130th MEETING, 30 NOVEMBER 2012

Present: Dr Clare Backes (Chairperson) Stewart Robertson Doug Baker Kori Hutana Terry Scott Kim Thomas Dr Mike Legge Paula Sheridan

In Attendance: Chris Hickford (Community Support Manager), 9.15am onwards Mary-Anne Thorpe (Board Support Officer) *Wayne Costello (Area Office) *Marie Long (Manager, Planning and Permissions, National Office)

*Denotes partial attendance 9.15am – 12.30pm)

C Backes welcomed Board members and co-opted member Paula Sheridan to her first Board meeting, which opened at 8.30am.

Kim Thomas said a Karakia.

The meeting was adjourned at 10.40am for morning tea and reconvened at 10.50am. Lunch was taken between 12.30pm and 1.15pm. The Board continued into the afternoon with the meeting concluding at 3.00pm.

1.0 Apologies Apologies were received from J Jones, M Slater, and C Auchinvole.

‘Moved that apologies be sustained.’ K Thomas/S Robertson Carried unanimously

2.0 Agenda Confirmation, Timetable and Declarations of Conflict of Interest Chairperson advised Ngai Tahu Tourism would be addressing the Board at 11.45am. D Neale was unable to attend this meeting to report on local/national marine perspectives. BSO to invite D Neale to next meeting. ACTION: BSO

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3.0 Confirmation of Minutes from 21 September 2012 meeting Confirmation of the unconfirmed minutes.

Resolution: ‘That the minutes of the meeting of 21 September 2012, having been previously circulated to the full Board, be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting, subject to any corrections.’ C Backes/M Legge Carried unanimously

Note: The confirmed minutes sent and posted on the Board’s webpage.

4.0 Matters Arising Follow up on actions from previous meeting

4.1.2 Proposed Waitaha Hydro Scheme - Westpower advised the Board of their decision to proceed with Option B where the water intake is located at the top of the Morgan Gorge. Westpower have indicated they will inform the Board of future progress. The Board will be interested to see the outcome for protection of the bats.

4.1.3 Board replied to the NZCA requesting them to initiate a Section 8 process under the National Parks Act to include Mokihinui River and its catchment area into the Kahurangi National Park. The Board’s letter expressed their concern that the Department had been asked to investigate the mineral content in the area.

4.1.4 The Board requested the NZCA to direct the Department to investigate the placing of the Denniston Plateau into an ecological area as defined by the Conservation Act under Part 4. Both Nelson Marlborough, and Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Boards’ have expressed their support for a greater level of protection for this area. Presently at court and S Robertson suggested Board may be a party to appeal at the hearing.

C Backes and S Robertson had met with J Stratford and I Gruner from DOC to discuss possible protection of Denniston plateau. The Board used the information in their letter to the NZCA.

Resolution: ‘Moved that letters to Minister of Conservation re co-opted member, Westpower re proposed hydro electric scheme, and both letters to NZCA regarding Mokihinui protection and request for investigation into placing Denniston Plateau into an ecological area be ratified. C Backes/S Robertson Carried unanimously

5.0 Correspondence Correspondence Schedule Board members asked for the NZCA Minutes to be included in future Board papers. ACTION: BSO

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Resolution: “That the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards approved. C Backes/K Thomas Carried unanimously

6.0 Statutory Planning 6.1 M Legge spoke to his letter to Minister of Primary Industries (MPI) on New Zealand’s vote at the recent IUCN Meeting. The Minister for Primary Industries replied that the IUCN conference was not accurately reported on by some media. He said that the public had misunderstood their rationale. MPI suggested Board make a submission on Maui Dolphin Threat Management Plan.

6.2 M Legge on behalf of the Board, made a submission on the Maui Dolphin Threat Management Plan. It was along the same principles for Hector’s dolphin. Maui needs more protection so it does not become extinct.

