Botany & Conservation

A newsletter for alumni of Botany and Biological Aspects of Conservation • Fall/Winter 2014

Christa Seidel Daniel Hein

The group at Waikamoi Preserve on Maui Kalalau Lookout, overlooking the Na Pali Coast on Kaua`i

Fieldwork in Paradise by Tom Givnish

he Hawaiian Islands form the native insects, 780 land snails, and Fund. After two days of lectures and greatest natural laboratory for the 80 land birds. Eighty percent of the orientation in Madison, we flew to Tstudy of ecology and evolution on flowering plants are found nowhere the Big Island (Hawai`i) for a week of Earth. Eight major islands – ranging else on Earth, 94% of the insects, field instruction and research, rang- from Hawai`i, the largest and young- and 97% of the land snails – all on ing from cloud forests to lava tubes est, to Kaua`i, the oldest – formed a land mass less than one-fifth that and kipukas, mesic forest, alpine volcanically over the past five million of Wisconsin. Evolution thus made scrub, black sand beaches, and color- years as the Pacific Plate moved Hawaii a lush, biologically rich set of ful coral reefs. We made our head- past the Hawaiian hot spot. Earlier tropical islands, far richer in species quarters in Volcano, a small village at islands have since worn down to and specialized adaptations than the 4000’, just outside Hawaii Volcanoes pinnacles, atolls, and a long line of Galápagos that so inspired Darwin. National Park. We spent most of seamounts that ultimately plunge But its small area and isolation has our days in cool, misty cloud forests into the Aleutian Trench. Today, the also left Hawaii exquisitely sensitive dominated by Metrosideros trees (re- major islands offer an extraordinary to extinction due to habitat destruc- lated to Eucalyptus) and massive tree range of habitats, soaring up to tion and the introduction of exotic ferns, observing several plant species 13,000’ in elevation and including the species. Hawaii thus holds many found nowhere else on Earth, and na- rainiest and some of the driest spots lessons for those interested in specia- tive birds that hover near extinction on Earth. They are also extremely tion, adaptive radiation, extinction, as a result of introduced diseases. isolated, so few plant and animal and restoration. While on the Big Island, we began species ever reached the Hawaiian In May and early June this year, studying genetic variation and gene chain. But the successful colonists my post-doc Becky Kartzinel and I flow in an understory treelet, Cyanea speciated and diverged from each led an avid group of 13 UW-Madison pilosa, a member of the Hawaiian in the most spectacular fashion, students to Hawaii for a two-week lobeliads, the largest Hawaiian lin- generating more than 1100 species field course exploring the rich field eage to have descended from a single of native flowering plants, 5800 of Hawaiian ecology and evolution- colonist. Students precisely mapped ary biology, supported in part by a (continued on p.6) generous gift from the Theophrastus


Chair’s Letter: Learning in the Field Farewell from On a grey and cold January day in my first value, particularly for students who find Cheryl Rezabek winter in graduate school, I boarded a plane lectures or textbooks difficult or dull. After 30 years in state government, to fly to a remote and mountainous island in No course provides more active including the 3+ years here in the Botany the Caribbean. After hours over the ocean, we learning, more vivid memories, or Department, I have decided to retire. landed and taxied up to the small building in more student contact hours than a field These last few years have been some of the early evening. Passing through the hatch, course. So much is new and unexpected. the best of my career. What made it so I was immediately enveloped by a blanket of “Teachable moments” come in quick special is the people warm air full of damp scents. I’d never been succession, often in a compelling cultural – staff, faculty, stu- to the tropics before, yet I instantly relaxed, context. This is why those of us who have dents, and friends. feeling oddly at home. Upon reflection, I real- taken field courses are so committed to I was lucky that ized that I was, like all great apes, a creature teaching them – despite the time, trouble, you took a chance of the tropics, even if some recent ancestors and risks involved. and hired someone temporarily adjusted to northern climes. What will become of field courses, from outside the Our trip included tedious delays, sting- field trips, and lab courses in coming University. It took ing insects, threats from a machete wield- years as administrators seek metrics like a while to come ing farmer, wounds, mechanical problems, student credit hours per instructor to up to speed but a deluge-driven stream through one of our judge and compare departments? Field the positive and tents, and times when food was short. I also courses appear inefficient, yet they reli- helpful atmosphere got to hold birds with iridescent feathers in ably yield the richest and most meaning- in the department my hand, see my first palms and epiphytic ful experiences of college careers if we provided a network orchids, and taste local rum poured in a believe our students and our own memo- of support. My last cane field from a jerrycan. The smells, im- ries. I predict our field courses will con- day will be January ages, and memories jump immediately to tinue for these reasons: We have students 2, 2015 and my mind even after 36 years. I was hooked on who treasure these courses, faculty will- hope is to have a field biology. ing to teach them, and generous friends new Administrator Cheryl c.1982 with a wood duck We all learn in different ways. But who recognize the special roles they play. in place and research and our own experience teach May we continue to have the chance to oriented as I leave. us that certain forms of learning really travel, suffer and enjoy journeys together, Thank you for allowing me to come full work. Involving students directly as we and learn the lessons of a lifetime. circle in my career – starting as a student do every day in labs and discussions has in Biological Aspects of Conservation and ending as the Administrator in the Jim Bennet named department. preservation Chair This newsletter is published by Dr. Jim Bennett, Honorary Fellow of the Department of Botany at the the Dept. of Botany, has devoted most of University of Wisconsin-Madison his career to the study of lichens, but also Suzy Will-Wolf retires for alumni, colleagues and friends. to the conservation of their rapidly disap- Editorial team: Anna Berberet, Ken pearing habitats. Jim retired from the US Ater 35(!) years in the Botany Cameron, Carmela Diosana, Sarah Geological Survey in 2011, but remains Department coordinating General Friedrich, Cheryl Rezabek, and Kirsten an active researcher in the UW-Madison Ecology and conducting lichen research, Schultz. Submissions are welcome. Please Herbarium. This year Dr. Bennett was Suzy Will-Wolf retired this summer. As send comments, ideas and photos to: appointed Chair of the WI Natural Areas with many Botany retirees, however, “re- Alumni News Editor Preservation Council, which advises the tirement” does not mean slowing down. UW Department of Botany Department of Natural Resources on No sooner did she leave than she took 430 Lincoln Drive issues relating to the establishment, pro- on another responsibility — Secretary Madison, WI 53706 tection and management of State Natural for the American Bryological and Phone: 608-262-0476 Areas throughout Wisconsin. Jim is also Lichenological Society. Suzy also plans Fax: 608-262-7509 a member of the Board for the Natural to continue her lichenology research as email: [email protected] Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, an emerita, so she will happily remain a where he helped to establish that organi- presence in the Botany Department. zation’s Rare Plant Preservation Fund. Congratulations, Suzy!

