Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires May 31, 2020

U.S. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement

Washington, dc 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending 12/31/2019

(Insert date)


1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 3492

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 2001 K Street NW Washington, DC 20006

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes □ No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ No □

(b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes □ No 0 (2) Ownership or control Yes |x] No □ (3) Branch offices Yes □ No [Yl

(c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. Please see attached list for changes in the partnership, specifically arrivals and departures of partners.


3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C*1, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period.

Yes □ No 0

If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes □ No □

If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 05/17 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM

(PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period?

Yes 0 No 0

If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended Please see attached.

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No □

If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Please see attached.

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes 0 No 0

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Name Position or Connection Date Terminated Smith Davis Partner 12/31/2019 Joel Jankowsky Partner 12/31/2019

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated Jeffrey McMillen Partner Japan, Hong Kong 12/31/2019 Justin McCarthy Senior Adviser DAE 12/31/2019 Karen Goldmeier Green Senior Counsel DAE 12/31/2019

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement?

Yes 0 No 0

If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement, n/a

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(PAGE 3)


7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No [x] If yes, furnish the following information:

F oreign Principal Date of T erm ination

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No |x] If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period.

Republic of the Marshall Islands Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Embassy of Japan Hong Kong Trade Development Council Molse Katumbi

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes □ No [x] Exhibit B4 Yes □ No □

If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes □ No [x] If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes □ No □

If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on FormNSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on FormNSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal.

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(PAGE 4)


11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services:

Please see attached.

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 *as defined below? Yes [x] No □

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter.

Please see attached.

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes □ No [x]

If yes, describe fully.

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) of the Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM

(PAGE 5)


14 (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No □

If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6

Date From Whom Purpose Amount Please see attached.


(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No El

If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes □ No □

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date

(c) RECEIPTS-TfflNGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ No IE1

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6, 7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes [x] No □

(2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Please see attached.


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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-TfflNGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No §

If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office?

Yes 0 No □

If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event Please see attached.

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes 0 No □

If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes □ No □ If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review.

17. Identify each such foreign principal. Embassy of the UAE Republic of the Marshall Islands

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes □ No 0

If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the following: D Radio or TV broadcasts □ Magazine or newspaper 0 Motion picture films □ Letters or telegrams □ Advertising campaigns □ Press releases □ Pamphlets or other publications □ Lectures or speeches

□ Other (specify)

Electronic Communications

0 Email □ Website URL(s): □ Social media websites URL(s):

□ Other (specify)

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: (El Public officials □ Newspapers □ Libraries

0 Legislators □ Editors □ Educational institutions

□ Government agencies □ Civic groups or associations □ Nationality groups

□ Other (specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials:

0 English □ Other (specify)

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes ^ No 121

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes 0 No □

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)


In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statement(s), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

January 29,2020 !s! Melissa Laurenza eSigned

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Q3-Q4 2019 Partners

HIRES Name - Full Title Location Hire Date Charleston, Lucas T. Partner New York 7/17/2019 Weir, Gavin Partner London 9/2/2019 Kamyans, Saman Partner Washington, DC 9/21/2019 Gustafson, Michael G. Partner London 9/23/2019 Holtman, Michael A. Partner Washington, DC 10/1/2019 Lascelles, Shaun W. Partner London 10/7/2019 Rootsey, Simon N. Partner London 10/7/2019 Rash, Charles B. Partner Washington, DC 10/9/2019 Popo, Weyinmi E. Partner London 10/28/2019 Guttman, Elazar Partner New York 11/21/2019

DEPARTURES Name - Full Title Location Departure Date McDavid, Burke A. Partner Dallas 8/30/2019 Young, Phyllis Y. Partner Houston 10/25/2019 Salloum, Chadi A. Partner Abu Dhabi 10/30/2019 Devaney, Neil M. Partner London 11/15/2019 Burdick, Rick L. Partner Washington, DC 12/31/2019 Davis, Smith W. Partner Washington, DC 12/31/2019 Everingham IV, Charles Partner Irvine 12/31/2019 Fazio, Victor H. Senior Advisor Washington, DC 12/31/2019 Glass, Douglas B. Partner Houston 12/31/2019 Jankowsky, Joel Partner Washington, DC 12/31/2019 Keough, Christopher L. Partner Washington, DC 12/31/2019 Mansfield, Stephen A. Partner San Francisco 12/31/2019 Zager, Steven M. Partner New York 12/31/2019

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Question 11:

Embassy of Japan: During the reporting period, Registrant advised the Government of Japan regarding United States trade and investment policy, particularly with respect to relevant bilateral and multilateral dialogues and the Congressional agenda as it related to trade and investment policy. Registrant met with the Congress, U.S. Administration officials, and private sector stakeholders. Registrant also monitored and informed the Government of Japan of congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest to international trade and investment.

Embassy of the United Arab Emirates: During the reporting period, Registrant advised the Embassy of the UAE regarding negotiations and policies relating to foreign policy and international trade issues, including U.S. sanctions on Iran and other countries, the war in Yemen, export controls and possible arms sales, compliance with U.S. boycott laws, U.S. human rights reports, the termination of relations by the UAE and other nations with Qatar (including related international disputes), countering hate speech and extremism, educating U.S. officials on the influence on U.S. politics by Mideast regional media outlets and other groups, cybersecurity, and compliance with U.S. and international law, and U.S. Congressional matters (including relationship building, and monitoring, compiling information, and analyzing the potential and legal ramifications of legislation). Registrant also monitored and informed the Embassy about Congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest.

