

https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe65.1.17 I. LICATA 1, 2, 3 1 ISEM, Institute for Scientific Methodology (Palermo; e-mail: [email protected]) 2 School of Advanced International Studies on Theoretical and Non Linear Methodologies of Physics (Bari, Italy) 3 International Institute for Applicable Mathematics & Information (IIAMIS), B.M. Birla Centre (Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad 500,India) MECHANICS INTERPRETATION ON PLANCK SCALE

In the last years, many different primeval quantization theories on the Planck scale have been developed. Their goal is to provide a vacuum model able to ground the research beyond the Standard Model. Despite their goal is quite ambitious and aims toward particle physics, a necessary and notable consequence is we can read from an emergent viewpoint. Different hypotheses on elementary cells are possible. We will focus here on the conceptual features of G. ’t Hooft and F. Winterberg theories with a special attention for the emerging of non-local correlations. These theories define a new style in the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. K e y w o r d s: quantum mechanics interpretation, Planck scale, ‘t Hooft equivalence class, Winterberg , non-locality.

1. Motivations: Deconstructing Bell mains the gap between this type of foundational de- The idea that a more subtle level of the discrete bates and the complex structure of elementary par- deterministic type may exist under quantum me- ticle physics, especially in relation to the concept of chanics (QM) is as old as the Bohr–Einstein debate “vacuum state” in QFTs (Quantum Field Theories). (1935). As a conceptual scheme, it goes back to the In particular, the theories of hidden variables have successes of statistical physics. More than half a cen- received a severe blow due to Bell’s theorem. The tury of interpretative debates has a limited confidence possibility of restoring a scheme of this type, with in the Copenhagen interpretation for APP (All Prac- measurable deviations from QM, is now confined to tical Purposes), but it is not even possible to say a very thin margin [1, 2]. To ask ourselves if this that a subquantum model has been clearly estab- is really the last word on QM is equal to propose lished. The contrast between a Bohr-type irreducible an approach to quantum theory in which the vio- non-locality and an objective realism of the Einstein lation of Bell’s inequalities is compatible with some type is continually reproposed and has also given form of locality, located in a different range from the some considerable contribution to the understanding one in which EPR–Bell experiments are usually per- of the structure of quantum theory, in particular, the formed. In other words, we need to investigate the presence of stochastic aspects. The real problem re- possibility of an emerging QM constrained from be- low on a level, where it is possible to find, at least ○c I. LICATA, 2020 partially, a structure with discrete and localized in- ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 17 I. Licata formation independent of the observer. However, we b) The type of theory depends on the assumptions must expect that the we work with are made on ccell dynamics. The theories that we review usually not beables, but emerging variables. A theory here, by ’t Hooft and Wintenberg, are quite different is thus outlined in which the local level is not hid- also as cultural milieu, but both suggest that the in- den among the observables, but is instead placed on troduction of non-linear oscillators together with the a structurally different plane. This would clarify the very powerful hypothesis of primordial discretization failure of traditional hidden variables and proposes a allows to “rebuild” QM. An essential point is that the radically new vision between discrete/continuous and subquantum freedom degrees are equal and indistin- classical/quantum. Theories of this type exist and guishable. In this way, they ensure, at the macro- will be referred to here as theories of primitive quanti- scopic level, the isotropy and homogeneity of the zation or pre-quantization. They work on the Planck space-time; scale. There are some rather strong reasons for in- c) The hypothesis of locality and pre- vestigating such a theory. The main ones are surely directly leads to that of reversibility. At the beables the Bekenstein principle and the holographic princi- level, information is never lost. However, this does ple, both firmly connected to the constraints on the not mean that information on a single cell is recov- spectrum of quantum fluctuations of the space-time erable; indeed, it is precisely the loss and selection and ultimately to the homogeneity of the tessella- of information at the emerging level that leads to tion of the same space-time [3; 4]. The main moti- the non-commutative notes of QM, the vations of theories of this type are related to quan- changeables and the relative equivalence classes of ’t tum gravity, they are not born as “interpretations Hooft. A is therefore a derivative con- of QM”, but this is considered a necessary step to cept and can show strong non-local correlations re- eliminate the ambiguities generated by the quantum- lated to the loss of information, which finally acquire mechanical formalism near the Planck scale and at an authentic statistical meaning. If the natural con- the cosmological level. In fact, the stochasticity has a straint on the speed limit of light is introduced onto mesoscopic flavor, and one would not expect to find the lattice, the maximal acceleration of Caianello is it at a scale of radical discretization. Ambiguities do obtained [6]. not decrease with the second quantization, but in- The bet on the emergence of these theories lies crease; in general and on all scales, the elegance of therefore in proposing an effective mechanism able to the description of physical processes through ampli- bridge the gap between the Planck scale (1019 GeV) tudes [5] is strongly limited by the probabilistic mort- and the usual one of experiments involving a quan- gage. The latter should derive from deeper reasons, tum-mechanical treatment (103 GeV). This depends and the should emerge as a sort of “regu- critically on the choice of beables and the relation- lator” of the collective dynamics and their degrees of ship between beables, Planck cells, and changeab- freedom. les. So, the primordial quantization theories do not In general, a theory of primordial quantization is tend to give a “realistic” character to the wave func- based on some general assumptions: tion or even to predict deviations from the standard a) Nature works in a similar way to a computer QM. Their character is rather explanatory of the na- on the Planck scale. This implies that information ture of the QM. Please note that the Planck cell is the at that level is finite, local, independent of the ob- extreme limit of the causal connection with the lab- server, and pre-deterministic. Therefore, no interfer- oratory [7], and the point of arrival is the “ordinary” ence figures or overlaps are possible, there are very QM. Therefore, the physically significant aspect con- precise rules that assure the transitions from one cell sists in the exploration of physical processes in that to another through a discrete sequence of states. In middle ground that allows the passage from the deter- practice we are doing a kind of classical physics ministic and local systems of the beables to quantum on the Planck cells. We will call the magnitudes of behaviors with their typical uncertainty and non-local this level, following ’t Hooft, beables, in honor of “weirdness”. J.S Bell. Beables are carriers of defined properties To understand how the goal of these theories is and, therefore, form a set of operators that always necessarily more ambitious, let us think of a classic switch. problem of QM, the so-called “collapse” problem, and