2 Botany and Biological Aspects of Conservation NEWS & NOTES

Botany welcomes Tricia Fry and Carmela Diosana Join the Society for Tricia Fry Carmela Conservation Biology! joined the Botany Diosana joined The Wisconsin Chapter of the Society Department in the Botany for Conservation Biology (WSCB) had January of 2014 as Department it’s kick-off meeting in early October. the Ecology Course in September The WSCB mission is to foster collabora- Coordinator. She 2014 as the tive relationships among conservation completed her MS Student Services professionals, NGO and agency leaders, in Wildlife Ecology Coordinator. She higher education faculty and students at UW Madison has been at UW- throughout the state of Wisconsin - all in 2004 and returned to Madison after Madison for fourteen years, between are welcome! Participation in WSCB is working as a wildlife biologist at the the Nelson Institute and the Wisconsin a great way to help promote an integra- USDA National Wildlife Research Center Center for Educational Research. Her tive approach to conservation biology, in Fort Collins, CO, where her research experience includes being a depart- advance conservation positions in public focused on diseases of wildlife. She’s ment administrator, managing an NSF policy, develop professional and leader- eager to broaden her teaching experience IGERT, co-developing the Community ship skills, and network with community and looks forward to introducing stu- Environmental Scholars Program, ca- members all over the state. dents to ecology. Tricia is happy to have reer advising and conference planning. Check out WSCB’s website (wiscon- returned home to Wisconsin with her She enjoys working with students as for upcoming activities and husband Jed, daughters Addie and Tess, they develop their short term goals and events, as well as information on how to and her good ol’ dog Riva. Tricia’s favor- and long term dreams. Her favorite tree get involved! ite tree is Pinus strobus, with Silphium ter- is Populus tremuloides. ebinthinaceum topping her forbs chart. IT Cooperation to Better Serve UW Recently, the UW Botany and Math Cameron receives national award departments embarked upon an ex- The American Society of Plant in the audience can understand.” His periment. By joining together, we have Taxonomists awarded Dr. Ken Cameron, work has been frequently featured in created a team to serve the administra- Professor of Botany and Director of the popular press, including an article tive, instructional and research IT needs the Wisconsin State Herbarium, the in the New York Times and coverage on of both departments. Two staff were Society’s 2014 Peter Raven Award. The NOVA and HGTV. Ken has written on hired as joint Botany and Math IT staff; award is named for Dr. Peter Raven, natural history topics for non-technical Steven Goldstein as the new Research eminent botanist and President Emeritus audiences, including his popular book, IT Facilitator and Henry Mayes as a IT of the Missouri Botanical Garden who Natural History and Cultivation of Help Desk Assistant. Two of Math’s cur- has made outstanding contributions Vanilla Orchids, and several children’s rent staff agreed to help with ongoing to science education and outreach. books about plant biology. Most recent- issues to assist the two new employees, Throughout his ly he has involved Sara Nagreen, Math IT Coordinator, career, Ken has his graduate stu- and John Heim, Math Linux Systems engaged with dents in authoring Administrator. We hope to serve as a audiences ranging monthly articles model to others within the college on from professionals for the American how to best share and allocate resources to chefs to horti- Orchid Society by sharing knowledge and duties. culture enthusiasts and crafting about systematics award-winning and orchid biology. public outreach He is an in-demand displays at major speaker with “a orchid society unique ability to ex- meetings. plain complex sci- entific concepts in a way that everyone UW Communications Bryce Richter, Henry Mayes (lt) and Steven Goldstein (rt)

