllt of I ('Pi oeluc- /":10,l~.~,""'...J. ~0 Mack. Ample free parking. tion doO! "top ... Ilw\ dl...o f~~..:J:.....~ 'S In the spirit of the season make unique bookend ... Open 'I hUI ..da~!>until e 7 ... Christmas tree and * * '" Thinking of taking classes ~ pitZ; candy cane ties, also Christ- stal tlng In Janurary? Ask for our 9 pm, Sund/' '" ,.. contemporary elegance in fashion TI,HhtI0I1.l1 \\11 Other savings on Shampoo, Bath Gpi and 1J-2154. tll\C't'- Pld(tl * * * Cell fOJ hO!ldd\ \1.,1' ,~,ffi, H 0 I I d a " 1'h(' IWI f('( I ho"t I'"" Holiday dr('slijing m gIft to "<1\ thdllk f}J!~ I(J/..OLD " LIFTS SpC'clal 1'(>11 sizes 14-26 feature'! \I \I nJ~ Bracc]ph yO\] 111 .I "J)P( I Ii beautiful cocktail Fell "our ...hopping ('onv('niE"ncf', th(' and DIamond Bangle Bracel£'ts Largp School Bl'Il, 17904 Mack Av('nue WIll h(' ! \\ flY. plH ('d 11om "',)11 10 :;, 11 11 f) KPr dreRse8, separates for Opf'll t\\O Sunday" from noon until 5 p.m. entertaining, dreRs selectIOn avaIlable come VISIt us todayl chevlvpt fpet" gIft Theresa AhlRagl SImon, 2,1402 \\ III 1)(' part of thT'! hohday happf'ning, flfl6- drps8eH ... 19583 Mack Av('nuf', 882-3130. Mack Avenue, South of9 MIIC', 77'24'2'20 11 ;')9 '1"1('](' III IllIIl(' T'lllllt, ('Ollll!!') POlITI!'" on

    P !i'[ liB , I Section C December 1, 1988 Entertai nment" ," " ," " ,.,,,..'" 4C Classified .., , 5C Grosse Pointe News Norsemen can't dish up win over Saddlelites By Rob Fulton North fim.,hed 14 8 overall lOdch Gary Bennett "InJul Ie", to "We had a lot of trouble hand up 1 thmk m the first half they Sports Editor Although hdrbOl mg thought., .,dY the lea.,t, have been the big 11I1g the ball," Bennett SaId "We were frustrated because they An InJUIy Ilddled bdsh.etbcdl of an up.,et, the Lady NOlsemen ge.,t problem fOl u" We haven't C,1I1Wout In the second half dnd may have a"bumed they could thUH fdced one of the dl~tIICt'l-> \\ el e outmatched 111 numbel s on been able to practlle the way we they (Regma) applied a full court lOll all ovm us " fine~t tedl1l" dnd the Ie...ult Wd<, dnd off the COUlt They dl eSbed bhould becaube \\ e can't <,ven pI e"s and we tned dllbbltng But, like a boxer m the corner, Uphill all the way mOl e d,mldgmg th,1I1 dny 1l1JUIy eight girl" dnd had ab many sub. put 10 gnls Il1 Ul1IfOlm thlough It Inbtedd of passll1g the Nor<;emen came out bwmg. The ..,Cdl,- of d G7 ,l:l 1o"" to "tIt ute" d" they dId mJured pea thlough It ' lI1g m the firbt round as they J, ){lg'nd 111 till' Dhtillt 17 fin,ll" pll 011 the bePlh thlee Whdt led to ;\(1/ t h., d\ III [-,f punched out d 10.2 lead Back 111 Augu"t \\hen the Bel1lwtt dnd d""1'>tdl1t lOach Illd\ h, l\'III'-llllg tOI tIll' :\olth It" bll n tlld! \\dY c,mce the gymnasIUm was lIke an oven \\d" done pOillt (111'd 'll'l [I I Hd" HlttPI had pi cpa Icd the "You nevel know ho\'o yoU! gill" !J,j.,I-, 11; ill tl Ull I II t (Ii (Ii, 'I ,"'ill '-d1(1 North because of the extleme heat Th,tl'-llI~ht (JI'I )!lJ1111 '\,lot "emen fO! the Sdddlellte,,' tedm I" gOIng to play," Bennett outSIde, the North gll'ls' basket h ill UlllI t pi e"<,, but \\ hen the" "md But befO!e the game I ball tedm set out on a ml"'"lOn 11It! to bl edk the full LOW t pi e"", thought \\ e LOuld play very well to wm anothel league tItle as \rll th "Imph ddded to Ih 29 to dnd d" It turned out we dId' well as a dlstnct champIOnship l \1 tlll novel:-- In the fir<;t half NeJthel one of thobe dl eamb We well' bettel pI epdl ed fm "We came out dnd played ag became a lCalIty, but the Lady I hI h,df LOllIt pI e<'b thdn we gle""lve basketbdlJ," he bald "I Norsemen dId manage to scoo't II <'l e fO! the full court," Bennett Wdb vel~ plOud of the gll Is be mto the Dlbtnct 17 tinalb ,,"J .[hiL Lhul Lhey (Regu 1<.-1I dJ ..... "'1..1 ..( ">..... tL\...) J.lJI.l't La ...h. JUI" U against perenmal powerhoube Ju"ted dnd we didn't hdve d velY h am an} thll1g Even when \I e RegIna Howevel, they lo<,t57 good c,econd half at all " wel e down m the lattel part of 33 to end the seabon 148 Noelle COrmlel, who led NOlth the game" Losmg was an emotlOndl \\ Ith 12 pomts, g-ave North a 22 Early In the game, NOlth moment for the 11 gIl Is and 21 lead at the hdlf by hlttmg d couldn't do any wrong Howevel, coaches Gary Bennett and Ray 10 footel, but It wa<; the last bas the second half was celtamly dlf. RItter More Importantly, the North would <;core until the ferent, mcludmg tIme spe~t at gIrls played above then heads fOUlih qUdliel the free thlo\\ lme ''There were tImes \\ hen we WIth healt and emotIOn "We mIssed the front end of got across half corut, but we be In the dlstnct finals, one only seven one'ln-ones," he Said "Not t;,m to stand alound on offense," had to look at NOlth's bench only dId we mIss the chance to and see how depleted It was Bennett saId about the start of the second half "When we stood score seven more pomts, we Three players out WIth mJunes mIssed the chance to shoot seven around, mstead of movmg WIth and only three reserves dressed more" for actIOn FIve gIrls battled out the ball, It caubed us to turn RegIna on the floor, but the t he ball over and gave them too As a team, NOIih hit 44 pel true war was won by the many opportunities" cent from the lme and 31 pel Norsemen throughout the sea \Vhen the door was open, Re- cent fmm the floor son. f,'1na barged through With 13 "We talked before the game It was a team riddled by m- unanswered pomts Kim ReIter, and SaId we'd have to shoot well JUrIes from the first week On North's Jumor center who hIt for from the line m order to stay 111 Sept 8 N olth defeated South seven pomts, snapped the Sad- It and we dIdn't," Bennett said (48.38) to open the season, but dIe lItes' run With her free throw "ObVIOusly our ball handhng went into a tailspin from that WIth under three mmutes to go and our free throws Just kJ1led point on It wasn't that they m the thll'd, but RegIna fimshed Ub," couldn't wm It wasn't that the thIrd qualter WIth a 10.pomt WIth three of hIS players SIde they didn't have the abilIty and spmt to take a 44-23 lead lmed, Bennett's resources were deSIre to be the best. It was the Kelly Kunkel added eIght limIted when It came to substltu. lack of depth pomts for the Lady Norsemen tlOns, but m the end no excuses Regma, behmd Polly WIl. were made. Bennett and RItter have al- lldms' 22 pomts, outSCOl ed "I don't know if thmgs would ways taught team unity, They ~orth, 13.10, In the final eIght have been much dIfferent If we can now say all 11 gIrls - in- Il1mutes to wrap up the vIctory. would have stayed healthy, but jured or not - rallied around "I thmk they went m and got I'd sure lIke to say that thIS one another to be the best 14-8 chewed out a lIttle bit," Bennett gI'oup of gIrls nevel qUIt," he team pOSSIble Ankles were 'o.lld about Regma "They came saId "We Just dIdn't have tWIsted Knees were brUIsed. out m the second half all fired enough guns" Fmgers wel e swollen But m tImes of dIstress, they played + better, faster and with more prIde Smce Sept 8, they dIdn't even have enough gIrls for an mtrasquad sCrimmage TheIr drills were reduced to a slower December 4th - Sunday Live Jazz 8 p.m pace as five girls worked of Every Wednesday - Elmars Classic fense and only thl ee on de fense It wa" a tryll1g tIme fOi Rock Videos 9 p.m. NOlih, but as any good team, Class of 1978 - Don't forget our 10 year reunion they proved that defymg the odds IS pOSSIble if you want It on December 23rd at the badly enough War Memorial Watch the Red Wings on Satellite TV The mIsfortunes never ceased for NOIih Heather Mergos, the December 3rd - Quebec Nordlques bIg shooter for North, sat on December 16th - Wayne Gretzky the bench WIth Kerry Peters and Stephame Gore, the rest of and the LA Kings the team tned to extend the December 31st - Har1iord Whalers season by wmnmg a second straIght dlstnct champIOnshIp 15300 Mack Ave . It dIdn't happen BIg deal' More was accomp!Jshed by Photo h\ Hnh Fulton .+GIlIIL at Beaconsfield playmg plagued all season North's Kelly Kunkel (30) and Katie Loeher (10) box in Regina's inside game and deflect this MelIssa Champme, KatIe Loe. rebound. Noelle Cormier (24) waits to see if she can grab the rebound and put it back up. North's Grill open 'til 10 P m Carry Outs 881-8895 her, Keill Glanunzio, KIm Rei season came to a quick stop after losing 57-33 to the Saddlelites Nov. 22 in the District 11 final. tel', Kelly Kunkel, Noeile Cor North finished 11 8 overall ~;td reached the district fino.l by d..feuiil1g South, 50-48. in over- mler, MIchelle MIller and time. Melhsa DloUlllard wel e the girls left to carry out the filS r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sian HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS In the fil st half NOlth Iuled They wel e beatmg Regma 10 2 LADIES t t at one pomt, and domg It m a gym only large enough for ele FIGURE SKATES Anoralp Fera t mentary school chJldren In t Fred Flrsl fact, It was dlflicult to put my • LAKE PLACID FLYERS • ceM • BAUER. LANGE Perry TeaIT' Skea A two feet between the SIdeline Kollach Techmca North palagoma' and the .3pomt Ime WIthout t Nevlca Wool rich Face Powderhorn steppmg out of bound ... , Reusch Raven __ --. A In the <;econd half, they , Tall Obermeyer couldn't muster an offeme It I ' was very dIfficult to beat th£> t u" ,,,","' y", t RegIna press, espeCially when Coach Diane Laffe) contmued to roll m fresh sub~tltute<; and Nolth went WIth It<;rotatmg three person sub Ill->tThey b(' gan to tIre, but played to sal vage some pnde when they HOCKEY SKATES SKI TENNIS traded by 20 pomts and and The end waf, ll1evllable aftel • BAUER • CCM • TOUR SPORTSWEAR Regll1.l poured m 13 tlnan • COOPER GOLF WEAR "\\ered pomh dnrl then ('''- WE ALSO CARRY A tended Its learl to 18 pomh It dIdn't matter at that pomt But FULL LINE OF WINTER the unabashed Nor'iemen SPORTS CLOllilNG t t played untIl the bUZ7er ended • CB JACKETS • WOOLRICH JACKETS ,/ theIr season For thrl'c senIOrs, • GATES GLOVES' HOT FINGER GLOVES ' •. ~ Mergos, GlanunzlO ann Peter", • WINTER SOCKS there's no tomorrow They, like t METRO SKI & SPORTS t many others, may not play col. t 20343 Mack. South of Vernier. Grosse Pointe Woods t lege basketball, but they were HARPER SPORT SHOP fOliunate enoufih to have t "o:::,~::::~::" 884-5660 ... t played on a team molded by 17157 HARPER heart and unIty (East of Cadieux) 885.5390 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C2iiiQii , a

    IAA. - '1... December 1, 1988 .2.C S"..::::/JIVJ G.r.o.s.se_p.o.i".t.e.N.e.w_s Curt Sylvester rolls with punches Picking the winners TIIl~ I~ the 10th !l eel< the head football (Oathe!> at North By Rob Fulton (FUl/l}l SumberaJ, South (Jon R{( e) and Urmer<.ily Liggett "I Ieally didn't expect to be m Sports Editor "I wanted to go somewhere condUCive to spendmg time With St }lOol (Bob Newl'trleJ, hm e been ow lowl progno!>tu ator.~ of wI DeLlolt thlb long," he said "I In!>tead of tdkmg a bite out of with major league sports," he hlb chIldren, Sylvester sald hIS lege and pro football 1'h" !lleel< thev u ill be pr ('dlUllIg profe ..~ wanted to go to New York, but 1 the Big Apple, DeLlolt Free bald "I was gettmg ready for my routIne Isn't as hectiC as It could ~/()r/(J/gWII('!> /I/ltel tJll' r (llIlge b(Jw/~ b('glrl wa,>n't offered enough of a ral~ Pres" !>pOli,>writer CUlt Sylve!> last exam when I received the be to get there so I deCided that I'd tel' decIded he pleterred the fla phone call from UPI and one WhIle some people complam stay In Detroit" Val' of the RenaIssance CIty week later I wab m Detroit" about the LIOns, or ask the rhet Sylvester, 46, has been with With no heSitatIOn Sylve!>ter One week before graduatIOn, OrICquestIOn of "Why would you Picks the Free Pre!>s slnee Augu;,t of retamed hiS Umted Press Inter though, Sylvester was consider- want to cover them?," Sylvestel for 1967 after relocating In DetrOIt natlOnal (UPI) Job he ;,talted one mg a move west that would have blmply answel!> With m-depth In 1965 Ten yea!s ago Sylve!>tel week after f"rraduatlOn from the cdnned hiS tnp to DetrOit stones and pohbhed repOltmg Dec. 4 wa'> promoted to d beat wntel, Um\el!o.lty of Iowa Sylvebtel, a "I wab gomg to work 10 the "It's the best Job (covenng the covel 109 the alway.., <.ontroverslal fa! m bOln man, believes that his cannenes 10 Callforma," he ad- LIOns) because they alwaYb play Detlolt LIOn,> Covenng the luck run'> deep While ..,tudYlng mitted "I was gOing to make all on Sunday," he bald bmilIng Games Sumbera Rice Newvine LlOm,' rollerwa..,tel nde has been tOI hi'> findl eX,im, UPI notified that money and then maybe "And the tlavel schedule Isn't travel to Europe, but I figured Gn'('n Il,I\ interesting, he ",ul(l, but If It 111m of " I know what It's like to start With the recent attentIOn Ne\1 OrJe,m~ ,It "lmlH ",t , \!tllill 'i,1 , '\1 \\ (JIll tn' oil <1<, dOnE' mRn (TE'W," hE' C;Ald owner W1!lI.lm Cb) Ford h ..n I The good thmg IS you get a lot drawn to hIS LIOns WIth the fil Mlnm'~ot.1 --1 (Jf \\ Iltmg and experIence, and Ing of Darryl Rogers and the hll -t- IlJ(h haUlS have I\h,lnll hel those days" mcreased D1on chddhood untIl much later at I'htl,'dLiphll PhllddLiphJ,' Wd,hlllgtOtl BeSides hIS weekly output of Plulddelphldn FJcltltl'>(J ",lIll-I.tl1lhlO ':>,111F) ,lnC1SlO baseball wlth all the other kIds," ble TV With Mike O'Hara of The Atlant

