Numbers 16

1 Now , the son of . וַאֲבִ ירָ וְדָ תָ לֵוִ י ־ ֶ קְהָ ת ־ ֶ יִצְהָ ר ־ ֶ קֹרַ ח וִַַ ח 1: 16 u·iqch qrch bn - itzer bn - qeth bn - lui u·dthn u·abirm Izhar, the son of Kohath, the and·he-is-taking Korah son-of Izhar son-of Kohath son-of and·Dathan and·Abiram son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, :[sons of Reuben, took [men : רְ אבֵ ְ נֵי ֶלֶ ת ־ ֶ וְ א אֱלִ יאָ ב ְ נֵי bni aliab u·aun bn - phlth bni raubn : sons-of Eliab and·On son-of Peleth sons-of Reuben

2 And they rose up before חֲמִִ י יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ מְִ נֵי וַאֲנִָ י מֶֹ ה לִפְ נֵי וַָקֻ מ 2: 16 u·iqmu l·phni mshe u·anshim m·bni - ishral chmshim , with certain of the and·they-are-arising to·faces-of Moses and·mortals from·sons-of Israel fifty children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of : ֵ ־ אַנְֵ י מעֵד קְרִ אֵ י עֵדָ ה נְִ יאֵ י מָ אתָ יִ u·mathim nshiai ode qrai muod anshi - shm : renown: and· two-hundreds princes-of congregation called-ones-of appointment mortals-of name

3 And they gathered ־ רַ ב אֲלֵהֶ וַֹאמְ ר אַ הֲרֹ ־ וְ עַל מֶֹ ה ־ עַל וִַָ הֲל 3: 16 u·iqelu ol - mshe u·ol - aern u·iamru al·em rb - themselves together against and·they-are-nassembling on Moses and·on and·they-are-saying to·them much Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, [Ye take] too much upon you, seeing all the congregation יְהוָה בְ תכָ קְ דִֹ י ָֻ הָ עֵדָ ה ־ כָ ל ִ י לָכֶ l·km ki kl - e·ode kl·m qdshim u·b·thuk·m ieue [are] holy, every one of to·you (p) that all-of the·congregation all-of·them holy-ones and·in·midst-of·them Yahweh them, and the LORD [is] among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves : יְהוָה קְהַ ל ־ עַל ִתְ נְַ א מַ עַ u·mduo ththnshau ol - qel ieue : above the congregation of and· for -what-reaon you (p)-are-lifting-up -your selves over assembly-of Yahweh the LORD?

4 And when Moses heard : ָ נָיו ־ עַל וִַֹל מֶֹ ה וְִַמַ ע 4: 16 u·ishmo mshe u·iphl ol - phni·u : [it], he fell upon his face: and·he-is-hearing Moses and·he-is-falling on faces-of·him

5 And he spake unto Korah ֹקֶ ר לֵ אמֹר עֲדָ ת ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ל קֹרַ ח ־ אֶ ל וַיְדַ ֵ ר 5: 16 u·idbr al - qrch u·al - kl - odth·u l·amr bqr and unto all his company, and·he-is-mspeaking to Korah and·to all-of congregation-of·him to·to-say-of morning saying, Even to morrow the LORD will shew who [are] his, and [who is] holy; and will cause [him] to come אֵלָ יו וְהִקְרִ יב הַָ ד ־ וְאֶ ת ל ־ אֲֶ ר ־ אֶ ת יְהוָה וְ יֹדַ ע u·ido ieue ath - ashr - l·u u·ath - e·qdush u·eqrib ali·u near unto him: even [him] and·he-shall-cmake -know n Yahweh » who to·him and·» the·holy-one and·he-cbring s-near to·him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come near unto .him : אֵלָ יו יַקְרִ יב ־ יִבְחַ ר אֲֶ ר וְאֵ ת u·ath ashr ibchr - b·u iqrib ali·u : and·» whom he-is-choosing in·him he-shall-cbring -near to·him

6 This do; Take you : עֲדָ ת ־ וְכָ ל קֹרַ ח מַחְ ת לָכֶ ־ קְ ח עֲ זֹאת 6: 16 zath oshu qchu - l·km mchthuth qrch u·kl - odth·u : censers, Korah, and all his this do-you (p) ! take-you (p) ! for·you (p) firepans Korah and·all-of congregation-of·him company;

