Report No: 7 Subject: Questions to the Mayor Report of: Director Of Secretariat

1 / 2004 - Unpaid affiliation fee Why has the GLA not paid its affiliation fee for the Association of Nuclear Free Local Authorities? Will it be paid? If so, when?

2 / 2004 - Local Nature Reserve Hammersmith & Fulham Darren Johnson Given that your Biodiversity Strategy states that boroughs are expected to declare suitable sites as local nature reserves and to manage these sites to benefit local wildlife and local people, will you be working with the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham to ensure that woodland adjacent to the Olympia exhibition car park to is turned into a local nature reserve in line with the wishes of local community organisations?

3 / 2004 - Traffic Lights Brookmill Road Darren Johnson In answer to my previous question, you said that TfL will be checking to ensure that the signals at Deptford Broadway operate correctly, but will you agree to review the timing of the signals so that residents of Brookmill Road do not continue to face unacceptable build-ups of traffic?

4 / 2004 - Waste Minimisation Darren Johnson What can you do to encourage public galleries and museums in London to use re-usable rather than disposable products for their catering?

5 / 2004 - Biggin Hill Airport Darren Johnson Given that the incoming flight path to Biggin Hill Airport is directly over the new Princess Royal University Hospital with 20 or 30 twin jets passing over at about 700 ft. each day at present, can you use your powers as Mayor to demand a Health Impact Assessment?

6 / 2004 - Nuclear Trains Darren Johnson What do you think international visitors would make of an Olympic Stadium being sited next to a route for nuclear waste trains?


7 / 2004 - London Forum of Carers Jenny Jones A recent conference I hosted for the London Forum of Carers called on the Government to make the freedom pass available to carers when travelling with their cared-for person. Could you offer your support for lobbying the Government on this and will TfL examine the costs and practicalties of doing this in London?

8 / 2004 - Air Quality Limits Jenny Jones Has TfL looked at the implications for its current infrastructure plans of the decision not to expand Heathrow in the near future because it would be rejected at public enquiry on the grounds that it would break the European Union air quality limits?

9 / 2004 - Air quality and the East London River Crossing Jenny Jones Will you call a halt to your plans for the East London River Crossing if the Environment Impact Assessment shows that the extra traffic generated will prevent the link roads from meeting the European Union's air quality targets? Have Transport for London received legal advice on the likely success of such a challenge and if so, can you share this with us?

10 / 2004 - Stratford and air quality Jenny Jones Does TfL consider the impacts on traffic and air quality when making comments on proposals for major developments such as Stratford? Does TfL raise the issue of meeting the E.U's. air quality targets, as part of its assessment of the potential traffic impacts of such developments?

11 / 2004 - Wildlife in Barnet Darren Johnson Will you accept an invitation by the London Wildlife Trust (Barnet Group) to visit Barnet and see at first hand the threats facing the Welsh Harp and other sites in the borough?

12 / 2004 - Victoria Station Darren Johnson Will you review plans to replace the fixed stairway at Victoria underground with an escalator? If London underground press ahead with their plans to remove the fixed stairway between the booking hall and the Victoria line it will in effect prevent guide dog owners from using three of the four lines that serve the station.

13 / 2004 - Deptford pensioners Darren Johnson Will you agree to meet with Deptford Action Group for the Elderly (DAGE) to explain what you plan to do for pensioners?

14 / 2004 - Biodiversity Darren Johnson What steps have been taken to ensure the London Boroughs have embraced and implemented your biodiversity strategy and associated action plans within the borough’s UDPs, particularly in view of the widespread consultation?

2 15 / 2004 - Tree Preservation Darren Johnson Could the Mayor investigate the practical effective status of T.P.O.s for the protection of London’s trees from the widespread green space and backlands developments which happens throughout Greater London?

16 / 2004 - The TGB Matrix Jenny Jones Have you asked TfL, or the LDA, which sections of the population in the Thames Gateway area will benefit most from building the East London River Crossing? Will it be the socially excluded in the London arc of poverty, or will it be the fairly well off commuters who makeup three quarters of the rush hour trips across the bridge? Would you ask TfL to use its own trip matrix to analyse the business case for who benefits most and whether the purported regeneration benefits will go to the people who you claim to be helping?

17 / 2004 - Ultra Light Rail Darren Johnson Will you ask TfL officers to meet with the proponents of "Ultra Light Rail" and investigate the feasibility of such a scheme in London?

18 / 2004 - Budget Darren Johnson Have all your spending plans been assessed to see whether they conform to the principles of sustainable development?

