Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia INTRODUCTION

Gerakan in March 2019 has announced that the party would publish a quarterly report on monitoring (PH) government’s policies and decisions beginning the year 2019. The purpose of this ‘quarterly report card’ is to provide a yardstick to scrutinize and assess the decision-making, policymaking and deliverance of PH government in a quarterly basis to keep track of its commitment, deliverance and public acceptance.

The party published the third quarterly report (Q3 report) on the 18th of October 2019 which concluded that the performance of the PH government was largely on the Mixed category (43.4%) followed by the Negative category (30.3%) which in total accounted to a 73.7% of the performance analysis. This report was mainly focuses on the results of the public survey that was conducted which was a platform to receive constructive views from the general public regarding policymaking and ongoing efforts by the PH government. Press statements from various agencies, ministries and political statements were also included in composing this report.

Through the work, we hope the publication of the quarterly report would inspire members of the public and civil society to take part actively in monitoring the PH government fairly and objectively. We believe the exercise would help in raising political awareness, literacy, participation and ultimately strengthening the democratic political culture in Malaysia.

It is extra important especially in a time when the nation hopes to see progressive politics after witnessing the change of government for the first time in Malaysia’s history in the 2018 General Election. Check-and-balance on the PH government would ensure governance is on track of realizing ’ aspiration, hope and demand for change and betterment as envisioned by the people. We strongly believe that democracy can be best manifested through political accountability and competence which means ideas, promises, and visions should be translated into real actions with result-oriented good governance.

In this notion, Gerakan has been continuing this exercise and we humbly present to you our report for the fourth quarter of the year 2019 (Q4 report) covering the period between October to December 2019. Gerakan is committed and no less dedicated to fulfilling our political role as an independent party in Opposition. The continuation of this exercise and the publication of the quarterly report show our seriousness in playing our role and contribute to the policymaking and governance despite we have no parliamentary representation and being an Opposition.

Our team with partners from civil society and professionals will continue to dedicate ourselves to the important exercise of monitoring the performance of PH government. We welcome feedback and comment on this Q4 report for further improvement in future reports and similar projects.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY

For this report, we have chosen to analyze a total of 253 major policies, decisions and statements announced by the PH government in the fourth quarter of the year 2019, between October 1st and December 31st 2019. As mentioned, the public survey conducted received opinions/views of the general public regarding policymaking and ongoing efforts by the PH government. Also, the policies or decisions that were announced by the PH government in the duration of the last three months were taken into consideration. Results from the public survey plus the general statements about policy-making and major decisions by prominent or senior members of the PH government were compiled and analyzed by our team of analysts with consultation and assistance from fellow partners from civil society and professional communities.

Non-conclusive announcements which remain as a preliminary or tentative plan or suggestion at the point of this report were compiled and carefully selected for assessment based on its level of significance in policymaking and governance under the PH government.

For each policy, decision and statements by the PH government, we have assessed and scored according to three aspects such as

a) commitment to the manifesto b) implementation c) public response

Finally, the overall assessment based on the scores was done and also whether it is beneficial to the nation or not.

To reach these conclusions, we have analyzed available information such as news reports and government policy documents up until 31st December. We also engaged members of civil society, policy experts and the general public to seek their views on highlighted policies or decisions by the PH government in reaching our judgments.

A public survey was conducted earlier in December to gauge public response on policies and decisions by PH government in Q4 with 1,276 respondents from different background in the categories race, age gender, occupation and place of living nationwide. The team also conducted multiple interviews with important stakeholders, non-governmental organizations and interested parties to seek their views in related policy or decision by the PH government.

Our assessment in this Q4 report may not receive total agreement from the public, but we uphold and apply objectivity in our assessments at our best efforts. We welcome further input to improve our analysis and assessment in future reports.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia SCORING SYSTEM

COMMITMENT TO MANIFESTO 0– If the policy or decision is not explicitly stated in the manifesto orU-turn; 1– If the policy or decision is heavily modified or significantly deviated from its original promise; 2 – If the policy or decision is partially committed to themanifesto; 3 – If the policy or decision is fully committed to the manifesto.

IMPLEMENTATION 0– If the policy or decision is yet tostart; 1– If the policy or decision is currently ongoing but subject to delay orproblem; 2 – If the policy or decision is currently ongoing with little to noissue; 3 – If the policy or decision is fully implemented or delivered.

PUBLIC RESPONSE 0 – If the policy or decision receives public criticism or is unpopular; 1 – If the policy or decision only generates little to no public interest; 2 – If the policy or decision receives a mixed response from the people; 3 – If the policy or decision is well-received by the people.



A policy or decision can be considered as generally committed to the POSITIVE(7-9) manifesto, implemented and well-received by the people. A policy or decision can be considered as partially committed to the MIXED (4-6) manifesto, implementation is underway and received mixed reaction by the people.

