ASSESSMENT of the SAFETY NET in Fairfax County, Virginia
AN ASSESSMENT OF THE SAFETY NET in Fairfax County, Virginia Urgent Matters The George Washington University Medical Center School of Public Health and Health Services Department of Health Policy Acknowledgments The Urgent Matters safety net assessment team would like to thank our community partner, the Fairfax County Community Access Program, for its help in identifying key safety net issues in Fairfax County and connecting us with stakeholders in the community. At the Fairfax County Community Access Program, Elita Christiansen and Martine Charles were instrumental in coordi- nating our site visits, interviews and focus groups and an essential resource through the course of the project. The Fairfax County Community Access Program is charged with the development of a culturally competent integrated delivery system in Fairfax County, Fairfax City and Falls Church through community partnerships with over 50 organizations. We would also like to acknowledge Thom Mayer, MD, FACEP, FAAP, at the Inova Fairfax Hospital, for providing us with important information and resources regarding the emergency department at Inova Fairfax Hospital. The Urgent Matters team would also like to recognize the many individuals in the Fairfax health care community, who gave generously of their time and provided important and useful insights into the local safety net system. The Fairfax, Virginia, Safety Net Assessment would not have been possible without their participation. We are especially grateful to Pam Dickson, MBA, Minna Jung, JD, Chinwe Onyekere, MPH, John Lumpkin, MD, MPH, Calvin Bland, MS, and Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, MBA, of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for their support and guidance throughout this project.
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