Enforcement and Cash Flow Management to Delay Goodwill Impairments under IFRS Andrei Filip, ESSEC Business School
[email protected] Gerald J. Lobo, University of Houston – Bauer College of Business
[email protected] Luc Paugam,1 HEC Paris
[email protected] Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of Anastasios Elemes, Martin Glaum, Humayun Kabir (discussant), Alexander Müller, Katherine Schipper and of workshop participants at the following workshops: Concordia University, Bocconi University, WHU University, 2016 EUFIN conference (Fribourg, Switzerland), 2017 EAA meeting (Valencia, Spain), and International Accounting Section 2017 Midyear AAA meeting (Tampa, Florida). A previous version of the manuscript was circulated under the title “The Effect of Audit Quality and Enforcement of Accounting Standards on Goodwill Impairment Avoidance”. 1 Corresponding author 0 Enforcement and Cash Flow Management to Delay Goodwill Impairments under IFRS Abstract: Under IFRS, managers can use two approaches to increase the estimated recoverable value of a cash generating unit (CGU) to which goodwill has been allocated in order to justify not recognizing impairment: (1) make overly optimistic valuation assumptions (e.g., about discount rate, revenue growth, terminal growth rate), and (2) increase future cash flow estimates by increasing current cash flows. Because enforcement constrains the use of optimistic valuation assumptions we propose that the strength of enforcement influences the relative use of these two choices. Using an international sample of listed firms that report under IFRS, we document that the use of cash flow increasing management for firms that delay goodwill impairment is more positively associated with enforcement relative to a control sample that recognizes impairments. We also find that as enforcement increases, firms that delay goodwill impairment shorten the cash conversion cycle in the current year by delaying cash payments to suppliers, and that these transactions reverse in the next year.