Launch and recovery systems for unmanned vehicles onboard ships. A study and initial concepts. Centre for Naval Architecture MARCUS ERIKSSON
[email protected] +46 703-925688 PATRICK RINGMAN
[email protected] +46 703-5085073 Course: SD270X – Naval Architecture Master’s Thesis Magnitude of work: 2×30 Cr. Date: 4/10-2013 Version number: 1.0 Reviewed by: Per Thuvesson, Tobias Petersson Intentionally left blank. Abstract This master’s thesis paper is an exploratory study along with conceptual design of launch and recovery systems (LARS) for unmanned vehicles and RHIB:s, which has been conducted for ThyssenKrupp Marine System AB in Karlskrona, Sweden. Two concepts have been developed, one for aerial vehicles (UAV:s) and one for surface and underwater vehicles (USV, RHIB and UUV). The goal when designing the two LARS has been to meet the growing demand within the world navies for greater off-board capabilities. The two concepts have been designed to be an integrated solutions on a 90 m long naval ship and based on technology that will be proven in year 2015-2020. To meet the goal of using technology that will be proven in year 2015-2020, existing and future possible solutions has been evaluated. From the evaluations one technique for each concept was chosen for further development. In the development of a LARS for aerial vehicles only fixed wing UAV:s have been considered. The concept was made for a reference UAV based on the UAV Shadow 200B, which has a weight of 170 kg. The concept that was developed is a parasail lifter that can both launch and recover the reference UAV effectively.