A policy or decision can be considered as a failure to commit to the NEGATIVE (0-3) manifesto, not implemented or broken and not well-received by the people.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE IN Q4-2019

OCTOBER POSITIVE – 18 (15.7%), MIXED– 47 (40.8%), NEGATIVE – 50 (43.5%), TOTAL – 115

NOVEMBER POSITIVE – 10 (14%), MIXED – 31 (43%), NEGATIVE – 31 (43%), TOTAL – 72

DECEMBER POSITIVE- 8 (12%), MIXED – 35 (53%), NEGATIVE – 23 (35%), TOTAL – 66


POSITIVE – 36(14.2%), MIXED – 113 (44.7%), NEGATIVE – 104 (41.1%), TOTAL – 253



MIXED, 44.7% NEGATIVE, 41.1%



Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia

OCT - DEC 2019 60.0% 53.0%

50.0% 43.5% 43.0% 40.8% 40.0% 35.0%


20.0% 15.7% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0%



There were a total of 253 policies, decisions or statements by the PH government over the course of three months between October to December 2019. Based on the results of the public survey together with our observation, analysis, and consultation with various groups, our assessment found that 36 (14.2%) policies or decisions were positive after taken into account of 3 aspects a) commitment to the manifesto, b) implementation and c) public response. Whereas 113 (44.7%) policies or decisions were mixed and 104 (41.1%) were negative.

Our findings showed that once more only one-third, 36 (14.2%) from a total of 253 policies or decisions in the last three months yielded positive assessment or scored between 7-9 points. These are considered as generally committed to the manifesto, implemented and well received by the people. Among the policies or decisions that recorded favorable scores such as proposal to increase the duration of maternity leave and the proposal by the government to make Suri Incentive Scheme (i-Suri) mandatory. Meanwhile, in November, statements such as new jobs creation by the PH government received a favorable score. In December, the statement by the Finance Minister on Tabung Harapan and the constitution amendment to limit the terms of Prime Minister to two terms was seen to be sitting in the range of positive scores.

Meanwhile, the ongoing tussle on the transition of the Prime Minister-ship received a mixed assessment considered as not fulfilling the manifesto rightly thus jeopardizing the stability of the country. Another ‘Mixed’ decision was to the introduction of the minimum wage for urban areas which was seen not to be fulfilled as promised in the manifesto.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia

It is noteworthy to highlight some policies or decisions which received a negative assessment in the last three months which scored 1-3 points can be considered as a failure to commit to the manifesto, not implemented or broken and not well-received by the people. Among those less favorable policies or decisions consists of the persistent attitude displayed by the government to continue with the flying car project, renewal of the Lynas license despite attracting massive criticism as well as the announcement by the government to allow foreigners to buy properties with a reduced minimum to RM600,000. We call on the PH government to give serious attention to these policies or decisions, review and reconsider the decisions in the best interest of the nation as well as taking necessary measures to address shortcomings in policymaking, practice or governance.

Based on our assessment, ‘Mixed’ policies or decisions by PH saw an increasing trend from 40.8% to 43% before a final increase to 53% in the final quarter. Whereas negative policies started from 43.5% reducing considerably to 43% and a plunge in the following month to 35%. This proves that the Pakatan Harapan government did not improve its ‘Positive’ score but instead chose to improve its ugly twin instead throughout the last three months.



 Shared Property Vision 2030.  Maternity Leave 98 days.  Study on i-Suri for mandatory move.  Automatic voter registration.  Mazlee’s promise to fulfill free education in 2-3 years.  Giving more decision making power for / education departments.  New jobs creation.  Government commitment’s to establish a special tribunal to hear sexual harassment cases.  Anti-fake news act repealed.


 PM’s transition plan.  United Examination Certificate (UEC).  Entrance exam for doctors seeking specialist.  Free breakfast for primary school students.  Social work to be recognized as a profession.  GDP growth.  Government forms committee to study on the banning of vape.  RTS (-Singapore) extension.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia NEGATIVE

 Government’s reconsideration on GST.  Malay Dignity Congress.  Dr Mahathir- Toll abolition not possible.  Bantuan RM200 untuk anak kurang 2 tahun belum sesuai dilaksanakan.  The government decision to lower the threshold of high-rise property prices from RM 1mil to RM600,000 for foreigners.  PM defend use of SOSMA.  Government allocation during by-elections.  Private prison proposal.  Proposal to cut critical service allowance.



Overall the performance of PH in Q4 has once more deteriorated compared to Q3 when its ‘Positive’ rating was 14.2% compared to 25.6% previously. Unsurprisingly, this resulted in the spike of its ‘Negative’ column from 38.1% to 41.1%.

Whereas the number of ‘Mixed’ policies have also joined the descending bandwagon from 36.3% (Q3) to the current 44.7%.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia ANALYSIS OF YEAR 2019 (JAN – DEC)


POSITIVE, 22.7% MIXED, 40.7%



JAN- DEC 2019 60.0% 55.2% 53.0% 50.0% 50.0%

42.5% 43.4% 43.5% 43.0% 40.0% 41.0% 40.8% 38.4% 39.1% 39.6% 35.9% 36.5% 35.0% 33.3% 31.2% 30.0% 29.2% 30.3% 27.1% 27.4% 25.0% 26.3% 24.1% 22.6% 20.0% 20.7% 18.0% 19.2% 15.7% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0%




Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia

So far, Pakatan Harapan has predictably failed to obtain a passing mark for ‘Positive’ rating, scoring only 22.7% as overall for 2019 while the number of ‘Negative’ policies once more dominate the headlines with numerous blunders and gaffe uttered by the leaders of the government today.