    On Nov. 22, the Umverslty awarded an Honorable Mentwn LWgett jSchool Ice hockey team Coa~h DaVId Backhurst's team -j ~ opened ItS season WIth « re- advanced to the state semIfinals soundmg 7-,3 wm over St Pat- and fimshed the season ranked I rIck's HIgh School from Sarma thll-d m C-D Mite Semor goaltender Mark SullI- 1 His first shutout of the season as Anne Morris, C J_ WillIamson, Geoff Kimmel and ClIff Ma- van faced 20 shots m recordmg Arrows 7, Stars 2 the Grosse Pomte BandIts Jay Lambrecht and Jason Dona greta had the only goals In the hIS first wm of the season_ ULS Clint Carpenter led the Ar- blasted the DetrOIt PAL mAd- hue supported Scharrer WIth first game agamst the Blazers_ goals were scored by Shannon Basketball rows WIth two goals and an as- ray League actIOn goals Megan Robson, Rabble Kimmel scored the hat tnck III Nowowleckl, Doug Wood and SiSt, and Mark Borushko had DaVId Legwand (2), Steve An- ULS won the consolatIOn Ball' and Mark KUjawski played the first penod, and RiCCI also freshmen Andrew Van Deweghe two goals as well Mary Meade bracket of the 10th annual ULS drlS, Mark Aronson and BrIan well had two goals and Stroble one m and Akll Adam') JumOl Jona added a goal, as dId Abbey Fox Fehlmg tallied for the wmners, Middle School Thanksg1vmg The MagICS threatened m the that game than Dav1s had three assIsts and Jimmy ChrIstman and Sarah who skated to a 4 0 first-penod Bdsketball Tournament held thIrd penod With goals by Brad The Canadians' only loss of sophomore defenseman Ryan Fox closed out the scoring for the lead. Nov 25-27 Drummy. Jeff Basta and Rami the four-day tourney was a 3 1 Thierry had one wmners The BandIts then defeated Our Lady Star of the Sea won Zayat Paul Rashid, Adam setback from the Grosse Pomte ULS WIll host the GPD 11avel Steve Dely and Dan Scott Port Huron, 2-1, behmd the the ovel all c.hamplOnshlp ,-:l Doughty and Sara Nixon drew Blackhawks, who got two goals Team on Dec 2 at 7 pm On I scored the Stars' goals Barger strong play of goahe BrIan Kasl- After losmg the first game, 52. assists Justm Lanscy played from Browe Merriweather and Dec 3, the Klllght') WIll face drew an aSSIst, and goalie Alex borsh Solomon and Legwand 37, to a strong St. Paul team, well in net one from Frank Zimmer Geoff LakevICw Both games will be WIlliams played well 111 net scored for the BandIts, whIle the Klllghts rehed heavily on de- Kimmel scored for the Canadi- played at McCann Rmk Arrows 4, Devils 4 George Andary, Bnan Brown, fense to beat St Flonan, 38-20 Squirt ans ErIC Dunlap, Drew Frankhn, Jonathon Bayko and Eh Wulf- Rabbam was tough m goal for They then went on to defeat St GermaIn,41-27. Chuck Thiel and Peter Pone meler played well Leafs 4, Bulldogs 4 the Canadians, gIvmg up only scored for the DevIls ChrIS Stars 2, Bruins 0 Kevin Kaslborskl scored hiS five goals m four games Massu, Soccer ULS' DaVId MaJ-tm averaged MIOtke and WhItney Gage DaVId Kerwm, hiS first goal second goal With only 1:10 left as SalvaggIO and Danny Sylvester 24 POints a game to lead all scar JUIllOl Doug Wood was named earned assIsts ever, and John Lawrence scored the Mr Q Travel Leafs rallied el" Steve Nanovskl and Riley played strong defense Jean Paul to the Class C D All State FlI "t Stephen Thiel and Marc Ka- for the Stars Outstandmg play- from a three goal defiCit to tIe MCCOImack controlled the re Hanna, Jed Scott and Doug Se- Team, and JunIOrs Bl'lan plan also played well for the Ar- ers for the Stars were Steve Dely the SCS Bulldogs boundmg fOJ the Klllghts mack helped keep the pressure Schmidt and Jonathon Davl,> rows, and J P_ DelaurIer was (goalie), KrIsten Campbell and Defensemen Nate Bayko and on the opposmg goalies The Klllght') w11Iopen the leg \\et e "elected to the Second stt ong between the pipeS Anme Platt Mark Best led the comeback ulaJ season on Dec 2 m a game Geoff KImmel led the Canadl Team Lan y Ayuyu Wd'> Clint Carpenter tallIed tWIce Among the BrUIns' stalwarts WIth theIr first goals of the sea ans WIth seven goals and three agalllst Country Day for the Arrows, whIle Abbey Fo),. RoJr'bUCt. were FlanCJ5 dud Ben 50n Goa1le Jonathan Solaka aSSISts 111 four games, .KICCIhad and Adam Raab slapped home Weaver stopped several breakaway shots SIX goals, SalvaggIO had SIX as goals It was Raab's first goal Coneys 5, Bruins 2 m hIS first start sists and TIm KImmel had five Andrew Shelden, Kyle Swanson, R J Wolney and Walter Be assIsts Rickey Meade and Joe Verslcal lenky III each scored a goal for The team IS coached by Joe had strong games Ryan Durant NatIOnal Coney Island. Beth Squirt B RICCI and RIck Semack Greg played well m net Fehlmg scored tWIce and Ryan Magreta IS the manager Red Wings 8, Raiders 6 Lutz's goal capped the scormg Andrew RICCIscored four goals Denms Ignar,'11I scored four Steven Owens drew a couple a') and Behl Rabbam was near-per- Bantam tImes and Patllck Mamon laced i>IStS fect 111 goal a'3 the Grosse Pomte a hat tnck Billy Gmlener Matt Descamps <;cored both CanadIans defeated the SCS By combmmg sound team hlasted a goal al"o Brullls' goal') Blazers, 5-1, to WIn the 16th an- work WIth the deSIre to Win, the Mark McCulen added two a" Coneys 3, Raiders 3 nual ThankSgIVIng Tournament, GPHA Bantam Spitfires cap SIStS for the wmner", and Joey Matt Farr (Coney Island) and Squirt B DIVISIOn,at the GPCR tured the 16th Annual Thanks Baratta <;cored the hat trIck for Walter Belenky III (RaIders) put The Canadians, who won two g1VlIlg Tournament held at the the Rmderi> on an exhIbItIOn III the nets of their first three tourney GPCR Rockets 5, Flames 2 Steven Owens (21 and Beth games, never trailed agaInst the In the first game, Nate Erik The Monroe's Rockets, bchmd r'ehhng tallied for the Coneys, Blazers but dId not break It open son earned a 4-0 shutout over goals by Danny Baskel, Anthony and John Stamszewskl, Joe Bar until midway of the third penod the Wmdsor NatIOnals In the Tocco, Michael Kasloor..,kl, Chal AHa and Alex Chapman scored RICCIspoiled Jason MagrI'S shut- second contest, the SpItfires Icy Braun and .Joshua Spnnger, for the RaIder!> out With 7 08 to play In the sec- skated to a 5 2 Will over the Pen rallied to beat the Flame'> MIke Getz played well for the ond penod, sconng on assIsts gums of St Clair Shore" The For Spnnger, It wa.., hI'" fil..,t Raider') from TIm KImmel and George thIrd game featured the two careel goal Flames 5, Stallions 2 Massu He made It 2 0 SIX mm teams who would later play for Enc Pr7epIOrka and Patnck Enc PrzeplOrka earned a hat ute<; later WIth assIsts from Kim the champIOnshIp In that thIrd White <;corpd for the FI'lnlCl> tnck, and Patnck White scored mcl and Leo SalvaggIO game, the Spltfirei> were up Rocket.., 5, Sabrf''i 3 tWirl' to 11ft the Flames AS,>lsl'i FOJward Tim GorskI scored ended, 43, by the St Clair Aaron Bayko'<; fil..,t r.1)"('cr wpnt to Matt Kenney, Robert the only Blazer goal Shores Warnor<; goal and MIchael Kl<;l~ll "k l\ Stdl,'>, Tim Flench and Matt RICCI'>Coredhi" final two goal') In the rematch, the SpItfire.., fir<;t hnt tnck led the Rocketc; tr, Brard"ley of the game on a')slsts from TIm retalIated, 7 2, to wm the tour the \\JIl Danny Ba..,kel nl~) Thp Stalllon<, \\erp led hy Rob and Geoff KImmel, and Tom ney John Morreale's hat trick io>Con-dfO! thp Rocket'>, whl!<' .In rli Wnght'<; two goal'i .Jeffery Strohle (2) Geoff KImmel com was enough, but BIll O'Keefe CAI.I. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD son Donahu(' (2) and Andrew Andrea" and Luka" MOf{\w,>kl pleted the '!Cormg for the Can a added a playmaker, Mark TUFFY SHOP ShIpton tallied for thl' Sahr«.., dH'w a<'<'I<;t<;,and Peterka and dlan" WIth an open net goal Sal Schweitzer scored tWice and Pc Goalie.., Charlie ElciJ Id/-i(' nnd Bl'I!.,'11lan turned m fine perfor vagglO dre\\ the assIst ter Bogos and Dmo RICCItalll('d 881-1858 Andy Benfer played w('11 for thl- mance<; III goal The Canadians reached the as well ASSISts were drawn bj 16500 E. WARREN Rocket<;, nnd Chn.., Smith ,md Sabre .. 4, Major Magics 3 champlOn"hlp game WIth an Brad KImmel, Ken BrIene, Jeff At E OLJtf'r Onvp Ann Morns wele out..,tandlllg for The BOO SeIdman Sabre" openIng round 2-0 Will over the Giacobbe and Ty Telegada'i Dan the Sahre<; dominated the fir<;t two penoos Blazers, and a 7 2 second-round LeFE'bvre, Jeff Torrlce and Dalp -"'" Bandit'l 5, PAL 0 With an Impres<;lve start In net wm over Port Huron St Clair Ihne played a strong tourna - ('1OalJe ~arke Solomon earnrd by Anthony Schorrer Motors ment We Do It Right. .We Do It ~t Away. December 1, 1988 S~.....,~ Grosse Pointe News ..... VJIIIJ-----.....------3C ---Winter sports teams hope to freeze opponents By Rob Fulton "M b' h' d thO Sports Editor Kogel, Jesse Kasom, Bill Robb, Coach Mike Manzella IS con- mand the varsity troops this Shefferly, John Klostermeyer, y one IR t 109 to ~ IS It's that time of year again Paul Brigolin, Greg Akers and cerned about the lack of offen. year HIs major task will be 1m Dan Collins, Paul Attar, Joe year IS I want ~ ge~,the when you drag out the winter Ryan Thierry will be looked slve punch his team has despite plementmg a program that IS Ament, Bryan Flemmg, Ade AIIJ wrestle aggressIVely, Carr Bald. coats and head for the basketball upon to carry out the task of beatmg Livonia Stevenson, 2-1, fOrelb1l1to some of the players and Chns Irvmg "We're small and weak, but court and the Ice nnks Grosse bemg a very solid defensive to start the season "It's hard to say what the sea- "My job IS to try and fit them h.opefully I can get. the. aggre~ Pomte North, South and Univer- team "It's not going to be a North of son will be like because some 10 to their \'velght classes and fill 31veness I want for SIXmmutes. sity Liggett School CULS> will "We're go109 to have to work the past," he said "We Just don't things Will be different," he said 10 the other people around GII Waitkus, Bert. Paul, Tom field the teams, but It's up to hard on defense," Fowler have the firepower we need on "We have only one starter back them," 'laid Roberts "It's a chal- Murphy, Tom QU1rk, Kelly you to fill the stands claimed "Games are won or lost offense Right now the coaches from last year, but we have lenge, but I'm lookmg forward to Graves, Lou Pr~ston, BrlOn In the followmg story, we will on defense, so we want to make have one responslblhty - to gen- some talented players on the it" Czaiczynskl, ChriS Sorensen, take a look at the perspectives of sure we're prepared" erate some offenSive threat" team" Reid O'Bnen, Keith GlannlCO, Frank Voelker, Pat Labadie and the teams at each of the Pomte HandIJng the goaltendmg du- Competmg 10 the powerful AII.League player Kelly GI Haldy Kim and Dan RIZZOWill Robert Bruce lead the squad thiS schools ties for the Knights Will be Michigan Metro League, North anunzlO IS back, as IS Karn An. figure mto Roberts' plans Imme. year ULS Mark Sulhvan HIS backup IS Will have ItS hands full Until drews, Mary Spiewak, KelTY Pe dl~,tel) "I ~eed lea,dersh,lp from these BASKETBA Jon Bell Kamran Jafn and they can get the offense off the tel s and Sandy Glel They are brand new kids, but guys, CalT said I need them Coach Ch kL~ h I Larry Ayuyu will also crack the ground, the defense may cany As a JUnior val'slty coach last they'll fit In Just fine," Roberts to set an example for the . uc JIg t IS pu 1- fOJward spots the load year, Buhagwr was 150 With said "They have been work 109 younger kids as far as our goals 109 hiS tloops out of the :tvhchl "The sooner we can come to. "We're gomg to be defenSive him thiS year he \Hll bnng hdld and catching on qlllCkly" and my phllosophy are con. ~an Ind~pendent Athletic Can gether as a team, the better onented until we get our hnes many of those players \\ Ith him With the blend of expenence cerned" er~nce t IS season we'll all be," Fowler said "If we gOing," said Manzella "We, "There are !>ome good kIds dnd mexpenence, Roberts hopes Those goals Include trying to and ~ w~nts better competitIOn can play bettel defense, playas nght now, Just don't have much commg up, but then again you hiS upperclassman will turn Win five meets and fimshlng at e s auld get It by becommg a team and Win each penod of an offenSive punch so we'll have to be concerned With how flOm students to teachers as the least fifth In the league. an,,~dependent team we')) do'Just fine" ' have to WOlk hard on defense" the younger kids \\111 blend In sedson progJ esses HOCKEY ,~ are biting' off a lot thl<; Fowlel Ii>U i>lll.klel 101 OIgUII MUluelld lid:> 10 plaYeli> udLk With the older kIds, he said Hopelully what we re domg rIm Zimmerman IS hopmg hiS year, saId WI ~g~~, who starts IZlng a game Within a game. from last yeal, but With them "Everyone IS workmg hard, so I IS teaching everyone and you small, but talented tea!?,. can hiS fOUlth yeal We play ~t "I want the kids to work hard Just hope the older kids can then play a bIg role In the Michigan Clement, Redfol d St Mary s, for three 15-mmute penods," he teach the younger kids," he said Metro League Notre Dame and Lutheran East saId "but I want them to take It "We should do JUl.t fine I'd hke "We're a very small, but en. so that will tell us what wf"le one penod at a tIme to Win the league and then send ~,hUS,laStiC team,". he said. m~,de of "We'll work for 15 minutes dbout foul' or five ~,'uys to the We ve only got eight players ThiS type of challenge IS th~ and then adjust after that," he :,tate meet" back, but the kids are dOing a only way a team can grow, added 5 h fantastic Job" Wnght added "EspeCially when Fowler 18 assisted by Jim Glo- out South has already compiled a you'r~, trymg to build a good vac and John Mw-phy. Jeff BASKETBALL 1-2 record WIth Its only wm com. team., Healy who accordmg to Fowler In hiS 10th season, Coach mg over Milford, 2.1, Wnght ,wlll have to replace runs ~ very strong program, will George Petrouleas 18 hopmg an "We want to survive," Zim. the 8chools scoring leader John head the jayvee squad. anniversary pl'csent could come morman said. "By that I mean I ~ancey who wall IOllt to gradua, SWIMMING IIhuped llko un EUlltorn Michigun want thill team to get better BI tlOn, However, he hUll four IItrut. A Illew of vetOrllnK will I'tltUl'll !.uuguo tmphy. thfl HCftllOnprow'clllKllI, We havo orll back Ii'om lailt Ylllll' fill t1mt to the pool fOI'Coach Lill Stavulo With thu hOI'lItJlOhu hili! l'otUl'll the Ilbillty, but wo lack 11lot of IIhould mllk(J thlnll" u bit (lAlIl!"'I' And tht! Knlllht!l Hhould pl'Oduct! ilJU, hhl B1uo Duvlljo 1l1'1;l thu oddll t1Xpel'!tmCll," "1'hlll y(JIlI' Wll hllV{l 11 mOl'O Il wlnn!n!!" IItJ(UlOnIn thf,l 12 ccmwil Il luck (If actUAl IlAnw don't think It wlllim a pl'ohltlm," on fAvol'ltu to win Ow ItJllUUtJ, WhAt they may Illck in olCJXlri. ~llhmc{ld ttlllm," Wl'i.llht lIuid, mtltltfilthtty havll, tlmtt, Llml'ln Schult~, Juno Rlctl, AII- POI1. Hmon NC>l'thol'n find Elliit onCll, Zimmerman fllOl1i they Many of the!illl kld!il know thl,! 1'htt bJ'othfll'IIi!it{lr ttmdllm of "On pUplll' Wtl'VIlj,fot Il lot of cia Lynch, Hopu Pflt(JI'II, LIlia Dtltl'oit, hOWllWI', could huvtl nmke up for mentally, IIYllt{lm und havtl wOl'kod wall Stu(,!ay and OaVll Allen will I'a playel'/Il bll' who have every one of thell' drought thut left hIli team 1 12 tho ReUllon doesn't begIn until hIm to bcliove that the Kmghtfl Stack poole will 1l18()be part of \ltakll1~ up that JunIOr clatil! Iltlllterll back" IUHtVPllr .Ian 4. can compete at a higher level the only girls' varfllty hockey ure Victor Perez, Steve SWlln, Romeo return!l all five Htlllt "We are gomg WIth a very team In MichIgan NewcomeI'll to ChriS Dettloff, JUHan Kuhn und erR, Luke Shore bl'lngll buck four challengIng schedule," Fowler tho program are MOnica Paul, Bmd SllIk Sophomorell Include and Cownno and Towel' return said "We're playmg teams from P.R. Stark and Julie Gaillterer Andy BJ'1n~ard, Peter Ellison, three each schools bigger than UII, but It Goahe8 will be Julw Palmer and Bob Jara, RICk Nelson and Matt "We'd like to repeat," he llald WI)) prepare U8 for the touma- Haggarty, and Kelly Gotfredson VanCoppenole "Wmmnl{ tho South Marne III ment at the end of the season" will also take the Ice for ULS Freshmen Enc DemeulemeR' hl~h on the kldR' list Other than Wood, last year's scoring "We'd like to Improve on la!lt t('l', Jeff Dungan, Charlie Roddls that, I'd like to see U!lplay well leader, WIll be accompanIed by year's record and improve our nnd John Wood II, "lIhould step In and play hard at both endl; of Nowowleckl and Andrew Van- skatIng," Bald Fowler "We and do well for us" th£' floor If we do that then the Deweghe on the first Ime Jona. would Just lIke to be a tougher "I'd be really pleased If we Win'! will come" LEARN TO SKI PROGRAMS SKI INSTRUCTION PROGRAMS FOR All AGES .BAIY ILIZZAAO:W1TH MOM"" thon DaVIS, Bob ScOVIlle and competItor" r uld go 10.4 thIS year and do North opens on Dee 2 at & 5 YEAR OlOS. TUESDAYS ' .. INI BL.IZZARD:MAXI SUPERVISION-e & 7 YEAR Akil Adams WI)) play on the sec. ell m the state meet," Roddl'l South Game time I'! 7 .10 p m OL.DS - SATURDAYS .KIDS ILIZZARD:OUR MOST POPULAR~ to 17 YEAR North \\ OLDS. SATURDAYS oRACING BLIZZARD' NEW THIS VEAR~ to 17 YEAR OLOS. and hne, and Armistead Bur. 'laid "We've got enough bOOle'l SATURDAYS oLADIES .. "ENS BL.IZZARD.DAV ADULT SKiiNG .TUESDAVS well, Stefan Teltge and Matt 1;0 we won t have a problem fill WRESTLING AND THURSDAYS oADUL.T BlIZZARO:NIGHT ADULT SKIING .TUESDAVS Moroun Will skate the thIrd HOCKEY mA' lane'l, \\e'll jU'lt have to Art Robert'! will head the mat shift The new look Norsemen have m,lke sure we can scorp '!ome OUR 25th YEAR OF SKI INSTRUCTION men thIS sea"on He replace'! WE ARE THE OlOEST 91<1INSTRUCTIONCLue IN THE U II WE HAVE 0011 OWN ClIITIf'IID "We're gomg to have to get a new home p01nt'l furthpr down" ~OHllIIONAL 1ll that Great, If It WIll mcrease your sen and Carol Kane lead Cross ence attentIOn I'>essential to the It'S a good 20 mmutes at the hkeable, and IS so unabashed m make Ieference to the drug epl latmg.s on a Journey through time - a end It's here that Murray sees Its hohday Spll'lt, one truly success of the film Rest assm ed, demle, highway kdlers and nu In 0. nutshell, Cross IS on the rerun of hiS life And WIth a ht- the I1ght, and, 111 a very real and would have to be an mcarnatlOn Murray, lIke few other actors, clear Armageddon load to destl uctlOn But It'S noth tIe help from the ghost of the fu. has the on screen presence and stlrnng speech, Implores others of Charle" Dickens' classIc chal He's also the type of guy who ture, they attempt to re program chansma to pull It off to do the same acter to reject It \\ III gIve up a lovmg relatIOnshIp Cross' heart \\ Ith a gt eat girl (Karen Allen) ExtenSIve comparisons to HIS delivery of even the most "0 he can polish the boss' apple, There's no great mystery m "1\111 acle on 34th Street" and Based on Dicken,,' 'A Chll,>t SImple Ime.s - such a.s when he and who gives toweb embld figunng whether they'll be suc "It's a Wondelful Life" would be mas Carol," "Sclooged" Cdst", .stagehands to plea.~e stop £oned v. lth the netwOI k logo as cessful m theIr task But the pIC- unfall' to each of the films But Bill MU!ray a<, FI ank CIOS'>, a hammel mg - IS ultimately what hollday bonu"es to hIS most val mg 0. fe\\ well.tlmed VISItors ture's pomt IS nut to be mysteri- IIke the best holIday pletUl es of schemmg- net\\OI k telcvl"JOn makes the PlctUl e wOI1,h\\hlle ued employee" flam the po.<,t,pI esent and future ous Indeed, the Idea here IS to the past, "Sclooged" fill., vJewel" pI e'>ldent \\ Ith a penchant fOI can't help A ghost of chdnce IS watch the development of a char. \\ Ith the Chnstmas SPll'lt nd"tlne'>" The bUlk ,>top" wIth Fire a man mob Goldth\\ all! dll thh gm needs But thdt\ all acter everyone knows Will tm n "Scrooged" gets bogged down hml Hp" tlw type of g-uy \\ ho Ju"t day" before Chnstma'>? Xo It t,lhl-, out OK m the end ::.ometlme.s m It., own nai ratIOn, And that IS a wonderful gift 'W;#' ,..,*' 'Oliver and Company' is brassy film for children that adults will enjoy By Marian Trainor someone Will notice hIm No one of that IS due to theIr vOices SpeCial Writer stops and \VOl st of all, he IS It's a long way from the dark, Billy Joel as the rafish Dodger nearly trampled under the heels gloomy streets of DIckens' VIC accents the terners man of.the. of fast steppmg workmg people tonan London to the bnght, bus wOlld Image Georgette, the Thmgs look up when he meet.s tlIng streets of modern-day New a Iaklsh lookmg ten leI named York, but Walt Disney's httle Dodger Dodger IS a dog of the orphan, OlIver, makes the trans stl eets and knows a mIllIon Atlantlc tnp WIth ease and tllcks on how to surVIve He IS brmgs to the screen a delightful also untrustwodhy After he versIOn of the DIckens claSSIC"0 gets Ollvel to help him rob a hver and Company" hotdog stand, he takes ofT wear No mournful, sad eyed child or Park A venue poodle IS given Just mg the llI1g of sausage around the nght blend of hilariOUS mad, murderous vlllam here In. hIS neck stead we have as Ohver, a wm- haughty conceIt by Bette Mldler. But Ohvel IS desperate He some, orange-haired, a- Robel1, Lee Browne makes sad- take::. ofT after hm1 in a Wild button kitten WIth a fightmg eyed FranCIS a lovable would-be chase through the streets that spIrit. opera smger and Cheech Mann leads him to Dodger's hangout We first meet Oliver as one of turns TltO, a lecherou'>, hyperac and Fagan mom DeLUIse) Fa a htter of kittens peenng out of tlve cha cha chihuahua, mto the gan IS a faint hem1,ed crmging a cardboard box hopmg to be ,>tm of the pack character who lives m feal of adopted One by one the other Bill Sykes (Robel1, Loggia) He kIttens are taken Only Ohver IS "Oliver" IS a bnght, merry heads up a gang of dlsenfran left, and that's hard to under- romp all the way and It has chlsed urban dogs who steal to stand He IS so Irreslstlble He some tender moments that child support him and Sykes practically speaks With hiS plead ren Will love It's a Joyful rarity The Fisher A clever story and outstandmg mg eyes and even seems to that parents will enJoy as much ammatlOn makes Ohver a wm- Called Detroit's largest art object, the celebrated its 60th anniversary in smIle as children Brassy and sassy, It ner Each character has a dls- October. The Grand Arcade lobby features handpainted barrel-vaulted ceilings and Art Deco Ohver's expreSSIve face as the IS a mixture of savvy and tmctlve look and attItude Much crystal lanterns. Constructed in less than a year at a cost of $9 million and opening in 1928. story progresses IS one of the schmaltz the structure is considered one of the most beautiful in the United States. JOYSof the movie That talent to endow animals WIth human ex preSSlOn is part of the magic that Noel Night gets a touch of jazz makes Disney films special. , , Oliver is left alone to curl up Under the theme, "A Shout of mg carollers, a Kwanzaa demon new touch to the 16-year-ald in the night hoping for better Joyl" the 16th annual Noel stratlOn, Vlctonan holiday cele event luck when daylight comes He NIght wlil add a touch of Jazz bratlOn, family treasure hunts, The evemng will conclude doesn't count on a drenchmg With a penormance by the Mar- arts and crafts for sale, child With the tradltlonal perfol'mance ram that sweeps the box mto a cus Belgrave Qumtet along With ren's actlvltles and seasonal re- by the Salvation Army Band gutter where he struggles the SalvatIOn Army Band Smg- freshments ApprOXimately 5,000 of the agamst nsmg water to try to Along as the sea,>on's tradItIOnal climb to safety In the land of The ASSOCiatIOn will agam of 20,000 Vlsltor.s to the area dur- kickoff IS celebrated from 6 to 9 Disney we see the elements fel horse and carnage ndes mg Noel NIght Jom m the an- 30 pm, Wednesday, Dec 7 m translated accordmg to ammal through the area, stal1,mg f1 om nual smg along, which begms at the U mvel slty Cultural Center 8.45 pm perceptIOn A heavy ram be- Apal1,ment comes a ton-entlal storm to a ht- Members of the UniversIty bulldmg at Woodwal d and Other partlclpatmg mstltu- tIe kitten. Cultural Center ASSOCiatIOn, in Kirby Charges for ndes WIll be tlOns mclude Barat Human Ser- Ohver struggles out of the eludmg the DetrOIt InstItute of $5 for adults and $2 for young VIces, Cathedral Church of St storm that threatens to sweep Artb, DetrOIt Hlstol'lcal Museum, sters 12 and under Paul, Detrmt PublIc LIbrary, De- Scrooge InternatIOnal InstItute, Center trOIt PublIc Schools - Schools him away and claws hiS way to Booth Colman recreates his role as Ebenezer Scrooze in for CI eatl ve StudIes, ChIldren'., Special thIS year will be the Centel BUlldmg, FIrst Congrega. a doorway, Meadow Brook Theatre's production of "A Christmas Carol" Mu.seum, Museum of Afl'lcan additIOn of a live Jazz penal'- tlOnal Church, FIrst Umtal13n The next morning Oliver, de which opens a five-week run Dec. I on the campus of Oak- Amencan HIstory, Your Hen mance by the Marcus Belgrave Church, Rosa L Gragg Educa- termmed to find a home, pads land University near Rochester. Tickets are available at the tage House and several churches Qumtet on the bandstand at tIOnal and CIVIC Club, Scarab along the busy New York streets box office. 377-3300. and other CIVICorganizatIOns WIll Woodward near KIrby from 7 30 Club, Smiley Brothers MUSIC lookmg up at passersby hopmg host speCIal progl'ammmg to 8,30 p m The performance of Company, and the DetrOIt Scl Belgrave and company floatmg ence Center In,>tltutlOn offerings mclude Jazzy holIday sounds across FOl mOle mfOlmatlOn, call vocal and hand bell chOIrs, stroll Woodward Avenue will add 0. 5775088 'They Live' is science fiction, Bucket Theatre comes to Wayne State satire, social commentary The Bucket Dance Theatre, dl MUSIC Hall Fnday, Dec 9 at 8 and at 530-7 pm for WSU stu. rected by Cmth Fagan will be In pm Fagan, a WSU alumnu.., dent'i and the public On Dec 8 By Manan Trainor Llkp many "urvlvors who hvp grows on you as you hPem to re- reSIdence at Wayne State Uni- and wmner of ItS 1985 Alts Ach mastel classe<, are scheduled at Special Wnter on the edge of socwty, Nada IS ahze how cleverly Carpenter hae.; versIty Wednesday and Thlll's ICvement Award, will present a 9 30 11 a m for hIgh school stu- In the traditIOn of "The Invo. ohservant and watchful WhIle presented the SOCIal Issue of the dav, Dec 7 and 8 Mastel clas'ie" 111 lecture at 7 p m Room 150 of dents and at 11 30 amI pm slOn of the Body Snatchers" and on the Job, he notlces some day He subtly inVItes the audl an"d a lecture Will be open to the Genelal Lectmes Audita fOl WSU student'> "Invaders from Mars," two SCI strange movements Involvmg ence to look at what IS gomg on Wayne <,tudents and to the puh l'Ium Dec 7 The bucket technique devel ence fictIOn hits of the '50s, John boxe'i bemg remOved from a 'itor \\hJ!e leavenmg hIS message lit, all are free Ale.;oon Dec 7, master c1a'ise.c oped from methode.; Fagan gener Carpenter presents "They Live," age'ihed \\ Ith humor and mtnbTj.llng '>Itua The Bucket al e .,cheduled at 3 30 5 p m fO! ated not only to teach disadvan a film that IS part scIence fictIOn, Anothel inCident that alouses tlOn" ('ornp,ln\ \\ Jll WSU Dnl1ce Company rnembel'i taged students but also to part SOCialcommentary and part ..... hI'" cunoslty I" one that OCClllS Instruet othel teacher'i on how to satIre outSIde a chul ch neAt doO! to a ...... • New Orleans Dixieland : reach thl'> type of student By domg so, It IS pOSSible to place IronIcally called Ju,>tlce CIa,>" S17e,>ale limIted Call make what mIght otherwl'ie VIlle A ,>treet cO!nel pi eachm af CHET BOGAN ::Z~~ : the Depdl1,ment of Dance at 577 have Just been entertamlng fan ~1eboIo • filiated WIth the church \\ al ns Every Tuesday 9,30 p.m • 427:3 for Ie'>CIvatlOns and addl tae.;y mto a threatenmg, scary pa'>selsby that "they" are eA tlOnal infO!matlOl1 plOltmg a sleepll1g mIddle clas'> ~~~~':~I;:.~~~~.~ ~ Nada become'i concel ned at 773-7770 : \\ hat he hear'> and hegms to •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Audition notice wonder If the boxec; and what I'> m th<>m ha'> anvthmg to do WIth Dennie.; WIcklIne ProdurtlOns, \\ hat the old preacher I">'>aymg ~ ., Inc will hold auditIOns for two pOSSlblIllty and make you look at Waltmg hl<, lh'l!lce. he man ploductlOm, "Sh('rlock 'f' La"t your best fnend WIth "lI'iplClOn dge.., to get one of the hoxee.; ofT RAM'S HORN Ca,>e" and "Mother Sup('nor',> Smce everyone look" Ilk£' a the tlllCk When he open'> It he Hahlt,>," on Monday and Tu(',,> RESTAURANT human m the film, the plOhlem I'>mOlt' confll "cd than ('vcr 885.1902 day evenlnge.;, Dec fi and 6. at 7 becomes how to tell which one.., In ,>plte of hemg a dnftel, 17410 MACK AT 5T CLAIR 80 pm m thp lowel I('vel of the are the ahem, Nada ha'> d ,>trong behef 1I1 DAIL V DINNER SPECIALS ),~ (;oldpn LIOn Ree.;taumnt, 22380 The hero of "Th('y LIve," ,John AmPllc plomhC SlI1Cl' 1 1 a m In 11 p m only MOl0'>'>,DetlOlt Nada rRroddy PIper), ~tumhlp" on he I" tll(' only onp \\ ho 11<\'> HOMEMADE SOUP DAIL V ~ "Shpllock',> Ln..,t Cae.;e" 1S a the '>Ccret and from thrn on I(,al !wd of t h(' plot to Irlke OWl .'IE ARE rAMOtJS for OUR ()L SSFR7S mv,>trl', rrl"jUlnng thr('e men i J"f='" \',age'> a one man war on th(' thp country, h(' I" d01ell1lll1ed to WEIGHT ,lI1O one' \"omnn ageo 4050 and creature" who are ahout to t,lke WATCHERS S[>(),or C I lP() do "omethmg to '>top the' ahpn" Age 6') 011<' Fra~led Trca' \\oman dr0 no hl1l1Ip0cI.l1 r & Dcsscrls D <;counl 10 Sllp('II01 '" Hahlt'i" Ie.;a mU"lcal I' ~"()~, S? ~l Nada Ie.;a dnft('r \\ho hae.;heen efTtct" to ,>tali and light up thp La Cal Mrnl' conwdv reql111111g "IX women on hI'> own since he left home at ,>cn'pn III "Tlw", LIV0," hul thel p .lgpd 404,1) Readmgs will be 13 to e'iCape hIe.;ahuslve father alP '>ome mgelllou", mventlv0 NOW AVAILABLE " ) Iw1d flom pach '>Cnpt When the film heh'1ns, he ha'> de\ P!opnwnh that ama/e and AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MENU wandered mto Loe.; A ng('I £''> FOI flll t IWI InfO!m.ltlon about 111tl1h'UC','>uch a'> d ,>p.1CPPOlt What s new at the Horn? Croissants S" Piol/ h\ \\11111111 ( illl whpre he get,> a Job a'> a can Frys Fresh Veg cooked to order th('..,p audition,>, call 773-5914, flam whKh tlilV<'I(.)..,can "huttlt> Valentina Alexander and Norwood Pennewell perform in strucllOn worker He make'> to thp nlIen pIn npt Chicken Breasts Chicken or Tuna Mond It December 1, 1988 5C Grosse Pointe News

    r 114 Schools 505 Lost and Found 115 Transportatlon!Travel 707 Houses- 901 Alarm Inslallallon/Repalr 952 Locksmith Call 882-6900 506 Pet Breeding 116 Tutollng/Educatlon St Clair Shores/Macomb County 902 Aluminum Siding 940 M"tor Service 507 Pet EqUipment DEADLINES 117 Secrelanal Services 708 Houses Wanted 10Rent 903 Appliance RepairS 946 MOVing/Storage 508 Pel Grooming 709 Townhouses/Condos for Rent 904 Asphalt Paving Repair 953 MUSICInstrument Repa" • Monday 4 pm-All BORDER anl.. 710 Townhouses/Condos Wanled 954 Paln1lng/De<;Aid""' RECREATIONAL 962 Siorms and Screens g,~tJn "Ill"" Iv, <.vrrtX.ilUfi III Ine lollow 9U Drapenes 9b8 ::>tucco 308 Office Cleaning 650 Airplanes REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ing Issue We assume no responsrbility 928 DressmaklngJTailonng 969 SWimming Pool Service for Ihe same after Ihe first InsertIon 309 Sales 651 Boats and Motors 800 Houses for Sale 929 Drywall 970 TV /Radlo/CS Repair 310 Secretanal Services 652 Boat Insurance 801 CommerCial BUildings 930 Electncal Service 971 Telephone Repa" 653 Boat Pans and Service 802 Commencal Property 931 Energy Saving Service 972 Tennrs Court 654 Boat Storage/Dockage 803 Condos/Apts/Flats 932 EngraVing/Printing 973 Tile Work MERCHANDISE 655 Campers 804 Country Homes 933 Excavallng 943 Tree Service 400 Antiques 656 Motorbikes 805 Farms 934 Fences 913 Typewnter Service INDEX 401 Appliances 657 Motorcycles 806 Flonda Property 935 Fireplaces 938 Upholstery 402 Auchons 658 Motor Homes 807 Investment Property 936 FIOOI'Sandlng/Reflnrshlng 974 VCR Repa" 403 Bicycles 659 Snowmobiles 808 Lake/River Homes ANNOUNCEMENTS 404 GarageNardlBasemenl Sa,es 809 Lake/River Lots 937 Furnace Repalr/lnstallahon 975 Vaccuum Sales/Service 100 Persondls (,50 Trailers 405 Estate Sales 810 Lake/River Resorts 938 Furniture Re1lnlshlng/Repalrs 976 Ventllallon Service 101 Prayers 406 Firewood 811 Lots for Sale 939 Glass Automotive 954 Wallpapenng t02 Lost and Found 407 Flea Markels 812 Mortgages/Land Contracls 940 Glass - ReSidential 9n Wall Washing 103 Legal Notice, 408 Household Sales REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 813 Northern Michigan Homes 941 Glass Repairs - SlamedlBeveled 903 Washer/Dryer Repair lOA Obltuanes 942 Garages 907 Waterproofing 409 Miscellaneous Articles 100 Ap~s/Flals/Duplex- 814 Northern Michigan Lots 943 Gardeners 978 Water Softenrng 410 Musical Instruments Grosse POinte/Harper Woods 815 Out of State Property 944 Gullers 979 Welding 411 Office/Bus mess EqUipment 101 Apts/Flats/Duplex- 816 Real Estate Exchange 945 Handyman 980 Wmdow Repair SPECIAL SERVICES 412 Wanted 10 Buy OetrOltiBalance Wayne County 817 Real Estate Wanted 946 Hauling 981 Window Washing 105 Answenng Services 702 Apts/Flats/Duplex- 818 Sale or Lease 106 Camps 947 Heatmg and Cooling 982 Woodburner Service St Cia" ShoresiMacoi"'1b County 819 Cemelary Lots 94S Insulation 107 Catering 703 Apts/Flals/Duplex- 820 BUSiness Opportunities 949 Janrtonal Service 108 Dnve Your Car ANIMALS Wanted to Rent 921 Jewelry/Clock Service 109 Entertainment 500 Adopt a Pet 704 Halls lor Rent 943 Landscaping/Snow Removal 110 Health and Nutnllon SOl 8"d5 fo, Sah:. 705 Houses- 943 Lawn Maintenance 111 Hobby Instruction 502 Horses for Sale Grosse Pomte/Harper Woods 950 Lawn MowerlSnow Blower Repair 112 MUSICEducation 503 Household Pets for Sale 706 Houses- GUIUE TO SERVICES 113 Party Planners/Helpers 951 Linoleum 504 Humane Soc,elres DelrolVBalance Wayne County 900 Air Condllionlng


    BOOKKEEPING for small ALL THE TRIMMINGS- BUSINESS Owners A JACKIE'S WEDDING photography PROFESSIONAL Massage QUICHES For Occasions PIANO teacher With degree bUSinesses or IndiViduals Christmas trees elegantly ProfeSSional Mary Kay PET & PAL SERVICES taken the way you want Therapist - 8 years exper- Parties or luncheons has opening for begm- Done In my home decorated, also giftwrap- Consultant Will lake the Animal Sitting, houseslltlng, at pnces you want Also, Ience Special European Home delivered all 5 nlng or advanced stu- Checkbook balanCing, ping Please call 772- worry out of Christmas chauffeur services, doctor portraits, parties, special Method House calls op- POlntes Lisa 882-3113 dents Experienced In depoSits made, bills paid, 8406 shopping Free gift wrap- appointments Shopping requests 331-3190 tional Judy- 882-3856 claSSical, pop, ragtime, etc Pick-up and delivery OIL PAINTINGS by E A ping 839-9582 and airport shultle 109 ENTERTAINMENT . and Jazz ~9314 Reasonable rates Peggy, PORTRAITS In your home Gates, With nationWide I Will drive your car down to 884-1516 885-2111 FLORIDA- Round-trip De- 882-1226 of you and your family VOCAL and plano lessons distinction 924-5478 FlOrida Leave 26th, good troit- Orlando- DetrOit, A CLOWN CO_ ProfeSSional Service for Grosse POinter With Uni- references 286-9340 SMALL Dog Slltmg- not Oecember 21- January 4, Featuring: MASSAGE, nurture yourself all your needs 331-3190 versity degree now fur- R.C. Photographic 884-6553 after 5 p m over 14 pounds, 24 hour $200 294-6132 Rainbow the Magic Clown With a massage House- care Only 1 or 2 dogs The trnest profeSSIOnal en- thering mUSical educatIon Services BREEZIE CUSTOM CALLIGRAPHV - lrlVltallons, calls and gift certificates AMS LimOUSine For all oc- Excellent references tertainment at Wayne Stale offenng Children, Parties, FLAGS all occasions After 5 available Betsy Breckels, casions Reasonable Please call before 6 30 All Happy Occasions claSSical and popular les- Special Events, PM 881-2782 AMTA Certified 884- rates 526-1200 Boat, bUSiness, home, etc, sons Phone 824-7182 Macro photography PM 885-3039 331-5055 1670 for more Information please wrrte, POBox LUXURJOUS Gift Baskets PORTRAITS. QUick We can meet most of 116 TUTOIIING/EDUCATION LOST Your Amway dlstnbu- 175, St Clair Shores, MI Containing scented sketches for parties or your photographiC needs tor? Call us at 882-2274 48080 soaps, perfumes, skin bUSiness funcllons Mary, CHEMISTRY/ Math Please leave message Products delivered to ANTI-CRUEL TV ASSOCIATION care Items for Men and 526-1332 at 886.1628 your door EXECUTIVE Teacher able to tutor, 13569 Joseph Ca~pau • Detroit, MI 48212 Women In A Basket FESTIVE MUSIC for your PORTRAITURE Chemistry, PhYSICS, all 527-7999 Master Card/ Holiday party carols, FEATURING Stylized, creative IndiVidual levels Math 882-6237 YOUR HOME OR PET Visa accepted sing-a longs, claSSical, A WORK OF ART • Animal adoptions Into lOVing homes or group By established, DON'T Walt till Tuesday Jazz, With flutes, plano, TUTORING PenCil, Ink, Watercolor • Humane education commerCial profeSSional mormng to REPEAT your saxophone Reasonable Busmess or Boat • Rescues and sheltering With T L C 922-6111 ALL SUBJECTS rates 527-1665 By Carol A Sinclair • Legislative action - local, state, federal advertlsementllt Call our GRADES 1 THRU 12 SHELTIE MIX • Re-umtln? lost pets With their family claSSified advertiSing HAVE keyboard Will travel PROFESSIONAL 886-8468 Saved from the streets -notecards and rlnts- • Cruelty investigations department Wednesdays, Your plano or mine Party FACULTY when left behind when Thursdays, Fndays, Mon- Enhancer 967-1015 Chrysler Plant expansion WE CAN HELP Adoption hours 10 30 a m to 3 p m days 882-6900 forced owners to move LIGHT-HEARTED GROSSE POINTE ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS Monday-Saturday One year old male, play- ENTERTAINMENT LEARNING CENTER & ALL CAT LOVERS ful, loveable house dog 101 PRAYEIIS MAGICIAN 131 Kercheval on the Hill Please call Greg at 827- ROBERT COOPER 343..(J836 343-0836 1230 THANKSGIVING ALL AGES, OCCASIONS, EXPERT TutOring In En- NOVENA LET Us hang your Chnst- 885-4210 glish for grades 9- 12 TO ST JUDE mas lights and decora- CLASSICAL musIc for any Competitive rates 881- o Holy St Jude apostle and tions The Hired Man, occasion Solo, duo, triO, 4397 martyr, great In virtue and 294-3480 qUintet, gUitar, Winds, rich In miracles, near RETIRED police officer from vOice 354-6276 kinsman of Jesus Christ, 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES Grosse POinte Shores for faithful Intercessor of all COLE Porter at your Holi- Chauffeur services 776- day party Cocktail plano who Invoke your special WORD PROCESSING 1620 entertainment Need a patronage In time of FAX plano? I II bring my own PRACTICAL ILLUSIONS need To ycu , have re- Resumes, Let1ers, Theses 646-9531 evenmgs BoudOir photography for course from the depth of Term Papers, General, that discerning woman my heart and humbly beg TINY KITTENS NEED HOME PIANO Stylings for your Notary ExqUiSite and aHordable to whom God has given Two 9-week-old adorable little klt1ens aie looking for a holiday party Call Carl MacRae Secretanal secure, lOVing home Call now for Chrrstmas such great power to come Fernstrum at 885-6689 521.3300. SpeCial 567-8814 to my assistance Help me In my present and ur- HAVING a Party? Why not PROFESSIONAL typist us- We have several beautiful aduH (1-8 yrs old) TAXES Prrvate, Confiden- cats Most are neutered or spayed and declawed gent poSition In return I add ProfeSSional Barten- 109 Word Penect pro- tial Anthony BUSiness And, all are looking for lOVing homes (These are promise to make your der or Walter Call 882- gram, quality work and Service 18514 Mack private owned cats looking for new homes) name known and cause 4004 reasonable rates 885- Ave Near Cloverly Serv- you to be Invoked 4025 For adoption Information call a Northern Suburb Ani Ing you since 1968 882- Say three Our Fathers, PIANO EntertalnmentJ Con- mal Welfare League volunteer at 884.9162 or 6860 temporary All time favor- BUSINESS AND 775-7603 (weekdays only, please), three Hall Mary's and CHRISTMAS Glonas PubllcaliOn must Ites Weddings- cocktail TECHNICAL SERVICES Is only 24 days awayl be promised St Jude pavrtles Chnstmas Ex- Business, Technical ,.'1'If , *-~ ""II{ "-'I'll ~ ":.t=f*'A'.'II("'~*'''''''i!f~ Beautiful custom handmade pray for us and all who penence With Grosse Medical - Legal ~ REALLY { HOLIDAY WREATHES Invoke your aid Amen POinte Clubs 885-6215 Letters - Memos ~ SHINE 12, 14, or 16-rnch Makes ThiS Novena has never Cassette TranSCription a nice gift Will deliver to been known to fail I have Person allzed 112 ~UStC EDUCAnON THIS your home had my request granted, RepetitIVe Lellers Use Year After Yearl publication promised C T Envelopes' Labels CHRISTMAS! PIANO Instructions 18 HEAR YE! HEAR YE! 882-8469 years expenence, certl Reports' DissertatIOns NOVENA TO ST JUDE Term Papers' Theses CUSTOM-TAILORED (( n ( (r)( (0110 (111 Gro'),:>f' Pnlntf" \10\.11' (orp~ prp':>f'nl<., (l fled Furthenng education IF you are haVing a Christ May the Sacred Heart of Foreign Languages (1)1 f n 1 p () • (' '0 fn <"1' monf'y inr COT S for rhf" horn(' at Madonna 8393057 LIGHTS AND mas party and would like Jesus be adored glon If..,.., n j nd l r proqunn<., Ihp G,o,:><.,( Pomtfl Clown Corp~ Equations - Graphs DECORATIONS Santa' to come Please fled loved and preserved <.,lJpporl PRIVA TE lessons Plano Statistics' Tables - Charts FOR YOUR YARD call Arthur Kuehnel at Ihroughout the world now -.,'I( Ol( ( 01Ylprqf n Y fondlf.., Brnnd now' An ('mer vOice organ University Resumes. Cover Letters 881-8186 and forever Oh Sacred AND HOUSE gf nry (or dlf> ~lippjy d"n~ f()l Ih0 h Hne 'hI"> (nmr p .....f>n Ihf> musIc educalion degree Application Forms rdi~( ( d0V ..1 In .....n w'" ...r- IPr1 I long olJrnlllq rlflplif <"'l 5 AIRLINE Ticket round trrp, Heart of Jesus, pray for Mrs Junker 823-1721 822.4800 • Large selection of colors r 0 1 JIE (" ( 10 Jqh ir f \ P l( 1) h( ur ...01. m( rq£ n(y ~~qhl ~n(h Detroit to New Orleans us Workers of mtracles and sIzes <"lJDr1y r n(~( 1lr l ((lJnp J t (nrdho( rrl (()nlol/l( r for' (llY December 15th 18th, pray for us St Jude )ut (, It if {n'l I( roqr Be sure to order extra • $160 881..(J389 helper of the hopeless 117 SECItETAllIAl SEItVICES 117 SECItETA1tIAL SE~VICES • Wreatl1es custom-made PLUSE SEND REGISTRATION FORM TO. pray for us SERIFS by Siocks- Christ- • Roping, garlands, etc G~OSSE POINTE CLOWN CORPS Say thiS prayer 9 times a mas Cards Wedding Invi RS BUSINESS SERVICES CALL NOW TO RESERVE 1746Mond""',,, BI.d day By the 8th day your Gro"" Poml" Woods M. 48236 tat Ions Signs Menus prayer Will be answered .Bookkeeplng INSTALLATION DATE 881 B186 Please call Natalie It has never been known -FinanCial Statements FREE ESTIMATES PRICE IS '450 pc, (on'o,n", Stocks 772-8406 -Tax Returns NAME to fall never Publication must be promised -Payroll Services HAPPY HOLIDAYS ADDRESS HO! HO! HO! Thanks St Jude for -Administrative Consulting from SANTA'S CITY prayer answered M B Complete, confidential, timely support tailored to your Grosse POinte Christmas Llghtmg Co IN TOWNr STA TE ZIP BUSiness Needsl Call now to secure a VISit THANK YOU 5t Jude for . 671-nS7 9-5 D.m. QUANTITY_ Iltr.*~_""~-"""""'~---PHONE 331-5055 Prayer recleved B G L CALL TODAY 885-1429