19 / 2004 - Lobbying for legislation change regarding travellers Andrew Pelling Thank you for your answer to my question 2158 on travellers. Whilst I appreciate the previous answer's desire to seek practical steps to increase co-ordinated provision of travellers' sites, do you see there being a role also for the GLA to lobby for legislative change that gives greater protection to non- travellers, local authorities, public bodies, private companies and societies from those travellers who abuse their legal rights by dumping a huge amount of commercially collected waste on informal sites they squat upon?

20 / 2004 - London Regional Aggregation Body Andrew Pelling What work has been done, and can be done, to work with London boroughs to encourage them to procure broadband facilities through the London Regional Aggregation Body?

21 / 2004 - Erith Marshes Darren Johnson Given your shameful decision to back planning permission for a large industrial business park on Erith Marshes, can Londoners ever believe you are serious about protecting green space and biodiversity?

22 / 2004 - London Travel Report Darren Johnson Is it indicative of the emphasis in your transport strategy that neither walking, nor cycling feature significantly in the London Travel Report 2003? Do you think that this report should also look at who owns and uses cars in London?

3 23 / 2004 - Political Donations Darren Johnson Given you stated commitment to political transparency, do you think it is right that someone who receives donations as an independent candidate for Mayor should be able to transfer those donations to a political party's mayoral campaign without the express permission of the donor?

24 / 2004 - Tube Maintenance Darren Johnson What has Tube Lines been asked by LUL to suspend the station modernisation work on the Northern Line? How much is this delay costing?

25 / 2004 - Private Hire licensing timetable Jenny Jones Given the number of drivers given a temporary license who decide to drop out when forced to apply for the more rigorous tests of a full license, is the current timetable of March 2006 giving a large number of dodgy drivers the chance to continue operating for another two years? Is there a strong argument for increasing the number of inspectors? Have the PCO calculated from existing trends the number who will fail to apply for a full license between now and March 04?

26 / 2004 - Increases in Council Tax affecting senior citizens Andrew Pelling I meet a lot of senior citizens in my Sutton and Croydon constituency who find that they just cannot find the money from their fixed incomes to pay for the doubling of the GLA precept and other large rises in Council Tax. Some are eligible for benefits, others are not eligible for benefit until their savings are used up; many say they will just have to sell up and move to a lower rated property because of the repetitive and incessant huge increases in the Council Tax. In short, the doubling of the precept is one of a number of key elements in forcing senior citizens from their established homes.

What advice would you like me to pass on your behalf to these residents who are expressing great concern on this issue?

27 / 2004 - Rape Crisis Federation Darren Johnson Is the Mayor prepared to pressure the Home Office to restore much-needed funding to the Rape Crisis Federation?

28 / 2004 - Graffiti on London Underground Darren Johnson What action is the Mayor taking to eradicate graffiti on London Underground trains and premises?

29 / 2004 - Policing in Brent Darren Johnson When can people in the London Borough of Brent expect police on the beat to become visible?

30 / 2004 - Smaller People Noel Lynch The height of the binoculars outside London’s Living Room discriminates against the vertically challenged. Would you back a move to have steps installed?

4 31 / 2004 - GLA recruitment from London’s Irish community Noel Lynch In view of the GLA’s aim to have a workforce reflecting the ethnic composition of London, why are GLA vacancies not advertised in the London Irish press?

32 / 2004 - Trent Park Country Park Noel Lynch Do you agree that Middlesex University’s proposed expansion should take place on its recently acquired Tottenham Hale site and on other available brownfield sites in North London, such as the previous Business Innovation Centre site in East Enfield, and that the expansion should not take place in Trent Park, which is an outstanding area of green belt and a fine country park with excellent public access?

33 / 2004 - Business Park development on Erith Marshes Noel Lynch The GLA’s planning report on this development, dated 17 December 2003, states that The (London Development) Agency has been closely involved in the development of the scheme and in particular securing over £6m of Sustainable Communities Fund funding. Please give full details of the LDA’s involvement in the development scheme? Do you consider that the LDA should promote a business park development which will destroy a rare remaining example of London ‘s Thames side grazing marsh, which is a priority wildlife habitat?

34 / 2004 - Business Park development on Erith Marshes Noel Lynch Is the destruction of rare grazing marsh an appropriate use of public money from the Sustainable Communities Fund?

35 / 2004 - Business Park development on Erith Marshes Noel Lynch Are you willing to convene urgently a meeting of the developer (Tilfen Land Ltd), Bexley Council, LDA, Environment Agency, ODPM and environmental organisations, with a view to finding a suitable alternative brownfield site in the locality for this development?

