North America’s i Environment

A Thirty–Year State of the Environment and Policy Retrospective ii North America’s Environment

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Printed and bound in the USA. iii A Regional Product of the Global Environment Outlook 3 Report Process North America’s Environment

A Thirty–Year State of the Environment and Policy Retrospective

in cooperation with

CEC IISD WRI iv North America’s Environment


UNEP acknowledges the contributions made by the many individuals and institutions to the preparation and publication of North America’s Environment: A Thirty–Year State of the Environment and Policy Retrospective. A full list of names is included on page 200. Special thanks are extended to:

Commission for Environmental Cooperation of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (CEC of NAAEC) 393 rue St-Jacques Ouest Montréal, Québec H2Y1N9 Canada

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) 161 Portage Avenue East, 6th Floor Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B0YA Canada

World Resources Institute (WRI) 10 G Street NE, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20002 USA

Production Team

Production and Support Team UNEP Regional Office for North America Ashbindu Singh Support Team Jane Barr Brennan Van Dyke László Pintér Keith Robinson Robin White John Peter Oosterhoff H. Gyde Lund Durga Ray Kim Giese Sandrine Ourigou Paul Sands UNEP Nairobi Support Team Trevor Bounford Dan Claasen Jane A. Peterson, Editor Marion Cheatle GRID Sioux Falls Support Team Munyaradzi Chenje Mark Ernste Volodymyr Demkine Nazmul Hossain Norberto Fernandez Shingo Ikeda Tessa Goverse Jane Smith Anna Stabrawa v


List of Figures vii List of Boxes vii Foreword ix Preface xi Key Conclusions xiv Executive Summary xvi

Socio-economic Dynamics and the Environment 1 Human Development 2 1 Demographics 2 Economic Development 3 Science and Technology 5 Governance 5

Atmosphere 9 Ground Level Ozone and Smog 12 2 Climate Change and Passenger Transport 17

Biodiversity 29 Wetlands 33 3 Bioinvasion 38

Coastal and Marine Areas 49 Pacific Northwest Salmon Fishery 52 4 Nutrient Loading 57

Freshwater 67 Groundwater 71 5 Great Lakes Water Quality 78 vi North America’s Environment

Land 89 Land Degradation 91 6 Pesticides 97

Forests 109 Forest Health 112 7 Old Growth Forests in the Pacific Northwest 118

Disasters 129 Floods and Climate Change 131 8 Forest Fires 137

Human Health and the Environment 147 9 Children’s Health and Environmental Contamination 150 Emergence/Resurgence of Vector-borne Diseases 154

Urban Areas 163 10 Sprawl 165 Ecological Footprint 174

Analysis and Policy Options 185 The 30-year Legacy 186 11 Signs of Progress 186 Significant Challenges Remain 186 Major Messages 188 The Environment Matters 188 Policy Performance 190 Shared Ecosystems and Bilateral Cooperation 192 Public Participation and Stakeholder Involvement 193 Affluence and the Environment 194 Information and Education 197 The Next 30 Years 198

Acknowledgements 200 Acronyms and Abbreviations 203 CONTENTS vii

Distribution of coastal temperate rain List of Figures forest by state/province 118 Old-growth forest in British Columbia. 119 Chapter 1 Change in old-growth forest area in GDP per capita with service sector share: NA 4 California, Oregon, and Washington 119 Chapter 2 Chapter 8 US emissions of major air pollutants 10 Extreme precipitation trends in Canada Transport of tropospheric ozone in and the United States 131 eastern North America 14 Frequency of intense winter storms in the Trend in average US annual temperature 17 northern hemisphere 132 Extreme precipitation trends in Canada Per capita trends in CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, cement manufacture, and the United States 137 and gas flaring in North America 18 Number of wildland fires 137 Dioxide emissions from transportation 18 Western forests at wildfire risk 140 Chapter 3 Chapter 9 North America’s most ecologically Lead emissions in the United States important and threatened regions 30 and Canada 151 Numbers of threatened vertebrates 31 Reported cases of lyme disease in Map of North America’s wetlands 34 the United States 156 Diving duck population 36 Chapter 10 Map of the Florida Everglades 37 Trends in urban population 164 Number of exotic species established US per capita private and public in the Great Lakes 39 transport use 166 Chapter 4 Canadian per capita private and public transport use 167 Annual fish catch 51 Increase in vehicle miles of travel Aquaculture production in North America 51 and population in the United States 168 Commercial Pacific Northwest salmon values 53 Urban sources of sprawl in Commercial Pacific Northwest salmon catch 53 the United States 168 Area of Gulf of Mexico low-oxygen zone 60 Urban land use occupying Location of HAB-related events in dependable farmland in Canada 169 US coastal waters before and after 1972. 62 Urban density vs car use in Chapter 5 20 North American cities 170 Total fertilizer consumption 72 Comparison of ecological footprints by world region 175 Sectorial share of groundwater withdrawals 74 Comparison of CO2 footprints by The Ogallala aquifer 75 world region 176 Las Vegas population growth 76 Solid waste disposal in the United States 177 Las Vegas satellite images 77 Areas of concern (AOCs) in the Great Lakes 80 Double-crested cormorant population in the Great Lakes 81 List of Boxes

Chapter 6 Chapter 2 Changes in erosion in the United States 92 Binational agreement and cooperation 11 Risk of wind erosion on cultivated land Ground level ozone and smog 13 in the prairie provinces under prevailing management practices 93 Haze in US national parks 15 Water and wind erosion vulnerability 93 Bilateral cooperation 16 Acres (1 Acre=0.4 Hectare) of cropland The Kyoto Protocol 19 converted to Conservation Reserve Program Sport utility vehicles 21 (CRP) Land 94 Potential impacts of climate change 22 Expansion in US organic agriculture 103 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 The US Endangered Species Act 32 Forest extent 110 Wetland services 33 Annual timber increment and annual Bilateral cooperation, wetlands and waterfowl 36 removals on available forest land 111 viii North America’s Environment

Restoration of the Florida Everglades 37 Stresses to the eastern forests 114 Bioinvasion 38 Bilateral cooperation 115 Introduced aquatic weeds 40 Old growth 118 The nutria 41 Clear-cutting 120 Bilateral and international cooperation 42 The spotted owl 120 Chapter 4 Clayoquot Sound 121 Pacific Northwest salmon 52 Certification, the forest stewardship council 122 Impacts of logging on the west coast salmon 54 Chapter 8 Bilateral agreement, The Pacific The Exxon Valdez oil spill 130 Salmon Treaty 55 Some major floods of the last 30 years 133 Impacts of climate change on pacific Bilateral agreement 135 salmon and other wild fish stock 56 The 1988 Yellowstone fires 138 Eutrophication and hypoxia 57 The 2000 fire season 140 Intensive hog farming 59 Harmful algal blooms (HABs) and red tides 61 Chapter 9 Children’s special vulnerability 149 Chapter 5 The phase-out of lead 151 James Bay hydroelectric development 69 Bilateral cooperation 154 Some health risks from groundwater pollution 70 Vector-borne disease 155 The Ogallala aquifer 75 Lyme Disease 156 Water use in the Las Vegas valley 76 West Nile Virus 157 The Great Lakes 78 Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome 158 Binational cooperation, the IJC 79 Binational cooperation, the GLWQA 79 Chapter 10 Binational cooperation, toxics and Definition of urban areas 165 atmospheric deposition 82 Sprawl 165 Chapter 6 Smart growth 170 Definition of Land Degradation 91 Sustainable cities 171 Conservation Strategies to Curb Soil Erosion 92 Bilateral cooperation 174 Conservation Programs 94 The ecological footprint 175 POP Pesticides 98 Bilateral cooperation 100 Cosmetic Use of Pesticides in Canada 101 Tables Organic Produce 102

Chapter 7 Protected area by IUCN categories I-V 31 Boreal Forests 111 Wetlands in North America 34 Forest Health 112 Groundwater contamination in the United States, selected chemicals 71 ix


t has been 30 years since the and analysis of its priority environ- I United Nations Conference on mental issues and how the region the Human Environment in addressed them during that time, as Stockholm, when the world commu- well as the critical and emerging nity was alerted to the unprec- trends it still faces. edented scale of environmental It is encouraging to see the transformation effected by human notable progress Canada and the activity and set on a course to protect United States have made in address- and improve the human environ- ing a number of the most evident ment. UNEP’s third Global Environ- and serious environmental problems ment Outlook (GEO-3) examines in the past 30 years. Improvements environmental trends since the 1972 to North America’s environment Stockholm conference and analyzes were made possible by the institu- the social, economic, political and tion of environmental governance cultural drivers of change and the and environmental laws and policies spectrum of policy measures at all levels, as well as the growth in adopted. GEO-3 is also published 10 cooperation between the two coun- years after the 1992 Earth Summit in tries to protect shared resources and Rio de Janiero, when the world’s ecosystems. As this report shows, nations committed themselves to a however, it is ever more apparent path towards sustainable develop- that although North America gener- ment. In time for its successor, the ally has and accords the necessary 2002 World Summit on Sustainable material and human resources to Development in Johannesburg, address local pollution problems GEO-3 sets an action-oriented and straightfoward global ones, environmental agenda for the affluence stimulates consumption future. This publication, a corollary and energy use. Choices related to to GEO-3, examines the state of consumer lifestyles have limited the North America’s environment and region’s further advancement on provides a more detailed description the environmental front, particu- x North America’s Environment

spread. Unsustainable patterns of consumption and production in North America are a major cause of global environmental deteriora- tion and there is an urgent need for the region, along with the other developed countries, to accept more responsibility for environ- mental change. On the eve of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, it has become evident that protecting the environment and human security is a more challenging task than it may have seemed 30 years ago, or even 10 years ago. There is an ever more urgent need for us to recognize that human security depends on the abundance and health of environ- larly in resource efficiency, waste mental assets, goods and services. reduction and the control of green- Significant changes will be needed – house gas emissions. in decision-making at all levels and Although many environmental in day-to-day behavior by producers policies underscored in this report and consumers – for us to ensure provide blueprints for other regions, their benefits are delivered in a with globalization there is the sustainable and equitable way for danger that inefficient and wasteful current and future generations. consumption patterns will also

Klaus Töpfer

United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme xi


ne of UNEP’s fundamental 2002. GEO-3 takes an integrated O mandates is to conduct approach to SOE reporting and accurate assessment and up-to-date emphasizes the linkages between reporting on the state of the world’s policy and the environment, past environment. The Global trends and possible future Environment Outlook (GEO) directions, and thematic areas. It biennial report series contributes to also highlights the links among the fulfillment of this role. GEO–1, sectors (environmental, economic, published in 1997, provided a social, cultural, etc). Its ultimate regionally focused, qualitative purpose is to connect appraisal of key environmental issues environmental outcomes to and trends and relevant socio- activities, policies, and decisions. By economic driving forces in all the providing a policy retrospective on world’s regions. GEO–2, published in progress made towards sustainable 2000 presented a coordinated and development since the 1972 comprehensive State of the Stockholm Conference on the Environment (SOE) overview at Human Environment, GEO-3 will regional and global levels. It analyzed influence conclusions drawn at the how underlying pressures (such as World Summit on Sustainable social developments) affect the land, Development in Johannesburg atmosphere, fresh and marine waters, in 2002. biological resources, and forests, and The SOE component of GEO-3, provided a separate presentation of and of this more detailed appraisal environmental policy. of North America, assesses the This report, North America’s environment over the past 30 years Environment: A Thirty–Year State of the by documenting how it has changed Environment and Policy Retrospective, and how that change has impacted expands on the North American key human and environmental regional contribution to the SOE systems in the region. The policy chapter of GEO-3, published in May aspect of this analysis seeks to xii North America’s Environment

explain how various policies have not reflect all issues related to the affected the environment in the past condition of North America’s 30 years, to describe what is being environment since 1972. done to lessen human impact on the The basis of this analysis is the environment and repair damage, Pressure/State/Impact/Response and to evaluate the effectiveness of (PSIR) framework. This reporting these policy measures. approach is a useful way of conceptualizing the cycle of changes Focus, Approach and Content in environmental conditions and Focusing on UNEP’s North exploring the linkages between American region, comprised of humans and their environment. The Canada and the United States, this PSIR approach seeks to provide report provides an integrated information and data about: analysis of the state of resource assets and 30-year trends in nine • the natural and anthropogenic major themes: atmosphere, pressures on the environment, biodiversity, coastal and marine which range from drivers and areas, disasters, freshwater, forests, agents of change such as socio- human health and the environment, economic, political, and land, and urban areas. Rather than cultural conditions to direct offering a comprehensive indicators such as weather description and analysis of the state hazards, polluting emissions, of North America’s environment in and resource extraction; all its aspects, the report zeroes in • the state of resource assets and on two priority issues for each of the the condition of, and trends in, nine themes. Following the environmental media; approach taken in GEO-3, the • the impacts of environmental specific issues identified under each change on ecosystems and theme build on those highlighted in functions, human health and GEO-2000 and include critical well-being, and on the issues, emerging trends, hot spots, economy; and and once critical issues that illustrate • the responses by governments successful policy responses. The and civil society attempting to thematic structure and discrete mitigate or redress chapters belie the crosscutting environmental problems and nature of environmental issues; their consequences. many of the topics overlap and are Presented in an integrated dependent upon and influence the narrative, this information shows character of the others. For this how environmental issues have been reason, attempts have been made at addressed in Canada and the United every opportunity to underscore the States over the 30-year period in an linkages between them. Because iterative cycle of pressures, impacts, conclusions were drawn from the and responses. Boxes provide assessment of priority issues, they do PREFACE xiii definitions, highlight subregional (EPA), and other environmental issues, and serve to illustrate the text and natural resource departments; through examples. A series of boxes analyses by authoritative non- throughout the report also governmental organizations such as underscores the cooperative efforts the Worldwatch Institute; and some by Canada and the United States to supplementary unpublished mate- address transboundary issues and rial, including academic literature. environmental problems of Despite the similarities between mutual concern. Canada and the United States Information and data are drawn regarding definitions, approaches, from reliable published sources, and time series used in environmen- such as the global datasets produced tal reporting, differences remain by the World Resources Institute that in some instances have led to (WRI), the Organization for Eco- data reconciliation difficulties and nomic Cooperation and Develop- data gaps. In addition, given the ment (OECD), and the Food and significantly larger population and Agriculture Organization (FAO); economy of the United States, the national SOE reports and indicator issues highlighted in some themes bulletins, such as those produced by tend to focus more on conditions Environment Canada (EC), the US there than in Canada. Environmental Protection Agency xiv North America’s Environment

Key Conclusions

There have been signs of progress. been an overall reduction of 71 Over the past 30 years, North percent in the use, generation, America has had notable success and release of seven priority with a number of environmental toxic chemicals into the problems. It has: Great Lakes; • protected the ozone layer: non- • stabilized desertification: essential CFC consumption was expansion of plant cover on reduced to nearly zero by 1996; rangelands and other • controlled emissions that cause conservation approaches led to substantial reductions in wind acid rain: SO2 emissions in the US declined 31 percent and water erosion. between 1981 and 2000, and But improvements have slowed. 24 percent between 1991 In many instances, gains made in and 2000; arresting environmental pollution • set aside parks and other and degradation have recently protected areas: today, between been eroded by choices related 11 and 13 percent of the to consumption increases and region’s land area is protected; population growth: • slowed wetland losses: between • total energy use in North 1988 and 1993, over 850,000 ha America grew by 31 percent of wetland and associated between 1972 and 1997; upland habitat were protected • progress in fuel efficiency has in Canada alone; been offset by increases in the • stemmed emissions from point number of automobiles and the sources: aggregate emissions of total number of kilometers six principal pollutants in the traveled, and by a trend since US have been cut 29 percent; 1984 toward heavier and less • reduced pollution in the Great fuel-efficient passenger vehicles; Lakes: since 1972, there has KEY CONCLUSIONS xv

• a consumer lifestyle based on Effective reforms are possible. the desire for mobility, We live with the decisions of the convenience, and product past. Today’s decisions—and more disposability has undercut the importantly, our actions—will affect further advancement of the future of our children and resource efficiency and grandchildren for good or bad waste reduction. through their impact on our global environment. North America needs North America’s global impact is to accept more responsibility for disproportionately large. environmental change: North America’s success in • it needs substantial and improving local environments where concrete changes in its people can live with clean water and automobile use, more fuel- air and enjoy green spaces has come efficient technologies, and at the expense of global natural changes in municipal planning resources and climate: and urban development • with about 5 percent of the strategies that curb sprawl, world’s population, North including investment in America accounted for 25.8 public transport; percent of global emissions of • people need to start connecting carbon dioxide (CO ) in 1998; 2 climate to individual • per capita annual gasoline behavior; and consumption for motor • decision-makers need the vehicles was nine times the political will to introduce world average; improvements. • in 1997, the US transport sector accounted for more than one- third of total world trans- portation energy use; and • by 1996, North America’s ecological footprint was four times greater than the world

average, its forest footprint 4.4

times larger. Its CO2 footprint was almost five times the world average. xvi North America’s Environment

Executive Summary

Atmosphere particulate matter (PM2.5), and nitrogen oxide (NO ) emissions. Over the past 30 years, North x Ground-level ozone causes more America has achieved notable than US $500 million annually in gains in protecting stratospheric agricultural and commercial forest ozone and controlling emissions yield losses in the United States that cause acid rain. Both alone. In 1997, some 47.9 million countries managed to shrink their citizens lived in counties with O non-essential chlorofluorocarbon 3 above existing health standards. (CFC) consumption to nearly zero Scientific evidence that O and PM by 1996. Regional levels of most 3 2.5 can trigger or exacerbate respiratory illnesses prompted recent regulatory US Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Transportation, 1984–1998 changes in health standards in both nations. They also stepped up 470.7 473.1 470 458.54 cooperative efforts to address 450.4 450 production and transboundary 437.5 432.7 432.1 431.4 movement of O and NO . 430 427.5 424.5 3 x

411.1 410 Climate Change and Passenger 399.1

Million metric tons Transport: With about 5 percent of 390 384.4 379 the world’s population, North 370 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 America accounted for 25.8 percent of global emissions of carbon Figure 1 traditional air pollutants were dioxide (CO ) in 1998. Transport in US Carbon 2 Dioxide gradually pushed down as well, with Canada and the United States emissions from transportation, especially dramatic declines in generates between 25 and 40 1984-1998. sulphate emissions. percent respectively of total North Source: EPA American CO emissions. In the 2001b Ground-level Ozone and Smog: 2 United States, emissions from the Relatively new concerns have arisen transportation sector increased over ground-level ozone (O3), fine EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xvii rapidly between 1984 and 1998 and 1993, 850,000 ha of Canada’s (see Figure 1). Automobile use is a wetlands were fully protected under significant factor in North the North American Waterfowl America’s greenhouse gas Management Plan. emissions and thus in its Bioinvasion: In recent years, the contribution to global climate introduction of exotic species has change. Light-duty motor vehicles increased, imperiling nearly half of accounted for 15 and 17 percent of the US species listed as threatened total CO emissions in Canada and 2 or endangered. In Canada, alien the United States respectively. Although average automobile fuel Number of Exotic Species Established in the Great Lakes efficiency doubled between 1975 and 1989, progress has been offset by increases in the number of automobiles, the total number of kilometers traveled, and a trend since 1984 toward light-duty trucks and sport-utility vehicles (SUVs). Biodiversity North America is home to many different types of ecoregions, and the United States contains a broader array than any other nation. About half of the two Figure 2 species have been involved in countries’ most diverse ecoregions Number of causing risk to about 25 percent of exotic species are now severely degraded. established in endangered species. In 1998, about the Great Lakes. Wetlands: Wetlands cover about 264 a quarter of the annual US Source: H. John million hectares (ha), with about agricultural GNP was lost to damage Heinz III Center, 2001. 24 percent of the world’s wetland from and control of invasive species. area lying in Canada. About a third The influx of new species into the of the region’s threatened and Great Lakes continues (see Figure endangered species depend on 2) and is considered to be the most wetlands. Although wetlands serious threat to the integrity of continue to be destroyed by devel- the ecosystem. opment, losses have slowed consid- erably since the 1980s, thanks in Coastal and Marine Areas large part to bilateral cooperation The region’s fisheries have declined in conserving wetland habitat for precipitously since the mid-1980s waterfowl: between 1986 and 1997, (see Figure 3). Twenty-one of the 43 there was an 80 percent reduction groundfish stocks in Canada’s North in US wetland losses from the Atlantic are in decline and nearly previous decade and between 1988 one-third of US federally managed xviii North America’s Environment

fishery species are overfished. important salmon stocks, but their Initially used to enhance natural future is uncertain. stocks, aquaculture has become a Nutrient Loading: North America has large-scale industry; since 1980, US had notable success in stemming aquaculture has grown fourfold. nutrient emissions from point However, aquaculture has its own sources; today, it is non-point sources environmental impacts. that give major cause for concern. Total Fish Catch, All Fishing Areas, 1972–1999 Nutrient additions to marine and

6 coastal ecosystems jumped United States dramatically over the past several Canada 5 decades due to large increases in population density, fossil fuel use, 4 sewage inputs, animal production, 3 and fertilizer use. Over the past 30 Million tons years, fertilizer use rose by almost 30 2 percent. Today, 65 percent of US 1 coastal rivers and bays are

0 moderately to severely degraded by 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 80 82 84 86 88 nutrient pollution. Nutrients from 197 197 197 197 19 19 19 19 19 199 199 199 199 199 human activity are likely a Figure 3 contributing factor in the recent Total fish catch, Pacific Northwest Salmon Fishery: all fishing areas, dramatic increase in the number, 1972-1999. Historically abundant in many intensity, frequency, and spatial Source: Fishstat Pacific coastal and interior waters, 2001 extent of harmful algal blooms, salmon runs have been shrinking which have caused harm to humans, since the late 19th century. And fish, and marine birds and mammals, despite restricted harvests and other along with sectors of the economy measures during the 1980s, these that depend on healthy declines have persisted. A total of 26 marine ecosystems. distinct groups are now listed by the United States as either threatened Freshwater or endangered. Although there is a Endowed with abundant water natural variability of abundance resources, North America holds levels for Pacific salmon, uncertainty about 13 percent of the world’s exists about the exact magnitude of renewable freshwater (excluding recent declines. As fishing, climatic glaciers and ice caps). And North change, and habitat conditions have Americans use more water per been changing simultaneously over person per year than any other recent decades, their relative people. Agriculture accounts for the importance has shifted as well. largest proportion of total water Harvest restrictions, recent bilateral consumed. While gross-point source cooperation, and new ecosystem water pollution has been successfully approaches have helped to improve reduced in North America since the the ocean survival of some EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xix

1970s, non-point sources, such as Box 1: Bilateral Cooperation: The Great Lakes agricultural runoff and urban storm Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) drainage, have increased. The 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Groundwater: Contaminants from committed the two countries to controlling and non-point sources are present in cleaning up pollution in the Great Lakes from groundwater throughout large industrial and municipal wastewaters. Amendments regions of North America, required developing Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) to presenting risks to human health. clean up 43 Areas of Concern and renewals and Agriculture, with its widespread use expansions to the Agreement have since introduced the of commercial fertilizer and ecosystem approach and measures to address unsustainable manure management, persistent toxic chemicals, airborne pollutants, pollution from land based activities, and the problems is the dominant factor impairing of contaminated sediment and groundwater. groundwater quality. Underground storage tanks and septic tank systems are also leading sources of launched a concerted bilateral effort groundwater contamination. In to restore the Basin’s water quality. general, groundwater extraction Since 1972, there has been an slowed after the 1980s, but use of overall reduction of 71 percent in stored groundwater still accounted the use, generation, and release of for about 10 percent of all freshwater seven priority toxic chemicals and a withdrawal in the United States in significant reduction in the number the mid-1990s. Despite recent and magnitude of chemical spills. conservation measures and This success in addressing the reductions in withdrawals since the serious problems in the Great Lakes 1980s, extraction exceeds the rate of offers a notable example of renewal in the Ogallala Aquifer, cooperation among nations and which underlies one of the world’s local users. Nevertheless, challenges major agricultural regions in the remain in the form of impacts from midwestern Plains states. urban and suburban growth, persistent toxic chemicals, The Great Lakes: The Great Lakes atmospheric deposition of toxins Basin contains the world’s largest such as Persistent Organic freshwater systems as well as North Pollutants (POPs), invasion by America’s biggest urban-industrial exotic species, and the threats complex. It has 18 percent of the associated with climate change. world’s fresh surface water and provides drinking water for 27 Land percent of Canadians and 11 percent of US citizens. By the early 1970s, a North America has about 11 percent mix of industrial, agricultural, and of the world’s agricultural municipal effluents had created croplands, and about 46 percent of serious pollution. The 1972 signing all US land is under agricultural of the Great Lakes Water Quality production. The region produces Agreement (GLWQA) (see Box 1) ample amounts of food, fiber, and xx North America’s Environment

other products both for its own the past 30 years, the area treated needs and for export around with chemical pesticides has rapidly the world. expanded, increasing in Canada, for example by 3.5 times between 1970 Land Degradation: Agricultural and 1995. Evidence of their expansion, intensification, and damaging impacts on wildlife led to industrialization have also the banning in the 1970s of some contributed to land degradation. Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) Government conservation programs pesticides and the significant decline (see Box 2) and conservation in their concentrations in biota since farming practices spurred a decline the 1990s. But because they in soil erosion of about one-third in bioaccumulate, last so long and can the United States between 1987 and travel great distances in air and water 1997, while in Canada, the share of currents, POPs are still found in the environment and in food supplies cultivated land at high-to-severe risk where they pose significant health of wind erosion declined from 15 threats, especially to indigenous percent to 6 percent between 1981 peoples in the north. Pesticide and 1996. Desertification has regulation became more stringent during the 1990s. The introduction Box 2: Conservation Programs of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs and new ‘soft’ Both countries adopted strategies that took fragile lands pesticides (such as oils, soaps and out of agricultural production to protect them from plant extracts) were among the erosion. In all, about 13 percent of US cropland was factors that led to a marked decline idled under federal programs between 1982 and 1997 in insecticide use since the late compared to 11 percent of cropland between 1950 and 1970s. Yet problems remain with the 1970. About 555,000 ha of marginal prairie agricultural characteristics of some new land was removed from annual cultivation under pesticides, the rise of pesticide Canada’s Permanent Cover Program. resistance, the increased intensity of use in some regions over the last generally been stabilized over the decade, and scientific uncertainties over genetically modified organisms. past 30 years with expansion of plant cover on rangelands and control of Forests erosion and water logging. Forests cover about 26 percent of Historically, government agricultural North America’s land area and policy in North America focused on represent 12 percent of the world’s short-term economic and forests. Canada has about 30 percent production goals, but since the of the world’s boreal forest, the 1990s, sustainability has become an largest North American forest important consideration. ecosystem. Estimates for the late- 1990s show that North America Pesticides: North America leads the grows 255.5 million m3 more timber world in the manufacture and use of annually than is harvested (see pesticides, accounting for 36 Figure 4). percent of their consumption. Over EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xxi

Forest Health: In some areas, forests Pressure from nongovernmental are becoming increasingly organizations (NGOs) led to fragmented, biologically increased protection for old-growth impoverished, and weakened or forests. By about 2000, almost four stressed. Factors implicated in the million ha, or 15 percent, of British trend include a significant warming Columbia’s (BC) old growth forests trend and increased lightning, tree age, fire-fighting policy, harvesting, Annual Timber Increment and Annual Removals on Available Forest Land air pollution, and bioinvasions. As a result, many forest stands have 800 become less resistant to catastrophic annual increment outbreaks of insects, diseases, and annual removals 600 fires, which reduce habitat diversity 3 and utilizable timber and add CO2 to the atmosphere. For example, the 400 Million m area annually disturbed by fire and insects in the boreal forests of 200 central and northwestern Canada doubled over the past 20 to 30 years 0 compared to the previous 50-year Canada United States period. Since 1992, policies have changed the definition of Figure 4 were fully protected. Over the past sustainable forestry from the Annual timber 30 years, the timber industry and the increment and promotion of a sustained yield of annual governments responsible for old- removals on fiber to a new emphasis on growth forests have gradually been available forest maintaining wildlife habitat, land, late 1990s influenced by the combined power protecting soils, retaining natural Source: UN-ECE of scientific knowledge of forest and FAO 2000 landscape characteristics ecosystems, NGO action, public and natural disturbances such awareness, and market pressures. As as wildfires. a result, forest policies have changed Old-Growth Forests in the Pacific to reflect broader concerns for Northwest: Most of the region’s biodiversity and more inclusive remaining old-growth forests lie in forest management. the Pacific Northwest, which probably contains about half the Disasters world’s remaining un-logged coastal Although there have been no major temperate rainforest. A growing environmental catastrophes such as worldwide demand for timber and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in the last higher prices in the 1970s drove the few years, the incidence of smaller rapid harvesting of old growth, disasters has increased, threatening which provoked much-publicized human and environmental health debates focused on the spotted owl and safety. North America is also in the United States and on sensitive subject to a range of naturally remaining rainforest areas such as occurring events which impact on Clayoquot Sound in Canada. human lives. A mix of factors, xxii North America’s Environment

including global climate change, Forest Fires: Forest fires are a natural population growth, urbanization, part of North America’s landscape and affluence, have stepped up the and play an important role in frequency and severity of some types maintaining and regenerating some of natural hazards, such as floods, types of forest ecosystems. Since the resulting in steep economic losses. 1970s, the annual area burned by forest fires has expanded (see Figure Floods and Climate Change: In the 5), particularly in the western United United States, the average amount States, due to a number of factors: of moisture in the atmosphere rose fuel buildup from past effective fire by 5 percent per decade between protection programs; changed forest 1973 and 1993, mostly due to structure and make-up; changes in heavier precipitation events, which fire policy related to prescribed resulted in floods and storms. More people and their settlements have burning; and increased public access been exposed to floods because of to and use of the forests. Higher population increase and temperatures and lower rainfall concentration in flood-prone areas. associated with climate change have Flood policies in both countries that also been implicated. focused primarily on building The challenge of managing protective structures (levees, wildfire in North America has been reservoirs, and floodways) were exacerbated in recent decades by modified in recent years, representing a shift from a strategy population increases in the urban- of resisting natural hazards to one of wildland interface: the population building resilience into ecosystems growth rate in the US West now and flood-prone communities. ranges from 2.5 to 13 percent per Figure 5 Climate change models forecast an year, compared to the national Total area burned, 1970- increase in the magnitude, annual average of about 1 percent. 2000. frequency, and cost of extreme Source: CCFM hydrological events in some regions 2000, CIFFC Human Health and n.d., NIFC 2000 of North America. the Environment Early policy decisions in North Total Area Burned, 1970-2000 America banned some very hazardous substances from the 10,000,000 region, but success has not been 9,000,000 sound. Today, knowledge of the 8,000,000 7,000,000 North America Area more subtle human health effects of Burned (ha) 6,000,000 environmental pollution is

Hectare 5,000,000 beginning to come to light. For 4,000,000 Linear (North America Area 3,000,000 example, there is now evidence that Burned (ha)) 2,000,000 more than 2 percent of all US 1,000,000 deaths annually can be attributed 0 to air pollution. 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xxiii

Children’s Health and Environmental between the expansion of suburbs Contamination: Because of and reforestation in the eastern behavioral, physiological and United States, the abundance of development characteristics, deer and deer ticks, and a rise in the children are more susceptible than numbers of reported tick bites and adults to the harmful health effects infections of Lyme disease, a of most pollutants. One in every 200 US children suffers developmental Reported Cases of Lyme disease in the United States, or neurological deficits as a result of 1982–1997 exposure to known toxic substances. Air pollution, both outdoor and indoor, is among the most significant triggers for asthma symptoms. And childhood asthma is on the rise, affecting over 5.5 million children in North America and accounting for more than 60 percent of all their hospital visits. There is also mounting evidence that childhood and fetal exposure to trace amounts Figure 6 of pesticides creates adverse health bacterial tick-borne infection and Reported cases effects. In recent years, recognition the leading vector-borne infectious of Lyme Disease in the United of children’s environmental health illness in the United States (see States, 1982- 1997. issues has increased dramatically, Figure 6). A high degree of mobility Source: Gubler and consequently some stricter and increasing trade have 1998a regulations that consider their intensified the risk of exotic diseases special vulnerabilities have been being introduced into new areas. introduced. Warmer weather, too, may have contributed to the recent Emergence/Resurgence of Vector-Borne occurrence of West Nile Virus in Diseases: By 1972, public health North America and the resurgence policies and the effective use of of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome pesticides had significantly reduced in 1993. the threat of vector-borne infectious diseases. In the last 20 years, however, new vector-borne diseases Urban Areas have emerged and some old ones are In the past 30 years, North resurging in the region. Climate America’s urban population grew change and human-induced land use from 72 to 77.2 percent. North change appear to disrupt predator- American urban populations prey relationships, increasing the consume high levels of energy and numbers of disease-carrying pests other resources and dispose of large and human contact with them. For amounts of waste. Canadian and US example, there is a relationship citizens are some of the highest per xxiv North America’s Environment

capita producers of solid municipal problems with urban runoff, traffic waste in the world, generating, congestion, air pollution and related respectively, an annual average of human health impacts. Abetted by 630 and 720 kg per person in the civil society groups, state and local mid-1990s. governments and, more recently, national governments are Sprawl: By the 1970s, North increasingly developing ‘smart America’s postwar exodus from city growth’ and sustainable city plans to centers had created a settlement address sprawl. pattern characterized by low-density suburbs surrounding city cores, The Ecological Footprint: North commonly referred to as ‘sprawl’. America’s urban and suburban pattern of growth is one of the Comparison of Ecological Footprints by World Region principal forces driving the global increase in energy demand. North 12 North America America’s cities are major consumers 10 Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe of the world’s natural resources and 8 Middle East and Central Asia producers of its wastes. Wealthy cities Latin America and the Caribbean 6 Asia/Pacific and the wealthier groups within Africa 4 cities tend to appropriate from other regions more materials, food, and

Area units per person per Area units 2 energy as well as waste assimilation 0 200 384 343 307 434 3222 710 capacity. In 1996, North America’s

Population (millions) OECD total impact on the Earth’s resources Non-OECD and ecosystem services, or its Figure 7 Although relatively more controlled ‘ecological footprint’, was about four Comparison of ecological in Canada, sprawl in North America times larger than the world average footprints by world region, was made possible by policies and (see Figure 7). 1996. incentives that encouraged One of the most significant Source: WWF 2000 dispersed settlement, leading to aspects of the disproportionate size declining available public transit, of North America’s ecological increased car use, and longer footprint is its large and growing commuting distances. Between 1981 energy use and related carbon and 1991, the number of car km dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil traveled by Canadian and US fuels. Total energy use rose by 31 citizens grew by 23 and 33.7 percent percent between 1972 and 1997. An respectively, while the distances estimated 40 percent of total North traveled by public transport American CO2 emissions come from declined. Sprawl has brought about 50 metropolitan areas. In 1996, the conversion of agricultural and North America’s CO2 footprint was wilderness lands to urban uses, almost five times the world average. Socio-economic Chapter 1 1 Dynamics and 1 the Environment 2 North America’s Environment

Socio-economic Dynamics and the Environment

he last three decades of the poverty is not unknown in North T 20th century brought in- America. In general, poverty rates creasing affluence and power to over the last decade in the United North America. North Americans States have been declining, while in not only live long lives in increas- Canada they have been rising. ingly diverse societies, their produc- Although debates about the defini- tion of material wealth and con- tion, measurement, and thus extent sumption of goods rank among the of poverty continue, data clearly highest in the world. North Ameri- show that some social groups are can capital, technology, goods, and more vulnerable than others. Poverty ideals are fueling globalization, a is more likely to affect aboriginal defining trend of the new people, visible minorities, and single millennium that carries both parents (Ross, Scott, and Smith unprecedented risks and 2000; Dalaker 2001). extraordinary opportunities. Demographics Human Development In contrast with other countries in As a region, human development in the industrialized world, particularly North America has generally im- those in Europe, population growth proved over the last 25 years, and continues, and growth rates have the region probably enjoys the stayed constant at about 1.0 percent highest level of human development over the last three decades (UN in the world. With Canada ranked 2000). Although birth rates are low, third and the United States sixth on there is continuous immigration, the Human Development Index mostly from Latin America, the (HDI) in 2001, the region has an Caribbean and Asia-Pacific. As a average HDI value of 0.935, com- result of immigration and higher pared to 0.928 for the high-income birth rates among immigrants, the OECD countries (UNDP 2001). population is becoming more di- Despite the overall promising verse (Blank 2001). Despite net picture of human development, growth, the region’s share of global Chapter 1 3 population has declined slightly, from 6.3 percent in 1970 to 5.2 percent in 2000, or a total of 314 million (UN 2000). In addition to becoming more diverse, the population is also grow- ing older. The number of people aged 60 and over accounted for 14 percent of the population in 1970 and 16 percent by 2000. It is pro- jected that by 2025 this portion will increase to 25 percent (UN 1998). The gradual ‘graying’ of the popula- tion stems from declining birth rates and increasing life expectancy as well as the ageing of the post World War II generation. The resulting higher number of the elderly in turn has implications for social security systems and for global financial flows Bank, and WRI 2000). At the turn of also as the growing number of the 21st century, some were begin- retirees stop saving and instead start ning to recognize these trends as drawing down their accumulated socially, economically, and environ- assets (World Bank 2000a). mentally unhealthy. Commuter Urbanization in North America traffic congestion siphoned off time over the past 30 years has been and money, quality of life in city characterized more by the spatial centers declined, and sprawl de- distribution of development than by voured agricultural land, to name the rate of urban growth. The urban but a few problems. growth rate has remained steady at less than 2 percent per year since Economic Development 1972, with the share of the urban Since 1972, North America has population increasing from 72 experienced greater regional inte- percent in 1972 to 77 percent in gration, a higher scale of economic 2000. During this time, suburbs activity, and a gradual shift in eco- expanded and low-density, car nomic structure toward the service dependent settlements surrounding sector. North American companies city cores became the dominant have become truly transnational and settlement pattern. Sprawl was invested heavily abroad in emerging fueled by incentives for home owner- economies, significantly influencing ship, low gas prices, convenient development patterns elsewhere. highway networks, and economic Despite periodic drawbacks, North prosperity (UNDP, UNEP, World America has strengthened its role as 4 North America’s Environment

GDP per capita, with service sector share: strongly in North America over the North America, 1972-1997 past three decades, with the service sector share of the economy growing 30,000 GDP/capita from 63 to 72 percent during the 25,000 service sector share period 1972–1997 (see Figure 8). On

20,000 a per capita basis, GDP has grown from US $17,167 in 1970 (at 15,000 constant 1995 US $) to US $28,376 US$ 1995 10,000 in 1998 (World Bank 2000b), and private consumption per capita has 5,000 similarly grown from US $10,667 in 0 1970 to US $18,167 in 1997. The 82 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 19 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 growth in GDP, however, contrasts with the stagnation indicated by Figure 8 an engine of the global economy GDP per capita alternative measures of progress, over the past 30 years. Concerns with service such as the Genuine Progress Index sector share: about the vulnerability of the energy North America, (GPI), available for the United States 1972-1997. sector largely vanished as economic and currently under development Source: World restructuring and the growth of the Bank 2000 for Canada (GPI Atlantic 2002). service sector followed the 1973 and North America became not only a 1979 oil crises (OECD 2000). With key global engine for producing the conclusion of a free trade economic output, but also a leader agreement and the emergence of in consumption. Although repre- information technology and bio- senting only around 5 percent of the technology, many regional econo- global population, the United States mies soared through most of the and Canada consume nearly 25 1990s until the first collapse shook percent of energy based on total the stock markets in 2000. Taking final consumption figures (IEA advantage of the new geopolitical 2002). Through economic subsidies situation, North American and taxation measures that keep companies expanded abroad and labor expensive and materials cheap, became agents of global change key national policies continue to (Blank 2001). drive consumption and its impacts It is estimated that the 285 mil- on the North American and global lion people (including 135 million environment toward unsustainability. workers) of the United States pro- There was evidence of a slight duced about US $10,000 billion in decoupling of energy use and eco- GDP in 2001; the 31 million people nomic growth, yet per capita energy (including 15 million workers) of use remained consistently higher Canada about US $670 billion in than in any other of the world’s GDP (US Department of Commerce regions (Mathews and Hammond 2002; US Census Bureau 2001; US 1999). Some North American Department of Labor 2002; Statistics constituencies were also among the Canada 2002). GDP per capita grew Chapter 1 5 first to introduce economic instru- worldwide patent applications, and ments designed to curtail pollution. along with Canada also leads in A wide range of jurisdictions on the terms of scientific papers published federal, state/provincial, and local per capita. North America has led levels introduced measures ranging worldwide in the diffusion of infor- from taxation of ozone-depleting mation and communication tech- substances through user fees on nologies, key assets for a knowledge- waste disposal, to tax incentives to based economy. Access to computers promote fuel conservation (IISD and the Internet are among the 1995). Urban use of private vehicles highest in the world, and access continues to increase, whereas use of rates, including those through high- public transportation has generally speed connection, continue to grow. remained constant (see Figures 51 Multi-factor productivity, or the and 52 in the urban areas section). efficiency of the use of capital and labor in the production process, Science and Technology grew rapidly in both countries Over the last three decades, the during the second half of the 1990s region continued to lead the world (OECD 2001). in scientific and technological innovation, as illustrated by the fact Governance that 43 percent of global investment As the world moves toward global in research and development in integration, political, fiscal, and 1999 came from North America administrative power is increasingly (SciDev.Net 1999). A rising propor- devolving to states and provinces in tion of the investment comes from North America. This has led to the private sector, which now repre- ‘flatter’ corporate structure and sents 67 percent in the United States decentralized decision-making. At and 45 percent in Canada. Venture the same time, nongovernmental capital continued to be a particularly organizations (NGOs) have emerged important source of funding for new as important new social actors, many technology-based firms, particularly with little formal authority structure. in the information and communica- But growing interconnectedness tion and biotechnology sectors. has also exposed the region to new Spending on higher education is risks associated with events halfway among the highest in the world, with across the world. The lethal attacks values over US $18,000/student/year on New York and Washington DC in in the United States and over US September 2001 demonstrated not $14,000/student/year in Canada in only interconnectedness, but also 1998. The region also attracts the exposure, vulnerability, and a need largest number of foreign-born to understand the driving forces of scientists (OECD 2001). conflict. The protection of American According to 1995 data, with 34.8 economic interests and investments percent of all patents filed, the has become integrated into the United States is a global leader in concept of national security (IIP 6 North America’s Environment

2001). Protests over liberalized trade tion; membership in environmental in Seattle in 1999 and Quebec City NGOs (ENGOS) soared. By the in 2001 were evidence of marginal 1990s, ‘common sense’ approaches but growing public anxiety about were advocated as concerns over globalization and strengthening deficit reduction inspired budget support for environmental values cuts to environmental departments and labor rights. At the same time, a and greater reliance on market trend toward greater corporate incentives and voluntary programs accountability and transparency has (Dowie 1995; Vig and Kraft 1997). potentially important implications After the UN Conference on the for regulation and for civil society’s Environment and Development in engagement in influencing the 1992, both countries became com- private sector. mitted to sustainable development as The last 30 years also brought an reflected in stated federal goals in increasingly conscious struggle to Canada and the efforts by many US balance continued economic growth states and localities in moving with environmental and social forward on Agenda 21 guidelines. objectives. Concern about the state More recently, however, it has be- of the natural environment has come apparent that real or assumed come to the forefront during this socioeconomic interests might force time as environmentalism has the environment down the list of become a legitimate social move- political priorities (OECD 2000). ment. Prodded by the grassroots in Because of its economic and the 1970s, governments quickly military power, as well as its political enacted environmental laws and and cultural influence, North policies. North America was an America is a critical piece in the early adopter of environmental global puzzle of sustainable human legislation, the idea of public partici- development. As technologically pation, and at least in the case of advanced and open societies, Canada, the concept of sustainable Canada and the United States may development (Barr 1993). Impres- hold the key to solving many envi- sive gains were made in controlling ronmental and sustainability prob- many conventional pollutants and in lems. At the same time, they contrib- continuing a trend in setting aside ute more than their fair share to protected areas. Environmental increasing risks, such as climate concern was further roused during change. Having provided much of the mid-1980s by a new awareness of the fuel for globalization, the region the global nature of problems such now needs to fully engage in not as deforestation, the greenhouse only economic, but also social and effect, acid rain and ozone deple- environmental development. Chapter 1 7


Barr, Jane (1995). The Origins and Emergence of Quebec’s Environmental Movement: 1970-1985. , McGill University (Master’s Thesis) Blank, R. M. ( 2001). An Overview of Trends in Social and Economic Well-being, by Race. In America Becoming: Racial Trends and their Consequence, edited by N. J. Smelser, W. J. Wilson and F. Mitchell. Washington DC, National Academy Press, 030906838X/html/. Accessed 15 March 2002 Dalaker, (2001). Poverty in the United States. Washington, DC, US Census Bureau, US Department of Commerce Accessed 15 March 2002 Dowie, Mark (1995). Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press EC (1998). Canadian Passenger Transportation, National Environmental Indicator Series, SOE Bulletin No. 98-5. Ottawa, Environment Canada, State of the Environment Reporting Program http:// Accessed 28 May 2002 IEA (2001). Key World Energy Statistics. Paris, International Energy Agency statist/keyworld/keystats.htm. Accessed 15 March 2002 IIP (2001). The Americas. US Department of State, International Information Programs http:// Accessed 15 March 2002 IISD (1995). Government Budgets: Green Budget Reform Case Studies. Winnipeg, International Institute for Sustainable Development Accessed 15 March 2002 Mathews, Emily, and Allen Hammond (1999). Critical Consumption Trends and Implications: Degrading Earth’s Ecosystems. Washington DC, World Resources Institute OECD (2000). Policy Brief: Economic Survey of Canada, 2000. Paris, Organization for Economic Co- Operation and Development OECD (2001). OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2001: Toward a Knowledge Based Economy. Paris, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development http:// Accessed 15 March 2002 Ross, P., Katherine Scott, and Peter Smith (2000). The Canadian Factbook on Poverty. Ottawa, Ontario, Canadian Council on Social Development hl.htm. Accessed 15 March 2002 SciDev.Net (1999). Global Investment in Research and Development. SciDev.Net http:// Accessed 15 March 2002 Statistics Canada (2002). Canadian Statistics. Ottawa, Ontario, Statistics Canada http:// Accessed 15 March 2002 UN (1998). World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision. Vol. II: Sex and Age, United Nations Population Division, Sales No. E.XIII.8 UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI (2000). World Resources 2000-2001: People and Ecosystems, the Fraying Web of Life. Washington DC, World Resources Institute UN (2000). World Population Prospects: The 2000 Revision, United Nations Population Division UNDP (2001). Human Development Report 2001: Human Development Indicators, United Nations Development Programme Accessed 29 May 2002 US Census Bureau (2001). Population Estimates. Table US-2001EST-01 – Time Series of National Population Estimates: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2001. Washington DC, Population Division, US Census Bureau Accessed 15 March 2002 8 North America’s Environment