    ------~- ~ 6C December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News


    I1AIR STYLISTS, openings ASSISTANT MANAGER BARMAID and waitress RESPONSIBLE, rellabJe PARK. 2 bedroom apart- LETTER FOR LETTER HAIRDRESSER With clien- GENERAL CLERICAL at Rosewood of Grosse PIER 1 IMPORTS wanted No experience person needed for the ment, reduced rent In ex- Word Processing tele to work In Grosse Typing, neat appearance POinte 884 6072 We are seeking an ener- necessary We Will train care 01 our children, ages change for 1 day per Resume Consultalion - POinte Woods salon Paid and good With people getic, motivated, and reli- Excellent tiPS POinte Ath- 5 and 2 Full time In our week cleaning service Preparation PART lime stock person up to 60% commission MInimum one year office able person With retail letiC Club 527-0700 Grosse POinte Park 823-2425 General-Personal Typing With car, 881-2150 Call 881.2620 after 5 expenence Good growth Medical, Legal, Business expenence Willing to work 8814713 home Own transportation BARMAID wanted for east DON'T Walt till Tuesday pm potential Salary commen. GROSSE POINTE Casselle Transcrlplion fleXible hours Some of needed Experience and Side DetrJlt area Call morning to REPEAT your PART Time Teacher for surate With experience Harper-Vernier our excellent benefits In- references preferred EMPLOYMENT 372-8299 for mformatlon advertisement III Call our preschool program to Excellent benefits Includ- 774-5444 clude Educational assIs- Non-smoker prefe rred AGENCY claSSified advertiSing work With four and live Ing tUition relmbursemnt D J to Spin our records tance program, Employee 885.3419 department Wednesdays, year old children at a All jobs fee paid 885-4576 POinte Cafe 885-0925 discounts at our stores, 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL Thursdays, Fndays, Mon- non-profit organization DEPENDABLE Sitter GRAEBNER 50 years reliable service Stock purchase plan, COOK- Experienced Apply days 882-6900 778-5811 needed for 1 and 2 year EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Needs experienced Cooks, Medical, dental life, LTO WAIT persons needed for In person Wlmpys Bar GIRL wanted for part-time olds In our home, Mon- Harper Woods 839-5400 Nannies, Maids, House- and aCCident Insurance DRIVERS NEEDEDI Fisher BUilding cafe Du- and Grill East Warren day through Friday 9- 5 keepers, Gardeners, Employee retirement plan phone answering, apply Good driVing record Will ties Include food prep and Outer Drive non- smoker, references, SHARP energetic career Chauffeurs, Butlers Cou- Please apply In person at In person, Mama Rosa's, tram Excellent money and cleanup Flexible own transportation 884- minded secretary needed ples, Nurse's Aides Com- FOOD SERVICE 15134 Mack, after 4 pm making potential Apply In hours 873-7888 after 11 5419 for lhe Worker Compen- panions and Day Workers PROFESSIONALS 19233 VERNIER ROAD person AM DELIVERY Boys needed $8 sation DIVISion at a large for private homes Career opportunities In a HARPER WOODS, MI. 15501 Mack Ave to $10 per hour Apply In BABYSITTER Wanted for downtown Detroit Legal 18514 Mack Avenue PART or full time general fast growmg hospitality equal opportunity employer person after 4 p m at CASHIER- expenenced, 5 occaSional days and eve- Firm Two years workers office, some sales Will company Grosse Pomte Farms PUBLIC SAFETY 15134 Mack day week, paid parking, nings m my home 2 Camp experience re- train on computer Call Immediate placement In OFFICER Blue Cross available Call young children Mature qUired Good benefits LADY to Iron when needed, 884-8022 between 9 and our Warren Commissary or GENERAL office Insurance Testing will be conducted to for interview Monday woman preferred 881- and salary Call Angela not weekly References 5 Stroh Rlverplace Waterfront biller, experience pre creale an eligibility list to through Friday between 1 1843 965-7646 885-8177 Complex ferred but not necessary, GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY fill future vacancies and 4 PM, 962-8628 Tall- • Prep line and utility Will train 884-5477 MOTHER'S Helper needed 203 HELP' WANTED 206 HELP WANTED If you're lookmg for a re- Candidates must have 60 Eez Shoe Co , Downtown poSitions for two small children DENTAL/MEDICAL PART-TIME Nardlng and challenging college credits, be at least TEACHERS (Skills) Part- Detroit Working kitchen Monday through Friday career In real estate we 18 years old, meet time, ESL experience re- WANTED young Female to IMMEDIATE OPENING supervisors SALES POSition available References 882-9668 have several open POSI- MLEOTC and depart- qUIred Teaching liVing work In Dental oHlve 3 PART-TIME e"penence preferred GENTLE responslole baby- tions for experienced ment's phYSical and psy- skills to new Americans afternoons, Saturday RETAIL SALES Off premises catering staff Women's fine speCialty sitter who loves children agents or will train If un- chological requirements Contact DenniS Scan- mornings No chalrslde Award winning downtown JOin the profeSSional food store Full or part- time to care for and play With limited Income and an Applications and Pre-Em- land, Archdiocese of De- To start the first of the flOrist seeks outgoing services team of (GREAT Call for appointment 881- our 2 year and 4 year old excellent environment ployment Qualifications trOit, 237-5900 year 886-1175 cO'lfldent person to sell EVENTS) todayl Call 778- 7020 sons at our home In appeal to you give us a forms may be obtained fresh flowers Hours flexi 7243 for mtervlew details. PART.TIME • $4 50 hourly Grosse Pomte Farms MATURE receptionist for call at Century 21 East, In at ble Appomtment only evenings and weekends near lake Starting $5 50 busy medical office The Village, ask for Mr TELEMARKETER- Self GROSSE POINTE PARK 831-7740 Must be able to speak a hour, 20 to 30 hours a Phone etlquelte and deCI- Bojalad 881-7100 starter conSCientious, DEPARTMENT OF FULL 90% repeats, no sales/ clearly 884-2994 or 778- week, hours fleXible, pre- sion makmg ability re- GROSSE POinte Park Dell OUR firm ,5 seeking strong PUBLIC SAFETY pressure 962-3301 1181 fer college student or qUIred Must be responsI- needs counter help, part- sales people to cover our 15115 E, Jefferson Grosse POinte area resI- ble Good secretarial 822.7400 PHONE persons wanted, time, 11 A M to 2 PM, incoming order desk If RITZ Carlton, Dearborn OR skills preferred Send re- dent, non- smoker, own Monday through Satur- you're good With custom- Concierge position avail- Equal Opportunity full or part time poSitions transportation and refer- sume to Grosse POinte day Call 822-6461 be- ers- dependable, Intelli- able for person knowledg- Employer available Apply In person ences 8824224 News, Box G-20, 96 Ker- tween 4 P M - 6 P M gent and punctual with after 4 pm, 15134 Mack able of Metro areas finest cheval, Grosse POinte CASEWORKERS needed PART LOVE WORKING top notch, proven clOSing restaurants and cultural PART Time, odd jobs and DENTAL Hygienist wanted, for outpatient family treat- Farms, Ml 48236 ability- We need you" at1ractlons Must have a errands at hour home WITH CHILDREN? two days per week, hours ment, M S W reqUired, Our 18 year old manufac- "Yes Can Do" altitude In near lake In Grosse Become a profeSSional AIDES 8 to 4 30 886-7336 C S W preferred Also TIME tUring firm has very sale- nanny Earn a good sal- guest relations Full or POinte Farms, $5,50 an Great opportunity to LPNs BOOKKEEPER wanted for part time poSition With ary Call nowl The Nanny able, useable and deSira- part-lime Call 884-6219 hour, own transportation generate "or supple- pen natal coaching pro- RNs small bUSiness, approxI- bly priced products for Interview Kip Ed- and references Prelert Network training program gram, M S W or B S W ment" an Income - full or mately 5 hours per week Hourly wage, high com- wards for responSible high Free job placement 939- reqUired Send resume to part time as our bUSiness THE NEW Work at home 882-5083, miSSion, bonuses and In- school or college student KIDS DISHWASHER Prep Apply James Naragon, IS productive until 9 30 leave message centive's for "Key Peo- 8824224 In person at 18666 Mack F SOW C, 220 Bagley, P m dally ThiS 20 year ple' DeSirable east Side 202 HELP WANTED ClERICAL BON SECOURS KENNEL ASSistant at Ave Irish Coffee Bar and SUite 920, DetrOit, 48226 MORTGAGE BANKING old manufacturer of top sales office Days, after- HOME CARE Grosse POinte Animal Grill ANEOE BRANCH MANAGER quality, sought after prod- noons and evenings CliniC Part- time, to work and ucts seeking pOised, en- SECRETARY'S available Mr Connor, CASHIERS wanted full or PERMANENT Butcher/ Affiliated With With animals and some LOAN OFFICERS thUSiastiC "sales orient- AdvertiSing Agency 886-1763 part time, gasoline pum- Counter Person Monday BON SECOURS light filing For more Infor- Needed for Mayflower's ed" IndIViduals If you Llntas Campbell. Ewald, a pers wanted, full or part thru Thursday ApprOXI- HOSPITAL ACCOUNT SUPERVISOR eastSide expansion pro- have determination, Will. major advertiSing agency mation call 822-5707 time Apply In person, mately 25-30 hours _ Ap- Wants you for chOice private PR firm interested In Ac- gram As a member of Ingness and are dependa- located In Warren IS look- 17800 Mack Road, ply In person 18328 duty home care assign- count Supervisor With the Republic Bancorp ble please call Full train- Ing lor Secretary's With 0- 207 HELP WANTED SAlES Grosse POinte Mack Avenue Grosse ments m your commumty senior management ex- family, we are Michigan's Ing - hourly or high 3 years experience Quali- POinte Farms Outstanding opportUnity perience ReqUires solid FOOD SERVICE fastest growing mortgage commiSSion With cash fied candidates must be EXPERIENCED or new sa- to earn top wages FleXI- background and know- WORKER FULL Time Produce and banking group If you bonus and incentives able to type 60 w.p m lespeople wanted for ledge of marketing, hand- Pleasant EastSide office and have Word Process- ble scheduling All shifts Grosse POinte company Experienced food service Counter person 18328 are Interested In explonng ling budgets, coordmallng Mr Plklngton Ing experi- available For information Recleve the trammg and worker needed Immedi- Mack Avenue Grosse thiS commiSSion opportu- large accounts, and work- ence (Preferrably IBM! call 886-2273 assistance you need to ately at our main office In POinte Farms nity, send resume to Ing With advertiSing agen- 881-1000 PC) Candidates may call NO experience, full time of- become a ProfeSSional downtown Detroit Appli- George Smith, Chairman, Cies Must be personable AIRLINES Now hirlngl Mayflower Mortgage Cor- for an application or send fice girl, minimum wages Realtor Servicing Grosse cants should be dependa- 201 HElP WANTED and possess excellent Flight Attendants, Travel a resume to 885-2230 POinte, Macomb County ble and Willing to assume poration, 186 S Main BAIlYSITTER communications skills Agents, MechaniCS, Cus- and DetrOit for over 60 a variety of duties - food Streef, Plymouth, Ml Ms. Katherine A. Szllsz INSURANCE Biller for med- Please send resume and tomer Service. listings CHILD CARE wanted for 2 years Call Les at Wilcox preparallon, servIce and 48170 Clerical Recruiter Icaf office Must have ex- salary requirements to Salanes to-$105K Entry elementary age children, Realtors, 884-3550 clean-up In our employee SHIFT Manager wanted LINTAS: CAMPBELL- penence WIth Medicare POBox 31-5414, Detroit, level poSitions 1-805-687- 3 days per week Ideal EWALD cafeteria and executive Part time With poSSibility and BC!BS and private MI48231 6000!Ext A-1626 (fee re- for lOVing mature lady or 30400 Van Dyke CAREER SEMINAR dining room Working 01 full Experience re- Insurances Accounting qUired} college student Refer- Warren, MJ 48093 If you're looking for a re- DOLL Maker wanted, Indi- hours range between 7 qUired Salary depending experrence deSirable ences and transportation 574.3400 warding career In real es- Vidual who can make 6 AM and 4 PM, Monday on level of experience Ability to advance Send EXCELLENT legal secretar- reqUired Call 885-6918 E.O.E. tate If you're looking for prototype felt dolls for lo- thru Friday Apply In per- POinte AthletiC Club 527- resume to Grosse POinte Ial skills reqUired by after 6 a challenge and the cal firm Call Mike at 882- son 10 AM-2 PM, Monday 0700 News, Box G-20, 96 Ker- Downtown DetrOit 18 At- CHRISTMAS IS thought of an unlimited 0842 thru Friday, First Federal BABYSITTER needed for 2 cheval, Grosse Pomte torney Law Firm Accu- mcome Interests you then BUilding, corner of Wood- boys, ages 11 and 7 6 JUST AROUND Farms, Ml 48236 rate typing- 70 wpm attend Century 21 East In RESPONSIBLE person to ward and Michigan, Per- days dUring Christmas THE CORNER! Must have 3 years expen- EXPERIENCED full time the Village seminar for care for elderly woman, sonnel Department, 5th MR. C's vacation 8 a m to 2 p m EARN EXTRA CASH ence and word process- dental receptionist In east the answers to these 5 30 to 8 30 PM, Thurs- Floor, or send leiter out- $300 per hour 886-7953 Needed at Once: Ing skills Apply to Ste- Side Dental office, call questions Limited seat- day thru Saturday 886- lining experience and sal- Call after 4 p m • TYPlstsl 55 wpm ven Zarowny, 962-8255 Monday thur Friday 9 to Ing Contact M, BOJalad, 9517 ary requirements to Em- DELI • Secretarlest Legal and BABYSITTER needed for 5 P M 882-2233 for the date and time of ployment Manager DELIVERY person for deliv- Executive CLEANING Company FleXible work schedule. Infant, 3 days per week, the next career seminar FIRST FEDERAL ery of repaired teleVI- • Word Processors DENTAL ASSISTANT needs young full or part- Starting pay based on beginning January My Century 21 East, In The OF MICHIGAN Sions, some lifting 884- • Data Entry Clerks NEEDED In a nice office, time Call 521-3837 after experience Will train home or yours, If In Village, 16824 Kercheval, 1001 WOODWARD 0135 • ReceptIOnists! 45 wpm Harper Woods! Grosse 5pm for cashier, deli clerk, Grosse POinte area Non SUite 201, Grosse POinte DETROIT, MI 48226 Call Today POinte area Experience cooks and stock smoker reqUired 885- 881-7100 PART time, 16 hours per Equal Opportunity WAIT Person, experienced, preferred, call 884-1800 POSitions. Must be 17. 3412 RUTH PARADISE week, postmg to produc- Employer Kovach's Place. 15500 Apply at Mr C's Dell ORAL Surgery A busy Oral MORTGAGE BANKING tion control cards, legible East 8 Mile 526-4950 BABYSITTER for Inlant, TEMPS BEST Part time Job In townl 1772 Penobscot BUilding surgery practice requires BRANCH MANAGER handWriting reqUired Call NEED Avon service Call part time, some week- earn $100 to $160 per FOSTER FAMILIES a full-time ReceptlonlsV and Gerald, 259-6400 Rose 527-1025 Leave ends Pay neogotlable, 964-0640 week ReSidential home Are needed for emotionally Secretary With Dental In- LOAN OFFICERS message references reqUired 777- EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper cleaning Monday thru Impaired children Fosler surance experience pref- Needed for Mayflower's COOK, walt staff, and por- 0929 (9to 5) for one girl office, receiv- ter Day or night, serious Friday Day hours families receive training PART- Time banquet wait- fered Call Joyce at 573- eastSide expansion pro- WANTED woman to care ables, payables, payroll only With references 259- Weekly pay We train and gUidance from SOCial resses, excellent com- 4330 gram As a member of for 15 month old girl In and general office work 3273 between 9 and 3 Need car Apply at workers who continue to pensation Banquet set- the RepubliC Bancorp Send resume to Box S- L.P N - High tech pay rate 15843 East 8 Mile or call work With these children up person, (heavy lifting) my home, M.F, 730 am family, we are Michigan's 80, Grosse POinte News. for outgoing vent case, FULL time Handyman! Merry Maids 777 3990 Expenses are reimbursed part time, could result In to 4 30 P m References fastest growing mortgage a must 886-9760 or 986- 96 Kercheval, Grosse east Side area Medical Maintenance Man to do at $500 per month Call full time, good wages and and bankmg group If you 6084 between 8-5, M-F Pomte, MI 48236 Personnel Pool 773 assorted lobs m sail loft DELIVERY Person needed Marc L,novltz at Child- benefits Apply In person, are Interested In explOring 8855 XContact Wally Cross part time, evenings Call ren's Home of DetrOit, Georgian Inn, Gratiot and NEEDED- Mature, lOVing SECRETARIAL- Full time thiS commiSSion opportu- 776-1330 822-1270 886-0802 13 Mile good organizatIOnal Skills, person to babySit for 2 204 HELP WANTED nity, send resume to typing minimum 50 children ages 1 and 3, ~OMESTIC George Smith, Chairman, Mondays and Fridays, 9 wpm, varied duties Call Mayflower Mortgage Cor- REAL ESTATE CAREERS before noon, ask for FOR A SELECT FEW to 5, own transportation, HOUSEKEEPER/ Cook for poration 186 S MaIO Brenda, 963-3195 We have 4 poslllof)s open lor Real Estate professions Beauty is references reqUired 882- Single profeSSional per- Street, Plymouth, Ml No previous experience necessary 2223 son, live-in other help 48170 Ou( program features: PERSONNEL employed References MATURE Woman wanted 1 Unlimited !rcome POSSlblillies Outstanding personality reqUired Write Box W ? Guarantp. <"j weeklv Income your business. to care for 1 year old In CENTURY 21 AVID appearance and phone 23, Grosse POinte News " p, j vaCili 1 - our home, non-smoker, 25814 JEFFERSON ~,l( , r~11b. r -Iflls com munlcatlOns ability 96 Kercheval Grosse Monday thru Frtday 10 to ST. CLAIR SHORES r Fr'n il training classes needed for high energy Pomte MI 48236 4 8859146 After 5 pm Learn more about a career I) Indr'ldualtraJnlng Ours too, at POSition Directed self f'nrsonal office SOClATE wrTII1WO GENERATIONS OF SUCCESSI be non- smoker and have fnendly people and generous benefits program, IMMEDIATE opening Sec R N 'S - LPN'S own transportation refer (merchandise discount medical/dental retarylReceptlonlst Capa- ences reqUired Call 881- NURSES AIDES Welllramod salespersons have an advantage' Insurance paid vacations/holidays, Sick pay, ble of Word Processing 0494 EJ.ceJlcnll1ammg programs mcludmg savmgs and profit sharing plan) telephone filing organl' COMPANION AIDES, LIVE-INS 'fl< n-, UJ Quahfied indiViduals" PRE-LICENSE classes MATURE, dependable per- zatlonal skills some ac- Private duty nursing In GrOSSf POinte area Imme We are now accepting applications for full and son needed two days counting expenence help- dint' ,1pen ngo; (, IOI( • )f 'l()IH'o lIHl jays ~ARN 90% WITH NO HIDDEN COSTS I part time stylists Apply In person at JCPenney, weekly (Monday & Friday ful Within 15 mmutes Call ()f'twf't'n 10 ,; I In M lflday f rrday or Monday and Tuesday) commullng distance of MACOMB NUF-lSlr~C lJNL IMITED I ARM'i OJ.neE to care for our 5 3 and 1 Grosse Pomte City Send 1lI1 I. OH1CE Eastland Mall only, Personnel office, 263-0580 '.' "fit-.. \10NAGHAN 1!2 year old sons In our resume and salary re NA1'ICY Vr'LFK Monday through Saturday 10 to 5. 1\865800 8852000 Grosse Pomte home qUirements to Box -L 36 Own transportation and Grosse POinte News 96 207 HELP WANTED SALES 207 HELP WANTED SALES Equal Opportunity Employer M!F WOODSOFHCh 01ltrR OJncr.s reff'rences reqUired Kercheval Grosse POinte (.I'ORGIl 'iMAth U OYD l'OWAHD'i Hours 7 45.5 30 Please Farms MI 48236 886-4200 SALES POSITION AV A1LABLE 268 1000 You're lookmg smarter than ever call 882-7619 RECEPTIONIST! Typist for Experience preferred 20 OFFICES Investment Firm located BABYSITTEP and House- Women's fine specialty store on the HIII' Part time keeper for 2 boys ages 4 Full or part -time JCPenney and 1 Mondays- Fridays mornings hours pre CALL FOR APPOINTMENT I(~~~f~~ '~kflqfI~~:~~ 8 a m to 5 p m Non- ferred Call Stan 884 881-7020 smoker only 881-6114 6430 December 1, 1988 7C Grosse Pointe News