Moise Katumbi: During the reporting period, Registrant counseled Mr. Katumbi on matters before the U.S. Congress and Administration relating to free and fair elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”)- This included monitoring, compiling information, and analyzing the potential and legal ramifications of oversight and legislative activity in the House and Senate regarding free and fair elections in the DRC, and the need for sanctions to ensure that they occur. Finally, Registrant monitored and informed Moise Katumbi of Congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest affecting Africa generally and the DRC specifically.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council: During the reporting period, Registrant counseled Hong Kong Trade Development Council on U.S. Congressional matters. This included monitoring, compiling information, and analyzing the potential and legal ramifications of legislation. Registrant also monitored and informed Hong Kong Trade Development Council of Congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest to Hong Kong.

Republic of the Marshall Islands: During the reporting period, Registrant successfully advised the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) regarding legislative strategy to obtain federal funding under the terms of the U.S.-RMI Compact of Free Association (COFA) and create greater awareness and oversight of the Runit Dome radioactive waste repository. Activities also included, analysis of legislative and regulatory proposals, conducting meetings and other communications with the U.S. Congress and U.S. Administration, and general education efforts to enhance awareness of the unique relationship and friendship between the U.S. and RMI in preparation for the 2023 Compact renewal.

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Disbursements Embassy of Japan Meals 799.15 Courier 46.54 Transportation 398.44 Lodging 1,427.06 Parking______65.00 Total $ 2,736.19

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Meals$ 126.44 Total S 126.44

Moise Katumbi Consultant Fees-DCI Group $ 90,000.00 Consultant Fees-RMG Africa$ 90.000.00 Total $180,000.00

Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Photocopies $ 182.40 Meals $ 197.89 Transportation______$ 135.91 Total $ 516.20

Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Legal Research Fees $ 939.09 FARAFees $ 305.00 Translation Fees $ 827.77 Copies $ 4.00 Courier Fees $ 104.51 Meals $ 93.88 Research Consultant Fees $310,000.00 Consultant Fees-Bullpen Strategy Group (FKA Definers) $212,500.00 Transportation $ 117.83 Parking$22.00 Total $524,914.08

Received by NSD/FARA Registration I Tint 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

MANNER OF ACTIVITY/SUBJECT MATTER (bill, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS OR EMPLOYEES CONTACT (meeting. DATE resolution, treaty, position) Client CONTACTED (Name and Title). Office call, email) To discuss Japanese international Japan 07/01/19 trade policy Rob Nuttall, LA, Rep. Sewell meeting Tricie Pough, cos, Rep. Wasserman Schultz 07/01/19 Diplomatic relations RMI (D-FL) email 07/05/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Kimber Colton, LA, Rep. Pingree (D-ME) email Regional media issues and counter­ Josh Flynn Brown, Senate Finance 07/08/19 extremism UAE Committee staff Email Importance of the bilateral Afreen Akhter, National Security and Foreign relationship with the UAE and the Policy Advisor, Senator Van Hollen 07/08/19 United States UAE email Importance of the bilateral Afreen Akhter, National Security and Foreign relationship with the UAE and the Policy Advisor, Senator Van Hollen 07/08/19 United States UAE email 07/09/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Jim Cho, cos, Rep. Torres (D-CA) email Justin Oswald, chief of staff, Rep. Meng (D- 07/09/19 Diplomatic relations RMI NY) email 07/10/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Jim Cho, cos, Rep. Torres (D-CA) email

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 07/10/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Marc Greendorfer (Zachor Legal Institute) Call Rachel Kelly, chief of staff, Rep. Derek Kilmer 07/10/19 Diplomatic relations RMI (D-WA) meeting, email

Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY); Ryan Fledgepeth, 07/12/19 Diplomatic relations RMI chief of staff, Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) meeting

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Katharine Nasielski, LA, Rep. Meng(D-NY); Jim Cho, chief of staff, and Clay Boggs, LA, Kimber Colton, LA Repl.l Pingree (D-ME)Rep. Torres (D-CA), Trade Pough, chief of staff, 07/12/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Rep. Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), email Importance of the bilateral Afreen Akhter, National Security and Foreign relationship with the UAE and the Policy Advisor, Senator Van Hollen 07/12/19 United States UAE email Importance of the bilateral Afreen Akhter, National Security and Foreign relationship with the UAE and the Policy Advisor, Senator Van Hollen 07/12/19 United States UAE email Tory Scordato, scheduler, Rep. Kilmer (D- WA); Katharine Nasilski, LA, Rep. Meng (D- NY), Clay Boggs, LA, Rep. Torres (D-CA); Clayton Swope, LA, Rep. Kilmer (D-WA); Zachary Weber and Alex Huang, LA, Rep. 07/15/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Lawrence (D-MI) email Importance of the bilateral Afreen Akhter, National Security and Foreign relationship with the UAE and the Policy Advisor, Senator Van Hollen 07/15/19 United States UAE meeting Importance of the bilateral Afreen Akhter, National Security and Foreign relationship with the UAE and the Policy Advisor, Senator Van Hollen 07/15/19 United States UAE meeting 07/16/19 Visit to Arkansas RMI Eddie Linczer, LA Emails Katharine Nasilski, LA, Rep. Meng (D-NY), Clay Boggs, LA, Rep. Torres (D-CA); Clayton Swope, LA, Rep. Kilmer (D-WA); Kimber Colton, LA, Rep. Pingree (D-ME), Michael 07/18/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Harris, LA, Rep. Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Brian Petit, Professional staff, Senate ENR Committee; Katharine Nasilski, LA, Rep. Meng (D-NY), Clay Boggs, LA, Rep. Torres (D- CA); Clayton Swope, LA, Rep. Kilmer (D-WA); Kimber Colton, LA, Rep. Pingree (D-ME), Michael Harris, LA, Rep. Wasserman Schultz 07/19/19 Diplomatic relations RMI (D-FL) meetings Regional media issues and counter­ Josh Flynn Brown, Senate Finance 07/19/19 extremism UAE Committee staff Phone call To discuss Japanese international Japan 07/22/19 trade policy Laura Thrift, LD, Rep. Blumenauer call Coti Haia, Deputy chief of staff, Sen. Hirono (D-HI), Isaac Edwards, professional staff, Sen. Murkowski (R-AK), Bryan Petit, professional 07/23/19 Senate ENR hearing RMI staff, Sen. Manchin (D-WV) email Clay Boggs, LA, Rep. Torres (D-CA); Dan Bleiberg, LA, Rep. Frankel (D-FL), Julie Tagen, 07/23/19 Diplomatic relations UAE chief of staff, Rep. Raskin (D-MD) email