US Department of Commerce (2002). National Income and Product Account Tables. Washington DC, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce dn/nipaweb/TableViewFixed.asp?SelectedTable=3&FirstYear=2000&LastYear=2001&Freq=Qtr. Accessed 15 March 2002 US Department of Labor (2001). Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey. Washington DC, Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor home.htm Vig, Norman J., and E. Kraft. (1997). Environmental Policy from the 1970s to the 1990s: An Overview. In Environmental Policy in the 1990s: Reform or Reaction, edited by N. J. Vig and M. E. Kraft. Washington DC, Congressional Quarterly Wendell Cox Consultancy (2000b). The Public Purpose. In Urban Transport Fact Book. The Public Purpose, Urban Transport Fact Book Accessed 8 February 2002 World Bank (2000a). World Development Report 1999/2000: Entering the 21st Century. Washington DC, Oxford University Press World Bank (2000b). World Development Indicators 2000. Washington DC, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank World Bank (2000c). Entering the 21st Century: World Development Report 1999/2000. New York, Oxford University Press Chapter 2 9 Atmosphere 2 10 North America’s Environment


orth America has a high than the protocol required. Respon- N level of industrial and sible for less than 1.0 percent of transport activity and energy con- global production, it reduced pro- sumption, which have important duction from a high of 27.8 kilotons effects on air quality. Against no- in 1987 to 1.0 kilotons in 1996. As table improvements in protecting the formerly largest producer of stratospheric ozone and controlling CFCs, the United States amended emissions that cause acid rain, new the Clean Air Act to require ending concerns have arisen about smog, their production and promoted cost- while the effective control of efficient means to phase them out, greenhouse gases remains a including stiff taxation. Both coun- significant challenge. tries were able to reduce their non- North America’s northern regions essential CFC consumption to nearly have been subject to serious strato- zero by 1996 (OECD 1996; Statistics spheric ozone deficits, but with the Canada 2000; EPA 2000a; EC 2001). 1987 Montreal Protocol on Sub- Due to Clean Air Acts in Canada stances that Deplete the Ozone and the United States in 1969 and Figure 9 US emissions of Layer, both countries committed to 1970, respectively, as well as actions major air pollutants, phasing out Ozone Depleting taken under the Canada–US Air 1970-1999. Substances (ODS). Canada reduced Quality Agreement (see Box 3), Source: EPA 2001a the use of these substances faster regional levels of most traditional air pollutants were gradually reduced US Emissions of Major Air Pollutants, 1970-1999 over the last 30 years, as reflected in

120 US trends (see Figure 9). SO2 CO NOx VOC PM10 100 Acid rain control programs in 80 both countries and transboundary 60 cooperation (see Box 3) contributed Million tons 40 to a dramatic decline in sulphate 20 emissions after 1995 with US SO 0 2

1970 1980 1989 19991970 1980 1989 19991970 1980 1989 19991970 1980 1989 1999 1990 1999 emissions reductions of 31 percent Years from 1981 to 2000 and 24 percent Chapter 2 11 from 1991 to 2000 (EPA 2001a). As a receiving acid deposition that result, acidic sulphates entering exceeds their neutralizing capacity, lakes and streams in eastern North and a recent report states that for America also declined over the past sensitive soils and waters in the

25 years. On the other hand, NOx northeastern United States to emissions have not improved in recover completely would require either country since 1980. And cutting another 80 percent of SO2 recent evidence suggests that the emissions from power plants ways in which acid rain affects the (Munton 1998; Driscoll, Lawrence, environment are much more com- and others 2001). plex than was first thought and A number of North American damage may be more fundamental cities have successfully reduced and long-lasting than was believed; emissions of some of the most many sensitive areas are still evident and harmful pollutants that

Box 3: Binational Agreement and Co-operation

The Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America on Air Quality (commonly called the Canada–US Air Quality Agreement) was signed in 1991 to control transboundary air pollution between the two countries. The Agreement provides for assessment, notification, and mitigation of air pollution problems. It commits the parties to specific

targets and timetables to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions and includes related provisions on visibility, prevention of significant deterioration, and compliance monitoring. Since 1994, the two nations also cooperate by identifying possible new sources and modifications to existing sources of transboundary air pollution within and over 100 km of the border and sustain successful, ongoing consultations on sources of concern (EC 2000a). The two countries have surpassed current reduction requirements,

and in December 2000, they signed the Ozone Annex to the Agreement to reduce border NOx emis- sions and transboundary flows from fossil fuel power production (EC 2000b). Both countries also extended their domestic air pollution programs and expanded their commit- ments to cooperatively address transboundary air issues through the 1997 Joint Plan of Action for Addressing Transboundary Air Pollution on ground-level ozone and PM, and in 1998, they issued a Joint Plan Report, which was followed by cooperative analyses initiatives and a joint work plan for transboundary inhalable particles. AIRNOW, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) real- time air quality program, expanded into Canada’s Atlantic provinces and Quebec in 2000 in a cooperative venture involving New England states, eastern Canadian provinces, the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) and Environment Canada (EC 2000a). In addition, both countries signed the 1999 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication, and Ground-Level Ozone. Together with Mexico, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America (CEC) also facilitates cooperation in addressing air pollution problems between Canada and the United States. Among its initiatives are projects to coordinate air quality management, develop technical and strategic tools to improve air quality, and address air quality problems associated with North American trade and transportation corridors (CEC 2001a). 12 North America’s Environment

affect local air quality, but generally levels continue to rise and the health success has been mixed. For ex- effects of ozone exposure become ample, the number of ‘unhealthy clearer. High levels of fine particu- days’ in Los Angeles decreased by 57 lates and ground-level ozone are also percent between 1989 and 1998, but associated with the growth in the rose by 10 percent on average in the number of motor vehicles and the distances they are driven (CEC 2000). North America’s dependence on automobiles and the resulting increase in emissions from the transportation sector also have global impacts. The transport sector contributes the greatest proportion

of CO2 to the atmosphere and North

America’s CO2 emissions are among the highest in the world. Thus, the region’s passenger transport and its contribution to global climate change is a priority issue for both rest of the nation’s cities. At the North America and the world. same time, in 1990, 274 areas were designated ‘non-attainment’ for at Ground Level Ozone least one air quality standard, and Smog whereas by 1999 the number had Ground-level ozone is a common, dropped to 121. The situation in pervasive, and harmful air pollutant Canada is equally mixed. Whereas with a complex photochemistry (see

national concentrations of NO2, SO2, Box 4) and it is now the most perva- and suspended particulate matter sive air pollution problem in North have improved, the situation in America. Research in the last decade

individual cities is not as clear. The has demonstrated that ozone (O3) is number of days of ‘good’ air quality responsible for far greater impacts decreased in Canada’s two most on human health than previously populous cities—by 20 percent in thought. Even average concentra-

Toronto, and by 8 percent in tions of O3 can exacerbate asthma Montreal—yet increased by 9 per- and other respiratory conditions and cent in Vancouver (CEC 2000). allergies and inhibit or interfere with New concerns have arisen over the immune system, especially in ground level ozone and fine particu- young children (see the health and late matter, whose emissions have environment section), the elderly not decreased as markedly as other and outdoor sport enthusiasts common pollutants. Smog, a mix- (OMA 2000; EPA 2001a). Recent ture of many air pollutants includ- studies suggest there are no safe ing ozone, has become a high- levels of human exposure (EC priority issue in North America as 2001a). Research in both countries Chapter 2 13

Box 4: Ground Level Ozone and Smog

Ground-level ozone (tropospheric O3) results from the reactions of precursors – nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – in the presence of sunlight. It forms on warm, sunny days

where NOx and VOCs are present, especially in cities and industrial areas and regions prone to

stagnant air masses. Seasonal concentrations are strongly influenced by weather, but ambient O3 concentrations also depend on the state of control measures, population growth, levels of human activity, and topography (ELP 1992; EPA 1998). Fossil fuel combustion by power plants, industries,

and motor vehicles is the major source of NOx, with the transportation sector alone responsible for 60

percent of NOx emissions in Canada and 53 percent in the United States (Hancey 1999; EPA 2000b). Motor vehicles are responsible for a Highway Share of Ozone Precursors Emitted in the United States, 1997 large share of ground-level ozone precursors (see Figure 10). NOx Emissions VOC Emissions 30% 27% Smog, the hazy and unhealthy pall From From Vehicles Vehicles that can be seen floating above large cities, is often confused with ground- level ozone. Smog is a mixture of

many air pollutants, including O3 and particulate matter. The latter are fine airborne particles derived from natural Figure 10 Source: EPA 2001b sources such as windblown agricultural soil, and from human activities, including combustion, that contribute sulphates, nitrates, soot, and other particles and particle precursors to the air (Hancey 1999; EC 2000c). Travel contributes more

fine (PM2.5) than large particles, accounting for about 4 percent of PM2.5 emissions in the United States (EPA 1999a). Levels of smog-causing pollutants in the air closely resemble those emitted by human activity (EC 2001c). repeatedly documents a strong National Ambient Air Quality Objec- correlation between hospitalization tives (NAAQO) were established in and worker absenteeism, and epi- 1970 and the US National Ambient sodic high O3 levels (CEC 1997a). Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in Ozone also affects vegetation and it 1971. Between 1984 and 1991, has been estimated that it causes Canada’s existing ozone guideline of more than US $500 million in 0.082 parts per million (ppm) over a annual reductions of agricultural one-hour period was exceeded at and commercial forest yields in the least once in all major cities, and the United States (EPA 2001a). number of days deemed ‘fair’ and Canada and the United States ‘poor’ as measured on the Index of issue advisories in smog-prone the Quality of Air increased between communities. Periods of high O3 1995 and 1998 because of higher concentrations are termed episodes ground-level ozone and fine particu- when the concentration exceeds late levels (EC 2000c; EC 2001a). guidelines or standards. Canada’s 14 North America’s Environment

Transport of Tropospheric Ozone in Michigan area, the Ohio River Eastern North America Valley, southeastern Texas, parts of California, the Washington-Balti- more area, North Carolina, along Canada’s Windsor-Quebec City corridor, and to a lesser degree, in its Lower Fraser Valley and South Atlantic provinces (EPA 1997a; EPA 1997b; EC 2000c). Until recently, high-ground-level ozone episodes were generally viewed as local issues (CEC 1997). Control measures in the 1970s focused primarily on reducing VOCs

and, in some cases, NOx emissions from factories and vehicles in re- gions that were most affected. In many cases, however, controls failed

to reduce O3 concentrations enough to meet national health standards (EPA 1997a).

It is now evident that O3 mol- ecules can travel relatively long distances from emission sources and its precursors can stay aloft in the atmosphere and travel even further. Depending on meteorological conditions, the typical transport range can be 240 to 800 kilometers Wind and weather tie air quality in Canada and the United States together through transport from "upwind" source regions to "downwind" receptor regions. The wind (CEC 1997). An estimated 30 to 90 diagram below that was created during the U.S. Ozone Transport Assessment Group discussions illustrates vividly the dynamic at play with respect to transport of percent of eastern Canada’s ozone air pollution - in this case, ozone in the eastern half of North America (EC 1998a). comes from the United States. The Figure 11 Ground-level ozone concentra- province of Ontario, the region in Transport of tropospheric tions in the United States (as mea- Canada that suffers from the worst ozone in eastern North sured in one-hour concentrations) ground-level ozone problem, is a America dropped 30 percent between 1978 source of NOx downwind into north- Source: EC 1998a and 1997, and yet some 47.9 million eastern United States (EC 2000c)

citizens still lived in counties with O3 (see Figure 11). Research suggests

above the existing 1997 standards that NOx and VOC emissions from (EPA 1999a; EPA 2001a). Ground- midwestern US states create ozone in level ozone continues to be a prob- the Ohio Valley, which, in turn, flows lem in many regions throughout into Canada as well as other parts of North America, including but not the United States (CEC 1997). For restricted to New England, the Lake example, emissions from Ohio and Chapter 2 15

Acronyms other Midwestern US states contrib- the role and significance of NOx in ute more than 50 percent of O3, regional ozone formation and particulate, and acid aerosol levels transport led to more aggressive found in southwestern Ontario (EC NOx emission controls. Numerous 2000c). For this reason, the two studies have shown that fossil fuel countries recognize the importance power plants are the largest indi- of working together to stem emis- vidual sources of NOx, and signifi- sions production and transport. cant amounts of ozone are formed Ozone or its precursors arriving and transported in the plumes of from elsewhere can create dangerous power plants (Miller 1999). In conditions even where local emis- addition, while VOCs decreased in sions are only moderate. Rural areas the United States over the last 30

Box 5: Haze in US National Parks

Over the last 10 years, the average ozone levels in 29 US national parks rose by over 4 percent (EPA 2001a). Some parks in the United States, such as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee, Acadia National Park in Maine, and Shenandoah in Virginia, have had to issue health warnings because of smog and have experienced decreased visibility (Miller 1993; Cushman Jr. 2000). In Acadia, some smog episodes have been worse than those in the cities of Boston or Philadelphia. On some days in the Great Smokies, the most visited national park, visibility can be reduced to about 24 km and the park had to issue more than 100 unhealthy air alerts between 1999 and 2001 (Seelye 2001). An amendment to the Clean Air Act in 1997 called for rules to improve visibility in parks by 15 percent per decade over the following 60 years so as to achieve pristine air quality by 2064. The rules apply to power plants built between 1962 and 1977 that emit more than 227 ton of pollutants every year. These are found all over the country and their airborne pollution can travel as far as 1,609 km. In April 1999, the EPA initiated a new regional haze program to address visibility impairment in national parks and wilderness areas caused by a number of sources over broad regions (EPA 2001a).

and protected parks (see Box 5) are years with efficient controls, NOx subject to high ozone levels and emissions have continued to in- smog not only due to local emissions crease: between 1970 and 2000, from rural power plants but also VOC emissions fell 43 percent while from the inflow of ozone and its NOx emissions rose 20 percent (EPA precursors from distant sources 2000a) (see Figure 9). carried by winds (Miller 1999). In the United States, the EPA The recent recognition of a issued a rule in 1998 requiring 19 number of parameters related to eastern states and the District of ozone and smog formation has Columbia to develop plans to inspired shifts in control strategies to reduce harmful NOx by 1.4 million address persistent air pollution tons beginning in the summer of problems. First, the understanding of 2003 (Connole 2000). The two 16 North America’s Environment

countries now cooperate to reduce recent research reveals that it is the transboundary emissions under the finer airborne particles at concentra- Canada–US Air Quality Agreement tions well below those allowed by and other bilateral and interna- earlier PM standards that cause the tional initiatives (see Box 3). more serious health concerns such A second new measure related to as early death and hospital admis- controlling smog grew out of the sions (OMA 2000). recognition that exposure to ground Consequently, North American level ozone at concentrations below standards for particulate matter were 0.08 ppm resulted in significant and recently adjusted. In 1997, the often severe health effects on North United States promulgated new

American populations. This discov- standards for PM2.5, with implemen- ery prompted changes in both US tation beginning after 2002 (EPA and Canadian ozone health stan- 1997c; Kaiser 2000). In June 2000, dards: in 1997 the United States Canadian federal and provincial lowered the standard from 0.12 ppm governments agreed to new Canada

for one-hour concentrations to 0.08 wide standards for PM2.5 and ozone, ppm for eight-hour concentrations with reductions to be achieved by

(EPA 1997c), and in June 2000, 2010. In 2001, Canada added PM10 Canada set a target of 0.065 ppm and four other smog-causing sub- over eight hours to be met by 2010 stances (VOCs) to the List of Toxic (CCME 2000). Substances under the Canadian A third new control measure Environmental Protection Act relates to the health effects of fine (EC 2001b). airborne particles called Particulate It remains to be seen how soon

Matter (PM), which with O3 contrib- new air quality standards can im- utes to smog formation (see Box 4). prove air quality and reduce human ‘Coarse’ particles range from 2.5 to exposure to ozone and smog. Con-

10 micrometers in diameter (PM10). cerns about future emissions are Fine particles, largely formed in the mounting over the potential for a atmosphere from gaseous precur- growing economy to increase factory sors, are less than 2.5 micrometers and power plant production, and the

in diameter (PM2.5). Their small size degree to which electricity demand allows them to penetrate the lungs will be met by traditional sources of where they can handicap lung generation, such as coal, rather than function and cause respiratory being met through energy efficiency symptoms (EPA 1999b). Some and alternative, less polluting fuels people sensitive to ozone are most and processes. The electricity sector affected by these airborne particles in the region is in the midst of as well, which have also been linked unprecedented change and the two to aggravated heart conditions (EC countries are cooperating to exam- 2000a). Although levels of total ine some of the regional environ- suspended particulates (TSP) have mental dimensions arising out of its decreased by 40 percent since 1980, transformation (see Box 6). A recent Chapter 2 17

Box 6: Bilateral Cooperation

Competitive electricity markets have been introduced, or remain under consideration, in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Affordable and reliable electricity provides a foundation of economic stability upon which prosperity depends. Presently, concerns exist over the prospect of electricity shortages and their effect on economic development in affected regions. At the same time, electricity—its generation, distribution and usage—has significant impacts on human health and the environment. The Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America’s (CEC) working paper, Environmental Challenges and Opportunities of the Evolving North American Electricity Market, examines some of the regional environmental dimensions arising out of the transformation of the electricity market, including the key features, trends and variables shaping events in this dynamic sector. A new level of cooperation in meeting North America’s electricity needs opens up possibilities for identifying ways in which affordable and reliable electricity can be provided while at the same time protecting human health and the environment in the region (CEC 2001b). statement by Canada’s Commis- year over the past 30 years and sioner of the Environment and disappeared about one day earlier Sustainable Development applies to per year – a trend that has serious both countries: To address the smog implications for water supply, among problem requires strong leadership other effects (EC 2000; APSC 2001). and the need to change the way we Ice extent and area in the Arctic produce and use energy (Govern- regions decreased by 4.5 percent ment of Canada 2000a). from 1978 to 1987 and by 5.6 percent from 1987 to 1994 Climate Change (Gawthrop 1999). and Passenger Transport Since 1972, North America’s climate Trend in Average US Annual Temperature, 1972-1999 has warmed considerably, reflecting 14.0 a global trend. About half of the average annual temperature (°C) trend average rise in surface temperature 13.5 during the past century—over 0.6 degrees Celsius—occurred since the 13.0 late 1970s, as illustrated by the US 12.5 trend (see Figure 12). Like other Degrees Celsius regions in the world’s higher lati- 12.0 tudes, North America has warmed more than equatorial regions, with 11.5 0 temperature increases greatest in the 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 200 northernmost parts, such as Alaska Years and Canada’s Mackenzie River Basin. Figure 12 These climatic changes are due, Trend in The latter warmed at three times the average US in part, to the natural phenomena annual global rate (Cohen 1998; Gawthrop known as El Niño and La Niña. temperature, 1972-1999. 1999; USGCRP 2000). Spring snow- These periodic oscillations in the Source: DOC, cover depth in western Canada has tropical Pacific’s surface tempera- NOAA and decreased by as much as one cm per NCDC 2000 18 North America’s Environment

North America is responsible for Per Capita Trends in CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuels, Cement Manufacture, and more of this human-influenced Gas Flaring in North America, 1950-1998 change than any of the world’s 6.0 regions and the United States is the world’s leading carbon emitter in 4.5 absolute, per capita, and growth

3.0 values (OECD 1996). In 1998, with about 5 percent of the world’s 1.5 population, the two countries ac- Metric Tons of Carbon Tons Metric 0.0 counted for 25.8 percent of global 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 emissions of carbon dioxide Year (Marland, Bowden, and others 2001), the most abundant of the Figure 13 ture modify North America’s climate. Per capita greenhouse gases (CO accounts for Human activities that emit carbon 2 trends in CO2 emissions from and other gases, however, have more than 80 percent of North forssil fuels, America’s greenhouse gas emissions) cement manu- contributed to climate change, as fracture, and (EIA 2001). Per capita emissions gas flaring in concluded by the Intergovernmental North America, (see Figure 13) have been consis- 1950-1998. Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) tently high and well above those for Source: Marland, Second Assessment Report, sup- Bowden, and any other region (Marland, Bowden, Anders 200l ported by other studies and subse- quently by the IPCC’s third report in and Anders 2001). Most CO emissions come from 2001 (Mann 2000; Crowley 2000; 2 IPCC 2001). The IPCC predicts that burning fossil fuels for energy. North unless changes are made, rising America has one of the world’s most greenhouse gases will lead to an energy-intensive economies, in part because of its climate and because of US Carbon Dioxide Emissions its large land area and low popula- from Transportation, 1984-1998 tion density, which help to encour-

470.7 473.1 age motorized travel (OECD 1995; 470 458.54 OECD 1996). Indeed, the transpor- 450.4 450 437.5 tation sector is the largest source of 432.7 432.1 431.4 427.5 424.5 430 CO2 emissions: for example, it 411.1 410 produced 25 percent of Canada’s 399.1

Million metric tons total emissions in 1999 and 32 390 384.4 379 percent of US emissions from fossil 370 fuels in 1997 (EC 2002a; EPA 2001a). 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 United States transportation also has Figure 14 increase in worldwide mean tem- a strong impact on worldwide CO2 US Carbon Dioxide peratures of between 1.4 and emissions. In 1997, it accounted for emissions from transportation, 5.8 degrees C by 2100, a rate more than one-third of total world 1984-1998. thought to be without precedent in transportation energy use and about Source: EPA the last 10,000 years (Sandalow and 5 percent of CO emitted worldwide 2001b 2 Bowles 2001). as a result of human activity (NRC Chapter 2 19

1997; O’Meara Sheehan 2001). (EPA 2001a). If current Canadian Carbon dioxide emissions from US trends continue, greenhouse gas transportation increased significantly emissions from transportation are over the past two decades (see expected to exceed 1990 levels by Figure 14), and over the next 20 33.8 percent by 2010 and by 54 years, the transport sector is pre- percent by 2020, further challenging dicted to be the fastest-growing commitments made under the Kyoto contributor of carbon emissions Protocol (see Box 7) (NR Can 1999).

Box 7: The Kyoto Protocol

North America joined the international community to address climate change by signing the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in which the two countries agreed to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions to1990 levels by 2000. In response, the US 1993 Climate Change Action Plan and Canada’s 1995 National Action Program on Climate Change introduced strategies for emission reductions. At the same time, voluntary programs, such as Canada’s Climate Change Voluntary Challenge and Registry and the US Credit for Voluntary Early Action were set up to encourage private sector reductions (CRS 2000; Government of Canada 2000b). These efforts failed to significantly curb

CO2 emissions in the 1990s. Targets were surpassed by the time the two countries renewed their commitment with the 1997 legally binding Kyoto Protocol, when Canada agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 6 percent and the United States to 7 percent below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. Already by 1998, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions had risen by nearly 14 percent over 1990 levels and total US emissions had increased by 11 percent (EPA 2000b; Sustainability Reporting Program 2000). Strong economic growth during the 1990s and generally low oil prices are among the reasons for lack of progress in curbing emissions. Non-carbon-emitting renewable energy production from hydroelectricity, wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal is increasing but still contributes only a small fraction of North America’s energy needs, supplying about 7 percent of total US domestic gross energy demand in 2000 (EIA 2001). In the spring of 2001, the United States announced that implementing the Kyoto treaty would be too harmful to the economy and that it would pursue other ways of addressing the climate change issue. At the July 2001 UNFCCC Conference in Bonn, a compromise was struck allowing carbon-absorbing forests to be counted against emissions such that Canada may obtain more than 20 percent of its target with such credits. Finally, in early 2002 the United States announced its plan to cut greenhouse gases relative to economic output, setting out the goal to reduce greenhouse gas intensity—emissions per unit of economic activity—by 18 percent by the year 2012, using clean energy tax incentives and voluntary measures, while Canada re-asserted its intention to ratify the treaty (EIA 2001; UNFCCC 2001; EC 2002b; US Department of State 2002).

Bilateral Cooperation In August 2001, Eastern Canadian premiers and New England governors resolved to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the first bilateral agreement to address climate change. The agreement commits the regions to reduce GHG emissions by at least 10 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2020, calling on the states and provinces to monitor their emissions levels, develop plans to reduce them, use more efficient fuel sources and vehicles, reduce energy consumption, and promote mass transit (Auld 2001). 20 North America’s Environment

Reliance on private automobiles have saved about 2.5 million for transport is a significant factor in barrels of oil per day (Ayres 2001; North America’s greenhouse gas Prouty 2000). emissions. Light-duty motor vehicles In 1994, Canada set up the Cana- (cars and other vehicles of less than dian Task Force on Cleaner Vehicles 3,856 kg) are responsible for about and Fuels to work toward stricter fuel

17 percent of total US CO2 emis- and emission controls and greater sions and about 15 percent of all of reconciliation with US standards (EC

Canada’s CO2 emissions (Keoleian and Transport Canada 1997) and 2000; Schingh, Brunet, and Natural Resources Canada’s Trans- Gosselin 2000). portation Energy Technologies Nevertheless, over the past 30 Program supported the development years, North America has made of competitive, energy-efficient and considerable strides in transport environmentally responsible tech- efficiency. Two sharp price shocks in nologies for alternative transporta- the oil market in the 1970s helped tion fuels (EC 1998b). Canada set up to raise awareness that fossil petro- a voluntary Corporate Average Fuel leum is not a renewable resource Consumption (CAFC) program in and to spur changes. Energy-saving 1980 that was eventually harmonized standards for vehicle bodies, en- with the US CAFE standards, which gines, and fuel efficiency in new are currently at 8.6 L/100 km for the passenger cars pioneered by the new passenger car fleet and 11.4 L/ United States were introduced in 100 km for the new light-duty truck the 1970s and strengthened in the fleet. Modest changes to US auto 1980s (OECD 1996; CEQ 1997). fuel efficiency standards were passed From 1973 to 1996 the average fuel in 2001 and the two countries are efficiency of new passenger cars now working bilaterally to harmo- entering the US fleet increased from nize policies promoting greater 6 km per liter (kmpl) to 12.1 kmpl road transportation energy efficiency (CEQ 1997). and alternative fuels (EC and Amendments strengthened fuel Transport Canada 1997; NRTEE efficiency standards and introduced 1998; Schingh, Brunet, and additional and enhanced programs Gosselin 2000). for inspection and maintenance Because of the 1975 US CAFE (OECD 1996). The 1975 Corporate standards, average automobile fuel Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) efficiency doubled between 1975 and standards, created by the Energy 1989 (CIBE 2000). However, after Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) this period, improvements steadily to control oil consumption, helped declined; the automakers’ average to improve the average fuel effi- fuel economy dropped from 11 kmpl ciency of light-duty vehicles by 60 in 1988 to 10.1 kmpl in 1999 (CIBE percent by 1992. It has been esti- 2000; FOE 2001). Progress made in mated that CAFE improvements car fuel efficiency and emission Chapter 2 21 controls has been partially offset by in automobile travel in Canada, a increases in the number of automo- decrease in urban transit ridership, biles and in the total number of and a 6 percent increase in total kilometers traveled, the continued fossil fuel use (EC 1998c). Vehicle use of older or poorly maintained Miles Traveled (VMT) in the United vehicles, and a trend since 1984 States rose 110 percent between toward light-duty trucks and Sport 1974 and 1999, and 35 percent Utility Vehicles (SUVs) (see Box 8) between 1989 and 1999 (Hu and (CEQ 1997; EC 1998b). Young 1999). In the last decade, For example, between 1990 and VMT exceeded the US rates of 1995, there was a 15 percent increase population, employment, and

Box 8: Sport Utility Vehicles

Much of the decline in fuel economy since the late 1980s has resulted from the increasing market share of light trucks and Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) (EPA 2001c). Most SUVs are used for everyday driving and even though North American family sizes have been decreasing, there has been a marked trend toward this type of larger passenger vehicle (FOE 2001). The SUV market share increased dramatically over a short period of time, jumping from less than 2 percent in 1975 to nearly 22 percent of the overall market in the United States in 2001 and from less than 1 percent to 10 percent in Canada between 1981 and 1988 (EPA 2001c; Schingh, Brunet, and Gosselin 2000). Standards for air pollution and fuel economy are lower for vehicles whose weight exceeds 3,856 kg than they are for cars because initially, light trucks were made for farm and commercial use and so were exempt from the more stringent regulations (Lalonde 2001; Prouty 2000). But under the law, SUVs are also characterized as light trucks, and as such only have to achieve 8.8 kmpl while new cars need to attain 11.7 kmpl (CIBE 2000). The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced in January 2002 that it would not raise the average fuel efficiency requirements for light trucks, minivans, and sport utility vehicles for the 2004 model year (Ohnsman 2002) whereas Canada has imposed stricter emissions standards beginning that year (EC 2002c). Cars produce an average of four tons of carbon dioxide per year, while light-duty trucks emit an average of 5.4 tons. Forty-five percent of the rise in greenhouse gas emissions from the automotive sector between 1990 and 1999 was due to rapid growth in sales of minivans, SUVs, and pickup trucks (Lalonde 2001).

In addition to their contribution to CO2, SUVs have a significant impact on air quality. US federal law allows SUVs to emit 30 percent more carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and 75 percent more nitrogen oxides than passenger cars. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are precursors to ground level ozone, which can trigger asthma and cause lung damage (see Box 4) (FOE 2001). Numerous carmakers are now developing fuel cell vehicles, including SUVs. In these systems, electricity is created through the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen and only water vapor is released, while fuel cells using natural gas or gasoline emit some measure of pollutants. Fuel cell vehicles will not be ready for the commercial market for another 9 years (Greenwire 2001a; Greenwire 2001b). 22 North America’s Environment

Box 9: Potential Impacts of Climate Change

Nationally, both countries recognize the threats of climate change to their domestic economies, resources, and ecosystem functions. The US Global Change Research Program reports that although the agricultural sector will likely adapt well to climate change, other potential effects include a rise in sea level that could cause losses to the country’s coastal wetlands, more coastal erosion, the likely disappearance of unique Alaskan landscapes, water shortages that could exacerbate conflicts throughout the western states, and more frequent heat waves (USGCRP 2000). In Canada, the possible consequences include more severe weather events such as droughts, winter storms, and tornadoes; flooding in coastal regions; increased threats to forests and farmland from pests, diseases, and fires; and damage to water sources (Government of Canada 1999). North America bears a disproportionate responsibility for the global impacts of climate change, which include severe threats to the world’s heavily populated low-lying areas and global weather patterns that could impose heavy tolls on the lives of millions of people throughout the globe.

economic growth (EPA 2001a). and its potential impacts (see Box 9). Driving these trends were increases Driven by this threat as well as by air in population numbers, disposable pollution legislation, competitive re- income, number of households, search into alternative vehicles and number of people commuting to fuels has intensified (Motavalli and work, urban sprawl, and number of Bogo 2000). vehicles per household (Miller and Given its large share of the planet’s

Moffet 1993, CEQ 1997). In 1994, CO2 emissions, and since they are so nearly 60 percent of US households abundant and directly proportional to owned two or more cars and 19 fuel use, the region will need a sub- percent owned three or more (De stantial change in its automobile use, Souza 1999). Cheap parking and more fuel-efficient technologies, and other hidden subsidies, such as changes in municipal planning and ur- funds for highway development and ban development strategies, including low fuel prices, continue to encour- investment in public transport (EC age car dependency and feed into a 1998b). Overcoming investments al- ‘vicious cycle’ promoting urban ready made in present-day energy and sprawl and declining transit use (see transportation infrastructure and mov- urban section) (Miller and Moffat ing toward new technologies while 1993; EC1998b). avoiding major disruptions remains a Negotiations leading to and since significant challenge (Sandalow and Kyoto expanded public and private Bowles 2001). sector awareness of global warming Chapter 2 23


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iodiversity refers to the any other nation (Stein, Kunter, and variety of ecosystems, spe- 2000). B The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) cies, and genes. As part of the North American continent, Canada and reports that about half of North America’s most diverse ecoregions Figure 15 the United States contain a large North America’s number of different ecosystem are now severely degraded (Ricketts, most ecolog- Taylor, and others 1997). Ecosystem ically important types, with biodiversity increasing and threatened degradation and loss leads to the regions. along a north-south gradient (CEC decline in plant and animal diversity. Source: CEC 1997). The United States has a 2001a broader array of ecosystems than Figure 15 depicts one interpretation of the most ecologi- North America’s Most Ecologically Important and Threatened Regions cally significant and most threatened regions on the North American continent (Hoth 2001). Produced under the auspices of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America, it includes Mexico as part of the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agree- ment) region, and shows the obvious transboundary nature of ecosys- Chapter 3 31

tems. The prairie is thought to be Numbers of Threatened Vertebrates, 2001 North America’s most endangered 100 critically endangered ecosystem. For example, some 55- 97 endangered vulnerable prairie grassland wildlife species are 80 now listed under the US

Endangered Species Act (see Box 10, 60 next page) as either threatened or endangered (Bachand 2001). 40 35 31 According to Canada’s endan- 20 20 gered species list, as of May 2001, a 20 15 15 17 16 17 10 8 5 total of 380 species were at risk of 2 1 0 imminent or eventual extinction mammals birds reptiles amphibians fishes (endangered, threatened, or of special concern) while in the United extinction in North America as a Figure 16 Numbers of States, 1,231 species were listed as whole (see Figure 16). threatened vertebrates, endangered or threatened under the To safeguard biological diversity, 2001.

US Endangered Species Act (ESA) North America has increasingly set Source: UNEP- (see Box 10, next page) (COSEWIC aside protected areas. According to WCMC 2001a 2001; Alonso, Dallmeier, and others The World Conservation Union 2001). Species that depend on (IUCN) categories, 11 percent of freshwater habitat appear to be most North America’s land area was at risk. Almost one-third of the protected in Classes I–V in 2001 (see world’s freshwater mussel species live Table 1)(UNDP, UNEP, World Bank,

Table 1: Protected Area by IUCN Categories I-V

Number Area Percent of No. of Areas Marine-Protected Areas Biosphere World Wetlands of (000 ha) Land Area at least: (IUCN Categories I-VI) Reserves Heritage Sites International Importance Number Area** 100,000 1m Total Littoral Marine Number Area** Sites Area** Number Area**

Canada 3,083 90,702 9.1 102 20 139 102 76 8 1,512 8* 10,664 36 13,051 United States 3,063 123,120 13.1 153 26 386 255 187 44 20,838 12* 9,741 17 1,178

North America 6,146 213,822 11.1 255 46 525 357 263 52 22,350 18 20,405 53 14,229

Note: *Includes sites shared by two or more neighboring countries, **Area (000 ha) Source: UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI 2000

in the United States, for example, and WRI 2000). By 2002, 13.9 but 70 percent of these are at risk. percent was protected in Classes Particularly high concentrations of 1–VI, covering 267.4 million ha imperiled species are found in (UNEP–WCMC 2001b). IUCN Hawaii, California, the southern categories are defined at http:// Appalachians, and Florida (Stein 2001). Some 309 vertebrate species protected_areas/categories/ are considered threatened with index.html. 32 North America’s Environment

Box 10: The US Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 provides for the conservation of both vertebrate and invertebrate species listed as either ‘endangered’ or ‘threatened’ according to assessments of the risk of their extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their range, as well as the conservation of the ecosystems on which they depend. An individual or organization may petition to have a species considered for listing as endangered or threatened under the Act. Once a species is listed, powerful legal tools are available to protect both it and its habitat (Buck, Corn, and others 2001; NOAA 2001). A recovery plan is prepared, which includes designating critical habitat necessary for the continued survival of the species (NOAA 2001; O’Loughlin 2001). The ESA is considered by some to be the most comprehensive of US Environmental laws, but it has also been one of the most controversial (O’Loughlin 2001). Since threatened species often flag broader issues of resource scarcity and altered ecosystems, in recent years the ESA has been the subject of debate about allocating scarce or diminishing lands or resources in the face of pressures on species’ habitats from growing human populations and economies. Salmon and spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest, both highlighted elsewhere in this report, are examples of resource debates in which ESA-listed species were part of larger economic issues (Buck, Corn, and others 2001). Debate also centers on the listing process and how to determine priorities (Stein 2001). Eleven species have been removed from the list since 1973, and less than 10 percent of listed species have exhibited improvement in status in that time (O’Loughlin 2001). Litigation and budgetary constraints have made the listing process cumbersome and slow in recent years. During 2000, most of the budget dedicated to listing newly endangered species was used in fighting litigation. But in August 2001, an agreement in principle was announced between the Fish and Wildlife Service and a coalition of ENGOs that begins to address litigation and budget concerns so as to increase protection for dozens of rare species and their habitat (Buck, Corn, and others 2001). The ENGOs agreed to allow more time to designate habitat for eight protected species in compliance with court orders, in return for which the government would accelerate the process for listing 29 of the more than 200 species still under consideration (Schrope 2001).

Canada has signed and ratified As in other parts of the world, the Convention on Biological habitat destruction and degradation Diversity (CBD) and continues to is the most pervasive threat to work toward introducing a federal biodiversity (Wilcove, Rothstein, and Species at Risk Act (SARA), while others 2000). For many species, the United States is not yet party to human disturbance of habitat can the CBD, but has a strong Endan- lead to their demise. But disturbance gered Species Act (ESA). The latter of some habitat and its conversion to has been used effectively by NGOs human uses can also favor some to protect substantial areas of species. Canada geese, for example, habitat for threatened species (see have adapted to golf courses and the forestry section in this report urban parks and their numbers have and Box 10). increased significantly over the past Chapter 3 33

Box 11: Wetland Services

Like rain forests and coral reefs, wetlands are among the most biologically productive natural ecosystems in the world, providing habitat and the organisms that form the base of the food web to a wide variety of fish, plants, and wildlife, including many rare and endangered species. Wetlands also provide many other services and benefits: they filter and cleanse the water that passes through them; by absorbing water from snow melt, two decades. In such cases, species which recharges the water table for times of drought, abundance does not equate with wetlands reduce the risks of flooding, shoreline erosion, biodiversity, as some adaptable and sedimentation; and they are important areas for species compete with recreation, education, and research (Pembina Institute and often supplant native ones n.d.; EPA 2001). (Martin 2001). The microbes, plants, and wildlife in wetlands also North American wetlands have form part of global water, nitrogen, and sulphur cycles. high biological productivity, provid- Furthermore, wetlands may moderate global climate ing critical habitats for many species conditions by storing carbon within their plant and essential ecological services such communities and soil instead of releasing it to the as absorbing floodwaters and pro- atmosphere as carbon dioxide (EPA 2001). tecting water quality by filtering pollutants (see Box 11) (Schmid 2000). Wetland protection is there- water (EPA 1997; EC 1999). The fore a priority issue for biodiversity different ecological conditions conservation in North America. found from the Arctic to the tropics Bioinvasion, now thought to be create a great diversity of wetland the second-gravest threat to global types (Cox and Cintron 1997). biodiversity, is another priority issue Wetlands provide food and habitat for North America. Introduced non- for about one-third of bird species in native species can pose threats to the United States and although the domestic species through predation, percentage is unknown for Canada, competition, parasitism, and hybrid- more than 200 bird species, includ- ization. Increased globalization and ing 45 species of waterfowl, rely in trade has heightened the risk of wetlands in Canada. They are also invasive species entering and chang- home to some 5,000 plant species ing the region’s ecosystems and the and 190 species of amphibians in the biodiversity they harbor. United States and 50 species of mammals and 155 species of birds Wetlands (CEQ 1997; NRC 2000). Thirty-nine Wetlands in North America are percent of North America’s plant generally understood to be marshes, species depend on wetlands swamps, bogs, and similar transition (Revenga, Brunner, and others zones between dry land and deep 2000). Furthermore, about a third of 34 North America’s Environment

Table 2: Wetlands in North America America’s land area (see Table 2 and Figure 17).

