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N.THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAST OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.. n.THE 9-1 NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , ATU&UST 25, 18S9.SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 07. - or- - 502, 504, 506, 508 and 510 South 13th Street We will To-morrow offer over $10O,000 worth of Hew , Staple Domestic Dry Goods. If you want anytiling in this line come To-niorrow. FLANNELS rilOM THE Rtandnrrt Cnllcos, Mluhlly wit l4'o yard Vi-ry bestmtnllty CnUro lit. fcyaul lira I American indigo lilnu Calico nt.Co yard We are now prepared to show the largest and cheapest stock of Gorman Inillf; < ]lluu Calico lOeyard Great Auction Sale Turkey Itcd Tnhlo EltiinasK. Mr. A. D. Brandois , while In Now Dress Goods in the city , in fine goods as well as low priced goods. Be IN NEW VOBtVi.- . Imported Turkey lied Damask Ati: c yard York , closed out from ono of the sure and attend this sale , as never again will Be . such bargains offered. Vc nro tlio only liotiso represented nt these German Cardinal Damask . .AHOcyard- largest manufacturers all the Eotn- - Muslins gi eat talcs from Oinnlin. Our purchases were boinch QcimunTurkey Hod Dnmnsk.At 60c yard 10O nants in PIECES 46-INCH WIDE ! Finn Hlrndiod Muslin at fie yard large.Vo will oiler Inducements thla vcek- that had accumulated the DIRECT IMPORTATION Hue soft llnlslied Illcaeliod Mu-llti at fi'.ic ) ard- lilcli wo ciinnot do later. mills during the entire season. Ho SILK FINISHED Hist (( Utility Illiachcd Muslin nt Tttcyarrt Double Fold Woo- YnnlMldo UnblonchPd Muslin nt rcyaid bought them cheap and ho will sell Kxtra hcnvy Unlileachml MiiNlfn at. .C'Jc yard Cream Damask Table mporied Henrisllas Uf OS } Linens Very iliust Unbleached Muslin at 7Jcyara RED FLANNELS. them cheap. lCashmeres FLUOFiD . Lfv , Yard.- ! Loom ! ! 1 Extra Heavy Twilled Dunnol At lOc yard Dice Table Linens At loyard ( ( Black and all colors , Vorth * 03. ) All ho Itest Jiiullly Flg.ircd AND All Wool Medicated Klantiol At 25o yard Table tlamask , rod border At Zc! ynril- heelingsLo- Fine ana Heavy All Wool V annul. .At 33c yard Kxtra Hcnvy Table Damask AtlWcynrd- a OASCS 42 1'mo Irish Uauiask At 75c ja- American Lawns, PIECES rgont & c , en post stock In - maha- Fine 40-Iucli Wifle At 16 ? 8-* heavy imlilcachul Sheeting New Millie Plaid prlcu 1.53 ntlCeynrd- All tlio Host Hlnck f'At 2C !M heavy unbleathsdShisotlug Ilest Shaker Flannels STRIPED CHEVIOTS Buy your plushoo now, as they will regular prlco 2To . .atcyard- At7'cyard- KM heavy unbleached rine All Wool Flannels At Sue yard rdCRASH. Plain Colored Lawns mpoited Cashmeres bo worth double the money lu a At 25c Shotting : Ynrd- . regular price fUe cynrd- Finer All Wool Flannels Ataoyard- Now Tall Stylos. Oic- at Nice Hrown Cotton Crash AtOJlcyard- .Wtrth . month from now- . At 2Oc FIDO bUachcd Shootinif , rep-- u lar price 1c nt'Ocyurd- I'lno Hleachd Cotton Crush AUoytird- ; 10Inch All Crush AtU cyard- l ALL WOOL .An Elegant Line of Iinpoitcd At 25o M fine blcadied Sheeting , reg- Unon All the Illnck , .1GINOH ular prlcutfic at ocjard- 18inch All Linen Crash At 8 Me yard ) 10-4 40-INOH WIDE At 28c heavy bleached Sheeting , Ntco . Vuro Linen Gorman Crash At JJiicyard All Hemhttasin- :toe Unbleached Canton Fiiuuiol. .Atjl JJc yard Plaid and'Stripe Lawns bCr- Wool worth ut "Sc yard Veiy Heavy Un Llenched Cotton riannel- , SILK PLDSB , AtB'Scyard Billiard Cloth newest coloring- ', such as , , , Bxtra Quality Canton Flannel. At lOc a yard Havana , Mo.lu Now Urabv All Now Similes. Worth GOc. nnd Colored I Vard Debt , iaiii Mousse, llorcul Marine , Vaid.- . Quality Canton Flannel. At | jard A , X- . lint. Pillow Cottons , l-c All newest shades Worth etc.. Worth f 125. LINEN TOWELS , Lace Cu tain S iin 028Y- VERY WIDE Largest & ChcapostStock In Omaha , 45 Inch unblecc'iod 1'lllow Cottons at ' ynrd "HANDKERCHIEFS. All Linen Checked Towels At Co each c.36INOH WIDE 2 OASES SILK PLUSH 45 Inch bltached 1'lllow Cottons at . .He jurcl Extra line large size Linen Towels. At 8c each Imported All Wool 6OINOH- , Extra largo Funcy Linen Towels. , At 15c each nr.l Wide Silk Finishe- Biff Job B.ols. 46-inch All Linen Towels AtlOceach 60 Dlireront Shades. Worth 7B-. 1000 doz--n f.atllcs' Flno Co'.ored Bordered French flme lean Broadcloth d'Ganze Draperies Cashmeres , Cheap Tickings , llandkurc- . , c.24Inch Wide Finest Quality Warranted to give satisfact- ¬ Yard.- . Fplemllrt Ticking . Oc Pall Colors. V01 . Mattress at. nnd 7c jard nlefs.ScEnGli. Finest Quality Check, Tlaid and ion. tli $1.6- SILK FLUSH , Heavy Fenthur'.licking at Ifcard' . Spreads.La- . 75c Double Fold Striped Ticking IK rtathrr Bed j PIECES Thl one ot the Unest Import- ut lOcynrd Worth lOc.