Daily Gazette Indicated a to -_____-- [ILY GAZII1[ *Call a Family Member Who Also Could Be Hazardous to Your Resident Was Charged Over $31 -S
DAILY S GAZETTE Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Vol. 41 - No. 172 -- U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Wednesday, September It. t8 Benefits to affect future entrants By Mr. Casper Weinberger tion, the Congress, in its recent action on the pending .nthe past few months, there defense authorization bill, has has been considerable specula- mandated a reduction of $2.9 tion about potential changes to billion to the military the military retirement system. retirement fund. At the same The speculation, often well time, the Congress has directed intentioned but ill informed, the Department of Defense to has been based on criticism from submit options to make changes both the public and private in the retirement system for sectors about the perceived future entrants to achieve this generosity of the system. mandated reduction. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Nonetheless, we will continue I have steadfastly maintained to insist that whatever changes that any recommendation for the Congress finally makes must change must take account of -- not adversely affect the combat first, the unique, dangerous and readiness of our forces, or vital contribution to the safety violate our firm pledges. of all of us that is made by our I want to emphasize to you service men and women: and the again, in the strongest terms, effect on combat readiness of that the dedicated men and women tampering with the effect on now serving and to those who combat readiness of tampering have retired before them, will th the retirement system. be fully protected in any nourrently we must honor the options we are required to absolute commitments that have submit to the Congress.
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