- or- -

502, 504, 506, 508 and 510 South 13th Street

We will To-morrow offer over $10O,000 worth of Hew , Staple Domestic Dry Goods. If you want anytiling in this line come To-niorrow. FLANNELS rilOM THE Rtandnrrt Cnllcos, Mluhlly wit l4'o yard Vi-ry bestmtnllty CnUro lit. . . . . fcyaul lira I American indigo lilnu Calico nt.Co yard We are now prepared to show the largest and cheapest stock of Gorman Inillf; < ]lluu Calico lOeyard Great Auction Sale Turkey Itcd Tnhlo EltiinasK. Mr. A. D. Brandois , while In Now Dress Goods in the city , in fine goods as well as low priced goods. Be IN NEW VOBtVi.- . Imported Turkey lied Damask Ati: c yard York , closed out from ono of the sure and attend this sale , as never again will Be . . such bargains offered. Vc nro tlio only liotiso represented nt these German Cardinal Damask . .AHOcyard- largest manufacturers all the Eotn- - Muslins gi eat talcs from Oinnlin. Our purchases were boinch QcimunTurkey Hod Dnmnsk.At 60c yard 10O nants in PIECES 46-INCH WIDE ! Finn Hlrndiod Muslin at fie yard large.Vo will oiler Inducements thla vcek- that had accumulated the DIRECT IMPORTATION Hue soft llnlslied Illcaeliod Mu-llti at fi'.ic ) ard- lilcli wo ciinnot do later. mills during the entire season. Ho SILK FINISHED Hist (( Utility Illiachcd Muslin nt Tttcyarrt Double Fold Woo- YnnlMldo UnblonchPd Muslin nt rcyaid bought them cheap and ho will sell Kxtra hcnvy Unlileachml MiiNlfn at. . .C'Jc yard Cream Damask Table mporied Henrisllas Uf OS } Linens Very iliust Unbleached Muslin at 7Jcyara RED FLANNELS. them cheap. lCashmeres FLUOFiD . Lfv , Yard.- ! Loom ! ! 1 Extra Heavy Twilled Dunnol At lOc yard Dice Table Linens At loyard ( ( Black and all colors , Vorth * 03. ) All ho Itest Jiiullly Flg.ircd AND All Wool Medicated Klantiol At 25o yard Table tlamask , rod border At Zc! ynril- heelingsLo- Fine ana Heavy All Wool V annul. .At 33c yard Kxtra Hcnvy Table Damask AtlWcynrd- a OASCS 42 1'mo Irish Uauiask At 75c ja- American Lawns, PIECES rgont & c , en post stock In - maha- Fine 40-Iucli Wifle At 16 ? 8-* heavy imlilcachul Sheeting New Millie Plaid prlcu 1.53 ntlCeynrd- All tlio Host Hlnck f'At 2C !M heavy unbleathsdShisotlug Ilest Shaker Flannels STRIPED CHEVIOTS Buy your plushoo now, as they will regular prlco 2To . .atcyard- At7'cyard- KM heavy unbleached rine All Wool Flannels At Sue yard rdCRASH. . Plain Colored Lawns mpoited Cashmeres bo worth double the money lu a At 25c Shotting : Ynrd- . regular price fUe cynrd- Finer All Wool Flannels Ataoyard- Now Tall Stylos. Oic- at Nice Hrown Cotton Crash AtOJlcyard- .Wtrth . month from now- . At 2Oc FIDO bUachcd Shootinif , rep-- u lar price 1c nt'Ocyurd- I'lno Hleachd Cotton Crush AUoytird- ; 10Inch All Crush AtU cyard- l ALL WOOL .An Elegant Line of Iinpoitcd At 25o M fine blcadied Sheeting , reg- Unon All the Illnck , .1GINOH ular prlcutfic at ocjard- 18inch All Linen Crash At 8 Me yard ) 10-4 40-INOH WIDE At 28c heavy bleached Sheeting , Ntco . Vuro Linen Gorman Crash At JJiicyard All Hemhttasin- :toe Unbleached Canton Fiiuuiol. .Atjl JJc yard Plaid and'Stripe Lawns bCr- Wool worth ut "Sc yard Veiy Heavy Un Llenched Cotton riannel- , SILK PLDSB , AtB'Scyard Billiard Cloth newest coloring- ', such as , , , Bxtra Quality Canton Flannel. . . . At lOc a yard Havana , Now Urabv All Now Similes. Worth GOc. nnd Colored I Vard Debt , iaiii Mousse, llorcul Marine , Vaid.- . Quality Canton Flannel. At | jard A , X- . lint. Pillow Cottons , l-c All newest shades Worth etc.. Worth f 125. LINEN TOWELS , Lace Cu tain S iin 028Y- VERY WIDE Largest & ChcapostStock In Omaha , 45 Inch unblecc'iod 1'lllow Cottons at ' ynrd "HANDKERCHIEFS. All Linen Checked Towels At Co each c.36INOH WIDE 2 OASES SILK PLUSH 45 Inch bltached 1'lllow Cottons at . . .He jurcl Extra line large size Linen Towels. . . . At 8c each Imported All Wool 6OINOH- , Extra largo Funcy Linen Towels. . . , At 15c each nr.l Wide Silk Finishe- Biff Job B.ols. 46-inch All Linen Towels AtlOceach 60 Dlireront Shades. Worth 7B-. 