Wetland Percent of Percent of Prior to the 1970s, North Area National Land North American America’s wetlands were perceived as (1000 ha) Area Wetlands wastelands, nuisance areas, and the Canada 153,000 16 58 breeding grounds of pests. Govern- United States 111,104 12 42 ment programs encouraged wetland North America 264,104 – – drainage and filling to allow conver- (Sources: Dahl 1990; Rubec and Thibault 1998; Rubec 2000; Wilen 1999) sion to agriculture, settlements, and industrial sites (EPA 1997). As a North America’s threatened and result, North America, excluding endangered species depend on Alaska and Canada’s northern wetlands (CEQ 1997; NRC 2000). regions, lost over half of its original North America contains a large wetland habitat (EC 1999; Bryer, percentage of the world’s wetlands, Maybury, and others 2000). Agricul- with Canada holding about 24 tural expansion was responsible for percent, accounting for about 16 between 85 and 87 percent of the percent of its landscape (NRC 2000; losses (NCSU 1998; NRC 2000). Rubec 2000). Wetlands make up Since the 1980s, wetland losses in more than five percent of the total North America have slowed consid- US area and cover about 111 million erably. Recognition of their ecologi- ha. Of this amount, almost 69 cal services (see Box 11), changes in million ha are found in Alaska, agricultural policies, particularly while 42.2 million hectares of good hydrological conditions, and wetlands are found in almost a third cooperative efforts among the North of the 2,123 watersheds located in American countries to conserve the conterminous 48 states (Dahl wetlands for waterfowl were factors 1990; USDA 2000a). An estimated in these achievements Figure 17 80 percent (33.1 million ha) are (NAWMP 1998). Map of North America’s located on non-federal rural land In the mid-1980s, wetlands in the wetlands. (Brady and Flather 1994). Wetlands lower 48 states covered an area the Source: USDA 1997 cover about 264 million ha of North size of California, which represents a third of Canada’s wetland area (EPA Map of North America’s Wetlands 1997). Between 1974 and 1983, net wetland conversion dropped to about 117,359 ha per year and in the 10 years between 1982 and 1992, it further dropped to 28,328–36,422 ha per year (USDA 2000a). A net of 266,820 ha of wetlands was still lost in the United Sates between 1986 and 1997, although this represents an 80 percent reduction from the previous decade. During this period, Chapter 3 35 a wide mix of land use change landowners the opportunity and accounted for losses, with urban government support to protect, development responsible for 30 restore, and enhance wetlands on percent, agriculture for 26 percent, their property. By 1999, fully silviculture for 23 percent and rural 313,257 ha had been enrolled (TPL development for 21 percent (Ameri- 1999, NRCS 2001). can Rivers 2000). At the global level, the Ramsar To make up for wetland losses, Convention on Wetlands of Interna- both countries endorsed goals of ‘no tional Importance was signed in net loss’ and instituted mitigation 1971, providing a farsighted frame- policies that provided incentives to work for national and international create marshes or to replace those action to conserve wetlands and use built over. In 1980, the US revised the 1972 Clean Water Act to include a mitigation policy, and in 1997, Canada launched its Wetland Mitiga- tion and Compensation Project (Kaiser 2001; WCC 2001). These efforts have had mixed results, while cooperative efforts to conserve wetland habitat for waterfowl have had notable success (see Box 12. next page). Since 1985, federal and provin- cial/state governments adopted wetland conservation and manage- ment policies. Over 70 percent of their resources wisely (The Ramsar Canada’s wetland resources are now Convention 2000; Smart 1997). It is covered by federal and provincial the only international convention wetland policies and about 15 states addressing wetlands and both regulate inland wetlands (NRC 2000; countries are Contracting Parties Schmid 2000). US federal subsidies (Cox and Cintron 1997). The that allowed wetlands to be con- Convention establishes a List of verted to agriculture ceased in 1985 Wetlands of International Impor- through the wetland conservation tance. These sites, of which there provisions of the Food Security Act, are 53 in North America, act like and a new Wetland Plan was issued migratory bird sanctuaries (Canada: in 1993 to make wetland regulation 36, US: 117) (The Ramsar Conven- more fair, flexible, and effective tion 2000). (EPA 1999; USDA 2000a; Schmid Although past US government 2000). The Wetlands Reserve Pro- authority over wetlands has been gram, set up under the Farm Bill in fragmented and inconsistent, plans 1996, is a voluntary program offering for the restoration of the Florida 36 North America’s Environment

Box 12: Bilateral Cooperation, Wetlands and Waterfowl

For at least part of the year, North America’s migratory waterfowl use coastal and inland wetlands as feeding, breeding, resting, and nesting grounds, benefiting from the diversity of food organisms (Bacon 1997). Discrete wetlands are used as ‘stepping stones’ for migratory waterfowl, with the loss of a vital link in the chain threatening the very survival of some species (Davidson 1999). With the extensive wetland loss over the years from the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s, waterfowl species were deprived of crucial habitat, and by the mid-1980s there had been alarming decreases in the populations of some key species compared to1970s levels (EC 1998a). Waterfowl have always been the most economically important migratory species of bird in North America. Nature tourism and hunter-related activities have brought substantial economic returns: annually, more than US $20 billion in economic Diving Duck Population, 1986-1996 activity is generated by the more than 60 million 1600 people who watch migratory birds and the 3.2 million 1400 who hunt waterfowl (NAWMP 1998). Because of 1200 waterfowl’s importance to hunters, their declines drew

1000 1970-1979 mean notable attention to the issue of wetland loss. Ducks

800 Unlimited, a private organization originally established to preserve waterfowl for hunters, initiated a 600 Breeding population (numbers) population Breeding cooperative program among their branches in Canada, 400

1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 the United States, and Mexico in the 1990s that

Figure 18 Source: AAFC 2000 helped to restore, protect, or enhance over 3.8 million ha of wetlands (DU 2000). Canada and the United States signed the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) in 1986, joined by Mexico in 1994. NAWMP is an innovative joint venture partnership among several levels of government, NGOs, the private sector, and landowners. The aim was to restore waterfowl populations to the 1970s benchmark levels (a breeding population of 62 million ducks, and winter populations of 6 million geese and 152,000 swans) through habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement (EC 1998a). During the 1988–1993 period, over 850,000 ha of wetland and associated upland habitat were protected through NAWAMP in Canada alone (NRC 2000). The Plan’s vision was expanded in 1998 in a move away from restoring habitat for one particular group of animals to include biologically based planning to support other wetland species and ecological processes; integrated management of conservation, economic, and social programs; and collaborative efforts to find sustainable uses of landscapes (NAWMP 1998). As of April 1995, over a million ha of wetland habitat have been restored or enhanced and nearly 810,000 ha have been protected in the three countries (Cox and Cintron 1997). As a result of these and other conservation efforts, there has been a marked rebound in most populations of duck, geese, and swans. Figure 18 shows the rapid recovery of diving duck populations after 1993. The rebuilding of migratory waterfowl populations since the 1980s is considered by some to be one of the most successful aquatic ecosystem conservation efforts in North America and a model of international conservation (Agardy, Hanson, and others 1999; Davidson 1999). Chapter 3 37

Everglades is testimony to the poten- status of its wetland resources tial success of combined efforts (Rubec 2000). On the other hand, among many levels of government, in 1992, Canada was the first nation business, and ENGOs (see Box 13) to adopt a Federal Policy on (Schmid 2000; UNDP, UNEP, World Wetland Conservation, outlining Bank, and WRI 2000). guiding principles and seven key As yet, the Canadian government strategies to implement them. It does not track or report on the commits the federal government to

Box 13: Restoration of the Florida Everglades

The Everglades is the central part of a 23,000 km2 watershed covering the lower third of Florida (see Figure 19). With both fresh and salt water, it harbors a large variety of ecosystems, including rivers and lakes, sawgrass marshes, prairies, tropical hardwood forests, mangrove swamps, pine rocklands, and offshore coral reefs (NRDC 2000). Viewed as Map of the Florida Everglades ‘swampland’ and an impediment to urban and agricultural development in the early part of last century, large tracts were drained and water supplies reconfigured. Protected from flooding by levees and canals, the process accelerated over the past 30 years, and South Florida became home to 6 million people along the Miami–Palm Beach corridor and an important sugarcane, fruit- and vegetable-producing region (UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI 2000). Originally stretching over 11,650 km2, nearly half of the Everglades’ wetlands have succumbed to development and to ecosystem destruction from exotic species and polluted runoff from sugarcane fields and other agricultural activity. This has led to less freshwater flowing to the coast, disrupted salinity levels, and altered the ecosystem’s natural capacity to store and release water. The health of the Everglades deteriorated most rapidly in the past two decades with seagrass dieoffs, the invasion of non-native species, nutrient contamination, large algal blooms in Figure 19 Source: USGS 2001a Florida Bay, and declines in fishing harvests and in some bird populations. The region’s wading bird population, for example, has declined by 90 percent over the past two decades (NRDC 2000; UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI 2000). Regional efforts to address the problems began in the early 1980s, but it took until 1998 for all parties—the sugar industry, environmentalists, real estate developers, and American Indian tribes—to come together to support a comprehensive plan to restore and preserve south Florida’s natural ecosystem while enhancing water supplies and maintaining flood protection. Developed by the Army Corps of Engineers, it is the world’s most ambitious and extensive wetlands restoration effort, costing the federal government US $7.8 billion and taking over 20 years to complete (Alvarez 2000; Army Corps of Engineers 2000; UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI 2000). 38 North America’s Environment

‘no net loss of wetland functions’ on Bioinvasion federal lands, a policy that is being Bioinvasion (see Box 14) is now complemented by conservation thought to be the second-gravest strategies in the provinces. Wetlands threat to global biodiversity, next to ecosystems make up about 17 habitat destruction and degradation percent of Canada’s national parks (CEC 2000a). and all together, about 10 percent Since the 1970s, the largest in- are excluded from development (EC creases in invasive aliens have been 1998b; Rubec and Thibeault 1998). in insect pests and aquatic organisms North America’s abatement in found in ballast water. Seven and a wetland loss is a considerable half million litres of ballast water achievement, but the fact remains arrive in the United States every that wetlands are still being lost to hour. Pacific coastal areas, the development. Changing conditions eastern part of the Great Lakes, parts such as population growth, expan- of the Northeast, Florida, and Hawaii

Box 14: Bioinvasion

Bioinvasion refers to the influx of alien invasive species, or species occurring outside their natural ranges, through direct or indirect assistance by humans. Alien species are considered to be invasive when they become established in natural or semi-natural ecosystems or habitat, are agents of change, and threaten native biological diversity. Alien invasive species include bacteria, viruses, fungi, insects, mollusks, plants, fish, mammals, and birds (IUCN 2001). Species that become invasive may be introduced either intentionally or unintentionally through pathways (or vectors) that include transportation (by water, land, and air; in the goods themselves; in dunnage, packing materials or containers; and in or on ships, planes, trains, trucks or cars). Agriculture, horticulture and plant nursery stock, the aquaculture industry, the live food fish industry, baitfish, and the aquarium pet trades are major sources (Carlton 2001). Where there are no natural predators, invasive species can come to dominate ecosystems, and can alter the composition and structure of food webs, nutrient cycling, fire cycles, and hydrology and energy budgets, threatening agricultural productivity and other industries dependent on living resources (Westbrooks and Gregg 2000; Alonso, Dallmeier, and others 2001).

sion of agricultural production, and are entry points for high numbers of economic growth, as well as changes species. In San Francisco Bay, for in hydrological conditions linked to example, a new introduction was climate change may affect wetland established every 15 weeks between habitat and the biodiversity it shel- 1961 and 1995 (Carlton 2001). ters (NAWMP 1998). Conservation Competition or predation by non- efforts will need to remain flexible native species imperils nearly half of and be updated regularly to con- the species listed as threatened or tinue to sustain wetland habitats. endangered under the US Endan- gered Species Act (Wilcove, Chapter 3 39

Rothstein, and others 1998). In sea lamprey, another species that Canada, alien species have been invaded the Great Lakes, is respon- involved in causing risk to about 25 sible for the collapse of lake trout percent of endangered, 31 percent and other native Great Lakes fisher- of threatened, and 16 percent of ies. North America spends about US species of special concern (Lee 2001). Exotic Species Established in the Great Lakes There is no scientific consensus on the characteristics that make a species a successful invader, but repeated and widespread introduc- tion is likely to boost the ability of a species to take hold (Enserink 1999). Opportunities for invasives to estab- lish themselves have also been enhanced due to increases in land disturbance from farming; highway and utility rights-of-way; clearing land for settlements and recreation areas such as golf courses; and $13 million a year trying to control Figure 20 constructing ponds, reservoirs, and Number of lakes. Human population growth has it (Alonso, Dallmeier, and others exotic species established in increased recreational and 2001). Despite requirements that the Great Lakes. commercial activity and the demand ships exchange ballast water at sea, Source: H. John for food and fiber, which also opens the influx of new species into the Heinz III Center, 2001. the way to invasive species Great Lakes continues (see Figure (Westbrooks 1998). And increased 20) and is considered to be the trade has accelerated the rate of most serious threat to the integrity exotic introductions. of the Great Lakes ecosystem The zebra mussel (Dreissena (GLFC 2000). polymorpha), a mollusk the size of a A few more examples serve to thumbnail, has been one of North illustrate the various kinds of America’s most problematic bioinvasions and the damage they invasives. It probably first arrived in can cause. The wood-boring Asian North America in the ballast water of longhorned beetle (Anaplophora cargo ships from the Black Sea in the giabripennis), which probably late 1980s. In the past decade, it has arrived in North America in pack- spread through all major North ing crates from China, was found American river systems and in 2002, consuming hardwood trees in New it will have cost some US $5 billion in York City in 1996 and in Chicago in damage to shipping and power 1998. Left alone, the spread of plants alone (PCAST 1998; infestation would have costly Westbrooks and Gregg 2000). The repercussions (Westbrooks and 40 North America’s Environment

Box 15: Introduced Aquatic Weeds carriers of heartwater, a disease highly lethal to cattle, deer, sheep, Purple loosestrife, (Lythrum salicaria), which was and goats (Simberloff and Schmitz introduced from Europe in the mid-1800s as a garden 1999). The US Department of ornamental, has been spreading in North America at a Agriculture warns that with in- rate of 115,000 ha a year, invading wetland habitats creased trade and movement of where it takes over from native plants and deprives animals in a globalized market, waterfowl and other species of food sources. It is now heartwater may present a significant migrating onto agricultural lands. After unsuccessful threat to the US livestock industry attempts to eradicate it by burning, mowing, and (APHIS 1997). flooding, biological control programs, which use natural Invasive aquatic species are par- enemies to control pests, have been introduced. Since ticularly threatening to wetland and 1992, a coordinated program brought in four species of freshwater ecosystems (see Box 15). European insects that should significantly reduce its Some can also pose serious health abundance in wetland habitat (Haber 1996; DU risks, as in the case of human chol- Canada 1998; Pimentel, Bach, and others 1999). When era bacteria found in ballast tanks non-indigenous aquatic weeds such as purple loosestrife, and in oyster and finfish samples in Eurasian water milfoil, and hydrilla replace native Mobile, Alabama in 1991 (ANS Task species, they establish dense colonies that can impair Force 2000). Others undermine navigation, water-based recreation, and flood control; important wetland habitats, as did degrade water quality and wildlife habitat; hasten the the Nutria, a beaver-like animal filling of lakes and reservoirs; and depress property introduced from South America (see values (Haber 1996; ANS Task Force 2000). Box 16). Alien aquatic species are expected to contribute to the extinc- Gregg 2000). A wide variety of tion of native freshwater species in exotic tree pests arrive on untreated North America at a rate of 4 percent wooden pallets, crating, bracing, over the next century (Ricciardi and and other solid wood packing Rasmussen 1999). materials. Quarantines are estab- The high economic costs of lished to avoid transporting infested damage caused by bioinvasions in trees and branches and to prevent North America—to agriculture and the further spread of insect pests. other industries, human health and Nearly all of the quarantine-signifi- the costs of control—is causing cant tree pests found by US port increasing concern. It has been inspectors are associated with such estimated that by 1998, about a packing materials. Early detection of quarter of the annual US agricul- infestations and rapid treatment are tural GNP was lost to damage from, crucial to their successful eradica- and control of, invasive species tion (USDA 1999; USDA 2000b). (PCAST 1998). The booming exotic reptile trade Responses to the challenge of is another vehicle for exotic intro- invasive species include legislation, ductions. African ticks have been policies, plans, and programs that known to arrive this way and are focus on preventing the invasion of Chapter 3 41 new species and the eradication or harmless, a policy that was proposed control of established invasives. by the US Fish and Wildlife Service Biological control, which involves in 1970 but opposed by many pet importing a predator organism to stores and nurseries (Kaiser 1999). feed on the invasive species, is Today, concerns are that such a increasingly being used to control policy could alienate trading part- invasives. It is usually more specific ners (Licking 1999). to the target than pesticides or Over the years, isolated alarms led herbicides. Because of its potential to a patchwork of federal and state risk to native species and ecosystem laws and agencies to regulate intro-

Box 16: The Nutria

The nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a large semi-aquatic rodent native to South America. It was introduced into many areas of the world, including North America, primarily to be farmed for its fur. It was first brought to the state of Louisiana between the late 1800s and early 1900s, and released when the price of pelts fell and farms failed. Intentionally introduced into other southeastern states to control undesirable vegetation, or released accidentally, it has established widespread and localized populations in many states (Le Blanc n.d.; Westbrooks and Gregg 2000). Prolific breeders, Maryland’s nutria population increased from 150 in 1968 to about 50,000 today (MPT 2001). The nutria feeds only on plants, digging into wetland soils to eat the soft parts, which kills the vegetation, contributes to erosion, and results in loss of coastal land and wetlands (USGS 2001b). These animals have devastated wetland habitat for rare native species such as the bald eagle and eliminated crab and oyster nurseries. Furthermore, their digging has allowed salt water to invade swamps and wetlands, damaging vegetation and aggravating coastal erosion (Westbrooks and Gregg 2000). Although their pelts are economically valuable—the harvest between 1977 and 1984 was worth $7.3 million—their burrowing activity causes economic losses by undermining flood control structures, fish farming levees, buildings, boat docks, and roads. They graze on sugarcane, rice, and other food crops and destroy gardens and golf courses (Le Blanc n.d.). To provide more incentives for trappers to harvest more nutria, Louisiana has attempted to increase the demand for nutria pelts and to allow its meat to be processed for food (USGS 2001b). functions, new rules were introduced ductions (Simberloff 1996). The under Canada’s 2000 Plant Protec- 1990 US National Invasive Species tion Act calling for environmental Act was reauthorized and expanded assessments before the release of in 1996 to initiate a voluntary open- predatory insects (Knight 2001). ocean exchange program for ballast Prevention is the best and cheap- water with mandatory reporting est approach to the problem of requirements, but its effectiveness is bioinvasions. Current policies ban unproven to date (Carlson 2001). the import of organisms that are With the recognition that threats known to be harmful. Some ecolo- posed by bioinvasions are broad and gists would prefer that all plants and pervasive, an executive order in animals be denied entry until proven February 1999 created a high-level 42 North America’s Environment

Box 17: Bilateral and International Cooperation

The emerging InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) is prototyping an invasive species information exchange, and under the auspices of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America (CEC), it works with the North American Biodiversity Information Network (NABIN) to establish a framework to share data on invasive species spread, management, taxonomy, and impacts (CEC 2000b). The CEC has also initiated a project called Closing the Pathways of Aquatic Invasive Species across North America to protect marine and aquatic ecosystems in Canada, Mexico, and the United States from the effects of aquatic invasive species. It is developing a coordinated, multinational prevention and control campaign to help eliminate the pathways through which invasive species are introduced to the region’s coastal and fresh waters. The project will also examine pathways between major drainage basins (CEC 2001). In another cooperative effort to stem bioinvasions, the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO), a regional body of the International Plant Protection Convention, coordinates the efforts among Canada, the United States, and Mexico to protect their plant resources from the entry, establishment, and spread of regulated plant pests, while facilitating intra/interregional trade (NAPPO 2002). Canada and the United States also cooperate in International Joint Commission efforts related to aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes.

US Council to devise a management other as well as countries with plan to combat alien invasives climates and habitats similar to those (Kaiser 1999). on this continent, new invasions are Both countries have developed expected. At the same time, the monitoring plans and information growing commerce within North systems to help control exotic America strengthens the likelihood introductions (Haber 1996; Kaiser that one country’s established 1999). For example, Canada has invaders will spread to the others begun an Invasive Plants of Canada (Westbrooks and Gregg 2000). (IPCAN) monitoring project (Haber Canada and the United States 1996) and the US Government’s increasingly work together and in Invasive Species Council has devel- international cooperative efforts to oped an online information system help to stem the tide of bioinvasions (NAL 2000). (see Box 17). In recent years, bioinvasions have Global climate change is likely to increased with the growth in volume increase the risks associated with of international trade and flow of invasive species. Warmer conditions people (Wilcove, Rothstein, and may open up ecosystems that were others 1998). Since January 1999, once inhospitable to intruders, more than 50 alien pests, which longer growing seasons may allow could cause significant damage to more plants to set seed, and rising

forest, agricultural, and horticul- CO2 levels could boost the speed tural crops, have been intercepted at with which some invasive plants grow Canadian ports of entry (CFIA (Holmes 1998). The ability of exotic 2000). As the North American annual grasses to invade the deserts countries trade more with each of western North America may be Chapter 3 43 enhanced, for example, which could conserve the diversity of shared bio- not only reduce biodiversity and logical resources. Wider application of alter ecosystem function, but also lessons learned as well as new strate- accelerate the fire cycle (Smith, gies and more public understanding Huxman, and others 2000). of why biodiversity is important are The threats posed by the introduc- needed, and North American and glo- tion of exotic species in the wake of bal cooperation is essential to stem the globalization illustrates that increased tide of bioinvasions and the damage cooperation is required to adequately they cause. 44 North America’s Environment


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Coastal and Marine Areas

he continental shelf, a national average with some of the Tregion of shallow water highest levels of urban growth extending beyond the coastline and taking place in small coastal cities, a giving way to deep ocean, is the trend that is expected to continue dominant physical feature of North (CEC 2000). By the year 2010, America’s marine zone. The shelf is coastal population in the United typically high in nutrients, giving States will increase by almost 60 rise to a large production of algae percent (Culliton, Blackwell and and, in turn, a highly productive fish others n.d.). habitat (Botkin and Keller 1995). Coastal ecosystems are the The width of the continental shelf richest storehouses of marine varies considerably. Much of the biodiversity, and the physical Pacific coast has a narrow shelf, conversion of these fragile areas to whereas in sections of the east it is urban uses; their pollution from extensive, providing for much of the air, water, and land-based activities; commercial harvest of groundfish in and the exploitation of marine North America. Canada’s shelf resources have degraded them and region, one of the world’s largest, threaten the services they provide. covers 3.7 million km2, mostly under Especially endangered are North a 200 m depth (EC 1996). America’s most productive coastal Canada’s coastline is the longest ecosystems such as tidal flats, in the world. Twenty-three percent saltwater marshes, seagrass beds, of the population lives near the mangrove swamps, estuaries, and coast while about 55 percent of the other wetlands (see the biodiversity US population lives in coastal areas section) (CEC 2000). that cover less than 17 percent of One issue of high priority for the total land mass (DFO 2001a; North America’s coastal and EPA 2001). The US coastal popula- marine ecosystems is the tion is growing at four times the precipitous decline in its fisheries Chapter 4 51

since the mid-1980s (see Figure 21). Annual Fish Catch, 1972-1998 Twenty-one of the 43 groundfish stocks in Canada’s North Atlantic are 6 United States Canada in decline and nearly one-third of 5 US federally managed fishery species are over-fished (CEC 2000). The 4 collapse of the North Atlantic cod 3 fishery inspired a Canadian Million tons 2 moratorium on Northern Cod in 1992, which has caused considerable 1 hardship for local and commercial 0 2 2 4 8 80 82 84 86 88 fisheries in the region. In addition, 197 1974 1976 1978 19 19 19 19 19 1990 199 199 1996 199 significant salmon stock declines however, can be unsustainable due Figure 21 have become apparent on the Pacific Annual fish to nutrients from wastes entering catch, 1972- and Atlantic coasts. For example, 1998. local waters and disease spreading, about 1.5 million small and large Source: Fishstat wild Atlantic salmon returned to among other environmental impacts 2001 spawn each year in North America’s (CEC 2000). eastern rivers thirty years ago An issue of increasing gravity to compared to fewer than 350,000 in coastal and marine ecosystems is the 2000 (ASF 2000). Highlighted below overabundance of nitrogen from is the decline in this region’s Pacific land-based activities. This priority Northwest salmon fishery. The Aquaculture Production in North America, situation is a complex one that 1984-1998 involves migratory fish that cross national boundaries and a debate 500,000 450,000 about the various roles of human 400,000 impact and natural disturbance in 350,000 Canada 300,000 ons the fish declines. T 250,000 USA 200,000 Initially used to enhance natural North America 150,000 (by addition) stocks, aquaculture has become a 100,000 large-scale industry in North 50,000 0 America, with commercial produc- tion expanding and new species 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 being developed for fish farming. issue is explored in greater depth in Figure 22 Since 1980, there has been a four- the following pages, showing the Aquaculture production in fold increase in US aquaculture, for severity of the problem, especially in North America, example (see Figure 22) (Hanfman US coastal waters, where 60 percent 1984-1998. Source: Hanfman 1993). Harvests of farmed fish in of coastal rivers and bays are moder- 1993; Kope North America grew from 375,000 ately to severely degraded by nutri- 1999; DFO 2000a tons to 548,000 tons between 1985 ent pollution. A related concern is and 1995. Large-scale fish farming, that of harmful algal blooms, 52 North America’s Environment

Box 18: Pacific Northwest Salmon

The Pacific Northwest is home to five species of salmon: Chinook, coho, sockeye, pink, and chum (or six when Steelhead is classified as a Pacific salmon), most of which hatch in rivers along the west coast then migrate to the sea, making their way northward to mature in colder waters. Several years later, they retrace their ocean journey south to spawn in the freshwater streams of their origin. Each group or stock has unique biological traits, uses its marine habitat (stream, estuary, coast, and ocean) to different extents, and is genetically adapted to its environment (Myers, Kope, and others 1998). British Columbia’s approximately 1,000 spawning streams may support as many as 3,000 genetically and ecologically distinct salmon populations (Walters 1995). Salmon, therefore, are significant components of the region’s ecosystems. The fish are particularly important to the history, culture, and social fabric of smaller coastal communities and indigenous peoples, whose way of life has been shaped by fishing. Salmon are also extremely significant for the economic role they play along North America’s Pacific Northwest, both commercially and for recreational anglers (PSC 2000). In 1989, salmon accounted for 56 percent of the landed value of the fishery industry on Canada’s West Coast (Statistics Canada 2000).

which have been spreading over another key industry, with salmon the past 20 years, causing harm to being of primary importance (see humans, fish, marine birds, and Box 18) (CEC 1997). mammals and to sectors of the Historically abundant in many economy that depend on healthy Pacific coastal and interior waters, marine ecosystems. salmon runs and species diversity have been shrinking since the late Pacific Northwest 19th century (Walters 1995). In the Salmon Fishery beginning, dam construction (par- The Pacific Northwest of North ticularly in the United States), America is a region of extensive rockslides, poor management, and temperate forests drained by large over-fishing were blamed (DFO rivers linking the land and sea. In 1999a). Over the years, fish ladders the mid-1990s, a population of 6.5 were built to permit migration, and million was concentrated in coastal enhancement activities, including cities and towns and it is still grow- hatcheries, spawning channels, and ing. The forests along the marine fish rearing were set up to allow for west coast are among the most the survival to adulthood of more productive in North America and young fish (PSC 2000). Still, declines forestry is the major resource activity in Pacific salmon harvests acceler- there (see the forest section). The ated after the 1970s. Newer dams streams, estuaries, and ocean waters and turbines that had been added support rich fishery resources and along some major US rivers in the the commercial fishery offshore is late 1970s were now blamed. In Chapter 4 53

response, turbines were modified Commercial Pacific Northwest Salmon Values, and additional structural and trans- 1972-Latest Year port-oriented measures were taken to enable salmon migration (Mann 1400 and Plummer 2000). 1200 By the late 1980s, both countries 1000 had imposed severe restrictions on 800 Canada USA harvests of some salmon species. 600 North America Despite these and other measures, by 400 the early 1990s, salmon values 200 showed significant declines (see 0 Figure 23). By the mid-1990s, the salmon population of the Columbia River had dropped by at least 70 Figure 23 tion, and some hatchery practices Commercial percent, and Washington state (Rabalais 1999). In 1998, Canada Pacific Northwest severely restricted coho and closed coho fishing to protect stock salmon values, 1972-latest year. Chinook. By 1996, there had been a in the Tompson River and upper Source: DFO 62 percent decline in total BC Skeena, instituting a coho recovery 2000b; NMFS 2000 landings from 1989 (Statistics plan that restructured Canadian Canada 2000) (see Figure 24). A fisheries (Carlisle 1999; TU/TUC number of salmon species were 1999). At the end of the decade, of threatened and in 1992 were added the five species of Pacific salmon, to the US ESA, which prohibits two were considered overexploited taking endangered salmonids (see and the others deemed to be fully Box 10 in the biodiversity section) (Carlisle 1999; TU/TUC 1999). The Commercial Pacific Northwest Salmon Catch, blame for salmon declines was 1972-Latest Year increasingly debated among all those involved within and between the two 600 countries sharing the fish, including 500 federal fisheries managers, sports 400 fishers, commercial fleets, and Canada 300 indigenous fishers (Glavin 1996). USA 200 North America In 1999, nine populations of 100 salmon and steelhead on the Pacific 0 Northwest coast were added to the ESA, bringing the number of listed subspecies of west coast salmon to Figure 24 24. The US government stated that exploited when compared with Commercial Pacific the listings were the result of habitat levels necessary to achieve maximum Northwest degradation from land and water sustained yield (Kope 1999). salmon catch, 1972-latest year. development projects, over-harvest- Over-harvesting combined with Source: DFO ing, dam construction and opera- habitat destruction or degradation 2000b; NMFS 2000 54 North America’s Environment

Box 19: Impacts of Logging on the of 1983 the second hottest West Coast Salmon (Welch 1999). In addition, in the early 1990s, Salmon depend on freshwater habitat to spawn and scientific data began to indicate the so are particularly vulnerable to its degradation. existence of 20- to 30-year cycles of Forest clearing and road building expose stream plentiful and then scarce salmon habitats to more sunlight and heat than is required related to a regime shift called the for salmon health and can lead to erosion and flash Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) flooding that disrupts sediment levels. Naturally fallen (Carlisle 1999; Brown 2000). Warm trees create spawning ponds and contribute necessary phases in this pattern of Pacific nutrients to the streams, while logging debris can clog climate variability correlate with them, inhibiting fish migration and reducing dissolved enhanced biological productivity in oxygen levels. A 1992 survey of salmon streams on Alaska’s coastal ocean and inhibited Vancouver Island revealed that logging had partially productivity off the coast of the or permanently damaged over 60 percent of them Pacific Northwest. Cold phases have (YCELP 1995). the opposite characteristics (JISAO 2000). This could explain that while Chinook and coho salmon declined, from dams, hatcheries, logging (see those species that migrate further Box 19), mining, overgrazing, offshore have been relatively stable. urbanization, agricultural runoff, It is now widely accepted that the industrial pollution and water regime shifted in the winter of 1976– development projects were consid- 77 (Kope 1999; Hare and Mantua ered by most to be the key causes, 2000). Historically, the salmon have and there is little doubt that the withstood such natural regime shifts, cumulative effects of these activities but now the combination of habitat contributed to declines in harvests loss and the particularly low levels in of some salmon populations some salmon populations may have (Walters 1995). made these fish more vulnerable to By the end of the 1990s, some extinction from their effects scientists considered the role of (NMFS 1998). natural cycles, such as the occur- Complicating the issue are the two rence of several El Niño events over international borders that separate the last few decades, as increasingly British Columbia’s waters from important in the dramatic decline in Alaska’s and those of the Northwest marine survival of some stocks US states (DFO 1999a; TU/TUC (NMFS 1998; Statistics Canada 1999). During their life cycle, 2000). El Niño events trigger the salmon of US origin travel through flow of unusually warm seawater Canada’s waters and Canadian fish along the west coast, affecting pass through US zones with a species productivity and prey and resulting history of intercepting predator distribution (NMFS 1998). fishery practices. Expansion of high- During the last century, the 1997 El intercepting fisheries during the Niño was the strongest, and that 1950s and ’60s by the two countries Chapter 4 55

Acronyms discouraged conservation and enhancement and encouraged over- harvesting (DFO 1999a). Negotia- tions between Canada and the United States to resolve the issue began in the 1960s and culminated with the 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty (see Box 20). Initially unsuccessful, the treaty was renegotiated and new, fairer, and more protective measures were added in 1999. Although there is a natural vari- ability of abundance levels for Pacific salmon, uncertainty remains about status reviews, renewed fishing recent salmon declines. The relative agreements, and new management importance of fishing, climatic approaches (Alden 1999). change, and habitat conditions has For example, in 1998, Canada been changing over recent decades initiated the Pacific Fisheries Adjust- and varies with each location and ment and Rebuilding Program to population (Walters 1995). The conserve and rebuild Pacific salmon dilemma has prompted a number of stocks and to revitalize Pacific

Box 20: Bilateral Agreement, The Pacific Salmon Treaty

The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty was based on the principles of conservation to prevent over-fishing and allow for optimum production and equity so that each party receives benefits equal to those from salmon production originating in its waters (PSC 2000). However, harvest rates and ceilings were set too high for stocks to rebuild and the United States considered Canada’s approach to the equity issue unaccept- able, which led to a stalemate. The original fishing arrangements ended in 1992 because of disagree- ments (TU/TUC 1999). Between 1992 and 1999, a series of initiatives were taken to reach a new bilateral fishing arrange- ment. As of 1994, the Treaty lacked effective implementation, which culminated in a total breakdown of negotiations in 1997. One of the initiatives was the appointment of special representatives from the two countries, whose 1998 report refers to the unresolved dispute between them as a case of unregulated self-interest risking the unsustainable harvest of the commons (Strangway and Ruckelhaus 1998). In 1999, the Pacific Salmon Treaty was renegotiated. A new, comprehensive accord signed on 3 June 1999 finally resolves the long-standing differences over Pacific salmon conservation (NOAA 1999). It is based on sustaining wild stocks, preventing over-fishing by matching harvest levels to actual abundance, sharing the burdens of conservation and the benefits of stock recovery, and establishing a common basis to assess stocks, monitor fish, and evaluate performance. The agreement signals a cooperative, conserva- tion-based approach to the management of Pacific salmon fisheries, and a more equitable sharing of salmon catches between Canada and the United States. It should help to protect weak stocks and stabilize harvest arrangements for 10 to 12 years (DFO 2001b; DFAIT 2002). 56 North America’s Environment

salmon fisheries. It also imple- survival standards, reviewed at five-, mented a precautionary approach to eight-and 10-year points, are not salmon management, resulting in met. The standards include habitat significant harvest reductions to restoration, harvesting curtailment, protect stocks at risk (DFO 1999b). limits to harmful hatchery opera- Pending decisions on ESA listing tions, measures to conserve wild of Pacific salmon and steelhead salmon, ways to improve survival

Box 21: Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Salmon and Other Wild Fish Stock

Both countries are concerned about the potential for climate change to affect salmon populations and other wild fish stocks in North America’s coastal and ocean waters. Studies by Canadian government scientists that simulated expected changes from a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere indicate that the resulting change in climate could virtually eliminate salmon habitat from the Pacific Ocean (NRCan 1998). A 1994 Environment Canada study of the impact of climate change on Fraser River salmon reported that altered flow regimes, aquatic temperatures, river hydrology, and seasonal runoff will intensify competition among water users in the watershed (Glavin 1996). And a recent US report on climate change impacts notes that a projected narrowing in the annual water temperature range in many estuaries may cause species’ ranges to shift and increase the vulnerability of some estuaries to introduced species (USGCRP 2000).

trout were completed in 1999 and through hydropower systems, and 2000. A total of 26 distinct groups better conditions in streams and are now listed as either threatened reservoirs (Federal Caucus 2000). or endangered. Stakeholders, Natural climatic regime shifts, including government officials, climate change (see Box 21), and state, local, and tribal officials, and habitat loss and destruction are the public, are working together to conspiring to threaten the continued address habitat restoration and viability of North America’s Pacific other concerns to aid salmon recov- salmon populations. As those de- ery (Buck, Corn, and Baldwin 2001). pendent on them as a source of In December 2000, the United income also struggle to survive, both States released a comprehensive countries are taking additional long-term federal strategy to help measures, outlined in their national restore the 14 salmon subspecies in sustainable fisheries strategies, to the Columbia River Basin listed on help to restore these and other wild the ESA. It states that actions are fish stocks to North America’s coastal necessary to restore health to the and marine waters and to enhance tributaries and estuaries where these and maintain global biological species spawn in order for them to diversity. Fisheries and Oceans recover. It provided for four dams Canada instituted a new Sustainable on the lower Snake River to be Development Strategy for 2001–03, breached if a number of salmon which is built on the key economic, Chapter 4 57 environmental, and social principles other North American fish stocks of sustainable development, includ- fare (DFO 2000c; DFO 2001a). ing public participation, the precau- tionary approach, and expanded Nutrient Loading Over the past 20 years, the introduc- scientific knowledge about aquatic tion of excess nutrients has increas- ecosystems (DFO 2001a). ingly been recognized as causing a The US Sustainable Fisheries Act number of environmental problems of 1996 amended the Magnuson in coastal ecosystems (NRCan 2000). Fishery Conservation and Manage- Eutrophication, or the increased ment Act to incorporate numerous supply of organic matter to an provisions requiring science, man- aquatic system (see Box 22), is one agement, and conservation action by of the most common effects and is the National Marine Fisheries now the most widespread problem Service (NMFS). The aims of the affecting estuaries and coastal zones NMFS Strategic Plan are to maintain (Howarth, Anderson, and others healthy stocks, eliminate over-fishing 2000; NRCan 2000). Although an and rebuild over-fished stocks, overabundance of nutrients in the increase long-term economic and environment due to human activi- social benefits from living marine ties was recognized as a problem in resources, and promote the develop- North America’s freshwaters as early ment of robust and economically as the 1970s (EC 2000), until the sound aquaculture (OSF 2000). late 1990s, the severity and extent of Recent restrictions, bilateral coop- the problem in coastal waters had eration, and new ecosystem ap-

Box 22: Eutrophication and Hypoxia

Eutrophication refers to the gradual increase in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus in a body of water due to natural processes, which can be accelerated by human activities. The process and symptoms vary from one region to another due to differences in underlying geology and soil types (EPA 1998). Excessive nutrients encourage an abundant plant life that can lead to chronic over-enrichment with symptoms that include low dissolved oxygen, fish kills, murky water, and depletion of desirable flora and fauna. Lakes, estuaries, and bays subject to eutrophication can eventually become bogs and marshes (EPA 1998; EPA 2001). Elevated levels of chlorophyll indicate the onset of eutrophication while depleted dissolved oxygen indicates more serious or highly developed eutrophication (Clement, Bricker, and Pirhalla 2001). When the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water bodies falls below 2 ppm, the level generally accepted as the minimum required for most marine life to survive and reproduce, the condition is termed a state of hypoxia or hypoxic waters (EPA 1998). proaches have contributed to im- not been adequately appraised due proving the ocean survival of some to the complexity of the phenomena important salmon stocks, but it and the lack of consistent national remains to be seen if all Pacific data sets (Bricker, Clement, and salmon species rebound and how others 1999). 58 North America’s Environment

Nutrient additions to marine and concern. In many parts of North coastal ecosystems increased dra- America non-point nutrient inputs matically over the past several to fresh and coastal waters come decades due to large increases in mainly from fertilizer and manure population density, fossil fuel use, runoff. Over the past three decades, sewage inputs, animal production, fertilizer use in the region rose by and fertilizer use (EC 2001). These almost 30 percent (see Figure 27 in activities release nitrogen and the land section). phosphorus, which can enhance A trend toward rearing livestock plant growth in aquatic systems (cattle, hogs, chickens and other causing oxygen depletion and animals) in intensive feedlots has multiple effects on the ecosystem: also resulted in the release of huge eutrophication can cause the altera- amounts of manure to surface and tion of food webs, decreased biologi- coastal waters (Mathews and cal diversity, loss of seagrass, de- Hammond 1999). In the United stroyed fish habitat, the closure of States, intensive feedlots are the shellfish areas, degraded beaches, third leading agricultural source of and site contamination (Carpenter, water pollution, and the issue of Caraco, and others 1998; EC 1999; excess livestock manure has gained EC 2001). increased public attention, under- Over the past 30 years, North scoring the need for better protec- America has had notable success in tion against non-point sources of stemming nutrient emissions from water pollution. With ever more point sources, or localized inputs. animals confined on fewer and Since the early 1970s, anti-pollution larger feedlots, there is frequently legislation has greatly reduced point not enough accessible cropland on sources of nitrogen and phospho- which to use all the manure effi- rous—principally from the dis- ciently. Inadequate manure manage- charge of municipal sewage and ment has led to coastal water pollu- industrial wastes—and successfully tion in many regions and serious controlled phosphates in laundry policy difficulties in addressing the detergents (NOAA 1998). During growing problem (Harkin 1997) (see the early 1970s, half of the phospho- Box 23). Significant amounts of rous found in US domestic nitrogen are also deposited in wastewater came from laundry aquatic ecosystems from airborne detergents, which contained some sources derived from manure, as well 12 percent phosphorous by weight. as from vehicles and electric utility By 1982, the phosphorous content power plants (NOAA 1998). of detergents had dropped to about Sources of nutrients vary greatly 5 percent and accounted for 35 from place to place. Along the north percent of amounts in wastewater Atlantic coast, non-point sources of (Miller Jr.1985). nitrogen are some ninefold greater Today, non-point sources, or than inputs from wastewater treat- dispersed activities, are the major ment plants (EC 2001). But in some Chapter 4 59 coastal areas, wastewater treatment subject only to primary treatment plants remain the primary sources of (EC 2000). nutrient inputs. For example, much Rather than in coastal or marine municipal wastewater discharged environments, however, Canada’s into Canada’s coastal waters is still most serious over-enrichment

Box 23: Intensive Hog Farming

Nutrients from hog production, which has increased in scale, intensification, and geographical concentra- tion over the past 25 years, strongly affect the health of North America’s marine and coastal areas (Welsh, Hubbell, and Carpentier 2000). In 1992, there were about 60 million swine in the United States, which represents an 18 percent increase from the previous decade. During the same period, the number of hog farms dropped by 72 percent (Copeland and Zinn 1998). Canada’s hog population grew from about 6 million in 1976 to 11 million in 1996 while the number of hog farms decreased from 65,000 to 20,000 during the same 20-year period (EC 2000). This trend toward industrialization of hog farming was influenced by cost and production advantages such as economies of scale, new technologies, ad- vances in animal genetics, and new and more efficient management practices (Furuseth 1997). Operations also have become more regionally concentrated since the 1980s. The most notable concen- tration has occurred in North Carolina’s low coastal flood plain. The number of hogs in the state in- creased threefold between 1987 and 1998. North Carolina was 14th in hog production in 1970, but by the end of the 1990s it ranked second (NPPC 1999). Most of Canada’s hog farms are found in south- ern Ontario and Quebec and the Prairie provinces (EC 2000). Geographic concentration was influenced by a number of factors, including incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies offered by local govern- ments in both countries to attract hog producers in order to create local financial and employment gains. In some cases, US states such as North Carolina offered inexpensive land to attract the industry to economically declining rural areas (CIBE 1999). Finally, states with no anti-corporate farming laws also influenced geographic concentration (Welsh, Hubbell, and Carpentier 2000). The intensification and concentration of hog production has exacerbated the challenge of manure and other hog waste disposal. Almost all hog manure (like manure from other livestock) is applied to agricultural land. Rich in nitrates and phosphates, hog manure is a valuable fertilizer, but if applied to the land in amounts that exceed plant needs, excess nutrients leach through the soils to contaminate ground or surface waters. There is increasingly too little land for the amounts of hog manure produced in these regions of concentrated hog farming (Furuseth 1997). Hog manure is mostly stored in open-air lagoons with relatively little treatment before being sprayed on land to irrigate forage crops. Both lined and unlined lagoons can leak contaminants into groundwater. In the United States, intensive feedlots are the third leading agricultural source of water pollution and in North Carolina, they are the biggest source of nutrient pollution (Environmental Defense 1998). In 1997, Hurricane Floyd flooded many of the large hog facilities that had been built on North Carolina’s low coastal flood plain. Hog wastes from at least 46 waste lagoons flowed into the surrounding floodwaters, contaminating local drinking water and threatening human health (Taylor 2001). A two- year moratorium on new hog factories was instituted in 1997 to allow new and lasting solutions to the problems associated with the state’s hog industry to be developed (Environmental Defense 1998). 60 North America’s Environment

problems are found in the rivers of found to be the single greatest the southern Prairie Provinces, environmental threat in some where agricultural activity is inten- ‘trouble’ spots on the Atlantic coast sive, and in southern Ontario and (Howarth, Anderson, and others Quebec, where inputs from manure 2000). More recently, a 2001 report and fertilizer as well as from munici- states that approximately 65 percent pal sewage and industrial wastewater of the nation’s estuarine surface area are heavy (EC 2000). Canadian has moderate to high eutrophic estuaries in the North Atlantic are conditions. A high level of human less severely affected by nutrient influence is associated with 36 of the loading than more southerly ones 44 estuaries with high eutrophication (Clement, Bricker, Area of Gulf of Mexico Low-Oxygen Zone, and Pirhalla 2001). In the last 40 1985-1998 years, human activity has increased the flux of nitrogen in the Missis- sippi River some fourfold and in rivers in the northeastern US some eightfold (NRCan 2000). The Mississippi River, which drains 40 percent of the continental United States, carries excess nutri- ents to the Gulf of Mexico where they contribute to an area of hypoxia (see Box 22) called the ‘dead zone’. Nearly 12,950 km2 in the Gulf of Mexico were affected with low oxygen conditions in 1998 (H. John Heinz III Center 1999) (see Figure Figure 25 thanks in part to a cooler climate 25). The region is now subject to Area of Gulf of Mexico low- and significant flushing of coastal intensive research. An EPA task force oxygen zone, 1985-1998. waters (NOAA 1998). formed in 1997 examined the causes Source: H. John Nutrient additions to the US coast and consequences of Gulf hypoxia as Heinz III Center part of the basis of an Action Plan to 1999. have been increasing over the past two decades. In the mid-1990s, reduce, mitigate and control hypoxia greater nutrient loading from in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In municipal discharges and agricul- October 2000, a US $1 billion-per- tural runoff contributed to the year plan was agreed upon to revive classification of some US estuarine some 30 percent of the dead zone by and coastal waters as not ‘fishable or 2015 (NOS 2000). swimmable’ (CEQ 1996). In 1998, The US Clean Water Act, last re- more than 60 percent of US coastal authorized in 1987, and the 1972 rivers and bays were moderately to and 1980 Coastal Zone Management severely degraded by nutrient Act directed states to develop man- contamination, and nitrogen was agement plans for non-point con- Chapter 4 61 tamination sources and provided algal blooms or red tides (CEC funding and incentives to implement 2000). Harmful algal blooms them. In addition, the US National (HABs) (see Box 24) are found in Estuary Program (NEP) was estab- the waters of almost every US coastal lished in 1987 to identify key prob- state and most have experienced lems in specific estuaries and to their environmental, human health, develop and implement manage- and economic impacts (NSTC ment plans to address them (NOAA 2000). The number of coastal and 1998). The 1987 Chesapeake Bay estuarine waters in the United States

Box 24: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Red Tides

The algae that form Harmful Algal Blooms or HABs are a very diverse group of organisms that range from single-celled microalgae or phytoplankton to large seaweed-like macroalgae. The most well known is the dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida. Some species produce toxins and appear in great abundance in massive ‘blooms’. Some contain pigments that tint the water red to produce what is commonly known as ‘red tides’, while others turn the water green or brown or have no color or massive concentration during the toxic phase. HABs are harmful because they produce highly potent toxins that can kill marine organisms directly or travel through the food chain as the algae are consumed by shellfish and other marine life, causing harm at multiple levels. Although the toxins may only slightly affect shellfish, the amount in one clam can kill a human (NSTC 2000; EC 2001).

Program, for example, was set up that host major recurring incidents under the NEP. It is a federal-state- of HABs doubled between 1972 and local partnership working to reduce 1995 (Harkin 1997) (see Figure 26). nitrogen and phosphorous loading Along with nutrient enrichment, the to the Bay by 40 percent. The Chesa- recorded increase in several algal peake Bay is the largest estuary in groups is likely to be due to im- the United States and one of the proved methods of detection and most productive in the world. The greater monitoring efforts, introduc- region has a population of over 15 tion of exotic species, failure of million and important commercial grazers to control the algal species’ fish and shellfish harvests, and is a growth, climate changes, natural major stopover for migratory birds. events, and habitat degradation By the late 1990s, only the phospho- (Bushaw-Newton and Sellner 1999; rous reduction goal had been met. NSTC 2000). Progress in reducing nutrients in the The impacts of HAB events can region is being hampered because of include human illness and death population growth and development from eating contaminated fish or (OECD 1996; EPA 1997). shellfish, mass mortalities of wild Nutrient enrichment is a likely and farmed fish, restricted local contributing factor in the recent harvests of fish and shellfish, and dramatic increase in the number, changes in marine food chains due intensity, frequency, and expanse of to the negative effects on eggs, 62 North America’s Environment

young, and adult marine inverte- and research into marine toxins and brates, seabirds, sea turtles, and HABs has intensified due to in- mammals (NSTC 2000). The expan- creased incidences of fish kills and sion of HABs in the United States fish with lesions in 1997 in Chesa- over the past 20 years has caused peake Bay tributaries and in North losses of about US $100 million per Carolina (NOAA 1998). The Ecology year in medical-related expenses and Oceanography of Harmful Algal and impacts on the fishing and Blooms (ECOHAB), an interagency program established in 1996, pro- Location of HAB-related Events in US Coastal vides information on environmental Waters Before and After 1972 conditions that favor optimal growth and toxicity of several noxious species and supports numerous research projects on HABs (CEQ 1996). The US Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act requires an examination of the means to reduce, mitigate, and control HABs, and of their social and economic costs and benefits. Controlling the human inputs that stimulate nutrient enrichment is one approach that may reduce the incidence of HABs (NSTC 2000). Canadian and US Ocean Acts (1997 and 2000, respectively) estab- lish frameworks for improving the stewardship of North America’s coastal and ocean waters (EC 1999; The White House 2000). As yet, there is no binational strategy to Abbreviations: NSP, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning; PSP, paralytic shellfish poisoning; address nutrient loading in North ASP, amnesic shellfish poisoning; DSP, diarrheic shellfish poisoning. America’s coastal waters, and coordi- Figure 26 tourism industries, among others nation among the various agencies Location of HAB-related (Bushaw-Newton and Sellner 1999). responsible for their management is events in US coastal waters In response to incidents of hu- still inadequate (NRCan 2000). before and after man illness from contaminated 1972. Evidence suggests that the situation shellfish, both Canada and the Source: Bushaw- can be reversed, but the need re- Newton and United States have developed testing Sellner 1999. mains for increased political action and water quality programs to and cultural and behavioral changes identify phytoplankton toxins and to to reduce human activities that emit provide information about them to nutrients to the water- and airsheds the public. Recently, public concern that feed coastal streams and rivers. Chapter 4 63


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Glavin, Terry (1996). Dead Reckoning: Confronting the Crisis in Pacific Fisheries. Vancouver, Greystone Books H. John Heinz III Center (1999). Designing a Report on the State of the Nation’s Ecosystem: Selected Measurements for Croplands, Forests, and Coasts and Oceans. The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment Accessed 12 February 2002 Hanfman, Deborah T. (1993). The Status and Potential of Aquaculture in the United States: An Overview and Bibliography. National Agricultural Library Aquaculture Information Center, National Agricultural Library Beltsville, Maryland publicat/govagen/nal/status.htm. Accessed 12 February 2002 Hare, S.R., and N.J. Mantua (2000). Empirical Evidence for North Pacific Regime Shifts in 1977 and 1989. Progress in Oceanography 47 (2-4):103-46 Harkin, Senator Tom (1997). Animal Waste Pollution in America: An Emerging National Problem. Report Compiled by the Minority Staff of the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry for Senator Tom Harkin animalw.htm. Accessed 13 February 2002 Howarth, Robert , Donald Anderson, James Cloern, Chris Elfring, Charles Hopkinson, Brian Lapointe, Tom Malone, Nancy Marcus, Karen McGlathery, Andrew Sharpley, and Dan Walker (2000). Nutrient Pollution of Coastal Rivers, Bays, and Seas. Issues in Ecology (7) http:// JISAO (2000). The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean Accessed 12 February 2002 Kope, Robert G. (1999). Pacific Salmon. In Our Living Oceans: Report on the Status of US Living Marine Resources, 1999. US National Marine Fisheries Service, US Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech, Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, on-line version Accessed 13 February 2002 Mann, Charles, C., and Mark L. Plummer (2000). Can Science Rescue Salmon? Science 289 (5480):716-19 Mathews, Emily, and Allen Hammond (1999). Critical Consumption Trends and Implications: Degrading Earth’s Ecosystems. Washington DC., World Resources Institute Miller Jr., G. Tyler (1985). Living in the Environment: An Introduction to Environmental Science. Vol. 4. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing Company Myers, J.M., R.G. Kope, G.J. Bryant, D. Teel, L.J. Lierheimer, T.C. Wainwright, W.S. Grand, F.W. Waknitz, K. Neely, S.T. Lindley, and R.S. Waples (1998). Status Review of Chinook Salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California. US Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-35 NMFS (1998). Factors Contributing to the Decline of Chinook Salmon: An Addendum to the 1996 West Coast Steelhead Factors For Decline Report. Protected Resources Division, National Marine Fisheries Service for Decline. Accessed 13 February 2002 NMFS (2000). Fisheries Statistics & Economics, Commercial Fisheries, Annual Landings. Silver Spring MD, National Marine Fisheries Service, Fisheries Statistics and Economics Division, http:// Accessed 27 February 2002 NOAA (1998). 1998 Year of the Ocean: Perspectives on Marine Environmental Quality Today. US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meeting/mar_env_316.html. Accessed 13 February 2002 NOAA (1999). United States Announces Agreement With Canada On Pacific Salmon. US Department of State, US Department of Commerce Accessed 13 February 2002 NOS (2000). National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Assessment. National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce Accessed 13 February 2002. 66 North America’s Environment

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orth America has abun- half of the region’s rivers still flows N dant water resources and in a course unaltered by humans, holds about 13 percent of the resulting in changed hydrologic world’s renewable freshwater (ex- flows, landscapes, and wildlife cluding glaciers and ice caps). habitat. Canada has more water Canada has about 10 times the per diversions than any other country, capita water resources and about particularly in the province of half a million km3 more water in Quebec (CEC 2002). As in other total than the United States. Fresh- parts of the world, environmental water is not evenly distributed, of and aboriginal groups have opposed course: for example, the Great large dams because of their ecologi- Lakes, the world’s largest system of cal and social impacts (see Box 25). fresh, surface water lies in the east, With an abundant supply of fresh 60 percent of Canada’s water flows water, a growing population, exten- north, and water supplies in the sive irrigated agriculture, and grow- United States are far more abundant ing municipal and industrial de- in the eastern states than those in mands, North Americans use more the west, particularly the dry south- water per person per year than any west (EC 1998a; De Villiers 2000; other people (De Villiers 2000). At CEC 2002). Some regions, such as the end of the 1990s, they used 1,693 California, suffer from acute water cubic meters of water per capita per deficits, and the frequency of ex- year (Gleick 1998). In the United treme events like droughts and States, recent conservation measures floods is expected to increase in have led to declines in both per areas such as the Great Plains. capita and total water consumption Extensive water control projects, (De Villiers 2000). Between 1980 including dams and canals, have and 1995, total water withdrawals been built to compensate for water declined by nearly 10 percent while deficiencies, generate hydroelectric the population increased by 16 power, control floods, and improve percent (Solley, Pierce, and Perlman navigation. Today, water in less than Chapter 5 69

1998). In Canada, on the other Agriculture accounts for the hand, water withdrawal rose by 80 largest proportion of total water percent between 1972 and 1991 consumed in North America. The while the population grew by only 3 United States has over 75 percent of percent (EC 2001a). Water pricing the continent’s irrigated cropland, in Canada does not reflect the costs which consumes its largest amount of water provision, with the result of water by far. In Canada, by con- that water is overused, industrial trast, agriculture is the fourth largest water recirculation rates have been user of water. As discussed below, low, and until recently, there has one of North America’s priority been little reinvestment in municipal concerns is the quantity and quality water systems (EC 1998a). There is of the region’s groundwater re- also an overall paucity of data and sources, which provide most irriga- knowledge about water in Canada, tion supplies and drinking water to which hampers reporting efforts. rural communities (CEC 2002).