36 / 2004 - Silvertown Quays Aquarium Noel Lynch Does it concern you that the LDA’s Silvertown Quays regeneration project includes a large visitor attraction which holds animals in captivity? Is this a desirable direction for London tourism?

37 / 2004 - Refusal of social services care funding to Irish and other EU Nationals Noel Lynch Are you concerned that the City of Westminster has started to enforce section 54 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, which provides that social services care funding (funding for registered care, detox programmes etc for those in desperate need) can be refused to Irish and other EU nationals? If so, what can be done to address this, and prevent an increase in homeless and destitute people on London’s streets?

5 38 / 2004 - Freedom Pass Noel Lynch At the Capital Disability Conference, a number of issues were raised about the Freedom Pass. Can you confirm that:

1. you would provide funding for the provision of freedom passes for the disabled in London, should borough funding be withdrawn;

2. you are willing to work with boroughs to achieve standard good provision of Freedom Passes across London, instead of the current variable provision;

3. you are willing to work with boroughs to introduce a London-wide appeals system?

39 / 2004 - Low Emission Zone Darren Johnson Why is there no budget line in the TfL business plan for implementing a Low Emission Zone in London? Why has this not features in your bid for Government money for transport projects?

40 / 2004 - Cycling budget Darren Johnson As a Mayor who likes to consider himself as a friend of the cyclist and pedestrian, can you explain why the cycling and walking budgets are being held back at around £17m in the coming year and good local projects are not being continued? Do you think that you are giving any sort of priority to human scale schemes, given that next year you intend to spend: £15.6m constructing a new by-pass in Coulsdon; £9.1m on contracted improvements to the A13; £3.9m preparation costs for the Thames Gateway motorway Bridge; £3m preparation costs for widening North Circular, Bounds Green; £2.4m preparation costs for widening North Circular, Regents Park; £0.8m preparation costs for widening North Circular, Golders Green; £10.8m replacing one road bridge at Hanger Lane; £12.9m replacing one road bridge at A40 Western Avenue; £2.2m refurbishment of the Blackwall Tunnel; £1m refurbishment of the Rotherhithe Tunnel and £6.2m Strengthening Westminster bridge?

41 / 2004 - Transport Darren Johnson How much will Transport for London be spending in the coming year on meeting the traffic reduction targets set out in your transport strategy? What are the latest figures on how many new bus passengers are people who previously would have made the journey by car?

42 / 2004 - Transport Darren Johnson Based upon existing rates of expenditure and the amounts outlined in the TfL budget, can you tell me the total amount due to be spent between April 2000 and April 2004 on the following individual budget heads: cycling; safer routes to school; travel awareness; area schemes; world squares and road safety?

43 / 2004 - Transport Darren Johnson Based upon existing rates of expenditure and the amounts outlined in the TfL budget, can you tell me the total amount due to be spent between April 2000 and April 2004 on strengthening bridges so that they can take lorries above 40 tonnes?

44 / 2004 - Transport Darren Johnson Based upon existing rates of expenditure and the amounts outlined in the TfL budget, can you tell me the total amount due to be spent between April 2000 and April 2004 on the upgrading of the A13? 6 45 / 2004 - Transport Darren Johnson Based existing rates of expenditure and the amounts outlined in the TfL budget, can you tell me the total amount due to be spent between April 2000 and April 2004 on preparation costs for the Thames Gateway Bridge and Coulsdon by-pass?

46 / 2004 - Green Energy Darren Johnson Will there be any move towards London Underground promoting the generation of renewable energy in London and the South East of , as a result of either the investigation into the fiasco of August 28th, or the need for more energy to supply the new trains scheduled under the PPP contract? Has TfL approach the London Development Agency or other potential partners to discuss the feasibility of this?

47 / 2004 - Road River Crossings Darren Johnson Can you outline the exact amount which you have committed TfL to spend towards the East London River Crossing? How do you reconcile this with previous statements at MQT that you wouldn't put any TfL money into the project?

48 / 2004 - Road River Crossings Darren Johnson At the last MQT you stated that you first came across plans for the East London River Crossing when reading the Abercrombie Plan, which outlined the need for a series of strategic roads linking up and enclosing London. How do you reconcile this statement with your often repeated soundbite that this six lane bridge is primarily for local traffic

49 / 2004 - Road River Crossings Darren Johnson Is it correct that building the East London River Crossing is one of your top transport priorities, whereas expanding congestion charging is not? When you were elected Mayor, did you think that you would end up with road building as a top priority, whilst road safety, safe routes to school, cycling, walking and traffic reduction all fail to make it onto your baseline budget of things which will be priorities if the Government fail to support your investment plans?