The Pakatan government has failed to break the slump ever since its brief spike of Positive rating back in May where its performances kept moving closer to the abys.

We can see that some of the issues plaguing the administration were such as the permission for Lynas to continue operating where DAP leaders have kept a deafening silence ever since. The controversial extradition of Zakir Naik also ring some bells as he even made derogatory remarks on the non-Malays in the country as ‘pendatang’ with the Prime Minister refusing to boot the preacher back to India.

Another widely ridiculed policy but the government was unwilling to back down is the flying car project with resources and attention would be better used on other more important issues.

The introduction of Jawi was one of the major reasons why PH gained an astonishing 50% ‘Negative’ in August. Despite gaining objection from many sides, the government remains adamant in introducing this to primary school students. We opine that Khat is more suited to be introduced to tertiary levels after young people have mastered the national language and their respective mother tongues. On another note, Kongres Maruah Melayu that was attended by the Prime Minister is notably also one of the reasons for the declining image of Pakatan Harapan at whole.

However, one of the notable policy deserving applause was the lowering of voting age to 18 years old from the previous 21 years old. This was a recognition of the government towards voter suffrage where young people deserve a voice in determining the direction of the country. Before the amendment, Malaysia alongside Singapore remains the only country in South East Asia where the minimum voting age was at 21 years old while our neighbours have lowered it down to 18. In the last quarter, there was some good decision made by the government such as the repeal of anti-fake news act and also the proposal to increase the duration of maternity leave to 98 days.

Another good attempt by the government would be the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 and Budget 2020 that was proposed for their promising performance for the next year and decade. With the hope to a better nation, these proposals led to an increase in their overall image and assurance to the public.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia ISSUES SOLVED  African workers in the country. - Idea and proposal being dropped.

 Voting age lowered to 18 years old. - Bill to amend Federal Constitution passed in Parliament.

 ECRL resumes. - 40% of work allocated to local contractors.

 Anti-Fake News Act Repealed. - During the last parliamentary session, the government successfully to repeal the act.

 Education Ministry’s proposal for free breakfast for all primary school students.

 Maternity and Paternity leaves.

 SUHAKAM report was debated in the parliament.

UNSOLVED  Abolishment of the mandatory death penalty. - To be tabled in October Parliamentary sitting.

 Flying Car projects.

 Palm Oil Education in school. - Proposal to teach the benefits of palm oil in schools.

 Law for environmental protection. - Proposal to draft a law that will punish companies caught polluting the environment in other countries.

 Unable to find a solution for toll abolishment.

 Government and stakeholders couldn’t come to a point of agreement on the Jawi issue.

 Further delay in IPCMC bill.

RECURRING  Zakir Naik extradition - Mooted since February 2019 in the run-up to Semenyih by-election  Lynas allowed to continue operating


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia


COMMITMENTTO PUBLIC DATE POLICY/DECISION IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT MANIFESTO RESPONSE 'UEC is a very complex issue'- Final report is now under internal 1 1 0 NEGATIVE discussion, says task force Official: Govt won't review cost of 0 1 1 ECRL NEGATIVE Deputy MoH Dr : Medical exams for e-hailing drivers 0 3 2 MIXED 1/10 must be done properly Langkawi to be main test bed for 5G 0 2 3 technology MIXED 5G demo projects to be carried out 3 2 3 across six states POSITIVE No 2-year Mahathir to Anwar 1 1 2 transition plan exists: Syed Saddiq MIXED SPV 2030 to close the wealth gap 3 2 3 POSITIVE Ministry to cut household waste 0 2 2 MIXED Xavier: Stiffer fines for water resource 0 2 3 contamination needed MIXED 2/10

Request for lower assessment may 0 1 0 be considered NEGATIVE

Final UEC report on hold as task 3 1 0 force wants MPs' feedback MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

ERC moots dual voting system - proportionate representation system 2 2 3 POSITIVE for parliamentary seats Daim in talks to recover RM8.3b from 3/10 3 2 3 China firm POSITIVE Isu bekalan benih padi sah: MOF luluskan kuota tambahan - 0 3 3 MIXED Salahuddin MyCC proposes penalty for violating 0 2 3 competition laws MIXED Dr M: GST may be reintroduced 0 0 0 NEGATIVE Dr M non-committal on power 1 1 0 transition date NEGATIVE Yeo: Malaysian govt not paying for plastic waste repatriation, 3 countries 0 3 3 MIXED

4/10 to take back 89 waste containers Sabah gets RM15m for school 2 3 3 maintenance POSITIVE Security laws to be reviewed, if necessary, tabled in Parliament for 2 0 0 NEGATIVE amendments: Muhyiddin Gobind mulls calls to ban online sale 0 2 2 of e-cigs, vape MIXED Kula: Employment Act to include 0 1 3 section on forced labour MIXED