1000 doz--n f.atllcs' Flno Co'.ored Bordered French flme lean Broadcloth d'Ganze Draperies Cashmeres , Cheap Tickings , llandkurc- . , c.24Inch Wide Finest Quality Warranted to give satisfact- ¬ Yard.- . Fplemllrt Ticking . . Oc Pall Colors. V01 . Mattress at. nnd 7c jard nlefs.ScEnGli. Finest Quality Check, Tlaid and ion. . tli $1.6- SILK FLUSH , Heavy Fenthur'.licking at Ifcard' . Spreads.La- . 75c Double Fold Striped Ticking IK rtathrr Bed j PIECES Thl one ot the Unest Import- ut lOcynrd Worth lOc.- . Strlno 100 0.54Inch Wide Imported NEW EFFECTS IN oil I'luslias In the market. Worth 123. ami Cheapest § toct( In- , "DOO Samples LndliMVhlta nrul Colored Harder rgoit WHITE GOODS 100 UuinstltcUed Ilaiidkcrctilofa , Oiiuilui. . PIECES - Very Ucst ( ' Ginghams , Splendid Marseilles Quilts AtCOc Jtmllty Comprising Strlpo Foule , Tlio poods are worth fully 41-4 Heavy Marseilles Quilts tMem Nice Apron Check Qlnghams at 4cyard AttiSc Serges , Cameletto Cloth , with Yard. JBIXI. but to introduce to 1 s-jll . ( 18-4 ino Marseilles Quilts At M.SS American Worth Double , our trade wu will them at Yard. Hue llressGinghnnis at lcynrd i , Bide nands nud black and 1200. In lllack only. Worth 110. IJcst Checked UingUauib at Tc yard Worth up to Sue. Imported Marseilles Qullta AtSAGO Stas white mixtures. Worth As there is sure to be such a Trig rush to this sale , we cannot possibly fill mail orders, so come personally- . .J.. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, - - 502, 504;506,508, 510 South 13th

enco of SliofTO urouEod the green eyed by being hit by the pitcher , does it player In the Western association , bolus hero, and ho is a man of much base ball ca- - Adams Express , this city, will escort a party OF OF THE CURSE QDENGHAQDA , , { ¬ THE LOCAL FIELD SPORT , count in the score a time at bati Slujfgfr , eighteen years of ago. Ezra Button is the well us u cliristiau and a gentleman.- . of OJStetn railroad magnates up into monster und despite the food inten- pisca- ¬ { oldest- . Ho Is liable , however, to get on a second- ¬ Minnesota next week on a tions of the O too chief tain , the propone! city.Ans. ' excursion. is a famous old . It does not. .Phelnn has been laid off permanently by- hand load of peaches 'smelling the gang's torial Cathcart cninco of native traichory directed , a nnglcr , posted in all branches of- ¬ DCS Moincs. Ho is in no condition to play , breath ns they lllo in the hotel In the small and wall stealthy blow laid Kolhnnia low. Will you please confer a favor bv inform- lore. soortiiiK editor of How the Water at Lincoln Came that The Ran go of the Omaha and probably will not ba atrain this season , hours of the morning1. sportsman's The was done , tlio avenging Sohoutz- ing mo through Sunday's Bcc iu what years TUB Bui : gentleman's kind The deed but , at acy rato. The p.itronugo down at'tho village of St. acknowledges the to bo Brackish. onvoreiu.- . was Tom Hyor the champion of Auutric-i invitation to make one of the expedition.- . Sl'IHIT OK QUKNCHAQUA AltOSB also what was his nationality ? A. P. Duff , Players have learned pretty thorougly Joe has not boon equal to the expenditures , Is UoJlo C. , of Dayton. O. , but a from spring and Popotno and Blue Springs , Neb.- . that there is no bulldozing Tim and there no doubt but what the manage- Hickes the , Indl-- , moat is quietly casting about to soil the en- ¬ frequent visitor to Omaha won the THE PERFIDY OF POPOTNE. put to llitfht his warriers who wore Ans. . 1841 to 1S50 , when he retired.- . Hurst. What Tim says , goes , every time "INTERESTING BASE BALL GOSSIP.- . From tire team to so mo city to du. . l target American championship at Corey.