Alumni Newsletter 3 NEWS & NOTES

Project prepares collection for 21st-century challenge of invasive species Excerpted from the original news story by National Science Foundation will also now nearing Chicago. The new project David Tenenbaum , Sept 12, 2014 be disbursed to natural history muse- will not fund data analysis, and therefore UW-Madison sophomore Alex ums at UW campuses in Stevens Point, will not directly slow the tide, “but the Idarraga [a Botany major] carefully Milwaukee and La Crosse, and in other more information we can put out there, feeds a sheet holding a pressed, Great Lakes states. the better,” Cameron says. dried plant into a light box, closes the Together, these institutions expect to Access matters, adds Cameron. “It’s door and triggers the camera mounted digitize 1.73 million specimens related kind of a shame that we have museums overhead. Each click of the and herbaria sitting on such shutter moves the Wisconsin a treasure trove. Anybody State Herbarium where he can use it, but only if they works one step closer to a know about it. We want to long-sought goal: entering get the data out.” A sec- photos of its plant specimens ond goal is to harness the into a database together explanatory power resident with information on the in those collections to collector, collection date document species inva- and location. As the name sions, with an eye, eventu- implies, the herbarium has ally, toward prevention. the world’s largest collec- The digitized data will shed tion of Wisconsin plants. light on the movement of And Wisconsin, with more invasives, Cameron says. than 1,000 miles of shoreline “Our collections go back along two Great Lakes, is David Tennenbaum more than a century, and ground zero in the ongoing Alex Idarraga photographs a plant invading the Great Lakes basin. spread far beyond the state,” transformation of lakes great says Cameron, “so we will and small by exotic species — invaders to Great Lakes invasives. The project has be able to track the arrivals back to their that come from different places and pros- targeted 2,550 species, including known origin. That should help us prepare for per in waters that lack natural controls invaders and their close relatives. At least new ones, or better yet, to prevent them. and predators. 180 nonindigenous species are living and Ultimately, Cameron says, “I hope people At the herbarium, director Kenneth reproducing in the Great Lakes basin, will realize that invasives have been with Cameron is spearheading a new, three- and many wreak havoc. Old invaders, us for a long time, but their rate of spread year project to “digitize” images and data like the zebra and quagga mussels, al- is accelerating, and our collections can on aquatic and wetland plants, mollusks ready have had enormous economic and document that. That may create a greater and fish from the Great Lakes basin. The environmental impacts, even as new ones sense of urgency and concern.” $2.5 million collaborative grant from the knock on the door, like the Asian carp

Consider helping our Department’s people and programs Botany Department General Fund (fund # 1216106) Online donations at the links provided are The generosity of our donors allows the Botany Department to help our students, faculty easy and secure. Check donations can be and staff reach their full potential via grants, awards, travel support, internships, guest made out to the University of Wisconsin lectures, and buying critical equipment. Please consider making a donation to via the UW Foundation. Please include the fund Foundation. See: number on the check. Additional targeted funds are available at: Send to: UW Foundation Biological Aspects of Conservation Major Fund (fund # 12168143) U.S. Bank Lockbox Please join us in our efforts to provide support for important BAC program priorities. Gifts Box 78807 to the Biological Aspects of Conservation Major are used to recognize outstanding BAC un- Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807 dergraduates, support various activities such as research and study abroad, and to sponsor special lectures and other professional development opportunities for students. Questions? Contact: Ann Dingman See: [email protected] 608-265-9954

4 Botany and Biological Aspects of Conservation NEWS & NOTES

How plants adapt: Calcium waves help the roots tell the shoots Excerpted from the original news as a change from green to red through a Within 10 minutes of applying a small story by Kelly April Tyrrell, University process known as fluorescence resonance amount of salt to the plants’ roots, typical Communications, April 3, 2014 energy transfer, or FRET. When research- stress response genes were turned on in For Botany Professor Simon Gilroy, ers applied stress to the tip of a plant’s the plant. Also turned on was the ma- sometimes seeing is believing. In this roots — a high concentration of sodium chinery to make more of a protein chan- , it was seeing the wave of calcium chloride salt — it triggered a wave of red nel called two pore channel 1 (TPC1). sweep root-to-shoot in the plants he is that traveled rapidly from the root to the Within one-to-two minutes, there was 10 studying that made him a believer. top of the plant. times more of the building blocks needed Gilroy and colleagues, in a March 24 The calcium wave traveled on a scale to make the channel, which is thought to paper in the Proceedings of the National of milliseconds, traversing about eight be involved in calcium signaling. Academy of Sciences, showed what long plant cells per second — too quick to be Gilroy and his team then looked at had been suspected but long had eluded explained by simple diffusion of salt. plants with a defect in TPC1. They had a scientists: that calcium is involved in “It fit with a lot of our models,” Gilroy much slower calcium wave — about 25 rapid plant cell communication. says. “But the idea that it’s a wave is one times slower — than plants with nor- It’s a finding that has implications for step beyond what our models would mal TPC1. When they studied plants those interested in how plants adapt to predict.” expressing more of the TPC1 protein, the and thrive in changing environments. calcium wave moved 1.7 times faster. For instance, it may help agricultural Plants with more channels also grew scientists understand how to make more larger and contained more chlorophyll salt- or drought-tolerant plants. than plants with normal or mutated Calcium is involved in transmitting TPC1 when grown in salt water. information in the cells of humans and The protein channel is present in all other animals, contracting muscles, send- land plants, says Gilroy, and it’s found ing nerve signals and more. Scientists throughout the plant. This is one of believed it had to also play a role plants, the many reasons it surprised the team but no one had ever been able to see it to learn the calcium wave moves only before. Even Gilroy’s team found it by through specific cells in the plant, like accident. electrical signals moving through nerve The team was using a specific calcium Arabidopsis thaliana growing in salt water. cells in humans and other animals. sensor they thought wasn’t going to work. The plant on the right has more of the pro- “We weren’t expecting that,” Gilroy They speculated it could serve as a con- tein channel TPC1, thought to be involved in calcium signaling in plants. The plant at says. “It means specific cell types have trol in their studies. center has less TPC1 than normal, and the specific functions … there must be some- The sensor’s brightness changes in the one on the left is considered normal. thing special about those cells. We’re presence of calcium, displayed on screen (Photo by Won-Gyu Choi, Gilroy Lab) really at the beginning.”