50 / 2004 - MPA budget submission Eric Ollerenshaw Is the Mayor satisfied that the MPA have made all efforts possible to find savings in their budget submission?

51 / 2004 - Congestion Charge Eric Ollerenshaw How can the Mayor justify the predicted increase in Congestion Charge income from £67.6m in 2003/4 to £95.5m in 2004/5? Does this predicted increase have anything to do with reports that TfL are planning to increase Congestion Charge fines?

52 / 2004 - Role of the LDA Eric Ollerenshaw What does the Mayor see as the role of the LDA?

53 / 2004 - City Hall bureaucracy Eric Ollerenshaw How does the Mayor justify the increase in the cost of City Hall bureaucracy over his first full term?

7 54 / 2004 - Surface Transport (Cars) Roger Evans In the papers of 15th January’s Surface Advisory Panel meeting among the ‘hard measures’ suggested to promote greater use of public transport and of cycling and walking is using physical constraints for road use, including local car parking constraints. How does this reconcile with the Mayor’s statement at the Assembly Plenary meeting on 14th January that families often require a car for evening and weekend use and therefore need parking spaces?

55 / 2004 - Pre-Pay Ticketing (Buses) Roger Evans At the last Assembly Plenary (14th January 2004) Bob Kiley said of the pre-pay bus ticketing machines: ‘I’ve never thought of these machines as a panacea or as anything other than a palliative to help us through this transitional period. Full exploitation of the Oyster Card is the way we have to go and people just have to get accustomed to acquiring the Oyster Card’. Does this imply that the machines will be phased out entirely over time and, if so, are occasional visitors to London going to be obliged eventually to take out an Oyster Card if they wish to travel by bus or tube in London?

56 / 2004 - Pre-Pay Ticketing Machines (Buses) Roger Evans When the pre-pay ticketing machines for the buses first came into use they were frequently subject to vandalism and up to one-third were out of action each day. What is the current failure rate for these machines, what is being done to combat vandalism of the pre-pay machines and how effective is this?

57 / 2004 - Surface Transport (Buses) Roger Evans According to a correspondent in the Romford Recorder bus drivers are frequently leaving the engine of their bus running when their leave their cabs. What measures can be taken to prevent bus drivers from being tempted to do this?

58 / 2004 - Fare Evasion (Buses) Roger Evans What measures are being put in place to counter fare evasion on buses, especially in evasion ‘hot spots’?

59 / 2004 - Surveying of A12 Roger Evans Some of my constituents reported to me that they had noticed people from TfL on the A12 at Newbury Park taking photographs of the road. Could you explain the purpose of TfL doing this?

60 / 2004 - Surface Transport (Car sharing) Roger Evans When schemes such as car sharing are suggested, to what extent are personal security issues considered? What assurance can people have that if they are partnered with a stranger for car sharing that they are going to be safe and what scope is there for these schemes to be exploited by people with less than honourable intentions?

61 / 2004 - Surface Transport (the school run) Roger Evans What measures are you taking to assure parents that if they do not use their car for the school run, the personal safety of their children will not be compromised?

8 62 / 2004 - Affordable Housing Units Bob Neill How many affordable housing units have been built since you became Mayor?

63 / 2004 - Affordable Housing Units Bob Neill How many affordable housing units have been built in addition to those which Boroughs had already intended since you became Mayor?

64 / 2004 - Affordable Housing Units Bob Neill How many affordable housing units have been purchased, by private sector workers, since you became Mayor?

65 / 2004 - Affordable Housing Units Bob Neill How many affordable housing units have been purchased, by public sector workers, since you became Mayor?

66 / 2004 - Empty Properties Bob Neill How may empty properties have been put back into use since you became Mayor?

67 / 2004 - Empty Homes Bob Neill How many empty homes have been put back into use since the publication of Empty Homes in London 2003?

68 / 2004 - Empty Homes Bob Neill How many empty homes are there in London?

69 / 2004 - Consultants Bob Neill How many consultants are employed by the GLA to date 19/01/2004, how many consultants were employed by the GLA to date 19/01/2003, how many consultants were employed by the GLA to date 19/01/2002, and how many consultants were employed by the GLA to date 19/01/2001.

70 / 2004 - GLA wage bill Bob Neill What is the total GLA wage bill to date 19/01/2004, what was the total GLA wage bill to date 19/01/2003, what was the total GLA wage bill to date 19/01/2002 and what was the total GLA wage bill to date 19/01/2001.