7 And put fire therein, and יְהוָה לִפְ נֵי קְ טֹרֶ ת עֲלֵ יהֶ וְִ ימ אֵ בָהֵ תְ נ 7: 16 u·thnu b·en ash u·shimu oli·en qtrth l·phni ieue put incense in them before and·give-you (p) ! in·them fire and·place-you (p) ! on·them incense to·faces-of Yahweh the LORD to morrow: and it shall be [that] the man whom the LORD doth :choose, he [shall be] holy לָכֶ ־ רַ ב הַָ ד הא יְהוָה יִבְחַ ר ־ אֲֶ ר הָאִ י וְהָ יָה מָחָ ר mchr u·eie e·aish ashr - ibchr ieue eua e·qdush rb - l·km [ye take] too much upon to morrow and·he-becomes the·man whom he-shall-choose Yahweh he the·holy-one much to·you (p) you, ye sons of Levi. : לֵוִ י ְ נֵי bni lui : sons-of Levi

8 And Moses said unto : לֵוִ י ְ נֵי נָא ־ ִמְ ע קֹרַ ח ־ אֶ ל מֶֹ ה וַֹאמֶ ר 8: 16 u·iamr mshe al - qrch shmou - na bni lui : Korah, Hear, I pray you, ye and·he-is-saying Moses to Korah listen-you (p) ! please ! sons-of Levi sons of Levi:

9 Seemeth it but] a small] מֵ עֲדַ ת אֶתְ כֶ יְִרָ אֵ ל אֱהֵ י הִבְִ יל ־ ִ י מִ ֶ הַמְ עַט 9: 16 e·mot m·km ki - ebdil alei ishral ath·km m·odth thing unto you, that the God ?·little from·you (p) that he-cseparated Elohim-of Israel »·you (p) from·congregation-of of Israel hath separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to himself to do the service of יְהוָה מְִ ַ עֲבֹדַ ת ־ אֶ ת לַעֲבֹד אֵלָ יו אֶתְ כֶ לְהַקְרִ יב יְִרָ אֵ ל ishral l·eqrib ath·km ali·u l·obd ath - obdth mshkn ieue the tabernacle of the LORD, Israel to·to-cbring -near-of »·you (p) to·him to·to-serve-of » service-of tabernacle-of Yahweh and to stand before the congregation to minister ?unto them : לְ ָרְ תָ הָ עֵדָ ה לִפְ נֵי וְלַעֲמֹד u·l·omd l·phni e·ode l·shrth·m : and·to·to-stand-of to·faces-of the·congregation to·to-mminister-of·them

10 And he hath brought thee אִָ לֵוִ י ־ בְ נֵי אַחֶ י ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת אֹתְ וַַקְרֵ ב 10: 16 u·iqrb ath·k u·ath - kl - achi·k bni - lui ath·k near [to him], and all thy and·he-is-cbring ing-near »·you and·» all-of brothers-of·you sons-of Levi with ·you brethren the sons of Levi

WLC : WLC_v 1.1 / WLC_tm 1.0 / CHES 2.0 AV © 2008 Scripture4all Foundation - Numbers 16 with thee: and seek ye the ?priesthood also : ְהֻ ָה ־ ַ בְִֶַ u·bqshthm gm - kene : and·you (p)-mseek even priesthood

11 [For which cause [both וְאַ הֲרֹ יְהוָה ־ עַל הַ ֹעָדִ י עֲדָ תְ ־ וְכָ ל אַָ ה לָכֵ 11: 16 lkn athe u·kl - odth·k e·nodim ol - ieue u·aern thou and all thy company therefore you and·all-of congregation-of·you the·ones-being-set on Yahweh and·Aaron [are] gathered together K Q against the LORD: and what [is] Aaron, that ye ?murmur against him : עָלָ יו תִַ ינ תִ נ ִ י הא ־ מַ ה me - eua ki thlunu thlinu oli·u : what ? he that you (p)-are-nmurmuring you (p)-are-cmurmuring on·him

12 And Moses sent to call . אֱלִ יאָ ב ְ נֵי וְלַאֲבִ ירָ לְדָ תָ לִקְ רֹא מֶֹ ה וְִַ לַ ח 12: 16 u·ishlch mshe l·qra l·dthn u·l·abirm bni aliab Dathan and Abiram, the and·he-is-sending Moses to·to-call-of to·Dathan and·to·Abiram sons-of Eliab sons of Eliab: which said, We will not come up: : נַעֲלֶ ה לֹא וַֹאמְ ר u·iamru la nole : and·they-are-saying not we-shall-come -up