    207 HELl' WANTED SALES 30S SITUATION WANTED 400 MERCHANDISE 400 MEItCHANDISE - 409 MISCELLANEOUS 409 MISCUlANEOUS HOUSE ClEANING ANTIQUES ANTIQUfS 40S ESUTE SALES 40S ESTATE SAlES ARTICLES AItTICUS GOOD sales peson, hard AN Experienced lady Will ANTIQUE 6 piece dining AUTOMOBILE, Home or ANTIQUE ESTATE SALE ESTATE Sale, 4361 Haver- 2 cream color tub chairs 9C worker, alert, self-starter, do housework, Grosse set, walnut, $700 Also Health Insurance at very FURNITURE 1850 THROUGH 1980'S hill December 2nd and Inch floral (redl cream) right person buy In POSSI- POinte area 882-5257 mahogany upright plano, Singer sewing machine, The household assets of Mr 3rd Friday and Saturday low rates 527-2260 couch, With matching lov ble 962-3301 $500 885-0883 R & M Cleaning, reSidential darling small Deco gas, Sam Gardner are being 9 a m to 3 p m Every. WANT Old Clocks, wrist eseat' 2 pieces gold car and commercial, free esti- refrigerator, miscella- offered for sale The sale thing must go Iron bed, ARE YOU SERIOUS 1920'S pool table, clocks, 2 watches and pocket pet and padding large mates, n5-5042 neous, 20106 Joann Includes 12 nfles Win- dresser, chest of drawers school desks 445-2691 watches (any condition) room size Excellent con- ABOUT SELLING (near 8 Mile & chester, German K98, sofa, end tables, liVing EXCELLENT cleaning ser. after 4 30 Collector 772-7434 dition 886-4634 REAL ESTATE? Schoenherr) Friday & Gustaf Tokarev Endfleld, room chairs, lamps, 2 vices proVided by Doro. Saturday, December 2 & BAKER FrUitwood dining German G33/4O Mosln sewing machines, one WANT thy Accepting HOLIDAY 3, Noon to 5 p m room set French deSign Well, we're serious about 401 APPLIANCES Revolvers Colt model antique chrome kitchen cleaning assignments, ADS 8 pieces, $3 500 881- your successl Free train- SATURDAYS available ATTENTION: The dates 1860 army, pocket Colt, set, stove, refngerator, printed In previous ads CALL IN 4362 Ing for qualilied Individu- Grosse POinte Refer- ELECTRIC range, gold, ce- Starr 1856 4 bayonets washer, dryer Commer- als Call Gecrge Smale at for this sale were erro- ramic lop, self-cleaning sniper scope, antique Cial scale glassware, EARLY ences PLEASE SCHED- neous. Dates and Umes HIDE a Bed, brown good 886-4200 scope m leather case lot's of books, mlsc tools, ULE EARLY 372-0954 shown above are oven Whirlpool electriC THURSDAY condilion $75 882 5886 ammunition, mlsc parts SCHWEITZER correct! washer 772.2545 etc No pre-sales FRIDAY REAL ESTATE HOME Cleaning Get a Grosse POinte Park and accessories, books SOFA green and white vel BETTER HOMES profeSSional Job done and magazmes galore ANTIQUE AUCTION MONDAY vet Chair, green E'xcel VERY large, early 1800's FROSTFREE refrigerator, AND GARDENS very effiCient and reliable Seeder handplows, SATURDAY,DECEMBER lenl condition, reason English dining table 2 Whirlpool washer, apart- 882-6900 Christmas SpeCials Ref sleds wagons, pitch 3 able 886-7495 arm chairs, 8 straight ment size gas stove, 30' KEROSENE Kerosun 9600 NOT JUST A JOB- A erences available upon forks, Ice tongs, old 11'00 AM chairs, china cablnel all electnc range 882 5681 btu heater, used one CHALLENGING CA- request 772-1044 wooden boxes, crocks SCHMIDT'S ANTIQUES SPODE Chma. Christmas heavy carved, polished month $110 Dining REER and a new way of GAS stove, refrigerator, baby carnage, milk bot- 5138 W MICHIGAN AVE tree pattern 6 five piece UNIQUE womdn wants gen English oak Also from room set With leaf and 4 life with money for all both like new, both Al- tles Craftsman wrenches, YPSILANTI MI48197 place settings 1 larqe eral housekeeping Job England Regency dining chairs, $110 445-1964 those EXTRASI NOW IS mond color Ask for Carol sockets, etc Many, many 313 434-2660 covered tureen crf'arner Will deep clean 839 table With 8 chairs 822- THE TIME to put your tal- at 463-8914 or 949-3291 9 to 5 Dally - 11 to 5 SOFA, 116 Inch gold Yel and sugar 2 large candle 4706 tools of all makes, many ents to work In REAL 6943 Sunday low chair Three tables sticks Perfect condition GENERAL ElectriC digital power tools Woodworking ESTATE SALES Here IS WE Will come In and clean ANTIQUE BRASS BED - and mechaniC Fishing and one lamp Excellent $325 621 2949 Ask for electnc microwave and ESTATE Salel Crystal an opportunity to JOinone your home, apartment or Very good condition lures including 1909 Hed- condilion 771-0122 Duwane stove cooking center With chandellere dining room of the old line companies oHlce, do errands Excel- $600 776-3593 don Dowagiac. reels etc CIOC~ 5500 882 4379 381, Gra.r,Jrnuth<:l1 <-iU\.,K, 01 lIle POlntes We oner lent reterences 881.7216 Hunting clothes and ac- EIGHT chairs Sheraton bedroom set refrigerator, excellent training, gener- USED Appliances- double cessories over 30 old DEPENDABLE Dutch lady FanCies, elegant, blond, washer, couch, Laz-y- ous floor time and leads ovens, dishwasher, dryer wooden duck decoys cleaning, washing, er- stencil decorallon 885- Boy, lamps, tools garage Come In and let's talk It Call after 6 882-4521 deer head, antlers, old li- rands, references 979- 5451 lIems Children's outer- over we'll help you de- cense plates, antique \\~ 1852, 755-6497 ware and mlsc 627 S Cide Call PARIS DIS- WANTED: Old Christmas auto parts, Chrysler, Ford, 403 'I CYCLES Higbie Place Saturday ANTO for an enlightening POLISH English Woman ornaments, old Christmas Dodge, etc Auto tools, CRombow 8~tate ga~es 40 years, Will refresh your December 3rd 9 to 4 ESTATE AtolD HOUSEHOLD L1QUIOAnotolS interview appointment decorations, anything old TUNTURA Ergometer biCY- old Ford tires Iron beds, 884-0600 JOHNSTONE home With her European p m (Located oH Morn- relating to Christmas cle, 2 months old, must 3 slant desks, country fur- Complete Service style of cleaning Expen- IngSide, across from Star & JOHNSTONE 821-0109 sell, $300 or best 774 niture, vanities, mahogany Excellent Glen and Sharon Burket1 enced In home health of The Sea School) 7160 or 778-0120 tables, Victorian mirrors, References 885-0826 300 SITUATION WANTED care for your loved ones ANTIQUE Brass bed, very IAIIYSlTTEItS good cond,tlon $600 776- Phllco table model radiO Errands, companionship 404 GAItAGE/YAItD 406 FIREWOOD 3593 and phonograph, Seth POLISH Housekeeper/ Ba- housekeeping and cook- IASEMENT SALES Thomas mantle clock, MONA LISA Ing 365-1095 FURNITURE refinished, re- bySitter, to live-In Grosse MOVING SALEI 23805 W,I many old pictures, old NORTHERN ESTATE SALES POinte references 892- paired, stripped, any type lard In Warren, north of 9 typewriters, Wicker, VIC- Household Estate Sales liqUidations 0722 STAR BRITE of caning Free esti- FIREWOOOD CO. & Mile, east of Schoenherr tOrian stand and table Cash or Consignment CLEANING SERVICES mates, 474-8953, 345- • Exceptionally fine mixed MOTHER of 2 Girls Will do Saturday & Sunday, 10 lamps, Ruby glass, crys- hardwood Homes, Offices, 6258 babYSitting In my home until 4 FORTY-SIX tal, Geisha Girl, Nippon PHONE 24 HOURS Apartments, Condos • Oak Ash, Hickory and MONA n2-3556 Very dependable With HONEST AND TH E COLON IAL YEAR ACCUMULATION DepreSSion glass, pink Frul1woods and green, Blue Ridge, LISA n2-6407 fleXible hours 8 Mile and DEPENDABLE SHOP Beautiful Conn organ, • Guaranteed to be quality Harper Area Call 884- RCA console TV, twin Amethyst, Durand Vase seasoned fireplace wood Wall washing 25701 JEFFERSON 6968 bedroom set, miscella- Old sheet musIc galore, or double your money and much more NEAR 10 MILE neous chests and tables, CompoSition doll, linens, back 839-1423 Antiques, furniture, china, 302 SITUATION WANTED tons of dishes, bric-a-brac many, many books, many FRIENDLY buy and sell Highest $55 PER CONVALESCENT CARE ENGLISH. Polish lady Will and miscellaneous Also old bottles, figural Christ- 1iartz [il PROFESSIONAL pnces paid Monday • LICENSED adult foster care refresh your reSidence ladles' clothes mas ornaments, Silver- FACE CORD Hou6lhold Sales SERVICE With her European style Saturday, 11-6 plate, kitchenware, com- home has private room MOVING SALEI Washer & 777-4876. YOUR SPECIAL of cleaning, uses rags in- 772-0430 merCial size Ironnte, great waiting for female In dryer, wooden wardrobe POSSESSIONS SUSAN HARTZ stead of mops Does the for restaurant or motel, SPECIAL fireplace wood homey atmosphere 24- THOUSANDS of pieces of ARE MY 886.8982 floors on her knees Ex- cabinet, gold metal table Premier grand plano and and ample kmdling, SPECIAL CONCERN hour complete care For antique art- Eastern, Ori- desk, walnut Formica top cellent housekeeper, With much, much morelll dried, $55 a cord deliv- Grosse POInte City more information, call ental, African and Euro- redwood piCniC table & 450 Satisfied Clients In 296-9538 her own transportation pean Dealers prices to Many Items new In boxes ered 293-6453 the past 8 years References available Call benches, Window fan, Christmas shop here and all Barclays, 22952 15 golf set 885-0396 DRY Mixed hardwood- $55 NEED experienced care- anytime 365-4335 Mile, Harper north eXit, save 512 W Lincoln, per face corde, Kindling giver and help around THOROUGH, BaSIC house off 1-94 791-2070 BASEMENT Sale, moving Royal Oak, between 10 and delivery 771-6380 your home??? 343-0076 Household Items Steno- and 11 Mile Road, Just cleaning by two dependa- ANTIQUE Shop Open Pioneer Tree Service ble, hard working gals type, phonograph, type- east of Woodward De- 303 SITUATION WANTED House Hams Street An- writers, bicycle, 10 to 5 cember 3, 4 Saturday, 9 Have references FIREWOOD, $50 hardwood DAY CARE tiques In the quaint vil- Thursday- Friday- Sa1ur A M to 5 PM, Sunday, Reasonable rates 776- face cord $60 mixed frUit lage of Romeo InVites day 6306 Farmbrook The Nanny Network, Ine 4742. 10 AM to 4 PM Num- and hardwood $70 all Quality profeSSional child you to our Open House bers at 8 A M Saturday GARAGE Sale, Saturday 10 frultwood Stacked and care In your home. Call VERY thorough clearung. Saturday, December 3, only to 5 23244 Clalrwood, delivered 885-5997 us NOW for information experience In Grosse 10 AM 10 5 P M VISit a CONDUCTED BY St Clair Shores 9 Mile 939.KIDS POinte area Call, leave beautifully displayed shop RICHARD PAUL CLASSIFIED ADS and Jefferson area Grosse Pointe Estate Sales, Inc. message 777-7092 full of country furniture, ASSOCIATES I FORMER SUBSTITUTE qUiltS, lamps, vintage SOME Antiques oak Side- Estate - Household MOVing Teacher IS caregiver CLEANING With a new 828-9300 882-6900 clothing and more A board, camode, mahog- (young and energetic) twlSt- the old fashion way' MARY ANN BOLL PATRICIA KOLOJESKI warm fire and spiced CI- nas one opening left to We wash Windows, scrub any pedestal lamp table 882 1498 865 6604 der complete the country 40S ESTATE SALES 40S ESTATE SALES, bnng our group to the floors and clean ovens also oak table and chairs, feel JOin us at 222 N sofa (6 months old} capacity of four 10 1/2 Chns Housecleaning Ser- Main Street, Romeo 752- Washer and electriC dryer and JeHerson Profes- vice Will clean your home HARTZ 9660 to your sastlsfactlon and In excellent condition plus ------". sional references 777- HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. mlsc Saturday 10 to 3 6007 be In and out In 1 112 Manchester Antique Mall HOUSEHOLD 848 St Clair, (City) hours Excellent refer- HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE lWO SALE WEEKEND REGISTERED Day Care ences 526-9864 Saturday, December 10 and FRIDAY & SATURDAY Home LOVing care for SU'ld9.y, December 11 SALE, OLD & NEW your toddler or pre- THE HOUSE.KE.TEERS ESTATE SALES DECEMBER 2 -3 CLEANING SERVICE 116 East Main Manchester Several families offering schooler Full time Mon- Open 7 Days, 105 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. day thru Fnday Small ProfeSSional, Bonded and sale on furniture, dolls, APPRAISALS 428-9357 Jewelry, furs, adult I Group 526-6759 Insured teams ready to ANTIQUES PURCHASED clean your home or bUSI- FIFTEEN Antique Carousel clothing, quality gift 1154AUDUBON , 304 SITUATION WANTED animals from 1he turn of store Items, and GROSSE POINTE PARK I ness miscellaneous from 771-1170 GENERAL Gift Certificates Available the century Lion, tiger, BElWEEN KERCHEVAL & ST. PAUL I the Victorian era, thru .... L KATHERINE ARNOLD ANTIQUES WINDOWS Without sash 10% Off With ThiS Ad rabbit, rooster, and 19705 There WIll be ThiS Lovely home IS full of traditional furnishings cords are dangerousl First Time Callers Onlyl horses IndiVidually loads of quality stuff Including a mahogany Duncan Phyfe dining set IV th , They can be fixed for as 582-4445 priced,751-8078 Pricedto selll lighted curved glass china cabinet & shield bil,,,- I low as $151 Window Phil- chairs, BeckWith console plano In a fine mahogan~ I 307 SITUATION WANTED December3, 9-5 December4, t04, GROSSE POINTE ESTATE SALES french style case, a 4 shelf etagers bookcase, brass liP, 882-8537 NURSES AIDES _ $$BUYING$$ NO PRE SAlES musIc stand, corduroy love seat, colonial floral wing back sofa, pair of yellow wing chairs, 3 month old RETIRED Handyman- Minor EXPERIENCED nurse's FINE ART 4llt8 Vooure Hall ONE DAY MOVING SALE 20800 Lefever In Warren - 4 blocks grey Lazyboy, maple desk & coffee table, king! repairs, carpentry, electrl' aide- companion for eld- ANTIQUES SATURDAY ONLY, DECEMBER 3,8:30.5 PM cal, plumbing, broken east of Ryan. North a 8 Mile Across bedroom set Including chlflerobe, 4 new patio chairs I erly Any asslsatance PERSIAN RUGS With cushions, solid wood end tables and n1uch , Windows and sash cord from LI9h1 G uard Arrrory 1623 BAIRMOOR, GROSSE POINTE WOODS transfers, laundry, meals FURNITURE more replaced, etc Reason- - OFF MACK AT ALINE, TURN LEFT ON sally 468-2017 CLOCKS able References 882- There are also very large house plants, a set of Homer I ~_._. 40S ESTATE-_. SALES-.- --- GOETHE, THEN RIGHT ON BLAIRMOOR 6759 EXPERIENCED Nurse's POCKET WATCHES Laughlin olshes for 12, brass tlreplace equipment a: FOLLOW GREEN AND WHITE BALLOONS aides available Reason- CUT GLASS dining room crystal chandelior, loads of pretty NEED SOMETHING decorative Items In wood & brass, framed s glll-J able rates Fraser ART GLASS WE BUY BOOKS MOVED? thiS IS a small sale With quality Items Our star attrac- prints, bed & table linens, a new double QUill," Agency, state licensed FISHING TACKLE Two POinte reSidents Will IN YOUR HOME tion IS a Queen Anne style, cherry dining set - ta- shams and more and bonded 293-1717 WRIST WATCHES move or remove large or Free Offers ble, SIX charrs plus host chair and china cabinet - small quantities of furni- QUILTS mint condition Hickory sofa, cream floral tapestry, There are loads of useful kitchen Items, power too '; 301 SITUATION WANTED No ObligatIOn including a heavyweight weed Whip, bushwaCKer II ture appliances, pianos COSTUME JEWELRY Lane glass top coffee and end lalbes Iron, china OFFICE- CLEANING Appraisals Furnished and Stelffel lamps Naugahyde wing chairs, curved Black & Decker electriC edger, Window or what have you Call for BRASS LAMPS condilioner, small long electriC heater, Sh,'o Entire Estates floor model TV, fireplace equipment Dark oak free estimate P & M Office Clearung Call LIGHT AXTURES microwave With browner, workbench tools, ping p.w::; for worry- free mainte- also DeSired breakfast set - like new TWin bedroom set With 822-4400 ETC. ETC. ETC. dresser, ches1, mirror and nrghtstand Barristers table, Christmas Items, shop vacuum, gas barbLC~tJ nance We care 821- bookcase, pair of lingerie chests, stereo In cabinet 10 speed bike, small golf cart & more EXPERIENCED English 2984 ELIMINATE ESTATE JOHN KING Butlerl Houseman seeks These sale Items are all In fine condition al1d pr.cocJ 1u SALE & AUCTION 961-0622 Gorgeous Gmorl china set, for twelve, ' Aosta" Lenox POSition 886-3377 400 MERCHANDISE sell qUickly COMMISSIONS gold trimmed stemware Wedgewood "Queen- ANTIQUES MIChigan's Largest 19636 FLEETWOOD 30S SITUATION WANTED Boo!< Store sware," set for eight, plus vases, bowls, ashtrays HOUSE ClEANING ANTIQUE Swords, daggers, 17624 MACK AVE. Stemware, mlsc glasses, decanter set, Pewter tea HARPERWOODS OFF BEACONSFIELD ACROSS FAOM THE armor, polearms, etc, GROSSE POINTE • Clip and save tl1IS ad service, and other pieces, German stem, NOrltake, EASTLAND MALL PARKING LOT CARMEN'S bought and sold Amen- Fltz & Floyd copper, brass, sllverplate, sterling, 882.1852 other decorative pieces Large collectIOn of "Desert CLEANING ca's larges1 dealer 465- 400 MUCH NOI5£ ThiS very elegant up to date 3 bedroom condo IS " ' 882-6013 Rose" china SERVICE 4637 ANTIQUES sale Items In perfect condition InclUding a apr c " 6- No lime for housecleaning? beige sofa (new upholstered), a bamboo gamtl :" I Linens, new draperies, ruffled curtains, embrOidered LeI our leam come and KEN NARY KAGE & 4 chairs, a pair of velvet club chairs, a Irt,l Items, small Turkish carpets loads of vrry " Cadieux at East Warren ENTHUSIASTIC, experi- Come JOin us for our last sale before Christmas and costume Jewelry, Chnslmas Items, linens a enced and dependable 882-4396 We buy for cash or take on consignments. share In the SPirit of giVing, by bringing a small 91ft goo goos & nee.naws for your Christmas g,Vlf ") Grosse POinte woman DENLEY'S antiques oriental rugs, paintings for a Child, wrapped and tagged, to put under our available to clean your and fme furfllture tree to be distributed by the Capuchins Don t miss thase very speCial holiday S3,es home Debbie 823-5517 ANTIQUES Large selection of furnllure GROSSE POINTE ESTATE SALES, INC. NEXT WEEK. SALE OF ANTIQUE COLLECTlfll r DO you want your home clocks decoys toys FURNISHINGS ON BALFOUR cleaned? With good refer qUilts and country prrml CONDUClTD BY ences Ask for Mane tlves 27112 Harper be- NUMBERS ARE AVAILABLE AT 900 A M (FRIDAY 771-8649 tween 10 and 11 Mile ONLY) TO ESTABLISH YOUR PLACE IN LINE \'/Ht ~I ~ THE SALE OPENS AT 10.00 A M FOR MORE RELIABLE Polish woman IS Monday- Friday 9-5p m \tARY ANN PATRICIA INFORMATION, DIRECTIONS OR DETAILS CAL. Willing 10 clean your Saturday 1-5p m Closed 409 E. Jefferson BOLL KOLOJESKI THE 24-HOUR HOTLINE 885-1410 homp Own transporta- Sundays 963-6255 tion Grosse POinte Refer 772-9385 !l82-1498 R85-6604 SALE CONDUCTED BY SUSAN HARTZ. 886 fl"'? ences 8920722 WE BUY AND SELL IIDI I 8e December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News

    ~Oq MISCHlAN£OUS 409 MISCELlAN£OUS 409 MISCHlANEOUS 409 MISCHLANfOUS 409 MtSCHL~N£OUS 503 HOUSfHOLD PETS SOS LOST AND FOUND ARTICUS - ARTICllS ARTICL£S AlTICLfS ARTICUS 412 WANTfD TO aUT FOR SAU BEAUTIFUL full length fox PECAN dining room set, COLLIE seven month old, LOVESEA T sofa bed PIONEER Stereo With cabi- CASH paid for stamps, FOUND Cadieux! Chandler, coat Size 8, new, $950, drop leaf table With leaf, MAHOGANY trt color female Full IVOry Zenith 2 speaker net tape deck, tuner cOins and baseball card young male Cocker onglnal cost $3,000 Sac- 6 chairs, china cabinet shots, A K C papers, wood cablnef stereo INTERIORS equalizer amplifier turn colleclions 46S-Q906 Spaniel, cream and rifICe n5-2881 and buffet 881.3754 Antique and Fine breeder whelped MUST 882-8353 after 6 p m table 3 way speakers brown, freckles on nose, Furniture Shops SELL grandchild allergiC, KING size Wicker head- MINK coat, sable collar excellent condition 886- CASH FOR brown collar With no BLACK leather coat fox 16135 Mack Avenue $150 Call Fred noon to 4 board and nightstands 7 large, very full Mint con- B866 KIDS CLOTHES name tag 885-8897 collar size 8110 882- Shipment from Toronto Ar p m only, 886-0331 piece anltque Mahogony. ditIOn $4,500 Onglnalty EXCELLENT CONDITION LOST- grey male cat neu 8353 rrves ThUrsday December KARASTAN Carpet Captains Quarters bed- S9 000 886-40 18 CURRENT STYLES DALMATIAN Pups- $150/ (cream) Conover couch tered, front declawed JAMES A. MONNIG room set French clock 1st (Royal Daulton and VERY CLEAN, BETIER up 1-751 9 Mile 758- SKjS- Lange Competilion (cream flowered) Both wearing electrOniC flea BOOKSELLER 7n-2350 792-0037 After others) Mahogany China BRANDS, INFANT 170Cm Salomon bind- new Leaded glass, mlr 3606 collar Windmill POinte VI 15133 KERCHEVAL 6 pm cabinet With curved glass THRU 14 Ings Heler1tng rear entry rored bookcase dresser POODLE Pups- A K C clnlty Please call 824 331-2238 door Baker breakfront 7 MUST BE ON HANGERS TOURMALINE mink bubble boots (9 112) $120 884- Gas stove 822-5941 Tcup/ up, $1651 up I 75- 0802 Selected books foot by 6 foot Chlppen. Bnng In Monday, Tuesday bought and sold cape or ranch mink hat 3498 dale and Queen Anne 9 Mile 758-3606 OLD bricks- enough for or Thursday, 1Q-4pm FOUND, Labrador, black Vintage Video Rentals both 1'1 great COnditIOn htghboys room size and CUSTOM made Oak bed- 20 x20' $200 15 cubiC GERMAN Sheppard pups male, approXimately 2-4 751 1149 after 6 p m and small Onental rugs Cam- LEE'S RESALE room set, 2 armoires freezer Sl00 refngera 20331 Mack 881.8082 AKC registered With years old Collar, but no MAHOGANY dining room weekends elback sofas Mahogany nlghtstand and head- tor like new $50 crystal shots Breed for gentle- lags Found 6 Mile & set 50 years old good banquet dining room ta WANTED to buy old cos- MOVING Sale Furniture board S500 or best offer chandelier S150 885- ness, good With kids Harper area around 11 1 condition, set Includes bles (some With band of tume and Rhinestone and clothing n4-1047 n4-6563 5037 brown or black $250 Owner or good home china cabinet buHet ta- Inlay) Corner china cabi- Jewelry brass IClmps ceil- YAMAHA Integraded amp 884-8934 Friendly and housebro- ble/ two leaves, five Side EDWIN Paintings by Gates net, childs Chippendale MINK Coat full length nat. Ing fixtures wall sconces chaIrs, one arm chair and tuner 4D watt! chan- ken Gets along well wltn Nation wide dlstmclion arm chair anlique fire- ural brown ranch size 882-0396 evenings COLLIE puppies A K C , $1,200 881-8317 nel In walnut cabinets other dogs Call 468- $150 up 924-5478 place tools fender and 14 881-0096 sable and white, flashy, $ 150 Alwa cassette PA YING cash lor dla. eyecheck shots 839 7001 CARPET and padding TRUNDLE bed white good andirons Mqahogony deck excellent conditIOn TWO framed italian Tapes- monds gold plati- 2609 About 16 feet x 20 feet conditiOn Only S75 Ken- breakfronts WIth secretary num pocket watches, $100 884-7874 trys 2n-1330 506 I'n IIRUDING light green nylon $SO more electnc dryer har- drawer Chippendale dental gold World War II BRIARD puppy long-halTed FRENCH ProVinCial dining 886-5102 (leave meso ARTIFICIAL Chnstmas tree ...est gold good condition Sheraton and Federal reliCS COins, scrap gold, French sheep dog, AKG- room furniture In frUit- STUD SERVICE- for York sage) 7 1/2 foot A-I condition $25 791-9525 style secretary desks, ( 1 The Gold Shop, 22121 OFA stock 5 months, 885-4994 made In England) Double wood Includes table 6 trained S800 3t3-526- shire and poodle 296- ATA~' ~ 10\(", ..,"'w ~".!~ SEQ.&. V'0'?O Sy~te"" Gr~liOl Eac;l DplrOlt 774- pedestal and drop-leaf ...ndlr" uuf:d "t:l Vt:1 1292 4 games, and extra JOY- GOLF Oubs, sets of Irons, onglnal box with 3 extra 0966, 1ba m - 6p m , 0667 Mahogony dining room $1,100 Call 881-6638 af- stICks $40,331-7932 odd woods, golf bags, games, 1/2 price for Monday- Friday, 10a m - YORKSHIRE puppies, tables Mahogany buffets ter 7 S07 I'n £QUIPMINT 885-1982 Ch rlstmas S90 881- 5p m Saturday A K C Registered, have ETHAN ALLEN Wingback large and small, cedar 6842 DRAPERY 2 pairs antique shots 296-1292 chair Flame pattern SOLOFLEX ExerCIse Ma- chest, sets of Mahogany satin (custom made) king SHOTGUNS and rifles LARGE dog house, Insu taupe, coral, turquoIse chine, only used a few EASTERLING fla- dining room chairs (Chip- size spread and matching wanted Parker, Brown- CALENDER puppies at lated, custom bUilt 778- LJke new $250 884- times, call 886-7926 tware ServIce for 12 per>dale Hepplewhlte drapery (Batlse) 886- Ings Smith Fox, Win. their cutest Just In time 2285 3595 Reasonable Write to Sheraton and Duncan 9125 chester and others Prl- for Chrlstmas Golden CHRISTMAS Tree, artifICial, ' 600 AUTOMOTlVf POBox 36807, Grosse Phyfe ) Student Knee hole ...ate collector 478-5315 Retrievers, $75 884- SEVEN Ft artifiCial X-Mas 6' Mountain King Scotch AMC Pine $55 882-8663 POinte Farms 48236 desk WlOg back chairs 4D26 tree- Mountam King- Fur 4 t 0 MUSICAL INSTRUMfNTS WANTED Child's Hltchock BUY GOVERNMENT QUEEN soft Side waterbed, and other upholstered Full, adjustable Width HOT Water baseboards, rocker In good condition SeiZed and Surplus Vehl (uses regular sheets) chairs, (some need reu- . SOS LOST AND FOUND Plush green Easy as- cast Iron, 30 plus feet, PIANO. Stemway Grand 6 Call 881-5045, n5-5471 cles from $100 Fords complete' Sell's for $750 pholsterlng) Pembroke sembly Good buy $55 $100 884-7874 4' Beautiful 294-5257 Chevys, Corvet1es, etc In brand new, only 1 112 drosrleaf end tables, pair WANTED- Small children's lOST Dog, Saturday Nov- 882-4930 ALTO SAX (Buescher) ex your area For Info call MOVING Sale Floral sofa, years old Must sell $150 of Hepplewhlte Klttenger Silver, Chippendale ember 26th VICInity Mor- (602) 842-1051, Ext 749 CRAFTSMAN radial arm $80, red velvet chaJr $50, 792-7048 love-seats Mahogany 4 cellenf condition 777- child's chair and desk ang/ Cadieux on 1-94 9067 saw, 10 Inch, excellent drum table, $50, chair poster bedroom sets wIth 885-81n Medium size grey short 1984 Renault Encore, ex FOUR fish aquanums with condition, on stand $260 and ottoman, $50, um- armOire, (used as enter. HAMMOND piper auto-cord hair Schnauzer and Poo- accessones, $SO through WANTED: Cnb, chest, dou- cellent condition, air, new 881-3706 brella and table, $30, talnment center) Kidney With bench and books dle mix Answers to Cleo $190 Bunk beds, $50 or ble stroller and rocking tlres/ battery $1,400 OlD child-SIZed oak rolltop decorator ladder upnghts shaped Wntlng desk Sev- $450 839-4798 horse 371-7652 885-(J379 After 5 p m 527.2270 atter 6 30 P m and glass shelves, more best offer 886-7262 eral Single desks (Queen desk and chair, mlscella. FOUND female cat, black 886-9335 LIVING Room sofa, IVOry, Anne, Chippendale, and USED PIANOS 601 AUTOMOTlVf neous smoking pipeS, WANTED chair 11ftelevator With orange markings, 70 Inches long, loose Sheraton) LOlus XVI AT BARGAIN PRICES CHRYSUR some collectibles, custom WALL unit, show room for private home, call has collar Found around back cushions Great French twin beds With Used SplOets-Consoles mahogany deck or dock quality, 9 Piece, multi 882-5660 Harper and Chalon, on 1972 DODGE Dart, runs conditIOn, $200 886-3369 dresser and mirror, inlaid Uprights & Grands box After 5 PM, 882- mlx.a-ble, lighted, double Friday 25th 776-6726 good, needs work $300 Walnut Solid Cherry ABBEY PIANO CO 2413 glass doors, lots of diS- WHEELCHAIR, Everest- SOO ANIMALS or best offer 839-0876 Goddard chest With ROYAL OAK 541-6116 IF You have lost a pet any- play and storage space, Jenmngs, LaZ Boy uphol- ADOPTAm SLATE 8' pool table, all ac- where In the Grosse 1985 PLYMOUTH HOrizon 104" long Walnut (no stered chair, queen sofa carved shells, 011 paint- PIANOS WANTED ANIMAL HOSPITAL. We cessones, ready to move Ings Chippendale bench POinte area please call us good condition, $3,000 plastiC) 331.7412 bed, 88 yards antique TOP CASH PAID ha...e a delightful brown $500 or best otter 886- and stools at Grosse POinte Animal call 884-2727 satin matenal 8845-4115 1940 Baby Grand, Story & Tabby, part Manx cat, 5950 HOLLY Hobble 3 piece CliniC ThiS week we 882-5622. Clark, good condition she IS 2 years old, was 1977 PLYMOUTH Volare OlD Chnstmas tree orna. kitchen set, accessones STOVES- 1 electnc $100 1 have a male terrier With a LIVING room furniture. Call 296-0456 abandoned and needs a 58,000 miles Good trans ments Wooden doll Included, excellent COndi- gas $80 882-6068 wheat coat found at Bour- sofa, loveseat, 2 chairs, lot of love, she'll be a portatlOn $450 372- house furniture 777- tion, $40. 885-0728 nemouth and Mack In AUDIO rack with glass top good condition $500, HAMMOND organ, T585, marvelous pet Please 9099 4796 Grosse POinte Woods WALK behind, 24 Inch, and door, walnut Sides by walnut, trumpet, cornet, call 882-8660 885-8638 For more Information on 1987 Dodge Omnl, 4 door SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL full srlO'Nplow, 3 horsepower JVC $55 884-8930 Leslie speaker, 145, E MATCHING couch and I'M 2 1/2 years old and I'm thiS or other lost pets call automatiC, air, stereo length, white and frosted engine, $125 527-6128 Flat tuba, portable Bose BEDROOM set by Thomas- chair, quality furniture, extremely alerglc to my 2 us at 822-5707 18,500 miles, excellent mink WIth Canadian la- WILLen cherry hutch, 2- speakers model 800, Ville In excellent condi- like new, $150 884-3982 cats I'm looking for a condition, $5,150 or best brador fox tnm Size 12/ piece, 54" Wide, 19 314" tion Antique white Ror- Ampex recorder, DBX good home or homes for FOUND, two purebred Rot. offer 792-2790 14, no wear, purchased deep, 72" total height Ida type set Perfect for SOLID Oak dining room ta- 224 881-8566 atter 10 twellers, male and fe- them Xerxes IS a very 1981 Dodge Ram, Meyer from Bncker-Tunms Furs, Excellent condition. 776- Adult or Youth 882.9891, ble, 6 chairS, hutch/ buf- am male Found In E Outer small grey female 12 plow, 4WD, 47,000 miles WIll sacnfice, $1,300 885- 9535_ 881-2560. fet, excellent condition Dnve and Warren area ! .... t TENOR Sax, gold, nice years old,_ spayed, de- 3684 $1,000 or best offer 882- 885-4874 ARIENS 5 horsepower ROLEX gentlemans Sub- condition, private, $375 clawed and Indoor cat on November 16 Finder 4389 CARAVAN, 1985 LE, air LUNDay doll house, two snowblower, 2 stage, 4 manner, all steel. Also 771-0158 Mr Bechlll IS a ...ery large can't keep because she story plus garage section CHRISTMAS Ornaments has dogs of her own and new tires, AMIFM stereo speed WIth reverse, elec- lady Relex all 18 caret HAMMOND organ A1oo, marmalade male, 3 years KItchen and bathroom old and new, hand they don't get along clean, 60,000 miles tnc start $400, 527-6128 yellow solid gold Both walnut, excellent condi- old, neutered, declawed are fumlshed $125 821- painted sweat ShirtS, can- mdoo / outdoor cat He IS Need to find owner as $7,4001 offer 885-2578 or TOYS, Designer women's like new $1,650 each tion, $BOO 884-2989 2981. dies, wooden Santas, espeCially good With soon as poSSible Please 963-0660 clothes, books 882-3789 Time Center, 19888 Kelly, Harper Woods cloth dolls, grape vine KOHLER- Campbell can. children and gets along call 885-1786 With any In- QUAUTY Fumlture- 5 piece COLT, 1983, $950 PLYM FOUR old qUilts, $55 each, 372-9685 wreaths, holiday potpoUrri sole plano, excellent con- well With dogs Please formation. pecan bedroom set, love OUTH, 1987 Horizon old rotary white sewing and soup packets coun- dition, 822-5638 call my Mom and Dad seat, air conditioner, Sink, STOVE, G E , older model, LOST Male English Span- $2,750 Both cars clean machine, heavy duty try smalls All for collect- 881-8065 double oven, 4{)" Wide CASIO- Caslotone CT-360, Iel, liver and white, 884- 886-6452 lamps and ladles bicycle pants zippers and thread 109 and giving at The 886-1821 full key board, rhy1hums, TWINS short haired Tabby 3338 527-6128 $50 Draperies, peach! Kennary Kage Antique play back, like new, stili kittens, male/ female, PLYMOUTH, 1985 SCANDANAVIAN style, gold, green floral chmtz Shop, 4928 Cadieux at LOST black cat, neutered, COLONIAL dining room lined drapes, covers 2 In box, paid $150, Will belgel black 521-3669 Honzon Low mileage pam teakwood, 4 chairs, table Warren- 882.4396 declawed front, answers set, table with 2 leaves 4 Windows- 38" , 1- 52" , take $90 343-9117 pered red beauty Most and 2 leaves $575, 885- Wednesdays, Thursday, LOVEABLE dogs and cats to 'SISSY', five years old Captain's chairs China! floor length, $150 Light options $3,200 885 3964 Fridays and Sundays 12 BABY Grand, Doll & Sons, need good homes For Lost VICInity Marter/Jef- hutch With light Excellent celery green hned formal 4148 to 4 Saturdays 10 to 4 good condition $900 adoption Information call ferson, since ThanksgiV- BlAZE KJNG wood stove condition 886-2322 drapes, floor length- 2 882-7901 Northern Suburbs Animal Ing 7n-OQ29 1981 PLYMOUTH Tour with fan, like new Fire- Windows 42" Wide, 1- 52" SELLING myoid collectIOn Kelvlnator white gas dryer, Welfare League Volun- Ismo, 51 000 miles, auto- place wall unit Call n6- Wide, $100 Gold and yel- of President Kennedy, El- LOST, black and white excellent condition $125 BABY Grand plano With teer at 777-51 to (for matiC, AMIFM cassette 6754 atter 6 pm low drapes for sun room VIS Presley, Beatles, Bar- spaniel mix Female, B85-8466 bench- Wurlltzer Asking dogs), 884-9162 (for good condition clean area, 72" length, 1OO"X bie and Ken dolls, mar- spayed, approximately 3 $1,100 Call after 6, 822- cats) WEEKDAYS ONLY $2,100 or best offer 822 2 Windows, 38"X 3 Win- bles antique jewelry, or 4 years old Answers 3338 FOR BOTH NUMBERS 6022 atter 5 p m dows, $100 Rods avail- watchs, china dlShs, post to "Lucky" Lost near able 70 yards of medium cards, stamps, records, BALDWIN Grand plano, LOST- two white female 663 Barrington In Park 1976 Dodge Charger, full AZARS sheet mUSIC, comic REWARD Please call green carpeting, good to ebony finiSh, Sieet 2 Samoyedl Shepherd miX, Size, V-8, automatic excellent conditiOn, $300 books, baseball news- Inches $5.250 882-8237 vIcinity Kellyl Whittier 824-6106 stereo, under $1 000 We pay top dollar for old Onental rugs 4 pairs of Louvered papers Also VCR cam- Please call 839 6681 LOST- white, full grown La- 886-3729 Any Size, any condition era and accessories 881. doors, 54X72" 881.1036, WURLITZER baby grand Reward brador Retnever near 1985 LeBaron GTS Turbo 2619 plano, excellent condillon, 886-8556 CALICO cat 6 years, Whlttler/ 1-94 Answers to Leather, AMIFM stereo $1,900 or best offer 372- 1-80D-622-RUGS 644-7311 18x25 Inch birdcage, 9x13 ZENITH VHS Video camera spayed, declawed, free to SCirOCCO Rewa'd 526- With cassette, power 0478 gold sculpture rug, hand. and accessones, $700 good home 882.7896 4644 after 7 PM everything, air power oush lawn mower new firm 371-2284 PIANO px('pllpnl ('nnrlllinn moonroof, 26000 miles FOUND- Large wnlle rabbit, humidifier 521-3669 Black upright $1,900, FREE to good homes, 1 all 296-0852, 445-6760 BASSETT chest, 3 drawer, misses home Please call The Missing LINe;"} 263-5420 black kitten, 1 all grey kit- FEGA game cartndges, pro- 30" like new $150 884- 882-2299 ten, 1 all black adult cat 1987 LEBARON, 2 door wrestling and Aztec ad. 1902 WHITNEY Klmbe!1 spinet All excellent With child- LOST- Black Lab, male automatiC, 16 000 miles venture Perfect condi- L1nkmg indIViduals to Needs In the Communrty IS a TAPPAN gas range white plano and bench, neWly ren Call after 6 p m 882- blue colar answers to full power, electronic non-prmlt orgamzatlOn whose purpose ISto COOrdi- tion, have receipts $25 $250 885-4543 tuned, walnut case ex- 6444 Roper, children's pet dash 822-8661 After 3 nate needs wrth resources ThiS IS accomplished each 881-5109 cellent cond Ilion S1,175 by placmg goods no longer needed by indIViduals WEST Bend humidifier for 89~, ~2553 pm $8,500 ADULT Wheel chair With home or oHlce Antique 343-9096 S03 HOUSEHOLD I'm and buslnp.sses IntOthe hands of Metroportan De- . FOR SALE troit charrtable agencies Operating since 1971, tray Excellent condition oak and cane wheelchair 500 ANIMALS SOO ANIMALS 7n-6566 411 OFFICE/lUSINfSS ADOPT A PfT lINC IS proud of tfJe accomplishments It has made 331-4507 fQUIPMENT WANT a great Christmas ADOPT A 1'£1 and strIVes to Increase Its resource base If you 314 Tourmaime mlOk coat gift Idea? Pure breed La WOMEN'S MarqUIS dla. CELLULAR telephone, Au- have recyclable Items, no lorger m use to you, size 14, current ap- brador Retriever puppies OperatIOn L1NC knows who ca'! and Will use thom mond ring, excellent con- dlovox model 400M Top praised value- $3 000 For more Information call Please call L1NC at 882-6100 with your donatIOn dition appraisal available of the Ime $450 574- Asking $2,200 884-5549 372-1641 KEEP IT MOVINGI Best offer seriOUS InqUi- 0925 COUCH and set of match- ries only 881-5107 The CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION is m need of a TYPEWRITER IBM electriC LAB pup yellow AKC portable, se~-threadmg 16mm movie prolaetor, a Ing Ames countour OAK dining room set for model D mmt condlliOn Male after 4 p m 772- portable (preferably) Kodak carousel model slide leather chalrsJ ottomans sale, traditional, must 822-3949 0992 ~, prolector , a portable screen and a 13" TV set that Like new Call 884-5007 sell 885-465 7 IS new enough to be VCR compatible and four ANTIQUE tWin poster beds GENERATOR, 1200 wat1s elednc typewrrtars Cystic FibrOSISIS the #1 killer 412 WANTfD TO IUf 412 WANTfD TO IUT of children In thiS country and the foundatIOn eXists S80 Brass fireplace 12 volt, 12VI120V, new \~CI~ first and foremost to raise funds for research ef- screen and andirons S295 526-0667 --- forts whICh are working toward ellmlnatll'lQ thiS $SO 885-2764 or ng. OLD Baseball card collec- BUYING Tl-tE BEST BOOKS killer 1796 tions Bill 881-7t84 OUALITY BOOKS DESERVE QUALITY PRICES The MIChigan Humane SOCiety IS dedlCateo to A REFRIGERATOR ard a STEAM TABLE have Tuesday Saturday Answering machine protecting and WOrking for the nghts of ammals been requested by the Unrted Sisters of Charity CHAIN Link fence FREE FRANKIN 1000 PC Dual We offer the follOWing servIces- tor removal 882-9539 or disks dnves Epson responses Within 24 hours PACT (Parents a'1d Children Together) have needs 885-1900 pnnter monitor and soft- • Adoption • Animal Rescue that Include a Crib 2 washers (that work) a space GRUB STREET BOOKERY ware $550 886-8294 • Cruelty Investigation • Educiltlon heater, hot plate or electriC skillet, a hot water IBM typewnter, completely 17194 EAST WARREN DETROIT MICI-iIGAN tank, two dressers reconditiOned large car- ENCYCLOPEDIA Bnttantca • Pet TherilPY • Vf'tf'rm