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 07/23/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Dave Christie (Leg. Director, Sen. Hassan) Meeting

"Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media" 07/23/19 UAE Nick Hawatmeh (counsel, Sen. Kennedy) Email Alex Huange, Sr Legislative Assistant, Rep. 07/24/19 Approprations funding RMI Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) email, meeting To discuss Japanese international Emily Manning, Policy Analyst,Senate Japan 07/26/19 trade policy Foreign Relations Committee meeting 07/31/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN), cos Jeff Lomonaco discussion

Received bv NSDTAR A Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Tyler Coe, Admnistrative Staff, House 07/31/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Appropritaions Subcommittee on Interior email

"Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media" 08/06/19 UAE Nick Hawatmeh (counsel, Sen. Kennedy) Email To discuss Japanese international Keigan Mull, Trade Counsel, Ways and Japan 08/07/19 trade policy Means Committee meeting To discuss Japanese international Julia Friedman, Trade Counsel, Ways and Japan 08/08/19 trade policy Means Minority meeting To discuss Japanese international Sally Laing, Trade Counsel, Senate Finance Japan 08/08/19 trade policy Committee meeting To discuss Japanese international Japan 08/13/19 trade policy James Walsh, Professional Staff, HFAC meeting

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Nan Berman (American Foreign Policy 08/14/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Council) Meeting Regional media issues and counter­ Nan Berman - President of American Foreign 08/14/19 extremism UAE Policy Council______Meeting To discuss Japanese international Japan 08/15/19 trade policy Jennifer Carton, Fellow, Rep. Murphy email To discuss Japanese international Japan 08/15/19 trade policy Jennifer Carton, Fellow, Rep. Murphy meeting 08/16/19 Runit Dome RMI Guido Weiss, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) meeting Tyler Coe, Admnistrative Staff, House 08/16/19 Approprations funding RMI Appropritaions Subcommittee on Interior meeting 08/22/19 Diplomatic relations RMI OMB Acting Director Russell Vought meeting Tyler Coe, Admnistrative Staff, House 08/22/19 Appropriations funding RMI Appropritaions Subcommittee on Interior email Diplomatic relations, Compact 08/23/19 renewal RMI Michell Marston, Chief of Staff, OMB email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

09/03/19 Visit to Arkansas RMI Eddie Linczer, LA Emails Danny Sepulveda, Chief of Staff, Rep. Joaquin Japan 09/04/19 Trade/FTA update Castro (D-TX) in person meeting To discuss Japanese international Brian Scarpelli, Senior Policy Counsel, ACT Japan 09/05/19 trade policy The App Association email To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/05/19 trade policy Jordan Dickinson, LA, Rep. Kildee meeting Emy Lesofski, Chief Clerk, Senate 09/05/19 Approprations funding RMI Appropriations Committee meeting Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Bill Van Horne, Counsel, Senator Cardin request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Phil Olaya, Legislative Counsel, Senator Kaine request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Alex Aronson, Counsel, Senator Whitehouse request Issues relating to accuracy and Ches Garrison, Counsel, Senate Judiciary transparency of Qatar government- Committee/Senior Counsel, Senator email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Whitehouse request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Sam Simon, Chief Counsel, Senator email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Blumenthal request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Brian Appel, Legislative Director, Senator email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Bennet request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Michael Santora, Senior Policy Advisor and email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Research Director, Senator Carper request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Chris Leutchen, Counsel/Policy Advisor, email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Senator Sinema request

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Ajay Kundaria, Counsel, Senate Judiciary email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Committee request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Zach Lewis, Legislative Aide, Senator Mark email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Warner request Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Aparna Patrie, Counsel, Senate Judiciary email meeting 09/09/19 owned media UAE Committee request To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/12/19 trade policy Abby Pratt, VP, AdvaMed email To discuss Japanese international Daniel Silverberg, National Security Adviser, Japan 09/12/19 trade policy House Majority Leader email To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/12/19 trade policy Danny Meza, Chief of Staff, Rep. Castro email To discuss Japanese international Emily Manning, Senior Policy Adviser, Sen. Japan 09/12/19 trade policy Blackburn email To discuss Japanese international Luke Murry, National Security Advisor, Japan 09/12/19 trade policy Leader McCarthy email

"Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Kevin Traveline (legislative assistant, Sen. Qatar government-owned media" 09/12/19 UAE Shaheen) Email To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/13/19 trade policy Abby Pratt, VP, AdvaMed email To discuss Japanese international Daniel Silverberg, National Security Adviser, Japan 09/13/19 trade policy House Majority Leader email To discuss Japanese international Katherine Monge, Economic Policy Advisor, Japan 09/13/19 trade policy Leader Pelosi email To discuss Japanese international Luke Murry, National Security Advisor, Japan 09/13/19 trade policy Leader McCarthy email To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/14/19 trade policy Abby Pratt, VP, AdvaMed email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/16/19 trade policy Jennifer Carton, Fellow, Rep. Murphy call

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 09/16/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Saadia Khan (Sr. Policy Advisor, Sen. Carper) Meeting

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 09/16/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Kevin Travaline (Leg. Aide, Sen. Shaheen) Meeting Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Saadia Khan, Senior Policy Advisor, Senator 09/16/19 owned media UAE Carper Meeting To discuss Japanese international Julia Freidman, Trade Counsel, Ways and Japan 09/17/19 trade policy Means Committee email