71 / 2004 - Consultancy bill. Bob Neill What is the total bill for consultancy to date 19/01/2004, what was the total bill for consultancy to date 19/01/2003, what was the total bill for consultancy to date 19/01/2002 and what was the total bill for consultancy to date 19/01/2001?

9 72 / 2004 - Events at City Hall Bob Neill List all events that took place at City Hall on Saturdays and Sundays in November 2003, December 2003 and January 2004. Specify the nature of the event, the name of the organisers and what was the purpose of the event.

73 / 2004 - Affordable Housing Bob Neill A) On how many planning applications have you imposed an affordable housing condition, or higher density of affordable housing condition? B) how many of these have been started? C) how many of these have been completed?

74 / 2004 - Extension of the Congestion Charge Zone Angie Bray Given that Bob Kiley told the last meeting of the Assembly that he “remains concerned that the contractor [Capita] has had a poor record in managing the customer facing side of existing congestion scheme” and that Capita is “a long way away from where it needs to be”: -, would the Mayor agree that it would be totally wrong to even consider extending the Congestion Charging Zone until these concerns have been adequately addressed.

75 / 2004 - Money owed to TfL Angie Bray Will the Mayor give a breakdown of all the outstanding money owed to TfL through congestion charge fines?

76 / 2004 - Shortfall in Revenue Angie Bray How will the amount of money owed to TfL through fines affect the predicted amount of revenue generated through the Congestion Charge scheme?

77 / 2004 - Extension of the Congestion Charge Zone Angie Bray Would it be fair to describe the Mayor’s intentions on extending Westwards the CCS as having gone ‘luke warm’?

78 / 2004 - Congestion Charge income increase Angie Bray If unpaid fines total £17million why is it that the TfL budget for 2004/5 shows a net increase in revenue 41.2%?

79 / 2004 - TfL Surveying Angie Bray Can the Mayor explain why a constituent of mine was contacted in mid-December by MORI, who were conducting a poll ion behalf of TfL into Congestion Charging, and asked a series of questions on the scheme, the final one being Who do you intend to vote for in the elections for Mayor in 2004?

Will the Mayor confirm that this was a publicly funded poll? If it was, can he explain why public money is being spent on electioneering purposes?

10 80 / 2004 - Step Change Elizabeth Howlett Step change is the way forward for community policing; are you sure that the Step Change costs are totally accurate?

81 / 2004 - Heathrow Airport Richard Barnes Does the Mayor support mixed-mode usage of Heathrow's runways? Has he made any representations on the issue to the Department of Transport?

82 / 2004 - Heathrow Airport Richard Barnes Given that the Air Transport white paper will not allow the building of a new runway at Heathrow until air pollution targets are met, what steps will you be taking to measure the level of pollution around Heathrow?

83 / 2004 - West London Tram Scheme Richard Barnes Is further consultation planned for the West London Tram scheme? What form will this consultation take?

84 / 2004 - West London Tram Link Richard Barnes Has any research been undertaken of the likely impact the proposal to pedestrianise Acton town centre for the West London Tram will have on local businesses? If so, what were its conclusions?

85 / 2004 - Camden Town Tube Station Brian Coleman When I visited Camden Town Tube Station early in the New Year I was assured by senior London Underground Managers that the line crossover at the station would definitely be restored. However, in your comments to me at Assembly on the 14th January you stated we may never do that, due to safety considerations. Can you please clarify the position?

86 / 2004 - TfL scheme at Apex Corner Brian Coleman I am grateful to you for your offer at Assembly on 14th January to meet myself and Borough representatives to discuss the effect of the TfL scheme at Apex Corner. Will you now accept that the concerns which were expressed about the plans have been proved correct, and the scheme now needs major alteration?

87 / 2004 - RAC Foundation Report Brian Coleman May I draw your attention to the RAC Foundation’s report into Britain’s road network, which stated in regard to the North Circular that It is a major strategic road. Unfortunately TfL has failed to carry out any major improvements. The RAC Foundation is pressing for two improvements to relieve major bottlenecks and for a short new link between the M1 and A1. Do you join me in welcoming this support for the bid by TfL for government funding for the proper widening?

88 / 2004 - Labour Party Campaigning events Brian Coleman How many Labour party campaigning events have you attended in the past year, and can you provide details?

11 89 / 2004 - Camden Town Tube Station Brian Coleman With the Public Inquiry into the Camden Town Station redevelopment about to commence, will you join me in hoping for a positive outcome, given the added importance of this development following last year’s derailment?

90 / 2004 - LFEPA Brian Coleman One of the reasons for the LFEPA Labour Group rejecting elements of the Conservative Group alternative budget proposals was that the areas of proposed savings will be subject to Best Value Reviews in the coming months. Do you think LFEPA should have brought these Reviews forward, thereby enabling possible full year savings in coming financial year?