Lab Notes: Jason Holman Jason Holman is a BAC major be able to find some sort of correlation graduating in December 2015. between the minimum time require- I’m working in Professor Irwin ment for the onion to flower and to what Goldman’s Lab to help figure out the degree that variety has been genetically threshold time period required for altered. Allium cepa (onion) to complete its Working with the Goldman lab has vernalization (wintering) process so that greatly enhanced my understanding of it may develop a flower and therefore cultivation in agriculture, plant devel- be able to yield viable seed. We’re using opment, breeding techniques and the a wide variety of seed ranging from complexities of bulk research. I hope to Cortland, an American classic onion apply what I’ve learned in the field to a and a standard in organic cropping, to career in sustainable vegetable cropping, Rijnsburger, a variety imported from or perhaps even plant breeding itself with the Netherlands. Eventually we hope to hopes of developing crops that work well friendly to the environment they are in organic systems and overall are more grown in.

Alumni Newsletter 5 LEARNING IN THE FIELD

Botanists in Paradise (continued from p.1) from attack by introduced ants, the us to sequence over a hundred mil- individuals, collected leaf tissue, Maui silversword now appears to lion short “reads” or sequences for and preserved samples in silica gel be doomed … “Very few people get to see the each population, for DNA extraction in Madison. A by us. Due to Hawaiian Islands the way our class did, and then assess week later, we conducted a similar global warming, and I benefitted from the mentorship genetic similarity study 300 miles away on closely populations at and instruction I’ve received in the class from thousands related Clermontia fauriei, growing on the lower edge of so far. I’d been considering a career in of loci scattered forest edges in the Alaka`i Swamp the silversword’s bio/genetics research and so the trip through the ge- atop Kaua`i. Both areas are clothed elevational range and class have been very ‘career affirm- nome. Once this in cloud forest, dripping with mist have been shrink- ing’ for me.” sequencing was and mosses and elfin herbs and ing for more than – John Brennan completed, our gigantic ferns. We were intent on a decade, and students ana- using data on gene flow to test the further warming may reduce rainfall lyzed the results and assessed genetic hypothesis that understory Cyanea variation and the spatial scales of formed far more species than forest- gene flow in Cyanea and Clermontia edge Clermontia because it relied on populations. As the capstone to sedentary forest-interior birds to the course, our students have met disperse its fleshy fruits, and thus frequently during the fall semester to could undergo genetic differentiation analyze the data and write a scien- at small spatial scales. While on the tific paper, which they will submit Big Island, we studied succession as for review and possible publication a function of distance from a volcanic by the end of the semester. As a eruption near the Devastation Trail. result, our students have obtained a Finally, we visited Maui for three unique, first-hand view of Hawaiian days, and had an opportunity to ecology and evolution, tested an observe extremely rare honeycreep- important theory for the rapid rates ers and other birds in the Waikamoi of speciation seen in many tropical Preserve in wet mossy forests at mid plants with fleshy fruits, learned how elevations, and see the famous silver- to generate and analyze population swords on volcanic cinder deposits genetics data using next-generation at high elevations atop spectacular sequencing, and how to work Haleakalā. Silverswords are some Daniel Hein together effectively as a group to of the most striking plants on Earth, Silverswords in Haleakalā crater produce a scientific paper suitable and adapted to some of the most for publication. extreme conditions – their silvery at the high edge as well. leaves reflect away most of the in- After returning to Madison, our tense sunlight at high elevations near students worked intensely entering the equator, and the field data into reduce evapora- “The Puaiohi - lives only in the Alaka’i computer files, tion in an arid Swamp. Remember us all soaked, the extracting DNA habitat that freez- slippery boardwalk, the thick closeness from our plant es every night of life all around us, in every direction a samples, and and thaws every new wonder? Our new friends all about processing those us as we worked together? Such a day. Alas, after samples to obtain happy memory for me. Thanks!” conservationists – Daniel Hein a highly variable helped the silver- set of RADSeq ge- swords stage a netic markers via Daniel Hein comeback by fencing out introduced next-generation sequencing. NGS is a Kelly Wallin, Stephaney Olson and Rebecca goats, and protecting its pollinators state-of-the-art approach that enables Kartzinel analyze samples back in Madison

