1. Birth of Apollo on the Island of Delos (Once Floating, Now Still)

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1. Birth of Apollo on the Island of Delos (Once Floating, Now Still) Wed April 11 Apollo The power of insight Ch. 7, pp. 157-176 key terms: pan-hellenic, aristoi, aoidos, oracle, omphalos English words descended from greek words: miasma, laureate, hygiene 1. Birth of Apollo on the island of Delos (once floating, now still) Leto + Zeus -> Apollo and Artemis quotations from the Homeric Hymn to Apollo (Homeric Hymns are short poems about a particular god, composed in the style of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, around 700-650 BCE) p. 161 'otherwise no one would dream of coming to you for a visit' p. 162 'but if you erected a temple to Apollo, who works from afar, men would come from all over the world with sacrificial cattle. The savory smoke of their offierings would rise up high forever, and you could provide for your rules the product of other men's hands -- a blessing, for under the land you have no wealth of your own.' 'swear a great oath that here on Delos your son will first raise his glorious temple' As a special treat, here is an additional quote from the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, not included in Powell, describes the kind of pan-hellenic festivals that were held on the island of Delos, and the way that traditional music and circling dances practiced from generation to generation could seem a manifestation of a type of immortality. 'for there [at Delos] the long-robed Ionians (= Greeks from Ionia, the west coast of modern Turkey) gather in your honor with their children and their shy wives; mindful, they delight you with boxing and dancing and song, so often as they hold their gathering. A man would say that they were deathless and unaging if he should then come upon the Ionians so met together. For he would see the graces of them all, and would be pleased in heart gazing at the men and well-girded [=their dresses are nicely tied up, to make dancing easier] women with their swift ships and great wealth. And there is this great wonder besides -- and its fame shall never perish -- the girls of Delos, handmaidens of the far-shooter; for when they have praised Apollo first and also Leto and Artemis who delights in arrows, they sing a song telling of men and women of past days and charm the tribes of men. Also they can imitate the tongues [= languages] of all men and their clattering speech: each would say that he himself is singing, so close to truth is their sweet song.' archery, music (song + lyre), prophecy -- things where accuracy, insight, and practice are more important than mere strength. -Apollo, as aoidos, plays his lyre on Mount Olympus while 'they [the Muses] chant the right of the gods to an endless and blissful existence and the misery of men ... who have no cure for death' p. 164 -Apollo (lyre) vs. Marsyas (double flute) 2. Apollo at Delphi, on the lower edges of Mount Parnassus Telphusa moves him away from her spot in Boeotia 'whatever they ask I shall offer them unfailing advice, telling them what is to be' p. 165 p. 166 Apollo vs. the Pytho (she-dragon) -'Pythian' Apollo 'loosed his bow and slew a dread female dragon, a great fat savage beast ... ' He said 'lie here and rot unburied' (pytho = 'to rot' in Greek) Apollo as 'Zeus-lite' they both fight dragons, but Pythia is smaller than Typhoeus (she does not turn into a volcano like he does), and Apollo uses arrow, not lightning. Same plot, but less strength. people near Mount Olympus said that Apollo had to travel over to their mountain to get purified. Once he had been purified himself, he came back to Delphi and people came there to be purified. Delphi named from delphis, the dolphin Apollo turned himself into when he jumped onto the ship of sailors from Crete. near the port close by Delphi. Delphi as pan-hellenic site: as the geographical center of the Greek world. Zeus released two eagles and they met over Delphi. omphalos (this is the greek word for 'belly-button'): the stone that Cronus thought was baby Zeus and later vomited up how the oracle worked: inquiring person - made sacrifices and donations, gives question to priest of Apollo priest gives question to priestess, the Pythia. Pythia sits on tripod, over some kind of gases? gets inspired, speaks something. priest interprets what she says and puts it into verse and provides the response to the inquiring person. Should I invade? You will destroy a great Empire. p. 170 Apollo's pursuit of females. mostly unsuccessful. Cassandra -speaks the truth in prophecy, but is never believed. Sibyl - he promises immortality , but withheld eternal youth. 'what do you want? I want to die.' Daphne - laurel tree Coronis -> Asclepius, god of healing 'I deserve to have first given birth to our child' Phoebus 'seizing the child from the womb, he bore it off to the cavern' to be raised by the Centaur Chiron p. 173 Asclepius + Hygieia ('health') Apollo as shaman p. 174 order, reason, rationality, insight: the idea of discerning the hidden reality behind a confusing and turbulent set of experiences Sample questions The object here depicted is called: a) the parthenon b) a herm c) the omphalos d) the pythios . You are standing near the ‘omphalos’. Your location is: a) Athens b) Delos c) Delphi d) Cyprus the Pythia was a) the inventor of the lyre b) the inventor of the pithos c) the priestess of Apollo's temple at Delphi d) the mother of Psyche e) the chariot of the sun Which of the following pairs of gods are twins? a) Artemis and Apollo b) Attis and Cybele c) Zeus and Hera d) Paris and Helen Who was transformed into the tree sacred to Apollo? a) Io b) Myrrha c) Narcissus d) Daphne Who was given asses ears because he judged Pan was a better musician than Apollo? a) Marsyas b) Minyas c) Midas d) Hermes e) Hermaphroditus .

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