5/10 Economy-centric SPV 2030 to roll out 1 2 3 today MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Ministry to get UEC report by month 2 1 2 end MIXED Dr M: It's easy to make promises but 1 1 0 not so easy to implement them NEGATIVE PLUS takeover: Other proposals more attractive and beneficial to the 1 1 0 NEGATIVE

5/10 rakyat — Lim 98-day maternity leave proposed, ministry plans to help mums in private 2 2 3 POSITIVE sector Azmin: SPV 2030 will boost the economy, benefit the country and 1 2 3 MIXED Malaysians Entrance exam for docs seeking 0 2 2 specialties MIXED

6/10 6/10 Dr M: New tax system will not burden 0 1 0 the people NEGATIVE Malay Dignity Congress - Tun M calls on Malays to close ranks, restore 0 0 0 NEGATIVE dignity 7/10 SST to stay: Mahathir 3 2 2 POSITIVE 2.9 million to benefit: Targeted fuel 1 2 0 subsidy programme to roll out Jan 1 NEGATIVE Govt looking to define NPL - Dr M: This will give a better picture of 0 2 3 MIXED poverty rate in Malaysia 'Toll abolition not possible'- Dr M: It requires govt buyout which we can't 0 0 0 NEGATIVE

8/10 afford' Electoral reform vital to ensure level 2 2 3 playing field - ERC POSITIVE PM: New petrol subsidy for only one 0 1 0 car per person in B40 bracket NEGATIVE


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

ERC suggested that EC set up a means to register candidates through 2 2 3 POSITIVE an online system. Govt tables Bill to form anti-financial 9/10 0 2 3 crime centre MIXED Malay unity: No plans to form new 0 0 0 govt with BN and PAS, says Dr M NEGATIVE 'Free breakfast for pupils to cost 0 2 3 RM1.67bil' MIXED Anti-Fake News Act repealed again 3 1 2 MIXED DPM: Social work to be a recognised profession with tabling of Social 0 2 3 MIXED Workers Profession Act Wan Azizah: Bantuan RM200 untuk anak kurang 2 tahun belum sesuai 0 0 0 NEGATIVE dilaksana Khazanah disposal of assets 0 1 0 'common practice': Azmin NEGATIVE PM: We can't meet all demands - Impossible to increase subsidies with 0 1 0 NEGATIVE 10/10 lower taxes, says Dr M Dr M: Many parties vying for PLUS - Govt to consider offer from private 0 0 0 NEGATIVE sector if the amount is reasonable 'RON95 price increase to be gradual' - Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs 0 1 0 NEGATIVE Minister Water tariff to go up next year, says the Water, Land and Natural 0 1 0 NEGATIVE Resources Ministry Govt allocates RM297 billion for Budget 2020; RM241 billion is for 1 2 0 operational expenditure and RM56 NEGATIVE billion for development.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Budget 2020: IPCMC to go ahead, Malaysian Ombudsman to replace 3 1 3 POSITIVE 10/10 Public Complaints Bureau. Budget 2020: GST will not be 3 3 2 reintroduced POSITIVE Five more with alleged LTTE links 0 1 0 held NEGATIVE Dr Dzulkefly: RM416mil allocation to 13/10 be used for building clinics, new 0 2 3 MIXED hospital DPM: i-Suri being studied for 3 2 3 mandatory move POSITIVE GDP growth projected to pick up to 0 2 2 4.8% next year MIXED RM297 billion: 'Vision will ensure no one left behind' / 'People's welfare, 0 2 3 energy key economic components'- MIXED 14/10 Tok Pa PM: Foreigners with RM600,000 0 0 0 homes will not get citizenship NEGATIVE LTTE arrests: Police followed 0 1 0 provision of law, says Dr Mahathir NEGATIVE Vape ban mulled - Govt forms committee to conduct study, explore 0 2 3 MIXED options Minimum price threshold: 'States can 15/10 have own housing guidelines'- 0 0 0 NEGATIVE Housing Minister PM defends use of SOSMA in LTTE 0 0 0 probe NEGATIVE


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

'Automatic voter registration soon'- 3 2 3 EC POSITIVE

16/10 SOSMA to stay 0 0 0 NEGATIVE Budget 2020: Five million M40 drivers 1 1 0 to benefit from targeted fuel subsidy NEGATIVE Malaysia still needs Sosma, says

17/10 0 0 0 Muhyiddin NEGATIVE Flying car prototype to be ready by 0 1 0 year end: Redzuan NEGATIVE JB-Singapore RTS project to 1 2 2 proceed, says Dr M MIXED 18/10 Launching of National Transport Policy (NTP) 2019-2030 - Govt to 0 2 3 MIXED focus on driving rail transport 'Clinic fee hike to be reasonable' - Increase to be done in phases, says 0 2 2 MIXED Health Minister Loke: Govt mulling restructuring 0 2 2 regulatory agencies for airlines MIXED

19/10 Kementerian perlu masa muktamad z pelaksanaan dasar tanpa aliran: Nie 0 1 3 MIXED Ching Dr M: Marketing agency to be 0 2 3 MIXED 20/10 launched to help rural entrepreneurs Govt confirms receiving 4 offers to 1 1 0 take over PLUS NEGATIVE