6.3 S Robertson explained the reasoning in his letter to Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) enquiring about their responsibilities in the glacier region. In CAA reply, they advised the Board that commercial aircraft operators conducting flights in Westland National Park are subject to CAA certification and on-going monitoring. The monitoring conducted by the CAA utilises risk based tools to ensure CAA resources are appropriately targeted at safety risk. In answer to the regulatory question, CAA advised the low level of airspace around the Westland National Park is class G uncontrolled airspace with a Mandatory Broadcast Zone (MBZ). The uncontrolled airspace means that aircraft operators are not subject to positive air traffic control in this area. The MBZ requirements mean that operators must broadcast their intentions on the established radio frequency and keep a listening watch for other traffic to avoid traffic conflict. The CAA believes that the current MBZ is appropriate, but will continue to monitor the situation. S Robertson said his questions had been answered.

West Coast Air Users Group have flight plans in the Park. The Department monitor flight paths from concessionaires, companies etc. The Air Users Group appears to be struggling to get members to meetings.

6.3 Westland National Park Management Plan Partial Review update S Robertson told Board members that due to the retreat and advance of the glacier and constraints on current roading, a partial review of the Westland National Park Management Plan (WNPMP) was necessary. However the proposed formed route has potential to adversely affect valley walkers and the plan needs to be more flexible to allow for a variety of access options to be considered. The proposed formed route would be more for the benefit of a concessionaire rather than public use. There could be resistance to a formed route and extra flights, with lower landings. S Robertson thought that the landing sites should be higher up the glaciers so that the aircraft did not have to descend so rapidly or as close to the terminal face.

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On 25 July 2012 the Board Planning Committee visited the Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers and walked to both terminal faces. C Backes and S Robertson met with I Wightwick (DOC) and suggested there was not much support for the road.

S Robertson provided a short video presentation of the Board Planning Committee’s flight over the glaciers which gave other Board members a better insight to what is happening at the glaciers.

The draft review calling for submissions will be notified on 5 December 2012 and will close on 20 February 2013.

The big issues have not yet been addressed with regard to walkers/vehicles/helicopters all within the National Park. D Baker said the question needs to be asked - were these valleys going to be developed or should they stay as they are. Buses would cause a massive problem with noise, dust etc. T Scott said the first unnatural disturbance to the glaciers was the introduction of helicopters which had completely changed the experience. He was stunned at how much the valley had changed over the years. C Backes said that we couldn’t begin to know what would happen in the future with the glacier. The current track was well formed for visitors to walk to the glacier.

M Legge noticed a huge mix of people visiting the glacier. The West Coast is not within a lot of visitors possibilities or timeframes. The question asked is how do we get people to stay in the area longer. We need to look ahead in the next 5- 10 years. The Plan won’t be rewritten just reviewed. M Long (DOC Planning and Permissions Manager, National Office) said that tourism is changing, the plans are to future proof tourism opportunities and access for the future.

C Hickford said we are catering for the future of a likely sustained retreat of the glaciers. Walking distances will increase, walking times will be longer and access will likely be more difficult. How do we maintain access for the future? The challenge is for the Plan to be flexible enough to manage for these changes.

W Costello said that a formed route closer to the glacier is a feasible way of providing alternative access in the glacier valley. You can describe and understand the activity and manage the impacts. To date there have been no other feasible options put forward and it is not possible to provide a planning framework in the management plan process when you can’t describe what those options are.

M Long said the next engagement phase is very important and that is desirable to achieve the best possible public participation in the process as possible. Of the small number of submissions received on the public announcement of a WNP partial review, a majority wanted to stay with the status quo. S Robertson said a change in wording of the plan so future options are catered for was necessary. It was too late to alter wording in draft.

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C Backes said to extend the walk to bedrock would not make the walk much longer than present (only maybe guided walk). Safety issues have a higher consideration than in the past. The reason the Partial Review of the WNPMP has come about is because a concessionaire asked to put a route/road in.

Resolution: Moved that letter to CAA re their responsibilities in the glacier region, and letter re NZ vote at IUCN meeting to Ministry of Primary Industries be ratified. The submission on Maui Dolphin Threat Management Plan be approved. S Robertson/T Scott Carried unanimously

7.0 Conservation Advice K Thomas declared a conflict of interest in 7.1.4 Buller Coal and 7.1.5 Cascade Coal Mining advice to DOC re their respective concession and access arrangements.

