Our Wings are In Motion GWRRA Staff GWRRA Home Office 21423 North 11th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Phone: 800-843-9460 GWRRA Director: FROM THE DIRECTORS Mike Stiger March is suppose to come in like a Lion and go out like a lamb, with the weather we just had, Vina and I heard Region E Director: the roar of the wind from our basement as the violent Clayton Alcorn storm of Feb 27/28 passed over us. I think a whole Illinois District Director pride of lions ran through here. There were 3 Dan Ribbing confirmed tornados in St. Louis area. These winter storms remind us that the need to ride aware extends to Chapter “O” Officers our daily lives, as we need to live aware too, and in both cases, preparation is the key to success. Time to buy Director some fresh batteries for the flashlights. Ed and Vina Haggerty
[email protected] or 618-558-4729 On the way to the training day at Kendall Assistant Director Hill, on Highway 255, I Dave Laux was in the middle lane,
[email protected] there was a car in the left Treasurer lane slightly ahead, and I Vicky Dillard noticed that I was in
[email protected] their blind spot. Not a Member Enhancement good place to be in a car or while riding a motorcycle. Judi Laux Then I noticed that their passenger side mirror was
[email protected] pulled in, everything on their right side was now in their blind spot. I backed off the speed to increase Educator separation, and thought how many times on the Jean Stout
[email protected] Goldwing I’m aware of where I am in relation to the cars around me and make sure I’m not in anyone’s blind spot, but I never check the passenger side mirror.