    601 AUTOMOTIVE 602 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE 610 AUTOMOTIVE 700 AI'TS/fLATS/DUPUX CHItVSLER 700 APTS/FlATS/DUPUX 700 AmmATS/DUPUX FOliO GENERAL MOT OilS FOREIGN SI'OItTS CAliS Pointes / Horper Woods Pointes / Harper Woods Pointes / Harper Woods 1985 CHRYSLER LeBaron, 1981 Mercury Capri, needs PHOENIX 1980, good con- 1981 VW convertible, stick, TRIUMPH, 1980 TR7 SpI- FARMS- 381 Kercheval TWO Bedroom apartment, HOME for the Holidays- On 4 door sedan, excellent work, $500 or best offer dition $1,5001 negotiable new tan top over bottle der Convertible, excellent Second floor flat 381 $425/ month plus utilities Somerset' Neutral carpet- 886-3247 condition, $4,700 884- 372.9782 green, no rust, new In onglnal condition 463- Kercheval 2 bedrooms, QUiet, adult bUilding 823- Ing and drapes In thiS SIX hVlng room, dining room, 1059 1980 FORD Fairmont sta- DON'T W8It till Tuesday and out, one owner 0314 2425 room lower Holiday kitchen and breakfast 1984 Alliance DL 4 door tion wagon, clean, runs morning to REPEAT your Days, 772-7773 HARCOURT • Lower With medls Will be a snap With Evenings and weekends, 1987 Renault GTA converti- nook second floor utility a Tappan range Side by automatic transmission great, $750 or best 882- advertisement III Call our lots of extras Call 822- ble, red With black top room $550 per month Side refrigerator and air conditioner, excellent 8564 claSSified advertiSing 822-9199 5609 for details, after 6 loaded, excellent condl plus utllilies references Kitchen Aid dishwasher condition 882-3176 ESCORT L 1983 4 door, 4 department Wednesdays, MERCEDES, 1980, 2400, tlon, must sell $9,500 or PM Thursdays, Fndays, Mon and security depoSit 884 to ,;peed the cleanup speed AMIFM clean low mileage, excellent best 286-3828 SPACIOUS Upper flat In 1985 LeBaron GTs excel days 8826900 0773 $600 plus secunty, call 1- 60K $1,900 8847893 condition, $7,500 882 Grosse Pomte Park s lent condition black with GROSSE POinte Park Bea 334 6118 to view thiS 1986 PONTIAC Parlslenne, 8786 or 458-2911 TRIUMPH, 1980 TA7 SPI Wmdmill POinte area leather Interior, turbo 603 AUTOMOTIVE consfleld Upper flat charmer, and call It loaded, excellent condl 1974 SUPER Beetle, runs der Convertible, excellent Newly pamted With 3 and more 70000 miles GENERAL MOTORS 1 100 square feet 2 bed HOME by Ihe Holidays best offer 777-8752 lion $7 900 Call Grosse great needs some body ongmal condition 463 large bedrooms and 2 lull rooms, seperate base TWO bedroom lower apart- BUICK, 1985 Park Avenue, POinte Alarm, 884 3630 work, $300 822-1222 0314 baths Third bedroom I!> ment and utilities Non 1988 Dodge Daytona like excellent condition, GM panelled and makes a ment stove refrigerator 1978 PONTIAC Catalina, MAZDA, 1984 RX7-GSL, 611 AUTOMOTIVE smoking bUilding $525 new, flash red air, AMI extended warranty great den Call for more With heat Included Bea- excellenl condition new 44,000 miles, 5 speed TItUCKS 8225941 FM, alre bag, 2 5 liter $6,900 331-7447 details consfield, Park Call after tires stereo, air well new exhaust system and manual, 11 000 miles, 1985 Ford Bronco II, 4x4, BEACONSFIELD below Jef- CHAMPION & BAER INC 4 8225025 best offer 777 8752 1967 Chevelle good condl maintained $1 100 882- tune up $6,000 Call 885 XLT slick, fully eqUipped, ferson, newly decorated 2 884-5700 tlon asking $1 500 881 8831 0686 atter 5 NEAR Lake on Trombley $6,800 Days 8864232, bedroom upper Refln Spectacular 4 bedroom, 3 602 AUTOMOTIVE 4783 UPPER flat, three bedroom 1971 Chevrolet 4 door low SAAB Sonnet 3, 1972, evenings 822 5778 Ished hardwood floors bath second floor apart- FOIlD kitchen With appliance!> 1984 PONTIAC Bonneville mileage, excellent condl good body interior and Natural woodwork appll ment working fireplace, 1974 Ford Pick up With References 755 1561 1985 MERCURY Grand great car great condition lion $495 882-7802 running gear excellent ances $455 heat In custom deck off master Wlntenzed $5 500 885 cap askmg $200 881 weekdays MarquIs, fully loaded 1986 Pontiac Sunblrd 2 engine and drive train cluded, 3430255 bedroom, beaullful hard- 4440 4783 28,000 miles $7000 Call door, red stereo, air 886-0700 822-0208 EXECUTIVE LIVING wood floors available 822-2351 after 6 p m CAP- black fiberglass for S TWO bedroom apartment FANTASTIC DEAL. $4 900 778 9768 after 6 1985 VW Swocco, 5 SUITES Immedlalely 8 AM to 5 10 short bed pick up 5 rooms, newly deco WAGON, 1984 Mercury MUST SELL! 30 speed, stereol casset1e PM 644-4000 6 to 11 PM $250 or best offer 884- rated appliances, park Lynx, very clean low Executive has been trans MONTHL Y LEASES 823-1419 CUTLASS, 1984 Clera sunroof, 58000 miles ')7')f) Ing 8243849 miles, many exlras, f"I'cJ uul vf l.uUlllry dilU Excellenl condilion A.,K t'urlll!>f1W Apdllifleflb, utili good condition, power, GROSSE POinte area 1 876 TROMBLY Rd Lower $1,950 1980 6 cylinder must sacnflce family car Ing $6,700 or best 882 ties Included, Complete $3,750 or best 775-4004 , '12 AUTOMOTIVE bedroom apartment, ap 3 bedroom 2 baths, 2 Plymouth Volare, clean, 1984 OLOS DELTA 88 3736 With Housewares Linens VANS pllances, laundry, park car garage, natural fire- low miles, asking $850 ROYAL Impeccable CHEVY, 1976 Malibu 4 Color T V And More Call TOYOTA Corolla SR5, 11ft Ing utilities HBO In place Secunty depoSit 884-6899 white 4-<:loor, V 8 mint door good transportation, GMC Safan, 1987, excellent For Appointment back 1982, excellent No pets $800 per month condition, dealer main runs good Evenmgs condition, loaded, 54,000 cluded, $3601 month 474.9770 1985 T-BIRD, loaded condition $3,250 882 plus ulilltles 882 3965 talned power Windows 331-8824 miles, $10,500 772-8944 8856648 clean, 61 000 miles 9802 LARGE Two bedroom lower NEFF- Large 1st floor flat 3 power steering lilt wheel 1986 GMC Safari MIni Van 931 NOTIINGHAM, 3 bed $5,250 886-8129 1987 Grand Am excellent near Village, full base bedrooms den, 2 1/2 power locks rear defog 8 passenger excellent rooms Oak floors, appll condllion, must sell, best ment Available January baths, garage $1 250 MERCURY, 1976 Grande ger, crUise, power seats JAGUAR extended warranty rust- ances, excellent condl oHer 881-6904 1st $690 plus utilities 884-2444 MarqUIS 4-door, one Michelin tires, alarm sys proofed, lot's of extras tlon $500 per month BUICK Skyhawk 1986, air BMW 824-4490 owner garage kept, full tem, air conditIOning $9 500 Call after 5 p m Rick 823-5154 FREE HEAT power meticulously main Completely rebUilt engine automatic 32,000 miles MERCEDES SPACIOUS One bedroom 3728210 SOMERSET, three bed tamed, new condition and transmiSSion at excellent condition BRITISH upper, near Village $590 NEW CARPETING rooms, hardwood floors $1,775 885-8295 41,000 miles $5,000 Call $5,500 526-9261 Auto repair service Large 1984 Voyager LE, onglnal plus utilities 824-4490 Kercheval Rd 2 bedroom, parts Inventory Drop off owner, 55,000 miles, 26 fireplace, lower flat $600 kitchen liVing room $440 1985 COUGAR XR7, Rick 862 3800 9 am thru 1986 Ponliac 6000 LE, ex SIX Month sub-lease com- downtown DetrOit and liter, loaded, new tires, month 884 2893 per month Immediate oc- 47,000 miles, auto, air 5 pm, 885 5274 6 pm ecutlve maintained, pletely furnished upper Grosse POinte, 21 years 882-9162 HARCOURT 783 executive cupancy Call 855-1606 grey/ grey $6,200 776- thru 9 pm 37,000 miles, $7,000 on Harcourt Two bed- - 10 mechamcs tower flat, large liVing 4315 1986 Pontiac 6000 station 884-7834 1984 TOYOTA MIni van rooms, 1 bath, liVing TWO bedroom Unit, qUiet, wagon, air, stereo, auto- J & L CUSTOM AUTO low mileage, most op room With fireplace 2 second floor, carpeted, ELDORADO, 1979, triple room, dining room Laun- 1987 MUSTANG, LX, red, matic new tlresl exhaust CENTRE tlons excellent condition bedrooms, dining room dry faCility Adults only stove refngerator air, white leather Interior, 25,000 miles, 5 speed Very clean, $6,600 881 10960 Gratiot DetrOit $6,500 IBest offer 885 kitchen With dining space $7001 month plus utilities laundry facllilles, parking, Wires, CB, excellent con 2 3 litre, sunroof, alarm, 0747 0561 dishwasher, stove and re newly decorated, $440 dltlon, lady's car 881- 839-6940 Phone Shirley Kennedy warranty, excellent condi- fngerator, separate base- Includes heat and water 1984 Pontiac 6000 LE 9472 Ask for Tim 1987 DODGE Caravan LE, at Champion & Baer, tion, $8,250 or offer Call ment and utilities $700 881.1196 wagon, 7 passanger, all power, loaded, air con- 884-5700 after 5 30 P m (Randy) 1981 Toyota Corolla, rear available January 1 loaded, air, AM/FM IMPALA 1977, great wmter ditioning, tinted glass, WAYBURN/ Grosse POinte 776-3394, must see defogger, AMIFM cas- 1989, references 884- TWO bedroom, first floor 47,000 miles, $5,495 or transportation 60,000 crUise control, alarm, ex Park Cozy and warm 2 set1e runs great, super 2571 apartment, stove, $375 1987 Thunderbird LX best 886-8060 miles, many new parts, tra clean 552-1068 bedroom Bungalow, new transportation, 114,000 331-8880 loaded, all options, blue red 2 door, no rust, mmor NEFF RD between Ker furnace for low winter 1987 CAMARO LT, loaded miles, $600 8225126 1978 Ford Chateau Van NEFF, Grosse POinte Two exterior, red leather Inte body damage $950 or cheval and Ridge, 6 room heat bills newly Sided ex- 15,000 miles very clean bedrooms plus den rlor 28,000 miles excel best 823 3063 good running condition lower With basement and terior appliances Includ- 884-0990 1983 ESCORT, 4 speed$700 Upper $62S lent condition $9,500 air $1 750 8852483 garage space Recently Ing washer Basement 1986 PARK Avenue 44,000 38,000 miles, AMI Fm Water, stove and refnger- 293-8518 CHEVETTE, 1982 4-speed, redecorated new carpet- and attic perfect for study miles, new brakes, tires, very good condition 774- 1978 GMC Van, 74,000 ator Included No pets low miles, new tires, new Ing Ideal for non-smoker or office Ideal for young 1982 ESCORT WAGON- loaded, $8,500 884-6108 7859 miles, good condition, Ideal for mature adults automatic, air, power exhaust $1,800 or best $1,500 firm 343-0847 Single or couple No pets couple or profeSSional 772-2925 1984 BUick Century Lim- AUDI 1984 5000S, 48,000 $650 per month plus ulili- References Respond to steenng, brakes, ami fm, Ample storage plus 2-car Ited, four door, fully miles, dealer maintained POBox 36401, Grosse 47,000 miles Wife's car, 1982 OLDSMOBILE FI- 61 J AUTOMOTIVE lies Available December garage $500 month plus loaded, new tires, excel- 643-6431 days, 882-Q693 POinte Farms, 48236 $1,795 372-5129 renza, 4 door rust- WANTED TO IUY 15th 822-4400 Ask lor security, utilities and ref- lent condition, 49,500 evenings John Steininger CITY of GROSSE POINTE erences Call 886-9626 proofed, automatic, val- WANTED good used cars 1977 LINCOLN Towne car, miles $4,950 286-4122 two bed room uppe r, after 4 30 to arrange our, excellent 884-0893 TOYOTA corolla 1980 ex- and trucks also wrecked MARYlAND St Paul needs some repairs newly decorated, walking shOWing 1987 BonneVille SE, cellent condition, 4 or repalrables, 771-8953 Lower, 2 bedrooms, hVlng $975 or best offer Also 1978 Chevrolet Capnce, 2 distance of Village, Ideal loaded, excellent condl speed amlfm cassette room dlrlJng room GROSSE POINTE Park, I- 1977 Lincoln 2 ,~or, door, 2 owner, low miles want your beat up car tlOn, GM executive, $1 250 negollable, 881 freshly pamted through- lor retired person $500 upper 2 bedroom flat needs engine repair, -1,650 or best 8-5, M F priced right, 331-8112 0702 Jim 3729884 Days out, appliances Included 885-9306 $750 882-8268 259-1720 stove, refrigerator 1980 Omega Brougham MG, 1977 Convertible, TOP $$ PAID caring Landlord, $475 957 HARCOURT- Grosse washer, dryer, $375 331- 1967 THUNDERBIRD Lan- CHEVROLET, 1985 Cap- Excellent interior, broken loaded, Casselle/ 8 track For Junk, wrecked and un- plus utilities 885-3555 POinte Park Upper 2 0641 dau, new condition Re- nce, claSSIC'kJoor, excel- wanted cars and trucks head gasket, $500 882- $3,5001 best or willing to CLEAN 2 bedroom upper bedroom flat Natural fire- NOTTINGHAM south of painted Estate Sale Best lent condition, power plus 9223 trade for van or station BULL AUTO PARTS Wayburn/ Jefferson Ideal place, central air, carpet many other accessones Jefferson In Grosse offer 961-6725 wagon 884-6742 894-4488 throughout Landscaping 884-3212 1980 REGAL, good condi- for working couples POinte Park, 2 bedroom 1986 Arrowstar XLT, excel- Seperate basement With tion $1,900 771-0158 1984 Honda Accord Hatch BEAT-UP cars WANTED' $395 295-6019 upper flal, liVing room lent condition, power 1978 four door Chevette, drop ceiling and tOilet 2 back 46,250 miles, two ClaSSICS, antiques also TROMBLEY Larger 3 bed dining room, kitchen in- steenng power brakes 74000 miles 4 speed BUICK 1983 4 door Le- car garage Immediate door, 5 speed, red With wanted T0p $$ paid room 2 bath, 1st floor cluding appliances walk crUise, AM/FM stereo slick $5001 best oHer Sabre, V 8 air excellent occupancy $7001 black cloth seats, stereo 882-8564 unit With fireplace sun Ing distance to Semta cassette, power wmdows 884-8578 condition, pnvate 771 monthly 885-2821 casselle, air, one lady room and wonderful up Bus, only 15 minutes and door locks, new tires 0158 CAVALIER, 1982 wagon, 4 owner, $5000 331-4718 '51 IOATS AND MOTORS dated kitchen With all new SPACIOUS Lower- 3 bed- from downtown finanCial 47,000 miles, extended wheel drive great condl- 1981 PONTIAC T-1000 rooms Appliances, mod- dlstnct, Ideal for Single 1987 Honda Accord LXI, 4 appliances $1 000/ warranty, grey, 7 passan- lion $1 500 885-2075 $500 772 0992 AFTER 4 23' MAKO, Inboard, ern kitchen, $900 368 IndiVidual or couple, $500 door With moonroof and month 881-4200 ger, roof top carner $11,500 Includes winter 0687 a month plus utilities and 1979 Coupe DeVille Florida PM all other options Mint JOHNSTONE & $8,400 882-1465 storage 871-1402 days security, references, no car, all power, air, senior CADILLAC 1984 C:Jupe De condition please call 884 JOHNSTONE SPACIOUS 3 bedroom 2 1I 222-0787 evenings pets, available January 1984 ESCORT L, mint con- owned, $4,650 881-9845 Elegance, every option 2 bath duplex on Har 1869 THREE bedroom upper, no 1st 331-5084 dition, manual transmls including moon roof Sen- 21 foot Offshore bought court Sunporch, private 1986 Pontiac STE 31,500 1981 HONDA CiVICwagon pets $520 823-2176 Slon, air, AMIFM cas Ior cltzen owned Low new, 1985, 55 miles an basement and large back ALTER at Windmill POinte miles extended warran1y, 59000 miles 5 speed ATTRACTIVE, lower flat sette 55,000 miles, must miles 882-5296 hour, custom trailer Must yard Well maintained Road, two bedroom lower $8900 881-4783 air excellent condition sell $2,100 875-7261 sell, $11,000 885-8466 Three bedrooms Grosse $950 per month Call urlll New carpeting and 1986 Chevy Sprint, 5 CADILLAC, 1983 Sedan $3 000 881-9227 POinte Park All appll 822-9891 atter 5 Avail- appliances garage $460 GOVERNMENT seized speed, air, JVC AMIFM DeVille, mint, loaded, low 1977 Southcoast 22' ances washerl dryer In able November 1st month 247-5913 velchles from $100 cassette rear defrost, 2 1981 FIAT X19, new tires, mileage $6 295 775 Trailer, two salls, com cluded Dan, 882 1141 Fords, Mercedes, Cor doorl Hatchback, $3,300 new brakes runs good PARK- 2 bedroom apart MARYLAND- spacIous 6843 pass VHF $4 500 or of- IMMEDIATE Occupancy 2 vettes, Chevys Surplus 558-9537 best oHer 884-7493 ment reduced rent In ex lower 6, appliances, car fer 263-4474 bedroom apartment 1063 Buyers gUide (1) 805687 1980 Capnce ClaSSIC 2 VOLKSWAGON Golf, 1987 change for 1 day per peted $425 plus utilities ELDORADO, 1980 black THOMPSON, 24-ft fiber Beaconsfield, $425 plus 6000 ext S-1626 door, loaded, V-6 grey excellent condition, air week cleaning servlcP 881-3149 With red leather Intenor glass New outdrlve utlill es, off street parkng $2 500 293-8580 stereo, sunroof, 5 speed 823-2425 1988 THUNDERBIRD loaded, excellent condl easy load trailer boat Call 881-8609 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Turbo Coupe Fully CHEVROLET, 1985 Cap tlon 689-4428 $6,500 886-5746 needs some work $5 500 REDECORATED two bed Short term upper rental on rice ClaSSIC 4 door full HARCOURT. lovely upper room lower apartment Harcourt Two bedrooms, loaded, black on black 5 1988 PONTIAC Grand Am MERCEDES, 1980 380SL or best offer 949.£723 pONer, low fTllleage Celli three bedroom Available Large dlnlna room new laul1dry faCility ::l'1d use of speed, fa\:tory rrlcor.~w: Sf:: Reo wnn grey Inte- two tops (new soft lOp) after 5PM 881-4810 SAILBOAT- Cal 20, race December Call 499 kitchen, garage Neff! garage Adults only Call Musl sell, $14,600 or best nor, 4,500 miles, loaded loaded alloys and wires eqUipment $3,500 884 8666 CharleVOIX area $6001 Shirley Kennedy offer 294-3877 281 FIREBIRD 1986, extra 4 door, turbo engine, ex- $22 000 465-4237 6654 2444 GROSSE POinte Park Way month Call 881-4973 af CHAMPION & BAER INC sharp low mileage tended warranty Mllst HONDA CIVICDX 1987 2 CLASSIC- One of a kind burn Two bedroom up- ter 6 PM 8845700 1986 Mustang GT black loaded must see Pnced selll $11200 881-7064 door hatchback blue to sell 884 7299 1952 42 ChriS Craft per excellent condillOn 39,000 miles $8 500 CADILLAC, 1987 grey stereo air low miles like NOTTINGHAM RIVARD, extenSIVely reno- Commander varnish and $3851 month, secunty 882-4364 TRANS AM 1986, black new $7600 778.6893 SOUTH OF JEFFERSON vated one bedroom apart Fleetwood Broughm hull In excellent conditIOn cleaning depo!>lt Lease THUNDERBIRD, 1988 and gold All electriC R W D excellent condl Two bedroom flat, remod ment Includes all appll DATSUN 200 SX 1980 InSide and out With lots 864-4666 morning or late Turbo Coupe 5 speed loaded low mileage ex tlon, 22 000 miles eled kitchen appliances ances $500 Call for good tlrps new battery of extras repowered by evening Best offer 822 4508 aftw cellent condition 777 $15 900 885 7200 or dining room, basement details 886-6992 and clutch c;tereo and tWin 390 Ford Intercep 6 PM 6566 294-2914 SPECTACULAR English off-street parking on Side tape runs good $950 tors $39 900 261-6470 Tudor charm New win dnve or near apron De 1981 BUICK Regal V 6 1980 CAPRI runs great 6 1977 BUick 225 Llmltpd 7788653 Ext 240 or 882-3600 dows new drapes new cember occupancy $4?') GROSSE POINTE cylinder, $1 200 882 75000 miles 2 door loaded very clean Orlgl 1976 DATSUN 280Z new lights, newer carpetmg plus secunty MOVING AND 1725 after 6 $2 500 or best 372 2392 nal full power accesso battery starter brakes , 656 MOTORIIKES appliances four bed SCHULTE'S REAL STORAGE COMPANY CUTLASS 1983 Supreme rles must see very rooms 2 car garage With ESTATE 1984 FORD lempo L low Excellenl mechanical Reasonable Rates automatic 6 cylinder air clean 821 4437 Tom MOPED 1986 Escot Trac II opener $1200 822-4161 573-3900 mileage stick shift condition $3 000 882 stereo 101/\/ mileage $1600 firm low miles excellent can Reliable Service $2 350 371 7234 8392 LARGE Upper flat In great COZY, Country two bed loaded sharp $5 300 dltlon $::>75885 3249 Local & Long Distance 60,( AUTOMOTIVE City location 5 bedrooms room lower on Rivard All TEMPO 1987 GL TX sport 886-6444 ANTIQUE/CLASSIC 1983 BMW 5331 white 5 and 3 baths on two appliances extra storage 5 speed ami fm air 822-4400 1986 CHEVROLET Nova speed very clean must 657 MOTOItCYCLES floors Large liVing room garage UtlirtieS Included power steenng power NASH, 1959 Metropolitan 2 1 6 Iltrp engine ,l!r auto see $13900 8820581 With natural fireplace, full $795 881 ')967 Free Estlmate8 brakes $6,900 778-7062 spater convertible 22,000 SUZUKI, 1986 230 Quads- malic 4 door grpy ex dining room and break miles good condition ------port 4 wheelpr excellent 1977 MUSTANG II auto cpllpnl connltlon Ask for fast room ? car garage Path Devillo 1-469 1585 606 AUTOMOTIVE condition $1 400 or best matlc power steering Donna or Jim hP!ore ? References $1 100 per or Mike al 1 465 6080 JEEPSH.WHEEl 9496723 brakes AMIFM casselle pm 777 5363 month 881 1981 9- 5 "1) IE New engine S1 100 or 60S AUTOMOTIVE 1987 Ford Bronco II Eddie best 886-1628 1988 BUick Regal Limited FOIIEIGN Bauer package loaded '59 SNOWMOIILES UPPER Flat for rent on white loaded low ml mmt low miles $13 000 Trombley, Park Prefer\l(l~ 1986 Ford Escort 4 door leage $12990 884-6134 HONDA, 1980 Accord ~ 3352350 1987 YAMAHA Entlcer non smoking adult'; No air power excellent door 5 speed AMI FM (~ f\ II~\\)~ XLIII Inrlude,; two place pelS Newly decorated 2 $4,4G5 r'rm 881 8761 be 1986 OLDSMOBILF cus ca<;sp!tp air 94 000 PUBLIC Sale' 1978 Jeep trallpr both unll'; like bedrooms 2 full baths Nowly renovalod ONE AND TWO HI D!100M', fore 12 noon ')r after ') tom crulc;er wagon V 8 9 milec; 8812581 CJ 7 Fnday Derpmbpr np.... 116 milec; on ,;now liVing room dlrllng room APAFHME-NTS available In ILHpl'r Woods St passengpr full power 2nd at 8 am Sllc~<;('.0111 30 1987 NISSAN 300 ZX mobllp S?950 792 2790 family room Includes Clair Shores, and East DetrOit f roshly palntod AMI FM cassette 46000 slon 11866 Gratlo, Ave MERCURY, 1978 MarqUIS turbo loaded mmt condl stove dishwasher refng new carpet, Iinollum, and appliances Close 10 mile,; extended warranty Detroit 5271011 4-<:loor, mechanically er tlon 22 000 milec; ''0 TUILEItS erator washer dryer shopping and transportallon, wpll maintained With unlimited mileage cellent One owner $15 000 or best offer $700 a month 8232192 grounds and prompt management Excpllent condition Ask 601 AUTOMOTIVE $1,200 8855743 Call evenmgs 881 476? CIMMARON 1g88 Fleet Ing $8 700 884 591') "AaTS/TIItESI ALAItMS SOMERSET, spacIous Rents from $425 to $4/'> wood ;xl loot trailpr In 1986 Mercury Sable LS sla Ihree bedroom lower car ror your appointment, please ('dll aUf off Cl' Man 48' CHEVROLET for 1986 Subaru XT Turbo sll CELLULAR telephonp Au rlur1ec;every option avail lion wagon like new peling appliances NO day Friday 8 30 530 $1 800 or best offer Also ver loaded, excellent dlovox model 400M Top able Load level hitch and whltel gray $9,250 296- PETS $575 plus utilities 351 Ford Windsor $300 condition $8 700 293- of the line $450 574- brake controller $14 500 0654 8852206 881.6100 886-4561 4514 ------~-----_._------0925 88') ')115 10C December 1 I 1988 Grosse Pointe News