18 ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 Quantum Mechanics Interpretation on Planck Scale let us look at it in relation to particle physics. The an- can therefore be assumed to be primary and funda- ticommutative nature of the observables tells us that mental at a level – it is the case of theories that in- the result will belong to the changeables class, but we troduce the non-locality ab initio –, but which does know that a particle like the electron has well-defined not exclude a local and deterministic level, where the characteristics, always, as a charge, mass, , like- characteristics of QM are emerging and find their full beables. The aim of the pre-quantization theories is meaning. It is the case of the relationship between therefore to merge QM and QFT by defining a sort of beables and changeables. informative pre-QFT on the Planck scale, thus realiz- In general, a model, in which the state variables ing the “it from bit” principle [8]. In the following, we and their transition laws are always defined and ac- will limit ourselves to the emergence of QM, starting quirable (indifference with respect to the measure), from the structural links between QM and emerging is called logically or informationally closed and is de- systems. terministic and local. It is the case, for example, of classical physics, where the measurement operations 2. Quantum Mechanics on all the state variables commute and are simul- as Contextual Theory of Systems taneously compatible, i.e., all measuring devices re- lated to different variables can always be used with- In recent years, the study of the physics of the emer- out interfering with one another and without any loss gency has known new developments toward a general of mutual information. The logic of classical physics theory of great systemic and epistemological inter- is therefore a Boolean-like orthocomplemented logic, est for the understanding of the structure of physical which formalizes the possibility of acquiring com- theories (for a varied general approach, see [9]). It is plete information on every state of the system for ev- significant, and not accidental, that the quantum for- ery time interval. Information is here understood in malism has proved extremely fruitful and powerful to the Shannon–Turing sense. At first glance, it would describe emerging and contextual systems in areas far seem that systems of this type have little chance removed from physics. This suggests something about of producing authentic emergencies, but we know the very nature of QM [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. from the study of dynamical systems that it is not A system can show contextual aspects in rela- so. Not only is there not necessarily a correlation be- tion to: 1) components; 2) measurement operations; tween local and global predictabilities. But, thanks 3) system/environment relations. Moreover, a system to non-linearity, systems of this type can be exponen- is said to be emerging, when there are at least two tial information amplifiers. For discrete systems such levels, and the following conditions occur: i) the low- as Cellular Automata (CA), the Langton–Wolfram level description is necessary for a complete under- class IV, dynamic typology capable of exhibiting a standing of the upper level, but: (ii) the lower level strongly peculiar mixture of order-chaos, i.e., on the (generally “with arrows pointing at the components”, one hand, to memorize information for long periods, to say it with Weinberg) is not necessary for the de- on the other, to exhibit dissipative and chaotic as- scription of the upper level [15]. The radical emer- pects. This may suggest that these are systems capa- gency aspects are therefore connected to the fact that, ble of emergency on the margins of chaos in a peculiar despite the intimate connection, the upper level ap- way with respect to the continuous case. In the case pears autonomous both from the formal and exper- of beables, the informational closure with respect to imental points of view and can show unprecedented the observer must be understood in the most drastic properties at the most subtle level [16]. The relative way, if these are placed on the Planck scale. autonomy of the two levels can also take the form of The situation for QM is different. In fact, the prin- a different semantics, as traditionally occurs between ciple of indifference of the state of a system with re- consciousness and its neural correlates. In this last spect to the observer falls, which leads to the collapse example, however, it is this autonomy that makes it of local causal determinism. This aspect is expressed more reductive to reduce the problem of “free-will” in in the formalism of QM by the fact that a closing merely neuronal terms. relationship is only valid for the eigenstates and nat- Here, it seems to echo the debate between Ein- urally leads to a characterization of quantum systems stein and Bohr on the completeness of QM, which as open systems with respect to the observer. This in-

ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 19 I. Licata formation gap can be filled in various ways (hidden are the traditionally considered “quantum” behaviors variables, superluminality, some kind of non-local in- [28–31]. For example, non-local phenomena are an formation such as the active information of Bohm and equivalence class constructed from an essentially local Hiley [17, 18]), but it fixes the contextual aspect of substrate. The term “equivalence classes” recalls, not the model characterized by anticommutativity rela- surprisingly, statistical physics and non-linear sys- tions. This informational openness to the observer is tems. In fact, it is understood that the same wave a general feature of complex systems and is a strong function can be produced by several behaviors of the indication of the emergent nature of QM [19, 20, 21]. elementary cells. Among the classic observables and Another interesting theme, decidedly pre-mature beables, there are, in fact, the changeables, i.e., the at the time of the historical formation of QM, is dynamic emergence processes of quantum phenom- the exploration of non-linearity and the new articula- ena starting from a pre-quantization which is “clas- tions of the KAM theorem [22]. In particular, we now sical” in many aspects. It is admitted that multiple know the effects of non-local correlations described by changeables configurations can give rise to the same global informational measures such as Tsallis entropy observables, just as it happens, for example, with the and Fisher’s information, which suggest something Wolfram–Langton conjecture and in the more tradi- more than a mere formal analogy and, at the same tional statistical mechanics [32]. In this process, the time, naturally clarify similarities with stochastic sys- concept of loss of degrees of freedom is crucial: in the tems [23, 24, 25, 26]. Indeed, this type of reading transition from beables to observables, progressively has allowed us to understand why classical systems, gradual degrees of freedom are lost through the cou- however strongly non-linear, can be described so well pling of cells. We leave the declaration of his program by an appropriate quantum potential, as happens to the usual clarity of t’Hooft: in many processes modeled through a “neural fluid” “Quantum mechanics could well relate to micro- [27]. Ultimately, there are strong structural clues that physics in the same way as thermodynamics relates QM is a coarse-grained and emergent description of to molecular physics: it is formally correct, but it a subquantum level that, given the failures of tra- may well be possible to devise deterministic laws on ditional theories with hidden variables, should be the microscale. Why not? The mathematical nature sought on the Planck scale. The latter should then of quantum mechanics does not forbid this, provided turn out to be a sort of pre-QFT, so as to weld once that one carefully eliminates the apparent no-go the- and for all the gap between QM and QFT. We now orems associated to the Bell inequalities. There are have the reasons to investigate two pre-quantization ways to re-define particles and fields such thatno proposals. blatant contradiction arises. One must assume that all macroscopic phenomena such as particle positions, momenta, spins, and energies relate to microscopic 3. The ’t Hooft Approach: variables in the same way as thermodynamic concepts Cellular Automata in Hilbert Space such as entropy and temperature relate to local, me- G. t ’Hooft, one of the physicists who closed the first chanical variables. The outcome of these considera- phase of the standard model (SM) and opened it to tions is that particles and their properties are not, or the new challenges of , is the author not entirely, real in the ontological sense. The only re- of a simple radical proposal that moves the hidden alities in this theory are the things that happen on the variables to the Planck scale. In other words, it is Planck scale. The things we call particles are chaotic not a matter of finding the hidden variables inside oscillations of these Planckian quantities. [33] (...) In the , but rather of considering the lat- our quantum mechanical theories on the atomic scale, ter emerging and bound by a base level, where the we have not yet identified those observables that truly beables are located. With an elegance reminiscent of correspond to the actual states of a system. All oper- Dirac’s style, these are described as a dynamics of cel- ators we use on the atomic scale are superpositions of lular automata (CA) written in a Hilbert space. This primary observables (‘beables’) and typical permuta- allows one to introduce the phase linking processes in tion operators (‘changeables’)” [34]. a simple way and to build, starting from a local and It must be said that the ’t Hooft equivalence classes deterministic level, emerging equivalence classes that are a conjecture, albeit fruitful. It is permitted by the