91 / 2004 - LFEPA budget process Brian Coleman Do you think the LFEPA budget process has been hampered by the uncertainties relating to Government funding for London Resilience and transitional relief?

92 / 2004 - LFEPA - London Weighting settlement Brian Coleman Given the extremely generous London Weighting settlement for LFEPA staff during the current financial year, what justification is there for including provision in the budget for a further increase?

93 / 2004 - LFEPA - Budget Brian Coleman Do you think it was prudent of LFEPA to your reject your suggestion that the LFEPA budget should be reduced by drawing on the PFI Reserve?

94 / 2004 - Modernisation of Fire Service Brian Coleman How quickly do you think that modernisation of the fire service will start to produce savings?

95 / 2004 - LFEPA Brian Coleman Are you 100% satisfied that LFEPA has carried out a rigorous exercise to identify savings?

96 / 2004 - GLA Staff Brian Coleman How many core GLA staff are currently based at City Hall, and how many are based elsewhere?

97 / 2004 - GLA Staff - Temporary Brian Coleman What is the total number and cost of temporary staff being used to fill vacancies within the core GLA?

98 / 2004 - Consultants' Fees Brian Coleman How much has been spent by the GLA on consultants’ fees since May 2000, and can you provide details of the projects these were for?

12 99 / 2004 - Precept Rise Graham Tope The results of a recent ALG survey show that concern over the level of Council Tax has risen by 14% in the last year and is now the second greatest worry for Londoners. Aren’t you just fuelling financial anxiety for thousands of Londoners by suggesting a precept rise of 12%?

100 / 2004 - Council Tax Graham Tope You have previously denounced the Council Tax as an unfair system and advocated its replacement with a local income tax as a more equitable way to raise funds for local public services. Do you stick by this view?

101 / 2004 - Low Priorities Graham Tope What are your low priorities for 2004/05?

102 / 2004 - Government Grant Mike Tuffrey Now that you are back in the Labour Party what progress are you able to report in ‘making the case for London’ for additional grant? How much additional funding are you able to announce?

103 / 2004 - TfL Underspend Mike Tuffrey Why was it necessary to increase the precept by 29% last year when TfL still had £210m left over?

104 / 2004 - Urban Development Corporation Mike Tuffrey To what extent do you envisage your planning powers will be affected by the Deputy Prime Minister's proposed Urban Development Corporation for the Thames Gateway? How will the UDC mesh with your call-in function and who is expected to have the final say in the event of any disagreements? Do you perceive the potential for overlapping/conflicting interests between the UDC and the other organisations/agencies already operating in the Thames Gateway area?

105 / 2004 - Capital Woman conferences Sally Hamwee What evaluation has been undertaken of the first three Capital woman conferences? Where can we find this analysis? Based on previous experience, what plans have been made to evaluate the success of the fourth Capital woman conference which takes place in March?

106 / 2004 - Major Events Groups Mike Tuffrey Please report on proposals for a new major events body for London (referred to at the Assembly Culture, Sport and Tourism Committee on 7th January 2004)? What is the aim of the group? How will it be funded and which partners will be involved?

107 / 2004 - Major Events Sally Hamwee What criteria are used to determine whether a major event is classed as a tourism initiative or a cultural event? What mechanisms are in place to ensure transparency and accountability when bodies outside the GLA are given responsibility for running major events? Who should be the first point of contact for those currently interested in getting involved in major events in London? 13

108 / 2004 - Publicity Mike Tuffrey Your budget has been described as containing a great deal of froth. How much have you spent as Mayor (in total) on publicity and promotion (across the GLA Group) since 2000, including Mayoral receptions/conferences, press and marketing staff, advertising, and The Londoner?

109 / 2004 - Love London advertising campaign Lynne Featherstone What is the total cost of the Love London campaign? What are the aims of the campaign and how will it be evaluated?

110 / 2004 - Receptions Mike Tuffrey How many receptions have you hosted as Mayor of London in each year since 2000 and what has been the total cost of these?

111 / 2004 - Waste within TfL Mike Tuffrey What figure would you put on the "real waste and unnecessary bureaucracy" within central services at TfL which you referred to at MQT on 14th January?

112 / 2004 - Countdown Lynne Featherstone What is the real cost of the roll out of Countdown across London?

113 / 2004 - CCTV and help buttons Lynne Featherstone How many Underground Stations have CCTV and how many of the ON (Overground Network) stations have CCTV and help buttons?