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Edu Ministry not rushing to abolish 0 1 2 streaming, says Maszlee NEGATIVE On the right track - Mega roadwork project will accelerate growth in rural 1 2 2 MIXED 21/10 Sabah and Sarawak Kg Baru plans to be revealed - MoFT 0 1 2 NEGATIVE : All infrastructure projects 3 2 3 in to be implemented POSITIVE Maszlee: We'll try to fulfil free 3 1 3 education promise in two, three years POSITIVE Bid to decriminalise suicide attempts 22/10 0 2 3 to check its rising rate - TPM MIXED Lynas to have stricter conditions to 1 1 0 end radioactive residue production NEGATIVE Tanjung Piai allocations not meant to 0 0 0 buy votes: Mahathir NEGATIVE Debate topics to be vetted - Dr 0 1 0 Maszlee NEGATIVE Govt yet to approve Lynas application to raise the landthanide concentrate 1 1 0 NEGATIVE processing limit for 2019 PM: Existing civil servants to continue 23/10 0 2 3 enjoying pension MIXED Azmin: Let Mahathir stay for five 0 1 0 years NEGATIVE PM: No interesting bids for PLUS yet 0 0 0 NEGATIVE Govt to regulate gig economy to safeguard workers' welfare, says Dr 0 2 3 MIXED M


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Maszlee - Comic book was never 0 3 0 approved for schools NEGATIVE 24/10 Prototype of third national car to be 0 1 0 unveiled in March 2020 NEGATIVE Muhyiddin - Book banned due to 0 1 0 content, not against any parties NEGATIVE Kampung Baru Issue: Final and best 0 1 0 offer - RM850psf plus shares NEGATIVE Mat Sabu - Public views will not be 0 3 3 obtained for White Paper MIXED 25/10 Saddiq - Move to let ex-juvenile 0 2 3 delinquents work in public sector MIXED Govt all for maintaining healthy 0 2 2 business climate MIXED Teo - More decision-making for 3 2 3 Sabah and S’wak education depts POSITIVE Muhyiddin: Anwar will become the 3 1 2 next Prime Minister as agreed by PH MIXED Dr M: Malay gatherings not racist 0 3 0 NEGATIVE

26/10 Child safety seats will become 0 3 3 mandatory starting 2020 MIXED Malaysia's plan to open Jordan- 0 2 3 based Palestine embassy - PM MIXED MoE will release SOP on teaching of 0 1 0 Jawi script soon - Teo NEGATIVE Jawi script introduction will be implemented only if agreed upon by 0 1 0 27/10 the PIBG and the parents and NEGATIVE students - Teo Teo denies promise to recognise UEC was just vote bait, hope there 3 1 0 MIXED will be decision soon


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Transition issue can be discussed at 3 1 0 presidential council meeting - PM MIXED New policy to help fisherman coming 0 2 3 28/10 soon MIXED Tak guna haram vape tanpa penguatkuasaan, kata timbalan 0 2 3 MIXED menteri Dr M: Only presidential body can determine if I will remain PM until 3 0 0 NEGATIVE GE15. Zuraida promises a more effective 29/10 0 2 3 waste management system MIXED Affordable homes prices to be based on locality, average household 3 2 3 POSITIVE income 10 charged over links to Tamil Tigers, 0 1 0 including 2 DAP assemblyman NEGATIVE Syed Saddiq: Task force formed to 0 2 3 hasten drug decriminalization MIXED 30/10 Athletes, sports bodies free to decide on syariah-compliant attire, says 0 1 2 NEGATIVE Syed Saddiq We never endorsed the banned 0 2 0 comic, says Education Minister NEGATIVE M’sia seeks another RTS extension 1 1 2 MIXED 31/10 Zuraida: No formal target set for sale 0 0 0 of luxury homes to foreigners NEGATIVE


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

POSITIVE – 18 (15.7%), MIXED– 47 (40.8%), NEGATIVE – 50 (43.5%), TOTAL – 115


POSITIVE, MIXED, 15.7% 40.8%




The Pakatan government was unable to stymie the slump of its approval rating where it dropped from 26.3% to 15.7% ‘Positive’ in October from the previous month of September. The rating for ‘Mixed and ‘Negative’ stood at 40.8% and 43.5% respectively. The number of total policies and decisions made was 115 in the first month of this quarterly report.

One of the most prominent issues that took place in this month was Mahathir’s attendance to the Kongres Maruah Melayu. This has led to declining public perception of Pakatan Harapan as a whole. One major right does not correct the overall picture as the government does not seem to hear the voices of the people on several controversies such as the flying car project despite being ridiculed and yet unresolved.

However, few thumbs-up for the PH was be the announcement of Budget 2020 by the Finance Minister and Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 by the Prime Minster that was proposed for their promising performance for the next year and coming decade with the hope to a better nation.