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar Vivek Chilukuri (Sr. Policy Advisor, Sen. and accuracy and transparency of Bennet), Margaret Mullins (Mil. Leg. Asst., 09/17/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Sen. Bennet) Meeting Issues relating to accuracy and Margaret Mullins, Military LA and Vivek transparency of Qatar government- Chilukuri, Speech Writer and Policy Advisor, 09/17/19 owned media UAE Senator Bennet Meeting 09/18/19 Appropriations request RMI Senator Boozman Meeting

Issues relating to client's Matt Squeri (Foreign Policy Advisor, Sen. termination of relations with Qatar Merkley), Lauren Oppenheimer (Econ. Policy and accuracy and transparency of Advisor, Sen. Merkley), Loren Naldoza (Leg. 09/18/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Correspondent, Sen. Merkley) Meeting To discuss Japanese international Japan 09/19/19 trade policy Mike Castellano, VP Govt. Affairs, Disney email 09/19/19 Regional media issues UAE Drew Wayne, COS Call

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

09/19/19 Regional media issues UAE Sara Matar, LA Call

Issues relating to client's Bill Van Horne (Chief Counsel, Sen. Cardin), termination of relations with Qatar Jon Weadon (Foreign Policy Fellow, Sen. and accuracy and transparency of Cardin), Juan Urcia (Leg. Correspondent, Sen. 09/19/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Cardin) Meeting

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 09/19/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Aparna Patrie (Counsel, Sen. Blumenthal) Meeting

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 09/19/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Ches Garrison (Sr. Counsel, Sen. Whitehouse) Meeting Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Juan Urcia, Legislative Correspondent and 09/19/19 owned media UAE Bill Van Horne, Counsel, Senator Cardin Meeting Issues relating to accuracy and Ches Garrison, Counsel, Senate Judiciary transparency of Qatar government- Committee/Senior Counsel, Senator 09/19/19 owned media UAE Whitehouse Meeting Issues relating to accuracy and transparency of Qatar government- Aparna Patrie, Counsel, Senate Judiciary 09/19/19 owned media UAE Committee Meeting 09/20/19 Meeting Request Hong Kong Senator Scott email 09/23/19 Meeting Request Hong Kong Rep. McCaul email To discuss Japanese international Daniel Silverberg, National Security Adviser, Japan 09/23/19 trade policy House Majority Leader email

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 09/24/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Joe Light (Reporter, Bloomberg) Meeting

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar, accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned 09/24/19 media UAE Joe Light - Reporter, Bloomberg Meeting

Brian Modest, Counsel, House Committee on Natural Resources; Theresa Lou, Policy 09/25/19 Diplomatic relations RMI Analyst, House Committee on Foreign Affairs email To discuss Japanese international Japan 10/03/19 trade policy Shantanu Tata, LA, Rep. DelBene meeting

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 10/10/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Chad Obermiller (Chief of Staff, Rep. Bera) Meeting Regional media issues and counter­ 10/10/19 extremism UAE Chad Obermiller, Rep. Ami Berra staff Meeting Approprations funding, diplomatic 10/16/19 relations RMI Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) meeting

10/23/19 Diplomatic relations RMI John Insinger, Chief of Staff, Sen. Risch (R-ID) meeting, email

"Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media" 10/23/19 UAE Nick Hawatmeh (counsel, Sen. Kennedy) Email

"Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media" 10/24/19 UAE Nick Hawatmeh (counsel, Sen. Kennedy) Call 10/28/19 Appropriations RMI Austin Gage, Rep. Rogers (R-KY) meeting 10/29/19 Meeting Request Hong Kong Senator Portman email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

10/30/19 Meeting Request Hong Kong Senator McConnell email 10/30/19 Meeting Request Hong Kong Rep. McCaul email 10/31/19 Meeting Request Hong Kong Robert Karen, Senator McConnell email Tyler Coe, Admnistrative Staff, House 11/05/19 Appropriations RMI Appropritaions Subcommittee on Interior meeting To discuss Japanese international Julia Friedman, Trade Counsel, Ways and Japan 11/06/19 trade policy Means Minority email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Thomas Rice (Legislative Director, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE McCaul) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Piero Tozzi (legislative assistant, Rep. Chris 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Smith) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Mark Erste (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Chabot) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Laura Detter (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Perry) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Lauren Gillespie (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Yoho) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Sebastian Deluca (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Kinzinger) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Sara Matar (legislative assistant, Rep. Zeldin) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including erik kinney (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Sensenbrenner) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including molly burke (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Wagner) Email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

"Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE sarah miller (legislative assistant, Rep. Mast) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including joe bartlett (legislative assistant, Rep. Francis 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Rooney) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including michael mccabe (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Fitzpatrick) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE troy dougall (legislative assistant, Rep.Curtis) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including james hampson (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Buck) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE blair rotert (legislative assistant, Rep. Wright) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Christian healy (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Reschenthaler) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including will Strother (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Burchett) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including tim churchill (legislative assistant, Rep. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Watkins) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Patrick Thompson (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Roger Wicker) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Dylan Clement (legislative assistant, Sen. Pat 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Toomey) Email

Received bv NSDTAR A Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

"Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Anne Hall Brashier (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Thom Tillis) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Jon Abdnor (legislative assistant, Sen. John 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Thune) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Liz Banicki (legislative assistant, Sen. Dan 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Sullivan) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Sam Fletcher (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Richard Shelby) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Lila Nieves-Lee (legislative assistant, Sen. Tim 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Scott) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Paul Bonicelli (legislative assistant, Sen. Rick 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Scott) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Brett Fetterly (legislative assistant, Sen. Ben 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Sasse) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Dan Adelstein (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Mike Rounds) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Tashayla Person (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Pat Roberts) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Nathan Heiman (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Jerry Moran) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Devin Obrien (legislative assistant, Sen. Lisa 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Murkowski) Email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

"Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Megan Zavertnik (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE David Perdue) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Katie Chaudoin (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Martha McSally) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Adam Farris (legislative assistant, Sen. James 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Lankford) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Molly Carter (legislative assistant, Sen. Mike 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Crapo) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Jimmy Stringer (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Cindy Hyde-Smith) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Don Archer (legislative assistant, Sen. Jim 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Inhofe) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including James Rice (legislative assistant, Sen. Chuck 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Grassley) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Josh Carter (legislative assistant, Sen. John 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Hoeven) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Jacob Olidort (legislative assistant, Sen. Josh 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Hawley) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Peter Schirtzinger (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Deb Fischer) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Nic Adams (legislative assistant, Sen. Joni 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Ernst) Email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

"Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Erin Jarnagin (legislative assistant, Sen. Mike 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Enzi) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Dan Gerig (legislative assistant, Sen. Steve 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Daines) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Jason Stverak (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Kevin Cramer) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Nick Hawatmeh (counsel, Sen. Kennedy) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Edward Linczer (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Tom Cotton) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Don Bergin (legislative assistant, Sen. John 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Cornyn) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Chris Howell (legislative assistant, Sen. Susan 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Collins) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Maria Sierra (legislative assistant, Sen. Bill 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Cassidy) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Baxter Carr (legislative assistant, Sen. Selley 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Moore Capito) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Cole Lyle (legislative assistant, Sen. Richard 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Burr) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Allison Martin (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Lamar Alexander) Email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

"Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Katie Bailey (legislative assistant, Sen. Mike 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Braun) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Mackensie Burt (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE John Boozman) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Dan Burgess (legislative assistant, Sen. Roy 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Blunt) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Sean Farrell (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Marsha Blackburn) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Omri Ceren (legislative assistant, Sen. Ted 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Cruz) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Brandt Anderson (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Todd Young) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Wayne Jones (legislative assistant, Sen. Rob 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Portman) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Amber Bland (legislative assistant, Sen. John 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Barrasso) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Kate Hunter (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Johnny Isakson) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Matt Rimkunas (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Lindsey Graham) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Megan Reiss (legislative assistant, Sen. Mitt 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Romney) Email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

"Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Igor Khrestin (legislative assistant, Sen. Cory 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Gardner) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Carol Fowler (legislative assistant, Sen. Ron 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Johnson) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Viviana Bovo (legislative assistant, Sen. 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Marco Rubio) Email "Issues relating to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including Chris Socha (legislative assistant, Sen. Jim 11/06/19 recent developments in Syria" UAE Risch) Email Jonathan Davidson, CoS, Sen. Michael 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Bennet email 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Brian Appel, LD, Sen. Michael Bennet email 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Veronica Duron, LD, Sen. Cory Booker email 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Sophia Lalani, LA, Sen. Cory Booker email 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Laura Updegrove, LD, Sen. Jeff Merkley email Zachary Hosford, Senior Foreign Policy 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Advisor, Sen. Ed Markey email 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Andrew Wallace, LD, Sen. Tom Udall email Matt Padilla, National Security Counsel, Sen. 11/07/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Tom Udall email Invitation to participate in Congressional event honoring 11/11/19 Interfaith Center in UAE UAE Father Pat Conroy, House Chaplain Email Ongoing U.S.-Hong Kong relations Zach Hosford, Senior Policy Advisor, Senator 11/12/19 and Hong Kong U.S. legislation Hong Kong Markey Meeting Ongoing U.S.-Hong Kong relations 11/12/19 and Hong Kong U.S. legislation Hong Kong James Rice, LD, Sen. Chuck Grassley Meeting Wendy Coursen, Liz Leibowitz, Foreign 11/12/19 Appropriations RMI Affairs Legislative Assistant email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Jason Isaacson (AJC, Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer), Rachel Craig (AJC, Assoc. Dir. Policy and Global Forum), Benjamin Rogers (Assoc. Dir. Policy and Middle East Issues relating to client's Initiatives), Jackie Subar (Asst. Dir. of Political termination of relations with Qatar Outreach), Alex Bronzo (Dir. Policy and and accuracy and transparency of Communications), and other employees of 11/12/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE AJC. Meeting Jason Isaacson, Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer; Rachel Craig, Associate Director Policy and Global Forum ; Benjamin Rogers, Associate Director Policy and Middle East Initiatives ; Jackie Subar, Assistant Director of Political Outreach ; Alex Bronzo, "Issues relating to client's Director Policy and Communications ; two termination of relations with Qatar other employees of American Jewish and accuracy and transparency of Coalition ; Seth Florwitz, Senior VP Flarbour 11/12/19 Qatar government-owned media" UAE Group meeting Invitation to participate in Congressional event honoring 11/12/19 Interfaith Center in UAE UAE Father Pat Conroy, Flouse Chaplain Phone call 11/13/19 Runit Dome RMI Guido Weiss, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) email Isaac Edwards, Senior Republican Counsel, 11/13/19 Runit Dome RMI Senate ENR Committee email Coti Flaia, Deputy chief of staff, Sen. Flirono 11/14/19 Runit Dome RMI (D-HI), email Discussed logistice related to 11/14/19 Interfaith event UAE Father Pat Conroy, House Chaplain email Discussed logistice related to 11/14/19 Interfaith event UAE Father Pat Conroy, House Chaplain phone call 11/15/19 Trade/FTA update Japan Cong. Cheri Bustos (D-IL) in person meeting Finalize logistics related to 11/18/19 participation in Interfaith event UAE Father Pat Conroy, House Chaplain email