20 ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 Quantum Mechanics Interpretation on Planck Scale structure of QM and by the historically consolidated result that each quantum theory admits at least one deterministic/stochastic model, but there is no strin- gent proof of its validity [35]. Indeed, it is possible Fig. 1. Three-state universe to say that precisely the dissipative mechanisms, un- der which the relationships between beables and ob- Hooft conjecture and the holographic principle must servables are hidden through changeables, prevent a be mentioned. In fact, the conjecture is equivalent to demonstration of the conjecture. In a re-presentation postulating a finite quantity of elementary informa- of the Bohr–Einstein debate, the last word would be- tion for each cell. It may seem strongly anti-intuitive long to Einstein but at the cost of an irreducible dissi- that the informational contribution of a cell (3D) is pation: God’s dice are deterministic but very subtle! measured in terms of area, but different approaches The exploration of the ’t Hooft conjecture requires [40, 41] showed that this is a consequence of the fact a dynamic hypothesis on the cell structure. This is that, on the average, each cell occupies a volume of what a very active of scholars near to the ideas 2 푙푙푃 . Therefore, a spatial region of size 푙 cannot con- of ’t Hooft are doing in these years [36–39]. One starts 3 (︀ 2 )︀ 2 tain more than 푙 / 푙푙푃 = (푙/푙푃 ) cells. This corre- from the idea that writing a CA in a Hilbert space is sponds precisely to the case provided for by the holo- equivalent to describe an oscillatory behavior. In this graphic principle, in which the maximum number of way, a vast program has begun that aims to describe 2 information bits stored in a region of size 푙 is (푙/푙푃 ) . quantum phenomena in terms of classical nonlinear A general expression of the reduction in degrees of oscillators under pre-quantization constraints. This is freedom in an emerging QM model is a point of extreme importance, since the traditional roles of the classical/quantum levels are practically (︂ )︂ {︃ 퐸 0, 퐸 + 퐸푝, reversed and mixed. The situation is now more com- [푞, 푝] = 푖~ 1 − = 퐸푝 푖~, 퐸 ≪ 퐸푝, plex and stratified: 3. Classical World (Laplacian determinism by “col- where commutation relations “take shape” for much lapse” and “decoherence” from equivalence classes) smaller energies very less than the ones of the Planck 2. Observed Quantum Behavior (quantum observ- scale [42]. In what following, we will refer to the dis- ables and non-locality via equivalence classes) cussion developed in [37, 43, 44]. 1. Quantized Planck Scale World (deterministic, local CA beables in a Hilbert space; non-linear Now, we hypothesize a toy model of the Universe oscillators?). with deterministic transitions, i.e., the unitary evolu- The quantum level is therefore “compressed” be- tion from one state to another such as: and we write tween a discrete local determinism and a classical and a “formal” wave function for the three states shown continuous determinism. The questions multiply, be- in the figure 1: cause now the question does not consist only in show- |휓(푡)⟩ = 훼|1⟩ + 훽|2⟩ + 훾|3⟩. ing the validity of the passage from (1) to (2), but it strongly re-proposes the question of relations be- The deterministic evolution of this system in the Uni- tween (2) and (3). In particular, at the beables level, verse clock will be given by: there are no overlapping states, but it is difficult to say what the measure consists of. In other words, (︃ 0 0 1 )︃ the question arises of understanding in a single mea- |휓(푡 + 휏)⟩ = 푈(푡 + 휏, 푡)|휓(푡)⟩ = 1 0 0 |휓(푡)⟩, surement what belongs to the beables and what to 0 1 0 the changeables (which can also have a long-term stationarity and permanence). It is presumable that where the unitary matrix is 푈(푡 + 휏, 푡) = 푒−푖퐻휏 , and this point can only be clarified with a decisive de- the states obey the Born rule: velopment of quantum gravity, and it cannot be ex- cluded that the “qualities” that we consider “perma- 푃 (1) = |훼|2, nent” (spin, charge, mass, etc.) have an emergent na- 푃 (2) = |훽|2, ture in reality. Finally, the connection between the ’t 푃 (3) = |훾|2. ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 21 I. Licata

Φ, and a dissipative element. We introduce two oper- ators whose role is to mediate between classical and quantum languages, Fig. 2. Four-state universe will non-unitary evolution 휕 휕 푝 = −푖 , 푝 = −푖 , 휑 휕휑 휔 휕휔 Now, let us consider a non-unitary evolution (there- fore with an elementary form of dissipation) in a toy and a temporal rule: model of the type (Fig. 2). 1 The evolution matrix is: ℎ = 휔푝 − 푘[푓(휔)푓 ′(휔), 푝 ] . 휑 2 휔 + ⎛ 0 0 1 0 ⎞ In this way, we fix two classical and deterministic ⎜ 1 0 0 0 ⎟ 푈(푡 + 휏, 푡) = ⎜ ⎟. equations of the motion: ⎝ 0 1 0 0 ⎠ 푑휑 0 0 0 0 = −푖[휑(푡), ℎ] (= 휔), 푑푡 The states ⟨1| and ⟨4| “merge” into ⟨2|. Thus, the fol- 푑휔 = −푖[휔(푡), ℎ] (= −푘푓(휔)푓 ′(휔)). lowing equivalence classes are defined: 푑푡 |1⟩ ≡ {|1), |4)}, |2⟩ ≡ |2), |3⟩ ≡ |3). We note here that ℎ is Hermitian, even if the equa- tions of motion are dissipative. This is the logic that underlies the formation of the Now, let us consider the Fourier transform of the equivalence classes through the loss of information periodicity in Φ: (with a dissipative mechanism). Naturally, a realistic ∑︁ 푖푛휑 case is much more complex, e.g., it could imply a new |휓(휑, 휔, 푡)⟩ = 푒 |휓푛(휔, 푡)⟩. ⟨2|* status. As we can see, it is a situation very similar 푛 to that in which different chaotic dynamics lead to As t → ∞, 휔(푡) converges to the fixed point 휔 , and the same limit cycles. This analogy with non-linear 푖 the deterministic system tends to processes returns with greater force in Winterberg’s theory. ∑︁ 푖푛(휑−휔푖푡) |휓(휑, 휔, 푡)⟩ → 푒 |휓푛(휔푖, 푡)⟩. Let us now consider a traditional Hilbert space with 푛 푁 dimensions and postulate that the wave function of a quantum system can be reproduced by a deter- For the eigenstates of the energy, the following equa- ministic system with two degrees of freedom such as tion is therefore valid:

′ ′ 푖퐸푖푡 −푖푛 휔푖푡 |휓⟩ = |휓(휔, 휑, 푡)⟩. 푒 |휓(퐸푖)⟩ = 푒 |휓푛′ (휔푖, 0)⟩con퐸푖 = 휔푖!.