    700 A'TS/FlATS/DU'UX 701 AP.TS/FlATS/DUI'LEX 701 APTS/FlATS/DUI'UX 702 UTS/FlATS/DUPLEX 70S HOUSES FOR RENT 706 HOUSES FOR ItENT 709 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS 716 OFFICES/COMMERCIAL Pointes/Horper Woods Detroit / Wlyne Counfy Detroit /Wayne County S.C.S/ Mocomb County Pointes/Horper Woods Detroit / Wlyne County FOR RENT FOR RENT ONE and 2 bedroom effi- McCORMICK, between NORTHSHORE Apart-GROSSE POinte Woods - KENNEDY BUlldlng- 8 Mile TOWNHOUSE, 4-bedroom THREE bedroom home With TOWNHOUSE to rent. 4- 5 ciency apartments In. Peerless and Balfour ments, Jefferson/ 9 1/2 Holiday Road, large two Road near 194 and 196 2 1/2 bath, 2 car garage, fireplace Good neighbor- bedrooms, 2- 3 baths, c1udes heat and central Two bedroom Bungalow Mile 1 and 2 bedroom bedroom Ranch, natural just opPOsite Eastland basement Grosse POinte hood Prefer family 573- appliances InclUding dish- air, Whittier and 1-94 n4- New furnace and electn- luxury apartments With frreplace, finished base- 77~5440 City $950 per month 3619 washer, washer and 259-6555 2040 cal Good condition $425 prIVate basement, from ment, $900 per month dryer $650/ $750 Call MACK- between 7 and 8 plus ulilltles 884-9794 $560 to $665 Carports plus security depoSit No THREE bedroom, freshly Carol 921-1800 EXCEPTIONAL upper on BEACONSFIELD near Jef Mile Ample parking 196 MORANG! Cadieux area- 2 available nl-3124 pets 88~8634 decorated, $500 plus 1 1/ Harcourt 2 bedrooms 2 ferson SpacIous 5 room STILL MEADOW sq ft Ideal for manufac- lower newly carpeted bedroom lower $365 plus ATIENTION PARK - 3 bedroom house 2 months security Near turers rep attorney. etc baths. sun room all ap- St John's Hospital 881. CONDOMINIUMS pliances Beauliful $900 and decorated, stove and secunty Clean 1-625- EXECUTIVES available Immedlatelyl $235 per month Includes 6643 Lulpacefor lease above 4030 ALTER, Grosse POinte 469-1075 771-4916 ------month 882-2555 from 8 ONE bedroom upper flat ment, $390 n8-8653 a m to 8 pm National Bank of DetrOit PARK- 1007 Beaconsfield. laundry priVileges and ga- Side One bedroom, $260 TWELVE Mile- Jefferson VI- C~~MI~~th 3 h~~~oo~~ Carpeted, heat, air In. JEFFERSONI CHALMERS 2 bedroom upper, new rage $250 per month Includes heat, 885-0031 cmlty, Immediate occu GROSSE POINTE PARK LAKESHORE Village. 2 c1uded JanitOrial service area Three bedroom kitchen all appliances, plus utilities DepoSit and FOUR bedroom brick pancy, 1 bedroom apart. Garage 9 month lease bedroom Townhouse home $275 month plus bl weekly carpeted, newly painted references required 822 home, $400 per month men!, heat water and Immediate occupancy Available Immediately $300 depoSit 8~1297 8816402 throughout, levolors De- Off 6 Mile near Gro~e carport Included, $420 $525 per month John E 468 8?18 0266 or 823-3086 STOREFRONT- Eleven/ cember 15th occupancy POinte Call Gerry 791- 885-1900 Pierce & ASSOCiates,Inc '\10 pets $475 343-0797 TWO bedroom upper flat, RIVIERA TERRACE Harper, 750 square feet fully carpeted $250 per 2458 ADULT/ Senior Community 884-4750 ST. JOHN'S Hospital area- St Clair Shores near 9 Mile 286-6692 or 468-4567, OPEN SATURDAY NOON. month $250 security de- WELL maintained live room One and two bedroom -N-E-F-F.-J-e-ff-e-rs-o-n--3-b-e-d- 2 bedroom, air condi- and Jefferson 2 bed. extenSion 33 2 PM Super two bed. lower flat $250 plus apartments QUiet, rural rooms 1 1/2 baths large tioned ranch With fire. room, 2 bath. well deco POSit Buckingham near GROSSE POinte Office room duplex, new In share heat, Gratiot! 7 setting, transportation, rooms Stove, refrlgera- place, large kitchen full rated unit Includes exer- East Outer Drive 882- Plaza, 22725 Mack, be 1988 Features Include Mile area 773-4412 etc Shown by appolnt- tor, washer, dryer No ga- basement $500/ month cise room pool and 7188 tween 8- 9 Mile Road dishwasher, carpetl ng 881-4200 JOHNSTONE clubhouse priVileges, se AVAILABLE January 1, TWO bedroom duplex, ment Woodland of Rich rage Tool shed storage Immediate occupancy energy effiCient $550 per & JOHNSTONE cunty guarded grounds one bedroom upper, CadleuxJ Ontario, stove, mond,727-4115 $900/ month plus secu 238 square feet to 929 month, lease required 8'1 kllrhpn 8poliancpc; ;)797 MaIII:.tlque $~2:J rc,r,gera,or,, . .~aS,,6r,"'J ry6f 1585 Brys 2 bedrooms, ga- "lv, A.a !able DC~8mber YORKSHIAEJ )-94 Citldfl 1 :.qudr~ {~el dl $7 50 ~J~I 1315 Maryland John E One year lease at $700 plus depoSit 885-1900 or Included, freshly painted, rage, appliances, secu- 1 882-4874 bedroom upper $295 2 square foot Rent In Pierce & ASSOCiates,Inc month including heal and 526-6977 773-3805,882-1985 rlty, $625 plus utilities EXCELLENT condition, 2 bedroom lower With base- cludes all utilities Air 884-4750 air conditIOning 884- SENIOR Citizen's apart. 296-6203 bedroom, new carpet, ga- ment $395 469-1203 conditiOning and lanltonal WAYBURN. large 1 bed- MODERN Townhouse 1 0600 ment Morang! Cadieux -9-M-IL-E/-K-e-ll-y-a-re-a-,-ja-r-g-e-2rage, fenced yard, appll- TWO bedroom In Morang/ services Michigan Realty room apartment, own utll- bedroom apartment- car- JOHNSTONE $280- $325, 792-2163 bedroom apartment, heat, ances plus washer and I 94 area $400 plus ulill. Company, 296-7602 IlleS, $300 331-8621 peted, air, parking- Hoo- & JOHNSTONE ties 881-4127 445-8815 ver Rd near East 7 Mile MORANG. 1 bedroom water, appliances and dryer, $525/ month n2- EXECUTIVE SUite, 1600 sq 6485 CONDO for rent 14 Mile/ Rd $280 per month apartment newly deco- carpeting furnished $470 ft Negotiable lease Cer- DUTCHESS and Morang 3 Jefferson Two bedrooms PARK! Wayburn and Mary- 881-3542 rated, carpeting, appll- month Ideal for SenIOrs SPOTLESS three bedroom, bedroom, $425 monthly ner of Vernlerl 1-94 884- land 2 and 3 bedroom 1 1/2 baths, garage MCCORMICK between ances, laundry faCilities. After 6 884-7125 1 1/2 bath home Dish- 28~8113 3050 flats available Immedl- basement 882-1850,885- Peerless and Balfour 2 Immediate occupancy THREE bedroom apartment washer and range In- SMALL office 17901 East atelyl Fre~hly redecor- THREE poSSibly 4 bed- 7776 Available Decem bedroom bungalow $350 per month 881- on Lakeshore Road- cluded $700 per month, Warren Answering ser- ated $425 to $575 per room $400/ month plus ber 1st Clean $425/ month plus 9647 many extras, $600 lease reqUired January vice available 885-1900 month Includes appll' water/ secunty 882-8179 security depOSit 884- BRIGHT, super clean base- monthly 268-4900, eve- 1,1989 occupancy 2175 ST. Clair Shores near ex- ances Call 882-3611 377 FISHER 9794 Hollywood John E CLEAN doll house, Jumbo pressway, 2 bedrooms, 1 ment StudiO, walkln flings 885-7660 Pierce & ASSOCiates,Inc OFFICES 1 • 3 PERSONS NEFF Road, lower flat- two fenced lot, 2 car garage, 1/2 baths, appliances, CADIEUX. Detroit, one bed. closel, qUiet home Cour- LAKE ST. CLAIR 884-4750 Present tenant leaVing to bedrooms, two baths, hv- 2 bedroom, basement, carpeted $598, heat and room apartment Refnger- Ville/ Mack, $295 Includes Large 1920's era. Apart. water Included Securrty consolidate Into larger Ing room With fireplace, FOUR bedrooms, two applrances Mack near ator, stove, carpet $320 utilities 88~1924 ments, 1,200 square feet depOSit Immediate occu quarters elsewhere, full dining room, sun- baths, 3 fireplaces In ni- Cadieux $450 month a month Includes heat YORKSHIRE. SpacIous 2 Upper leve! overlooking pancy 886-4666 freeing up four small room, kitchen With eating cest section of Grosse 331-4783 331-0581 bedroom lower flat With new lakeView develope- sUites SUitable for 1-3 per- space, stove and refriger- POinte Farms 775-2900, fireplace, Ideal for couple, ment Natural floors, ROCHELLE off Gratiot 3 712 GARAGE5/STORAGE sons each Take your ator, carpeting Base- EAST Warren and Outer ask for SUZie, 9. 5 $465 Includes the heat, new Iy d e cor ate d , bedrooms, $325 La Vons WANTED chOice now, move In Feb- ment, laundry, and stor- Drive area Cozy two tenants share garage and appliances, $475/ month COLONIAL In Grosse Property Management ruary Call for appt to age Garage Lawn bedroom flat on qUiet WANTED- Secure storage basement, available In plus utilities n3-8545 POinte Woods Large 773-2035 see maintenance, snow re- street With off street park- for older model car 882- December Call 828- 886-0285 family room and 2 large moval Tenant pays utili- Ing, $320 per month plus MARSILLE between Harper 5886 bedrooms, Immediate oc- FIRST FLOOR FRONT ties $725 month 885- utilities, available Immedi- 4374 ------TWEL VE Mle/ Harper area, and 1-94 Service Dnve, cupancy, $650 per 714 liVING QUARTERS 5-6 room profeSSional SUite, 7327 ately 88~ 1737 UPPER two bedroom, 2 bedroom home, Imme- near Cadieux 3 bedroom TO SHARE coffee bar, tull bath/ newly decorated through- dlate occupancy 29~ month 884-2161 EAST WARREN/ OUTER bungalow, 1 1/2 baths, shower, flve-day Janitor, BEACONSFIELD below Jef. out all appliances, two 3390 or 791-2468 GROSSE POinte Woods DRIVE, one and two bed- GROSSE Pomte Schools basement, garage $350 new carpeting to SUit ferson. 5 room lower, car- Working female to share room upper flats $300 car garage, large front Two bedroom Ranch on Call La Van 773-2035 peting, appliances, park- ST. Clair Shores, 1 and 2 bungalow With same plus secunty 881.3241 porch, Haverhill/ Mack Kenmore Available De- FISHER/MAUMEE Ing, $400 plus utilities, bedroom apartments, 707 HOUSES FOR RENT Would also have exclu- area Immediate occu- cember 15th $750 884- Blue bUilding center SUite, available December 1 HARPERI Cadieux, Duplex, central air, carports Also- S.C.S./Mlcomb Counfy sive use of entire new, pancy $350 month plus 0501 1-2 persons, prrvate lav, 823-1652 2 bedrooms, appliances, 12 and Groesbeck, 48 never lived In 2nd floor security References THREE bedroom house storage ALSO Similar basement, garage No new apartments, $395 to RIVARD near Jefferson, StUdiO, Includes full bath, PARK, one bedroom lower 791-2361 With finished basement, SUite, 1-94 near Allard Petsl $375 469-7575 or $495 n2-o831 2,500 square feet, 3 bed- air condlllonlng, $340/ Large rooms, appliances, DELUXE large apartment, 10 Mile/ Kelly Includes good parking 468-9921 TWO bedroom apartment 1 rooms With family room, month plus 1/3 utilities carpeting & curtains in- Harper/ Whittier area In- appliances, secUrity de- 1/2 baths, central air, car. central air, 881-1752 553-49n cluded QUiet mature LOVEL V Modern 1 bed- cludes heat 681-8955 POSit reqUired $495 Virginia S Jeffries non.smoker preferred room apartment- Car- port, dishwasher, heat in- WOODS, 3 bedroom Bun- monthly plus utilities Call SEEKING responSible Fe- Realtor 882-0899 LARGE, attractive, one bed- 823-4994 after 6'30 PM. peted, aIr conditIoning, cluded, 886-0478 or 881- galow 1813 Oxford $825 for appointment, 882. male to share house and room upper flat East 7066 GROSSE POinte Woods, 2 parklng- East Outer Dnve month, newly decorated 6895. 1/2 utilities In Park Con- Warren/ Outer Drive area offices available In profes- 701 AI'TS/FlATS/DUI'UX near Van Dyke $320 per JEFFERSON 9 Mile Rd 2 With appliances, 2 baths, tact Ellen after 5 P M at De.troit/Wlyne Counfy 979-2370 between 6 and LARGE four bedroom home Sional bUilding on Mack month Including heat - bedroom, basement, ga. garage 884-6456 824-4989 9PM With garage City, East Avenue, may be rented 3- BEDROOM upper, large, 892-8370 or 881-3542 rage, $450/ month plus 4 bedroom English Tudor, DetrOit $600 plus secu- NON- Smoking female to indiVidually or JOintly porchs, basements, ga- WHITTIER/ Beaconsfield SPACIOUS five room lower, utilities Andary, 886- newly painted, dining rrty Evenings 791-4532 share home With same, Rent Includes telephone rage, reference $475 One bedroom apartment, 5670 carpeted, natural fire- room With hardwood $175/ month plus 1/2 utlll- answenng, receptiOnist, Mack! Yorkshire 885- appliances, heat, air, car. FOUR bedroom house, car- place, appliances $400 ATTRACTIVE large 1 bed- floor, kitchen With bUlltlns, lies 884-8999 conference room, utilities, 8687 petlng, drapes $300 peted, stove, refrigerator, Includes heal SecUrity room upper, heat, car- 2 fireplaces 3 baths, JanitOrial Copy machine, 884-1526 furnished, newly deco- ONE bedroom apartment, 7 depoSit, references NO port, no pets, $465 29~ basement, 2 car de- ROOMMATE needed to parking and storage also tac.hed garage, $1195 rated, 28~256 Mile/ Gratiot R39.{)876 PETS Adults preferred 3508 HAVERHILL- lower 2 ..,. 1912 share beautiful 3 house available Ideal for attor- 881-8506 monthly plus security THREE bedroom home for near Harper Woods FUll ney, CPA, manufactuers FOR Rent 2 bedroom lower bedroom flat With appll- -,.-_-~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~- Homeowners, n4-0033 rent St Clair Shores, 9 laundry, two bath, $215 rep, etc 882-1470 flat, east Side of DetrOl! BERKSHIRE. Harper, De- ances, brand new carpet, 1/2- Harper area $700 a plus 1/3 ulilitles 52~ $350 a month Call troit One bedroom apart- freshly painted, garage, 1 Boaters' HARPER WOODS- 2 bed- PRIME MACK LOCATION. n5. month Call after 6 on Fri- 4075 8855 ment Stove, refrigerator, block off Mack $330 per room, newly decorated, Hlstonc Woods BUilding Lakefront day, all day Saturday carpet, air conditioned month No dogs 822- carpeted, fenced yard, at RenovatIOn underway WHITTIER/ Beaconsfield n~5962 HOME to share near lake- $310 a month Includes 4789 tiC storage, no basement 1,050 feet, first floor One bedroom modern paradise Side Mall, $295- $345 heat 331'{)581 or garage No pets Appli- storefront Parking Base- apartment, heat, water, 5301 3 MILE, 1 bedroom THREE Gto 4 bedroom, 3 monthly Cathy, 649- '21~ ances and water in- ment Excellenl for $300 52~3864 CADIEUX /Mack area Two upper, heat Included, fUll baths, ranch In St 4996, M.F, 9-4 L1 6311 clean, qUite Weekdays 9 CHA.~.~P!ON& BAER,!!'JC TWO 8edroorn bungalow, 5266 to 5- 885-7191, Week- nings or 554-5n8 days 884-5700 13 Mile/Jefferson Newly 716 OFFICES/COMMERCIAl THE MARK I BLDG UNIQUE Location. Detroit, ends. 885-5729 decorated, furnished, ga- DISCOUNT rent, upper 70S HOUSES FOIt ItENT HARPER WOODS, 18532 FOR ItENT 23230 MACK AVE one block from Grosse rage, available Immedi- STATE Fair and Gratiot 2 unit, great neighborhood, 'oin'es/Harper Woods Roscommon Cozy 2 ST CLAIR SHORES POinte Park on canel ately no pets Credit and LAKE ST. CLAIR bedroom lower, base. freshly painted, 463-4473 bedroom With basement Office sUites available Large one bedroom GROSSE POinte- Large 3 rental references a must Office sUites Art Deco era ment and garage, neat 2 car garage, $550 Upper Level lower, fireplace, sun OUTER Drive and Warren, bedrooms, $600 to $800 $500 monthly, 1 month Medical, Dental or gen- and clean $350 a month month plus secUrity and Varrable Sizes porch, den, dining, 2 full 2 bedroom lower and up- (month) 61~983-5648 security reqUired 293- eral bUSiness EX-Ray Includes heat 468-1755 cleaning charge 521- Modern Affordable baths carpet, blinds, per available Kitchens BRICK Bungalow Grosse 8580 equipment available 400- With appliances, $300 2440 InqUire on other locations fenced In yard all appli- BISHOP- 2 bedroom upper POinte schools In Harper 3 000 square feet, 12 771 6691 88~3086 ances pnvate secure off flat, carpeting, appli- monthly plus security Woods 4 bedrooms, 2 SMALL two bedroom Dutch 16/ JEFFERSON on canal M.le/ Jefferson area $250 street parking, no pets, ances, garage, near War. Homeowners 774-0033 baths, kitchen With eating ColOnial, appliances, near 4 bedroom, garage, appli- to $1,500/ month ~ 18100 MACK Ideal for Single or profes- ren, $375 plus security space carpet drapes 2 lake driveway parking, ances $800 month 885- 0285 n3-8545 CADIEUXI East warren, OFFICE SPACE FOR sional couple $325 plus No pets 881.2979 cozy, 2 bedroom brick 1/2 car garage, fenced $625 monthly plus utllilies 1272 utilities, deposit and last ST. CLAIR SHORES LEASE 1 200 square feet CADIEUXI Mack 2 bed. duplex Prrvate base- yard Lease $549 254- and security depoSit Ref- INCOME- St Clair Shores, month rent References Harper at 9 Mlle- 1,200 In nearly new bUilding' rooms, upper no pets, ment backyard $385 2989 erences reqUIred, please 3 units Back on market, reqUIred Available De- respond to Grosse POinte square foot l'ee standing Desk partitions cople' Ideal for Singles, $435 In. monthly plus secunty, COLONIAL. Grosse POinte $70 000 Century 21, cember 1st Call 824- News, Box W-15, 96 Ker- bUilding great for retail or telephone system are cll.des heat, appliances available Immediately 4 bedrooms 4 baths 2 KEE 'ART 573-0622 6399 cheval, Grosse POinte office available Ample parking and garage 884-5920 885-0153 car garage atr New Immediate occupancy LAPPIN between Hayes Farms, MI 48236 70' TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS CADIEUXI 1.94- 3 room Kitchen and carpetIng FOR RENT Mack at 9 Mile- 2200 884'{)6OO and Gratiot, nice area 5 702 A'TS/FlATS/DU'UX apartment, newly deco- Extremely acceSSible- GROSSE POinte Farms- square foot prrme retail JOHNSTONE room upper stove, refng- S.C.S/Mocomb Counfy four bedrooms, recently LAKESHORE Village, 2 rated very clean and schools library, shop- location & JOHNSTONE erator sldednve base- bedroom corner qUiet bUilding Ideal for CHANCE of a lifetime, ping park 17849 Ker. redecorated, $1,200 ment carpeted no utili- monthly Call Larry, townhouse Available adult or middle aged share beautiful apartment cheval $1 800/ month n8- GROSSE POINTE WOODS MEDICAL! Dental or Real lles Included $325 plus early January n1.Q609 5 working No pets 771- on water, beatwell or use 886-8866 2109 600 square foot office build Estate SUlle on Mack secunty depcSl1 Call 294- of Harbor Club boat pm to 7 pm Ing excellent locahon Woods Includes all utili 0738 773-1295 EXECUTIVE LeaSing 706 HOUSES FOIt ItENT 5592 clubhouse and sWim. ties wartlng room oH Charming Cape Cod In Detroit / Wlyne County TWO bedroom, 2 bath YORKSHIRE/ 1-94- Clean 1 mlng fishing 1 of a kind J E DeWALD & ASSOC street parl'lng HandlOS terrifiC Grosse POln-e Condo Immediate occu. ATTRACTIVE bedroom upper $295 2 apartment $460/ month ST. JOHN area, 3 bedroom 774-4666 8827300 Shores location Four pancy, 9 Mile/ Jefferson bedroom lower With base- Including heat Available brrck nicely furnished APARTMENTS bedrooms plus 2 baths Rlverla apartments Ask ment $395 469-1203 Immediately 792-6037 ~5053 Two car attached garage for Bob 731-8335 943 Alter Road just off East EAST Jefferson near Alter Too many extras to list KENSINGTON, between Jefferson Charming four WATERFRONT 1 bedroom TOWNHOUSE, 4-bedroom PRIME RETAIL SPACE two and three bedroom $1 500 per month One Mack and E Warren story elevator bUilding fireplace Includes utili- 2 1/2 bath 2 car garage uppers With heat and utili year lease Immediate Charming 3 bedroom Ites $650 Call Gale 884- home modern kitchen basement Grosse Pomte 99 KERCHEVAL "On The HIli" lies fenced parking from occupancy For appoint- City $950 per month SpacIous one and two bed- 1500 With appliances Including $300 to $350 a month ment call 885-7767 or 259-6555 Grosse Pointe Farms rooms rent Includes heat, dishwasher Large liVing security depOSit 772- APARTMENTS. Modern 1 882'{)364 and leave mes- water range and retnger and dining rooms Break- Approx. 2800 sq feet 4317 bedroom With appliances sage METRO Parkway and ator Near beth bus. lines fast nook Fireplace ga central air dishwasher Schoenherr 2 bedrooms references and secunty TWO bedroom flat Immedl THREE bedrooms newly rage Freshly painted and Immediate Occupancy - Move In Condition washer dryer 11 Mile 2 baths air carport $575 depoSit reqUired ate occupancy E Outer decorated Grosse POinte carpeted throughout month Includes heal and WALKER REALTY LTD Drive area $300/ month and Jefferson area $420 Woods $750/ month plus $575 monthly Available Call 885-5515 for further Info water 774-1292 886-0920 plus utilities 881-4127 per month 274-2932 utolltles 882'{)84'l Immediately 88~2056