Resolution: ‘That letters to DOC for access arrangements by Cascade Coal Mining, and concession applications by Geotech to access old quarry site; McCabe and Johnson to sell whitebait from bach, White Heron Sanctuary Tours for a limited supply concession, Eyeworks filming concession and Buller Coal Limited be ratified. Submission on Crown Minerals (Permitting and Crown Land) Bill be approved. C Backes/M Legge Carried

7.1.7 Notified Concession - Character Holdings Board were advised that this bach concession had been notified and submissions close 3 December 2012. The Board have previously provided advice to the Department on this concession. Board were disappointed that the Department had changed the conditions to suit the applicant i.e. the applicants wish to extend/add a bathroom/toilet. Original concession said no cats and dogs, whereas the owner suggested no cats as they pose the most significant risk to wildlife.

The bach had been listed for sale, and an interested vendor had contacted the Board with their concerns. They were concerned about issues with greywater and had asked the Council to investigate. The present system was unacceptable and standard conditions should be met before any concession or sale can go ahead. The company are trying to make money out of the sale of the bach and as it stands, they are occupying illegally. They appear to have a long history of occupation on this site. Board were unsure about the term of 30 years and this would be tested through public submissions.

Blue Penguin Trust advised Board they had made a submission and were extremely concerned for the little blue penguins which are known to frequent this area.

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Resolution: That draft letter, as circulated at meeting be sent as a submission on notified intention to grant a bach concession, Coast Road. M Legge/C Backes Carried ACTION: BSO 7.1.8 Oceana – 17th Variation Board requested BSO to ask Department if they could receive a copy of the resource consent. ACTION: BSO

7.2 Land exchanges, disposals, revocations etc It was noted in the Concessions Report 10.4 that the Department have completed the settlement of an exchange with Camelback Trust Farm at Kowhitirangi. A deposit had been received for the disposal of an ex-grazing concession at Rough River.

The Board were asked and replied to the Department earlier this year, and advised they fully support NHF acquisitions for additions of land adjacent to National Parks. The Board would like to know where the Department were at with this process. ACTION: CSM

8.0 General Business 8.1 Ngai Tahu Tourism Board discussed Ngai Tahu Tourism proposal to put in a formed road from the Franz Josef carpark to the terminal face of the glacier. If they were able to put in a form road/route, it would be solely their cost. There is no evidence this proposed access would reflect in an increase the length of stay of visitors to the region.

Board discussed Ngai Tahu Tourism pitch regarding buses, ticket sales, and revenue to both the Department and their company.

8.2 The Area Manager Wayne Costello gave an overview of the Franz Josef/South Westland Area. He told the Board that he had a number of Program Managers that were currently covering work in both the Franz and South Westland Areas. They have currently 45 permanent staff and 20 casuals and are fully staffed. The area has noticed an 8% increase in visitor numbers (visitor centres and glacier valleys) year to date over 2011.

A 1080 drop (with some cluster sowing) was undertaken in the Arawhata recently which was the third operation this financial year. Around 30,000 ha had been controlled for pests in the Copland/Whataroa/Arawhata valleys. This operation was targeted at possums. Monitoring is to be completed.

The new carpark at Jacksons Bay has been completed. Penguin and rock wren surveys have been undertaken. There have been reports that public have been chasing penguins at Monro Beach, which the Department is following up on and investigating options to improve the information at the site in an effort to prevent this occurring.

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The Department has had positive feedback on the Ship Creek upgrade. Visitor interpretation at Ship Creek is also being upgraded. campground has been upgraded. Knights Point shelter is being monitored as slips and unstable ground along the coast in this area have the potential to seriously threaten the integrity of this site.

