Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes
Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes John Stanley 22bs, -1899- For the past 11 years James Miller Armstrong, Callahan, '24med, is a prac- ' 196a, has been a partner in the oil firm of Yeager ticing physician in Wilburton. Dr . Callahan is a 50th Class Reunion and Armstrong, Midland, Texas. Previously he had member of Phi Beta Pi, medical fraternity, and June 5, 1949 been a geologist with the Prairie Oil and Gas Phi Delta Theta Social Fraternity. Company. -1904- Alta Bellrnon Blakely, '196a, has been teaching -1923- 45th Class Reunion home economics in the Broken Arrow High School June 5, 1949 for the past eight years. Col. C. Guy Brown, '23ba, is executive officer of Morris L. Wardell, '19ba, David Ross Boyd the IX Air Service Area Command with head- 1909- professor of history at the University, has been as- quarters at Tinker Field, Oklahoma City . 40th Class Reunion sociated with the history department for the past Tully Nettleton, '23journ, is the author of a June 5,1949 14 years. Dr. Wardell, started his teaching career series of ten articles entitled "Church, State, and Elva McFerron Gittinger, '09bm, ' 12ba, is spe- in 1912 at Geary High School . In 1914 he was School" which appeared last April in the Christian cializing in the teaching of reading in the Kendall an instructor at the Panhandle Agriculture Insti- Science Monitor. The articles are being reprinted in school of Tulsa. She received her Master's Degree tution, Goodwell ; 1915, he was principal of Guy- booklet form by the Beacon Press, Boston, Massa- from Columbia University in 1943 .
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