6 Botany and Biological Aspects of Conservation LEARNING IN THE FIELD

John Brennan, the Ola`a Tract of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Hawai`i

Field Notes: Brendan Hobart Brendan Hobart is a BAC major work has allowed me to get a “behind graduating in May 2015. the scenes” view of conservation efforts I am currently volunteering with a and gain a deeper appreciation for the graduate student studying how resident work being done to protect ecosystems winter bird foraging behavior is af- worldwide. Working with researchers at fected by spatially varying microclimatic UW-Madison has helped me realize that conditions. The project utilizes feeders I would like to remain actively involved equipped with radiofrequency identifica- in management efforts and conduct my tion units that detect when individual own research at the graduate level and birds (that are banded with transpon- beyond. I would encourage younger ders) visit the feeder. I am responsible students in the BAC program to become for regularly checking and filling feeders, involved in research projects as early as downloading the data they collect about possible. Begin exploring your options; bird feeding frequency, and occasionally has been exceptional, being involved in the conservation field is broad but getting assisting with bird banding. While my various projects through volunteering field experience can really help you nar- coursework within the BAC program will likely be the highlight of my UW row it down and find something you’re experience. Engaging in hands-on field truly passionate about.

Profile of a Pine Relict Mary Ann Feist and Mark Wetter (SNA) in cooperation with the Wisconsin starflower, rattlesnake plantain, Indian This summer herbarium curators Department of Natural Resources (WI pipe, and wintergreen. Mark Wetter and Mary Ann Feist, along DNR). We visited the SNA once every two with student workers and volunteers, The Ridgeway Pine Relict SNA is a to three weeks throughout the summer. undertook a floristic inventory of the unique site in Iowa County covering 327 During each visit we collected plant spe- Ridgeway Pine Relict State Natural Area acres. It occurs within the Driftless Area cies that were either in flower or fruit and and features dramatic sandstone cliffs, recorded detailed information about each rock outcrops, rock shelters, bottom wet- specimen including locality, habitat, and lands, and a small patch of remnant tall- associate species. Our objectives for this grass prairie. Pine forests were once ex- project were three-fold: 1) to provide the tensive throughout southwest Wisconsin, WI DNR with a comprehensive vouch- but as the climate warmed oak forests ered species list for each community and prairies replaced them. The pine type within the SNA, 2) to provide the relicts persisted only on the rocky cliffs students with valuable field experience, and steep slopes of the Driftless Area and 3) to get out, enjoy the fresh air and where they were protected from fire. All just have some fun! three of Wisconsin’s native pine species During our first year of the proj- grow within the SNA. White pine (Pinus ect, we collected over 300 specimens strobus) dominates, but red pine (P. that will be kept at the Wisconsin State resinosa) and jack pine (P. banksiana) are Herbarium. In addition to the vouchered also common. On one small slope within species lists, we gathered occurrence re- the SNA we saw all three of these species cords for threatened or endangered spe- growing together side by side! Beneath cies and species of special concern. We the pines, the understory consists of an also noted occurrences of non-native or interesting mix of southern and northern invasive species, woody encroachment, species. Characteristic species that we and other disturbances. This information observed included huckleberry, northern will be used by WI DNR to allow them Rock outcrop at Ridgeway Pine Relict SNA bush honeysuckle, rock cap fern, bracken to develop more-informed management fern, Canada mayflower, goldthread, plans for the SNA.

Alumni Newsletter 7 NEWS & NOTES / ALUMNI NEWS Many hands make research lighter in the Sylvania Wilderness Kristin Michels by Dr. Hotchkiss and is now developing a Environmental Studies, and Music at I’ve had the pleasure of working in the project at the UW-Madison Arboretum. UW-Madison. Emily met Dr. Hotchkiss Upper Peninsula of Michigan over the The second summer of data collection I as her student in Historical Ecology and last three summers for my dissertation worked briefly with Leah Dittberner, a became enthusiastic about the prospect to evaluate edge effects on the Sylvania Biological Aspects of Conservation un- of field work and completing a senior Wilderness. My field work relied on field dergraduate, and agency volunteers I met thesis. Once we finished the data collec- assistants for reconnaissance visits, forest networking in northern Wisconsin. But tion for my research, we were able to col- surveys, and plant identification. Several again, I was lucky to have extensive help lect additional data for her independent people contributed to this effort, includ- from Emily Blessing, an undergradu- senior project. While I am researching ing my advisor Dr. Sara Hotchkiss, cur- ate who is a triple majoring in Botany, the edge effect of land use change along rent Botany PhD students John the Sylvania Wilderness Zaborsky and Samuel Lopez- boundary, Emily is specifi- Nieves, Botany faculty and staff, cally looking at the effect of and Zach Michels (current roads on the periphery of the Geoscience PhD student). But Sylvania border. Her work most of all, I had incredible sup- will augment my dissertation port from undergraduate and findings and inform conser- prospective graduate students. vation efforts to mitigate road The first summer of data collec- impacts. This support was tion, my advisor introduced me invaluable to the completion to Katie Laushman, the primary of my field work and integral field assistant and a prospec- to my dissertation. Many tive student at the time. Katie is thanks to everyone! currently a M.S. student advised Kristin Michels (left) and Katie Laushman (right) in the U.P.