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia


COMMITMENT TO PUBLIC DATE POLICY/DECISION IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT MANIFESTO RESPONSE Malaysia to proceed with RTS project 1 2 3 MIXED Redzuan: GLCs helmed by qualified 1/11 1 2 2 MIXED people PM: Strategic assets sale my call to 0 1 2 make NEGATIVE

Loke: No new policy in renewing 3/11 0 3 3 driving license MIXED Mahathir: Anwar will be the next PM 3 1 2 MIXED Govt to test new SOP for bauxite 0 2 3 mining MIXED Phee: to send back 106 0 3 3 containers with plastic waste MIXED

5/11 Penang govt open to proposal for 0 1 2 new airport NEGATIVE 150,000 new jobs created 3 2 3 POSITIVE JB-S’pore RTS to use LRT system, 1 2 3 targets 10,000 commuters hourly MIXED PPP drive to boost fight against 0 2 3 MIXED 6/11 financial crimes Bike-hailing to start January 0 2 2 MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

PM: I will step down after I resolve 0 0 0 country’s problems NEGATIVE DPM: Every govt project is now 7/11 2 2 3 scrutinized POSITIVE Ministry looking into amending 2 1 0 Sosma NEGATIVE Mahathir: Tackling corruption is 3 2 3 Pakatan’s best feat POSITIVE Gov't to impose RM25k cash 0 2 2 transaction limit from next year MIXED 8/11 Syed Saddiq: Train ‘mat lajak’ to 0 2 3 make their talents useful MIXED Govt mulls best way forward for OSA, 2 1 2 FIA MIXED Malaysia to give India official letter on 0 1 0 ZakirNaik NEGATIVE Special panel to scrutinise draft of 3 2 3 Political Funding Bill early next year POSITIVE Law to prevent the spread of other 0 1 2 religions to Muslims in progress NEGATIVE

9/11 Health Minister: Govt may get public universities to reduce intake of 0 1 2 medical students to resolve woes of NEGATIVE contract doctors Muhyiddin: Proposed Sosma amendments to safeguard peace and 2 1 0 NEGATIVE public order Zuraida: Community secretariat to

110/11 0 2 3 work with residents associations MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Azmin: plans to create new

11/11 0 2 2 economic corridor in Johor MIXED Palestine issue must be solved, says 3 2 3 Dr M POSITIVE 12/11 Khalid: Best deal offered to Kg Baru 0 1 2 landowners NEGATIVE Kula: Paternity leave to be tabled

14/11 0 2 3 soon MIXED Malaysia signs deals to boost palm 0 2 3 oil exports to China and India MIXED 15/11 Kula: Technical, vocational skills the 0 2 3 way of the future MIXED About 200 nurseries to be set up next

16/11 0 2 3 year MIXED RM15mil in donations help vernacular 0 2 3 education yearly MIXED Solving housemanship issue - Health 18/11 Ministry out to place graduates in 2 1 0 NEGATIVE hospitals within 6 months More data needed to help disabled - 3 2 3 POSITIVE From 2020: Arts, Science streams scrapped - Govt to introduce more 0 3 3 relevant subjects, including electives, MIXED says Teo 19/11 Tax threshold on donations to 0 2 2 increase next year MIXED Minister to take test ride in flying car 0 1 0 on Thursday NEGATIVE


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

'Secret dinner' causes political sparks 0 2 0 NEGATIVE 'We don't know if country ready for 1 1 0 power transition' - Dr M NEGATIVE 20/11 Up to states to amend marriage age - DPM: 7 states have not agreed to 0 1 0 NEGATIVE change their respective laws Malaysia seeks intervention from 0 2 3 WTO on palm oil issue MIXED Bigger FDI - Dr M: Govt has achieved 0 2 3 a lot in short time MIXED 21/11 Reduan defends calling drone a 0 1 0 'flying car' NEGATIVE Minister gets private viewing of 'flying 0 1 0 car' NEGATIVE Drastic measures to address child 0 2 3 abuse, says Hannah Yeoh MIXED Govt won't rush Sedition Act repeal 0 1 0 NEGATIVE 22/112 SOSMA being reviewed, says Law 0 1 0 Minister LiewVuiKeong NEGATIVE Gobind: ‘Oppressive and draconian’ Sosma provisions should be 0 1 0 NEGATIVE amended or abolished Salahuddin: RM1.4bil contract not 0 1 0 finalised yet NEGATIVE Private prisons to cut overcrowding - Govt mulling feasibility of concept for 0 0 0 NEGATIVE 23/112 low-to-medium risk inmates Number of posts in private sector increased 121,000 to 8.7m in third 2 2 3 POSITIVE quarter of 2019


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Dr M: PH top leaders do not disagree 0 1 2 to cabinet reshuffle NEGATIVE Kerajaan berhak tentukan rundingan 0 1 0 terus, terbuka - PM NEGATIVE

24/11 Mat Sabu: Pemberian tender kepada NAFAS langkah terbaik untuk 0 1 0 NEGATIVE membantu peladang Minister upset that red tape has 0 1 0 scuttled flying car test NEGATIVE 'Pakatan govt making progress in 3 1 3 honouring MA63' POSITIVE 25/11 Lynas shut down not part of Pakatan 0 1 0 manifesto, says Redzuan NEGATIVE Muhyiddin calls for third link between 0 1 3 Johor, Singapore MIXED 26/11 41,000 got jobs with government’s 2 2 3 help POSITIVE New curriculum: Form 4 students can choose from 89 elective subjects next 0 2 3 MIXED year 27/11 Maszlee: Report on recognition of 3 1 0 UEC by year-end MIXED : Homes have been 3 1 0 made affordable MIXED Chin Peng issue- Mat Sabu: Let 0 1 0 Home Ministry probe claims NEGATIVE Minimal hike in RON95 till it meets 28/11 0 1 0 market price NEGATIVE Plastic waste recycling factories 0 2 3 sanctioned by DoE MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