Box 25: James Bay Hydroelectric Development

The province of Quebec nationalized hydroelectric development in the 1960s and began to harness the power of the northern rivers of the James Bay territory in the 1970s to provide the province with clean energy, jobs, and economic growth. The first phase of the project on La Grande River, about 1,000 km north of Montreal, diverted five rivers and created a reservoir of 4,275 km2. The second phase diverted another five rivers. Together, these projects vastly changed the watersheds of 10,000 km2 of territory that was home to some 10,000 First Nations Cree. Having failed to stop the project through the courts, the Cree signed a historic comprehensive land claim agreement in 1975 that was meant to compensate them for the loss of traditional lands and livelihoods. The next phase, the damming of the Great Whale River north of the La Grande complex, an- nounced in 1989, would divert two more rivers and flood 3,400 km2 for four reservoirs. In 1985, La Grande was producing large electricity surpluses, some of which were sold to the eastern United States. Environmental groups in the northeastern United States and the Cree in Quebec mounted a strong campaign against the Great Whale Project. Part of their campaign focused on the advan- tages of energy efficiency over new hydroelectric development. They initiated and won a court case that provoked a comprehensive environmental and social assessment of the project’s impacts. The project was eventually delayed indefinitely in September 1991 in reaction to new energy efficiency practices in New York state, a drop in its projected energy demand, and the cancellation of its energy import contract with Hydro-Quebec, combined with the need for a full and lengthy impact assessment (Barr 1992). In a recent and much more modest development project, the Quebec government entered into partnership with the Cree in February 2002 to allow hydro installations along the Eastmain and Rupert rivers, subject to environmental approval, closing a deal deemed favorable by the majority of the Cree community. It includes financial compensation, increased control of their own community and economy, more power over logging, and more hydro-related employment opportunities (Cana- dian Press 2002). 70 North America’s Environment

Gross-point source water pollu- million—lived within 16 km of a tion has been successfully reduced polluted lake, river, stream, or in North America since the 1970s coastal area (EPA 2000a). thanks to effective anti-pollution Thirty years ago, one of the laws and regulations and clean-up gravest issues facing North America’s programs. The US Clean Water Act freshwater resources was the precari- of 1970 and subsequent amend- ous state of the Great Lakes Basin, ments were instrumental in declines which contains the world’s largest in industrial wastewater emissions freshwater system and North Ameri- and untreated sewage dumping. ca’s biggest urban-industrial com- Non-point sources, however, such as plex. The story of how the region agricultural runoff and urban storm tackled its complex and serious drainage have increased, causing water problems is a striking example serious pollution problems. By the of cooperation among nations and end of the 1990s, an overwhelming local users. majority of US citizens—some 218

Box 26: Some Health Risks From Groundwater Pollution

Groundwater contains naturally occurring chemicals that sometimes exceed drinking water standards or render it unfit for consumption. It may be that as much as half the groundwater within 496 m of the surface is too saline for use as drinking water (Moody 1996). Human activities are further reducing the quality of groundwater resources through the large and growing number of toxic compounds used in industry and agriculture. Once it was thought the soil acted as an effective filter, preventing all contami- nants from reaching the water table, but there is now evidence that pesticides and other contaminants reach groundwater resources that can slowly spread the contaminants over large areas. Polluted groundwater is extremely expensive and difficult, if not impossible, to clean up. In many cases contami- nation may only be recognized after users have been exposed to potential health risks (Waldron 1992; Moody 1996; EPA 1998; EC 1999a). About 20 to 40 percent of all rural well water in Canada may be affected by contaminants, mostly in the form of coliform bacteria from livestock and septic systems and nitrates from fertilizer (EC 1996). The incidence of bacteria in well water in Ontario has almost doubled in the past 45 years (Fairchild, Barry, and others 2000). A number of recent reports of localized well contamination have alerted the public to the health risks associated with polluted groundwater (EC 1999a). In May 2000, for example, seven Canadians in Walkerton, Ontario, died and more than 2,000 became sick from E.coli contamination in the town’s water supply. The source of contamination was livestock manure that had been spread, according to proper practices, on a farm near the town. Provincial budget reductions had led to shortcomings in the approvals and inspections programs of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and years of improper practices at the public water utility. The tragedy alerted the Canadian provinces to the need to correct serious drinking water problems related to animal waste encroachment into groundwater supplies and, in the case of Ontario, to the roles played by budget cuts, staff reductions, and greater reliance on munici- palities for regulating environmental services (Gallon 2000; O’Connor 2002). Chapter 5 71

Groundwater groundwater supplied only 2.3 Most of the continent’s (unfrozen) percent of total water withdrawals freshwater resources lie in (OECD 1995a). groundwater, which fills the spaces Groundwater is critical not only as below the soil surface. It is stored in, a direct supply of water for human and moves through, water-saturated uses, but also as a crucial part of the zones called aquifers. In response to hydrological cycle, and its gradual dwindling supplies of unpolluted discharge to rivers helps to maintain surface water in the decades leading stream flow in dry periods. It is up to the 1970s, municipalities in the important to wildlife and their United States turned to habitats as well, which are also groundwater. Similarly, between the affected by contamination and 1960s and 1980s, the proportion of depletion (GF 1996). Canadians drinking groundwater The large and growing number of more than doubled (OECD 1995b). hazardous compounds used in By the mid 1990s, about 51 percent industry and agriculture are threat- of all drinking water for the total US ening groundwater quality. It is now population and 99 percent of drink- known that contaminants from non- ing water for the rural population point sources are present in many came from groundwater, while in shallow wells throughout large Canada, groundwater supplied 30 regions of North America (Moody percent of the population, or about 1996) and present risks to human 8 million people, and 90 percent of health (see Box 26). Table 3 shows rural dwellers (EPA 1998; Statistics the presence of selected chemicals Canada 2000). In the mid-1990s, a in US groundwater. total of 23.4 percent of all US fresh- Agriculture is the dominant factor water withdrawals for all uses came in groundwater quality impairment from groundwater, while in Canada, (EC 1996), primarily through the

Table 3: Groundwater Contamination in the United States, Selected Chemicals, 1990s

Share of Groundwater Percent

Chemical Group Containing at least Containing two or more Above drinking water one chemical in group chemicals in group guidelines for a single chemical

Nitrates 71 Not applicable1 15 Pesticides 50 25 Not significant Volatile Organic 473 29 6 Compounds2

1 However, nitrates are typically found in aquifers where pesticides are detected. 2 A small share of these VOCs are used as pesticides. 3 Samples from urban areas only.

Source: Sampat 2000b, 26 72 North America’s Environment

widespread use of commercial (Gurganus and Engel 1989). Exces- fertilizer, the main non-point source sive nitrogen—that not taken up by of nitrogen and phosphorous crops—can leach into groundwater. contamination. Artificial fertilizer This is increasingly the case in use rose from 13.6 to 20.4 million regions with concentrated industrial tons a year over the past 30 years hog and other livestock operations (IIFA 2001), peaking in 1981 in the using manure as a fertilizer (see Box United States then rising again after 23 in the coastal and marine sec- 1995. This increase reflects the rise tion). For example, between 1971 in maize acreage, which uses 40 to and 1991, the risk of nitrate contami- 45 percent of all fertilizers (CEQ nation of aquifer waters in British 1997) (see Figure 27). The nitrogen Columbia is estimated to have content of commercial fertilizer doubled due to the concentration of animal production and some shifts Total Fertilizer Consumption, 1972-1999 to land uses with low nitrogen needs (MacLeod, Sanderson, and 25,000,000 Campbell 2000).

20,000,000 Although nitrogen contamination rarely exceeds levels of potential

15,000,000 health risk, some groundwater wells in Canada’s Atlantic provinces, Total Fertilizers Consumption (t) 10,000,000 where about 90 percent of the rural population relies on groundwater,

5,000,000 have elevated nitrate concentration (Statistics Canada 2000). And in

0 Ontario alone, a study found that 37 2 197 1974 1974 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 percent of 1,300 farm wells surveyed Years contained bacteria or nitrate levels exceeding provincial water quality Figure 27 applied on farmland also increased, objectives (AAFC 1997). Nitrate- Total fertilizer consumption, growing in Canada by 451 percent nitrogen concentrations greater than 1972-1999. between 1970 and 1995 (Statistics the Canadian drinking water quality Source: FAO 1990-1998 Canada 2000). Some consider guideline of 10 mg per litre occurred nitrates to be the most widespread in anywhere from 1.5 percent to over groundwater contaminant (EPA 60 percent of the wells visited in a 1998). Consumed in high concen- recent regional survey, and levels are trations, this chemical can cause continuing to rise (AAFC 1997; infant methemoglobinemia, or blue- EC 2001b). baby syndrome (Sampat 2000a). In the United States in the mid- In the mid 1970s, elevated nitrate 1990s, nitrates polluted groundwater levels resulting from fertilizer to some extent in 49 states, although infiltration in rural groundwater nitrate contamination at levels of supplies began to be detected potential health risk affects fewer Chapter 5 73

Acronyms than 2 percent of wells (OECD standards and guidelines have been 1996). Concentrations of nitrate that established for only about one-half exceed the US EPA drinking water of the pesticides measured in the standard of 10 mg per liter (as study’s water samples. Although nitrogen) were found in 15 percent concentrations of individual pesti- of samples collected in shallow cides rarely exceed the current groundwater beneath agricultural drinking water standards, some and urban land, which may be of scientists suggest that the overall concern in those rural areas that rely health and environmental risks of on shallow aquifers for drinking their combined effects are not water (USGS 1999). Concentrations adequately assessed (Kolpin, that exceed the recommended level Barbash, and Gilliom 1998; are found mostly in aquifers that are USGS 1999). subject to high nitrogen inputs and In Canada, pesticide concentra- are most vulnerable to leaching tions in groundwater are also mostly (Revenga, Brunner, and others well below guidelines for drinking 2000). The US Department of water. New application restrictions Agriculture and most Canadian provinces have initiated strategies to help farmers develop nutrient management plans (EPA 1998; EC 2001c). Pesticides also enter groundwater, and several incidents of contamina- tion from field applications of pesticides were confirmed in the 1980s in the United States (Gurganus and Engel 1989). In the 1993–95 and the 1999 National Water Quality Assessments (NWQA), for atrazine, the herbicide most about half of the wells sampled often detected in groundwater, are contained one or more pesticides, expected to help reduce the with the highest detection frequen- concentrations found in the past cies in shallow groundwater beneath due to long-term monoculture agricultural and urban areas. The production in Ontario and Quebec overall frequency of pesticide detec- (AAFC 2000). tion in these studies is considerably Underground storage tanks higher than those reported by (UST) containing, for example, previous large-scale studies of pesti- petroleum products, acids, chemi- cide occurrence in groundwater cals, and industrial solvents, and across the United States. Herbicides other types of waste, are leading account for about 70 percent of total sources of groundwater contamina- US use of pesticides. Water-quality tion by known or suspected carcino- 74 North America’s Environment

gens (Sampat 2000b). The tanks are chemical added to gasoline to often inappropriate containers for reduce carbon monoxide pollution, these substances or have been leaks from storage tanks, it causes improperly installed. Prior to 1980, widespread groundwater pollution they were made of steel and many and is shown in animal studies to were not adequately protected cause cancer (Tenenbaum 2000). As against corrosion. Up to half of of 1998, State Underground Tank them leak by the time they are over Remediation Funds have helped to 15 years old (EC1999a). In 1996, clean up many US sites (EPA 1998). about 20 percent of US steel tanks Septic tank systems, the largest were over 16 years old and some 25 source by volume of waste dis- to 30 percent were leaking petro- charged to the land, contain many organic contaminants and are suspected to be one of the key Sectoral Share of Groundwater Withdrawals, 1987 sources of rural well contamination 70 by nutrients and microbes. Septic 60 systems have a normal 10-to-15 year design life, and many of those built 50 during the 1970s may be failing and 40 Canada causing groundwater contamination. 30 United States Between one-third and one-half of 20 US septic systems may have been 10 operating inadequately in 1996 due 0 to their age and other design and management shortcomings (Moody Domestic Industry Agriculture 1996). Another high-priority source of groundwater contamination is Sectoral Share landfills that operated prior to the establishment of legislation requir- Figure 28 leum products (Moody 1996). In ing them to adhere to strict stan- Sectoral share dards (EPA 1998). of groundwater 1998, over 100,000 petroleum USTs withdrawals, The long-term availability of 1987. in the United States were found to groundwater in arid agricultural Source: UNEP, be leaking. Environment Canada World Bank and estimates that more than 20 percent regions is another key concern. In WRI 2000, updated by White of the 10,000 tank systems (under- general, use of stored groundwater 2001. ground and above ground) at declined since the 1980s, but still federally owned or leased facilities in accounted for about 10 percent of Ontario are currently leaking (EC all freshwater withdrawal in the n.d.). Tanks are leading sources of United States in the mid-1990s benzene, toluene, and xylene con- (OECD 1996). Agriculture is the taminants. Many contaminants are largest user of groundwater re- known or suspected carcinogens sources, supplying 62 percent of US (Sampat 2000b). When MTBE, a irrigated farmland in 1985 (OECD 1996; Sampat 2000b) (see Figure Chapter 5 75

28). Groundwater withdrawals in Plains is being depleted, with with- 1995 were generally highest in the drawals exceeding the rate of re- western states to supply a growing newal despite recent conservation population and to sustain agricul- measures (see Box 27). tural production (EPA 1998). The Widespread recognition of the Ogallala Aquifer under the High need to protect groundwater has

Box 27: The Ogallala Aquifer

The Ogallala Aquifer, which contains about the same amount of water as Lake Erie, underlies about 580,000 square kilometers of the Great Plains in eight states, most of which are the portion called the High Plains (see Figure 29). Although semi-arid and subject to frequent droughts, the Ogallala states make up one of the world’s major agricultural regions, producing almost half of US beef and a signifi- cant proportion of its grain exports (Dugan The Ogalla Aquifer and Sharpe 1996; De Villiers 2000). Nearly 30 percent of all the groundwater used for irrigation in the nation comes from the aquifer, and in 1990, about 95 percent of the water withdrawn from it was devoted to agriculture (McGuire, Stanton, and Fischer 1999). The number of irrigated areas expanded after 1940 and extensive groundwater irrigation development resulted in large water- level declines in many areas of the High Plains region (Blazs 2000). A trend of rapid aquifer decline rates of as much as 1.5 m a year in places slowed after the mid-1970s (Abramovitz 1996). Between 1980 and 1997, the decline was half the rate it had been between 1950 and 1980 (McGuire, Stanton, and Fischer 2000). A number of factors contributed to the declines: low well yields; improved water conservation irrigation equipment and management practices; conversion to crops requiring less irrigation; local regulation of groundwater withdrawals for irrigation; the geographic shift in irrigation Figure 29 Source: HPDW 2002 away from areas of large potential rates of aquifer depletion; the withdrawal of some marginal lands from irrigated agriculture; rising energy costs; low farm prices; and above-normal precipitation (Dugan and Sharpe 1996; HPWD 1997/98). These are encouraging signs even though depletion continues (Abramovitz 1996). 76 North America’s Environment

Box 28: Water Use in the Las Vegas Valley

Las Vegas, Nevada’s population began to grow with the opening of hotels and casinos during the boom in the gaming industry in the 1940s. Growth continued, fueled by tourism and migration toward the Sun Belt. By the 1980s and ’90s, Las Vegas had become a major convention center. Over the past 20 years, the population in the Las Vegas Valley has increased dramatically (see Figure 30). Today, Las Vegas is the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States; its population is predicted to double by 2015. The temperature in the Las Las Vegas Population Growth, 1982-99 Vegas Valley typically rises to 32.2 °C or more on over 125 days of the year and less than 1000 mm of rain fall annually to the valley floor. As the city grew (see figure 30a), so demand for water for residential, hotel, recreation, and industrial uses increased, and groundwater was withdrawn faster than it recharged, causing the land to subside in Figure 30 Source: LVWCC n.d. places. Water has been imported from the Colorado River, and during the last decade, the main aquifer has been artificially recharged with water from nearby Lake Mead. Although water levels have risen as a result, growing demand for water and limits on imports have led to withdrawals often exceeding recharge by factors of two to three. With some 6,000 newcomers a month relocating to the valley, huge hotels that feature water- related attractions, over 50 irrigated golf courses in the area, and watering of inappropriate landscap- ing features, Las Vegas water uses are straining supplies. The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) is implementing strategies to expand the future supply of water to southern Nevada and the Las Vegas Valley. Since 1989, water conservation awareness campaigns have helped to reduce per capita water consumption by 12 percent (Acevado, Gaydos, and others 1997; Bennet 1998, Pavelko, Wood, and Laczniak 1999).

only recently arisen. Given the fragmented among federal, state/ greater reliance on this resource in provincial, and local governments the United States, that country has (Cosgrove and Rijsberman 2000). taken a more active role in protect- Although there are some 20 EPA ing it than the Canadian govern- programs addressing groundwater, ment (TFGRR 1993). The individual there is no single comprehensive, states and provinces have the pri- coherent federal legislation cover- mary responsibility for groundwater ing this resource. During the late and groundwater jurisdiction in 1980s and early 1990s, all US States North America is divided and often enacted groundwater legislation Chapter 5 77

(TFGRR 1993; Gobert 1997). As shown in the Ogallala example in Box 27, an increase in dry farming practices and improved and more efficient irrigation techniques contributed to declines in ground- water withdrawals in the United States between 1980 and 1995 (EPA 1998). Canada’s 1987 Federal Water Policy, currently under revision, calls for the sustainable use of freshwater and recently, the Cana- dian federal government initiated new national legislation on the environment, trade, and groundwa- ter issues (EC 1998a; EC 1999a). 1972 The US Geological Survey and the Canadian Geological Survey also undertook the task of examaning and reporting on issues affecting groundwater (DOI and USGS 1998; EC 1998a). Rights to groundwater are more complex than those for surface water because it is a transboundary resource and is used by a common pool of users (Rogers 1996). Recent dramatic population growth in the dry US interior (see Box 28), for example, has increased city-farm competition for groundwa- ter as demands by an affluent and growing population increase (Rogers 1996, CEC 2000). At the international level, boundary water agreements lack specific guidelines 2000 regarding transboundary aquifers, between them have direct effects on Figure 30a complicating jurisdiction of shared These satellite regional water quality and availabil- images show groundwater resources. ity, as well as on the health of the population growth that Traditionally, groundwater wetlands, riparian ecology, and occurred in Las Vegas, Nevada management has focused on sur- aquatic ecosystems in general USA from 1972 face and groundwater separately (Cosgrove and Rijsberman 2000). to 2000. (USGS 1999). Yet interactions Source: NASA, Landsat 78 North America’s Environment

To evaluate the quantity and quality Great Lakes Water Quality of water resources, coordination The Great Lakes Basin is one of the between surface and groundwater Earth’s largest freshwater systems, programs is essential (EPA 1998). To containing 18 percent of the world’s address this need, and to better fresh surface water (see Box 29). detect the sources of non-point Less than 1.0 percent of the water is pollution, the US EPA introduced a renewed annually by precipitation, river basin approach through its surface water runoff, and ground- Index of Watershed Indicators water inflow (EC 2000a). (IWI), using 18 indicators of the As the region’s economy shifted health of the nation’s water re- from a rural-agrarian one to North sources in 2,111 watersheds. The America’s largest urban-industrial IWI shows that 15 percent of water- complex, the lakes became subject to sheds have relatively good water a polluting mix of effluents resulting quality; 36 percent have moderate from inadequate sewage treatment problems; 22 percent of the water- and fertilizer and wastewater efflu- sheds have more serious water ent. By the early 1970s, beaches were

Box 29: The Great Lakes

The Great Lakes lie within eight US states and the Canadian province of Ontario and span over 1,200 km from east to west, covering an area of 750,000 km2 (EC 2000a). They form a transportation route from the Atlantic Ocean to the middle of the continent and part of the boundary between Canada and the United States. Half of the trade between the two countries crosses the region and they share the lakes’ bountiful resources and services, which include diverse and abundant fish; water for shipping, municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses; hydroelectric power supplies; recreational playgrounds; and water for 27 percent of Canadians and 11 percent of US citizens. The region’s waters also play a major role in North America’s ecology and climate and the Basin supports extensive forests, huge mineral reserves, fertile agricultural areas, and an abundant and diverse wildlife (EC n.d; EC 1999b; EC 2000a).

quality problems; and 27 percent do smothered with algae and the water not have enough information to be was unfit for drinking unless exten- characterized. One in 15 watersheds sively purified. Lake Erie suffered are also highly vulnerable to further from excess phosphorus, algal degradation (IWI 1999). Canada, blooms, and serious declines in too, adopted an ecosystem ap- some fish populations. Aboriginal proach for watershed management communities, which relied heavily and together with other levels of on the lakes’ resources for their government and stakeholders is subsistence, were most affected. developing basin-wide action plans Newspaper headlines in 1970 de- to restore numerous polluted clared that ‘Lake Erie is Dead’ (EC aquatic ecosystems (EC 1998a). n.d.; EC 1999b). Chapter 5 79

Other clues pointed to more Box 30: Binational Cooperation, the IJC insidious problems. In the early 1970s, eggshells of the Double- Established under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, crested Cormorant, a bird that is the IJC has been in charge of preventing and resolving high on the aquatic food chain and disputes over, and assessing and reporting on, water subject to the effects of quantity and quality along the boundary between bioaccumulation, were some 30 Canada and the United States. The IJC is an independ- percent thinner than normal (EC ent organization consisting of six members, three 1999b). Some species of bird popula- appointed by each head of government. Today, there are tions crashed. more than 20 boards made up of experts from both In 1970, the International Joint governments that carry out its work (IJC 2000a). Commission (IJC), an independent organization of Canadian and US representatives that has existed since 1999b; EC n.d). The numbers of 1909 (see Box 30) released a report NGOs dedicated to improving the on the pollution problem in the Great Lakes environment grew lower Great Lakes. substantially in the 1980s, and they The IJC report led to the 1972 took on roles in educating the signing of the Great Lakes Water public, lobbying governments, and Quality Agreement (GLWQA) (see serving as ‘watchdog’ to governmen- Box 31) and the beginning of tal progress. In 1982, Great Lakes concerted efforts on the part of both United was formed and became the countries to restore the Basin’s region’s foremost and most influen- water quality. tial basin-wide NGO (EC 1999b). Public consultation and involve- The call to action led to one of ment were critical to the enactment the notable success stories in the of the GLWQA and to regional history of pollution reduction in the action plans, bringing together Basin. The 1970s IJC’s report various interest groups to achieve showed the link between increasing consensus on issues and actions (EC phosphorus concentrations and the

Box 31: Binational Cooperation, the GLWQA

Canada and the United States signed the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) in 1972. This milestone event committed the two countries to controlling and cleaning up pollution in the Great Lakes from industrial and municipal wastewaters. The major issue was phosphorus over-enrichment. In 1978, the GLWQA was renewed and made more comprehensive with the introduction of the ecosystem approach, in which the interactions among water, air, land, biota, and humans are considered together. The agreement was also expanded to address persistent toxic chemical discharges to the ecosystem. The 1987 protocol to the GLWQA set out targets or strategies for phosphorus load reductions, airborne pollutants, pollution from land based activities, and the problems of contaminated sediment and groundwater. Amendments required the two countries to develop Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) to clean up 43 Areas of Concern (AOCs) (see Figure 31) (EC n.d.; IJC 1989). 80 North America’s Environment

appearance of nuisance algae and thought ‘dead’, Lake Erie now boasts suggested that the loadings would the world’s largest walleye fishery need to decline from about 28,000 (EC n.d.; EC 1999b). tons a year to about 11,000 tons. Another success story in reversing Strict control of phosphates in Great Lakes pollution is the reduc- detergents, sewage treatment plant tion in production and use of a upgrades and other pollution number of persistent toxic chemicals controls led to a 50 percent reduc- through legislated controls. For tion in phosphorus levels in Lake example, large quantities of waste- Erie by the mid-1980s. Since then, it water from the pulp and paper mills has continued to oscillate around located on the Lakes’ shores were the recommended level of 9,979 being discharged directly into the tons annually (AAFC 2000). Munici- Basin’s waters. These effluents carry pal phosphorus loadings to Lakes dioxins and furans from bleaching Erie and Ontario have been reduced agents, among other polluting Figure 31 by almost 80 percent since the constituents (EC 1999c). Since the Areas of Concern 1970s, slowing algal growth and late 1980s, government regulations (AOCs) in the Great Lakes decreasing the extent of oxygen have achieved an 82 percent reduc- Source: EC 2000b depletion in bottom waters. Once tion in chlorinated toxic substances

Areas of Concern (AOCs) in the Great Lakes Chapter 5 81

discharged from pulp and paper Double-crested Cormorant Population in the mills and reduced the dioxins and Great Lakes, 1971-1993 furans in effluents, resulting in their virtual elimination from the mills’ wastewater. Since 1972, there has been an overall cutback of 71 per- cent in the use, generation, and release of seven priority toxic chemi- cals and a significant reduction in the number and magnitude of chemical spills (EC n.d.; EC 1999b). DDT and PCB residues, once exceptionally high in cormorant eggs in the Great Lakes Basin, decreased by as much as 91 percent and 78 percent respectively between urban and agricultural effluent. Figure 32 the early 1970s and 1998 (EC Double-crested Animals and humans can be af- Cormorant 2001b). Cormorant populations are population in fected by the contaminants through breeding successfully again (see the Great contact with sediment or the con- Lakes, 1971- Figure 32) and other bird popula- 1993. sumption of fish from contaminated tions, such as the Osprey and Bald Source: AAFC areas. The viability of commercial 2000 Eagle, are growing (EC 1998b; ports is threatened by contaminated EC 1999b). sediment because of restrictions on As government legislation and vessel traffic and delays and costs public participation addressed these related to dredging navigation problems, rapid urban and indus- channels and disposing of the trial development continued to dredged sediments. It is also costly cause environmental damage to the to treat water taken from contami- watershed during the 1990s. By nated areas (IJC 1997). 1990, the population in the Great Persistent toxic chemicals were Lakes Basin had reached 33.4 also a concern. During the 1980s, million, an 8 percent increase since the IJC noted a leveling out of the 1970 (EC n.d.). During the 1990s, downward trend in contaminant scientific studies pointed to new concentrations (Bandemehr and issues of concern. Hoff 1998). As a result of the contin- By the mid-1990s, sediment ued cycling of these substances in contamination was identified as a the ecosystem and the release from key environmental problem in all sediments, persistent toxic sub- Areas of Concern and the IJC stances remained in the Basin even named it a priority issue for the though many of them had been 1995–1997 biennial cycle (IJC 1997). banned in North America. But Sediment accumulates in harbors during the 1990s, evidence revealed and river mouths, which also receive 82 North America’s Environment

that pollutants carried in the air with stressful situations, and dis- drift down onto the lakes, contribut- played slightly delayed neuromuscu- ing significantly to water pollution lar development during infancy (EPA 1997). One study reported (Health Canada 1997). A 2001 study found that even the health of mature adults could be affected by exposure to contaminated fish. Adults who ate large amounts of fish from Lake Michigan and who had the highest levels of PCBs in their blood were found to suffer from memory and learning impairment (Schantz, Gasior, and others 2001). Those relying most heavily on food from the lakes and less likely to be reached by fish advisories are the most vulnerable to the threat of that up to 96 percent of PCBs in the adverse health risks from toxic Great Lakes came from the atmo- pollution in the Basin (IJC 2000b). sphere (Bandemehr and Hoff Today, there is increasing concern 1998). In 1990, the two countries about, and research into, the poten- developed an integrated network to tial for exposure to persistent toxic address the problem of atmospheric substances from the Great Lakes to deposition (see Box 32). cause reproductive and hormonal

Box 32: Binational Cooperation, Toxics and Atmospheric Deposition

Canada and the United States developed the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) in 1990 through which they cooperate to assess the importance of atmospheric deposition relative to other inputs; identify the trends, sources, and distribution of deposition; and make the information available (Bandemehr and Hoff 1998). Then in 1997, they signed the Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy, in which they agreed to targets for eliminating persistent, bioaccumulative toxic substances and committed to continue assessing atmospheric deposition to the Basin (EC 2000a). The ultimate goal is for virtual elimination, to be achieved through a variety of actions focused primarily on pollution prevention from 1997 to 2005 (BNS 1999).

Although exposure to persistent disruption and learning disabilities toxic contaminants has decreased (EPA 1996). significantly over the past 20 years, Despite the progress that has been some studies show that children of made in a number of pollution mothers who ate large quantities of issues in the Great Lakes, more Great Lakes fish were slightly remains to be done. The IJC’s 2000 smaller, somewhat less able to deal report on Great Lakes Water Quality Chapter 5 83 urged both governments to take the future. Over the past several further action to meet the decades, the Basin has experienced GLWQA’s goals, stating that neither changes in hydrological conditions one had committed adequate that are consistent with those funding or taken the necessary projected by climate change models decisive steps to ensure that the and global warming enhanced by Lakes’ waters are safe for drinking, human activity. Global climate swimming, and fishing. The report change could lower lake levels by a detailed the need to address the meter or more by the middle of this impacts of urbanization in the century, causing severe economic, Basin, such as the nutrients, patho- environmental, and social impacts. gens, chemicals, pesticides, and Water shortages throughout North sediment introduced to waterways America may also increase pressure by runoff from cities, towns, and to divert and/or remove water in suburbs. It also expressed concern bulk from the lakes, threatening over the rate of progress in cleaning the sustainable use of the Basin’s up sediments containing persistent surface and groundwater toxic substances. The IJC further (IJC 2000c). warned that existing regulations In the future the effects of and guidelines for ballast exchange climate change on North America’s are inadequate to protect the lakes freshwater resources may include from exotic invasive species (see the lower water levels in inland lakes biodiversity section) and urged the and streams as well as increased development of appropriate stan- demand for water for irrigation (EC dards (IJC 2000b). 1998a). Both countries are under- Other problems that remain in taking studies to examine the the Basin relate to the impact of potential effects of warming and urban development on sensitive adaptation strategies to changing tributary and near-shore habitats water conditions. They are also and acid rain in areas on the Cana- aware that more needs to be done dian Shield (EC 1999b; EC 2000a). to understand the links between In addition, previous contamination surface and ground water and to continues to affect fish consump- fully account for the total cost of tion due to persistent pollutants water use and pollution. (EPA 1998) The Great Lakes will face still other environmental challenges in 84 North America’s Environment

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orth America harbors Agricultural productivity has about 11 percent of the greatly increased with more intense N land use and agricultural inputs— world’s agricultural croplands, which produce ample amounts of including irrigation, agro-chemicals, food, fiber, and other products and multiple cropping—while the both for the region’s own needs amount of cropland has remained and for export around the world. fairly stable since World War II Almost 20 percent of the United (Ervin, Runge, and others 1998). States is covered by arable and Agricultural activity contributes permanent cropland and 26 per- significantly to the North American cent by permanent grassland or economy, representing 2 percent of pastures, totaling about 46 percent Canada’s GDP and 3 percent of GDP of all land used for agricultural in the United States (CEC 2000). production (OECD 1999). Al- Agricultural expansion, intensifica- though only 7 percent of Canada’s tion, and industrialization have also land is devoted to agriculture, this contributed to land degradation, represents virtually all the undevel- however, reducing the organic oped land that is amenable to content of the soil and exacerbating cultivation (EC 1996). Highly its exposure to wind and water (CEC differentiated by region, the largest 2001a). Land degradation has extensions of croplands are found been an issue of concern in in the states and provinces of the North America. Great Plains regions, extending Another issue of high priority for from central Canada to the south- the region is the use of agricultural ern United States. About 82 per- pesticides. While pesticides help cent of Canada’s agricultural land expand food production, many have lies in the Prairie Provinces of the important environmental effects. Central Plains (Wilson and Particularly harmful pesticides Tyrchniewicz 1994). known as persistent organic pollut- ants (POPs) have received consider- Chapter 6 91 able attention because of their links use of chemical fertilizers and to reproductive failure in animals pesticides, and uniform high-yield and health effects in humans. hybrid crops (Dregne 1986; Gold 1999). Land Degradation Pressures to extract ever more Land degradation is difficult to produce from agricultural soils over define (see Box 33) but in general, it the past 30 years often left them refers to unsustainable or poor land bare and exposed to wind and water use that leads to the irreversible erosion. For example, the shift to decline in its productivity (Eswaran, large, heavy equipment and sprin- Lal, and Reich 2001). kler irrigation systems required field Socioeconomic factors that some- enlargement and the consequent times can drive unsustainable agri- elimination of many wind-breaking culture and land degradation may hedgerows and other natural fea- include large federal subsidies, tures that help to reduce wind and

Box 33: Definition of Land Degradation

There are many different definitions of land degradation. In general terms, it refers to the processes that negatively affect the land’s or soil’s natural functions of water, energy, and nutrient acceptance, storage, and recycling, leading to a decline in soil productivity. Humans are the major drivers of land degradation through socioeconomic and political pressures that lead to land clearing and deforestation, unsustainable agricultural activities, land conversion to urban uses, and contamination (Eswaran, Lal, and Reich 2001, IUSS 2001). Physical, chemical, and biological processes are direct impacts that begin land degradation. Physical processes include the decline in soil structure, which leads to crusting, compaction, erosion, desertification, anaerobism, and contamination by pollutants. Soil structure affects all degradation processes. Chemical processes include acidification, leaching, salinization, reduced soil retention capacity, and fertility depletion. Biological processes include carbon reduction and decline in land biodiversity. Carbon loss leads to soil erosion and reduced fertility. Desertification refers to land degradation in arid, semiarid, and dry, sub-humid areas (Eswaran, Lal, and Reich 2001, IUSS 2001). growing global demand for agricul- water erosion (Miller 1982). Erosion tural products, and increased trade reduces soil productivity by remov- liberalization (MacGregor and ing the finer soil particles so the soil McRae 2000). Some of the human becomes more compact and loses pressures leading to degradation nutrients and the capacity to store over the last 30 years have been water and organic matter (IISD rapid technological change in 2001). Lessons learned after the production methods, fewer but Dust Bowl experiences of the 1930s, larger farms, single and row crop- when about 3.6 million ha of farm- ping systems over many seasons, land were destroyed and another 32 overgrazing in arid lands, extensive million ha severely damaged led to 92 North America’s Environment

Box 34: Conservation Strategies to Curb Soil Erosion

Erosion control practices include conservation tillage, which involves either zero tillage or keeping tillage to a minimum. In the former, crops are seeded into the previous crop’s stubble. Both systems provide for minimal soil disturbance and by maintaining a cover of plants or crop residues on the soil, protect it from the erosive power of flowing water and the impact of heavy rain. Another method is to extend crop rotations to include forages by alternating them with cereals and oilseeds or legumes. Forages can be grown on poorer soils or steep slopes not suitable for other crops. When planted as a perennial crop or plowed back into the soil, forages return residue to the soil, increasing organic matter and nutrients. This improves the soil structure, allowing it to absorb more water and thus reduce runoff and erosion. Other strategies include planting shelterbelts, strip-cropping, contour cultivation, and restructuring the landscape with terraces, diversions, and grassed waterways (Acton and Gregorich 1995; Vandervel and Abday 2001).

the adoption of various soil conser- also adopted strategies that took vation strategies that decreased fragile lands out of agricultural water and soil erosion, such as production to protect them from contour plowing, no-till methods, erosion (see Box 35, next page). reduced summer fallow, and in- Conservation measures have led creased crop residues (see Box 34) to significant declines in erosion (Miller 1982). over the past 30 years (see Figures 34 In the late 1970s and early 1980s, and 35). Between 1987 and 1997, both countries reported on the soil erosion declined by about one- declining status of their nations’ third in the United States. In addi- soil, and the messages in these tion to idling land, US agro-environ- reports led to the US Soil and Water mental programs included other Figure 34 Changes in Resources Conservation Act of 1977 cost-sharing schemes, such as those erosion in the United States, and Canada’s 1989 National Soil that paid farmers to construct field 1982-1997. Conservation Program (Vaisey, terraces, ponds to retain runoff Source: NRCS 1997 Weins, and Wettlaufer 1996). They laden with sediment, or windbreaks (Ervin, Runge, and others 1998). In Changes in Erosion in the United States, the United States, 30 percent of 1982-1997 croplands had highly erosion-prone conditions in 1982 compared to 24 percent in 1992 (H. John Heinz III Center 2001). In Canada’s agricultural regions, between 1981 and 1996 the average number of days soil was left bare declined by 20 percent while the share of cultivated land at high-to- severe risk of wind erosion declined from 15 percent to 6 percent thanks Chapter 6 93 to improved management practices. Risk of Wind Erosion on Cultivated Land In the Prairies reduced tillage in the Prairie Provinces under Prevailing technologies and summer fallow Management Practices, 1981-1996 practices led to an overall decline of 30 percent in the risk of wind ero- sion between 1981 and 1985 (Padbury and Stushnoff 2000) (see Figure 35). In general, conservation practices spurred at least an 11 percent decline in the overall risk of water erosion over this period(Acton and Gregorich 1995). Despite promising conservation measures, erosion continues to be a serious problem in many parts of North America, however. Excessive loss rate (a measure indicating the Figure 35 Risk of wind erosion occurs on more than 23.2 maximum rate of annual soil erosion erosion on cultivated land million ha of fragile, highly erodible that will permit crop productivity to in the prairie cropland in the United States, while be sustained economically and provinces under erosion exceeding the tolerable soil indefinitely) occurs on nearly 20.4 prevailing management million ha of cropland practices, 1981- 1996. Water and Wind Erosion Vulnerability, 1998 that is not highly erodible Source: Padbury (NRCS 2001b). In total, and Stushnoff erosion, threatens pro- 2000 ductivity on about one- third of US cropland. Twenty percent of Canada’s agricultural land was at high-to-severe risk of inherent (bare soil) water erosion in 1995 (USDA 1996, Shelton, Wall, and others 2000). Figure 36 shows the area of risk for wind and water erosion in North America in 1998. Data for other indices

of land degradation are Figure 36 somewhat scarce: consis- Water and wind erosion tent US data for the vulnerability, 1998. national level of organic Source: USDA matter, the degree of soil 2001a and 2001b 94 North America’s Environment

Box 35: Conservation Programs

The US Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) of 1985, which came to dominate federal spending on conservation, was prompted by a farm crisis related to export market contraction, surpluses, falling commodity prices, and a growing environmental consciousness (Ervin, Runge, and others 1998; USDA 2001a). The aim was to reduce erosion and excess production by helping farmers to retire highly erodable or environmentally sensitive cropland for 10 years in return for rental and cost-sharing payments and Acres (1 Acre=0.4 Hectare) of Cropland Converted to technical assistance. Reversed Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Land, 1982-1997 economic conditions in the mid-1990s led many farmers to leave the program. It was re-authorized in 1996 under the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act (FAIR), which added more environmental and water quality goals (USDA 2000a), but participation remained voluntary (Ervin, Runge, and others 1998). In all, about 13 percent of US cropland was idled under federal programs

Figure 33 Source: NRCS 2001a between 1982 and 1997 compared to 11 percent of cropland between 1950 and 1970 (see Figure 33) (Zinn 1994; H. John Heinz III Center 2001). As of October 2000, more than 13.4 million ha were enrolled in the CRP, making it the most extensive US agricultural conservation program (USDA 2000a). The CRP produces a wide range of environmental and economic effects (USDA 2000a). Allowing trees and vegetation to grow on what was once cropland not only prevents erosion but also can improve the amount and suitability of wildlife habitat and the abundance of species. Species that consume insects and plants pests can help to increase the commercial value of crops, while game species provide recreational economic benefits (Ervin, Runge, and others 1998). In Canada, the Permanent Cover Program (PCP), first delivered in 1989 by the federal Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA), aims to reduce soil deterioration on cropland at high risk for soil damage by maintaining a permanent cover of grass and trees. About 555,000 ha of marginal prairie agricultural land was removed from annual cultivation under the program. Despite the PCP’s shortcomings—it had limited funds, only applied for a short time period, restricted the amount of land each farmer can retire, and left some 4.9 million ha of land at risk of soil degradation under annual cultivation after it ended—between US $1.3 and 3.3 million dollars of soil productivity were saved by permanent cover on 320,000 ha of land (Wilson and Tyrchniewicz 1994; Vaisey, Weins, and Wettlaufer 1996; AAFC 1997a). Chapter 6 95