ALUMNI NEWS Thank you to all the alumni who took for 15 years. She worked in the Wildlife nature of science, Brian’s career went the time to send us their updates. Management program for the first sev- into forensics and he became a Crime Please keep the news coming! eral years and the remainder of her ca- Scene Investigator (and no it’s not like reer in the agency real estate program. TV). He was able to use some of the Fred Swan (MS Botany, 1961) recently Since retirement she has been actively fundamental teaching of BAC such as spent 3 weeks in Hawaii, where they involved in civic organizations and pres- organism biology and complex ecologi- took a helicopter tour of Kauai and saw ently serves on the Boards of two local cal interactions (loving forensic ento- excellent specimens of the silversword historical societies. Jeanne lives on a mology!) to perform his work. Brian’s plant at high elevation. 150 acre farm where she is able to apply forensic work then led to teaching as an some of the land and wildlife manage- adjunct at a local university. He finished Jonathan Gressel (PhD Botany, 1962) ment practices she learned years and doctoral studies at Northern Illinois is very busy as an emeritus professor at years ago. University, retired from police work, and the Weizmann Institute of Science in is now a tenure track Assistant Professor Rehovot, Israel. He is the Review Editor Don Wicklow (PhD Botany, 1971) of Criminal Justice at Governors State for the journal Plant Science, always retired from the National Center for University in Illinois. looking to commission speculative/syn- Agricultural Utilization Research at the thesis type reviews from fellow alumni, USDA in July of this year. The fungus Emmet Judziewicz (PhD Botany, an associate editor in two other jour- Wicklowia aquatica was named after him 1987) recently published Field nals, consulting, developing novel ways “for his outstanding studies of the nature Guide to Wisconsin Grasses (ISBN to inexpensively mass cultivate micro al- and role of fungal secondary compounds” 978-0299301347) with Robert W. gae, lecturing, and mentoring - he does (pg. 211, Mycoscience 51, 2010). Freckmann, Merel R. Black, and Lynn G. so much that his garden suffers! Clark. Brian Vivona (BS BAC, 1986) worked Jeanne Evert (BS BAC, 1965) has been a police officer in a Chicago suburb Amanda Werhane (BS BAC, 1996) retired from a working career with the after graduation. Always enjoying the moved to California after graduation Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

8 Botany and Biological Aspects of Conservation ALUMNI NEWS where she worked as a National Zoology Biology Colloquia series on local capacity to identify, remove and Manager for the Environmental Justice the topic of “Polyploidy and the origins prevent sources of bacterial pollution Fund, and then moved into the infor- of novelty: impact of duplication on impacting valued beaches and shellfish mation services field. She returned to genome and network evolution.” growing areas. For the past 12 years she UW-Madison in 2002 to earn an MA in has worked in Maine on environmental Library and Information Studies, and Archer Larned (BS BAC, 2001) worked monitoring, science literacy and stew- then worked as a science librarian for all over the country after graduation ardship projects. In August 2013, Keri seven years, including three years at (including northern Alaska!) as a sea- and her husband Rob welcomed their Steenbock Library where she served sonal field biologist. She drove back and son Isaac, and he has already had many as a liaison to plant and insect science forth across the country from job to job travels including Alaska and Texas! researchers. After two additional years and spent time hiking at National Parks of technical college studies, she has along the way. She also spent some Bridget Borg (BS BAC, 2004) is currently now transitioned into the information time traveling in Europe (mostly Croatia working as a Wildlife Biologist in Denali technology field. Currently, she provides and Italy) and Southeast Asia. Archer National Park and Preserve, and is a web development, video conferencing, finally went back to school and got PhD student at the University of Alaska- and general technical support for the her MS in Biology from the University Fairbanks. She recently published re- Community and Regional Food Systems of studying bowerbirds in search in the Journal of Animal Ecology, Project, Australia. This meant she would spend July 2014, titled “Impacts of breeder loss half the year in Australia and half the on social structure, reproduction and Jamie Radel (BS BAC, 1997) has lived year in Maryland - and she thought that population growth in a social canid.” in the Twin Cities metropolitan area was about perfect! Archer is currently for the last eight years and worked in in a PhD program at the University of urban planning for the last fourteen. Maryland Baltimore County working She received an MS in Urban and with conservation and recovery efforts Regional Planning from the University for the critically endangered Florida of Wisconsin in 2005, and is currently Grasshopper Sparrow. working as a city planner for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Chris McGuire (MS Botany, 2001) and his wife Juli raise organic vegetables Vicki Lynn Ramsay (BS BAC, 1997) is and apples at Two Onion Farm in in her 10th year of teaching Biology, Belmont, WI. This year we celebrated Chemistry and Agriculture at Youth our tenth year of growing produce for Initiative High School in Viroqua, WI. our community supported agriculture ( YIHS is a democratic (CSA) farm members spanning from school, involving students in all issues of Madison to Dubuque. governance. Students are on the Board, Curriculum & Personnel committees Keri Kaczor (BS BAC, 2002) coordinates among many, do fundraising, and work the Maine Healthy Beaches Program, Bridget Borg to help clean the school each day. a coast-wide effort to monitor wa- Students also are responsible for service ter quality and protect public health Stephen Schrader (PhD Botany, 2006) hours to the community each month, as on Maine’s coastal beaches. She is a is a research scientist for DuPont well as participating in school-wide ser- member of the Marine Extension Team, Pioneer. He recently moved there after vice projects twice a year in our greater a collaboration of Maine Sea Grant and having worked for Monsanto for 7 community. She really loves working at UMaine Cooperative Extension, provid- years. Stephen really enjoys working in YIHS:“It is a place where people who are ing educational and applied research agriculture because he not only applies truly interested in learning, teachers and programs in coastal community devel- skills as a plant physiologist, but also students alike, can get a well-rounded opment, ecosystem health, fisheries, gets to interact with a diverse group of and integrated education.” aquaculture, and tourism. Keri earned an people from engineers and crop breed- M.S. in Marine Policy from the University ers to physicists and economists and ul- J. Chris Pires (PhD Botany, 2000) is of Maine in 2009. Keri is the author timately with farmers. He also just loves currently an associate professor at the of A Municipal Guide to Clean Water going out on the farm fields. Stephen is University of Missouri, focusing broadly and, in November 2013, she received married with four kids. on plant evolutionary biology. He the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium’s recently traveled back to Madison to Outstanding Outreach Achievement Joshua Clements (BS BAC, 2007) con- give a talk as a part of the joint Botany/ Individual Award for her work building tinued his education at UW Madison in