Let us define the relations between 휔 and Φ: In this way, we obtain a wave function that shows the overlap and interference in the energy eigenstates 푑휑 = 휔, 휑 ∈ [0, 2휋], 퐸푖 in correspondence with the values of 휔푖. The phase 푑푡 of this wave function therefore indicates the limit cy- 푑휔 = −푘푓(휔)푓 ′(휔), 푘 > 0, cle of this state, while the amplitude is the proba- 푑푡 bility that this state will be realized. It should be 푓(휔) = det(퐻 − 휔), noted that there is a connection between the zero- point energy of a quantum oscillator and the geo- 푓(휔) = 0, metric phase of a “classical” oscillator. The appear- 휑 with period 푇 = 2휋/휔. ance of a zero-point energy is an important “symp- tom” of quantization, because it indicates that the As can easily be seen, the corresponding determinis- commutator of the observables is not zero. It is dif- tic system is that of a “material point” which moves ficult to underestimate the constructive indications on a circle with assigned angular velocity 휔 and phase of this elementary model. In fact, it is equivalent to

22 ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 Quantum Mechanics Interpretation on Planck Scale saying that the wave function is the “covering” of a ory. If ’t Hooft can be compared to Dirac’s style, Win- large number of coupled elementary oscillators, i.e., terberg has something of the essential pragmatism of “what remains” of their dissipative behavior. This is Schr¨odinger,and its retr`o taste. His ideas about fun- the meaning of the “Quantization is Dissipation” slo- damental physics and plasma research – as in the case gan, which promises to have a formidable impact on of D. Bohm [49] and later by R. Laughlin – have a quantum gravity researches. In fact, in the latter, we non-trivial connection. In fact, both of them present usually start from the famous start with a classical the idea of a sort of dynamic medium from which par- theory, then quantize; if the approach indicated by ’t ticles emerge as solitons or “field globules”, to use Ein- Hooft and his school is correct, this method could be stein’s terminology. Moreover, Winterberg’s theory is as meaningless as trying to quantize the sound waves much more classical than that of ’t Hooft, at least in in air. Rather we have to go another way, i.e., to its initial formulation, and is exactly non-relativistic, find the “right” dissipative mechanism starting from a in the sense that even the Lorentz invariance is con- pre-quantization. The latter is then the characteriz- sidered emerging and valid for low energies, an aspect ing element. In fact, if we limit ourselves to the formal that has preceeded the current forms of double rela- aspects, we obtain a formally equivalent theory but tivity [50]. As we did for ’t Hooft, we will give a short ontologically different as that of the Elementary Cy- summary of the work of Winterberg here, following cles of D. Dolce [45]. As regards the non-locality, it is papers [51–58]. not difficult to program a CA with non-local behav- From one of the first titles on the subject, Planck ior (e.g., for two adjacent two-color cells 푎 & 푏: For Scale Physics and Newton’s Ultimate Objects Conjec- every “discrete instant” 푡, if 푎 is blue, then 푏 is red, ture (on Acta Phys. Pol., 27, 10, 1996), it is clear and vice versa). that Winterberg has no embarrassment in recovering But if the question becomes a bit more physical, the old theories of the ether in a new context. Al- as in the model of Planck’s “classic” microoscillators, ready L. Janossy had shown that if an ether exists, the conclusion is that non-locality is a form of the it is undetectable and, therefore, relativistic, which emerging , or – as critics of ’t Hooft say di- can also be said of the Planck scale [59, 60]. In other rectly taking up the abstract scheme of the AC – a words, for the purposes of mathematical construc- form of the superdeterminism: in other words, ev- tion, the basic ontological elusibility is not impor- erything connected to the level of beables is also in tant, as we have already seen in the case of ’t Hooft the observables, and every free-will choise is only ap- and other highly speculative approaches of contempo- parent. Although this is the point that most worries rary physics, where sometimes even the boundaries the philosophers, it must be said that the objection between geometry and physics fade [61]. In partic- of physicists is addressed elsewhere. If, on the one ular, the ultimate Newtonian objects, i.e., a mix of hand, it is easy to hypothesize that everything at the positive and negative masses, each one allocated in a time of the Big-Bang was related, it is more difficult Planck cell, was in its initial form the kind of naive to understand how these correlations resist with the hypotheses in contrast with particle physics, despite dissipation of the emerging levels [46, 47]. attempts to show at least the theoretical plausibility of H. Bondi and later by B. Bonnor [62, 63]. If, in- stead of a Newtonian “anti-mass,” we think in terms 4. Winterberg’s Planck Plasma: of modes of the field, it is rather much easier to accept an Exactly Non-Relativistic Theory the idea of a vacuum made of positive and negative Friedwardt Winterberg was one of the last pupils modes as in a pre-QFT. The best starting point is of W. Heisenberg. Like many scholars of his genera- probably A. Sakharov’s proposal to describe GR as tion – for example, our almost contemporary, A. Sa- a metric elasticity of vacuum [64, 65], then explicitly kharov, on the opposite side of the world political postulating the possibility of temporal inversions and chessboard – is best known for his research on nuclear fluctuations of the metric at the origin of the Universe fusion, giving theoretical articles at regular intervals (time reversal = negative mode) [66]. The idea of met- starting from the non-linear unified spin theory of his ric fluctuations has been repeated several times [67], master Heisenberg [48], to arrive in the last years to and some recent results seem to indicate a) that the a theory of pre-quantization, the Planck Plasma The- temporal inversion is not, as is believed, in contrast

ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 23 I. Licata with the CPT theorem and b) that negative masses Hence, it is easy to derive the variations of 퐿 with are an necessary ingredient in the quantum phase of respect to 푆 and the density 푛: the Universe (de Sitter model) [68, 69, 70]. Finally, 휕푛 the time reversal plays a key role in many QM read- + ~ ∇ (푛∇푆) = 0 ings today [71]. 휕푡 푚푝 Let us consider thus a Planck Plasma composed by and Planck masses ±푚푝, where each occupies a volume √ ±푟3. The interaction between the masses is a Planck 2 2 푝 휕푆 2 ∇ 푛 2 4 ~ ~ √ force 푚푝푐 /푟푝 = 푐 /퐺, where 퐺 is the gravitational ~ + 푈 + (∇푆) + = 0. 휕푡 2푚푝 2푚푝 푛 constant. As we see, the force is a bond a la Hertz, and the is analogous to Debye length It is easy to “cover up” the collective behaviors of the in the plasmas. The interaction between cells is ruled mix of modes with a wave function thanks to Made- by the fluctuation of the momentum Δ푝 = 푚푝푐 on lung’s transformations: a length 푟푝, so that the Heisenberg relation is not a √ }︃ limit on the precision of measurements, but emerges 휓 = 푛푒푖푠 from the space-time texture itself Δ푝Δ푞 = 푚 푐 = . √ . 푝 ~ 휓* = 푛푒−푖푠 The interaction on the Planck scale generates a global dynamics of Zitterbewegung [72, 73] of the type: At this point, it is easy to obtain the well-known Schr¨odingerequation (︁푟푝)︁ 푉퐷 = − ∇푛/푛, 2 2 휕휓 ~ 2 푖~ = − ∇ 휓 + 푈휓, where 푉퐷 is the diffusion speed and 푛 is the number 휕푡 2푚푝 density of particles. It is well known from the stochas- tic approaches [74] that the kinetic energy of this dif- where 푈 is fusive process is given by 2 [︀ * * ]︀ 푈 = 2~푐푟푝 휓+휓+ − 휓−휓− . (︂ )︂2 (︁푚푝)︁ (︁푚푝)︁ ∇푛 푉 2 = 푟2푐2 = (︀ 2/8푚 )︀ (∇푛/푛)2. Here, as in ’t Hooft, the wave function is emerging 2 퐷 8 푝 푛 ~ 푝 from Planck’s scale behaviors! A dynamics of this type is that of particle-hole, well However, the surprises do not end there. To af- known in condensed matter physics, where the role of firm that QM is emerging means to say that a quan- the gap is assumed by the negative charge. It is known tum object is not only “driven” by a wave function, from the early historical phases of QM that this diffu- but more radically that that system is produced by sion is typical of a fluid without viscosity, an analogy the same dynamics from which the wave function linked to the similarity between the Schr¨odingerequa- emerges. This justifies replacing the complex conju- * tion and the classical diffusion one. This analogy was gate 휓±휓± with creation/destruction operators with considered for a long time purely formal and consti- the commutation relations typical of a proto-QFT: tuted an interpretation of QM based on a superfluid [︁ † ′ ′ ]︁ medium. In Winterberg’s approach, it springs from a 휓±(푟)휓±(푟 ) = 훿 (푟 − 푟 ) , physical dynamics on the Planck scale. Placing ′ [︁ † † ′ ]︁ [휓±(푟)휓±(푟 )] = 휓±(푟)휓±(푟 ) . 푉 = ~ ∇푆, 푚푝 At this point, we obtain a non-relativistic equation of the Heisenberg–Pauli–Ivanenko type, one of the first where 푆 is the Hamiltonian action, one obtains the authentically quantum “theories of the Whole” based Lagrangian on non-linear spinors [48]:

[︃ 2 (︂ )︂2]︃ 휕푆 ~ 2 ~ ∇푛 휕휓 2 (︁ )︁ 퐿 = 푛 ~ + (∇푆) + 푈 + . ~ 2 2 † † 휕푡 2푚 8푚 푛 푖~ = ∓ ∇ 휓± ± 2~푐푟푝 휓±휓± − 휓∓휓∓ 휓±. 푝 푝 휕푡 2푚푝 24 ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 Quantum Mechanics Interpretation on Planck Scale

