January – March 2014 Volume 35 Issue 1 GGrreeeettiinnggss ffrroomm MMEETTCCAA!! Metropolitan Division Waybill Train Collector’s Association Vol. 35 Issue 1 Board of Directors 2014-2015 President~ Stu Rankin Vice President~ Kevin Quinn Secretary~ Robert Amling Treasurer~ Jeffery Corrick Inside This Issue: Director~ Larry Laskowski This is the first waybill with the new board members Director~ Robert Dobrowolski and not so new board members to some of you. We’ll Director~ Sam Deo discuss the upcoming 2015 Convention hosted by the Director~ Ben Fioriello METCA Division. Larry Laskowski has an excellent article Past President~ Scot Kienzlen on the TCA’s 40th Anniversary set and as always, a cup TCA MISSION STATEMENT of Joe with our president, Stu! So sit back, relax and To develop an appreciation of and to preserve an important segment of history~ Tinplate Toy Trains~ through research, enjoy the ride. education, community outreach, fellowship, establishment of collecting standards, and to promote the growth and enjoyment of Coming in the next Waybill: collecting and operating toy, model, and scale trains. 2014 Convention stories. Updates on the 2015 TCA CONTACT METCA Convention hosted by METCA. Answer to abandon in Website: www.METCA.org METCA as well as the next mystery location. Webmaster: METCA and 2015 Convention Jeffery Corrick: mailto:
[email protected] Asking for your help! Discussion: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/METCA/ …This is your Waybill Folks! We want to hear from our METCA Kid’s Club Chair: MIGS about what they are doing it this hobby. Send us mailto:
[email protected] news, a photo(s), or a story.