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Interaction at event, thank for 11/20/19 participating, etc UAE Father Pat Conroy, House Chaplain discussion at event 11/21/19 NDAA/Appropriations RMI Senator Rick Scott & Paul Bonicelli Meeting To discuss Japanese international Japan 11/25/19 trade policy Ben Jackson, LD, Rep. Fletcher email To discuss Japanese international Phil Agress, Senior Vice President, Global Japan 11/25/19 trade policy Strategy and Analysis, AdvaMed call, email To discuss Japanese international Japan 11/25/19 trade policy Robert Dougherty, LD, Rep. Brindisi email To discuss Japanese international Japan 11/26/19 trade policy Ben Jackson, LD, Rep. Fletcher meeting To discuss Japanese international Japan 11/26/19 trade policy Robert Dougherty, LD, Rep. Brindisi meeting, email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/03/19 trade policy Ben Jackson, LD, Rep. Fletcher email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/03/19 trade policy Jed Ober, Chief of Staff meeting To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/03/19 trade policy Robert Dougherty, LD, Rep. Brindisi email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/04/19 trade policy Caroline Ehlich, Scheduler, Rep. Brindisi email To discuss Japanese international Madeline Abadie, Executive Assistant & Japan 12/04/19 trade policy Scheduler, Rep. Fletcher email To discuss Japanese international Bryan Burack, Professional Staff, House Japan 12/05/19 trade policy Foreign Affairs Committee meeting To discuss Japanese international Luke Murry, National Security Advisor, Japan 12/05/19 trade policy Leader McCarthy email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/06/19 trade policy Ben Jackson, LD, Rep. Fletcher email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/06/19 trade policy Caroline Ehlich, Scheduler, Rep. Brindisi email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/06/19 trade policy Jed Ober, Chief of Staff meeting

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

To discuss Japanese international Luke Murry, National Security Advisor, Japan 12/06/19 trade policy Leader McCarthy email 12/09/19 Runit Dome RMI Guido Weiss, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/10/19 trade policy Caroline Ehlich, Scheduler, Rep. Brindisi email To discuss Japanese international Madeline Abadie, Executive Assistant & Japan 12/10/19 trade policy Scheduler, Rep. Fletcher email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/12/19 trade policy Caroline Ehlich, Scheduler, Rep. Brindisi email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/12/19 trade policy Jed Ober, Chief of Staff email To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/12/19 trade policy Julia Cinquegrani, LA, Rep. Wild email

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 12/13/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Michelle Schein (Leg. Aide, Rep. Sherman) Meeting

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of 12/13/19 Qatar government-owned media UAE Troy Dougall (Leg. Asst., Rep. Curtis) Meeting 12/13/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Brian Appel, LD, Sen. Michael Bennet call 12/13/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Sophia Lalani, LA, Sen. Cory Booker call 12/13/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Laura Updegrove, LD, Sen. Jeff Merkley call Zachary Hosford, Senior Foreign Policy 12/13/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Advisor, Sen. Ed Markey call 12/13/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Andrew Wallace, LD, Sen. Tom Udall call Matt Padilla, National Security Counsel, Sen. 12/13/19 Turkish aggression in Syria UAE Tom Udall call To discuss Japanese international Japan 12/16/19 trade policy Julia Cinquegrani, LA, Rep. Wild meeting

Received bv NSDTARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSDTARA Registration Unit 01 ■■'29/2020 9:00:40 AM

H.R. 4842- To authorize the Tim Rieser, Minority Staff Clerk, Senate Secretary of State to provide funds Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on for a United States pavilion at Expo State, Foreign Operations and Related 12/16/19 2020 Dubai, UAE Programs meeting H.R. 4842- To authorize the Tim Rieser, Minority Staff Clerk, Senate Secretary of State to provide funds Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on for a United States pavilion at Expo State, Foreign Operations and Related 12/16/19 2020 Dubai, UAE Programs meeting Nicholas Snyder, Special Advisor for East 12/17/19 RMI Election Results RMI Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Office of Meeting the Vice President Alex Grey, Deputy Assistant to the President, 12/17/19 RMI Election Results RMI Meeting National Security Council______

Received bv NSDTAR A Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM

Date Amount Recipient 07/01/19 $5,000.00 DCCC/Speaker's Cabinet 07/06/19 $500.00 Rep. Tina Smith 07/09/19 $5,600.00 Hoyer for Congress 07/09/19 $500.00 Sen. Thom Tillis 07/09/19 $500.00 Jackie Rosen for Senate 07/09/19 $750.00 Bluegrass Voters Coalition 07/10/19 $50.00 Cal Cunningham (NC Senate) 07/10/19 $1,000.00 Abigail Spanberger for Congress 7/11/2019 $250.00 Fletcher for Congress 7/11/2019 $2,000.00 Matsui for Congress 7/11/2019 $1,875.00 Dwight Evans for Congress 7/11/2019 $750.00 Friends of Mark Warner 7/11/2019 $750.00 Terri Sewell for Congress 7/11/2019 $250.00 Titus for Congress 7/11/2019 $750.00 Lucille Roybal-Allard for Congress 7/11/2019 $2,000.00 Friends of Dick Durbin 7/11/2019 $750.00 Simpson for Congress 7/11/2019 $750.00 Walden for Congress 7/11/2019 $750.00 John Larson for Congress 7/11/2019 $750.00 Zeldin for Congress 7/11/2019 $1,500.00 Mike Thompson for Congress 7/11/2019 $250.00 David Schweikert for Congress 07/12/19 $250.00 Rep. Steny Hoyer 07/12/19 $1,000.00 Steve Bullock for President 07/14/19 $1,000.00 Cummings for Congress 07/16/19 $500.00 Rep. Trey Hollingsworth 7/16/2019 $1,500.00 Heartland Values PAC 7/16/2019 $2,500.00 Heartland Values PAC 7/16/2019 $500.00 La Hood for Congress 7/16/2019 $2,500.00 Friends of Roy Blunt 07/17/19 $500.00 Hon. Darin LaHood 07/18/19 $500.00 Hon. Roy Blunt 07/22/19 $500.00 Senator Doug Jones 07/22/19 $1,000.00 Doug Jones for Senate 07/23/19 $119.00 Rep. Angie Craig 07/23/19 $119.00 Rep. Cindy Axne 07/23/19 $119.00 Rep. Lucy McBath 07/23/19 $500.00 Rep. Abigail Spanberger 07/23/19 $500.00 Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell 07/23/19 $250.00 Sen. Doug Jones 07/24/19 $500.00 Hon. John Thune 07/24/19 $1,000.00 Sen. Lindsey Graham 07/25/19 $500.00 Elaine Luria 07/25/19 $1,000.00 Ann Kirkpatrick for Congress 07/30/19 $250.00 Elaine for Congress 07/30/19 $250.00 Abigail Spanberger for Congress

