BRIANE NELSON MITCHELL. Cal. Bar No. 116037 E-mail: mitchellbn dsec, ov LORRAINE B. ECJf AV&lUA:Cal. Bar No. 191860 E-mail: echavanrial, sec. ov DAVID VAN HA@AT, Cal Bar No. 175761 . E-mail: vanhaverrnaatd sec.. ov WILLIAM G.BERRY, % al. fi ar No. 206348 E-mail:
[email protected] Attorneys for Plaintiff Securities and Exchange Commission Randall R. Lee Regional Director M~chcleWein tape, Associate Regional Director 5670 Wilshire Boulevard 1 lth Floor Los Angels, California $0036-3648 323 965-3998 ! b23) 965-3908 10 I1 UNITED STATES DI~STRICTCOURT 12 CENTRAL DISmCT OF CALIFORNIA 13 RG$ (hGRx) 14 . ~~-~7-2'144 15 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Case No, 16 COMMISSION, COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATIONS 17 Plaintiff, OF THE FEDERAL SECURITIES 18 VS. LAWS 19 TENET HEALTHCARE 20 CORPORATION,a Nevada corporation, DAVID L. DENNIS, THOMAS B. 21 MACKEY, CHRIST1 R. SULZBACH, 22 and RAYMOND L. MATHIASEN, 23 Defendants. 24 - Plaintiff Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") alleges as follows: 1. This civil fraud case involves material misrepresentations and omissions made by defendants Tenet Healthcare Corporation ("Tenet") and four of its former senior officers, David L. Dennis ("Dennis"), Thomas B. Mackey ("Mackey"), Christi R. Sulzbach ("Sulzbach"), and Raymond L. Mathiasen ("Mathiasen") (collectively, "defendants"), in Tenet's filings with the Commission. I. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 2. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to Sections 20(b), 20(d)(l), and 22(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act"), 15 U.S.C. $5 77t(b), 77t(d)(l), and 77v(a), and Sections 2 1(d)(l), 2 1(d)(3)(A), 2 1(e), and 27 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act"), 15 U.S.C.