Extensive worked is being carried out at Welcome Flat and the Copland Valley. The track is being upgraded – part of an ongoing improvement programme. Welcome Flat Hut problems with lighting and heating will be addressed in an upgrade next Autumn. The construction of a new staff quarters is underway and should be completed by 21 December 2012. The Welcome Flat Hut is now able to be booked on-line.

There has been increased use on the cycleway/walkways in both glacier valleys.

The opening of the kayak trail at Ökärito was a great milestone and has been well supported by the community.

This is the third year the Department has been involved with the Untouched World (UTW) programme. The UTW joint initiative is for students with a keen interest in the environment and that demonstrate leadership qualities in their schools to participant in a full immersion, week long, education programme based in Okarito. The students are fully involved in the rowi programme and local community, to really explore the concepts of environmental sustainability and importance of biodiversity conservation.

M Legge thanked Area Manager W Costello and his Program Managers J Livingstone, D Waters and Ranger D Kay for the field trip yesterday. It was a great opportunity for Board members to engage in casual conversation on the Departments activities in this area.

Old Ghost Road C Backes received some questions on the Old Ghost Road from a member of the public (which was circulated to Board members). Board to ask the Department for some answers. ACTION: CSM

K Thomas had spoken with Area Manager R Dickson re the avalanche assessment to be carried out in late February for the alpine section (Lyell Range tops) of the Old Ghost Cycleway. A 25 km section at the southern end of the trail will be officially opened on February 2nd and 3rd 2013 for riders and walkers who wish to get their first experience of The Old Ghost Road.

8.4 Ngai Tahu Tourism ( Guides) representatives Dean Lawrie and Fraser Leddie presented details of their interest in applying for a new concession to provide specialised vehicular access in the Franz Josef valley. D Lawrie spoke first on the glacier retreat over the years, the visitor issues, guided clients, distance and access to glacier, visibility and safety. He spoke of the

Docdm-1122090 Minutes 30 Nov. 2012 7 CONFIRMED declining visitation and negative impact Franz Josef Glacier Guides (FJGG) are experiencing by not being able to get visitors to glaciers and to walk onto the glacier. He stated that 90% of Franz Josef was dependent on tourism. He explained that a reduction in numbers of tourists visiting the region would in turn mean that the Department would lose concession fees, which would have been directed back into conservation. At peak they were running at 450 clients per day, this number has been limited significantly.

F Leddie said the company put out a questionnaire to the tourists. Most of the comments reflected the walking time in the valley floor needed to be reduced. Since April 2012 the ‘Ice Explorer’ package replaced all glacier foot access trips. They are still operating helihikes and glacier valley walks. Overall their capacity has been reduced. They have had disruptions to trips with poor weather preventing flying. There has been no significant snow accumulation in the glacier neve – which means we cannot expect the glacier to “grow” again anytime soon. The ‘Ice Explorer’ is $299 per person package which is a short heli-hop (using what we call the “air-bridge”) onto the ice with a guide (approx. three hours ice time). The company found that the tourists were less tired and could continue to do other activities if they so wished. They have also noticed there have been significantly less injuries to visitors. There has been a significant downturn which affects FJGG, the Franz township and the West Coast region.

The Ngai Tahu Tourism required actions are to improve safety for independent visitors and continue to investigate foot access. They would like the ability to be able operate 4WD vehicles and continue helicopter landings. Changes to both traditional market and the glaciers must be considered as opportunities to adapt and grow. They are investigating All Terrain Vehicles with a capacity of 35-40 people.

The Board asked Ngai Tahu Tourism if they could provide a map of the proposed road/route showing the vegetation barriers for viewing.

The Plan Review needs to be approved before any further work can be envisaged.

As stated by S Robertson previously, the plan needs to be changed and be more versatile.

9.0 Statutory Advocacy 9.1 Planning Matters S Robertson spoke to his report and referred to his planning table. West Coast Regional Council (WCRC) – Regional Land and Water Plan, received another appeal from Federated Farmers.

WCRC – Buller Coal Escarpment Mine project – noted the decision being appealed. WCRC Resource Consent SENZ Mt William North Mining Project

Docdm-1122090 Minutes 30 Nov. 2012 8 CONFIRMED noted the decision being appealed. S Robertson attended and got a good hearing on consent for Development Ltd.

