Roth, W.-M., & Jornet, A. G. (2013). Situated cognition. WIREs Cognitive Science, 4, xxx–xxx. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1242 Article type: Overview Article title: Situated cognition First author: Full name and affiliation; plus email address if corresponding author Wolff-Michael Roth*, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8W 3N4, Canada
[email protected] Second author: Full name and affiliation; plus email address if corresponding author Alfredo Jornet, InterMedia, University of Oslo, 0318 Oslo, Norway Abstract Following the cognitive revolution, when knowing and learning have come to be theorized in terms of representations stored and processed in the mind, empirical and theoretical developments in very different scholarly disciplines have led to the emergence of the situated cognition hypothesis, which consists of a set of interlocking theses: cognition is embodied, fundamentally social, distributed, enacted, and often works without representations. We trace the historical origins of this hypothesis and discuss the evidential support this hypothesis receives from empirical and modeling studies. We distinguish the question of where cognition is located from the question of what cognition is, because the confounding of the two questions leads to misunderstandings in the sometimes-ardent debates concerning the situated cognition hypothesis. We conclude with recommendations for interdisciplinary approaches to the nature of cognition. At the end of the 1980s, just about at the time when the cognitive revolution—based on information processing and the mind as computer metaphor—had become the dominant approach to cognition and learning, a new way of theorizing human performance emerged: situated cognition. There are claims that situated cognition view has grown rapidly over the past decade, including in the areas of cognitive and social neuroscience and (cognitive, social, and developmental) psychology.1 Such claims are substantiated by citation counts.