13 Is it] a small thing that] לַהֲמִ יתֵ נ דְ בַ חָלָ ב זָבַ ת מֵאֶרֶ הֶ עֱלִ יתָ נ ִ י הַמְ עַט 13: 16 e·mot ki eolith·nu m·artz zbth chlb u·dbsh l·emith·nu thou hast brought us up out ?·little that you-cbrought -up·us from·land gushing-of milk and·honey to·to-cput-to -death·us of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a : הְִָרֵ ר ־ ַ עָלֵ ינ תְִָרֵ ר ־ ִ י ִַדְ ָ ר b·mdbr ki - thshthrr oli·nu gm - eshthrr : prince over us? in· the ·wilderness that you-are-mak ing-your self-chief over·us moreover to-make-your self-chief

14 Moreover thou hast not לָ נ ־ וִַ ֶ הֲבִ יאֹתָ נ דְ בַ חָלָ ב זָבַ ת אֶרֶ ־ אֶ ל לֹא אַ 14: 16 aph la al - artz zbth chlb u·dbsh ebiath·nu u·ththn - l·nu brought us into a land that indeed not to land gushing-of milk and·honey you-cbrought·us and·you-are-giving to·us floweth with milk and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards: wilt thou put out לֹא ְ נֵַ ר הָהֵ הָ אֲנִָ י הַ עֵ ינֵי וָכָרֶ ָדֶ ה נַחֲלַ ת nchlth shde u·krm e·oini e·anshim e·em thnqr la the eyes of these men? we allotment-of field and·vineyard ?·eyes-of the·mortals the·they you-are-mpicking-out not will not come up. : נַעֲלֶ ה nole : we-shall-come -up

15 And Moses was very ־ אַ ל יְהוָה ־ אֶ ל וַֹאמֶ ר מְ אֹד לְ מֶֹ ה וִַחַ ר 15: 16 u·ichr l·mshe mad u·iamr al - ieue al - wroth, and said unto the and·he-is-be ing-hot to·Moses exceedingly and·he-is-saying to Yahweh must-not -be LORD, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of וְ לֹא נָָ אתִ י מֵהֶ אֶחָ ד חֲמר לֹא מִ נְחָתָ ־ אֶ ל ֵפֶ thphn al - mnchth·m la chmur achd m·em nshathi u·la them. you-are-facing-about to present-offering -of·them not donkey one from·them I-lifted and·not

: מֵהֶ אַחַ ד ־ אֶ ת הֲרֵ עֹתִ י erothi ath - achd m·em : I-cdid -evil » one from·them

16 And Moses said unto הֱי עֲדָ תְ ־ וְכָ ל אַָ ה קֹרַ ח ־ אֶ ל מֶֹ ה וַֹאמֶ ר 16: 16 u·iamr mshe al - qrch athe u·kl - odth·k eiu Korah, Be thou and all thy and·he-is-saying Moses to Korah you and·all-of congregation-of·you become-you (p) ! company before the LORD, thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow: : מָחָ ר וְאַ הֲרֹ וָהֵ אַָ ה יְהוָה לִפְ נֵי l·phni ieue athe u·em u·aern mchr : to·faces-of Yahweh you and·they and·Aaron to morrow

17 And take every man his וְהִקְרַ בְֶ קְ טֹרֶ ת עֲלֵ יהֶ נְתֶַ מַחְ ָ ת אִ י קְ ח 17: 16 u·qchu aish mchthth·u u·nththm oli·em qtrth u·eqrbthm censer, and put incense in and·take-you (p) ! man firepan-of·him and·you (p)-give on·them incense and·you (p)-cbring -near them, and bring ye before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also, and אִ י וְאַ הֲרֹ וְאַָ ה מַחְ ֹת מָ אתַ יִ חֲמִִ י מַחְ ָ ת אִ י יְהוָה לִפְ נֵי l·phni ieue aish mchthth·u chmshim u·mathim mchthth u·athe u·aern aish Aaron, each [of you] his to·faces-of Yahweh man firepan-of·him fifty and· two-hundreds firepans and·you and·Aaron man censer. : מַחְ ָ ת mchthth·u : firepan-of·him

18 And they took every man אֵ עֲלֵ יהֶ וְִַ נ מַחְ ָ ת אִ י וִַקְ ח 18: 16 u·iqchu aish mchthth·u u·ithnu oli·em ash his censer, and put fire in and·they-are-taking man firepan-of·him and·they-are-giving on·them fire them, and laid incense thereon, and stood in the door of the tabernacle of the congregation with Moses מעֵד אֹהֶ ל ֶתַ ח וַַעַמְ ד קְ טֹרֶ ת עֲלֵ יהֶ וִַָ ימ u·ishimu oli·em qtrth u·iomdu phthch ael muod and Aaron. and·they-are-placing on·them incense and·they-are-standing opening-of tent-of appointment

