Blackheath and Crystal Palace Circuit Quarterly Newsletter Issue 29 March 2020 Superintendent Minister’s Letter: Mountain top moments

‘Six days later, Jesus took Peter, James and John the brother of James and led them up a high mountain. In their presence, he was transfigured; his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became a brilliant white’ (Matthew 17: 1 – 2) Dear Friends,

One of my favourite hobbies is mountain walking. I love climbing paths to find summits with spectacular views of the valleys I have risen from. My favourite mountains are in the Italian Dolomites. There is something rather spiritual about mountain climbing, and I often feel closer to God at the top of a mountain than at any other time. In the Bible, people of faith are often seen reaching mountain top summits at significant moments in their lives. One of the Bible readings we often focus on during Lent is the transfiguration of Jesus to Peter, James and John on a mountain top. After reaching this mountain top, Jesus’ face shone like the sun, his clothes became a brilliant white and according to Matthew 17:5, a voice from heaven called out ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I take delight; listen to him’. The disciples were to look back on this ‘mountain top experience’ for many years as a crucial moment in their lives when their faith really came alive. Peter would have liked this moment to have lasted for ever and he was all for building tents for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, as a way of capturing that moment.

But life is not like this; we cannot stay on our mountain tops for ever. Those who believe they can are not facing up to the realities of life. At some point we’ve got to descend that mountain we have so carefully climbed. As soon as the disciples did descend there were important jobs to do and important lessons to be learned. Mark 9:14 tells us that a large crowd were awaiting them, concerned that the disciples were unable to drive out an evil spirit from a child. The painful lesson Jesus had to teach his disciples, as he drives out this evil spirit, is about their lack of faith. Jesus also knew that by descending that mountain, he was heading towards the pain and torture of Calvary. He had to come down from the mountain to face the reality of his calling, painful though it might be, because had he not done so, God’s plan for the salvation of all people would have been thwarted. This truth we shall be reminded of during Holy week.

All of us have experienced our own transfiguration, mountain top experiences. We can point to moments in our lives when we have been deeply encouraged by events that have confirmed the truth of our faith. It may have been at our confirmation or marriage; at a Christian rally or conference attended, or a special service where a verse of scripture, or preacher’s words spoke especially to us. We need uplifting moments to be reassured of our faith; the danger is that we can become dependent on these uplifting religious experiences. We have to come to terms with the everyday problems of Christian life, the frustrations of living in a fallen world. The pain and agony of ill health, the loss of a loved one, the breakdown of relationships, financial crises or problems at work. What gives us strength to cope with these moments of danger, difficulty, hurt and pain is the assurance that wherever we go in life, our God goes with us and He gives us strength to carry on and climb out of those painful experiences and return to a place of health and healing where life can be experienced in all its fullness. May you all enjoy a blessed Lenten season. Richard Anerley Burnt Ash Park Forest Hill Hither Green Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Daffodil Day Monday 2nd March 2020: 'Best Of All is...' 1:40pm - 4:00pm at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, Storey's Gate, Westminster, SW1H 9NH

Methodist Central Hall Team bring you Daffodil Day 2020; a spring festival for Christian encouragement and renewal. Featuring an array of different guests and speakers, including Pam Rhodes, The Lord Mayor of Westminster and Revd Steve Wild of the Cornwall District, to name but a few, this annual event is not to be missed.

Community singing is from 1.40pm, with the event commencing at 2pm.

Lent course: ‘Opening the Scriptures’

Led by Rev. Richard Grocott

What are the parts of the Bible that set your heart on fire? Join the Lent course to discover more about ‘Opening the Scriptures’ Lewisham Methodist Church Begins Tuesday 10th March at 7.30pm and every Tuesday during Lent

‘Superstar’:The York Lent Course

Led by Rev. Richard Grocott

‘Asking daring questions that give colour to faith’ Eltham Park Methodist Church Begins Wednesday 11th March at 7.45pm and every Wednesday during Lent

Lent Course at Burnt Ash Methodist Church

Rev. Rohama Asif is leading a Lent Course every Wednesday morning in the Memorial Room at 11am. Commencing with an Ashing Service on Wednesday 26th February, then weekly reflections 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March, 1st & 8th April

Lent Course at Forest Hill Methodist Church

Rev. Paul Hulme is leading a Lent Course on the theme 'Belief in the 21st Century'; 7.30pm on Wednesdays 11th, 18th, 25th March and 1st April.