    I December 1, 1988 11C Grosse Pointe News


    FARMS office space, Mack HUTCHINSON Island Gar. BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom SCHUSS luxury Condo, PERFECT starter or retire- HARPER Woods Flrsl of- PREMIER location In The GROSSE POINTE WOODS Ave 140 square feet, geous oceanfront, 2 bed. bungalow In Harper downhill, cross country ment home located on fering. Harper/ Mack Farms, on golf cource Come home to charm and some clerical, newly dec. room, 2 bath, elegantly Woods Extras Include skIIng, heated pools and Hollywood between Mack area Lovely 3 bedroom Ranch home on Chal- comfort ThiS tree shaded orated 886-0700 furnished and eqUipped above ground pool, air In sauna, weekend and and Harper,- 2 bedrooms bnck, newer carpeting fonte, backs onto Country 3 bedroom brick home Adult couple only, 3 weekday rental packages 2 bedrooms, ceiling fan kitchen With dishwasher/ OFFICE space available, down/ chlldrens bedroom CJub of DetrOit For sale features formal dining month minimum, avail- Deal direct With owner With lamp, fenced yard, range, Rec room With Grosse POinte Woods, wltli play room upstairs by owner 3 bedroom, room, natural flreplce able December 1 $2,200 and save $$$ 731-3030 backyard patio and more bath, garage Grosse $275 per month, Includes Newly decorated low study 4 baths first floor screened porch and lot's monthly, discount for 6 Priced 10 sell, by owner, all utilities 882 3868 maintenance ~Iomp POinte School~ Immedl laundry area 2,500 more $89,500 months Save Realtor HARBOR SPRINGS $62,000 Mark 8827044 Fenced In yard With deck ate occupany ConSider square feet 3/4 of arl CENTURY 21 AVID, INC commission 886-5160 CONDO, sleeps 8 New or 884-3711 offers Kohler Real Es acre Central air spnnkler Year's available 886- Grosse POinte sC~lool sys 778.8100 720 ROOMS FOR RENT tate 372 1862 system Finished base POMPANO beach, 2 bed- 8924 DON'T Walt till Tuesday tem Cash or Conven room, 2 bath, pool dock- morlllng to REPEAT your tlonal Mortgage $42 900 ment With office L;Jrgp ST CLAIR SHORES GROSSE POinte room ST Clair Shores Brick age available QUltell NEAR DOWNHILL SKIING advertlsemenflll Call our Call 882 2306 alter 6 pm brick patio ovprlooklng OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 laundry kitchen Non ranch 2 bedrooms fam Adults Preferred Refer- SUGARLOAF and cross claSSified advertiSing golf cource :1>350000 SDectdcular 8th floor Condo smoker 822 5941 FOR Sale by OWrlpr Spau !ly room flleplace ences Seasonal only country skIIng thiS new department Wednesdays Call 8?2 2351 dftpr 6 Ollrrlookmq Lake St tlful briei' cenlf'r f'lllrdncp 'l>69000 21813 Benja SLEEPING Room free tele Reasonable Days 839- home offers comfort and Thursdays, Fndays, Man pm Cia r Thrpe bedrooms, 2 Colomal 11:'9 flaw nlln II? 0039 phone, t v washer beauty Three bedrooms days 8826900 1/2 baths and a 40 ft boa- 8600, Evenings 8866669 thorne ::J bpdl()()lrlS 1 11 OPEN House SunddY 1 'J dryer Kitchen privileges & sleeping loft Call for THREE Mill Dr 4 bed lweI! Asking $289000 HUTCHINSON Island on 12836 DRESDEN 3 bed 2 brlths I londd morll ? P rn For sale by owner own refrigerator $60 details & rates room 2 112 baths center Call Schultes Real Estate the ocean luxuriOUS room ColOnial, finished car electriC CjiHdC]f> fire> First lime offered 10<15 week $100 deposit Call John E Pierce f'l1tr imeE' tlllck Colonial 573-3900 furnished condo pool, basement, 1 1/2 baths place $1<1') (JOO WOIi' Audubon Grosse POinte beth, 824 5325 & ASSOCiates, Inc 01' Idr qr lot screened tennis private beach, 5638309 259 ,)'iQb E'VPlIll1ljS BAr, Park between Jeffer~on BY Owner 917 Washington 884-4750 pOlrl1 )Iardwood floors NICE, Clean rooms Males 751 5588 or 882-4900 5818 and St Paul Four opd Hd Immedldle occu GROSSE POINTE ------_._---~- pandll'd ejpll large coun only $40 per week Call SCHUSS Mountain Chalet rooms th'ee full plus two pancy on thiS large 4 LONGBOAT KEY- Sara 473 UN IVEF~Sll Y t Jmssp II) kllcl1en wlltl t;redkfdst anytime 831 5670 Completely redecorated, WOODS half baths new kitchen Dedroom colonial In sota, 1st floor condoml POinte City (lIIer '3000 bdy JpfHlalre range gas all appliances color TV, 1111 N Brys- Immaculate Ia rg e and spac IOU ~ Grosse POinte City Open nlum, 2 bedroom, 2 bath square fee! 4 bedrooms GROSSE POinte rarms VCR, and microwave frwPd air heat '£180000 three bedroom one and 3 112 baths library lire rooms newly deroratecJ Sunday 2 5 P m Or by kitchen privileges Prefer turnkey furnished patio ? r~I) Blokprs 881 7562 al 2937070,4452180 one half bath brick l1ew custom draperres dppCJlrltrnent 886 4666 working woman $150 tenniS, pool Monthly placE'S Excelipilt IOIldl Ipr c, pm ranch Family room 2 car throughout Must spe Price reduced to sell No rental 7728611 days !Ion $239 000 C ,111886 monthlv olus sprun111 LVAWIQIUINJAL .. ""0r-r, "'",..., dttd<..i,t'J g<.ra~" ~c::.tJ.:1 VVU Olu"t...I~ rlt::d~t: plus share utilities 881 247 1082 evenings . RISORTS '3699 MARYSVILLE. fwo bed $148,500 6361 IOOln lJr ck horne A real CLEARWATER- LUXUriOUs SKI VAIL DETROIT/ Harper Moro"" GROSSE POINTE beauty Auoss from St SLEEPING Room- East completly furnished Five bedrooms 3 baths Radnor 'j,1/ 900 Nice '3 WOODS Clair RIVPr With speLtacu Warren and Outer Drive Condo 2 bedrooms, 2 beautiful Condo Take bedroom plus alulTllnurT, ANITA Over 2 000 square Idl IIlew LIliing room has Phone Must be clean and qUiet baths all amenities, pool, shuttle 1 mile to gondola bungalow Carpetlllg en feet In thiS 3 bedroom, 2 cillhedrdl rerllng and lull Please call 885 3039 be JaCUZZI, tenms Near golf $200 per day rlosed front pori h Dlpl1ly full bath aluminum Colo- length thermal pane win 882-9142 fore 6 PM and shopping areas 313- Call Mary at 540 6070 of storage roorn 1 car nial Den two car garage dow~ ndtural fireplace 1 2610306 or Phil at 682 5243 garage Near St John s $87900 Hospital Gtllpn f1Pillty full 3/<1 1/2 baths Full LARGE room Park rur 722 VACATION RENTAL 8863665 ~)dS[!ment 2 car garage Complete Home In~pections Inc. nlshed, pnvate bath, pH HARPER WOODS OUT ,OF STATE .00 HOUSES FOR SALE Nllh oDener A~k tor vate entrance $350 In WOODSIDE Attractive 3 GROSSE POintE' Shore~ 88 Our pre purchase home inspection may save Joye e SedWick for more cludes utilities IIf1enS FULL Y furnished 2 bed- bedroom aluminum bun- Greenbriar 3 bedroom you a lifetime of problems and expense STARTER home, 20022 detail" and shOWing laundry cleaning 882 room townhouse In South galow new furnace and randl Ilrwly (\pcord!p(\ Inspections performpd In accordance With McCormick Between C378 Office 364 3500 4469 Carolina at Keowee Key central air $50,900 central illr sprHli'lpr sy" American Society of Home In~pectors Peerless and Balfour VI FII(>I1If\g~ 36<17532 Real Retirement Resort on tpm $27') 000 ()pPIl gUidelines Immediate vmtten report Call today nyl Siding, new furnace WILCOX Fstilte Counselors 721 VACATION RENTAL Lake Keowee Foothills of and electncal 2 car ga- REALTORS Sunday? 10 ') 881 J /1\6 for a frpe brochure or 10 schedule 1r1Slwriion FLOItIDA Blue Ridge Mountains rage, good condition, 884-3550. 1312 HAWTHORNE Ammerlltles Include r ARMS 466 LEXINGTON VERO Beach Ocean front, $28,500 884-9794 BeautifUlly decorated 3 bed SpacIous 2 bedroom brick 2,200 square feet, Janu heated Indoor pool, 18 DON'T miss thiS three bed HEREFORD 3 bedroom room, 1 1/2 bath Coloilial ranch large liVing room 8681 FARMBROOK (BY OWNER) ray through April, $2 290 hole golf cource tennis room charmer In the brick, garage, totally re- With family room and With fireplace formal din per month After 5, 775 bowling Grosse POinte Woods Great localion OPEN SUNDAY 2. 5 P.M. modeled, $23,000 Terms large country kitchen Ap Il1g room cheerful kitchen 0135 references Phone 803- With nice features Listed negotiable 886-5053 proximately 2 000 square With eating space, base- Custom bUilt brick, 2 bedroom home, near St John 944-0240 for further infor- under $89000 John E BONITA Beach and Tennis feet lot size 60 X150' ment attached garage Hospital, liVing room With natural fireplace, kitchen, mation DETROIT 2 family, Three Pierce & ASSOCiates Inc Club On gulf, weekly, Open Sunday 2 5 or by AnXIOUS price reduced dining room, finished basement With wet bar and Mile Dr, Outer Drive- 884-4750 December, January 774- appointment 885 3260 HANDLOS 882-7300 fireplace, one and one half baths, new furnace and Warren- Georgous 5/5 hot water heater In 1987, 2 car garage With open. 6580 OWNER. 3 bedroom house room brick, 212 bed- er, profeSSionally landscaped by Halls Nursery With basement, Rochelle NAPLES Condominium 2 HARBOR Spnngs Birch- rooms, dining rooms, 2 ON LAKE ST. CLAIR off Gratiot, $6,000 cash 884.6135 bedroom, 2 bath Walking wood Large 4 bedroom natural fireplaces, 2 en- - 772-9632 No agents distance to stores and house Three baths closed porches, base- please resturants, 1 mile to Great room Reserve for ment With lavortary 2 car beach Large heated pool skiing By owner diS- garage Gillen Realty A TERRIFIC BUY and JacuzzI 296-3092 count 879-7626, 427- 886-3665 Owners looking for qUick 7141 sale MOVing South NAPLES Florrda Beautiful GROSSE POinte City- 3 Tranquil Hamson Twsp luxury guest house on HARBOR Spnngs- Harbor bedroom bnck bungalow, king size lot Gorgeous 3 pnvate lake huge loft Cove Luxury Condo 2 1/2 baths, fireplace, re- bedroom ranch 1 1/? bedroom 2 baths, car sleeps 9, Indoor pool, Ja modeled, newer fur bath, family room fire port $1 500 per month CUZZI Available for ski nance, balcony deck Ex place, FlOrida room beau Includes all utllites, avail weekends 965-9409 tras $98,500 776-4663 tlful large finished base. able January 1st, 5 mm- days Broker ment, attached garage utes to beach 1-813-598- 30 NORTH Duval, Grosse SKI Sugarloaf, Traverse onglnal owners A real 2::':'4 POinte Shores, located City Three bedroom, 3 beauty Bargain pnced at Award winning contempomry home on Lake St Clair, between 8/ 9 Mile Roads NORn: -=ort Myers, lake bath Townhouses at foot $108900 Grosse POinte Shores, MI (former W Hawkins 3 houses off Lakeshore Side at L ~hmoor Country of mountain Cross coun. CALL MARIANNE OR GIL rerry reSidence) High ceilinged spacIous Interior Road 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 Club QUiet, spacIous two try and downhill night CENTURY AVID offer~ bloallitaklflg IIlews of !lie lake bath, Colonial $279,000 21, bedroom two bath con- skIIng Indoor pool, res 61 ROSLYN ROAD 884-5255 and 882-5083 778-8100. Call for Details dominium Completely taurant on premises, GROSSE POINTE SHORES furnished, large screened gambling In area Call COMERICA BANK Charming Williamsburg Farm Colonial, balcony, overlooks lake/ Bob, 397-3274 or Bill 5T CLAIR SHORES 4 bedrooms, 2 112 baths Our home has recently golfcourse Carport and 476-9364 You Will enjoy lake pnvl- (313) 496-6177 been profeSSionally remodeled. Decorated pool 8B5-8836 lages If you buy thiS 3 Elegant liVing room With natural fireplace Formal SKI SHANTY CREEK bedroom bnck home dining room, large Mutscher kitchen, large family CHRISTMAS WEEK Florida Basement Appliances room With natural fireplace and wotbar Beaullf'il DECEMBER 23- 30 Resort LakeView Schools QUick FlOrida room A Lord and Burnham greenhouse Fully furnished 2 bedroom, posesslon Call todayl Offered at Days 774-4666/Eves: 882-7048 Condominiums 2 bath condo, sleeps 8 $67500 WEST COAST $700 a week 886-2767 '345,000 Owner/Broker 5T CLAIR SHORES DicksOI1- 1 2, 3 Bedroom CHARLEVOIX Petoskey Big big yard and sldednve Beachfront MacI)onald area 4 bedroom 2 bath for extra parking ThiS 3 From $510 Weekly chale! Fireplace B82 bedroom brlci' colonial CALL TOLL FREE REAL ESTATE i? 5749,591-6180 akso features a country 1-800 237 9831 CHECK OLJr rates for thiS kitchen basement and FEATURING. TWO bedroom Condom- luxury 3-bedroom Condo more LakeView Schools mum on Sanabel Island Resor! Condominium,; Harbor Springs Peto Call today for details located on the Gulf, rec skey Reserve for Winter ST CLAIR SHORES ReSidential reatlonal facilities avail weekends or weekly 886- Great neighborhood to Waterfront Land & Homos able NeWly decorated come home tol ThiS 3 6922, evenings 885-4142 Commercial IJ, Investment Four Bprjlo(Jf1IS Grosse POinte Schools sleeps 8 For more Infor bedroom brick ranch also ProperlJes matlon call Lisa 544 HARBOR Springs condom, features a remodeled t~ew nool Npw Central NC 1963 nlum sleeps eight com kitchen and finished base WIlliam J. Dickson ~Jew Drl"Pliny Large Mooern Kitchen pletely equipped fire ment fenced yard With 2 WANTEDGrosse POlntp Associate Broker D,n \II tli Wpltnl • rJp\IIpr Gas r A place deluxe kitchen car garage Don t miss Shores c0uple wants 2 bf>d . OWnFR HAS rUR(;HASED JacuzzI and Indoor pool out Call Todayl room 2 bath Condo to (616) 347-7800 Low rates 8822947 ST CLAIR SHORES IJFW HOME 280 VINCENNES PLACE lell! lur rnU1Url 0' iv1df<.AI SKI BOYNE COUNTRY Extra neat and clean tree GROSSE POINTE FARMS In area between Hillsboro CURRAN REALTY CO. PETOSKEY shaded family home With 8434 Harbor Petoskey Rd and Fort Laudprdille rlor Spectacular two story reSidence deSigned by Wallace Completely furnished three 3 bedrooms 2 baths Harbor Plaza 884-6952 Ida 884 9458 Frost, bUlit by H H ~JlICOUand landscaped by Tho- bedroom chalet two frre family room enclosed Harbor Springs MI 49740 mas Churc1 Three first floor bedrooms including CLEARWATER Beach 440 places Sleeps plpven porch 2 car garage extra $88,500 large master sUite With fireplace Three additional West 2 bedroom 2 bath $280 per weekend Side lot also available bedrooms second floor High COllings and numer- luxury Condo on Gulf 90 647-7233 ST CLAIR SHORES ous top quality fealures throughout minutes 10 Disney World Your someday home PETOSKEYI Boyne 01 823-70<12 See thiS three bedroom reclly on the shore Very Call lor Details brick ranch toda/ Dining FORT MYERS 2nd floor 2 private 3 bedrooms 2 room Corner fireplace COMERICA BANK bedroom 2 bath well fur. baths Vacation homp Basement entertainment nished heated pool club With fireplace slereo ca (313) 496-6177 center LakeView schools house December thru ble dishwasher and ml Near the lai'e March Adulls 1 813 93&- crowave sleeps 9 885 ST CLAIR SHORES 0422 9325 ADULT COMMUNITY Don I waltl You can move In ExclUSive country lIVing for adults 50 and older No qUlci' Mlpn you buy thiS resldenl children under the age of 17 years One three bedroom brick and two bedroom ranch units, private clubhouse ranch Finished basement and nature area Inland lake wrth sandy beach or \IIlth bar and full bath Inground pool Unrts start at '67,900 Call today for RESORT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. fencpd yilrd With two car extras options and p"vale shOWing garagp LakeView schools FEATURING LUXURY CONDOMINIUM SPACIOUS RANCH CONDO ACCOMMODATIONS AT' CENTURY 21 AVID, INC 778-8100 St Clair Shores nome has 2 bedrooms 2 baths, for- HARBOR COVE CONDOMINIUM mal dining room, central air, first floor laundry, at. 40 NEWBERRY Harbor Spring,; tached garage plus much more Call today for PLACE details BY APPOINTMENT LAKESIDE CLUB CONDOMINIUM DETROIT BRICK RANCH ONLY Petoskey Immaculate three bedroom ranch on Wide lot Two Archl1Pc1uraily deSigned c;)r garage, ba<;ament. formal dining room, new pxqul<;ltely malnl;jlnprj furnace, plus extra Wide hall Could be good for HIDEAWAY VALLEY CONDOMINIUM C?PP Cod Threp bed hClndleapped parson Cf'droom and full 300 Park Street , , bath) two car atlachpd Lei us help you plan your winter ski vacation SUite 215 ,I • garage Meticulously landscaped Central air Birmingham, Michigan 48010 • 8430 M-119 sprinkler system alarm Telephone (313) 644 8973 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 system Immediate accu pancy Brokers abstain 1-616-348-2500 or 1-800-678-8239 963-3123 BY APPOINTMENT ONL Y 296.3240 12C December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News

    ~~' " .0 HOU~ES FOR SALE 100 HOUSES" '~ 'ALE 903 APPLIANCE SERVICE 912 912 BUilDING/REMODELING ~16 CARl'fT INSTAllATION '0' . ,'"'llI(E/IUVER'0.- LOTS CN1 IRICK/BLOCK WORK BUilDING/REMODELING RIFLL '\er, near Standish CARPET GROSSE POINTE WOODS REMODELED 2 bedroom APPLIANCE • BRICK WORK • AttiCS EASTVIEW Two waterfront lots to- INSTALLATION Charming Ivy covered bnck ranch In Grosse POinte DOCTOR • TUCK POINTING • Porch Enclosures ALUMINUM, INC. ColOnial In beautiful family Woods Excellent condi- gether Must sell to- • Additions & Kitchens Safes and SeNlce "JOB DONE RIGHT, • PORCHES ALCOA PRODUCTS neighborhood ThiS home tion Must sell, trans- gether (616)264-8759/ • Commercial BUildings No job too smalll THE FIRST TIME" • CHIMNEYS AWnings- Sidings features a brtght new ferred Asking $139,500 17 years experience a 13 NORTHERN MICHIGAN Washers, dryers, shtoves, • REBUILT AND SUnON Combination Storms kitchen formal dining or make oHel 1086 N 527-9084 HOMES refngerators, all makes & REPAIRED CAULKING CONSTRUCTION Screens-Doors-Rooflng room With access to brick Brys Dnve By owner call models, expert repair BRYSON SUnON Seamless Gutters patio, rec room With bar 884-8258 or 884-6373 GROSSE POinte MOVing ADVANCED 917 PLASTER/CEILING Honest pnces, 6 month 1324 Bedford B.F. Goodrich VlnylA and 1/2 bath, natural lire Company Regular triPS guarantee Save $5 with MAINTENANCE 884-2942 882-2436 Products place new furnace With north Partial loads wel- 17319 EAST WARREN SPECIALIZING In repairs- ,101 COMMERCIAL IUllDINGS this ad 17301 MACK AVE NEAR central air new carpet come 822-4400 884-9512 clean, prompt service 891-8622. BARKER CADIEUX and fresh decor shol'ts Grosse POinte refer- 1,200 Square foot bUSiness CONTRACTORS DETROIT, MI 48224 real pride of ownership bUilding In East Detroit lIS OUT OF STATE I'ROPERTY Modernlzalion' Alterations' Ad ences Free estimates 905 AUTO/TRUCK REPAIR J. W. KLEINER GROSSE POINTE FARMS Arranged for office or ser- dlllons'Famlly 881-1060 527-5616 Call lou, 882-2294 MASON CONTRACTOR 26 Years Exp lIC & Beautifully apPOinted bnck vice use QUick posses- CALIFORNIA- San lUis Ob- Rooms.Kltchens & Rec- RAY S FOREIGN CAR Brrck, Block & Stone work- PLASTERING and drywall c.olonlal situated on well sion Land contract terms ISPO, 2 acres, $7,500 reation Areas Insured GARAGE and all types of repairs Nell Squires 75HJ772 groomed lot Features $48,000 cash 293-0231 JAMES BARKER SEE SHOWROOM We service any and all for- Brtck & Flagstone Patios three bedrooms 1 1/2 886-5044 PLASTER and Drywall re- CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. & Walks Porches, Chim- DOUGLAS SHAW baths, new kitchen Flor- eign cars specialIZIng In pair Corness work and 778-8115 117 REAL ESTATE WANTED CUSTOM kitchens and HOME RENOVATIONS Ida room rec room, natu Mercedes, Volvo, VW, neys, Tuck POinting stucco All repair guaran- .. counter tops for the diS- Remodeling or repairs of all ral fireplace new porch English and Japanese Patching and also Viola- teed 15 years experi- 103 CONDOS/A'TS/FLATS criminating customer Interlot and exterior and deck and aHordably CASH vehicles 42 years experi- lions corrected Specializ- ence Call 581-4914 after SpeCialiZing In Carlan needs From new to old Priced A must seeI FOR HOMES ence free pick-up and Ing In Small Jobs 6 or leave message GROSSE POinte Elegant FREE Products for kitchen and specialiZing In Finish Car- HARPER WOODS SelVlng Area Since 1938 delIVery, 8-6 pm Mon- English Tudor condo 4 bath ProfeSSional and pentry, Kitchens, Baths, CODE ViolatiOns Repaired SpacIous brick ranch SitU day-Friday, 8-noon Satur- ESTIMATES LICENSED bedrooms plus maid's STIEBER REAL TV cuneous service li- Recreation Rooms, LI- Interior/ Extenor Free ated on large lot custom day, 884-8874 15040 882-0717. quarters, 3 1/2 baths, 2 775-4900 censed/ Insured refer- branes Small Jobs Wel- Inspection check over features Include three East Warren car, 2 fireplaces, den. 912 IUllDING/REMODUING ences Call mark 759 come SeNlng the Grosse can save you time and bedrooms. two full baths, WANTED: RIViera Terrace FlOrida room country '07 IASEMENT 2121 POinte area since 1975 money Insured, experi- formal dining room, natu kitchen Must see mid level one bedroom WATERI'ROOFING J&F CONTRACTORS servo where quality ISfirst enced, references (el: fl(Cplc;:t;ct', t't;t't'w tu(l1aca, $182,000 776-4663 Bro- CoIIUV CASh 526-2625 Ing GlOst>e Ppolnle area Seaver Home Malntance two car garage Grosse CAPlllO CaNST. CORNERSTONE 881-9385 ker 35 years Roofing repairs, CONST. CO. 882-0000 POinte School Priced to BASEMENT eaves troughs, back- Kitchens-Custom Deslon NEW and repalr- plastering, sell Owner anxIous OPEN SUNDAY, 1 - 5 PM WATERPROOFING boards, masonry tuck ALL CASH Family Rooms ~ 914 ~AR'ENTRY INCOME PROPERTY 34743 E. LAKE DRIVE WALLS STRAIGHTENED pOinting chimneys, dry wall, ceramic tile, 35 For Your Home Window Replacements years expenence Abso- 5/4 maintenance free In nice HARRISON TOWNSHIP AND REPLACED porches lIat roofs new CARPENTER- Small and Any Condition CommerCial Remodeling area of Detroit, excellent 14 1/2 Mile and Jefferson DONE RIGHT and repairs, hot tar Also farge jobs. 33 years ex- lute guarantee Call Val Interlor/Extenor condition, good reliable Lakerldge Condominiums Investor/Agent 10 YEAR GUARANTEE shingles 331-2057 penence Licenced 527- entlno afternoon 372- Additions 3462 tenants Fantasllc cash View of lake from every win- 886-2920 LICENSED INSURED CARPENTER work panel- 6656 flow Occupy or Invest dow Fireplace, attached Custom and Quality Always TONY 885-0612 Ing, partitions, doors cut, CUSTOM home repairs rot- PLASTER & DRYWALL DETROIT'S BEST BUY garage 120 IlUSINfSS • LICENSED AND INSURED CHARLES F JEFFREY repairs, small jobs 882- ten Window cords, doors, SpeCialist In Fantastic bnck Cape Cod In RED CARPET KEIM OPPORTUNITIES JIM LAETHEM 882-1800 2795 jams, porches, Windows, • ceiling Cracks Detroit's best area New SHOREWOOD 882-9310 GENERAL Store, next to BASEMENT fences Work alone Bill, • Old Wall & Textures roof, aluminum tnm for- REAL ESTATE, INC. Wendy's, McDonald's, MODERNIZATION WATERPROOFING • FORMICA KITCHEN 773-0798 • Removal & Repair mal dining room, natural 886-8710 banks and hospitals • Underpin footings M T. CHARGOT COUNTER TOPS AND • Drywall(new or old) fireplace and much more CARPENTRY. Call Paul For Waterfront condominium Completely new, car. • Cracked or caved-In walls BUILDING CO. VANITIES • Complete House or Priced In the $3O's With 0 With fireplace, two bed- peted, fireplace, Includes It All CommerCial and • 10 year guarante • CORIAN CABINETS • One Rooml\JVall down rooms, basement, and all Inventory Must sell, PERSONALl Y DESIGNED ReSidential Rough and licensed Insured • FREE ESTIMATES • Spray Texture call 885-2335 $19,900, finish Free estimates fn- Stieber Realty lots of extras A great In- • Kitchens - AttiCS EDWARD VANOSTAYEN 27 Years Experience vestment at $91,000 Will negotiate A.R. CODDENS • Basements- Porches sured References 372- References 775-4900 3726 CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. ESTABLISHED 1924 • Bathrooms Rec Rooms 839-0424 465-7152 'We are neat and CONSULTANT- early reti- THREE bedroom Tudor n8-8100 All types of basement water- Outdoor deck enVironmenls CARPENTER work, panel- clean up our mess' ree preferred Investment style, ready to move-In ONE bedroom Unit across proofing 15 year guaran- CUSTOM CRAFTED Ing, partitions, doors cut, 296-9538 opportunity Call Mike tee References 886. Owner anxIous Askmg from Macomb Mall Ex- • Cabtnets- Formica repairs, small Jobs 882- FranCIS774-1078 5565 PLASTERING and drywall $124,900 POSSible rent cellent condition, balcony • Woodworking-trimwork 2795 repairs TextUring and With option to bUy 882- and carport n6-2528 AQUA-STOP • ReplacementWindows 4164 902 ALUMINUM SIDING • Interior. Exterior Doors stucco Insured Pete Tar- Wet Basement Company WE 00 CARPENTRY omlna 469-2967 MARSAILLES 2 bedroom LAKESHORE Village- Good leaky basement repairs FUllY liCENSED AND Village Lock and Home plus double lot, fence Investment, $62,000 Va- LEONARD'S Without digging INSURED Repslr Company ALL types drywall and plas- l Central air, new 3 car ga- cant No Brokers Box S- SIDING LIFETIME WARRANTY GENERAl HOr-.1EREPAIR 18554 Mack tenng, spray textunng and tapllng New and re- rage. Storage, negotiable. 23, Grosse POinte News, Aluminum and Vinyl Siding 778-6363 GrossEI Pointe Farms 96 Kercheval, Grosse Complete custom trim, pair 25 years expertence 886-5053 24 HOURS 881-8603 POinte, MI 48236 soffet areas, gutters and Enl.TO Free estimates, Insured 65 STONEHURST RIVIERA Terrace one bed- replacement Windows ll- CONSTRUCTION 773-4316 or 689-5114 915 CARPET CLEANING GROSSE POINTE room condo, carpeted, censed and Insured Free R L • AllTypesof CementWork FIVE STAR garden level, mirrored estimates • • • BasementWaterproofing SHORES PLASTERING wall and dining area 88_4_-54_1_6__ STREMERSCH . Addilions EXPERT CARPET 3 bedroom ranCI', 2 1/2 Near pool Excellent con- CLEANING • Drywall aUAUTYWORK • Mud & Tape bath House upodated dition Priced nght 778- Truck Mount Extraction (WIndows, furnace, fire- 903 APPLIANCE SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES • Textured ceilings 6890 after 6 p m ReSidential - CommerCial place, kitchen, fixtures, BASEMENT • Painting Upholsterrng Cleaning etc) 2,200 square teet EASTLAND- Fleetwood, WATERPROOFING FREE ESTIMAlES CALL GEORGE Drapery Cleaning BILL 343-5085 Beautiful large yard Lo- excellent 1 bedroom Walls RepaIred DAVE TEOLIS n9-0411 cated next to N Deep- condo, carpeted, new NUnO Straightened Family owned-Gperated lands between Sheldon central air. patiO, carport, APPLIANCE Replaced 911 CEMENT WORK INSURED and Ballantyne 884-7738 basement With lav, Bed- ALL WORK FREE ESTIMATES Gall after 1 p m ford 776-6100 • Washer - Dryer Service GUARANTEED CHARLES F. • Vacuum Service and LICENSED 443 lEXINGTON, Grosse RANCH Condo, on the K-CARPET JEFFREY Sales Pornte Farms 3 bedroom lake, Hamson Township CONTRACTOR • Used Stoves-Refngerators 884-7139 CLEANING 2 bath ranch With new 2 bedrooms full base- All types of brick and ment, central air, 1 car COMPANY Oak kitchen Recent roof, WE SELL REBUILT cement work garage, just repainted, CARPET SPECIALISTS • finished basement Imme- WASHERS BASEMENT lake ridge Condomi- 882-0688 diate occupancy Carol AND DRYERS AMERICA~~ HOM~_ IMPROVEMENT WATERPROOFING Pollina, Schweitzer Real niums, Jefferson, north of CARPET CLEANING BASEMENT INCOR'ORATlO- Pre-Cast Steps Walks Estate 886-5800 15 Mile Road, 34735 BUILDER~LICENSE No !l9!i40 $1150 PER AVER SIZE 445-0776 DrIVeways East Lake Dnve Open WATERPROOFING RM INC Pre-spot, scrub- GROSSE POinte Schools- COMPLETE BUILDING Cement, Bnck Saturday and Sunday 1 bl ng-stea m/e xtractlOn Harper Woods, lovely Low Pnces AND REMODELING Flagstone Patios to 5 Reduced- $79,900 sofa-$22 50, chair w/sofa area, 3 to 4 bedroom Free Estimates SERVICE Tuck Pomtlng 824-6540 $5 Other cleaning ser- brick bungalow With DOC'S 10 Year Guarantee Addrtlons/Dormers Chimney Repair ------vices-wails, wlf1dows, gut- many features, updated MOVE nght In to hard to AlSO SEWER CLEANING Krtchensl8aths Porches And find first floor, one bed- APPLIANCE DeSigned Remodeling ters, Siding, cars, free es- kitchen, natural fireplace, LICENSED Rec Rooms/Attics All Brick Work room Condo In popular Custom Kitchens timates 372-6966 finished basement With #053908 Porch Enclosures A SpeCialty kitchen and half bath, area near Eastland Many SERVICE Bathrooms & Additions Replacement Windows FULLY INSURED MISTER Licensed Insured amenities, mcludrng cen. Aluminum Sldlngffrim much more Jim or Vel Fast, courteous, KITCHEN SHOWROOM tral air 881-2581 Senior Crtlzen Discount Gutters!DownspoU1s MAINTENANCE 882-1800 Smith, Real Estate profeSSional seNlce ProfeSSional SerVices, 21711 Harper Storm WmdowslOoors Pre-Holiday carpet special • Washers • Dryers • Dish- 254-6800 INCOME: Moross near 526-9288 St Clair Shores 48080 Rooflrlg/Shrngles $38 95 Llvrng room. hall R.L. STREMERSCH washers • Refrigerators • Kelly, a super plush brick One Ply Rubber Roofing plus one room free Call CEMENT CONTRACTOR ANXIOUS TO SELL! Ranges • Garbage DIS- Hours 4 and 3 Carpetmg, Side Man, Wed, Frt 9-5 pm Wood Decks/Fences 521-3837 Cement OWNER WANTS TO GO posals • Microwaves • drive, transportation at Tues , Thurs 9-9 pm Aluminum Siding and ECONO Carpet Cleaning- Driveways SOUTH More corner. pnme area 822- STOP Sat 9-1 pm Gutter Claanlng SAVE $12,000 Fa~t and Economical Patios 1222,751.7959 296-5005 247-4454 THOSE LEAKS COMMISSION 777-6840 REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS 313-372-3181 Brickwork Edmunton Place Licensed and Insured Basement waterproofing 946 W. CRESCENT LANE REFRIGERATION Since 1946 SpacIous first floor condo In FERLITO CON ST. 886-0520 91. CARPET INSTAllATION Steps Comer of Cook Road SYSTEMS adult complex fC<:l!ures GUARANTEED Tuck PO'fillng Grosse Po:.,la Woods REPAIRED & INSTALLED WATERPROOFING new carpet and Windows, No job too small Cox and Baker bUilt, 4 bed- Com me rcial-Residential air conditioner, appli- Free Estimates room, 2 112 bath Colonial, ALL MAKES & MODELS ALBERT D. THOMAS, INC. RELIABLE ances. storage and laun- 884-6500 attached 2 car garage, CALL MIKE882-o747 Wr are General Contrarto'c; SPECIALIZING IN dry In basement carport central air, new furnace , One call takes care 01 all ,our rloblems CARPETS DRIVEWAYS AND and roof Near University Very reasonable 911 IRICK/llOCK WORK DeSign service available or \',£ wll work With yOLIr BASEMENT Liggett, Star of the Sea, Stieber Realty PARQUETTE'S ArchllPct or Inter or decorator FALL SALE Monteith Schools and 775-4900 Washer & Dryer Repair ANDY'S MASONRY AND ESTABLISHED 1919 Quality names at dlSCOI'nt WATERPROOFING The Hunt Qub Immedi- LICENSED HARPER Woods- Co-op SpecialiZingInWhirlpool, CHIMNEY REPAIR pnces Including Vinyl, tile ate occupancy Will con. 882-0628 Vernier near 1-94 2 bed- Kenmore& GeneralElectriC and hardwood floonng 884-7139 Sider any offer over room first floor end Unit PROMPT SERVICE All masonry, brick. weather- QUALITY AND $175,000 Kitchen appliances. cen- 527.2748 proofing repairs Special. YOU ARE NO 1 OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 PM SpeCIalIZIng m quality custom work at affordable prices tral air, patio Private iZlng In tuck polntmg and THE INSTALLATION T&M or call owner for basement With rec room small Jobs licensed, In- SPECIALISTS CONSTRUCTION appointment sured Reasonable Free and lav $56,900 ADDITIONS KITCHENS-BATHROOMS SALES INCLUDE 465-4569 HANDLOS B82-7300 estimates 881-0505 882- Cement work. All ~Ind•• 3006 THREE YEAR OPEN SUNDAY GUARANTEE • Addition. " • BRICK and cement repairs • Porche .. block, .tep 2 PM to 5 PM R.D. Priest Our seNlce department can Porches chimneys, tuck work assist you for Installations, 1899 LENNON APPLIANCE REPAIR pOinting Experienced BUilDERS, Inc. Ror.hester • Basement water. GROSSE POINTE REAL power restretchlng, clean- Exceptional three bedroom SE:RVICE Reasonable Neat work proofing' ESTATE CO - YOUR 6')2-2255 Ing and any type of repair bnck semHancn In the Insured Seaver's 882- MASTER REMODElERS CONNECTION TO VERO Washers • Dryers • RESIDENTIAL' COMMERCIAL Grosse POinte work Woods Second lloor bed- BEACH FLORIDA EnJOy Dishwashers • Disposals 0000 GUARANTEED room has large walk-In 881-8019 your place In the sunl Refrigerators 773-4022 Llcen.. d " Insured closets plus additional Grand Harbor oHers you Microwaves RESIDENTIAL Builder. n4-48gij storage New furnace and the best In waterfront No Service Cllilr<]C f 773-3360 central air In 1987 low Rrpalrcd communities In the heart COMMERCIAL heatlf1g costsl Alummum Guaranteed Parts of FlOrida's Treasure LOCATION' tnm on house and ga- and Service James M. Coasl Golf tennis sun 14950 East 10 Mile rage Low maintenance surf and sand all awall 885.1762 Corner of Hayes Kleiner Bnck Florida room could you Call Nickle Ccurey at Geo Stu Its Since 1965 Bnng thiS ad In for $1 00 oH be family room Finished ALL CONCRETE/BRICK WORK 882-0087 for more Infor- each yard purchased basement 'Waterprooflng mation and be sure to SCULL Y & HENDRIE 113 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 113 NORTHERN MICHIGAN CARPET LAYING .Flagstone & Slate ask about our next Flor- HOMES REALTORS HOMES NEW AND OLD •Tuckpolntlng & Patching loa Informational prf'sen KELLY ~UILDING 88t.8310 Repairs of All Types 'Porches, Chimneys tallon HARBORPOINTE CONDO • Quality Remodeling ALSO Beautifully furnished 2 bf'droom. 2 baths overlooi(lng the har 'Walks. DrNeways FORT Myers nE'ar Sanibel • Custom Kitchens Baths CARPETING,VINYL bar With garage, $114 900 On the 'PatlOs, Steps Grosse Nice lot With trailer In • Additions of all Types HARDWOOD harbor In LeXington 'State licensed Amerlrd Outdoors Share Samples Shown In Pointe News TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY IBi• • Custom Wood Decks pool laclizzi. lake club Your Home REPAIR SPECIAliSTS Jim Eastin 359-8708 Eves 622-836 '. 882-3463 priVileges $19,000 885- BOB TRUDEL Opon Sat & Sun 14 pm LICENSED - INSURED 882-6900 6967 n4-7590 Days 885-2097 December 1, 1988 13C Grosse Pointe News

