Dictionary of Deeside Date Due Digitized by the Internet Archive
UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH LIBRARY 3 lift fl 010753m T VJ UNIV SOCSCI DA 8825. M C5B Coutts, James, 1B52- Dictionary of Deeside Date due Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/dictionaryofdeescout — IH Aberdeen University Press Book Printers •> •:• •:• •:• liaoi and Commercial Printers Stereo- and Electrotypers •:• Typefounders •:• •:• •:• •:• Have the largest assortment—over 400 Tons of the finest type in Scotland, in various langu- ages—Bengali, German, Greek, Hebrew, Russian, etc. ; also Music, in Old and New Notation and Gregorian. They have the finest Machinery of any Printer in the United Kingdom—without exception. This unique position places them in the front rank of British Printers. All Documents of a Private and Confidential nature have the personal care of the Comptroller. Having an extensive connection with the lead- ing Publishers, they are in a position to arrange for the publication of works of any kind. ESTIMATES FREE. & Telegrams: "PICA, ABERDEEN "• PREMIER CODE USED. CppvL-ij- hi JoLtl B artliolomew 3c Co „E imT Dictionary of Deeside A GUIDE TO THE CITY OF ABERDEEN AND THE VILLAGES, HAMLETS, DISTRICTS, CASTLES, MANSIONS AND SCENERY OF DEESIDE, WITH NOTES ON ANTIQUITIES, HISTORICAL AND LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. BY l \ '/ JAMES COUTTS, M.A. WITH PLAN OF CITY, MAP OF COUNTRY AND TEN ILLUSTRATIONS " The Dee is a beautiful river —Byron ABERDEEN THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1899 1 lUl^f PREFACE. The spirit that prompted the question— " Are not Abana and Pharphar, rivers of Damascus, better " than all the waters of Israel ? —still survives. Sir Walter Scott has commented on the " reverence which . the Scotch usually pay to their dis- tinguished rivers.
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