'Chin Peng is already dead'- Dr M: Only his ashes have returned, like 0 1 0 NEGATIVE other CPM leaders RM20mil for flying car project - PAC: Govt gave funding despite it being 0 1 0 NEGATIVE 29/11 touted as private effort We welcome South Korea's strategic 0 2 3 partnership proposal, says PM MIXED Panel to enhance Dewan's power of 3 2 3 autonomy POSITIVE Ministry: RM20m allocation not for 0 1 0 flying car project NEGATIVE 30/11 Muhyiddin: Govt committed to 3 1 0 addressing high cost of living MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

POSITIVE – 10 (14%), MIXED – 31 (43%), NEGATIVE – 31 (43%), TOTAL – 72





In the month of November, PH seems to be having an equal number of score between Negative and Mixed responses at 43%. However, the positive score from the previous month October shows to be on a declining trend from 15.7% to 14% now. PH administration instead of improving has seen its performances deteriorating consistently.

To be fair, despite attracting a fair share of criticism the government was seen to be trying to battle the high number of unemployment rate among young people with the approval given to Go-Jek to operate in the country, claiming that it will create job opportunities as well as present another option for riders and consumers in a country already dominated by taxis and e-hailing services. However, new jobs was created that seemed to be rectifying this unemployment issue.

On the other hand, delay in abolishing SOSMA as per PH manifesto made during GE-14and the continuing operation of Lynas have brought to a negative reaction from the people


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia


COMMITMENT PUBLIC DATE POLICY/DECISION IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT TO MANIFESTO RESPONSE Dr M: High cost of living due to weak ringgit. It will take a full five-year term 0 1 0 for the govt to fulfil its election NEGATIVE promises Mujahid: Respect court’s decision on 0 1 0 1/12 teaching of Jawi script NEGATIVE Khalid: No reason for govt to use 0 1 0 Land Acquisition Act NEGATIVE Tabung Harapan funds used to pay 0 3 3 1MDB debt MIXED Entry points to Singapore: Easing congestion on Causeway - Measures 0 2 3 planned include increasing MIXED motorcycle lane counters 2/12 Special tribunal to hear sexual 2 2 3 harassment cases POSITIVE MySalam akan diperluaskan kepada 0 2 3 M40 MIXED Govt mulls English coaching for teachers - Ministry proposes training 0 2 3 MIXED for Sarawak Math, Science educators Mat Sabu: Govt may revive national 3/12 0 1 2 service programme NEGATIVE 'Don't depend on free money'- Dr M: 0 1 0 Poor must help themselves NEGATIVE


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Efforts to help bridge poverty gap - Prime Minister confident Shared 2 2 3 Prosperity Vision strategies will help POSITIVE 3/12 poor increase income Mat Sabu to propose that military 0 1 3 spending be set at 1pc of GDP MIXED More focus on STEM and TVET, 0 2 3 says Dr M MIXED Cabinet postpones tabling of IPCMC 3 1 0 bill MIXED "Abolishing, amending laws need 3 1 0 4/12 careful study" - PM MIXED Bill to limit PM's tenure tabled for first 3 3 3 reading POSITIVE EC to enforce lower voting age of 18 0 3 3 by July 2021 MIXED approves bill to allow men to transfer EPF contributions to 2 3 3 POSITIVE 5/12 their wives Private firms can help improve 0 2 3 transport system: MIXED Govt testing Rakyat e-wallet system, 0 2 3 software - Lim MIXED "Govt has 5-year plan to boost flood 0 2 3 preparedness" - Mat Sabu MIXED Gobind: 5G for e-learning by mid- 0 2 3 MIXED 6/12 2020 Solutions to urban poverty - FT Ministry to come up with master plan 0 2 3 MIXED to address issue by 2020 Kementerian Kesihatan buat kajian keberkesanan cukai minuman 0 2 2 MIXED bergula selepas 2 tahun pelaksanaan


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Dzulkefly: Private clinics to set their own fees; deregulating fee structure 7/12 0 1 2 would allow public to choose their NEGATIVE doctors Tiada lagi wang percuma untuk 9/12 rakyat, kerajaan perlu tampung 0 1 0 NEGATIVE hutang - Tun M Health Ministry to gather feedback 0 1 2 over doctors' consultation fees NEGATIVE 10/12 Changes for labour law - Kula: Draconian Industrial Relations Act 3 2 3 POSITIVE clause to be repealed No hike in electricity tariff for 0 2 3 domestic users MIXED Power transition from Dr M to Anwar 11/12 3 1 2 after November 2020 APEC Summit MIXED Malaysia considering selling stakes in 0 1 2 Petronas to states NEGATIVE Targeted fuel subsidy to benefit 2.9 12/12 0 1 2 million recipients next year NEGATIVE 'Mavcom's functions to be 0 2 2 transferred'- Transport Ministry MIXED 'Proposed amendments to Education 13/12 Act 1996 on compulsory schooling 0 2 3 MIXED being studied' - 90pc of school repairs for dilapidated 0 2 3 schools complete, says Maszlee MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Teo: Cabinet decided on who has a say in determining whether pupils will 0 1 0 NEGATIVE be taught the Jawi script