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: וְאַ הֲרֹ מֶֹ ה u·mshe u·aern : and·Moses and·Aaron

19 And Korah gathered all אֹהֶ ל ֶתַ ח ־ אֶ ל הָ עֵדָ ה ־ ָ ל ־ אֶ ת קֹרַ ח עֲלֵ יהֶ וַַקְהֵ ל 19: 16 u·iqel oli·em qrch ath - kl - e·ode al - phthch ael the congregation against and·he-is-cassembling on·them Korah » all-of the·congregation to opening-of tent-of them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto פ : הָ עֵדָ ה ־ ָ ל ־ אֶ ל יְהוָה ־ כְ בד וֵַרָ א מעֵד muod u·ira kbud - ieue al - kl - e·ode : p all the congregation. appointment and·he-is-nappearing glory-of Yahweh to all-of the·congregation

20 And the LORD spake : לֵ אמֹר אַ הֲרֹ ־ וְאֶ ל מֶֹ ה ־ אֶ ל יְהוָה וַיְדַ ֵ ר 20: 16 u·idbr ieue al - mshe u·al - aern l·amr : unto Moses and unto Aaron, and·he-is-mspeaking Yahweh to Moses and·to Aaron to·to-say-of saying,

21 Separate yourselves from אֹתָ וַאַכֶַ ה הַ ֹאת הָ עֵדָ ה מִ הִָדְ ל 21: 16 ebdlu m·thuk e·ode e·zath u·akle ath·m among this congregation, be-separated-you (p)! from·midst-of the·congregation the·this and·I-shall-mfinish »·them that I may consume them in a moment. : ְרָ גַע k·rgo : as·moment

22 And they fell upon their הָ רחֹת אֱהֵ י אֵ ל וַֹאמְ ר ְ נֵיהֶ ־ עַל וְִַ ל 22: 16 u·iphlu ol - phni·em u·iamru al alei e·ruchth faces, and said, O God, the and·they-are-falling on faces-of·them and·they-are-saying El Elohim-of the·spirits God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all ?the congregation הָ עֵדָ ה ־ ָ ל וְ עַל יֶחֱטָ א אֶחָ ד הָאִ י ָ ָ ר ־ לְ כָ ל l·kl - bshr e·aish achd ichta u·ol kl - e·ode for·all-of flesh the·man one he-is-sinning and·on all-of the·congregation

פ : ִקְ צֹ thqtzph : p you-shall-be -wrath ful

23 And the LORD spake . : ֵ אמֹר מֶֹ ה ־ אֶ ל יְהוָה וַיְדַ ֵ ר 23: 16 u·idbr ieue al - mshe l·amr : unto Moses, saying, and·he-is-mspeaking Yahweh to Moses to·to-say-of

24 Speak unto the מִָבִ יב הֵ עָל לֵ אמֹר הָ עֵדָ ה ־ אֶ ל ַ ֵ ר 24: 16 dbr al - e·ode l·amr eolu m·sbib congregation, saying, Get mspeak-you ! to the·congregation to·to-say-of move -on-you (p) ! from·round-about you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. : וַאֲבִ ירָ ָ תָ קֹרַ ח ־ לְמְִ ַ l·mshkn - qrch dthn u·abirm : to·tabernacle-of Korah Dathan and·Abiram

25 And Moses rose up and אַ חֲרָ יו וֵַלְ כ וַאֲבִ ירָ ָ תָ ־ אֶ ל וֵַלֶ מֶֹ ה וַָקָ 25: 16 u·iqm mshe u·ilk al - dthn u·abirm u·ilku achri·u went unto Dathan and and·he-is-rising Moses and·he-is-going to Dathan and·Abiram and·they-are-going after·him Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him. : יְִרָ אֵ ל זִקְ נֵי zqni ishral : old-ones-of Israel

26 And he spake unto the מֵ עַל נָא סר לֵ אמֹר הָ עֵדָ ה ־ אֶ ל וַיְדַ ֵ ר 26: 16 u·idbr al - e·ode l·amr suru na m·ol congregation, saying, and·he-is-mspeaking to the·congregation to·to-say-of withdraw-you (p) ! please ! from·on Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all ־ ְ כָ ל ִ ְע ־ וְאַ ל הָאֵֶ ה הָרְ ָעִ י הָ אֲנִָ י אָ הֳלֵ י aeli e·anshim e·rshoim e·ale u·al - thgou b·kl - their sins. tents-of the·mortals the·wicked-ones the·these and·must-not -be you (p)-are-touching in·any thing