- . to of English. . without any back talk.- . and franchise other about follow the example their secure itsulf against serious loss. Manager Pa. . , yesterday , breaking 147 blue rocks out waging1 a war of St. . Joe has been playlcg rotten ball. The ¬ leader in annihilation Will you please answer the following in Truckcnmlllor has nil the glory ha wants of 150. Hickes is the crack trap shot de- Treacherously Ho SI w tlia Utuus- - TUB SUNDAV sporting column : Is n papers explain this fact in ono word "beer. " u 10J on their defenceless gnosts. St. . Says Cnsh Ques- ¬ linn's this season , and ho has begun to squeal for feated on the Omaha grounds in blue - Joe or Collapse , The papers are right they've a great old Kolliaina But ttic Tom- The spirit of Quonchaqua soizinr the fly ball , if muffed by ono player then caught help , declaring that if the business men of rock race two weeks ago by John Dunmiro. tions nnd Answers Cycling , by before It touches the ground , an lushing team down there. * tomahawk of tlio dead blayor washed its the another the village wish to maintain the team ns an The Coliseum , as it hus been remodeled aliawlc ol the AvcnyliiK out ) Is a ball hit into the diamond , but roll-¬ Chicago has not used Hutchinson la the polo blood stiiiiis in the waters which wore Itml anil Gun nnd- advertising medium they must come to the ana improved , will make the linest I < mv. , box lutely. , , Spirit Laid Him ing out. n foul b.ilU A. B. Board publisher The cause it in rumored that front with sotno stuff, or let it go by the grounds in the country. An electric light turned to bitterness , and ho decreed liincous Spurts.- . , Neb.- . Nebraska Observer , Kimball the swarthy Cedar Rapids twirler hud a board- . is being put in building, and the twenty should bo unlit for man or falling out Anson. the that it beast Ans. . Yes , to botti questions.- . with ."I have n chance to soU.tUo players for an big nro lights will malto the commodious for many , many winters. Tlion turning1 Mains , , The IVntcrs of IJItteriics4. A bete B that St. Joe never had a club in St. Paul's elongated twirler made amount which will cover the doflclt structure light ns day. Immediately after llio weeping1 Shogo follow- ¬ Tlio Sehiietzcnvcroln.- . a great d day.- . . Nob. , August 10. [Special with and her the Western league , nor never had a club in recoi for himself the other and Icavo mo in possession of the the exposition Maaauer Prince will devote they departed towards setting Thla organization is in a healthier , moro He gave thirteen men bases on balls , hud improvements , : : . ] of ers the the sumo association with Oma'.ia before this " Manager Truekenmtllor all his tlmo to the organization of the western to Tin Bni The frequent visits sun. dny'u journey brought ¬ five wild Ditches , and hit two men. says , com-- league.- . One-half flourishing condition than any of the shoot- year. Will you please answer In Sunday "or lean transfer the franchise polo the Omaha , Otoo and Pawnee Indiana ¬ p'.oto sug- ¬ them to a rapidly Hewing stream whore ing clubs iu the city, und in a short time will morning's BEE and decide the bet ? Henry Pitcher Krock. formerly with the Chi- and gat out that way. It lias boon A great deal of interest is being taken by Nob.- 1 to Milford with their sick during the sparkled over rocky beds shad- ¬ take a position over thorn. P. Camp. Holdrego, . cago and Indianapolis clubs , gested that delay action until an effort can the Omaha uud Council Uluffs checker plav- waters premier all of The bo un- ¬ is Ans. . Omaha nnd St. Joe were both mem- ¬ has signed with Milwaukee , and will pitch uindo to reach tlio business men , but ors in the contest which takes place in early settlement of that borough and owed by gigantic trees and winding1 Schuotzunvercln now rapidly perfecting in game less effort is made orico will arrtingomcnta for a grand tournament to be- bers of the Western loanuo in 1837. their to-day with Dos Moinos. that at the club Omaha in October. It is expected that quite their encampment in a plcturosquo grape vinos. Proceeding to the west ot go as sure as my name |s Truckonmlllor. 