All are welcome Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Brexit Bible Studies in Lent: 2 March - 6 April 2020

Led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom

As Brexit looms, where do we recognise Jesus in the challenging times ahead? How do we stay aware of the presence of God in the midst of our daily experience of the looming Brexit. How do we pray, for our communities, for those we might too easily see as ‘other’, and for ourselves? How do we listen to what God is teaching us in these challenging times?

This Lent, we will be looking at Six Bible Studies for Brexit, put together by the Church of Scotland. There are lots of stories of Jesus meeting with diverse groups of people - people from different backgrounds, with different points of view and attitudes about who the ‘insiders’ or ‘outsiders’ might be. These stories touch on lots of different issues about how we live out our faith and embody our prayers in times of political anxiety.

This series of six Bible stories will include questions for deep exploration and reflection:

2nd March: Jesus Anointed at Bethany (Mark 14 NRSV) 9th March: Jesus at Levi’s table (Luke 5 NRSV) 16th March: The Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge (Luke 18 NRSV) 23rd March: The healing of a demon-possessed

man (Luke 8 NRSV) 30th March: The Mission of the Seventy (Luke 10 NRSV) 6th April: The Canaanite Woman’s Faith

(Matthew 15 NRSV)

Faith does not cease to exist at the threshold of the political chamber, just as politics does not cease to be at the door of the church. It is my prayer that as we spend time reading scripture, we will acknowledge, understand and make room for other points of view, whatever our personal experience is.

2-3.30pm Upper Norwood, Westow Hill, SE19 3PY 8-9.30pm Anerley Methodist Church, Oakfield Road, SE20 8TQ

All Are Welcome

Easter Offering Save 20p a day for World Mission Save for 40 days of Lent; Starting Ash Wednesday 26th February until Good Friday 10th April 2020

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Woven, the London District Theme for 2019-2021, centres on the power of storytelling to transform and renew us in our lifelong discipleship as followers of Christ.

‘Whether or not the stories have happy endings, just by telling the story of how God works in our lives, we bear witness to what God has done and is doing, for us personally.’ Clive Marsh, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference 2019/20

Woven reminds us that there is a grand narrative that God is writing and that by His grace we’re being woven mercifully into His story. We are also inspired by Jesus’s call to live out and confidently share this story with others, interweave our lives with communities around us, so that they too may hear, experience and become part of God’s story. In locating ourselves in God’s story, we also realise there is enough room for others to be part of it and we extend an invitation to them.

1 Thessalonians 2: 8 So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.

The v i s i o n of W o v e n is: • To see increased confidence and ownership of the beautiful weaving of our stories into God’s story

• For God’s story and our faith journeys to be shared confidently within and beyond our church walls regularly and more widely

Woven is in concert with the Methodist Church’s Presidential theme for 2019/20 of So what’s the Story…? which encourages us to learn from other people’s stories and to reflect on our own story.

Circuit Envisioning Day Led by Rev. Nigel Cowgill Saturday 28th March 2020: 10am – 4pm At Lewisham Methodist Church

The day is expected to run from 10am, with two morning sessions, lunch, an afternoon session, communion, and finish around 4pm. The idea is to discuss the changing nature of the Circuit, and look at ways to share the Good news today and tomorrow. Discussion will include the District theme ‘Woven’; and will look at ways the Methodist Church can offer chaplaincy services to the local community … and more!

All Are Welcome

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Marriage & Relationships

As advised in the December Circuit Newsletter, The Methodist Church in Britain is considering redefining marriage to include same-sex partnerships. Discussions are already taking place, and decisions are due to be made at the Methodist Conference in July 2020. Our Circuit is holding a discussion forum at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th March 2020 at Lewisham Methodist Church; to be led by Revd Geoffrey Farrar, who was a member of the Connexional task group that worked for over two years preparing a report and presenting it to conference. All are welcome

Further details and copies of the leaflets ‘Remaining Faithful’, and ‘A Case for Change’ have been sent to your Church Council Secretary. The booklet ‘God in Love Unites Us’ is an important resource and can be ordered from Methodist Publishing For details of discussions taking place within Methodism see:

Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Hill Campus, Oxford, OX2 9AT

[email protected]

Methodist Archives and Collections Update ‘Over 200 years of Methodist portraits’ Latest major digitised resource for the study of Methodist heritage.