    953 MUSIC INSTIIUMENT 913 CEMENT WORK 930 mCTRICAL SERVICE '43 LANDSCAPERS/ 946 MOVERS/HAULEIIS 920 CHIMNEY REPAIRS SNOW IEMOVAL IIEIIAIR 954 PAINTING/DECOllATING '54 PAINTING/DECORATING R.R.CODDENS R.R. CODDENS All types SNOW REMOVAL MOVING-HA ULING COMPLETE plano service INTERIOR/EXTERIOR R&D PAINTING CEMENT chimney repairs 886- WADE'S 24 hour service Will get you DEPENDABLE Tunmg, rebUilding, refln- PAINTING AND REPAIRS Quality workmanship. 5565 Qulin a hurry 882-8219 Ishlllg Member Plano Wallpaper Removal Reasonable rates Com- CONTRACTOR EXPERIENCED LOW RATES TechniCians GUild, SlgIS- Reasonable, References merclaV Resldenlial. Int&- Family business for 63 DENNIS Jerome Preventa- ORTISI'S mund Bossner 731-7707 available Senior discount florl Extenor Rob 445- tive mamtenance Chim- INSURED years ELECTRIC Free estimates 0718 or Duane 773-0754. ney repairs and porch re- SNOW REMOVAL NEW - 526-7284 PIANO seNlces- TUning • New and repair work TOM pairs 773-3544 Dependable, qUick, clean and repair 10 years ex- 521-8192 • No job too small WILL haul anythmg demo- GROSSE POINTE seNlce BUSiness and penence FleXible hours CUSTOM • Driveways and porches SAFE Flue Chimney and lish and remove garages, CONTRACTORS COMPANY, reSidential Reasonable Reasonable rates 881- PAINTING & PROPERTY our speciality Home Repair Service break and remove con- EXPERT WALLPAPERING rates 445-1112 8276 MAINTENANCE • Patios 882-5169 crete Senior citizen diS- INSTALLATION OF ALL INC. Palntlllg- Interior, plaster re- • Chimneys T&M count B C Cartage Co TYPES OF pair, textured ceilings, o Waterproofmg 776-2308 9S4 IIAINTING/DECOItATING WALLCOVERING 923 CONSTItUCTION SlltVICE GENERAL wall paper removal, com- • Violations repaired 24 HOUR • Bnck FAST SERVICE SERVICES MIKE'S PAINTING plete preparation Neat, 885-8155 FALL LEAF CLEAN.UP reliable service Refer- FREE ESTIMATES • Morter Color Matching Commercial! T&M and YARD SERVICES GROSSE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ences 884-5163 INSURED • Stucco Damaged plaster and POint CONSTRUCTION. Industrial Residential-Commercia I Michael Satmary Jr CALL ANYTIME peeling cracks, wllldow BRUSH STROKE Residential Snow Removal POINTE puttying caulking, paint THE COMPLETE PAINTER 886-5565 cement work. AU'klnds. Dependable-Reasonable & Ing aluminum Siding PAINTING SERVICE HOUSE PAINTING • Additions & Gara'g.. ' FREE ESTIMATES MOVING & t ,.. Quality work and reason- FREE ESTIMATES EXTERIOR-INTERIOR CAPlllO CaNST • Por~h.... blOck, step 884-9500 CALL NOW ,I QUALITY WORK . Work' .. able prices Senior cItizen 822-3322 FENCES-GARAGES TONY 776.7326 STORAGE ALL TYPES OF 15% discount ------REASONABLE PRICES • B... ment wat.r- S & J ELECTRIC LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE CEMENT, BRICK AND SNOW REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES proofing Residential-Commercial AGENT FOR LOCK WORK PLOWING & SHOVELLING GROSSE POINTE No Job Too Small GLOBAL VAN LINES 776-7854 A-1 Garages raised and set .GUARANTEED Com me rcml/Resldent la I REFE:RENCES 885-2930 JERRY Richart Celebrating down on new ratwall and lIc.~'u.. d &: Insured Call John: CALL BUD 882-5886 15 years as a Grosse floor Waterproofing 881-3582 822-4400 INTERIOR painting and .~- COLVILLE ------~-- Pain:£. CGstOiTl rD..1tli1g UCENS!=lJ & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES wallpapering Quality ELECTRIC CO. TRIMMING removal, spray Wallpapering Contractor PAINTiNG feeding and stump and Small Jobs work done the right way_ TONY 885-0612 Ranges, Dryers, Services, 109 • Large Surface preparation IS the '24 DECOItATING SEItVICE removal Free estimates • Pianos (our spooaJ1y) Plaster Restoration Neat, Very affordable rates_ Doorbells key to my quality guaran VINCE'S Repairs Tuck- Complete tree service • Appliances fast, reliable painters Grosse POinte Refer- VIOLATIONS tee 881-4414 po,ntmg driveways, side Call Fleming Tree Ser- • Saturday, Sunday Service Custom trim pallltlllg ences Free Estimates. FAST EMERGENCY walks, steps porch re JOANNA WESTERN Vice, 774-6460 • Semor Discounts PAINTER- tired of over- Nursery room murals, etc Ray, 882-0011 SERVICE pair Violations corrected WINDOW SHADES priced painters? Quality, Wallpapering and re- John Steininger PAINTING, wallpapering, Senior citizen discount 774-9110 experienced mterlor palllt- moval PAINT SHUTIERS, BLINDS '44 GUTTERS Harry Kurtz wall washing Salllor diS- 526-6502 KAUFMANN Ing at half cost Refer- Excellent Grosse POinte 936 FLOOII SANDING/ 11850 E Jefferson counts Jan, 884-8757, STORM DOORS AND ences call now and save' References REfINISHING GUTTER Cleaning - We MPSC-L - 19675 Glenda 293-0166 DENNIS JEROME WINDOWS John Lundberg 822-1705 Free and Fast Estimates dispose of debriS CHIMNEYS, PORCHES HERITAGE Floors Hard- Licensed - Insured PROFESSIONAL InterIOrs. Plugged downspouts QUALITY plaster repair and STEPS, TUCK POINTING wood floors Installed Serving Grosse POinte for opened Free Estimates Interior painting at MORTAR COLOR TINTING Sanded, stained ReSI- 10 years Custom mterlor GRAfTOP 824-5325 '47 HEATING AND COOLING reasonable rates Minor 822-6388 CHIMNEY SCREENS dential, commercial 294- pamtlng Stephen, SALES AND SERVICE carpentry PhiliP, 882- 885- GLASS BLOCK 0024 or 563-4281 6902, Diane, 882-6634. HEATING COOLING 8537 KENYON PAINTING BASEMENT WINDOWS 15011 KERCHEVAL MISTER Easl of Alter In Ihe Park KELM REFRIGERATION Call the competition first - MICHAEL'S VIOLATION WORK MAINTENANCE Furnaces, Boilers INTERIOR Painting, Plaster Then come to us Quality 1U 5-6000 Floor laYing, sanding refin- Gutter Cleaning (Same day Repaired & Installed repairs Water damage work at a good price I PAINTING & FREE ESTIMATES Closed Mondavs Ishing Expert In stain service) Call 521 3837 All Makes & Models code Violations repaired Free Estimates Ask for 773-3544 Old floors a specialty We REFINISHING CALL MIKE 882-0747 Experienced, references also refinish bamsters GUTTER cleaning, neat, re- Bob, 885-1960 885-3230 '27 DUIIEIIIES Weather sealing, Insula- liable service Call now VINCE'S Painting Intenor/ GRAZIO 535.7256 CUSWORTH tions, leaks found Seav- 331-6138 for scheduling 884-5163 Exterior Plaster and dry- CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM Made slipcovers PROFESSIONAL floor AIR er's Home Maintenance INTERIORS wall repair Senior Citizen • Cement drive, floors, and draperies Guaran- sandmg and flnlshmg 882-0000 BY DON LYNN CONDITIONING discount 526-6502 & patios teed workmanship Ex- Free estimates W Abra- 945 HANDYMAN REFRIGERATION PAINTING • Husband-Wife Team • Old garages raised and perlenced Call now- ham 754-8999 MIKE'S • Wallpapering renewed HOME and small bUSiness QUALITY WORK Bermce 521-5255 HEATING • Pain ling • New garage doors and 931 FURNITURE maintenance and repair DEPENDABLE PROFESSIONAL CUSTOM DRAPERIES COMMERCIAL reframlng REFINISHING/REilAIItS Odd jobs and code Viola- REASONABLE PAINTING & 885-2633 Balloons, Mini Blinds, Verti- tions corrected Restora- RESIDENTIAL FULLY EXPERIENCED • New garages bUilt FURNITURE refinished, re- WALLPAPERING cals, Carpeting, Wallpa- lions Telephone pre- Plaster Repair JOHN'S PAINTING Family operated since 1962 paired, stripped, any type QUALITY WORK INTERIOR-EXTERIOR m- per, Bedspreads wire and repair The Wood Refinishing Interior-Exterior SpecialiZing Licensed and Insured of caning Free esti- 881-4664 eludes repairing damaged Compare our prices with Hired Man, 294-3480 Exterior-Interior m repairing damaged 774-3020 772-1771 mates 474-8953, 345- plaster cracks, peeling department store 'sales' LOTS OF POINTE plaster, drywall and 6258 THE Handyman Inc Top paint, Window glazmg, before you BUY REFERENCES cracks, peeling paint, WIn- quality workmanship for KEATING caulkmg, painting alumi- 919 .CHIMNEY CLEANING FREE ESTIMATES 941 GLASS IIEIIAIIIS - Free Estimates dow puttying and caulk- carpe ntry, remod eling HEATING num Siding Top quality DRAPERIES BY PAT STAINED/lEVELED and Consultation Ing, wallpapering Also, plumbing, electrical, material Reasonable 772.5440 THE AIR OF QUALIl \f pamt old aluminum Sid. J&J RE-PLACE your broken or painting, wallpaper We 588-3626 prices All work guaran- Ing All work and matenal 921 DRESSMAKING/ missing panes In leadsd do It all Please call, 884- BETIER Home Decoratlng- teed Grosse POinte Ref- CHIMNEY Furnace Replacement guaranteed Reasonable. TAILOItING glass frames before cold 9146 plaster repair, palntlllg SYSTEMS New Installallons erences Call Mike any- Grosse Pomte references AAA Professional Dress- weather comesl Reason- Custom Duct Work 18 years experience time MICHIGAN LICENSE 5125 HOLIDAY'S comlngll Need Free estimates makmg, hemmmg, spe- able 882-8537 after 6 Air Condltlomng Paul 773-3799 777-8081. Professional cleaning 0f1,re- help In cleanng out that 882-5038 clallzlng in welghtloss ai- _p_m _ places, wood stoves garage, basement attic or 15133 KERCHEVAL SMALL Painting Jobs Plas- teratlons Jeanette, 882- CUSTOM Interiors- fast WHITEY'S Safety inSpections, caps '43 lANDSCAPERS/ what ever ? Please call (AT REAR) tering, clean and quality clean Fully Insured and screens Installed 7982 SNOW IEMOVAl us at 777-4217 after 4 30 GROSSE POINTE PARK work References 882- • Wallpapering Reasonable Free esti- • Interior Painting Certified, Insured ALTERATIONS and re- We have a large truck 6344 88&-2920 FALL Clean-up Leaves 331-3520 mates 757-8470 • Reasonable Pnces 771-7678 pairs Call Tern at 884- available raked, gulters cleaned, THE Paint Man- InteriOr, ex- • Good Work 3584 last minute odd jobs HARD Working young man terior, plaster and trim CUSTOM wallpapering and • Call-No Job Too Small Free estimates 794-5360, cleans repairs gutters repair Your chOice of SAFE FLUE ALTERATIONS. Rush jobs painting Residentiall 774-0414 Rick Snow removal Tom 885- parnt 777-6328 CHIMNEY SWEEP welcome Quality work Commercial Husband- 8744 PAINTING AND Wife Ipam HOL IDA Y DIS- ._ ...... _ ...... "...... " • Chimney Clean~I'1g 885-2206 PENDOLINO'S DECORATING SERVICE • Caps and SNOW REMOVAL COUNTI Free estimates INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Screens EXPERT ladles' alterallons 946 MOVEIIS/HAULEltS References 776-7507 (!"JI.... Dependable, qUick elean 1"'''''''4 PAPER HANGING Installed and new skirts made to seNlce BUSiness and Awu.g/7fl4Upd.P-'U<9 REFERENCES • Mortar and order Sue 885-5688 il2tpa<'4 residential Reasonable HAULING Garage tear PAINTING 11(,_. RALPH ROTH 886-8248 Damper Repan rates 881-2477 downs, construction de- INTE RIOR/EXTERIOR (!4tt tJWIp< EXPERT PAINTING • Animal Removal 930 mCTltlCAL SEItVICE MAC'S TREE AND briS, concrete, dirt, ga- AIR CONDITIONING %f6-5034 Wall covering, carpenter Certified Master rage and basement junk work and small repairs Sweep SHRUB TRIMMING and brush Can remove or WALLPAPER 30 years of experience TOM TREFZER ELECTRICAL wiring and COMPLETE WORK move almost anything HEATING REMOVAL. For free estimates, call 882-5169 repair washers, dryers Reasonable rates, quality Phil Wassenaar and ask for Tina • Sales TH~ doorbells, also telephone service Call Tom 776- 823-1207 BY TIM 779-2&47 n9-9560 Jacks Licensed Linck & 4429 • Service 881-8531 Experienced quality. Keep blrd<; dnd IS YOUR HOME Miller 881-8829, 881- • Installation work. dependabllil. <;qulrrpls out DON'T Walt till Tuesday SPEEDY Hauling- Rapid READY FOR 0748 morning to REPEAT your removal of garbage, dirt, lowest price. RE SI DENTlALiCOM ME RCIAL KARM'S HOLIDAY COMPANY? CHIMNEY~ advertlsementlll Call our concrete brush, appll 771-4007 . SCREENS -p.' • PAINTING claSSified advertiSing ances, almost anything FREE ESTIMATES Onl} $2S ea SERVING THE PAINTING • CARPENTRY Installed department Wednesdays, Garage basement attic SENIOR DISCOUtiTS • GROSSE POINTE Paint & Plaster FOREST PAINTING • COMPLETE Thursdays, Fridays Mon- cleanouts, With care Problems Corrected MAINTENANCE SINCE 1965 Also, construction debriS days 882-6900 779-8620 Wood Refinishing, & CaNST. co. INDOOR & OUTDOOR removal low Rates Call TREE trimming, hedge trim- Wallpapering, • Carpentry • Rough Finish We also prOVide domestIC CUSWORTH 843-3597 FAUX finishes • Remodellna Kitchen" Rl'f lQ rrll""'ig, Fall c4c


    WOOD CASHAN ROOFING Repairs, chlm. ROOFINQ CO. ney, screens, basemenl REFINISHING Resldentlal.Commerclal leaks, plaster repairs STRIP STAIN VARNISH Shingles. Tearo11s Handyman work Insured Duplicate EXlatlng Finish or Repairs. Hol Roofs Seaver's, 882-0000 Colors 10 Match. 1 ply rubber system K~chen cabinets, atalrcase All Work 9bS SEWING MACHINE handralls. van~les, panel- Guaranteed. Insured SERVICE ing, doors, Irim and mold- Free estimates 886-3245 ings TUNE.UP Special In your Licensed Insured ADVANCE homa Cleaned, 011, ad. References Free Estimates MAINTENANCE JUSI lenslon. $995 All the PRESTIGE PAINTING CO. STONE ROOFING makes, all ages 885. DAVID ROLEWICZ 884.9512. ReSidential 7437 'Commercial .Industrial • ~2249 77~5025 • QUAUTY Masler Painting. 'Flal Roof .Rerooflng '70 T.V./ItADIO/CI REPAIR InterlOl'l exterior special. .Recoaling 'Slngle Ply ISts Repair work guaran- .Tear Offs -Hol Tar Shin. T.V. REPAIR. Fast. friendly teed References Free gles -Slate -Tile -Decks service. T V s bought and aSSI Ie S estimates Insured John -Copper Metal sold. licensed 882-0865 771-1412 or 366-1411 'FREE ESTIMATES -Ice dam 'Shlelds -Healer n3 TIlE WORK INTERIOR and exlerlor Tapes Installed 'Gutters painting and paperhang- Installed cleaned, reo ... THE GOOD NEWS Ing Reasonable rates, 30 paired -L1CENSED.IN. TILE WORKS years experience. Ray SURED CeramiC, Marble. Vinyl Slone. Brick PEOPLE CAN USE! Barnowsky, 372-2392 af. FLA T Roof Problems? New ler 6p m INSTALLATION rubber roofs Installed on SPECIALS .- - ,.~-- fla~ ~oots S:cps all !oaks Free Estimates COMPUTER H()URS '151 PlUMBING/HEATING Guaranteed 552-0116 Licensed Insured EXPERT REPAIRS 822.5666 TO OUR CUSTOMERS PLUMBING Leave Messsge REPAIRS GUnERS Our computer hours are as follows ROOFING CERAMIC IIle. resldenllal & Jobs and repairs 15 SMALL JOBS MONDAY 8 a 111 -5 p m SEWER CLEANING years experience 776- Reasonable Rates For All 774-9651 4097 776-7113 Andy TUESDAY 8 am -12 Noon Mike Palter - Licensed PREVENTATIVE RALPH'S Ceramic Tile WEDNESDAY 11 am -5 pm. 882-1558 MAINTENANCE Tub Enclosures, Leaky THURSDAY . 8 a m .6 pm BLUE Water Plumbing, Shower Pans, Tile Re- of Kelm Floor CO. pairs Free Estlmales FRIDAY ... 8 a m..6 p.m. Co. Masl.r Plumber. LI- NEW ROOFS 757.3815 SATURDAY 10 a.m -1 p.m. Clnsed and Inlured. 24 ROOF REPAIRS hour .. rvlce. Call now. NEW GUTIERS INSTALL All ceramic, !32-3867. GUTIER CL.EANING mOille, marblo, .Iale All II you are unable to come In, call 882.6900 FREE ESTIMATES repair. JournoymAn during theae hourI. During the computer "down AR. you In nlld of DENNIS JEROME Paul 822.7137, 824.1326 time" we lUG unable to un our t.rmlnll. to In. plumnblng work7 Call put Ciluilled Advertloln; or to look up le- Tom. 175-4004. 773-3544 '1/ I WAll WA\lIINI, Icount., If you have Iny qucutlona regarding EMIL THE a.p. AND S.C.S. your cluulfled advlt1lllng account WI luggeot PLUMIER ALL PRO P • M Window and Willi that~ou call on Wedneocftye (6fter 11 a.m,) or IPICIALIZING IN Protonlc,.,,I roofl, gultorl, CIOIlnlnQ. (FormlHly on Thurlldayl and FrldoYI. B" advlBed that • Kl\chlns Ildl,.,;. Nlwl repaired . Gr08118 Pointe Fireman MondaVI IInd TurndaY8 are very busy with • Bathrooms Fleuon.blo, rellablo, 1e Ad) ~)(eellenl care for hIking ClftllIlfled Advertising. • Laundry room .nd year. experiencl. II• your home Free (tsli. vIoIatlonl conlOd and Inlured. John males. References 821. On Tuesdays we must follow • Old and new work Williams . 2984, the 12 noon deadline 80 that FrH Eltlmat,s 885.6813. K-MAINTENANCE CO. we do not cause costly produc- Bill. Muler Plumb,r Wall washing, floor cleaning tion printing delays. (SOn of Emil) JACK D TOTTY and waxing Free estl. ROOF REPAIRS males. 882.0029 ICE BACK.UP BOB CUBE CARPENTRY, 882.0688 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING and HEATING MISTER L1centtd.Maa1er Plumber PLUMBING, CEMENT SewER CLEANING COMPLETE HOME MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER REPAIR, MODERNIZATION Pre-Holiday Special. Hand ETC. LARGE OR SMALL wall washing No Drips- Grosse Pointe Woods LICENSED AND INSURED No Streaks Carpet 88&-3897 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning Call 521.3837 PLUMBING- Ma~r or minor 886-5600 repairs, quick response, 'Ill 1 WINDOW WASHING low rales. Insured. Reter. SUNSHINE THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS ellC88. call Paul, 372. IMPROVEMENT GEORGE OLMIN 3726. CO. WINDOW CLEANING 'OUR ROOFS ARE TOPS' SERVICE 882.6900 POSITIVE Licensed - fully Insured 35 YEARS IN THE PLUMBING AND 822.5589 POINTES 372-3022 HEATING ROOFINQ - SIDINQ Plumbing and healing re- TRIM AND GUTTERS P & M Window and Wall pairs. Storm windows and doors. Cleaning. (Formerly 881-4988 Replacement windows Grosse Polnle Fireman and doors. One ply roof. Ad) Excellent care for Ing systems. 1Q-year flat your home Free estl. FRANK R. floors. Ice back.up prob- mates- References 821- lems solved. 2984 WEIR RON VERCRUYSSE CO. A.OKWINDOW 774-3542 CLEANERS PLUMBING. HEATING LEONARD'S Service on Storms and Screens ------, SewER AND DRAINS ROOFING Free Estimates BOILER SPECIALISTS Shingles, f1al roofs, com. 775-1690 WANT AD ORDER FORM I prete lear ofts, bUilt-up SPRINKLER REPAIRS roofing, gutters and all LET kinds of repairs. OUR Schedule my GROSSE POINTE NEWS Want Ad for Work guaranteed Free esll- 885.7711 mates Licensed and In- GUIDE sured Member of Ihe TO Date Classification Desired ------Better Business Bureau GOOD 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS 884.5416 SERVICE 10. --- , Enclosed is my check or money order for $ _ SlnC',A 1925 BE Keith Danielson GENTILE YOUR Licensed Master Plumber NAME ADDRESS ROOFING GUIDE BOILERS BOILER PIPING • Re.Rooflng TO CITY ZIP __ PHONE _ HOT WATER TANKS • Small Jobs GETTING REPAIRED & INSTALLED • Flat Decks GOOD Mail to: Classified Advertising Dept. Grosse Pointe News, 96 Kercheval CALL MIKE 882"()747 • Gutter Cleaning SERVICE. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 • Gutters TONY • Repairs USE The Master Plumber THE (Son of Emil) Licensed - Guaranteed Write Your Ad Below or on a Separate Sheet If Desired CLASSIFIED No jOb 100 small, new and Minimum Cost Is $3.85 for 10 words - Additional Words .350 repairs, v1oIatlons 774.9651 WANT 29~181 ADS NORM'S K-WINDOW 1 2 3 4 PLUMBING CLEANING AND COMPANY 5 e 7 8 SEWER CLEANING Slorm., screens. gutters, My prIceI won', takI you aluminum cleaned In- 9 10 3.8! 11 4.20 12 4.!! down Ihl drain Iv ~ sured Free esllmates 521.8349. ~ 882-0688 13 4.90 14 5.25 15 5.80 16 !.9! 'UI~DI".I.lC:IN" NO.1140 D BARR COMPLETE COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES 17 8.30 18 6.85 19 700 20 7.35 I PLUMBING ROOFING SECOND GENERATION I SERVICE WINDOW AND GUTTER I SERVICE COMMERCIAL CLEANING 21 7.70 22 8.015 23 8.40 24 8.75 I MARTIN V!RTFU!QT RESIDENTIAL DALE 777-8497 I Licensed Mut.r Plumber 25 9.10 26 9.45 27 9.80 28 10.15 I TEAR-CFF r 886.2521 RESHINGLE I New woo<, repairs, renova. 29 10.50 30 10.85 31 11.20 32 11 55 etc I lions, watertleaters. sewer CERTIFIED APPLICATIONS OF: cleanIng, code violations Need a Service? ------~------_! All work guaranteed MODIFIED SHINGLE PLY. () Use our URETHANE FOAM. RUBBER ROOFING \CLASSIFIEDS! US SYSTEMS Just call VENTS \ 882.6900 Grosse GUTTERS REPAIRS Pointe News LICENSED. INSURED - 882.6900 886-0520 December 1, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 15C

    J ...... ---

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    . .. can be found in the GROSSE POINTE NEWS

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    1 YEAR S17 NAME

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    3 YEARS $42 CITY Phone Out of State: $19, $35, $53 STATE ZIP ~~. - ., .. December 1, 1988 --16C .....> VJ4I'J---- Grosse Pointe News

    Sylvester I From page 2(,

    Would Syh. e~tel "II I can befO!e they're lIould" S) lve"ter ~dld "It\ d "" vel dome It \ very competl gone" h'1l'.It place dnd I'm domg ex ll\ e " Amy I.., d JUniOI at NOlth, dctll \\ hC Pomte In a two-new<,paper city, )t\ ElK key A""ocldtlOn, dnd tdk mg . I enJoy LOl'ellng footb,dl," he onl) poetll JlI ...tlCC fOl two "'pOlt" lime WIth (!tlUghtPIs Rebeccd "aid "For d Job, I'd )athCl LOvel II I Itel., - II ho cove) the "dme ,md Amy footb.lll, but If I'm Ju~t \\ dtchm/.{, bedt fm competmg papel" - to '" ledll" tly to ("pend time)," I 1Jke to "It dl baseball gdme.s " L<. .. ~t:L <.- IrLj,j UiuUh}J lllL~ LU IHJ',L d IlL .,l bll dllll w.,~ d o,hcudli "hOII find Ie"" of dn 0PPOltllf1lty to ofT a bal n door


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