1 prize , which hold range at park. In- Grand Rapids , Mich. , would llko to take u number will contest for the ¬ the river the spirit of Quonelmquab- at their out Uuaer's The Will you please answer the following my , bond of the just opposite Lith- Sioux City's place in associa- ¬ have done duty now lot others who uro will bo a gold medal , representing river the ; tourney will open up on Wednesday next , Sunday's HUB ? Who has the right to the the Western handsome MOTi THIS UOUK , interested in the reputation of the city do- championship , by one lead- ¬ gave to many in- ¬ the 8lh , and continue to the iiOth inclusive. , I tion but the Western association has too the made of the ium springs rise elm sprang umpire the visitors or the homo team theirs. . The club aot A losing , under a huge tree and out a will bo lougraupu com-¬ many burgs of Grand Rapids' strlpoalready. is investment ing jewelers of the city. Those interested . There both short nnd Frank D. Miller, Surprise , Nob.- . figuring the value of Individual players quiries. By persistent efforts on the crystal fountain of pure water over petitions , und the prizes will aggregate nearly They are still talltlnp down in Kearney the can secure full information by addressing Atis. . Among amateurs , the visitors are and the franchise , people should not ex- ¬ part of the editor of the Blue Valley which the Bad hearted Shogo presided , f 1,000 in value. Invitations have been sent about the homo team's victory over Mil ¬ but Fcslio Nicholson , secretary.- . to , pect one or two mun only to stand the bur- ¬ healing the wonndod and curing the to all the well known rillo shots of Iowa , courteously allowed name the umpire nu- waukee. The Ouiahas play there next Record , the lirst paper of Milford , the den of the expanses , which nro enormous. I Medi- ¬ Missouri , und , loss ono is agreed upon when the gauio is ar- - , , .sick of nor nation until the Big Dakota Kansas and the Friday and they expect to take their scalps have u clmrico to get three first-class men CO.NNU13IAHT1ES. . olio wing legend was elicited , and has management is expecting u large assDcia- - too. , at cine water became a panacea.- . attendance . Among the professional once , to take the place of some never before boon published , owing to from abroad. of In Sliogo was now the acknowledged tlons the umpires are scheduled like tbo The sale John Barnes' Interest the who have been responsible for Clinton H. Terry , son of Judge Terry , ¬ The Omaha Schuotzcnvorein can bonst of to Is the absence of ono link that lias but re- queen of the Bine valley , nor good deeds , assigned by secretary. St. Paul club Mike Roche all a bluff. the loss of recent game ?, and says his friendly relations with his the finest , complete teams or the thut ¬ most and attractive Barnes still holds his stock , and instead of if the show n disposition to help father married cently been supplied : and Bolf-saoriliclug devotion to her peo- ran go In the west. IB situated ut Husor's Will you please Inform ino how to obtain merchants lather terminated when the It receiving $15,000 for It, ho couldn't got the club , I'll promise thonVa rattling team Miss Hill.- . Many years ago the Otoos and Paw- - ple resounded throughout the nation , park , on the Holt line, within half un hour's Holding and batting percentages. Base Uall 2GOO. ? for next year , which | start out on a pav- ¬ and she was tlio recipient of many favors of the city. The club membership ban , Council Bluffs.