"Horseplay" original screenplay by Robert B. Cole Robert B.Cole 2508 First Avenue Library of Congress San Diego, CA 92103 Copyright office - PAD 1.310.404.9128 101 Independece Ave. S.E. email:
[email protected] Washington, DC 20559-6230 "HORSEPLAY" Original Screenplay By Robert B. Cole FADE IN: CREDITS ROLL EXT./INT. NYC OFF-TRACK BETTING SHOP - DAY INSERT: CLOSE-UP of a televised horse race. "FAST" EDDY JONES, aka Earle Johnson, 30's, African-American, street-smart, ex-major league baseball hotshot shifts into street patois at the drop of a hat. EDDY(O.C.) (ad-lib hyper chatter) Come on sugar pie. Make papa proud. Baby! Baby! Baaayba! Be bad! Be so bad, you'll make a pimp proud. PULLBACK from TV revealing Eddy in a room full of horse racing junkies with mangled Racing Forms as this close race moves down the home stretch. EDDY (CONT'D) Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Now bring it on home. Yes. Big money. Money, money, money. I need you. Baby, I need you. You have no idea. Race ends with the wrong horse winning by a nose. Eddy tears up his ticket, chuckling, as a track VETERAN, 60, jibes. EDDY (CONT'D) This has got to stop. VETERAN Eddy, when you gonna give up on them plow horses? Eddy exits as Veteran waves the Racing Form at him. EDDY Later, man. Good luck. VETERAN Now, here's a horse in the fifth. Mr. Edwina. A sweet gelding come'n off a fifth place at Belmont. This is a sure thing.