: חַ ֹאתָ ־ ְ כָ ל ִָ פ ־ ֶ לָהֶ אֲֶ ר ashr l·em phn - thsphu b·kl - chtath·m : which to·them lest you (p)-shall-be-swept-up in·all-of sins-of·them

27 So they gat up from the מִָבִ יב וַאֲבִ ירָ ָ תָ קֹרֶ ח ־ מְִ ַ מֵ עַל וֵַעָל 27: 16 u·iolu m·ol mshkn - qrch dthn u·abirm m·sbib tabernacle of Korah, and·they-are-nmov ing-on from·on tabernacle-of Korah Dathan and·Abiram from·round-about Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood ,in the door of their tents אָ הֳלֵ יהֶ ֶתַ ח נִָבִ י יָצְ א וַאֲבִ ירָ וְדָ תָ u·dthn u·abirm itzau ntzbim phthch aeli·em and their wives, and their and·Dathan and·Abiram they-went-forth ones-standing-up opening-of tents-of·them sons, and their little children. : וְטַָ בְ נֵיהֶ נְֵ יהֶ u·nshi·em u·bni·em u·tph·m : and·women-of·them and·sons-of·them and·tot-of·them

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28 And Moses said, Hereby אֵ ת לַעֲת ְ לָחַנִ י יְהוָה ־ ִ י ֵדְ ע ְ זֹאת מֶֹ ה וַֹאמֶ ר 28: 16 u·iamr mshe b·zath thdou·n ki - ieue shlch·ni l·oshuth ath ye shall know that the and·he-is-saying Moses in·this you (p)-shall-know that Yahweh he-sent·me to·to-do-of » LORD hath sent me to do all these works; for [I have] not [done them] of mine .own mind : מִִִ י לֹא ־ ִ י הָאֵֶ ה הַַ עֲִ י ־ ָ ל kl - e·moshim e·ale ki - la m·lb·i : all-of the·deeds the·these that not from·heart-of·me

29 If these men die the ־ ָ ל פְקַֻ ת אֵֶ ה יְמֻ ת הָאָדָ ־ ָ ל ְ מת ־ אִ 29: 16 am - k·muth kl - e·adm imthu·n ale u·phqdth kl - common death of all men, if as·death-of every-of the·human they-are-dying these and·visitation-of every-of or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; [then] the LORD hath not sent me. : ְ לָחָנִ י יְהוָה לֹא עֲלֵ יהֶ יִָקֵ ד הָאָדָ e·adm iphqd oli·em la ieue shlch·ni : the·human he-shall-be-visited on·them not Yahweh he-sent·me

30 But if the LORD make a ִ יהָ ־ אֶ ת הָ אֲדָ מָ ה פָצְתָ ה יְהוָה יִבְרָ א ְרִ יאָ ה ־ וְאִ 30: 16 u·am - briae ibra ieue u·phtzthe e·adme ath - phi·e new thing, and the earth and·if creation he-is-creating Yahweh and·she-opens-wide the·ground » mouth-of·her open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that [appertain] unto them, and they go down quick ְ אֹלָ ה חִַ י וְ יָרְ ד לָהֶ אֲֶ ר ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת אֹתָ בָלְ עָה u·bloe ath·m u·ath - kl - ashr l·em u·irdu chiim shal·e into the pit; then ye shall and·she-swallows-up »·them and·» all-of which to·them and·they-descend ones-alive unseen·ward understand that these men have provoked the LORD. : יְהוָה ־ אֶ ת הָאֵֶ ה הָ אֲנִָ י נִאֲצ ִ י וִ ידַ עְֶ u·idothm ki natzu e·anshim e·ale ath - ieue : and·you (p)-know that they-mspurned the·mortals the·these » Yahweh

31 And it came to pass, as הָאֵֶ ה הְַ בָרִ י ־ ָ ל אֵ ת לְדַ ֵ ר ְ כַ ת וַיְהִ י 31: 16 u·iei k·klth·u l·dbr ath kl - e·dbrim e·ale he had made an end of and·he-is-becoming as·to-mfinish-of·him to·to-mspeak-of » all-of the·words the·these speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that [was] under :them : ַחְ ֵ יהֶ אֲֶ ר הָ אֲדָ מָ ה וִַָקַ ע u·thbqo e·adme ashr thchthi·em : and·she-is-being-rent the·ground which under·them