- . wll A Cleveland man ha* just married again nees wore united under ono or- ¬ irivo Enthusiast Bobby :, , ing , i Blao' late of Wilkesbarro has basis. Since we have been playing ball woman from whom hu was divorced ten and worjhinnod as ono who had run up to sixty nnd the nvorugo uttonunnco- Ans. . Add the put-outs , assists nnd errors the ganization , and presided over by a wise direct at their weekly shoots la somewhere in surocd u bioux City contract. The Indians' St. Joseph has been mentioned more fre- years ago. Meantime ho had married n sec- ¬ communication with the Great Spirit, the together and divide this total into the total outlleld , is composed of , in one of great newspapers neighborhood of twenty. All their shooting which Glenn Black quently issue the ond wife and became a widower. chieftain by the name of Quonchaqua. A high promontory situated a few hun- ¬ number of put-outs , and you will got the and Cllno , is second to nono in the Western than formerly in thirty. You can find the is done undr the rules of the American Hillo Sing Ham , a Chinaman , was married to a- his leadership happiness and to of Holding pcivcntago. Divlao the number of association- . scores of the St. Joseph games dally in the Under dred yards the southward the Big association , and they nro developing some .voting German girl lu the county clerk's of- ¬ Qlobp-Domocrat , Chicago Tribune , New prosperity reigned. The Omalias be- Medicine water , adorned by sturdy oaks flno shuts. The club IIUH recently expended times at bat Into the number of hits made , .PIckott's arm gets worse instead of better , lice Monday. She is liltuly to sing ham u season.- . Yorlc Herald and other metropolitan papers , and overlooking Kogo rapids , whom about $SOO unon the range , und It Is ns near you got percentage.- . and ho is not likely to play much this long tlmo for the future before she will came their strongallics.iuid they waged nnd will the batting now , people are to of Bopu- - perfection as they can make it. They luivo- Ho got wet and caught cold in his arm dur- ¬ and Just when beginning got It- . the watot's the river lap the We have a number of surlntors , nnd , successful war on the murderous Sioux , hero ing an exhibition in on look for news of the city it is of inestimable lchorod hanKs was quiet of- a big pavilllon ten regulation targets , elec- fame Indiana the .An , com- ¬ the retreat emu of them bets that tno fastest 100 yards importance to those who have money in- ¬ elderly tnnldou of Perry, Mo. nd Choyonnes when occasion required , trical markers and annunciators , shooting ' c'.ub's lust eastern trip. Shogo , as faho watched the rising sun over made was by H. M. Johnson , in 0'fs- vested in real estate anil in business to main- ¬ pelled young Henry King , of that city to stalls , racks , rests , and In fact , uu Of There is considerable Ill-fooling ¬ nnd was quite frequently , for the to the econds. . Is ho correct ? Hunner, Sowurd , between it. " marry her by securing evidence of a bur- that and appeared Omaha , owing tain accoutrements and appointments of a verita- the and bt. Joe players to glary which h3 had committed there. After braves of the last named tribe , who oc- ¬ HOLD COMMUNION ble Long Point or Crcodmoro. The club Neb.Ans their freely expressed opinions of ouch other.- . honeymoon confessed As to time yes , but It was maJo by IMlNCUllnncouH Sports. a brief ho the crime cupied vast tracts to the west and north- ¬ with tlio departed chieftain was organized by Mr. Will Krug , who takes Chippoy MeG'irr , who was always treated and was sentenced to the penitentiary.