- . Strlno 100 0.54Inch Wide Imported NEW EFFECTS IN oil I'luslias In the market. Worth 123. ami Cheapest § toct( In- , "DOO Samples LndliMVhlta nrul Colored Harder rgoit WHITE GOODS 100 UuinstltcUed Ilaiidkcrctilofa , Oiiuilui. PIECES - Very Ucst ( ' Ginghams , Splendid Marseilles Quilts AtCOc Jtmllty Comprising Strlpo Foule , Tlio poods are worth fully 41-4 Heavy Marseilles Quilts tMem Nice Apron Check Qlnghams at 4cyard AttiSc Serges , Cameletto Cloth , with Yard. JBIXI. but to introduce to 1 s-jll . ( 18-4 ino Marseilles Quilts At M.SS American Worth Double , our trade wu will them at Yard. Hue llressGinghnnis at lcynrd i , Bide nands nud black and 1200. In lllack only. Worth 110. IJcst Checked UingUauib at Tc yard Worth up to Sue. Imported Marseilles Qullta AtSAGO Stas white mixtures. Worth As there is sure to be such a Trig rush to this sale , we cannot possibly fill mail orders, so come personally- . .J.. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, - - 502, 504;506,508, 510 South 13th enco of SliofTO urouEod the green eyed by being hit by the pitcher , does it player In the Western association , bolus hero, and ho is a man of much base ball ca- - Adams Express , this city, will escort a party OF OF THE CURSE QDENGHAQDA , , { ¬ THE LOCAL FIELD SPORT , count in the score a time at bati Slujfgfr , eighteen years of ago. Ezra Button is the pacity.as well us u cliristiau and a gentleman.- . of OJStetn railroad magnates up into monster und despite the food inten- pisca- ¬ { oldest- . Ho Is liable , however, to get on a second- ¬ Minnesota next week on a tions of the O too chief tain , the propone! city.Ans. ' excursion. is a famous old . It does not. .Phelnn has been laid off permanently by- hand load of peaches 'smelling the gang's torial Cathcart cninco of native traichory directed , a nnglcr , posted in all branches of- ¬ DCS Moincs. Ho is in no condition to play , breath ns they lllo in the hotel In the small and wall stealthy blow laid Kolhnnia low. Will you please confer a favor bv inform- lore. soortiiiK editor of How the Water at Lincoln Came that The Ran go of the Omaha and probably will not ba atrain this season , hours of the morning1. sportsman's The was done , tlio avenging Sohoutz- ing mo through Sunday's Bcc iu what years TUB Bui : gentleman's kind The deed but , at acy rato. The p.itronugo down at'tho village of St. acknowledges the to bo Brackish. onvoreiu.- . was Tom Hyor the champion of Auutric-i invitation to make one of the expedition.- . Sl'IHIT OK QUKNCHAQUA AltOSB also what was his nationality ? A. P. Duff , Players have learned pretty thorougly Joe has not boon equal to the expenditures , Is UoJlo C. , of Dayton. O. , but a from spring and Popotno and Blue Springs , Neb.- . that there is no bulldozing Umpire Tim and there no doubt but what the manage- Hickes the , Indl-- , moat is quietly casting about to soil the en- ¬ frequent visitor to Omaha won the THE PERFIDY OF POPOTNE. put to llitfht his warriers who wore Ans. 1841 to 1S50 , when he retired.- . Hurst. What Tim says , goes , every time "INTERESTING BASE BALL GOSSIP.- . From tire team to so mo city to du. l target American championship at Corey.- . to of English. without any back talk.- . and franchise other about follow the example their secure itsulf against serious loss. Manager Pa. , yesterday , breaking 147 blue rocks out waging1 a war of St. Joe has been playlcg rotten ball. The ¬ leader in annihilation Will you please answer the following in Truckcnmlllor has nil the glory ha wants of 150. Hickes is the crack trap shot de- Treacherously Ho SI w tlia Utuus- - TUB SUNDAV sporting column : Is n papers explain this fact in ono word "beer. " u 10J on their defenceless gnosts. St. Says Cnsh Ques- ¬ linn's this season , and ho has begun to squeal for feated on the Omaha grounds in blue - Joe or Collapse , The papers are right they've a great old Kolliaina But ttic Tom- The spirit of Quonchaqua soizinr the fly ball , if muffed by ono player then caught help , declaring that if the business men of rock race two weeks ago by John Dunmiro. tions nnd Answers Cycling , by before It touches the ground , an lushing team down there. * tomahawk of tlio dead blayor washed its the another the village wish to maintain the team ns an The Coliseum , as it hus been remodeled aliawlc ol the AvcnyliiK out ) Is a ball hit into the diamond , but roll-¬ Chicago has not used Hutchinson la the polo blood stiiiiis in the waters which wore Itml anil Gun nnd- advertising medium they must come to the ana improved , will make the linest I < mv. , box lutely. , , Spirit Laid Him ing out. n foul b.ilU A.
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