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM' Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM

07/30/19 $250.00 for Congress 07/31/19 $5,600.00 Hoyer for Congress 07/31/19 $1,250.00 Spanberger for Congress 07/31/19 $1,000.00 Anna Eshoo for Congress 07/31/19 $1,000.00 Elijah Cummings for Congress 07/31/19 $250.00 Jennifer Wexton for Congress 07/31/19 $250.00 Luria for Congress 07/31/19 $500.00 Blue Grass Votes 08/02/19 $500.00 Sen. Thom Tillis 08/05/19 $5,000.00 DCCC/Speaker's Cabinet 08/05/19 $500.00 Steve Bullock for President 8/6/2019 $820.50 Bob Casey for Senate 8/6/2019 $3,300.00 Hoyer for Congress Angerholzer Bros Consulting LLC 8/6/2019 $1,700.00 (In-kind Hoyer for Congress) Angerholzer Bros Consulting LLC 8/6/2019 $1,200.00 (In-kind Sanford for Congress) 8/6/2019 $688.56 Citizens for Waters 8/6/2019 $5,000.00 Team Graham 8/6/2019 $4,311.44 Citizens for Waters 8/14/2019 $500.00 Collins for Senator 8/14/2019 $500.00 McSally for Senate Inc. 8/14/2019 $1,500.00 John Katko for Congress 08/18/19 $500.00 Katko for Congress 08/22/19 $250.00 John Hickenlooper for President 08/22/19 $250.00 Dan McCready for Congress 08/22/19 $250.00 Wendy Davis for Congress 08/22/19 $1,000.00 Doug Jones for Senate 08/28/19 $1,000.00 Dan McCready for Congress 09/03/19 $250.00 Abigail Spanberger 09/03/19 $250.00 Charleston (SC) County Democratic Party 09/03/19 $1,000.00 House Majority PAC 09/04/19 $568.65 Katie Cristol, Arlington County Board Member 09/05/19 $500.00 Dan McCready for Congress 09/06/19 $5,600.00 Don Beyer for Congress 09/06/19 $1,000.00 Becchi4Congress 9/6/2019 $2,500.00 Doug Collins for Congress 9/6/2019 $2,000.00 Friends of Pat Toomey 09/07/19 $1,000.00 House Majority PAC 9/10/2019 $750.00 Walorski for Congress 09/11/19 $1,000.00 Green Mountain PAC 09/11/19 $250.00 Hon. Jackie Walorski 09/12/19 $1,000.00 Sen. David Perdue 09/15/19 $250.00 Tillis for Senate 09/15/19 $250.00 Boozman for Senate 09/16/19 $1,000.00 Don Beyer for Congress 9/16/2019 $500.00 Denny Heck for Congress

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM' Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM

9/16/2019 $750.00 Boozman for Arkansas 9/16/2019 $750.00 Jason Smith for Congress 9/16/2019 $2,500.00 Steil for Wisconsin 9/16/2019 $937.50 Alamo PAC 9/16/2019 $1,000.00 Vern Buchanan for Congress 9/16/2019 $500.00 Jimmy Panetta for Congress 9/16/2019 $2,500.00 Collins for Senator 9/16/2019 $750.00 The Thom Tillis Committee 09/17/19 $250.00 Friends of Don Beyer 09/17/19 $1,000.00 Don Beyer for Congress 09/17/19 $2,500.00 McConnell Senate Committee 09/17/19 $1,000.00 Richard Hudson for Congress 09/18/19 $500.00 Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan 09/18/19 $250.00 for Delegate 09/18/19 $500.00 Sen. John Boozman 09/18/19 $500.00 Sheila Bynum-Coleman for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 Lee Carter for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 John Bell for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 Debra Rodman for Congress 09/18/19 $500.00 for Congress 09/18/19 $1,000.00 Andy Beshear for Kentucky 09/18/19 $500.00 Caroline Sullivan for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 for Congress 09/18/19 $100.00 for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 Kelly Fowler for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 Joshua Cole for Congress 09/18/19 $250.00 Clinton Jenkins for Congress 09/19/19 $12.50 , VA delegate 09/19/19 $12.50 , VA delegate 09/19/19 $12.50 , VA delegate 09/19/19 $12.50 Elizabeth Guzman, VA delegate 09/19/19 $250.00 Alex Askew for Delegate 09/19/19 $250.00 Sheila Bynum Coleman for Delegate 09/19/19 $250.00 Karen Mallard for Delegate 09/19/19 $250.00 Kelly Fowler for Delegate 09/19/19 $500.00 Missy Cotter for VA Senate 09/19/19 $250.00 Danica Roem for Delgate 09/19/19 $5,600.00 Commonwealth Fund 09/19/19 $500.00 Ghazala Hashmi for State Senate 09/19/19 $500.00 Debra Rodman for VA State Senate 09/19/19 $250.00 Shelley Simonds for Delegate 09/19/19 $500.00 Cheryl Turpin for Delegate 09/19/19 $500.00 John Bell for State Senate 09/19/19 $250.00 Dan Helmer for Delegate