- . Kolhnina. much pride lu the improvements and pro- ¬ George Seward , In England , in 1844. nicely here , seems to bo the premier ugi- - Doves nio now affording great shooting. , to of BulTalo , This habit gave prominenceto her sup- ¬ A gentleman giving the name of D. U , west gave chase the herds gress of the organization , und continues ono Will yoU kindly Inform mo through TUP- tutor. . They have Hocked and are to ,bo found in posed supernatural powers , and pic- ¬ Avery lately paid the Now Uruuswick rail- ¬ us those animals made their regular the of its most uctlvo nnd members.- . BBI : who ¬ great numbers In almost any wheat stubble , influential holds the world'8 record for twen- Manager Watklns has asked Gun- way fS20 special train to take himself turesque elevation was hold sacred by Mr. . Krug himself is a good shot with either blbycio riding ) , fora visits to the Salt Basin8. tyfour hours AlberMunn son to go to the St. Joseph club , to bo hold In The result of John L's trial has sounded , N. 13. , to , her dusky followers. Bliotgun or rifle , ardently fond Hold Omuha.- . and wifu from St. John Portland is of reserve for the Kansas City club. Gunny the death knoll to Lomloui prlio rlug lighting Mo. The couple arrived from Halifax about Quench aqua mid a daughter , Yours elapsed and a strange people sports , and just tbo mun to have ut the head to go, to- < Ans "Senator" W. J. Morgan. rsfusod saying that ho would prefer rules in this country , if lt hasn't adminis- ¬ midnight and immediately proceeded on TUB KAIHEST AND 11158T- of of an organization llko , is- clau in helmets nnd armor brass canio the Schuotzonvcrcln bo released outright , und Gunny's head tered n damper to pugilism generally for a- their journey. level. . of the pruirlo flowers , wjiich entitled from tlio bouth and learning the story long time to come. , Ale tlnjj llio From tlio Diamond. Now hero's meanness for you George ¬ of the queen , pummdcd of City Very newspapers her to the name of Shogo. The troph- Indian her that Thcro will bo a meeting of the City Base Dos Moincs Is in the last hole for keeps. few are publishing the Wilbur P. ICnnpp , norIn Frisco , Cul. , Miller uud Edward Leolaire , of Browns- the ono she mourned now inhabited tha- sacrifice-hit column in their base bull scores , Hardln-Morgan , town , Mich. , loved same girl. Leoluiro ies of chase adorned wigwam. null league at the gun store of Uwln & Sioux City's outllnld Is a very strong ono with the combination claims the the her liappy hunting grounds situated many notwithstanding that the rules demand it, the title of the champion 'professional bicy- ¬ was the village schoolmaster. When Uumniro next Tuesday evening o'clock. Elmer Foster is playing lu his old form the None were more attentive to her than hundred to , ntS und the fact that sacrifice hits uro' us potent clist of the world , und lias on open challenge school house was burned recently It was miles the southwest beyond It will bo an Important business meeting, again. the young chieftains , Kolhnmn , of the , a factor in averages us bona lido hits , A- to ride any living mun an : '.distance fromouo- proved Miller hired a fellow to lira It , so mountain and stream nnd that they and nil the clubs belonging to that , Otocs , the league uro Minneapolis is said to have signed Pitcher ball score Is .incomplete unsatis- ¬ Pawnees and Popotno of the were UH special urgently requested to have base and to one hundred milea for 81000. that Leclulro would bo out of a job uud with sent mosHungora- a representative Nat Hudson.- . factory with this column omitted.- . It girl, The rivalry bred discore. Fair Shogo to present , 1- HER ra- - bis chances with the carry her to the realm St.. knocked straight The sporting editor of HC is in decided Popotno was good , but Paul throe out of Tbo Corn Huskers and the Ornabas at the coipt of n handsome lltu- igrnnh Rich- - Quito a ronmntlu marriage was celebrated that of de-light. Their Htrngo tongue and Dave KOWO'M alleged sluggers last , from was , in A _Gumo Sporr.