32 And the earth opened her ־ וְאֶ ת אֹתָ וִַבְ לַ ע ִ יהָ ־ אֶ ת הָאָרֶ וִַפְַ ח 32: 16 u·thphthch e·artz ath - phi·e u·thblo ath·m u·ath - mouth, and swallowed them and·she-is-opening the·earth » mouth-of·her and·she-is-swallowing-up »·them and·» up, and their houses, and all the men that [appertained] unto Korah, and all [their] .goods : הָרֲ כ ־ ָ ל וְאֵ ת לְ קֹרַ ח אֲֶ ר הָאָדָ ־ ָ ל וְאֵ ת ֵָ יהֶ bthi·em u·ath kl - e·adm ashr l·qrch u·ath kl - e·rkush : house hold s-of·them and·» every-of the·human who to·Korah and·» all-of the·good s

33 They, and all that ְ אֹלָ ה חִַ י לָהֶ אֲֶ ר ־ וְכָ ל הֵ וֵַרְ ד 33: 16 u·irdu em u·kl - ashr l·em chiim shal·e [appertained] to them, went and·they-are-descending they and·all-of which to·them ones-alive unseen·ward down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from .among the congregation : הַָהָ ל מִ וַֹאבְ ד הָאָרֶ עֲלֵ יהֶ וְַ כַ ס u·thks oli·em e·artz u·iabdu m·thuk e·qel : and·she-is-mcovering over·them the·earth and·they-are-perishing from·midst-of the·assembly

34 [And all Israel that [were ־ ֶ אָמְ ר ִ י לְ קֹלָ נָס סְבִ יבֹתֵ יהֶ אֲֶ ר יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל 34: 16 u·kl - ishral ashr sbibthi·em nsu l·ql·m ki amru phn - round about them fled at the and·all-of Israel who round-about·them they-fled to·voice-of·them that they-said lest cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up [also]. : הָאָרֶ ִבְ לָעֵנ thblo·nu e·artz : she-shall-swallow-up·us the·earth

35 And there came out a . הַ חֲמִִ י אֵ ת וַֹאכַ ל יְהוָה מֵאֵ ת יָצְ אָ ה וְאֵ 35: 16 u·ash itzae m·ath ieue u·thakl ath e·chmshim fire from the LORD, and and·fire she-came -forth from· with Yahweh and·she-is-devouring » the·fifty consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense. פ : הְַ טֹרֶ ת מַקְרִ יבֵ י אִ י מָ אתַ יִ u·mathim aish mqribi e·qtrth : p and· two-hundreds man ones-cbring ing-near-of the·incense

36 And the LORD spake : ֵ אמֹר מֶֹ ה ־ אֶ ל יְהוָה וַיְדַ ֵ ר (17:1) 36: 16 u·idbr ieue al - mshe l·amr : unto Moses, saying, and·he-is-mspeaking Yahweh to Moses to·to-say-of

37 Speak unto Eleazar the ־ אֶ ת וְ יָרֵ הַ ֹהֵ אַ הֲרֹ ־ ֶ אֶלְ עָזָר ־ אֶ ל אֱמֹר (17:2) 37: 16 amr al - alozr bn - aern e·ken u·irm ath - son of Aaron the priest, that say-you ! to Eleazar son-of Aaron the·priest and·he-shall-craise-up » he take up the censers out of the burning, and scatter thou the fire yonder; for .they are hallowed ִ י הָלְ אָ ה ־ זְרֵ ה הָאֵ ־ וְאֶ ת הְַרֵ פָ ה מִֵ י הַַחְ ֹת e·mchthth m·bin e·shrphe u·ath - e·ash zre - elae ki the·firepans from·between the·burning-place and·» the·fire toss-you ! yonder that

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: קָדֵ qdshu : they-are -holy

38 The censers of these אֹתָ וְ עָ ְ נַפְ ֹתָ הָאֵֶ ה הַחַָאִ י מַחְ ת אֵ ת (17:3) 38: 16 ath mchthuth e·chtaim e·ale b·nphshth·m u·oshu ath·m sinners against their own » firepans-of the·sinful-ones the·these in·souls-of·them and·they-make do »·them souls, let them make them broad plates [for] a covering of the altar: for they offered them before the יְהוָה ־ לִפְ נֵי הִקְרִ יבֻ ־ ִ י לִַ זְֵחַ צִ י פַחִ י רִ ֻ עֵ י rqoi phchim tzphui l·mzbch ki - eqrib·m l·phni - ieue LORD, therefore they are ones-stamped-of foils overlay for· the ·altar that they-cbrought -near·them to·faces-of Yahweh hallowed: and they shall be a sign unto the children of .Israel : יְִרָ אֵ ל לִבְ נֵי לְ את וְ יִהְ י וִַקְָ u·iqdshu u·ieiu l·auth l·bni ishral : and·they-shall-be -holy and·they-shall-become to·sign to·sons-of Israel

