Ubi non est ordo, ibi est confusio. Kaspar Klock, 1651. Ordoliberalism as a new synthesis of earlier German economic thought Contribution to Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism Editors: Thomas Biebricher, Werner Bonefeld, Peter Nedergaard Bertram Schefold FB Wirtschaftswissenschaften Goethe-Universität, Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main
[email protected] 1. Ordoliberalism: A departure from classical liberalism, conservative traditions and historicism Ordoliberalism was at the start an intellectual movement, simple in its principles of economic policy, but with a background in different disciplines. There were the 18th century liberal tradition and the modern neoclassical theory. There was the growth of a new methodology, based on the Austrian approach, refined by Max Weber and once more transformed by Walter Eucken himself (Lenel 1990). He had had a philosophical education - the Neokantianism of his father Rudolf Eucken - and an amazing historical erudition. Ordoliberalism arose in a German academic discourse, in which the humanities formed a second grand domain of scientific endeavour, which had claimed, since Dilthey, a standing not inferior to that of the natural sciences. Ordoliberalism was connected to this cultural tradition of the 19th and early 20th century, because the founding fathers, in particular Eucken, Röpke, Rüstow, and also Hayek and Müller-Armack, who represented separate strands of ordoliberalism, discussed their theories and policies with references to this past - glorious around the turn of the century, haunted by doubts and inspired by new ideas in the 1920ies and then perverted by Nazism. Ordoliberalism later had to keep up with the progress in economic theory and the techniques of applied work for economic policy and to argue with other economic schools so that these origins tended to fall into oblivion.