- . week local pant again this afternoon. will bo a 1C. Fox bol incompara- - at tbo residence of Colonel J. H. Borne , of Kolhamu far hotter and this gorgeous array , unknown in mythi- ¬ Dead of Ind his hut It nrd ¬ Chlpney McGarr says "Omaha shan't game , mot- ¬ , Go. contracting parties comparative jift&Qinont the aged chief- H. . A , Lyou , proprietor of un that great as both teams are nn their bio double trotting team , 'Sir Mohawk and Gainesville The cal traditions of own people , added, athletic 1" ¬ her win do pennant The giddy little bird. tle , and anxious to take the ball , The usual ;. " woroA. J. Holland , of Jackson county, und tain coincided , Then a division of ter- goods house iu Sioux City, is hero with a Nellie Sontai When it-homo Mr. Fox plausibility to their representations Pitcher Honnossy. released by DCS Molnes , tremendous Sunday crowd will bo present takes tircut delight In uU tiring behind this Miss Ida Young, of Hall county. Both uro- ritory became necessary. The Otoos und coiiiflding boodle which ho desires to place on the Corn , ¬ with her dreams of the has returned to his homo iu Covington , und It wouldn't bo a bad idea to go out ourly great pair. , deuf mutes und both are graduates of Geor- wore given the territory east of the Huskers In this afternoon's game. got u gia's dumb Cave future , she was willing to undergo the Ky. and good seat. South Omaha n juvenile who deaf and institute at Spring. , whobo flowed ¬ has shooter magistrate in writing river waters to the north- hardships of dreary march and camp Tom Lovett , Omaha's star twirler of last Ted Sullivan is making a handsome Income Is a wonder, His name I * Cuarlio E. Heinor , The submitted the , The Apollo Ilylcor. necessary question , to which thu contracting ward and the Pawnees a broad expanse to again join the companion of her youth season , Is proving a regular pudding in the dealing In the purchase and sale of ball play ¬ and lie is but six years of.age , and yet he has The regular weekly run takes place today- parties aftlrmutlvoly uuswored by an inclina- ¬ of territory west of the river flowing to Thus allured she was pomundod to ac- ¬ American association. ers. Ho was la this city all last week en * made some marvelous fcorcs with a 23 Win ¬ be- - : ;! tion of tha head , the southward , while tlio prairie , to Florence lake , the start to bouiudu at 33s- ¬ Ho ut- company the cavaliers witli a few Danny Shannon , formerly second base- deavoring to secure ut least an option on chester. not only pinks the bulisoyo of ¬ tween remained neutral. A union , - harp. . man for thbOmahus , bas been made man- ¬ Crooks , Clarke , Nagle and Nichols. The looyards with astonlshlil ? regularity , but Throe women In Canada possess certifi- trusted companions and after thoeucri- does some wing vvoro to forces became necessary to repel in- - Hco The club's mileage so far is rather attenu- ¬ ager of the Loulavillos- . Washington league club wants Crooks , fancy shooting that would cates showing that they married one of a spotted fawnon the promontory BO Brooklyn wants Naglo und , Col- ¬ put to shauio the efforts of many of our Charles M. Hunt , formerly of Cleveland , O , , vasiou und continued until the death ated , only liil have boon reeled oft , J'ho boys .If you have over noticed when Dad Clarke Clarke and best and dedication of the springs to the is. umbus and Cincinnati , Nichols- . shots- . und the authorities are now looking for of Quonolmqua , which must have boon will have to wako up if they expect to hits the lull it a clean , ringing smack , aud- that ullliotcd ef her nation , make , .Dannie Nccdham Is person with a view of punishing him for bigl-- to a liner to the far outtield .Thora will have to bo a stop put to the per- ¬ out with a challenge prior the time when Coronado wont SHJJ IIADK KM rAKKWKkL , any showing in this lino. to meet any