Acronyms compaction, and the amount of land inces is subject to salinization, a affected by salt are lacking (H. John significant problem (IISD 2001). In Heinz III Center 2001). Levels of 1995, 7 percent of farmland in the organic matter in Canadian soils in Prairie Provinces was at high risk of general have been maintained or salinization under 1991 manage- increased in some croplands with the ment practices (Acton and help of erosion-reducing practices Gregorich 1995). (Acton and Gregorich 1995). There is some indication that conservation practices have led to a decline in the rate of organic carbon loss from 70 kg/ha in 1970 to 43 kg/ha in 1990 (Smith, Wall, and others 2000). On the other hand, the risk of soil compaction increased in eastern Canada and there has been an overall national decrease in the amount of land under cropping systems that improve soil structure (McBride, Joosse, and Wall 2000). Desertification, which refers to land degradation in arid, semi-arid, Traditional policies to address and dry sub-humid areas, has gener- land degradation in the United ally been stabilized over the past 30 States have focused on land retire- years as plant cover on rangelands ment (see Box 35). The US Depart- improves and erosion and water ment of Agriculture now recog- logging are controlled (Dregne nizes that many emerging environ- 1986; UNCCD 2001). In the mid- mental problems on agricultural 1980s, increasing salinity (saliniza- land can only be addressed by tion) was estimated to affect ad- changing management practices, versely about 25 percent of the and it is looking at achieving cost- irrigated land in the United States, effective environmental benefits and by 1992, at least 19.4 million ha from conservation spending on of crop and pasturelands were working lands (USDA 2001a). affected by salinity. Conditions in Furthermore, government heavily irrigated agricultural areas of agricultural policy in North the dry US southwest continue to America historically focused on worsen (De Villiers 2000). economic and production goals, In Canada, only 2 percent of but more recently, sustainability agricultural land has more than 15 has guided policy reforms percent of its area affected by salinity (MacGregor and McRae 2000; (EC 1996). Dry land agricultural soil USDA 2001a). The Canadian Agri- in some parts of the Prairie Prov- Environmental Indicator Project, 96 North America’s Environment

completed in 2000, contributed to a Soil and Water Conservation Pro- more informed debate about agri- gram (NSWCP) was set up between cultural sustainability. A major step 1997 and 1999, with the goal of forward in judging the environmen- advancing environmental tal sustainability of agriculture in the sustainability initiatives across the nation, it introduces two criteria: country (AAFC 1999). A federal how well agriculture conserves framework was put in place to natural resources that support guide the 1997 strategy and a new agricultural production, and how strategy was published in 2001 (AAFC 2001c). The 1985 and 1990 US Farm Bills also led to more sustainable steward- ship by farmers and landowners (McRae, Smith, and Gregorich 2000; NRCS 2000). In 1994, the US Task Force on Sustainable Agriculture set out recommendations to achieve environmentally and socially sound agricultural production, and two years later, the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act was signed expanding on earlier conser- compatible agricultural systems are vation themes (PCSD 1996; Gold with natural systems and 1999). Also, the US Food and Agri- processes (McRae, Smith, and cultural Policy calls for redefining Gregorich 2000). ‘output’—now limited to food, fiber, The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation and timber production—to include Administration (PFRA), established environmental amenities, such as in response to the drought and rural landscapes, wildlife habitat, conditions of the 1930s, seeks to wetlands, and improved water and make large-scale dry land agricul- air quality (USDA 2001a). ture sustainable over the long term Canada and the United States and has promoted sustainable have ratified the 1996 United Na- development on the rural prairies tions Convention to Combat Deserti- for six decades (AAFC 2001a). The fication, which commits participat- Canadian government set out its ing nations to research, prevent, and Sustainable Development Strategy reverse the transformation of fertile for agriculture in 1997, with the farm and pasture lands into arid objective of working cooperatively deserts. Although as developed with all sectors to integrate environ- countries they do not have to pre- mental goals into decision-making pare a National Action Plan under and management (AAFC 1997b). To the Convention, they have commit- support the strategy, the National ted themselves to properly Chapter 6 97 addressing issues of drought and forded by pesticides have come at a land degradation (CIDA 2000; cost to the health of people, ENN 2000). wildlife, and the environment. By far the most common and Pesticides widespread use of pesticides in Pesticides are part of the package of North America is agricultural agricultural inputs that have contrib- applications, which accounted for uted to the production of an abun- 76 to 77 percent of US pesticide dant and affordable food supply use through 1990 to 1991, with (Gold 1999). Chemical pesticides corn and soybeans using 62 per- include human-made herbicides, cent of all crop applications insecticides, algaecides, and fungi- (Schmitt 1998). Over the past 30 cides. They are applied to crops to years, the area treated with chemi- control unwanted insects, weeds, and cal pesticides has rapidly ex- diseases and to ensure crop quality panded. For example, in Canada it and quantity (Statistics Canada increased 3.5 times between 1970 2000). About 10 percent of US land and 1995 (Statistics Canada 2000). area is treated annually with pesti- In 1996, Canada used an average of cides (Muir 1998). This includes the 644 kg of pesticides per ha of use by forest companies to clear cropland while average use in the unwanted trees and vegetation and United States was more than twice to fight forest insects and the use on as intensive at 1,566 kg per ha lawns, playgrounds, parks, and golf (UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and courses, mostly for cosmetic reasons, WRI 2000). although these uses represent a Since 1979, the total annual fraction of total application. amount of pesticides (all types, by Homeowners use between 5 and 10 all sectors) used in the United percent of the total amount of States has fluctuated somewhat but pesticides sold in North America to overall has remained fairly steady keep lawns weed-free (Aspelin and while in Canada, pesticide use in Grube 1999; EC 2000). agriculture leveled off since the North America leads the world in mid-1980s (AAFC 1997). Scientists the consumption and use of pesti- are increasingly advocating the use cides, accounting for 36 percent of of biological and cultural pest world pesticide use. The pesticide management methods (USDA market has been growing at about 6 2000a). Safer pesticide products, percent a year since 1990 (CEC new management techniques for 2000). The pesticide industry is eliminating crop pests, and train- worth about US $65.5 million yearly ing and certification programs for in sales in Canada and in 1995 in the pesticide users help to account for United States, sales totalled US $10.4 recent reductions in agricultural billion (Benbrook 1997; Mulholland pesticide applications. Major 2001). However, the benefits af- developments include genetically 98 North America’s Environment

Box 36: POP Pesticides

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a family of chemicals generally used as insecticides or industrial chemicals. They are very toxic and persist in the environment, taking decades or longer to break down. Some are also highly soluble in fat, bioaccumulating in food webs as they increase in concentration in the bodies of top predators (EC 1998). Of the 12 worst POPs called ‘the dirty dozen’, nine are pesticides. They include DDT, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), toxaphene, chlordane, and dieldrin (Statistics Canada 2000). Because they last so long and can travel great distances in air and water currents, even those persistent, toxic organochlorine pesticides that have been banned in North America are still found in the food supply. Persistent residues of POPs pesticides used in the 1960s and 1970s remain in the soil, for example, and continue to be taken up in crops (Schafer, Kegley, and Patton 2000). They also travel long distances northward because of the ‘grasshopper’ effect as they migrate in repeated cycles of evapora- tion and condensation. Entering the food chain, POPs pesticides can threaten human health. Exposure to dieldrin and DDE, a breakdown product of DDT, has been associated with breast and other types of cancer and nervous system disorders. Several POPs pesticides are present in the breast milk of Canadian women, with levels of the pesticide chlordane 10 times higher in the breast milk of Inuit women in the north than in women in southern Canada (Statistics Canada 2000). Given their persistence and ability to travel, POPs need to be regulated and managed at a global level. After years of negotiation, during the fifth POPs negotiating session in December 2000, the international community finalized the text of a new legally binding treaty. Signed by both Canada and the United States in Stockholm in May 2001, the POPs Convention requires governments to eliminate or severely restrict the use and production of an initial list of 12 POPs of which eight are pesticides. Included in the treaty are commitments to the precautionary approach that move chemical regulation and management from a ‘regulate and reduce’ approach to one in which a lack of scientific certainty is no longer regarded as a reason to avoid taking preventive action (UNEP 2000).

engineered herbicide-tolerant crash. The freshwater section of this varieties and plant pesticides, which report highlights the trends in reduce the need for chemical pesticide contamination in North applications (USDA 2000a). America’s groundwater. In the 1960s and ’70s, the damag- As a result of their effects on ing effects on wildlife of persistent, wildlife, dieldrin and DDT pesticides toxic organochlorine pesticides were banned in the 1970s, and by included in the class of chemicals the early 1990s, all exempted uses known as POPs (see Box 36) be- and the manufacture of DDT in came known. As shown in the North America had been phased out section on the Great Lakes, ex- (CEC 1997; Schafer, Kegley, and tremely high residues of some of Patton 2000). Pesticide rulings by these pesticides in a number of bird the US EPA in the 1970s ended 25 species were causing populations to percent of insecticide applications in Chapter 6 99 use at that time and since then, 43 exposure is sparse. In the United pesticides have been banned and 10 States today, more than 85 percent severely restricted (OECD 1996; of fruits and vegetables are hand Benbrook 1997). Because of these harvested by disenfranchised work- bans, concentrations of POP pesti- ers who often lack access to the cides in biota have declined proper information about control- significantly since the 1990s ling their exposure to agricultural (Schmitt 1998). pesticides (Acury, Quandt, and The use of insecticides declined McCauley 2000). This is often markedly in the United States from because of the migratory nature of the 1976 peak due largely to the their activities, which also affects the implementation of Integrated Pest ability to monitor and treat pesti- Management (IPM) programs (see cide-related illness (OECD 1996). below) and the use of new pyre- Recent evidence suggests that throid insecticides, which can be some pesticides may be linked to applied at about a tenth the rate of immune system suppression, repro- traditional insecticides (Muir 1998; ductive damage, and hormonal Schmitt 2000). For a period of time, system disruption (Colburn, Myers, herbicide use grew as a way to and Dumanoski 1996). Children are control weeds, due in part to the more vulnerable than adults to the increase in conservation tillage, effects of pesticides, which impair which leaves crops and residue on their neurological development, the land to help control soil erosion growth, and immune and endocrine (see Box 34): as a share of total systems (as shown in the human pesticides applied, herbicides rose health section). from 33 percent in 1966 to 70 With increased public concern percent in 1986. But there has been about the health effects of pesticides a more recent decline in herbicide and recognition of the special use in US agriculture—about 25 vulnerability of children and indig- percent from its 1982 peak—due to enous peoples living in (see Box 54 a reduction in farmed land, in- in the human health and the envi- creased herbicide costs, and the ronment section) the north, pesti- greater potency of herbicides, which cide regulation in North America give greater control with lower levels became more stringent during the of active ingredients (Ervin, Runge, 1990s. Re-registration of existing and others 1998; Muir 1998). The pesticides, initiatives to help replace use of fungicides and other com- old and dangerous pesticides with pounds has risen steadily for the newer, safer ones, reviews of high- last 40 years (Ervin, Runge, and risk pesticides, accelerated registra- others 1998). tion for reduced-risk compounds, Farm workers risk direct exposure and improved consumer informa- to pesticides, but accurate national tion were introduced. and comparative data about their 100 North America’s Environment

The 1996 US Food Quality Protec- products prior to their use (PMRA tion Act eliminated a previous 2001). Inactive ingredients in pesti- prohibition against wording that cides were recently brought to the pertained to all residues that might attention of Canadians when it was cause cancer, streamlined the found that the list of these ingredi- approval process for new, safer ents was outdated and that many pesticides, targeted children for were dangerous to human health. protection, and required more Legislation was subsequently intro- pesticide information on food duced requiring manufacturers products (Ervin, Runge, and others either to remove them or to list 1998). In response to the risks faced them on product labels by migratory farm workers, worker (Mittelstaedt 2001a). protection standards and worker Canada and the United States now outreach efforts were extended work together in a number of ways to (OECD 1996). reduce the risks associated with Canada’s regulatory system was pesticides and other POPs (see Box reformed with the 1995 Pest Man- 37). In addition, heeding public agement Regulatory Agency, which demand to protect children from assesses the human health and lawn pesticides, many North Ameri- environmental safety of pest control can municipalities are now restrict-

Box 37: Bilateral Cooperation

In 1996, Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and the US EPA developed a joint process to divide between them the review applications made simultaneously on both sides of the border for reduced-risk pesticides and biopesticides. Through these initiatives, an increasing number of these chemicals were brought forward for evaluation and registration. In 1998, procedures were revised to broaden the process to include chemicals that do not meet reduced-risk requirements but qualify as organophosphate alternatives or NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) priority chemicals (e.g., methyl bromide alternatives) (PMRA 1999; PMRA 2000). The two countries also work together (with Mexico) under the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America’s Sound Management of Chemicals initiative to reduce the risks of toxic substances to human health and the environment. Begun in 1995, the project focuses on persist- ent and bioaccumulative toxic substances. It provides a forum for identifying priority chemical pollution issues of concern to all three NAFTA countries; developing North American Regional Action Plans (NARAPs) to address the issues; overseeing the implementation of approved NARAPs; and facilitating and encouraging capacity building to support the project’s goals. Action plans for three POPs (PCBs, DDT, Chlordane) are being implemented. A fourth plan for mercury is also underway. An action plan on dioxins, furans, and hexachlorobenzene as well as one for environmental monitoring and assessment are currently being developed (CEC 2001b). Consideration is also being given to developing a NARAP for lindane. Lead is currently undergoing a scientific review to see whether it is of mutual concern to the three countries. Chapter 6 101 ing pesticide use on public land and bioengineered crops are still being some have instituted total bans (see debated. The United States and the example in Box 38). Canada are leaders in the produc- Although some new pesticides that tion and export of GMOs. are used in higher volumes today are In response to pest resistance, safer than their predecessors (OECD consumer concerns, scientific 1996), pesticides still pose a number advice, and environmental regula- of problems. ‘Soft’ pesticides pro- tion of chemical pesticides, recent duced since 1975 are shorter-lived than POPs and do not accumulate, Box 38: Cosmetic Use of Pesticides but they are fast-acting and highly in Canada toxic to terrestrial and aquatic inverte- In June 2000, Canada’s Supreme Court unanimously brates in the short term; in some ruled that towns and cities have the right to enact places they have led to higher fish bylaws banning the purely cosmetic use of pesticides and wildlife kills (OECD 1996, (Makin 2001). The Quebec community of Hudson Schmitt 1998). In some agricultural initiated a court case leading to the decision, which regions, the intensity of pesticide use was followed by Toronto’s Board of Health endorsing has grown in the last decade. In a similar bylaw, making it the first large city to begin California, which produced 11.7 steps to phase out the use of pesticides on lawns for percent of total US market value of cosmetic purposes. Against concerns that weeds will agricultural products in 1997 (NASS proliferate and jobs will be lost, municipalities across 1997) and accounted for 25 percent the country now have the right to impose the of its pesticide use between 1991 and restrictions long sought after by residents worried 1995 (Liebman 1997), the quantity of about the health consequences of lawn and park applied active ingredients per unit applications of herbicides and insecticides, particu- area rose 60 percent between 1991 larly on children (Mittelstaedt 2001b). and 1998 (Kegley, Orme and Neumeister 2000). Pests have also become resistant to government programs encourage pesticides. One report estimates that the development and use of biologi- more than 500 insect pests, 270 weed cal and cultural methods, including species, and 150 plant diseases are Integrate Pest Management (IPM) now resistant to one or more so that and national organic standards more applications are needed today (USDA 2000a). IPM combines a to accomplish the same level of range of different control options: control effected by one application biological tools in which pests are made in the early 1970s (Benbrook controlled by the release of predator 1997). While crops of Genetically insects, for example; cultural tools Modified Organisms (GMOs) have such as crop rotation; physical tools the potential to enhance yields while such as cultivating corn weeds; using fewer pesticides, the conse- genetic tools such as planting quences for non-target organisms and disease-resistant varieties; and the development of pest resistance to chemical tools, such as conventional the toxic effects of some pesticides (NIPMN, Western Region 102 North America’s Environment

2000). One of IPM’s key characteris- other initiatives to help establish tics is that action is not taken against IPM as the basis of pest management pests routinely, but rather when in a variety of pesticide user sectors. their numbers or effects warrant it The US goal is to implement IMP on (PMRA 2001). IPM therefore con- 75 percent of its crops (Jacobsen tinues to rely, to a reduced extent, 1996, PMRA 2001). Strategies are on chemical pesticides. In the based on voluntary implementation biointensive IPM approach, the and a participatory process involving most stringent form, reduced-risk many stakeholders (Jacobsen 1996; chemical pesticides are used only PMRA 1998). when other methods fail These governmental initiatives (Benbrook 1997). allow for greater flexibility than Canada’s PMRA is working organic agriculture, in which chemi- through Partnership Projects and cal pesticides are shunned. North

Box 39: Organic Produce

Organic produce is usually understood to be foods grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and not derived through genetic engineering or treated by irradiation. It also refers to food grown with sustainable agricultural practices, including the promotion of soil health and biodiversity (AAFC 2001b; Cunningham 2001). Active since the 1970s, the market in organics is growing in North America. The organic sector was the fastest-growing agricultural sector in the 1990s in the United States, with private and state certified organic cropland more than doubling between 1992 and 1997 (see Figure 37) (ERS 2000). In 1999, the value of retail sales of organic foods was an estimated US $6 billion. By 2000, the number of organic farmers in the United States was rising by about 12 percent per year, with about 12,200 mostly small-scale producers nationwide (USDA 2000b). Still, the area of certified organic cropland accounts for only about 0.2 percent of all US cropland (Halweil 2001). At the end of 2000, the US Department of Agriculture released its final version of national standards to govern the certification of farming and production practices and regulate the use of the term ‘organic’ on foods. The standards create a uniform definition of organic foods and standardize product-labeling guidelines, bringing consistency to a network of private and public organic certification agencies’ standards. It specifically prohibits the use of genetic engineering methods, ionizing radiation, and sewage sludge for fertilization (USDA 2000b). The Canadian organic market has also expanded since the 1970s, growing at a rate of 15 percent per year between 1989 and 1999. Organic items accounted for 1 to 2 percent of all food sales at the end of that period (Roberts, MacRae, and Stahlbrand 1999). Canada had about 1 million ha under organic production in 2000. The industry anticipates it will represent 10 percent of the country’s retail market by 2010 (AAFC 2001b). Certified organic cropland accounts for about 1.3 percent of Canada’s cropland (Halweil 2001). Canada’s National Standard for Organic Agriculture, published in 1999, is voluntary and does not mandate certification or endorse any one certifying body, but two Canadian provinces have established organic standards (Quebec and BC) that require third-party certification (AAFC 2001b; ERS 2001; Shaw 2001). Chapter 6 103

American consumers are increas- Expansion in US Organic Agriculture, 1991-1997 ingly seeking organic produce, however, because many of them are concerned about potential pesticide residues in food (see Box 39). Now that strong legislation for point source pollution has been enacted and gross emissions to the land have declined, it is becoming clear that more needs to be done to curb non-point pollution from pervasive and long-lasting agricul- tural chemicals—both nutrients from fertilizer and pesticides—which travel in the air and water to environ- Figure 37 ments far from emission sources. lack of reliable data on soil erosion Expansion in US organic North America’s soil conservation and other measures of land degrada- agriculture, measures and its commitment to the tion, and improved tracking of 1991-1997. continued phase-out of POPs are pesticide use and impact monitoring Source: ERS 2000 positive trends. However, there is a are still needed. 104 North America’s Environment


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orests spread over roughly 26 of the country’s land area F percent of North America’s (FAO 2001a). land area (see Figure 38) and While Canada’s forest area represent 12 percent of the world’s remained virtually unchanged forests. North America has over during 1990–2000, the United one-third of the world’s boreal States forest area increased by forests (see Box 40) as well as a almost 3.9 million ha—or approxi- wide range of other forest types. mately 1.7 percent. Recent esti- Over 96 percent is natural forest. mates (late-1990s) show that North After Russia and Brazil, Canada has America grows 255.5 million m3 more forest than any other country, more timber annually than is with 244.6 million ha covering 26.5 harvested (see Figure 39) (UN-ECE percent of the total land area. The and FAO 2000).

Figure 38 United States is the fourth most In Canada, 94 percent of forests Forest extent. forested country, with 226 million are publicly owned, with the prov- Source: FAO ha, representing about 25 percent inces responsible for 71 percent of 2001a total forested land (NRCan Forest Extent 2000a). In contrast, some 60 percent of US forests are privately owned, 35 percent are publicly owned and managed by the federal government, while the 50 states own and manage 5 percent (UN 1997). The number of planta- tions (usually considered closely planted trees in neat rows) and areas replanted more randomly with seed- Chapter 7 111

Box 40: Boreal Forests The boreal forest is one of the world’s largest terrestrial ecosystems. It is a belt of coniferous forest around the northern hemisphere covering about 17 percent of the earth’s land. North America’s boreal forests stretch across the northern part of continent from the province of Newfoundland on the east coast, over half the Prairie Provinces, and throughout the Yukon territories and the state of Alaska. It covers 341 million ha in Canada, representing about 30 percent of the world’s boreal forest, and 46 million ha in Alaska, which makes it the largest North American forest ecosystem (TRN 1998; Gawthrop 1999). The boreal landscape, called taiga in Russia, is characterized by a diverse mosaic of forests of various ages and composition, relatively few tree species, large peat bogs, and a web of shrubs, mosses, lichens, and other organisms. The plants and animals are adapted to the cold climate, a short growing season, and repeated naturally occurring forest fires (BFW 1997; Gawthrop 1999). Over the past 30 years, there has been a large increase in global consumption of wood products, primarily paper, and the boreal forest is a major supplier of wood and fibers to world markets. Over the last three decades some areas have been subject to increased environmental threats: large-scale industrial forestry has rapidly moved into previously un-logged areas of the boreal forest, oil and gas exploitation has grown, and the number and scale of forest fires has increased (TRN 1998). Only about 2.66 percent of Canada’s Boreal Shield ecozone (the largest of seven subdivisions of Canada’s boreal forests) is strictly protected from all forms of large-scale industrial activities (Urquizo, Bastedo and others 2000). Unlike the temperate and tropical forests of the south, where trees are more majestic and grow in close stands, the boreal forest and potential threats to its sustainability have not inspired the same public interest as the forests of the Pacific Northwest (Gawthrop 1999). lings or seed after harvesting is (University of Waterloo 1998; Figure 39 Annual timber increasing. For example, the area FAO 2001a). increment and successfully regenerated by planting Human intervention is the princi- annual removals on and seeding in Canada expanded pal driving force behind forest available forest land, late 1990s from 10,090 ha in 1975 to 297,820 degradation, and human demand Source: UN-ECE ha in 1997 (NFDP 1998). The for wood products such as timber and FAO 2000 United States has about 21 million Annual Timber Increment and Annual Removals ha of plantations or about 4.5 per- on Available Forest Land, Late 1990s cent of its forested land base (UN- 800 ECE and FAO 2000). annual increment Large tracts of North American annual removals forests have been designated as 600 3 protected areas. In 1995, Canada had protected about 32 million 400 hectares (7.6 percent) of its forested Million m lands (not counting those under 200 provincial protection), and 67 million ha (30 percent) of US forests 0 enjoyed some status of protection Canada United States 112 North America’s Environment

Box 41: Forest Health

In the past, a forest was deemed healthy if it was free of insects and disease and was growing vigor- ously (NRCan 1999). Over the past 20 years, however, the long-term sustainability of the forest ecosystem has become the primary measure of forest health (UN-ECE and FAO 2000). A forest may be considered healthy when it maintains biodiversity and resiliency; provides wildlife habitat, ecological services, and aesthetic appeal; and maintains a sustainable supply of timber and non-timber resources (NRCan 1999). Some level of fire, insects, and disease is recognized as a natural component of healthy forests. By these measures, past harvesting practices, the introduction of exotic species, and suppression of natural disturbances have created large forested landscapes with an unnatural tree distribution and age structure, which has increased the forest’s vulnerability to drought, wind, insects, disease, and fire (UN 1997; USDA 1997). For example, as shown in the disasters section, decades of aggressive fire suppression contributed to major ecological change in some of North America’s forest ecosystems so that the structural homogeneity of many new tree stands render them less diverse and resilient than their natural predecessors (Stuart 1998).

and paper is the primary driver of Forest Health forest modification. The region Although North America’s forest accounts for about 40 percent of the area is now relatively stable, a mix- world’s production and consump- ture of changing conditions in the tion of industrial wood products semi-natural forests in many areas (Mathews and Hammond 1999). In may be responsible for deteriorating some areas, forests are becoming health (see Box 41). For example, a increasingly fragmented, biologically significant warming trend and impoverished, and weakened or increased lightning, tree age factors, stressed, and the resulting changes fire-fighting policy, harvesting, forest in forest ecosystem structure and fragmentation, pollution, and age appear to be factors in increased invasion of non-native species are forest damage by fire, drought, likely to be implicated in the dou- pests, and air pollution (Bryant, bling of the area annually disturbed Nielsen, and Tangley 1997). Main- by fire and insects in the boreal taining healthy forest ecosystems is a forests of central and northwestern priority issue. Canada over the past 20 to 30 years One region in which new forests compared to the previous 50-year cannot replace the economic, period (Urquizo, Bastedo and cultural, or ecosystem value of others 2000; Bruce, Burton, and previous growth is the Pacific North- Egener 1999). west coast of North America. The In the United States, the results of region’s old-growth forests have a number of reports from the mid- become an issue of priority concern 1990s show that northeastern forests in North America, in some part due were generally healthy, although to campaigns against logging over particular species in localized areas the past 30 years that brought the showed cause for concern. Chronic issue to international attention. and quite extensive decline was Chapter 7 113 noted in the high-elevation spruce- forest in the United States are at fir forests of the northeast US, and high risk of loss over the next 15 serious declines for red spruce in the years due to insects and disease, with 1980s across the northeastern Appa- mortality potentially exceeding 25 lachian Mountains and in some percent of expected background regions of the southern rates (or average rate of probability Appalachians were reported of death) (Bartuska 2000). (McLaughlin 1996). Exotic invasives are now second to Invasive exotic diseases have been habitat loss and human modification a principal cause of changes to of forest ecosystems as the largest North American forest ecosystems threat to biodiversity. Logging, and continue to threaten forests suburban development, and other (Mattoon 1998). For example, the land use changes have continued to American chestnut and elm are now destroy or modify forest ecosystems functionally extinct due to exotic over the past 30 years, threatening pathogens while the mellaleuca and forest-dwelling species. About two- miconia have invaded large areas of thirds of Canada’s 140,000 species of Florida and Hawaii, respectively, plants, animals, and microorganisms displacing native vegetation and live in forest habitats. One-quarter of transforming wildlife habitat (UN all its species-at-risk are forest depen- 1997, USDA 1997). The hemlock dent. The abundance and distribu- woolly adelgid is attacking the tion of the woodland caribou and eastern hemlock, and entire stands wolverine, two of Canada’s flagship are disappearing in parts of New wilderness species, decline with just England. And a fungal pathogen, the low levels of forest disturbance and butternut canker, is affecting the fragmentation (GFW2000). Of the butternut while the eastern and 1,049 species of plants and animals western flowering dogwoods are listed under the US Endangered being affected by another fungal Species Act (ESA) in 1997, all of 332 pathogen, the dogwood anthracnose occur in national forests. In the (Mattoon 1998). southern Appalachian forest ecosys- One of the most widespread and tem, 260 aquatic species are at risk. damaging invasive insects has been Key salmon and trout species inhabit the gypsy moth caterpillar, which decreasing areas of their former caused between 25 and 100 percent range in the forested interior Co- defoliation of more than 608,000 ha lumbia River Basin (USDA 1997). of northeastern forests in 1971 and And it is estimated that about 198 destroyed about US $764 million tree species are threatened in the worth of timber in 1981. It now United States (UNDP, UNEP, World occurs throughout the Northeast Bank, and WRI 2000). (Porter and Hill 1998). In all, it has Human modification of forest been estimated that resource values ecosystems through unsustainable on some 9.72 million ha of national harvesting methods can also contrib- 114 North America’s Environment

ute to degraded forest quality. For affect the health of North America’s example, the Acadian mixed wood forest ecosystems. Air pollution is forest in the province of New increasingly recognized as a contrib- Brunswick is gradually disappearing uting factor in some areas (Bright due to more than a century of high- 1999). It has played a role in the grade logging. Late-successional major die-off of high-elevation species that require protection to spruce-fir forests in the southern regenerate are being replaced by Appalachians, a region that has been lower-value, short-lived species. the focus of concern for the US Appropriate silviculture has had Forest Service (USDA 1997; Mattoon considerable success in restoring 1998) (see Box 42). ‘protection-requiring’ species, Although pollution regulation however, and if implemented could over the past 30 years has reduced begin to replace present clear- acid rain in the northeast, evidence cutting methods (see Box 45), is now linking reduced growth in allowing for the return of complex some tree species to its long-term species assemblages and a more effects (Driscoll, Lawrence, and diverse ecosystem ( 2001). others 2001). Research conducted by Exotic species and modifications the Acid Rain Action Plan (see Box to forest age and structure are part 43) shows acid deposition in areas of of a complex mix of pressures that relatively poor soils resulted in both

Box 42: Stresses to the Eastern Forests

Evidence of declining tree health in North America’s eastern forests illustrates the impact of overlap- ping stresses on forest ecosystems. Here, second-growth woodlands have spread over old woodlots and abandoned farms and fields in the past century. One of the major factors affecting their health is human amplification of the nitrogen cycle, which has been boosted by fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion from cars and power plants, and wetland drainage. Nitrogen oxides help to form ozone pollution (see Box 4 in the atmosphere section), which is responsible for significant tree damage in this region. Exposure to ozone correlates with die-offs of hickory and oak and injuries to the tulip poplar and magnolia. Ozone exposure also appears to play a role in reducing photosynthesis, leading to chronic leaf damage and, in turn, root failure and a syndrome of ‘falling forest’ (Bright 1999). Nitric acid also contributes to acid rain. Essential minerals have been leached from the soil from past decades of acid rain, impairing the ability of the needles of the region’s most important conifers to function properly in the winter. It is thought that this has contributed to the death of 75 percent of mature red spruce in the higher elevations of Vermont’s Green Mountains. Nitrogen pollution is also making forests more vulnerable to native and exotic insects and disease. Such conditions have played a role in the mortality of sugar maple, and threats to the American beech and eastern hemlock (Bright 1999). Together with other biotic and abiotic stresses, acidic cloud water has contributed to predispos- ing red spruce in the high elevations of the northeast US Appalachians to winter injury, causing mortal- ity and regional decline (McLaughlin 1996). A survey of five eastern US states found that overall, tree mortality may be three to five times historical levels (Mattoon 1998). Chapter 7 115 acidification and the depletion of Monitoring and Assessment Net- calcium and magnesium, which are work, and the 1984 Acid Rain essential for tree growth (EC 2000). National Early Warning System In Canada, the sugar maple has been (ARNEWS), as well as through a the focus of studies on forest de- number of bilateral initiatives (see cline. Although the balance of Box 43). evidence has shown no regional Another underlying cause of sugar maple decline, it is also evident changing forest conditions is the that increasing crown transparency historical lack of recognition in noted in southern Quebec and forest policy of the ecological, central Ontario is spatially correlated recreational, spiritual, aesthetic, and with the regional pollution gradient non-timber values of forest ecosys- (McLaughlin 1996). A trend, albeit tems and of the importance of somewhat inconsistent, showed that working with natural disturbance where acid deposition was high, rather than in opposition to it (see

Box 43: Bilateral Cooperation

Canada and the United States cooperate to assess the health of their forests. Established in 1958, the North American Forestry Commission, (NAFC) is one of FAO’s six regional forestry commissions. NAFC supports research and natural resource management activities of mutual concern through seven working groups: atmospheric change, fire management, forest products, insects and diseases, silviculture, forest inventory and monitoring, and forest genetic resources. The atmospheric change group, for example, promotes the collection, exchange, and dissemination of information and tech- niques for monitoring forest health and evaluating the effects of atmospheric change on forests (NAFC 2000). Canada and the United States also cooperate to assess the impacts of air pollution and acid deposition on forest ecosystems through a forest-mapping initiative included in the Acid Rain Action Plan adopted by the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ ECP)(EC 2000). Forestry Canada and the US Forest Service work together as part of the North American Maple Project (NAMP) established in 62 locations in 11 states and four provinces. A system was erected to identify the types and extent of damage to forests as well as its natural and anthropogenic causes (NRCan 1995, CAS 2002). especially as a result of nitrates, the section on wildfire in the envi- crowns were thinner (Hopkin, ronmental disasters chapter) (USDA Lachance, and others 1996). 1997; WRM 1998). Since the 1992 The long-term response to the United Nations Conference on the impact of tropospheric ozone, acid Environment and Development rain, and other stressors is being (UNCED), North American govern- monitored nationally by programs ments have changed the definition such as the US Forest Health Moni- of sustainable forestry from promot- toring Program, Canada’s Ecological ing a sustained yield of fiber to 116 North America’s Environment

addressing the health and sustainability of forest ecosystems. The new definition focuses on the stewardship and use of forest land at local, regional, national, and global levels in a way and at a rate that maintains their health—their biodiversity, productivity, regenera- tion capacity, and vitality—and their potential to fulfil relevant ecologi- cal, economic, and social functions now and in the future, without damaging other ecosystems. This shift has meant changes in how forestlands are examined, policy is formulated, and programs are designed and implemented (UN 1997; Apsey, Laishley, and others 2000). producing a major technical evalua- Both countries are part of the tion of the state of the Nation’s Montreal Process on Criteria and forests and of progress toward Indicators for the Conservation and sustainable forest management to be Sustainable Management of Temper- ready in 2003, with input from ate and Boreal Forests (The public workshops held by the Montreal Process), an international Roundtable on Sustainable Forests agreement signed in 1994. Its (UN 1997; USDA 2002). Working Group agreed on a com- Canada’s commitment to sustain- mon definition of sustainable able forestry is reflected in its 1992 management and identified seven Forest Accord and National Forest criteria and 67 associated indicators Strategy, which introduced a multi- that define its characteristics. Their use forest management perspective use should ensure the compatibility recognizing the non-timber values of of national criteria and indicators forests and the need for information with internationally recognized that transcends political boundaries. scientific standards (MPCI 1998). In The 1998–2003 strategy includes the the United States, the US Forest Canadian Council of Forest Minis- Service (USFS) has incorporated the ters’ set of criteria and indicators of concept of sustainable forestry and sustainable forest management, in 1999, it strengthened this empha- which was reinforced by the sis with the development of Montreal Process, as well as ongoing sustainability criteria and indicators research conducted by Natural for management of the National Resources Canada (NRCan 2000a; Forest System. As part of the NRCan 2000b). Montreal Process, the USFS is Chapter 7 117

Many state and provincial initia- mountain range, this insect has tives also reflect a shift to sustainable defoliated some 23,000 ha ecosystem management, including a (Gawthrop 1999). legislated requirement to integrate Existing conditions in many forest economic, environmental, and social stands throughout North America interests in forest management; make them less resistant to cata- decreases in the size of harvesting strophic outbreaks of insects, dis- areas; new harvesting methods for eases, and fires, which in turn better natural regeneration; im- reduces habitat diversity and utiliz- proved silviculture methods; the use able timber, adding CO2 to the of natural resource inventories; and atmosphere (Taylor 1997). North public participation (UN 1997). America’s forests, particularly its Largely in response to public pres- broadleaf ecosystems, which appear sure, forest management over the to have a large capacity for carbon past 20 years has incorporated a new absorption, are unlikely to maintain emphasis on maintaining wildlife their absorption attributes in an habitat, protecting soils, and retain- unhealthy state (Bright 1999). ing natural landscape characteristics Evidence suggests that until about and natural disturbances such as 1970, Canada’s boreal forests took wildfires. In addition, as shown up more than half of the carbon below in the old-growth section, emitted by that country, but by the some timber companies have also end of the 1990s, they had begun to incorporated new forms of manage- ment to sustain economic activity, local communities, forest resources, wildlife habitat, and ecosystem functions. An emerging issue in maintaining healthy forests is the potential impact of climate change and con- sideration of the connections be- tween climate change and other damaging influences (NRCan 1999). Higher temperatures could lead to an increase in insect populations and outbreaks of fire, which can lose carbon as natural and human have devastating effects. For ex- disturbance that increased forest ample, during an outbreak of the fires and insect infestations turned spruce budworm in eastern Canada the boreal region from a sink to a between 1970 and the mid-1980s, source of atmospheric carbon. The some 55 million ha of forest were International Panel on Climate defoliated. Previously unknown in Change has reported that higher the forests north of the Alaska temperatures are likely to lead to 118 North America’s Environment

Distribution of Coastal Temperate Rain Forest Old-Growth Forests in by State/Province the Pacific Northwest Old-growth (see Box 44) forests once occurred in all North America’s Alaska - 6,649,640 ha ecosystems. Although lack of histori- British Columbia - 10,615,800 ha cal data and inventory definitional Washington - 2,956,330 ha problems make it difficult to deter-

Oregon - 3,437,200 ha mine exactly how much old growth

California - 1,438,140 there was, remnant old-growth forests and stands still remain in many ecosystems throughout the region, but especially in the Pacific Figure 40 the eventual replacement of much Northwest, the Rocky Mountains, Distribution of coastal of the boreal forest by grasslands, and the Pacific Southwest. Most of temperate rain forest by state/ temperate forest, or tundra the remaining old-growth forests province. (Gawthrop 1999; NRCan 2000c). occur in the Pacific Northwest along Source: BC Ministry of As management practices place the coast from Alaska through Forests 1998 greater value on non-timber at- British Columbia (BC) and the states tributes, as more forested lands are of Washington and Oregon to protected from logging, and as a California. The classic old-growth weakened forest’s ability to absorb forest in this area contains redwoods, carbon is questioned, the impor- cedars, Douglas fir, hemlock, or tance of reducing North America’s spruce. The region probably still (in consumption of both wood prod- 1998) contained about half the ucts and fossil fuels should become world’s remaining un-logged coastal ever more apparent. temperate rainforest, with the

Box 44: Old Growth

There is no broadly accepted definition of old growth, but it generally refers to ecosystems character- ized by stands of very large and old trees, a distinct species composition, a multi-layered canopy, and a large buildup of organic matter (Lund 2000). The forests may or may not have been disturbed by humans. Old-growth forests supply high-value timber, contain large amounts of carbon, harbor a large reservoir of genetic diversity, provide habitat for many species of fauna and flora, regulate hydrologic regimes, protect soils and conserve nutrients, and have substantial recreational and aesthetic value (Marchak, Aycock, and Herbert 1999). Their trees have many nest cavities for birds and small mammals and the forest is littered with decaying trees and debris that provide habitat for rodents, insects, and reptiles (Dietrich 1992). Some 40 of 118 known vertebrate species that live primarily in old-growth forests may not be able to nest, breed, or forage anywhere else (PBS 1999). Temperate old-growth forests have been and still are home to many indigenous and tribal peoples. Much of the interest in old-growth forests stems from the powerful images they project of rich biodiversity and timeless stability. Many visitors sense a form of spirituality and grandeur in such forests, and most people place a high value on them. Chapter 7 119

Old-Growth Forest in British Columbia


over 250 years

41% result of natural disturbances 120-250 years 31%

previously harvested


growth forests in these states are Figure 41 Old-growth characterized by highly fragmented forest in British Columbia. stands of clear-cuts, thinned areas, greatest share in BC (see Figure 40). Source: BC young plantations, stands of mature Ministry of Old growth makes up 31 to 43 Forests 2001a growth, and extensive road percent of the province’s forests systems (Turner, Carpenter, and (see Figure 41) (BC Ministry of Figure 42 others 1998). Change in old- Forests 2001a). growth forest With population growth, demand The majority of old-growth losses area in for timber, and technological im- California, in the eastern and lower elevations Oregon, and provements in the logging industry, Washington, of North America came about 1933-45 to the rate of logging in the Pacific 1992. through conversion of lands to Northwest increased dramatically Source: H. John agriculture and urban environments. Heinz II Center after the 1950s. The introduction of 2001 In the west and mountainous re- gions, loss has resulted from harvest- Change in Old-Growth Forest Area in California, ing of timber and conversion to Oregon, and Washington, 1933-45 to 1992 younger, more vigorously growing stands along with recent catastrophic 60 events like the eruption of Mt. St. 50 Helens and the Yellowstone fires (see 40 Box 52 in the environmental disas- 30 20 ters section) (Harmon 1993; H. John percent Heinz III Center 1999). Figure 42 10 0 shows the decline in the percentage otal T of total old-growth forest area in US Oregon California ashington west coast states. The remaining old- W 1933-45 1992 120 North America’s Environment

Box 45: Clear-Cutting

Clear-cutting is a simple, efficient, and cost-effective means to extract timber, whereby all trees in a given area are cut down and the saleable stock removed (Jones, Griggs, and Fredricksen 2000). Earlier, clear-cuts were thought to mimic forests gaps formed by natural disturbances. But today, many environmentalists consider clear-cutting to be destructive, unsightly, and unsustainable. They argue that it is practiced more frequently than the natural large-scale disturbances it has been said to mimic (Hammond 1993). The new vegetation does not maintain the complexity and stability of old forests that makes the latter storehouses for a diversity of genetic codes and uncommon species (Maser 1993). Furthermore, clear-cutting in sensitive ecosystems can cause soil erosion, landslides, and silting, which in turn can damage watersheds, lead to flooding, and inhibit the reproductive success of fish eggs, which is especially important to the wild salmon of the Pacific Northwest (see the coastal and marine section) (May 1998). It opens large gaps, fragmenting the forest and exposing more kilometers of ‘edge’ to the wind and increasing the chances of blowdown (Dietrich 1992). With high-profile NGO campaigns against the practice, there has been considerable public outcry over the perceived threats of clear-cutting, which also include the loss of aesthetic and recreational value (PFC 2000).

the chainsaw, the logging truck, and A growing worldwide demand and clearcutting (see Box 45) as the higher prices in the 1970s drove the dominant harvesting method were rapid harvesting of old-growth important factors in this trend. Tree timber (Mathews and Hammond farming was also introduced at this 1999). Old-growth losses and the time, and many clearcut areas began practice of clear-cutting in the 1970s to be reforested with managed provoked ENGOs in both countries stands of short-rotation trees, result- to launch intensive local campaigns ing in blocks of forests of uniform to protect the mature forests from age (Dietrich 1992). harvest (see Boxes 46 and 47).

Box 46: The Spotted Owl

In the United States, the spotted owl, which depends entirely on large tracts of old-growth habitat, became the focus of a much-publicized debate. In 1973, the year the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) (see Box 10 in the biodiversity section) was passed, the spotted owl was listed as potentially endangered. With each new scientific discovery about the unique needs of this bird, owl researchers, followed by ENGOs attempted to secure protection of ever-larger amounts of old growth to ensure the species’ survival. The owl’s predicament gave ENGOs the means to seek its protection as an endangered species and to file lawsuits against clear-cutting. In a series of court decisions in 1988 and 1989, they challenged government science and its owl protection plans. Grassroots campaigns in which protesters blocked logging roads and sat in trees soon grew into strategic campaigns by national organizations. Finally, the Forest Service undertook a rigorous impact statement and after a court order in 1991, the US Fish and Wildlife Service declared the owl a threatened species and designated 4.7 million ha outside of parks as ‘critical owl habitat’ (Dietrich 1992). Chapter 7 121

Box 47: Clayoquot Sound

In British Columbia, the controversy over old growth focused on sensitive remaining rain-forest areas. Clayoquot Sound, a 1,000 km2 wilderness on Vancouver Island, became the focus of a debate over old- growth logging. Beginning in 1984, environmentalists and the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nation protested clear-cutting in the rain forest by blocking logging roads, among other tactics. Between 1989 and 1993, government task forces attempted to resolve the conflict, and large tracts of coastal temperate rain forest were set aside for protection (MSRM 2002). In 1994, the 4,000 km2 Long Beach Model Forest, which encompasses Clayoquot Sound, was established, with the vision of maintaining healthy ecological conditions while safeguarding the well-being of communities, including traditional, non- industrial, and industrial users. As one of 11 model forests in the Canadian Model Forest Network, research is being conducted to develop and test indicators to address old-growth forest issues (NRCan 2000d). Protests continued, however, with claims that logging was still permitted on 70 percent of Clayoquot Sound, bringing national and international attention to the issue (May 1998). In 1995, in recognition that the Nuu-chah-nulth had not been adequately consulted, public negotia- tions toward a comprehensive treaty settlement with the First Nation peoples began, and recommenda- tions regarding forest management that recognize other forest values than timber were formulated and adopted by the provincial government (May 1998). In ensuing years, more progress was made in resolving remaining conflicts and protecting the forests. One of Canada’s largest forest products companies announced in 1998 that it would phase out clear-cut harvesting in all its BC operations and design a new stewardship strategy focusing on old- growth conservation and variable retention harvesting instead of clear-cutting (PR Newswire 1998). An agreement was struck between First Nations and environmentalists to set aside most of the western coast of Clayoquot Sound, and to promote economic development through small-scale logging, non- timber forest products, and eco-tourism. With the January 2000 designation of Clayoquot Sound as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, industry, environmentalists, governments, and First Nations established a new form of governance based on shared responsibility for the ecosystem (ENS 1999; CNW 2000).