114 / 2004 - International Convention Centre Mike Tuffrey What is the indicative timeframe for the new Mayoral Commission’s investigation into potential construction of an International Convention Centre in London? What funding has been allocated for this review and will the Assembly receive regular progress reports detailing the Commission’s work and findings?

115 / 2004 - Additional costs for New Year’s Eve Mike Tuffrey Why was it necessary for the GLA to use its contingency fund to pay an additional £48,000 towards the New Year’s Eve celebrations? Why wasn’t this included in the original costings?

116 / 2004 - Events Officers Sally Hamwee How many GLA events officers are employed by the GLA and how do they relate to the tourism activities undertaken by the LDA?

117 / 2004 - Council Tax Increases Mike Tuffrey How long would the makers of Walnut Whips remain in business, before being dislodged by a competitor, if they doubled the price of their product in four years?


118 / 2004 - LDA Chief Executive resignation Mike Tuffrey Since Michael Ward's "commitment to London's economic development is undiminished", can we conclude that the cause of his resignation is his disillusionment with you?

119 / 2004 - Government communications on 2004/05 budget Sally Hamwee What communications have you received from government regarding the level of the precept for 2004/05 and its possible capping? What discussions have taken place between you and the government in broad terms about your budget for 2004/05?

120 / 2004 - Congestion Charge Appeals Lynne Featherstone Why has it been necessary to use £1.43m of Londoners money to deal with the extra number of congestion charge appeals (MAF1552)? What is the root cause of this increase and why weren’t steps taken to address the situation earlier? What other transport projects will be affected as a result of this expenditure?

121 / 2004 - Congestion Charge contract Sally Hamwee When you and the Commissioner for Transport were questioned by the Assembly on 14th January 2004 you made it clear that unless Capita’s performance in administering the Congestion Charging Scheme substantially improves, it is in danger of TfL terminating or insisting on varying parts of its contract. What provision is made in your draft budget for this contingency and associated costs to TfL?

122 / 2004 - Rugby World Cup Squad Sally Hamwee Having conferred the Freedom of Greater London on the members of the England Rugby World Cup squad on 8th December 2003, have you yet decided what this comprises?

123 / 2004 - Community Safety Lynne Featherstone What is your strategy for tackling community safety in London?

124 / 2004 - Re-offending Lynne Featherstone What is your strategy for reducing re-offending by young people in London?

125 / 2004 - Civil Contingencies Bill Graham Tope Which of the specific powers proposed in the Government's Civil Contingencies Bill do you (a) support and (b) not support, and what has been the substance of your discussions with the Government on the Bill thus far?

126 / 2004 - Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Bill Graham Tope What impact do you believe the Government's Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Bill will have on London, its public services and its communities, do you support the Government's proposals, such as removing the jurisdiction of the courts over asylum cases and restricting access to benefits?

15 127 / 2004 - Cannabis Lynne Featherstone What is your opinion on the reclassification of cannabis and the Government's decision to retain powers of arrest for possession of small amounts of the drug; do you believe this policy sends mixed signals to Londoners, such as its youth; and what representations have you made to the Commissioner on this particular issue?

128 / 2004 - Air Marshall’s Lynne Featherstone Do you support placing armed air marshals on British flights from the UK to the US, and why?

129 / 2004 - Disabled Travel Permits Lynne Featherstone It has been reported to us that the London Borough of Haringey Council have changed their criteria for granting Disabled Travel Permits to those with a 'severe, substantial and long term disability', resulting in claimants with mental health problems not having their permits renewed. Are you aware of any such changes, would you feel them to be appropriate, and can you investigate whether the Council should review the position they have taken?

130 / 2004 - Global positioning satellite technology Lynne Featherstone What work is currently being undertaken by Transport for London to develop global positioning satellite technology systems capable of delivering road pricing to target Greater London’s congestion hotspots, of managing London’s bus fleets, and providing accurate real-time information for bus passengers as a replacement to the ‘Countdown’ system?

131 / 2004 - Information systems for bus passengers Lynne Featherstone Why can’t buses have announcement systems so each bus stop is clearly identified to passengers along with onward connections to rail, Tube and tram, as is good practice on London Underground?

132 / 2004 - Integration of rail with London’s public transport Lynne Featherstone In the light of Alistair Darling’s announcement of a strategic review of the way Britain’s rail network is organised and managed, what discussions have you had with him about how the Mayor of London can be given a say in the planning of commuter rail so that rail services can be integrated with bus, Tube and tram?

