Free Market Vol
THE FREE MARKET VOL. 30, NO. 10, Fall/Winter 2012 SPECIAL EDITION A Very Special Year his has been a time of anniversaries for the Austrian School of eco- nomics. One hundred years ago, Ludwig von Mises began his career Tas an intellectual leader and creative genius with his groundbreaking The Theory of Money and Credit. Fifty years ago, Mur- and Credit with a new book, The Theory of Money and ray Rothbard took his own place in the ranks of creative Fiduciary Media: Essays in Celebration of the Centennial, geniuses, and inaugurated the modern Austrian move- edited by Senior Fellow Jörg Guido Hülsmann. We also ment with his great treatise Man, Economy, and State. And celebrated the book with a scholarly symposium at this thirty years ago, Lew Rockwell, with the help of Margit year’s Austrian Scholars Conference, including 10 lec- von Mises, Murray Rothbard, F.A. tures from top Misesian scholars. And we published Gary Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Ron Paul, North’s Mises on Money, which serves as an excellent guide and heroic donors, created the to the ideas contained in this great work. first institution solely dedicated to Man, Economy, and State’s semi-centennial was also Austrian economics, the Ludwig celebrated at the Austrian Scholars Conference with an von Mises Institute. academic roundtable, including Mises Institute schol- We are honoring the cen- ars Peter Klein, Joseph Salerno, David Gordon, Shawn tennial of The Theory of Money Ritenour, Guido Hülsmann, and Jeffrey Herbener. And Robert Murphy wrote an excellent essay commemorating the milestone. Our thirtieth anniversary was celebrated at our annual Supporters Summit, at Callaway Gardens, Georgia, in October.
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