Tree Planting Ceremony Held in Herndon News, Page 8 Classifieds, Page 6 Commentary, Page 3 V Classifieds
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Tree Planting Ceremony Held in Herndon News, Page 8 Classifieds, Page 6 Classifieds, v Commentary, Page 3 In celebration of Arbor Day 2021, Mayor Sheila Olem of the Town of Herndon, along with Chief Instructor Tony Breda of Heaven and Earth Running for Aikido, plant the new Yoshino Cherry tree in the Town Square. Girl Scouts from Saint Joseph School Girl Scout Council of the Nation Capital Troop 2421, (from left) Josie, 12, of Herndon, Mairead M., 11, of Hern- Second in Command don, Mariana, 12, of Herndon and, Ainsley, 12, of Vienna look on. News, Page 4 Requested in home 4-22-21 home in Requested Time sensitive material. material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Postmaster: Attention ECR WSS ECR A Primary Race to Watch: Customer Postal permit #322 permit Easton, MD Easton, VA House District 86 PAID U.S. Postage U.S. News, Page 3 STD PRSRT Photo by Mercia Hobson/The Connection by Mercia Hobson/The Photo April 21-27, 2021 online at News Photos Courtesy of Lauren Bien Shiny cars showing off their engines during 2019’s Casey’s Automotive car show. (From left) Bryan and Mary Jewett flank Jay Coakley at the Ellie’s Hats booth. ‘Family-Friendly Event with a Lot of Cool Cars’ Casey’s Car Show & Coakley organized a hat drive to get her ing a commemorative T-shirt in their size. event with a lot of cool cars. People can also more. Several items will be available for attend- enjoy some delicious food and even dance. Spring Fest raises Realizing he could bring similar happi- ees to bid on during the show’s silent auc- And it’s all for a good cause – every dollar ness to other young, cancer patients – plus tion. They include a two-hour, professional, we take in goes to Ellie’s Hats. Casey’s does money for Ellie’s Hats. raise awareness about the disease – he photo shoot with Marigold Bus & Booth; automotive repairs and maintenance, plus founded Ellie’s Hats. The organization also virtual, martial-arts classes for children or custom builds and upgrades. But Bryan and By Bonnie Hobbs gives hats and toys to the recipients’ siblings adults, courtesy of Tiger Den of Chantilly; Mary Jewett want to give back to the com- The Connection and donates gas cards, gift certificates and and a set of four brand-new tires donated by munity, as well.” money to their families to help them through Casey’s Automotive. Auction items are still “Upstairs in our Chantilly location is ool cars, tasty food, fun for all difficult and expensive times. For more infor- being accepted; any local businesses want- where Jay Coakley and his helpers box up ages – and the chance to raise mation, go to ing to donate products or services for it may the hats they send out to the children,” con- money for a good cause – that’s While the pandemic cancelled last year’s email [email protected]. tinued Bien. “And he receives this space free CCasey’s Fourth Annual Car Show car show, the one in 2019 raised $8,000 for And when attendees get hungry, food of charge. It’s of the utmost importance to & Spring Fest. Hosted by Casey’s Automotive the cause, and event organizer Lauren Bien, trucks will be there to fill the bill. Zainy’s Fl- us that we can raise some money for Ellie’s owners Bryan and Mary Jewett outside their Casey’s Automotive marketing coordinator, yin’ Grill will offer its signature puffy tacos Hats – and the more, the better.” business at 4260-A Entre Court in Chantilly, hopes this year’s show will raise even more. and other items, ResQ BBQ will provide bar- it’s set for Sunday, May 2, from 12:30-3:30 And she promises lots of fun for everyone. becued dishes and sides, and Kona Ice will AS FOR COAKLEY, he’s delighted that the p.m. “In 2019, we had about 100-150 cars,” offer shaved-ice treats. Jewetts and their business have done so Admission is free, parking is plentiful, and she said. “We get everything from American For the children, there’ll be field games much for Ellie’s Hats. “We are so grateful the festivities will also include children’s muscle cars to Army Jeeps, antique cars, old- such as Jenga, cornhole and Connect 4, as for the support we have received from Ca- games, a silent auction and professional school 1920s and 1930s vehicles, 1960s and well as two people making balloon animals to sey’s Automotive,” he said. “Since the early Star Wars characters from the 501st Garri- 1970s classics like Mustangs and Corvettes, order. And bringing music to the day will