In the 1980s, new forest mechani- than 100 years ago. And since there zation technologies improved effi- is little second-growth forest that has ciency (Apsey, Laishley, and others reached maturity, most logging 2000). By the end of the 1980s, old today occurs in mature natural growth was nearly gone from both forests, except in the coastal region private and public lands in the US where an increasing proportion of Northwest (Dietrich 1992). Inven- the harvest now comes from second- tory done in 1989 and 1991 showed growth forests (British Columbia that 47 percent of coastal BC was still Ministry of Forests 2001a). Mature covered with old forest and 9 per- forests are therefore still deemed to cent of the coast (678,000 ha of old be essential to Canada’s industrial forest) was in protected areas by the timber supply. end of the 1980s (McKinnon and During the 1990s, the environ- Eng 1995). Most industrial-scale mental lobby’s campaign to protect logging in Canada took place less British Columbia’s old growth 122 North America’s Environment

broadened to the international communities became polarized over arena. ENGOs in the United States the dispute (Pace 1993), reflecting focused on persuading lumber and the complex nature of the issue and paper consumers in Europe and the the difficulty in finding ‘win-win’ Unites States to avoid purchasing solutions. Timber-related jobs did in products from the region, begin- fact decline. In Oregon, where ning an international boycott of timber was the biggest industry in western Canadian timber products 1988, and Washington, where it was (CBD 2000). the second biggest, timber employ- The forestry industry includes ment fell by 30,000 between 1979 large corporations, independent and 1989. According to the 1991 loggers, truckers, pulp and paper spotted owl ruling (see Box 46), the mills, and log exporters, who are main reasons for loss of timber jobs naturally concerned about jobs and and mill closures in the Pacific timber revenues in the face of Northwest were modernization, heated public protest. Some logging changes in product demand, and

Box 48: Certification, The Forest Stewardship Council

Certification emerged in the past six to seven years in response to international NGO pressure to promote sustainable forestry practices. It is designed to allow consumers and participants to measure forest management practices against approved standards. While enabling consumers to support responsible forestry, certification also provides forest owners with an incentive to maintain and improve forest management practices (Ghazalie 1994). The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is the international leader in setting up a legitimate process to evaluate certifiers for the purposes of accreditation. Founded in 1993, FSC is an international, non- profit NGO formed of representatives from environmental and social groups, the timber industry, the forestry profession, indigenous peoples’ organizations, community forestry groups, and certification bodies from at least 25 countries. Its purpose is to support ecologically appropriate, socially responsi- ble, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. It provides a model for the develop- ment of national and regional standards for evaluating whether and how well a forest is being man- aged according to a set of global principles and criteria that apply to all forests worldwide. The FSC certification program is carried out by independent, third-party organizations and is the only one that verifies claims in a ‘chain of custody’ from the forest through to the final product. Products bearing the FSC label come from a forest managed according to FSC Principles (FSC-Can 1996; FSC-US 2001; NRCan 2001). The FSC’s principles and criteria form the model for the devel- opment of national initiatives in over 20 countries, which coordinate the development of regional and local standards. The US and Canadian programs were created in 1996, and both countries are developing regional standards. The two countries have 1.8 million ha natural forests certified by FSC- accredited certification bodies (UNDP, UNEP, World Bank and WRI 2000). According to information collected by FAO about the area of forest certified under various certification schemes including FSC, a total of about 30.5 million ha have been certified in the region (FAO 2001b). Chapter 7 123 competition from elsewhere 2000, almost 4 million hectares, or (Dietrich 1992; Marchak, Aycock, 15 percent, of BC’s old growth were and Herbert 1999). fully protected (BC Ministry of In response to public pressure, in Forests 2001a). the 1980s forest policies changed to Research began into alternative reflect broader concerns for forest approaches, such as the Montane biodiversity and other values. As Alternative Silvicultural Systems shown above, until recently, govern- (MASS) study, a multi-agency coop- mental management of forests in erative partnership in Canada that both Canada and the United States built on past silviculture experiences was based on the doctrine of sus- to test new approaches to harvesting tained yield, which had been and regeneration in mid- to high- adopted in the United States and elevation montane forests (PFC Canada in the first half of the 20th 2000). And timber companies on century. It established an upper limit the BC coast introduced new meth- on annual timber harvests, with ods, such as variable retention, in increased yield to be obtained by which individual trees or small plots controlling cutting on forests of trees are left behind, depending and cultivating trees on cutover on ecological conditions and areas. Management focused on objectives. The vegetation retained production for timber. within the cutover areas provides In 1978, the Canadian mandate habitat for a variety of insects, birds, was redefined to include manage- mammals, and other plant species. ment of all forest values, including Some operators abandoned clear- timber, and soon thereafter the cutting altogether (NRCan 2000a; Forest Practices Code outlined in NRCan 2001). great detail how to protect other In May 2000, all of 16 Canadian forest assets. It limited cutblock size, home building supply companies required strips to be reserved along announced their commitment to streams, and restricted harvests on phase out wood and wood products unstable soils on steep slopes (Apsey, from forests managed unsustainably, Laishley, and others 2000; FPB including old growth from BC’s 2002). In BC, sustained yield was North Coast (Sierra Club 2000). replaced by new forest practices that Certification, in which labels are made management more inclusive, applied to products from well- such as ‘multiple use’ and ‘inte- managed forests (see Box 48), is an grated resource management’. emerging response to the growing Similarly, the US 1976 National demand for wood that is sustainably Forest Management Act reinforced harvested, and increasingly, export the idea of ‘multiple use’ and consid- markets require the certification of ered other forest values (Dietrich timber products from the Pacific 1992). In addition, more forests were Northwest. Today, certified wood set aside for protection. By about accounts for only 1.0 percent of 124 North America’s Environment

global supply and companies responsible for North America’s old- cannot keep up with demand growth forests have gradually been (McKenna 2000). influenced by the combined power Stakeholders in the Pacific North- of scientific knowledge, the action of west continue to come together to voluntary groups, public awareness, resolve contentious issues. In No- and market pressures (Dietrich 1992; vember 2000, for example, a num- Apsey, Laishley, and others 2000). At ber of key ENGOs and logging the same time, society continues to companies, the BC government, and demand forest products and the First Nations reached a consensus associated economic benefits from agreement in the largest rainforest harvesting timber, such as direct and conservation measure in North indirect jobs, government revenues, American history. The Great Bear and the host of forest products in Rainforest Agreement protects everyday use (FPB 2002). Adopting a 603,000 ha of coastal temperate new paradigm in managing North rainforest and defers logging on America’s old-growth forests while another 800,000 ha for two years of continuing to compete to supply a studies. It is based on developing a growing worldwide demand for locally administered ecosystem and wood has been a challenge for both land use planning approach be- governments and the forest industry tween the BC government and First (NRCan 2000a). Using North Nations. Some 4,500 people live in America’s forests sustainably will still the area, most of them First Nations. require the maintaining and improv- The agreement is a landmark sign of ing of government intervention, cooperation among previously industry compliance, market incen- conflicting interests (Sierra Club tives, scientific knowledge, 2001; Judd 2001; BC Ministry of watchfulness of civil society groups, Forests 2001b). public education, and resource Over the past 30 years, the timber use efficiency. industry and the governments Chapter 7 125

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isasters as a result of occasionally occur, prompting D human activity—both further preventive legislation. intentional actions, such as the In the United States, the number illegal discharge of oil, and of incidents reported to the accidental ones, such as toxic spills Hazardous Materials Incidents or nuclear meltdown—can expose System (HMIS) rose from about people, ecosystems, and animals to 8,880 in 1990 to 13,853 in 1997. dangerous substances. Such vast Most occurred on highways, with rail quantities of hazardous materials are and aviation sectors reporting the moved about by a variety of next largest number of incidents. transportation modes that spills and The incident rate is uncertain, other accidents are inevitable. however, since improved reporting Despite strong regulations govern- or expanded economic activity may ing the handling of hazardous account for part of the increase material in North America, serious (EPA 1999). accidents that threaten human and Oil spills during marine transport environmental health and safety can cause severe harm to coastal and

Box 49: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

In March 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground, spilling almost 50 million liters of crude oil into Prince William Sound. It was North America’s worst oil spill and caused an ecological disaster: oil washed onto 2,092 km of Alaska’s pristine and biologically rich coast, killing some 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 150 bald eagles, and about 22 killer whales as well as millions of salmon eggs and plants and other organisms (EVOSTS 1999). Ten years later, oil is still leaching from beaches, and some populations of plants and animals have yet to completely recover. The disaster prompted new federal regulations to prevent oil spills, more severe penalties for those who cause them, and a call for safer vessel design (NOAA 2001). As a result, the volume of fuel spilled in the United States has decreased dramatically although the number of oil-spill incidents reported has increased (EPA 1999). Chapter 8 131

maritime ecosystems, as witnessed by Extreme Precipitation Trends in Canada the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1982 and the United States, 1910-1995 (see Box 49). Maritime vessels also discharge solid wastes and sewage, which can also affect water quality, Canada, 1940 - 1995 especially where there is a high volume of traffic (EPA 1999). North America is also subject to a range of naturally occurring events with potentially disastrous impacts on the environment and human well-being. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, droughts, dust storms, and other extreme weather events occur in different parts of the continent. North American governments have US, 1910 - 1995 put in place many response mechanisms to prevent and alleviate the harm caused by such events. Now, it is becoming evident that some preventive actions, such as levees and wildfire suppression, have actually been part of a mix of factors—including global climate change, population growth, urbani- zation, and affluence—that have increased the frequency and severity Earth’s changing climate (IPCC Figure 43 of some types of natural hazards as Extreme 2001). Still, much uncertainty precipitation well the economic losses they cause. trends in Canda remains about how the shifts in and the United Flooding and forest fires are two of climate will affect future weather- States, 1910- the region’s priority concerns. 1995. related natural hazards. Source: Francis The disruption and and Hengeveld Floods and Climate Change 1998 Although climate change was identi- intensification of the earth’s water fied as a pressing issue as early as cycle is believed to be one of the 1972, the role of humans and their most fundamental effects of climate impact on natural hazards such as change. Changes are already extreme weather events was unclear occurring in North America’s (Bruce, Burton, and Egener 1999). hydrological conditions, as demon- Today, however, there is a general strated by the increase in average consensus among a large and grow- annual precipitation over the past ing number of scientists that human 30 years (see Figure 43) and in the activity plays a discernable role in the marked increase since the 1970s of 132 North America’s Environment

intense winter storms in the North- USGCRP 2000). During the 1960s ern Hemisphere (see Figure 44) and 1970s, over 90 percent of the (Bruce, Burton, and Egener 1999). natural disasters in the United States In the United States, the average resulted from weather or climate amount of moisture in the extremes, and many North American atmosphere rose by 5 percent per floods were major disasters requiring decade between 1973 and 1993 massive federal aid and costly struc- (Trenberth 1999). Most of the tural mitigation measures increase derived from heavier (Changnon and Easterling 2000). In precipitation events resulting in response to these events, the US floods and storms (O’Meara 1997, National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 established the National Flood Frequency of Intense Winter Storms in the Insurance Program (NFIP). The Northern Hemisphere, 1900-2000 Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, which offers flood insurance to those communities that adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances, strengthened it. Many of the separate and fragmented responsibilities of parallel state and local-level disaster programs were merged in 1979 under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA 1999). The United States also maps the nation’s floodplains, Figure 44 Easterling, Meehl, and others 2000). an effort that has helped raise public Frequency of awareness of flood hazards intense winter During the second half of the 1900s, storms in the (FEMA n.d.). northern the relative amount of precipitation hemisphere, from North America’s heaviest 10 Disaster Financial Assistance 1900-2000. percent of yearly precipitation Arrangements were also inaugurated Source: Bruce, Burton, and events increased (Francis and in Canada in 1970 to help provinces Egener 1999 Hengeveld 1998). cope with the cost of disaster recov- While the flooding that often ery and in 1975, the government follows heavy precipitation events is introduced the Flood Damage natural and essential to the health of Reduction Program (FDRP). watersheds, floods are also North Disaster mitigation and coordination America’s most destructive and were also among the goals addressed costly natural disasters. They affect by Canada’s Emergency large areas, cause extensive property Preparedness Act, passed in 1988, loss and damage and are associated and its related agency, Emergency with large additional costs for Preparedness Canada (EPC). recovery, adaptation, and prevention Disaster plans that had been (Brun, Etkin, and others 1997, piecemeal also were made more Chapter 8 133 comprehensive and the nature of it was estimated that on average, the emergencies to be accommodated United States lost about US $1 was broadened (McConnell 1998; billion per week to natural disasters EC 2000). Settlement in flood-prone (NSTC 1996). Despite uncertainties areas was discouraged in Canada in the data, globally there are solid through mapping and the designa- indications that over the past few tion of over 320 flood-risk areas decades the costs of weather-related (EC 1998). events have grown about three times These programs provided better faster than those linked to earth- flood mitigation, preparation, quakes, and a similar trend is response and recovery measures. evident in North America (Bruce,

Box 50: Some Major Floods of the Last 30 Years

The 1993 Mississippi flood, which submerged 75 towns and killed 48 people, cost between US $10 and $20 billion, surpassing all previous US floods in terms of economic losses as well as in the area, duration, and amount of flooding (USGCRP 2000). It was the result of record-breaking spring rains in the Midwest, a larger than usual snow cover, and high soil moisture content, but also from the river’s confinement to its channel by levees and dikes, which helped to increase the flood crest. In 1996, Canada experienced its most destructive and costly flood in the Saguenay River valley in Quebec. An average of nearly 126 mm of rain fell in 48 hours over an area of 100,000 km2, resulting in 10 deaths and about US $0.8 billion in damages (EC 1998, Francis, and Hengeveld 1998; EC 2001). In 1997, the Red River, which flows north from the United States into Canada, experienced its worst flooding in 150 years. It followed a wet autumn, a winter of unusually heavy snowfall, and the arrival of an early spring blizzard that dropped 50–70 cm more of snow or freezing rain. Altogether, the flooding generated costs of almost US $5 billion. The Red River Floodway, which diverts the Red River’s spring thaw when the exit to Lake Winnipeg remains frozen, protects the 550,000 residents of city of Winnipeg from being submerged (Francis and Hengeveld 1998; IJC 2000).

Flood policies in both countries Burton, and Egener 1999). For focused primarily on building example, evidence shows that flood structures (levees, reservoirs, and dollar damages and flood-related floodways), which were tested during deaths in North America have the damaging North American climbed at a steep rate since the floods of the1980s and ’90s (see early 1970s (Etkin, Vazquez, Conde, Box 50). and Kelman 1998; USGCRP 2000). The costs of natural disasters are In Canada, the costs of weather- difficult to determine with accuracy. related disasters grew from about US They may or may not include indi- $325 million between 1983 and 1987 rect costs related to trade losses, to more than US $1 billion between human health effects, and the costs 1993 and 1997 (EC 2001). The of adaptation, recovery, and financial largest US snowstorm in more than a disaster assistance. In the mid-1990s, century occurred in 1993 along the 134 North America’s Environment

northeast coast, and in 1998, while rising affluence and property Canada experienced a major ice values also ratchet up the costs of storm, the result of over 100 mm of damage (Easterling, Meehl, and freezing rainfall over six days, others 2000). A tendency to settle in accompanied by unusual weather flood-prone areas is also influenced systems. It was the country’s costliest by a perception that risk has been weather catastrophe ever, causing 25 lowered by protective structures such deaths, leaving nearly 3 million as dams, dykes, and diversions and people without heat or electricity–in by the availability of disaster relief some cases for a matter of weeks– (Brun, Etkin, and others 1997; and costing about US $1.3 billion in Bruce, Barton, and Egener 1999). Floods can have significant envi- ronmental consequences such as washing away valuable topsoil and diminishing agricultural productivity (Francis and Hengeveld 1998). The Mississippi flood of ’93 damaged much of the Midwest’s fertile farm- land and altered the natural ecosys- tems of the region’s rivers and their floodplains. Since wetlands and temporary lakes act as storage areas for excess water, their loss heightens damage (Francis and Hengeveld the vulnerability of the watershed to 1998). In the mid-1990s, weather- flood. Structures that prevent rivers related disasters on the North from flooding often provoke ex- American subcontinent caused an tremely damaging floods when water average of 200 deaths and cost more eventually overflows. For example, than US $3.5 billion in property human modifications over the last loss and damage per year century to make the Mississippi (Parfit 1998). floodplain habitable led to the loss The world insurance industry of over 80 percent of the river basin’s recognizes that extreme weather wetlands and changes in riparian events like floods are becoming and in-stream habitat, thus more common. Although rare decreasing the watershed’s resilience before 1987, 23 weather-related and increasing its vulnerability to disasters causing billion-dollar flooding (McConnell 2000-01). insurance losses have occurred in Both countries have modified the United States since then their approach to disaster (Francis and Hengeveld 1998). prevention and mitigation in recent More people and settlements are years, moving from a focus on exposed to floods because of popu- resisting natural hazards to policies lation increase and concentration, aimed at building resilience. This is Chapter 8 135

Acronyms particularly the case in the United States (Barton and Nishenko 1997). States, which is subject to more Historically, Canadian federal frequent and severe weather events natural hazards action did not than Canada. In the 1990s, it specifically target mitigation in a strengthened federal mitigation comprehensive manner (Newton legislation and initiated a new 1997). The lack of coordination strategy to encourage non-structural among disparate programs,

Box 51: Bilateral Agreement

Canada and the United States cooperate to deal with disasters affecting either or both countries, especially those involving floods and forest fires. The 1986 Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America on Co-operation in Comprehensive Civil Emergency Planning and Management establishes 10 principles of cooperation and provides a framework for future bilateral arrangements for civil emergency planning (McConnell 1998; Government of Canada 2000). approaches to flood prevention, reductions in financial support for such as resettlement projects and existing programs, and the spate of wetland restoration (Newton 1997; recent weather-related disasters led Changnon and Easterling 2000). to the recognition of a need for The 1996 US Strategy for Natural more comprehensive Canadian Disaster Reduction advocates major disaster relief policies and an inte- policy shifts toward the goal of grated delivery structure (Etkin, sustainability by anticipating and Vazquez, Conde, and Kelman 1998; assessing risks rather than just White 1997; Kerry, Kelk, and others reacting to disasters; building 1998). In 2001, Canada established resilience early in the planning the Office of Critical Infrastructure stage; dealing with mitigation com- and Emergency Preparedness prehensively instead of in a piece- (OCIPEP) to develop and meal manner; and implementing implement a more comprehensive warning systems that encourage approach to disaster prevention and human resilience. Furthermore, new to provide national leadership in strategies acknowledge the need to protecting its critical infrastructure ensure the continued viability of in both its physical and cyber both human communities and dimensions (OCIPEP 2001). Canada managed and natural ecosystems and the United States also cooperate (NSTC 1996; FEMA 2000). FEMA’s in emergency planning for disasters Project Impact was initiated in 1997 (see Box 51). with the aim of reducing the risk of According to climate change property loss, deaths, and the models, the magnitude, frequency, amount of federal money spent on and cost of extreme hydrological recovery throughout the United events in some regions of North 136 North America’s Environment

America are forecast to increase and parts of New England (USGCRP 2000). Among climate (Trenberth 1999). change’s projected effects are The speculation that global changes in the patterns and fre- climate change is likely to exacerbate quency of the El Niño-Southern weather extremes is based on the Oscillation (ENSO), a recurring expectation that increased warming warming and cooling pattern of will modify heat distribution and surface waters in the tropical Pacific energy flows in the climate system, Ocean observed since the 1970s. It affecting, in turn, atmospheric and lasts from 12 to 18 months and oceanic circulation patterns and occurs once every two to 10 years. El altering the hydrological cycle. A Niño’s behavior has altered over the warmer atmosphere can hold more past 20 years, becoming more moisture, which spells more precipi- tation (Francis and Hengeveld 1998). In addition, this more intense rainfall will likely occur over smaller areas, probably leading to greater flooding, especially in smaller catchment areas. It may also be that with longer periods between heavy rainfall events, droughts could become more severe, exacerbated by higher air temperatures and in- creased evaporation (Bruce, Burton, and Egener 1999). Regional differences in hydrologi- frequent and persistent since the cal processes mean that the magni- mid-1970s. El Niños are thought to tude and direction of impacts are be associated to some degree with likely to vary greatly among regions the occurrence of increasingly (Frederick and Schwartz 2000). severe and frequent weather events, Where rainstorms intensify and especially since their recent intensi- flooding increases, the risks to fication has no precedent in climate humans and the environment will be records over the past 120 years greater. Impacts include the poten- (Francis and Hengeveld 1998; tial for damage to low-lying settle- Bruce, Burton, and Egener 1999). ments and dock and port facilities as An uncommonly strong El Niño in well as for problems with water 1997-98, for example, brought about distribution and sewage systems that storms, floods, droughts, and fires can have human health implications that killed thousands of people and (EC 1999a). displaced thousands more. It ac- Given the continental nature of counted for heavy floods in Florida, climatic systems, the two countries California, some Midwest states will need to increase their coopera- Chapter 8 137

tive efforts to address both climate Total Area Burned, 1970-2000 change and disaster preparedness. 10,000,000 As shown in the freshwater section, 9,000,000 the International Joint Commission 8,000,000 7,000,000 North America Area (IJC) assists both governments in Burned (ha) 6,000,000

managing their shared waters. A Hectare 5,000,000 Linear (North report on the 1997 Red River flood- 4,000,000 America Area 3,000,000 ing cautioned that given impending Burned (ha)) 2,000,000 increased flooding due to climate 1,000,000 change, a comprehensive, inte- 0 grated, binational strategy should be 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 developed and implemented (IJC 2000). been toward decreasing numbers Figure 45 Total area Forest Fires of fires (see Figures 45 and 46). burned, 1970- 2000. Forest fires are a natural part of For example, prior to 1970 only 1 Source: CCFM North America’s landscape and play million ha per year burned in 2000, CIFFC n.d., NIFC 2000 an important role in maintaining Canada; it is now close to 3 million and regenerating some types of ha per year. A number of factors forest ecosystems. The pattern or have sparked the increase: fuel regime of fire frequency, severity, build-up from past effective fire and area burned varies from place to protection programs; aging tree place. In North America’s boreal stands; changes in fire policy forests (see Box 40 in the forests related to prescribed burning; and section), a natural cycle of destruc- expanded public access to and use tion and renewal occurs as robust of the forests. Higher tempera- new trees mature, quickly replacing tures and lower rainfall associated Figure 46 Number of stands burned by lightning-sparked with climate change have also wildland fires, 1970-2000. wildfires (CCFM 2000). Fires occur been implicated. The relative Source: CCFM in cycles ranging from 100 to 400 importance of each of these 2000, CIFFC years, with major fires once every 50 factors remains controversial. n.d., NIFC 2000 to 100 years in Alaska’s boreal forests Number of Wildland Fires, 1970-2000 and once every 200 years in eastern Canada (Gawthrop 1999). Such fires open spaces for new seedlings, help to increase diversity in the age and type of vegetation, clear debris, and enhance the availability of nutrients (Jardine 1994). Since the 1970s, the annual area burned by forest fires has grown, particularly in the western United States, while the overall trend has 138 North America’s Environment

Over the past century, natural fire John Heinz III Center 1999; regimes in North America were Booth 2000). increasingly shaped by human Increasingly effective fire suppres- presence and intervention, setting sion prevented natural low-intensity the stage for fire activity in the past fires from burning the accumulated 30 years. In the early part of the dead trees and those that had dried century, extensive logging left during periods of drought, continu- behind an unnatural fuel load from ing to create excessive fuel loads. debris, undergrowth, and smaller Forest structure and make-up trees that filled gaps. As a result, changed as species normally elimi- when fires started, they were larger nated by fire became dominant, with and more destructive. To save fire-resistant trees being replaced by valuable timber, the United States species that burn hotter and faster began an aggressive policy of fire than those of the past. The result was suppression and ‘Smokey Bear’ ever larger and more disastrous fires. campaigns in the 1930s to inform In the 1970s, the importance of the public about the dangers of periodic natural wildland fires began igniting fires. By the 1970s, fires to be recognized in both Canada were kept to about 2 million ha a and the United States. Late in the year in the lower 48 states compared decade, US policies that required to the 1930s, when an average of 16 suppressing all fires before they million ha burned every year (H. reached four ha in size by 10 am the

Box 52: The 1988 Yellowstone Fires

Yellowstone National Park in the Rocky Mountains of northwestern Wyoming is the oldest and most famous US National Park. Until the 1970s, wildfires were viewed as destructive and were suppressed. But without the natural fires, debris in the forests built up to fuel bigger fires. In recognition that wildfire is part of a natural process of change, a fire policy was launched in 1972 that allowed most fires to take their natural course. In 1988, the policy aroused controversy when parts of Yellowstone struck by lightning were allowed to burn. The fires spread quickly because of severe summer drought and high winds, and 485,623 ha burned in the Yellowstone area in eight huge fire complexes. Eventually a decision was made to suppress the fires. At the cost of US $120 million, it was the costliest fire-fighting event in US history (Robbins 1998; PBS 2000). Fire management plans were rewritten, and today policies continue to support a more natural fire regime, yet also seek to remove excess fuel loads in the forests. The post-fire ecology of the Park has led to renewal. Usable forms of potassium and phosphorus were released from burned lodgepole pines and other vegetation, boosting production in soils, streams, and rivers. More sunlight falling on the earth also created conditions conducive to the growth of some species. By the end of the 1990s, some lodgepole pines that seeded since 1988 were already about 1.8 m tall. More than a century will be needed for Yellowstone to return to pre-fire conditions, however (Robbins 1998). Chapter 8 139 next day ended (Gorte 1996). Parks damage. In 2001, a ‘roadless rule’ Canada and the US Forest Service was announced in the United States and National Park Service decided that banned road building and not to interfere with fires in wilder- other development on 23.7 million ness areas and parts of national ha of national forests, or 2 percent parks systems unless people or of the US land base (USDA 2001). neighboring lands were threatened (COTF 2000; Turner 2001). In addition, prescribed burning and ‘let burn’ policies to reduce built-up fuels and protect settlements and businesses were introduced. These policies call for either purposefully lighting fires or allowing lightning fires to burn. Annually, over 2 million ha are treated by prescribed fire in the United States and 7,881 ha were deliberately burned in Canada in 2000 (CIFFC n.d., Mutch 1997). This policy has not been The challenge of managing uncontroversial, however, as illus- wildfire in North America has been trated by the 1988 fires in exacerbated in recent decades by Yellowstone National Park (see Box population increases in the urban- 52). The two countries have begun wildland interface, where settlement to work together, along with Mexico, and other developments inter- to learn more about wildfire at the mingle with flammable forests and continental level, and have engaged grasslands (Hirsch 2000). The in several joint initiatives and field population growth rate in the US experiments though the Fire Man- West now ranges from 2.5 to 13 agement Study Group (FMSG) of percent, compared to the national the 1958 North American Forestry annual average of about 1 percent. Commission (NAFC 2000). It is estimated that in the 1990s, Road building in North America’s wildfires damaged six times more forests has opened access to both homes than during the previous people and wildfire. US decade (Morrison, Karl and others government’s studies suggest that 2000). In 1999, fire damage from all fires are almost twice as likely to types of fire cost over US $10 billion, occur in roaded areas of forest than a 16 percent increase from the in those without roads. Another view previous year (IFA 2000). is that keeping out roads allows fuel The 1988 and 1994 fire seasons to accumulate, prevents access of were particularly severe in the forest protection services, and United States and led to the 1995 increases chances for large-scale fire revision in the federal wildland fire 140 North America’s Environment

Western Forests at Wildfire Risk, 1998 better the ecological significance of wildfire (CEQ 2000; Chepesiuk 2001). In 2001, the Western Gover- nors’ Association agreed to a 10-year plan to prevent wildfires, which included the thinning of fuel-rich High areas, a strategy that has generated some controversy (Greenwire 2001). Moderate Figure 47 shows the regions most at risk for wildfire in the Western states. Changes in climate that bring drier conditions and more severe storms also appear to play a role in changing fire patterns in North America. In 1989, for example, record fires burned in western Figure 47 policy. It underscores the important Canada and the areas east of James Western forests at wildfire risk, role of fire and the use of prescribed Bay. They were caused by more 1998. burns and thinning techniques to frequent and extreme fire-weather Source: WGA reduce hazardous fuel accumula- 2000 conditions, including high tornado tions as well as the importance of activity in the Prairies and an un- further research to understand precedented heat wave in the Arctic

Box 53: The 2000 Fire Season

Although not excessively high compared to the national long-term average, fire activity in 2000 was especially high and severe in some regions, such as the northern Rockies and Texas. It was one of the worst fire seasons on record in the Western states, where more than 30,000 fires burned over 2.8 million ha of forests and grasslands (WGA 2002). About 8 percent of US fires occurred in dry forests on National Forest land where previous fire exclusion policies are thought to have created a build-up of brush and small trees that led to more severe wildfires (Morrison, Karl, and others 2000). Severe, long-lasting, La Niña-related drought, accompanied by thousands of lightning strikes from a series of storms, also contributed to the severity of the 2000 fire season (USDA Forest Service 2001). Many fires burned in areas of urban-wildland interface, causing property losses and damage and disrupting community services (USDA Forest Service 2001). Over 400 homes were destroyed in the Los Alamos area of New Mexico, for example (Ross, Lott, and Brown 2000). In many instances, fire-fighting resources were stretched to the limit (CEQ 2000). In September, a report by the secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior was released in response to the wildfires of 2000. It provided an overall framework for fire management and forest health programs that includes increased investments in reducing fire risks and requirements to work with local communities to reduce fire hazards close to settlements (USDA Forest Service 2001). Chapter 8 141

(Jardine 1994; Flannigan, Stocks, hand, many species depend on and Wotton 2000). The severity of habitat that is maintained by peri- Canada’s 1995 fire season, which odic fires and suppressing fires can burned 6.6 million ha of forestland, actually reduce the habitat available was also due in part to extremely dry for some species (Turbak 2001). For conditions (EC 1999b). Drought and example, the alteration of fire frequent winds in the year 2000 also regimes through extensive fire contributed to a severe fire season in suppression has contributed to the the western United States when threatened status of a number of more than 2.8 million ha of public native habitats in the southern and private lands went up in flames (USDA Forest Service 2001) (see Box 53). Apart from the threat they pose to human settlements and lives and the valuable timber they may burn, wildfires can also emit large amounts carbon that contribute to green- house warming and send large amounts of particulate matter into the atmosphere. They can create smoke hazards as well, and some highways, airports and recreation areas periodically have to close United States (USGS 1999). The because of reduced visibility. In effects of wildfires also include addition, smoke constitutes a health runoff and erosion when vegetation hazard because of the variety of toxic dies and sediment and ash fall into chemicals and heavy metals it con- watercourses (Chepesiuk 2001). tains. Contaminants in the smoke In the future, North America’s can include carbon monoxide, annual fire severity rating may well hydrocarbons, benzo[a]pyrene, grow as a result of climate change, nitrogen oxides, and volatile oxygen- which is predicted to augment the ated organic compounds, among number of lightning strikes and the others. Chronic exposure can lead to intensity and frequency of wind- a number of respiratory ailments storms (Jardine 1994). Increasingly, (Chepesiuk 2001). research is being conducted into the Fires also have a direct impact on potential links between climate and wildlife, killing hundreds of large forest change. The Canadian Forest mammals as well as more-vulnerable Service’s Fire Research Network, for amphibians, nest-bound birds, example, has initiated five science rodents, and other small animals. and technology programs They alter wildlife habitat, especially (NRCan 1998). in the short term. On the other 142 North America’s Environment

Questions still remain about the More and more, human interfer- proper roles of wildfire suppression, ence with the functioning of natural prescribed burning, salvage timber processes requires sharper scientific logging, fuel management, roadless understanding about how the natu- areas, and other tools. Also part of ral world functions and how humans the debate are the relative responsi- need to adjust to live in harmony bilities of federal, state, and provin- with nature. Both communities living cial governments to protect ecosys- in areas susceptible to natural tems and citizens, and those of hazards and the ecosystems in which home and landowners in the urban- they live need to maintain their wildland interface to take precau- resiliency in the face of naturally tionary measures through proper occurring, but potentially disastrous home design, building materials, events that have been exacerbated by and property maintenance human activity. (Gorte 1996; Morrison, Karl, and others 2000). Chapter 8 143

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EVOSTC (1999). Legacy of an Oil Spill: Ten Years After Exxon Valdez. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council Accessed 29 January 2002 FEMA (1999). About FEMA: History of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Federal Emergency Management Agency Accessed 29 January 2002 FEMA (2000). What is Mitigation? Federal Emergency Management Agency http:// Accessed 29 January 2002 FEMA (n.d.). Report on Costs and Benefits of Natural Hazard Mitigation Land Use and Building Requirement in Floodplains: The National Flood Insurance Program. Federal Emergency Management Agency Accessed 28 January 2002 Flannigan, M.D., B.J. Stocks, and B.M. Wotton (2000). Climate Change and Forest Fires. The Science of the Total Environment 262:221-9. Francis, David, and Henry Hengeveld (1998). Extreme Weather and Climate Change. Environment Canada Accessed 28 January 2002 Frederick, Kenneth D., and Gregory E. Schwarz (2000). Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on US Water Resources. Resources for the Future disc_papers/abstracts/0021.htm. Accessed 29 January 2002 Gawthrop, Daniel (1999). Vanishing Halo: Saving the Boreal Forest. Vancouver/Toronto, Greystone Books Gorte, Ross W. (1996). Congressional Research Service Report for Congress: Forest Fires and Forest Health. The Committee for the National Institute for the Environment, National Council for Science and the Environment Accessed 29 January 2002 Government of Canada (2000). Highlights of the Canada/United States Agreement on Emergency Planning. Public Information/Resources high_canada_us.html. Accessed 28 January 2002 Greenwire (2001). Wildfires: Western Governors Reach Agreement on Land Management http:// H. John Heinz III Center (1999). Designing a Report on the State of the Nation’s Ecosystem: Selected Measurements for Croplands, Forests, and Coasts and Oceans. The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment Accessed 29 January 2002 Hirsch, Kelvin (2000). Canada’s Wildland Urban Interface: Challenges and Solutions. Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre UrbanInterface_e.htm. Accessed 29 January 2002 IFA (2000). IFA Bulletin, July/August 2000. Illinois Firefighters Association http:// Accessed 29 January 2002 IJC (2000). International Joint Commission Cautions that Efforts Must Remain Focused on Protecting Against Flood Damages. International Joint Commission redrelease3e.html. Accessed 20 February 2002 Jardine, Kevin (1994). The Carbon Bomb: Climate Change and the Fate of the Northern Boreal Forest. Greenpeace International Accessed 29 January 2002 Kerry, Mara, Greg Kelk, David Etkin, Ian Burton, and Sarah Kalhok (1999). Canada Copes with the Ice Storm of 1999. Environment 41 (1):6-11, 28-33. McConnell, David (1998). Plan for tomorrow …TODAY! The Story of Emergency Preparedness Canada 1948-1998. Government of Canada plan_tomo.html. Accessed 28 January 2002 Chapter 8 145

McConnell, David (2000-01). Mississippi River Flood: 1993. In Natural Science Geology. The University of Akron miss_flood.htm. Accessed 17 February 2002 Morrison, Peter H., Jason W. Karl, Lindsey Swope, Kirsten Harma, Teresa Allen, Pamela Becwar, and Ben Sabold (2000). Assessment of Summer 2000 Wildfires: Landscape History, Current Condition and Ownership. Pacific Biodiversity Institute Accessed 28 January 2002 Mutch, Robert W. (1997). Use of Fire As A Management Tool on The National Forests: Statement of Robert W. Mutch Before the Committee on Resources, United States House of Representatives Oversight Hearing. Committee on Resources, US House of Representatives http:// Accessed 28 January 2002 Newton, John (1997). Scientific / Technical Database – Federal Legislation for Disaster Mitigation: A Comparative Assessment Between Canada and the United States, A Discussion Paper. Evaluation and Analysis Directorate, Emergency Preparedness Canada scie_tech/en_mitigat/index_e.html. Accessed 28 January 2002 NG Maps (1998). Living with Natural Hazards. National Geographic 194 (1):31. NIFC (2000). National Interagency Fire Center Accessed 31 May 2002 NOAA (2001). The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration http:// Accessed 28 January 2002 NRCan (1998). Global Environmental Change and Canada’s Forest: Securing Our Future. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service strategic/global2.html. Accessed 8 February 2002 NSTC (1996). Natural Disaster Reduction: A Plan for the Nation. National Science and Technology Council, Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction Accessed 28 January 2002 O’Meara, Molly (1997). The Risks of Disrupting Climate. World Watch 10 (6):10-24 OCIPEP (2001). The Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness. Home Page Accessed 28 January 2002 Parfit, Michael (1998). Living with Natural Hazards. National Geographic 194 (1):2-39 PBS (2000). Yellowstone: America’s Sacred Wilderness. PBS Online yellowstone/shaped.html. Accessed 29 January 2002 Robbins, Jim (1998). Yellowstone Reborn. Audubon 100 (4):64-9 Ross, Tom , Neal Lott, and William Brown (2000). Significant U|S Weather and Climate Events for 2000. National Climatic Data Center ann/usevents2000.PDF. Accessed 29 January 2002 Trenberth, Kevin E. (1999). The Extreme Weather Events of 1997 and 1998. Consequences: The Nature and Implication of Environmental Change 5 (1) vol5no1/toc.html. Accessed 8 February 2002 Turbak, Gary (2001). Wildlife Under Fire: Charred Land in Yellowstone Became a Symbol of Renewal. Wildlife Conservation 104 (4):37-43 Turner, Carla (2001). Fighting Fires: Blazing a Trail. CBC News fightingfires/blazing.html. Accessed 29 January 2002 USDA (2001). Roadless Area Conservation: Rulemaking Facts. US Department of Agriculture, Roadless Area Conservation 01.htm. Accessed 20 February 2002 146 North America’s Environment

USDA Forest Service (2001). Urban Wildland Interface Communities Within the Vicinity of Federal Lands That Are at High Risk From Wildfire. Federal Register 66 (3):751-77. (From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access:; DOCID:fr04ja01-26) Accessed 29 January 2002 USGCRP (2000). Climate Change Impacts on the United States: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. US Global Change Research Program, National Assessment Synthesis Team Accessed 29 January 2002 USGS (1999). USGS Fire Research in the Southeast. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey Accessed 29 January 2002 WGA (2000). The Catastrophic Wildfires of 2000: Collaborative Effort Key to Prevention and Improved Ecosystem Health. Western Governors’ Association Forest_policy.pdf. Accessed 20 February 2002 White, Rodney (1997). Executive Summary. In Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives. A Study Written for the Round Table on Environmental Risk, Natural Hazards and the Insurance Industry by Environmental Adaptation Research Group, Environment Canada and Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, Accessed 29 January 2002 Human Health andChapter 9 147 the Environment 9 148 North America’s Environment

Human Health and the Environment

nvironmental conditions accidentally ingesting toxic house- E are relatively safe for North hold products was clear and there- Americans: for the most part, the air fore many substances were removed is relatively safe to breathe, potable from use (Grier 2001). Early deci- water is supplied to most of the sion-making in North America population, and ample food of good banned some very hazardous sub- quality is available. Many human- stances–witness the EPA ban on the made chemicals used in agriculture, manufacture of polychlorinated industry, and medicine have im- biphenyls (PCBs) in 1977 (Kaplan proved health and environmental and Morris 2000). By the late 1970s, quality. But the same beneficial risk assessment, which enabled substances may become pollutants continued use of toxic chemicals at when found in the wrong place, at scientifically ‘acceptable’ levels, was the wrong time, and in the wrong the generally recognized regulatory quantity. Two opposite approaches tool (Cooper, Vanderlinden, and have guided efforts to identify others 2000). individual pollutants: one promot- More than 35,000 substances are ing the assumption that a substance currently in commercial use in is not harmful until evidence proves Canada and over 62,000 in the otherwise, and the other espousing United States. Some 1,500 new precautionary consideration of a chemicals are introduced each year substance as potentially harmful in the United States alone, but until found otherwise (UN 1972). complete data on the health and In the past, the more obvious environmental effects are only environmental health threats, such available for 7 percent of those as asbestos, benzene, and formalde- produced in high volume (EC 1998a, hyde, were investigated and their Cooper, Vanderlinden, and others links to the environment under- 2000). Many of these chemicals stood. The fact that hundreds of become pollutants when they are children are poisoned each year by released to the air, water, and land, Chapter 9 149 and North Americans are exposed to able people. About 80 million US countless kinds of them in their citizens are exposed to levels of air immediate environments. pollution that can impair health, Although the linkages between and more than 2 percent of all health and the environment are deaths annually in that country can often difficult to determine, knowl- be attributed to air pollution (WRI, edge of the more subtle human UNEP, UNDP, and World Bank health effects of environmental 1998). Air pollution is also linked to pollution is now coming to light. For an alarming rise over the past two example, as a result of risk assess- decades in the prevalence of asthma ments for many chemicals for a among children and young adults range of subpopulations over the worldwide, mostly in affluent coun- years, it has become clear that tries such as Canada and the United children and other vulnerable States. Ozone, a principal compo- populations are more susceptible nent of smog, is thought to exacer- than the average adult to the harm- bate asthma symptoms. There is also ful health effects of most pollutants. clear evidence that acidic air pollut- (See Box 54). Children’s environ- ants affect the health of sensitive mental health is an issue of high individuals, especially the young, priority in North America. the elderly, and those with respira- Air pollution is emerging as a key tory ailments. contributor to some respiratory and Another priority issue is the cardiovascular diseases that are recent emergence or resurgence of impairing health and killing vulner- some vector-borne disease. It is

Box 54: Children’s Special Vulnerablility

Children are more susceptible than adults to the harmful health effects of most pollutants because of their developmental, physiological and behavioral characteristics. For instance, in some circumstances, children cannot excrete toxins as well as adults, and so are more vulnerable to them. The ratio of skin surface area to body weight is also higher in children than in adults, which makes it possible for an excessive portion of toxins to enter their bodies. And because their airways are narrower, children breathe more rapidly and inhale more air per kg of body weight. Children also drink more fluids and eat more food per unit of body weight compared to adults. In addition, crawling and a tendency to put their hands in their mouths provides more opportunities for chemical or heavy metal residues in dust, soil, and heavy vapors to be ingested or to contact the skin (EPA 1997; PMRA 2002; CEHN n.d.). Children (like all people and animals) may be exposed to toxic or hazardous chemicals through chemically treated building materials, furnishings, appliances, cleaning products, lawn and farm chemicals, and other materials as well as some foods—such as fruits and vegetables—that may have minute residues of pesticides. Children may also consume chemical residues in breast milk and formula (CEC 2000a; Kaplan and Morris 2000; PMRA 2002). Pollutants in the air indoors and out—cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust, for example—and the sun’s damaging rays can also affect children more than adults. 150 North America’s Environment

believed that climate change and Exposure to a wide range of human-induced land use change are chemicals during pregnancy or after important factors in the emergence birth may also be implicated in of diseases new to North America neurodevelopmental effects in and the resurgence of some organ- children. Exposure to PCBs has been isms that have heretofore been held tied to lack of coordination, dimin- in check by public health controls. ished IQ, and poor memory in some children. It is estimated that prob- Children’s Health and Envi- lems such as autism, aggression, ronmental Contamination dyslexia, and attention deficit hyper- Recent estimates suggest that one in activity disorder affect one out of every 200 US children suffer devel- every six children in the United opmental or neurological deficits States, and increasing evidence due to exposure to known toxic suggests that environmental con- substances (NET, PSR, and NDAA taminants and nutrition are primary 2000). Scientific understanding of causative factors (CEC 2000a; Kaplan the trend is still limited, especially and Morris 2000). since genetic, social, economic, and Mounting evidence implicates cultural factors affect the risk deter- exposure to pesticides in adverse minant and the statistics. For ex- health effects, including cancer, ample, data bias can be related to birth defects, reproductive harm, better detection, inherited suscepti- neurological and developmental bility, improved access to health toxicity, immunotoxicity, and disrup- care, medications, and the presence tion of the endocrine system (NRDC of allergies, among other factors. 1997; Cooper, Vanderlinden, and Economic and social elements are also significant variables. Poor and aboriginal children are more often at greater risk of environment- related health problems for a number of reasons (Alpert 1999; Cooper, Vanderlinden, and others 2000). With better understanding of children’s environmental health, it has become clear that children are not just ‘little adults’ in terms of their susceptibility to the health effects of exposure to environmental contaminants (see Box 54). The story of lead illustrates how expo- sures and standards that were once thought to be safe require contin- ued revision to protect children’s health (see Box 55). Chapter 9 151

Box 55: The Phase-out of Lead

In the 1970s, lead in gasoline, paints, solders, and cans was recognized as causing grave neurobehavioral health risks to children. Attention deficits, lower IQ scores, hyperactivity, and juvenile delinquency are among these potential effects (Cooper, Vanderlinden, and others 2000; CEHN n.d.). In response, mandatory childhood blood-lead testing was instituted in the late 1980s and early 1990s in the United States. A 1981 survey found Lead Emissions in the United States, that one in every 25 US preschool children 1970-1989, and Canda, 1970-1995 and one of every five inner-city black USA 220.0 preschool children had dangerous lead 200.0 180.0 levels in their blood (Miller Jr. 1985). Lack 160.0 of definitive proof of the harmful nature of 140.0 120.0 lead in gasoline, abetted by commercial 100.0 80.0 interests in the additive, sparked a lengthy 60.0 40.0 20.0 debate while environmental contamination Amount of lead (1,000s) 0.0 and the threats to children’s health contin- 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 ued. But thanks to a strong lobby of health Canada and children’s advocates, lead additives to 25 gasoline were banned in the late 1980s in 20 the United States and in 1990 in Canada. 15 The situation improved dramatically as 10 lead emissions declined (see Figure 48), 5 and as acceptable blood lead levels were Amount of lead (1,000s) 0 revised downward in the early 1990s (EC 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995

1996; Cooper, Vanderlinden, and others Figure 48 Source: EC 1996 2000; Cooper 2002). Today, the average gasoline lead content in North America is among the lowest in the world and the average blood lead level in North American children has declined steadily (UNEP, UNICEF, and UNITAR 1998). Despite all this progress, mid-1990 estimates indicated that some 1.6 million North American children still had blood-lead levels in the range known to have health effects (GBPSR 1999; Cooper, Vanderlinden, and others 2000). Lead in paint is now considered to be the most common high-dose source of lead exposure for pre-school children in the United States. Children are more likely to ingest lead-containing paint chips and dust and so are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning. Paint with levels higher than 600 parts per million (ppm) was banned in the United States in 1978, while the same low limit on lead-based exterior paint was introduced in Canada by voluntary agreement in 1991 (LDAC 2000). Thus, many older homes in North America still contain paint with levels of lead that are dangerous to children’s health. Poor children are at greater risk since a larger percentage of low-income families live in older homes. It is now thought that there is likely no acceptable threshold for health effects in children from lead exposure (UNEP, UNICEF, and UNITAR 1998). More recently, there is evidence that children are exposed to new and unexpected sources of lead, like that found in some cheap jewellery, candles with lead wicks and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) mini- blinds. So the risk assessment for this toxic metal remains crucial (Cooper 2002). From the lessons learned with lead, the North American governments are now supporting more rigorous research into childhood risks from environmental contaminants, are issuing warnings and advisories, and imple- menting stronger standards. 152 North America’s Environment

others 2000). Pesticides are used on population lives in areas that exceed the farm and elsewhere to control federal standards for many pollut- indoor and yard pests where chil- ants. These include those associated dren are present. When pesticides with asthma such as ozone, sulphur run off fields into waterways or dioxide, and particulates (PSR groundwater or become airborne, 1997). Almost every major Canadian drinking water can be contami- city exceeded the nation’s stringent nated. Pesticides can be ingested in ozone guidelines at least once food, and most fruit and fruit juices, between 1984 and 1991. Researchers as well as breast milk.(NRDC 1997; now conclude that even ozone levels NRDC 1998). below federal standards (see the Another environmental risk to atmosphere section) cause ill effects children is air pollution, both that contribute to asthma (PSR outdoor and indoor, which is among 1997). There is also clear evidence the most significant triggers for that acidic air pollutants affect asthma symptoms. Childhood children’s cardio-respiratory health asthma is on the rise, affecting over (Burnett, Dales, and others 1995). 5 and a half million children in With the increase in asthma North America and accounting for prevalence and concerns over the more than 60 percent of all their links to environmental pollutants, hospital visits (PSR 1997; Health more research money is being Canada 1998). In Canada, child- dedicated to studying children’s hood asthma increased fourfold health, particularly to what is being between 1978-79 and 1994-95, with called a childhood asthma epidemic environmental change a possible (PEHC 2000). contributor to the increase (Kidder, In recent years, there has been a Stein, and Fraser 2000). Asthma is dramatic surge in the recognition of now the number one childhood children’s environmental health illness in the United States (PEHC issues, and as a result stricter regula- 2000). Scientific understanding of tions have been introduced that take the trend is still limited and must children’s vulnerabilities into ac- account for the influence of heredi- count. In the mid-1980s, the EPA tary characteristics, social and began to consider developmental cultural variables, and the fact that risks in its assessment protocol medications for treating the (Cooper, Vanderlinden, and others illness have greatly improved 2000). A key event was a 1993 Na- (Alpert 1999). tional Academy of Science study The links between air pollution showing that pesticide regulation did and human health in general also not allow for the special risks faced require more study. On average, air by children. It prompted the 1996 quality has improved in North US Food Quality Protection Act America, although it remains true (FQPA) to apply a 10-fold child- that more than half the US protective safety factor as well as Chapter 9 153 requirements to aggregate chemical were formed to identify, assess, and exposures and to assess groups of address children’s disproportionate chemicals with common mechanisms environmental health and safety of toxicity. It also stipulated the risks. In April 1998, the Task Force review of some 9,000 pesticides to identified childhood asthma, acci- determine whether they pose a dental injury, developmental disor- health risk for children. The FQPA ders, and childhood cancer as sets standards for exposure to haz- priority areas for immediate atten- ardous substances through risk tion (EPA 2001). Beginning in 1997, assessment, a practice that has Health Canada strove to strengthen evolved over the years from focusing departmental and interdepartmen- disproportionately on adult cancer, tal linkages among legislation, to considering developmental risks, policies, and programs aimed at including those that affect children children and contributed to the (EPA 1999; Cooper 2002). 1997 National Children’s Agenda, In Canada, the Pest Management which includes the need for safe and Regulatory Agency’s (PMRA) consid- secure environments and communi- eration of the increased sensitivity to ties for healthy childhood develop- a pesticide experienced by the young ment (Health Canada 1999). and other vulnerable populations, as Canada and the United States are well as the exposure of infants, party to the 1989 UN Convention on children, and pregnant women, is the Rights of the Child and also consistent with FQPA practice. Also support Agenda 21, which acknowl- in keeping with the EPA, it uses a edges the dangers and risks of case-specific determination regard- environmental pollution to chil- ing the size of the additional safety dren. Agenda 21 urges governments factor where reliable scientific data to develop programs to protect are available. Canada’s Food and children from the effects of environ- Drugs Act now also takes into ac- mental and occupational toxic count the dietary patterns and compounds. In addition, the Decla- special needs of children ration of the Environment Leaders (PMRA 2002). of the Eight on Children’s Environ- Both federal governments recently mental Health (G7 countries plus initiated special bodies or actions to Russia 1997) acknowledges that deal with the issue of children’s current levels of protection may not health. In 1996, the EPA adopted a provide children with adequate National Agenda to Protect protection and provides a frame- Children’s Health From Environ- work for national, bilateral, and mental Threats. In 1997, the Office international efforts to improve the of Children’s Health Protection protection of children’s health from (OCHP) and the President’s Task environmental threats such as Force on Environmental Health pesticides (CEC 2000a). And at the Risks and Safety Risks in Children Health and Environment Ministers 154 North America’s Environment

