Jonas “Mr. R&B” Bernholm´s journey in USA 1968 plus bonus material (121.622 words) This is the complete book (version 1) from my research trips 1968 (plus a little from 1978). (Version 1 is basically a translation of articles written in Swedish and published in Swedish magazine Jefferson (Worlds oldest blues magazine) plus a summary. Version 2 will be a completed after checking my original interviews and diary) Version 1: (Correction 2016-11-17) Chapters: a) Introduction (Page 2) 1) New York (I) (Page 2-12) 2) Chicago (Page 12-54) 3) Memphis (Page 54-96) 4) Atlanta (Page 96-110) 5) Miami (Page 110-130) 6) New Orleans (Page 130-180) 7) Houston (Page 180-206) 8) Los Angeles (Page 206-246) 9) San Francisco (Page 246-266) 10)Detroit (Page 266-270) 11)New York (II) (Page 270-291) 12)Conclusions/Summary (Page 291-309) 13)Joe Tex (Page 309-317) 14)Wilson Pickett (Page 317-321) Copyright Jonas Bernholm ©.
[email protected] Blekingegatan 25, 11856 Stockholm Sweden 046-8-6426358 I was born in 1946 in middleclass surroundings outside Stockholm, Sweden. Piano lessons in my youth went without any real progress. Culturally Sweden was isolated with a state owned radio and later television with very limited output. It was like the eastern European states behind the iron curtain. At best, perhaps once a year a song with Louis Jordan or Big Joe Turner was heard on the radio. Around 1956 records with Elvis Presley came to Sweden. Through my four year older brother I became absolute fascinated and soon had two other favourites whose records I also started to buy: Little Richard and Fats Domino.