14/12 Perhimpunan dikaitkan dengan PKM: KDN sahkan 6 pertubuhan tidak 0 1 0 berdaftar. Muhyiddin - Tindakan NEGATIVE tegas akan diambil 'Govt will work harder in 2020 to fulfill vows' - Govt aims to fulfill remaining 15/12 0 1 0 40pc of election pledges by 2023 - NEGATIVE Lim MACC officers to play both watchdog 16/12 and advisory roles at offices of MBs 0 2 3 MIXED and CMs Gemas-JB rail project to process, 0 1 3 says Transport Minister MIXED 17/12 Parlimen cipta sejarah tubuh kaukus 2 3 3 Dewan Negara POSITIVE Govt looking at reducing HSR speed 2 0 2 to cut cost MIXED Bandar Malaysia – revived and 1 0 0 NEGATIVE 18/12 revised Deputy Home Minister Azis Jamman: Temporary Sabah Pass (PSS) is 0 1 0 continuation of attempt to standardise NEGATIVE documents Minimum wage for urban areas 19/12 2 2 2 raised to RM1,200 MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Anti-Fake News Act scrapped - Law repealed after Senate passes it on 3 3 3 POSITIVE second attempt

20/12 Sidang Kemuncak KL: PM - Bukan tujuan diskriminasi, hanya berhasrat 0 3 2 MIXED menangani isu ummah Dr M tells Dong Zong anti-jawi rally

21/12 0 1 0 could lead to tit-for-tat demands NEGATIVE Dr M urges nations to build

22/12 0 0 2 indigenous technologies NEGATIVE Zuraida: Credit firms should use new 0 2 3 MIXED 23/12 signage by early 2020 Review of MRT3 project under way 2 2 3 POSITIVE Lee: Kementerian Kesihatan, KPKT

25/12 0 2 3 pernah bincang ruang rokok MIXED Critical service allowance was cut because it no longer met criteria, 0 0 0 NEGATIVE 27/12 says PSD deputy DG

Dong Jiao Zong receives court order, 0 1 0 cancels Saturday's conference NEGATIVE Prasarana and MRTCo functions to 0 2 3 be streamlined - Loke MIXED Bank Negara may issue up to five 0 2 3 28/12 digital bank licences MIXED 'Malaysia on track towards developed 0 2 3 nation status'- Statistics Dept MIXED Free breakfast programme to start 0 2 3 Jan 20 at 100 schools MIXED


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

Visa-free 2020 entry for tourists from 0 1 2 China and India NEGATIVE Kementerian Pengangkutan akan meneruskan penguatkuasaan pemasangan kerusi keselamatan 0 2 3 MIXED 29/12 kanak-kanak (CRS) bermula 1 Januari Penguatkuasaan larangan merokok 0 2 2 di tempat makan MIXED Penyedia perkhidmatan digital asing 0 2 0 kena cukai 6 peratus NEGATIVE Education Ministry probes Zakir exam 0 1 0 paper question NEGATIVE Fuel subsidy plan on hold - Saifuddin: Programme has to be explained to 0 1 2 NEGATIVE

3031/12 Malaysians first

'Highway takeover decision next week'- Cabinet must decide soon to 2 1 2 avoid hefty compensation to MIXED operators, says Lim


Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

POSITIVE- 8 (12%), MIXED – 35 (53%), NEGATIVE – 23 (35%), TOTAL – 66




SUMMARY FOR DECEMBER In the month of December, the number of policies, decisions or statements by the PH government seem to be lowest at 66 over the course of three months between October to December 2019.Pakatan Harapan seems to be shifting to middle territory in the last month of the year where the number of ‘Mixed’ graded decisions outweighed the ‘Positives’ and ‘Negatives’. One of the possible reasons of this phenomenon would be the implementation of teaching Jawi script and the cut of the critical service allowance for doctors. These have brought to mixed to negative scores which of course overtook the positive percentage mark. Among the thumbs up policies announced would be the future tabling of the Political Funding Bill to create transparency in funding for political parties which adheres to the call for a cleaner and corruption-free political system. Also, it has been said that more new schemes to assists more first-time homebuyers to purchase their home will be part of the Budget 2020 has also drew good response which complies to the PH Manifesto. Furthermore, free breakfast for primary school students was also introduced. However, there are always two sides of the coin when the government sidestepped more vital issues by announcing certain debatable decisions such as the idea to raise the retirement age. In a country where the youth unemployment rate outruns the national unemployment rate by 3 times, it is plausible that this policy will prolong the ability for youths to get jobs as older workers which commended a higher salary but richer experience will be asked to remain to ensure a smoother operation of their respective companies. Plus, solution to the abolition of toll has yet to come a conclusion which also gives a negative impression towards their unfulfilling promises.