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09/19/19 $250.00 Wendy Gooditis for Delegate 09/19/19 $250.00 Hala Ayala for Delegate 09/20/19 $2,800.00 Markey Victory Fund 09/20/19 $1,000.00 Martin Heinrich for Senate 09/21/19 $1,000.00 Rubio for Senate 09/24/19 $2,000.00 MJ Heger for Senate 09/24/19 $250.00 Rep. Van Taylor 09/24/19 $1,000.00 Steil for Wisconsin 9/24/2019 $2,000.00 Perdue for Senate 9/24/2019 $1,000.00 Adrian Smith for Congress 9/24/2019 $1,500.00 Marco Rubio for Senate 9/24/2019 $5,000.00 PAC to the Future 9/24/2019 $750.00 Van Taylor Campaign 9/24/2019 $750.00 Tom Reed for Congress 09/25/19 $1,000.00 Hickenlooper for Colorado 09/25/19 $500.00 Hon. Adrian Smith 09/26/19 $1,000.00 John Hickenlooper for Senate 09/26/19 $1,000.00 Rep. Bryan Steil 09/26/19 $750.00 Hon. Devin Nunes 09/26/19 $2,000.00 Blue Dog PAC 09/27/19 $250.00 Scheinder for Congress (Brad Schneider) 09/30/19 $5,000.00 DCCC/Speaker's Cabinet 10/01/19 $500.00 Peter DeFazio 10/7/2019 $15,000.00 NRCC 10/15/19 $1,000.00 Making Americans Count PAC (Matt Cartwright) 10/17/19 $500.00 Rep. Tony Cardenas 10/17/19 $500.00 Collin Allred for Congress 10/18/19 $500.00 Donna Shalala for Congress 10/18/19 $500.00 Tony Cardenas for Congress 10/18/2019 $500.00 Ron Estes for Congress 10/20/19 $500.00 Andy Beshear for Kentucky 10/25/19 $500.00 Bluegrass Voters Coalition 10/27/19 $250.00 Jennifer Carroll Foy 10/27/19 $1,000.00 Tony Cardenas for Congress 10/27/19 $1,000.00 Steny Hoyer for Congress 10/29/19 $500.00 Rep. Gonzalez Colon 10/29/19 $250.00 Sen. Schatz 10/29/19 $1,250.00 Phil Weiser 10/30/19 $250.00 Rep. Ami Bera 10/30/19 $250.00 Hawaii Senate Victory Fund 10/31/19 $5,000.00 DCCC/Speaker's Cabinet 11/01/19 $5,000.00 DCCC/Speaker's Cabinet 11/4/2019 $1,000.00 Jennifer for Congress 11/05/19 $500.00 Todos Con Jenniffer 11/06/19 $1,000.00 PAC to the Future (Pelosi) 11/06/19 $500.00 Bluegrass Voters Coalition 11/07/19 $5,000.00 PAC to the Future

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11/7/2019 $2,000.00 New Millennium PAC 11/7/2019 $1,500.00 Friends of Mazie Hirono 11/7/2019 $2,500.00 Mike Gallagher for Wisconsin 11/7/2019 $5,600.00 Friends of Schumer 11/7/2019 $1,000.00 Project West PAC 11/08/19 $2,800.00 Chuck Schumer for Congress 11/08/19 $1,000.00 First State PAC 11/12/19 $2,500.00 Women's Senate Network (DSCC) 11/12/2019 $2,500.00 La Flood for Congress 11/18/19 $500.00 Norma Torres 11/18/19 $500.00 Anthony Brindisi for Congress 11/18/2019 $500.00 Democrats Win Seats (DWS PAC) 11/18/2019 $2,000.00 Roger Williams for US Congress 11/18/2019 $500.00 Dwight Evans for Congress 11/18/2019 $750.00 Zeldin for Congress 11/19/19 $250.00 Flon. Tom Reed 11/21/19 $1,000.00 Coons for Delaware 11/26/19 $1,000.00 Ami Bera for Congress 11/26/19 $1,000.00 Chris Coons for Delaware 12/02/19 $5,000.00 DCCC/Speaker's Cabinet 12/04/19 $250.00 Cedric Richmond 12/09/19 $500.00 Haley Stevens for Congress 12/10/19 $500.00 David Price for Congress 12/10/19 $500.00 Norma Torres for Congress 12/10/19 $1,000.00 Cedric Richmond for Congress 12/10/19 $250.00 Jay Inslee for Gov 12/10/19 $250.00 Rep. Jim Inhofe 12/10/2019 $3,000.00 Friends of Jim Inhofe 12/10/2019 $1,500.00 Hal Rogers for Congress 12/10/2019 $750.00 Capito for West Virginia 12/10/2019 $750.00 Wenstrup for Congress 12/10/2019 $1,000.00 Andy Barr for Congress 12/10/2019 $1,000.00 Citizens for Boyle 12/10/2019 $1,000.00 Cedric Richmond for Congress 12/10/2019 $1,000.00 Peters for Michigan 12/11/19 $500.00 Bill Flagerty for Senate 12/12/19 $500.00 La Flood for Congress 12/13/19 $1,000.00 Reed for Congress 12/16/2019 $1,000.00 Together We Rise 12/17/19 $500.00 Lizzie Fletcher 12/18/19 $500.00 Hon. Darin LaHood 12/18/19 $5,000.00 Democratic National Committee 12/18/19 $500.00 Abigail Spanberger for Congress 12/18/19 $500.00 Elaine Luria for Congress 12/18/19 $500.00 Jared Golden for Congress 12/18/19 $500.00 Elissa Slotkin for Congress 12/18/19 $500.00 Ben McAdams for Congress

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12/18/19 $500.00 Joe Cunningham for Senate 12/18/19 $500.00 Andy Kim for Congress 12/18/19 $500.00 Kendra Horn for Congress 12/18/19 $500.00 Anthony Brindisi for Congress 12/26/19 $1,000.00 Ami Bera for Congress 12/30/19 $50.00 Rep. Elain Luia

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/29/2020 9:00:40 AM'