Alumni Newsletter 9 ALUMNI NEWS

Urban and Regional Planning graduat- Kelly Montenero (BA BAC, 2008) also information to get at the key morpho- ing in 2009. He stayed in Madison and majored in Psychology and went on to logical, anatomical, and transcriptional served as a Community Development receive her masters of science in Marine regulators of CAM photosynthesis. Educator with UW-Extension for five Affairs and Policy from University of Excitingly, Karolina and her advisor ex- years. In January, Joshua relocated to Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine panded her dissertation work for an NSF nearby Dubuque, Iowa, to assume a and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) in Dimensions of Biodiversity grant, which position as Community & Economic 2013. She is now the Conservation was funded earlier this year! Development Specialist with Iowa State Outreach Coordinator at Pacific Whale University Extension & Outreach. His Foundation on Maui, Hawaii, and just Her career in science has taken Karolina work is primarily to integrate triple- got married in May! Congrats Kelly! to some pretty great places - she’s bottom-line sustainability best practices traveled up and down the southeastern to municipal planning activities through Emily Lewis (BA Botany, 2010) is cur- coastline searching for Yucca species, technical assistance and cooperation, rently finishing her third year of veteri- had the chance to travel to the country and to conduct applied research on nary school in New Zealand. This winter of Colombia for collaborative research, successful strategies to incorporate she will be working on a project to edu- and has explored parts of the Western environmental and social objectives into cate veterinary wildlife researchers on states for work and conferences. high-road economic development pro- improving their statistical methods. Her Darcy Widmayer (BA BAC, 2011) had grams in industrial legacy cites. Joshua advice to anyone visiting New Zealand: difficulty finding an environmental job is a member of the American Institute cities are the same everywhere - go for after graduating college, so she moved of Certified Planners (AICP), serves on the unique outdoor experiences you to Chicago and worked as a paralegal the City of Dubuque Plan Commission, won’t find anywhere else in the world! at a commercial real estate law firm and continues to be engaged with the Bryan Drew (PhD Botany, 2011) downtown while sorting things out. She UW community through service on recently got an assistant professor worked there for almost three years the Department of Urban & Regional position at the University of Nebraska at before moving back to Madison this Planning Alumni Relations Committee. Kearney and is currently working on a past May to enroll in the Environmental Hannah Mitchell Graae (BS BAC, 2008) project with our own Ken Sytsma on the Conservation Professional Master’s graduated from Duke University last evolutionary history of the entire genus Program through the Nelson Institute year with a JD from the Law School Salvia. for Environmental Studies. Darcy is hop- and a Masters degree (MA) from the ing that this will teach her the skills that Karolina Heyduk (BS BAC, 2011) is Nicholas School of the Environment. she needs as well as help her develop in the fourth year working towards a She is currently practicing environmen- connections that she can utilize to find PhD in Plant Biology at the University tal law in Washington, D.C. at Hogan a job with a non-profit conservation or- of Georgia, working under Dr. Jim Lovells, an international law firm based ganization upon graduating this August! Leebens-Mack. Her research focuses on in D.C. While she was at Duke, Hannah crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), Tiffany Blackley (BS BAC, 2012) cur- had the good fortune of enrolling in a photosynthetic pathway that has rently works as an Associate Scientist at the Duke Environmental Law and Policy arisen in about 6% of flowering plants, Pharmaceutical Product Development Clinic for two semesters, and also work- allowing them to live in arid habitats. (PPD) in Middleton, Wisconsin. Her job ing first as a staff editor and then execu- She’s chosen to study members of the mostly involves analytical chemistry, tive editor of the Duke Environmental Agavoideae - Agaves and Yuccas - using but surprisingly there are many biol- Law and Policy Forum (fondly referred an interdisciplinary approach, com- ogy related grads working there as well. to as DELPF), which is the environmen- bining plant physiology with genomic Tiffany and her husband recently had tal law journal at Duke. She also just got their first child, Abellene. married this summer to fellow DC native Duke Schaeffer. Even after all of these Congratulations to Deidre (maiden: years away from Madison, it is still one Conocchioli) Jaeger (BS in BAC, of Hannah’s absolute favorite places. Botany, and Environmental Studies, She always thinks about the amazing 2012) on her recent nuptials! She is fin- student body, the culture and art scene, ishing up the field season as the Seeds and the wonderful environmentally- of Success Coordinator at Red Butte friendly atmosphere there. Also, she Botanic Garden in Salt Lake City, UT, would never, ever root for the Blue where she made native seed collections Devils over the Badgers. BUCKY FOR Karolina Heyduk from flora of the Colorado Plateau near LIFE! Arches, Canyonlands, and Zion National