Methodist Portrait Prints provides access to over 2,000 historic portraits dating from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. These images chart developments in engraving techniques, to the advent of photography, and beyond. This project draws from the collections of the Wesley Historical Society, and builds on the success of British Methodist Buildings – a digital resource released by the OCMCH in January 2019 that has since been viewed over 300,000 times in less than twelve months

Many of the images in Methodist Portrait Prints are derived from leading Methodist periodicals. From its first publication in 1778, the Arminian Magazine included portrait prints. The Magazine was the initiative and promotional vehicle of John Wesley. In 1798 it became the Methodist Magazine, adding ‘Wesleyan’ to the title from 1822-1932 (when the main British Methodist sub-denominations united), finally closing in 1969. Despite being priced cheaply to achieve wide circulation, the quality of some of the prints is high. These images were often cut out and framed, or mounted into albums, as mementos of the individuals depicted. Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall


Come and experience the lively and joyful music of church bands from the 18th and 19th century, in a concert by the London Gallery Quire

Sunday, 8th March at 3pm

followed by refreshments Admission free with retiring collection Proceeds will be shared between the Quire, Burnt Ash Methodist Church and Lee Oasis

Burnt Ash Methodist Church, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, SE12 0QD

‘WOMEN EMULATING SUSANNA WESLEY (W.E.S.U.W)’ Saturday 21st March 2020; Saturday 18th April 2020 and Saturday 23rd May 2020: 11am-1pm

Venue: Upper Norwood Methodist Church Westow Hill, Upper Norwood, London SE19 1TQ Refreshments will be served

Contact: Nana Ama Brehen Ankah 07957111810 (Wesley Hall)

Circuit website: Deadline for information for next newsletter: 20th May 2020 Articles, posters for forthcoming events etc always welcome Please email details to: [email protected]

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

BLACKHEATH & CRYSTAL PALACE CIRCUIT Easter Offering Service Sunday 17th May 2020, 4.30pm Anerley Methodist Church

Guest preacher: Eve deGraft, President MWiB London District

Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) – London District District President: Ms Eve deGraft Term Theme of Office 2019 - 2021 Living Water In A Parched Land

Your generous donation is graciously received towards • Robes Project: Supporting Homeless people

• Bore Hole Drilling in 3 villages in Northern Ghana to provide clean water May God bless you with everlasting living water Amen If you want to make a bank transfer donation:

Name: Ms Eve DeGraft Sort Code: 60-60-04 Account number: 46 00 21 38

Circuit Forthcoming Events

Mon. 2nd March Daffodil Day 1.40pm-4pm Central Hall Wed. 4th March Marriage & Relationships discussion 7.30pm Lewisham Sun. 8th March London Gallery Quire 3pm Burnt Ash Thur 12th March Circuit Leadership Team meeting 7.30pm Burnt Ash Sat. 14th March ‘Praise Be’ 10am-2.30pm Anerley Sat. 14th March District Safeguarding Conference 10am Central Hall Thurs. 19th March Circuit Meeting 7.45pm Sunfields Sat. 28th March Circuit Envisioning Day 10am-4pm Lewisham Sat. 25th April District Synod 10am Central Hall Sun. 17th May Easter Offering Service 4.30pm Anerley

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Saturday 14th March 10am – 2.30 pm

Join us for Singing (10-11); Fellowship, Activity, and Coffee (11-12.30); a Light Lunch (12.30 – 1.30), and more Singing (1.30-2.30) Come all day or ‘drop in’ Further details from Peter or Margaret

Date for your diary: Anerley’s next ‘Special Saturday’ will be on Saturday 16th May 2020



29th March, 26th April & 31st May 2020 at 3.00pm ELTHAM PARK METHODIST CHURCH Westmount Road SE9 1XX


ADMISSION FREE Refreshments available

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: Forest Hill Methodist Church Sharing friendship, faith and fun

March - May 2020 Tuesday Fellowship, an ecumenical fellowship group, meet at Forest Hill Methodist Church from 2:00 on Tuesdays for refreshments and chat, before we start at 2:30 with a hymn and prayers, then listen to a speaker or have an activity. We do not duplicate what church does. We take a small voluntary offering. All are welcome, as we get to know each other better, make new friends and develop our skills. Please come to Tuesday Fellowship meetings, featuring subjects such as: 3 March 2020 John Glover: Daffodils 10 March 2020 James Faithful: Fire Training 17 March 2020 Jane Moxhay-Baker: Tuesday Tunes 24 March 2020 ‘Bring and Share’ Compère: Elsie Sutherland Getting to know our neighbours: Father Graham Preston: 31 March 2020 St. Peter and the Guardian Angels, Rotherhithe 7 April 2020 Rev. Paul Hulme: Holy Week Meditation (with Bible Study) 14 April 2020 NO MEETING (Easter Week) 21 April 2020 Sue Rhodes: Titanic, Waverley and me (Titanic sank 14-15 April 1918) 28 April 2020 Brenda Onatade: Elmina Castle, Ghana 5 May 2020 Sue Rhodes: Labyrinths (World Labyrinth Day 2nd May 2020) 12 May 2020 Janet Sparks-Samuels, Thames Water: Water Efficiency 19 May 2020 Linda Ryan: Susanna Wesley and the education of her children 26 May 2020 Tuesday Fellowship anniversary celebration



The promoter of Sunday Schools, and the writer/editor of some 400 works, John Wesley sought to educate those in less privileged positions. Wherever the Methodist Movement has spread, it has instituted educational initiatives, schools, colleges, and universities. 300 years ago, John Wesley was elected a scholar of Christ Church, Oxford on 24 June 1720. This conference will reflect on the past 3 centuries, addressing key themes of today, and looking to the future, exploring values and principles which Wesley and early Methodists developed. Hosted on the Harcourt Hill campus of Oxford Brookes University, conference sessions will take place in the original Methodist buildings, whilst accommodation will be in the new, en-suite Westminster Halls. The campus is fully accessible, and all in sight of the historic city of Oxford.

WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE Arrivals & Welcome THURSDAY 18 JUNE Thinking Historical Thinking 'Then' FRIDAY 19 JUNE Thinking Global, Thinking Today. SATURDAY 20 JUNE Thinking Forwards & Departures

FURTHER INFORMATION: EMAIL: [email protected] Or speak to Dr Linda Ryan, Circuit Administrator [email protected]

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Thursday 30th April and Friday 1st May 2020 at 7.45pm Saturday 2nd May at 2.30pm

Burnt Ash Methodist Church Hall Lee, London, SE12 0QD

Tickets £8/£7 concessions Enquiries & Box Office: [email protected]


COLLEGE PARK PLAYERS CPPDRAMA This amateur production is presented by COLLEGEPARKPLAYERS special arrangement with STAGESCRIPTS LTD

Spring Fayre & Plant Sale Burnt Ash Methodist Church Burnt Ash Hill, SE12 0QD Saturday, 16th May 2020

Plants, tea & cake, BBQ, second hand books Gardening/home/gifts/preserves Bric-a Brac and pots 11 am - 1.30 pm (Raffle 1 pm)

ADMISSION 50p (Children free)

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall

Saturday 7th March 2020

Showing Starts at 7pm Spit Spot!

£5 adults £3 children

Refreshments in interval – maybe a spoonful of sugar!!

Come and sing-a-long and have a Wesley Hall supercalifragilisticexpialidocious evening

‘Practically perfect in every way!’ Film Night Ticket enquiries to Sandy Colley Tel 01474 353872


Join the residents of an Old People’s Home as they enjoy the rejuvenating magic of music!

Saturday 6th June 2020 at 3pm Burnt Ash Methodist Church Hall, Lee, SE12 0QD With Martin Cleave at the piano All tickets £7.50 Includes Afternoon Tea and Cakes Served during the interval

Book early to avoid disappointment

Raffle in Aid of Prostate Cancer UK

For information/booking contact: [email protected]

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall


th Maundy Thursday 9 April 2020 12.45-13.45pm Upper Norwood led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom 7.30pm Anerley led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom 7.45pm Eltham Park led by Rev. Richard Grocott 8pm Forest Hill led by Rev. Pam Clews (Please note change of time since preaching plan was printed)

th Good Friday 10 April 2020

9am Lewisham led by Rev. Richard Grocott 9.15am Anerley Reflection led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom 9.30am Burnt Ash Short service led by Beccie North, followed by Walk of Witness to Leegate 10.30am Eltham Park led by Rev. Richard Grocott 10.30am Forest Hill led by Rev. Paul Hulme

(Please note change of time since preaching plan was printed)

10.30am Hither Green led by Rev. Rohama Asif 10.30am Wesley Hall led by Sandra Clifton 3pm Upper Norwood Reflection led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom

Easter Day 12th April 2020 9am Eltham Park led by Rev. Richard Grocott (HC) 9.15am Anerley led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom (HC) 9.30am Wesley Hall led by Rev. Paul Hulme (HC)

10.30am Burnt Ash led by Rev. Rohama Asif (HC) 10.30am Eltham Park led by Garry Young/Joe Koroma 10.30am Hither Green led by Elizabeth Buck 10.30am Lewisham led by Rev. Richard Grocott (HC) 10.30am Sunfields led by Jeannette Warren/Lesley Murray 11am Anerley led by Chris Watkins 11am Forest Hill led by Rev. Paul Hulme (HC) 11am Upper Norwood led by Rev. Abe Konadu-Yiadom (HC)

Anerley Burnt Ash Eltham Park Forest Hill Hither Green Lewisham Sunfields Upper Norwood Wesley Hall