133 / 2004 - Police on rail and Tube trains Lynne Featherstone Can the TOCU principle of putting police and community safety officers on to buses be extended to the Tube and commuter rail and are you encouraging Transport for London to negotiate with the British Transport Police about such proposals?

134 / 2004 - Pedestrian signage advice Lynne Featherstone Now that a single ticket for a Tube journey between any two stations in central London is two and a half times more expensive as in Tokyo, and twice as much as in New York, will you encourage people to undertake short journeys on foot by clear signage which shows typical walking times between destinations ?

16 135 / 2004 - Pedestrian-friendly shopping Lynne Featherstone What discussions have you had with the New West End Company which represents the retail trade in Oxford Street, Bond Street and Regent Street, about how the area can be made more pedestrian- friendly, and what outcomes do you envisage from such discussions?

136 / 2004 - Park-and-Ride Proposal Lynne Featherstone Proposal 4E.14 of your Transport Strategy states that you will in conjunction with the Strategic Rail Authority, the track and train operators and the London boroughs develop a framework within which proposals for park-and-ride in London can be considered, particularly in outer London, encompassing both rail and Tube stations. What progress has been made on this Proposal, and when do you intend to launch the first park-and-ride scheme?

137 / 2004 - Clapham Common gyratory Lynne Featherstone Will you ask Transport for London to review the gyratory traffic system at Clapham Common, especially in the view of the increased traffic that will be created by the opening of a new Tesco superstore in the immediate vicinity?

138 / 2004 - Pedestrian crossing, Clapham Common tube station Lynne Featherstone Will you enquire into the feasibility of installing a pedestrian crossing at the junction of Southside, the Pavement and Long Road, near Clapham Common tube station?

139 / 2004 - Bus Garages John Biggs Can you list the bus garages acquired, built or planned by Transport for London since 2000? What are the remaining areas of under-provision and how many, if any, of these arose as a consequence of garages sold under privatisation being redeveloped and lost to garage use without alternative provision nearby?

140 / 2004 - Kings Cross Channel Tunnel Site John Biggs Do you support or oppose the plans for accelerated site working at the Kings Cross Channel Tunnel site?

141 / 2004 - Private Hire Vehicles John Biggs Did the PCO detect any of the predicted supply problems of private hire vehicles over Christmas and the New Year?

142 / 2004 - Streatham Hub Valerie Shawcross Negotiations between Lambeth Council and Tesco regarding the Streatham Hub site are becoming protracted. In the meantime I am concerned that the Ice Rink is not being upgraded or invested in and there is apparently no 'fallback planning' by the Council on the future of the swimming pool, which is a vital community facility. Lambeth Council has little experience of delivering on a major strategic project, and Tescos have a poor reputation in South London regarding their lack of interest in the community on planning issues. Do you think that Lambeth Council should be developing a fallback strategy to protect these leisure facilities in the event of the Council being unable to reach an agreement with Tescos? Do you agree that the retention of a swimming pool and Ice Rink in Streatham are vital for future generations health and well-being.? 17

143 / 2004 - Nelson Mandela School Proposal Valerie Shawcross The Nelson Mandela School Foundation - a local community campaign to bring a Charter school to Brixton Hill - has been successful in securing a promise of 2 Million £ from a major private donor. Both the Council and the government have made supportive noises, although there has been little specific technical support and no commitment to financial backing. The key blockage is the ownership of the proposed site. Will you go on record supporting the Nelson Mandela School proposal and call on Thames Water to meet interested parties at the highest level to discuss the site. Are you concerned with the lack of Council pro active backing for this proposal given the dramatic lack of school places in South London and the opportunity this proposal offers to give Lambeth young people a first class secondary education which they deserve?

144 / 2004 - Taxis at Waterloo Valerie Shawcross I have had repeated complaints from a constituent, Mr Stanley, regarding the Taxis at Waterloo Roundabout. He has failed to get action from TfL and has asked me to submit the following questions to you on his behalf and in the public interest.

'Why has the PCO not taken any effective action to stop Taxi drivers using Waterloo Roundabout as an unofficial Taxi Rank during morning peak times?

And 'Will you commit resources to ensure that appropriate sanctions are taken against those taxi drivers who drive dangerously at Waterloo Roundabout and elsewhere?'

145 / 2004 - Lambeth Attitude to Road Safety Valerie Shawcross A local group has contacted me to say how desperately disappointed they are that Lambeth has recently turned down two road safety requests from the community - these are a request for a pedestrian crossing on Emmanuel Rd, Thornton ward, to allow children to cross safely into a playground and also one to allow access to St Bedes school. (Just off Thornton rd.) Will you support the community calls to have these decisions reopened by the Council?