The fact that this equation is not relativistic is not the reading and solution of a large number of prob- a defect here, but rather a virtue; in fact, it ensures lems, from the three-dimensionality of the physical that the Hilbert space of state vectors is always posi- space SO3 linked to the group of physical generators tive (i.e., we never observe the gaps). In Winterberg’s SU(2) (which are, in this case, the two positive and theory, it is assumed that relativity is a dynamic sym- negative modes), a spectrum of masses for hadrons, metry, and it is therefore not necessary to introduce and leptons up to the dark matter. it at a “fundamental” level. An equation of this type Here, according to the aims of the work, we limit remains a difficult object to treat. But, making the ourselves to the emerging nature of QM. It will not es- Hartree–Fock approximation, cape the reader neither the diversity of styles between ’t Hooft and Winterberg, but neither the unavoidable † ∼ * 2 ⟨휓±휓±휓±⟩ = 2휙 휙 , similarities and overlaps. Yet there is an essential dif- † ∼ * ference, which concerns the heart of quantum physics, ⟨휓∓휓∓휓±⟩ = 휙∓휙∓휙±, i.e., the nature of non-locality. we get something not less complex, but a very famil- iar and, above all, conceptually very satisfying con- 5. Two Approaches to Non-Locality nection: As is known, the non-local effects, tested by exper- 2 iments such as EPR Bell or GHZ, have a defined 휕휙 ~ 2 2 [︀ * * ]︀ 푖~ = ± ∇ 휙± ± 2~푐푉푝 2휙±휙± − 휙∓휙∓ 휙±. range. In general, however, the QM structure does 휕푡 2푚푝 not give indications of a precise limit. For example, As we know, this is the non-linear Ginzburg– the traditional expression of the quantum potential Landau equation that governs the phenomena of self- 2 ∇2푅 organization. In this way, the bases are laid for a pos- 푄 = − ~ , sible theory of quantum processes of morphogenesis 2푚 푅 from the vacuum, hypothesized recently in a slightly where 푅 is the amplitude of the wave function, tells us different context also by L. Nottale [75]. Reusing the a space-like effect independent of the distance. Yet if Madelung transformations we must consider the non-locality something inherent * in the space-time, as the locality and determinism of 푛± = 휙±휙±, ’t Hooft and Winterberg still seem to suggest, then we 푖~ [︀ * * ]︀ must necessarily interpret it in terms of dynamic pro- 푛±푉± = ∓ 휙±∇휙± − 휙±∇휙± , 2푚푝 cesses in space and time. The problem therefore arises of having a satisfactory physical picture of how, and Euler equation, and continuity equation for fluids how much! The correlations in question can resist 휕푉 1 dissipation and decoherence. In the case of ’t Hooft, ± + (︀푉 ∇)︀ 푉 = − ∇ (푈 + 푄 ), the central idea is that non-local correlations are a 휕푡 ± ± 푚 ± ± 푝 class of equivalence to which local information is sub- 휕푛± + ∇ (푛±푉±) = 0 tended which finds its ultimate origin on the Planck 휕푡 scale and hidden by a dissipative mechanism. In other 2 3 words, something has resisted the separability, over- with 푈± = 2푚푝푐 푟푝 (2푛± − 푛∓), we obtains the well- known Bohm potential [18]: coming several orders of magnitude and leaving the correlation between two systems A and B intact de- 2 2√ ~ ∇ 푛± spite the spatial distance. This something seems to 푄± = − √ obey a renormalization scheme, which is the char- 2푚푝 푛± acteristic figure of an invariance scale. What is it? which can be overlooked for lengths close to that of This correlation has formed in the typical range of Planck, while it is a good approximation of the col- the emergence of QM, when a “wave function” be- lective behavior in a superfluid space-time, which was comes “active”, but what has allowed it to maintain recently the subject of a renewed season of studies [76, itself by exploiting the loss information typical of dis- 77, 78]. On this theoretical system, Winterberg gave sipation? We know that the observables that we use

ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 25 I. Licata in the laboratory can be very different from the “fun- assumes that the wave function is a genuine physical damental” beables, so a plausible explanation consists field that really collapses. In the same paper, healso in affirming that two beables connected in the past reviews the early literature on the subject. It is hard always remain “below” the observables. to accept this viewpoint and not expect the collapse We note that a typical overlap state like “live cat” + to propagate at a finite speed, or to not be disrupted “dead cat” has no citizenship in the realm of cellular by a possible noise in the mechanism that propagates automata. Imagine that there are two “synchronized” it. From the stand-point of the Bohmian interpreta- cells C1 and C2 somehow “ancestors” of the overlap, tion, the wave function of the combined physical sys- for example: (if C1,2|live cat⟩ C2,1|dead cat⟩), be- tem and the measuring apparatus never really col- cause this ideal synchronization is not only at every lapses! Nonetheless, even in the Bohmian interpreta- moment of the strictly local clock, but, above all, it tion, one models (instead of deriving from first prin- obeys a formal and not dynamic causality. We must ciples) the Hamiltonian governing the interaction be- therefore admit that the AC interpretation is a toy tween a system and an apparatus during the mea- model. In order to acquire the physical consistency, surement. The model is just a model, and there is no we must make assumptions about the dynamics of need for it to be exact. Furthermore, one can expect a the cells (and the nature of the beables!). For exam- breakdown in quantum correlations, if there is a small ple, using oscillators, as in [39]. We therefore expect amount of noise, presumably from subquantum pro- to find the non-locality as a form of the coherence of cesses, in the guidance condition that determines the these oscillators and the prediction of a precise corre- particle velocities from the wave function (Gkiouleka, lation limit. This problem is still open and very com- 2008). plex and is the main chapter of a unification between In both ’t Hooft’s and Winterberg’s theories, in QM and QFT which is still to be written. In fact, fact, the wave function is emerging and is therefore most of the QFTs have developed under the impulse a real physical object that describes collective behav- of particle physics and high energies, while the tra- iors under dissipation. The coarse-grained existence ditional treatments of non-locality are located at low is still an existence! This should lead to an objec- energies [79]. tive theory of collapse as a break of the coherence, In Wintenberg’s theory, the vacuum is a ZPF (Zero which is expected at finite speeds, because, in any Point Fluctuation) model triggered by the dynamics case, the range of quantum manifestations is bound between positive and negative modes. The ZPF is- by relativistic symmetries. In fact, both authors did sue, too, as an “interface” between the QM vacuum not escape this request and proposed an explanation and the QFT multiple-state one is highly debated [82, 83]. The question of the breakdown of correla- [80]. Denoting the wave number by 푘, Wintenberg tions passes to future experiments in optics and quan- makes the “simple” hypothesis that the trend of the tum information, but the impression remains that zero-point energy spectrum is given by the non-locality falls into difficulty in a traditional dynamic vision, as Heisenberg had already claimed 3 푓(푘) = ~푐푘 . [84]. In this direction, we find that the “synchronic” approaches typical of the last Bohm one and the more Thus, the energetic spectrum of the turbulence obeys recent ones based on the time-reversal have recently the equation been taken up by different groups with different nu- 퐹 (푘) = const 푘−5/3. ances. It seems that there cannot be any easy “peace- ful coexistence” between Relativity and QM, even un- On these bases, Winterberg arrives at a “generous” der the hypothesis that both are emerging [85–87]. As prediction for the breaking of the correlations over N. Gisin and A. Suarez said, the non-locality seems about 100 km, evidently compatible with all the ex- “something is coming from the outside space and periments carried out so far. Recently Gkiouleka [81] time”. In relation to these two authors, the recurrent has taken over and refined the Winterberg hypotheses debate on the determinism and should be and halved the forecast. briefly mentioned here, in which ’t Hooft [88–90] par- A part of the mystery is that we don’t really under- ticipated actively. In a nutshell, the matter is this. In stand what the wave function really is. Winterberg the EPR-Bell experiment, it is crucial that one of the