Box 56: Bilateral Cooperation

Canada and the United States, together with Mexico, are working cooperatively in the field of children’s environmental health. In 2000, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation for North America’s (CEC) Council of Ministers resolved to apply the perspective of children’s health to their work, including increasing information exchange and public awareness and education about environmental threats to children’s health and how to prevent them. Building on the outcomes of its 2000 Symposium on Children’s Health and the Environment in North America, the CEC Council called for cooperative efforts to address asthma and other respiratory diseases, and the effects of lead and other toxic substances as a matter of priority. With the involvement of health and environment officials from the three countries, an Expert Advisory Board and members of the public, the CEC has developed a Cooperative Agenda for Children’s Health and the Environment in North America which will serve as the blueprint for trilateral action on issues of common concern (CEC 2000a; CEC 2000b). The Canadian PMRA and the US EPA also work cooperatively under the umbrella of the NAFTA Technical Working Group on Pesticides to provide expert guidance to other scientists generating data to refine residential exposure estimates for infants and children (PMRA 2002). In addition, 10 US Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, forming a network joined by one Canadian counterpart, now receive US public funding. US researchers are currently initiating a pilot Longitudinal Cohort Study to track environmental exposures and health effects on children (Cooper 2002).

of the Americas meeting in 2002, it exposures, and cumulative health was agreed to develop a set of effects from exposure to environ- indicators for children’s health and mental contaminants, as well as the environment (EC 2002). The regulations for shifting onus from two countries also work together on the public to the chemical manufac- a number of joint projects (see turers by requiring the latter to Box 56). prove that their products are safe At the grassroots, people are instead of leaving it to governments invoking ‘The Right to Know’ and to report on their toxicity (Cooper, local initiatives are being taken to Vanderlinden, and others 2000; protect children’s health in many Kaplan and Morris 2000). communities. In both countries, a Emergence/Resurgence of strong preventive and precautionary Vector–borne Diseases approach to risk assessment is slow Vector-borne diseases—those that to emerge, however. People still can infect humans through transmis- tend to require positive evidence of sion by insects or ticks, or by direct health and exposure risks before contact with host animals or their taking action (Cooper 2002). Gov- body excretions (see Box 57)—were ernments are under increasing once common in the southern pressure from scientists, pediatri- United States. By 1972, public health cians, academics, and parents for policies and the effective use of more rigorous tests for neurotoxic pesticides had significantly reduced effects, prenatal and early postnatal the threat of diseases like malaria Chapter 9 155

and dengue fever. In the last 20 Box 57: Vector-borne Disease years, however, new vector-borne infectious diseases are emerging and A vector is an organism that spreads an infectious some old ones resurging (Gubler disease by amplifying and transmitting it, often 1998a; Gubler 1998b). without becoming ill itself. Anthropods such as Natural or human-caused environ- mosquitoes and ticks, or mollusks such as freshwater mental change affecting any seg- snails typically harbor the infectious agents at some ment of the vector’s natural cycle part of their life cycle. Hundreds of viruses, bacteria, might lead to the emergence or re- protozoa, and helminths (parasitic worms) rely on emergence of infectious diseases. such blood-sucking arthropods to be transmitted This can take place when other between vertebrate hosts. Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, species introduce existing pathogens Lyme disease, Arboviral encephalitis, and West Nile into human populations or patho- Virus are examples of vector-borne infectious gens are further disseminated from diseases (Gubler 1998a; NIAID 2001). smaller to larger populations. Eco- logical or environmental changes; bio-geographical conditions, immu- population movements; changes in nological history, and genetic industrial processes, economic change in pathogens are yet other development, land use, and interna- factors that can influence infectious tional travel and commerce as well as disease emergence (Epstein 1998; breakdowns in public health mea- CDC 2000a; NIAID 2001). sures can create conditions that Some scientists suggest that encourage the process. Natural certain vectors may be expanding environmental events, such as their geographic ranges into previ- weather changes, can especially ously inhospitable areas in response affect vector-borne diseases. Local to climate change. The Interna- tional Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that “changing climate conditions may lead to the northward spread of vector-borne infectious diseases and potentially enhanced transmission dynamics as a result of warmer ambient tempera- tures” (Watson, Zinyowara, and others 1997). Climate change and human- induced land use change may also change predator-prey relationships, increasing the numbers of disease- carrying pests and human contact with them (EC 1998b). For example, there appears to be a relationship between the expansion of suburbs 156 North America’s Environment

and reforestation, the abundance of few cases—have occurred in numer- deer and deer ticks, and a rise in the ous states during hot spells (Gubler numbers of reported tick bites and 1998a). Warmer weather may also infections of Lyme disease in the have influenced the occurrence of eastern United States (CDC 2001; West Nile Virus in North America NIAID 2001) (see Box 58). (see Box 59). Climate limits the distribution of Climate variability is only part of a vector-borne diseases, while the complex mix of factors that explain timing and intensity of outbreaks the emergence/resurgence of are affected by weather. With in- vector-borne diseases, and transmis- creases in average temperatures, sion depends on factors that are studies indicate the potential for unique for each pathogen. Increased mosquito-borne encephalitis to international trade can lead to the move into northern United States introduction of a pathogen to new and Canada (EC 1998b; Epstein, populations or to an expansion in Diaz, and others 1998). Indeed, the range of vectors. The tiger since 1990, the beginning of the mosquito (Aedes albopictus), for hottest decade in historical record, example, was introduced to the locally transmitted malaria out- United States in 1986 in used tires breaks—although limited to only a imported from Asia. It is capable of

Box 58: Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial tick-borne infection. The Ixodes dammini tick, found in grassy, brushy, shrubby, and wooded areas of the northeastern United States, is responsible for most of the cases of Lyme disease. The ticks feed on a variety of warm-blooded animals including humans and domestic animals. The tick’s life cycle has three stages, each of which requires separate hosts. During the nymphal stage, the tick prefers the white-footed Reported Cases of Lyme Disease in mouse, the main reservoir of the Lyme the United States, 1982-1997 disease bacteria, while the adult ticks prefer to feed on white-tailed deer (Miller n.d.). Lyme disease is the leading cause of vector-borne infectious illness in the United States, with about 15,000 cases annually, although many are unreported (CDC 2001). It occurs mostly in the northeastern United States, the upper Midwest, and northern California but may also extend northward as far as Canada with climate change

Figure 49 Source: Gubler 1998a (EC 1998b). National surveillance for Lyme disease started in 1982 and since then, incidence of the disease has increased (see Figure 49) as has its geographic distribution (Gubler 1998a). Managing deer populations where Lyme disease occurs may reduce tick abundance (CDC 2001). Chapter 9 157

Box 59: West Nile Virus

The unanticipated first-time appearance of the West Nile Virus (WNV) in New York State in 1999 aroused concern over the potential for new viruses to penetrate prosperous northern climes. Mosquitoes that have fed on the blood of infected birds transmit the virus. Most people who contract the virus show no symptoms or only mild flu-like symptoms, but in rare cases the virus can cause meningitis or encephalitis, usually affecting vulnerable people such as young children, the elderly, and those with suppressed immune systems (Health Canada 2001). Of the 62 human cases of clinical illness resulting from infection with WNV in the United States in 1999, seven were fatal. Where extensive mosquito controls and risk-reduction campaigns were undertaken, no new cases occurred among humans (CDC 2000b). Its reappearance in four northeastern states in 2000, however, was evidence that it had over- wintered and transmission had increased (Brown 2000). In 2000, there were 21 human cases and two deaths (USDA 2000). When the temperature falls below 13˚C, the mosquitoes become dormant and the virus stops spreading. But it can spread once more in the spring when the mosquitoes are active and birds are migrating (Simao 2001). WNV was first isolated in Uganda in 1937 and outbreaks have occurred in several countries outside North America, but it is not yet known how it was introduced into the United States (Health Canada 2001). It is thought that a sequence of warm winters, followed by hot, dry summers—a pattern predicted by climate change models for some regions—favors the transmission of this type of virus. To counteract increases in this and other vector-borne diseases, improved disease surveillance and prevention strategies at state and local levels will be needed as well as more research into climate- health relationships (Epstein 2000; USGCRP 2000). transmitting viruses responsible for and although climate conditions dengue fever and several forms of were subsequently ripe for more encephalitis (NIAID 2001). outbreaks, episodes have been Since the 1970s and the near limited. Early-warning systems elimination in North America of increased public awareness and malaria and other diseases that prompted people to rodent-proof infect humans through host carriers homes, set traps, and avoid the of pathogens, the public health rodents’ droppings (Bonn 1998; infrastructure required to deal with Epstein 2000). them and prevention, surveillance, The level of socioeconomic control, and training programs were development is another significant discontinued or merged with other factor in preventing vector-borne programs as less need for them was diseases. Between 1980 and 1996, perceived (Gubler 1998a). Now, for example, 43 cases of dengue however, the need to reinvest in fever, a mosquito-borne virus, were these measures has become evident. reported in Texas, versus 50,333 in With the resurgence of Hantavirus the three adjacent Mexican states, pulmonary syndrome in 1993, for providing clear evidence that where example (see Box 60, next page), people prosper, they are able to take control measures were stepped up, preventive measures—in this case, 158 North America’s Environment

air conditioning and window screens tion of water and food (see the land were key factors—and to devote section). Increasing insect resistance resources to public health and is also compromising the efficacy of surveillance measures (Manning pesticides (Epstein, Diaz, and others 2000; USGCRP 2000). 1998). Thus, more research on Better control and surveillance environmentally safe insecticides, strategies alone may be able to vaccines, and alternative approaches counteract potential increases in to vector control are also crucial vector-borne pathogens in North (Gubler 1998a). At the same time,

Box 60: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

The example of the resurgence of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the United States illustrates the effect of 1990s climatic variability in the outbreak of vector-borne disease. Rodent species bearing HPS live throughout the United States and cases of the syndrome have occurred nation- wide. It is carried primarily by the deer mouse and can be transmitted to humans when they inhale infected air from the rodents’ saliva or excreta (CDC 1999). HPS is a viral disease characterized by severe pulmonary illness, with a case fatality rate of about 50 percent (WHO 1996). In the early 1990s, the population of white-footed mice in the southwest United States increased 10-fold. A combination of prolonged drought that killed its predators and subsequent heavy rains, which expanded the rodent’s food supply, conspired to spur population increase and allowed the inactive or restricted virus to explode (WHO 1996; Epstein 2000). Only 191 cases have been reported since its first reappearance in 1993, but the virus is considered by some to be an important public health concern (Bonn 1998).

America (Gubler 1998a). Control given that climate change may have a strategies, however, often involve the significant and increasing role in this use of pesticides, which have been trend, it is also important to find called a ‘double-edged sword’ in solutions to the human causes of view of human health problems recent and future changes in climate. attributed to pesticide contamina- Chapter 9 159

References Alpert, Mark (1999). The Invisible Epidemic. Scientific http:// Accessed 15 February 2002 Bonn, Dorothy (1998). Hantaviruses: An Emerging Threat to Human Health? The Lancet 352 (9131):886 Brown, David (2000). West Nile Virus May be Here to Stay, Official Says. Washington Post, 11 August Burnett, R.T., R. Dales, D. Krewski, R. Vincent, T. Dann, and J.R. Brook (1995). Associations Between Ambient Particulate Sulfate and Admissions to Ontario Hospitals for Cardiac and Respiratory Diseases. American Journal of Epidemiology 142 (1):15-22 CDC (1999). Update: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome–United States, 1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (24):521-525 CDC (2000a). Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Public Health Response. National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention summary/index.htm. Accessed 25 February 2002 CDC (2000b). West Nile Virus Activity – New York and New Jersey, 2000. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 49 (28):640 CDC (2001). CDC Lyme Disease Home Page. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases http:// Accessed 16 February 2002 CEC (2000a). Background Paper prepared for the Symposium on North American Children’s Health and the Environment, Toronto, 10 May. Montreal, Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America CEC (2000b). Council Resolution 00-10: Children’s Health and the Environment. Montreal, Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America who_we_are/council/resolutions/disp_res.cfm?varlan=english&documentID=121. Accessed 15 February 2002 CEHN (n.d.). An Introduction to Children’s Environmental Health. Children’s Environmental Health Network Accessed 15 February 2002 Cooper, Kathleen, Loren Vanderlinden, Theresa McClenaghan, Karyn Keenan, Kapil Khatter, Paul Muldoon, and Alan Abelsohn (2000). Environmental Standard Setting and Children’s Health. Toronto, Canadian Environmental Law Association and the Ontario College of Family Physicians Environmental Health Committee Cooper, Kathleen (2002). Experimenting on Children. Alternatives 28 (1):16-21 EC (1996). The State of Canada’s Environment – 1996. Environment Canada soer-ree/English/1996Report/Doc/1-1.cfm. Accessed 28 May 2002 EC (1998a). Toxic Contaminants in the Environment: Persistent Organochlorines, National Environmental Indicator Series, SOE Bulletin No. 98-1. Ottawa, Environment Canada, State of the Environment Reporting Program: Accessed 5 February 2002 EC (2002). Meeting of Health and Environment Ministers of The Americas: Ministerial Communiqué. International Relations. hema_Comm_e.htm. Accessed 28 May 2002 EC (1998b). The Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation, Volume VII: National Sectoral Volume. Environment Canada, The Green Lane EPA (1997). Children’s Exposure to Pesticides. Star Report 1 (1):1 EPA (1999). Summary of FQPA Amendments to FIFRA and FFDCA. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs iss.htm#consumer. Accessed 15 February 2002 160 North America’s Environment

EPA (2001). President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Children’s Health Protection children/whatwe/fedtask.htm. Accessed 14 February 2002 Epstein, Paul (1998). Global Warming and Vector-borne Disease. In Letters to the Editor, The Lancet. Accessed 15 February 2002 Epstein, Paul R., Henry F. Diaz, Scott Elias, and Georg Grabherr (1998). Biological and Physical Signs of Climate Change: Focus on Mosquito-borne Diseases. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79 (3):409-417 Epstein, Paul (2000). Is Global Warming Harmful to Health? Scientific American 283 (2):50-7 GBPSR (1999). In Harm’s Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, Executive Summary. Cambridge, MA, Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility ~gmarch1723/execsumm.pdf. Accessed 16 February 2002 Grier, Ruth (2001). Making the North American Environment Safe for our Children. Trio. Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America stories/index.cfm?varlan=english&ed=3&id=21. Accessed 25 February 2002 Gubler, Duane J. (1998a). Resurgent Vector-Borne Diseases as a Global Health Problem. National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ncidod/eid/vol4no3/gubler.htm. Accessed 15 February 2002 Gubler, Duane J. (1998b). Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases. Paper read at the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, 8-11 March, at Atlanta, Georgia Health Canada (1998). Childhood Asthma in Sentinel Health Units: Findings of the Student Lung Health Survey 1995-1996. Health Canada, Health Protection Branch–Laboratory Centre for Disease Control Accessed 15 February 2002 Health Canada (1999). Health Canada’s Sustainable Development Strategy : Report on Progress for 1998- 1999. Health Canada, Office of Sustainable Development progress_report98-99.pdf. Accessed 14 February 2002 Health Canada (2001). West Nile Virus – The Facts. Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch Accessed 15 February 2002 Kaplan, Sheila, and Jim Morris (2000). Kids at Risk. US News and World Report 128 (24):47-53 Kidder, Karen, Jonathan Stein, and Jeannine Fraser (2000). The Health of Canada’s Children: A CICH Profile. 3 ed. Ottawa, Canadian Institute of Child Health LDAC (2000). Watch Out For Lead. Learning Disabilities Association of Canada http://www.ldac- Accessed 15 February 2002 Manning, Anita (2000). Climate Control isn’t a Cure-all: Poverty Overwhelms Global Warming as a Public Health Threat. USA Today, 18 July Miller, Lloyd E. (n.d.). Lyme Disease – General Information and FAQ Accessed 16 February 2002 Miller Jr., G. Tyler (1985). Living in the Environment: An Introduction to Environmental Science. Vol. 4. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing Company NET, PSR, and LDAA (2000). Polluting Our Future: Chemical Pollution in the US that Affects Child Development and Learning. Washington, DC, The National Environmental Trust, Physicians for Social Responsibility and The Learning Disabilities Association of America NIAID (2001). The NIAID Research Agenda for Emerging Infectious Diseases. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health publications/execsum/contents.htm. Accessed 15 February 2002 Chapter 9 161

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Urban Areas

global climate change, coastal orth America is a highly degradation, an expanded urban- urbanized region. In the N wildlife interface, and polluting past 30 years, North America’s inputs to fresh and marine waters. urban population increased from 72 Suburban sprawl, a key charac- to 77.2 percent (see Figure 50) teristic of North American settle- (UNCHS 2001). The actual increase ment patterns, has an important in urban populations over the impact on the environment and is period is even higher and more a high-priority issue in the region. significant. By the year 2020, some A house in the suburbs is often a 300 million people will be living in component of what has been the region’s urban or metropolitan called the ‘American Dream’. In areas (see Box 61). general, a large percentage of Urbanization is related to many of Figure 50 North Americans have enjoyed a the environmental issues high- Trend in urban high quality of life since the population, lighted in this report, including the 1980-2020 1950s, and during this time, ever- loss of agricultural land, wildlife Source: WRI, larger proportions of the popula- UNEP, UNDP, habitat and biodiversity loss and and World Bank tion could aspire to possess a 1998 degradation, regional air pollution, single-family home with garage Trend in Urban Population, 1980-2020 and yard, removed from the downtown core. But as the social,

350,000 economic, and environmental 300,000 consequences of sprawling 250,000 suburbs come to light, more and 200,000 Canada more municipalities are encour- United States 150,000 North America aging denser settlement patterns 100,000 confined to urban boundaries. 50,000 While dense settlement pat- 0 terns have the potential to reduce 1980 2000 2020 environmental impact if planned Year for sustainability, at present, Chapter 10 165

Box 61: Definition of Urban Areas

The US Census Bureau defines an urbanized area as all territory, population, and clusters of housing units with at least 387.59 people per km2. It includes the surrounding census blocks with an overall density of at least 193 people per km2 (US Census Bureau 2000). Statistics Canada defines a census metropolitan area (CMA) as an urban core population of at least 100,000, together with urban and rural fringes possessing a high degree of social and economic integration with the urban core (Statistics Canada 2001a). Canadian census authorities are now using a definition of 400 persons per km2, which is close to the US definition (Wendell Cox Consultancy 2000a).

North American urban populations the region’s ecological footprint, use high levels of energy and other which is an aggregated measure of resources and dispose of large human impact on the global envi- amounts of waste. The concentration ronment. Because of their signifi- of people and industry has implica- cant contribution to both regional tions for the production, removal, and global pollution and to declines and treatment of solid waste gener- in the earth’s natural resources, ated as a by-product of regular North American cities have large consumption, as well as hazardous ecological footprints. The implica- wastes produced by industry. Cana- tions of the region’s global impact is dian and US citizens are some of the a high-priority issue for the North highest per capita producers of American environment as well as the municipal waste in the world, put- global one. ting out, respectively, an annual average of 630 and 720 kg per Sprawl person in the mid-1990s. These By the 1970s, North America’s amounts represent respective in- postwar exodus from central cities creases of 24 percent and 19 percent had led to a settlement pattern since 1980 (CEC 2000). Quantities of characterized by low-density suburbs waste and pollution generated by surrounding city cores, commonly North America’s urban-industrial referred to as sprawl (see Box 62). complex are part of the make-up of In the United States, a cycle of

Box 62: Sprawl

Sprawl may be defined as low-density, non-contiguous, automobile-dependent residential development (Dowling 2000). It is equated with intrusion into rural or undeveloped land on the periphery of a central city or town, beyond the edge of service and employment areas (Chen 2000). Sprawl’s dominant characteristic is that each of its components—clusters of housing, shopping centers, offices, civic institutions, and roadways—is strictly segregated from the others (Duany, Plater-Zyberk, and Speck 2000). Abetted by a vocal grassroots movement, federal, regional, and municipal governments are increasingly recognizing the environmental and social impacts of sprawl and attempting to address them. 166 North America’s Environment

transit declines, rising car use, and subdivision ordinances also encour- commuting longer distances took aged the pattern of isolated residen- place over the 1970s and ’80s and tial, retail, and workspaces character- was mirrored by Canada during the istic of sprawl (ULI 1999). In addi- 1990s. These changes were fueled tion, governments funded the after World War II by a number of extension of sewers and water lines polices that encouraged the settle- to sprawling developments, paid for ment dispersal. In the United States, emergency services to them, built loan programs provided low-cost new schools, and helped suburban mortgages for new, single-family developers in other ways (Sierra suburban construction. At the same Club 2000a).

Figure 51 time the government launched a State-level powers over programs US per capita 65,983 km interstate highway pro- and services devolved to local gov- private and public transport gram and provided subsides for road ernments, undermining the poten- use, 1972-1999. improvement, helping to make tial for coordinated regional land Source: compiled from EC 1998b; commuting by car affordable and use and transportation policies Wendell Cox 2000; and convenient for the average citizen (Raad and Kenworthy 1998). While United Nations (Duany, Plater-Zyberk, and Speck government infrastructure subsidies, Population Division 2001 2000). Local single-use zoning and middle-income families, and tax bases left for the suburbs, city cen- US Per Capita Private and Public Transport ters encountered rising service costs. Use, 1972-1999 US cities came to be impoverished

15 000 city cores surrounded by US private car-dependent suburbs serviced US public by malls. Until recently, sprawl has been relatively more controlled in Canada. A strong tradition of land 10 000 use planning and higher transit usage created urban areas that are more integrated with their surround- ing suburbs. In response to suburban growth, municipalities initially amalgamated or created upper-tier Passenger-km 5 000 agencies to coordinate regional services and infrastructure and 400 reconcile the needs of suburbs with 300 those of the central city (Raad and 200 Kenworthy 1998). During the 1970s 100 and 1980s, large-scale government 0 subsidies helped transit systems to 0 expand, curbing low-density sprawl. 1972 1975 1980 1985 199 1995 1999 Year Across the country, public transport Chapter 10 167

was usually a coordinated, high- Canadian Per Capita Private and Public Transport quality, and relatively profitable Use, 1972-1995 service that helped maintain thriving 15 000 central cities (Pucher 1998). Canada private During the 1990s, however, low- Canada public density suburban sprawl expanded significantly in Canada while con- tinuing apace in the United States. A growing population in Canada 10 000 increasingly spilled over into areas outside regional government con- trol. Mirroring fragmented munici- pal governance in the United States, responsibility for social services Passenger-km including transit began devolving to 5 000 municipalities, depriving regional governments of the tools to contain 400 sprawl (Pucher 1998; Raad and 300 Kenworthy 1998). Large fare in- 200 creases and service cutbacks, stagnat- 100 ing subsidy levels, and escalating 0 0 5 0 72 75 operating and capital costs contrib- 19 19 198 198 199 1995 1999 uted to declining transit use, and a Year cycle of car use increases, sprawling suburbs, longer commuting dis- tances, and further transit decreases continued to encourage driving and fed into the cycle of sprawl and car Figure 52 began. Between 1981 and 1991, the Canadian per number of car kilometers traveled by dependency. At the same time, the capita private and public Canadian and US citizens grew by 23 high costs of roads deprived public transport use, 1972-1995. and 33.7 percent, respectively, while transit services and other transporta- Source: compiled the distances traveled by public tion options of potential funding. from EC 1998b; Wendell Cox transport shrank (see Figures 51 and Between 1996 and 1997, new road 2000; and construction in 21 US states con- United Nations 52) (EC 1998; Raad and Kenworthy Population 1998). Although US cities have sumed over half of transportation Division 2001 higher car use and lower transit use, dollars at the expense of transit the rate of growth in the number of ( 1999). One report reveals that car kilometers traveled in Canada today, about 85 percent of US began to resemble the United States, federal transportation money en- rising 20 percent and 23 percent courages sprawl (Dowling 2000). respectively between 1981 and 1991 Artificially low gas prices in North (Raad and Kenworthy 1998). America also benefit the suburban The 1990s saw new road building commuter rather than the urban in the United States, which transit user (Baker 2000). 168 North America’s Environment

Increase in Vehicle Miles of Travel and Population settlement patterns, the question of in the United States, 1980-1997 whether employment centers in suburban areas are part of a sustain- able solution to sprawl is still being debated. Demographic trends are also fueling sprawl. For example, the percentage of the population be- tween the ages of 25 and 64—the segment most likely to own house- holds and cars and to commute to work—is growing (Pucher 1998; NAHB 1999). But population growth does not entirely explain the in- creases in travel miles. For example, between 1980 and 1996, the increase Figure 53 Contributing to recent Increase in in the number of vehicle miles vehicle miles of suburbanization trends in both traveled in the United States ex- travel and population in countries is the substantial loss of ceeded an annual growth rate of 3 the United States, 1980- central-city jobs (Pucher 1998). percent while annual population 1997. High-tech employment, for ex- growth was only 1.0 percent (see Source: EPA 2001 ample, is growing 30 percent faster Figure 53). in US suburbs than in cities, helping The growth of ex-urban housing also reflects the ability of an increas- Urban Sources of Sprawl in the United States, 1970-1990 ingly affluent segment of society to afford a ‘dream house’ in a country setting. Indeed, in both nations, sprawl is as much an effect of the preference for house type and locations as it is of population growth. As the overall US population grows, suburbs are growing faster than central cities: suburban popula- tion grew by 11.9 percent between 1990 and 1998, compared to 4.7 percent for central cities (Pope 1999; Baker 2000; HUD 2000). Only one- half of US sprawl appears to be Figure 54 to drive residential and business related to population increase, with Urban sources of sprawl in the development to fringe settlements the other half attributable to land United States, use and consumption choices that 1970-1990. (HUD 2000). While the close increase the amount of urban land Source: proximity of jobs and housing can Kolankiewicz and occupied per resident (Kolankiewicz Beck 2001 promote more sustainable urban Chapter 10 169

Acronyms and Beck 2001) (see Figure 54). Urban Land Occupying Dependable Farmland Similarly, the growth of suburbs in in Canada, 1971-1996 Canada is reflected by a steady 30,000 decline in population densities— Urban land occupying dependable farmland 25,000 Urban land from an average of 1,030 persons per 20,000 km2 in 1971 to 796 per km2 in 1996. 2

km 15,000 The accelerated expansion of urban 10,000 areas was influenced by preferences 5,000 in housing location and type of 0 homes, resulting in more land per 1971 1981 1991 1996 urban dwelling. Almost 60 percent of all dwellings in Canada are single (Dowling 2000; HUD 2000). In Figure 55 detached houses (Statistics Urban land use Canada, the amount of urban land occupying Canada 2001b). dependable occupying ‘dependable’ land (suit- farmland in The North American suburban Canada, 1971- able for long-term crop production) lifestyle has many benefits that are 1996. increased from about 9,000 km2 in coveted by other, less developed Source: Statistics 1971 to 14,000 km2 in 1996 (see Canada 2000c regions of the world. But some North Figure 55). During this period, some Americans increasingly recognize the 12,250 km2 of land, half of which multiple negative effects of unbridled was dependable agricultural land, growth in low-density suburban were converted to urban uses (Statis- development (Chen 2000). The tics Canada 2000b). environmental consequences of Apart from agricultural land, sprawl begin with land conversion. other natural landscape features are The total amount of land dedicated also lost to urban and suburban to urban uses in the United States development, such as wetlands, expanded by more than 7.7 million forests, and wilderness areas, as well ha between 1970 and 1990 (Sierra as the services they provide, such as Club 1998). The American Farmland wildlife habitat, flood and runoff Trust estimates that between 1982 control, and soil productivity and 1992, an average of 1,620 km2 a (Parfrey 1999). Sprawl is a serious year of prime farmland in the United threat to wildlife and plants as it States was developed (Sorensen, destroys and degrades the habitat on Greene, and Russ 1997). During the which these species depend for their following decade, this loss rate survival. Habitat conversion to doubled as almost 65,000 km2 of urban, suburban, or agricultural private forest, agricultural land and development accounts for 2 to 20 open spaces were claimed by develop- percent of species loss in the lower ment so that by the end of the 1990s, 48 states (The Biodiversity Project some 4,050 km2 continued to be lost 2000). In the 10 years between 1982 each year, a substantial portion of and 1992, fully 2,085,945 ha of which was devoted to suburban forestland, 1,525,314 ha of culti- homes on lots of half a hectare vated cropland, 943,598 ha of 170 North America’s Environment

Box 63: Smart Growth

In the past 10 years, a ‘smart growth’ movement has emerged in North America to combat sprawl. Smart growth is promoted by a broad coalition including environmental NGOs, social justice activists, local government officials, urban planners, affordable-housing advocates, and most recently, among some developers and others in the real estate industry (Katz and Liu 2000). The movement—including sustainable city initiatives (see Box 64) and the new urbanism approach, which advocates redesigning Urban Density vs Car Use in 20 North American conventional suburban developments Cities, 1990-1991 as small towns—promotes high-

15000 density neighborhoods characterized Sacramento◆ ◆ ◆ Houston San Diego by a balance of mixed residential, 12500 ◆ Phoenix◆ Detroit San Francisco ◆ ◆ ◆ Los Angeles office, and retail land uses in close Boston◆ Washington Portland◆ ◆ 10000 Denver ◆Chicago proximity, with civic buildings pita (km) ◆ Va● ncouver New York ● Calgary clustered in a town center; the 7500 ● ●Edmonton Winnipeg● ● ●Ottawa shrinking of travel distances, which To r onto ● Car use per ca 5000 Montreal encourages walking and cycling and privileges public transit; the 2500 5.0 preservation of open green spaces Urban density (persons/ha) and farmland; the involvement of From The US and Us: Canadian Cities are going the way of their US counterparts into car- dependant sprawl, Alternatives Journal, 24:1 ( Winter 1998), p. 17. residents in city planning processes; and respect for the area’s history Figure 56 Source: Raad and Kenworthy 1998 and architecture (Parfrey 1999; Baker 2000; Duany 2000; Sierra Club 2000b). This agenda emphasizes ‘smart’ growth, rather than ‘no’ growth, and seeks to reform codes and ordinances to permit the development of smart growth characteristics and create urban growth boundaries (ULI 1999). Figure 56 shows that where urban density is highest, car use per capita is lowest, and illustrates the fact that Canadian cities are much less affected by sprawl than their US neighbors. Public transportation use is three times higher and population densities 1.8 times greater than in US metropolitan areas (Raad and Kenworthy 1998). Compact development techniques advocated by smart growth include building within an already urbanized area, redeveloping on cleaned-up contaminated sites or ‘brownfields’, and cluster development on reduced-size lots. Such development encourages smart growth attributes by using up less land area and helping to reduce travel distances; encouraging walking and cycling; privileging public transit; preserving open green spaces, wildlife habitat, and farmland; and reducing impervious surface areas in order to improve drainage and water quality (EPA 2001).

pastureland, and 774,029 ha of increases the risk of floods as rain rangeland were converted to urban flows into gutters instead of seeping uses in the United States (WRI, into the ground to replenish ground- UNEP, UNDP, and World water supplies. Urban runoff is also a Bank 1996). significant source of pollutants such The spread of paved areas accom- as oil and heavy metals that are panying urban and suburban sprawl washed into water courses (WRI, Chapter 10 171

UNEP, UNDP, and World Bank delay per person rose from 11 hours 1996). With accumulated sediments, in 1982 to 36 hours in 1999 habitat disturbance, and declining (Dowling 2000; TTI 2001). Studies water quality, many US urban water- also reveal that low-density, non- sheds are suffering changes to the contiguous settlement requires natural hydrological cycle more money for municipal services (Samuelsohn 2001). and infrastructure than compact Sprawl also has social and eco- development does (Chen 2000). nomic consequences, including Car-centered development can traffic congestion and related costs exacerbate disparities between the for petrol burned and time lost, rich and poor and worsen the plight deteriorating inner cities that are of the underprivileged. For ex- often fragmented along class and ample, although the automobile is racial lines, and suburban problems the only practicable means of of isolation and lack of sense of transport in some US cities, one- community (Raad and Kenworthy third of the nation’s population is 1998; Dowling 2000). Sprawl-exacer- too young, too old, or too poor to bated congestion costs an estimated drive a car (O’Meara Sheehan US $72 to 78 billion a year for lost 2001). Inner cities and their resi- time and fuel in the United States, dents also bear the costs of sprawl. representing an estimated 4.5 billion Once-thriving downtown businesses hours of extra travel time and 25.7 in some places close as urban tax billion liters of fuel wasted during bases lose funding. Furthermore, traffic jams. The average annual most US federal housing subsidies

Box 64: Sustainable Cities

Sustainable city and community approaches, which address economic, environmental, and social issues through public participation, have also been applied to urban sprawl, and inner-city and brownfield development to build healthy communities with the features characteristic of smart growth (Lachman 1997). Seattle, Washington, was one of the first US cities to explicitly incorporate sustainability into its community development plans. One of the city’s policies, the Seattle Comprehensive Plan, aimed to increase the density of jobs, housing, and amenities; reduce urban sprawl and traffic congestion; and create an ‘urban village’ of distinct neighborhoods (Lachman 1997). Seattle also developed a set of sustainability indicators to measure the quality of economic, ecological, social, and cultural health in its communities, and its ‘Sustainable Seattle’ reports have won international awards and inspired other communities in North America and around the world to monitor their own progress toward a more sustainable future (SCN 1998). A number of ‘urban villages’ throughout Canada display some of the features of sustainable neighborhoods: Kitsilano in Vancouver, Fort Rouge in Winnipeg, the Beaches in Toronto, Plateau Mont-Royal in Montreal and Spring Garden in Halifax (CMHC 2001). North America is home to 44 of the some 350-member governments of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), which commits them to develop sustainability plans (ICLEI 2000). 172 North America’s Environment

go to well-off suburban American cities since the 1970s. homeowners, not to inner-city These gains are being eroded, residents. While there has been a however, due in some degree to recent trend toward resurgence in decentralized development. Al- many US downtowns, such as Phila- though today’s cars are 90 percent delphia, Chicago, New York, Denver, cleaner than those of the 1970s, US and Houston, it has generally citizens now drive on average more benefited better-off residents. Also, than twice as many kilometers as there is evidence that gentrification they did in the 1970s (see Figures 51 of inner cities can raise housing and 52) (Dowling 2000; HUD 2000). costs and slow employment growth Furthermore, as underscored in the (Jud 2001), pushing out low-income atmosphere section, transportation is families. A 2001 United Nations a leading contributor to greenhouse report warns that despite North gases, and the consequences of America’s general prosperity com- climate change due to human activity are a cause of increasing concern. Health can be affected in other ways, too. For example, the sedentary lifestyle that often comes with reliance on cars contributes to obesity problems in adults and children (Chen 2000). Increasingly, state and local governments are implementing smart growth and sustainable city plans to address sprawl (see Boxes 63 and 64, previous page). Successful ‘infill’ projects in which decaying pared to other world regions, properties or vacant lots are devel- problems of residential segregation, oped to help cities rebound are now discrimination in housing markets, more common. On the other hand, and affordability persist, particularly in many places it is still less expen- in its larger cities (UNCHS 2001). sive in the short term for developers As highlighted in the atmosphere to buy and build on land outside city section, the increased reliance on zones (Chen 2000). automobiles that is both a cause and The smart growth movement in consequence of sprawl has created the United States has enjoyed a air quality problems and related broad base of popular support over human health impacts from car the past decade. In 1998, voters emissions. Cleaner, more efficient passed 70 percent of 240 smart vehicles and more stringent emis- growth ballot initiatives focused on sions regulations have generally preserving green space (Dowling improved air quality in many North 2000). Although most activity has Chapter 10 173 been directed at the planning levels Home Builders published its policy of government, the agenda has more on smart growth, which includes the recently gained acceptance by promotion of building to higher national and municipal leaders densities, revitalizing cities and across the country (Nelson 2000). At older suburbs, and preserving the federal level, smart growth has meaningful open space and protect- been endorsed through a number of ing environmentally sensitive areas new initiatives. In 1996, the US (NAHB 1999). Environmental Protection Agency The anti-sprawl movement is not joined with several non-profit and as strong in Canada, largely because government organizations to form sprawl and its impacts are less the Smart Growth Network (SGN) to evident. However, most of Canada’s encourage sustainable urban devel- major urban regions are instituting opment (Arigoni 2001). long-range transportation plans The US 1998 Transportation aimed at reducing car dependency Equity Act (TEA-21) reduces the and adopting strategies for higher- share of funding dedicated to new density, mixed-use urban develop- highways and provides some addi- ment (Raad and Kenworthy 1998). tional funding for transit and paths The province of Ontario’s initiative for pedestrians and cyclists (ULI involves developing a vision and 1999). But critics point out that TEA- overall goals for smart growth, 21 dedicates more than four times growth plans for 5 zones through more money to highways than to stakeholder consultation, and a 10- public transit (Sierra Club 2000a). year US $5.9 billion Transit Invest- The Livable Communities Initiative ment Plan (Government of Ontario budget also gives money to mass 2001). The Transportation Associa- transit, invests in local initiatives to tion of Canada (TAC) provided ease congestion, and acts as a clear- national leadership for sustainable inghouse to help voluntary urban transportation through its grassroots initiatives find resources 1993 long-term generic vision for to combat sprawl (FTA 2000). The multi-use urban development, 2000 budget included a large one- compact communities, and viable time investment for land protection transport options that include through the Land Legacy Initiative pedestrian, cycling, and transit (Baker 2000). And another federal infrastructure. Many local govern- initiative, the New Markets urban ments across the country have revitalization plan, is intended to adopted the TAC’s New Urban stimulate business investment in Vision key objectives and principles poor communities and reverse or (Stephens 2000). Reflecting this curb gentrification that pushes poor trend is the rise in the popularity of families out (HUD 2000). Business public transit since 1996, with a initiatives are also appearing: in major surge in ridership in 1999 and 1999, the National Association of 2000 (EC 2001). 174 North America’s Environment

Box 65: Bilateral Cooperation among federal, state/provincial, and local governments and their proper Canada and the United States share a common roles are still undefined (Stoel Jr. airshed, common watersheds and common routes 1999; Dowling 2000); adequate for migratory species in the transboundary Georgia funding and effective compliance Basin/Puget Sound region of the west coast. regimes to ensure policy implemen- Through the Joint Statement of Cooperation for the tation are lacking (Raad and Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Ecosystem, Kenworthy 1998); policy solutions Environment Canada and the US EPA agreed to fail to reflect the many forces driving develop and identify forums and mechanisms for development patterns and to make residents and decision-makers to share information the link between affordable housing on Smart Growth/Sustainable Development issues. and smart growth; and transporta- Two such forums in 2001 gave multi-stakeholder tion strategies are short of funding participants a chance to share their experience and and clear thinking. To some, smart knowledge on best practices in smarter urban growth implies the loss of individual design and sustainable growth. The two countries freedom and property rights, and are also developing a suite of coordinated this fear fuels an anti-smart growth transboundary sustainability indicators (EC 2002) lobby (Stoel Jr. 1999; Katz and Liu 2000). Vested interests of the car manufacturing industry are so As part of its action plan on powerful and suburban sprawl is so climate change, in 2000 Canada entrenched in the North American established the Green Municipal landscape, infrastructure, and Fund to stimulate investment in psyche that reversing the trend is a innovative municipal infrastructure formidable challenge. projects and environmental prac- Ecological Footprint tices to help municipalities reduce North America’s urban and subur- greenhouse gas emissions, address ban pattern of growth is one of the air, water, and soil pollution, and principal forces driving the global promote renewable resources (FCM increase in energy demand, even 2001). The Canada Mortgage and though the region has only 5 per- Housing Corporation also recently cent of the world’s population (WRI, began promoting housing in sustain- UNEP, UNDP, and World Bank able neighborhoods that feature 1996). North American cities, with smart growth attributes (CMHC three-quarters of the region’s popu- 2001). Canada and the United lation, are major consumers of the States also joined forces to tackle world’s natural resources and major sprawl in the ecosystems they share producers of its wastes. As a result, in the Georgia Basin (see box 65). their impact on the global environ- There are still many hurdles on ment is larger than that of any the path to smart growth and sus- other region. tainable cities: powers to address Urbanization has a profound sprawl are generally fractured effect on the amount and kind of Chapter 10 175 energy consumed, and, along with States, it grew at 2.3 percent per year population growth, economic over the past 25 years. Like all urban development, industrialization, and areas, North American cities need to low-priced energy, it is one of the import their basic requirements of principal forces driving the global food, fuel, and water from a dis- increase in energy demand (WRI, tance. Globalization has been an UNEP, UNDP, and World Bank important driving force in changing 1996). Per capita consumption rose consumption and production steadily over the past three decades: patterns as the accelerated move- on average, in industrialized coun- ment of goods, information, and tries such as Canada and the United people provides consumers with an

Box 66: The Ecological Footprint

The impact of a region, a nation, a city, or an individual on the global environment is increasingly referred to as the ecological footprint. This term expresses the impact of a given population as the amount of productive land and water needed to produce the resources it consumes and to assimilate its wastes, using prevailing technology Comparison of Ecological Footprints (Wackernagel 1999). Thus, it is not by World Region, 1996 simply a measure of the amount of 12 land consumed by an average city North America 10 Western Europe resident or by an entire city within its Central and Eastern Europe national borders, but rather includes 8 Middle East and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean all the land or land equivalent in 6 Asia/Pacific Africa other parts of the world required by 4 that individual or city to function. The

Area units per person per Area units 2 ecological footprint is measured in

0 ‘area units’ with one unit representing 200 384 343 307 434 3222 710 one ha of biologically productive

Population (millions) OECD space. Although the approach is still Non-OECD evolving, it is a useful tool to Figure 57 Source: WWF 2000 aggregate human impact on the earth into one number. It vividly expresses the notion that the larger the footprint of an individual, a city, or a nation, the more of the world’s global resources it consumes and the more it uses the planet’s available waste sinks. According to The Living Planet Report 2000, in 1996, North America’s total ecological footprint was about four times larger than the world average (WWF 2000) (see Figure 57). Compared to the amount of land the average US citizen uses to support his or her current lifestyle, however, the average Canadian lives on a footprint that is 30 percent smaller (Redefining Progress 2002). A person’s ecological footprint can be calculated by dividing the regional or national total consumption by its population size. Using this method, the City of Toronto needs about 7.6 ha of productive ecosystem per capita to satisfy primary consumption of food, wood products, fuel, and waste- processing capacity, which means that the city, newly amalgamated to include its suburban neighborhoods, impacts an area over 280 times its actual size (Onisto, Krause, and Wackernagel 1998). 176 North America’s Environment

increased variety of choices (UN uses energy has improved over the 2001). Wealthy cities and the past few decades, in per capita terms, wealthier groups within cities tend efficiency gains have been much to appropriate more materials, food, slower, reflecting an overall increase and energy as well as waste assimila- in energy use (OECD 1998). In 1996, North America’s energy consumption represented 25 percent Comparison of CO2 Footprints by World Region, 1996 of total world primary energy con- sumption (UNEP 2001).