The Board decided not to submit on the Councils’ Proposed Plan Change 7 Managing Fault Rupture in Westland.

New Creek Mining Ltd proposes to extend its mining operation in the Orikaka Ecological Area. A resource consent has already been granted. They still need to acquire an access arrangement.

A member of the public contacted the Board is concerned about Shamroc Minerals gold mining in an amenity area. They have asked to speak at next Board meeting. ACTION: BSO

Paparoa National Park 25th Anniversary – this was held on 24th November, with a guided walk, a display at the Paparoa Visitor Centre and an article in the local newspaper. S Robertson represented the Board on the walk and said about 20 people attended the walk, which was guided by Les Wright and took about four hours.

10.0 Information to be noted

Resolution: ‘That the following reports be taken as read and issues discussed.’

10.1 Conservator’s Report Community Support Manager C Hickford gave an update on the Departments current delivery review project. A proposed organisational structure will be developed by March 2013, which will be followed by the Department going into a management of change process. B Hanson (Conservator Southland) is leading this project.

In the new year M Slater will cover both Nelson Marlborough and the West Coast Conservancies till June 2013.

Page 6 - noted although the Croesus Track work has been completed, the Moonlight area still has work to be done clearing the track.

Page 7 – Board members were pleased to read that the local mountain bike club are working alongside the Department on the Lake Kaniere Walkway to develop this track for all levels of bike rider.

C Hickford stated that since the 2012 restructure, many changes have occurred in the Permissions Team. It would be valuable for Board Chair to meet with the Permissions/SLM Manager to work out what reports are required for Board at meetings and for the manager to attend Board meetings so any questions raised by Board can be answered. Discussion needs to take place on whether Planning

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Report is necessary. This would have to come from DOC Planning Manager based in Canterbury. ACTION: BSO

11.0 Liaison Mr Rob Jewell from Guiding spoke at the public forum 1.45pm – 2.15pm. He was interested in the Westland National Park Management Plan Partial Review. He brought the Board up to date with the present situation in the Fox Glacier. Mr Jewell was interested to know about roading with the current glacier retreat, the conflict of interest with walkers versus vehicles, logistics and the scope for providing public access, should it open up. He was of the opinion there should be as little impact as possible. He wondered how it would all work. If options were opened up, will any number of concessionaires be able to operate etc. The Fox glacier has no problems at present and is very manageable. One of the trips Fox Glacier Guiding provides is driving clients to the carpark and then they offer a guided walk to the glacier terminus which is approximately 30 minutes. If vehicles became an option, they would need to be fit for purpose, and meet the environmental conditions. Mr Jewell mentioned that the depth of ice is diminishing. He discussed his concerns and raised new questions.

The Westland National Park Management Plan covers both the Fox and Franz Josef valleys. The Plan as it stands is too rigid and needs to be more flexible.

11.2 Liaison Reports Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Board Email circulated from Jan Findlayson advised Canterbury Aoraki Board had run into issues with vision and objectives with regard to their CMS, and it was indicated that had met similar issues.

Otago Conservation Board – M Legge said most of their work was around land transfers with the Routeburn Tunnel one of the main issues. Suggested Boards write to the Minister of Tourism about the quality of stays. Boards all have similar issues. ACTION: C Backes

Stockton Community Consultative Group – K Thomas reported they were not meeting water clarity and there was no solution as to how to fix the problem. McCabes now open for coal removal. Road to Happy Valley has been constructed. The rehabilitation work is very good.

12.0 Administration Financial Report The Board noted the information in the paper that had been circulated.

2013 Board Nominations BSO provided nomination forms for the 2013. Nominations close on 25 January 2013.

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13.0 Press Release S Robertson to provide a brief on the Boards’ visit to the Franz Josef area. ACTION: S Robertson

14.0 Next Meeting The next meeting will be held at Hokitika on 15 February 2012.

Meeting closed: 3pm

Clare Backes Chairperson

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