26 ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1 Quantum Mechanics Interpretation on Planck Scale experimenters – according to quantum information reason to distance ourselves from the setting of this conventions, we will call it Bob – can choose how to debate. We have seen that a possible future physicist orient the detector, whether to measure spin up or of the ’t Hooft equivalence classes is to study them in spin down independently of the other experimenter terms of oscillator coherence. In this case, there is a that is traditionally Alice. For some reason, it is be- physical connection between Alice and Bob, and it is lieved that the reintroduction of some form of deter- not necessary to postulate an invertible and “subtle” minism and subquantum locality must also have an correlation in the past between their brains and their effect on the brains of the experimenters. Therefore, “free” choices. since there are no actual physical influences between In conclusion, we want to mention a case doubly Alice and Bob, the brains of both must be correlated interesting from the physical-mathematical and soci- and synchronized like the beables in play in the ex- ological points of view, which still concerns Winter- periment. Even those who try to use more traditional berg. In fact, in 2013, the scholar proposed a new schemes than ’t Hooft cannot escape the temptation topological version of the EPR–Bell correlations, but to add a piece to the question, as can be seen from the central idea became famous, however, with the this suffered Suarez passage: abbreviation ER = EPR (Einstein–Rosen Bridge = I would like to stress that it is not sufficient to = EPR) used in the publications by Maldacena and assume “free will” in order to escape “many worlds” Susskind [91, 92]. Indeed, the two proposals are linked or “parallel lives.” One has to reject “empty waves” to different contexts, even if a strong underlying as well and therefore to accept that decision of out- conceptual analogy can be certainly identified. One come happens at detection. My argument is as fol- starts from a Euclidean substrate, where the ordinary lows: If we accept that nonlocal coordination of out- space-time has not yet emerged, and, therefore, the comes is in principle possible, by which particular rea- signature of the metric is of the type (+, +, +, +). It son should we then reject nonlocal decision at detec- is assumed that a whormhole can connect two dis- tion? Only because we assume that the outputs of tant places that they are therefore “entangled” within devices are necessarily determined by some cause in space and time. Euclidean approaches are of funda- the past light-cone. But then one must consequently mental importance in quantum cosmology to char- also assume that the outputs of the experimenter’s acterize the early stages of the “” [93, 94, brain are predetermined, and therefore he has no 95]. Using an effective image is like joining two dis- free will. In other words, the three assumptions: free tant points on a piece of paper bypassing the surface will, “empty waves” and non locality cannot hold to- with a “bridge” from the outside. The idea of Susskind gether. And this means that for the sake of free will and Maldacena was born in the context of the holo- assuming “empty waves”, and therefore “many worlds” graphic principle and black holes, while the work of and “parallel lives”, is not better than assuming Ger- Wintenberg uses the mathematics of the complex sur- ard ’t Hooft’s superdeterminism (Suarez, 2012). faces developed by P. Teichm¨uller,a young German It is difficult to understand how the traditional mathematician who died prematurely on the Russian epistemological battles of QM can be extended to the front (1913–1943) and recently brought to the atten- human brain. Inside our head, there is certainly am- tion of the mathematical community by the works of ple room for “hidden variables” of the cognitive type Shinichi Mochizuki. A detailed exposition of these ap- linked to the specific methods of biological process- proaches goes beyond the scope of this work. In terms ing of data, but it is not absolutely necessary that of Planck’s cells, these works suggest two important they have to do with quantum beables. We have al- things: 1) Planck’s scale should not be seen as the ready said that the behaviors of an emerging level hic sunt leones of physics, but rather of “ordinary” are not necessarily linked to those of the lower level, space-time, and 2) a quantum system that is formed and indeed they can take control over it, becoming, near the edge of a Planck cell is already strongly cor- in fact, autonomous. Superdeterminism, on the other related. In particular, the work of Susskind and Mal- hand, crosses completely different ranges and dynam- dacena is a part of the series of proposals that place a ics. It seems, therefore, as Hawking repeatedly said non-local correlation at the very origin of the space- with the usual irony, “an attempt to solve a mystery time [96–98]. One of the emerging frontiers of theoret- with another mystery”. There is also a more physical ical physics is the search for a synthesis between new

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30 ISSN 2071-0194. Ukr. J. Phys. 2020. Vol. 65, No. 1