10 Botany and Biological Aspects of Conservation ALUMNI NEWS

Parks. These are her favorite national endangered and highly biodiverse veg- and instruction through the use of parks in the country and she was thrilled etation type. He crowd-funded the technology. He also volunteers with the to do field botany in the canyon country campaign through Kickstarter and a UW Madison Lakeshore Nature Preserve of Utah. Soon Deidre will be starting Young Explorers Grant from National while he explores graduate school winter lab work at the Rocky Mountain Geographic. During his time there, opportunities. Research Station with the Shrub Science Evan found 76 previously un-recorded Lab in Provo, UT. populations of threatened plant species Arslan Ahmad (BS BAC, 2014) moved and worked with many farmers to better back to the DC area after gradua- understand and manage the globally tion and is currently working at the significant floral diversity they are care- Association of Zoos & Aquariums, in the takers of. He developed a personalized Conservation and Science department. booklet of information for each of the This job came about as a result of an farmers they worked with closely. This internship last year. He feels incredibly included photos and IDs of the plants lucky to have found something that’s so and animals on their farm, a background relevant to his degree (Arslan also re- in Renosterveld ecology, personal- ceived a BS in Zoology and a certificate ized land-management suggestions, in Environmental Studies) and conservation terminology. These were then translated into Afrikaans and Diedre Jaeger collecting seeds of Astragalus lonchocarpus provided a useful tool to engage with (rushy milk vetch) in the San Rafael Swell. farmers in a conservation conversa- tion around what is otherwise labeled Chad Zirbel (BS BAC, 2012) is cur- as “uitvalgrond” or “wasteland” on their rently a PhD student at Michigan State farm maps. University in the department of plant biology and the ecology, evolution- ary biology, and behavior program. Right now, he is funded by an National Left to right: Andrew Hipp (PhD Botany, Science Foundation graduate research 2004) of the Morton Arboretum, Dan fellowship studying trait-based commu- Larkin (PhD Botany, 2006) and Evelyn nity assembly and ecosystem function Williams (PhD Botany,t 2012) of the in restored prairies in Southwestern Chicago Botanic Garden, and col- Michigan. The field based courses he leagues received a grant from the took as a BAC major are part of the rea- National Science Foundation for son Chad decided to apply to graduate “Collaborative Research: Testing the ef- Evan Eifler school and study plant communities. fects of phylogenetic diversity on resto- ration outcomes in tallgrass prairie.” This After graduating from the UW, Jacob 5-year project will evaluate whether Zeldin (BA Botany, 2013) worked for a increasing the phylogenetic diversity of time with the Madison Audubon Society planting mixes used in restoration leads (in concert with UW Madison Lakeshore to better results in terms of community Nature Preserve, Natural Heritage structure and ecosystem function. Land Trust, and the Pheasant Branch Conservancy) to restore state and local natural areas including prairies, savan- Miss the Botany Crossword? nahs, wetlands, and woodlands.This Visit the UW-Botany alumni web page for a challenging new puzzle. Chad Zirbel experience allowed Jacob to continue to polish his plant identification skills and he learned quite a bit about seed Evan Eifler (BA BAC, 2013) is currently collection, rare species surveying, and enrolled in Botany’s PhD program work- invasive plant removal and mediation. ing with Dr. Tom Givnish. He spent his Jacob now works for UW - Madison’s gap year in South Africa working on a School of Education managing comput- Jessica Whittle campaign to help conserve a critically er laboratories and facilitating research

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DanielDaniel Hein Hein

Above: Students in the Hawaiian ecology and evolution course hike among rare silversword plants in Haleakalā crater on Maui. Below: sea turtles. Story on p.1

Daniel Hein

Miconia friedmaniorum This SEM image by Dr. Ricardo Kriebel, a Botany postdoc under the supervision of Drs. Ken Sytsma & Ken Cameron, depicts a flower of Miconia friedmaniorum (Melastomataceae) from the cloud forests of Costa Rica. It was one of just 10 images and two videos named as winners in the University’s 2014 Cool Science Images contest. Dr. Kriebel’s interest in plant morphology was the subject of an article in the Wisconsin State Journal on October 06, 2014.