man his $000 to imy. . Hunt loft a wife and six children in Til Kuouff is holding up his end in Milwau- ¬ nicious practice of loaning plavora sooner or of class from in search of the Seven Cities of Glboln. The affairs of the oiganizntion are In splen ¬ Ohio thirteen years ago wont to , nevermore to bo noon , but over wor- kee. . Kddy hus developed , more ways $1,000 u slue. A wt-11 known business man and Detroit , did Btuipo , and the membership Is rapidly lu- - into a lyird hitter , later or disastrous results in ho und Miss After several years cntrangomont as spirit. " and occasionally makes homo than ono will be the consonuonco. Players of Minneapolis , who hus never before been whore met married Jcnnio- to- shipped a guardian creasing. . Uy the of September runs. Miller.. , do- - Popotno sent a swift messenger first the ¬ commocted with sports in the northwest , is- Ho brought her to Windsor The legend needs no explanation , as- ) uro no loss ex- have the power to remedy this matter them tlio- Apollo's roster will uiow ut least forty There than forty-eight - , is Birted her , married another woman , and Kollmma to request him to meet of im- ¬ members. Louguu and Association players ut present selves. They should refute to bo farmed Nccdham's backer Ncodham especially It requires no great stretch the anxious to hear from Jimmy Lindsay , of loft her to RO to Dawn Mills , Out, There ho Otoos in council nt the Salt Licks for of- gone playing In thu Wuntoru association , out, but demand their unconditional relcuso this agination to prove that the Water Treasurer Harnum has over into city. passed himself elf as a single mun and won an adjustment of dilllcultios. Tlio ( Iowa to visit old ft lends. Or ho whenever such u proposition is made , ButornoBS H located In the vicinity of course took Pitcher Morrison , of the Minneapolis There will bo an. excursion n couple the affections of Miss Sarah Purdy, to whom Pawnee ohioftuln. over ready to reunite Ids placid of of ago.- the artesian well ut Lincoln , and thu team , has mudo eleven homo runs this Centlo Francisco Solco's usual down bo was married two years . allies , obeyed ro-- countenancenow wears u us broad hundred from Sioux City to-day to see with his bravo the Medicine water has its existence in the For a lot of youngsters , the Apoltos are teusou. Quito u record for a pitcher , oh ) smile and their pots annihilated. ID Meudvlllo a couple of days since a young quobt and together with u few of his n promising organization. They deep us that of u colored camp meeting con- ¬ Lithium Springe at Milford. have within There will b two games for ono on Young wood duck shooting has com- ¬ man called on Court Clerk Gasklll tor a mur- - .wise wended way to- ¬ their rauks many skilled riders , und ono or prica vert tackling a watermelon. The grand counselors their the local grounds next Wednesday ¬ menced at Horseshoe , Houeycreok , und other rlago license. On giving the lady's ago as two, though kids , who cun after- strides of the White Sox ponnnnUvurd are wards the rising sun to the appointed nolil their own noon with Chippoy McGarr's aggregation. adjacent lakes , The birds are rmlto plenti- ¬ twenty ho was told her parents' consent was Two Mlddlovlllo young men fought with , liable to muko the genial manager crack his The IfthBomo Shogo rode with with the majority of tbo Ouiahas They ard ful , and in an extremely line condition. necessary. Ho meditated and concluded ; place. knuckles about a young woman , the afore-¬ , , oUmyl- Moro home runs nro being made by face beyond repair , and a defeat to-day is him. designated spot little but the Upland plovur have ubout nil gone , only a "Just let it go a few day * . I've got another Arriving ut the said young woman standing near und cncour-- plu.vers of association all that cun avert such a d has tor.