39 And Eleazar the priest אֲֶ ר הַ ְחֶֹ ת מַחְ ת אֵ ת הַ ֹהֵ אֶלְ עָזָר וִַַ ח (17:4) 39: 16 u·iqch alozr e·ken ath mchthuth e·nchshth ashr took the brasen censers, and·he-is-taking Eleazar the·priest » firepans-of the·copper which wherewith they that were burnt had offered; and they were made broad [plates :for] a covering of the altar : לִַ זְֵחַ צִ י וַיְרַ ְ ע הְַרֻ פִ י הִקְרִ יב eqribu e·shrphim u·irqou·m tzphui l·mzbch : they-cbrought -near the·ones-being-burned and·they-are-mstamping·them overlay for· the ·altar

40 To be] a memorial unto] אֲֶ ר זָר אִ י יִקְרַ ב ־ לֹא אֲֶ ר לְמַ עַ יְִרָ אֵ ל לִבְ נֵי זִָ ר (17:5) 40: 16 zkrun l·bni ishral lmon ashr la - iqrb aish zr ashr the children of Israel, that reminder for·sons-of Israel so-that which not he-shall-come -near man alien who no stranger, which [is] not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer incense before the LORD; that he be not as יִהְ יֶה ־ וְ לֹא יְהוָה לִפְ נֵי קְ טֹרֶ ת לְהַקְטִ יר הא אַ הֲרֹ מִ ֶרַ ע לֹא la m·zro aern eua l·eqtir qtrth l·phni ieue u·la - ieie Korah, and as his company: not from·seed-of Aaron he to·to-cfume-of incense to·faces-of Yahweh and·not he-shall-become as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses. : ל מֶֹ ה ־ ְ יַד יְהוָה ִ ֶ ר ַאֲֶ ר וְכַעֲדָ ת כְ קֹרַ ח k·qrch u·k·odth·u k·ashr dbr ieue b·id - mshe l·u : as·Korah and·as·congregation-of·him as·which he-mspoke Yahweh in·hand-of Moses to·him

41 But on the morrow all . ־ עַל מִָ חֳרָ ת יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ ְ נֵי עֲדַ ת ־ ָ ל וִַ נ (17:6) 41: 16 u·ilnu kl - odth bni - ishral m·mchrth ol - the congregation of the and·they-are-nmurmuring all-of congregation-of sons-of Israel from·morrow on children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the people of the : יְהוָה עַ ־ אֶ ת הֲמִ ֶ אֶַ לֵ אמֹר אַ הֲרֹ ־ וְ עַל מֶֹ ה mshe u·ol - aern l·amr athm emthm ath - om ieue : LORD. Moses and·on Aaron to·to-say-of you (p) you (p)-cput-to -death » people-of Yahweh

42 ,And it came to pass אַ הֲרֹ ־ וְ עַל מֶֹ ה ־ עַל הָ עֵדָ ה ְהִָהֵ ל וַיְהִ י (17:7) 42: 16 u·iei b·eqel e·ode ol - mshe u·ol - aern when the congregation was and·he-is-becoming in·to-nassemble-of the·congregation on Moses and·on Aaron gathered against Moses and against Aaron, that they looked toward the tabernacle of the הֶ עָנָ כִָ ה וְהִ ֵה מעֵד אֹהֶ ל ־ אֶ ל וִַפְ נ u·iphnu al - ael muod u·ene kse·u e·onn congregation: and, behold, and·they-are-facing-about to tent-of appointment and·behold ! he-mcovered·him the·cloud the cloud covered it, and the glory of the LORD .appeared : יְהוָה ְ בד וֵַרָ א u·ira kbud ieue : and·he-is-nappearing glory-of Yahweh

43 And Moses and Aaron פ : מעֵד אֹהֶ ל ְ נֵי ־ אֶ ל וְאַ הֲרֹ מֶֹ ה וַָבֹא (17:8) 43: 16 u·iba mshe u·aern al - phni ael muod : p came before the tabernacle and·he-is-coming Moses and·Aaron to faces-of tent-of appointment of the congregation.

