Scrutiny Committee

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Scrutiny Committee To: Members of the Scrutiny Committee Professor Steven Broomhead Chief Executive Councillors: Cllr T Higgins - Chair Town Hall Cllr B Lines-Rowlands - Deputy Chair Sankey Street Cllrs C Fitzsimmons, G Friend, J Guthrie, Warrington L Hoyle, W Johnson, I Marks and H Mundry WA1 1UH Co-opted Members: Statutory Co opted Members Roman Catholic Representative: Mr D Littlewood Church of England Representative: Mr S Harrison Parent Governor Representative: Vacancy Parent Governor Representative: Vacancy 20 January 2014 Scrutiny Committee Tuesday, 28 January 2014 at 6.30pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH Agenda prepared by Julian Joinson, Principal Democratic Services Officer – Telephone: (01925) 442112 Fax: (01925) 656278 E-mail: [email protected] A G E N D A Part 1 Items during the consideration of which the meeting is expected to be open to members of the public (including the press) subject to any statutory right of exclusion. Item Page Number 1. Apologies for Absence To record any apologies received. Item Page Number 2. Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached. 3. Minutes (to follow) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December Pages 2013 as a correct record. 1 - 8 4. Budget 2014/15 and Medium Term Financial Plan (to follow) To consider a report from Councillor Russ Bowden, Executive Pages Member Corporate Resources and Assignments, and Lynton 9 - 24 Green, Director of Finance and Information Services, giving information on the Council’s Budget proposals for 2014/15. 5. Cheshire and Merseyside CCGs - Commissioning Policy Review To consider a presentation and supporting information from Pages Simon Kenton, Assistant Director Integrated Commissioning, 25 - 36 on the outcome of a Commissioning Policy Review undertaken by the NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Commissioning Support Unit, on behalf of the 12 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in the region. 6. Review of Cancer Care across the Region To consider a presentation and report on the outcome of a Pages pre-consultation on the review of cancer care across the 37 - 98 region commissioned by the Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Network (MCCN). The presentation will be provided by Fiona Jones, Project Director, Dr Nicky Thorpe, Associate Medical Director and Clinical Lead for the Project and Jackie Robinson, from NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Commissioning Support Unit. The review contains proposals in relation to Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. 7. OFSTED Inspections of Children’s Homes (to follow) To consider a report from Fiona Waddington, Assistant Director, Children and Young People’s Targeted Services on the outcome of OFSTED Inspections regarding children’s homes. 8. New Cut Heritage and Ecology Trail (to follow) To consider information submitted by Cllr Ian Johnson, Chair of Poulton-with-Fearnhead and Woolston Parish Councils, in connection with the development of the New Cut Heritage and Ecology Trail. Cllr C Froggatt, Cllr Pat Wright and (Parish) Cllr Jim Greenslade may also attend to speak to this item. 9. Work Programme 2013/14 and Monitoring of Actions/Recommendations 2012/13 – 2013/14 (to follow) To consider a report of the Cllr Higgins, Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, as to progress on the Work Programme for 2013/14. 10. Date of Next Meeting To note to the date of the next meeting of Wednesday, 19 March 2014. Part 2 Items of a "confidential or other special nature" during which it is likely that the meeting will not be open to the public and press as there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972. NIL If you would like this information provided in another language or format, including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language, please call 01925 443322 or ask at the reception desk in Contact Warrington, Horsemarket Street, Warrington. THIS PAGE IS LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Agenda Item 3 SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING 10 DECEMBER 2013 Present: Councillor T Higgins – In the Chair Councillors C Fitzsimmons, G Friend, J Guthrie, L Hoyle, B Lines-Rowlands, I Marks and H Mundry. Co-optees: Not Present Also in Attendance: Cllr R Bowden, Executive Board Member Corporate Resources and Assignments Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor W Johnson. SC31 Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest made. SC32 Minutes Decision That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2013 be confirmed as a correct record. SC33 Budget 2014/15 and Medium Term Financial Plan The Committee considered a report from Councillor Russ Bowden, Executive Member Corporate Resources and Assignments, and Lynton Green, Director of Finance and Information Services, giving pre-budget information. Cllr Bowden and Shaer Halewood, Chief Accountant, were in attendance for this item. The report included information about Warrington’s funding position; a financial overview for 2014-18; inflation and budget pressures; savings proposals; budget consultation; the capital programme; and the budget approval process. Cllr Bowden referred to background information in the following published reports:- • SIGOMA (Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities) – A Fair Future or a Growing Divide; • Joseph Rowntree Foundation – Coping with the Cuts? Local Government and Poorer Communities; and • Audit Commission – Tough Times 2013 – Councils’ Responses to Financial Challenges from 2010/11 to 2013/14. Cllr Bowden also highlighted the following matters:- 1 Agenda Item 3 • The cuts, following the Governments 2010 Spending Review, had been quicker and deeper than originally thought; • Warrington had received an average cut in Government Funding of 10% for the last three years; • There was no visible end in sight to the financial pressures, with around £40M of funding cuts anticipated aver the next four years – with cuts of £17M in 2014/15 on top of the £13M cut in the current year; • Council Tax income was based on a assumption of a 1.98% increase in each year (i.e. below the 2% referendum limit) • The Business Rate Retention scheme had begun on 1 April 2013. Using current estimates Warrington was expecting its proportion of business rates income to be £1.4m over baseline in 2014/15. This would mean an additional £0.8m income to Warrington, and £0.6m income to the Business Rate Pool, from which Warrington would retain £0.2m. The Executive Board, in October 2013, had agreed that Warrington would join a Business Rate Pool with St Helens and Halton to create the Mid Mersey Business Rate Pool; • Area graphs showed the split of expenditure by Directorates in 2013/14 and the changing pattern of income from 2013/14 to 2017/18. It would not be possible to freeze Council Tax income in future years; • Current savings target were being met. The earliest savings had been simper to introduce, but future options would be more limited. Savings proposals had been made for 2014./15 through the service challenge process and a consultation process would be launched on 12 December 2013; • The Council had an ambitious Capital Programme, which included working with Registered Social Landlords and the regeneration of Bridgefoot. Assessment of the potential risks associated with the Capital Programme had been the subject of discussions with the external auditors; • The Chancellors Autumn Statement had been announced last week; and • Some minor amendments to the report were as follows:- the final bullet at Paragraph 4.1 was to be deleted and the Retail Price Index (RPI) figure at Paragraph 4.6 should say 2% not 3.3%. Cllr Marks asked whether the Business Rate Pool would be affected by the total NNDR collected nationally and about the benefits of pooling. Shaer Halewood confirmed that the figures would depend on the national picture. Cllr Bowden confirmed that the pooling arrangements would generate savings which would be shared across the authorities. Decision To note the 2014-18 Pre-Budget report. 2 Agenda Item 3 SC34 North West Ambulance Service Update The Committee considered a presentation from Madeline Edgar, Acting Head of Communications, and Karl Hough, Advanced Paramedic, North West Ambulance Service. The presentation included information on the following issues:- • core services; • key facts and figures; • key achievements; • headline performance in Warrington; • staffing, accommodation and vehicular resources in Warrington; • community care services in Warrington; • complaints; • progression to Foundation Trust Status; • estates review; and • current initiatives. Members asked questions on a number of issues. Decision (1) To note the presentation from the North West Ambulance Service; and (2) To request further information on the level and detail of complaints made locally. SC35 Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral NHS England Area Team – Update on Reconfiguration of Vascular Services The Committee considered a presentation from Alison Tonge, Director of Commissioning Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral Area Team, NHS England, and Mike Chambers, Chief Executive, the Countess of Chester Hospital on the progress as to implementation of the reconfiguration of vascular services. Ms Tonge provided an overview of the commissioning landscape, which formed the background and context to the reconfiguration of vascular services.
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