Has Syria Digging up a finally pushed the US too far? conspiracy? NATION & WORLD, 5A Price fixing in spud world BUSINESS, 8B 815370 THE TIMES LEADER WILKES-BARRE, PA timesleader.com FRIdAy, JunE 14, 2013 50¢ Stevens PoNDErINg lIfE bEyoND HIgH ScHool? tapped for Rendell high court a booster vacancy Sugarloaf resident has served of road bill as president judge of state Superior Court since 2011. By STEVE MOCARSKY Former governor encourages House
[email protected] lawmakers to approve transportation HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom funding. Corbett has chosen state appeals court Judge Correale Stevens By BILL O’BOYLE to fill a vacancy on the state Su-
[email protected] preme Court. HARRISBURG — Former Gov. Ed Rendell Stevens of Sugarloaf Township Thursday urged state legislators to pass the “I know has served as president judge of transportation funding bill that allocates $2.5 that many the state Su- billion to fix Pennsylvania’s roads and bridges. predict dire perior Court Rendell sent a letter to the 203 members since 2011 of the House urging their support for Sen- political and has been ate Bill 1, a measure that would also address conse- a member of infrastructure needs in Pennsylvania, and re- that court since minded legislators that raising revenue does quences in 1998. not translate into losing re-election. 2014 for “I thank “Elected representatives should not be con- Stevens Governor Tom cerned about politics when it comes to the those who Corbett for safety of our roads and bridges,” Rendell said. support nominating me “This issue transcends politics and it will cre- to the Pennsylvania Supreme ate thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania.” this tax Court.