8 North America Between 1972 and 1996, the Western Europe 20 Central and Eastern Europe region’s CO2 emissions increased 6 Middle East and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean 15 from 1.3 to 1.6 billion tons of carbon Asia/Pacific 4 Africa equivalent (Marland, Bowden, and 10 per person per year per person per

2 Andres 1999). As shown in the 2 5

Area units per person per Area units atmosphere section, the United ons of CO 0 0 T States is the leading producer of 200 384 343 307 434 3222 710

Population (millions) OECD greenhouse gas emissions; by com- Non-OECD parison, per person, they generate about 20 times the per capita emis- Figure 58 tion capacity from other regions. sions of India (Sandalow and Bowles Comparison of Thus, wealthy cities, or neighbor- 2001). Although Canada produces CO2 footprints by world hoods in cities, of which there are region, 1996. only 2.5 percent of global green- many in North America, contribute Source: WWF house gases, Canadians are the 2000 disproportionately to global environ- world’s second-largest per capita mental and social problems (WRI, energy consumers. Cities are not UNEP, UNDP, and World Bank responsible per se for increased 1996; Onisto, Krause, and greenhouse gas emissions, but Wackernagel 1998). This is espe- presently urban lifestyles, especially cially the case when the materials of the wealthy, are linked to higher consumed originate in countries consumption and energy use pat- where environmental, public health, terns. An estimated 40 percent of and worker protection laws are total North American carbon diox- inadequate (US IWG 1999). ide emissions come from 50 metro- One of the most significant politan areas (UNDP, UNEP, World aspects of North America’s large Bank, and WRI 2000). In 1996, impact or its ecological footprint North America’s CO2 footprint was (see Box 66, previous page) is its almost five times that of the world large and growing energy use and average (WWF 2000) (see

related CO2 emissions from fossil Figure 58). fuels (see also the atmosphere In terms of fuel, North America’s section). Total energy use in North per capita annual gasoline consump- America grew by 31 percent between tion for motor vehicles was 1,637 1972 and 1997 (UNEP 2001). litres per person in 1997, or nine Although the efficiency with which it times the world average (UNDP, Chapter 10 177

UNEP, World Bank, and WRI 2000; the world average (UNDP, UNEP, UN 2001). In addition to fossil fuels, World Bank, and WRI 2000). Ac- the region consumes more per cording to The Living Planet Report capita of many other raw and pro- 2000, in 1996, North America’s cessed resources than any other ‘forest footprint’ was 4.4 times that region in the world. There is, how- of the world average (WWF 2000). ever, a modest trend toward North America also produces decoupling economic growth and more municipal solid waste per natural resource use (WRI 2000). person than any other region. Per capita consumption is relatively Municipal solid waste generated in stable, except for plastic and paper, the United States continues to grow, but population growth means that but at a much slower rate than total resource consumption is still before 1970, as waste recovery increasing. In 1990, the United increases and discards to land fills States used almost seven times the decrease (see Figure 59). Light- per capita world average in plastic and petroleum feed stocks Solid Waste Disposal in the United States, (PCSD 1996a). 1970-1997 The nation also consumes nearly a 200 recovery for composting quarter of the world’s industrial recovery for recycling combustion round wood, of which about 40 150 landfill, other disposal percent is used for construction. Most of this wood goes to building 100 homes. Three times as many homes Million tons were built in the past 30 years as in 50 the preceding three decades and 0 although the average US family size 1970 1980 1990 1994 1997 dropped by 16 percent, the size of Years newly built single-family homes expanded by 48 percent (Abramovitz weight but high-volume materials Figure 59 and Mattoon 1999; Bartuska 2000). Solid waste such as paper and plastic are replac- disposal in the Wood is used more efficiently, United States, ing dense and heavy materials in the 1970-1997. however, as old-growth forests waste stream, however, increasing Source: Franklin decline and economic and social waste volumes (PCSD 1996a). The Associates 1999 pressures spur improvements in continued use of older technologies forest practices and in new harvest- coupled with a consumer lifestyle ing, processing, and recycling tech- based on the desire for mobility, nologies (Abramovitz and Mattoon convenience, and product 1999). Paper consumption is also disposability has limited the further large and growing despite the advancement of resource efficiency growth of paper recycling. Average and waste reduction (UN 2001). per capita paper consumption in The impacts of waste, experi- North America in 1998 was six times enced both locally and at great 178 North America’s Environment

distances from cities themselves, are Development (PCSD) has recom- a product both of urbanization mended national goals for natural (wastes concentrated in one place) resources stewardship, population and economic growth and industri- planning, and sustainable consump- alization. The wealthier the city, the tion (PCSD 1996a; PCSD 1996b). more waste it produces. In addition, The US EPA has a number of pro- waste composition changes from grams to increase energy efficiency, including the Energy Star Building Program, the Green Lights Program and the Design for the Environment Program. Resource reduction efforts have led to the tripling of the pro- portion of waste recovered between 1970 and 1993 (UN 1997). In Canada waste minimization is also part of a variety of federal and provincial initiatives to promote more sustainable production and consumption. A 1992 target set by the National Packaging Protocol of reducing the amount of packaging sent for disposal by 20 percent was primarily biodegradable organic exceeded. And the federal govern- materials to plastics and other ment has developed energy effi- synthetic materials that take much ciency programs, including greening longer to decompose (WRI, UNEP, its motor vehicle fleet and conduct- UNDP, and World Bank 1996). ing research into bio-diesel fuels. Its Clearly, North America’s urban Environmental Choice Program is industrial society has an inequitable designed to support the reduction of and unsustainable impact on the energy and materials consumption global environment. Agenda 21 (UN 1997). identified unsustainable consump- Industry is increasingly restructur- tion and production, especially by ing its processes and re-sourcing raw industrialized countries, as the materials to reduce their environ- major cause of global environmental mental impact. Some are turning to deterioration (UN 2001). the environmental goods and ser- Since 1993, the issue of sustain- vices sector to make the savings that able patterns of consumption and often come with investing in eco- production has entered policy efficient operations. In 1995, the debate. Both federal governments United States accounted for 40 promote ecoefficiency through a percent of the current market in the number of their programs. The US pollution control industry and in President’s Council on Sustainable Canada, business sales in environ- Chapter 10 179 mental goods and services rose 11 patterns, cities can provide environ- percent in 1997 from the previous mental and economic savings from year (Statistics Canada 1999). There economies of scale—recycling is also a perceptible rise in the initiatives and per capita energy use number of ‘green’ or socially and for heating, cooling, and mass environmentally conscious consum- transit, for example, all benefit from ers (Coop America 2000). high population densities. High- North America’s urban industrial density development can also society simultaneously provides a reduce pressures to convert agricul- quality of life envied by many of the tural and wilderness areas to urban world’s developing countries and uses (WRI, UNEP, UNDP, and World levels a disproportionate environ- Bank 1996). While North America’s mental impact on the planet. As smart growth and sustainable city shown above, dense settlement programs have the potential to help patterns that are planned to be reduce its ecological footprint, more compact and efficient can reduce resources and political support are pressures on the environment. needed to make them a reality. Compared to dispersed settlement 180 North America’s Environment

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Analysis and Policy Options

The 30-Year Legacy ozone and control acid rain, Signs of Progress and to tackle the grave This survey of priority environmen- pollution problems in the tal issues in North America shows Great Lakes; that the region has made notable • during the 1990s, technological progress in addressing a number of change in some sectors of the its most evident and serious economy helped to curb a environmental problems in the number of environmental past 30 years: pressures through less intensive • since the early 1970s, point focus on material production sources of nitrogen and phos- and moderate efficiency gains. phorous, principally from the Significant Challenges Remain discharge of municipal sewage While these are encouraging signs of and industrial wastes, progress, it is clear that significant declined significantly; challenges remain before North • in many places, ambient air America is on a sustainable path. In quality improved, industrial many instances, the gains made in effluents declined, hazardous arresting environmental pollution waste threats were reduced, and degradation have more recently and community recycling been eroded by choices related to initiatives began; consumption increases and popula- • increasingly, protected areas tion growth. For example: were set aside for conservation • progress in fuel efficiency has and recreation; been offset by increases in the • a new awareness of the regional number of automobiles and the and global nature of some total number of kilometers environmental issues was traveled, and by a trend since aroused during the 1980s as 1984 toward heavier and less the two countries joined forces fuel-efficient passenger to stop producing substances vehicles; and that deplete stratospheric Chapter 11 187

• a consumer lifestyle based on increasingly recognized as an envi- the desire for mobility, conve- ronmental and health issue: nience, and product • we know now that much water disposability has undercut pollution is caused by pollutants the further advancement of from the air and that many are resource efficiency and carried far from their sources to waste reduction. contaminate areas that appear In addition, some problems pristine—some US National persist despite notable progress. Parks and Arctic ecosystems and For example: peoples, for instance; and • soil and wetland losses still • diffuse pollution from non- outpace gains; point sources travels extensively • although withdrawal rates have through water courses. Nitro- declined, many aquifers are still gen runoff into surface waters being depleted; and eventually reaches sensitive • even with large sulphur reduc- coastal ecosystems, contributing tions, some regions still to ‘dead zones’, as in the Gulf of experience acid rain’s long- Mexico, and probably to red term effects. tides. It also seeps into ground- In other areas, new problems are water and aquifers, where it is emerging as scientific research difficult to detect and to treat. reveals that some standards once In addition, resource conservation thought adequate to protect human has been less successful than local and environmental health are pollution abatement. Non-renewable actually insufficient. For example: resources, including water, have been • research in the last decade has intensively exploited:

demonstrated that ozone (O3) • the collapse of the Atlantic cod and fine particulates impose far fishery, increased concern over greater burdens on human the fate of Pacific salmon, and health than previously thought; international attention to the • children are especially vulner- harvest of old-growth forest in able to even trace amounts the Pacific Northwest highlight of environmental contami- the difficulty in reconciling nants; and conservation and economic • the potential for exposure to goals and in persuading people persistent toxic substances to of their inextricable linkage. cause reproductive and Finally, North America’s ecological hormonal disruption is of footprint exceeds that of any other growing concern. region, extending beyond its borders Furthermore, new problems have to affect the global climate in par- emerged. For example, the move- ticular. The region’s energy use and ment of contaminants throughout vehicle use are among the pressures ecosystems, water- and airsheds is implicated in anthropogenic climate 188 North America’s Environment

change, one of the world’s most Environment has economic value pressing environmental challenges. Yet the fact remains, environmental goods and services have high interna- Major Messages tional, national, and local value, and their misuse incurs economic and The Environment Matters social costs. In recent years, research- Environment, the basis of existence ers have conducted studies to deter- The environment is the foundation mine the economic costs of of human health, well-being, and environmental damage. Warning security. Only with a healthy envi- signs of degradation of our ronment can we meet our physi- ecosystems are increasingly being ological needs for air and water; felt by the economy—this report obtain raw materials for food, notes several examples: clothing, shelter, tools, and recre- • there is a strong correlation, for ation; and, less obviously, take instance, between episodic, high advantage of the essential, unseen ground-level ozone and hospital- services that fully functioning ization and worker absenteeism. ecosystems provide, like cleansing The hidden costs of health care water, building soil, and regulating and labor losses, and reduced climate. In industrial urbanized agricultural productivity are societies like North America’s, the borne by society as a whole; link between the products we use • damage from ozone is also to and their original earthly sources blame for more than US $500 becomes obscured. Failing to see million in annual reductions of the ecological—not to mention the agricultural and commercial cultural and spiritual—benefits we forest yields in the United States; derive from nature, we too often • damage caused by bioinvasions in take the biosphere’s functions for North America is also extremely granted, assuming its services to be costly to the agricultural industry, free, and trusting that it will serve us as well as to other industries, in in perpetuity. terms of human health and Despite policy commitments to outlays for pest control: about a sustainable development and quarter of the annual US agricul- greater recognition of the connect- tural GNP was lost to invasive edness of environmental and eco- species in 1998 in direct damage nomic objectives, economic develop- and control costs; ment is still the primary driver in • there are also hidden costs North America. All too often, the related to the expansion of environment is still treated as harmful algal blooms (HABs), separate from human existence and which have been linked to excess relatively inessential. nitrogen from land-based activi- ties: over the past 20 years, HABs Chapter 11 189

in the United States led to • in addition to the need for losses of about US $100 million novel indicators of progress, we per year in medical-related also need to learn how to use expenses and impacts on the them properly. Setting measur- fishing and tourism industries, able policy goals and targets among others; and that are clearly linked to • the collapse of the North sustainability is one of the new Atlantic cod fishery had direct frontiers. Although many of the costs including the loss of natural environmental benefits enormous revenues from this we enjoy are beyond measure, once lucrative industry, consid- putting a price on environmen- erable hardship inflicted on tal goods and services by local communities, and costs to integrating environmental taxpayers through creation accounting within all sectors of and retraining programs in the the economy and at the com- Atlantic provinces, not to pany level as well can help mention possibly irreparable heighten our understanding of harm to the marine ecosystem the environment’s crucial of which the species was a part. importance to human well- being and security. Reforms Are Possible Underpricing, or implicit subsidi- In view of the world economy’s zation, has stimulated North dependence on the environment, America’s intensive exploitation of respect for its limited carrying and non-renewable resources, including assimilative capacities should be the energy and water. For example, foundation of sustainable develop- cheap parking and other hidden ment decision-making. subsidies, such as funds for highway Need for indicators and development and low fuel prices, environmental accounting continue to promote car depen- • indicators measuring the use dency and feed into a ‘vicious cycle’ and availability of resources are of urban sprawl and declining increasingly being developed in transit use. some economic sectors, and Need for reformed subsidies, incentives, there has been progress as well and taxation in asset valuation and in devel- • without energy subsidies, oping various approaches to energy prices would rise en- measuring sustainability. Better couraging the adoption of measures of the economic value more efficient vehicles and of the environment and of the industrial equipment and environmental impacts of reducing pollutant emissions. economic activity are still And without the incentives that needed, however. road transport subsidies 190 North America’s Environment

provide to drivers, traffic Policy Performance congestion, urban air pollu- Sustainable development is part tion, and carbon-dioxide of government strategies emissions might well be The establishment of environmental significantly lowered. Thus, departments in national and state/ reforming unnecessary subsi- provincial governments and regional dies could reduce government and local agendas, along with new expenditures. Another way to environmental laws and policies such reduce the hidden costs of as Clean Air and Clean Water acts, environmental damage is were instrumental in improving through taxing pollution, North America’s environment early resource depletion, or in the last 30 years. And following ecosystem degradation. the 1987 Brundtland Report, sustain- • energy price increases during able development terminology the oil shocks, for example, entered environmental policies, had the effect of reducing although neither country adopted energy intensity. Taxation clear and measurable sustainability should include pricing the goals. In 1995, the Government of (mostly free) environmental Canada required that federal depart- media such as clean air and ments prepare sustainable develop- clean water (such as water ment strategies and report systemati- pricing). And a means of cally on progress, and in 1992, the identifying situations in which United States began to craft a na- environmental protection has tional sustainability strategy. Most contributed to economic recently, policies have also taken a development needs to be more integrated, holistic approach, developed and effective as reflected in the shift in policy processes disseminated. Green focus in resource-based industries accounting also needs to be from sustaining yields to environ- integrated into industries and mentally and socially sound steward- businesses, as well as into local ship. As shown in this report, wet- decision-making. lands, forests, fish, and fire are Costs to the environment should increasingly valued over the longer also be assessed through environ- term for the roles they play as parts mental assessments, which should of larger ecosystems and for the continue to be promoted in all natural services they provide. development processes, including trade agreements and Command-and-control international protocols. has been successful Command-and-control measures, aided by some successful market instruments, have been successful in addressing issues with clear cause- Chapter 11 191 and-effect relationships such as studying physical impacts on the stratospheric ozone depletion at the environment and the physical global level and local point-source vulnerability of different ecosystems, pollution. The key regulatory tool to a more integrated understanding established early in the 30-year of the linkages between environ- period was controlling the amount mental change, and social, and of pollution tolerable for human economic strategies for coping with safety. Most of the challenges North them. As we become more aware of America now faces are more diffuse, the complex nature of environmen- pervasive, subtle, and complex than tal issues and ecosystem functions, those confronted in the past, and are and as new environmental chal- hence more difficult to deal with. lenges emerge, we need to intro- duce more integrated management Need for more preventive approaches policies and tools. Policies must As the region continues to address continue to integrate social-eco- familiar environmental issues, these nomic-environmental approaches new problems pose more difficult and move from environmental challenges, and traditional central- protection to the broader concept ized command and control regula- of resource management—witness tions, which focused on controlling the approach recently agreed upon and mitigating pollution, and single- for the management of old-growth issue or sectoral approaches, no forests in the Pacific Northwest. longer suffice. Halting POPs to prevent pullution is an example of Need to support municipal governments the shift to more sustainable solu- Recent efforts to overcome environ- tions. Included in the Stockholm mental and social problems related 2001 POPs treaty both countries to sprawl also provide lessons in how signed are commitments to the to address issues that require precautionary approach that move broader, more inclusive decision- chemical regulation and manage- making and land use planning. ment from a ‘regulate-and-reduce’ Local environmental governing approach to a preventive one. A lack bodies, especially where community- of scientific certainty regarding and city-level cooperation are potential harm is no longer regarded integral aspects of decision-making, as a barrier to taking preventive can help to steer and prioritize not action. There is a need to continue only local action, but also interna- to embrace this preventive approach tional and national action. Since to chemical regulation and environ- strengthening the voice of cities and mental protection and entrench it municipal regions in decision- into policies and decision-making. making creates capacity for success- ful policy, more emphasis should be Need for policy linkages placed on local and regional levels In the past decade, progress has of environmental policy develop- been made in shifting away from ment and strengthening regional 192 North America’s Environment

initiatives, institutes, and alliances. Great Lakes Water Quality Agree- Governments at all levels need to ment (GLWQA) is another long- invest more in public transportation standing effort that committed the and to promote a move away from two countries to work together for a the use of personal vehicles, espe- common cause. cially for commuting and short trips. International organizations help manage Overcoming investments already shared environments made in present-day energy and During the 1990s, North American transportation infrastructure to free trade strengthened the eco- allow the adoption of renewable nomic ties between the countries, energy and alternative fuels, and and the movement of goods, ser- moving toward new technologies vices, capital, and ideas accelerated. while avoiding major disruptions At the same time, regional environ- remains a significant challenge. mental degradation evoked height- Shared Ecosystems and ened recognition of the interdepen- Bilateral Cooperation dent nature of cross-border ecosys- tems. Since 1994, the Commission Long-standing history of cooperation for Environmental Cooperation of Canada and the United States have North America (CEC) has created one of the longest common borders opportunities and forums for the two in the world and share ecosystems, countries, together with Mexico, to air, and watersheds, wildlife and soundly manage chemicals, assess fishery resources. The two countries and reduce the impacts of trade on enjoy a long history of cooperation the environment, and prioritize ways in managing their shared environ- to conserve biodiversity, among ment through numerous bilateral other actions. The IJC and the CEC treaties, agreements, and other continue to be effective interna- accords. The International Joint tional organizations for managing Commission (IJC) was instrumental transboundary resources, serving as in the cleanup of the Great Lakes models for similar challenges in the over the past 30 years, and the rest of the world. Canada–US Air Quality Agreement has achieved notable success in Cross border management regulating the pollutants that cause and research increasing acid rain. Transboundary air pollu- Government departments such as tion has more recently emerged as a Forestry Canada and the US Forest problem requiring even greater Service, disaster prevention agencies, cooperation between the two coun- and fisheries departments also work tries and they have strengthened hand in hand across the border. To these measures, agreeing to more better monitor and manage their aggressive NOx emission controls shared agendas, the two countries under the Ozone Annex to the have reconciled standards, such as Agreement, for example. The 1972 those related to corporate average Chapter 11 193 fuel consumption and policies for Public Participation and greater road transportation energy Stakeholder Involvement efficiency and alternative fuels. They NGOs influential also conduct research together, The birth of the modern environ- including their international work mental movement in North America on bioinvasions and bilateral re- early in the 1970s and continued search on children’s health. pressure from NGOs have contrib- Need for ongoing uted significantly to the region’s environmental cooperation success in addressing environmental In addition, Canada and the United problems. Since the 1980s and the States are party to many interna- adoption of national and interna- tional accords in which they work tional goals for sustainable develop- with other countries to address ment, civil society has gained more global environmental problems. All opportunities for participation in these successful cooperative efforts environmental decision-making. between the two countries reveal the Through NGOs and other voluntary importance of bilateral action for organizations, working with corpo- both transboundary pollution and rate and financial interests and shared ecosystems and biodiversity. consumers, civil society has won a More than any other step, coopera- louder voice in influencing deci- tive action helped to stem acid rain sions and assumed a larger role in and to protect wetlands, for ex- ensuring that environmental prob- ample. And even in transboundary lems are addressed. NGOs were issues of conflict the need for coop- influential in helping to clean up eration prevailed, as in the case of the Great Lakes, for example. the Pacific Salmon Treaty. Indigenous peoples gaining a voice Ongoing environmental coopera- More recently, indigenous commu- tion is in the mutual interest of both nities, which had been overlooked countries. They need to continue to in decisions about resources that support bilateral institutions through affect their livelihoods and cultures, stable funding arrangements, ensur- have participated in land agree- ing full transparency, the participa- ments and settlements and gained tion of all stakeholders, and the new rights and responsibilities over collaboration of the scientific com- their environments. Examples munity. Given the continental nature highlighted in this report include of climatic systems, it is vital that the the establishment of new forms of two countries intensify their coopera- resource management based on tive efforts to address both climate shared responsibility by the James change and disaster preparedness by Bay Cree in Quebec and the Nuu- planning and implementing a chah-nulth First Nation in BC, comprehensive, integrated, bina- Canada. The integration of civil tional strategy. society, including indigenous 194 North America’s Environment

peoples, into the policy process in to community-based resource man- North America is also underscored agement practices by making com- earlier by the combined efforts of munities part of the national legal multiple parties to support a com- and regulatory framework. prehensive plan to restore and Need to increase industry ecoefficiency preserve the Florida Everglades and While for the most part the environ- the multi-stakeholder work to ment is either ignored or still a address habitat restoration peripheral consideration to eco- and other concerns to help nomic interests in industry, some salmon recovery. firms are trying to build it into their Need to increase public participation core strategies, as illustrated by the Nongovernmental organizations and changes taking place in some log- increased scientific understanding ging companies in the Pacific North- of ecosystems have both been west highlighted in this report. instrumental in moving toward Policy changes may still be required, more holistic management systems however, to encourage the more and their adoption by governments holistic changes needed for indus- and industry. Implementing these tries to adopt ecoefficiency, espe- sustainability goals remains a chal- cially if market incentives prove lenge, and NGO observation will inadequate (CEC 2001). likely continue to play a role in helping to turn the concept of Affluence and the Environment sustainable development into reality. Consumption offsetting It is critical that we continue to environmental gains acknowledge the importance of The ability to address pollution and local peoples’ rights, improve the other problems that became appar- participation of all stakeholders, ent over the 30-year period was increase transparency, and invite influenced not only by the institu- more cooperative resource manage- tion of environmental governance ment in developing and implement- and pressure from an informed and ing sustainable development pro- active civil society, but also by eco- grams. Indigenous knowledge nomic growth and general prosper- systems (IKS), particularly those that ity. On the other hand, it is ever reinforce sustainable development, more apparent that affluence stimu- should be more thoroughly re- lates consumption and energy use, searched and documented. Consul- which have offset advances in envi- tative processes to ensure that they ronmental efficiency. Fueled by are enshrined adequately in laws are economic prosperity, low energy a precondition for instituting such prices, and population growth, per principles and rights. Legal and capita consumption has increased regulatory measures should also steadily since 1972. Rising per capita define community property rights incomes and accompanying lifestyle and provide institutional legitimacy changes are closely tied to many Chapter 11 195 environmentally significant con- adapt to these changes and events, sumption patterns. By 1996, North raising difficult questions of equity America’s ecological footprint was between the North and the South in four times greater than the world terms of the emissions that cause average, its forest footprint was 4.4 human-induced climate change. times larger, and its CO2 footprint Global climate change will also almost five times the world average. have important impacts on North Per capita annual gasoline consump- America. It is likely to increase the tion for motor vehicles was nine risks associated with invasive species times the world average. Thus, and certain vectors may already be transportation in North America expanding their geographic ranges. strongly affects worldwide CO2 The magnitude, frequency, and cost emissions. In 1997, the US transport of extreme hydrological events in sector accounted for more than one- some regions of North America are third of total world transportation forecast to increase, while higher energy use and about 5 percent of temperatures could lead to an

CO2 emitted worldwide as a result of increase in insect populations and human activity. Reliance on private outbreaks of fire and human health automobiles for transport is a signifi- threats. Water levels in inland lakes cant factor in North America’s and streams may decline with greenhouse gas emissions. consequences for both irrigation and human water consumption. Climate change will have important impacts Urgent need to address climate change Unsustainable patterns of consump- Many of the environmental changes tion and production in North that will occur over the next 30 years America are a major cause of global have already been determined by environmental deterioration. Clearly, past and current actions. Land North America has an inequitable degradation, natural resource use, and unsustainable impact on the biodiversity loss, freshwater scarcity, global environment in particular, and impacts from a changing cli- and contributes to a disproportion- mate are shaping up as the most ate degree to the changing global difficult issues to address. Even if the climate. Climate change will inevita- United States and Canada were to bly cause damage, especially to low- meet the Kyoto targets, it would lying islands, coastal systems, and have a marginal effect on the con- arid and semi-arid ecosystems, centration of greenhouse gases in affecting millions of inhabitants of the atmosphere, and even with their these regions, rich and poor. It may stabilization in the long term, also contribute to a rise in the scale warming will continue for several and intensity of natural weather decades. Given its large share of the hazards. Developing countries, planet’s CO2 emissions, which are particularly small-island developing directly proportional to fuel use, the states, are least able to cope with or region will need a substantial 196 North America’s Environment

change in its automobile use, more and regional development policies fuel-efficient technologies, and should provide a viable alternative to changes in municipal planning and inappropriate and unsustainable urban development strategies, levels of consumption and including investment in public point the way to move from transport. None of this will happen material-intensive development to without understanding the role of material-minimal development. policy drivers and having the politi- A strategic policy framework built cal will to introduce improvements. on a vision of human well-being based on quality and values rather Need for more appropriate models than quantity and materials is re- Many of North America’s environ- quired. Reduction of resource use, mental policies underscored in this energy, and waste must be encour- report provide blueprints for other aged through policies aimed at regions. With globalization, how- changing behavior to curb conspicu- ever, there is the danger that ineffi- ous consumption and adopt new, cient and wasteful consumption appropriate production and con- patterns will spread. To prevent this, sumption patterns. North America along with other developed countries need to accept Need to move towards dematerialization more responsibility for environmen- and ecoefficiency tal change. To date, lacking guaran- Various measures and tools need to teed protection of economic inter- be promoted, as suggested above, ests and the individual capacity to such as incorporating environmental connect climate to individual behav- costs, environmental taxes, and the ior, North America has not achieved removal of perverse subsidies. committed cuts to greenhouse gas Adapting infrastructure and logistics emissions and the United States has that encourage the commercializa- declined to support the Kyoto tion of ‘sustainable’, ‘fairly traded’, Accord, a step with uncertain im- and ‘environmental’ products and pacts on Canada-US relations and other products with special ‘green’ their cooperation toward environ- connotations will facilitate the move mental goals. toward dematerialization and To achieve sustainable develop- ecoefficiency amongst producers. ment and equal shares in a world The use of economic instruments with limited resources and capacities focusing especially on industrial for renewal, producers and consum- ecology and cleaner production ers—especially in high-income practices can provide incentives for nations such as Canada and the ecoefficient production. Active United States—will need to adopt financing of sustainable production development approaches that limit and consumption should be encour- material growth. The use or waste of aged. By all these means, revenue nonrenewable resources must be can be generated to finance minimized. Appropriate national sustainable development and send Chapter 11 197 signals to the market that help to search should be targeted through change patterns. pilot projects and monitoring of alternative approaches at the local Need to support ENGOs level, including material recycling. The work of community groups and More support is needed for research environmental NGOs in promoting a and promotion of fuel alternatives greater sense of belonging to local and energy-saving vehicles. environments in North American cities and taking personal responsi- Information and Education bility for them should be supported Need for better information with a view both to educating civil Expanding human interference with society about their impacts on the natural processes and the global environment and to promot- complexity of new and emerging ing community and individual action environmental issues in North to decrease environmental footprints America point to the need for better of the wealthy. Such groups promote scientific understanding about how a variety of initiatives such as smart the natural world functions and how growth planning, community gar- humans can adjust to live in dening or community-supported harmony with nature. At present, we agriculture projects, transport lack adequate information about alternatives like cycling and bike ecosystem health, resilience, and paths, green belt projects, energy- carrying capacities; the more subtle, saving measures, and organic food long-term, diffuse, cumulative, cooperatives; among others. complex, and cross-cutting Need to understand human impact environmental problems; links Efforts should be made to obtain between trade and environment; and exchange better data that will impacts of environmental change on provide needed information about vulnerable sectors of society; and how to effect production and con- links between environmental issues sumption changes at the consumer, in developed and developing business, and corporate levels. countries, and especially the link Information should be generated, between affluent lifestyles and for example, on the impacts of global climate change. Without corporate actions at the level of local reliable, credible, comprehensive, communities and the environment; and accessible data and information, on ways to promote corporate it is not possible to assess the state, responsibility and accountability; on condition, and trends of ecosystem ways to create consumer ethics and components; the effectiveness of responsibilities for environmental policy; or the links between our and social impacts; and on the actions, environmental conditions, impacts of environmental scarcity and economic costs. Yet government and over consumption on the health cutbacks have weakened or of vulnerable human groups. Re- eliminated many of the basic 198 North America’s Environment

monitoring systems that provide and media alike. It should be used baseline data. There is a need to forcefully to help change rethink what is essential data, and to unsustainable lifestyles and consum- make sure that resources are in erist behavior. Environmental place to produce it. This is a education should therefore be precondition for having meaningful integrated and comprehensively and reliable sustainability indicators. covered in academic, business, and Need for more environmental education economic curricula. Environmental Environmental education offers an study also needs to become an excellent and relatively untapped integral part of economic theory opportunity to impart and practice and should be taught in environmental values and lay out all university economics courses. the costs of overexploitation to Ministries of Environment and society. Improved knowledge about, Education should be encouraged to and valuing of, ecosystem functions integrate environmental education can stimulate better policy and in all academic curricula, at all management approaches to levels, and in all subjects, including minimize or halt adverse trends those in professional, economics, where ecosystems and the provision and business schools. of environmental goods and services The Next 30 Years are threatened by environmental On the eve of the World Summit on change and degradation. Education Sustainable Development, it has should play a larger role in helping become evident that protecting the to instruct societies about the environment and human security is importance of a healthy a more challenging task than it may environment, the links to personal have seemed 30 years ago, or even behavior, and the reasons for 10 years ago. We live with the deci- modifying consumption patterns. sions of the past just as future gen- The role of the mass media and erations must live with our decisions. advertising in influencing our The sustainable development vision decisions needs to be better needs a long time horizon but appreciated. Consumers can be immediate action. Achieving, within influenced by the use of socially and the next 30 years, the social and environmentally conscious market- environmental vision laid out in the ing that highlights consumption as a 1990s, will require drastic steps. To key motor of environmental begin with, there is an ever more degradation. Consumers need to be urgent need to recognize that able to make informed choices and human security depends on the to understand how their buying can abundance and health of environ- influence the market for mental assets, goods, and services. environmental and social gains. We must find ways to ensure that Education and awareness raising their benefits are delivered in a is needed for policymakers, citizens, Chapter 11 199

sustainable and equitable way for IIED, UNDP, and UK DFID (2002). National current and future generations. At Strategies for Sustainable Development: New the same time, we must develop Thinking and Time for Action. Opinion: environmental and human resilience World Summit on Sustainable Development to cope with the environmental and IJC (2000). Tenth Biennial Report on Great climatic changes that are inevitable. Lakes Water Quality. International Joint Suggested Readings Commission 10br/en/indexen.html. Accessed Bass, Stephen, and Barry Dalal-Clayton 4 February 2002 (2002). Strategies For Sustainable Develop- ment: Meeting The Challenge. Opinion: MacNeill, Jim, Pieter Winsemikus, and Taizo World Summit on Sustainable Development May Yakushiji (1991). Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World’s Economy and the Earth’s CEC (2001). The North American Mosaic: A Ecology. New York, Oxford University Press State of the Environment Report. Montreal, Commission for Environmental Cooperation OECD (2001). OECD Environmental Outlook. of North America Paris, Organisation for Economic Co- Operation and Development DFAIT (2000). Current Issues in Canada – US.Relations. Department of Foreign Affairs RONA (2002). About the Region. United and International Trade, Embassy of Canada, Nations Environment Programme, Regional Washington DC http:// Office for North America http:// report.asp. Accessed 15 March 2002 Accessed 15 March 2002

Huq, Saleemul, Youba Sokona, and Adil Shutkin, William A. (2001). The Land the Najam (2002). Climate Change and Could Be: Environmentalism and Democracy in Sustainable Development Beyond the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge MA, The Kyoto. Opinion: World Summit on MIT Press Sustainable Development UNEP (1999). Global Environment Outlook

IIED (2001). International Institute for 2000. Nairobi, United Nations Environment and Development: Marking 30 Years Environment Programme in Environment & Development. International Institute of Environment and Development

IIED (2001). The Future is Now: Equity for a Small Planet. Vol. 2, November, International Institute for Environment and Development

IIED (2001). The Future is Now: For the UN Summit on Sustainable Development. Vol. 1, April, International Institute for Environment and Development 200 North America’s Environment


Sarah Albertini, Bureau of Transportation Union, Canada; Jeff Carmichael, Sustainable Statistics, United States Department of Development Research Institute, University of Transportation, United States; Paul Allen, British Columbia, Canada; Chantal-Line Environment Canada, Canada; Stephen O. Carpentier, North American Commission for Andersen, Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Environmental Cooperation, Canada; Jennifer Division, United States Environmental Protection Castleden, International Institute for Sustainable Agency, United States; Geoffrey Anderson, Office Development, Canada; Julie Charbonneau, of Policy Economics and Innovation, United Environment Canada, Canada; Alain Chung, States Environmental Protection Agency, United Pollution Data Branch, Environment Canada, States; Ray C. Anderson, Interface Inc., United Canada; William Clark, The John F. Kennedy States; Bruce Angle, Meteorological Service, School of Government at Harvard, United States; Environment Canada, Canada; Gérald Aubry, Cynthia Cluck, National Mapping Division, United Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, States Geological Survey, United States; Richard Environment Canada, Canada; Richard D. Connor, World Water Council, Canada; Ted Ballhorn, International Environmental Affairs Cooke, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada; Bureau, Canadian Foreign Affairs, Canada; Tom Cooney, United States Department of State, Sabrina Barker, International Policy and United States; Philippe Crabbé, Institute for Cooperation Branch, Environment Canada, Research on Environment and Economy, Canada; David Bassett, United States Department University of Ottawa, Canada; Rudy D’Alessandro, of Energy, United States; David Berry, Department United States Department of the Interior, United of the Interior, Council on Environmental Quality, States; Edward C. De Fabo, Medical Centre, School United States; Leonard Berry, Florida Center for of Medicine, The George Washington University, Environmental Studies, Florida Atlantic United States; Patricia V. Dickerson, Bureau of University, United States; John Michael Bewers, Census, United States; Robert A. Duce, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; Department of Oceanography and Atmospheric Roger L. Blair, National Health and Sciences, Texas A&M University, United States; Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Jennifer Duggan, International Institute for United States Environmental Protection Agency, Sustainable Development, Canada; Linda Dunn, United States; Greg Block, Commission for Industry Canada-Trade Team, Canada; Paul R. Environmental Cooperation, Canada; Harvey Epstein, Center for Health and the Global Bootsma, Great Lakes Water Institute, University Environment, Harvard Medical School, United of Wisconsin, United States; Ian Bowles, Council States; Hari Eswaran, United States Department of on Environmental Quality, United States; Thomas Agriculture, The Natural Resources Conservation J. Brennan, Bureau of International Organizations Service, United States; Dan Fantozzi, Bureau of Affairs, United States Department of State, United Oceans and International Environmental and States; Keith W. Brickley, Department of Fisheries Scientific Affairs, United States Department of and Oceans, Canada; Terry Bronson, American State, United States; Camilla Feibelman, Sierra Public Transportation Policy Project, United Student Coalition, United States; Lowell Feld, States; Lillith Brook, Canada; Thomas M. Brooks, Energy Information Administration, United States Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Department of Energy, United States; Angus Conservation International, United States; Ronald Ferguson, Environment Canada, Canada; Karen J. Brown, Canada Center for Remote Sensing, Fisher, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada; Ian Burton, Canada; Eric Bush, Centers Canada; Amy Fraenkel, Senate Committee on for Epidemiology and Animal Health, United Commerce, Science and Transportation, United States; Laurence Campbell, United States States; Karen Freedman, Energy Information Department of Commerce, United States; Administration, United States Department of Danielle Cantin, Boreal and Temperate Forests Energy, United States; Peter Frenzen, Mount St. Programme, IUCN - The World Conservation Helens National Volcanic Monument, United ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 201

States; David Frost, Geography Department, Canada; Jessica McCann, Community Concordia University, Canada; Tom Furmanczyk, Transportation Association of America, United Environment Canada, Canada; Nouria Gagné, States; Beverly D. McIntyre, Office of Global Consultant Jacques Gagnon, Natural Resources Change, United States Department of State, Canada, Canada; Michelle Garland, Surface United States; Elizabeth McLanahan, National Transportation Policy Project, United States; Mark Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, United Gillis, Natural Resources Canada, Canada; Andy States; Mary Lou McQuaide, Solid Waste Gilman, Office of Sustainable Development, Association of North America, United States; Health Canada, Canada; Dagny Gingrich, Terry McRae, Agriculture and Agri-Food Biodiversity Convention Office, Environment Canada, Canada; Richard Meganck, Unit for Canada, Canada; Peter H. Gleick, Environment Sustainable Development and Environment, and Security, Pacific Institute for Studies in Organization of American States, United States; Development, United States; Stephen Gray, Valdis E. Mezainis, International Programs, Landscape Management, Natural Resources United States Forest Service, United States; Canada, Canada; Michael Grillot, United States Craig Miller, Environment Canada, Canada; Paul Department of Energy, United States; Pablo Miller, North American Commission for Gutman, United States; Brian Haddon, National Environmental Cooperation, Canada; Rebecca Forestry Database Programme, Natural Resources Milo, Environment Canada, Canada; Charles E. Canada Statistics, Canada; Andrew Hamilton, Morrison, East-West Center, United States; Resource Futures International, Canada; Allen Gloria Mundo, United States Census Bureau, Hammond, World Resources Institute, United United States; Pumulo Muyatwa, International States; Arthur J. Hanson, International Institute for Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada; Sustainable Development, Canada; Peter Hardi, Tony Myers, Health Canada, Canada; Adil International Institute for Sustainable Najam, Department of International Relations, Development, Canada; Asit Hazra, Environment Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Canada, Canada; Alan D. Hecht, Office of Boston University, United States; Brenda International Activities, United States O’Conner, Environment Canada, Canada; Environmental Protection Agency, United States; Edward Ohanion, Office of Water, United States David Henry, Canadian Heritage, Environment Environmental Protection Agency, United Canada, Canada; John Herity, Environment States; Robin O’Malley, The H. John Heinz III Canada, Canada; George Herrfuth, United States Center for Science, Economics and the Department of State, United States; Christine T. Environment, United States; Jim Osborne, Hogan, International Affairs Directorate, Environment Canada, Canada; Gail Osherenko, Environment Canada, Canada; Mark Hovorka, Dartmouth College, United States; Christine Environment Canada, Canada; Tom Iavari, Natural Padoch, The New York Botanical Garden, Resources Conservation Service, United States; United States; Jeanne Pagnan, Twin Dolphins Gary Ironside, Environment Canada, Canada; Consultants, Canada; Dennis Peacock, Heather James, Pacific Operations, Fisheries and United States National Science Foundation, Oceans, Canada; Yvan Jobin, Foreign Affairs and United States; Phil Perkins, Yellowstone National International Trade, Canada; Margaret Kain, Park, United States; Erica Phipps, North Forest Service, United States Department of American Commission for Environmental Agriculture, United States; John Karau, Fisheries Cooperation, Canada; Cindy Pollack-Shea, and Oceans Canada, Canada; Margaret Kenny, Florida Sustainable Communities Center, United Environment Canada, Canada; Mara Kerry, States; Sharon Powers, National Agricultural Canadian Nature Federation, Canada; Frederick Statistics Service, United States; Don Pryor, W. Kutz, United States Environmental Protection National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, Agency, United States; Jim LaBau, Forest Service, United States; Thomas Pyle, Office of Polar United States Department of Agriculture, United Programs, United States National Science States; Keith Laughlin*, Council on Environmental Foundation, United States; David J. Rapport, Quality, United States; Jay Lawimore, National The University of Western Ontario, Canada; Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, United States; Walter Rast, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Douglas J. Lawrence, Natural Resources International Joint Commission, Canada; David Conservation Service, United States Department of Redford, United States Environmental Agriculture United States; Rick Lee, University of Protection Agency, United States; Dieter Riedel, Victoria, Canada; Annick LeHenaff, Environment Health Canada, Canada; Richard Robarts, Canada, Canada; Perry Lindstrom, United States Environment Canada, Canada; Brian Roberts, Department of Energy, United States; Amory Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada; Guy Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute, United Rochon, Environment Canada, Canada; Jane M. States; H. Gyde Lund, Forest Information Services, Rohling, United States Department of United States; Mary Ann Lyle, Federal Emergency Agriculture, United States; David Roodman, Management Agency, United States; Late Elisabeth World Watch Institute, United States; Carol Mann Borgese, International Ocean Institute, Rosen, World Resources Institute, United States; Dalhousie University, Canada; Alex Manson, Denyse Rousseau, Foreign Affairs and Environment Canada, Canada; Ian Marshall, International Trade, Canada; Clay Rubec, Environment Canada, Canada; Tim Marta, Environment Canada, Canada; David Runnalls, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada; International Institute for Sustainable Gordon McBean, University of Western Ontario, Development, Canada; Kathleen Sullivan Sealey, 202 North America’s Environment

Department of Biology, University of Miami, Environment Canada, Canada; John R. United States; Stephen Seidel, United States Townshend, University of Maryland, United States; Environmental Protection Agency, United States; Suzanne Tremblay, Statistics Canada, Statistical Parvina A. Shamsieva-Cohen*, Global Resource Reference Centre, Canada; Jacques Trencia, Information Database, Sioux Falls, United States; Canadian Forest Service-Science Branch, Natural Victor Shantora, Commission for Environmental Resources Canada, Canada; Daniel Tunstall, World Cooperation, United States; Cameron Siles, Resources Institute, United States; David G. Victor, Environment Canada, Canada; Brad Smith, Forest Science and Technology Council on Foreign Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Relations, United States; Jean-Louis Wallace, United States; Bryan Smith, Environment Canada, Environmental Relations Division, Foreign Affairs Canada; Sharon Lee Smith, Environment Canada, and International Trade, Canada; Frank Wania, Canada; Susan , National Ocean and University of Toronto at Scarborough Canada; R. Atmospheric Administration, United States; Jim Douglas Wells, Forestry Transportation Operations Steele, Commercial Services, Environment Branch, Transportation and Works Department, Canada, Canada; Janet Stephenson, Natural Canada; Thomas E. Werkema, Atofina Chemicals Resources Canada, Canada; John W. B. Stewart, Inc., United States; Denis White, United States University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Anita Street, Environmental Protection Agency, United States; Office of Planning, Analysis and Accountability, Gilbert F. White, University of Colorado, United United States Environmental Protection Agency, States; Keith Wiebe, United States Department of United States; Nick Sundt, United States Global Agriculture, United States; Tara Wilkinson, Change Research Program, United States; David Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Sutherland, National Ocean and Atmospheric Canada; Heather Wood, Environment Canada, Administration, United States; James Tansey, Canada; Oran R. Young, Dartmouth College, University of British Columbia, Canada; Charles United States; John Zacharias, Urban Studies Tarnocai, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Programme, Department of Geography, Concordia Research Branch, Canada; Jeffrey A. Thornton, University, Canada. International Environmental Management Services Ltd., United States; Kelly Torck, Note: *Since moved or retired

Photo Credits: Chapter 1: Adrien Lamarre; Ken Hammond, USDA Chapter 2: Commander John Bortniak, NOAA; Warren Gretz, NREL Chapter 3: Tim McCabe, USDA/NRCS; Lynn Betts, USDA/NRCS Chapter 4: NOAA; Gary Kramer, USDA/NRCS Chapter 5: Logan Berg, USDA/NRCS; Martin Pena, USDA/NRCS; D. Schwab, GLERL Chapter 6: Tim McCabe, USDA/NRCS; Bill Tarpenning, USDA; Lynn Betts, USDA/NRCS Chapter 7: USDA/NRCS; U.S. Forest Service Chapter 8: Lynn Betts, USDA/NRCS; David Steinke, US Forest Service Chapter 9: NREL; Charles O’Rear, USDA; WHO/TDR Chapter 10: Gary Wilson, USDA/NRCS; Tim McCabe, USDA/NRCS; David Parsons, NREL Chapter 11: Tim McCabe, USDA/NRCS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 203

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AOC Areas of Concern EPA Environmental Protection Agency ARNEWS Acid Rain National Early Warning System EPC Emergency Preparedness Canada BC British Columbia EPCA Energy Policy and Conservation Act BFW Boreal Forest Watch EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community CAS College of Agricultural Sciences Right-to-Know Act CBC Community-Based Conservation ERS Economic Research Service CBD Convention on Biological Diversity ESA Endangered Species Act (United States) CCD Convention to Combat Desertification EU European Union CCFM Canadian Council of Forest Ministers FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of CD-ROM Compact disk–read only memory the United Nations CEC Commission for Environmental FSC Forest Stewardship Council Cooperation FDRP Flood Damage Reduction Program CEHN Children’s Environmental Health FEMA Federal Emergency Management Network Agency CFC Chlorofluorocarbon FICMNEW Federal Interagency Committee for the CGIAR Consultative Group on International Management of Noxious and Agricultural Research Exotic Weeds FSC Forest Stewardship Council CH4 Methane CIAT International Centre for G7 Group of Seven: Canada, France, Tropical Agriculture Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States CICH Canadian Institute of Child Health GDP Gross Domestic Product CIDA Canadian International Development Agency GEO Global Environment Outlook cm Centimeter GFW Global Forest Watch CNG Compressed Natural Gas GLWQA Great Lakes Waters Quality Agreement CNW Canadian News Wire GMO Genetically Modified Organism CO Carbon Monoxide GNP Gross National Product GRID Global Resource Information Database CO2 Carbon Dioxide DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane HABs Harmful Algal Blooms DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and HDI Human Development Index International Trade HMIS Hazardous Materials Incidents System DPSIR Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact- IABIN Inter-American Biodiversity Response Information Network EC European Community ICLEI International Council for Local ECOHAB Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Environmental Initiatives Algal Blooms IEA International Energy Agency EIA Environmental Impact Assessment IIED International Institute of Environment ENGO Environmental Non-Governmental and Development Organization IISD International Institute for Sustainable ENS Environment News Service Development ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation IJC International Joint Commission 204 North America’s Environment

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate PSIR Pressure-State-Impact-Response Change PSR pressure-state-response IPM Integrated Pest Management PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility JISAO Joint Institute for the Study of the RAP Remedial Action Plan Atmosphere and Ocean SARA Species At Risk Act (Canada) LDAC Learning Disabilities Association SO Sulphur Dioxide of Canada 2 SOE State Of the Environment MASS Montane Alternative Silvicultural Systems SUV Sport Utility Vehicles MSRM Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management TEA Transportation Equity Act NAACO National Ambient Air Quality TU Trout Unlimited Objectives (Canada) UK United Kingdom NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement UN United Nations NASS National Agricultural Statistics Service ULI Urban Land Institute NESCAUM Northeast States for Coordinated UNCCD United Nations Secretariat of the Air Use Management Convention to Combat Desertification NFDP National Forestry Database Program UNCED United Nations Conference on NG National Geographic Environment and Development NGO Non-Governmental Organization UNCHS United Nations Centre for Human Settlements NIAID National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases UNCOD United Nations Conference on Desertification NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade NOx Nitrous Oxides and Development NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric UNDP United Nations Development Administration Programme NRCan Natural Resources Canada UNEP United Nations Environment NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council Programme NRTEE National Round Table on the UNEP- United Nations Environment Environment and the Economy WCMC Programme-World Conservation NSWCP National Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring Centre Program UNESCAP United Nations Economic and

O3 Ozone Social Commission for Asia and OCIPEP Office of Critical Infrastructure and the Pacific Emergency Preparedness UNESCO United Nations Educational, ODS Ozone-Depleting Substance Scientific and Cultural Organization OECD Organization for Economic UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention Cooperation and Development on Climate Change OCIPEP Office of Critical Infrastructure and US United States Emergency Preparedness USDA US Department of Agriculture OMA Ontario Medical Association US EPA United States Environmental PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls Protection Agency PCP Permanent Cover Program (Canada) USGCRP US Global Change Research Program PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation USGS United States Geological Survey PEHC Pew Environmental Health Commission US IWG US Interagency Working Group PFRA Prairie Farm Rehabilitation VOC Volatile Organic Compound Administration WHO World Health Organization

PM2.5 Particulate matter with a diameter of WRI World Resources Institute 2.5 microns or less WWF World Wide Fund for Nature PMRA Pest Management Regulatory Agency WRM World Rainforest Movement POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants YCELP Yale Center for Environmental Law PSC Pacific Salmon Commission and Policy