be days of Ellie’s Hats, Bryan and Mary have son Tyranus. Most of all, 100 percent of the as well as fancy new cars like a 2021 Mase- deejay Craig Wood of Perpetual Sound LLC. supported us. They’ve raised over $12,000 proceeds will be donated to local nonprofit, rati. Motorcycles are welcome, too – whatev- A car-show contest will be held, as well. in the three previous car shows. All these Ellie’s Hats, which provides hats to children er anyone wants to show off.” The spectators will vote on their favorite ve- shows have been fun for both car enthusiasts with cancer, plus assistance to their families. hicles in various categories – for example, and families, and we hope everyone will join In 2013, P.E. teacher Jay Coakley began THE REGISTRATION FEE is a $25 minimum Best Muscle Car, Antique Car, Classic Car, us for this upcoming one, as well.” Ellie’s Hats to cheer up one of his students, donation to Ellie’s Hats. Pre-register vehicles etc. Winners will each receive a special tro- An Ellie’s Hats donation table will be at Ellie, then 5, newly diagnosed with leuke- at phy handcrafted and custom-welded by one the event. However, people unable to at- mia. When she lost her hair from her treat- 2021-car-show-spring-fest/. Those doing so of Casey’s technicians, Jon Young. tend, but still wishing to contribute, may do ments, she wore hats to school every day, so online by April 27 will get a swag bag includ- All in all, said Bien, “It’s a family-friendly so at Area Roundups Road traveling to I-66 East will be directed to continue Public Meeting for Drug Take-Back Day is farther south to the exit for Route 29 North, stay to the right to Route 28 North, and then continue staying to the Braddock Park Saturday, April 24 right and follow the signs to I-66 East. The new Route 28 The Fairfax County Park Authority is updating its mas- The national, DEA Drug Take-Back Day is this Saturday, April and I-66 Interchange will improve traffic flow on I-66 and ter plan for Braddock Park at 13451 Braddock Road, bor- 24, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at local police stations. Bring unwant- Route 28 and provide access to and from the future I-66 dering both Centreville High and Twin Lakes Golf Course. ed, prescription and over-the-counter drugs to either the Fair Express Lanes. Virtual meeting will be held Monday, April 26, at 7 p.m., Oaks District Station, 12300 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy., or so members of the public may participate from their own the Sully District Station, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. homes. To watch, go to, or No needles or syringes are accepted, and I.D. is not required. Crime Solvers to Hold listen by calling 855-925-2801 and entering the access code 8081. Shred Event The 61-acre, district park contains six natural-turf soft- New Ramp from Route 28 Fairfax County’s Crime Solvers will hold a shred event ball diamonds; one synthetic-turf rectangular field; a bat- for the public, Saturday, May 1, from 8:30 a.m.-noon. ting-cage area, picnic pavilion and restroom. During the South to I-66 East It will be outside the Sully District Police Station, 4900 meeting, Park Authority staff will present a draft design con- Attention, drivers in Centreville: As of last weekend, the Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. Crime Solvers suggests a $5, cept for Braddock Park incorporating recent, public-com- new ramp from Route 28 South to I-66 East is now open. tax-deductible donation per bag/box. Papers are shred- ment and survey results. Thirty days later, it’ll prepare a Drivers on southbound Route 28 will stay to the left to ac- ded on site. For more information, go to http://fairfax- draft Master Plan to share with the public in late summer. cess the ramp to I-66 East. Drivers on eastbound Braddock 2 v Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v April 21-27, 2021 News A Primary Race to Watch: VA House District 86 Early Voting for Democratic Party Primary 2020 session which he sponsored. The bill democracy. The daughter of Korean immi- directed the Board of Medicine to annually grants, Shin said she learned her view of begins April 23 in Fairfax County. issue a communication to every practitioner the world and how to interact through her licensed by the Board who provides primary small business immigrant family. For them, By Mercia Hobson maternity obstetrical or gynecological health the cost of health care was out of reach and The Connection care services reiterating the standard of care always paid out of pocket.