44 And the LORD spake : ֵ אמֹר מֶֹ ה ־ אֶ ל יְהוָה וַיְדַ ֵ ר (17:9) 44: 16 u·idbr ieue al - mshe l·amr : unto Moses, saying, and·he-is-mspeaking Yahweh to Moses to·to-say-of

45 Get you up from among וַאֲכֶַ ה הַ ֹאת הָ עֵדָ ה מִ הֵ רֹ (17:10) 45: 16 ermu m·thuk e·ode e·zath u·akle this congregation, that I nrise -high-you (p) ! from·midst-of the·congregation the·this and·I-shall-mfinish may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces. : ְ נֵיהֶ ־ עַל וְִַ ל ְרָ גַע אֹתָ ath·m k·rgo u·iphlu ol - phni·em : »·them as·moment and·they-are-falling on faces-of·them

46 And Moses said unto ־ וְתֶ הַַחְ ָ ה ־ אֶ ת קַ ח אַ הֲרֹ ־ אֶ ל מֶֹ ה וַֹאמֶ ר (17:11) 46: 16 u·iamr mshe al - aern qch ath - e·mchthe u·thn - Aaron, Take a censer, and and·he-is-saying Moses to Aaron take-you ! » the·firepan and·give-you ! put fire therein from off the altar, and put on incense, and go quickly unto the congregation, and make an ־ אֶ ל מְהֵרָ ה וְ הלֵ קְ טֹרֶ ת וְִ י הִַ זְֵחַ מֵ עַל אֵ עָלֶ יהָ oli·e ash m·ol e·mzbch u·shim qtrth u·eulk mere al - atonement for them: for on·her fire from·on the·altar and·place-you ! incense and· cgo-you ! hastily to

WLC : WLC_v 1.1 / WLC_tm 1.0 / CHES 2.0 AV © 2008 Scripture4all Foundation - Numbers 16 - Numbers 17 there is wrath gone out from the LORD; the plague is הֶַצֶ יָצָ א ־ ִ י עֲלֵ יהֶ וְכֵַ ר הָ עֵדָ ה e·ode u·kphr oli·em ki - itza e·qtzph begun. the·congregation and·make-propitiatory -shelter-you ! over·them that he-go es-forth the·wrath

: הַ ָגֶ הֵחֵ ל יְהוָה מִִפְ נֵי m·l·phni ieue echl e·ngph : from·to·faces-of Yahweh he-cstarted the·stroke

47 And Aaron took as ־ אֶ ל וַָרָ מֶֹ ה ִ ֶ ר ַאֲֶ ר אַ הֲרֹ וִַַ ח (17:12) 47: 16 u·iqch aern k·ashr dbr mshe u·irtz al - thuk Moses commanded, and ran and·he-is-taking Aaron as·which he-mspoke Moses and·he-is-running to midst-of into the midst of the congregation; and, behold, the plague was begun among the people: and he הְַ טֹרֶ ת ־ אֶ ת וִֵַ ָ עָ הַ ֶגֶ הֵחֵ ל וְהִ ֵה הַָהָ ל e·qel u·ene echl e·ngph b·om u·ithn ath - e·qtrth put on incense, and made an the·assembly and·behold ! he-cstarted the·stroke in· the ·people and·he-is-giving » the·incense atonement for the people. : הָ עָ ־ עַל וַיְכֵַ ר u·ikphr ol - e·om : and·he-is-making-propitiatory -shelter over the·people

48 And he stood between הַחִַ י בֵ י הֵַתִ י ־ ֵ י וַַעֲמֹד (17:13) 48: 16 u·iomd bin - e·mthim u·bin e·chiim the dead and the living; and and·he-is-standing between the·ones-be ing-dead and·between the·living-ones the plague was stayed.

: הַַ ֵפָ ה וֵַ עָצַ ר u·thotzr e·mgphe : and·she-is-being-restrained the·stroke

49 Now they that died in the ְבַ ע אֶלֶ עָָ ר אַרְ ָ עָה ַַ ֵפָ ה הֵַתִ י וִַהְ י (17:14) 49: 16 u·ieiu e·mthim b·mgphe arboe oshr alph u·shbo plague were fourteen and·they-were bc the·ones-be ing-dead in· the ·stroke four ten thousand and·seven-of thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of .Korah : קֹרַ ח ־ ְ בַ ר ־ עַל הֵַתִ י מְִבַ ד מֵ את mauth m·l·bd e·mthim ol - dbr - qrch : hundreds from·to·aside-of the·ones-be ing-dead over matter-of Korah

50 And Aaron returned unto מעֵד אֹהֶ ל ֶתַ ח ־ אֶ ל מֶֹ ה ־ אֶ ל אַ הֲרֹ וַָָ ב (17:15) 50: 16 u·ishb aern al - mshe al - phthch ael muod Moses unto the door of the and·he-is-returning Aaron to Moses to opening-of tent-of appointment tabernacle of the congregation: and the plague was stayed. פ : נֶעֱצָרָ ה וְהַַ ֵפָ ה u·e·mgphe notzre : p and·the·stroke she-was-restrained

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